
Gopayloader is an HTTP/S benchmarking tool. Inspired by bombardier it also uses fasthttp which allows for fast creation and sending of requests due to low allocations and lots of other improvements.
It uses this client by default, a different client can be used with --client
Supports all HTTP versions, using quic-go for HTTP/3 client with --client nethttp3
. For HTTP/2 can use with --client nethttp2
. By default uses fasthttp HTTP/1.1 client.
Supports ability to generate custom JWTs to send in headers with payload (only limited by HDD size). This can be useful if the service being
tested is JWT authenticated. Each JWT generated will be unique as contains a unique jti
in claims i.e.
"jti": "8f2d1472-084c-4662-ae74-04e0f1de4993"
A private key is supplied as a flag with optional flags to set other standard claims i.e. sub
, iss
and can also provide custom claims. It will then check if the required number of jwts has already
been generated in a previous test by checking a file on disk. All JWTs are saved on disk in cache, this allows
huge number of jwts to be generated without affecting in-memory use of gopayloader. Once all jwts have been generated
the tests begin, and jwts are streamed from disk to requests. This keeps the memory footprint low. The other major benefit to pre-generating
is all of CPU cycles can be dedicated to sending the requests thus achieving higher RPS.
Contributions are welcome, please read the guidelines here.
Can install with (supported go versions >= 1.22
go install
Or download pre-compiled binaries from releases
Benchmark comparisons
All tests are running against below HTTP/1.1 server;
./gopayloader http-server -p 8081 -s 1 --fasthttp-1
Tested running for 30 seconds
reqs over 125
Gopayloader tested with
./gopayloader run http://localhost:8081 -c 125 --time 30s
achieved mean RPS of 53,098
Tool |
Cmd |
Mean RPS |
Gopayloader improvement |
k6 |
k6 run --vus 125 --duration 30s k6.js |
15,268 |
235% |
hey |
hey -z 30s -c 125 http://localhost:8081 |
22,644 |
134% |
bombardier |
bombardier http://localhost:8081 -c 125 --duration=30s |
51,311 |
3.4% |
To list all available flags run;
Load test HTTP/S server - supports HTTP/1.1 HTTP/2 HTTP/3
gopayloader run <host>(host format - protocol://host:port/path i.e. https://localhost:443/some-path) [flags]
-b, --body string request body
--body-file string read request body from file
--client string fasthttp for fast http/1.1 requests
nethttp for standard net/http requests using http/1.1
nethttp2 for standard net/http requests using http/2
nethttp3 for standard net/http requests supporting http/3 using quic-go (default "fasthttp")
-c, --connections uint Number of simultaneous connections (default 1)
-k, --disable-keep-alive Disable keep-alive connections
-H, --headers strings headers to send in request, can have multiple i.e -H 'content-type:application/json' -H' connection:close'
-h, --help help for run
--jwt-aud string JWT audience (aud) claim
--jwt-claims string JWT custom claims
--jwt-header string JWT header field name
--jwt-iss string JWT issuer (iss) claim
--jwt-key string JWT signing private key path
--jwt-kid string JWT KID
--jwt-sub string JWT subject (sub) claim
-f, --jwts-filename string File path for pre-generated JWTs, separated by new lines
-m, --method string request method (default "GET")
--mtls-cert string mTLS cert path
--mtls-key string mTLS cert private key path
--parallel Sends reqs in parallel per connection with HTTP/2 or HTTP/3
--read-timeout duration Read timeout (default 5s)
-r, --requests int Number of requests
--skip-verify Skip verify SSL cert signer
--ticker duration How often to print results while running in verbose mode (default 1s)
-t, --time duration Execution time window, if used with -r will uniformly distribute reqs within time window, without -r reqs are unlimited
-v, --verbose verbose - slows down RPS slightly for long running tests
--write-timeout duration Write timeout (default 5s)
By default, it runs in quiet mode to dedicate all CPU cycles to sending requests to achieve max RPS. Verbose
mode can be enabled with -v
To run 1000000
requests across 150
./gopayloader run http://localhost:8081 -c 150 -r 1000000
Gopayloader v0.1.0 HTTP/JWT authentication benchmark tool
INFO Running 1,000,000 request/s with 150 connection/s against http://localhost:8081
SUCCESS Payload complete, calculating results
SUCCESS Gopayloader results
| Total time | 18.983561852s |
| Start time | Thu, 27 Apr 2023 12:04:47 BST |
| End time | Thu, 27 Apr 2023 12:05:06 BST |
| Completed requests | 1000000 |
| Failed requests | 0 |
| Average RPS | 52677.153 |
| Max RPS | 54411 |
| Min RPS | 47096 |
| Req size (bytes) | 42 |
| Req size/second (MB) | 2.225 |
| Req total size (MB) | 40.054 |
| Resp size (bytes) | 135 |
| Resp size/second (MB) | 7.153 |
| Resp total size (MB) | 128.746 |
| Average latency | 2.816219ms |
| Max latency | 62.938092ms |
| Min latency | 74.879µs |
| Response code; 200 | 1000000 |
To run 1000000
requests across 150
connections with jwts (jwts will only be generated when number of requests are specified);
Example header jwt generated;
"alg": "ES256",
"kid": "3434645743124",
"typ": "JWT"
example body;
"aud": "some-audience",
"exp": 1714130039,
"iss": "some-issuer",
"jti": "05181473-bbd6-4d21-8942-d86c2e972b2b",
"sub": "my-subject",
"iat": 1719410063,
"browser": "chrome"
Note jti
will be different for each jwt.
Will set jwt value = header field my-jwt
and sign with key ./private-key.pem
and KID 3434645743124
./gopayloader run http://localhost:8081 -c 150 -r 1000000 --jwt-header "my-jwt" --jwt-key ./private-key.pem --jwt-kid 3434645743124 --jwt-sub "my-subject" --jwt-aud "some-audience" --jwt-iss "some-issuer" --jwt-claims "{\"iat\": 1719410063, \"browser\": \"chrome\"}"
Gopayloader v0.1.0 HTTP/JWT authentication benchmark tool
INFO Sending jwts with requests, checking for jwts in cache
INFO Generating batch of 1000000 JWTs and saving to disk
INFO Running 1,000,000 request/s with 150 connection/s against http://localhost:8081
SUCCESS Payload complete, calculating results
SUCCESS Gopayloader results
| Total time | 19.679817482s |
| Start time | Thu, 27 Apr 2023 12:14:48 BST |
| End time | Thu, 27 Apr 2023 12:15:08 BST |
| Completed requests | 1000000 |
| Failed requests | 0 |
| Average RPS | 50813.479 |
| Max RPS | 52708 |
| Min RPS | 48098 |
| Req size (bytes) | 370 |
| Req size/second (MB) | 18.572 |
| Req total size (MB) | 352.859 |
| Resp size (bytes) | 135 |
| Resp size/second (MB) | 6.776 |
| Resp total size (MB) | 128.746 |
| Average latency | 2.92205ms |
| Max latency | 78.047387ms |
| Min latency | 80.768µs |
| Response code; 200 | 1000000 |
If you have your own JWTs you want to test, you can supply a file to send the JWTs i.e. ./my-jwts.txt
where each jwt is separated by a new line.
./gopayloader run http://localhost:8081 -c 1 -r 1000000 --jwt-header "my-jwt" -f ./my-jwts.txt
To remove all generated jwts;
./gopayloader clear-cache