Test assignment description
You are given a number of inputs and corresponding expressions for substitutions between inputs and outputs, and the expected output.
The algorithm should be implemented using any approaches/ techniques that you find appropriate.
Assignment can be implemented in any language of your choice, and you can use any framework / libraries that you wish. It’s up to you to decide how to control quality of implementation and what design/ approach to pick/ invent.
Following variables are acceptable as input:
- A: bool
- B: bool
- C: bool
- D: float
- E: int
- F: int
Expected outputs
The outputs are defined as:
H: one of these predefined values [M,P,T] (e.g. H could be equal to either of 3 values: M, P or T)
K: floating point number (e.g. float, decimal)
Substitution expressions
The assignment consists of base expressions set and two custom set of expressions that override / extend the base rules.
A && B && !C => H = M A&&B&&C =>H=P !A && B && C => H = T [other] => [error]
H = M => K = D + (D * E / 10)
H = P => K = D + (D * (E - F) / 25.5) H = T => K = D - (D * F / 30)
Custom 1
H = P => K = 2 * D + (D * E / 100)
Custom 2
A && B && !C => H = T
A && !B && C => H = M
H = M => K = F + D + (D * E / 100)
Assignment could be implemented in a way of backend application and be exposed in a simple REST API or as browser based application and run within the browser with or without communication to the backend. Shape of implementation is up to you.
With docker
If you have installed docker, use make-helpers.
Build and run the API:
make build docker up
make down
To look at all available commands:
make help
Without docker
In terminal from the root of this repo:
APP_PORT=8080 go run ./
- github.com/go-chi/chi
- github.com/TV4/graceful (server graceful shutdown)