Backend service
Architecture Overview
The architecture for the backend service is given below. This architecture is heavily influenced by go_clean_arch
Incoming HTTP requests are parsed and validated by the handler layer. The handler layer calls the service layer's methods, which in turn accesses the repository, which uses data sources (persistence, data storage, etc.). Each layer depends on a "concrete implementation" of the layer to its right.
All of these layers can "work with" and pass models, defined in the model layer, to and from each other. These models hold the fundamental data properties, errors, and interfaces of the application. In some architectures, there may be a distinction between "domain models" and "data models," which will require methods for transforming the data models into domain models. I found that to be overkill for the current application, though this may be something to consider for your application.
Architecture Benefits
This architecture lends itself well to unit testing, though this is by no means the only such architecture. Each layer can define an expectation of what each layer to its right must "implement." Any actual, or "concrete implementation," of a layer must conform to these expectations. We define these expectations in Go, and many other languages, by defining interfaces. We can then test the application layers separately by "mocking" the responses from these interfaces.
cd account
go run main.go
go test -v ./handler # to test in handler layer
go test ./... # test all
go test -v ./service -run NewPairFromUser # test exact method to reduce tests
Application Layers
The app's authorization details is below
In here I choose to use pgadmin4
redis-cli get {uid}:{jti} # jti: token id, uid and jti can be got from refresh token payload
redis-cli TTL {uid}:{jti} # get the duration time of key in redis
Migrate DB
make migrate-create NAME=add_users_table
make migrate-up // update table
make migrate-down // revert table