= Haralyzer
Windows HAR viewer written in Go.
== Usage
The easiest way to use this program is by running the binary which is found in the 'build' map. It is a standalone executable compiled for 64-bit versions of Windows, and should work from Windows 7 upwards.
=== Viewing a file
Viewing a Har file can be done by first loading a selected file. This can be done by clicking the 'File' menu at the top of the application, followed by clicking 'Open'. A file dialog will appear, after which the corresponding file can be opened.
Upon successfully loading a file, a new tab will appear in the application. The tab contains a table. Any row in the table can be double-clicked, which will spawn a new window. This window contains in-depth details regarding the selected entry.
=== Hash executable
In order to verify that you are using the correct executable, make sure that the executable hash matches the one found in the link:CHANGELOG.adoc[changelog].
=== Compiling
The application can be compiled as well. Doing so requires the Go distribution to be installed on the system. Installation instructions for this can be found https://golang.org/doc/install[here].
Upon installing the relevant Go distribution the https://github.com/lxn/walk[walk] library needs to be installed as well, as this takes care of rendering the GUI.
Compiling is done using the following command.
`go build -o build/haralyzer.exe -tags walk_use_cgo -ldflags="-H windowsgui"`
== Known issues
* Loading the window for the entry takes long
** This happens when the response/request body contains a lot of data. This will be addressed in future versions. For now, please wait as the window appears, it should not take more than 2-3 seconds.
* The response body scroll does not scroll down by keyboard
** This is a known limitation of walk, and will be addressed in future versions.
** https://github.com/lxn/walk/issues/577
== License
The source code is made available under the Mozilla Public License 2.0, which can be viewed link:LICENSE[here].
The application makes use of the https://github.com/lxn/walk[walk] library, its license can be found https://github.com/lxn/walk/blob/master/LICENSE[here].