Read-through TTL cache with gRPC (Prototype)
This module provides a data-provider-agnostic TTL cache for market sentiment data. To run, specify
host, port number and the TTL of client request caching:
./main --host=<ip> --port=<port> --ttl=<ttl in minutes>
For an example on how to set up the server, see the unit tests in stock_sentiment_test.go
or and the example
request with a real data provider.
NOTE: When run via docker, app is not configurable. Will currently run with default values (port: 8100 and TTL of 15 minutes).
Unit tests with a mocked data provider are defined in stock_sentiment_test.go
go test -v
For an example on how to set up the server, see Example_SendTwoRequests
in examples/basic_requests.go
The gRPC server NewStockSentimentServer(ttl time.Duration, provider DataProvider)
creates a StockSentimentServer
aggregates data from a given DataProvider
. At the moment, only 1 data provider is supported. Additional data providers
can be implemented via the following interface:
// DataProvider is an abstraction over third-party providers of stock
// sentiment data.
type DataProvider interface {
// Fetch returns a batch of stocks according to the request parameters.
Fetch(ctx context.Context, params *RequestParams) (*StockBatch, error)
Note that like for all handler functions, the deadline and cancel signals of ctx
must be respected.
Service Definition
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "./";
// Stock contains info about a particular stock and its tracked sentiment.
message Stock {
string ticker = 1;
enum Sentiment {
Bullish = 0;
Bearish = 1;
// TODO: sentiment is derived from score, maybe remove redundancy?
Sentiment sentiment = 2;
float sentiment_score = 3;
// StockBatch stores an array of Stock objects and the corresponding
// date of their recording. Stocks objects are grouped by their
// date, which results in a batch.
message StockBatch {
string date = 1;
repeated Stock s = 2;
// RequestParams for fetching stock sentiments from StockSentiment service
message RequestParams {
// If date is not specified, fetch the most recent batch of stocks
optional string date = 1;
// StockSentiment returns sentiment information about stocks, aggregated from
// third-party sources. (At the moment: Tradestie -> wsb@reddit)
service StockSentiment {
// GetStockSentiments returns a batch of stocks and their sentiment scores.
rpc GetStockSentiments(RequestParams) returns (StockBatch) {}