Overview ¶
Command corectl provides miscellaneous control functions for a Chain Core.
The database connection can be configured using the DATABASE_URL environment variable; the default is to connect to the "core" database on localhost.
The config commands initialize the schema if necessary.
Config Generator ¶
Subcommand 'config-generator' configures a new core as a generator. It matches the dashboard's behavior when writing the config, but with additional functionality.
corectl config-generator [-s] [-w duration] [quorum] [pubkey url]...
Flag -s sets this core as a signer.
Flag -w, followed by a duration string (e.g. "24h"), sets the maximum issuance window. The default is 24 hours.
Config Participant ¶
Subcommand 'config' configures the Core as a non-generator. It requires a blockchain ID and the corresponding generator URL. Optionally, it takes the public key of a block signing key if the Core is to be configured as a signer.
corectl config [-t token] [-k pubkey] [blockchain-id] [url]
Flag -t provides an access token to authenticate with the generator.
Flag -k causes the core to be a block signer. Its argument is the local public key for signing blocks. If -k is not given, the core will be a participant (not a generator or a signer).
Create Block Keypair ¶
Subcommand 'create-block-keypair' generates a new keypair in the MockHSM for block signing, with the alias "block_key".
corectl create-block-keypair
Create Access Token ¶
Subcommand 'create-token' generates a new access token with the given name. Flag -net means to create a network token, otherwise it will create a client token.
corectl create-token [-net] [name]
Reset ¶
Subcommand 'reset' resets the database so the Chain Core can be configured again. It deletes all data.
corectl reset