Index ¶
- Constants
- func GetPriority(facility string) (syslog.Priority, error)
- func GetResolverIP(dm *dnsutils.DNSMessage) string
- func GetStreamGlobal(dm *dnsutils.DNSMessage) string
- func GetStreamID(dm *dnsutils.DNSMessage) string
- func IsStdoutValidMode(mode string) bool
- func IsValidMode(mode string) bool
- func SanitizeMetricName(metricName string) string
- type DnstapSender
- func (ds *DnstapSender) AddDefaultRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
- func (ds *DnstapSender) AddDroppedRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
- func (ds *DnstapSender) ConnectToRemote()
- func (ds *DnstapSender) Disconnect()
- func (ds *DnstapSender) FlushBuffer(buf *[]dnsutils.DNSMessage)
- func (ds *DnstapSender) GetInputChannel() chan dnsutils.DNSMessage
- func (ds *DnstapSender) GetName() string
- func (ds *DnstapSender) LogError(msg string, v ...interface{})
- func (ds *DnstapSender) LogInfo(msg string, v ...interface{})
- func (ds *DnstapSender) Process()
- func (ds *DnstapSender) ReadConfig()
- func (ds *DnstapSender) ReloadConfig(config *pkgconfig.Config)
- func (ds *DnstapSender) Run()
- func (ds *DnstapSender) SetLoggers(loggers []pkgutils.Worker)
- func (ds *DnstapSender) Stop()
- type ElasticSearchClient
- func (ec *ElasticSearchClient) AddDefaultRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
- func (ec *ElasticSearchClient) AddDroppedRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
- func (ec *ElasticSearchClient) FlushBuffer(buf *[]dnsutils.DNSMessage)
- func (ec *ElasticSearchClient) GetInputChannel() chan dnsutils.DNSMessage
- func (ec *ElasticSearchClient) GetName() string
- func (ec *ElasticSearchClient) LogError(msg string, v ...interface{})
- func (ec *ElasticSearchClient) LogInfo(msg string, v ...interface{})
- func (ec *ElasticSearchClient) Process()
- func (ec *ElasticSearchClient) ReadConfig()
- func (ec *ElasticSearchClient) ReloadConfig(config *pkgconfig.Config)
- func (ec *ElasticSearchClient) Run()
- func (ec *ElasticSearchClient) SetLoggers(loggers []pkgutils.Worker)
- func (ec *ElasticSearchClient) Stop()
- type EpsCounters
- type FalcoClient
- func (fc *FalcoClient) AddDefaultRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
- func (fc *FalcoClient) AddDroppedRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
- func (fc *FalcoClient) GetInputChannel() chan dnsutils.DNSMessage
- func (fc *FalcoClient) GetName() string
- func (fc *FalcoClient) LogError(msg string, v ...interface{})
- func (fc *FalcoClient) LogInfo(msg string, v ...interface{})
- func (fc *FalcoClient) Process()
- func (fc *FalcoClient) ReadConfig()
- func (fc *FalcoClient) ReloadConfig(config *pkgconfig.Config)
- func (fc *FalcoClient) Run()
- func (fc *FalcoClient) SetLoggers(loggers []pkgutils.Worker)
- func (fc *FalcoClient) Stop()
- type FluentdClient
- func (fc *FluentdClient) AddDefaultRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
- func (fc *FluentdClient) AddDroppedRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
- func (fc *FluentdClient) ConnectToRemote()
- func (fc *FluentdClient) Disconnect()
- func (fc *FluentdClient) FlushBuffer(buf *[]dnsutils.DNSMessage)
- func (fc *FluentdClient) GetInputChannel() chan dnsutils.DNSMessage
- func (fc *FluentdClient) GetName() string
- func (fc *FluentdClient) LogError(msg string, v ...interface{})
- func (fc *FluentdClient) LogInfo(msg string, v ...interface{})
- func (fc *FluentdClient) Process()
- func (fc *FluentdClient) ReadConfig()
- func (fc *FluentdClient) ReloadConfig(config *pkgconfig.Config)
- func (fc *FluentdClient) Run()
- func (fc *FluentdClient) SetLoggers(loggers []pkgutils.Worker)
- func (fc *FluentdClient) Stop()
- type HitsRecord
- type HitsStream
- type HitsUniq
- type InfluxDBClient
- func (ic *InfluxDBClient) AddDefaultRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
- func (ic *InfluxDBClient) AddDroppedRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
- func (ic *InfluxDBClient) GetInputChannel() chan dnsutils.DNSMessage
- func (ic *InfluxDBClient) GetName() string
- func (ic *InfluxDBClient) LogError(msg string, v ...interface{})
- func (ic *InfluxDBClient) LogInfo(msg string, v ...interface{})
- func (ic *InfluxDBClient) Process()
- func (ic *InfluxDBClient) ReadConfig()
- func (ic *InfluxDBClient) ReloadConfig(config *pkgconfig.Config)
- func (ic *InfluxDBClient) Run()
- func (ic *InfluxDBClient) SetLoggers(loggers []pkgutils.Worker)
- func (ic *InfluxDBClient) Stop()
- type KafkaProducer
- func (k *KafkaProducer) AddDefaultRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
- func (k *KafkaProducer) AddDroppedRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
- func (k *KafkaProducer) ConnectToKafka(ctx context.Context, readyTimer *time.Timer)
- func (k *KafkaProducer) Disconnect()
- func (k *KafkaProducer) FlushBuffer(buf *[]dnsutils.DNSMessage)
- func (k *KafkaProducer) GetInputChannel() chan dnsutils.DNSMessage
- func (k *KafkaProducer) GetName() string
- func (k *KafkaProducer) LogError(msg string, v ...interface{})
- func (k *KafkaProducer) LogInfo(msg string, v ...interface{})
- func (k *KafkaProducer) Process()
- func (k *KafkaProducer) ReadConfig()
- func (k *KafkaProducer) ReloadConfig(config *pkgconfig.Config)
- func (k *KafkaProducer) Run()
- func (k *KafkaProducer) SetLoggers(loggers []pkgutils.Worker)
- func (k *KafkaProducer) Stop()
- type KeyHit
- type LogFile
- func (lf *LogFile) AddDefaultRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
- func (lf *LogFile) AddDroppedRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
- func (lf *LogFile) Cleanup() error
- func (lf *LogFile) CompressFile()
- func (lf *LogFile) CompressPostRotateCommand(filename string)
- func (lf *LogFile) FlushWriters()
- func (lf *LogFile) GetInputChannel() chan dnsutils.DNSMessage
- func (lf *LogFile) GetMaxSize() int64
- func (lf *LogFile) GetName() string
- func (lf *LogFile) LogError(msg string, v ...interface{})
- func (lf *LogFile) LogInfo(msg string, v ...interface{})
- func (lf *LogFile) OpenFile() error
- func (lf *LogFile) PostRotateCommand(filename string)
- func (lf *LogFile) Process()
- func (lf *LogFile) ReadConfig()
- func (lf *LogFile) ReloadConfig(config *pkgconfig.Config)
- func (lf *LogFile) RotateFile() error
- func (lf *LogFile) Run()
- func (lf *LogFile) SetLoggers(loggers []pkgutils.Worker)
- func (lf *LogFile) Stop()
- func (lf *LogFile) WriteToDnstap(data []byte)
- func (lf *LogFile) WriteToPcap(dm dnsutils.DNSMessage, pkt []gopacket.SerializableLayer)
- func (lf *LogFile) WriteToPlain(data []byte)
- type LokiClient
- func (c *LokiClient) AddDefaultRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
- func (c *LokiClient) AddDroppedRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
- func (c *LokiClient) GetInputChannel() chan dnsutils.DNSMessage
- func (c *LokiClient) GetName() string
- func (c *LokiClient) LogError(msg string, v ...interface{})
- func (c *LokiClient) LogInfo(msg string, v ...interface{})
- func (c *LokiClient) Process()
- func (c *LokiClient) ReadConfig()
- func (c *LokiClient) ReloadConfig(config *pkgconfig.Config)
- func (c *LokiClient) Run()
- func (c *LokiClient) SendEntries(buf []byte)
- func (c *LokiClient) SetLoggers(loggers []pkgutils.Worker)
- func (c *LokiClient) Stop()
- type LokiStream
- type PromCounterCatalogueContainer
- type Prometheus
- func (c *Prometheus) AddDefaultRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
- func (c *Prometheus) AddDroppedRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
- func (c *Prometheus) ComputeEventsPerSecond()
- func (c *Prometheus) GetInputChannel() chan dnsutils.DNSMessage
- func (c *Prometheus) GetName() string
- func (c *Prometheus) InitProm()
- func (c *Prometheus) ListenAndServe()
- func (c *Prometheus) LogError(msg string, v ...interface{})
- func (c *Prometheus) LogInfo(msg string, v ...interface{})
- func (c *Prometheus) Process()
- func (c *Prometheus) ReadConfig()
- func (c *Prometheus) Record(dm dnsutils.DNSMessage)
- func (c *Prometheus) ReloadConfig(config *pkgconfig.Config)
- func (c *Prometheus) Run()
- func (c *Prometheus) SetLoggers(loggers []pkgutils.Worker)
- func (c *Prometheus) Stop()
- type PrometheusCountersCatalogue
- type PrometheusCountersSet
- func (c *PrometheusCountersSet) Collect(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric)
- func (c *PrometheusCountersSet) ComputeEventsPerSecond()
- func (c *PrometheusCountersSet) Describe(ch chan<- *prometheus.Desc)
- func (c *PrometheusCountersSet) GetCountersSet(dm *dnsutils.DNSMessage) PrometheusCountersCatalogue
- func (c *PrometheusCountersSet) Record(dm dnsutils.DNSMessage)
- type RedisPub
- func (c *RedisPub) AddDefaultRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
- func (c *RedisPub) AddDroppedRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
- func (c *RedisPub) ConnectToRemote()
- func (c *RedisPub) Disconnect()
- func (c *RedisPub) FlushBuffer(buf *[]dnsutils.DNSMessage)
- func (c *RedisPub) GetInputChannel() chan dnsutils.DNSMessage
- func (c *RedisPub) GetName() string
- func (c *RedisPub) LogError(msg string, v ...interface{})
- func (c *RedisPub) LogInfo(msg string, v ...interface{})
- func (c *RedisPub) Process()
- func (c *RedisPub) ReadConfig()
- func (c *RedisPub) ReadFromConnection()
- func (c *RedisPub) ReloadConfig(config *pkgconfig.Config)
- func (c *RedisPub) Run()
- func (c *RedisPub) SetLoggers(loggers []pkgutils.Worker)
- func (c *RedisPub) Stop()
- type RestAPI
- func (c *RestAPI) AddDefaultRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
- func (c *RestAPI) AddDroppedRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
- func (c *RestAPI) BasicAuth(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) bool
- func (c *RestAPI) DeleteResetHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *RestAPI) GetClientsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *RestAPI) GetDomainsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *RestAPI) GetInputChannel() chan dnsutils.DNSMessage
- func (c *RestAPI) GetName() string
- func (c *RestAPI) GetNxDomainsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *RestAPI) GetSearchHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *RestAPI) GetSfDomainsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *RestAPI) GetStreamsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *RestAPI) GetSuspiciousHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *RestAPI) GetTLDsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *RestAPI) GetTopClientsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *RestAPI) GetTopDomainsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *RestAPI) GetTopNxDomainsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *RestAPI) GetTopSfDomainsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *RestAPI) GetTopTLDsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (c *RestAPI) ListenAndServe()
- func (c *RestAPI) LogError(msg string, v ...interface{})
- func (c *RestAPI) LogInfo(msg string, v ...interface{})
- func (c *RestAPI) Process()
- func (c *RestAPI) ReadConfig()
- func (c *RestAPI) RecordDNSMessage(dm dnsutils.DNSMessage)
- func (c *RestAPI) ReloadConfig(config *pkgconfig.Config)
- func (c *RestAPI) Run()
- func (c *RestAPI) SetLoggers(loggers []pkgutils.Worker)
- func (c *RestAPI) Stop()
- type ScalyrClient
- func (c *ScalyrClient) AddDefaultRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
- func (c *ScalyrClient) AddDroppedRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
- func (c *ScalyrClient) GetInputChannel() chan dnsutils.DNSMessage
- func (c *ScalyrClient) GetName() string
- func (c *ScalyrClient) LogError(msg string, v ...interface{})
- func (c *ScalyrClient) LogInfo(msg string, v ...interface{})
- func (c *ScalyrClient) Process()
- func (c *ScalyrClient) ReadConfig()
- func (c *ScalyrClient) ReloadConfig(config *pkgconfig.Config)
- func (c *ScalyrClient) Run()
- func (c *ScalyrClient) SetLoggers(loggers []pkgutils.Worker)
- func (c ScalyrClient) Stop()
- type SearchBy
- type StatsPerStream
- type StatsdClient
- func (c *StatsdClient) AddDefaultRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
- func (c *StatsdClient) AddDroppedRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
- func (c *StatsdClient) GetInputChannel() chan dnsutils.DNSMessage
- func (c *StatsdClient) GetName() string
- func (c *StatsdClient) LogError(msg string, v ...interface{})
- func (c *StatsdClient) LogInfo(msg string, v ...interface{})
- func (c *StatsdClient) Process()
- func (c *StatsdClient) ReadConfig()
- func (c *StatsdClient) RecordDNSMessage(dm dnsutils.DNSMessage)
- func (c *StatsdClient) ReloadConfig(config *pkgconfig.Config)
- func (c *StatsdClient) Run()
- func (c *StatsdClient) SetLoggers(loggers []pkgutils.Worker)
- func (c *StatsdClient) Stop()
- type StdOut
- func (so *StdOut) AddDefaultRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
- func (so *StdOut) AddDroppedRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
- func (so *StdOut) GetInputChannel() chan dnsutils.DNSMessage
- func (so *StdOut) GetName() string
- func (so *StdOut) LogError(msg string, v ...interface{})
- func (so *StdOut) LogInfo(msg string, v ...interface{})
- func (so *StdOut) Process()
- func (so *StdOut) ReadConfig()
- func (so *StdOut) ReloadConfig(config *pkgconfig.Config)
- func (so *StdOut) Run()
- func (so *StdOut) SetLoggers(loggers []pkgutils.Worker)
- func (so *StdOut) SetPcapWriter(w io.Writer)
- func (so *StdOut) SetTextWriter(b *bytes.Buffer)
- func (so *StdOut) Stop()
- type StreamStats
- type Syslog
- func (s *Syslog) AddDefaultRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
- func (s *Syslog) AddDroppedRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
- func (s *Syslog) ConnectToRemote()
- func (s *Syslog) FlushBuffer(buf *[]dnsutils.DNSMessage)
- func (s *Syslog) GetInputChannel() chan dnsutils.DNSMessage
- func (s *Syslog) GetName() string
- func (s *Syslog) LogError(msg string, v ...interface{})
- func (s *Syslog) LogInfo(msg string, v ...interface{})
- func (s *Syslog) Process()
- func (s *Syslog) ReadConfig()
- func (s *Syslog) ReloadConfig(config *pkgconfig.Config)
- func (s *Syslog) Run()
- func (s *Syslog) SetLoggers(loggers []pkgutils.Worker)
- func (s *Syslog) Stop()
- type TCPClient
- func (c *TCPClient) AddDefaultRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
- func (c *TCPClient) AddDroppedRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
- func (c *TCPClient) ConnectToRemote()
- func (c *TCPClient) Disconnect()
- func (c *TCPClient) FlushBuffer(buf *[]dnsutils.DNSMessage)
- func (c *TCPClient) GetInputChannel() chan dnsutils.DNSMessage
- func (c *TCPClient) GetName() string
- func (c *TCPClient) LogError(msg string, v ...interface{})
- func (c *TCPClient) LogInfo(msg string, v ...interface{})
- func (c *TCPClient) Process()
- func (c *TCPClient) ReadConfig()
- func (c *TCPClient) ReadFromConnection()
- func (c *TCPClient) ReloadConfig(config *pkgconfig.Config)
- func (c *TCPClient) Run()
- func (c *TCPClient) SetLoggers(loggers []pkgutils.Worker)
- func (c *TCPClient) Stop()
Constants ¶
const ( SeverityFinest scalyrSeverity = iota SeverityFiner SeverityFine SeverityInfo SeverityWarning SeverityError SeverityFatal )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func GetResolverIP ¶ added in v0.35.0
func GetResolverIP(dm *dnsutils.DNSMessage) string
func GetStreamGlobal ¶ added in v0.40.0
func GetStreamGlobal(dm *dnsutils.DNSMessage) string
func GetStreamID ¶ added in v0.35.0
func GetStreamID(dm *dnsutils.DNSMessage) string
func IsStdoutValidMode ¶ added in v0.33.0
func IsValidMode ¶ added in v0.26.0
func SanitizeMetricName ¶ added in v0.22.0
OpenMetrics and the Prometheus exposition format require the metric name to consist only of alphanumericals and "_", ":" and they must not start with digits.
Types ¶
type DnstapSender ¶
type DnstapSender struct { RoutingHandler pkgutils.RoutingHandler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDnstapSender ¶
func NewDnstapSender(config *pkgconfig.Config, logger *logger.Logger, name string) *DnstapSender
func (*DnstapSender) AddDefaultRoute ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (ds *DnstapSender) AddDefaultRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
func (*DnstapSender) AddDroppedRoute ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (ds *DnstapSender) AddDroppedRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
func (*DnstapSender) ConnectToRemote ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (ds *DnstapSender) ConnectToRemote()
func (*DnstapSender) Disconnect ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (ds *DnstapSender) Disconnect()
func (*DnstapSender) FlushBuffer ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (ds *DnstapSender) FlushBuffer(buf *[]dnsutils.DNSMessage)
func (*DnstapSender) GetInputChannel ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (ds *DnstapSender) GetInputChannel() chan dnsutils.DNSMessage
func (*DnstapSender) GetName ¶ added in v0.22.0
func (ds *DnstapSender) GetName() string
func (*DnstapSender) LogError ¶
func (ds *DnstapSender) LogError(msg string, v ...interface{})
func (*DnstapSender) LogInfo ¶
func (ds *DnstapSender) LogInfo(msg string, v ...interface{})
func (*DnstapSender) Process ¶ added in v0.33.0
func (ds *DnstapSender) Process()
func (*DnstapSender) ReadConfig ¶
func (ds *DnstapSender) ReadConfig()
func (*DnstapSender) ReloadConfig ¶ added in v0.38.0
func (ds *DnstapSender) ReloadConfig(config *pkgconfig.Config)
func (*DnstapSender) Run ¶
func (ds *DnstapSender) Run()
func (*DnstapSender) SetLoggers ¶ added in v0.22.0
func (ds *DnstapSender) SetLoggers(loggers []pkgutils.Worker)
func (*DnstapSender) Stop ¶
func (ds *DnstapSender) Stop()
type ElasticSearchClient ¶ added in v0.23.0
type ElasticSearchClient struct { RoutingHandler pkgutils.RoutingHandler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewElasticSearchClient ¶ added in v0.23.0
func NewElasticSearchClient(config *pkgconfig.Config, console *logger.Logger, name string) *ElasticSearchClient
func (*ElasticSearchClient) AddDefaultRoute ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (ec *ElasticSearchClient) AddDefaultRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
func (*ElasticSearchClient) AddDroppedRoute ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (ec *ElasticSearchClient) AddDroppedRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
func (*ElasticSearchClient) FlushBuffer ¶ added in v0.35.0
func (ec *ElasticSearchClient) FlushBuffer(buf *[]dnsutils.DNSMessage)
func (*ElasticSearchClient) GetInputChannel ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (ec *ElasticSearchClient) GetInputChannel() chan dnsutils.DNSMessage
func (*ElasticSearchClient) GetName ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (ec *ElasticSearchClient) GetName() string
func (*ElasticSearchClient) LogError ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (ec *ElasticSearchClient) LogError(msg string, v ...interface{})
func (*ElasticSearchClient) LogInfo ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (ec *ElasticSearchClient) LogInfo(msg string, v ...interface{})
func (*ElasticSearchClient) Process ¶ added in v0.33.0
func (ec *ElasticSearchClient) Process()
func (*ElasticSearchClient) ReadConfig ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (ec *ElasticSearchClient) ReadConfig()
func (*ElasticSearchClient) ReloadConfig ¶ added in v0.38.0
func (ec *ElasticSearchClient) ReloadConfig(config *pkgconfig.Config)
func (*ElasticSearchClient) Run ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (ec *ElasticSearchClient) Run()
func (*ElasticSearchClient) SetLoggers ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (ec *ElasticSearchClient) SetLoggers(loggers []pkgutils.Worker)
func (*ElasticSearchClient) Stop ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (ec *ElasticSearchClient) Stop()
type EpsCounters ¶ added in v0.22.0
type EpsCounters struct { Eps uint64 EpsMax uint64 TotalEvents uint64 TotalEventsPrev uint64 TotalRcodes map[string]float64 TotalQtypes map[string]float64 TotalIPVersion map[string]float64 TotalIPProtocol map[string]float64 TotalDNSMessages float64 TotalQueries int TotalReplies int TotalBytesSent int TotalBytesReceived int TotalBytes int TotalTC float64 TotalAA float64 TotalRA float64 TotalAD float64 TotalMalformed float64 TotalFragmented float64 TotalReasembled float64 }
EpsCounters (Events Per Second) - is a set of metrics we calculate on per-second basis. For others we rely on averaging by collector
type FalcoClient ¶ added in v0.32.0
type FalcoClient struct { RoutingHandler pkgutils.RoutingHandler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewFalcoClient ¶ added in v0.32.0
func NewFalcoClient(config *pkgconfig.Config, console *logger.Logger, name string) *FalcoClient
func (*FalcoClient) AddDefaultRoute ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (fc *FalcoClient) AddDefaultRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
func (*FalcoClient) AddDroppedRoute ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (fc *FalcoClient) AddDroppedRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
func (*FalcoClient) GetInputChannel ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (fc *FalcoClient) GetInputChannel() chan dnsutils.DNSMessage
func (*FalcoClient) GetName ¶ added in v0.32.0
func (fc *FalcoClient) GetName() string
func (*FalcoClient) LogError ¶ added in v0.32.0
func (fc *FalcoClient) LogError(msg string, v ...interface{})
func (*FalcoClient) LogInfo ¶ added in v0.32.0
func (fc *FalcoClient) LogInfo(msg string, v ...interface{})
func (*FalcoClient) Process ¶ added in v0.33.0
func (fc *FalcoClient) Process()
func (*FalcoClient) ReadConfig ¶ added in v0.32.0
func (fc *FalcoClient) ReadConfig()
func (*FalcoClient) ReloadConfig ¶ added in v0.38.0
func (fc *FalcoClient) ReloadConfig(config *pkgconfig.Config)
func (*FalcoClient) Run ¶ added in v0.32.0
func (fc *FalcoClient) Run()
func (*FalcoClient) SetLoggers ¶ added in v0.32.0
func (fc *FalcoClient) SetLoggers(loggers []pkgutils.Worker)
func (*FalcoClient) Stop ¶ added in v0.32.0
func (fc *FalcoClient) Stop()
type FluentdClient ¶
type FluentdClient struct { RoutingHandler pkgutils.RoutingHandler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewFluentdClient ¶
func NewFluentdClient(config *pkgconfig.Config, logger *logger.Logger, name string) *FluentdClient
func (*FluentdClient) AddDefaultRoute ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (fc *FluentdClient) AddDefaultRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
func (*FluentdClient) AddDroppedRoute ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (fc *FluentdClient) AddDroppedRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
func (*FluentdClient) ConnectToRemote ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (fc *FluentdClient) ConnectToRemote()
func (*FluentdClient) Disconnect ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (fc *FluentdClient) Disconnect()
func (*FluentdClient) FlushBuffer ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (fc *FluentdClient) FlushBuffer(buf *[]dnsutils.DNSMessage)
func (*FluentdClient) GetInputChannel ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (fc *FluentdClient) GetInputChannel() chan dnsutils.DNSMessage
func (*FluentdClient) GetName ¶ added in v0.22.0
func (fc *FluentdClient) GetName() string
func (*FluentdClient) LogError ¶
func (fc *FluentdClient) LogError(msg string, v ...interface{})
func (*FluentdClient) LogInfo ¶
func (fc *FluentdClient) LogInfo(msg string, v ...interface{})
func (*FluentdClient) Process ¶ added in v0.33.0
func (fc *FluentdClient) Process()
func (*FluentdClient) ReadConfig ¶
func (fc *FluentdClient) ReadConfig()
func (*FluentdClient) ReloadConfig ¶ added in v0.38.0
func (fc *FluentdClient) ReloadConfig(config *pkgconfig.Config)
func (*FluentdClient) Run ¶
func (fc *FluentdClient) Run()
func (*FluentdClient) SetLoggers ¶ added in v0.22.0
func (fc *FluentdClient) SetLoggers(loggers []pkgutils.Worker)
func (*FluentdClient) Stop ¶
func (fc *FluentdClient) Stop()
type HitsRecord ¶ added in v0.25.0
type HitsStream ¶ added in v0.25.0
type InfluxDBClient ¶ added in v0.13.0
type InfluxDBClient struct { RoutingHandler pkgutils.RoutingHandler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewInfluxDBClient ¶ added in v0.13.0
func NewInfluxDBClient(config *pkgconfig.Config, logger *logger.Logger, name string) *InfluxDBClient
func (*InfluxDBClient) AddDefaultRoute ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (ic *InfluxDBClient) AddDefaultRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
func (*InfluxDBClient) AddDroppedRoute ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (ic *InfluxDBClient) AddDroppedRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
func (*InfluxDBClient) GetInputChannel ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (ic *InfluxDBClient) GetInputChannel() chan dnsutils.DNSMessage
func (*InfluxDBClient) GetName ¶ added in v0.22.0
func (ic *InfluxDBClient) GetName() string
func (*InfluxDBClient) LogError ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (ic *InfluxDBClient) LogError(msg string, v ...interface{})
func (*InfluxDBClient) LogInfo ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (ic *InfluxDBClient) LogInfo(msg string, v ...interface{})
func (*InfluxDBClient) Process ¶ added in v0.33.0
func (ic *InfluxDBClient) Process()
func (*InfluxDBClient) ReadConfig ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (ic *InfluxDBClient) ReadConfig()
func (*InfluxDBClient) ReloadConfig ¶ added in v0.38.0
func (ic *InfluxDBClient) ReloadConfig(config *pkgconfig.Config)
func (*InfluxDBClient) Run ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (ic *InfluxDBClient) Run()
func (*InfluxDBClient) SetLoggers ¶ added in v0.22.0
func (ic *InfluxDBClient) SetLoggers(loggers []pkgutils.Worker)
func (*InfluxDBClient) Stop ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (ic *InfluxDBClient) Stop()
type KafkaProducer ¶ added in v0.32.0
type KafkaProducer struct { RoutingHandler pkgutils.RoutingHandler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewKafkaProducer ¶ added in v0.32.0
func NewKafkaProducer(config *pkgconfig.Config, logger *logger.Logger, name string) *KafkaProducer
func (*KafkaProducer) AddDefaultRoute ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (k *KafkaProducer) AddDefaultRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
func (*KafkaProducer) AddDroppedRoute ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (k *KafkaProducer) AddDroppedRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
func (*KafkaProducer) ConnectToKafka ¶ added in v0.32.0
func (k *KafkaProducer) ConnectToKafka(ctx context.Context, readyTimer *time.Timer)
func (*KafkaProducer) Disconnect ¶ added in v0.32.0
func (k *KafkaProducer) Disconnect()
func (*KafkaProducer) FlushBuffer ¶ added in v0.32.0
func (k *KafkaProducer) FlushBuffer(buf *[]dnsutils.DNSMessage)
func (*KafkaProducer) GetInputChannel ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (k *KafkaProducer) GetInputChannel() chan dnsutils.DNSMessage
func (*KafkaProducer) GetName ¶ added in v0.32.0
func (k *KafkaProducer) GetName() string
func (*KafkaProducer) LogError ¶ added in v0.32.0
func (k *KafkaProducer) LogError(msg string, v ...interface{})
func (*KafkaProducer) LogInfo ¶ added in v0.32.0
func (k *KafkaProducer) LogInfo(msg string, v ...interface{})
func (*KafkaProducer) Process ¶ added in v0.33.0
func (k *KafkaProducer) Process()
func (*KafkaProducer) ReadConfig ¶ added in v0.32.0
func (k *KafkaProducer) ReadConfig()
func (*KafkaProducer) ReloadConfig ¶ added in v0.38.0
func (k *KafkaProducer) ReloadConfig(config *pkgconfig.Config)
func (*KafkaProducer) Run ¶ added in v0.32.0
func (k *KafkaProducer) Run()
func (*KafkaProducer) SetLoggers ¶ added in v0.32.0
func (k *KafkaProducer) SetLoggers(loggers []pkgutils.Worker)
func (*KafkaProducer) Stop ¶ added in v0.32.0
func (k *KafkaProducer) Stop()
type LogFile ¶
type LogFile struct { RoutingHandler pkgutils.RoutingHandler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewLogFile ¶
func (*LogFile) AddDefaultRoute ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (*LogFile) AddDroppedRoute ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (*LogFile) CompressFile ¶ added in v0.26.0
func (lf *LogFile) CompressFile()
func (*LogFile) CompressPostRotateCommand ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (*LogFile) FlushWriters ¶ added in v0.26.0
func (lf *LogFile) FlushWriters()
func (*LogFile) GetInputChannel ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (lf *LogFile) GetInputChannel() chan dnsutils.DNSMessage
func (*LogFile) GetMaxSize ¶ added in v0.26.0
func (*LogFile) PostRotateCommand ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (*LogFile) ReadConfig ¶
func (lf *LogFile) ReadConfig()
func (*LogFile) ReloadConfig ¶ added in v0.38.0
func (*LogFile) RotateFile ¶ added in v0.26.0
func (*LogFile) SetLoggers ¶ added in v0.22.0
func (*LogFile) WriteToDnstap ¶ added in v0.26.0
func (*LogFile) WriteToPcap ¶ added in v0.26.0
func (lf *LogFile) WriteToPcap(dm dnsutils.DNSMessage, pkt []gopacket.SerializableLayer)
func (*LogFile) WriteToPlain ¶ added in v0.26.0
type LokiClient ¶ added in v0.13.0
type LokiClient struct { RoutingHandler pkgutils.RoutingHandler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewLokiClient ¶ added in v0.13.0
func NewLokiClient(config *pkgconfig.Config, logger *logger.Logger, name string) *LokiClient
func (*LokiClient) AddDefaultRoute ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (c *LokiClient) AddDefaultRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
func (*LokiClient) AddDroppedRoute ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (c *LokiClient) AddDroppedRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
func (*LokiClient) GetInputChannel ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (c *LokiClient) GetInputChannel() chan dnsutils.DNSMessage
func (*LokiClient) GetName ¶ added in v0.22.0
func (c *LokiClient) GetName() string
func (*LokiClient) LogError ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (c *LokiClient) LogError(msg string, v ...interface{})
func (*LokiClient) LogInfo ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (c *LokiClient) LogInfo(msg string, v ...interface{})
func (*LokiClient) Process ¶ added in v0.33.0
func (c *LokiClient) Process()
func (*LokiClient) ReadConfig ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (c *LokiClient) ReadConfig()
func (*LokiClient) ReloadConfig ¶ added in v0.38.0
func (c *LokiClient) ReloadConfig(config *pkgconfig.Config)
func (*LokiClient) Run ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (c *LokiClient) Run()
func (*LokiClient) SendEntries ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (c *LokiClient) SendEntries(buf []byte)
func (*LokiClient) SetLoggers ¶ added in v0.22.0
func (c *LokiClient) SetLoggers(loggers []pkgutils.Worker)
func (*LokiClient) Stop ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (c *LokiClient) Stop()
type LokiStream ¶ added in v0.17.0
type LokiStream struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*LokiStream) Encode2Proto ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (o *LokiStream) Encode2Proto() ([]byte, error)
func (*LokiStream) Init ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (o *LokiStream) Init()
func (*LokiStream) ResetEntries ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (o *LokiStream) ResetEntries()
type PromCounterCatalogueContainer ¶ added in v0.35.0
type PromCounterCatalogueContainer struct { sync.RWMutex // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PromCounterCatalogueContainer is the implementation of PrometheusCountersCatalogue interface That maps a single label into other Containers or CounterSet The 'chain' of nested Containers keep track of labelNames requested by the config to figure out whether nested Container should be created, or, if all labels but the last one already considered at the upper levels, it is time to create individual CounterSet
func CreateSystemCatalogue ¶ added in v0.35.0
func CreateSystemCatalogue(o *Prometheus) ([]string, *PromCounterCatalogueContainer)
This function checks the configuration, to determine which label dimensions were requested by configuration, and returns correct implementation of Catalogue.
func NewPromCounterCatalogueContainer ¶ added in v0.35.0
func NewPromCounterCatalogueContainer(p *Prometheus, selLabels []string, l map[string]string) *PromCounterCatalogueContainer
func (*PromCounterCatalogueContainer) GetAllCounterSets ¶ added in v0.35.0
func (c *PromCounterCatalogueContainer) GetAllCounterSets() []*PrometheusCountersSet
Returns a slice of all PrometheusCountersSet in a Container
func (*PromCounterCatalogueContainer) GetCountersSet ¶ added in v0.35.0
func (c *PromCounterCatalogueContainer) GetCountersSet(dm *dnsutils.DNSMessage) PrometheusCountersCatalogue
Searches for an existing element for a label value, creating one if not found
type Prometheus ¶ added in v0.15.0
type Prometheus struct { sync.Mutex RoutingHandler pkgutils.RoutingHandler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewPrometheus ¶ added in v0.15.0
func NewPrometheus(config *pkgconfig.Config, logger *logger.Logger, name string) *Prometheus
func (*Prometheus) AddDefaultRoute ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (c *Prometheus) AddDefaultRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
func (*Prometheus) AddDroppedRoute ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (c *Prometheus) AddDroppedRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
func (*Prometheus) ComputeEventsPerSecond ¶ added in v0.34.0
func (c *Prometheus) ComputeEventsPerSecond()
func (*Prometheus) GetInputChannel ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (c *Prometheus) GetInputChannel() chan dnsutils.DNSMessage
func (*Prometheus) GetName ¶ added in v0.22.0
func (c *Prometheus) GetName() string
func (*Prometheus) InitProm ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (c *Prometheus) InitProm()
func (*Prometheus) ListenAndServe ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (c *Prometheus) ListenAndServe()
func (*Prometheus) LogError ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (c *Prometheus) LogError(msg string, v ...interface{})
func (*Prometheus) LogInfo ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (c *Prometheus) LogInfo(msg string, v ...interface{})
func (*Prometheus) Process ¶ added in v0.33.0
func (c *Prometheus) Process()
func (*Prometheus) ReadConfig ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (c *Prometheus) ReadConfig()
func (*Prometheus) Record ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (c *Prometheus) Record(dm dnsutils.DNSMessage)
func (*Prometheus) ReloadConfig ¶ added in v0.38.0
func (c *Prometheus) ReloadConfig(config *pkgconfig.Config)
func (*Prometheus) Run ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (c *Prometheus) Run()
func (*Prometheus) SetLoggers ¶ added in v0.22.0
func (c *Prometheus) SetLoggers(loggers []pkgutils.Worker)
func (*Prometheus) Stop ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (c *Prometheus) Stop()
type PrometheusCountersCatalogue ¶ added in v0.35.0
type PrometheusCountersCatalogue interface { // Prometheus logger encapsulates stats counters (PrometheusCounterSet) inside // PromCounterCatalogueContainer's. For each label the logger creates a nested level // of containers. // Containers and CounterSets must implemnent PrometheusCountersCatalogue interface // to allow fetching a CounterSet by the list of metric/values by fetching values from // the DNS message it logs. // There is a schematic sample layout when there are 2 labels considered at the end of this file GetCountersSet(*dnsutils.DNSMessage) PrometheusCountersCatalogue }
type PrometheusCountersSet ¶ added in v0.35.0
type PrometheusCountersSet struct { sync.Mutex // Each PrometheusCountersSet locks independently // contains filtered or unexported fields }
This type represents a set of counters for a unique set of label name=value pairs. By default, we create a set per setream_id for backward compatibility However, we can allow slicing and dicing data using more dimensions. Each CounterSet is registered with Prometheus collection independently (wrapping label values)
func (*PrometheusCountersSet) Collect ¶ added in v0.35.0
func (c *PrometheusCountersSet) Collect(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric)
func (*PrometheusCountersSet) ComputeEventsPerSecond ¶ added in v0.35.0
func (c *PrometheusCountersSet) ComputeEventsPerSecond()
func (*PrometheusCountersSet) Describe ¶ added in v0.35.0
func (c *PrometheusCountersSet) Describe(ch chan<- *prometheus.Desc)
each CounterSet has the same list of timeseries descriptors, so it uses descriptros from the Prometheus instance the set belongs to.
func (*PrometheusCountersSet) GetCountersSet ¶ added in v0.35.0
func (c *PrometheusCountersSet) GetCountersSet(dm *dnsutils.DNSMessage) PrometheusCountersCatalogue
func (*PrometheusCountersSet) Record ¶ added in v0.35.0
func (c *PrometheusCountersSet) Record(dm dnsutils.DNSMessage)
Updates all counters for a specific set of labelName=labelValue
type RedisPub ¶ added in v0.31.0
type RedisPub struct { RoutingHandler pkgutils.RoutingHandler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewRedisPub ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (*RedisPub) AddDefaultRoute ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (*RedisPub) AddDroppedRoute ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (*RedisPub) ConnectToRemote ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (c *RedisPub) ConnectToRemote()
func (*RedisPub) Disconnect ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (c *RedisPub) Disconnect()
func (*RedisPub) FlushBuffer ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (c *RedisPub) FlushBuffer(buf *[]dnsutils.DNSMessage)
func (*RedisPub) GetInputChannel ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (c *RedisPub) GetInputChannel() chan dnsutils.DNSMessage
func (*RedisPub) ReadConfig ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (c *RedisPub) ReadConfig()
func (*RedisPub) ReadFromConnection ¶ added in v0.37.0
func (c *RedisPub) ReadFromConnection()
func (*RedisPub) ReloadConfig ¶ added in v0.38.0
func (*RedisPub) SetLoggers ¶ added in v0.31.0
type RestAPI ¶ added in v0.25.0
type RestAPI struct { RoutingHandler pkgutils.RoutingHandler HitsStream HitsStream HitsUniq HitsUniq Streams map[string]int `json:"streams"` TopQnames *topmap.TopMap TopClients *topmap.TopMap TopTLDs *topmap.TopMap TopNonExistent *topmap.TopMap TopServFail *topmap.TopMap sync.RWMutex // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewRestAPI ¶ added in v0.25.0
func (*RestAPI) AddDefaultRoute ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (*RestAPI) AddDroppedRoute ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (*RestAPI) DeleteResetHandler ¶ added in v0.32.0
func (c *RestAPI) DeleteResetHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func (*RestAPI) GetClientsHandler ¶ added in v0.25.0
func (c *RestAPI) GetClientsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func (*RestAPI) GetDomainsHandler ¶ added in v0.25.0
func (c *RestAPI) GetDomainsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func (*RestAPI) GetInputChannel ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (c *RestAPI) GetInputChannel() chan dnsutils.DNSMessage
func (*RestAPI) GetNxDomainsHandler ¶ added in v0.25.0
func (c *RestAPI) GetNxDomainsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func (*RestAPI) GetSearchHandler ¶ added in v0.28.0
func (c *RestAPI) GetSearchHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func (*RestAPI) GetSfDomainsHandler ¶ added in v0.25.0
func (c *RestAPI) GetSfDomainsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func (*RestAPI) GetStreamsHandler ¶ added in v0.28.0
func (c *RestAPI) GetStreamsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func (*RestAPI) GetSuspiciousHandler ¶ added in v0.25.0
func (c *RestAPI) GetSuspiciousHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func (*RestAPI) GetTLDsHandler ¶ added in v0.25.0
func (c *RestAPI) GetTLDsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func (*RestAPI) GetTopClientsHandler ¶ added in v0.25.0
func (c *RestAPI) GetTopClientsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func (*RestAPI) GetTopDomainsHandler ¶ added in v0.25.0
func (c *RestAPI) GetTopDomainsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func (*RestAPI) GetTopNxDomainsHandler ¶ added in v0.25.0
func (c *RestAPI) GetTopNxDomainsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func (*RestAPI) GetTopSfDomainsHandler ¶ added in v0.25.0
func (c *RestAPI) GetTopSfDomainsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func (*RestAPI) GetTopTLDsHandler ¶ added in v0.25.0
func (c *RestAPI) GetTopTLDsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func (*RestAPI) ListenAndServe ¶ added in v0.25.0
func (c *RestAPI) ListenAndServe()
func (*RestAPI) ReadConfig ¶ added in v0.25.0
func (c *RestAPI) ReadConfig()
func (*RestAPI) RecordDNSMessage ¶ added in v0.39.0
func (c *RestAPI) RecordDNSMessage(dm dnsutils.DNSMessage)
func (*RestAPI) ReloadConfig ¶ added in v0.38.0
func (*RestAPI) SetLoggers ¶ added in v0.25.0
type ScalyrClient ¶ added in v0.31.0
type ScalyrClient struct { RoutingHandler pkgutils.RoutingHandler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ScalyrClient is a client for Scalyr( This client is using the addEvents endpoint, described here:
func NewScalyrClient ¶ added in v0.31.0
func NewScalyrClient(config *pkgconfig.Config, console *logger.Logger, name string) *ScalyrClient
func (*ScalyrClient) AddDefaultRoute ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (c *ScalyrClient) AddDefaultRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
func (*ScalyrClient) AddDroppedRoute ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (c *ScalyrClient) AddDroppedRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
func (*ScalyrClient) GetInputChannel ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (c *ScalyrClient) GetInputChannel() chan dnsutils.DNSMessage
func (*ScalyrClient) GetName ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (c *ScalyrClient) GetName() string
func (*ScalyrClient) LogError ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (c *ScalyrClient) LogError(msg string, v ...interface{})
func (*ScalyrClient) LogInfo ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (c *ScalyrClient) LogInfo(msg string, v ...interface{})
func (*ScalyrClient) Process ¶ added in v0.33.0
func (c *ScalyrClient) Process()
func (*ScalyrClient) ReadConfig ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (c *ScalyrClient) ReadConfig()
func (*ScalyrClient) ReloadConfig ¶ added in v0.38.0
func (c *ScalyrClient) ReloadConfig(config *pkgconfig.Config)
func (*ScalyrClient) Run ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (c *ScalyrClient) Run()
func (*ScalyrClient) SetLoggers ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (c *ScalyrClient) SetLoggers(loggers []pkgutils.Worker)
func (ScalyrClient) Stop ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (c ScalyrClient) Stop()
type SearchBy ¶ added in v0.25.0
type SearchBy struct { Clients map[string]*HitsRecord Domains map[string]*HitsRecord }
type StatsPerStream ¶ added in v0.21.0
type StatsPerStream struct { TotalPackets int TotalSentBytes int TotalReceivedBytes int Clients map[string]int Domains map[string]int Nxdomains map[string]int RRtypes map[string]int Rcodes map[string]int Operations map[string]int Transports map[string]int IPproto map[string]int TopRcodes *topmap.TopMap TopOperations *topmap.TopMap TopIPproto *topmap.TopMap TopTransport *topmap.TopMap TopRRtypes *topmap.TopMap }
type StatsdClient ¶ added in v0.14.0
type StatsdClient struct { RoutingHandler pkgutils.RoutingHandler Stats StreamStats sync.RWMutex // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewStatsdClient ¶ added in v0.14.0
func NewStatsdClient(config *pkgconfig.Config, logger *logger.Logger, name string) *StatsdClient
func (*StatsdClient) AddDefaultRoute ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (c *StatsdClient) AddDefaultRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
func (*StatsdClient) AddDroppedRoute ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (c *StatsdClient) AddDroppedRoute(wrk pkgutils.Worker)
func (*StatsdClient) GetInputChannel ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (c *StatsdClient) GetInputChannel() chan dnsutils.DNSMessage
func (*StatsdClient) GetName ¶ added in v0.22.0
func (c *StatsdClient) GetName() string
func (*StatsdClient) LogError ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (c *StatsdClient) LogError(msg string, v ...interface{})
func (*StatsdClient) LogInfo ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (c *StatsdClient) LogInfo(msg string, v ...interface{})
func (*StatsdClient) Process ¶ added in v0.33.0
func (c *StatsdClient) Process()
func (*StatsdClient) ReadConfig ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (c *StatsdClient) ReadConfig()
func (*StatsdClient) RecordDNSMessage ¶ added in v0.39.0
func (c *StatsdClient) RecordDNSMessage(dm dnsutils.DNSMessage)
func (*StatsdClient) ReloadConfig ¶ added in v0.38.0
func (c *StatsdClient) ReloadConfig(config *pkgconfig.Config)
func (*StatsdClient) Run ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (c *StatsdClient) Run()
func (*StatsdClient) SetLoggers ¶ added in v0.22.0
func (c *StatsdClient) SetLoggers(loggers []pkgutils.Worker)
func (*StatsdClient) Stop ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (c *StatsdClient) Stop()
type StdOut ¶
type StdOut struct { RoutingHandler pkgutils.RoutingHandler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*StdOut) AddDefaultRoute ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (*StdOut) AddDroppedRoute ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (*StdOut) GetInputChannel ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (so *StdOut) GetInputChannel() chan dnsutils.DNSMessage
func (*StdOut) ReadConfig ¶
func (so *StdOut) ReadConfig()
func (*StdOut) ReloadConfig ¶ added in v0.38.0
func (*StdOut) SetLoggers ¶ added in v0.22.0
func (*StdOut) SetPcapWriter ¶ added in v0.38.0
func (*StdOut) SetTextWriter ¶ added in v0.38.0
type StreamStats ¶ added in v0.25.0
type StreamStats struct {
Streams map[string]*StatsPerStream
type Syslog ¶
type Syslog struct { RoutingHandler pkgutils.RoutingHandler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Syslog) AddDefaultRoute ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (*Syslog) AddDroppedRoute ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (*Syslog) ConnectToRemote ¶ added in v0.37.0
func (s *Syslog) ConnectToRemote()
func (*Syslog) FlushBuffer ¶ added in v0.39.0
func (s *Syslog) FlushBuffer(buf *[]dnsutils.DNSMessage)
func (*Syslog) GetInputChannel ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (s *Syslog) GetInputChannel() chan dnsutils.DNSMessage
func (*Syslog) ReadConfig ¶
func (s *Syslog) ReadConfig()
func (*Syslog) ReloadConfig ¶ added in v0.38.0
func (*Syslog) SetLoggers ¶ added in v0.22.0
type TCPClient ¶ added in v0.39.0
type TCPClient struct { RoutingHandler pkgutils.RoutingHandler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTCPClient ¶ added in v0.39.0
func (*TCPClient) AddDefaultRoute ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (*TCPClient) AddDroppedRoute ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (*TCPClient) ConnectToRemote ¶ added in v0.39.0
func (c *TCPClient) ConnectToRemote()
func (*TCPClient) Disconnect ¶ added in v0.39.0
func (c *TCPClient) Disconnect()
func (*TCPClient) FlushBuffer ¶ added in v0.39.0
func (c *TCPClient) FlushBuffer(buf *[]dnsutils.DNSMessage)
func (*TCPClient) GetInputChannel ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (c *TCPClient) GetInputChannel() chan dnsutils.DNSMessage
func (*TCPClient) ReadConfig ¶ added in v0.39.0
func (c *TCPClient) ReadConfig()
func (*TCPClient) ReadFromConnection ¶ added in v0.39.0
func (c *TCPClient) ReadFromConnection()