Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func Init()
- func InitPgAggregate()
- func InitPgAm()
- func InitPgAmop()
- func InitPgAmproc()
- func InitPgAttrdef()
- func InitPgAttribute()
- func InitPgAuthMembers()
- func InitPgAuthid()
- func InitPgAvailableExtensionVersions()
- func InitPgAvailableExtensions()
- func InitPgBackendMemoryContexts()
- func InitPgCast()
- func InitPgClass()
- func InitPgCollation()
- func InitPgConfig()
- func InitPgConstraint()
- func InitPgConversion()
- func InitPgCursors()
- func InitPgDatabase()
- func InitPgDbRoleSetting()
- func InitPgDefaultAcl()
- func InitPgDepend()
- func InitPgDescription()
- func InitPgEnum()
- func InitPgEventTrigger()
- func InitPgExtension()
- func InitPgFileSettings()
- func InitPgForeignDataWrapper()
- func InitPgForeignServer()
- func InitPgForeignTable()
- func InitPgGroup()
- func InitPgHbaFileRules()
- func InitPgIdentFileMappings()
- func InitPgIndex()
- func InitPgIndexes()
- func InitPgInherits()
- func InitPgInitPrivs()
- func InitPgLanguage()
- func InitPgLargeobject()
- func InitPgLargeobjectMetadata()
- func InitPgLocks()
- func InitPgMatviews()
- func InitPgNamespace()
- func InitPgOpclass()
- func InitPgOperator()
- func InitPgOpfamily()
- func InitPgParameterAcl()
- func InitPgPartitionedTable()
- func InitPgPolicies()
- func InitPgPolicy()
- func InitPgPreparedStatements()
- func InitPgPreparedXacts()
- func InitPgProc()
- func InitPgPublication()
- func InitPgPublicationNamespace()
- func InitPgPublicationRel()
- func InitPgPublicationTables()
- func InitPgRange()
- func InitPgReplicationOrigin()
- func InitPgReplicationOriginStatus()
- func InitPgReplicationSlots()
- func InitPgRewrite()
- func InitPgRoles()
- func InitPgRules()
- func InitPgSeclabel()
- func InitPgSeclabels()
- func InitPgSequence()
- func InitPgSequences()
- func InitPgSettings()
- func InitPgShadow()
- func InitPgShdepend()
- func InitPgShdescription()
- func InitPgShmemAllocations()
- func InitPgShseclabel()
- func InitPgStatActivity()
- func InitPgStatAllIndexes()
- func InitPgStatAllTables()
- func InitPgStatArchiver()
- func InitPgStatBgwriter()
- func InitPgStatDatabase()
- func InitPgStatDatabaseConflicts()
- func InitPgStatGssapi()
- func InitPgStatProgressAnalyze()
- func InitPgStatProgressBasebackup()
- func InitPgStatProgressCluster()
- func InitPgStatProgressCopy()
- func InitPgStatProgressCreateIndex()
- func InitPgStatProgressVacuum()
- func InitPgStatRecoveryPrefetch()
- func InitPgStatReplication()
- func InitPgStatReplicationSlots()
- func InitPgStatSlru()
- func InitPgStatSsl()
- func InitPgStatSubscription()
- func InitPgStatSubscriptionStats()
- func InitPgStatSysIndexes()
- func InitPgStatSysTables()
- func InitPgStatUserFunctions()
- func InitPgStatUserIndexes()
- func InitPgStatUserTables()
- func InitPgStatWal()
- func InitPgStatWalReceiver()
- func InitPgStatXactAllTables()
- func InitPgStatXactSysTables()
- func InitPgStatXactUserFunctions()
- func InitPgStatXactUserTables()
- func InitPgStatioAllIndexes()
- func InitPgStatioAllSequences()
- func InitPgStatioAllTables()
- func InitPgStatioSysIndexes()
- func InitPgStatioSysSequences()
- func InitPgStatioSysTables()
- func InitPgStatioUserIndexes()
- func InitPgStatioUserSequences()
- func InitPgStatioUserTables()
- func InitPgStatistic()
- func InitPgStatisticExt()
- func InitPgStatisticExtData()
- func InitPgStats()
- func InitPgStatsExt()
- func InitPgStatsExtExprs()
- func InitPgSubscription()
- func InitPgSubscriptionRel()
- func InitPgTables()
- func InitPgTablespace()
- func InitPgTimezoneAbbrevs()
- func InitPgTimezoneNames()
- func InitPgTransform()
- func InitPgTrigger()
- func InitPgTsConfig()
- func InitPgTsConfigMap()
- func InitPgTsDict()
- func InitPgTsParser()
- func InitPgTsTemplate()
- func InitPgType()
- func InitPgUser()
- func InitPgUserMapping()
- func InitPgUserMappings()
- func InitPgViews()
- type PgAggregateHandler
- type PgAmHandler
- type PgAmopHandler
- type PgAmprocHandler
- type PgAttrdefHandler
- type PgAttributeHandler
- type PgAuthMembersHandler
- type PgAuthidHandler
- type PgAvailableExtensionVersionsHandler
- type PgAvailableExtensionsHandler
- type PgBackendMemoryContextsHandler
- type PgCastHandler
- type PgClassHandler
- type PgCollationHandler
- type PgConfigHandler
- type PgConstraintHandler
- type PgConversionHandler
- type PgCursorsHandler
- type PgDatabaseHandler
- type PgDbRoleSettingHandler
- type PgDefaultAclHandler
- type PgDependHandler
- type PgDescriptionHandler
- type PgEnumHandler
- type PgEventTriggerHandler
- type PgExtensionHandler
- type PgFileSettingsHandler
- type PgForeignDataWrapperHandler
- type PgForeignServerHandler
- type PgForeignTableHandler
- type PgGroupHandler
- type PgHbaFileRulesHandler
- type PgIdentFileMappingsHandler
- type PgIndexHandler
- type PgIndexesHandler
- type PgInheritsHandler
- type PgInitPrivsHandler
- type PgLanguageHandler
- type PgLargeobjectHandler
- type PgLargeobjectMetadataHandler
- type PgLocksHandler
- type PgMatviewsHandler
- type PgNamespaceHandler
- type PgOpclassHandler
- type PgOperatorHandler
- type PgOpfamilyHandler
- type PgParameterAclHandler
- type PgPartitionedTableHandler
- type PgPoliciesHandler
- type PgPolicyHandler
- type PgPreparedStatementsHandler
- type PgPreparedXactsHandler
- type PgProcHandler
- type PgPublicationHandler
- type PgPublicationNamespaceHandler
- type PgPublicationRelHandler
- type PgPublicationTablesHandler
- type PgRangeHandler
- type PgReplicationOriginHandler
- type PgReplicationOriginStatusHandler
- type PgReplicationSlotsHandler
- type PgRewriteHandler
- type PgRolesHandler
- type PgRulesHandler
- type PgSeclabelHandler
- type PgSeclabelsHandler
- type PgSequenceHandler
- type PgSequencesHandler
- type PgSettingsHandler
- type PgShadowHandler
- type PgShdependHandler
- type PgShdescriptionHandler
- type PgShmemAllocationsHandler
- type PgShseclabelHandler
- type PgStatActivityHandler
- type PgStatAllIndexesHandler
- type PgStatAllTablesHandler
- type PgStatArchiverHandler
- type PgStatBgwriterHandler
- type PgStatDatabaseConflictsHandler
- type PgStatDatabaseHandler
- type PgStatGssapiHandler
- type PgStatProgressAnalyzeHandler
- type PgStatProgressBasebackupHandler
- type PgStatProgressClusterHandler
- type PgStatProgressCopyHandler
- type PgStatProgressCreateIndexHandler
- type PgStatProgressVacuumHandler
- type PgStatRecoveryPrefetchHandler
- type PgStatReplicationHandler
- type PgStatReplicationSlotsHandler
- type PgStatSlruHandler
- type PgStatSslHandler
- type PgStatSubscriptionHandler
- type PgStatSubscriptionStatsHandler
- type PgStatSysIndexesHandler
- type PgStatSysTablesHandler
- type PgStatUserFunctionsHandler
- type PgStatUserIndexesHandler
- type PgStatUserTablesHandler
- type PgStatWalHandler
- type PgStatWalReceiverHandler
- type PgStatXactAllTablesHandler
- type PgStatXactSysTablesHandler
- type PgStatXactUserFunctionsHandler
- type PgStatXactUserTablesHandler
- type PgStatioAllIndexesHandler
- type PgStatioAllSequencesHandler
- type PgStatioAllTablesHandler
- type PgStatioSysIndexesHandler
- type PgStatioSysSequencesHandler
- type PgStatioSysTablesHandler
- type PgStatioUserIndexesHandler
- type PgStatioUserSequencesHandler
- type PgStatioUserTablesHandler
- type PgStatisticExtDataHandler
- type PgStatisticExtHandler
- type PgStatisticHandler
- type PgStatsExtExprsHandler
- type PgStatsExtHandler
- type PgStatsHandler
- type PgSubscriptionHandler
- type PgSubscriptionRelHandler
- type PgTablesHandler
- type PgTablespaceHandler
- type PgTimezoneAbbrevsHandler
- type PgTimezoneNamesHandler
- type PgTransformHandler
- type PgTriggerHandler
- type PgTsConfigHandler
- type PgTsConfigMapHandler
- type PgTsDictHandler
- type PgTsParserHandler
- type PgTsTemplateHandler
- type PgTypeHandler
- type PgUserHandler
- type PgUserMappingHandler
- type PgUserMappingsHandler
- type PgViewsHandler
Constants ¶
const PgAggregateName = "pg_aggregate"
PgAggregateName is a constant to the pg_aggregate name.
const PgAmName = "pg_am"
PgAmName is a constant to the pg_am name.
const PgAmopName = "pg_amop"
PgAmopName is a constant to the pg_amop name.
const PgAmprocName = "pg_amproc"
PgAmprocName is a constant to the pg_amproc name.
const PgAttrdefName = "pg_attrdef"
PgAttrdefName is a constant to the pg_attrdef name.
const PgAttributeName = "pg_attribute"
PgAttributeName is a constant to the pg_attribute name.
const PgAuthMembersName = "pg_auth_members"
PgAuthMembersName is a constant to the pg_auth_members name.
const PgAuthidName = "pg_authid"
PgAuthidName is a constant to the pg_authid name.
const PgAvailableExtensionVersionsName = "pg_available_extension_versions"
PgAvailableExtensionVersionsName is a constant to the pg_available_extension_versions name.
const PgAvailableExtensionsName = "pg_available_extensions"
PgAvailableExtensionsName is a constant to the pg_available_extensions name.
const PgBackendMemoryContextsName = "pg_backend_memory_contexts"
PgBackendMemoryContextsName is a constant to the pg_backend_memory_contexts name.
const PgCastName = "pg_cast"
PgCastName is a constant to the pg_cast name.
const PgCatalogName = "pg_catalog"
PgCatalogName is a constant to the pg_catalog name.
const PgClassName = "pg_class"
PgClassName is a constant to the pg_class name.
const PgCollationName = "pg_collation"
PgCollationName is a constant to the pg_collation name.
const PgConfigName = "pg_config"
PgConfigName is a constant to the pg_config name.
const PgConstraintName = "pg_constraint"
PgConstraintName is a constant to the pg_constraint name.
const PgConversionName = "pg_conversion"
PgConversionName is a constant to the pg_conversion name.
const PgCursorsName = "pg_cursors"
PgCursorsName is a constant to the pg_cursors name.
const PgDatabaseName = "pg_database"
PgDatabaseName is a constant to the pg_database name.
const PgDbRoleSettingName = "pg_db_role_setting"
PgDbRoleSettingName is a constant to the pg_db_role_setting name.
const PgDefaultAclName = "pg_default_acl"
PgDefaultAclName is a constant to the pg_default_acl name.
const PgDependName = "pg_depend"
PgDependName is a constant to the pg_depend name.
const PgDescriptionName = "pg_description"
PgDescriptionName is a constant to the pg_description name.
const PgEnumName = "pg_enum"
PgEnumName is a constant to the pg_enum name.
const PgEventTriggerName = "pg_event_trigger"
PgEventTriggerName is a constant to the pg_event_trigger name.
const PgExtensionName = "pg_extension"
PgExtensionName is a constant to the pg_extension name.
const PgFileSettingsName = "pg_file_settings"
PgFileSettingsName is a constant to the pg_file_settings name.
const PgForeignDataWrapperName = "pg_foreign_data_wrapper"
PgForeignDataWrapperName is a constant to the pg_foreign_data_wrapper name.
const PgForeignServerName = "pg_foreign_server"
PgForeignServerName is a constant to the pg_foreign_server name.
const PgForeignTableName = "pg_foreign_table"
PgForeignTableName is a constant to the pg_foreign_table name.
const PgGroupName = "pg_group"
PgGroupName is a constant to the pg_group name.
const PgHbaFileRulesName = "pg_hba_file_rules"
PgHbaFileRulesName is a constant to the pg_hba_file_rules name.
const PgIdentFileMappingsName = "pg_ident_file_mappings"
PgIdentFileMappingsName is a constant to the pg_ident_file_mappings name.
const PgIndexName = "pg_index"
PgIndexName is a constant to the pg_index name.
const PgIndexesName = "pg_indexes"
PgIndexesName is a constant to the pg_indexes name.
const PgInheritsName = "pg_inherits"
PgInheritsName is a constant to the pg_inherits name.
const PgInitPrivsName = "pg_init_privs"
PgInitPrivsName is a constant to the pg_init_privs name.
const PgLanguageName = "pg_language"
PgLanguageName is a constant to the pg_language name.
const PgLargeobjectMetadataName = "pg_largeobject_metadata"
PgLargeobjectMetadataName is a constant to the pg_largeobject_metadata name.
const PgLargeobjectName = "pg_largeobject"
PgLargeobjectName is a constant to the pg_largeobject name.
const PgLocksName = "pg_locks"
PgLocksName is a constant to the pg_locks name.
const PgMatviewsName = "pg_matviews"
PgMatviewsName is a constant to the pg_matviews name.
const PgNamespaceName = "pg_namespace"
PgNamespaceName is a constant to the pg_namespace name.
const PgOpclassName = "pg_opclass"
PgOpclassName is a constant to the pg_opclass name.
const PgOperatorName = "pg_operator"
PgOperatorName is a constant to the pg_operator name.
const PgOpfamilyName = "pg_opfamily"
PgOpfamilyName is a constant to the pg_opfamily name.
const PgParameterAclName = "pg_parameter_acl"
PgParameterAclName is a constant to the pg_parameter_acl name.
const PgPartitionedTableName = "pg_partitioned_table"
PgPartitionedTableName is a constant to the pg_partitioned_table name.
const PgPoliciesName = "pg_policies"
PgPoliciesName is a constant to the pg_policies name.
const PgPolicyName = "pg_policy"
PgPolicyName is a constant to the pg_policy name.
const PgPreparedStatementsName = "pg_prepared_statements"
PgPreparedStatementsName is a constant to the pg_prepared_statements name.
const PgPreparedXactsName = "pg_prepared_xacts"
PgPreparedXactsName is a constant to the pg_prepared_xacts name.
const PgProcName = "pg_proc"
PgProcName is a constant to the pg_proc name.
const PgPublicationName = "pg_publication"
PgPublicationName is a constant to the pg_publication name.
const PgPublicationNamespaceName = "pg_publication_namespace"
PgPublicationNamespaceName is a constant to the pg_publication_namespace name.
const PgPublicationRelName = "pg_publication_rel"
PgPublicationRelName is a constant to the pg_publication_rel name.
const PgPublicationTablesName = "pg_publication_tables"
PgPublicationTablesName is a constant to the pg_publication_tables name.
const PgRangeName = "pg_range"
PgRangeName is a constant to the pg_range name.
const PgReplicationOriginName = "pg_replication_origin"
PgReplicationOriginName is a constant to the pg_replication_origin name.
const PgReplicationOriginStatusName = "pg_replication_origin_status"
PgReplicationOriginStatusName is a constant to the pg_replication_origin_status name.
const PgReplicationSlotsName = "pg_replication_slots"
PgReplicationSlotsName is a constant to the pg_replication_slots name.
const PgRewriteName = "pg_rewrite"
PgRewriteName is a constant to the pg_rewrite name.
const PgRolesName = "pg_roles"
PgRolesName is a constant to the pg_roles name.
const PgRulesName = "pg_rules"
PgRulesName is a constant to the pg_rules name.
const PgSeclabelName = "pg_seclabel"
PgSeclabelName is a constant to the pg_seclabel name.
const PgSeclabelsName = "pg_seclabels"
PgSeclabelsName is a constant to the pg_seclabels name.
const PgSequenceName = "pg_sequence"
PgSequenceName is a constant to the pg_sequence name.
const PgSequencesName = "pg_sequences"
PgSequencesName is a constant to the pg_sequences name.
const PgSettingsName = "pg_settings"
PgSettingsName is a constant to the pg_settings name.
const PgShadowName = "pg_shadow"
PgShadowName is a constant to the pg_shadow name.
const PgShdependName = "pg_shdepend"
PgShdependName is a constant to the pg_shdepend name.
const PgShdescriptionName = "pg_shdescription"
PgShdescriptionName is a constant to the pg_shdescription name.
const PgShmemAllocationsName = "pg_shmem_allocations"
PgShmemAllocationsName is a constant to the pg_shmem_allocations name.
const PgShseclabelName = "pg_shseclabel"
PgShseclabelName is a constant to the pg_shseclabel name.
const PgStatActivityName = "pg_stat_activity"
PgStatActivityName is a constant to the pg_stat_activity name.
const PgStatAllIndexesName = "pg_stat_all_indexes"
PgStatAllIndexesName is a constant to the pg_stat_all_indexes name.
const PgStatAllTablesName = "pg_stat_all_tables"
PgStatAllTablesName is a constant to the pg_stat_all_tables name.
const PgStatArchiverName = "pg_stat_archiver"
PgStatArchiverName is a constant to the pg_stat_archiver name.
const PgStatBgwriterName = "pg_stat_bgwriter"
PgStatBgwriterName is a constant to the pg_stat_bgwriter name.
const PgStatDatabaseConflictsName = "pg_stat_database_conflicts"
PgStatDatabaseConflictsName is a constant to the pg_stat_database_conflicts name.
const PgStatDatabaseName = "pg_stat_database"
PgStatDatabaseName is a constant to the pg_stat_database name.
const PgStatGssapiName = "pg_stat_gssapi"
PgStatGssapiName is a constant to the pg_stat_gssapi name.
const PgStatProgressAnalyzeName = "pg_stat_progress_analyze"
PgStatProgressAnalyzeName is a constant to the pg_stat_progress_analyze name.
const PgStatProgressBasebackupName = "pg_stat_progress_basebackup"
PgStatProgressBasebackupName is a constant to the pg_stat_progress_basebackup name.
const PgStatProgressClusterName = "pg_stat_progress_cluster"
PgStatProgressClusterName is a constant to the pg_stat_progress_cluster name.
const PgStatProgressCopyName = "pg_stat_progress_copy"
PgStatProgressCopyName is a constant to the pg_stat_progress_copy name.
const PgStatProgressCreateIndexName = "pg_stat_progress_create_index"
PgStatProgressCreateIndexName is a constant to the pg_stat_progress_create_index name.
const PgStatProgressVacuumName = "pg_stat_progress_vacuum"
PgStatProgressVacuumName is a constant to the pg_stat_progress_vacuum name.
const PgStatRecoveryPrefetchName = "pg_stat_recovery_prefetch"
PgStatRecoveryPrefetchName is a constant to the pg_stat_recovery_prefetch name.
const PgStatReplicationName = "pg_stat_replication"
PgStatReplicationName is a constant to the pg_stat_replication name.
const PgStatReplicationSlotsName = "pg_stat_replication_slots"
PgStatReplicationSlotsName is a constant to the pg_stat_replication_slots name.
const PgStatSlruName = "pg_stat_slru"
PgStatSlruName is a constant to the pg_stat_slru name.
const PgStatSslName = "pg_stat_ssl"
PgStatSslName is a constant to the pg_stat_ssl name.
const PgStatSubscriptionName = "pg_stat_subscription"
PgStatSubscriptionName is a constant to the pg_stat_subscription name.
const PgStatSubscriptionStatsName = "pg_stat_subscription_stats"
PgStatSubscriptionStatsName is a constant to the pg_stat_subscription_stats name.
const PgStatSysIndexesName = "pg_stat_sys_indexes"
PgStatSysIndexesName is a constant to the pg_stat_sys_indexes name.
const PgStatSysTablesName = "pg_stat_sys_tables"
PgStatSysTablesName is a constant to the pg_stat_sys_tables name.
const PgStatUserFunctionsName = "pg_stat_user_functions"
PgStatUserFunctionsName is a constant to the pg_stat_user_functions name.
const PgStatUserIndexesName = "pg_stat_user_indexes"
PgStatUserIndexesName is a constant to the pg_stat_user_indexes name.
const PgStatUserTablesName = "pg_stat_user_tables"
PgStatUserTablesName is a constant to the pg_stat_user_tables name.
const PgStatWalName = "pg_stat_wal"
PgStatWalName is a constant to the pg_stat_wal name.
const PgStatWalReceiverName = "pg_stat_wal_receiver"
PgStatWalReceiverName is a constant to the pg_stat_wal_receiver name.
const PgStatXactAllTablesName = "pg_stat_xact_all_tables"
PgStatXactAllTablesName is a constant to the pg_stat_xact_all_tables name.
const PgStatXactSysTablesName = "pg_stat_xact_sys_tables"
PgStatXactSysTablesName is a constant to the pg_stat_xact_sys_tables name.
const PgStatXactUserFunctionsName = "pg_stat_xact_user_functions"
PgStatXactUserFunctionsName is a constant to the pg_stat_xact_user_functions name.
const PgStatXactUserTablesName = "pg_stat_xact_user_tables"
PgStatXactUserTablesName is a constant to the pg_stat_xact_user_tables name.
const PgStatioAllIndexesName = "pg_statio_all_indexes"
PgStatioAllIndexesName is a constant to the pg_statio_all_indexes name.
const PgStatioAllSequencesName = "pg_statio_all_sequences"
PgStatioAllSequencesName is a constant to the pg_statio_all_sequences name.
const PgStatioAllTablesName = "pg_statio_all_tables"
PgStatioAllTablesName is a constant to the pg_statio_all_tables name.
const PgStatioSysIndexesName = "pg_statio_sys_indexes"
PgStatioSysIndexesName is a constant to the pg_statio_sys_indexes name.
const PgStatioSysSequencesName = "pg_statio_sys_sequences"
PgStatioSysSequencesName is a constant to the pg_statio_sys_sequences name.
const PgStatioSysTablesName = "pg_statio_sys_tables"
PgStatioSysTablesName is a constant to the pg_statio_sys_tables name.
const PgStatioUserIndexesName = "pg_statio_user_indexes"
PgStatioUserIndexesName is a constant to the pg_statio_user_indexes name.
const PgStatioUserSequencesName = "pg_statio_user_sequences"
PgStatioUserSequencesName is a constant to the pg_statio_user_sequences name.
const PgStatioUserTablesName = "pg_statio_user_tables"
PgStatioUserTablesName is a constant to the pg_statio_user_tables name.
const PgStatisticExtDataName = "pg_statistic_ext_data"
PgStatisticExtDataName is a constant to the pg_statistic_ext_data name.
const PgStatisticExtName = "pg_statistic_ext"
PgStatisticExtName is a constant to the pg_statistic_ext name.
const PgStatisticName = "pg_statistic"
PgStatisticName is a constant to the pg_statistic name.
const PgStatsExtExprsName = "pg_stats_ext_exprs"
PgStatsExtExprsName is a constant to the pg_stats_ext_exprs name.
const PgStatsExtName = "pg_stats_ext"
PgStatsExtName is a constant to the pg_stats_ext name.
const PgStatsName = "pg_stats"
PgStatsName is a constant to the pg_stats name.
const PgSubscriptionName = "pg_subscription"
PgSubscriptionName is a constant to the pg_subscription name.
const PgSubscriptionRelName = "pg_subscription_rel"
PgSubscriptionRelName is a constant to the pg_subscription_rel name.
const PgTablesName = "pg_tables"
PgTablesName is a constant to the pg_tables name.
const PgTablespaceName = "pg_tablespace"
PgTablespaceName is a constant to the pg_tablespace name.
const PgTimezoneAbbrevsName = "pg_timezone_abbrevs"
PgTimezoneAbbrevsName is a constant to the pg_timezone_abbrevs name.
const PgTimezoneNamesName = "pg_timezone_names"
PgTimezoneNamesName is a constant to the pg_timezone_names name.
const PgTransformName = "pg_transform"
PgTransformName is a constant to the pg_transform name.
const PgTriggerName = "pg_trigger"
PgTriggerName is a constant to the pg_trigger name.
const PgTsConfigMapName = "pg_ts_config_map"
PgTsConfigMapName is a constant to the pg_ts_config_map name.
const PgTsConfigName = "pg_ts_config"
PgTsConfigName is a constant to the pg_ts_config name.
const PgTsDictName = "pg_ts_dict"
PgTsDictName is a constant to the pg_ts_dict name.
const PgTsParserName = "pg_ts_parser"
PgTsParserName is a constant to the pg_ts_parser name.
const PgTsTemplateName = "pg_ts_template"
PgTsTemplateName is a constant to the pg_ts_template name.
const PgTypeName = "pg_type"
PgTypeName is a constant to the pg_type name.
const PgUserMappingName = "pg_user_mapping"
PgUserMappingName is a constant to the pg_user_mapping name.
const PgUserMappingsName = "pg_user_mappings"
PgUserMappingsName is a constant to the pg_user_mappings name.
const PgUserName = "pg_user"
PgUserName is a constant to the pg_user name.
const PgViewsName = "pg_views"
PgViewsName is a constant to the pg_views name.
Variables ¶
var PgCollationSchema = sql.Schema{ {Name: "oid", Type: pgtypes.Oid, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgCollationName}, {Name: "collname", Type: pgtypes.Name, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgCollationName}, {Name: "collnamespace", Type: pgtypes.Oid, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgCollationName}, {Name: "collowner", Type: pgtypes.Oid, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgCollationName}, {Name: "collprovider", Type: pgtypes.InternalChar, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgCollationName}, {Name: "collisdeterministic", Type: pgtypes.Bool, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgCollationName}, {Name: "collencoding", Type: pgtypes.Int32, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgCollationName}, {Name: "collcollate", Type: pgtypes.Text, Default: nil, Nullable: true, Source: PgCollationName}, {Name: "collctype", Type: pgtypes.Text, Default: nil, Nullable: true, Source: PgCollationName}, {Name: "colliculocale", Type: pgtypes.Text, Default: nil, Nullable: true, Source: PgCollationName}, {Name: "collversion", Type: pgtypes.Text, Default: nil, Nullable: true, Source: PgCollationName}, }
PgCollationSchema is the schema for pg_collation.
var PgConstraintSchema = sql.Schema{ {Name: "oid", Type: pgtypes.Oid, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgConstraintName}, {Name: "conname", Type: pgtypes.Name, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgConstraintName}, {Name: "connamespace", Type: pgtypes.Oid, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgConstraintName}, {Name: "contype", Type: pgtypes.InternalChar, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgConstraintName}, {Name: "condeferrable", Type: pgtypes.Bool, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgConstraintName}, {Name: "condeferred", Type: pgtypes.Bool, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgConstraintName}, {Name: "convalidated", Type: pgtypes.Bool, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgConstraintName}, {Name: "conrelid", Type: pgtypes.Oid, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgConstraintName}, {Name: "contypid", Type: pgtypes.Oid, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgConstraintName}, {Name: "conindid", Type: pgtypes.Oid, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgConstraintName}, {Name: "conparentid", Type: pgtypes.Oid, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgConstraintName}, {Name: "confrelid", Type: pgtypes.Oid, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgConstraintName}, {Name: "confupdtype", Type: pgtypes.InternalChar, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgConstraintName}, {Name: "confdeltype", Type: pgtypes.InternalChar, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgConstraintName}, {Name: "confmatchtype", Type: pgtypes.InternalChar, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgConstraintName}, {Name: "conislocal", Type: pgtypes.Bool, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgConstraintName}, {Name: "coninhcount", Type: pgtypes.Int16, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgConstraintName}, {Name: "connoinherit", Type: pgtypes.Bool, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgConstraintName}, {Name: "conkey", Type: pgtypes.Int16Array, Default: nil, Nullable: true, Source: PgConstraintName}, {Name: "confkey", Type: pgtypes.Int16Array, Default: nil, Nullable: true, Source: PgConstraintName}, {Name: "conpfeqop", Type: pgtypes.OidArray, Default: nil, Nullable: true, Source: PgConstraintName}, {Name: "conppeqop", Type: pgtypes.OidArray, Default: nil, Nullable: true, Source: PgConstraintName}, {Name: "conffeqop", Type: pgtypes.OidArray, Default: nil, Nullable: true, Source: PgConstraintName}, {Name: "confdelsetcols", Type: pgtypes.Int16Array, Default: nil, Nullable: true, Source: PgConstraintName}, {Name: "conexclop", Type: pgtypes.OidArray, Default: nil, Nullable: true, Source: PgConstraintName}, {Name: "conbin", Type: pgtypes.Text, Default: nil, Nullable: true, Source: PgConstraintName}, }
PgConstraintSchema is the schema for pg_constraint.
var PgConversionSchema = sql.Schema{ {Name: "oid", Type: pgtypes.Oid, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgConversionName}, {Name: "conname", Type: pgtypes.Name, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgConversionName}, {Name: "connamespace", Type: pgtypes.Oid, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgConversionName}, {Name: "conowner", Type: pgtypes.Oid, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgConversionName}, {Name: "conforencoding", Type: pgtypes.Int32, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgConversionName}, {Name: "contoencoding", Type: pgtypes.Int32, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgConversionName}, {Name: "conproc", Type: pgtypes.Text, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgConversionName}, {Name: "condefault", Type: pgtypes.Bool, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgConversionName}, }
PgConversionSchema is the schema for pg_conversion.
var PgEventTriggerSchema = sql.Schema{ {Name: "oid", Type: pgtypes.Oid, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgEventTriggerName}, {Name: "evtname", Type: pgtypes.Name, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgEventTriggerName}, {Name: "evtevent", Type: pgtypes.Name, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgEventTriggerName}, {Name: "evtowner", Type: pgtypes.Oid, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgEventTriggerName}, {Name: "evtfoid", Type: pgtypes.Oid, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgEventTriggerName}, {Name: "evtenabled", Type: pgtypes.InternalChar, Default: nil, Nullable: false, Source: PgEventTriggerName}, {Name: "evttags", Type: pgtypes.TextArray, Default: nil, Nullable: true, Source: PgEventTriggerName}, }
PgEventTriggerSchema is the schema for pg_event_trigger.
Functions ¶
func InitPgAggregate ¶
func InitPgAggregate()
InitPgAggregate handles registration of the pg_aggregate handler.
func InitPgAttrdef ¶
func InitPgAttrdef()
InitPgAttrdef handles registration of the pg_attrdef handler.
func InitPgAttribute ¶
func InitPgAttribute()
InitPgAttribute handles registration of the pg_attribute handler.
func InitPgAuthMembers ¶
func InitPgAuthMembers()
InitPgAuthMembers handles registration of the pg_auth_members handler.
func InitPgAvailableExtensionVersions ¶
func InitPgAvailableExtensionVersions()
InitPgAvailableExtensionVersions handles registration of the pg_available_extension_versions handler.
func InitPgAvailableExtensions ¶
func InitPgAvailableExtensions()
InitPgAvailableExtensions handles registration of the pg_available_extensions handler.
func InitPgBackendMemoryContexts ¶
func InitPgBackendMemoryContexts()
InitPgBackendMemoryContexts handles registration of the pg_backend_memory_contexts handler.
func InitPgCollation ¶
func InitPgCollation()
InitPgCollation handles registration of the pg_collation handler.
func InitPgConstraint ¶
func InitPgConstraint()
InitPgConstraint handles registration of the pg_constraint handler.
func InitPgConversion ¶
func InitPgConversion()
InitPgConversion handles registration of the pg_conversion handler.
func InitPgCursors ¶
func InitPgCursors()
InitPgCursors handles registration of the pg_cursors handler.
func InitPgDatabase ¶
func InitPgDatabase()
InitPgDatabase handles registration of the pg_database handler.
func InitPgDbRoleSetting ¶
func InitPgDbRoleSetting()
InitPgDbRoleSetting handles registration of the pg_db_role_setting handler.
func InitPgDefaultAcl ¶
func InitPgDefaultAcl()
InitPgDefaultAcl handles registration of the pg_default_acl handler.
func InitPgDescription ¶
func InitPgDescription()
InitPgDescription handles registration of the pg_description handler.
func InitPgEventTrigger ¶
func InitPgEventTrigger()
InitPgEventTrigger handles registration of the pg_event_trigger handler.
func InitPgExtension ¶
func InitPgExtension()
InitPgExtension handles registration of the pg_extension handler.
func InitPgFileSettings ¶
func InitPgFileSettings()
InitPgFileSettings handles registration of the pg_file_settings handler.
func InitPgForeignDataWrapper ¶
func InitPgForeignDataWrapper()
InitPgForeignDataWrapper handles registration of the pg_foreign_data_wrapper handler.
func InitPgForeignServer ¶
func InitPgForeignServer()
InitPgForeignServer handles registration of the pg_foreign_server handler.
func InitPgForeignTable ¶
func InitPgForeignTable()
InitPgForeignTable handles registration of the pg_foreign_table handler.
func InitPgHbaFileRules ¶
func InitPgHbaFileRules()
InitPgHbaFileRules handles registration of the pg_hba_file_rules handler.
func InitPgIdentFileMappings ¶
func InitPgIdentFileMappings()
InitPgIdentFileMappings handles registration of the pg_ident_file_mappings handler.
func InitPgIndexes ¶
func InitPgIndexes()
InitPgIndexes handles registration of the pg_indexes handler.
func InitPgInherits ¶
func InitPgInherits()
InitPgInherits handles registration of the pg_inherits handler.
func InitPgInitPrivs ¶
func InitPgInitPrivs()
InitPgInitPrivs handles registration of the pg_init_privs handler.
func InitPgLanguage ¶
func InitPgLanguage()
InitPgLanguage handles registration of the pg_language handler.
func InitPgLargeobject ¶
func InitPgLargeobject()
InitPgLargeobject handles registration of the pg_largeobject handler.
func InitPgLargeobjectMetadata ¶
func InitPgLargeobjectMetadata()
InitPgLargeobjectMetadata handles registration of the pg_largeobject_metadata handler.
func InitPgMatviews ¶
func InitPgMatviews()
InitPgMatviews handles registration of the pg_matviews handler.
func InitPgNamespace ¶
func InitPgNamespace()
InitPgNamespace handles registration of the pg_namespace handler.
func InitPgOpclass ¶
func InitPgOpclass()
InitPgOpclass handles registration of the pg_opclass handler.
func InitPgOperator ¶ added in v0.13.0
func InitPgOperator()
InitPgOperator handles registration of the pg_operator handler.
func InitPgOpfamily ¶
func InitPgOpfamily()
InitPgOpfamily handles registration of the pg_opfamily handler.
func InitPgParameterAcl ¶
func InitPgParameterAcl()
InitPgParameterAcl handles registration of the pg_parameter_acl handler.
func InitPgPartitionedTable ¶
func InitPgPartitionedTable()
InitPgPartitionedTable handles registration of the pg_partitioned_table handler.
func InitPgPolicies ¶
func InitPgPolicies()
InitPgPolicies handles registration of the pg_policies handler.
func InitPgPreparedStatements ¶
func InitPgPreparedStatements()
InitPgPreparedStatements handles registration of the pg_prepared_statements handler.
func InitPgPreparedXacts ¶
func InitPgPreparedXacts()
InitPgPreparedXacts handles registration of the pg_prepared_xacts handler.
func InitPgPublication ¶
func InitPgPublication()
InitPgPublication handles registration of the pg_publication handler.
func InitPgPublicationNamespace ¶
func InitPgPublicationNamespace()
InitPgPublicationNamespace handles registration of the pg_publication_namespace handler.
func InitPgPublicationRel ¶
func InitPgPublicationRel()
InitPgPublicationRel handles registration of the pg_publication_rel handler.
func InitPgPublicationTables ¶
func InitPgPublicationTables()
InitPgPublicationTables handles registration of the pg_publication_tables handler.
func InitPgReplicationOrigin ¶
func InitPgReplicationOrigin()
InitPgReplicationOrigin handles registration of the pg_replication_origin handler.
func InitPgReplicationOriginStatus ¶
func InitPgReplicationOriginStatus()
InitPgReplicationOriginStatus handles registration of the pg_replication_origin_status handler.
func InitPgReplicationSlots ¶
func InitPgReplicationSlots()
InitPgReplicationSlots handles registration of the pg_replication_slots handler.
func InitPgRewrite ¶
func InitPgRewrite()
InitPgRewrite handles registration of the pg_rewrite handler.
func InitPgSeclabel ¶
func InitPgSeclabel()
InitPgSeclabel handles registration of the pg_seclabel handler.
func InitPgSeclabels ¶
func InitPgSeclabels()
InitPgSeclabels handles registration of the pg_seclabels handler.
func InitPgSequence ¶
func InitPgSequence()
InitPgSequence handles registration of the pg_sequence handler.
func InitPgSequences ¶
func InitPgSequences()
InitPgSequences handles registration of the pg_sequences handler.
func InitPgSettings ¶
func InitPgSettings()
InitPgSettings handles registration of the pg_settings handler.
func InitPgShdepend ¶
func InitPgShdepend()
InitPgShdepend handles registration of the pg_shdepend handler.
func InitPgShdescription ¶
func InitPgShdescription()
InitPgShdescription handles registration of the pg_shdescription handler.
func InitPgShmemAllocations ¶
func InitPgShmemAllocations()
InitPgShmemAllocations handles registration of the pg_shmem_allocations handler.
func InitPgShseclabel ¶
func InitPgShseclabel()
InitPgShseclabel handles registration of the pg_shseclabel handler.
func InitPgStatActivity ¶
func InitPgStatActivity()
InitPgStatActivity handles registration of the pg_stat_activity handler.
func InitPgStatAllIndexes ¶
func InitPgStatAllIndexes()
InitPgStatAllIndexes handles registration of the pg_stat_all_indexes handler.
func InitPgStatAllTables ¶
func InitPgStatAllTables()
InitPgStatAllTables handles registration of the pg_stat_all_tables handler.
func InitPgStatArchiver ¶
func InitPgStatArchiver()
InitPgStatArchiver handles registration of the pg_stat_archiver handler.
func InitPgStatBgwriter ¶
func InitPgStatBgwriter()
InitPgStatBgwriter handles registration of the pg_stat_bgwriter handler.
func InitPgStatDatabase ¶
func InitPgStatDatabase()
InitPgStatDatabase handles registration of the pg_stat_database handler.
func InitPgStatDatabaseConflicts ¶
func InitPgStatDatabaseConflicts()
InitPgStatDatabaseConflicts handles registration of the pg_stat_database_conflicts handler.
func InitPgStatGssapi ¶
func InitPgStatGssapi()
InitPgStatGssapi handles registration of the pg_stat_gssapi handler.
func InitPgStatProgressAnalyze ¶
func InitPgStatProgressAnalyze()
InitPgStatProgressAnalyze handles registration of the pg_stat_progress_analyze handler.
func InitPgStatProgressBasebackup ¶
func InitPgStatProgressBasebackup()
InitPgStatProgressBasebackup handles registration of the pg_stat_progress_basebackup handler.
func InitPgStatProgressCluster ¶
func InitPgStatProgressCluster()
InitPgStatProgressCluster handles registration of the pg_stat_progress_cluster handler.
func InitPgStatProgressCopy ¶
func InitPgStatProgressCopy()
InitPgStatProgressCopy handles registration of the pg_stat_progress_copy handler.
func InitPgStatProgressCreateIndex ¶
func InitPgStatProgressCreateIndex()
InitPgStatProgressCreateIndex handles registration of the pg_stat_progress_create_index handler.
func InitPgStatProgressVacuum ¶
func InitPgStatProgressVacuum()
InitPgStatProgressVacuum handles registration of the pg_stat_progress_vacuum handler.
func InitPgStatRecoveryPrefetch ¶
func InitPgStatRecoveryPrefetch()
InitPgStatRecoveryPrefetch handles registration of the pg_stat_recovery_prefetch handler.
func InitPgStatReplication ¶
func InitPgStatReplication()
InitPgStatReplication handles registration of the pg_stat_replication handler.
func InitPgStatReplicationSlots ¶
func InitPgStatReplicationSlots()
InitPgStatReplicationSlots handles registration of the pg_stat_replication_slots handler.
func InitPgStatSlru ¶
func InitPgStatSlru()
InitPgStatSlru handles registration of the pg_stat_slru handler.
func InitPgStatSsl ¶
func InitPgStatSsl()
InitPgStatSsl handles registration of the pg_stat_ssl handler.
func InitPgStatSubscription ¶
func InitPgStatSubscription()
InitPgStatSubscription handles registration of the pg_stat_subscription handler.
func InitPgStatSubscriptionStats ¶
func InitPgStatSubscriptionStats()
InitPgStatSubscriptionStats handles registration of the pg_stat_subscription_stats handler.
func InitPgStatSysIndexes ¶
func InitPgStatSysIndexes()
InitPgStatSysIndexes handles registration of the pg_stat_sys_indexes handler.
func InitPgStatSysTables ¶
func InitPgStatSysTables()
InitPgStatSysTables handles registration of the pg_stat_sys_tables handler.
func InitPgStatUserFunctions ¶
func InitPgStatUserFunctions()
InitPgStatUserFunctions handles registration of the pg_stat_user_functions handler.
func InitPgStatUserIndexes ¶
func InitPgStatUserIndexes()
InitPgStatUserIndexes handles registration of the pg_stat_user_indexes handler.
func InitPgStatUserTables ¶
func InitPgStatUserTables()
InitPgStatUserTables handles registration of the pg_stat_user_tables handler.
func InitPgStatWal ¶
func InitPgStatWal()
InitPgStatWal handles registration of the pg_stat_wal handler.
func InitPgStatWalReceiver ¶
func InitPgStatWalReceiver()
InitPgStatWalReceiver handles registration of the pg_stat_wal_receiver handler.
func InitPgStatXactAllTables ¶
func InitPgStatXactAllTables()
InitPgStatXactAllTables handles registration of the pg_stat_xact_all_tables handler.
func InitPgStatXactSysTables ¶
func InitPgStatXactSysTables()
InitPgStatXactSysTables handles registration of the pg_stat_xact_sys_tables handler.
func InitPgStatXactUserFunctions ¶
func InitPgStatXactUserFunctions()
InitPgStatXactUserFunctions handles registration of the pg_stat_xact_user_functions handler.
func InitPgStatXactUserTables ¶
func InitPgStatXactUserTables()
InitPgStatXactUserTables handles registration of the pg_stat_xact_user_tables handler.
func InitPgStatioAllIndexes ¶
func InitPgStatioAllIndexes()
InitPgStatioAllIndexes handles registration of the pg_statio_all_indexes handler.
func InitPgStatioAllSequences ¶
func InitPgStatioAllSequences()
InitPgStatioAllSequences handles registration of the pg_statio_all_sequences handler.
func InitPgStatioAllTables ¶
func InitPgStatioAllTables()
InitPgStatioAllTables handles registration of the pg_statio_all_tables handler.
func InitPgStatioSysIndexes ¶
func InitPgStatioSysIndexes()
InitPgStatioSysIndexes handles registration of the pg_statio_sys_indexes handler.
func InitPgStatioSysSequences ¶
func InitPgStatioSysSequences()
InitPgStatioSysSequences handles registration of the pg_statio_sys_sequences handler.
func InitPgStatioSysTables ¶
func InitPgStatioSysTables()
InitPgStatioSysTables handles registration of the pg_statio_sys_tables handler.
func InitPgStatioUserIndexes ¶
func InitPgStatioUserIndexes()
InitPgStatioUserIndexes handles registration of the pg_statio_user_indexes handler.
func InitPgStatioUserSequences ¶
func InitPgStatioUserSequences()
InitPgStatioUserSequences handles registration of the pg_statio_user_sequences handler.
func InitPgStatioUserTables ¶
func InitPgStatioUserTables()
InitPgStatioUserTables handles registration of the pg_statio_user_tables handler.
func InitPgStatistic ¶
func InitPgStatistic()
InitPgStatistic handles registration of the pg_statistic handler.
func InitPgStatisticExt ¶
func InitPgStatisticExt()
InitPgStatisticExt handles registration of the pg_statistic_ext handler.
func InitPgStatisticExtData ¶
func InitPgStatisticExtData()
InitPgStatisticExtData handles registration of the pg_statistic_ext_data handler.
func InitPgStatsExt ¶
func InitPgStatsExt()
InitPgStatsExt handles registration of the pg_stats_ext handler.
func InitPgStatsExtExprs ¶
func InitPgStatsExtExprs()
InitPgStatsExtExprs handles registration of the pg_stats_ext_exprs handler.
func InitPgSubscription ¶
func InitPgSubscription()
InitPgSubscription handles registration of the pg_subscription handler.
func InitPgSubscriptionRel ¶
func InitPgSubscriptionRel()
InitPgSubscriptionRel handles registration of the pg_subscription_rel handler.
func InitPgTablespace ¶
func InitPgTablespace()
InitPgTablespace handles registration of the pg_tablespace handler.
func InitPgTimezoneAbbrevs ¶
func InitPgTimezoneAbbrevs()
InitPgTimezoneAbbrevs handles registration of the pg_timezone_abbrevs handler.
func InitPgTimezoneNames ¶
func InitPgTimezoneNames()
InitPgTimezoneNames handles registration of the pg_timezone_names handler.
func InitPgTransform ¶
func InitPgTransform()
InitPgTransform handles registration of the pg_transform handler.
func InitPgTrigger ¶
func InitPgTrigger()
InitPgTrigger handles registration of the pg_trigger handler.
func InitPgTsConfig ¶
func InitPgTsConfig()
InitPgTsConfig handles registration of the pg_ts_config handler.
func InitPgTsConfigMap ¶
func InitPgTsConfigMap()
InitPgTsConfigMap handles registration of the pg_ts_config_map handler.
func InitPgTsDict ¶
func InitPgTsDict()
InitPgTsDict handles registration of the pg_ts_dict handler.
func InitPgTsParser ¶
func InitPgTsParser()
InitPgTsParser handles registration of the pg_ts_parser handler.
func InitPgTsTemplate ¶
func InitPgTsTemplate()
InitPgTsTemplate handles registration of the pg_ts_template handler.
func InitPgUserMapping ¶
func InitPgUserMapping()
InitPgUserMapping handles registration of the pg_user_mapping handler.
func InitPgUserMappings ¶
func InitPgUserMappings()
InitPgUserMappings handles registration of the pg_user_mappings handler.
Types ¶
type PgAggregateHandler ¶
type PgAggregateHandler struct{}
PgAggregateHandler is the handler for the pg_aggregate table.
func (PgAggregateHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgAggregateHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgAggregateHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgAggregateHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgAmHandler ¶
type PgAmHandler struct{}
PgAmHandler is the handler for the pg_am table.
func (PgAmHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgAmHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgAmHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgAmHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgAmopHandler ¶
type PgAmopHandler struct{}
PgAmopHandler is the handler for the pg_amop table.
func (PgAmopHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgAmopHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgAmopHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgAmopHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgAmprocHandler ¶
type PgAmprocHandler struct{}
PgAmprocHandler is the handler for the pg_amproc table.
func (PgAmprocHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgAmprocHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgAmprocHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgAmprocHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgAttrdefHandler ¶
type PgAttrdefHandler struct{}
PgAttrdefHandler is the handler for the pg_attrdef table.
func (PgAttrdefHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgAttrdefHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgAttrdefHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgAttrdefHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgAttributeHandler ¶
type PgAttributeHandler struct{}
PgAttributeHandler is the handler for the pg_attribute table.
func (PgAttributeHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgAttributeHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgAttributeHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgAttributeHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgAuthMembersHandler ¶
type PgAuthMembersHandler struct{}
PgAuthMembersHandler is the handler for the pg_auth_members table.
func (PgAuthMembersHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgAuthMembersHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgAuthMembersHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgAuthMembersHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgAuthidHandler ¶
type PgAuthidHandler struct{}
PgAuthidHandler is the handler for the pg_authid table.
func (PgAuthidHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgAuthidHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgAuthidHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgAuthidHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgAvailableExtensionVersionsHandler ¶
type PgAvailableExtensionVersionsHandler struct{}
PgAvailableExtensionVersionsHandler is the handler for the pg_available_extension_versions table.
func (PgAvailableExtensionVersionsHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgAvailableExtensionVersionsHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgAvailableExtensionVersionsHandler) RowIter ¶
RowIter implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgAvailableExtensionVersionsHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgAvailableExtensionVersionsHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgAvailableExtensionsHandler ¶
type PgAvailableExtensionsHandler struct{}
PgAvailableExtensionsHandler is the handler for the pg_available_extensions table.
func (PgAvailableExtensionsHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgAvailableExtensionsHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgAvailableExtensionsHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgAvailableExtensionsHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgBackendMemoryContextsHandler ¶
type PgBackendMemoryContextsHandler struct{}
PgBackendMemoryContextsHandler is the handler for the pg_backend_memory_contexts table.
func (PgBackendMemoryContextsHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgBackendMemoryContextsHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgBackendMemoryContextsHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgBackendMemoryContextsHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgCastHandler ¶
type PgCastHandler struct{}
PgCastHandler is the handler for the pg_cast table.
func (PgCastHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgCastHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgCastHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgCastHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgClassHandler ¶
type PgClassHandler struct{}
PgClassHandler is the handler for the pg_class table.
func (PgClassHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgClassHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgClassHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgClassHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgCollationHandler ¶
type PgCollationHandler struct{}
PgCollationHandler is the handler for the pg_collation table.
func (PgCollationHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgCollationHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgCollationHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgCollationHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgConfigHandler ¶
type PgConfigHandler struct{}
PgConfigHandler is the handler for the pg_config table.
func (PgConfigHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgConfigHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgConfigHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgConfigHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgConstraintHandler ¶
type PgConstraintHandler struct{}
PgConstraintHandler is the handler for the pg_constraint table.
func (PgConstraintHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgConstraintHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgConstraintHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgConstraintHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgConversionHandler ¶
type PgConversionHandler struct{}
PgConversionHandler is the handler for the pg_conversion table.
func (PgConversionHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgConversionHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgConversionHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgConversionHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgCursorsHandler ¶
type PgCursorsHandler struct{}
PgCursorsHandler is the handler for the pg_cursors table.
func (PgCursorsHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgCursorsHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgCursorsHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgCursorsHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgDatabaseHandler ¶
type PgDatabaseHandler struct{}
PgDatabaseHandler is the handler for the pg_database table.
func (PgDatabaseHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgDatabaseHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgDatabaseHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgDatabaseHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgDbRoleSettingHandler ¶
type PgDbRoleSettingHandler struct{}
PgDbRoleSettingHandler is the handler for the pg_db_role_setting table.
func (PgDbRoleSettingHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgDbRoleSettingHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgDbRoleSettingHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgDbRoleSettingHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgDefaultAclHandler ¶
type PgDefaultAclHandler struct{}
PgDefaultAclHandler is the handler for the pg_default_acl table.
func (PgDefaultAclHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgDefaultAclHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgDefaultAclHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgDefaultAclHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgDependHandler ¶
type PgDependHandler struct{}
PgDependHandler is the handler for the pg_depend table.
func (PgDependHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgDependHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgDependHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgDependHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgDescriptionHandler ¶
type PgDescriptionHandler struct{}
PgDescriptionHandler is the handler for the pg_description table.
func (PgDescriptionHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgDescriptionHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgDescriptionHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgDescriptionHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgEnumHandler ¶
type PgEnumHandler struct{}
PgEnumHandler is the handler for the pg_enum table.
func (PgEnumHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgEnumHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgEnumHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgEnumHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgEventTriggerHandler ¶
type PgEventTriggerHandler struct{}
PgEventTriggerHandler is the handler for the pg_event_trigger table.
func (PgEventTriggerHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgEventTriggerHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgEventTriggerHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgEventTriggerHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgExtensionHandler ¶
type PgExtensionHandler struct{}
PgExtensionHandler is the handler for the pg_extension table.
func (PgExtensionHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgExtensionHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgExtensionHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgExtensionHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgFileSettingsHandler ¶
type PgFileSettingsHandler struct{}
PgFileSettingsHandler is the handler for the pg_file_settings table.
func (PgFileSettingsHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgFileSettingsHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgFileSettingsHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgFileSettingsHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgForeignDataWrapperHandler ¶
type PgForeignDataWrapperHandler struct{}
PgForeignDataWrapperHandler is the handler for the pg_foreign_data_wrapper table.
func (PgForeignDataWrapperHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgForeignDataWrapperHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgForeignDataWrapperHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgForeignDataWrapperHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgForeignServerHandler ¶
type PgForeignServerHandler struct{}
PgForeignServerHandler is the handler for the pg_foreign_server table.
func (PgForeignServerHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgForeignServerHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgForeignServerHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgForeignServerHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgForeignTableHandler ¶
type PgForeignTableHandler struct{}
PgForeignTableHandler is the handler for the pg_foreign_table table.
func (PgForeignTableHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgForeignTableHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgForeignTableHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgForeignTableHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgGroupHandler ¶
type PgGroupHandler struct{}
PgGroupHandler is the handler for the pg_group table.
func (PgGroupHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgGroupHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgGroupHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgGroupHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgHbaFileRulesHandler ¶
type PgHbaFileRulesHandler struct{}
PgHbaFileRulesHandler is the handler for the pg_hba_file_rules table.
func (PgHbaFileRulesHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgHbaFileRulesHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgHbaFileRulesHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgHbaFileRulesHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgIdentFileMappingsHandler ¶
type PgIdentFileMappingsHandler struct{}
PgIdentFileMappingsHandler is the handler for the pg_ident_file_mappings table.
func (PgIdentFileMappingsHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgIdentFileMappingsHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgIdentFileMappingsHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgIdentFileMappingsHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgIndexHandler ¶
type PgIndexHandler struct{}
PgIndexHandler is the handler for the pg_index table.
func (PgIndexHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgIndexHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgIndexHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgIndexHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgIndexesHandler ¶
type PgIndexesHandler struct{}
PgIndexesHandler is the handler for the pg_indexes table.
func (PgIndexesHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgIndexesHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgIndexesHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgIndexesHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgInheritsHandler ¶
type PgInheritsHandler struct{}
PgInheritsHandler is the handler for the pg_inherits table.
func (PgInheritsHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgInheritsHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgInheritsHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgInheritsHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgInitPrivsHandler ¶
type PgInitPrivsHandler struct{}
PgInitPrivsHandler is the handler for the pg_init_privs table.
func (PgInitPrivsHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgInitPrivsHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgInitPrivsHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgInitPrivsHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgLanguageHandler ¶
type PgLanguageHandler struct{}
PgLanguageHandler is the handler for the pg_language table.
func (PgLanguageHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgLanguageHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgLanguageHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgLanguageHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgLargeobjectHandler ¶
type PgLargeobjectHandler struct{}
PgLargeobjectHandler is the handler for the pg_largeobject table.
func (PgLargeobjectHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgLargeobjectHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgLargeobjectHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgLargeobjectHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgLargeobjectMetadataHandler ¶
type PgLargeobjectMetadataHandler struct{}
PgLargeobjectMetadataHandler is the handler for the pg_largeobject_metadata table.
func (PgLargeobjectMetadataHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgLargeobjectMetadataHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgLargeobjectMetadataHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgLargeobjectMetadataHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgLocksHandler ¶
type PgLocksHandler struct{}
PgLocksHandler is the handler for the pg_locks table.
func (PgLocksHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgLocksHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgLocksHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgLocksHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgMatviewsHandler ¶
type PgMatviewsHandler struct{}
PgMatviewsHandler is the handler for the pg_matviews table.
func (PgMatviewsHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgMatviewsHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgMatviewsHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgMatviewsHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgNamespaceHandler ¶
type PgNamespaceHandler struct{}
PgNamespaceHandler is the handler for the pg_namespace table.
func (PgNamespaceHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgNamespaceHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgNamespaceHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgNamespaceHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgOpclassHandler ¶
type PgOpclassHandler struct{}
PgOpclassHandler is the handler for the pg_opclass table.
func (PgOpclassHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgOpclassHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgOpclassHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgOpclassHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgOperatorHandler ¶ added in v0.13.0
type PgOperatorHandler struct{}
PgOperatorHandler is the handler for the pg_operator table.
func (PgOperatorHandler) Name ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (p PgOperatorHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgOperatorHandler) RowIter ¶ added in v0.13.0
RowIter implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgOperatorHandler) Schema ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (p PgOperatorHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgOpfamilyHandler ¶
type PgOpfamilyHandler struct{}
PgOpfamilyHandler is the handler for the pg_opfamily table.
func (PgOpfamilyHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgOpfamilyHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgOpfamilyHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgOpfamilyHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgParameterAclHandler ¶
type PgParameterAclHandler struct{}
PgParameterAclHandler is the handler for the pg_parameter_acl table.
func (PgParameterAclHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgParameterAclHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgParameterAclHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgParameterAclHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgPartitionedTableHandler ¶
type PgPartitionedTableHandler struct{}
PgPartitionedTableHandler is the handler for the pg_partitioned_table table.
func (PgPartitionedTableHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgPartitionedTableHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgPartitionedTableHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgPartitionedTableHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgPoliciesHandler ¶
type PgPoliciesHandler struct{}
PgPoliciesHandler is the handler for the pg_policies table.
func (PgPoliciesHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgPoliciesHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgPoliciesHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgPoliciesHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgPolicyHandler ¶
type PgPolicyHandler struct{}
PgPolicyHandler is the handler for the pg_policy table.
func (PgPolicyHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgPolicyHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgPolicyHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgPolicyHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgPreparedStatementsHandler ¶
type PgPreparedStatementsHandler struct{}
PgPreparedStatementsHandler is the handler for the pg_prepared_statements table.
func (PgPreparedStatementsHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgPreparedStatementsHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgPreparedStatementsHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgPreparedStatementsHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgPreparedXactsHandler ¶
type PgPreparedXactsHandler struct{}
PgPreparedXactsHandler is the handler for the pg_prepared_xacts table.
func (PgPreparedXactsHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgPreparedXactsHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgPreparedXactsHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgPreparedXactsHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgProcHandler ¶
type PgProcHandler struct{}
PgProcHandler is the handler for the pg_proc table.
func (PgProcHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgProcHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgProcHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgProcHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgPublicationHandler ¶
type PgPublicationHandler struct{}
PgPublicationHandler is the handler for the pg_publication table.
func (PgPublicationHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgPublicationHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgPublicationHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgPublicationHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgPublicationNamespaceHandler ¶
type PgPublicationNamespaceHandler struct{}
PgPublicationNamespaceHandler is the handler for the pg_publication_namespace table.
func (PgPublicationNamespaceHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgPublicationNamespaceHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgPublicationNamespaceHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgPublicationNamespaceHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgPublicationRelHandler ¶
type PgPublicationRelHandler struct{}
PgPublicationRelHandler is the handler for the pg_publication_rel table.
func (PgPublicationRelHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgPublicationRelHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgPublicationRelHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgPublicationRelHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgPublicationTablesHandler ¶
type PgPublicationTablesHandler struct{}
PgPublicationTablesHandler is the handler for the pg_publication_tables table.
func (PgPublicationTablesHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgPublicationTablesHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgPublicationTablesHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgPublicationTablesHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgRangeHandler ¶
type PgRangeHandler struct{}
PgRangeHandler is the handler for the pg_range table.
func (PgRangeHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgRangeHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgRangeHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgRangeHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgReplicationOriginHandler ¶
type PgReplicationOriginHandler struct{}
PgReplicationOriginHandler is the handler for the pg_replication_origin table.
func (PgReplicationOriginHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgReplicationOriginHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgReplicationOriginHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgReplicationOriginHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgReplicationOriginStatusHandler ¶
type PgReplicationOriginStatusHandler struct{}
PgReplicationOriginStatusHandler is the handler for the pg_replication_origin_status table.
func (PgReplicationOriginStatusHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgReplicationOriginStatusHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgReplicationOriginStatusHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgReplicationOriginStatusHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgReplicationSlotsHandler ¶
type PgReplicationSlotsHandler struct{}
PgReplicationSlotsHandler is the handler for the pg_replication_slots table.
func (PgReplicationSlotsHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgReplicationSlotsHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgReplicationSlotsHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgReplicationSlotsHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgRewriteHandler ¶
type PgRewriteHandler struct{}
PgRewriteHandler is the handler for the pg_rewrite table.
func (PgRewriteHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgRewriteHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgRewriteHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgRewriteHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgRolesHandler ¶
type PgRolesHandler struct{}
PgRolesHandler is the handler for the pg_roles table.
func (PgRolesHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgRolesHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgRolesHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgRolesHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgRulesHandler ¶
type PgRulesHandler struct{}
PgRulesHandler is the handler for the pg_rules table.
func (PgRulesHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgRulesHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgRulesHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgRulesHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgSeclabelHandler ¶
type PgSeclabelHandler struct{}
PgSeclabelHandler is the handler for the pg_seclabel table.
func (PgSeclabelHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgSeclabelHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgSeclabelHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgSeclabelHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgSeclabelsHandler ¶
type PgSeclabelsHandler struct{}
PgSeclabelsHandler is the handler for the pg_seclabels table.
func (PgSeclabelsHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgSeclabelsHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgSeclabelsHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgSeclabelsHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgSequenceHandler ¶
type PgSequenceHandler struct{}
PgSequenceHandler is the handler for the pg_sequence table.
func (PgSequenceHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgSequenceHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgSequenceHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgSequenceHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgSequencesHandler ¶
type PgSequencesHandler struct{}
PgSequencesHandler is the handler for the pg_sequences table.
func (PgSequencesHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgSequencesHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgSequencesHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgSequencesHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgSettingsHandler ¶
type PgSettingsHandler struct{}
PgSettingsHandler is the handler for the pg_settings table.
func (PgSettingsHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgSettingsHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgSettingsHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgSettingsHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgShadowHandler ¶
type PgShadowHandler struct{}
PgShadowHandler is the handler for the pg_shadow table.
func (PgShadowHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgShadowHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgShadowHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgShadowHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgShdependHandler ¶
type PgShdependHandler struct{}
PgShdependHandler is the handler for the pg_shdepend table.
func (PgShdependHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgShdependHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgShdependHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgShdependHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgShdescriptionHandler ¶
type PgShdescriptionHandler struct{}
PgShdescriptionHandler is the handler for the pg_shdescription table.
func (PgShdescriptionHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgShdescriptionHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgShdescriptionHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgShdescriptionHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgShmemAllocationsHandler ¶
type PgShmemAllocationsHandler struct{}
PgShmemAllocationsHandler is the handler for the pg_shmem_allocations table.
func (PgShmemAllocationsHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgShmemAllocationsHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgShmemAllocationsHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgShmemAllocationsHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgShseclabelHandler ¶
type PgShseclabelHandler struct{}
PgShseclabelHandler is the handler for the pg_shseclabel table.
func (PgShseclabelHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgShseclabelHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgShseclabelHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgShseclabelHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatActivityHandler ¶
type PgStatActivityHandler struct{}
PgStatActivityHandler is the handler for the pg_stat_activity table.
func (PgStatActivityHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatActivityHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatActivityHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatActivityHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatAllIndexesHandler ¶
type PgStatAllIndexesHandler struct{}
PgStatAllIndexesHandler is the handler for the pg_stat_all_indexes table.
func (PgStatAllIndexesHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatAllIndexesHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatAllIndexesHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatAllIndexesHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatAllTablesHandler ¶
type PgStatAllTablesHandler struct{}
PgStatAllTablesHandler is the handler for the pg_stat_all_tables table.
func (PgStatAllTablesHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatAllTablesHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatAllTablesHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatAllTablesHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatArchiverHandler ¶
type PgStatArchiverHandler struct{}
PgStatArchiverHandler is the handler for the pg_stat_archiver table.
func (PgStatArchiverHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatArchiverHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatArchiverHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatArchiverHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatBgwriterHandler ¶
type PgStatBgwriterHandler struct{}
PgStatBgwriterHandler is the handler for the pg_stat_bgwriter table.
func (PgStatBgwriterHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatBgwriterHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatBgwriterHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatBgwriterHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatDatabaseConflictsHandler ¶
type PgStatDatabaseConflictsHandler struct{}
PgStatDatabaseConflictsHandler is the handler for the pg_stat_database_conflicts table.
func (PgStatDatabaseConflictsHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatDatabaseConflictsHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatDatabaseConflictsHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatDatabaseConflictsHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatDatabaseHandler ¶
type PgStatDatabaseHandler struct{}
PgStatDatabaseHandler is the handler for the pg_stat_database table.
func (PgStatDatabaseHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatDatabaseHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatDatabaseHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatDatabaseHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatGssapiHandler ¶
type PgStatGssapiHandler struct{}
PgStatGssapiHandler is the handler for the pg_stat_gssapi table.
func (PgStatGssapiHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatGssapiHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatGssapiHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatGssapiHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatProgressAnalyzeHandler ¶
type PgStatProgressAnalyzeHandler struct{}
PgStatProgressAnalyzeHandler is the handler for the pg_stat_progress_analyze table.
func (PgStatProgressAnalyzeHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatProgressAnalyzeHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatProgressAnalyzeHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatProgressAnalyzeHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatProgressBasebackupHandler ¶
type PgStatProgressBasebackupHandler struct{}
PgStatProgressBasebackupHandler is the handler for the pg_stat_progress_basebackup table.
func (PgStatProgressBasebackupHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatProgressBasebackupHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatProgressBasebackupHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatProgressBasebackupHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatProgressClusterHandler ¶
type PgStatProgressClusterHandler struct{}
PgStatProgressClusterHandler is the handler for the pg_stat_progress_cluster table.
func (PgStatProgressClusterHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatProgressClusterHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatProgressClusterHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatProgressClusterHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatProgressCopyHandler ¶
type PgStatProgressCopyHandler struct{}
PgStatProgressCopyHandler is the handler for the pg_stat_progress_copy table.
func (PgStatProgressCopyHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatProgressCopyHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatProgressCopyHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatProgressCopyHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatProgressCreateIndexHandler ¶
type PgStatProgressCreateIndexHandler struct{}
PgStatProgressCreateIndexHandler is the handler for the pg_stat_progress_create_index table.
func (PgStatProgressCreateIndexHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatProgressCreateIndexHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatProgressCreateIndexHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatProgressCreateIndexHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatProgressVacuumHandler ¶
type PgStatProgressVacuumHandler struct{}
PgStatProgressVacuumHandler is the handler for the pg_stat_progress_vacuum table.
func (PgStatProgressVacuumHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatProgressVacuumHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatProgressVacuumHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatProgressVacuumHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatRecoveryPrefetchHandler ¶
type PgStatRecoveryPrefetchHandler struct{}
PgStatRecoveryPrefetchHandler is the handler for the pg_stat_recovery_prefetch table.
func (PgStatRecoveryPrefetchHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatRecoveryPrefetchHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatRecoveryPrefetchHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatRecoveryPrefetchHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatReplicationHandler ¶
type PgStatReplicationHandler struct{}
PgStatReplicationHandler is the handler for the pg_stat_replication table.
func (PgStatReplicationHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatReplicationHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatReplicationHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatReplicationHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatReplicationSlotsHandler ¶
type PgStatReplicationSlotsHandler struct{}
PgStatReplicationSlotsHandler is the handler for the pg_stat_replication_slots table.
func (PgStatReplicationSlotsHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatReplicationSlotsHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatReplicationSlotsHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatReplicationSlotsHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatSlruHandler ¶
type PgStatSlruHandler struct{}
PgStatSlruHandler is the handler for the pg_stat_slru table.
func (PgStatSlruHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatSlruHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatSlruHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatSlruHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatSslHandler ¶
type PgStatSslHandler struct{}
PgStatSslHandler is the handler for the pg_stat_ssl table.
func (PgStatSslHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatSslHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatSslHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatSslHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatSubscriptionHandler ¶
type PgStatSubscriptionHandler struct{}
PgStatSubscriptionHandler is the handler for the pg_stat_subscription table.
func (PgStatSubscriptionHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatSubscriptionHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatSubscriptionHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatSubscriptionHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatSubscriptionStatsHandler ¶
type PgStatSubscriptionStatsHandler struct{}
PgStatSubscriptionStatsHandler is the handler for the pg_stat_subscription_stats table.
func (PgStatSubscriptionStatsHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatSubscriptionStatsHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatSubscriptionStatsHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatSubscriptionStatsHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatSysIndexesHandler ¶
type PgStatSysIndexesHandler struct{}
PgStatSysIndexesHandler is the handler for the pg_stat_sys_indexes table.
func (PgStatSysIndexesHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatSysIndexesHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatSysIndexesHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatSysIndexesHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatSysTablesHandler ¶
type PgStatSysTablesHandler struct{}
PgStatSysTablesHandler is the handler for the pg_stat_sys_tables table.
func (PgStatSysTablesHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatSysTablesHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatSysTablesHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatSysTablesHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatUserFunctionsHandler ¶
type PgStatUserFunctionsHandler struct{}
PgStatUserFunctionsHandler is the handler for the pg_stat_user_functions table.
func (PgStatUserFunctionsHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatUserFunctionsHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatUserFunctionsHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatUserFunctionsHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatUserIndexesHandler ¶
type PgStatUserIndexesHandler struct{}
PgStatUserIndexesHandler is the handler for the pg_stat_user_indexes table.
func (PgStatUserIndexesHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatUserIndexesHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatUserIndexesHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatUserIndexesHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatUserTablesHandler ¶
type PgStatUserTablesHandler struct{}
PgStatUserTablesHandler is the handler for the pg_stat_user_tables table.
func (PgStatUserTablesHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatUserTablesHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatUserTablesHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatUserTablesHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatWalHandler ¶
type PgStatWalHandler struct{}
PgStatWalHandler is the handler for the pg_stat_wal table.
func (PgStatWalHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatWalHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatWalHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatWalHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatWalReceiverHandler ¶
type PgStatWalReceiverHandler struct{}
PgStatWalReceiverHandler is the handler for the pg_stat_wal_receiver table.
func (PgStatWalReceiverHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatWalReceiverHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatWalReceiverHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatWalReceiverHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatXactAllTablesHandler ¶
type PgStatXactAllTablesHandler struct{}
PgStatXactAllTablesHandler is the handler for the pg_stat_xact_all_tables table.
func (PgStatXactAllTablesHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatXactAllTablesHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatXactAllTablesHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatXactAllTablesHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatXactSysTablesHandler ¶
type PgStatXactSysTablesHandler struct{}
PgStatXactSysTablesHandler is the handler for the pg_stat_xact_sys_tables table.
func (PgStatXactSysTablesHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatXactSysTablesHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatXactSysTablesHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatXactSysTablesHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatXactUserFunctionsHandler ¶
type PgStatXactUserFunctionsHandler struct{}
PgStatXactUserFunctionsHandler is the handler for the pg_stat_xact_user_functions table.
func (PgStatXactUserFunctionsHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatXactUserFunctionsHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatXactUserFunctionsHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatXactUserFunctionsHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatXactUserTablesHandler ¶
type PgStatXactUserTablesHandler struct{}
PgStatXactUserTablesHandler is the handler for the pg_stat_xact_user_tables table.
func (PgStatXactUserTablesHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatXactUserTablesHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatXactUserTablesHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatXactUserTablesHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatioAllIndexesHandler ¶
type PgStatioAllIndexesHandler struct{}
PgStatioAllIndexesHandler is the handler for the pg_statio_all_indexes table.
func (PgStatioAllIndexesHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatioAllIndexesHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatioAllIndexesHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatioAllIndexesHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatioAllSequencesHandler ¶
type PgStatioAllSequencesHandler struct{}
PgStatioAllSequencesHandler is the handler for the pg_statio_all_sequences table.
func (PgStatioAllSequencesHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatioAllSequencesHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatioAllSequencesHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatioAllSequencesHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatioAllTablesHandler ¶
type PgStatioAllTablesHandler struct{}
PgStatioAllTablesHandler is the handler for the pg_statio_all_tables table.
func (PgStatioAllTablesHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatioAllTablesHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatioAllTablesHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatioAllTablesHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatioSysIndexesHandler ¶
type PgStatioSysIndexesHandler struct{}
PgStatioSysIndexesHandler is the handler for the pg_statio_sys_indexes table.
func (PgStatioSysIndexesHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatioSysIndexesHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatioSysIndexesHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatioSysIndexesHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatioSysSequencesHandler ¶
type PgStatioSysSequencesHandler struct{}
PgStatioSysSequencesHandler is the handler for the pg_statio_sys_sequences table.
func (PgStatioSysSequencesHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatioSysSequencesHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatioSysSequencesHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatioSysSequencesHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatioSysTablesHandler ¶
type PgStatioSysTablesHandler struct{}
PgStatioSysTablesHandler is the handler for the pg_statio_sys_tables table.
func (PgStatioSysTablesHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatioSysTablesHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatioSysTablesHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatioSysTablesHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatioUserIndexesHandler ¶
type PgStatioUserIndexesHandler struct{}
PgStatioUserIndexesHandler is the handler for the pg_statio_user_indexes table.
func (PgStatioUserIndexesHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatioUserIndexesHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatioUserIndexesHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatioUserIndexesHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatioUserSequencesHandler ¶
type PgStatioUserSequencesHandler struct{}
PgStatioUserSequencesHandler is the handler for the pg_statio_user_sequences table.
func (PgStatioUserSequencesHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatioUserSequencesHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatioUserSequencesHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatioUserSequencesHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatioUserTablesHandler ¶
type PgStatioUserTablesHandler struct{}
PgStatioUserTablesHandler is the handler for the pg_statio_user_tables table.
func (PgStatioUserTablesHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatioUserTablesHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatioUserTablesHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatioUserTablesHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatisticExtDataHandler ¶
type PgStatisticExtDataHandler struct{}
PgStatisticExtDataHandler is the handler for the pg_statistic_ext_data table.
func (PgStatisticExtDataHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatisticExtDataHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatisticExtDataHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatisticExtDataHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatisticExtHandler ¶
type PgStatisticExtHandler struct{}
PgStatisticExtHandler is the handler for the pg_statistic_ext table.
func (PgStatisticExtHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatisticExtHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatisticExtHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatisticExtHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatisticHandler ¶
type PgStatisticHandler struct{}
PgStatisticHandler is the handler for the pg_statistic table.
func (PgStatisticHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatisticHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatisticHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatisticHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatsExtExprsHandler ¶
type PgStatsExtExprsHandler struct{}
PgStatsExtExprsHandler is the handler for the pg_stats_ext_exprs table.
func (PgStatsExtExprsHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatsExtExprsHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatsExtExprsHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatsExtExprsHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatsExtHandler ¶
type PgStatsExtHandler struct{}
PgStatsExtHandler is the handler for the pg_stats_ext table.
func (PgStatsExtHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatsExtHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatsExtHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatsExtHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgStatsHandler ¶
type PgStatsHandler struct{}
PgStatsHandler is the handler for the pg_stats table.
func (PgStatsHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgStatsHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgStatsHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgStatsHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgSubscriptionHandler ¶
type PgSubscriptionHandler struct{}
PgSubscriptionHandler is the handler for the pg_subscription table.
func (PgSubscriptionHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgSubscriptionHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgSubscriptionHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgSubscriptionHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgSubscriptionRelHandler ¶
type PgSubscriptionRelHandler struct{}
PgSubscriptionRelHandler is the handler for the pg_subscription_rel table.
func (PgSubscriptionRelHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgSubscriptionRelHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgSubscriptionRelHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgSubscriptionRelHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgTablesHandler ¶
type PgTablesHandler struct{}
PgTablesHandler is the handler for the pg_tables table.
func (PgTablesHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgTablesHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgTablesHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgTablesHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgTablespaceHandler ¶
type PgTablespaceHandler struct{}
PgTablespaceHandler is the handler for the pg_tablespace table.
func (PgTablespaceHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgTablespaceHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgTablespaceHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgTablespaceHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgTimezoneAbbrevsHandler ¶
type PgTimezoneAbbrevsHandler struct{}
PgTimezoneAbbrevsHandler is the handler for the pg_timezone_abbrevs table.
func (PgTimezoneAbbrevsHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgTimezoneAbbrevsHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgTimezoneAbbrevsHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgTimezoneAbbrevsHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgTimezoneNamesHandler ¶
type PgTimezoneNamesHandler struct{}
PgTimezoneNamesHandler is the handler for the pg_timezone_names table.
func (PgTimezoneNamesHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgTimezoneNamesHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgTimezoneNamesHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgTimezoneNamesHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgTransformHandler ¶
type PgTransformHandler struct{}
PgTransformHandler is the handler for the pg_transform table.
func (PgTransformHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgTransformHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgTransformHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgTransformHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgTriggerHandler ¶
type PgTriggerHandler struct{}
PgTriggerHandler is the handler for the pg_trigger table.
func (PgTriggerHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgTriggerHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgTriggerHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgTriggerHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgTsConfigHandler ¶
type PgTsConfigHandler struct{}
PgTsConfigHandler is the handler for the pg_ts_config table.
func (PgTsConfigHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgTsConfigHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgTsConfigHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgTsConfigHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgTsConfigMapHandler ¶
type PgTsConfigMapHandler struct{}
PgTsConfigMapHandler is the handler for the pg_ts_config_map table.
func (PgTsConfigMapHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgTsConfigMapHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgTsConfigMapHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgTsConfigMapHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgTsDictHandler ¶
type PgTsDictHandler struct{}
PgTsDictHandler is the handler for the pg_ts_dict table.
func (PgTsDictHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgTsDictHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgTsDictHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgTsDictHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgTsParserHandler ¶
type PgTsParserHandler struct{}
PgTsParserHandler is the handler for the pg_ts_parser table.
func (PgTsParserHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgTsParserHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgTsParserHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgTsParserHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgTsTemplateHandler ¶
type PgTsTemplateHandler struct{}
PgTsTemplateHandler is the handler for the pg_ts_template table.
func (PgTsTemplateHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgTsTemplateHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgTsTemplateHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgTsTemplateHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgTypeHandler ¶
type PgTypeHandler struct{}
PgTypeHandler is the handler for the pg_type table.
func (PgTypeHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgTypeHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgTypeHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgTypeHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgUserHandler ¶
type PgUserHandler struct{}
PgUserHandler is the handler for the pg_user table.
func (PgUserHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgUserHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgUserHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgUserHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgUserMappingHandler ¶
type PgUserMappingHandler struct{}
PgUserMappingHandler is the handler for the pg_user_mapping table.
func (PgUserMappingHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgUserMappingHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgUserMappingHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgUserMappingHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgUserMappingsHandler ¶
type PgUserMappingsHandler struct{}
PgUserMappingsHandler is the handler for the pg_user_mappings table.
func (PgUserMappingsHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgUserMappingsHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgUserMappingsHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgUserMappingsHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
type PgViewsHandler ¶
type PgViewsHandler struct{}
PgViewsHandler is the handler for the pg_views table.
func (PgViewsHandler) Name ¶
func (p PgViewsHandler) Name() string
Name implements the interface tables.Handler.
func (PgViewsHandler) Schema ¶
func (p PgViewsHandler) Schema() sql.PrimaryKeySchema
Schema implements the interface tables.Handler.
Source Files
- init.go
- iters.go
- pg_aggregate.go
- pg_am.go
- pg_amop.go
- pg_amproc.go
- pg_attrdef.go
- pg_attribute.go
- pg_auth_members.go
- pg_authid.go
- pg_available_extension_versions.go
- pg_available_extensions.go
- pg_backend_memory_contexts.go
- pg_cast.go
- pg_class.go
- pg_collation.go
- pg_config.go
- pg_constraint.go
- pg_conversion.go
- pg_cursors.go
- pg_database.go
- pg_db_role_setting.go
- pg_default_acl.go
- pg_depend.go
- pg_description.go
- pg_enum.go
- pg_event_trigger.go
- pg_extension.go
- pg_file_settings.go
- pg_foreign_data_wrapper.go
- pg_foreign_server.go
- pg_foreign_table.go
- pg_group.go
- pg_hba_file_rules.go
- pg_ident_file_mappings.go
- pg_index.go
- pg_indexes.go
- pg_inherits.go
- pg_init_privs.go
- pg_language.go
- pg_largeobject.go
- pg_largeobject_metadata.go
- pg_locks.go
- pg_matviews.go
- pg_namespace.go
- pg_opclass.go
- pg_operator.go
- pg_opfamily.go
- pg_parameter_acl.go
- pg_partitioned_table.go
- pg_policies.go
- pg_policy.go
- pg_prepared_statements.go
- pg_prepared_xacts.go
- pg_proc.go
- pg_publication.go
- pg_publication_namespace.go
- pg_publication_rel.go
- pg_publication_tables.go
- pg_range.go
- pg_replication_origin.go
- pg_replication_origin_status.go
- pg_replication_slots.go
- pg_rewrite.go
- pg_roles.go
- pg_rules.go
- pg_seclabel.go
- pg_seclabels.go
- pg_sequence.go
- pg_sequences.go
- pg_settings.go
- pg_shadow.go
- pg_shdepend.go
- pg_shdescription.go
- pg_shmem_allocations.go
- pg_shseclabel.go
- pg_stat_activity.go
- pg_stat_all_indexes.go
- pg_stat_all_tables.go
- pg_stat_archiver.go
- pg_stat_bgwriter.go
- pg_stat_database.go
- pg_stat_database_conflicts.go
- pg_stat_gssapi.go
- pg_stat_progress_analyze.go
- pg_stat_progress_basebackup.go
- pg_stat_progress_cluster.go
- pg_stat_progress_copy.go
- pg_stat_progress_create_index.go
- pg_stat_progress_vacuum.go
- pg_stat_recovery_prefetch.go
- pg_stat_replication.go
- pg_stat_replication_slots.go
- pg_stat_slru.go
- pg_stat_ssl.go
- pg_stat_subscription.go
- pg_stat_subscription_stats.go
- pg_stat_sys_indexes.go
- pg_stat_sys_tables.go
- pg_stat_user_functions.go
- pg_stat_user_indexes.go
- pg_stat_user_tables.go
- pg_stat_wal.go
- pg_stat_wal_receiver.go
- pg_stat_xact_all_tables.go
- pg_stat_xact_sys_tables.go
- pg_stat_xact_user_functions.go
- pg_stat_xact_user_tables.go
- pg_statio_all_indexes.go
- pg_statio_all_sequences.go
- pg_statio_all_tables.go
- pg_statio_sys_indexes.go
- pg_statio_sys_sequences.go
- pg_statio_sys_tables.go
- pg_statio_user_indexes.go
- pg_statio_user_sequences.go
- pg_statio_user_tables.go
- pg_statistic.go
- pg_statistic_ext.go
- pg_statistic_ext_data.go
- pg_stats.go
- pg_stats_ext.go
- pg_stats_ext_exprs.go
- pg_subscription.go
- pg_subscription_rel.go
- pg_tables.go
- pg_tablespace.go
- pg_timezone_abbrevs.go
- pg_timezone_names.go
- pg_transform.go
- pg_trigger.go
- pg_ts_config.go
- pg_ts_config_map.go
- pg_ts_dict.go
- pg_ts_parser.go
- pg_ts_template.go
- pg_type.go
- pg_user.go
- pg_user_mapping.go
- pg_user_mappings.go
- pg_views.go