Index ¶
- type ActionBlockStat
- type AddPhonesCounters
- type AddressBookEmailStatistics
- type AddressService
- func (service *AddressService) ChangeVariables(addressBookID int, email string, variables []*Variable) error
- func (service *AddressService) DeleteFromAllAddressBooks(email string) error
- func (service *AddressService) GetDetails(email string) ([]*EmailInfoList, error)
- func (service *AddressService) GetEmailInfo(email string) ([]*EmailInfo, error)
- func (service *AddressService) GetEmailStatisticsByCampaignsAndAddressBooks(email string) (*CampaignsEmailStatistics, error)
- func (service *AddressService) GetEmailsInfo(emails []string) (map[string][]*EmailInfo, error)
- func (service *AddressService) GetEmailsStatisticsByCampaignsAndAddressBooks(emails []string) (map[string]*CampaignsAndAddressBooksEmailStatistics, error)
- func (service *AddressService) GetStatisticsByAddressBook(addressBookID int, email string) (*AddressBookEmailStatistics, error)
- func (service *AddressService) GetStatisticsByCampaign(campaignID int, email string) (*CampaignEmailStatistics, error)
- type Automation360Service
- func (service *Automation360Service) GetActionBlockStatistics(id int) (*ActionBlockStat, error)
- func (service *Automation360Service) GetAutoresponderContacts(id int) ([]*AutoresponderContact, error)
- func (service *Automation360Service) GetAutoresponderConversions(id int) (*AutoresponderConversion, error)
- func (service *Automation360Service) GetAutoresponderStatistics(id int) (*Autoresponder, error)
- func (service *Automation360Service) GetEmailBlockStatistics(id int) (*EmailBlockStat, error)
- func (service *Automation360Service) GetFilterBlockStatistics(id int) (*FilterBlockStat, error)
- func (service *Automation360Service) GetGoalBlockStatistics(id int) (*GoalBlockStat, error)
- func (service *Automation360Service) GetMessengerBlockStatistics(id int) (*MessengerBlockStat, error)
- func (service *Automation360Service) GetPushBlockStatistics(id int) (*PushBlockStat, error)
- func (service *Automation360Service) GetSmsBlockStatistics(id int) (*SmsBlockStat, error)
- func (service *Automation360Service) GetStartBlockStatistics(id int) (*MainTriggerBlockStat, error)
- func (service *Automation360Service) GetTriggerBlockStatistics(id int) (*TriggerBlockStat, error)
- func (service *Automation360Service) StartEvent(eventName string, variables map[string]interface{}) error
- type Autoresponder
- type AutoresponderContact
- type AutoresponderConversion
- type Balance
- type BalanceDetailed
- type BalanceService
- type BlacklistPhone
- type BlacklistService
- type BotContactsByVariableParams
- type BotFlow
- type BotTrigger
- type BotVariable
- type BotsFbService
- func (service *BotsFbService) DeleteContact(contactID string) error
- func (service *BotsFbService) DeletePauseAutomation(contactID string) error
- func (service *BotsFbService) DeleteTagFromContact(contactID string, tag string) error
- func (service *BotsFbService) DisableContact(contactID string) error
- func (service *BotsFbService) EnableContact(contactID string) error
- func (service *BotsFbService) GetAccount() (*FbAccount, error)
- func (service *BotsFbService) GetBotChats(botID string) ([]*FbBotChat, error)
- func (service *BotsFbService) GetBotTriggers(botID string) ([]*BotTrigger, error)
- func (service *BotsFbService) GetBotVariables(botID string) ([]*BotVariable, error)
- func (service *BotsFbService) GetBots() ([]*FbBot, error)
- func (service *BotsFbService) GetContact(contactID string) (*FbBotContact, error)
- func (service *BotsFbService) GetContactMessages(contactID string) ([]*FbBotMessage, error)
- func (service *BotsFbService) GetContactsByTag(tag, botID string) ([]*FbBotContact, error)
- func (service *BotsFbService) GetContactsByVariable(params BotContactsByVariableParams) ([]*FbBotContact, error)
- func (service *BotsFbService) GetFlows(botID string) ([]*BotFlow, error)
- func (service *BotsFbService) GetPauseAutomation(contactID string) (int, error)
- func (service *BotsFbService) RunFlow(contactID, flowID string, externalData map[string]interface{}) error
- func (service *BotsFbService) RunFlowByTrigger(contactID, triggerKeyword string, externalData map[string]interface{}) error
- func (service *BotsFbService) SendCampaign(params FbBotSendCampaignParams) error
- func (service *BotsFbService) SendTextByContact(params FbBotSendTextParams) error
- func (service *BotsFbService) SetPauseAutomation(contactID string, minutes int) error
- func (service *BotsFbService) SetTagsToContact(contactID string, tags []string) error
- func (service *BotsFbService) SetVariableToContact(contactID string, variableID string, variableName string, ...) error
- type BotsService
- type BotsTelegramService
- func (service *BotsTelegramService) DeleteContact(contactID string) error
- func (service *BotsTelegramService) DeletePauseAutomation(contactID string) error
- func (service *BotsTelegramService) DeleteTagFromContact(contactID string, tag string) error
- func (service *BotsTelegramService) DisableContact(contactID string) error
- func (service *BotsTelegramService) EnableContact(contactID string) error
- func (service *BotsTelegramService) GetAccount() (*TelegramAccount, error)
- func (service *BotsTelegramService) GetBotChats(botID string) ([]*TelegramBotChat, error)
- func (service *BotsTelegramService) GetBotTriggers(botID string) ([]*BotTrigger, error)
- func (service *BotsTelegramService) GetBotVariables(botID string) ([]*BotVariable, error)
- func (service *BotsTelegramService) GetBots() ([]*TelegramBot, error)
- func (service *BotsTelegramService) GetContact(contactID string) (*TelegramBotContact, error)
- func (service *BotsTelegramService) GetContactMessages(contactID string) ([]*TelegramBotMessage, error)
- func (service *BotsTelegramService) GetContactsByTag(tag, botID string) ([]*TelegramBotContact, error)
- func (service *BotsTelegramService) GetContactsByVariable(params BotContactsByVariableParams) ([]*TelegramBotContact, error)
- func (service *BotsTelegramService) GetFlows(botID string) ([]*BotFlow, error)
- func (service *BotsTelegramService) GetPauseAutomation(contactID string) (int, error)
- func (service *BotsTelegramService) RunFlow(contactID, flowID string, externalData map[string]interface{}) error
- func (service *BotsTelegramService) RunFlowByTrigger(contactID, triggerKeyword string, externalData map[string]interface{}) error
- func (service *BotsTelegramService) SendCampaign(params TelegramBotSendCampaignParams) error
- func (service *BotsTelegramService) SendTextByContact(contactID string, text string) error
- func (service *BotsTelegramService) SetPauseAutomation(contactID string, minutes int) error
- func (service *BotsTelegramService) SetTagsToContact(contactID string, tags []string) error
- func (service *BotsTelegramService) SetVariableToContact(contactID string, variableID string, variableName string, ...) error
- type BotsVkService
- func (service *BotsVkService) DeleteContact(contactID string) error
- func (service *BotsVkService) DeletePauseAutomation(contactID string) error
- func (service *BotsVkService) DeleteTagFromContact(contactID string, tag string) error
- func (service *BotsVkService) DisableContact(contactID string) error
- func (service *BotsVkService) EnableContact(contactID string) error
- func (service *BotsVkService) GetAccount() (*VkAccount, error)
- func (service *BotsVkService) GetBotChats(botID string) ([]*VkBotChat, error)
- func (service *BotsVkService) GetBotTriggers(botID string) ([]*BotTrigger, error)
- func (service *BotsVkService) GetBotVariables(botID string) ([]*BotVariable, error)
- func (service *BotsVkService) GetBots() ([]*VkBot, error)
- func (service *BotsVkService) GetContact(contactID string) (*VkBotContact, error)
- func (service *BotsVkService) GetContactMessages(contactID string) ([]*VkBotMessage, error)
- func (service *BotsVkService) GetContactsByTag(tag, botID string) ([]*VkBotContact, error)
- func (service *BotsVkService) GetContactsByVariable(params BotContactsByVariableParams) ([]*VkBotContact, error)
- func (service *BotsVkService) GetFlows(botID string) ([]*BotFlow, error)
- func (service *BotsVkService) GetPauseAutomation(contactID string) (int, error)
- func (service *BotsVkService) RunFlow(contactID, flowID string, externalData map[string]interface{}) error
- func (service *BotsVkService) RunFlowByTrigger(contactID, triggerKeyword string, externalData map[string]interface{}) error
- func (service *BotsVkService) SendCampaign(params VkBotSendCampaignParams) error
- func (service *BotsVkService) SendTextByContact(contactID string, text string) error
- func (service *BotsVkService) SetPauseAutomation(contactID string, minutes int) error
- func (service *BotsVkService) SetTagsToContact(contactID string, tags []string) error
- func (service *BotsVkService) SetVariableToContact(contactID string, variableID string, variableName string, ...) error
- type BotsWhatsAppService
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) CreateContact(botID, phone, name string) (*WhatsAppBotContact, error)
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) DeleteContact(contactID string) error
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) DeletePauseAutomation(contactID string) error
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) DeleteTagFromContact(contactID string, tag string) error
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) DisableContact(contactID string) error
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) EnableContact(contactID string) error
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) GetAccount() (*WhatsAppAccount, error)
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) GetBotChats(botID string) ([]*WhatsAppBotChat, error)
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) GetBotTriggers(botID string) ([]*BotTrigger, error)
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) GetBotVariables(botID string) ([]*BotVariable, error)
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) GetBots() ([]*WhatsAppBot, error)
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) GetContact(contactID string) (*WhatsAppBotContact, error)
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) GetContactMessages(contactID string) ([]*WhatsAppBotMessage, error)
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) GetContactsByPhone(phone, botID string) ([]*WhatsAppBotContact, error)
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) GetContactsByTag(tag, botID string) ([]*WhatsAppBotContact, error)
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) GetContactsByVariable(params BotContactsByVariableParams) ([]*WhatsAppBotContact, error)
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) GetFlows(botID string) ([]*BotFlow, error)
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) GetPauseAutomation(contactID string) (int, error)
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) GetTemplates() ([]*WhatsAppTemplate, error)
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) RunFlow(contactID, flowID string, externalData map[string]interface{}) error
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) RunFlowByTrigger(contactID, triggerKeyword string, externalData map[string]interface{}) error
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) SendByContact(contactID string, message *WhatsAppMessage) error
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) SendByPhone(botID, phone string, message *WhatsAppMessage) error
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) SendCampaign(params WhatsAppBotSendCampaignParams) error
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) SendCampaignByTemplate(params WhatsAppBotSendCampaignByTemplateParams) error
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) SendTemplate(contactID, templateName, languageCode string) error
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) SendTemplateByPhone(botID, phone, templateName, languageCode string) error
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) SendTemplateByPhoneWithImage(botID, phone, templateName, languageCode, imageLink string) error
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) SendTemplateByPhoneWithVariables(botID, phone, templateName, languageCode string, variables []string) error
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) SendTemplateWithImage(contactID, templateName, languageCode, imageLink string) error
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) SendTemplateWithVariables(contactID, templateName, languageCode string, variables []string) error
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) SetPauseAutomation(contactID string, minutes int) error
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) SetTagsToContact(contactID string, tags []string) error
- func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) SetVariableToContact(contactID string, variableID string, variableName string, ...) error
- type BouncesList
- type Campaign
- type CampaignCost
- type CampaignEmailStatistics
- type CampaignParams
- type CampaignsAndAddressBooksEmailStatistics
- type CampaignsEmailStatistics
- type CampaignsService
- func (service *CampaignsService) CancelCampaign(id int) error
- func (service *CampaignsService) CreateCampaign(data CampaignParams) (*Campaign, error)
- func (service *CampaignsService) GetCampaign(id int) (*Campaign, error)
- func (service *CampaignsService) GetCampaignCountriesStatistics(id int) (map[string]int, error)
- func (service *CampaignsService) GetCampaignReferralsStatistics(id int) ([]*MailingRefStat, error)
- func (service *CampaignsService) GetCampaigns(limit int, offset int) ([]*Campaign, error)
- func (service *CampaignsService) GetCampaignsByMailingList(mailingListID, limit, offset int) ([]*Task, error)
- func (service *CampaignsService) UpdateCampaign(id int, data CampaignParams) error
- type Client
- type Config
- type CreateSmsCampaignByAddressBookParams
- type CreateSmsCampaignByPhonesParams
- type CreateViberCampaignParams
- type CreateVkOkSenderParams
- type CreateVkOkTemplateParams
- type DateTimeType
- type Email
- type EmailBlockStat
- type EmailInfo
- type EmailInfoList
- type EmailToAdd
- type EmailValidationResult
- type EmailsService
- type FbAccount
- type FbBot
- type FbBotCampaignMessage
- type FbBotChat
- type FbBotContact
- type FbBotMessage
- type FbBotSendCampaignParams
- type FbBotSendTextParams
- type FilterBlockStat
- type GoalBlockStat
- type MailingList
- type MailingListReportParams
- type MailingListValidationResult
- type MailingListValidationResultDetailed
- type MailingListsService
- func (service *MailingListsService) ChangeName(id int, name string) error
- func (service *MailingListsService) CountCampaignCost(mailingListID int) (*CampaignCost, error)
- func (service *MailingListsService) CountMailingListEmails(mailingListID int) (int, error)
- func (service *MailingListsService) CreateMailingList(name string) (int, error)
- func (service *MailingListsService) DeleteMailingList(mailingListID int) error
- func (service *MailingListsService) DeleteMailingListEmails(mailingListID int, emails []string) error
- func (service *MailingListsService) DoubleOptIn(mailingListID int, emails []*EmailToAdd, senderEmail string, ...) error
- func (service *MailingListsService) GetMailingList(mailingListID int) (*MailingList, error)
- func (service *MailingListsService) GetMailingListEmails(id, limit, offset int) ([]*Email, error)
- func (service *MailingListsService) GetMailingListEmailsByVariable(mailingListID int, variable string, value interface{}) ([]*Email, error)
- func (service *MailingListsService) GetMailingListVariables(mailingListID int) ([]*VariableMeta, error)
- func (service *MailingListsService) GetMailingLists(limit int, offset int) ([]*MailingList, error)
- func (service *MailingListsService) SingleOptIn(mailingListID int, emails []*EmailToAdd) error
- func (service *MailingListsService) UnsubscribeEmails(mailingListID int, emails []string) error
- func (service *MailingListsService) UpdateEmailVariables(mailingListID int, email string, variables []*Variable) error
- type MailingRefStat
- type MainTriggerBlockStat
- type MessengerBlockStat
- type PhoneInfo
- type PhoneWithVariable
- type Push
- type PushBlockStat
- type PushListParams
- type PushMessageParams
- type PushMessagesStatistics
- type PushService
- func (service *PushService) ActivateSubscription(subscriptionID int) error
- func (service *PushService) CountWebsiteSubscriptions(websiteID int) (int, error)
- func (service *PushService) CountWebsites() (int, error)
- func (service *PushService) CreatePushCampaign(params PushMessageParams) (int, error)
- func (service *PushService) DeactivateSubscription(subscriptionID int) error
- func (service *PushService) GetMessages(params PushListParams) ([]Push, error)
- func (service *PushService) GetPushMessagesStatistics(taskID int) (*PushMessagesStatistics, error)
- func (service *PushService) GetWebsiteInfo(websiteID int) (*WebsiteInfo, error)
- func (service *PushService) GetWebsiteSubscriptions(websiteID int, params WebsiteSubscriptionsParams) ([]*WebsiteSubscription, error)
- func (service *PushService) GetWebsiteVariables(websiteID int) ([]*PushWebsiteVariable, error)
- func (service *PushService) GetWebsites(limit, offset int) ([]*PushWebsite, error)
- type PushWebsite
- type PushWebsiteVariable
- type SendEmailParams
- type SendVkOkTemplateParams
- type Sender
- type SendersService
- func (service *SendersService) ActivateSender(email, code string) error
- func (service *SendersService) CreateSender(name string, email string) error
- func (service *SendersService) DeleteSender(email string) error
- func (service *SendersService) GetSenderActivationCode(email string) error
- func (service *SendersService) GetSenders() ([]*Sender, error)
- type SendpulseError
- type SmsBlockStat
- type SmsCampaign
- type SmsCampaignCampaignCost
- type SmsCampaignCostParams
- type SmsCampaignInfo
- type SmsSender
- type SmsService
- func (service *SmsService) AddPhones(mailingListID int, phones []string) (*AddPhonesCounters, error)
- func (service *SmsService) AddPhonesWithVariables(mailingListID int, phones []*PhoneWithVariable) (*AddPhonesCounters, error)
- func (service *SmsService) AddToBlacklist(phones []string, description string) error
- func (service *SmsService) CancelCampaign(id int) error
- func (service *SmsService) CreateCampaignByMailingList(params CreateSmsCampaignByAddressBookParams) (int, error)
- func (service *SmsService) CreateCampaignByPhones(params CreateSmsCampaignByPhonesParams) (int, error)
- func (service *SmsService) DeleteCampaign(id int) error
- func (service *SmsService) DeletePhones(addressBookID int, phones []string) error
- func (service *SmsService) GetBlacklistedPhones(phones []string) ([]*BlacklistPhone, error)
- func (service *SmsService) GetCampaignCost(params SmsCampaignCostParams) (*SmsCampaignCampaignCost, error)
- func (service *SmsService) GetCampaignInfo(id int) (*SmsCampaignInfo, error)
- func (service *SmsService) GetCampaigns(dateFrom, dateTo time.Time) ([]*SmsCampaign, error)
- func (service *SmsService) GetPhoneInfo(addressBookID int, phone string) (*PhoneInfo, error)
- func (service *SmsService) GetSenders() ([]*SmsSender, error)
- func (service *SmsService) RemoveFromBlacklist(phones []string) error
- func (service *SmsService) UpdateVariablesMultiple(addressBookID int, phones []string, variables []SmsVariable) error
- func (service *SmsService) UpdateVariablesSingle(addressBookID int, phone string, variables []SmsVariable) error
- type SmsVariable
- type SmtpListParams
- type SmtpMessage
- type SmtpService
- func (service *SmtpService) AddDomain(email string) error
- func (service *SmtpService) CountBounces() (int, error)
- func (service *SmtpService) CountMessages() (int, error)
- func (service *SmtpService) DeleteUnsubscribedEmails(emails []string) error
- func (service *SmtpService) GetAllowedDomains() ([]string, error)
- func (service *SmtpService) GetDailyBounces(limit, offset int, date time.Time) (*BouncesList, error)
- func (service *SmtpService) GetMessage(id int) (*SmtpMessage, error)
- func (service *SmtpService) GetMessages(params SmtpListParams) ([]*SmtpMessage, error)
- func (service *SmtpService) GetSendersEmails() ([]string, error)
- func (service *SmtpService) GetSendersIPs() ([]string, error)
- func (service *SmtpService) GetUnsubscribedEmails(params UnsubscribedListParams) ([]Unsubscribed, error)
- func (service *SmtpService) SendMessage(params SendEmailParams) (string, error)
- func (service *SmtpService) UnsubscribeEmails(emails []*SmtpUnsubscribeEmail) error
- func (service *SmtpService) VerifyDomain(email string) error
- type SmtpUnsubscribeEmail
- type Task
- type TelegramAccount
- type TelegramBot
- type TelegramBotCampaignMessage
- type TelegramBotChat
- type TelegramBotContact
- type TelegramBotMessage
- type TelegramBotSendCampaignParams
- type Template
- type TemplateCategory
- type TemplatesService
- func (service *TemplatesService) CreateTemplate(name string, body string, lang string) (int, error)
- func (service *TemplatesService) GetTemplate(templateID int) (*Template, error)
- func (service *TemplatesService) GetTemplates(limit, offset int, owner string) ([]*Template, error)
- func (service *TemplatesService) UpdateTemplate(templateID int, body string, lang string) error
- type TriggerBlockStat
- type Unsubscribed
- type UnsubscribedListParams
- type UpdateViberCampaignParams
- type ValidationProgress
- type ValidatorService
- func (service *ValidatorService) CreateMailingListValidationReport(params MailingListReportParams) error
- func (service *ValidatorService) DeleteEmailValidationResult(email string) error
- func (service *ValidatorService) GetEmailValidationResult(email string) (*EmailValidationResult, error)
- func (service *ValidatorService) GetMailingListValidationProgress(mailingListID int) (*ValidationProgress, error)
- func (service *ValidatorService) GetMailingListValidationReport(mailingListID int) (*MailingListValidationResultDetailed, error)
- func (service *ValidatorService) GetMailingListValidationResult(mailingListID int) (*MailingListValidationResultDetailed, error)
- func (service *ValidatorService) GetValidatedMailingLists(limit, offset int) ([]*MailingListValidationResult, error)
- func (service *ValidatorService) ValidateEmail(email string) error
- func (service *ValidatorService) ValidateMailingList(mailingListID int) error
- type Variable
- type VariableMeta
- type ViberCampaign
- type ViberCampaignStatistics
- type ViberRecipient
- type ViberSender
- type ViberService
- func (service *ViberService) CreateCampaign(params CreateViberCampaignParams) (int, error)
- func (service *ViberService) GetCampaigns(limit, offset int) ([]*ViberCampaign, error)
- func (service *ViberService) GetRecipients(taskID int) ([]*ViberRecipient, error)
- func (service *ViberService) GetSender(senderID int) (*ViberSender, error)
- func (service *ViberService) GetSenders() ([]*ViberSender, error)
- func (service *ViberService) GetStatistics(campaignID int) (*ViberCampaignStatistics, error)
- func (service *ViberService) UpdateCampaign(params UpdateViberCampaignParams) error
- type VkAccount
- type VkBot
- type VkBotCampaignMessage
- type VkBotChat
- type VkBotContact
- type VkBotMessage
- type VkBotSendCampaignParams
- type VkOkCampaignPhone
- type VkOkCampaignStatistics
- type VkOkCurrency
- type VkOkService
- func (service *VkOkService) CreateSender(params CreateVkOkSenderParams) (int, error)
- func (service *VkOkService) CreateTemplate(params CreateVkOkTemplateParams) (int, error)
- func (service *VkOkService) GetCampaignPhones(campaignID int) ([]*VkOkCampaignPhone, error)
- func (service *VkOkService) GetCampaignStatistics(campaignID int) (*VkOkCampaignStatistics, error)
- func (service *VkOkService) GetCampaignsStatistics() ([]*VkOkCampaignStatistics, error)
- func (service *VkOkService) GetTemplate(templateID int) (*VkOkTemplate, error)
- func (service *VkOkService) GetTemplates() ([]*VkOkTemplate, error)
- func (service *VkOkService) Send(params SendVkOkTemplateParams) (int, error)
- type VkOkTemplate
- type Webhook
- type WebhooksService
- func (service *WebhooksService) CreateWebhook(actions []string, url string) ([]*Webhook, error)
- func (service *WebhooksService) DeleteWebhook(id int) error
- func (service *WebhooksService) GetWebhook(id int) (*Webhook, error)
- func (service *WebhooksService) GetWebhooks() ([]*Webhook, error)
- func (service *WebhooksService) UpdateWebhook(id int, url string) error
- type WebsiteInfo
- type WebsiteSubscription
- type WebsiteSubscriptionsParams
- type WhatsAppAccount
- type WhatsAppBot
- type WhatsAppBotChat
- type WhatsAppBotContact
- type WhatsAppBotMessage
- type WhatsAppBotSendCampaignByTemplateParams
- type WhatsAppBotSendCampaignParams
- type WhatsAppMessage
- type WhatsAppTemplate
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type ActionBlockStat ¶
type ActionBlockStat struct { FlowID int `json:"flow_id"` Executed int `json:"executed"` LastSend DateTimeType `json:"last_send"` }
ActionBlockStat represents statistics about the "Action" element
type AddPhonesCounters ¶
type AddressBookEmailStatistics ¶
type AddressBookEmailStatistics struct { Email string `json:"email"` AddressBookID int `json:"abook_id,string"` Status int `json:"status"` StatusExplain string `json:"status_explain"` Variables []*Variable `json:"variables"` }
AddressBookEmailStatistics represents statistics by specific address book
type AddressService ¶
type AddressService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AddressService is a service to work with emails addresses
func (*AddressService) ChangeVariables ¶
func (service *AddressService) ChangeVariables(addressBookID int, email string, variables []*Variable) error
ChangeVariables is a method for change a variable for an email contact
func (*AddressService) DeleteFromAllAddressBooks ¶
func (service *AddressService) DeleteFromAllAddressBooks(email string) error
DeleteFromAllAddressBooks removes specific email address from all address books
func (*AddressService) GetDetails ¶
func (service *AddressService) GetDetails(email string) ([]*EmailInfoList, error)
GetDetails retrieves detailed information about specific email address
func (*AddressService) GetEmailInfo ¶
func (service *AddressService) GetEmailInfo(email string) ([]*EmailInfo, error)
GetEmailInfo returns general information about specific email address
func (*AddressService) GetEmailStatisticsByCampaignsAndAddressBooks ¶
func (service *AddressService) GetEmailStatisticsByCampaignsAndAddressBooks(email string) (*CampaignsEmailStatistics, error)
GetEmailStatisticsByCampaignsAndAddressBooks returns statistics for an email address and campaigns it is in
func (*AddressService) GetEmailsInfo ¶
func (service *AddressService) GetEmailsInfo(emails []string) (map[string][]*EmailInfo, error)
GetEmailsInfo retrieves general informaion for a List of Email Addresses
func (*AddressService) GetEmailsStatisticsByCampaignsAndAddressBooks ¶
func (service *AddressService) GetEmailsStatisticsByCampaignsAndAddressBooks(emails []string) (map[string]*CampaignsAndAddressBooksEmailStatistics, error)
GetEmailsStatisticsByCampaignsAndAddressBooks returns statistics for multiple email addresses and campaigns they are in
func (*AddressService) GetStatisticsByAddressBook ¶
func (service *AddressService) GetStatisticsByAddressBook(addressBookID int, email string) (*AddressBookEmailStatistics, error)
GetStatisticsByAddressBook returns information for a specific email address from a specific address book
func (*AddressService) GetStatisticsByCampaign ¶
func (service *AddressService) GetStatisticsByCampaign(campaignID int, email string) (*CampaignEmailStatistics, error)
GetStatisticsByCampaign returns information for a specific email address from a specific campaign
type Automation360Service ¶
type Automation360Service struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Automation360Service is a service to interact with conversions
func (*Automation360Service) GetActionBlockStatistics ¶
func (service *Automation360Service) GetActionBlockStatistics(id int) (*ActionBlockStat, error)
GetActionBlockStatistics returns statistics about the "Action" element
func (*Automation360Service) GetAutoresponderContacts ¶
func (service *Automation360Service) GetAutoresponderContacts(id int) ([]*AutoresponderContact, error)
GetAutoresponderContacts returns a list of the contacts that converted
func (*Automation360Service) GetAutoresponderConversions ¶
func (service *Automation360Service) GetAutoresponderConversions(id int) (*AutoresponderConversion, error)
GetAutoresponderConversions returns the flow conversions list
func (*Automation360Service) GetAutoresponderStatistics ¶
func (service *Automation360Service) GetAutoresponderStatistics(id int) (*Autoresponder, error)
GetAutoresponderStatistics returns statistics about an automation flow
func (*Automation360Service) GetEmailBlockStatistics ¶
func (service *Automation360Service) GetEmailBlockStatistics(id int) (*EmailBlockStat, error)
GetEmailBlockStatistics returns statistics about the "Email" element
func (*Automation360Service) GetFilterBlockStatistics ¶
func (service *Automation360Service) GetFilterBlockStatistics(id int) (*FilterBlockStat, error)
GetFilterBlockStatistics returns statistics about the "Filter" element
func (*Automation360Service) GetGoalBlockStatistics ¶
func (service *Automation360Service) GetGoalBlockStatistics(id int) (*GoalBlockStat, error)
GetGoalBlockStatistics returns statistics about the "Goal" element
func (*Automation360Service) GetMessengerBlockStatistics ¶
func (service *Automation360Service) GetMessengerBlockStatistics(id int) (*MessengerBlockStat, error)
GetMessengerBlockStatistics returns statistics about the "Messenger" element
func (*Automation360Service) GetPushBlockStatistics ¶
func (service *Automation360Service) GetPushBlockStatistics(id int) (*PushBlockStat, error)
GetPushBlockStatistics returns statistics about the "Push" element
func (*Automation360Service) GetSmsBlockStatistics ¶
func (service *Automation360Service) GetSmsBlockStatistics(id int) (*SmsBlockStat, error)
GetSmsBlockStatistics returns statistics about the "SMS" element
func (*Automation360Service) GetStartBlockStatistics ¶
func (service *Automation360Service) GetStartBlockStatistics(id int) (*MainTriggerBlockStat, error)
GetStartBlockStatistics returns statistics about the "Start" element
func (*Automation360Service) GetTriggerBlockStatistics ¶
func (service *Automation360Service) GetTriggerBlockStatistics(id int) (*TriggerBlockStat, error)
GetTriggerBlockStatistics returns statistics about the "Condition" element
func (*Automation360Service) StartEvent ¶
func (service *Automation360Service) StartEvent(eventName string, variables map[string]interface{}) error
StartEvent sends event to SendPulse
type Autoresponder ¶
type Autoresponder struct { Autoresponder struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Status int `json:"status"` Created DateTimeType `json:"created"` Changed DateTimeType `json:"changed"` } `json:"autoresponder"` Flows []*struct { ID int `json:"id"` MainID int `json:"main_id"` AfType string `json:"af_type"` Created DateTimeType `json:"created"` LastSend DateTimeType `json:"last_send"` Task map[string]interface{} `json:"task"` } `json:"flows"` Starts int `json:"starts"` InQueue int `json:"in_queue"` EndCount int `json:"end_count"` SendMessages int `json:"send_messages"` Conversions int `json:"conversions"` }
Autoresponder represents statistics about an automation flow
type AutoresponderContact ¶
type AutoresponderContact struct { ID int `json:"id"` ConversionType string `json:"conversion_type"` FlowID int `json:"flow_id"` Email string `json:"email"` Phone string `json:"phone"` ConversionDate DateTimeType `json:"conversion_date"` StartDate DateTimeType `json:"start_date"` }
AutoresponderContact represents the contact that converted
type AutoresponderConversion ¶
type AutoresponderConversion struct { TotalConversions int `json:"total_conversions"` MaintriggerConversions int `json:"maintrigger_conversions"` GoalConversions int `json:"goal_conversions"` Maintrigger struct { ID int `json:"id"` MainID int `json:"main_id"` AfType string `json:"af_type"` Created DateTimeType `json:"created"` LastSend DateTimeType `json:"last_send"` Conversions int `json:"conversions"` } `json:"maintrigger"` Goals []struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` MainID int `json:"main_id"` AfType string `json:"af_type"` Created DateTimeType `json:"created"` Conversions int `json:"conversions"` } `json:"goals"` }
AutoresponderConversion represents the flow conversion
type Balance ¶
type Balance struct { Currency string `json:"currency"` BalanceCurrency float32 `json:"balance_currency"` }
Balance represents main information about user's balance
type BalanceDetailed ¶
type BalanceDetailed struct { Balance struct { Main float32 `json:"main,string"` Bonus float32 `json:"bonus,string"` Currency string `json:"currency"` } `json:"balance"` Email struct { TariffName string `json:"tariff_name"` FinishedTime DateTimeType `json:"finished_time"` EmailsLeft int `json:"emails_left"` MaximumSubscribers int `json:"maximum_subscribers"` CurrentSubscribers int `json:"current_subscribers"` } `json:"email"` Smtp struct { TariffName string `json:"tariff_name"` EndDate DateTimeType `json:"end_date"` AutoRenew int `json:"auto_renew"` } `json:"smtp"` Push struct { TariffName string `json:"tariff_name"` EndDate DateTimeType `json:"end_date"` AutoRenew int `json:"auto_renew"` } `json:"push"` }
Balance represents detailed information about user's balance
type BalanceService ¶
type BalanceService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Automation360Service is a service to interact with user balance
func (*BalanceService) GetBalance ¶
func (service *BalanceService) GetBalance(currency string) (*Balance, error)
GetBalance returns main information about users's balance
func (*BalanceService) GetDetailedBalance ¶
func (service *BalanceService) GetDetailedBalance() (*BalanceDetailed, error)
GetDetailedBalance returns detailed information about users's balance
type BlacklistPhone ¶
type BlacklistPhone struct { Phone string Description string `json:"description"` AddDate DateTimeType `json:"add_date"` }
type BlacklistService ¶
type BlacklistService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BlacklistService is a service to interact with blacklist
func (*BlacklistService) AddToBlacklist ¶
func (service *BlacklistService) AddToBlacklist(emails []string, comment string) error
AddToBlacklist appends an email addresses to a blacklist
func (*BlacklistService) GetEmails ¶
func (service *BlacklistService) GetEmails() ([]string, error)
GetEmails returns a list of emails added to blacklist
func (*BlacklistService) RemoveFromBlacklist ¶
func (service *BlacklistService) RemoveFromBlacklist(emails []string) error
RemoveFromBlacklist removes an email addresses from a blacklist
type BotTrigger ¶
type BotTrigger struct { ID string `json:"id"` BotID string `json:"bot_id"` FlowID string `json:"flow_id"` Name string `json:"name"` Type int `json:"type"` Status int `json:"status"` Keywords []string `json:"keywords"` Execution struct { Interval int `json:"interval"` Units int `json:"units"` } `json:"execution"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"` }
type BotVariable ¶
type BotsFbService ¶
type BotsFbService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BotsFbService) DeleteContact ¶
func (service *BotsFbService) DeleteContact(contactID string) error
func (*BotsFbService) DeletePauseAutomation ¶
func (service *BotsFbService) DeletePauseAutomation(contactID string) error
func (*BotsFbService) DeleteTagFromContact ¶
func (service *BotsFbService) DeleteTagFromContact(contactID string, tag string) error
func (*BotsFbService) DisableContact ¶
func (service *BotsFbService) DisableContact(contactID string) error
func (*BotsFbService) EnableContact ¶
func (service *BotsFbService) EnableContact(contactID string) error
func (*BotsFbService) GetAccount ¶
func (service *BotsFbService) GetAccount() (*FbAccount, error)
func (*BotsFbService) GetBotChats ¶
func (service *BotsFbService) GetBotChats(botID string) ([]*FbBotChat, error)
func (*BotsFbService) GetBotTriggers ¶
func (service *BotsFbService) GetBotTriggers(botID string) ([]*BotTrigger, error)
func (*BotsFbService) GetBotVariables ¶
func (service *BotsFbService) GetBotVariables(botID string) ([]*BotVariable, error)
func (*BotsFbService) GetBots ¶
func (service *BotsFbService) GetBots() ([]*FbBot, error)
func (*BotsFbService) GetContact ¶
func (service *BotsFbService) GetContact(contactID string) (*FbBotContact, error)
func (*BotsFbService) GetContactMessages ¶
func (service *BotsFbService) GetContactMessages(contactID string) ([]*FbBotMessage, error)
func (*BotsFbService) GetContactsByTag ¶
func (service *BotsFbService) GetContactsByTag(tag, botID string) ([]*FbBotContact, error)
func (*BotsFbService) GetContactsByVariable ¶
func (service *BotsFbService) GetContactsByVariable(params BotContactsByVariableParams) ([]*FbBotContact, error)
func (*BotsFbService) GetFlows ¶
func (service *BotsFbService) GetFlows(botID string) ([]*BotFlow, error)
func (*BotsFbService) GetPauseAutomation ¶
func (service *BotsFbService) GetPauseAutomation(contactID string) (int, error)
func (*BotsFbService) RunFlow ¶
func (service *BotsFbService) RunFlow(contactID, flowID string, externalData map[string]interface{}) error
func (*BotsFbService) RunFlowByTrigger ¶
func (service *BotsFbService) RunFlowByTrigger(contactID, triggerKeyword string, externalData map[string]interface{}) error
func (*BotsFbService) SendCampaign ¶
func (service *BotsFbService) SendCampaign(params FbBotSendCampaignParams) error
func (*BotsFbService) SendTextByContact ¶
func (service *BotsFbService) SendTextByContact(params FbBotSendTextParams) error
func (*BotsFbService) SetPauseAutomation ¶
func (service *BotsFbService) SetPauseAutomation(contactID string, minutes int) error
func (*BotsFbService) SetTagsToContact ¶
func (service *BotsFbService) SetTagsToContact(contactID string, tags []string) error
func (*BotsFbService) SetVariableToContact ¶
func (service *BotsFbService) SetVariableToContact(contactID string, variableID string, variableName string, variableValue interface{}) error
type BotsService ¶
type BotsService struct { Fb *BotsFbService Vk *BotsVkService Telegram *BotsTelegramService WhatsApp *BotsWhatsAppService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type BotsTelegramService ¶
type BotsTelegramService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BotsTelegramService) DeleteContact ¶
func (service *BotsTelegramService) DeleteContact(contactID string) error
func (*BotsTelegramService) DeletePauseAutomation ¶
func (service *BotsTelegramService) DeletePauseAutomation(contactID string) error
func (*BotsTelegramService) DeleteTagFromContact ¶
func (service *BotsTelegramService) DeleteTagFromContact(contactID string, tag string) error
func (*BotsTelegramService) DisableContact ¶
func (service *BotsTelegramService) DisableContact(contactID string) error
func (*BotsTelegramService) EnableContact ¶
func (service *BotsTelegramService) EnableContact(contactID string) error
func (*BotsTelegramService) GetAccount ¶
func (service *BotsTelegramService) GetAccount() (*TelegramAccount, error)
func (*BotsTelegramService) GetBotChats ¶
func (service *BotsTelegramService) GetBotChats(botID string) ([]*TelegramBotChat, error)
func (*BotsTelegramService) GetBotTriggers ¶
func (service *BotsTelegramService) GetBotTriggers(botID string) ([]*BotTrigger, error)
func (*BotsTelegramService) GetBotVariables ¶
func (service *BotsTelegramService) GetBotVariables(botID string) ([]*BotVariable, error)
func (*BotsTelegramService) GetBots ¶
func (service *BotsTelegramService) GetBots() ([]*TelegramBot, error)
func (*BotsTelegramService) GetContact ¶
func (service *BotsTelegramService) GetContact(contactID string) (*TelegramBotContact, error)
func (*BotsTelegramService) GetContactMessages ¶
func (service *BotsTelegramService) GetContactMessages(contactID string) ([]*TelegramBotMessage, error)
func (*BotsTelegramService) GetContactsByTag ¶
func (service *BotsTelegramService) GetContactsByTag(tag, botID string) ([]*TelegramBotContact, error)
func (*BotsTelegramService) GetContactsByVariable ¶
func (service *BotsTelegramService) GetContactsByVariable(params BotContactsByVariableParams) ([]*TelegramBotContact, error)
func (*BotsTelegramService) GetFlows ¶
func (service *BotsTelegramService) GetFlows(botID string) ([]*BotFlow, error)
func (*BotsTelegramService) GetPauseAutomation ¶
func (service *BotsTelegramService) GetPauseAutomation(contactID string) (int, error)
func (*BotsTelegramService) RunFlow ¶
func (service *BotsTelegramService) RunFlow(contactID, flowID string, externalData map[string]interface{}) error
func (*BotsTelegramService) RunFlowByTrigger ¶
func (service *BotsTelegramService) RunFlowByTrigger(contactID, triggerKeyword string, externalData map[string]interface{}) error
func (*BotsTelegramService) SendCampaign ¶
func (service *BotsTelegramService) SendCampaign(params TelegramBotSendCampaignParams) error
func (*BotsTelegramService) SendTextByContact ¶
func (service *BotsTelegramService) SendTextByContact(contactID string, text string) error
func (*BotsTelegramService) SetPauseAutomation ¶
func (service *BotsTelegramService) SetPauseAutomation(contactID string, minutes int) error
func (*BotsTelegramService) SetTagsToContact ¶
func (service *BotsTelegramService) SetTagsToContact(contactID string, tags []string) error
func (*BotsTelegramService) SetVariableToContact ¶
func (service *BotsTelegramService) SetVariableToContact(contactID string, variableID string, variableName string, variableValue interface{}) error
type BotsVkService ¶
type BotsVkService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BotsVkService) DeleteContact ¶
func (service *BotsVkService) DeleteContact(contactID string) error
func (*BotsVkService) DeletePauseAutomation ¶
func (service *BotsVkService) DeletePauseAutomation(contactID string) error
func (*BotsVkService) DeleteTagFromContact ¶
func (service *BotsVkService) DeleteTagFromContact(contactID string, tag string) error
func (*BotsVkService) DisableContact ¶
func (service *BotsVkService) DisableContact(contactID string) error
func (*BotsVkService) EnableContact ¶
func (service *BotsVkService) EnableContact(contactID string) error
func (*BotsVkService) GetAccount ¶
func (service *BotsVkService) GetAccount() (*VkAccount, error)
func (*BotsVkService) GetBotChats ¶
func (service *BotsVkService) GetBotChats(botID string) ([]*VkBotChat, error)
func (*BotsVkService) GetBotTriggers ¶
func (service *BotsVkService) GetBotTriggers(botID string) ([]*BotTrigger, error)
func (*BotsVkService) GetBotVariables ¶
func (service *BotsVkService) GetBotVariables(botID string) ([]*BotVariable, error)
func (*BotsVkService) GetBots ¶
func (service *BotsVkService) GetBots() ([]*VkBot, error)
func (*BotsVkService) GetContact ¶
func (service *BotsVkService) GetContact(contactID string) (*VkBotContact, error)
func (*BotsVkService) GetContactMessages ¶
func (service *BotsVkService) GetContactMessages(contactID string) ([]*VkBotMessage, error)
func (*BotsVkService) GetContactsByTag ¶
func (service *BotsVkService) GetContactsByTag(tag, botID string) ([]*VkBotContact, error)
func (*BotsVkService) GetContactsByVariable ¶
func (service *BotsVkService) GetContactsByVariable(params BotContactsByVariableParams) ([]*VkBotContact, error)
func (*BotsVkService) GetFlows ¶
func (service *BotsVkService) GetFlows(botID string) ([]*BotFlow, error)
func (*BotsVkService) GetPauseAutomation ¶
func (service *BotsVkService) GetPauseAutomation(contactID string) (int, error)
func (*BotsVkService) RunFlow ¶
func (service *BotsVkService) RunFlow(contactID, flowID string, externalData map[string]interface{}) error
func (*BotsVkService) RunFlowByTrigger ¶
func (service *BotsVkService) RunFlowByTrigger(contactID, triggerKeyword string, externalData map[string]interface{}) error
func (*BotsVkService) SendCampaign ¶
func (service *BotsVkService) SendCampaign(params VkBotSendCampaignParams) error
func (*BotsVkService) SendTextByContact ¶
func (service *BotsVkService) SendTextByContact(contactID string, text string) error
func (*BotsVkService) SetPauseAutomation ¶
func (service *BotsVkService) SetPauseAutomation(contactID string, minutes int) error
func (*BotsVkService) SetTagsToContact ¶
func (service *BotsVkService) SetTagsToContact(contactID string, tags []string) error
func (*BotsVkService) SetVariableToContact ¶
func (service *BotsVkService) SetVariableToContact(contactID string, variableID string, variableName string, variableValue interface{}) error
type BotsWhatsAppService ¶
type BotsWhatsAppService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) CreateContact ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) CreateContact(botID, phone, name string) (*WhatsAppBotContact, error)
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) DeleteContact ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) DeleteContact(contactID string) error
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) DeletePauseAutomation ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) DeletePauseAutomation(contactID string) error
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) DeleteTagFromContact ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) DeleteTagFromContact(contactID string, tag string) error
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) DisableContact ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) DisableContact(contactID string) error
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) EnableContact ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) EnableContact(contactID string) error
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) GetAccount ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) GetAccount() (*WhatsAppAccount, error)
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) GetBotChats ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) GetBotChats(botID string) ([]*WhatsAppBotChat, error)
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) GetBotTriggers ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) GetBotTriggers(botID string) ([]*BotTrigger, error)
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) GetBotVariables ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) GetBotVariables(botID string) ([]*BotVariable, error)
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) GetBots ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) GetBots() ([]*WhatsAppBot, error)
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) GetContact ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) GetContact(contactID string) (*WhatsAppBotContact, error)
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) GetContactMessages ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) GetContactMessages(contactID string) ([]*WhatsAppBotMessage, error)
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) GetContactsByPhone ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) GetContactsByPhone(phone, botID string) ([]*WhatsAppBotContact, error)
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) GetContactsByTag ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) GetContactsByTag(tag, botID string) ([]*WhatsAppBotContact, error)
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) GetContactsByVariable ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) GetContactsByVariable(params BotContactsByVariableParams) ([]*WhatsAppBotContact, error)
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) GetFlows ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) GetFlows(botID string) ([]*BotFlow, error)
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) GetPauseAutomation ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) GetPauseAutomation(contactID string) (int, error)
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) GetTemplates ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) GetTemplates() ([]*WhatsAppTemplate, error)
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) RunFlow ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) RunFlow(contactID, flowID string, externalData map[string]interface{}) error
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) RunFlowByTrigger ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) RunFlowByTrigger(contactID, triggerKeyword string, externalData map[string]interface{}) error
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) SendByContact ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) SendByContact(contactID string, message *WhatsAppMessage) error
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) SendByPhone ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) SendByPhone(botID, phone string, message *WhatsAppMessage) error
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) SendCampaign ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) SendCampaign(params WhatsAppBotSendCampaignParams) error
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) SendCampaignByTemplate ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) SendCampaignByTemplate(params WhatsAppBotSendCampaignByTemplateParams) error
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) SendTemplate ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) SendTemplate(contactID, templateName, languageCode string) error
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) SendTemplateByPhone ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) SendTemplateByPhone(botID, phone, templateName, languageCode string) error
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) SendTemplateByPhoneWithImage ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) SendTemplateByPhoneWithImage(botID, phone, templateName, languageCode, imageLink string) error
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) SendTemplateByPhoneWithVariables ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) SendTemplateByPhoneWithVariables(botID, phone, templateName, languageCode string, variables []string) error
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) SendTemplateWithImage ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) SendTemplateWithImage(contactID, templateName, languageCode, imageLink string) error
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) SendTemplateWithVariables ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) SendTemplateWithVariables(contactID, templateName, languageCode string, variables []string) error
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) SetPauseAutomation ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) SetPauseAutomation(contactID string, minutes int) error
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) SetTagsToContact ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) SetTagsToContact(contactID string, tags []string) error
func (*BotsWhatsAppService) SetVariableToContact ¶
func (service *BotsWhatsAppService) SetVariableToContact(contactID string, variableID string, variableName string, variableValue interface{}) error
type BouncesList ¶
type BouncesList struct { Total int `json:"total"` Emails []struct { EmailTo string `json:"email_to"` Sender string `json:"sender"` SendDate DateTimeType `json:"send_date"` Subject string `json:"subject"` SmtpAnswerCode int `json:"smtp_answer_code"` SmtpAnswerSubcode string `json:"smtp_answer_subcode"` SmtpAnswerData string `json:"smtp_answer_data"` } `json:"emails"` RequestLimit int `json:"request_limit"` Found int `json:"found"` }
type Campaign ¶
type Campaign struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Message struct { SenderName string `json:"sender_name"` SenderEmail string `json:"sender_email"` Subject string `json:"subject"` Body string `json:"body"` Attachments string `json:"attachments"` MailingListID int `json:"list_id"` } Status int `json:"status"` AllEmailQty int `json:"all_email_qty"` TariffEmailQty int `json:"tariff_email_qty"` PaidEmailQty int `json:"paid_email_qty"` OverdraftPrice float32 `json:"overdraft_price"` OverdraftCurrency string `json:"overdraft_currency"` SendDate DateTimeType `json:"send_date"` }
Campaign describes a campaign
type CampaignCost ¶
type CampaignCost struct { Cur string `json:"email"` SentEmailsQty int `json:"sent_emails_qty"` OverdraftAllEmailsPrice int `json:"overdraft_all_emails_price"` AddressesDeltaFromBalance int `json:"address_delta_from_balance"` AddressesDeltaFromTariff int `json:"address_delta_from_tariff"` MaxEmailsPerTask int `json:"max_emails_per_task"` Result bool `json:"result"` }
CampaignCost represents the cost of a campaign sent to a mailing list
type CampaignEmailStatistics ¶
type CampaignEmailStatistics struct { SendDate DateTimeType `json:"send_date"` GlobalStatus int `json:"global_status"` GlobalStatusExplain string `json:"global_status_explain"` DetailStatus int `json:"detail_status"` DetailStatusExplain string `json:"detail_status_explain"` }
CampaignEmailStatistics represents statistics of specific campaign
type CampaignParams ¶
type CampaignParams struct { SenderName string `json:"sender_name"` SenderEmail string `json:"sender_email"` Subject string `json:"subject"` Body string `json:"body,omitempty"` TemplateID string `json:"template_id,omitempty"` MailingListID int `json:"list_id,omitempty"` SegmentID int `json:"segment_id,omitempty"` IsTest bool `json:"is_test,omitempty"` SendDate DateTimeType `json:"send_date,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Attachments map[string]string `json:"attachments"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` BodyAMP string `json:"body_amp,omitempty"` }
Campaign describes campaign params
type CampaignsAndAddressBooksEmailStatistics ¶
type CampaignsAndAddressBooksEmailStatistics struct { Sent int `json:"sent"` Open int `json:"open"` Link int `json:"link"` Addressbooks []*struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` } `json:"adressbooks"` Blacklist bool }
CampaignsAndAddressBooksEmailStatistics represents statistics for multiple email addresses and campaigns they are in
type CampaignsEmailStatistics ¶
type CampaignsEmailStatistics struct { Statistic *struct { Sent int `json:"sent"` Open int `json:"open"` Link int `json:"link"` } `json:"statistic"` Addressbooks []*struct { Id int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"address_book_name"` } Blacklist bool }
CampaignsEmailStatistics represents statistics for an email address and campaigns it is in
type CampaignsService ¶
type CampaignsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CampaignsService is a service to interact with campaigns
func (*CampaignsService) CancelCampaign ¶
func (service *CampaignsService) CancelCampaign(id int) error
CancelCampaign cancels a scheduled campaign
func (*CampaignsService) CreateCampaign ¶
func (service *CampaignsService) CreateCampaign(data CampaignParams) (*Campaign, error)
CreateCampaign creates a campaign. Please note that you can send a maximum of 4 campaigns per hour
func (*CampaignsService) GetCampaign ¶
func (service *CampaignsService) GetCampaign(id int) (*Campaign, error)
GetCampaign returns an information about specific campaign
func (*CampaignsService) GetCampaignCountriesStatistics ¶
func (service *CampaignsService) GetCampaignCountriesStatistics(id int) (map[string]int, error)
GetCampaignCountriesStatistics represents campaign statistics of countries
func (*CampaignsService) GetCampaignReferralsStatistics ¶
func (service *CampaignsService) GetCampaignReferralsStatistics(id int) ([]*MailingRefStat, error)
GetCampaignReferralsStatistics returns campaign statistics of referrals
func (*CampaignsService) GetCampaigns ¶
func (service *CampaignsService) GetCampaigns(limit int, offset int) ([]*Campaign, error)
GetCampaigns returns a list of campaigns
func (*CampaignsService) GetCampaignsByMailingList ¶
func (service *CampaignsService) GetCampaignsByMailingList(mailingListID, limit, offset int) ([]*Task, error)
GetCampaignsByMailingList returns a list of campaigns by specific mailing list
func (*CampaignsService) UpdateCampaign ¶
func (service *CampaignsService) UpdateCampaign(id int, data CampaignParams) error
UpdateCampaign updates a scheduled campaign
type Client ¶
type Client struct { Emails *EmailsService Balance *BalanceService SMTP *SmtpService Push *PushService SMS *SmsService Viber *ViberService VkOk *VkOkService Bots *BotsService Automation360 *Automation360Service // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Client to interact with SendpulseAPI
type CreateSmsCampaignByAddressBookParams ¶
type CreateSmsCampaignByAddressBookParams struct { Sender string `json:"sender"` MailingListID int `json:"addressBookId"` Body string `json:"body"` Transliterate int `json:"transliterate"` Route map[string]string `json:"route,omitempty"` Date DateTimeType `json:"date"` Emulate int `json:"emulate"` }
type CreateViberCampaignParams ¶
type CreateViberCampaignParams struct { TaskName string `json:"task_name"` MessageType int `json:"message_type,omitempty"` SenderID int `json:"sender_id"` MessageLiveTime int `json:"message_live_time"` SendDate DateTimeType `json:"send_date"` MailingListID int `json:"address_book"` Recipients []int `json:"recipients"` Message string `json:"message"` Additional *struct { Button *struct { Text string `json:"text"` Link string `json:"link"` } `json:"button,omitempty"` Image *struct { Link string `json:"link"` } `json:"image,omitempty"` ResendSms *struct { Status bool `json:"status"` SmsText string `json:"sms_text"` SmsSenderName string `json:"sms_sender_name"` } `json:"resend_sms,omitempty"` } `json:"additional,omitempty"` }
type CreateVkOkSenderParams ¶
type DateTimeType ¶
func (*DateTimeType) MarshalJSON ¶
func (d *DateTimeType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*DateTimeType) String ¶
func (d *DateTimeType) String() string
func (*DateTimeType) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (d *DateTimeType) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type Email ¶
type Email struct { Email string `json:"email"` Phone int `json:"phone"` Status int `json:"status"` StatusExplain string `json:"status_explain"` Variables map[string]interface{} `json:"variables"` }
Email describes email address
type EmailBlockStat ¶
type EmailBlockStat struct { FlowID int `json:"flow_id"` Task struct { ID int `json:"id"` MailingListID int `json:"address_book_id"` MessageTitle string `json:"message_title"` SenderMailAddress string `json:"sender_mail_address"` SenderMailName string `json:"sender_mail_name"` Created DateTimeType `json:"created"` } `json:"task"` Sent int `json:"sent"` Delivered int `json:"delivered"` Opened int `json:"opened"` Clicked int `json:"clicked"` Errors int `json:"errors"` Unsubscribed int `json:"unsubscribed"` MarkedAsSpam int `json:"marked_as_spam"` LastSend DateTimeType `json:"last_send"` }
EmailBlockStat represents statistics about the "Email" element
type EmailInfo ¶
type EmailInfo struct { BookID int `json:"book_id"` Status int `json:"status"` Variables []*Variable `json:"variables"` }
EmailInfo represents a general information of email address
type EmailInfoList ¶
type EmailInfoList struct { ListName string `json:"list_name"` ListID int `json:"list_id"` AddDate DateTimeType `json:"add_date"` Source string `json:"source"` }
EmailInfoList represents a detailed information of email address
type EmailToAdd ¶
type EmailToAdd struct { Email string `json:"email"` Variables map[string]interface{} `json:"variables"` }
EmailToAdd represents structure for add email to mailing list
type EmailValidationResult ¶
type EmailValidationResult struct { Email string `json:"email"` Checks struct { Status int `json:"status"` ValidFormat int `json:"valid_format"` Disposable int `json:"disposable"` Webmail int `json:"webmail"` Gibberish int `json:"gibberish"` StatusText string `json:"status_text"` } `json:"checks"` }
EmailValidationResult describes a result of a verification of specific email
type EmailsService ¶
type EmailsService struct { MailingLists *MailingListsService Templates *TemplatesService Senders *SendersService Blacklist *BlacklistService Webhooks *WebhooksService Address *AddressService Campaigns *CampaignsService Validator *ValidatorService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type FbAccount ¶
type FbAccount struct { Tariff struct { Branding bool `json:"branding"` MaxBots int `json:"max_bots"` MaxContacts int `json:"max_contacts"` MaxMessages int `json:"max_messages"` MaxTags int `json:"max_tags"` MaxVariables int `json:"max_variables"` MaxRss int `json:"max_rss"` Code string `json:"code"` IsExceeded bool `json:"is_exceeded"` IsExpired bool `json:"is_expired"` ExpiredAt time.Time `json:"expired_at"` } `json:"tariff"` Statistics struct { Messages int `json:"messages"` Bots int `json:"bots"` Contacts int `json:"contacts"` Variables int `json:"variables"` } `json:"statistics"` }
type FbBot ¶
type FbBot struct { ID string `json:"id"` ChannelData struct { ID string `json:"id"` AccessToken string `json:"access_token"` Name string `json:"name"` Photo string `json:"photo"` } `json:"channel_data"` Inbox struct { Total int `json:"total"` Unread int `json:"unread"` } `json:"inbox"` Status int `json:"status"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"` }
type FbBotCampaignMessage ¶
type FbBotChat ¶
type FbBotChat struct { Contact *FbBotContact `json:"contact"` InboxLastMessage *FbBotMessage `json:"inbox_last_message"` InboxUnread int `json:"inbox_unread"` }
type FbBotContact ¶
type FbBotContact struct { ID string `json:"id"` BotID string `json:"bot_id"` Status int `json:"status"` ChannelData struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` FirstName string `json:"first_name"` LastName string `json:"last_name"` ProfilePic string `json:"profile_pic"` Locale string `json:"locale"` Gender string `json:"gender"` } `json:"channel_data"` Tags []string `json:"tags"` Variables map[string]interface{} `json:"variables"` IsChatOpened bool `json:"is_chat_opened"` LastActivityAt time.Time `json:"last_activity_at"` AutomationPausedUntil time.Time `json:"automation_paused_until"` UnsubscribedAt time.Time `json:"unsubscribed_at"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"` }
type FbBotMessage ¶
type FbBotMessage struct { ID string `json:"id"` ContactID string `json:"contact_id"` BotID string `json:"bot_id"` CampaignID string `json:"campaign_id"` Data map[string]interface{} `json:"data"` Direction int `json:"direction"` Status int `json:"status"` DeliveredAt time.Time `json:"delivered_at"` OpenedAt time.Time `json:"opened_at"` RedirectedAt time.Time `json:"redirected_at"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"` }
type FbBotSendCampaignParams ¶
type FbBotSendTextParams ¶
type FilterBlockStat ¶
type FilterBlockStat struct { FlowID int `json:"flow_id"` Executed int `json:"executed"` LastSend DateTimeType `json:"last_send"` }
FilterBlockStat represents statistics about the "Filter" element
type GoalBlockStat ¶
type GoalBlockStat struct { FlowID int `json:"flow_id"` Executed int `json:"executed"` Sent int `json:"sent"` Delivered int `json:"delivered"` Opened int `json:"opened"` Clicked int `json:"clicked"` Errors int `json:"errors"` LastSend DateTimeType `json:"last_send"` }
GoalBlockStat represents statistics about the "Goal" element
type MailingList ¶
type MailingList struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` AllEmailQty int `json:"all_email_qty"` ActiveEmailQty int `json:"active_email_qty"` InactiveEmailQty int `json:"inactive_email_qty"` CreationDate DateTimeType `json:"creationdate"` Status int `json:"status"` StatusExplain string `json:"status_explain"` }
MailingList represents detailed information of specific mailing list
type MailingListReportParams ¶
type MailingListReportParams struct { ID int `json:"id"` Format int `json:"format,omitempty"` Statuses []int `json:"status,omitempty"` Lang string `json:"lang,omitempty"` }
MailingListReportParams describes parameters to CreateMailingListValidationReport
type MailingListValidationResult ¶
type MailingListValidationResult struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"address_book_name"` AllEmailsQuantity int `json:"all_emails_quantity"` Status int `json:"status"` CheckDate DateTimeType `json:"check_date"` Data struct { Unverified int `json:"0"` Valid int `json:"1"` Unconfirmed int `json:"2"` Invalid int `json:"3"` } `json:"data"` IsUpdated int `json:"is_updated"` StatusText string `json:"status_text"` IsGarbageInBook bool `json:"is_garbage_in_book"` }
MailingListValidationResult is a results of email validation progress
type MailingListValidationResultDetailed ¶
type MailingListValidationResultDetailed struct { MailingListValidationResult EmailAddresses []struct { ID int `json:"id"` EmailAddress string `json:"email_address"` CheckDate DateTimeType `json:"check_date"` Status int `json:"status"` StatusText string `json:"status_text"` } `json:"email_addresses"` EmailAddressesTotal int `json:"email_addresses_total"` }
MailingListValidationResultDetailed is a detailed result of email validation progress
type MailingListsService ¶
type MailingListsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MailingListsService is a service to interact with mailing lists
func (*MailingListsService) ChangeName ¶
func (service *MailingListsService) ChangeName(id int, name string) error
ChangeName changes a name of specific mailing list
func (*MailingListsService) CountCampaignCost ¶
func (service *MailingListsService) CountCampaignCost(mailingListID int) (*CampaignCost, error)
CountCampaignCost calculates the cost of a campaign sent to a mailing list
func (*MailingListsService) CountMailingListEmails ¶
func (service *MailingListsService) CountMailingListEmails(mailingListID int) (int, error)
CountMailingListEmails returns a the total number of contacts in a mailing list
func (*MailingListsService) CreateMailingList ¶
func (service *MailingListsService) CreateMailingList(name string) (int, error)
CreateMailingList creates new mailing list
func (*MailingListsService) DeleteMailingList ¶
func (service *MailingListsService) DeleteMailingList(mailingListID int) error
DeleteMailingList removes specific mailing list
func (*MailingListsService) DeleteMailingListEmails ¶
func (service *MailingListsService) DeleteMailingListEmails(mailingListID int, emails []string) error
DeleteMailingListEmails removes emails from specific mailing list
func (*MailingListsService) DoubleOptIn ¶
func (service *MailingListsService) DoubleOptIn(mailingListID int, emails []*EmailToAdd, senderEmail string, messageLang string, templateID string) error
DoubleOptIn adds emails to mailing list using double-opt-in method
func (*MailingListsService) GetMailingList ¶
func (service *MailingListsService) GetMailingList(mailingListID int) (*MailingList, error)
GetMailingList returns detailed information regarding a specific mailing list
func (*MailingListsService) GetMailingListEmails ¶
func (service *MailingListsService) GetMailingListEmails(id, limit, offset int) ([]*Email, error)
GetMailingListEmails returns a list of emails from a mailing list
func (*MailingListsService) GetMailingListEmailsByVariable ¶
func (service *MailingListsService) GetMailingListEmailsByVariable(mailingListID int, variable string, value interface{}) ([]*Email, error)
GetMailingListEmailsByVariable returns all contacts in mailing list by value of variable
func (*MailingListsService) GetMailingListVariables ¶
func (service *MailingListsService) GetMailingListVariables(mailingListID int) ([]*VariableMeta, error)
GetMailingListVariables method returns variables of specific mailing list
func (*MailingListsService) GetMailingLists ¶
func (service *MailingListsService) GetMailingLists(limit int, offset int) ([]*MailingList, error)
GetMailingLists returns a list of mailing lists
func (*MailingListsService) SingleOptIn ¶
func (service *MailingListsService) SingleOptIn(mailingListID int, emails []*EmailToAdd) error
SingleOptIn adds emails to mailing list using single-opt-in method
func (*MailingListsService) UnsubscribeEmails ¶
func (service *MailingListsService) UnsubscribeEmails(mailingListID int, emails []string) error
UnsubscribeEmails unsubscribes emails from a specific mailing list
func (*MailingListsService) UpdateEmailVariables ¶
func (service *MailingListsService) UpdateEmailVariables(mailingListID int, email string, variables []*Variable) error
UpdateEmailVariables changes a variables for an email contact
type MailingRefStat ¶
MailingRefStat represents campaign statistics of referrals
type MainTriggerBlockStat ¶
type MainTriggerBlockStat struct { FlowID int `json:"flow_id"` Executed int `json:"executed"` Deleted int `json:"deleted"` }
MainTriggerBlockStat represents statistics about the "Start" element
type MessengerBlockStat ¶
type MessengerBlockStat struct { FlowID int `json:"flow_id"` Executed int `json:"executed"` Sent int `json:"sent"` LastSend DateTimeType `json:"last_send"` }
MessengerBlockStat represents statistics about the "Messenger" element
type PhoneInfo ¶
type PhoneInfo struct { Status int `json:"status"` Variables map[string]interface{} `json:"variables"` Added DateTimeType `json:"added"` }
type PhoneWithVariable ¶
type PhoneWithVariable struct { Phone string Variables []SmsVariable }
type Push ¶
type Push struct { ID int `json:"id"` Title string `json:"title"` Body string `json:"body"` WebsiteID int `json:"website_id"` From DateTimeType `json:"from"` To DateTimeType `json:"to"` Status int `json:"status"` }
Push represents information of push notification
type PushBlockStat ¶
type PushBlockStat struct { FlowID int `json:"flow_id"` Sent int `json:"sent"` Delivered int `json:"delivered"` Clicked int `json:"clicked"` Errors int `json:"errors"` LastSend DateTimeType `json:"last_send"` }
PushBlockStat represents statistics about the "Push" element
type PushListParams ¶
PushListParams describes params for GetMessages
type PushMessageParams ¶
type PushMessageParams struct { Title string `json:"title"` WebsiteID int `json:"website_id"` Body string `json:"body"` TtlSec int `json:"ttl"` Link string `json:"link,omitempty"` FilterLang string `json:"filter_lang,omitempty"` FilterBrowser string `json:"filter_browser,omitempty"` FilterRegion string `json:"filter_region,omitempty"` FilterUrl string `json:"filter_url,omitempty"` SubscriptionDateFrom time.Time `json:"filter_subscription_date_from,omitempty"` SubscriptionDateTo time.Time `json:"filter_subscription_date_to,omitempty"` Filter *struct { VariableName string `json:"variable_name"` Operator string `json:"operator"` Conditions []struct { Condition string `json:"condition"` Value interface{} `json:"value"` } `json:"conditions"` } `json:"filter,omitempty"` StretchTimeSec int `json:"stretch_time"` SendDate DateTimeType `json:"send_date"` Buttons *struct { Text string `json:"text"` Link string `json:"link"` } `json:"buttons,omitempty"` Image *struct { Name string `json:"name"` DataBase64 string `json:"data"` } `json:"image,omitempty"` Icon *struct { Name string `json:"name"` DataBase64 string `json:"data"` } `json:"icon,omitempty"` }
PushMessageParams describes parameters to CreatePushCampaign
type PushMessagesStatistics ¶
type PushMessagesStatistics struct { ID int `json:"id"` Message struct { Title string `json:"title"` Text string `json:"text"` Link string `json:"link"` } Website string `json:"website"` WebsiteID int `json:"website_id"` Status int `json:"status"` Send int `json:"send,string"` Delivered int `json:"delivered"` Redirect int `json:"redirect"` }
PushMessagesStatistics describes statistics on sent campaign
type PushService ¶
type PushService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PushService is a service to interact with push notifications
func (*PushService) ActivateSubscription ¶
func (service *PushService) ActivateSubscription(subscriptionID int) error
ActivateSubscription activates a subscriber
func (*PushService) CountWebsiteSubscriptions ¶
func (service *PushService) CountWebsiteSubscriptions(websiteID int) (int, error)
CountWebsiteSubscriptions returns the total number of website subscribers
func (*PushService) CountWebsites ¶
func (service *PushService) CountWebsites() (int, error)
CountWebsites retrieves the total number of websites
func (*PushService) CreatePushCampaign ¶
func (service *PushService) CreatePushCampaign(params PushMessageParams) (int, error)
CreatePushCampaign creates new push campaign
func (*PushService) DeactivateSubscription ¶
func (service *PushService) DeactivateSubscription(subscriptionID int) error
DeactivateSubscription deactivates a subscriber
func (*PushService) GetMessages ¶
func (service *PushService) GetMessages(params PushListParams) ([]Push, error)
GetMessages retrieves a list of sent web push campaigns
func (*PushService) GetPushMessagesStatistics ¶
func (service *PushService) GetPushMessagesStatistics(taskID int) (*PushMessagesStatistics, error)
GetPushMessagesStatistics returns statistics on sent campaigns
func (*PushService) GetWebsiteInfo ¶
func (service *PushService) GetWebsiteInfo(websiteID int) (*WebsiteInfo, error)
GetWebsiteInfo returns information about specific website
func (*PushService) GetWebsiteSubscriptions ¶
func (service *PushService) GetWebsiteSubscriptions(websiteID int, params WebsiteSubscriptionsParams) ([]*WebsiteSubscription, error)
GetWebsiteSubscriptions returns a list subscribers for a certain website
func (*PushService) GetWebsiteVariables ¶
func (service *PushService) GetWebsiteVariables(websiteID int) ([]*PushWebsiteVariable, error)
GetWebsiteVariables returns a list of variables for specific website
func (*PushService) GetWebsites ¶
func (service *PushService) GetWebsites(limit, offset int) ([]*PushWebsite, error)
GetWebsites retrieves a list of websites
type PushWebsite ¶
type PushWebsite struct { ID int `json:"id"` Url string `json:"url"` AddDate DateTimeType `json:"add_date"` Status int `json:"status"` }
type PushWebsiteVariable ¶
type PushWebsiteVariable struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Type string `json:"type"` }
PushWebsiteVariable describes variable of push notification
type SendEmailParams ¶
type SendEmailParams struct { Html string `json:"html,omitempty"` Text string `json:"text,omitempty"` Template *struct { ID string `json:"id"` Variables map[string]interface{} `json:"variables"` } `json:"template"` AutoPlainText bool `json:"auto_plain_text"` Subject string `json:"subject"` From struct { Name string `json:"name"` Email string `json:"email"` } `json:"from"` To struct { Name string `json:"name"` Email string `json:"email"` } `json:"to"` Attachments map[string]string `json:"attachments"` }
type SendVkOkTemplateParams ¶
type SendVkOkTemplateParams struct { AddressBooks []int `json:"address_book"` Recipients []struct { Phone string `json:"phone"` Variables map[string]interface{} `json:"variables"` } `json:"recipients"` LifeTime int `json:"life_time"` LifeType string `json:"life_type"` Name string `json:"name"` Routes map[string]bool `json:"routes"` SendDate DateTimeType `json:"send_date"` TemplateID int `json:"template_id"` }
type SendersService ¶
type SendersService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*SendersService) ActivateSender ¶
func (service *SendersService) ActivateSender(email, code string) error
func (*SendersService) CreateSender ¶
func (service *SendersService) CreateSender(name string, email string) error
func (*SendersService) DeleteSender ¶
func (service *SendersService) DeleteSender(email string) error
func (*SendersService) GetSenderActivationCode ¶
func (service *SendersService) GetSenderActivationCode(email string) error
func (*SendersService) GetSenders ¶
func (service *SendersService) GetSenders() ([]*Sender, error)
type SendpulseError ¶
SendpulseError represents http error from SendPulse
func (*SendpulseError) Error ¶
func (e *SendpulseError) Error() string
Error returns string representation of the SendpulseError
type SmsBlockStat ¶
type SmsBlockStat struct { FlowID int `json:"flow_id"` Executed int `json:"executed"` Sent int `json:"sent"` Delivered int `json:"delivered"` Opened int `json:"opened"` Clicked int `json:"clicked"` Errors int `json:"errors"` LastSend DateTimeType `json:"last_send"` }
SmsBlockStat represents statistics about the "SMS" element
type SmsCampaign ¶
type SmsCampaign struct { ID int `json:"id"` AddressBookID int `json:"address_book_id"` CompanyPrice float32 `json:"company_price"` CompanyCurrency string `json:"company_currency"` SendDate DateTimeType `json:"send_date"` DateCreated DateTimeType `json:"date_created"` SenderMailAddress string `json:"sender_mail_address"` SenderMailName string `json:"sender_mail_name"` }
type SmsCampaignCampaignCost ¶
type SmsCampaignCostParams ¶
type SmsCampaignInfo ¶
type SmsCampaignInfo struct { ID int `json:"id"` AddressBookID int `json:"address_book_id"` Currency string `json:"currency"` CompanyPrice float32 `json:"company_price"` SendDate DateTimeType `json:"send_date"` DateCreated DateTimeType `json:"date_created"` SenderName string `json:"sender_name"` PhonesInfo []struct { Phone int `json:"phone"` Status int `json:"status"` StatusExplain string `json:"status_explain"` CountryCode string `json:"сountry_code"` MoneySpent float32 `json:"money_spent"` } `json:"task_phones_info"` }
type SmsService ¶
type SmsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*SmsService) AddPhones ¶
func (service *SmsService) AddPhones(mailingListID int, phones []string) (*AddPhonesCounters, error)
func (*SmsService) AddPhonesWithVariables ¶
func (service *SmsService) AddPhonesWithVariables(mailingListID int, phones []*PhoneWithVariable) (*AddPhonesCounters, error)
func (*SmsService) AddToBlacklist ¶
func (service *SmsService) AddToBlacklist(phones []string, description string) error
func (*SmsService) CancelCampaign ¶
func (service *SmsService) CancelCampaign(id int) error
func (*SmsService) CreateCampaignByMailingList ¶
func (service *SmsService) CreateCampaignByMailingList(params CreateSmsCampaignByAddressBookParams) (int, error)
func (*SmsService) CreateCampaignByPhones ¶
func (service *SmsService) CreateCampaignByPhones(params CreateSmsCampaignByPhonesParams) (int, error)
func (*SmsService) DeleteCampaign ¶
func (service *SmsService) DeleteCampaign(id int) error
func (*SmsService) DeletePhones ¶
func (service *SmsService) DeletePhones(addressBookID int, phones []string) error
func (*SmsService) GetBlacklistedPhones ¶
func (service *SmsService) GetBlacklistedPhones(phones []string) ([]*BlacklistPhone, error)
func (*SmsService) GetCampaignCost ¶
func (service *SmsService) GetCampaignCost(params SmsCampaignCostParams) (*SmsCampaignCampaignCost, error)
func (*SmsService) GetCampaignInfo ¶
func (service *SmsService) GetCampaignInfo(id int) (*SmsCampaignInfo, error)
func (*SmsService) GetCampaigns ¶
func (service *SmsService) GetCampaigns(dateFrom, dateTo time.Time) ([]*SmsCampaign, error)
func (*SmsService) GetPhoneInfo ¶
func (service *SmsService) GetPhoneInfo(addressBookID int, phone string) (*PhoneInfo, error)
func (*SmsService) GetSenders ¶
func (service *SmsService) GetSenders() ([]*SmsSender, error)
func (*SmsService) RemoveFromBlacklist ¶
func (service *SmsService) RemoveFromBlacklist(phones []string) error
func (*SmsService) UpdateVariablesMultiple ¶
func (service *SmsService) UpdateVariablesMultiple(addressBookID int, phones []string, variables []SmsVariable) error
func (*SmsService) UpdateVariablesSingle ¶
func (service *SmsService) UpdateVariablesSingle(addressBookID int, phone string, variables []SmsVariable) error
type SmsVariable ¶
type SmtpListParams ¶
type SmtpMessage ¶
type SmtpMessage struct { ID string `json:"id"` Sender string `json:"sender"` TotalSize int `json:"total_size"` SenderIP string `json:"sender_ip"` SmtpAnswerCode int `json:"smtp_answer_code"` SmtpAnswerCodeExplain string `json:"smtp_answer_code_explain"` SmtpAnswerSubcode string `json:"smtp_answer_subcode"` SmtpAnswerData string `json:"smtp_answer_data"` UsedIP string `json:"used_ip"` Recipient string `json:"recipient"` Subject string `json:"subject"` SendDate DateTimeType `json:"send_date"` Tracking struct { Click int `json:"click"` Open int `json:"open"` Link []*struct { Url string `json:"url"` Browser string `json:"browser"` Os string `json:"os"` ScreenResolution string `json:"screen_resolution"` IP string `json:"ip"` ActionDate DateTimeType `json:"action_date"` } `json:"link"` ClientInfo []*struct { Browser string `json:"browser"` Os string `json:"os"` IP string `json:"ip"` ActionDate DateTimeType `json:"action_date"` } `json:"client_info"` } `json:"tracking"` }
type SmtpService ¶
type SmtpService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*SmtpService) AddDomain ¶
func (service *SmtpService) AddDomain(email string) error
func (*SmtpService) CountBounces ¶
func (service *SmtpService) CountBounces() (int, error)
func (*SmtpService) CountMessages ¶
func (service *SmtpService) CountMessages() (int, error)
func (*SmtpService) DeleteUnsubscribedEmails ¶
func (service *SmtpService) DeleteUnsubscribedEmails(emails []string) error
func (*SmtpService) GetAllowedDomains ¶
func (service *SmtpService) GetAllowedDomains() ([]string, error)
func (*SmtpService) GetDailyBounces ¶
func (service *SmtpService) GetDailyBounces(limit, offset int, date time.Time) (*BouncesList, error)
func (*SmtpService) GetMessage ¶
func (service *SmtpService) GetMessage(id int) (*SmtpMessage, error)
func (*SmtpService) GetMessages ¶
func (service *SmtpService) GetMessages(params SmtpListParams) ([]*SmtpMessage, error)
func (*SmtpService) GetSendersEmails ¶
func (service *SmtpService) GetSendersEmails() ([]string, error)
func (*SmtpService) GetSendersIPs ¶
func (service *SmtpService) GetSendersIPs() ([]string, error)
func (*SmtpService) GetUnsubscribedEmails ¶
func (service *SmtpService) GetUnsubscribedEmails(params UnsubscribedListParams) ([]Unsubscribed, error)
func (*SmtpService) SendMessage ¶
func (service *SmtpService) SendMessage(params SendEmailParams) (string, error)
func (*SmtpService) UnsubscribeEmails ¶
func (service *SmtpService) UnsubscribeEmails(emails []*SmtpUnsubscribeEmail) error
func (*SmtpService) VerifyDomain ¶
func (service *SmtpService) VerifyDomain(email string) error
type SmtpUnsubscribeEmail ¶
type Task ¶
type Task struct { ID int `json:"task_id"` Name string `json:"task_name"` Status int `json:"task_status"` }
Task represents a campaign
type TelegramAccount ¶
type TelegramAccount struct { Plan struct { Code string `json:"code"` MaxBots int `json:"max_bots"` MaxContacts int `json:"max_contacts"` MaxMessages int `json:"max_messages"` MaxTags int `json:"max_tags"` MaxVariables int `json:"max_variables"` Branding bool `json:"branding"` IsExceeded bool `json:"is_exceeded"` IsExpired bool `json:"is_expired"` ExpiredAt time.Time `json:"expired_at"` } `json:"plan"` Statistics struct { Messages int `json:"messages"` Bots int `json:"bots"` Contacts int `json:"contacts"` Variables int `json:"variables"` } `json:"statistics"` }
type TelegramBot ¶
type TelegramBot struct { ID string `json:"id"` ChannelData struct { ID string `json:"id"` AccessToken string `json:"access_token"` Name string `json:"name"` Username string `json:"username"` } `json:"channel_data"` Inbox struct { Total int `json:"total"` Unread int `json:"unread"` } `json:"inbox"` Status int `json:"status"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"` CommandsMenu struct { Status int `json:"status"` Commands []struct { Description string `json:"description"` Command string `json:"command"` FlowID string `json:"flow_id"` } } `json:"commands_menu"` }
type TelegramBotChat ¶
type TelegramBotChat struct { Contact *TelegramBotContact `json:"contact"` InboxLastMessage *TelegramBotMessage `json:"inbox_last_message"` InboxUnread int `json:"inbox_unread"` }
type TelegramBotContact ¶
type TelegramBotContact struct { ID string `json:"id"` BotID string `json:"bot_id"` Status int `json:"status"` ChannelData struct { Username string `json:"username"` FirstName string `json:"first_name"` LastName string `json:"last_name"` Name string `json:"name"` LanguageCode string `json:"language_code"` } `json:"channel_data"` Tags []string `json:"tags"` Variables map[string]interface{} `json:"variables"` IsChatOpened bool `json:"is_chat_opened"` LastActivityAt time.Time `json:"last_activity_at"` AutomationPausedUntil time.Time `json:"automation_paused_until"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"` }
type TelegramBotMessage ¶
type TelegramBotMessage struct { ID string `json:"id"` ContactID string `json:"contact_id"` BotID string `json:"bot_id"` CampaignID string `json:"campaign_id"` Data map[string]interface{} `json:"data"` Direction int `json:"direction"` Status int `json:"status"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"` }
type TelegramBotSendCampaignParams ¶
type TelegramBotSendCampaignParams struct { Title string `json:"title"` BotID string `json:"bot_id"` SendAt time.Time `json:"send_at"` Messages []TelegramBotCampaignMessage `json:"messages"` }
type Template ¶
type Template struct { ID string `json:"id"` RealID int `json:"real_id"` Name string `json:"name"` NameSlug string `json:"name_slug"` Lang string `json:"lang"` MetaDescription string `json:"meta_description"` FullDescription string `json:"full_description"` Category string `json:"category"` CategoryInfo *TemplateCategory `json:"category_info"` Tags map[string]string `json:"tags"` Mark string `json:"mark"` // MarkCount int `json:"mark_count"` // Body string `json:"body"` // Owner string `json:"owner"` Created DateTimeType `json:"created"` Preview string `json:"preview"` IsStructure bool `json:"is_structure"` }
func (*Template) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type TemplateCategory ¶
type TemplatesService ¶
type TemplatesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*TemplatesService) CreateTemplate ¶
func (*TemplatesService) GetTemplate ¶
func (service *TemplatesService) GetTemplate(templateID int) (*Template, error)
func (*TemplatesService) GetTemplates ¶
func (service *TemplatesService) GetTemplates(limit, offset int, owner string) ([]*Template, error)
func (*TemplatesService) UpdateTemplate ¶
func (service *TemplatesService) UpdateTemplate(templateID int, body string, lang string) error
type TriggerBlockStat ¶
type TriggerBlockStat struct { FlowID int `json:"flow_id"` Executed int `json:"executed"` LastSend DateTimeType `json:"last_send"` }
TriggerBlockStat represents statistics about the "Condition" element
type Unsubscribed ¶
type Unsubscribed struct { Email string `json:"email"` UnsubscribeByLink int `json:"unsubscribe_by_link"` UnsubscribeByUser int `json:"unsubscribe_by_user"` SpamComplaint int `json:"spam_complaint"` Date DateTimeType `json:"date"` }
type UnsubscribedListParams ¶
type UpdateViberCampaignParams ¶
type UpdateViberCampaignParams struct { TaskID int `json:"main_task_id"` TaskName string `json:"task_name"` Message string `json:"message"` MessageType int `json:"message_type"` ButtonText string `json:"button_text,omitempty"` ButtonLink string `json:"button_link,omitempty"` ImageLink string `json:"image_link,omitempty"` AddressBookID int `json:"address_book,omitempty"` SenderID int `json:"sender_id"` MessageLiveTime int `json:"message_live_time"` SendDate DateTimeType `json:"send_date"` }
type ValidationProgress ¶
ValidationProgress is a results of mailing list validation progress
type ValidatorService ¶
type ValidatorService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ValidatorService is a service to validate email addresses
func (*ValidatorService) CreateMailingListValidationReport ¶
func (service *ValidatorService) CreateMailingListValidationReport(params MailingListReportParams) error
CreateMailingListValidationReport creates a report with the verification results for a given mailing list
func (*ValidatorService) DeleteEmailValidationResult ¶
func (service *ValidatorService) DeleteEmailValidationResult(email string) error
DeleteEmailValidationResult removes the result of checking one address
func (*ValidatorService) GetEmailValidationResult ¶
func (service *ValidatorService) GetEmailValidationResult(email string) (*EmailValidationResult, error)
GetEmailValidationResult returns the results of a verification of specific email
func (*ValidatorService) GetMailingListValidationProgress ¶
func (service *ValidatorService) GetMailingListValidationProgress(mailingListID int) (*ValidationProgress, error)
GetMailingListValidationProgress returns a progress of mailing list validation
func (*ValidatorService) GetMailingListValidationReport ¶
func (service *ValidatorService) GetMailingListValidationReport(mailingListID int) (*MailingListValidationResultDetailed, error)
GetMailingListValidationReport returns a report with the results of a mailing list verification
func (*ValidatorService) GetMailingListValidationResult ¶
func (service *ValidatorService) GetMailingListValidationResult(mailingListID int) (*MailingListValidationResultDetailed, error)
GetMailingListValidationResult returns a list of email addresses from a mailing list with their verification results
func (*ValidatorService) GetValidatedMailingLists ¶
func (service *ValidatorService) GetValidatedMailingLists(limit, offset int) ([]*MailingListValidationResult, error)
GetValidatedMailingLists returns a list of verified mailing lists
func (*ValidatorService) ValidateEmail ¶
func (service *ValidatorService) ValidateEmail(email string) error
ValidateEmail verifies one email address
func (*ValidatorService) ValidateMailingList ¶
func (service *ValidatorService) ValidateMailingList(mailingListID int) error
ValidateMailingList sends a mailing list for review
type Variable ¶
type Variable struct { Name string `json:"name"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Value interface{} `json:"value"` }
Variable represents a variable of email address
type VariableMeta ¶
VariableMeta method represents a variable of mailing list
type ViberCampaign ¶
type ViberCampaign struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Message string `json:"message"` ButtonText string `json:"button_text"` ButtonLink string `json:"button_link"` ImageLink string `json:"image_link"` AddressBookID int `json:"address_book"` SenderName string `json:"sender_name"` SenderID int `json:"sender_id"` MessageLiveTime int `json:"message_live_time"` SendDate DateTimeType `json:"send_date"` Status string `json:"status"` Created DateTimeType `json:"created"` }
type ViberCampaignStatistics ¶
type ViberCampaignStatistics struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Message string `json:"message"` ButtonText string `json:"button_text"` ButtonLink string `json:"button_link"` ImageLink string `json:"image_link"` AddressBookID int `json:"address_book"` SenderName string `json:"sender_name"` SendDate DateTimeType `json:"send_date"` Status string `json:"status"` Statistics struct { Sent int `json:"sent"` Delivered int `json:"delivered"` Read int `json:"read"` Redirected int `json:"redirected"` Undelivered int `json:"undelivered"` Errors int `json:"errors"` } `json:"statistic"` Created DateTimeType `json:"created"` }
type ViberRecipient ¶
type ViberRecipient struct { Phone int `json:"phone"` AddressBookID int `json:"address_book_id"` Status string `json:"status"` SendDate DateTimeType `json:"send_date"` Price float32 `json:"price"` Currency string `json:"currency"` LastUpdate DateTimeType `json:"last_update"` }
type ViberSender ¶
type ViberSender struct { ID int `json:"id"` Status string `json:"status"` Name string `json:"name"` ServiceType string `json:"service_type"` WebSite string `json:"web_site"` Description string `json:"description"` Countries []string `json:"countries"` TrafficType string `json:"traffic_type"` AdminComment string `json:"admin_comment"` Owner string `json:"owner"` }
type ViberService ¶
type ViberService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ViberService) CreateCampaign ¶
func (service *ViberService) CreateCampaign(params CreateViberCampaignParams) (int, error)
func (*ViberService) GetCampaigns ¶
func (service *ViberService) GetCampaigns(limit, offset int) ([]*ViberCampaign, error)
func (*ViberService) GetRecipients ¶
func (service *ViberService) GetRecipients(taskID int) ([]*ViberRecipient, error)
func (*ViberService) GetSender ¶
func (service *ViberService) GetSender(senderID int) (*ViberSender, error)
func (*ViberService) GetSenders ¶
func (service *ViberService) GetSenders() ([]*ViberSender, error)
func (*ViberService) GetStatistics ¶
func (service *ViberService) GetStatistics(campaignID int) (*ViberCampaignStatistics, error)
func (*ViberService) UpdateCampaign ¶
func (service *ViberService) UpdateCampaign(params UpdateViberCampaignParams) error
type VkAccount ¶
type VkAccount struct { Plan struct { Code string `json:"code"` MaxBots int `json:"max_bots"` MaxContacts int `json:"max_contacts"` MaxMessages int `json:"max_messages"` MaxTags int `json:"max_tags"` MaxVariables int `json:"max_variables"` Branding bool `json:"branding"` IsExceeded bool `json:"is_exceeded"` IsExpired bool `json:"is_expired"` ExpiredAt time.Time `json:"expired_at"` } `json:"plan"` Statistics struct { Messages int `json:"messages"` Bots int `json:"bots"` Contacts int `json:"contacts"` Variables int `json:"variables"` } `json:"statistics"` }
type VkBot ¶
type VkBot struct { ID string `json:"id"` ChannelData struct { ID string `json:"id"` AccessToken string `json:"access_token"` Name string `json:"name"` Photo string `json:"photo"` } `json:"channel_data"` Inbox struct { Total int `json:"total"` Unread int `json:"unread"` } `json:"inbox"` Status int `json:"status"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"` }
type VkBotCampaignMessage ¶
type VkBotChat ¶
type VkBotChat struct { Contact *VkBotContact `json:"contact"` InboxLastMessage *VkBotMessage `json:"inbox_last_message"` InboxUnread int `json:"inbox_unread"` }
type VkBotContact ¶
type VkBotContact struct { ID string `json:"id"` BotID string `json:"bot_id"` Status int `json:"status"` ChannelData struct { GroupID int `json:"group_id"` IsMember bool `json:"is_member"` Name string `json:"name"` Data interface{} `json:"data"` } `json:"channel_data"` Tags []string `json:"tags"` Variables map[string]interface{} `json:"variables"` IsChatOpened bool `json:"is_chat_opened"` LastActivityAt time.Time `json:"last_activity_at"` AutomationPausedUntil time.Time `json:"automation_paused_until"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"` }
type VkBotMessage ¶
type VkBotSendCampaignParams ¶
type VkBotSendCampaignParams struct { Title string `json:"title"` BotID string `json:"bot_id"` SendAt time.Time `json:"send_at"` Messages []VkBotCampaignMessage `json:"messages"` }
type VkOkCampaignPhone ¶
type VkOkCampaignPhone struct { ID int `json:"id"` UserID int `json:"user_id"` CampaignID int `json:"campaign_id"` TemplateID int `json:"template_id"` Phone int `json:"phone"` PhoneCost int `json:"phone_cost"` CurrencyID int `json:"currency_id"` PriceRate int `json:"price_rate"` Currency VkOkCurrency `json:"currency"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` Status int `json:"status"` StatusDetail struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` } `json:"status_detail"` }
type VkOkCampaignStatistics ¶
type VkOkCampaignStatistics struct { ID int `json:"id"` UserID int `json:"user_id"` Name string `json:"name"` TotalPrice int `json:"total_price"` PriceRate int `json:"price_rate"` Currency VkOkCurrency `json:"currency"` LifeTime int `json:"life_time"` LifeType string `json:"life_type"` SendDate string `json:"send_date"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` Template VkOkTemplate `json:"template"` Status int `json:"status"` StatusDetail struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` } `json:"status_detail"` GroupStat []struct { ID int `json:"id"` UserID int `json:"user_id"` Sent int `json:"sent"` Delivered int `json:"delivered"` NotDelivered int `json:"not_delivered"` Opened int `json:"opened"` } `json:"group_stat"` }
type VkOkCurrency ¶
type VkOkService ¶
type VkOkService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*VkOkService) CreateSender ¶
func (service *VkOkService) CreateSender(params CreateVkOkSenderParams) (int, error)
func (*VkOkService) CreateTemplate ¶
func (service *VkOkService) CreateTemplate(params CreateVkOkTemplateParams) (int, error)
func (*VkOkService) GetCampaignPhones ¶
func (service *VkOkService) GetCampaignPhones(campaignID int) ([]*VkOkCampaignPhone, error)
func (*VkOkService) GetCampaignStatistics ¶
func (service *VkOkService) GetCampaignStatistics(campaignID int) (*VkOkCampaignStatistics, error)
func (*VkOkService) GetCampaignsStatistics ¶
func (service *VkOkService) GetCampaignsStatistics() ([]*VkOkCampaignStatistics, error)
func (*VkOkService) GetTemplate ¶
func (service *VkOkService) GetTemplate(templateID int) (*VkOkTemplate, error)
func (*VkOkService) GetTemplates ¶
func (service *VkOkService) GetTemplates() ([]*VkOkTemplate, error)
func (*VkOkService) Send ¶
func (service *VkOkService) Send(params SendVkOkTemplateParams) (int, error)
type VkOkTemplate ¶
type VkOkTemplate struct { ID int `json:"id"` UserID int `json:"user_id"` SenderID int `json:"sender_id"` Name string `json:"name"` VkMessage string `json:"vk_message"` OkMessage string `json:"ok_message"` Sender struct { ID int `json:"id"` UserID int `json:"user_id"` Name string `json:"name"` VkUrl string `json:"vk_url"` OkUrl string `json:"ok_url"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` UpdateAt string `json:"update_at"` } `json:"sender"` Status int `json:"status"` StatusDetail struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` } `json:"status_detail"` }
type Webhook ¶
type Webhook struct { ID int `json:"id"` UserID int `json:"user_id"` Url string `json:"url"` Action string `json:"action"` }
Webhook describes webhook information
type WebhooksService ¶
type WebhooksService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WebhooksService is a service to interact with webhooks
func (*WebhooksService) CreateWebhook ¶
func (service *WebhooksService) CreateWebhook(actions []string, url string) ([]*Webhook, error)
CreateWebhook creates webhook
func (*WebhooksService) DeleteWebhook ¶
func (service *WebhooksService) DeleteWebhook(id int) error
DeleteWebhook deletes a specific webhook
func (*WebhooksService) GetWebhook ¶
func (service *WebhooksService) GetWebhook(id int) (*Webhook, error)
GetWebhook returns specific webhook
func (*WebhooksService) GetWebhooks ¶
func (service *WebhooksService) GetWebhooks() ([]*Webhook, error)
GetWebhooks returns a list of webhooks
func (*WebhooksService) UpdateWebhook ¶
func (service *WebhooksService) UpdateWebhook(id int, url string) error
UpdateWebhook updates a specific webhook
type WebsiteInfo ¶
type WebsiteInfo struct { ID int `json:"id"` Url string `json:"url"` Status string `json:"status"` Icon string `json:"icon"` AddDate DateTimeType `json:"add_date"` TotalSubscribers int `json:"total_subscribers"` Unsubscribed int `json:"unsubscribed"` SubscribersToday int `json:"subscribers_today"` ActiveSubscribers int `json:"active_subscribers"` }
WebsiteInfo describes information about website
type WebsiteSubscription ¶
type WebsiteSubscription struct { ID int `json:"id"` Browser string `json:"browser"` Lang string `json:"lang"` Os string `json:"os"` CountryCode string `json:"country_code"` City string `json:"city"` Variables []PushWebsiteVariable `json:"variables"` SubscriptionDate DateTimeType `json:"subscription_date"` Status int `json:"status"` }
WebsiteSubscription represents subscriber
type WebsiteSubscriptionsParams ¶
WebsiteSubscriptionsParams describes params for GetWebsiteSubscriptions
type WhatsAppAccount ¶
type WhatsAppAccount struct { Plan struct { Branding bool `json:"branding"` MaxBots int `json:"max_bots"` MaxContacts int `json:"max_contacts"` MaxMessages int `json:"max_messages"` MaxTags int `json:"max_tags"` MaxVariables int `json:"max_variables"` Code string `json:"code"` IsExceeded bool `json:"is_exceeded"` IsExpired bool `json:"is_expired"` ExpiredAt time.Time `json:"expired_at"` } `json:"plan"` Statistics struct { Messages int `json:"messages"` Bots int `json:"bots"` Contacts int `json:"contacts"` Variables int `json:"variables"` } `json:"statistics"` }
type WhatsAppBot ¶
type WhatsAppBotChat ¶
type WhatsAppBotChat struct { Contact *WhatsAppBotContact `json:"contact"` InboxLastMessage *FbBotMessage `json:"inbox_last_message"` InboxUnread int `json:"inbox_unread"` }
type WhatsAppBotContact ¶
type WhatsAppBotContact struct { ID string `json:"id"` BotID string `json:"bot_id"` Status int `json:"status"` ChannelData struct { UserName string `json:"username"` FirstName string `json:"first_name"` LastName string `json:"last_name"` Name string `json:"name"` LanguageCode string `json:"language_code"` } `json:"channel_data"` Tags []string `json:"tags"` Variables map[string]interface{} `json:"variables"` IsChatOpened bool `json:"is_chat_opened"` LastActivityAt time.Time `json:"last_activity_at"` AutomationPausedUntil time.Time `json:"automation_paused_until"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"` }
type WhatsAppBotMessage ¶
type WhatsAppBotMessage struct { ID string `json:"id"` ContactID string `json:"contact_id"` BotID string `json:"bot_id"` CampaignID string `json:"campaign_id"` Data map[string]interface{} `json:"data"` Direction int `json:"direction"` Status int `json:"status"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"` }
type WhatsAppBotSendCampaignParams ¶
type WhatsAppBotSendCampaignParams struct { Title string `json:"title"` BotID string `json:"bot_id"` SendAt time.Time `json:"send_at"` Messages []WhatsAppMessage `json:"messages"` }
type WhatsAppMessage ¶
type WhatsAppMessage struct { Type string `json:"type"` Text *struct { Body string `json:"body"` } `json:"text,omitempty"` Image *struct { Link string `json:"link"` Caption string `json:"caption"` } `json:"image,omitempty"` Document *struct { Link string `json:"link"` Caption string `json:"caption"` } `json:"document,omitempty"` }
type WhatsAppTemplate ¶
type WhatsAppTemplate struct { ID string `json:"id"` BotID string `json:"bot_id"` Namespace string `json:"namespace"` Category string `json:"category"` Components []WhatsAppMessage `json:"components"` Language string `json:"language"` Name string `json:"name"` RejectedReason string `json:"rejected_reason"` Status string `json:"status"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"` }
Source Files
- automation360_service.go
- balance_service.go
- bots_fb_service.go
- bots_service.go
- bots_telegram_service.go
- bots_vk_service.go
- bots_whatsapp_service.go
- client.go
- config.go
- emails_address_service.go
- emails_addressbooks_service.go
- emails_blacklist_service.go
- emails_mailings_service.go
- emails_senders_service.go
- emails_service.go
- emails_templates_service.go
- emails_validator_service.go
- emails_webhooks_service.go
- push_service.go
- sms_service.go
- smtp_service.go
- types.go
- viber_service.go
- vk_ok_service.go