Go Language Application Framework
This respository contains remote procedure call (RPC) and service
discovery modules for gopi. It supports gRPC and mDNS at present. This
README guide will walk you though:
- Satisfying dependencies
- Building the helloworld service and client
- Understanding how to use an existing client in your application
- Generating a protocol buffer file for your service
- Creating a new service and client
Please also see documentation for:
A "microservice" is a server-based process which can satisfy remote procedure calls, by
accepting requests, processing the information within the service, and providing a
response. A "simple" microservice might provide a single response to a request,
a more complicated version will accept requests in a "stream" and may provide responses
similarly in a "stream".
Protocol Buffers are an attractive mechanism for defining a schema for this request and response,
and can generate both the client and server code programmatically in many languages using a
compiler. The Google gRPC project is a useful counterpart for the compiler, providing supporting
libraries, but there are others such as Twerp which can
be used to provide a more traditional REST-based interface on compiling the protocol buffer
When you have your service running on your network, how do other processes discover it? This
is where the discovery mechanisms come into play. For local area networks, discovery by DNS
provides an easy mechansism, specifically using multicast DNS and the DNS-SD
protocol. For cloud environents, service registration and discovery through services
like Consul.
It is assumed you're using either a MacOS or Debian Linux machine. For MacOS, you should be
using the Homebrew Package Manager:
bash% brew install protobuf
bash% go get -u github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go
For Debian Linux:
bash# sudo apt install protobuf-compiler
bash# sudo apt install libprotobuf-dev
bash# go get -u github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go
You can then use the protoc
compiler command with the gRPC plugin to generate
golang code for client and server.
The "helloworld" service
As an example, the Greeter service provides a call SayHello
which takes a
parameter and returns a greeting message. The definition of the service is
available in the folder rpc/protobuf/helloworld.proto
package gopi;
service Greeter {
rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply);
message HelloRequest {
string name = 1;
message HelloReply {
string message = 1;
The fully qualified name of the service is gopi.Greeter
. The golang
code to construct
the client and service can be generated with the make protobuf
bash% make protobuf
go generate -x ./rpc/...
protoc helloworld/helloworld.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:.
This will create the generated client and server code in the file rpc/protobuf/helloworld.pb.go
There are some other services defined in the rpc/protobuf
returns version numbers of the running service, service and host uptime.
returns service records for any discovered and registered services on
the local area network.
The make protobuf
command generates the client and server code for these as well. In order to
generate the helloworld client and service binaries, use the following commands:
bash% make helloworld-service
bash% make helloworld-client
You can run the helloworld service with unencrypted requests and responses:
bash% helloworld-service -rpc.port 8080 -verbose
[INFO] Waiting for CTRL+C or SIGTERM to stop server
Then to communicate with the service, use the following command in a separate terminal window:
bash% helloworld-client -addr localhost:8080 -rpc.insecure
Service says: "Hello, World"
bash% helloworld-client -addr localhost:8080 -rpc.insecure -name David
Service says: "Hello, David"
You can use encrypted communications if you provide an SSL key and certificate.
In order to generate a self-signed certificate, use the following commands, replacing
and ORG
with appropriate values:
bash% DAYS=99999
bash% OUT="${HOME}/.ssl"
bash% ORG="mutablelogic"
bash% install -d ${OUT} && openssl req \
-x509 -nodes \
-newkey rsa:2048 \
-keyout "${OUT}/selfsigned.key" \
-out "${OUT}/selfsigned.crt" \
-days "${DAYS}" \
-subj "/C=GB/L=London/O=${ORG}"
Then the following commands are used to invoke the service:
bash% helloworld-service -rpc.port 8080 \
-rpc.sslkey ${OUT}/selfsigned.key -rpc.sslcert ${OUT}/selfsigned.crt \
[INFO] Waiting for CTRL+C or SIGTERM to stop server
You can then drop the -rpc.insecure
flag when invoking the client.
The helloworld
client can also report what services are running remotely,
using an argument. For example,
bash% helloworld-client -addr rpi3plus:44453 services
| gopi.Greeter |
| gopi.Version |
| grpc.reflection.v1alpha.ServerReflection |
To invoke the gopi.Version
service with the client (which returns some
information about the remote server):
bash% helloworld-client -addr rpi3plus:44453 version
| goversion | go1.12.1 |
| gittag | v1.0.5-7-gb433a3b |
| hostname | rpi3plus |
| execname | helloworld-service |
| servicename | gopi |
| githash | b433a3bed938a452d874dc6df4c50ab8ba15e036 |
| serviceuptime | 14m2s |
| gobuildtime | 2019-04-28T16:43:54Z |
| gitbranch | v1 |
The "dns-discovery" command
Often microservices are "discovered" on the network, rather than known
about in advance. Discovery can be through DNS or through cached
knowledge of what microservices are running. The dns-discovery
command allows you to retrieve information about services through DNS.
To make the command and discover services on the local network:
bash% make dns-discovery
bash% dns-discovery -timeout 2s
| _adisk._tcp |
| _apple-mobdev2._tcp |
| _http._tcp |
| _googlerpc._tcp |
| _googlecast._tcp |
| _googlezone._tcp |
| _sftp-ssh._tcp |
This command returns any discovered service names provided within two seconds,
for example, _sftp-ssh._tcp
indicates there are SFTP services on the network.
Service instances can then be looked up:
bash% dns-discovery -timeout 2s _sftp-ssh._tcp
| _sftp-ssh._tcp | MacBook | MacBook.local.:22 | |
| | | | fe80::10f7:b0b1:81cb:3e7b |
| | | | fd00::1:1c20:4b27:3d42:1082 |
In this example there is a host called "MacBook" providing a service instance on port 22.
The IP addresses listed can be used to connect to SFTP. You can also keep the command
running to cache records from the network. For example:
bash% dns-discovery -timeout 2s -watch -dns-sd.db cache.json
ADDED _ipp._tcp Brother\ HL-3170CDW\ series (brother-eth.local.:631)
The command will stream the records onto your screen, either ADDED, UPDATED, EXPIRED
or REMOVED. Press CTRL+C to interrupt. A file cache.json
will be maintained in your home folder
which contains discovered service instances on the network, whilst the command is running.
Using a client in your own application
If you want to use a client in your own application, you'll need to do the following:
- Know the DNS service name or address & port you want to connect to;
- Use a "client pool" to lookup and return a service record;
- Connect to the remote service instance using the service record;
- If you're connecting to a gRPC service instance, know the name of the gRPC service;
- Create a gRPC client with the connection;
- Use the client to call remote service methods.
The RPCClientPool
interface provides you with all the method required to do this:
package gopi
type RPCClientPool interface {
// Lookup one or more service records
Lookup(ctx context.Context, name, addr string, max int) ([]RPCServiceRecord, error)
// Connect to a service instance
Connect(service RPCServiceRecord, flags RPCFlag) (RPCClientConn, error)
// Create an RPCClient
NewClient(string, RPCClientConn) RPCClient
For example, here is a function in helloworld-client
which creates a new connection:
func Conn(service,addr string,timeout time.Duration) (gopi.RPCClientConn, error) {
pool := app.ModuleInstance("rpc/clientpool").(gopi.RPCClientPool)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(),timeout)
defer cancel()
if records, err := pool.Lookup(ctx,service,addr, 1); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if len(records) == 0 {
return nil, gopi.ErrNotFound
} else if conn, err := pool.Connect(records[0],gopi.RPC_FLAG_NONE); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
return conn, nil
The Lookup
function arguments are:
- The service name to connect to, or if empty will connect to any remote service instance;
- The address of the instance including the port. If empty, will connect to any service instance;
- The maximum number of service records to return, or zero for unlimited.
The Connect
function can be used to return an RPCClientConn
object from a service record. The second
argument can be RPC_FLAG_INET_V4
if you want to select one protocol or the other:
package gopi
type RPCClientConn interface {
// Remote address and port
Addr() string
// Return list of services published by remote service instance
Services() ([]string, error)
Once you have a client connection, you can create an RPC client, which can then be used to call remote
methods. In order to do this, a client module needs to be registered. For example,
package main
import (
gopi "github.com/djthorpe/gopi"
hw "github.com/djthorpe/gopi-rpc/rpc/grpc/helloworld"
func Main(app *gopi.AppInstance, done chan<- struct{}) error {
if conn, err := Conn(app); err != nil {
return err
} else {
client_ := pool.NewClient("gopi.Greeter", conn).(*hw.Client)
if reply, err := client.SayHello(name); err != nil {
return err
} else {
fmt.Println("Service says:",reply)
return nil
func main() {
// Create the configuration
config := gopi.NewAppConfig("rpc/helloworld:client")
// Set flags
config.AppFlags.FlagString("addr", "localhost:8080", "Gateway address")
// Run the command line tool
os.Exit(gopi.CommandLineTool(config, Main))
Note that the client module for the helloworld service is called
and in order to register it you need to
import the module from github.com/djthorpe/gopi-rpc/rpc/grpc/helloworld
Writing a service command
A server is a long-running process which can be composed of one or more
RPC services. If you have already created the service definitions (which
is described in the sections below) you'll simply need to import the
service module files and use the gopi.RPCServerTool
function to start
the server. For example, the following command publishes the
and gopi.Version
package main
import (
// Frameworks
gopi "github.com/djthorpe/gopi"
// Modules
_ "github.com/djthorpe/gopi-rpc/sys/grpc"
_ "github.com/djthorpe/gopi/sys/logger"
// Services
_ "github.com/djthorpe/gopi-rpc/rpc/grpc/helloworld"
_ "github.com/djthorpe/gopi-rpc/rpc/grpc/version"
func main() {
// Create the configuration
config := gopi.NewAppConfig("rpc/helloworld:service", "rpc/version:service")
// Run the server and register all the services
Creating a new service and client
In order to create your own microservice and clients, you'll need to do the following:
- Define your service methods and messages in a protocol buffer file;
- Generate the gRPC client and service stubs;
- Write the module code to interface to the service stub (
- Write the module code to interface to the client stub (
- Write the initialization code to register the modules (
- Optionally, write some serialization logic to translate between native types & protobuf types.
It may seem daunting, and ultimately it's a lot of work and quite a bit of boilerplate. To
make it even more daunting, the folder and file structure could look like this,
if you were to create a new microservice called foobar
for example:
-> foobar.go
-> rpc/
-> protobuf/
-> protobuf.go
-> foobar/
-> foobar.proto
-> gprc/
-> foobar/
-> client.go
-> service.go
-> init.go
-> serialize.go
-> sys/
-> foobar/
-> foobar.go
-> init.go
In short,
- The
file may comtain interface and type definitions when you want to
import foobar elsewhere;
- The
folder contains the module code for your foobar business logic,
including the foobar.go
driver and the module initialization code init.go
- The
contains your service definition;
- The
contains a single generate
directive to create
the client and server stubs;
- The
folder contains the client, server and serialization code
and also the module initialization code in init.go
The next few subsections describes what you need to put in all the files.
Generating a protocol buffer file for your service definition
Generating the stubs
Writing the service module
Writing the client module
The initalization code
Serialization code