A configurable tool for concurrent processing of U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) bulk data zip files.
At this time, the tool supports the following USPTO bulk data products:
- Patent Grant Full Text Data (No Images) (2004 - Present)
- Patent Application Full Text Data (No Images) (2004 - Present)
Given a directory of USPTO zip files, the application will produce one of the following outputs:
- Complete XML files of individual documents split out from the zip
- JSON files of individual documents
- Selective (non-exhaustive) parsing of main document fields
- Structured patent claims representing referential relationships, as in the original PatentPublicData tool
- HTML formatting of Abstract and Description fields
- Apache Parquet files corresponding to bulk zip files
Clone this repository. Edit the config.toml
as needed - the most important config values are the first three:
inputdirectory = "data/in"
outputdirectory = "data/out"
outputmode = "json"
For the most basic setup, create data/in
directories within the project root, and populate the /in
directory with zip files to process.
Then, from the root of project directory:
make run
For more advanced usage running the application from somewhere other than the root of the project directory, the executable accepts a single optional argument specifying the path to a config.toml