README ¶ { "image": "direktiv/awslog", "desc": "Writes a log line to aws cloudwatch logs with provided log stream and group." } AWSLog Writes a log line to aws cloudwatch logs with provided log stream and group. Direktiv An example workflow of using the container on Direktiv. id: log-to-aws functions: - id: log image: direktiv/awslog:v1 description: "Log a message to AWS cloudwatch" states: - id: log-hello type: action action: function: log input: jq(.) Input The input needed to run the above workflow properly is the following: input: key: jq(.secrets.AWS_KEY) secret: jq(.secrets.AWS_SECRET) region: "us-east-2" "log-group": "direktiv" "log-stream": "direktiv" message: "Hello" Output If the action is successful, no output will be logged to the direktiv container. But the log should appear under the log stream on AWS. Error In the case that an error is encountered, it will present in the following format: { "errorCode": "com.awslog.error", "errorMsg": "Something went wrong" } Expand ▾ Collapse ▴ Documentation ¶ There is no documentation for this package. Source Files ¶ View all Source files main.go Click to show internal directories. Click to hide internal directories.