juicefs source analysis
为底层存储 对 juicefs
// ObjectStorage is the interface for object storage.
// all of these API should be idempotent.
// objectStorage是对象存储的接口。
// 所有这些API都应是幂等的。
type ObjectStorage interface {
// Description of the object storage.
// 对象存储的描述。
String() string
// Create the bucket if not existed.
// 如果不存在,请创建存储桶。
Create() error
// Get the data for the given object specified by key.
// 获取按键指定的给定对象的数据。
Get(key string, off, limit int64) (io.ReadCloser, error)
// Put data read from a reader to an object specified by key.
// 将数据从读取器读取到按键指定的对象。
Put(key string, in io.Reader) error
// Delete a object.
// 删除对象。
Delete(key string) error
// Head returns some information about the object or an error if not found.
// head返回有关对象的一些信息或如果找不到错误。
Head(key string) (Object, error)
// List returns a list of objects.
// 列表返回对象列表。
List(prefix, marker string, limit int64) ([]Object, error)
// ListAll returns all the objects as an channel.
// ListAll将所有对象返回为频道。
ListAll(prefix, marker string) (<-chan Object, error)
// CreateMultipartUpload starts to upload a large object part by part.
// CreateMultIpArtupload开始按零部键上载一个大对象部分。
CreateMultipartUpload(key string) (*MultipartUpload, error)
// UploadPart upload a part of an object.
// uploadpart上传对象的一部分。
UploadPart(key string, uploadID string, num int, body []byte) (*Part, error)
// AbortUpload abort a multipart upload.
// abortupload中止一个多重上传。
AbortUpload(key string, uploadID string)
// CompleteUpload finish an multipart upload.
// 完全完成多重上传。
CompleteUpload(key string, uploadID string, parts []*Part) error
// ListUploads lists existing multipart uploads.
// ListUploads列出现有的MultiPart上传。
ListUploads(marker string) ([]*PendingPart, string, error)
minio 对 上述interface实现
type minio struct {
// minio description
func (m *minio) String() string {
return *
// create
func (m *minio) Create() error {
return m.s3client.Create()
juicefs 对于 minio 复用了 aws s3的实现
const awsDefaultRegion = "us-east-1"
type s3client struct {
bucket string
s3 *s3.S3
ses *session.Session
func (s *s3client) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("s3://%s", s.bucket)
func (s *s3client) Create() error {
_, err := s.s3.CreateBucket(&s3.CreateBucketInput{Bucket: &s.bucket})
if err != nil {
if aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok {
switch aerr.Code() {
case s3.ErrCodeBucketAlreadyExists:
err = nil
case s3.ErrCodeBucketAlreadyOwnedByYou:
err = nil
return err
func (s *s3client) Head(key string) (Object, error) {
param := s3.HeadObjectInput{
Bucket: &s.bucket,
Key: &key,
r, err := s.s3.HeadObject(¶m)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &obj{
strings.HasSuffix(key, "/"),
}, nil
func (s *s3client) Get(key string, off, limit int64) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
params := &s3.GetObjectInput{Bucket: &s.bucket, Key: &key}
if off > 0 || limit > 0 {
var r string
if limit > 0 {
r = fmt.Sprintf("bytes=%d-%d", off, off+limit-1)
} else {
r = fmt.Sprintf("bytes=%d-", off)
params.Range = &r
resp, err := s.s3.GetObject(params)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if off == 0 && limit == -1 {
cs := resp.Metadata[checksumAlgr]
if cs != nil {
resp.Body = verifyChecksum(resp.Body, *cs)
return resp.Body, nil
func (s *s3client) Put(key string, in io.Reader) error {
var body io.ReadSeeker
if b, ok := in.(io.ReadSeeker); ok {
body = b
} else {
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(in)
if err != nil {
return err
body = bytes.NewReader(data)
checksum := generateChecksum(body)
params := &s3.PutObjectInput{
Bucket: &s.bucket,
Key: &key,
Body: body,
Metadata: map[string]*string{checksumAlgr: &checksum},
_, err := s.s3.PutObject(params)
return err
func (s *s3client) Copy(dst, src string) error {
src = s.bucket + "/" + src
params := &s3.CopyObjectInput{
Bucket: &s.bucket,
Key: &dst,
CopySource: &src,
_, err := s.s3.CopyObject(params)
return err
func (s *s3client) Delete(key string) error {
param := s3.DeleteObjectInput{
Bucket: &s.bucket,
Key: &key,
_, err := s.s3.DeleteObject(¶m)
return err
func (s *s3client) List(prefix, marker string, limit int64) ([]Object, error) {
param := s3.ListObjectsInput{
Bucket: &s.bucket,
Prefix: &prefix,
Marker: &marker,
MaxKeys: &limit,
resp, err := s.s3.ListObjects(¶m)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
n := len(resp.Contents)
objs := make([]Object, n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
o := resp.Contents[i]
objs[i] = &obj{
strings.HasSuffix(*o.Key, "/"),
return objs, nil
func (s *s3client) ListAll(prefix, marker string) (<-chan Object, error) {
return nil, notSupported
func (s *s3client) CreateMultipartUpload(key string) (*MultipartUpload, error) {
params := &s3.CreateMultipartUploadInput{
Bucket: &s.bucket,
Key: &key,
resp, err := s.s3.CreateMultipartUpload(params)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &MultipartUpload{UploadID: *resp.UploadId, MinPartSize: 5 << 20, MaxCount: 10000}, nil
func (s *s3client) UploadPart(key string, uploadID string, num int, body []byte) (*Part, error) {
n := int64(num)
params := &s3.UploadPartInput{
Bucket: &s.bucket,
Key: &key,
UploadId: &uploadID,
Body: bytes.NewReader(body),
PartNumber: &n,
resp, err := s.s3.UploadPart(params)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Part{Num: num, ETag: *resp.ETag}, nil
func (s *s3client) AbortUpload(key string, uploadID string) {
params := &s3.AbortMultipartUploadInput{
Bucket: &s.bucket,
Key: &key,
UploadId: &uploadID,
_, _ = s.s3.AbortMultipartUpload(params)
func (s *s3client) CompleteUpload(key string, uploadID string, parts []*Part) error {
var s3Parts []*s3.CompletedPart
for i := range parts {
n := new(int64)
*n = int64(parts[i].Num)
s3Parts = append(s3Parts, &s3.CompletedPart{ETag: &parts[i].ETag, PartNumber: n})
params := &s3.CompleteMultipartUploadInput{
Bucket: &s.bucket,
Key: &key,
UploadId: &uploadID,
MultipartUpload: &s3.CompletedMultipartUpload{Parts: s3Parts},
_, err := s.s3.CompleteMultipartUpload(params)
return err
func (s *s3client) ListUploads(marker string) ([]*PendingPart, string, error) {
input := &s3.ListMultipartUploadsInput{
Bucket: aws.String(s.bucket),
KeyMarker: aws.String(marker),
result, err := s.s3.ListMultipartUploads(input)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
parts := make([]*PendingPart, len(result.Uploads))
for i, u := range result.Uploads {
parts[i] = &PendingPart{*u.Key, *u.UploadId, *u.Initiated}
var nextMarker string
if result.NextKeyMarker != nil {
nextMarker = *result.NextKeyMarker
return parts, nextMarker, nil
GO开源fuse 比较
- 兼容几乎所有操作系统 (juicefs将此作为win挂载)
- 仅兼容linux
- (juicefs将此作为linux挂载)
// FileSystemBase provides default implementations of the methods in FileSystemInterface.
// The default implementations are either empty or return -ENOSYS to signal that the
// file system does not implement a particular operation to the FUSE layer.
// filesystembase提供fileSystemInterface中的方法的默认实现。
//默认实现为空或返回 - 以发出信号
type FileSystemBase struct {
// Init is called when the file system is created.
// The FileSystemBase implementation does nothing.
// filesystembase实现没有任何内容。
func (*FileSystemBase) Init() {
// Destroy is called when the file system is destroyed.
// The FileSystemBase implementation does nothing.
// filesystembase实现没有任何内容。
func (*FileSystemBase) Destroy() {
// Statfs gets file system statistics.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
// statfs获取文件系统统计信息。
// filesystembase实现返回-enosys。
func (*FileSystemBase) Statfs(path string, stat *Statfs_t) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Mknod creates a file node.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
// mknod创建一个文件节点。
// filesystembase实现返回-enosys。
func (*FileSystemBase) Mknod(path string, mode uint32, dev uint64) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Mkdir creates a directory.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
// mkdir创建一个目录。
// filesystembase实现返回-enosys。
func (*FileSystemBase) Mkdir(path string, mode uint32) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Unlink removes a file.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
// Unlink 删除文件。
// filesystembase实现返回-enosys。
func (*FileSystemBase) Unlink(path string) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Rmdir removes a directory. 删除目录。
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS. FileSystemBase实现返回-enosys。
func (*FileSystemBase) Rmdir(path string) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Link creates a hard link to a file. 创建一个文件的硬链接。
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS. FileSystemBase实现返回-enosys。
func (*FileSystemBase) Link(oldpath string, newpath string) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Symlink creates a symbolic link. 创建一个软链接。
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Symlink(target string, newpath string) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Readlink reads the target of a symbolic link. 读取软链接的目标。
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Readlink(path string) (int, string) {
return -ENOSYS, ""
// Rename renames a file. 重命名文件。
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Rename(oldpath string, newpath string) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Chmod changes the permission bits of a file. 更改文件的权限位。
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Chmod(path string, mode uint32) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Chown changes the owner and group of a file. 更改文件的所有者和组。
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Chown(path string, uid uint32, gid uint32) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Utimens changes the access and modification times of a file. 更改文件的访问和修改时间。
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Utimens(path string, tmsp []Timespec) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Access checks file access permissions. 检查文件访问权限。
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Access(path string, mask uint32) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Create creates and opens a file. 创建并打开文件。
// The flags are a combination of the fuse.O_* constants.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Create(path string, flags int, mode uint32) (int, uint64) {
return -ENOSYS, ^uint64(0)
// Open opens a file. 打开文件。
// The flags are a combination of the fuse.O_* constants.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Open(path string, flags int) (int, uint64) {
return -ENOSYS, ^uint64(0)
// Getattr gets file attributes. 获取文件属性。
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Getattr(path string, stat *Stat_t, fh uint64) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Truncate changes the size of a file. 更改文件的大小。
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Truncate(path string, size int64, fh uint64) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Read reads data from a file. 从文件中读取数据。
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Read(path string, buff []byte, ofst int64, fh uint64) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Write writes data to a file. 将数据写入文件。
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Write(path string, buff []byte, ofst int64, fh uint64) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Flush flushes cached file data. 刷新缓存的文件数据。
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Flush(path string, fh uint64) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Release closes an open file. 关闭一个打开的文件。
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Release(path string, fh uint64) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Fsync synchronizes file contents. 同步文件内容。
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Fsync(path string, datasync bool, fh uint64) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Lock performs a file locking operation. 执行文件锁定操作。
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Lock(path string, cmd int, lock *Lock_t, fh uint64) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Opendir opens a directory. 打开一个目录。
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Opendir(path string) (int, uint64) {
return -ENOSYS, ^uint64(0)
// Readdir reads a directory. 读取一个目录。
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Readdir(path string,
fill func(name string, stat *Stat_t, ofst int64) bool,
ofst int64,
fh uint64) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Releasedir closes an open directory. 关闭一个打开的目录。
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Releasedir(path string, fh uint64) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Fsyncdir synchronizes directory contents. 同步目录内容。
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Fsyncdir(path string, datasync bool, fh uint64) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Setxattr sets extended attributes. 设置扩展属性。
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Setxattr(path string, name string, value []byte, flags int) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Getxattr gets extended attributes. 获取扩展属性。
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Getxattr(path string, name string) (int, []byte) {
return -ENOSYS, nil
// Removexattr removes extended attributes. 删除扩展属性。
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Removexattr(path string, name string) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Listxattr lists extended attributes. 列出扩展属性。
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Listxattr(path string, fill func(name string) bool) int {
return -ENOSYS
Click to show internal directories.
Click to hide internal directories.