Slinging packets since 2022!
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For sending fabricated Netflow v9 traffic at a collector for testing
Single is used to send a given number of flows in sequence to a collector for testing.
Usage of flowgre single:
-count int
count of flow to send in sequence. (default 1)
-dst-range string
cidr range to use for generating destination IPs for flows (default "")
If true, do a hexdump of the packet
-port int
destination port used by the flow collector. (default 9995)
-server string
servername or ip address of flow collector. (default "")
-src-port int
source port used by the client. If 0 a Random port between 10000-15000
-src-range string
cidr range to use for generating source IPs for flows (default "")
Example Use
flowgre single -server -count 10
Barrage is used to send a continuous barrage of flows in different sequence to a collector for testing.
Usage of flowgre barrage:
-config string
Config file to use. Supersedes all given args
-delay int
number of milliseconds between packets sent (default 100)
-dst-range string
cidr range to use for generating destination IPs for flows (default "")
-port int
destination port used by the flow collector (default 9995)
-server string
servername or ip address of the flow collector (default "")
-src-range string
cidr range to use for generating source IPs for flows (default "")
Whether to use the web server or not
-web-ip string
IP address the web server will listen on (default "")
-web-port int
Port to bind the web server on (default 8080)
-workers int
number of workers to create. Unique sources per worker (default 4)
Example Config File
port: 9995
workers: 4
delay: 100
Record is used to record flows to a file for later replay testing.
Usage of flowgre record:
-db string
Directory to place recorded flows for later replay (default "recorded_flows")
-ip string
ip address record should listen on (default "")
-port int
listen udp port (default 9995)
Whether to log every packet received. Warning can be a lot
Replay is used to send recorded flows to a target server.
Usage of flowgre replay:
-db string
Directory to read recorded flows from (default "recorded_flows")
-delay int
number of milliseconds between packets sent (default 100)
Loops the replays forever
-port int
target server udp port (default 9995)
-server string
target server to replay flows at (default "")
Whether to log every packet received. Warning can be a lot
-workers int
Number of workers to spawn for replay (default 1)
Proxy is used to accept flows and relay them to multiple targets
Usage of flowgre proxy:
-ip string
ip address proxy should listen on (default "")
-port int
proxy listen udp port (default 9995)
-target value
Can be passed multiple times in IP:PORT format
Whether to log every flow received. Warning can be a lot
Web Dashboard
Flowgre provides a basic web dashboard that will display the number of workers, how much work they've done and the
config used to start Flowgre. The stats shown all come from the stats collector and should match the stdout worker
Licensed to the Flowgre Team under one
or more contributor license agreements. The Flowgre Team licenses this file to you
under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
Please see the LICENSE file included in the root directory
of the source tree for extended license details.