acts as a high speed passive analyser for DNS traffic written in Go.
- Collectors
- Dnstap Streams
- tcp or unix socket listener
- tls support
- DNS packets sniffer
- IPv4, IPv6 support (fragmented packet ignored)
- UDP and TCP transport
- BFP filtering
- Tail
- Read DNS events from the tail of text files
- Regex support
- Loggers
- Stdout
- supported format: text, json
- custom text format
- Text files
- with rotation file support
- supported format: text, json
- gzip compression
- execute external command after each rotation
- custom text format
- Dnstap stream client
- to remote tcp destination or unix socket
- tls support
- Raw TCP client
- to remote tcp destination or unix socket
- supported format: text, json
- custom text format
- tls support
- Rest API
- prometheus metrics format
- qps, total queries/replies, top domains, clients, rcodes...
- basic auth
- tls support
- Syslog server
- local or remote one
- custom text format
- supported format: text, json
- tls support
- Fluentd client
- to remote fluentd collector or unix socket
- msgpask
- tls support
- Pcap files
- with rotation file support
- binary format
- gzip compression
- execute external command after each rotation
- GeoIP support (Country code)
- Packet filtering (regex support)
- Query IP-Addresses anonymizer
For more informations about dnstap, please to read the following page Dnstap: How to enable it on main dns servers
Run-it from binary
Download the binary from release page.
If you want to integrate this tool with systemd, please to follow this guide.
./go-dnscollector -config config.yml
Run-it from dockerhub
Use the default config (dnstap -> stdout + rest api):
docker run -d --rm --network host --name=dnscollector01 dmachard/go-dnscollector
Override the default configuration (/etc/dnscollector/config.yml) with a config file on the host and custom ports:
docker run -d -p 6000:6000 -p 8080:8080 -v $(pwd)/config.yml:/etc/dnscollector/config.yml --name=dnscollector01 dmachard/go-dnscollector
A typically configuration would have one or more collector to receive DNS traffic or logs, and severals loggers to process the
incoming traffics. See Configuration guide.
Tested on the following machine: 8 vCPUs, 32 GB memory
packet per sec received |
DnsCollector |
50k |
OK - 0% lost |
100k |
OK - 0% lost |
150k |
OK (0.07% lost) |
For developers
Run from source
go run .
Execute testunits for collectors
go test -timeout 10s ./collectors/ -cover -v
Execute testunits for loggers
go test -timeout 10s ./loggers/ -cover -v
Execute testunits for subprocessors
go test -timeout 10s ./subprocessors/ -cover -v
Execute a test for one specific testcase in a package
go test -timeout 10s -cover -v ./loggers -run TestSyslogRunJsonMode
Building from source.
Use the latest golang available on your target system
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o go-dnscollector *.go