This library generates the Terraform documentation automatically given an already Terraform compatible OpenAPI document.
How to use this library
The library's main.go show cases how to generate Terraform documentation given a swagger file. Currently, the generator supports rendering documentation in HTML.
How to run the example
The main.go file is configured with a sample swagger file. The example can be executed simply by running the following command:
$ go run main.go
The program will generate the Terraform documentation (in html format) for the sample swagger file and save the output locally. An example of the output: .
Customizing the output documentation
You can customize sections of the documentation by overriding the default content used by GenerateDocumentation()
before calling RenderHTML()
For example, in main.go we are adding a custom provider installation instruction for the user to login first with the following:
d.ProviderInstallation.Other = fmt.Sprintf("You will need to be logged in before running Terraform commands that use the '%s' Streamline Terraform provider:", d.ProviderName)