A cli tools to help manage ELK
You PR are always welcome. Please use develop branch to do PR (git flow pattern) Don't forget to add test if you add some functionalities.
To build, you can use the following command line:
make build
To lauch golang test, you can use the folowing command line:
make test
Global options
The following parameters are available for all commands line :
- --elasticsearch-url: The Elasticsearch URL. For exemple Alternatively you can use environment variable
. - --elasticsearch-user: The login to connect on Elasticsearch. Alternatively you can use environment variable
. - --elasticsearch-password: The password to connect on Elasticsearch. Alternatively you can use environment variable
. - --self-signed-certificate: Disable the check of server SSL certificate
- --debug: Enable the debug mode
- --help: Display help for the current command
You can set also this parameters on yaml file (one or all) and use the parameters --config
with the path of your Yaml file.
elasticsearch-user: elastic
elasticsearch-password: changeme
Create or update one ILM policy from file
It's permit to create or update Life cycle policy on Elasticsearch from file.
You need to set the following parameters:
- --lifecycle-policy-id: The unique name of lifecycle policy you should to create or update
- --lifecycle-policy-file: The full path of file that contain the lifecycle policy.
Sample of lifecycle policy call sample-ilm.json
"policy": {
"phases": {
"hot": {
"actions": {
"rollover": {
"max_size": "30GB",
"max_age": "1d"
"set_priority" : {
"priority": 100
"warm": {
"actions": {
"forcemerge": {
"max_num_segments": 1
"shrink": {
"number_of_shards": 1
"set_priority" : {
"priority": 50
"readonly": {}
"delete": {
"min_age": "30d",
"actions": {
"delete": {}
Sample of command:
elktools_linux_amd64 --elasticsearch-url --elasticsearch-user elastic --elasticsearch-password changeme --self-signed-certificate create-or-update-lifecycle-policy --lifecycle-policy-id test --lifecycle-policy-file sample-ilm.json
Create or updates multiples ILM policy from folder
It permit to create or update multiple lifecycle policy from folder where each files contains lifecycle policy.
The lifecycle policy unique name is based on the file name.
You need to set the following parameters:
- --lifecycle-policy-base-path: The full path that contains lifecycle policies files.
Sample of command:
elktools_linux_amd64 --elasticsearch-url --elasticsearch-user elastic --elasticsearch-password changeme --self-signed-certificate create-or-update-all-lifecycle-policies --lifecycle-policy-base-path ilm-policies/
Save ILM policy on file
It permit to save existing lifecycle policy from Elasticsearch on file.
You need to set the following parameters:
- --lifecycle-policy-id: The unique name of lifecycle policy you should to save
- --lifecycle-policy-file: The full path of file where you should to save the lifecycle policy
Sample of command:
elktools_linux_amd64 --elasticsearch-url --elasticsearch-user elastic --elasticsearch-password changeme --self-signed-certificate save-lifecycle-policy --lifecycle-policy-id test --lifecycle-policy-file backup-ilm.json
Save all ILM policies on files
It permit to save all existing lifecycle policies from Elasticsearch in files. Each lifecycle policy is store in its own file.
The file name is base on the unique name of the lifecycle policy.
You need to set the following parameters:
- --lifecycle-policy-base-path: The full path where store the lifecycle policies files.
Sample of command:
elktools_linux_amd64 --elasticsearch-url --elasticsearch-user elastic --elasticsearch-password changeme --self-signed-certificate save-all-lifecycle-policies --lifecycle-policy-base-path ilm-policies/
Delete ILM policy
It permit to delete existing lifecycle policy on Elasticsearch.
You need to set the following parameters:
- --lifecycle-policy-id: The unique name of lifecycle policy you should to delete
Sample of command:
elktools_linux_amd64 --elasticsearch-url --elasticsearch-user elastic --elasticsearch-password changeme --self-signed-certificate delete-lifecycle-policy --lifecycle-policy-id test
Get the ILM policy state on indice
It permit to get the actual state of lifecycle policy on particular Elasticsearch indice.
You need to set the following parameters:
- --elasticsearch-index: The Elasticsearch indice name where you should to get the lifecycle policy state.
Sample of command:
elktools_linux_amd64 --elasticsearch-url --elasticsearch-user elastic --elasticsearch-password changeme --self-signed-certificate get-lifecycle-policy-status --elasticsearch-index logstash-2019.01.01
Create or update indice template from file
It permit to create or update indice template on Elasticsearch from file.
You need to set the following parameters:
- --indice-template-id: The unique indice template name you should to create or update
- --indice-template-file: The full path of file that contain the indice template to create or update.
Sample of indice template call sample-indice-template.json
"index_patterns": [
"order": 2,
"settings": {
"": "policy-logstash-log",
"index.refresh_interval": "5s"
Sample of command:
elktools_linux_amd64 --elasticsearch-url --elasticsearch-user elastic --elasticsearch-password changeme --self-signed-certificate create-or-update-indice-template --indice-template-id logstash-log --indice-template-file sample-indice-template.json
Create or update all indice templates from folder
It permit to create or update all indice templates contain in folder where each file contain one indice template.
The unique name of indice template is based on file name.
You need to set the following parameters:
- --indice-template-path: The full path of folder that contain the indice templates to create or update
Sample of command:
elktools_linux_amd64 --elasticsearch-url --elasticsearch-user elastic --elasticsearch-password changeme --self-signed-certificate create-or-update-all-indice-templates --indice-template-path indice-templates/
Delete one indice template
It permit to delete one indice template in Elasticsearch.
You need to set the following parameters:
- --indice-template-id: The unique name of indice template you should to delete
Sample of command:
elktools_linux_amd64 --elasticsearch-url --elasticsearch-user elastic --elasticsearch-password changeme --self-signed-certificate delete-indice-template --indice-template-id logstash-log
Save indice template in file
It permit to save one existing indice template from Elasticsearch to file.
You need to set the following parameters:
- --indice-template-id: The unique name of indice template you should to save
- --indice-template-file: The full path of file where you should to store the indice template
Sample of command:
elktools_linux_amd64 --elasticsearch-url --elasticsearch-user elastic --elasticsearch-password changeme --self-signed-certificate save-indice-template --indice-template-id logstash-log --indice-template-file template-backup.json
Create indice from file
It permit to create new indice on Elasticsearch. It usefull for exemple create rolleover indice.
You need to set the following parameters:
- indice-name: The indice name you should to create
- indice-setting-file: The full path of file that contain the indice settings
Sample of indice setting call indice-setting.json
"settings": {
"number_of_shards": "2",
"number_of_replicas": "1"
"aliases": {
"logstash-log-alias": {
"is_write_index": true
Sample of command:
elktools_linux_amd64 --elasticsearch-url --elasticsearch-user elastic --elasticsearch-password changeme --self-signed-certificate create-indice --indice-name logstash-log-000001 --indice-setting-file indice-setting.json
There is no documentation for this package.