gaffer -help
Return command-line options
gaffer -version
Return information about the build of the tool
Return list of services and instances
gaffer /
Return list of executables
gaffer @
Return list of groups
gaffer _
Return list of service types
gaffer <service>|@<group>|<instance>|_<dns-sd>
Return information on a service, group, instance or DNS-SD service records
gaffer /<exec> add
Add a executable
gaffer /<exec> add name=<service> mode=(auto|manual) run=<duration> idle=<duration> groups=@<groups> instance_count=<uint>
Add a executable, setting options
gaffer <service>|@<group> rm
Remove a service or group
gaffer <service>|@<group> flags (<key>|<key>=<value>)...
Set flags for a service or group. For keys without values, these are
assumed to be boolean true.
gaffer @<group> env (<key>|<key>=<value>)...
Set environment parameters for a service or group. For keys without
values, these are assumed to be empty strings.
gaffer <service>|@<group> start
Start instances for a service or group. Will tail the instance(s) which are started,
press CTRL+C to stop. Use "-notail" option to return immediately.
gaffer <service>|@<group>|<instance> stop
Stop instance, instances for a service or group. Will tail the instance(s) which are started,
press CTRL+C to stop. Use "-notail" option to return immediately.
gaffer <service> set name=<service> mode=(auto|manual) run=<duration> idle=<duration> groups=@<groups> instance_count=<uint>
Edit a service
gaffer @<group> set name=<service>
Edit a group name
gaffer <service> (disable|enable)
Set instance count to 0 or 1
gaffer <service>|@<group>|<instance> tail
Tail the log for an instance, service or group (press CTRL+C to end)
starts with an amperstand character, for example "@rpc"
starts with an amperstand character, and comma-separated list, ie "@rpc,ssl,debug"
is a non-zero positive number, for example "4567"
is an identifier starting with a letter, for example "remotes-service"
records start with an underscore, for example "_gopi._tcp"
start with the path separator character, usually '/'
Here are some special group names:
@rpc - Adds -rpc.port= -rpc.sslkey= -rpc.sslcert= onto the command line,
where they are provided to the gaffer service. The is automatically generated to be
an unused port.
@debug - Adds -debug
@debug2 - Adds -debug -verbose
@info - Adds -verbose