
v0.43.2 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 18, 2025 License: GPL-3.0 Imports: 53 Imported by: 1



Package miner implements Quai block creation and mining.



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const (
	ExpansionNotTriggered = iota
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const (
	TriesInMemory = 128

	// BlockChainVersion ensures that an incompatible database forces a resync from scratch.
	// Changelog:
	// - Version 4
	//   The following incompatible database changes were added:
	//   * the `BlockNumber`, `TxHash`, `TxIndex`, `BlockHash` and `Index` fields of log are deleted
	//   * the `Bloom` field of receipt is deleted
	//   * the `BlockIndex` and `TxIndex` fields of txlookup are deleted
	// - Version 5
	//  The following incompatible database changes were added:
	//    * the `TxHash`, `GasCost`, and `ContractAddress` fields are no longer stored for a receipt
	//    * the `TxHash`, `GasCost`, and `ContractAddress` fields are computed by looking up the
	//      receipts' corresponding block
	// - Version 6
	//  The following incompatible database changes were added:
	//    * Transaction lookup information stores the corresponding block number instead of block hash
	// - Version 7
	//  The following incompatible database changes were added:
	//    * Use freezer as the ancient database to maintain all ancient data
	// - Version 8
	//  The following incompatible database changes were added:
	//    * New scheme for contract code in order to separate the codes and trie nodes
	BlockChainVersion uint64 = 8


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var (
	// ErrKnownBlock is returned when a block to import is already known locally.
	ErrKnownBlock = errors.New("block already known")

	// ErrBannedHash is returned if a block to import is on the banned list.
	ErrBannedHash = errors.New("banned hash")

	// ErrNoGenesis is returned when there is no Genesis Block.
	ErrNoGenesis = errors.New("genesis not found in chain")

	// ErrSubNotSyncedToDom is returned when the subordinate cannot find the parent of the block which is being appended by the dom.
	ErrSubNotSyncedToDom = errors.New("sub not synced to dom")

	// ErrPendingEtxAlreadyKnown is returned received pending etx already in the cache/db
	ErrPendingEtxAlreadyKnown = errors.New("pending etx already known")

	// ErrBloomAlreadyKnown is returned if received bloom is already in the cache/db
	ErrBloomAlreadyKnown = errors.New("bloom already known")

	// ErrBodyNotFound is returned when body data for a given header hash cannot be found.
	ErrBodyNotFound = errors.New("could not find the body data to match the header root hash")

	// ErrDomClientNotUp is returned when block is trying to be appended when domClient is not up.
	ErrDomClientNotUp = errors.New("dom client is not online")

	// ErrBadSubManifest is returned when a block's subordinate manifest does not match the subordinate manifest hash
	ErrBadSubManifest = errors.New("subordinate manifest is incorrect")

	// ErrBadInterlink is returned when a block's interlink does not match the interlink hash
	ErrBadInterlink = errors.New("interlink is incorrect")

	//ErrPendingBlock indicates the block couldn't yet be processed. This is likely due to missing information (ancestor, body, pendingEtxs, etc)
	ErrPendingBlock = errors.New("block cannot be appended yet")

	//ErrPendingEtxNotFound is returned when pendingEtxs cannot be found for a hash given in the submanifest
	ErrPendingEtxNotFound = errors.New("pending etx not found")

	//ErrBloomNotFound is returned when bloom cannot be found for a hash
	ErrBloomNotFound = errors.New("bloom not found")

	//ErrPendingEtxRollupNotFound is returned when pendingEtxsRollup cannot be found for a hash given in the submanifest
	ErrPendingEtxRollupNotFound = errors.New("pending etx rollup not found")

	//ErrPendingEtxNotValid is returned when pendingEtxs is not valid
	ErrPendingEtxNotValid = errors.New("pending etx not valid")

	//ErrPendingEtxRollupNotValid is returned when pendingEtxsRollup is not valid
	ErrPendingEtxRollupNotValid = errors.New("pending etx rollup not valid")

	// ErrBadBlockHash is returned when block being appended is in the badBlockHashes list
	ErrBadBlockHash = errors.New("block hash exists in bad block hashes list")

	// ErrPendingHeaderNotInCache is returned when a coord gives an update but the slice has not yet created the referenced ph
	ErrPendingHeaderNotInCache = errors.New("no pending header found in cache")
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var (
	// ErrNonceTooLow is returned if the nonce of a transaction is lower than the
	// one present in the local chain.
	ErrNonceTooLow = errors.New("nonce too low")

	// ErrNonceTooHigh is returned if the nonce of a transaction is higher than the
	// next one expected based on the local chain.
	ErrNonceTooHigh = errors.New("nonce too high")

	// ErrEtxLimitReached is returned when the ETXs emitted by a transaction
	// would violate the block's ETX limits.
	ErrEtxLimitReached = errors.New("etx limit reached")

	// ErrEtxGasLimitReached is returned when the gas limit of an ETX is greater
	// than the maximum allowed.
	ErrEtxGasLimitReached = errors.New("etx gas limit greater than maximum allowed")

	// ErrInsufficientFundsForTransfer is returned if the transaction sender doesn't
	// have enough funds for transfer(topmost call only).
	ErrInsufficientFundsForTransfer = errors.New("insufficient funds for transfer")

	// ErrInsufficientFunds is returned if the total cost of executing a transaction
	// is higher than the balance of the user's account.
	ErrInsufficientFunds = errors.New("insufficient funds for gas * price + value")

	// ErrGasUintOverflow is returned when calculating gas usage.
	ErrGasUintOverflow = errors.New("gas uint64 overflow")

	// ErrIntrinsicGas is returned if the transaction is specified to use less gas
	// than required to start the invocation.
	ErrIntrinsicGas = errors.New("intrinsic gas too low")

	// ErrTxTypeNotSupported is returned if a transaction is not supported in the
	// current network configuration.
	ErrTxTypeNotSupported = types.ErrTxTypeNotSupported

	// ErrTipAboveFeeCap is a sanity error to ensure no one is able to specify a
	// transaction with a tip higher than the total fee cap.
	ErrTipAboveFeeCap = errors.New("max priority fee per gas higher than max fee per gas")

	// ErrTipVeryHigh is a sanity error to avoid extremely big numbers specified
	// in the tip field.
	ErrTipVeryHigh = errors.New("max priority fee per gas higher than 2^256-1")

	// ErrFeeCapVeryHigh is a sanity error to avoid extremely big numbers specified
	// in the fee cap field.
	ErrFeeCapVeryHigh = errors.New("max fee per gas higher than 2^256-1")

	// ErrFeeCapTooLow is returned if the transaction fee cap is less than the
	// the base fee of the block.
	ErrFeeCapTooLow = errors.New("max fee per gas less than block base fee")

	// ErrSenderNoEOA is returned if the sender of a transaction is a contract.
	ErrSenderNoEOA = errors.New("sender not an eoa")

	// ErrSenderInoperable is returned if the sender of a transaction is outside of context.
	ErrSenderInoperable = errors.New("sender is in inoperable state")

List of evm-call-message pre-checking errors. All state transition messages will be pre-checked before execution. If any invalidation detected, the corresponding error should be returned which is defined here.

- If the pre-checking happens in the miner, then the transaction won't be packed. - If the pre-checking happens in the block processing procedure, then a "BAD BLOCk" error should be emitted.

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var (
	// ErrAlreadyKnown is returned if the transactions is already contained
	// within the pool.
	ErrAlreadyKnown = errors.New("already known")

	// ErrInvalidSender is returned if the transaction contains an invalid signature.
	ErrInvalidSender = errors.New("invalid sender")

	// ErrUnderpriced is returned if a transaction's gas price is below the minimum
	// configured for the transaction pool.
	ErrUnderpriced = errors.New("transaction underpriced")

	// ErrTxPoolOverflow is returned if the transaction pool is full and can't accpet
	// another remote transaction.
	ErrTxPoolOverflow = errors.New("txpool is full")

	// ErrReplaceUnderpriced is returned if a transaction is attempted to be replaced
	// with a different one without the required price bump.
	ErrReplaceUnderpriced = errors.New("replacement transaction underpriced")

	// ErrNegativeValue is a sanity error to ensure no one is able to specify a
	// transaction with a negative value.
	ErrNegativeValue = errors.New("negative value")

	// ErrOversizedData is returned if the input data of a transaction is greater
	// than some meaningful limit a user might use. This is not a consensus error
	// making the transaction invalid, rather a DOS protection.
	ErrOversizedData = errors.New("oversized data")
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var BadHashes = []HeirarchyBadHashes{}
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var DefaultTxPoolConfig = TxPoolConfig{
	Journal:   "transactions.rlp",
	Rejournal: time.Hour,

	PriceLimit: 0,
	PriceBump:  5,

	AccountSlots:    200,
	GlobalSlots:     19000 + 1024,
	MaxSenders:      10000,
	MaxFeesCached:   50000,
	SendersChBuffer: 1024,
	AccountQueue:    200,
	GlobalQueue:     20048,
	QiPoolSize:      10024,
	QiTxLifetime:    30 * time.Minute,
	Lifetime:        5 * time.Minute,
	ReorgFrequency:  1 * time.Second,

DefaultTxPoolConfig contains the default configurations for the transaction pool.

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var PruneDepth = uint64(100000000) // Number of blocks behind in which we begin pruning old block data


func ApplyTransaction

func ApplyTransaction(config *params.ChainConfig, parent *types.WorkObject, parentOrder int, bc ChainContext, author *common.Address, gp *types.GasPool, statedb *state.StateDB, header *types.WorkObject, tx *types.Transaction, usedGas *uint64, usedState *uint64, cfg vm.Config, etxRLimit, etxPLimit *uint64, batch ethdb.Batch, logger *log.Logger) (*types.Receipt, *big.Int, error)

ApplyTransaction attempts to apply a transaction to the given state database and uses the input parameters for its environment. It returns the receipt for the transaction, gas used and an error if the transaction failed, indicating the block was invalid.

func CalcGasLimit

func CalcGasLimit(parent *types.WorkObject, gasCeil uint64) uint64

CalcGasLimit computes the gas limit of the next block after parent. It aims to keep the baseline gas close to the provided target, and increase it towards the target if the baseline gas is lower.

func CalculateBetaFromMiningChoiceAndConversions added in v0.42.0

func CalculateBetaFromMiningChoiceAndConversions(hc *HeaderChain, block *types.WorkObject, parentExchangeRate *big.Int, newTokenChoiceSet types.TokenChoiceSet) (*big.Int, error)

func CalculateTokenChoicesSet added in v0.35.0

func CalculateTokenChoicesSet(hc *HeaderChain, block, parent *types.WorkObject, exchangeRate *big.Int, etxs types.Transactions, actualConversionAmountInHash, realizedConversionAmountInHash *big.Int, minerDifficulty *big.Int) (types.TokenChoiceSet, error)

CalculateTokenChoicesSet reads the block token choices set and adds in the choices generated in the current block

func CanTransfer

func CanTransfer(db vm.StateDB, addr common.Address, amount *big.Int) bool

CanTransfer checks whether there are enough funds in the address' account to make a transfer. This does not take the necessary gas in to account to make the transfer valid.

func CheckDenominations added in v0.30.0

func CheckDenominations(inputs, outputs map[uint]uint64) error

Go through all denominations largest to smallest, check if the input exists as the output, if not, convert it to the respective number of bills for the next smallest denomination, then repeat the check. Subtract the 'carry' when the outputs match the carry for that denomination.

func ErrGasLimit

func ErrGasLimit(txGas uint64, limit uint64) error

func GenesisBlockForTesting

func GenesisBlockForTesting(db ethdb.Database, addr common.Address, balance *big.Int, nodeLocation common.Location) *types.WorkObject

GenesisBlockForTesting creates and writes a block in which addr has the given wei balance.

func GetHashFn

func GetHashFn(ref *types.WorkObject, chain ChainContext) func(n uint64) common.Hash

GetHashFn returns a GetHashFunc which retrieves header hashes by number

func IntrinsicGas

func IntrinsicGas(data []byte, accessList types.AccessList, isContractCreation bool) (uint64, error)

IntrinsicGas computes the 'intrinsic gas' for a message with the given data.

func NewEVMBlockContext

func NewEVMBlockContext(header *types.WorkObject, parent *types.WorkObject, chain ChainContext, author *common.Address) (vm.BlockContext, error)

NewEVMBlockContext creates a new context for use in the EVM.

func NewEVMTxContext

func NewEVMTxContext(msg Message) vm.TxContext

NewEVMTxContext creates a new transaction context for a single transaction.

func NormalizeConversionValueToBlock added in v0.35.0

func NormalizeConversionValueToBlock(block *types.WorkObject, exchangeRate *big.Int, value *big.Int, chooseQi bool) uint64

func ProcessQiTx added in v0.29.0

func ProcessQiTx(tx *types.Transaction, chain ChainContext, checkSig bool, isFirstQiTx bool, currentHeader *types.WorkObject, batch ethdb.Batch, db ethdb.Reader, gp *types.GasPool, usedGas *uint64, signer types.Signer, location common.Location, chainId big.Int, qiScalingFactor float64, etxRLimit, etxPLimit *uint64, utxosCreatedDeleted *UtxosCreatedDeleted, supplyAddedQi, supplyRemovedQi *big.Int) (*big.Int, []*types.ExternalTx, *types.Receipt, error, map[string]time.Duration)

func ReIndexChainIndexer added in v0.41.0

func ReIndexChainIndexer(chainDb ethdb.Database)

func RedeemLockedQuai added in v0.37.0

func RedeemLockedQuai(hc *HeaderChain, header *types.WorkObject, parent *types.WorkObject, statedb *state.StateDB, vmenv *vm.EVM) ([]common.Unlock, error)

RedeemLockedQuai redeems any locked Quai for coinbase addresses at specific block depths. It processes blocks based on predefined lockup periods and checks for unlockable Quai. This function is intended to be run as part of the block processing. Returns the list of unlocked coinbases

func SetupGenesisBlock

func SetupGenesisBlock(db ethdb.Database, genesis *Genesis, nonce uint64, extra []byte, nodeLocation common.Location, logger *log.Logger) (*params.ChainConfig, common.Hash, error)

SetupGenesisBlock writes or updates the genesis block in db. The block that will be used is:

                     genesis == nil       genesis != nil
db has no genesis |  main-net default  |  genesis
db has genesis    |  from DB           |  genesis (if compatible)

The stored chain configuration will be updated if it is compatible (i.e. does not specify a fork block below the local head block). In case of a conflict, the error is a *params.ConfigCompatError and the new, unwritten config is returned.

The returned chain configuration is never nil.

func SetupGenesisBlockWithOverride

func SetupGenesisBlockWithOverride(db ethdb.Database, genesis *Genesis, nonce uint64, extra []byte, nodeLocation common.Location, startingExpansionNumber uint64, logger *log.Logger) (*params.ChainConfig, common.Hash, error)

func Transfer

func Transfer(db vm.StateDB, sender, recipient common.Address, amount *big.Int) error

Transfer subtracts amount from sender and adds amount to recipient using the given Db

func ValidateQiTxInputs added in v0.30.0

func ValidateQiTxInputs(tx *types.Transaction, chain ChainContext, db ethdb.Reader, currentHeader *types.WorkObject, signer types.Signer, location common.Location, chainId big.Int) (*big.Int, error)

func ValidateQiTxOutputsAndSignature added in v0.30.0

func ValidateQiTxOutputsAndSignature(tx *types.Transaction, chain ChainContext, totalQitIn *big.Int, currentHeader *types.WorkObject, signer types.Signer, location common.Location, chainId big.Int, qiScalingFactor float64, etxRLimit, etxPLimit uint64) (*big.Int, error)


type BlockValidator

type BlockValidator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

BlockValidator is responsible for validating block headers, uncles and processed state.

BlockValidator implements Validator.

func NewBlockValidator

func NewBlockValidator(config *params.ChainConfig, headerChain *HeaderChain, engine consensus.Engine) *BlockValidator

NewBlockValidator returns a new block validator which is safe for re-use

func (*BlockValidator) ApplyPoWFilter added in v0.32.0

func (v *BlockValidator) ApplyPoWFilter(wo *types.WorkObject) pubsub.ValidationResult

func (*BlockValidator) SanityCheckWorkObjectBlockViewBody added in v0.31.0

func (v *BlockValidator) SanityCheckWorkObjectBlockViewBody(wo *types.WorkObject) error

SanityCheckWorkObjectBlockViewBody is used in the case of gossipsub validation, it quickly checks if any of the fields that are supposed to be empty are not for the work object block view

func (*BlockValidator) SanityCheckWorkObjectHeaderViewBody added in v0.31.0

func (v *BlockValidator) SanityCheckWorkObjectHeaderViewBody(wo *types.WorkObject) error

SanityCheckWorkObjectHeaderViewBody is used in the case of gossipsub validation, it quickly checks if any of the fields that are supposed to be empty are not for the work object header view

func (*BlockValidator) SanityCheckWorkObjectShareViewBody added in v0.31.0

func (v *BlockValidator) SanityCheckWorkObjectShareViewBody(wo *types.WorkObject) error

SanityCheckWorkObjectShareViewBody is used in the case of gossipsub validation, it quickly checks if any of the fields that are supposed to be empty are not for the work object share view

func (*BlockValidator) ValidateBody

func (v *BlockValidator) ValidateBody(block *types.WorkObject) error

ValidateBody validates the given block's uncles and verifies the block header's transaction and uncle roots. The headers are assumed to be already validated at this point.

func (*BlockValidator) ValidateState

func (v *BlockValidator) ValidateState(block *types.WorkObject, statedb *state.StateDB, receipts types.Receipts, etxs types.Transactions, multiSet *multiset.MultiSet, usedGas uint64, usedState uint64) error

ValidateState validates the various changes that happen after a state transition, such as amount of used gas, the receipt roots and the state root itself. ValidateState returns a database batch if the validation was a success otherwise nil and an error is returned.

type BloomIndexer

type BloomIndexer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

BloomIndexer implements a core.ChainIndexer, building up a rotated bloom bits index for the Quai header bloom filters, permitting blazing fast filtering.

func (*BloomIndexer) Commit

func (b *BloomIndexer) Commit() error

Commit implements core.ChainIndexerBackend, finalizing the bloom section and writing it out into the database.

func (*BloomIndexer) Process

func (b *BloomIndexer) Process(ctx context.Context, header *types.WorkObject, bloom types.Bloom) error

Process implements core.ChainIndexerBackend, adding a new header's bloom into the index.

func (*BloomIndexer) Prune

func (b *BloomIndexer) Prune(threshold uint64) error

Prune returns an empty error since we don't support pruning here.

func (*BloomIndexer) Reset

func (b *BloomIndexer) Reset(ctx context.Context, section uint64, lastSectionHead common.Hash) error

Reset implements core.ChainIndexerBackend, starting a new bloombits index section.

type BodyDb

type BodyDb struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewBodyDb

func NewBodyDb(db ethdb.Database, engine consensus.Engine, hc *HeaderChain, chainConfig *params.ChainConfig, cacheConfig *CacheConfig, txLookupLimit *uint64, vmConfig vm.Config, slicesRunning []common.Location) (*BodyDb, error)

func (*BodyDb) Append

func (bc *BodyDb) Append(block *types.WorkObject) ([]*types.Log, []common.Unlock, error)


func (*BodyDb) Config

func (bc *BodyDb) Config() *params.ChainConfig

Config retrieves the chain's fork configuration.

func (*BodyDb) Engine

func (bc *BodyDb) Engine() consensus.Engine

Engine retreives the BodyDb consensus engine.

func (*BodyDb) GetBlock

func (bc *BodyDb) GetBlock(hash common.Hash, number uint64) *types.WorkObject

GetBlock retrieves a block from the database by hash and number, caching it if found.

func (*BodyDb) GetBlockOrCandidate

func (bc *BodyDb) GetBlockOrCandidate(hash common.Hash, number uint64) *types.WorkObject

GetBlockOrCandidate retrieves any known block from the database by hash and number, caching it if found.

func (*BodyDb) GetWorkObject added in v0.29.0

func (bc *BodyDb) GetWorkObject(hash common.Hash) *types.WorkObject

GetWorkObject retrieves a workObject from the database by hash, caching it if found.

func (*BodyDb) GetWorkObjectWithWorkShares added in v0.30.0

func (bc *BodyDb) GetWorkObjectWithWorkShares(hash common.Hash) *types.WorkObject

GetWorkObjectWithWorkShares retrieves a workObject with workshares from the database by hash, caching it if found.

func (*BodyDb) HasBlock

func (bc *BodyDb) HasBlock(hash common.Hash, number uint64) bool

HasBlock checks if a block is fully present in the database or not.

func (*BodyDb) HasBlockAndState

func (bc *BodyDb) HasBlockAndState(hash common.Hash, number uint64) bool

func (*BodyDb) NodeCtx added in v0.29.0

func (bc *BodyDb) NodeCtx() int

func (*BodyDb) NodeLocation added in v0.29.0

func (bc *BodyDb) NodeLocation() common.Location

func (*BodyDb) ProcessingState

func (bc *BodyDb) ProcessingState() bool

func (*BodyDb) Processor

func (bc *BodyDb) Processor() *StateProcessor

func (*BodyDb) SubscribeBlockProcessingEvent

func (bc *BodyDb) SubscribeBlockProcessingEvent(ch chan<- bool) event.Subscription

SubscribeBlockProcessingEvent registers a subscription of bool where true means block processing has started while false means it has stopped.

func (*BodyDb) SubscribeChainEvent

func (bc *BodyDb) SubscribeChainEvent(ch chan<- ChainEvent) event.Subscription

SubscribeChainEvent registers a subscription of ChainEvent.

func (*BodyDb) SubscribeLogsEvent

func (bc *BodyDb) SubscribeLogsEvent(ch chan<- []*types.Log) event.Subscription

SubscribeLogsEvent registers a subscription of []*types.Log.

func (*BodyDb) SubscribeRemovedLogsEvent

func (bc *BodyDb) SubscribeRemovedLogsEvent(ch chan<- RemovedLogsEvent) event.Subscription

SubscribeRemovedLogsEvent registers a subscription of RemovedLogsEvent.

func (*BodyDb) WriteBlock

func (bc *BodyDb) WriteBlock(block *types.WorkObject, nodeCtx int)

WriteBlock write the block to the bodydb database

type CacheConfig

type CacheConfig struct {
	TrieCleanLimit      int    // Memory allowance (MB) to use for caching trie nodes in memory
	TrieCleanJournal    string // Disk journal for saving clean cache entries.
	ETXTrieCleanJournal string
	TrieCleanRejournal  time.Duration // Time interval to dump clean cache to disk periodically
	TrieCleanNoPrefetch bool          // Whether to disable heuristic state prefetching for followup blocks
	TrieDirtyLimit      int           // Memory limit (MB) at which to start flushing dirty trie nodes to disk
	TrieTimeLimit       time.Duration // Time limit after which to flush the current in-memory trie to disk
	SnapshotLimit       int           // Memory allowance (MB) to use for caching snapshot entries in memory
	Preimages           bool          // Whether to store preimage of trie key to the disk

CacheConfig contains the configuration values for the trie caching/pruning that's resident in a blockchain.

type ChainContext

type ChainContext interface {
	// Engine retrieves the chain's consensus engine.
	Engine() consensus.Engine

	// GetHeader returns a block header from the database by hash.
	// The header might not be on the canonical chain.
	GetHeaderOrCandidateByHash(common.Hash) *types.WorkObject

	// NodeCtx returns the context of the running node
	NodeCtx() int

	// IsGenesisHash returns true if the given hash is the genesis block hash
	IsGenesisHash(common.Hash) bool

	// GetHeaderByHash returns a block header from the database by hash.
	GetHeaderByHash(common.Hash) *types.WorkObject

	// GetBlockByHash returns a block from the database by hash
	GetBlockByHash(hash common.Hash) *types.WorkObject

	// CheckIfEtxIsEligible checks if the given slice is eligible to accept the
	// etx based on the EtxEligibleSlices
	CheckIfEtxIsEligible(common.Hash, common.Location) bool

	CheckInCalcOrderCache(common.Hash) (*big.Int, int, bool)

	AddToCalcOrderCache(common.Hash, int, *big.Int)

	CalcBaseFee(*types.WorkObject) *big.Int

ChainContext supports retrieving headers and consensus parameters from the current blockchain to be used during transaction processing.

type ChainEvent

type ChainEvent struct {
	Block   *types.WorkObject
	Hash    common.Hash
	Logs    []*types.Log
	Order   int
	Entropy *big.Int

type ChainHeadEvent

type ChainHeadEvent struct {
	Block *types.WorkObject

type ChainIndexer

type ChainIndexer struct {
	GetBloom func(common.Hash) (*types.Bloom, error)
	StateAt  func(common.Hash, common.Hash, *big.Int) (*state.StateDB, error)
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ChainIndexer does a post-processing job for equally sized sections of the canonical chain (like BlooomBits and CHT structures). A ChainIndexer is connected to the blockchain through the event system by starting a ChainHeadEventLoop in a goroutine.

Further child ChainIndexers can be added which use the output of the parent section indexer. These child indexers receive new head notifications only after an entire section has been finished or in case of rollbacks that might affect already finished sections.

func NewBloomIndexer

func NewBloomIndexer(db ethdb.Database, size, confirms uint64, nodeCtx int, logger *log.Logger, indexAddressUtxos bool) *ChainIndexer

NewBloomIndexer returns a chain indexer that generates bloom bits data for the canonical chain for fast logs filtering.

func NewChainIndexer

func NewChainIndexer(chainDb ethdb.Database, indexDb ethdb.Database, backend ChainIndexerBackend, section, confirm uint64, throttling time.Duration, kind string, nodeCtx int, logger *log.Logger, indexAddressUtxos bool) *ChainIndexer

NewChainIndexer creates a new chain indexer to do background processing on chain segments of a given size after certain number of confirmations passed. The throttling parameter might be used to prevent database thrashing.

func (*ChainIndexer) AddChildIndexer

func (c *ChainIndexer) AddChildIndexer(indexer *ChainIndexer)

AddChildIndexer adds a child ChainIndexer that can use the output of this one

func (*ChainIndexer) Close

func (c *ChainIndexer) Close() error

Close tears down all goroutines belonging to the indexer and returns any error that might have occurred internally.

func (*ChainIndexer) GetBlockByNumber added in v0.41.0

func (c *ChainIndexer) GetBlockByNumber(number uint64) *types.WorkObject

func (*ChainIndexer) GetHeaderByHash added in v0.39.0

func (c *ChainIndexer) GetHeaderByHash(hash common.Hash) *types.WorkObject

GetHeaderByHash retrieves a block header from the database by hash, caching it if found.

func (*ChainIndexer) Prune

func (c *ChainIndexer) Prune(threshold uint64) error

Prune deletes all chain data older than given threshold.

func (*ChainIndexer) PruneOldBlockData added in v0.32.0

func (c *ChainIndexer) PruneOldBlockData(blockHeight uint64)

func (*ChainIndexer) ReIndexUTXOIndexer added in v0.41.0

func (c *ChainIndexer) ReIndexUTXOIndexer()

ReIndexChainIndexer reindexes the chain indexer from block 1

func (*ChainIndexer) SectionHead

func (c *ChainIndexer) SectionHead(section uint64) common.Hash

SectionHead retrieves the last block hash of a processed section from the index database.

func (*ChainIndexer) Sections

func (c *ChainIndexer) Sections() (uint64, uint64, common.Hash)

Sections returns the number of processed sections maintained by the indexer and also the information about the last header indexed for potential canonical verifications.

func (*ChainIndexer) Start

func (c *ChainIndexer) Start(chain ChainIndexerChain, config params.ChainConfig)

Start creates a goroutine to feed chain head events into the indexer for cascading background processing. Children do not need to be started, they are notified about new events by their parents.

type ChainIndexerBackend

type ChainIndexerBackend interface {
	// Reset initiates the processing of a new chain segment, potentially terminating
	// any partially completed operations (in case of a reorg).
	Reset(ctx context.Context, section uint64, prevHead common.Hash) error

	// Process crunches through the next header in the chain segment. The caller
	// will ensure a sequential order of headers.
	Process(ctx context.Context, header *types.WorkObject, bloom types.Bloom) error

	// Commit finalizes the section metadata and stores it into the database.
	Commit() error

	// Prune deletes the chain index older than the given threshold.
	Prune(threshold uint64) error

ChainIndexerBackend defines the methods needed to process chain segments in the background and write the segment results into the database. These can be used to create filter blooms or CHTs.

type ChainIndexerChain

type ChainIndexerChain interface {
	// CurrentHeader retrieves the latest locally known header.
	CurrentHeader() *types.WorkObject
	// GetBloom retrieves the bloom for the given block hash.
	GetBloom(blockhash common.Hash) (*types.Bloom, error)
	// SubscribeChainHeadEvent subscribes to new head header notifications.
	SubscribeChainHeadEvent(ch chan<- ChainHeadEvent) event.Subscription
	// NodeCtx returns the context of the chain
	NodeCtx() int
	// StateAt returns the state for a state trie root and utxo root
	StateAt(root common.Hash, etxRoot common.Hash, quaiStateSize *big.Int) (*state.StateDB, error)

ChainIndexerChain interface is used for connecting the indexer to a blockchain

type ChainSideEvent

type ChainSideEvent struct {
	Blocks []*types.WorkObject

type Config

type Config struct {
	QuaiCoinbase          common.Address  `toml:",omitempty"` // Public address for Quai mining rewards
	QiCoinbase            common.Address  `toml:",omitempty"` // Public address for Qi mining rewards
	CoinbaseLockup        uint8           `toml:",omitempty"` // Lockup byte the determines number of blocks before mining rewards can be spent
	LockupContractAddress *common.Address `toml:",omitempty"` // Address of the lockup contract to use for coinbase rewards
	MinerPreference       float64         // Determines the relative preference of Quai or Qi [0, 1] respectively
	Notify                []string        `toml:",omitempty"` // HTTP URL list to be notified of new work packages (only useful in ethash).
	NotifyFull            bool            `toml:",omitempty"` // Notify with pending block headers instead of work packages
	ExtraData             hexutil.Bytes   `toml:",omitempty"` // Block extra data set by the miner
	GasFloor              uint64          // Target gas floor for mined blocks.
	GasCeil               uint64          // Target gas ceiling for mined blocks.
	GasPrice              *big.Int        // Minimum gas price for mining a transaction
	Recommit              time.Duration   // The time interval for miner to re-create mining work.
	Noverify              bool            // Disable remote mining solution verification(only useful in ethash).
	WorkShareMining       bool            // Whether to mine work shares from raw transactions.
	WorkShareThreshold    int             // WorkShareThreshold is the minimum fraction of a share that this node will accept to mine a transaction.
	Endpoints             []string        // Holds RPC endpoints to send minimally mined transactions to for further mining/propagation.

Config is the configuration parameters of mining.

type Core

type Core struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewCore

func NewCore(db ethdb.Database, config *Config, isLocalBlock func(block *types.WorkObject) bool, txConfig *TxPoolConfig, txLookupLimit *uint64, chainConfig *params.ChainConfig, slicesRunning []common.Location, currentExpansionNumber uint8, genesisBlock *types.WorkObject, engine consensus.Engine, cacheConfig *CacheConfig, vmConfig vm.Config, genesis *Genesis, logger *log.Logger) (*Core, error)

func (*Core) AddGenesisPendingEtxs added in v0.29.0

func (c *Core) AddGenesisPendingEtxs(block *types.WorkObject)

func (*Core) AddLocal

func (c *Core) AddLocal(tx *types.Transaction) error

func (*Core) AddPendingEtxs

func (c *Core) AddPendingEtxs(pEtxs types.PendingEtxs) error

func (*Core) AddPendingEtxsRollup

func (c *Core) AddPendingEtxsRollup(pEtxsRollup types.PendingEtxsRollup) error

func (*Core) AddRemote added in v0.29.0

func (c *Core) AddRemote(tx *types.Transaction)

func (*Core) AddRemotes added in v0.29.0

func (c *Core) AddRemotes(txs types.Transactions)

func (*Core) AddToCalcOrderCache added in v0.32.0

func (c *Core) AddToCalcOrderCache(hash common.Hash, order int, intrinsicS *big.Int)

func (*Core) Append

func (c *Core) Append(header *types.WorkObject, manifest types.BlockManifest, domTerminus common.Hash, domOrigin bool, newInboundEtxs types.Transactions) (types.Transactions, error)

func (*Core) ApplyPoWFilter added in v0.32.0

func (c *Core) ApplyPoWFilter(wo *types.WorkObject) pubsub.ValidationResult

func (*Core) BadHashExistsInChain

func (c *Core) BadHashExistsInChain() bool

func (*Core) CalcBaseFee added in v0.42.0

func (c *Core) CalcBaseFee(wo *types.WorkObject) *big.Int

func (*Core) CalcOrder

func (c *Core) CalcOrder(header *types.WorkObject) (*big.Int, int, error)

CalcOrder returns the order of the block within the hierarchy of chains

func (*Core) CalculateBaseFee

func (c *Core) CalculateBaseFee(header *types.WorkObject) *big.Int

GetGasUsedInChain retrieves all the gas used from a given block backwards until a specific distance is reached.

func (*Core) CheckIfEtxIsEligible added in v0.29.0

func (c *Core) CheckIfEtxIsEligible(etxEligibleSlices common.Hash, location common.Location) bool

func (*Core) CheckIfValidWorkShare added in v0.29.0

func (c *Core) CheckIfValidWorkShare(workShare *types.WorkObjectHeader) types.WorkShareValidity

func (*Core) CheckInCalcOrderCache added in v0.32.0

func (c *Core) CheckInCalcOrderCache(hash common.Hash) (*big.Int, int, bool)

func (*Core) ComputeEfficiencyScore added in v0.29.0

func (c *Core) ComputeEfficiencyScore(header *types.WorkObject) (uint16, error)

ComputeEfficiencyScore computes the efficiency score for the given prime block This data is is only valid if called from Prime context, otherwise there is no guarantee for this data to be accurate

func (*Core) ComputeExpansionNumber added in v0.34.0

func (c *Core) ComputeExpansionNumber(parent *types.WorkObject) (uint8, error)

func (*Core) ComputeMinerDifficulty added in v0.42.0

func (c *Core) ComputeMinerDifficulty(parent *types.WorkObject) *big.Int

func (*Core) Config

func (c *Core) Config() *params.ChainConfig

func (*Core) ConstructLocalMinedBlock

func (c *Core) ConstructLocalMinedBlock(woHeader *types.WorkObject) (*types.WorkObject, error)

ConstructLocalBlock takes a header and construct the Block locally

func (*Core) ContentFrom

func (c *Core) ContentFrom(addr common.Address) (types.Transactions, types.Transactions)

func (*Core) ContractCode

func (c *Core) ContractCode(hash common.Hash) ([]byte, error)

ContractCode retrieves a blob of data associated with a contract hash either from ephemeral in-memory cache, or from persistent storage.

func (*Core) ContractCodeWithPrefix

func (c *Core) ContractCodeWithPrefix(hash common.Hash) ([]byte, error)

ContractCodeWithPrefix retrieves a blob of data associated with a contract hash either from ephemeral in-memory cache, or from persistent storage.

If the code doesn't exist in the in-memory cache, check the storage with new code scheme.

func (*Core) CurrentBlock

func (c *Core) CurrentBlock() *types.WorkObject

CurrentBlock returns the block for the current header.

func (*Core) CurrentHeader

func (c *Core) CurrentHeader() *types.WorkObject

CurrentHeader retrieves the current head header of the canonical chain. The header is retrieved from the HeaderChain's internal cache.

func (*Core) CurrentLogEntropy

func (c *Core) CurrentLogEntropy() *big.Int

CurrentLogEntropy returns the logarithm of the total entropy reduction since genesis for our current head block

func (*Core) Database added in v0.32.0

func (c *Core) Database() ethdb.Database

func (*Core) DisablePreseal

func (c *Core) DisablePreseal()

DisablePreseal turns off the preseal mining feature. It's necessary for some fake consensus engine which can seal blocks instantaneously. Note this function shouldn't be exposed to API, it's unnecessary for users (miners) to actually know the underlying detail. It's only for outside project which uses this library.

func (*Core) DownloadBlocksInManifest added in v0.19.0

func (c *Core) DownloadBlocksInManifest(blockHash common.Hash, manifest types.BlockManifest, entropy *big.Int)

func (*Core) EnablePreseal

func (c *Core) EnablePreseal()

EnablePreseal turns on the preseal mining feature. It's enabled by default. Note this function shouldn't be exposed to API, it's unnecessary for users (miners) to actually know the underlying detail. It's only for outside project which uses this library.

func (*Core) Engine

func (c *Core) Engine() consensus.Engine

Engine retreives the blake3 consensus engine.

func (*Core) EntropyWindow added in v0.35.0

func (c *Core) EntropyWindow() *big.Int

EntropyWindow calculates the entropy in terms of the current blocks intrinsic, and take a multiple of that value

func (*Core) Export

func (c *Core) Export(w io.Writer) error

Export writes the active chain to the given writer.

func (*Core) ExportN

func (c *Core) ExportN(w io.Writer, first uint64, last uint64) error

ExportN writes a subset of the active chain to the given writer.

func (*Core) GeneratePendingHeader added in v0.32.0

func (c *Core) GeneratePendingHeader(block *types.WorkObject, fill bool) (*types.WorkObject, error)

func (*Core) GenerateRecoveryPendingHeader

func (c *Core) GenerateRecoveryPendingHeader(pendingHeader *types.WorkObject, checkpointHashes types.Termini) error

func (*Core) Genesis

func (c *Core) Genesis() *types.WorkObject

Genesis retrieves the chain's genesis block.

func (*Core) Get

func (c *Core) Get(hash common.Hash) *types.Transaction

func (*Core) GetAncestor

func (c *Core) GetAncestor(hash common.Hash, number, ancestor uint64, maxNonCanonical *uint64) (common.Hash, uint64)

GetAncestor retrieves the Nth ancestor of a given block. It assumes that either the given block or a close ancestor of it is canonical. maxNonCanonical points to a downwards counter limiting the number of blocks to be individually checked before we reach the canonical chain.

Note: ancestor == 0 returns the same block, 1 returns its parent and so on.

func (*Core) GetBlock

func (c *Core) GetBlock(hash common.Hash, number uint64) *types.WorkObject

GetBlock retrieves a block from the database by hash and number, caching it if found.

func (*Core) GetBlockByHash

func (c *Core) GetBlockByHash(hash common.Hash) *types.WorkObject

GetBlockByHash retrieves a block from the database by hash, caching it if found.

func (*Core) GetBlockByNumber

func (c *Core) GetBlockByNumber(number uint64) *types.WorkObject

GetBlockByNumber retrieves a block from the database by number, caching it (associated with its hash) if found.

func (*Core) GetBlockHashesFromHash

func (c *Core) GetBlockHashesFromHash(hash common.Hash, max uint64) []common.Hash

GetBlockHashesFromHash retrieves a number of block hashes starting at a given hash, fetching towards the genesis block.

func (*Core) GetBlockOrCandidateByHash

func (c *Core) GetBlockOrCandidateByHash(hash common.Hash) *types.WorkObject

GetBlockOrCandidateByHash retrieves a block from the database by hash, caching it if found.

func (*Core) GetBlocksFromHash

func (c *Core) GetBlocksFromHash(hash common.Hash, n int) []*types.WorkObject

GetBlocksFromHash returns the block corresponding to hash and up to n-1 ancestors. [deprecated by eth/62]

func (*Core) GetBody

func (c *Core) GetBody(hash common.Hash) *types.WorkObject

GetBody retrieves a block body (transactions and uncles) from the database by hash, caching it if found.

func (*Core) GetCanonicalHash

func (c *Core) GetCanonicalHash(number uint64) common.Hash

GetCanonicalHash returns the canonical hash for a given block number

func (*Core) GetExpansionNumber added in v0.29.0

func (c *Core) GetExpansionNumber() uint8

func (*Core) GetGasUsedInChain

func (c *Core) GetGasUsedInChain(block *types.WorkObject, length int) int64

GetGasUsedInChain retrieves all the gas used from a given block backwards until a specific distance is reached.

func (*Core) GetHeaderByHash

func (c *Core) GetHeaderByHash(hash common.Hash) *types.WorkObject

GetHeaderByHash retrieves a block header from the database by hash, caching it if found.

func (*Core) GetHeaderByNumber

func (c *Core) GetHeaderByNumber(number uint64) *types.WorkObject

GetHeaderByNumber retrieves a block header from the database by number, caching it (associated with its hash) if found.

func (*Core) GetHeaderOrCandidateByHash

func (c *Core) GetHeaderOrCandidateByHash(hash common.Hash) *types.WorkObject

GetHeaderOrCandidateByHash retrieves a block header from the database by hash, caching it if found.

func (*Core) GetKQuaiAndUpdateBit added in v0.42.0

func (c *Core) GetKQuaiAndUpdateBit(blockHash common.Hash) (*big.Int, uint8, error)

func (*Core) GetManifest

func (c *Core) GetManifest(blockHash common.Hash) (types.BlockManifest, error)

func (*Core) GetMaxTxInWorkShare added in v0.30.0

func (c *Core) GetMaxTxInWorkShare() uint64

func (*Core) GetMinerEndpoints added in v0.32.0

func (c *Core) GetMinerEndpoints() []string

func (*Core) GetOutpointsByAddress added in v0.30.0

func (c *Core) GetOutpointsByAddress(address common.Address) ([]*types.OutpointAndDenomination, error)

func (*Core) GetOutpointsByAddressAndRange added in v0.39.0

func (c *Core) GetOutpointsByAddressAndRange(address common.Address, start, end uint32) ([]*types.OutpointAndDenomination, error)

func (*Core) GetPendingBlockBody added in v0.30.0

func (c *Core) GetPendingBlockBody(woHeader *types.WorkObjectHeader) *types.WorkObject

func (*Core) GetPendingEtxs

func (c *Core) GetPendingEtxs(hash common.Hash) *types.PendingEtxs

func (*Core) GetPendingEtxsFromSub added in v0.19.0

func (c *Core) GetPendingEtxsFromSub(hash common.Hash, location common.Location) (types.PendingEtxs, error)

func (*Core) GetPendingEtxsRollup

func (c *Core) GetPendingEtxsRollup(hash common.Hash, location common.Location) *types.PendingEtxsRollup

func (*Core) GetPendingEtxsRollupFromSub added in v0.19.0

func (c *Core) GetPendingEtxsRollupFromSub(hash common.Hash, location common.Location) (types.PendingEtxsRollup, error)

func (*Core) GetPendingHeader

func (c *Core) GetPendingHeader() (*types.WorkObject, error)

func (*Core) GetPoolGasPrice added in v0.34.0

func (c *Core) GetPoolGasPrice() *big.Int

GetPoolGasPrice returns the pool gas price set by the node

func (*Core) GetPrimeBlock added in v0.34.0

func (c *Core) GetPrimeBlock(blockHash common.Hash) *types.WorkObject

func (*Core) GetPrimeTerminus added in v0.29.0

func (c *Core) GetPrimeTerminus(header *types.WorkObject) *types.WorkObject

func (*Core) GetReceiptsByHash

func (c *Core) GetReceiptsByHash(hash common.Hash) types.Receipts

GetReceiptsByHash retrieves the receipts for all transactions in a given block.

func (*Core) GetRollingFeeInfo added in v0.42.0

func (c *Core) GetRollingFeeInfo() (min, max, avg *big.Int)

func (*Core) GetSlicesRunning added in v0.29.0

func (c *Core) GetSlicesRunning() []common.Location

func (*Core) GetSubManifest

func (c *Core) GetSubManifest(slice common.Location, blockHash common.Hash) (types.BlockManifest, error)

func (*Core) GetTerminiByHash

func (c *Core) GetTerminiByHash(hash common.Hash) *types.Termini

GetTerminiByHash retrieves the termini stored for a given header hash

func (*Core) GetTransactionLookup

func (c *Core) GetTransactionLookup(hash common.Hash) *rawdb.LegacyTxLookupEntry

GetTransactionLookup retrieves the lookup associate with the given transaction hash from the cache or database.

func (*Core) GetTxsFromBroadcastSet added in v0.30.0

func (c *Core) GetTxsFromBroadcastSet(hash common.Hash) (types.Transactions, error)

func (*Core) GetUTXOsByAddress added in v0.29.0

func (c *Core) GetUTXOsByAddress(address common.Address) ([]*types.UtxoEntry, error)

func (*Core) GetUnclesInChain

func (c *Core) GetUnclesInChain(block *types.WorkObject, length int) []*types.WorkObjectHeader

GetUnclesInChain retrieves all the uncles from a given block backwards until a specific distance is reached.

func (*Core) GetVMConfig

func (c *Core) GetVMConfig() *vm.Config

GetVMConfig returns the block chain VM config.

func (*Core) GetWorkShareThreshold added in v0.32.0

func (c *Core) GetWorkShareThreshold() int

func (*Core) HasBlock

func (c *Core) HasBlock(hash common.Hash, number uint64) bool

HasBlock checks if a block is fully present in the database or not.

func (*Core) HasBlockAndState

func (c *Core) HasBlockAndState(hash common.Hash, number uint64) bool

func (*Core) HasHeader

func (c *Core) HasHeader(hash common.Hash, number uint64) bool

HasHeader checks if a block header is present in the database or not, caching it if present.

func (*Core) HasPendingEtxs

func (c *Core) HasPendingEtxs(hash common.Hash) bool

func (*Core) InsertChain

func (c *Core) InsertChain(blocks types.WorkObjects) (int, error)

InsertChain attempts to append a list of blocks to the slice, optionally caching any pending blocks which cannot yet be appended. InsertChain return the number of blocks which were successfully consumed (either appended, or cached), and an error.

func (*Core) InsertChainWithoutSealVerification

func (c *Core) InsertChainWithoutSealVerification(block *types.WorkObject) (int, error)

InsertChainWithoutSealVerification works exactly the same except for seal verification, seal verification is omitted

func (*Core) IsBlockHashABadHash

func (c *Core) IsBlockHashABadHash(hash common.Hash) bool

func (*Core) IsGenesisHash added in v0.29.0

func (c *Core) IsGenesisHash(hash common.Hash) bool

IsGenesisHash checks if a hash is the genesis block hash.

func (*Core) IsMining

func (c *Core) IsMining() bool

func (*Core) MakeFullPendingHeader added in v0.32.0

func (c *Core) MakeFullPendingHeader(primePh, regionPh, zonePh *types.WorkObject) *types.WorkObject

func (*Core) Miner

func (c *Core) Miner() *Miner

func (*Core) NewGenesisPendigHeader

func (c *Core) NewGenesisPendigHeader(pendingHeader *types.WorkObject, domTerminus common.Hash, genesisHash common.Hash) error

func (*Core) NodeCtx added in v0.29.0

func (c *Core) NodeCtx() int

func (*Core) NodeLocation added in v0.29.0

func (c *Core) NodeLocation() common.Location

func (*Core) Nonce

func (c *Core) Nonce(addr common.Address) uint64

func (*Core) Pending

func (c *Core) Pending() *types.WorkObject

Pending returns the currently pending block and associated state.

func (*Core) PendingBlock

func (c *Core) PendingBlock() *types.WorkObject

PendingBlock returns the currently pending block.

Note, to access both the pending block and the pending state simultaneously, please use Pending(), as the pending state can change between multiple method calls

func (*Core) PendingBlockAndReceipts

func (c *Core) PendingBlockAndReceipts() (*types.WorkObject, types.Receipts)

PendingBlockAndReceipts returns the currently pending block and corresponding receipts.

func (*Core) ProcessingState

func (c *Core) ProcessingState() bool

func (*Core) Processor

func (c *Core) Processor() *StateProcessor

func (*Core) RequestDomToAppendOrFetch

func (c *Core) RequestDomToAppendOrFetch(hash common.Hash, entropy *big.Int, order int)

func (*Core) SanityCheckWorkObjectBlockViewBody added in v0.31.0

func (c *Core) SanityCheckWorkObjectBlockViewBody(wo *types.WorkObject) error

func (*Core) SanityCheckWorkObjectHeaderViewBody added in v0.31.0

func (c *Core) SanityCheckWorkObjectHeaderViewBody(wo *types.WorkObject) error

func (*Core) SanityCheckWorkObjectShareViewBody added in v0.31.0

func (c *Core) SanityCheckWorkObjectShareViewBody(wo *types.WorkObject) error

func (*Core) SendPendingEtxsToDom

func (c *Core) SendPendingEtxsToDom(pEtxs types.PendingEtxs) error

func (*Core) SendTxToSharingClients added in v0.39.0

func (c *Core) SendTxToSharingClients(tx *types.Transaction) error

func (*Core) SendWorkShare added in v0.29.0

func (c *Core) SendWorkShare(workShare *types.WorkObjectHeader) error

func (*Core) SetCurrentExpansionNumber added in v0.29.0

func (c *Core) SetCurrentExpansionNumber(expansionNumber uint8)

func (*Core) SetDomInterface added in v0.30.0

func (c *Core) SetDomInterface(domInterface CoreBackend)

func (*Core) SetExtra

func (c *Core) SetExtra(extra []byte) error

func (*Core) SetGasCeil

func (c *Core) SetGasCeil(ceil uint64)

SetGasCeil sets the gaslimit to strive for when mining blocks.

func (*Core) SetGasPrice

func (c *Core) SetGasPrice(price *big.Int)

func (*Core) SetLockupByte added in v0.39.0

func (c *Core) SetLockupByte(lockupByte uint8)

func (*Core) SetMinerPreference added in v0.39.0

func (c *Core) SetMinerPreference(minerPreference float64)

func (*Core) SetPrimaryCoinbase added in v0.34.0

func (c *Core) SetPrimaryCoinbase(addr common.Address)

func (*Core) SetRecommitInterval

func (c *Core) SetRecommitInterval(interval time.Duration)

func (*Core) SetSubInterface added in v0.30.0

func (c *Core) SetSubInterface(subInterface CoreBackend, location common.Location)

func (*Core) Slice

func (c *Core) Slice() *Slice

Slice retrieves the slice struct.

func (*Core) Snapshots

func (c *Core) Snapshots() *snapshot.Tree

Snapshots returns the blockchain snapshot tree.

func (*Core) State

func (c *Core) State() (*state.StateDB, error)

State returns a new mutable state based on the current HEAD block.

func (*Core) StateAt

func (c *Core) StateAt(root, etxRoot common.Hash, quaiStateSize *big.Int) (*state.StateDB, error)

StateAt returns a new mutable state based on a particular point in time.

func (*Core) StateAtBlock

func (c *Core) StateAtBlock(block *types.WorkObject, reexec uint64, base *state.StateDB, checkLive bool) (statedb *state.StateDB, err error)

func (*Core) StateAtTransaction

func (c *Core) StateAtTransaction(block *types.WorkObject, txIndex int, reexec uint64) (Message, vm.BlockContext, *state.StateDB, error)

func (*Core) StateCache

func (c *Core) StateCache() state.Database

StateCache returns the caching database underpinning the blockchain instance.

func (*Core) Stats

func (c *Core) Stats() (int, int, int)

func (*Core) Stop

func (c *Core) Stop()

func (*Core) StopMining

func (c *Core) StopMining()

func (*Core) SubscribeBlockProcessingEvent

func (c *Core) SubscribeBlockProcessingEvent(ch chan<- bool) event.Subscription

SubscribeBlockProcessingEvent registers a subscription of bool where true means block processing has started while false means it has stopped.

func (*Core) SubscribeChainEvent

func (c *Core) SubscribeChainEvent(ch chan<- ChainEvent) event.Subscription

SubscribeChainEvent registers a subscription of ChainEvent.

func (*Core) SubscribeChainHeadEvent

func (c *Core) SubscribeChainHeadEvent(ch chan<- ChainHeadEvent) event.Subscription

SubscribeChainHeadEvent registers a subscription of ChainHeadEvent.

func (*Core) SubscribeChainSideEvent

func (c *Core) SubscribeChainSideEvent(ch chan<- ChainSideEvent) event.Subscription

SubscribeChainSideEvent registers a subscription of ChainSideEvent.

func (*Core) SubscribeExpansionEvent added in v0.29.0

func (c *Core) SubscribeExpansionEvent(ch chan<- ExpansionEvent) event.Subscription

func (*Core) SubscribeLogsEvent

func (c *Core) SubscribeLogsEvent(ch chan<- []*types.Log) event.Subscription

SubscribeChainSideEvent registers a subscription of ChainSideEvent.

func (*Core) SubscribeMissingBlockEvent added in v0.19.0

func (c *Core) SubscribeMissingBlockEvent(ch chan<- types.BlockRequest) event.Subscription

func (*Core) SubscribePendingHeader

func (c *Core) SubscribePendingHeader(ch chan<- *types.WorkObject) event.Subscription

SubscribePendingBlock starts delivering the pending block to the given channel.

func (*Core) SubscribePendingLogs

func (c *Core) SubscribePendingLogs(ch chan<- []*types.Log) event.Subscription

SubscribePendingLogs starts delivering logs from pending transactions to the given channel.

func (*Core) SubscribeRemovedLogsEvent

func (c *Core) SubscribeRemovedLogsEvent(ch chan<- RemovedLogsEvent) event.Subscription

SubscribeChainHeadEvent registers a subscription of ChainHeadEvent.

func (*Core) SubscribeUnlocks added in v0.39.0

func (c *Core) SubscribeUnlocks(ch chan<- UnlocksEvent) event.Subscription

func (*Core) SuggestFinalityDepth added in v0.32.0

func (c *Core) SuggestFinalityDepth(qiValue *big.Int, correlatedRisk *big.Int) *big.Int

func (*Core) TotalLogEntropy added in v0.33.0

func (c *Core) TotalLogEntropy(header *types.WorkObject) *big.Int

TotalLogEntropy returns the total entropy reduction if the chain since genesis to the given header

func (*Core) TrieNode

func (c *Core) TrieNode(hash common.Hash) ([]byte, error)

func (*Core) TxLookupLimit

func (c *Core) TxLookupLimit() uint64

func (*Core) TxMiningEnabled added in v0.32.0

func (c *Core) TxMiningEnabled() bool

func (*Core) TxPool

func (c *Core) TxPool() *TxPool

func (*Core) TxPoolPending

func (c *Core) TxPoolPending() (map[common.AddressBytes]types.Transactions, error)

func (*Core) UpdateEtxEligibleSlices added in v0.29.0

func (c *Core) UpdateEtxEligibleSlices(header *types.WorkObject, location common.Location) common.Hash

func (*Core) WorkShareDistance added in v0.32.0

func (c *Core) WorkShareDistance(wo *types.WorkObject, ws *types.WorkObjectHeader) (*big.Int, error)

WorkShareDistance calculates the geodesic distance between the workshare and the workobject in which that workshare is included.

func (*Core) WriteAddressOutpoints added in v0.30.0

func (c *Core) WriteAddressOutpoints(outpoints map[[20]byte][]*types.OutpointAndDenomination) error

func (*Core) WriteBlock

func (c *Core) WriteBlock(block *types.WorkObject)

WriteBlock write the block to the bodydb database

func (*Core) WriteGenesisBlock added in v0.29.0

func (c *Core) WriteGenesisBlock(block *types.WorkObject, location common.Location)

type CoreBackend added in v0.30.0

type CoreBackend interface {
	AddPendingEtxs(pEtxs types.PendingEtxs) error
	AddPendingEtxsRollup(pEtxRollup types.PendingEtxsRollup) error
	RequestDomToAppendOrFetch(hash common.Hash, entropy *big.Int, order int)
	Append(header *types.WorkObject, manifest types.BlockManifest, domTerminus common.Hash, domOrigin bool, newInboundEtxs types.Transactions) (types.Transactions, error)
	DownloadBlocksInManifest(hash common.Hash, manifest types.BlockManifest, entropy *big.Int)
	GenerateRecoveryPendingHeader(pendingHeader *types.WorkObject, checkpointHashes types.Termini) error
	GetPendingEtxsRollupFromSub(hash common.Hash, location common.Location) (types.PendingEtxsRollup, error)
	GetPendingEtxsFromSub(hash common.Hash, location common.Location) (types.PendingEtxs, error)
	NewGenesisPendingHeader(pendingHeader *types.WorkObject, domTerminus common.Hash, hash common.Hash) error
	GetManifest(blockHash common.Hash) (types.BlockManifest, error)
	GetPrimeBlock(blockHash common.Hash) *types.WorkObject
	GetKQuaiAndUpdateBit(blockHash common.Hash) (*big.Int, uint8, error)

Core will implement the following interface to enable dom-sub communication

type ExecutionResult

type ExecutionResult struct {
	UsedGas      uint64               // Total used gas but include the refunded gas
	UsedState    uint64               // Total used state
	Err          error                // Any error encountered during the execution(listed in core/vm/errors.go)
	ReturnData   []byte               // Returned data from evm(function result or data supplied with revert opcode)
	Etxs         []*types.Transaction // External transactions generated from opETX
	QuaiFees     *big.Int             // Fees that needs to be credited to the miner from the transaction
	ContractAddr *common.Address      // Address of the contract created by the message

ExecutionResult includes all output after executing given evm message no matter the execution itself is successful or not.

func ApplyMessage

func ApplyMessage(evm *vm.EVM, msg Message, gp *types.GasPool) (*ExecutionResult, error)

ApplyMessage computes the new state by applying the given message against the old state within the environment.

ApplyMessage returns the bytes returned by any EVM execution (if it took place), the gas used (which includes gas refunds) and an error if it failed. An error always indicates a core error meaning that the message would always fail for that particular state and would never be accepted within a block.

func (*ExecutionResult) Failed

func (result *ExecutionResult) Failed() bool

Failed returns the indicator whether the execution is successful or not

func (*ExecutionResult) Return

func (result *ExecutionResult) Return() []byte

Return is a helper function to help caller distinguish between revert reason and function return. Return returns the data after execution if no error occurs.

func (*ExecutionResult) Revert

func (result *ExecutionResult) Revert() []byte

Revert returns the concrete revert reason if the execution is aborted by `REVERT` opcode. Note the reason can be nil if no data supplied with revert opcode.

func (*ExecutionResult) Unwrap

func (result *ExecutionResult) Unwrap() error

Unwrap returns the internal evm error which allows us for further analysis outside.

type ExpansionEvent added in v0.29.0

type ExpansionEvent struct {
	Block *types.WorkObject

type Genesis

type Genesis struct {
	Config     *params.ChainConfig `json:"config"`
	Nonce      uint64              `json:"nonce"`
	Timestamp  uint64              `json:"timestamp"`
	ExtraData  []byte              `json:"extraData"`
	GasLimit   uint64              `json:"gasLimit"`
	Difficulty *big.Int            `json:"difficulty"`
	Mixhash    common.Hash         `json:"mixHash"`
	Coinbase   common.Address      `json:"coinbase"`
	AllocHash  common.Hash         `json:"allocHash"`

	// These fields are used for consensus tests. Please don't use them
	// in actual genesis blocks.
	Number     []uint64      `json:"number"`
	GasUsed    uint64        `json:"gasUsed"`
	ParentHash []common.Hash `json:"parentHash"`
	BaseFee    *big.Int      `json:"baseFeePerGas"`

Genesis specifies the header fields, state of a genesis block. It also defines hard fork switch-over blocks through the chain configuration.

func DefaultColosseumGenesisBlock

func DefaultColosseumGenesisBlock(consensusEngine string, nonce uint64, extra []byte) *Genesis

DefaultColosseumGenesisBlock returns the Quai Colosseum testnet genesis block.

func DefaultGardenGenesisBlock

func DefaultGardenGenesisBlock(consensusEngine string, nonce uint64, extra []byte) *Genesis

DefaultGardenGenesisBlock returns the Garden testnet genesis block.

func DefaultGenesisBlock

func DefaultGenesisBlock(nonce uint64, extra []byte) *Genesis

DefaultGenesisBlock returns the Latest default Genesis block. Currently it returns the DefaultColosseumGenesisBlock.

func DefaultLighthouseGenesisBlock

func DefaultLighthouseGenesisBlock(consensusEngine string, nonce uint64, extra []byte) *Genesis

DefaultLighthouseGenesisBlock returns the Lighthouse testnet genesis block.

func DefaultLocalGenesisBlock

func DefaultLocalGenesisBlock(consensusEngine string, nonce uint64, extra []byte) *Genesis

DefaultLocalGenesisBlock returns the Local testnet genesis block.

func DefaultOrchardGenesisBlock

func DefaultOrchardGenesisBlock(consensusEngine string, nonce uint64, extra []byte) *Genesis

DefaultOrchardGenesisBlock returns the Orchard testnet genesis block.

func DeveloperGenesisBlock

func DeveloperGenesisBlock(period uint64, faucet common.Address) *Genesis

DeveloperGenesisBlock returns the 'quai --dev' genesis block.

func (*Genesis) Commit

func (g *Genesis) Commit(db ethdb.Database, nodeLocation common.Location, startingExpansionNumber uint64) (*types.WorkObject, error)

Commit writes the block and state of a genesis specification to the database. The block is committed as the canonical head block.

func (Genesis) MarshalJSON

func (g Genesis) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON marshals as JSON.

func (*Genesis) MustCommit

func (g *Genesis) MustCommit(db ethdb.Database, nodeLocation common.Location) *types.WorkObject

MustCommit writes the genesis block and state to db, panicking on error. The block is committed as the canonical head block.

func (*Genesis) ToBlock

func (g *Genesis) ToBlock(startingExpansionNumber uint64) *types.WorkObject

ToBlock creates the genesis block and writes state of a genesis specification to the given database (or discards it if nil).

func (*Genesis) UnmarshalJSON

func (g *Genesis) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from JSON.

type GenesisMismatchError

type GenesisMismatchError struct {
	Stored, New common.Hash

GenesisMismatchError is raised when trying to overwrite an existing genesis block with an incompatible one.

func (*GenesisMismatchError) Error

func (e *GenesisMismatchError) Error() string

type GenesisUTXO added in v0.29.0

type GenesisUTXO struct {
	Denomination uint32 `json:"denomination"`
	Index        uint32 `json:"index"`
	Hash         string `json:"hash"`

type HeaderChain

type HeaderChain struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewHeaderChain

func NewHeaderChain(db ethdb.Database, engine consensus.Engine, pEtxsRollupFetcher getPendingEtxsRollup, pEtxsFetcher getPendingEtxs, primeBlockFetcher getPrimeBlock, kQuaiAndUpdateBitGetter getKQuaiAndUpdateBit, chainConfig *params.ChainConfig, cacheConfig *CacheConfig, txLookupLimit *uint64, vmConfig vm.Config, slicesRunning []common.Location, currentExpansionNumber uint8, logger *log.Logger) (*HeaderChain, error)

NewHeaderChain creates a new HeaderChain structure. ProcInterrupt points to the parent's interrupt semaphore.

func (*HeaderChain) AddBloom

func (hc *HeaderChain) AddBloom(bloom types.Bloom, hash common.Hash) error

func (*HeaderChain) AddGenesisHash added in v0.29.0

func (hc *HeaderChain) AddGenesisHash(hash common.Hash)

AddGenesisHash appends the given hash to the genesis hash list

func (*HeaderChain) AddPendingEtxs

func (hc *HeaderChain) AddPendingEtxs(pEtxs types.PendingEtxs) error

func (*HeaderChain) AddToCalcOrderCache added in v0.32.0

func (hc *HeaderChain) AddToCalcOrderCache(hash common.Hash, order int, intrinsicS *big.Int)

AddToCalcOrderCache adds the hash and the order pair to the calcorder cache

func (*HeaderChain) AppendBlock

func (hc *HeaderChain) AppendBlock(block *types.WorkObject) error


func (*HeaderChain) AppendHeader

func (hc *HeaderChain) AppendHeader(header *types.WorkObject) error


func (*HeaderChain) ApplyQuadraticDiscount added in v0.42.0

func (hc *HeaderChain) ApplyQuadraticDiscount(valueInt, meanInt *big.Int) *big.Float

ApplyQuadraticDiscount applies the slippage based on the historical converted amounts and apply the

func (*HeaderChain) CalcBaseFee added in v0.42.0

func (hc *HeaderChain) CalcBaseFee(block *types.WorkObject) *big.Int

CalcBaseFee calculates the mininum base fee supplied by the transaction to get inclusion in the next block

func (*HeaderChain) CalculateBaseFee

func (hc *HeaderChain) CalculateBaseFee(header *types.WorkObject) *big.Int

GetGasUsedInChain retrieves all the gas used from a given block backwards until a specific distance is reached.

func (hc *HeaderChain) CalculateInterlink(block *types.WorkObject) (common.Hashes, error)

func (*HeaderChain) CalculateManifest added in v0.32.0

func (hc *HeaderChain) CalculateManifest(header *types.WorkObject) types.BlockManifest

func (*HeaderChain) CheckContext

func (hc *HeaderChain) CheckContext(context int) error

CheckContext checks to make sure the range of a context or order is valid

func (*HeaderChain) CheckIfEtxIsEligible added in v0.29.0

func (hc *HeaderChain) CheckIfEtxIsEligible(etxEligibleSlices common.Hash, to common.Location) bool

CheckIfETXIsEligible checks if the given zone location is eligible to receive etx based on the etxEligibleSlices hash

func (*HeaderChain) CheckInCalcOrderCache added in v0.32.0

func (hc *HeaderChain) CheckInCalcOrderCache(hash common.Hash) (*big.Int, int, bool)

CheckInCalcOrderCache checks if the hash exists in the calc order cache and if if the hash exists it returns the order value

func (*HeaderChain) CollectEtxRollup

func (hc *HeaderChain) CollectEtxRollup(b *types.WorkObject) (types.Transactions, error)

Collect all emmitted ETXs since the last coincident block, but excluding those emitted in this block

func (*HeaderChain) CollectSubRollup

func (hc *HeaderChain) CollectSubRollup(b *types.WorkObject) (types.Transactions, error)

CollectSubRollup collects the rollup of ETXs emitted from the subordinate chain in the slice which emitted the given block.

func (*HeaderChain) ComputeAverageTxFees added in v0.42.0

func (hc *HeaderChain) ComputeAverageTxFees(parent *types.WorkObject, totalTxFeesInQuai *big.Int) *big.Int

ComputeAverageTxFees computes the ema of the half of the total fees generated in quai over past 100 blocks

func (*HeaderChain) ComputeConversionFlowAmount added in v0.42.0

func (hc *HeaderChain) ComputeConversionFlowAmount(parent *types.WorkObject, currentBlockConversionAmount *big.Int) *big.Int

ComputeConversionFlowAmount computes a moving average conversion flow amount

func (*HeaderChain) ComputeEfficiencyScore added in v0.29.0

func (hc *HeaderChain) ComputeEfficiencyScore(parent *types.WorkObject) (uint16, error)

ComputeEfficiencyScore calculates the efficiency score for the given header

func (*HeaderChain) ComputeExpansionNumber added in v0.34.0

func (hc *HeaderChain) ComputeExpansionNumber(parent *types.WorkObject) (uint8, error)

func (*HeaderChain) ComputeKQuaiDiscount added in v0.42.0

func (hc *HeaderChain) ComputeKQuaiDiscount(block *types.WorkObject) *big.Int

ComputeKQuaiDiscount calculates the change in the K Quai

func (*HeaderChain) ComputeMinerDifficulty added in v0.42.0

func (hc *HeaderChain) ComputeMinerDifficulty(parent *types.WorkObject) *big.Int

ComputeMinerDifficulty computes long term moving average of the block difficulty

func (*HeaderChain) Config

func (hc *HeaderChain) Config() *params.ChainConfig

Config retrieves the header chain's chain configuration.

func (*HeaderChain) CurrentBlock

func (hc *HeaderChain) CurrentBlock() *types.WorkObject

CurrentBlock returns the block for the current header.

func (*HeaderChain) CurrentHeader

func (hc *HeaderChain) CurrentHeader() *types.WorkObject

CurrentHeader retrieves the current head header of the canonical chain. The header is retrieved from the HeaderChain's internal cache.

func (*HeaderChain) Database added in v0.32.0

func (hc *HeaderChain) Database() ethdb.Database

func (*HeaderChain) Empty

func (hc *HeaderChain) Empty() bool

Empty checks if the headerchain is empty.

func (*HeaderChain) Engine

func (hc *HeaderChain) Engine() consensus.Engine

Engine reterives the consensus engine.

func (*HeaderChain) Export

func (hc *HeaderChain) Export(w io.Writer) error

Export writes the active chain to the given writer.

func (*HeaderChain) ExportN

func (hc *HeaderChain) ExportN(w io.Writer, first uint64, last uint64) error

ExportN writes a subset of the active chain to the given writer.

func (*HeaderChain) GasLimit

func (hc *HeaderChain) GasLimit() uint64

GasLimit returns the gas limit of the current HEAD block.

func (*HeaderChain) GetAncestor

func (hc *HeaderChain) GetAncestor(hash common.Hash, number, ancestor uint64, maxNonCanonical *uint64) (common.Hash, uint64)

GetAncestor retrieves the Nth ancestor of a given block. It assumes that either the given block or a close ancestor of it is canonical. maxNonCanonical points to a downwards counter limiting the number of blocks to be individually checked before we reach the canonical chain.

Note: ancestor == 0 returns the same block, 1 returns its parent and so on.

func (*HeaderChain) GetBlock

func (hc *HeaderChain) GetBlock(hash common.Hash, number uint64) *types.WorkObject

GetBlock implements consensus.ChainReader, and returns nil for every input as a header chain does not have blocks available for retrieval.

func (*HeaderChain) GetBlockByHash

func (hc *HeaderChain) GetBlockByHash(hash common.Hash) *types.WorkObject

GetBlockByHash retrieves a block from the database by hash, caching it if found.

func (*HeaderChain) GetBlockByNumber

func (hc *HeaderChain) GetBlockByNumber(number uint64) *types.WorkObject

GetBlockByNumber retrieves a block from the database by number, caching it (associated with its hash) if found.

func (*HeaderChain) GetBlockFromCacheOrDb

func (hc *HeaderChain) GetBlockFromCacheOrDb(hash common.Hash, number uint64) *types.WorkObject

GetBlockFromCacheOrDb looks up the body cache first and then checks the db

func (*HeaderChain) GetBlockHashesFromHash

func (hc *HeaderChain) GetBlockHashesFromHash(hash common.Hash, max uint64) []common.Hash

GetBlockHashesFromHash retrieves a number of block hashes starting at a given hash, fetching towards the genesis block.

func (*HeaderChain) GetBlockNumber

func (hc *HeaderChain) GetBlockNumber(hash common.Hash) *uint64

GetBlockNumber retrieves the block number belonging to the given hash from the cache or database

func (*HeaderChain) GetBlockOrCandidate

func (hc *HeaderChain) GetBlockOrCandidate(hash common.Hash, number uint64) *types.WorkObject

func (*HeaderChain) GetBlockOrCandidateByHash

func (hc *HeaderChain) GetBlockOrCandidateByHash(hash common.Hash) *types.WorkObject

GetBlockOrCandidateByHash retrieves any block from the database by hash, caching it if found.

func (*HeaderChain) GetBlocksFromHash

func (hc *HeaderChain) GetBlocksFromHash(hash common.Hash, n int) (blocks types.WorkObjects)

GetBlocksFromHash returns the block corresponding to hash and up to n-1 ancestors. [deprecated by eth/62]

func (*HeaderChain) GetBloom

func (hc *HeaderChain) GetBloom(hash common.Hash) (*types.Bloom, error)

GetBloom gets the bloom from the cache or database

func (*HeaderChain) GetBody

func (hc *HeaderChain) GetBody(hash common.Hash) *types.WorkObject

GetBody retrieves a block body (transactions and uncles) from the database by hash, caching it if found.

func (*HeaderChain) GetCanonicalHash

func (hc *HeaderChain) GetCanonicalHash(number uint64) common.Hash

func (*HeaderChain) GetExpansionNumber added in v0.29.0

func (hc *HeaderChain) GetExpansionNumber() uint8

func (*HeaderChain) GetGasUsedInChain

func (hc *HeaderChain) GetGasUsedInChain(block *types.WorkObject, length int) int64

GetGasUsedInChain retrieves all the gas used from a given block backwards until a specific distance is reached.

func (*HeaderChain) GetGenesisHashes added in v0.29.0

func (hc *HeaderChain) GetGenesisHashes() []common.Hash

GetGenesisHashes returns the genesis hashes stored

func (*HeaderChain) GetHeaderByHash

func (hc *HeaderChain) GetHeaderByHash(hash common.Hash) *types.WorkObject

GetHeaderByHash retrieves a block header from the database by hash, caching it if found.

func (*HeaderChain) GetHeaderByNumber

func (hc *HeaderChain) GetHeaderByNumber(number uint64) *types.WorkObject

GetHeaderByNumber retrieves a block header from the database by number, caching it (associated with its hash) if found.

func (*HeaderChain) GetHeaderOrCandidateByHash

func (hc *HeaderChain) GetHeaderOrCandidateByHash(hash common.Hash) *types.WorkObject

GetHeaderOrCandidateByHash retrieves a block header from the database by hash, caching it if found.

func (*HeaderChain) GetKQuaiAndUpdateBit added in v0.42.0

func (hc *HeaderChain) GetKQuaiAndUpdateBit(hash common.Hash) (*big.Int, uint8, error)

func (*HeaderChain) GetMaxTxInWorkShare added in v0.30.0

func (hc *HeaderChain) GetMaxTxInWorkShare() uint64

func (*HeaderChain) GetPendingEtxs

func (hc *HeaderChain) GetPendingEtxs(hash common.Hash) (*types.PendingEtxs, error)

GetPendingEtxs gets the pendingEtxs form the

func (*HeaderChain) GetPendingEtxsRollup

func (hc *HeaderChain) GetPendingEtxsRollup(hash common.Hash, location common.Location) (*types.PendingEtxsRollup, error)

func (*HeaderChain) GetPrimeTerminus added in v0.29.0

func (hc *HeaderChain) GetPrimeTerminus(header *types.WorkObject) *types.WorkObject

func (*HeaderChain) GetTerminiByHash

func (hc *HeaderChain) GetTerminiByHash(hash common.Hash) *types.Termini

func (*HeaderChain) GetUnclesInChain

func (hc *HeaderChain) GetUnclesInChain(block *types.WorkObject, length int) []*types.WorkObjectHeader

GetUnclesInChain retrieves all the uncles from a given block backwards until a specific distance is reached.

func (*HeaderChain) GetWorkObject added in v0.29.0

func (hc *HeaderChain) GetWorkObject(hash common.Hash) *types.WorkObject

func (*HeaderChain) GetWorkObjectWithWorkShares added in v0.30.0

func (hc *HeaderChain) GetWorkObjectWithWorkShares(hash common.Hash) *types.WorkObject

func (*HeaderChain) HasHeader

func (hc *HeaderChain) HasHeader(hash common.Hash, number uint64) bool

HasHeader checks if a block header is present in the database or not. In theory, if header is present in the database, all relative components like td and hash->number should be present too.

func (*HeaderChain) IsGenesisHash added in v0.29.0

func (hc *HeaderChain) IsGenesisHash(hash common.Hash) bool

IsGenesisHash checks if a hash is a genesis hash

func (*HeaderChain) NodeCtx added in v0.29.0

func (hc *HeaderChain) NodeCtx() int

func (*HeaderChain) NodeLocation added in v0.29.0

func (hc *HeaderChain) NodeLocation() common.Location

func (*HeaderChain) ProcessingState

func (hc *HeaderChain) ProcessingState() bool

func (*HeaderChain) RecoverCurrentHeader added in v0.21.0

func (hc *HeaderChain) RecoverCurrentHeader() *types.WorkObject

RecoverCurrentHeader retrieves the current head header of the canonical chain. The header is retrieved from the HeaderChain's internal cache

func (*HeaderChain) SetCurrentExpansionNumber added in v0.29.0

func (hc *HeaderChain) SetCurrentExpansionNumber(expansionNumber uint8)

func (*HeaderChain) SetCurrentHeader

func (hc *HeaderChain) SetCurrentHeader(head *types.WorkObject) error

SetCurrentHeader sets the current header based on the POEM choice

func (*HeaderChain) SetGenesis

func (hc *HeaderChain) SetGenesis(head *types.WorkObject)

SetGenesis sets a new genesis block header for the chain

func (*HeaderChain) SlicesRunning added in v0.29.0

func (hc *HeaderChain) SlicesRunning() []common.Location

func (*HeaderChain) StateAt

func (hc *HeaderChain) StateAt(root, etxRoot common.Hash, quaiStateSize *big.Int) (*state.StateDB, error)

func (*HeaderChain) Stop

func (hc *HeaderChain) Stop()

Stop stops the blockchain service. If any imports are currently in progress it will abort them using the procInterrupt.

func (*HeaderChain) SubscribeChainHeadEvent

func (hc *HeaderChain) SubscribeChainHeadEvent(ch chan<- ChainHeadEvent) event.Subscription

SubscribeChainHeadEvent registers a subscription of ChainHeadEvent.

func (*HeaderChain) SubscribeChainSideEvent

func (hc *HeaderChain) SubscribeChainSideEvent(ch chan<- ChainSideEvent) event.Subscription

SubscribeChainSideEvent registers a subscription of ChainSideEvent.

func (*HeaderChain) SubscribeUnlocksEvent added in v0.39.0

func (hc *HeaderChain) SubscribeUnlocksEvent(ch chan<- UnlocksEvent) event.Subscription

SubscribeChainHeadEvent registers a subscription of ChainHeadEvent.

func (*HeaderChain) UpdateEtxEligibleSlices added in v0.29.0

func (hc *HeaderChain) UpdateEtxEligibleSlices(header *types.WorkObject, location common.Location) common.Hash

UpdateEtxEligibleSlices returns the updated etx eligible slices field

func (*HeaderChain) WorkShareDistance added in v0.32.0

func (hc *HeaderChain) WorkShareDistance(wo *types.WorkObject, ws *types.WorkObjectHeader) (*big.Int, error)

func (*HeaderChain) WriteAddressOutpoints added in v0.30.0

func (hc *HeaderChain) WriteAddressOutpoints(outpoints map[[20]byte][]*types.OutpointAndDenomination) error

func (*HeaderChain) WriteBlock

func (hc *HeaderChain) WriteBlock(block *types.WorkObject)

type HeirarchyBadHashes

type HeirarchyBadHashes struct {
	PrimeContext  common.Hash
	RegionContext []common.Hash
	ZoneContext   [][]common.Hash

type Message

type Message interface {
	From() common.Address
	To() *common.Address

	GasPrice() *big.Int
	Gas() uint64
	Value() *big.Int

	Nonce() uint64
	IsETX() bool
	Data() []byte
	AccessList() types.AccessList
	ETXSender() common.Address
	Type() byte
	Hash() common.Hash

Message represents a message sent to a contract.

type Miner

type Miner struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Miner creates blocks and searches for proof-of-work values.

func New

func New(hc *HeaderChain, txPool *TxPool, config *Config, db ethdb.Database, chainConfig *params.ChainConfig, engine consensus.Engine, isLocalBlock func(block *types.WorkObject) bool, processingState bool, logger *log.Logger) *Miner

func (*Miner) DisablePreseal

func (miner *Miner) DisablePreseal()

DisablePreseal turns off the preseal mining feature. It's necessary for some fake consensus engine which can seal blocks instantaneously. Note this function shouldn't be exposed to API, it's unnecessary for users (miners) to actually know the underlying detail. It's only for outside project which uses this library.

func (*Miner) EnablePreseal

func (miner *Miner) EnablePreseal()

EnablePreseal turns on the preseal mining feature. It's enabled by default. Note this function shouldn't be exposed to API, it's unnecessary for users (miners) to actually know the underlying detail. It's only for outside project which uses this library.

func (*Miner) MakeExtraData

func (miner *Miner) MakeExtraData(extra []byte) []byte

func (*Miner) Mining

func (miner *Miner) Mining() bool

func (*Miner) Pending

func (miner *Miner) Pending() *types.WorkObject

Pending returns the currently pending block and associated state.

func (*Miner) PendingBlock

func (miner *Miner) PendingBlock() *types.WorkObject

PendingBlock returns the currently pending block.

Note, to access both the pending block and the pending state simultaneously, please use Pending(), as the pending state can change between multiple method calls

func (*Miner) PendingBlockAndReceipts

func (miner *Miner) PendingBlockAndReceipts() (*types.WorkObject, types.Receipts)

PendingBlockAndReceipts returns the currently pending block and corresponding receipts.

func (*Miner) SetExtra

func (miner *Miner) SetExtra(extra []byte) error

func (*Miner) SetGasCeil

func (miner *Miner) SetGasCeil(ceil uint64)

SetGasCeil sets the gaslimit to strive for when mining blocks.

func (*Miner) SetPrimaryCoinbase added in v0.34.0

func (miner *Miner) SetPrimaryCoinbase(addr common.Address)

func (*Miner) SetRecommitInterval

func (miner *Miner) SetRecommitInterval(interval time.Duration)

SetRecommitInterval sets the interval for sealing work resubmitting.

func (*Miner) Stop

func (miner *Miner) Stop()

func (*Miner) StopMining

func (miner *Miner) StopMining()

func (*Miner) SubscribePendingHeader

func (miner *Miner) SubscribePendingHeader(ch chan<- *types.WorkObject) event.Subscription

SubscribePendingBlock starts delivering the pending block to the given channel.

func (*Miner) SubscribePendingLogs

func (miner *Miner) SubscribePendingLogs(ch chan<- []*types.Log) event.Subscription

SubscribePendingLogs starts delivering logs from pending transactions to the given channel.

type NewMinedBlockEvent

type NewMinedBlockEvent struct{ Block *types.WorkObject }

NewMinedBlockEvent is posted when a block has been imported.

type NewTxsEvent

type NewTxsEvent struct{ Txs []*types.Transaction }

NewTxsEvent is posted when a batch of transactions enter the transaction pool.

type Prefetcher

type Prefetcher interface {
	// Prefetch processes the state changes according to the Quai rules by running
	// the transaction messages using the statedb, but any changes are discarded. The
	// only goal is to pre-cache transaction signatures and state trie nodes.
	Prefetch(block *types.WorkObject, statedb *state.StateDB, cfg vm.Config, interrupt *uint32)

Prefetcher is an interface for pre-caching transaction signatures and state.

type Processor

type Processor interface {
	// Process processes the state changes according to the Quai rules by running
	// the transaction messages using the statedb and applying any rewards to both
	// the processor (coinbase) and any included uncles.
	Process(block *types.WorkObject, statedb *state.StateDB, cfg vm.Config) (types.Receipts, []*types.Log, uint64, error)
	Apply(block *types.WorkObject) error

Processor is an interface for processing blocks using a given initial state.

type RemovedLogsEvent

type RemovedLogsEvent struct{ Logs []*types.Log }

RemovedLogsEvent is posted when a reorg happens

type RollingAverage

type RollingAverage struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RollingAverage) Add

func (ra *RollingAverage) Add(d time.Duration)

func (*RollingAverage) Average

func (ra *RollingAverage) Average() time.Duration

type Slice

type Slice struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewSlice

func NewSlice(db ethdb.Database, config *Config, txConfig *TxPoolConfig, txLookupLimit *uint64, isLocalBlock func(block *types.WorkObject) bool, chainConfig *params.ChainConfig, slicesRunning []common.Location, currentExpansionNumber uint8, genesisBlock *types.WorkObject, engine consensus.Engine, cacheConfig *CacheConfig, vmConfig vm.Config, genesis *Genesis, logger *log.Logger) (*Slice, error)

func (*Slice) ActiveSlices added in v0.29.0

func (sl *Slice) ActiveSlices() []common.Location

ActiveSlices returns the active slices for the current expansion number

func (*Slice) AddGenesisHash added in v0.29.0

func (sl *Slice) AddGenesisHash(hash common.Hash)

AddGenesisHash appends the given hash to the genesis hash list

func (*Slice) AddGenesisPendingEtxs added in v0.29.0

func (sl *Slice) AddGenesisPendingEtxs(block *types.WorkObject)

AddGenesisPendingEtxs adds the genesis pending etxs to the db

func (*Slice) AddPendingEtxs

func (sl *Slice) AddPendingEtxs(pEtxs types.PendingEtxs) error

func (*Slice) AddPendingEtxsRollup

func (sl *Slice) AddPendingEtxsRollup(pEtxsRollup types.PendingEtxsRollup) error

func (*Slice) AddToBadHashesList

func (sl *Slice) AddToBadHashesList(badHashes []common.Hash)

AddToBadHashesList adds a given set of badHashes to the BadHashesList

func (*Slice) Append

func (sl *Slice) Append(header *types.WorkObject, domTerminus common.Hash, domOrigin bool, newInboundEtxs types.Transactions) (types.Transactions, error)

Append takes a proposed header and constructs a local block and attempts to hierarchically append it to the block graph. If this is called from a dominant context a domTerminus must be provided else a common.Hash{} should be used and domOrigin should be set to true. Return of this function is the Etxs generated in the Zone Block, subReorg bool that tells dom if should be mined on, setHead bool that determines if we should set the block as the current head and the error

func (*Slice) CalcOrder added in v0.31.0

func (sl *Slice) CalcOrder(header *types.WorkObject) (*big.Int, int, error)

func (*Slice) CheckForBadHashAndRecover

func (sl *Slice) CheckForBadHashAndRecover()

func (*Slice) CollectNewlyConfirmedEtxs

func (sl *Slice) CollectNewlyConfirmedEtxs(block *types.WorkObject, blockOrder int) (types.Transactions, error)

CollectNewlyConfirmedEtxs collects all newly confirmed ETXs since the last coincident with the given location

func (*Slice) ComputeRecoveryPendingHeader

func (sl *Slice) ComputeRecoveryPendingHeader(hash common.Hash) types.PendingHeader

ComputeRecoveryPendingHeader generates the pending header at a given hash and gets the termini from the database and returns the pending header with termini

func (*Slice) Config

func (sl *Slice) Config() *params.ChainConfig

func (*Slice) ConstructLocalBlock

func (sl *Slice) ConstructLocalBlock(header *types.WorkObject) (*types.WorkObject, error)

constructLocalBlock takes a header and construct the Block locally by getting the body from the candidate body db. This method is used when peers give the block as a placeholder for the body.

func (*Slice) ConstructLocalMinedBlock

func (sl *Slice) ConstructLocalMinedBlock(wo *types.WorkObject) (*types.WorkObject, error)

constructLocalMinedBlock takes a header and construct the Block locally by getting the block body from the workers pendingBlockBodyCache. This method is used when the miner sends in the header.

func (*Slice) CurrentInfo

func (sl *Slice) CurrentInfo(header *types.WorkObject) bool

func (*Slice) Engine

func (sl *Slice) Engine() consensus.Engine

func (*Slice) GeneratePendingHeader added in v0.32.0

func (sl *Slice) GeneratePendingHeader(block *types.WorkObject, fill bool) (*types.WorkObject, error)

func (*Slice) GenerateRecoveryPendingHeader

func (sl *Slice) GenerateRecoveryPendingHeader(pendingHeader *types.WorkObject, checkPointHashes types.Termini) error

func (*Slice) GetKQuaiAndUpdateBit added in v0.42.0

func (sl *Slice) GetKQuaiAndUpdateBit(hash common.Hash) (*big.Int, uint8, error)

func (*Slice) GetManifest

func (sl *Slice) GetManifest(blockHash common.Hash) (types.BlockManifest, error)

GetManifest gathers the manifest of ancestor block hashes since the last coincident block.

func (*Slice) GetPEtxAfterRetryThreshold added in v0.19.0

func (sl *Slice) GetPEtxAfterRetryThreshold(blockHash common.Hash, hash common.Hash, location common.Location) (types.PendingEtxs, error)

func (*Slice) GetPEtxRollupAfterRetryThreshold added in v0.19.0

func (sl *Slice) GetPEtxRollupAfterRetryThreshold(blockHash common.Hash, hash common.Hash, location common.Location) (types.PendingEtxsRollup, error)

func (*Slice) GetPendingBlockBody

func (sl *Slice) GetPendingBlockBody(wo *types.WorkObjectHeader) *types.WorkObject

func (*Slice) GetPendingEtxsFromSub added in v0.19.0

func (sl *Slice) GetPendingEtxsFromSub(hash common.Hash, location common.Location) (types.PendingEtxs, error)

GetPendingEtxsFromSub gets the pending etxs from the appropriate prime

func (*Slice) GetPendingEtxsRollupFromSub added in v0.19.0

func (sl *Slice) GetPendingEtxsRollupFromSub(hash common.Hash, location common.Location) (types.PendingEtxsRollup, error)

GetPendingEtxsRollupFromSub gets the pending etxs rollup from the appropriate prime

func (*Slice) GetPendingHeader

func (sl *Slice) GetPendingHeader() (*types.WorkObject, error)

GetPendingHeader is used by the miner to request the current pending header

func (*Slice) GetPrimaryCoinbase added in v0.37.0

func (sl *Slice) GetPrimaryCoinbase() common.Address

func (*Slice) GetPrimeBlock added in v0.34.0

func (sl *Slice) GetPrimeBlock(blockHash common.Hash) *types.WorkObject

func (*Slice) GetSlicesRunning added in v0.29.0

func (sl *Slice) GetSlicesRunning() []common.Location

func (*Slice) GetSubManifest

func (sl *Slice) GetSubManifest(slice common.Location, blockHash common.Hash) (types.BlockManifest, error)

GetSubManifest gets the block manifest from the subordinate node which produced this block

func (*Slice) GetTxsFromBroadcastSet added in v0.30.0

func (sl *Slice) GetTxsFromBroadcastSet(hash common.Hash) (types.Transactions, error)

func (*Slice) HashExistsInBadHashesList

func (sl *Slice) HashExistsInBadHashesList(hash common.Hash) bool

HashExistsInBadHashesList checks if the given hash exists in the badHashesCache

func (*Slice) HeaderChain

func (sl *Slice) HeaderChain() *HeaderChain

func (*Slice) IsBlockHashABadHash

func (sl *Slice) IsBlockHashABadHash(hash common.Hash) bool

IsBlockHashABadHash checks if the given hash exists in BadHashes List

func (*Slice) IsSubClientsEmpty added in v0.29.0

func (sl *Slice) IsSubClientsEmpty() bool

func (*Slice) MakeFullPendingHeader added in v0.32.0

func (sl *Slice) MakeFullPendingHeader(primePendingHeader, regionPendingHeader, zonePendingHeader *types.WorkObject) *types.WorkObject

func (*Slice) Miner

func (sl *Slice) Miner() *Miner

func (*Slice) NewGenesisPendingHeader

func (sl *Slice) NewGenesisPendingHeader(domPendingHeader *types.WorkObject, domTerminus common.Hash, genesisHash common.Hash) error

NewGenesisPendingHeader creates a pending header on the genesis block

func (*Slice) NodeCtx added in v0.29.0

func (sl *Slice) NodeCtx() int

func (*Slice) NodeLocation added in v0.29.0

func (sl *Slice) NodeLocation() common.Location

func (*Slice) ProcessingState

func (sl *Slice) ProcessingState() bool

func (*Slice) ReadBestPh added in v0.32.0

func (sl *Slice) ReadBestPh() *types.WorkObject

func (*Slice) SendPendingEtxsToDom

func (sl *Slice) SendPendingEtxsToDom(pEtxs types.PendingEtxs) error

SendPendingEtxsToDom shares a set of pending ETXs with your dom, so he can reference them when a coincident block is found

func (*Slice) SetBestPh added in v0.32.0

func (sl *Slice) SetBestPh(pendingHeader *types.WorkObject)

func (*Slice) SetCurrentExpansionNumber added in v0.29.0

func (sl *Slice) SetCurrentExpansionNumber(expansionNumber uint8)

func (*Slice) SetDomInterface added in v0.30.0

func (sl *Slice) SetDomInterface(domInterface CoreBackend)

func (*Slice) SetHeadBackToRecoveryState

func (sl *Slice) SetHeadBackToRecoveryState(pendingHeader *types.WorkObject, hash common.Hash) types.PendingHeader

SetHeadBackToRecoveryState sets the heads of the whole hierarchy to the recovery state

func (*Slice) SetSubInterface added in v0.30.0

func (sl *Slice) SetSubInterface(subInterface CoreBackend, location common.Location)

SetSubClient sets the subClient for the given location

func (*Slice) Stop

func (sl *Slice) Stop()

Stop stores the phCache and the sl.pendingHeader hash value to the db.

func (*Slice) SubscribeExpansionEvent added in v0.29.0

func (sl *Slice) SubscribeExpansionEvent(ch chan<- ExpansionEvent) event.Subscription

SubscribeExpansionEvent subscribes to the expansion feed

func (*Slice) SubscribeMissingBlockEvent added in v0.19.0

func (sl *Slice) SubscribeMissingBlockEvent(ch chan<- types.BlockRequest) event.Subscription

func (*Slice) TxPool

func (sl *Slice) TxPool() *TxPool

func (*Slice) WriteBestPh added in v0.32.0

func (sl *Slice) WriteBestPh(bestPh *types.WorkObject)

func (*Slice) WriteBlock

func (sl *Slice) WriteBlock(block *types.WorkObject)

func (*Slice) WriteGenesisBlock added in v0.29.0

func (sl *Slice) WriteGenesisBlock(block *types.WorkObject, location common.Location)

type StateProcessor

type StateProcessor struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

StateProcessor is a basic Processor, which takes care of transitioning state from one point to another.

StateProcessor implements Processor.

func NewStateProcessor

func NewStateProcessor(config *params.ChainConfig, hc *HeaderChain, engine consensus.Engine, vmConfig vm.Config, cacheConfig *CacheConfig, txLookupLimit *uint64) *StateProcessor

NewStateProcessor initialises a new StateProcessor.

func (*StateProcessor) Apply

func (p *StateProcessor) Apply(batch ethdb.Batch, block *types.WorkObject) ([]*types.Log, []common.Unlock, error)

Apply State

func (*StateProcessor) ContractCode

func (p *StateProcessor) ContractCode(hash common.Hash) ([]byte, error)

ContractCode retrieves a blob of data associated with a contract hash either from ephemeral in-memory cache, or from persistent storage.

func (*StateProcessor) ContractCodeWithPrefix

func (p *StateProcessor) ContractCodeWithPrefix(hash common.Hash) ([]byte, error)

ContractCodeWithPrefix retrieves a blob of data associated with a contract hash either from ephemeral in-memory cache, or from persistent storage.

If the code doesn't exist in the in-memory cache, check the storage with new code scheme.

func (*StateProcessor) GetKQuaiAndUpdateBit added in v0.42.0

func (p *StateProcessor) GetKQuaiAndUpdateBit(parent *types.WorkObject) (*big.Int, uint8, error)

func (*StateProcessor) GetReceiptsByHash

func (p *StateProcessor) GetReceiptsByHash(hash common.Hash) types.Receipts

GetReceiptsByHash retrieves the receipts for all transactions in a given block.

func (*StateProcessor) GetRollingFeeInfo added in v0.42.0

func (p *StateProcessor) GetRollingFeeInfo() (min, max, avg *big.Int)

func (*StateProcessor) GetTransactionLookup

func (p *StateProcessor) GetTransactionLookup(hash common.Hash) *rawdb.LegacyTxLookupEntry

GetTransactionLookup retrieves the lookup associate with the given transaction hash from the cache or database.

func (*StateProcessor) GetVMConfig

func (p *StateProcessor) GetVMConfig() *vm.Config

GetVMConfig returns the block chain VM config.

func (*StateProcessor) HasBlockAndState

func (p *StateProcessor) HasBlockAndState(hash common.Hash, number uint64) bool

HasBlockAndState checks if a block and associated state trie is fully present in the database or not, caching it if present.

func (*StateProcessor) HasState

func (p *StateProcessor) HasState(hash common.Hash) bool

HasState checks if state trie is fully present in the database or not.

func (*StateProcessor) Process

Process processes the state changes according to the Quai rules by running the transaction messages using the statedb and applying any rewards to both the processor (coinbase) and any included uncles.

Process returns the receipts and logs accumulated during the process and returns the amount of gas that was used in the process. If any of the transactions failed to execute due to insufficient gas it will return an error.

func (*StateProcessor) State

func (p *StateProcessor) State() (*state.StateDB, error)

State returns a new mutable state based on the current HEAD block.

func (*StateProcessor) StateAt

func (p *StateProcessor) StateAt(root, etxRoot common.Hash, quaiStateSize *big.Int) (*state.StateDB, error)

StateAt returns a new mutable state based on a particular point in time.

func (*StateProcessor) StateAtBlock

func (p *StateProcessor) StateAtBlock(block *types.WorkObject, reexec uint64, base *state.StateDB, checkLive bool) (statedb *state.StateDB, err error)

StateAtBlock retrieves the state database associated with a certain block. If no state is locally available for the given block, a number of blocks are attempted to be reexecuted to generate the desired state. The optional base layer statedb can be passed then it's regarded as the statedb of the parent block. Parameters:

  • block: The block for which we want the state (== state at the evmRoot of the parent)
  • reexec: The maximum number of blocks to reprocess trying to obtain the desired state
  • base: If the caller is tracing multiple blocks, the caller can provide the parent state continuously from the callsite.
  • checklive: if true, then the live 'blockchain' state database is used. If the caller want to perform Commit or other 'save-to-disk' changes, this should be set to false to avoid storing trash persistently

func (*StateProcessor) StateAtTransaction

func (p *StateProcessor) StateAtTransaction(block *types.WorkObject, txIndex int, reexec uint64) (Message, vm.BlockContext, *state.StateDB, error)

stateAtTransaction returns the execution environment of a certain transaction.

func (*StateProcessor) StateCache

func (p *StateProcessor) StateCache() state.Database

StateCache returns the caching database underpinning the blockchain instance.

func (*StateProcessor) Stop

func (p *StateProcessor) Stop()

func (*StateProcessor) TrieNode

func (p *StateProcessor) TrieNode(hash common.Hash) ([]byte, error)

either from ephemeral in-memory cache, or from persistent storage.

type StateTransition

type StateTransition struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The State Transitioning Model

A state transition is a change made when a transaction is applied to the current world state The state transitioning model does all the necessary work to work out a valid new state root.

1) Nonce handling 2) Pre pay gas 3) Create a new state object if the recipient is \0*32 4) Value transfer == If contract creation ==

4a) Attempt to run transaction data
4b) If valid, use result as code for the new state object

== end == 5) Run Script section 6) Derive new state root

func NewStateTransition

func NewStateTransition(evm *vm.EVM, msg Message, gp *types.GasPool) *StateTransition

NewStateTransition initialises and returns a new state transition object.

func (*StateTransition) TransitionDb

func (st *StateTransition) TransitionDb() (*ExecutionResult, error)

TransitionDb will transition the state by applying the current message and returning the evm execution result with following fields.

  • used gas: total gas used (including gas being refunded)
  • returndata: the returned data from evm
  • concrete execution error: various **EVM** error which aborts the execution, e.g. ErrOutOfGas, ErrExecutionReverted

However if any consensus issue encountered, return the error directly with nil evm execution result.

type TxPool

type TxPool struct {
	SendersMu sync.RWMutex // Mutex for priority access of senders cache
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TxPool contains all currently known transactions. Transactions enter the pool when they are received from the network or submitted locally. They exit the pool when they are included in the blockchain.

The pool separates processable transactions (which can be applied to the current state) and future transactions. Transactions move between those two states over time as they are received and processed.

func NewTxPool

func NewTxPool(config TxPoolConfig, chainconfig *params.ChainConfig, chain blockChain, logger *log.Logger, db ethdb.Reader) *TxPool

NewTxPool creates a new transaction pool to gather, sort and filter inbound transactions from the network.

func (*TxPool) AddLocal

func (pool *TxPool) AddLocal(tx *types.Transaction) error

AddLocal enqueues a single local transaction into the pool if it is valid. This is a convenience wrapper aroundd AddLocals.

func (*TxPool) AddLocals

func (pool *TxPool) AddLocals(txs []*types.Transaction) []error

AddLocals enqueues a batch of transactions into the pool if they are valid, marking the senders as a local ones, ensuring they go around the local pricing constraints.

This method is used to add transactions from the RPC API and performs synchronous pool reorganization and event propagation.

func (*TxPool) AddRemote deprecated

func (pool *TxPool) AddRemote(tx *types.Transaction) error

AddRemote enqueues a single transaction into the pool if it is valid. This is a convenience wrapper around AddRemotes.

Deprecated: use AddRemotes

func (*TxPool) AddRemotes

func (pool *TxPool) AddRemotes(txs []*types.Transaction) []error

AddRemotes enqueues a batch of transactions into the pool if they are valid. If the senders are not among the locally tracked ones, full pricing constraints will apply.

This method is used to add transactions from the p2p network and does not wait for pool reorganization and internal event propagation.

func (*TxPool) AddRemotesSync

func (pool *TxPool) AddRemotesSync(txs []*types.Transaction) []error

This is like AddRemotes, but waits for pool reorganization. Tests use this method.

func (*TxPool) AsyncRemoveQiTxs added in v0.31.0

func (pool *TxPool) AsyncRemoveQiTxs(invalidTxHashes []*common.Hash)

func (*TxPool) ContainsOrAddSender added in v0.29.0

func (pool *TxPool) ContainsOrAddSender(hash common.Hash, sender common.InternalAddress) (bool, bool)

func (*TxPool) ContainsSender added in v0.29.0

func (pool *TxPool) ContainsSender(hash common.Hash) bool

func (*TxPool) Content

Content retrieves the data content of the transaction pool, returning all the pending as well as queued transactions, grouped by account and sorted by nonce.

func (*TxPool) ContentFrom

func (pool *TxPool) ContentFrom(addr common.InternalAddress) (types.Transactions, types.Transactions)

ContentFrom retrieves the data content of the transaction pool, returning the pending as well as queued transactions of this address, grouped by nonce.

func (*TxPool) GasPrice

func (pool *TxPool) GasPrice() *big.Int

GasPrice returns the current gas price enforced by the transaction pool.

func (*TxPool) Get

func (pool *TxPool) Get(hash common.Hash) *types.Transaction

Get returns a transaction if it is contained in the pool and nil otherwise.

func (*TxPool) GetTxsFromBroadcastSet added in v0.30.0

func (pool *TxPool) GetTxsFromBroadcastSet(hash common.Hash) (types.Transactions, error)

func (*TxPool) Has

func (pool *TxPool) Has(hash common.Hash) bool

Has returns an indicator whether txpool has a transaction cached with the given hash.

func (*TxPool) Locals

func (pool *TxPool) Locals() []common.InternalAddress

Locals retrieves the accounts currently considered local by the pool.

func (*TxPool) Nonce

func (pool *TxPool) Nonce(addr common.InternalAddress) uint64

Nonce returns the next nonce of an account, with all transactions executable by the pool already applied on top.

func (*TxPool) PeekSender added in v0.29.0

func (pool *TxPool) PeekSender(hash common.Hash) (common.InternalAddress, bool)

func (*TxPool) PeekSenderNoLock added in v0.29.0

func (pool *TxPool) PeekSenderNoLock(hash common.Hash) (common.InternalAddress, bool)

PeekSender returns the sender of a stored transaction without updating the LRU cache and without grabbing the SendersMu lock.

func (*TxPool) QiPoolPending added in v0.29.0

func (pool *TxPool) QiPoolPending() []*types.TxWithMinerFee

func (*TxPool) RemoveQiTxs added in v0.29.0

func (pool *TxPool) RemoveQiTxs(txs []*common.Hash)

func (*TxPool) SendTxToSharingClients added in v0.39.0

func (pool *TxPool) SendTxToSharingClients(tx *types.Transaction) error

SendTxToSharingClients sends the tx into the pool sharing tx ch and if its full logs it

func (*TxPool) SetGasPrice

func (pool *TxPool) SetGasPrice(price *big.Int)

SetGasPrice updates the minimum price required by the transaction pool for a new transaction, and drops all transactions below this threshold.

func (*TxPool) Stats

func (pool *TxPool) Stats() (int, int, int)

Stats retrieves the current pool stats, namely the number of pending and the number of queued (non-executable) transactions.

func (*TxPool) Status

func (pool *TxPool) Status(hashes []common.Hash) []TxStatus

Status returns the status (unknown/pending/queued) of a batch of transactions identified by their hashes.

func (*TxPool) Stop

func (pool *TxPool) Stop()

Stop terminates the transaction pool.

func (*TxPool) TxPoolPending

func (pool *TxPool) TxPoolPending() (map[common.AddressBytes]types.Transactions, error)

Pending retrieves all currently processable transactions, grouped by origin account and sorted by nonce. The returned transaction set is a copy and can be freely modified by calling code.

The enforceTips parameter can be used to do an extra filtering on the pending transactions and only return those whose **effective** tip is large enough in the next pending execution environment.

type TxPoolConfig

type TxPoolConfig struct {
	Locals           []common.InternalAddress // Addresses that should be treated by default as local
	NoLocals         bool                     // Whether local transaction handling should be disabled
	SyncTxWithReturn bool
	Journal          string        // Journal of local transactions to survive node restarts
	Rejournal        time.Duration // Time interval to regenerate the local transaction journal

	PriceLimit uint64 // Minimum gas price to enforce for acceptance into the pool
	PriceBump  uint64 // Minimum price bump percentage to replace an already existing transaction (nonce)

	AccountSlots    uint64        // Number of executable transaction slots guaranteed per account
	GlobalSlots     uint64        // Maximum number of executable transaction slots for all accounts
	MaxSenders      uint64        // Maximum number of senders in the senders cache
	MaxFeesCached   uint64        // Maximum number of Qi fees to store
	SendersChBuffer uint64        // Senders cache channel buffer size
	AccountQueue    uint64        // Maximum number of non-executable transaction slots permitted per account
	GlobalQueue     uint64        // Maximum number of non-executable transaction slots for all accounts
	QiPoolSize      uint64        // Maximum number of Qi transactions to store
	QiTxLifetime    time.Duration // Maximum amount of time Qi transactions are queued
	Lifetime        time.Duration // Maximum amount of time non-executable transaction are queued
	ReorgFrequency  time.Duration // Frequency of reorgs outside of new head events

	SharingClientsEndpoints []string // List of end points of the nodes to share the incoming local transactions with

TxPoolConfig are the configuration parameters of the transaction pool.

type TxStatus

type TxStatus uint

TxStatus is the current status of a transaction as seen by the pool.

const (
	TxStatusUnknown TxStatus = iota

type UnlocksEvent added in v0.39.0

type UnlocksEvent struct {
	Hash    common.Hash
	Unlocks []common.Unlock

type UtxosCreatedDeleted added in v0.32.0

type UtxosCreatedDeleted struct {
	UtxosCreatedKeys           [][]byte
	UtxosCreatedHashes         []common.Hash
	UtxosDeleted               []*types.SpentUtxoEntry
	UtxosDeletedHashes         []common.Hash
	CoinbaseLockupsCreatedKeys [][]byte
	CoinbaseLockupsDeleted     []rawdb.DeletedCoinbaseLockup

type Validator

type Validator interface {
	// ValidateBody validates the given block's content.
	ValidateBody(block *types.WorkObject) error

	SanityCheckWorkObjectBlockViewBody(wo *types.WorkObject) error

	SanityCheckWorkObjectHeaderViewBody(wo *types.WorkObject) error

	SanityCheckWorkObjectShareViewBody(wo *types.WorkObject) error

	ApplyPoWFilter(wo *types.WorkObject) pubsub.ValidationResult

	// ValidateState validates the given statedb and optionally the receipts and
	// gas used.
	ValidateState(block *types.WorkObject, state *state.StateDB, receipts types.Receipts, etxs types.Transactions, multiSet *multiset.MultiSet, usedGas uint64, usedState uint64) error

Validator is an interface which defines the standard for block validation. It is only responsible for validating block contents, as the header validation is done by the specific consensus engines.


Path Synopsis
Package bloombits implements bloom filtering on batches of data.
Package bloombits implements bloom filtering on batches of data.
Package rawdb contains a collection of low level database accessors.
Package rawdb contains a collection of low level database accessors.
Package state provides a caching layer atop the Quai state trie.
Package state provides a caching layer atop the Quai state trie.
Package snapshot implements a journalled, dynamic state dump.
Package snapshot implements a journalled, dynamic state dump.
Package types contains data types related to Quai consensus.
Package types contains data types related to Quai consensus.
Package vm implements the Quai Virtual Machine.
Package vm implements the Quai Virtual Machine.

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