![Build Status - master](https://travis-ci.com/djschaap/kv-to-json.svg?branch=master)
kv-to-json accepts a document, converts to JSON, and submits to a message
When run as AWS lambda function, output is send to AWS SNS topic.
When run as web server (cli executable with -p flag) or directly from cli
(for dev), output can be sent to any logevent destination.
Sending additional Splunk indexed fields is NOT supported at this time.
The input document is expected to follow a simple key=value format.
Each line consists of a key (alphanumeric characters), followed by
a colon, followed by the value.
Each key-value pair is separated by a newline.
Spaces are not allowed in keys.
The first colon encountered ends the key.
Leading whitespace in the value will be dropped.
Trailing whitespace will be maintained (for now - subject to change).
Invalid lines will be quietly ignored (dropped).
The document is in two sections, header key-values and message
The two sections are separated by a blank line.
Example doc:
X-secret: abcdef
key1: value1
key2: value number two
Build ZIP for AWS Lambda
BUILD_DT=`date +%FT%T%z`
COMMIT=`git rev-parse --short HEAD`
FULL_COMMIT=`git log -1`
go get github.com/aws/aws-lambda-go/lambda \
&& GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o lambda -ldflags \
"-X main.buildDt=${BUILD_DT} -X main.commit=${COMMIT} -X main.version=${VER}" \
cmd/lambda/main.go \
&& go test ./... \
&& zip kv-to-json-${VER}.zip lambda
Upload Lambda Code to S3
aws s3 cp kv-to-json-${VER}.zip s3://PACKAGE_BUCKET_NAME
Manually Update Lambda Code (dev/test)
aws lambda update-function-code --function-name kv-to-json \
--zip-file fileb://kv-to-json-${VER}.zip
Run Individual Test (disable cache)
go test ./... -count=1 -v
Development Examples
Read from stdin, Dump logEvent to stdout
echo -e "host: h1\nindex: i1\nsource: src\nsourcetype: st\n\nmessage: friendly message goes here\n" | go run cmd/cli/main.go
Test Web Server
go run cmd/cli/main.go -p 8080 &
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/state/alert/v1 -d "host: h2
message: hello world"