Armada is a tool for creating multiple k8s clusters with kind (k8s in docker). This tool relies heavily on kind and
extends its functionality with automation to create clusters tailored for multi cluster/multi cni local development and testing.

Get the latest version from Releases page.
make build
Build in docker.
make docker-build
The armada binary will be placed under local ./bin directory.
Create clusters
In order to run more then 3 clusters, the following limits must be increased:
echo fs.file-max=500000 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo fs.inotify.max_user_instances=8192 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
sudo sysctl -p
The tool will create 2 clusters by default with kindnet cni plugin.
cd ./bin
./armada create clusters
This command will create five clusters with default kindnet cni.
./armada create clusters -n 5
Create a total of four clusters, 2 with weave, one with flannel and one with calico.
./armada create clusters --weave
./armada create clusters -n 3 --flannel
./armada create clusters -n 4 --calico
Default kubernetes node image is kindest/node:v1.16.3. To use different image use -i or --image flag. This command will create three clusters with flannel cni and kubernetes 1.15.6.
./armada create clusters -n 3 --flannel --image kindest/node:v1.15.6
Full list of supported images can be found on kind release page.
Example of running four clusters with multiple k8s versions and different cni plugins.
./armada create clusters -n 2 --weave # 2 clusters with weave, k8s version 1.16.3
./armada create clusters -n 3 --flannel --image kindest/node:v1.15.6 # one clusters with flannel cni, k8s version 1.15.6
./armada create clusters -n 4 --calico --image kindest/node:v1.14.9 # one clusters with calico cni, k8s version 1.14.9
Create clusters command full usage.
./armada create clusters -h
Creates multiple kubernetes clusters using Docker container 'nodes'
armada create clusters [flags]
-c, --calico deploy with calico
-v, --debug set log level to debug
-f, --flannel deploy with flannel
-h, --help help for clusters
-i, --image string node docker image to use for booting the cluster
-k, --kindnet deploy with kindnet default cni (default true)
-n, --num int number of clusters to create (default 2)
-o, --overlap create clusters with overlapping cidrs
--retain retain nodes for debugging when cluster creation fails (default true)
-t, --tiller deploy with tiller
--wait duration amount of minutes to wait for control plane nodes to be ready (default 5m0s)
-w, --weave deploy with weave
Load images
Load multiple images in to all active clusters. Please note that the images must exist locally.
./armada load docker-images --images alpine:latest,nginx:alpine
Load multiple images to specific clusters.
./armada load docker-images --images alpine:latest,nginx:alpine --clusters cluster1,cluster3
Load images command full usage.
./armada load docker-images -h
Load docker images in to the cluster
armada load docker-images [flags]
-c, --clusters strings comma separated list of cluster names to load the image in to.
-v, --debug set log level to debug
-h, --help help for docker-images
-i, --images strings comma separated list images to load.
Destroy clusters
Destroy all clusters
./armada destroy clusters
Destroy specific clusters
./armada destroy clusters --clusters cl1,cl3