Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func UserMessageErrorQuark() glib.Quark
- func WebFormManagerInputElementAutoFill(element *javascriptcore.Value, value string)
- func WebFormManagerInputElementIsAutoFilled(element *javascriptcore.Value) bool
- func WebFormManagerInputElementIsUserEdited(element *javascriptcore.Value) bool
- type ConsoleMessage
- func (consoleMessage *ConsoleMessage) Copy() *ConsoleMessagedeprecated
- func (consoleMessage *ConsoleMessage) Level() ConsoleMessageLeveldeprecated
- func (consoleMessage *ConsoleMessage) Line() uintdeprecated
- func (consoleMessage *ConsoleMessage) Source() ConsoleMessageSourcedeprecated
- func (consoleMessage *ConsoleMessage) SourceID() stringdeprecated
- func (consoleMessage *ConsoleMessage) Text() stringdeprecated
- type ConsoleMessageLeveldeprecated
- type ConsoleMessageSourcedeprecated
- type ContextMenu
- func (menu *ContextMenu) Append(item *ContextMenuItem)
- func (menu *ContextMenu) Event() *gdk.Event
- func (menu *ContextMenu) First() *ContextMenuItem
- func (menu *ContextMenu) Insert(item *ContextMenuItem, position int)
- func (menu *ContextMenu) ItemAtPosition(position uint) *ContextMenuItem
- func (menu *ContextMenu) Items() []*ContextMenuItem
- func (menu *ContextMenu) Last() *ContextMenuItem
- func (menu *ContextMenu) MoveItem(item *ContextMenuItem, position int)
- func (menu *ContextMenu) NItems() uint
- func (menu *ContextMenu) Prepend(item *ContextMenuItem)
- func (menu *ContextMenu) Remove(item *ContextMenuItem)
- func (menu *ContextMenu) RemoveAll()
- func (menu *ContextMenu) SetUserData(userData *glib.Variant)
- func (menu *ContextMenu) UserData() *glib.Variant
- type ContextMenuAction
- type ContextMenuClass
- type ContextMenuItem
- func NewContextMenuItem(action *gtk.Action) *ContextMenuItemdeprecated
- func NewContextMenuItemFromGaction(action gio.Actioner, label string, target *glib.Variant) *ContextMenuItem
- func NewContextMenuItemFromStockAction(action ContextMenuAction) *ContextMenuItem
- func NewContextMenuItemFromStockActionWithLabel(action ContextMenuAction, label string) *ContextMenuItem
- func NewContextMenuItemSeparator() *ContextMenuItem
- func NewContextMenuItemWithSubmenu(label string, submenu *ContextMenu) *ContextMenuItem
- func (item *ContextMenuItem) Action() *gtk.Actiondeprecated
- func (item *ContextMenuItem) Gaction() *gio.Action
- func (item *ContextMenuItem) IsSeparator() bool
- func (item *ContextMenuItem) SetSubmenu(submenu *ContextMenu)
- func (item *ContextMenuItem) StockAction() ContextMenuAction
- func (item *ContextMenuItem) Submenu() *ContextMenu
- type ContextMenuItemClass
- type ContextMenuItemOverrides
- type ContextMenuOverrides
- type DOMAttr
- func (self *DOMAttr) LocalName() string
- func (self *DOMAttr) Name() string
- func (self *DOMAttr) NamespaceURI() string
- func (self *DOMAttr) OwnerElement() *DOMElement
- func (self *DOMAttr) Prefix() string
- func (self *DOMAttr) SetValue(value string) error
- func (self *DOMAttr) Specified() bool
- func (self *DOMAttr) Value() string
- type DOMAttrClass
- type DOMAttrOverrides
- type DOMBlob
- type DOMBlobClass
- type DOMBlobOverrides
- type DOMCDATASection
- type DOMCDATASectionClass
- type DOMCDATASectionOverrides
- type DOMCSSRule
- type DOMCSSRuleClass
- type DOMCSSRuleList
- type DOMCSSRuleListClass
- type DOMCSSRuleListOverrides
- type DOMCSSRuleOverrides
- type DOMCSSStyleDeclaration
- func (self *DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) CSSText() string
- func (self *DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) IsPropertyImplicit(propertyName string) bool
- func (self *DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Item(index uint32) string
- func (self *DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Length() uint32
- func (self *DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) ParentRule() *DOMCSSRule
- func (self *DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PropertyPriority(propertyName string) string
- func (self *DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PropertyShorthand(propertyName string) string
- func (self *DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PropertyValue(propertyName string) string
- func (self *DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) RemoveProperty(propertyName string) (string, error)
- func (self *DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetCSSText(value string) error
- func (self *DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetProperty(propertyName, value, priority string) error
- type DOMCSSStyleDeclarationClass
- type DOMCSSStyleDeclarationOverrides
- type DOMCSSStyleSheet
- func (self *DOMCSSStyleSheet) AddRule(selector, style string, index uint32) (int32, error)
- func (self *DOMCSSStyleSheet) CSSRules() *DOMCSSRuleList
- func (self *DOMCSSStyleSheet) DeleteRule(index uint32) error
- func (self *DOMCSSStyleSheet) InsertRule(rule string, index uint32) (uint32, error)
- func (self *DOMCSSStyleSheet) OwnerRule() *DOMCSSRule
- func (self *DOMCSSStyleSheet) RemoveRule(index uint32) error
- func (self *DOMCSSStyleSheet) Rules() *DOMCSSRuleList
- type DOMCSSStyleSheetClass
- type DOMCSSStyleSheetOverrides
- type DOMCSSValue
- type DOMCSSValueClass
- type DOMCSSValueOverrides
- type DOMCharacterData
- func (self *DOMCharacterData) AppendData(data string) error
- func (self *DOMCharacterData) Data() string
- func (self *DOMCharacterData) DeleteData(offset, length uint32) error
- func (self *DOMCharacterData) InsertData(offset uint32, data string) error
- func (self *DOMCharacterData) Length() uint32
- func (self *DOMCharacterData) ReplaceData(offset, length uint32, data string) error
- func (self *DOMCharacterData) SetData(value string) error
- func (self *DOMCharacterData) SubstringData(offset, length uint32) (string, error)
- type DOMCharacterDataClass
- type DOMCharacterDataOverrides
- type DOMClientRect
- func (self *DOMClientRect) Bottom() float32deprecated
- func (self *DOMClientRect) Height() float32deprecated
- func (self *DOMClientRect) Left() float32deprecated
- func (self *DOMClientRect) Right() float32deprecated
- func (self *DOMClientRect) Top() float32deprecated
- func (self *DOMClientRect) Width() float32deprecated
- type DOMClientRectClass
- type DOMClientRectList
- type DOMClientRectListClass
- type DOMClientRectListOverrides
- type DOMClientRectOverrides
- type DOMComment
- type DOMCommentClass
- type DOMCommentOverrides
- type DOMDOMImplementation
- func (self *DOMDOMImplementation) CreateCSSStyleSheet(title, media string) (*DOMCSSStyleSheet, error)
- func (self *DOMDOMImplementation) CreateDocument(namespaceURI, qualifiedName string, doctype *DOMDocumentType) (*DOMDocument, error)
- func (self *DOMDOMImplementation) CreateDocumentType(qualifiedName, publicId, systemId string) (*DOMDocumentType, error)
- func (self *DOMDOMImplementation) CreateHtmlDocument(title string) *DOMHTMLDocument
- func (self *DOMDOMImplementation) HasFeature(feature, version string) bool
- type DOMDOMImplementationClass
- type DOMDOMImplementationOverrides
- type DOMDOMSelection
- func (self *DOMDOMSelection) AddRange(_range *DOMRange)
- func (self *DOMDOMSelection) AnchorNode() *DOMNode
- func (self *DOMDOMSelection) AnchorOffset() uint32
- func (self *DOMDOMSelection) BaseNode() *DOMNode
- func (self *DOMDOMSelection) BaseOffset() uint32
- func (self *DOMDOMSelection) Collapse(node *DOMNode, offset uint32)
- func (self *DOMDOMSelection) CollapseToEnd() error
- func (self *DOMDOMSelection) CollapseToStart() error
- func (self *DOMDOMSelection) ContainsNode(node *DOMNode, allowPartial bool) bool
- func (self *DOMDOMSelection) DeleteFromDocument()
- func (self *DOMDOMSelection) Empty()
- func (self *DOMDOMSelection) Extend(node *DOMNode, offset uint32) error
- func (self *DOMDOMSelection) ExtentNode() *DOMNode
- func (self *DOMDOMSelection) ExtentOffset() uint32
- func (self *DOMDOMSelection) FocusNode() *DOMNode
- func (self *DOMDOMSelection) FocusOffset() uint32
- func (self *DOMDOMSelection) IsCollapsed() bool
- func (self *DOMDOMSelection) Modify(alter, direction, granularity string)
- func (self *DOMDOMSelection) RangeAt(index uint32) (*DOMRange, error)
- func (self *DOMDOMSelection) RangeCount() uint32
- func (self *DOMDOMSelection) RemoveAllRanges()
- func (self *DOMDOMSelection) SelectAllChildren(node *DOMNode)
- func (self *DOMDOMSelection) SelectionType() string
- func (self *DOMDOMSelection) SetBaseAndExtent(baseNode *DOMNode, baseOffset uint32, extentNode *DOMNode, extentOffset uint32)
- func (self *DOMDOMSelection) SetPosition(node *DOMNode, offset uint32)
- type DOMDOMSelectionClass
- type DOMDOMSelectionOverrides
- type DOMDOMTokenList
- func (self *DOMDOMTokenList) Contains(token string) bool
- func (self *DOMDOMTokenList) Item(index uint32) string
- func (self *DOMDOMTokenList) Length() uint32
- func (self *DOMDOMTokenList) Replace(token, newToken string) error
- func (self *DOMDOMTokenList) SetValue(value string)
- func (self *DOMDOMTokenList) Toggle(token string, force bool) error
- func (self *DOMDOMTokenList) Value() string
- type DOMDOMTokenListClass
- type DOMDOMTokenListOverrides
- type DOMDOMWindow
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Alert(message string)
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Blur()
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) CaptureEvents()
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Close()
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Closed() bool
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) ComputedStyle(element *DOMElement, pseudoElement string) *DOMCSSStyleDeclaration
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Confirm(message string) bool
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) DefaultStatus() string
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) DevicePixelRatio() float64
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Document() *DOMDocument
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Find(str string, ...) bool
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Focus()
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) FrameElement() *DOMElement
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Frames() *DOMDOMWindow
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) InnerHeight() int32
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) InnerWidth() int32
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Length() uint32
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) MoveBy(x, y float32)
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) MoveTo(x, y float32)
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Name() string
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) OffscreenBuffering() bool
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Opener() *DOMDOMWindow
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Orientation() int32
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) OuterHeight() int32
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) OuterWidth() int32
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) PageXOffset() int32
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) PageYOffset() int32
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Parent() *DOMDOMWindow
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Print()
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Prompt(message, defaultValue string) string
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) ReleaseEvents()
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) ResizeBy(x, y float32)
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) ResizeTo(width, height float32)
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) ScreenLeft() int32
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) ScreenTop() int32
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) ScreenX() int32
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) ScreenY() int32
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) ScrollBy(x, y float64)
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) ScrollTo(x, y float64)
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) ScrollX() int32
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) ScrollY() int32
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Selection() *DOMDOMSelection
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Self() *DOMDOMWindow
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) SetDefaultStatus(value string)
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) SetName(value string)
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) SetStatus(value string)
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Status() string
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Stop()
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Top() *DOMDOMWindow
- func (window *DOMDOMWindow) WebkitMessageHandlersPostMessage(handler, message string) bool
- func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Window() *DOMDOMWindow
- type DOMDOMWindowClass
- type DOMDOMWindowOverrides
- type DOMDocument
- func (self *DOMDocument) ActiveElement() *DOMElement
- func (self *DOMDocument) AdoptNode(source *DOMNode) (*DOMNode, error)
- func (self *DOMDocument) Anchors() *DOMHTMLCollection
- func (self *DOMDocument) Applets() *DOMHTMLCollection
- func (self *DOMDocument) Body() *DOMHTMLElement
- func (self *DOMDocument) CaretRangeFromPoint(x, y int32) *DOMRange
- func (self *DOMDocument) CharacterSet() string
- func (self *DOMDocument) Charset() string
- func (self *DOMDocument) ChildElementCount() uint32
- func (self *DOMDocument) Children() *DOMHTMLCollection
- func (self *DOMDocument) CompatMode() string
- func (self *DOMDocument) ContentType() string
- func (self *DOMDocument) Cookie() (string, error)
- func (self *DOMDocument) CreateAttribute(name string) (*DOMAttr, error)
- func (self *DOMDocument) CreateAttributeNs(namespaceURI, qualifiedName string) (*DOMAttr, error)
- func (self *DOMDocument) CreateCSSStyleDeclaration() *DOMCSSStyleDeclaration
- func (self *DOMDocument) CreateCdataSection(data string) (*DOMCDATASection, error)
- func (self *DOMDocument) CreateComment(data string) *DOMComment
- func (self *DOMDocument) CreateDocumentFragment() *DOMDocumentFragment
- func (self *DOMDocument) CreateElement(tagName string) (*DOMElement, error)
- func (self *DOMDocument) CreateElementNs(namespaceURI, qualifiedName string) (*DOMElement, error)
- func (self *DOMDocument) CreateEntityReference(name string) (*DOMEntityReference, error)deprecated
- func (self *DOMDocument) CreateEvent(eventType string) (*DOMEvent, error)
- func (self *DOMDocument) CreateExpression(expression string, resolver DOMXPathNSResolverer) (*DOMXPathExpression, error)
- func (self *DOMDocument) CreateNodeIterator(root *DOMNode, whatToShow uint32, filter DOMNodeFilterer, ...) (*DOMNodeIterator, error)
- func (self *DOMDocument) CreateNsResolver(nodeResolver *DOMNode) *DOMXPathNSResolver
- func (self *DOMDocument) CreateProcessingInstruction(target, data string) (*DOMProcessingInstruction, error)
- func (self *DOMDocument) CreateRange() *DOMRange
- func (self *DOMDocument) CreateTextNode(data string) *DOMText
- func (self *DOMDocument) CreateTreeWalker(root *DOMNode, whatToShow uint32, filter DOMNodeFilterer, ...) (*DOMTreeWalker, error)
- func (self *DOMDocument) CurrentScript() *DOMHTMLScriptElement
- func (self *DOMDocument) DefaultCharset() string
- func (self *DOMDocument) DefaultView() *DOMDOMWindow
- func (self *DOMDocument) DesignMode() string
- func (self *DOMDocument) Dir() string
- func (self *DOMDocument) Doctype() *DOMDocumentType
- func (self *DOMDocument) DocumentElement() *DOMElement
- func (self *DOMDocument) DocumentURI() string
- func (self *DOMDocument) Domain() string
- func (self *DOMDocument) ElementByID(elementId string) *DOMElement
- func (self *DOMDocument) ElementFromPoint(x, y int32) *DOMElement
- func (self *DOMDocument) ElementsByClassName(className string) *DOMNodeList
- func (self *DOMDocument) ElementsByClassNameAsHtmlCollection(classNames string) *DOMHTMLCollection
- func (self *DOMDocument) ElementsByName(elementName string) *DOMNodeList
- func (self *DOMDocument) ElementsByTagName(tagName string) *DOMNodeList
- func (self *DOMDocument) ElementsByTagNameAsHtmlCollection(tagname string) *DOMHTMLCollection
- func (self *DOMDocument) ElementsByTagNameNs(namespaceUri, tagName string) *DOMNodeList
- func (self *DOMDocument) ElementsByTagNameNsAsHtmlCollection(namespaceURI, localName string) *DOMHTMLCollection
- func (self *DOMDocument) Embeds() *DOMHTMLCollection
- func (self *DOMDocument) Evaluate(expression string, contextNode *DOMNode, resolver DOMXPathNSResolverer, ...) (*DOMXPathResult, error)
- func (self *DOMDocument) ExecCommand(command string, userInterface bool, value string) bool
- func (self *DOMDocument) ExitPointerLock()
- func (self *DOMDocument) FirstElementChild() *DOMElement
- func (self *DOMDocument) Forms() *DOMHTMLCollection
- func (self *DOMDocument) HasFocus() bool
- func (self *DOMDocument) Head() *DOMHTMLHeadElement
- func (self *DOMDocument) Hidden() bool
- func (self *DOMDocument) Images() *DOMHTMLCollection
- func (self *DOMDocument) Implementation() *DOMDOMImplementation
- func (self *DOMDocument) ImportNode(importedNode *DOMNode, deep bool) (*DOMNode, error)
- func (self *DOMDocument) InputEncoding() string
- func (self *DOMDocument) LastElementChild() *DOMElement
- func (self *DOMDocument) LastModified() string
- func (self *DOMDocument) Links() *DOMHTMLCollection
- func (self *DOMDocument) Origin() string
- func (self *DOMDocument) OverrideStyle(element *DOMElement, pseudoElement string) *DOMCSSStyleDeclaration
- func (self *DOMDocument) Plugins() *DOMHTMLCollection
- func (self *DOMDocument) PointerLockElement() *DOMElement
- func (self *DOMDocument) PreferredStylesheetSet() stringdeprecated
- func (self *DOMDocument) QueryCommandEnabled(command string) bool
- func (self *DOMDocument) QueryCommandIndeterm(command string) bool
- func (self *DOMDocument) QueryCommandState(command string) bool
- func (self *DOMDocument) QueryCommandSupported(command string) bool
- func (self *DOMDocument) QueryCommandValue(command string) string
- func (self *DOMDocument) QuerySelector(selectors string) (*DOMElement, error)
- func (self *DOMDocument) QuerySelectorAll(selectors string) (*DOMNodeList, error)
- func (self *DOMDocument) ReadyState() string
- func (self *DOMDocument) Referrer() string
- func (self *DOMDocument) Scripts() *DOMHTMLCollection
- func (self *DOMDocument) ScrollingElement() *DOMElement
- func (self *DOMDocument) SelectedStylesheetSet() stringdeprecated
- func (self *DOMDocument) SetBody(value *DOMHTMLElement) error
- func (self *DOMDocument) SetCharset(value string)
- func (self *DOMDocument) SetCookie(value string) error
- func (self *DOMDocument) SetDesignMode(value string)
- func (self *DOMDocument) SetDir(value string)
- func (self *DOMDocument) SetDocumentURI(value string)
- func (self *DOMDocument) SetSelectedStylesheetSet(value string)deprecated
- func (self *DOMDocument) SetTitle(value string)
- func (self *DOMDocument) SetXMLStandalone(value bool) error
- func (self *DOMDocument) SetXMLVersion(value string) error
- func (self *DOMDocument) StyleSheets() *DOMStyleSheetList
- func (self *DOMDocument) Title() string
- func (self *DOMDocument) URL() string
- func (self *DOMDocument) VisibilityState() string
- func (self *DOMDocument) WebkitCancelFullscreen()
- func (self *DOMDocument) WebkitCurrentFullscreenElement() *DOMElement
- func (self *DOMDocument) WebkitExitFullscreen()
- func (self *DOMDocument) WebkitFullscreenElement() *DOMElement
- func (self *DOMDocument) WebkitFullscreenEnabled() bool
- func (self *DOMDocument) WebkitFullscreenKeyboardInputAllowed() bool
- func (self *DOMDocument) WebkitIsFullscreen() bool
- func (self *DOMDocument) XMLEncoding() string
- func (self *DOMDocument) XMLStandalone() bool
- func (self *DOMDocument) XMLVersion() string
- type DOMDocumentClass
- type DOMDocumentFragment
- func (self *DOMDocumentFragment) ChildElementCount() uint32
- func (self *DOMDocumentFragment) Children() *DOMHTMLCollection
- func (self *DOMDocumentFragment) ElementByID(elementId string) *DOMElement
- func (self *DOMDocumentFragment) FirstElementChild() *DOMElement
- func (self *DOMDocumentFragment) LastElementChild() *DOMElement
- func (self *DOMDocumentFragment) QuerySelector(selectors string) (*DOMElement, error)
- func (self *DOMDocumentFragment) QuerySelectorAll(selectors string) (*DOMNodeList, error)
- type DOMDocumentFragmentClass
- type DOMDocumentFragmentOverrides
- type DOMDocumentOverrides
- type DOMDocumentType
- func (self *DOMDocumentType) Entities() *DOMNamedNodeMap
- func (self *DOMDocumentType) InternalSubset() string
- func (self *DOMDocumentType) Name() string
- func (self *DOMDocumentType) Notations() *DOMNamedNodeMap
- func (self *DOMDocumentType) PublicID() string
- func (self *DOMDocumentType) SystemID() string
- type DOMDocumentTypeClass
- type DOMDocumentTypeOverrides
- type DOMElement
- func (self *DOMElement) Attribute(name string) string
- func (self *DOMElement) AttributeNode(name string) *DOMAttr
- func (self *DOMElement) AttributeNodeNs(namespaceURI, localName string) *DOMAttr
- func (self *DOMElement) AttributeNs(namespaceURI, localName string) string
- func (self *DOMElement) Attributes() *DOMNamedNodeMap
- func (self *DOMElement) Blur()
- func (self *DOMElement) BoundingClientRect() *DOMClientRectdeprecated
- func (self *DOMElement) ChildElementCount() uint32
- func (self *DOMElement) Children() *DOMHTMLCollection
- func (self *DOMElement) ClassList() *DOMDOMTokenList
- func (self *DOMElement) ClassName() string
- func (self *DOMElement) ClientHeight() float64
- func (self *DOMElement) ClientLeft() float64
- func (self *DOMElement) ClientRects() *DOMClientRectListdeprecated
- func (self *DOMElement) ClientTop() float64
- func (self *DOMElement) ClientWidth() float64
- func (self *DOMElement) Closest(selectors string) (*DOMElement, error)
- func (self *DOMElement) ElementsByClassName(className string) *DOMNodeList
- func (self *DOMElement) ElementsByClassNameAsHtmlCollection(name string) *DOMHTMLCollection
- func (self *DOMElement) ElementsByTagName(tagName string) *DOMNodeList
- func (self *DOMElement) ElementsByTagNameAsHtmlCollection(name string) *DOMHTMLCollection
- func (self *DOMElement) ElementsByTagNameNs(namespaceUri, tagName string) *DOMNodeList
- func (self *DOMElement) ElementsByTagNameNsAsHtmlCollection(namespaceURI, localName string) *DOMHTMLCollection
- func (self *DOMElement) FirstElementChild() *DOMElement
- func (self *DOMElement) Focus()
- func (self *DOMElement) HasAttribute(name string) bool
- func (self *DOMElement) HasAttributeNs(namespaceURI, localName string) bool
- func (self *DOMElement) HasAttributes() bool
- func (element *DOMElement) HtmlInputElementGetAutoFilled() booldeprecated
- func (element *DOMElement) HtmlInputElementIsUserEdited() booldeprecated
- func (element *DOMElement) HtmlInputElementSetAutoFilled(autoFilled bool)deprecated
- func (element *DOMElement) HtmlInputElementSetEditingValue(value string)deprecated
- func (self *DOMElement) ID() string
- func (self *DOMElement) InnerHtml() string
- func (self *DOMElement) InsertAdjacentElement(where string, element *DOMElement) (*DOMElement, error)
- func (self *DOMElement) InsertAdjacentHtml(where, html string) error
- func (self *DOMElement) InsertAdjacentText(where, text string) error
- func (self *DOMElement) LastElementChild() *DOMElement
- func (self *DOMElement) LocalName() string
- func (self *DOMElement) Matches(selectors string) error
- func (self *DOMElement) NamespaceURI() string
- func (self *DOMElement) NextElementSibling() *DOMElement
- func (self *DOMElement) OffsetHeight() float64
- func (self *DOMElement) OffsetLeft() float64
- func (self *DOMElement) OffsetParent() *DOMElement
- func (self *DOMElement) OffsetTop() float64
- func (self *DOMElement) OffsetWidth() float64
- func (self *DOMElement) OuterHtml() string
- func (self *DOMElement) Prefix() string
- func (self *DOMElement) PreviousElementSibling() *DOMElement
- func (self *DOMElement) QuerySelector(selectors string) (*DOMElement, error)
- func (self *DOMElement) QuerySelectorAll(selectors string) (*DOMNodeList, error)
- func (self *DOMElement) Remove() error
- func (self *DOMElement) RemoveAttribute(name string)
- func (self *DOMElement) RemoveAttributeNode(oldAttr *DOMAttr) (*DOMAttr, error)
- func (self *DOMElement) RemoveAttributeNs(namespaceURI, localName string)
- func (self *DOMElement) RequestPointerLock()
- func (self *DOMElement) ScrollByLines(lines int32)
- func (self *DOMElement) ScrollByPages(pages int32)
- func (self *DOMElement) ScrollHeight() int32
- func (self *DOMElement) ScrollIntoView(alignWithTop bool)
- func (self *DOMElement) ScrollIntoViewIfNeeded(centerIfNeeded bool)
- func (self *DOMElement) ScrollLeft() int32
- func (self *DOMElement) ScrollTop() int32
- func (self *DOMElement) ScrollWidth() int32
- func (self *DOMElement) SetAttribute(name, value string) error
- func (self *DOMElement) SetAttributeNode(newAttr *DOMAttr) (*DOMAttr, error)
- func (self *DOMElement) SetAttributeNodeNs(newAttr *DOMAttr) (*DOMAttr, error)
- func (self *DOMElement) SetAttributeNs(namespaceURI, qualifiedName, value string) error
- func (self *DOMElement) SetClassName(value string)
- func (self *DOMElement) SetID(value string)
- func (self *DOMElement) SetInnerHtml(value string) error
- func (self *DOMElement) SetOuterHtml(value string) error
- func (self *DOMElement) SetScrollLeft(value int32)
- func (self *DOMElement) SetScrollTop(value int32)
- func (self *DOMElement) Style() *DOMCSSStyleDeclaration
- func (self *DOMElement) TagName() string
- func (self *DOMElement) WebkitMatchesSelector(selectors string) error
- func (self *DOMElement) WebkitRegionOverset() stringdeprecated
- func (self *DOMElement) WebkitRequestFullscreen()
- type DOMElementClass
- type DOMElementOverrides
- type DOMEntityReference
- type DOMEntityReferenceClass
- type DOMEntityReferenceOverrides
- type DOMEvent
- func (self *DOMEvent) Bubbles() bool
- func (self *DOMEvent) CancelBubble() bool
- func (self *DOMEvent) Cancelable() bool
- func (self *DOMEvent) CurrentTarget() *DOMEventTarget
- func (self *DOMEvent) EventPhase() uint16
- func (self *DOMEvent) EventType() string
- func (self *DOMEvent) InitEvent(eventTypeArg string, canBubbleArg, cancelableArg bool)
- func (self *DOMEvent) PreventDefault()
- func (self *DOMEvent) ReturnValue() bool
- func (self *DOMEvent) SetCancelBubble(value bool)
- func (self *DOMEvent) SetReturnValue(value bool)
- func (self *DOMEvent) SrcElement() *DOMEventTarget
- func (self *DOMEvent) StopPropagation()
- func (self *DOMEvent) Target() *DOMEventTarget
- func (self *DOMEvent) TimeStamp() uint32
- type DOMEventClass
- type DOMEventOverrides
- type DOMEventTarget
- func (target *DOMEventTarget) AddEventListener(eventName string, handler coreglib.AnyClosure, useCapture bool) booldeprecated
- func (target *DOMEventTarget) DispatchEvent(event *DOMEvent) error
- func (target *DOMEventTarget) RemoveEventListener(eventName string, handler coreglib.AnyClosure, useCapture bool) booldeprecated
- type DOMEventTargetIface
- type DOMEventTargetter
- type DOMFile
- type DOMFileClass
- type DOMFileList
- type DOMFileListClass
- type DOMFileListOverrides
- type DOMFileOverrides
- type DOMHTMLAnchorElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Charset() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Coords() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Hash() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Host() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Hostname() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Href() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Hreflang() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Name() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Pathname() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Port() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Protocol() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Rel() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Rev() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Search() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetCharset(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetCoords(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetHash(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetHost(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetHostname(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetHref(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetHreflang(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetName(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetPathname(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetPort(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetProtocol(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetRel(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetRev(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetSearch(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetShape(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetTarget(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetText(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetTypeAttr(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Shape() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Target() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Text() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) TypeAttr() string
- type DOMHTMLAnchorElementClass
- type DOMHTMLAnchorElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLAppletElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) Align() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) Alt() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) Archive() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) Code() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) CodeBase() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) Height() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) Hspace() int32
- func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) Name() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) Object() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) SetAlign(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) SetAlt(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) SetArchive(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) SetCode(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) SetCodeBase(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) SetHeight(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) SetHspace(value int32)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) SetName(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) SetObject(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) SetVspace(value int32)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) SetWidth(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) Vspace() int32
- func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) Width() string
- type DOMHTMLAppletElementClass
- type DOMHTMLAppletElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLAreaElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) Alt() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) Coords() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) Hash() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) Host() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) Hostname() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) Href() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) NoHref() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) Pathname() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) Port() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) Protocol() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) Search() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetAlt(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetCoords(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetHash(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetHost(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetHostname(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetHref(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetNoHref(value bool)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetPathname(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetPort(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetProtocol(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetSearch(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetShape(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetTarget(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) Shape() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) Target() string
- type DOMHTMLAreaElementClass
- type DOMHTMLAreaElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLBRElement
- type DOMHTMLBRElementClass
- type DOMHTMLBRElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLBaseElement
- type DOMHTMLBaseElementClass
- type DOMHTMLBaseElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLBaseFontElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLBaseFontElement) Color() stringdeprecated
- func (self *DOMHTMLBaseFontElement) Face() stringdeprecated
- func (self *DOMHTMLBaseFontElement) SetColor(value string)deprecated
- func (self *DOMHTMLBaseFontElement) SetFace(value string)deprecated
- func (self *DOMHTMLBaseFontElement) SetSize(value int32)deprecated
- func (self *DOMHTMLBaseFontElement) Size() int32deprecated
- type DOMHTMLBaseFontElementClass
- type DOMHTMLBaseFontElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLBodyElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLBodyElement) ALink() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLBodyElement) Background() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLBodyElement) BgColor() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLBodyElement) Link() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLBodyElement) SetALink(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLBodyElement) SetBackground(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLBodyElement) SetBgColor(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLBodyElement) SetLink(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLBodyElement) SetText(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLBodyElement) SetVLink(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLBodyElement) Text() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLBodyElement) VLink() string
- type DOMHTMLBodyElementClass
- type DOMHTMLBodyElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLButtonElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLButtonElement) Autofocus() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLButtonElement) ButtonType() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLButtonElement) Disabled() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLButtonElement) Form() *DOMHTMLFormElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLButtonElement) Name() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLButtonElement) SetAutofocus(value bool)
- func (self *DOMHTMLButtonElement) SetButtonType(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLButtonElement) SetDisabled(value bool)
- func (self *DOMHTMLButtonElement) SetName(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLButtonElement) SetValue(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLButtonElement) Value() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLButtonElement) WillValidate() bool
- type DOMHTMLButtonElementClass
- type DOMHTMLButtonElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLCanvasElement
- type DOMHTMLCanvasElementClass
- type DOMHTMLCanvasElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLCollection
- type DOMHTMLCollectionClass
- type DOMHTMLCollectionOverrides
- type DOMHTMLDListElement
- type DOMHTMLDListElementClass
- type DOMHTMLDListElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLDirectoryElement
- type DOMHTMLDirectoryElementClass
- type DOMHTMLDirectoryElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLDivElement
- type DOMHTMLDivElementClass
- type DOMHTMLDivElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLDocument
- func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) AlinkColor() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) BgColor() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) CaptureEvents()
- func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) Clear()
- func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) Close()
- func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) CompatMode() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) DesignMode() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) Dir() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) Embeds() *DOMHTMLCollection
- func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) FgColor() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) Height() int32
- func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) LinkColor() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) Plugins() *DOMHTMLCollection
- func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) ReleaseEvents()
- func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) Scripts() *DOMHTMLCollection
- func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) SetAlinkColor(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) SetBgColor(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) SetDesignMode(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) SetDir(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) SetFgColor(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) SetLinkColor(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) SetVlinkColor(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) VlinkColor() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) Width() int32
- type DOMHTMLDocumentClass
- type DOMHTMLDocumentOverrides
- type DOMHTMLElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLElement) AccessKey() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLElement) Children() *DOMHTMLCollection
- func (self *DOMHTMLElement) Click()
- func (self *DOMHTMLElement) ContentEditable() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLElement) Dir() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLElement) Draggable() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLElement) Hidden() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLElement) InnerHtml() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLElement) InnerText() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLElement) IsContentEditable() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLElement) Lang() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLElement) OuterHtml() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLElement) OuterText() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLElement) SetAccessKey(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLElement) SetContentEditable(value string) error
- func (self *DOMHTMLElement) SetDir(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLElement) SetDraggable(value bool)
- func (self *DOMHTMLElement) SetHidden(value bool)
- func (self *DOMHTMLElement) SetInnerHtml(contents string) error
- func (self *DOMHTMLElement) SetInnerText(value string) error
- func (self *DOMHTMLElement) SetLang(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLElement) SetOuterHtml(contents string) error
- func (self *DOMHTMLElement) SetOuterText(value string) error
- func (self *DOMHTMLElement) SetSpellcheck(value bool)
- func (self *DOMHTMLElement) SetTabIndex(value int32)
- func (self *DOMHTMLElement) SetTitle(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLElement) SetTranslate(value bool)
- func (self *DOMHTMLElement) SetWebkitdropzone(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLElement) Spellcheck() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLElement) TabIndex() int32
- func (self *DOMHTMLElement) Title() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLElement) Translate() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLElement) Webkitdropzone() string
- type DOMHTMLElementClass
- type DOMHTMLElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLEmbedElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLEmbedElement) Align() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLEmbedElement) Height() int32
- func (self *DOMHTMLEmbedElement) Name() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLEmbedElement) SetAlign(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLEmbedElement) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (self *DOMHTMLEmbedElement) SetName(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLEmbedElement) SetSrc(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLEmbedElement) SetTypeAttr(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLEmbedElement) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (self *DOMHTMLEmbedElement) Src() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLEmbedElement) TypeAttr() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLEmbedElement) Width() int32
- type DOMHTMLEmbedElementClass
- type DOMHTMLEmbedElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLFieldSetElement
- type DOMHTMLFieldSetElementClass
- type DOMHTMLFieldSetElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLFontElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLFontElement) Color() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLFontElement) Face() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLFontElement) SetColor(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLFontElement) SetFace(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLFontElement) SetSize(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLFontElement) Size() string
- type DOMHTMLFontElementClass
- type DOMHTMLFontElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLFormElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) AcceptCharset() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) Action() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) Elements() *DOMHTMLCollection
- func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) Encoding() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) Enctype() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) Length() int32
- func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) Method() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) Name() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) Reset()
- func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) SetAcceptCharset(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) SetAction(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) SetEncoding(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) SetEnctype(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) SetMethod(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) SetName(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) SetTarget(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) Submit()
- func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) Target() string
- type DOMHTMLFormElementClass
- type DOMHTMLFormElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLFrameElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) ContentDocument() *DOMDocument
- func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) ContentWindow() *DOMDOMWindow
- func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) FrameBorder() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) Height() int32
- func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) LongDesc() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) MarginHeight() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) MarginWidth() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) Name() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) NoResize() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) Scrolling() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) SetFrameBorder(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) SetLongDesc(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) SetMarginHeight(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) SetMarginWidth(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) SetName(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) SetNoResize(value bool)
- func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) SetScrolling(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) SetSrc(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) Src() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) Width() int32
- type DOMHTMLFrameElementClass
- type DOMHTMLFrameElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLFrameSetElement
- type DOMHTMLFrameSetElementClass
- type DOMHTMLFrameSetElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLHRElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLHRElement) Align() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLHRElement) NoShade() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLHRElement) SetAlign(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLHRElement) SetNoShade(value bool)
- func (self *DOMHTMLHRElement) SetSize(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLHRElement) SetWidth(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLHRElement) Size() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLHRElement) Width() string
- type DOMHTMLHRElementClass
- type DOMHTMLHRElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLHeadElement
- type DOMHTMLHeadElementClass
- type DOMHTMLHeadElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLHeadingElement
- type DOMHTMLHeadingElementClass
- type DOMHTMLHeadingElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLHtmlElement
- type DOMHTMLHtmlElementClass
- type DOMHTMLHtmlElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLIFrameElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) Align() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) ContentDocument() *DOMDocument
- func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) ContentWindow() *DOMDOMWindow
- func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) FrameBorder() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) Height() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) LongDesc() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) MarginHeight() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) MarginWidth() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) Name() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) Scrolling() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) SetAlign(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) SetFrameBorder(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) SetHeight(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) SetLongDesc(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) SetMarginHeight(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) SetMarginWidth(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) SetName(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) SetScrolling(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) SetSrc(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) SetWidth(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) Src() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) Width() string
- type DOMHTMLIFrameElementClass
- type DOMHTMLIFrameElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLImageElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) Align() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) Alt() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) Border() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) Complete() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) Height() int32
- func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) Hspace() int32
- func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) IsMap() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) LongDesc() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) Lowsrc() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) Name() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) NaturalHeight() int32
- func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) NaturalWidth() int32
- func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) SetAlign(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) SetAlt(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) SetBorder(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) SetHspace(value int32)
- func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) SetIsMap(value bool)
- func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) SetLongDesc(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) SetLowsrc(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) SetName(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) SetSrc(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) SetUseMap(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) SetVspace(value int32)
- func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) Src() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) UseMap() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) Vspace() int32
- func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) Width() int32
- func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) X() int32
- func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) Y() int32
- type DOMHTMLImageElementClass
- type DOMHTMLImageElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLInputElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Accept() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Align() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Alt() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) AutoFilled() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Autofocus() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Capture() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) CaptureType() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Checked() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) DefaultChecked() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) DefaultValue() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Disabled() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Files() *DOMFileList
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Form() *DOMHTMLFormElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Height() uint32
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Indeterminate() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) InputType() string
- func (input *DOMHTMLInputElement) IsEdited() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) MaxLength() int32
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Multiple() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Name() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) ReadOnly() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Select()
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetAccept(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetAlign(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetAlt(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetAutoFilled(value bool)
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetAutofocus(value bool)
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetCaptureType(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetChecked(value bool)
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetDefaultChecked(value bool)
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetDefaultValue(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetDisabled(value bool)
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetEditingValue(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetFiles(value *DOMFileList)
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetHeight(value uint32)
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetIndeterminate(value bool)
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetInputType(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetMaxLength(value int32) error
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetMultiple(value bool)
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetName(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetReadOnly(value bool)
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetSize(value uint32) error
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetSrc(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetUseMap(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetValue(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetWidth(value uint32)
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Size() uint32
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Src() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) UseMap() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Value() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Width() uint32
- func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) WillValidate() bool
- type DOMHTMLInputElementClass
- type DOMHTMLInputElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLLIElement
- type DOMHTMLLIElementClass
- type DOMHTMLLIElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLLabelElement
- type DOMHTMLLabelElementClass
- type DOMHTMLLabelElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLLegendElement
- type DOMHTMLLegendElementClass
- type DOMHTMLLegendElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLLinkElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) Charset() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) Disabled() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) Href() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) Hreflang() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) Media() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) Rel() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) Rev() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) SetCharset(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) SetDisabled(value bool)
- func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) SetHref(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) SetHreflang(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) SetMedia(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) SetRel(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) SetRev(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) SetSizes(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) SetTarget(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) SetTypeAttr(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) Sheet() *DOMStyleSheet
- func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) Sizes() *DOMDOMTokenList
- func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) Target() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) TypeAttr() string
- type DOMHTMLLinkElementClass
- type DOMHTMLLinkElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLMapElement
- type DOMHTMLMapElementClass
- type DOMHTMLMapElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLMarqueeElement
- type DOMHTMLMarqueeElementClass
- type DOMHTMLMarqueeElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLMenuElement
- type DOMHTMLMenuElementClass
- type DOMHTMLMenuElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLMetaElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLMetaElement) Content() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLMetaElement) HTTPEquiv() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLMetaElement) Name() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLMetaElement) Scheme() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLMetaElement) SetContent(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLMetaElement) SetHTTPEquiv(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLMetaElement) SetName(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLMetaElement) SetScheme(value string)
- type DOMHTMLMetaElementClass
- type DOMHTMLMetaElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLModElement
- type DOMHTMLModElementClass
- type DOMHTMLModElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLOListElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLOListElement) Compact() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLOListElement) SetCompact(value bool)
- func (self *DOMHTMLOListElement) SetStart(value int32)
- func (self *DOMHTMLOListElement) SetTypeAttr(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLOListElement) Start() int32
- func (self *DOMHTMLOListElement) TypeAttr() string
- type DOMHTMLOListElementClass
- type DOMHTMLOListElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLObjectElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) Align() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) Archive() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) Border() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) Code() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) CodeBase() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) CodeType() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) ContentDocument() *DOMDocument
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) Data() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) Declare() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) Form() *DOMHTMLFormElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) Height() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) Hspace() int32
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) Name() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetAlign(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetArchive(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetBorder(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetCode(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetCodeBase(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetCodeType(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetData(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetDeclare(value bool)
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetHeight(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetHspace(value int32)
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetName(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetStandby(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetTypeAttr(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetUseMap(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetVspace(value int32)
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetWidth(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) Standby() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) TypeAttr() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) UseMap() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) Vspace() int32
- func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) Width() string
- type DOMHTMLObjectElementClass
- type DOMHTMLObjectElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLOptGroupElement
- type DOMHTMLOptGroupElementClass
- type DOMHTMLOptGroupElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLOptionElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLOptionElement) DefaultSelected() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLOptionElement) Disabled() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLOptionElement) Form() *DOMHTMLFormElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLOptionElement) Index() int32
- func (self *DOMHTMLOptionElement) Label() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLOptionElement) Selected() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLOptionElement) SetDefaultSelected(value bool)
- func (self *DOMHTMLOptionElement) SetDisabled(value bool)
- func (self *DOMHTMLOptionElement) SetLabel(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLOptionElement) SetSelected(value bool)
- func (self *DOMHTMLOptionElement) SetValue(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLOptionElement) Text() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLOptionElement) Value() string
- type DOMHTMLOptionElementClass
- type DOMHTMLOptionElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLOptionsCollection
- type DOMHTMLOptionsCollectionClass
- type DOMHTMLOptionsCollectionOverrides
- type DOMHTMLParagraphElement
- type DOMHTMLParagraphElementClass
- type DOMHTMLParagraphElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLParamElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLParamElement) Name() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLParamElement) SetName(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLParamElement) SetTypeAttr(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLParamElement) SetValue(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLParamElement) SetValueType(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLParamElement) TypeAttr() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLParamElement) Value() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLParamElement) ValueType() string
- type DOMHTMLParamElementClass
- type DOMHTMLParamElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLPreElement
- type DOMHTMLPreElementClass
- type DOMHTMLPreElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLQuoteElement
- type DOMHTMLQuoteElementClass
- type DOMHTMLQuoteElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLScriptElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLScriptElement) Charset() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLScriptElement) Defer() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLScriptElement) Event() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLScriptElement) HtmlFor() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLScriptElement) SetCharset(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLScriptElement) SetDefer(value bool)
- func (self *DOMHTMLScriptElement) SetEvent(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLScriptElement) SetHtmlFor(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLScriptElement) SetSrc(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLScriptElement) SetText(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLScriptElement) SetTypeAttr(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLScriptElement) Src() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLScriptElement) Text() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLScriptElement) TypeAttr() string
- type DOMHTMLScriptElementClass
- type DOMHTMLScriptElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLSelectElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) Add(element, before *DOMHTMLElement) error
- func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) Autofocus() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) Disabled() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) Form() *DOMHTMLFormElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) Item(index uint32) *DOMNode
- func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) Length() uint32
- func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) Multiple() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) Name() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) NamedItem(name string) *DOMNode
- func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) Options() *DOMHTMLOptionsCollection
- func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) Remove(index int32)
- func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) SelectType() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) SelectedIndex() int32
- func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) SetAutofocus(value bool)
- func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) SetDisabled(value bool)
- func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) SetLength(value uint32) error
- func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) SetMultiple(value bool)
- func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) SetName(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) SetSelectedIndex(value int32)
- func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) SetSize(value int32)
- func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) SetValue(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) Size() int32
- func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) Value() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) WillValidate() bool
- type DOMHTMLSelectElementClass
- type DOMHTMLSelectElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLStyleElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLStyleElement) Disabled() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLStyleElement) Media() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLStyleElement) SetDisabled(value bool)
- func (self *DOMHTMLStyleElement) SetMedia(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLStyleElement) SetTypeAttr(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLStyleElement) Sheet() *DOMStyleSheet
- func (self *DOMHTMLStyleElement) TypeAttr() string
- type DOMHTMLStyleElementClass
- type DOMHTMLStyleElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLTableCaptionElement
- type DOMHTMLTableCaptionElementClass
- type DOMHTMLTableCaptionElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLTableCellElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) Abbr() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) Align() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) Axis() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) BgColor() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) CellIndex() int32
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) Ch() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) ChOff() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) ColSpan() int32
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) Headers() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) Height() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) NoWrap() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) RowSpan() int32
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) Scope() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetAbbr(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetAlign(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetAxis(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetBgColor(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetCh(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetChOff(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetColSpan(value int32)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetHeaders(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetHeight(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetNoWrap(value bool)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetRowSpan(value int32)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetScope(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetVAlign(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetWidth(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) VAlign() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) Width() string
- type DOMHTMLTableCellElementClass
- type DOMHTMLTableCellElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLTableColElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableColElement) Align() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableColElement) Ch() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableColElement) ChOff() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableColElement) SetAlign(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableColElement) SetCh(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableColElement) SetChOff(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableColElement) SetSpan(value int32)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableColElement) SetVAlign(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableColElement) SetWidth(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableColElement) Span() int32
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableColElement) VAlign() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableColElement) Width() string
- type DOMHTMLTableColElementClass
- type DOMHTMLTableColElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLTableElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) Align() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) BgColor() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) Border() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) Caption() *DOMHTMLTableCaptionElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) CellPadding() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) CellSpacing() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) CreateCaption() *DOMHTMLElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) CreateTFoot() *DOMHTMLElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) CreateTHead() *DOMHTMLElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) DeleteCaption()
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) DeleteRow(index int32) error
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) DeleteTFoot()
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) DeleteTHead()
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) InsertRow(index int32) (*DOMHTMLElement, error)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) Rows() *DOMHTMLCollection
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) Rules() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) SetAlign(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) SetBgColor(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) SetBorder(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) SetCaption(value *DOMHTMLTableCaptionElement) error
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) SetCellPadding(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) SetCellSpacing(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) SetRules(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) SetSummary(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) SetTFoot(value *DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) error
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) SetTHead(value *DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) error
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) SetWidth(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) Summary() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) TBodies() *DOMHTMLCollection
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) TFoot() *DOMHTMLTableSectionElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) THead() *DOMHTMLTableSectionElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) Width() string
- type DOMHTMLTableElementClass
- type DOMHTMLTableElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLTableRowElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableRowElement) Align() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableRowElement) BgColor() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableRowElement) Cells() *DOMHTMLCollection
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableRowElement) Ch() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableRowElement) ChOff() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableRowElement) DeleteCell(index int32) error
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableRowElement) InsertCell(index int32) (*DOMHTMLElement, error)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableRowElement) RowIndex() int32
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableRowElement) SectionRowIndex() int32
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableRowElement) SetAlign(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableRowElement) SetBgColor(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableRowElement) SetCh(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableRowElement) SetChOff(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableRowElement) SetVAlign(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableRowElement) VAlign() string
- type DOMHTMLTableRowElementClass
- type DOMHTMLTableRowElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLTableSectionElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) Align() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) Ch() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) ChOff() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) DeleteRow(index int32) error
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) InsertRow(index int32) (*DOMHTMLElement, error)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) Rows() *DOMHTMLCollection
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) SetAlign(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) SetCh(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) SetChOff(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) SetVAlign(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) VAlign() string
- type DOMHTMLTableSectionElementClass
- type DOMHTMLTableSectionElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLTextAreaElement
- func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) AreaType() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) Autofocus() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) Cols() int32
- func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) DefaultValue() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) Disabled() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) Form() *DOMHTMLFormElement
- func (input *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) IsEdited() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) Name() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) ReadOnly() bool
- func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) Rows() int32
- func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) Select()
- func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SelectionEnd() int32
- func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SelectionStart() int32
- func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SetAutofocus(value bool)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SetCols(value int32)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SetDefaultValue(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SetDisabled(value bool)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SetName(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SetReadOnly(value bool)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SetRows(value int32)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SetSelectionEnd(value int32)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SetSelectionRange(start, end int32, direction string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SetSelectionStart(value int32)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SetValue(value string)
- func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) Value() string
- func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) WillValidate() bool
- type DOMHTMLTextAreaElementClass
- type DOMHTMLTextAreaElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLTitleElement
- type DOMHTMLTitleElementClass
- type DOMHTMLTitleElementOverrides
- type DOMHTMLUListElement
- type DOMHTMLUListElementClass
- type DOMHTMLUListElementOverrides
- type DOMKeyboardEvent
- func (self *DOMKeyboardEvent) AltGraphKey() bool
- func (self *DOMKeyboardEvent) AltKey() bool
- func (self *DOMKeyboardEvent) CtrlKey() bool
- func (self *DOMKeyboardEvent) InitKeyboardEvent(typ string, canBubble, cancelable bool, view *DOMDOMWindow, ...)
- func (self *DOMKeyboardEvent) KeyIdentifier() string
- func (self *DOMKeyboardEvent) KeyLocation() uint32
- func (self *DOMKeyboardEvent) MetaKey() bool
- func (self *DOMKeyboardEvent) ModifierState(keyIdentifierArg string) bool
- func (self *DOMKeyboardEvent) ShiftKey() bool
- type DOMKeyboardEventClass
- type DOMKeyboardEventOverrides
- type DOMMediaList
- func (self *DOMMediaList) AppendMedium(newMedium string) error
- func (self *DOMMediaList) DeleteMedium(oldMedium string) error
- func (self *DOMMediaList) Item(index uint32) string
- func (self *DOMMediaList) Length() uint32
- func (self *DOMMediaList) MediaText() string
- func (self *DOMMediaList) SetMediaText(value string) error
- type DOMMediaListClass
- type DOMMediaListOverrides
- type DOMMouseEvent
- func (self *DOMMouseEvent) AltKey() bool
- func (self *DOMMouseEvent) Button() uint16
- func (self *DOMMouseEvent) ClientX() int32
- func (self *DOMMouseEvent) ClientY() int32
- func (self *DOMMouseEvent) CtrlKey() bool
- func (self *DOMMouseEvent) FromElement() *DOMNode
- func (self *DOMMouseEvent) InitMouseEvent(typ string, canBubble, cancelable bool, view *DOMDOMWindow, ...)
- func (self *DOMMouseEvent) MetaKey() bool
- func (self *DOMMouseEvent) OffsetX() int32
- func (self *DOMMouseEvent) OffsetY() int32
- func (self *DOMMouseEvent) RelatedTarget() *DOMEventTarget
- func (self *DOMMouseEvent) ScreenX() int32
- func (self *DOMMouseEvent) ScreenY() int32
- func (self *DOMMouseEvent) ShiftKey() bool
- func (self *DOMMouseEvent) ToElement() *DOMNode
- func (self *DOMMouseEvent) X() int32
- func (self *DOMMouseEvent) Y() int32
- type DOMMouseEventClass
- type DOMMouseEventOverrides
- type DOMNamedNodeMap
- func (self *DOMNamedNodeMap) Item(index uint32) *DOMNode
- func (self *DOMNamedNodeMap) Length() uint32
- func (self *DOMNamedNodeMap) NamedItem(name string) *DOMNode
- func (self *DOMNamedNodeMap) NamedItemNs(namespaceURI, localName string) *DOMNode
- func (self *DOMNamedNodeMap) RemoveNamedItem(name string) (*DOMNode, error)
- func (self *DOMNamedNodeMap) RemoveNamedItemNs(namespaceURI, localName string) (*DOMNode, error)
- func (self *DOMNamedNodeMap) SetNamedItem(node *DOMNode) (*DOMNode, error)
- func (self *DOMNamedNodeMap) SetNamedItemNs(node *DOMNode) (*DOMNode, error)
- type DOMNamedNodeMapClass
- type DOMNamedNodeMapOverrides
- type DOMNode
- func (self *DOMNode) AppendChild(newChild *DOMNode) (*DOMNode, error)
- func (self *DOMNode) BaseURI() string
- func (self *DOMNode) ChildNodes() *DOMNodeList
- func (self *DOMNode) CloneNode(deep bool) (*DOMNode, error)
- func (self *DOMNode) CloneNodeWithError(deep bool) (*DOMNode, error)
- func (self *DOMNode) CompareDocumentPosition(other *DOMNode) uint16
- func (self *DOMNode) Contains(other *DOMNode) bool
- func (self *DOMNode) FirstChild() *DOMNode
- func (self *DOMNode) HasChildNodes() bool
- func (self *DOMNode) InsertBefore(newChild, refChild *DOMNode) (*DOMNode, error)
- func (self *DOMNode) IsDefaultNamespace(namespaceURI string) bool
- func (self *DOMNode) IsEqualNode(other *DOMNode) bool
- func (self *DOMNode) IsSameNode(other *DOMNode) bool
- func (self *DOMNode) IsSupported(feature, version string) bool
- func (self *DOMNode) LastChild() *DOMNode
- func (self *DOMNode) LocalName() string
- func (self *DOMNode) LookupNamespaceURI(prefix string) string
- func (self *DOMNode) LookupPrefix(namespaceURI string) string
- func (self *DOMNode) NamespaceURI() string
- func (self *DOMNode) NextSibling() *DOMNode
- func (self *DOMNode) NodeName() string
- func (self *DOMNode) NodeType() uint16
- func (self *DOMNode) NodeValue() string
- func (self *DOMNode) Normalize()
- func (self *DOMNode) OwnerDocument() *DOMDocument
- func (self *DOMNode) ParentElement() *DOMElement
- func (self *DOMNode) ParentNode() *DOMNode
- func (self *DOMNode) Prefix() string
- func (self *DOMNode) PreviousSibling() *DOMNode
- func (self *DOMNode) RemoveChild(oldChild *DOMNode) (*DOMNode, error)
- func (self *DOMNode) ReplaceChild(newChild, oldChild *DOMNode) (*DOMNode, error)
- func (self *DOMNode) SetNodeValue(value string) error
- func (self *DOMNode) SetPrefix(value string) error
- func (self *DOMNode) SetTextContent(value string) error
- func (self *DOMNode) TextContent() string
- type DOMNodeClass
- type DOMNodeFilter
- type DOMNodeFilterIface
- type DOMNodeFilterer
- type DOMNodeIterator
- func (self *DOMNodeIterator) Detach()
- func (self *DOMNodeIterator) ExpandEntityReferences() booldeprecated
- func (self *DOMNodeIterator) Filter() *DOMNodeFilter
- func (self *DOMNodeIterator) NextNode() (*DOMNode, error)
- func (self *DOMNodeIterator) PointerBeforeReferenceNode() bool
- func (self *DOMNodeIterator) PreviousNode() (*DOMNode, error)
- func (self *DOMNodeIterator) ReferenceNode() *DOMNode
- func (self *DOMNodeIterator) Root() *DOMNode
- func (self *DOMNodeIterator) WhatToShow() uint32
- type DOMNodeIteratorClass
- type DOMNodeIteratorOverrides
- type DOMNodeList
- type DOMNodeListClass
- type DOMNodeListOverrides
- type DOMNodeOverrides
- type DOMObject
- type DOMObjectClass
- type DOMObjectOverrides
- type DOMProcessingInstruction
- type DOMProcessingInstructionClass
- type DOMProcessingInstructionOverrides
- type DOMRange
- func (self *DOMRange) CloneContents() (*DOMDocumentFragment, error)
- func (self *DOMRange) CloneRange() (*DOMRange, error)
- func (self *DOMRange) Collapse(toStart bool) error
- func (self *DOMRange) Collapsed() error
- func (self *DOMRange) CommonAncestorContainer() (*DOMNode, error)
- func (self *DOMRange) CompareBoundaryPoints(how uint16, sourceRange *DOMRange) (int16, error)
- func (self *DOMRange) CompareNode(refNode *DOMNode) (int16, error)
- func (self *DOMRange) ComparePoint(refNode *DOMNode, offset int32) (int16, error)
- func (self *DOMRange) CreateContextualFragment(html string) (*DOMDocumentFragment, error)
- func (self *DOMRange) DeleteContents() error
- func (self *DOMRange) Detach() error
- func (self *DOMRange) EndContainer() (*DOMNode, error)
- func (self *DOMRange) EndOffset() (int32, error)
- func (self *DOMRange) Expand(unit string) error
- func (self *DOMRange) ExtractContents() (*DOMDocumentFragment, error)
- func (self *DOMRange) InsertNode(newNode *DOMNode) error
- func (self *DOMRange) IntersectsNode(refNode *DOMNode) error
- func (self *DOMRange) IsPointInRange(refNode *DOMNode, offset int32) error
- func (self *DOMRange) SelectNode(refNode *DOMNode) error
- func (self *DOMRange) SelectNodeContents(refNode *DOMNode) error
- func (self *DOMRange) SetEnd(refNode *DOMNode, offset int32) error
- func (self *DOMRange) SetEndAfter(refNode *DOMNode) error
- func (self *DOMRange) SetEndBefore(refNode *DOMNode) error
- func (self *DOMRange) SetStart(refNode *DOMNode, offset int32) error
- func (self *DOMRange) SetStartAfter(refNode *DOMNode) error
- func (self *DOMRange) SetStartBefore(refNode *DOMNode) error
- func (self *DOMRange) StartContainer() (*DOMNode, error)
- func (self *DOMRange) StartOffset() (int32, error)
- func (self *DOMRange) String() (string, error)
- func (self *DOMRange) SurroundContents(newParent *DOMNode) error
- func (self *DOMRange) Text() string
- type DOMRangeClass
- type DOMRangeOverrides
- type DOMStyleSheet
- func (self *DOMStyleSheet) ContentType() string
- func (self *DOMStyleSheet) Disabled() bool
- func (self *DOMStyleSheet) Href() string
- func (self *DOMStyleSheet) Media() *DOMMediaList
- func (self *DOMStyleSheet) OwnerNode() *DOMNode
- func (self *DOMStyleSheet) ParentStyleSheet() *DOMStyleSheet
- func (self *DOMStyleSheet) SetDisabled(value bool)
- func (self *DOMStyleSheet) Title() string
- type DOMStyleSheetClass
- type DOMStyleSheetList
- type DOMStyleSheetListClass
- type DOMStyleSheetListOverrides
- type DOMStyleSheetOverrides
- type DOMText
- type DOMTextClass
- type DOMTextOverrides
- type DOMTreeWalker
- func (self *DOMTreeWalker) CurrentNode() *DOMNode
- func (self *DOMTreeWalker) ExpandEntityReferences() booldeprecated
- func (self *DOMTreeWalker) Filter() *DOMNodeFilter
- func (self *DOMTreeWalker) FirstChild() *DOMNode
- func (self *DOMTreeWalker) LastChild() *DOMNode
- func (self *DOMTreeWalker) NextNode() *DOMNode
- func (self *DOMTreeWalker) NextSibling() *DOMNode
- func (self *DOMTreeWalker) ParentNode() *DOMNode
- func (self *DOMTreeWalker) PreviousNode() *DOMNode
- func (self *DOMTreeWalker) PreviousSibling() *DOMNode
- func (self *DOMTreeWalker) Root() *DOMNode
- func (self *DOMTreeWalker) SetCurrentNode(value *DOMNode) error
- func (self *DOMTreeWalker) WhatToShow() uint32
- type DOMTreeWalkerClass
- type DOMTreeWalkerOverrides
- type DOMUIEvent
- func (self *DOMUIEvent) CharCode() int32
- func (self *DOMUIEvent) Detail() int32
- func (self *DOMUIEvent) InitUiEvent(typ string, canBubble, cancelable bool, view *DOMDOMWindow, detail int32)
- func (self *DOMUIEvent) KeyCode() int32
- func (self *DOMUIEvent) LayerX() int32
- func (self *DOMUIEvent) LayerY() int32
- func (self *DOMUIEvent) PageX() int32
- func (self *DOMUIEvent) PageY() int32
- func (self *DOMUIEvent) View() *DOMDOMWindow
- type DOMUIEventClass
- type DOMUIEventOverrides
- type DOMWheelEvent
- type DOMWheelEventClass
- type DOMWheelEventOverrides
- type DOMXPathExpression
- type DOMXPathExpressionClass
- type DOMXPathExpressionOverrides
- type DOMXPathNSResolver
- type DOMXPathNSResolverIface
- type DOMXPathNSResolverer
- type DOMXPathResult
- func (self *DOMXPathResult) BooleanValue() error
- func (self *DOMXPathResult) InvalidIteratorState() bool
- func (self *DOMXPathResult) IterateNext() (*DOMNode, error)
- func (self *DOMXPathResult) NumberValue() (float64, error)
- func (self *DOMXPathResult) ResultType() uint16
- func (self *DOMXPathResult) SingleNodeValue() (*DOMNode, error)
- func (self *DOMXPathResult) SnapshotItem(index uint32) (*DOMNode, error)
- func (self *DOMXPathResult) SnapshotLength() (uint32, error)
- func (self *DOMXPathResult) StringValue() (string, error)
- type DOMXPathResultClass
- type DOMXPathResultOverrides
- type FormSubmissionStepdeprecated
- type Frame
- func (frame *Frame) ID() uint64
- func (frame *Frame) IsMainFrame() bool
- func (frame *Frame) JsContext() *javascriptcore.Context
- func (frame *Frame) JsContextForScriptWorld(world *ScriptWorld) *javascriptcore.Context
- func (frame *Frame) JsValueForDomObject(domObject *DOMObject) *javascriptcore.Valuedeprecated
- func (frame *Frame) JsValueForDomObjectInScriptWorld(domObject *DOMObject, world *ScriptWorld) *javascriptcore.Valuedeprecated
- func (frame *Frame) URI() string
- type FrameClass
- type FrameOverrides
- type HitTestResult
- func (hitTestResult *HitTestResult) Context() uint
- func (hitTestResult *HitTestResult) ContextIsEditable() bool
- func (hitTestResult *HitTestResult) ContextIsImage() bool
- func (hitTestResult *HitTestResult) ContextIsLink() bool
- func (hitTestResult *HitTestResult) ContextIsMedia() bool
- func (hitTestResult *HitTestResult) ContextIsScrollbar() bool
- func (hitTestResult *HitTestResult) ContextIsSelection() bool
- func (hitTestResult *HitTestResult) ImageURI() string
- func (hitTestResult *HitTestResult) LinkLabel() string
- func (hitTestResult *HitTestResult) LinkTitle() string
- func (hitTestResult *HitTestResult) LinkURI() string
- func (hitTestResult *HitTestResult) MediaURI() string
- type HitTestResultClass
- type HitTestResultContext
- type HitTestResultOverrides
- type ScriptWorld
- type ScriptWorldClass
- type ScriptWorldOverrides
- type URIRequest
- type URIRequestClass
- type URIRequestOverrides
- type URIResponse
- func (response *URIResponse) ContentLength() uint64
- func (response *URIResponse) HTTPHeaders() *soup.MessageHeaders
- func (response *URIResponse) MIMEType() string
- func (response *URIResponse) StatusCode() uint
- func (response *URIResponse) SuggestedFilename() string
- func (response *URIResponse) URI() string
- type URIResponseClass
- type URIResponseOverrides
- type UserMessage
- type UserMessageClass
- type UserMessageError
- type UserMessageOverrides
- type WebEditor
- type WebEditorClass
- type WebEditorOverrides
- type WebExtension
- func (extension *WebExtension) ConnectPageCreated(f func(webPage *WebPage)) coreglib.SignalHandle
- func (extension *WebExtension) ConnectUserMessageReceived(f func(message *UserMessage)) coreglib.SignalHandle
- func (extension *WebExtension) Page(pageId uint64) *WebPage
- func (extension *WebExtension) SendMessageToContextFinish(result gio.AsyncResulter) (*UserMessage, error)
- type WebExtensionClass
- type WebExtensionOverrides
- type WebFormManager
- type WebFormManagerClass
- type WebFormManagerOverrides
- type WebHitTestResult
- type WebHitTestResultClass
- type WebHitTestResultOverrides
- type WebPage
- func (webPage *WebPage) ConnectConsoleMessageSent(f func(consoleMessage *ConsoleMessage)) coreglib.SignalHandle
- func (webPage *WebPage) ConnectContextMenu(f func(contextMenu *ContextMenu, hitTestResult *WebHitTestResult) (ok bool)) coreglib.SignalHandle
- func (webPage *WebPage) ConnectDocumentLoaded(f func()) coreglib.SignalHandle
- func (webPage *WebPage) ConnectSendRequest(f func(request *URIRequest, redirectedResponse *URIResponse) (ok bool)) coreglib.SignalHandle
- func (webPage *WebPage) ConnectUserMessageReceived(f func(message *UserMessage) (ok bool)) coreglib.SignalHandle
- func (webPage *WebPage) DomDocument() *DOMDocumentdeprecated
- func (webPage *WebPage) Editor() *WebEditor
- func (webPage *WebPage) FormManager(world *ScriptWorld) *WebFormManager
- func (webPage *WebPage) ID() uint64
- func (webPage *WebPage) MainFrame() *Frame
- func (webPage *WebPage) SendMessageToViewFinish(result gio.AsyncResulter) (*UserMessage, error)
- func (webPage *WebPage) URI() string
- type WebPageClass
- type WebPageOverrides
Constants ¶
DOM_CSS_RULE_CHARSET_RULE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_CSS_RULE_FONT_FACE_RULE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_CSS_RULE_IMPORT_RULE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_CSS_RULE_MEDIA_RULE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_CSS_RULE_PAGE_RULE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_CSS_RULE_STYLE_RULE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_CSS_RULE_UNKNOWN_RULE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_CSS_VALUE_CSS_CUSTOM: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_CSS_VALUE_CSS_INHERIT: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_CSS_VALUE_CSS_PRIMITIVE_VALUE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_CSS_VALUE_CSS_VALUE_LIST: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_ELEMENT_ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_EVENT_AT_TARGET: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
const DOM_EVENT_BLUR = 8192
DOM_EVENT_BLUR: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_EVENT_BUBBLING_PHASE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_EVENT_CAPTURING_PHASE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
const DOM_EVENT_CHANGE = 32768
DOM_EVENT_CHANGE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
const DOM_EVENT_CLICK = 64
DOM_EVENT_CLICK: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_EVENT_DBLCLICK: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_EVENT_DRAGDROP: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
const DOM_EVENT_FOCUS = 4096
DOM_EVENT_FOCUS: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_EVENT_KEYDOWN: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_EVENT_KEYPRESS: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
const DOM_EVENT_KEYUP = 512
DOM_EVENT_KEYUP: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_EVENT_MOUSEDOWN: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_EVENT_MOUSEDRAG: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_EVENT_MOUSEMOVE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_EVENT_MOUSEOUT: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_EVENT_MOUSEOVER: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_EVENT_MOUSEUP: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
const DOM_EVENT_NONE = 0
DOM_EVENT_NONE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
const DOM_EVENT_SELECT = 16384
DOM_EVENT_SELECT: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_KEYBOARD_EVENT_KEY_LOCATION_LEFT: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_KEYBOARD_EVENT_KEY_LOCATION_NUMPAD: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_KEYBOARD_EVENT_KEY_LOCATION_RIGHT: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_KEYBOARD_EVENT_KEY_LOCATION_STANDARD: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_NODE_ATTRIBUTE_NODE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_NODE_CDATA_SECTION_NODE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_NODE_COMMENT_NODE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_NODE_DOCUMENT_NODE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_NODE_DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_NODE_DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_NODE_DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_NODE_DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_NODE_DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_NODE_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_NODE_ELEMENT_NODE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_NODE_ENTITY_NODE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_NODE_ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_NODE_FILTER_ACCEPT: accept the node. Use this macro as return value of webkit_dom_node_filter_accept_node() implementation to accept the given KitDOMNode
Deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_NODE_FILTER_REJECT: reject the node. Use this macro as return value of webkit_dom_node_filter_accept_node() implementation to reject the given KitDOMNode. The children of the given node will be rejected too.
Deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
const DOM_NODE_FILTER_SHOW_ALL = 4294967295
DOM_NODE_FILTER_SHOW_ALL: show all nodes.
Deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
Deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
Deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
Deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
Deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
Deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
Deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
Deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
Deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
Deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
Deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
Deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
Deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_NODE_FILTER_SKIP: skip the node. Use this macro as return value of webkit_dom_node_filter_accept_node() implementation to skip the given KitDOMNode. The children of the given node will not be skipped.
Deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_NODE_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_NODE_TEXT_NODE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_RANGE_END_TO_END: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_RANGE_END_TO_START: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_RANGE_NODE_AFTER: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_RANGE_NODE_BEFORE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_RANGE_NODE_BEFORE_AND_AFTER: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_RANGE_NODE_INSIDE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_RANGE_START_TO_END: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_RANGE_START_TO_START: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_XPATH_RESULT_ANY_TYPE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_XPATH_RESULT_ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_XPATH_RESULT_BOOLEAN_TYPE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_XPATH_RESULT_FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_XPATH_RESULT_NUMBER_TYPE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_XPATH_RESULT_ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_XPATH_RESULT_ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
DOM_XPATH_RESULT_STRING_TYPE: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
Variables ¶
var ( GTypeConsoleMessageLevel = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_console_message_level_get_type()) GTypeConsoleMessageSource = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_console_message_source_get_type()) )
GType values.
var ( GTypeDOMEntityReference = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_entity_reference_get_type()) GTypeDOMHTMLBaseFontElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_base_font_element_get_type()) )
GType values.
var (
GTypeConsoleMessage = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_console_message_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeContextMenu = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_context_menu_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeContextMenuItem = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_context_menu_item_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMAttr = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_attr_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMBlob = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_blob_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMCDATASection = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_cdata_section_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMCSSRule = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_css_rule_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMCSSRuleList = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_css_rule_list_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMCSSStyleDeclaration = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_css_style_declaration_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMCSSStyleSheet = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_css_style_sheet_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMCSSValue = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_css_value_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMCharacterData = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_character_data_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMClientRect = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_client_rect_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMClientRectList = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_client_rect_list_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMComment = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_comment_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMDOMImplementation = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_dom_implementation_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMDOMSelection = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_dom_selection_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMDOMTokenList = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_dom_token_list_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMDOMWindow = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_dom_window_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMDocument = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_document_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMDocumentFragment = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_document_fragment_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMDocumentType = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_document_type_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMEvent = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_event_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMEventTarget = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_event_target_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMFile = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_file_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMFileList = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_file_list_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLAnchorElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_anchor_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLAppletElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_applet_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLAreaElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_area_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLBRElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_br_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLBaseElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_base_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLBodyElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_body_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLButtonElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_button_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLCanvasElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_canvas_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLCollection = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_collection_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLDListElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_d_list_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLDirectoryElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_directory_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLDivElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_div_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLDocument = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_document_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLEmbedElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_embed_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLFieldSetElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_field_set_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLFontElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_font_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLFormElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_form_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLFrameElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_frame_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLFrameSetElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_frame_set_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLHRElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_hr_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLHeadElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_head_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLHeadingElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_heading_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLHtmlElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_html_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLIFrameElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_iframe_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLImageElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_image_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLInputElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_input_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLLIElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_li_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLLabelElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_label_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLLegendElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_legend_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLLinkElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_link_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLMapElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_map_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLMarqueeElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_marquee_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLMenuElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_menu_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLMetaElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_meta_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLModElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_mod_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLOListElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_o_list_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLObjectElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_object_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLOptGroupElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_opt_group_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLOptionElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_option_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLOptionsCollection = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_options_collection_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLParagraphElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_paragraph_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLParamElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_param_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLPreElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_pre_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLQuoteElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_quote_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLScriptElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_script_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLSelectElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_select_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLStyleElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_style_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLTableCaptionElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_table_caption_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLTableCellElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_table_cell_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLTableColElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_table_col_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLTableElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_table_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLTableRowElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_table_row_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLTableSectionElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_table_section_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLTextAreaElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_text_area_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLTitleElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_title_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMHTMLUListElement = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_html_u_list_element_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMKeyboardEvent = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_keyboard_event_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMMediaList = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_media_list_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMMouseEvent = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_mouse_event_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMNamedNodeMap = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_named_node_map_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMNode = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_node_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMNodeFilter = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_node_filter_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMNodeIterator = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_node_iterator_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMNodeList = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_node_list_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMObject = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_object_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMProcessingInstruction = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_processing_instruction_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMRange = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_range_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMStyleSheet = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_style_sheet_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMStyleSheetList = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_style_sheet_list_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMText = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_text_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMTreeWalker = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_tree_walker_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMUIEvent = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_ui_event_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMWheelEvent = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_wheel_event_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMXPathExpression = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_xpath_expression_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMXPathNSResolver = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_xpath_ns_resolver_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeDOMXPathResult = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_dom_xpath_result_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeFormSubmissionStep = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_form_submission_step_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeFrame = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_frame_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeHitTestResult = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_hit_test_result_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeScriptWorld = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_script_world_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeURIRequest = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_uri_request_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeURIResponse = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_uri_response_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeUserMessage = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_user_message_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeWebEditor = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_web_editor_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeWebExtension = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_web_extension_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeWebFormManager = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_web_form_manager_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeWebHitTestResult = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_web_hit_test_result_get_type())
GType values.
var (
GTypeWebPage = coreglib.Type(C.webkit_web_page_get_type())
GType values.
Functions ¶
func UserMessageErrorQuark ¶
func UserMessageErrorQuark() glib.Quark
UserMessageErrorQuark gets the quark for the domain of user message errors.
The function returns the following values:
- quark: user message error domain.
func WebFormManagerInputElementAutoFill ¶
func WebFormManagerInputElementAutoFill(element *javascriptcore.Value, value string)
WebFormManagerInputElementAutoFill: set the value of an HTML input element as if it had been edited by the user, triggering a change event, and set it as filled automatically. If element is not an HTML input element this function does nothing.
The function takes the following parameters:
- element: CValue.
- value: text to set.
func WebFormManagerInputElementIsAutoFilled ¶
func WebFormManagerInputElementIsAutoFilled(element *javascriptcore.Value) bool
WebFormManagerInputElementIsAutoFilled: get whether element is an HTML input element that has been filled automatically.
The function takes the following parameters:
- element: CValue.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: TRUE if element is an HTML input element that has been filled automatically, or FALSE otherwise.
func WebFormManagerInputElementIsUserEdited ¶
func WebFormManagerInputElementIsUserEdited(element *javascriptcore.Value) bool
WebFormManagerInputElementIsUserEdited: get whether element is an HTML text input element that has been edited by a user action.
The function takes the following parameters:
- element: CValue.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: TRUE if element is an HTML text input element that has been edited by a user action, or FALSE otherwise.
Types ¶
type ConsoleMessage ¶
type ConsoleMessage struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ConsoleMessage: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*ConsoleMessage) Copy
func (consoleMessage *ConsoleMessage) Copy() *ConsoleMessage
Copy: make a copy of console_message.
Deprecated: since version 2.40.
The function returns the following values:
- consoleMessage: copy of passed in KitConsoleMessage.
func (*ConsoleMessage) Level
func (consoleMessage *ConsoleMessage) Level() ConsoleMessageLevel
Level gets the log level of a KitConsoleMessage
Deprecated: since version 2.40.
The function returns the following values:
- consoleMessageLevel indicating the log level of console_message.
func (*ConsoleMessage) Line
func (consoleMessage *ConsoleMessage) Line() uint
Line gets the line number of a KitConsoleMessage
Deprecated: since version 2.40.
The function returns the following values:
- guint: line number of console_message.
func (*ConsoleMessage) Source
func (consoleMessage *ConsoleMessage) Source() ConsoleMessageSource
Source gets the source of a KitConsoleMessage
Deprecated: since version 2.40.
The function returns the following values:
- consoleMessageSource indicating the source of console_message.
func (*ConsoleMessage) SourceID
func (consoleMessage *ConsoleMessage) SourceID() string
SourceID gets the source identifier of a KitConsoleMessage
Deprecated: since version 2.40.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: source identifier of console_message.
func (*ConsoleMessage) Text
func (consoleMessage *ConsoleMessage) Text() string
Text gets the text message of a KitConsoleMessage
Deprecated: since version 2.40.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: text message of console_message.
type ConsoleMessageLevel
ConsoleMessageLevel: enum values used to denote the various levels of console messages.
Deprecated: since version 2.40.
const ( // ConsoleMessageLevelInfo: information message. ConsoleMessageLevelInfo ConsoleMessageLevel = iota // ConsoleMessageLevelLog: log message. ConsoleMessageLevelLog // ConsoleMessageLevelWarning: warning message. ConsoleMessageLevelWarning // ConsoleMessageLevelError: error message. ConsoleMessageLevelError // ConsoleMessageLevelDebug: debug message. ConsoleMessageLevelDebug )
func (ConsoleMessageLevel) String ¶
func (c ConsoleMessageLevel) String() string
String returns the name in string for ConsoleMessageLevel.
type ConsoleMessageSource
ConsoleMessageSource: enum values used to denote the various sources of console messages.
Deprecated: since version 2.40.
const ( // ConsoleMessageSourceJavascript: message produced by JavaScript. ConsoleMessageSourceJavascript ConsoleMessageSource = iota // ConsoleMessageSourceNetwork: network messages. ConsoleMessageSourceNetwork // ConsoleMessageSourceConsoleApi messages produced by console API. ConsoleMessageSourceConsoleApi // ConsoleMessageSourceSecurity: security messages. ConsoleMessageSourceSecurity // ConsoleMessageSourceOther: other messages. ConsoleMessageSourceOther )
func (ConsoleMessageSource) String ¶
func (c ConsoleMessageSource) String() string
String returns the name in string for ConsoleMessageSource.
type ContextMenu ¶
ContextMenu represents the context menu in a KitWebView.
KitContextMenu represents a context menu containing KitContextMenuItem<!-- -->s in a KitWebView.
When a KitWebView is about to display the context menu, it emits the KitWebView::context-menu signal, which has the KitContextMenu as an argument. You can modify it, adding new submenus that you can create with webkit_context_menu_new(), adding new KitContextMenuItem<!-- -->s with webkit_context_menu_prepend(), webkit_context_menu_append() or webkit_context_menu_insert(), maybe after having removed the existing ones with webkit_context_menu_remove_all().
func NewContextMenu ¶
func NewContextMenu() *ContextMenu
NewContextMenu creates a new KitContextMenu object.
Creates a new KitContextMenu object to be used as a submenu of an existing KitContextMenu. The context menu of a KitWebView is created by the view and passed as an argument of KitWebView::context-menu signal. To add items to the menu use webkit_context_menu_prepend(), webkit_context_menu_append() or webkit_context_menu_insert(). See also webkit_context_menu_new_with_items() to create a KitContextMenu with a list of initial items.
The function returns the following values:
- contextMenu: newly created KitContextMenu object.
func NewContextMenuWithItems ¶
func NewContextMenuWithItems(items []*ContextMenuItem) *ContextMenu
NewContextMenuWithItems creates a new KitContextMenu object with the given items.
Creates a new KitContextMenu object to be used as a submenu of an existing KitContextMenu with the given initial items. See also webkit_context_menu_new().
The function takes the following parameters:
- items of KitContextMenuItem.
The function returns the following values:
- contextMenu: newly created KitContextMenu object.
func (*ContextMenu) Append ¶
func (menu *ContextMenu) Append(item *ContextMenuItem)
Append adds item at the end of the menu.
The function takes the following parameters:
- item to add.
func (*ContextMenu) Event ¶
func (menu *ContextMenu) Event() *gdk.Event
Event gets the Event that triggered the context menu. This function only returns a valid Event when called for a KitContextMenu passed to KitWebView::context-menu signal; in all other cases, NULL is returned.
The returned Event is expected to be one of the following types: <itemizedlist> <listitem><para> a EventButton of type GDK_BUTTON_PRESS when the context menu was triggered with mouse. </para></listitem> <listitem><para> a EventKey of type GDK_KEY_PRESS if the keyboard was used to show the menu. </para></listitem> <listitem><para> a generic Event of type GDK_NOTHING when the Widget::popup-menu signal was used to show the context menu. </para></listitem> </itemizedlist>.
The function returns the following values:
- event: menu event or NULL.
func (*ContextMenu) First ¶
func (menu *ContextMenu) First() *ContextMenuItem
First gets the first item in the menu.
The function returns the following values:
- contextMenuItem: first KitContextMenuItem of menu, or NULL if the KitContextMenu is empty.
func (*ContextMenu) Insert ¶
func (menu *ContextMenu) Insert(item *ContextMenuItem, position int)
Insert inserts item into the menu at the given position.
If position is negative, or is larger than the number of items in the KitContextMenu, the item is added on to the end of the menu. The first position is 0.
The function takes the following parameters:
- item to add.
- position to insert the item.
func (*ContextMenu) ItemAtPosition ¶
func (menu *ContextMenu) ItemAtPosition(position uint) *ContextMenuItem
ItemAtPosition gets the item at the given position in the menu.
The function takes the following parameters:
- position of the item, counting from 0.
The function returns the following values:
- contextMenuItem at position position in menu, or NULL if the position is off the end of the menu.
func (*ContextMenu) Items ¶
func (menu *ContextMenu) Items() []*ContextMenuItem
Items returns the item list of menu.
The function returns the following values:
- list of KitContextMenuItem<!-- -->s.
func (*ContextMenu) Last ¶
func (menu *ContextMenu) Last() *ContextMenuItem
Last gets the last item in the menu.
The function returns the following values:
- contextMenuItem: last KitContextMenuItem of menu, or NULL if the KitContextMenu is empty.
func (*ContextMenu) MoveItem ¶
func (menu *ContextMenu) MoveItem(item *ContextMenuItem, position int)
MoveItem moves item to the given position in the menu.
If position is negative, or is larger than the number of items in the KitContextMenu, the item is added on to the end of the menu. The first position is 0.
The function takes the following parameters:
- item to add.
- position: new position to move the item.
func (*ContextMenu) NItems ¶
func (menu *ContextMenu) NItems() uint
NItems gets the length of the menu.
The function returns the following values:
- guint: number of KitContextMenuItem<!-- -->s in menu.
func (*ContextMenu) Prepend ¶
func (menu *ContextMenu) Prepend(item *ContextMenuItem)
Prepend adds item at the beginning of the menu.
The function takes the following parameters:
- item to add.
func (*ContextMenu) Remove ¶
func (menu *ContextMenu) Remove(item *ContextMenuItem)
Remove removes item from the menu.
See also webkit_context_menu_remove_all() to remove all items.
The function takes the following parameters:
- item to remove.
func (*ContextMenu) RemoveAll ¶
func (menu *ContextMenu) RemoveAll()
RemoveAll removes all items of the menu.
func (*ContextMenu) SetUserData ¶
func (menu *ContextMenu) SetUserData(userData *glib.Variant)
SetUserData sets user data to menu.
This function can be used from a Web Process extension to set user data that can be retrieved from the UI Process using webkit_context_menu_get_user_data(). If the user_data #GVariant is floating, it is consumed.
The function takes the following parameters:
- userData: #GVariant.
func (*ContextMenu) UserData ¶
func (menu *ContextMenu) UserData() *glib.Variant
UserData gets the user data of menu.
This function can be used from the UI Process to get user data previously set from the Web Process with webkit_context_menu_set_user_data().
The function returns the following values:
- variant: user data of menu, or NULL if menu doesn't have user data.
type ContextMenuAction ¶
ContextMenuAction: enum values used to denote the stock actions for KitContextMenuItem<!-- -->s.
const ( // ContextMenuActionNoAction: no action, used by separator menu items. ContextMenuActionNoAction ContextMenuAction = 0 // ContextMenuActionOpenLink: open current link. ContextMenuActionOpenLink ContextMenuAction = 1 // ContextMenuActionOpenLinkInNewWindow: open current link in a new window. ContextMenuActionOpenLinkInNewWindow ContextMenuAction = 2 // ContextMenuActionDownloadLinkToDisk: download link destination. ContextMenuActionDownloadLinkToDisk ContextMenuAction = 3 // ContextMenuActionCopyLinkToClipboard: copy link location to the // clipboard. ContextMenuActionCopyLinkToClipboard ContextMenuAction = 4 // ContextMenuActionOpenImageInNewWindow: open current image in a new // window. ContextMenuActionOpenImageInNewWindow ContextMenuAction = 5 // ContextMenuActionDownloadImageToDisk: download current image. ContextMenuActionDownloadImageToDisk ContextMenuAction = 6 // ContextMenuActionCopyImageToClipboard: copy current image to the // clipboard. ContextMenuActionCopyImageToClipboard ContextMenuAction = 7 // ContextMenuActionCopyImageURLToClipboard: copy current image location to // the clipboard. ContextMenuActionCopyImageURLToClipboard ContextMenuAction = 8 // ContextMenuActionOpenFrameInNewWindow: open current frame in a new // window. ContextMenuActionOpenFrameInNewWindow ContextMenuAction = 9 // ContextMenuActionGoBack: load the previous history item. ContextMenuActionGoBack ContextMenuAction = 10 // ContextMenuActionGoForward: load the next history item. ContextMenuActionGoForward ContextMenuAction = 11 // ContextMenuActionStop: stop any ongoing loading operation. ContextMenuActionStop ContextMenuAction = 12 // ContextMenuActionReload: reload the contents of current view. ContextMenuActionReload ContextMenuAction = 13 // ContextMenuActionCopy: copy current selection the clipboard. ContextMenuActionCopy ContextMenuAction = 14 // ContextMenuActionCut: cut current selection to the clipboard. ContextMenuActionCut ContextMenuAction = 15 // ContextMenuActionPaste: paste clipboard contents. ContextMenuActionPaste ContextMenuAction = 16 // ContextMenuActionDelete: delete current selection. ContextMenuActionDelete ContextMenuAction = 17 // ContextMenuActionSelectAll: select all text. ContextMenuActionSelectAll ContextMenuAction = 18 // ContextMenuActionInputMethods: input methods menu. ContextMenuActionInputMethods ContextMenuAction = 19 // ContextMenuActionUnicode: unicode menu. ContextMenuActionUnicode ContextMenuAction = 20 // ContextMenuActionSpellingGuess: proposed replacement for a misspelled // word. ContextMenuActionSpellingGuess ContextMenuAction = 21 // ContextMenuActionNoGuessesFound: indicator that spellchecking found no // proposed replacements. ContextMenuActionNoGuessesFound ContextMenuAction = 22 // ContextMenuActionIgnoreSpelling causes the spellchecker to ignore the // word for this session. ContextMenuActionIgnoreSpelling ContextMenuAction = 23 // ContextMenuActionLearnSpelling causes the spellchecker to add the word to // the dictionary. ContextMenuActionLearnSpelling ContextMenuAction = 24 // ContextMenuActionIgnoreGrammar: ignore grammar. ContextMenuActionIgnoreGrammar ContextMenuAction = 25 // ContextMenuActionFontMenu: font options menu. ContextMenuActionFontMenu ContextMenuAction = 26 // ContextMenuActionBold: bold. ContextMenuActionBold ContextMenuAction = 27 // ContextMenuActionItalic: italic. ContextMenuActionItalic ContextMenuAction = 28 // ContextMenuActionUnderline: underline. ContextMenuActionUnderline ContextMenuAction = 29 // ContextMenuActionOutline: outline. ContextMenuActionOutline ContextMenuAction = 30 // ContextMenuActionInspectElement: open current element in the inspector. ContextMenuActionInspectElement ContextMenuAction = 31 // ContextMenuActionOpenVideoInNewWindow: open current video element in a // new window. ContextMenuActionOpenVideoInNewWindow ContextMenuAction = 32 // ContextMenuActionOpenAudioInNewWindow: open current audio element in a // new window. ContextMenuActionOpenAudioInNewWindow ContextMenuAction = 33 // ContextMenuActionCopyVideoLinkToClipboard: copy video link location in to // the clipboard. ContextMenuActionCopyVideoLinkToClipboard ContextMenuAction = 34 // ContextMenuActionCopyAudioLinkToClipboard: copy audio link location in to // the clipboard. ContextMenuActionCopyAudioLinkToClipboard ContextMenuAction = 35 // ContextMenuActionToggleMediaControls: enable or disable media controls. ContextMenuActionToggleMediaControls ContextMenuAction = 36 // ContextMenuActionToggleMediaLoop: enable or disable media loop. ContextMenuActionToggleMediaLoop ContextMenuAction = 37 // ContextMenuActionEnterVideoFullscreen: show current video element in // fullscreen mode. ContextMenuActionEnterVideoFullscreen ContextMenuAction = 38 // ContextMenuActionMediaPlay: play current media element. ContextMenuActionMediaPlay ContextMenuAction = 39 // ContextMenuActionMediaPause: pause current media element. ContextMenuActionMediaPause ContextMenuAction = 40 // ContextMenuActionMediaMute: mute current media element. ContextMenuActionMediaMute ContextMenuAction = 41 // ContextMenuActionDownloadVideoToDisk: download video to disk. Since 2.2. ContextMenuActionDownloadVideoToDisk ContextMenuAction = 42 // ContextMenuActionDownloadAudioToDisk: download audio to disk. Since 2.2. ContextMenuActionDownloadAudioToDisk ContextMenuAction = 43 // ContextMenuActionInsertEmoji: insert an emoji. Since 2.26. ContextMenuActionInsertEmoji ContextMenuAction = 44 // ContextMenuActionPasteAsPlainText: paste clipboard contents as plain // text. Since 2.30. ContextMenuActionPasteAsPlainText ContextMenuAction = 45 // ContextMenuActionCustom: custom action defined by applications. ContextMenuActionCustom ContextMenuAction = 10000 )
func (ContextMenuAction) String ¶
func (c ContextMenuAction) String() string
String returns the name in string for ContextMenuAction.
type ContextMenuClass ¶
type ContextMenuClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ContextMenuClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
type ContextMenuItem ¶
type ContextMenuItem struct { coreglib.InitiallyUnowned // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ContextMenuItem: one item of a KitContextMenu.
The KitContextMenu is composed of KitContextMenuItem<!-- -->s. These items can be created from a Action, from a KitContextMenuAction or from a KitContextMenuAction and a label. These KitContextMenuAction<!-- -->s denote stock actions for the items. You can also create separators and submenus.
func NewContextMenuItem
func NewContextMenuItem(action *gtk.Action) *ContextMenuItem
NewContextMenuItem creates a new KitContextMenuItem for the given action.
Deprecated: Use webkit_context_menu_item_new_from_gaction() instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- action: Action.
The function returns the following values:
- contextMenuItem: newly created KitContextMenuItem object.
func NewContextMenuItemFromGaction ¶
func NewContextMenuItemFromGaction(action gio.Actioner, label string, target *glib.Variant) *ContextMenuItem
NewContextMenuItemFromGaction creates a new KitContextMenuItem for the given action and label.
On activation target will be passed as parameter to the callback.
The function takes the following parameters:
- action: #GAction.
- label: menu item label text.
- target (optional) to use as the action target.
The function returns the following values:
- contextMenuItem: newly created KitContextMenuItem object.
func NewContextMenuItemFromStockAction ¶
func NewContextMenuItemFromStockAction(action ContextMenuAction) *ContextMenuItem
NewContextMenuItemFromStockAction creates a new KitContextMenuItem for the given stock action.
Stock actions are handled automatically by WebKit so that, for example, when a menu item created with a WEBKIT_CONTEXT_MENU_ACTION_STOP is activated the action associated will be handled by WebKit and the current load operation will be stopped. You can get the #GAction of a KitContextMenuItem created with a KitContextMenuAction with webkit_context_menu_item_get_gaction() and connect to the Action::activate signal to be notified when the item is activated, but you can't prevent the associated action from being performed.
The function takes the following parameters:
- action stock action.
The function returns the following values:
- contextMenuItem: newly created KitContextMenuItem object.
func NewContextMenuItemFromStockActionWithLabel ¶
func NewContextMenuItemFromStockActionWithLabel(action ContextMenuAction, label string) *ContextMenuItem
NewContextMenuItemFromStockActionWithLabel creates a new KitContextMenuItem for the given stock action using the given label.
Stock actions have a predefined label, this method can be used to create a KitContextMenuItem for a KitContextMenuAction but using a custom label.
The function takes the following parameters:
- action stock action.
- label: custom label text to use instead of the predefined one.
The function returns the following values:
- contextMenuItem: newly created KitContextMenuItem object.
func NewContextMenuItemSeparator ¶
func NewContextMenuItemSeparator() *ContextMenuItem
NewContextMenuItemSeparator creates a new KitContextMenuItem representing a separator.
The function returns the following values:
- contextMenuItem: newly created KitContextMenuItem object.
func NewContextMenuItemWithSubmenu ¶
func NewContextMenuItemWithSubmenu(label string, submenu *ContextMenu) *ContextMenuItem
NewContextMenuItemWithSubmenu creates a new KitContextMenuItem using the given label with a submenu.
The function takes the following parameters:
- label: menu item label text.
- submenu to set.
The function returns the following values:
- contextMenuItem: newly created KitContextMenuItem object.
func (*ContextMenuItem) Action
func (item *ContextMenuItem) Action() *gtk.Action
Action gets the action associated to item as a Action.
Deprecated: Use webkit_context_menu_item_get_gaction() instead.
The function returns the following values:
- action associated to the KitContextMenuItem, or NULL if item is a separator.
func (*ContextMenuItem) Gaction ¶
func (item *ContextMenuItem) Gaction() *gio.Action
Gaction gets the action associated to item as a #GAction.
The function returns the following values:
- action associated to the KitContextMenuItem, or NULL if item is a separator.
func (*ContextMenuItem) IsSeparator ¶
func (item *ContextMenuItem) IsSeparator() bool
IsSeparator checks whether item is a separator.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: TRUE is item is a separator or FALSE otherwise.
func (*ContextMenuItem) SetSubmenu ¶
func (item *ContextMenuItem) SetSubmenu(submenu *ContextMenu)
SetSubmenu sets or replaces the item submenu.
If submenu is NULL the current submenu of item is removed.
The function takes the following parameters:
- submenu (optional): KitContextMenu.
func (*ContextMenuItem) StockAction ¶
func (item *ContextMenuItem) StockAction() ContextMenuAction
StockAction gets the KitContextMenuAction of item.
If the KitContextMenuItem was not created for a stock action WEBKIT_CONTEXT_MENU_ACTION_CUSTOM will be returned. If the KitContextMenuItem is a separator WEBKIT_CONTEXT_MENU_ACTION_NO_ACTION will be returned.
The function returns the following values:
- contextMenuAction of item.
func (*ContextMenuItem) Submenu ¶
func (item *ContextMenuItem) Submenu() *ContextMenu
Submenu gets the submenu of item.
The function returns the following values:
- contextMenu representing the submenu of item or NULL if item doesn't have a submenu.
type ContextMenuItemClass ¶
type ContextMenuItemClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ContextMenuItemClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
type ContextMenuItemOverrides ¶
type ContextMenuItemOverrides struct { }
ContextMenuItemOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type ContextMenuOverrides ¶
type ContextMenuOverrides struct { }
ContextMenuOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMAttr ¶
type DOMAttr struct { DOMNode // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMAttr) LocalName ¶
LocalName: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMAttr) Name ¶
Name: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMAttr) NamespaceURI ¶
NamespaceURI: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMAttr) OwnerElement ¶
func (self *DOMAttr) OwnerElement() *DOMElement
OwnerElement: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domElement: KitDOMElement.
func (*DOMAttr) Prefix ¶
Prefix: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMAttr) SetValue ¶
SetValue: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
type DOMAttrClass ¶
type DOMAttrClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMAttrClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMAttrClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMAttrClass) ParentClass() *DOMNodeClass
type DOMAttrOverrides ¶
type DOMAttrOverrides struct { }
DOMAttrOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMBlobClass ¶
type DOMBlobClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMBlobClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMBlobClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMBlobClass) ParentClass() *DOMObjectClass
type DOMBlobOverrides ¶
type DOMBlobOverrides struct { }
DOMBlobOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMCDATASection ¶
type DOMCDATASection struct { DOMText // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DOMCDATASectionClass ¶
type DOMCDATASectionClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMCDATASectionClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMCDATASectionClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMCDATASectionClass) ParentClass() *DOMTextClass
type DOMCDATASectionOverrides ¶
type DOMCDATASectionOverrides struct { }
DOMCDATASectionOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMCSSRule ¶
type DOMCSSRule struct { DOMObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMCSSRule) CSSText ¶
func (self *DOMCSSRule) CSSText() string
CSSText: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMCSSRule) ParentRule ¶
func (self *DOMCSSRule) ParentRule() *DOMCSSRule
ParentRule: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domcssRule: KitDOMCSSRule.
func (*DOMCSSRule) ParentStyleSheet ¶
func (self *DOMCSSRule) ParentStyleSheet() *DOMCSSStyleSheet
ParentStyleSheet: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domcssStyleSheet: KitDOMCSSStyleSheet.
func (*DOMCSSRule) RuleType ¶
func (self *DOMCSSRule) RuleType() uint16
RuleType: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gushort: #gushort.
func (*DOMCSSRule) SetCSSText ¶
func (self *DOMCSSRule) SetCSSText(value string) error
SetCSSText: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
type DOMCSSRuleClass ¶
type DOMCSSRuleClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMCSSRuleClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMCSSRuleClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMCSSRuleClass) ParentClass() *DOMObjectClass
type DOMCSSRuleList ¶
type DOMCSSRuleList struct { DOMObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMCSSRuleList) Item ¶
func (self *DOMCSSRuleList) Item(index uint32) *DOMCSSRule
Item: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- index: #gulong.
The function returns the following values:
- domcssRule: KitDOMCSSRule.
func (*DOMCSSRuleList) Length ¶
func (self *DOMCSSRuleList) Length() uint32
Length: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gulong: #gulong.
type DOMCSSRuleListClass ¶
type DOMCSSRuleListClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMCSSRuleListClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMCSSRuleListClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMCSSRuleListClass) ParentClass() *DOMObjectClass
type DOMCSSRuleListOverrides ¶
type DOMCSSRuleListOverrides struct { }
DOMCSSRuleListOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMCSSRuleOverrides ¶
type DOMCSSRuleOverrides struct { }
DOMCSSRuleOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMCSSStyleDeclaration ¶
type DOMCSSStyleDeclaration struct { DOMObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) CSSText ¶
func (self *DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) CSSText() string
CSSText: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) IsPropertyImplicit ¶
func (self *DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) IsPropertyImplicit(propertyName string) bool
IsPropertyImplicit: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- propertyName: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Item ¶
func (self *DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Item(index uint32) string
Item: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- index: #gulong.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Length ¶
func (self *DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Length() uint32
Length: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gulong: #gulong.
func (*DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) ParentRule ¶
func (self *DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) ParentRule() *DOMCSSRule
ParentRule: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domcssRule: KitDOMCSSRule.
func (*DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PropertyPriority ¶
func (self *DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PropertyPriority(propertyName string) string
PropertyPriority: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- propertyName: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PropertyShorthand ¶
func (self *DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PropertyShorthand(propertyName string) string
PropertyShorthand: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- propertyName: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PropertyValue ¶
func (self *DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PropertyValue(propertyName string) string
PropertyValue: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- propertyName: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) RemoveProperty ¶
func (self *DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) RemoveProperty(propertyName string) (string, error)
RemoveProperty: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- propertyName: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetCSSText ¶
func (self *DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetCSSText(value string) error
SetCSSText: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetProperty ¶
func (self *DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetProperty(propertyName, value, priority string) error
SetProperty: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- propertyName: #gchar.
- value: #gchar.
- priority: #gchar.
type DOMCSSStyleDeclarationClass ¶
type DOMCSSStyleDeclarationClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMCSSStyleDeclarationClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMCSSStyleDeclarationClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMCSSStyleDeclarationClass) ParentClass() *DOMObjectClass
type DOMCSSStyleDeclarationOverrides ¶
type DOMCSSStyleDeclarationOverrides struct { }
DOMCSSStyleDeclarationOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMCSSStyleSheet ¶
type DOMCSSStyleSheet struct { DOMStyleSheet // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMCSSStyleSheet) AddRule ¶
func (self *DOMCSSStyleSheet) AddRule(selector, style string, index uint32) (int32, error)
AddRule: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- selector: #gchar.
- style: #gchar.
- index: #gulong.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMCSSStyleSheet) CSSRules ¶
func (self *DOMCSSStyleSheet) CSSRules() *DOMCSSRuleList
CSSRules: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domcssRuleList: KitDOMCSSRuleList.
func (*DOMCSSStyleSheet) DeleteRule ¶
func (self *DOMCSSStyleSheet) DeleteRule(index uint32) error
DeleteRule: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- index: #gulong.
func (*DOMCSSStyleSheet) InsertRule ¶
func (self *DOMCSSStyleSheet) InsertRule(rule string, index uint32) (uint32, error)
InsertRule: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- rule: #gchar.
- index: #gulong.
The function returns the following values:
- gulong: #gulong.
func (*DOMCSSStyleSheet) OwnerRule ¶
func (self *DOMCSSStyleSheet) OwnerRule() *DOMCSSRule
OwnerRule: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domcssRule: KitDOMCSSRule.
func (*DOMCSSStyleSheet) RemoveRule ¶
func (self *DOMCSSStyleSheet) RemoveRule(index uint32) error
RemoveRule: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- index: #gulong.
func (*DOMCSSStyleSheet) Rules ¶
func (self *DOMCSSStyleSheet) Rules() *DOMCSSRuleList
Rules: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domcssRuleList: KitDOMCSSRuleList.
type DOMCSSStyleSheetClass ¶
type DOMCSSStyleSheetClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMCSSStyleSheetClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMCSSStyleSheetClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMCSSStyleSheetClass) ParentClass() *DOMStyleSheetClass
type DOMCSSStyleSheetOverrides ¶
type DOMCSSStyleSheetOverrides struct { }
DOMCSSStyleSheetOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMCSSValue ¶
type DOMCSSValue struct { DOMObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMCSSValue) CSSText ¶
func (self *DOMCSSValue) CSSText() string
CSSText: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMCSSValue) CSSValueType ¶
func (self *DOMCSSValue) CSSValueType() uint16
CSSValueType: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gushort: #gushort.
func (*DOMCSSValue) SetCSSText ¶
func (self *DOMCSSValue) SetCSSText(value string) error
SetCSSText: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
type DOMCSSValueClass ¶
type DOMCSSValueClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMCSSValueClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMCSSValueClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMCSSValueClass) ParentClass() *DOMObjectClass
type DOMCSSValueOverrides ¶
type DOMCSSValueOverrides struct { }
DOMCSSValueOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMCharacterData ¶
type DOMCharacterData struct { DOMNode // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMCharacterData) AppendData ¶
func (self *DOMCharacterData) AppendData(data string) error
AppendData: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- data: #gchar.
func (*DOMCharacterData) Data ¶
func (self *DOMCharacterData) Data() string
Data: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMCharacterData) DeleteData ¶
func (self *DOMCharacterData) DeleteData(offset, length uint32) error
DeleteData: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- offset: #gulong.
- length: #gulong.
func (*DOMCharacterData) InsertData ¶
func (self *DOMCharacterData) InsertData(offset uint32, data string) error
InsertData: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- offset: #gulong.
- data: #gchar.
func (*DOMCharacterData) Length ¶
func (self *DOMCharacterData) Length() uint32
Length: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gulong: #gulong.
func (*DOMCharacterData) ReplaceData ¶
func (self *DOMCharacterData) ReplaceData(offset, length uint32, data string) error
ReplaceData: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- offset: #gulong.
- length: #gulong.
- data: #gchar.
func (*DOMCharacterData) SetData ¶
func (self *DOMCharacterData) SetData(value string) error
SetData: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMCharacterData) SubstringData ¶
func (self *DOMCharacterData) SubstringData(offset, length uint32) (string, error)
SubstringData: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- offset: #gulong.
- length: #gulong.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMCharacterDataClass ¶
type DOMCharacterDataClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMCharacterDataClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMCharacterDataClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMCharacterDataClass) ParentClass() *DOMNodeClass
type DOMCharacterDataOverrides ¶
type DOMCharacterDataOverrides struct { }
DOMCharacterDataOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMClientRect ¶
type DOMClientRect struct { DOMObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMClientRect) Bottom
func (self *DOMClientRect) Bottom() float32
Bottom returns the bottom coordinate of self, relative to the viewport.
Deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gfloat: #gfloat.
func (*DOMClientRect) Height
func (self *DOMClientRect) Height() float32
Height returns the height of self.
Deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gfloat: #gfloat.
func (*DOMClientRect) Left
func (self *DOMClientRect) Left() float32
Left returns the left coordinate of self, relative to the viewport.
Deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gfloat: #gfloat.
func (*DOMClientRect) Right
func (self *DOMClientRect) Right() float32
Right returns the right coordinate of self, relative to the viewport.
Deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gfloat: #gfloat.
func (*DOMClientRect) Top
func (self *DOMClientRect) Top() float32
Top returns the top coordinate of self, relative to the viewport.
Deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gfloat: #gfloat.
func (*DOMClientRect) Width
func (self *DOMClientRect) Width() float32
Width returns the width of self.
Deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gfloat: #gfloat.
type DOMClientRectClass ¶
type DOMClientRectClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMClientRectClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMClientRectClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMClientRectClass) ParentClass() *DOMObjectClass
type DOMClientRectList ¶
type DOMClientRectList struct { DOMObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMClientRectList) Item
func (self *DOMClientRectList) Item(index uint32) *DOMClientRect
Item returns the KitDOMClientRect object that self contains at index.
Deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- index: #gulong.
The function returns the following values:
- domClientRect: KitDOMClientRect.
func (*DOMClientRectList) Length
func (self *DOMClientRectList) Length() uint32
Length returns the number of KitDOMClientRect objects that self contains.
Deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gulong: #gulong.
type DOMClientRectListClass ¶
type DOMClientRectListClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMClientRectListClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMClientRectListClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMClientRectListClass) ParentClass() *DOMObjectClass
type DOMClientRectListOverrides ¶
type DOMClientRectListOverrides struct { }
DOMClientRectListOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMClientRectOverrides ¶
type DOMClientRectOverrides struct { }
DOMClientRectOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMComment ¶
type DOMComment struct { DOMCharacterData // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DOMCommentClass ¶
type DOMCommentClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMCommentClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMCommentClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMCommentClass) ParentClass() *DOMCharacterDataClass
type DOMCommentOverrides ¶
type DOMCommentOverrides struct { }
DOMCommentOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMDOMImplementation ¶
type DOMDOMImplementation struct { DOMObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMDOMImplementation) CreateCSSStyleSheet ¶
func (self *DOMDOMImplementation) CreateCSSStyleSheet(title, media string) (*DOMCSSStyleSheet, error)
CreateCSSStyleSheet: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- title: #gchar.
- media: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domcssStyleSheet: KitDOMCSSStyleSheet.
func (*DOMDOMImplementation) CreateDocument ¶
func (self *DOMDOMImplementation) CreateDocument(namespaceURI, qualifiedName string, doctype *DOMDocumentType) (*DOMDocument, error)
CreateDocument: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- namespaceURI (optional): #gchar.
- qualifiedName: #gchar.
- doctype (optional): KitDOMDocumentType.
The function returns the following values:
- domDocument: KitDOMDocument.
func (*DOMDOMImplementation) CreateDocumentType ¶
func (self *DOMDOMImplementation) CreateDocumentType(qualifiedName, publicId, systemId string) (*DOMDocumentType, error)
CreateDocumentType: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- qualifiedName: #gchar.
- publicId: #gchar.
- systemId: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domDocumentType: KitDOMDocumentType.
func (*DOMDOMImplementation) CreateHtmlDocument ¶
func (self *DOMDOMImplementation) CreateHtmlDocument(title string) *DOMHTMLDocument
CreateHtmlDocument: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- title: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlDocument: KitDOMHTMLDocument.
func (*DOMDOMImplementation) HasFeature ¶
func (self *DOMDOMImplementation) HasFeature(feature, version string) bool
HasFeature: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- feature: #gchar.
- version: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
type DOMDOMImplementationClass ¶
type DOMDOMImplementationClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMDOMImplementationClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMDOMImplementationClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMDOMImplementationClass) ParentClass() *DOMObjectClass
type DOMDOMImplementationOverrides ¶
type DOMDOMImplementationOverrides struct { }
DOMDOMImplementationOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMDOMSelection ¶
type DOMDOMSelection struct { DOMObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMDOMSelection) AddRange ¶
func (self *DOMDOMSelection) AddRange(_range *DOMRange)
AddRange: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- range: KitDOMRange.
func (*DOMDOMSelection) AnchorNode ¶
func (self *DOMDOMSelection) AnchorNode() *DOMNode
AnchorNode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMDOMSelection) AnchorOffset ¶
func (self *DOMDOMSelection) AnchorOffset() uint32
AnchorOffset: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gulong: #gulong.
func (*DOMDOMSelection) BaseNode ¶
func (self *DOMDOMSelection) BaseNode() *DOMNode
BaseNode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMDOMSelection) BaseOffset ¶
func (self *DOMDOMSelection) BaseOffset() uint32
BaseOffset: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gulong: #gulong.
func (*DOMDOMSelection) Collapse ¶
func (self *DOMDOMSelection) Collapse(node *DOMNode, offset uint32)
Collapse: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- node: KitDOMNode.
- offset: #gulong.
func (*DOMDOMSelection) CollapseToEnd ¶
func (self *DOMDOMSelection) CollapseToEnd() error
CollapseToEnd: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMDOMSelection) CollapseToStart ¶
func (self *DOMDOMSelection) CollapseToStart() error
CollapseToStart: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMDOMSelection) ContainsNode ¶
func (self *DOMDOMSelection) ContainsNode(node *DOMNode, allowPartial bool) bool
ContainsNode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- node: KitDOMNode.
- allowPartial: #gboolean.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMDOMSelection) DeleteFromDocument ¶
func (self *DOMDOMSelection) DeleteFromDocument()
DeleteFromDocument: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMDOMSelection) Empty ¶
func (self *DOMDOMSelection) Empty()
Empty: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMDOMSelection) Extend ¶
func (self *DOMDOMSelection) Extend(node *DOMNode, offset uint32) error
Extend: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- node: KitDOMNode.
- offset: #gulong.
func (*DOMDOMSelection) ExtentNode ¶
func (self *DOMDOMSelection) ExtentNode() *DOMNode
ExtentNode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMDOMSelection) ExtentOffset ¶
func (self *DOMDOMSelection) ExtentOffset() uint32
ExtentOffset: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gulong: #gulong.
func (*DOMDOMSelection) FocusNode ¶
func (self *DOMDOMSelection) FocusNode() *DOMNode
FocusNode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMDOMSelection) FocusOffset ¶
func (self *DOMDOMSelection) FocusOffset() uint32
FocusOffset: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gulong: #gulong.
func (*DOMDOMSelection) IsCollapsed ¶
func (self *DOMDOMSelection) IsCollapsed() bool
IsCollapsed: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMDOMSelection) Modify ¶
func (self *DOMDOMSelection) Modify(alter, direction, granularity string)
Modify: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- alter: #gchar.
- direction: #gchar.
- granularity: #gchar.
func (*DOMDOMSelection) RangeAt ¶
func (self *DOMDOMSelection) RangeAt(index uint32) (*DOMRange, error)
RangeAt: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- index: #gulong.
The function returns the following values:
- domRange: KitDOMRange.
func (*DOMDOMSelection) RangeCount ¶
func (self *DOMDOMSelection) RangeCount() uint32
RangeCount: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gulong: #gulong.
func (*DOMDOMSelection) RemoveAllRanges ¶
func (self *DOMDOMSelection) RemoveAllRanges()
RemoveAllRanges: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMDOMSelection) SelectAllChildren ¶
func (self *DOMDOMSelection) SelectAllChildren(node *DOMNode)
SelectAllChildren: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- node: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMDOMSelection) SelectionType ¶
func (self *DOMDOMSelection) SelectionType() string
SelectionType: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMDOMSelection) SetBaseAndExtent ¶
func (self *DOMDOMSelection) SetBaseAndExtent(baseNode *DOMNode, baseOffset uint32, extentNode *DOMNode, extentOffset uint32)
SetBaseAndExtent: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- baseNode: KitDOMNode.
- baseOffset: #gulong.
- extentNode: KitDOMNode.
- extentOffset: #gulong.
func (*DOMDOMSelection) SetPosition ¶
func (self *DOMDOMSelection) SetPosition(node *DOMNode, offset uint32)
SetPosition: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- node: KitDOMNode.
- offset: #gulong.
type DOMDOMSelectionClass ¶
type DOMDOMSelectionClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMDOMSelectionClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMDOMSelectionClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMDOMSelectionClass) ParentClass() *DOMObjectClass
type DOMDOMSelectionOverrides ¶
type DOMDOMSelectionOverrides struct { }
DOMDOMSelectionOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMDOMTokenList ¶
type DOMDOMTokenList struct { DOMObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMDOMTokenList) Contains ¶
func (self *DOMDOMTokenList) Contains(token string) bool
Contains: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- token: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMDOMTokenList) Item ¶
func (self *DOMDOMTokenList) Item(index uint32) string
Item: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- index: #gulong.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMDOMTokenList) Length ¶
func (self *DOMDOMTokenList) Length() uint32
Length: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gulong: #gulong.
func (*DOMDOMTokenList) Replace ¶
func (self *DOMDOMTokenList) Replace(token, newToken string) error
Replace: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- token: #gchar.
- newToken: #gchar.
func (*DOMDOMTokenList) SetValue ¶
func (self *DOMDOMTokenList) SetValue(value string)
SetValue: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMDOMTokenList) Toggle ¶
func (self *DOMDOMTokenList) Toggle(token string, force bool) error
Toggle: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- token: #gchar.
- force: #gboolean.
func (*DOMDOMTokenList) Value ¶
func (self *DOMDOMTokenList) Value() string
Value: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMDOMTokenListClass ¶
type DOMDOMTokenListClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMDOMTokenListClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMDOMTokenListClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMDOMTokenListClass) ParentClass() *DOMObjectClass
type DOMDOMTokenListOverrides ¶
type DOMDOMTokenListOverrides struct { }
DOMDOMTokenListOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMDOMWindow ¶
type DOMDOMWindow struct { DOMObject *coreglib.Object DOMEventTarget // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMDOMWindow) Alert ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Alert(message string)
Alert: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- message: #gchar.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) Blur ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Blur()
Blur: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) CaptureEvents ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) CaptureEvents()
CaptureEvents: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) Close ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Close()
Close: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) Closed ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Closed() bool
Closed: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) ComputedStyle ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) ComputedStyle(element *DOMElement, pseudoElement string) *DOMCSSStyleDeclaration
ComputedStyle: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- element: KitDOMElement.
- pseudoElement (optional): #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domcssStyleDeclaration: KitDOMCSSStyleDeclaration.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) Confirm ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Confirm(message string) bool
Confirm: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- message: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) DefaultStatus ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) DefaultStatus() string
DefaultStatus: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) DevicePixelRatio ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) DevicePixelRatio() float64
DevicePixelRatio: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gdouble: #gdouble.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) Document ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Document() *DOMDocument
Document: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domDocument: KitDOMDocument.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) Find ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Find(str string, caseSensitive, backwards, wrap, wholeWord, searchInFrames, showDialog bool) bool
Find: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- str: #gchar.
- caseSensitive: #gboolean.
- backwards: #gboolean.
- wrap: #gboolean.
- wholeWord: #gboolean.
- searchInFrames: #gboolean.
- showDialog: #gboolean.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) Focus ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Focus()
Focus: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) FrameElement ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) FrameElement() *DOMElement
FrameElement: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domElement: KitDOMElement.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) Frames ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Frames() *DOMDOMWindow
Frames: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domdomWindow: KitDOMDOMWindow.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) InnerHeight ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) InnerHeight() int32
InnerHeight: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) InnerWidth ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) InnerWidth() int32
InnerWidth: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) Length ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Length() uint32
Length: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gulong: #gulong.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) MoveBy ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) MoveBy(x, y float32)
MoveBy: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- x: #gfloat.
- y: #gfloat.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) MoveTo ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) MoveTo(x, y float32)
MoveTo: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- x: #gfloat.
- y: #gfloat.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) Name ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Name() string
Name: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) OffscreenBuffering ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) OffscreenBuffering() bool
OffscreenBuffering: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) Opener ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Opener() *DOMDOMWindow
Opener: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domdomWindow: KitDOMDOMWindow.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) Orientation ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Orientation() int32
Orientation: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) OuterHeight ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) OuterHeight() int32
OuterHeight: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) OuterWidth ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) OuterWidth() int32
OuterWidth: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) PageXOffset ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) PageXOffset() int32
PageXOffset: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) PageYOffset ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) PageYOffset() int32
PageYOffset: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) Parent ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Parent() *DOMDOMWindow
Parent: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domdomWindow: KitDOMDOMWindow.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) Print ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Print()
Print: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) Prompt ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Prompt(message, defaultValue string) string
Prompt: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- message: #gchar.
- defaultValue: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) ReleaseEvents ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) ReleaseEvents()
ReleaseEvents: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) ResizeBy ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) ResizeBy(x, y float32)
ResizeBy: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- x: #gfloat.
- y: #gfloat.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) ResizeTo ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) ResizeTo(width, height float32)
ResizeTo: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- width: #gfloat.
- height: #gfloat.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) ScreenLeft ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) ScreenLeft() int32
ScreenLeft: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) ScreenTop ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) ScreenTop() int32
ScreenTop: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) ScreenX ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) ScreenX() int32
ScreenX: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) ScreenY ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) ScreenY() int32
ScreenY: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) ScrollBy ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) ScrollBy(x, y float64)
ScrollBy: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- x: #gdouble.
- y: #gdouble.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) ScrollTo ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) ScrollTo(x, y float64)
ScrollTo: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- x: #gdouble.
- y: #gdouble.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) ScrollX ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) ScrollX() int32
ScrollX: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) ScrollY ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) ScrollY() int32
ScrollY: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) Selection ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Selection() *DOMDOMSelection
Selection: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domdomSelection: KitDOMDOMSelection.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) Self ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Self() *DOMDOMWindow
Self: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domdomWindow: KitDOMDOMWindow.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) SetDefaultStatus ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) SetDefaultStatus(value string)
SetDefaultStatus: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) SetName ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) SetName(value string)
SetName: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) SetStatus ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) SetStatus(value string)
SetStatus: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) Status ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Status() string
Status: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) Stop ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Stop()
Stop: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) Top ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Top() *DOMDOMWindow
Top: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domdomWindow: KitDOMDOMWindow.
func (*DOMDOMWindow) WebkitMessageHandlersPostMessage ¶
func (window *DOMDOMWindow) WebkitMessageHandlersPostMessage(handler, message string) bool
The function takes the following parameters:
- handler
- message
The function returns the following values:
func (*DOMDOMWindow) Window ¶
func (self *DOMDOMWindow) Window() *DOMDOMWindow
Window: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domdomWindow: KitDOMDOMWindow.
type DOMDOMWindowClass ¶
type DOMDOMWindowClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMDOMWindowClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMDOMWindowClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMDOMWindowClass) ParentClass() *DOMObjectClass
type DOMDOMWindowOverrides ¶
type DOMDOMWindowOverrides struct { }
DOMDOMWindowOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMDocument ¶
type DOMDocument struct { DOMNode // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMDocument) ActiveElement ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) ActiveElement() *DOMElement
ActiveElement: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domElement: KitDOMElement.
func (*DOMDocument) AdoptNode ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) AdoptNode(source *DOMNode) (*DOMNode, error)
AdoptNode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- source: KitDOMNode.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMDocument) Anchors ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) Anchors() *DOMHTMLCollection
Anchors: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlCollection: KitDOMHTMLCollection.
func (*DOMDocument) Applets ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) Applets() *DOMHTMLCollection
Applets: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlCollection: KitDOMHTMLCollection.
func (*DOMDocument) Body ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) Body() *DOMHTMLElement
Body: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlElement: KitDOMHTMLElement.
func (*DOMDocument) CaretRangeFromPoint ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) CaretRangeFromPoint(x, y int32) *DOMRange
CaretRangeFromPoint: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- x: #glong.
- y: #glong.
The function returns the following values:
- domRange: KitDOMRange.
func (*DOMDocument) CharacterSet ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) CharacterSet() string
CharacterSet: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMDocument) Charset ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) Charset() string
Charset: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMDocument) ChildElementCount ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) ChildElementCount() uint32
ChildElementCount: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gulong: #gulong.
func (*DOMDocument) Children ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) Children() *DOMHTMLCollection
Children: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlCollection: KitDOMHTMLCollection.
func (*DOMDocument) CompatMode ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) CompatMode() string
CompatMode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMDocument) ContentType ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) ContentType() string
ContentType: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMDocument) Cookie ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) Cookie() (string, error)
Cookie: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMDocument) CreateAttribute ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) CreateAttribute(name string) (*DOMAttr, error)
CreateAttribute: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- name: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domAttr: KitDOMAttr.
func (*DOMDocument) CreateAttributeNs ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) CreateAttributeNs(namespaceURI, qualifiedName string) (*DOMAttr, error)
CreateAttributeNs: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- namespaceURI (optional): #gchar.
- qualifiedName: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domAttr: KitDOMAttr.
func (*DOMDocument) CreateCSSStyleDeclaration ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) CreateCSSStyleDeclaration() *DOMCSSStyleDeclaration
CreateCSSStyleDeclaration: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domcssStyleDeclaration: KitDOMCSSStyleDeclaration.
func (*DOMDocument) CreateCdataSection ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) CreateCdataSection(data string) (*DOMCDATASection, error)
CreateCdataSection: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- data: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domcdataSection: KitDOMCDATASection.
func (*DOMDocument) CreateComment ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) CreateComment(data string) *DOMComment
CreateComment: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- data: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domComment: KitDOMComment.
func (*DOMDocument) CreateDocumentFragment ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) CreateDocumentFragment() *DOMDocumentFragment
CreateDocumentFragment: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domDocumentFragment: KitDOMDocumentFragment.
func (*DOMDocument) CreateElement ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) CreateElement(tagName string) (*DOMElement, error)
CreateElement: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- tagName: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domElement: KitDOMElement.
func (*DOMDocument) CreateElementNs ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) CreateElementNs(namespaceURI, qualifiedName string) (*DOMElement, error)
CreateElementNs: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- namespaceURI (optional): #gchar.
- qualifiedName: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domElement: KitDOMElement.
func (*DOMDocument) CreateEntityReference
func (self *DOMDocument) CreateEntityReference(name string) (*DOMEntityReference, error)
CreateEntityReference: this function has been removed from the DOM spec and it just returns NULL.
Deprecated: since version 2.12.
The function takes the following parameters:
- name (optional): #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domEntityReference: KitDOMEntityReference.
func (*DOMDocument) CreateEvent ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) CreateEvent(eventType string) (*DOMEvent, error)
CreateEvent: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- eventType: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domEvent: KitDOMEvent.
func (*DOMDocument) CreateExpression ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) CreateExpression(expression string, resolver DOMXPathNSResolverer) (*DOMXPathExpression, error)
CreateExpression: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- expression: #gchar.
- resolver: KitDOMXPathNSResolver.
The function returns the following values:
- domxPathExpression: KitDOMXPathExpression.
func (*DOMDocument) CreateNodeIterator ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) CreateNodeIterator(root *DOMNode, whatToShow uint32, filter DOMNodeFilterer, expandEntityReferences bool) (*DOMNodeIterator, error)
CreateNodeIterator: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- root: KitDOMNode.
- whatToShow: #gulong.
- filter (optional): KitDOMNodeFilter.
- expandEntityReferences: #gboolean.
The function returns the following values:
- domNodeIterator: KitDOMNodeIterator.
func (*DOMDocument) CreateNsResolver ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) CreateNsResolver(nodeResolver *DOMNode) *DOMXPathNSResolver
CreateNsResolver: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- nodeResolver: KitDOMNode.
The function returns the following values:
- domxPathNSResolver: KitDOMXPathNSResolver.
func (*DOMDocument) CreateProcessingInstruction ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) CreateProcessingInstruction(target, data string) (*DOMProcessingInstruction, error)
CreateProcessingInstruction: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- target: #gchar.
- data: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domProcessingInstruction: KitDOMProcessingInstruction.
func (*DOMDocument) CreateRange ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) CreateRange() *DOMRange
CreateRange: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domRange: KitDOMRange.
func (*DOMDocument) CreateTextNode ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) CreateTextNode(data string) *DOMText
CreateTextNode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- data: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domText: KitDOMText.
func (*DOMDocument) CreateTreeWalker ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) CreateTreeWalker(root *DOMNode, whatToShow uint32, filter DOMNodeFilterer, expandEntityReferences bool) (*DOMTreeWalker, error)
CreateTreeWalker: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- root: KitDOMNode.
- whatToShow: #gulong.
- filter (optional): KitDOMNodeFilter.
- expandEntityReferences: #gboolean.
The function returns the following values:
- domTreeWalker: KitDOMTreeWalker.
func (*DOMDocument) CurrentScript ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) CurrentScript() *DOMHTMLScriptElement
CurrentScript: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlScriptElement: KitDOMHTMLScriptElement.
func (*DOMDocument) DefaultCharset ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) DefaultCharset() string
DefaultCharset: deprecated: since version 2.14.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMDocument) DefaultView ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) DefaultView() *DOMDOMWindow
DefaultView: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domdomWindow: KitDOMDOMWindow.
func (*DOMDocument) DesignMode ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) DesignMode() string
DesignMode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMDocument) Dir ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) Dir() string
Dir: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMDocument) Doctype ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) Doctype() *DOMDocumentType
Doctype: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domDocumentType: KitDOMDocumentType.
func (*DOMDocument) DocumentElement ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) DocumentElement() *DOMElement
DocumentElement: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domElement: KitDOMElement.
func (*DOMDocument) DocumentURI ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) DocumentURI() string
DocumentURI: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMDocument) Domain ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) Domain() string
Domain: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMDocument) ElementByID ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) ElementByID(elementId string) *DOMElement
ElementByID: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- elementId: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domElement: KitDOMElement.
func (*DOMDocument) ElementFromPoint ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) ElementFromPoint(x, y int32) *DOMElement
ElementFromPoint: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- x: #glong.
- y: #glong.
The function returns the following values:
- domElement: KitDOMElement.
func (*DOMDocument) ElementsByClassName ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) ElementsByClassName(className string) *DOMNodeList
ElementsByClassName: deprecated: Use webkit_dom_document_get_elements_by_class_name_as_html_collection() instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- className with the tag name.
The function returns the following values:
- domNodeList: KitDOMNodeList.
func (*DOMDocument) ElementsByClassNameAsHtmlCollection ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) ElementsByClassNameAsHtmlCollection(classNames string) *DOMHTMLCollection
ElementsByClassNameAsHtmlCollection: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- classNames: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlCollection: KitDOMHTMLCollection.
func (*DOMDocument) ElementsByName ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) ElementsByName(elementName string) *DOMNodeList
ElementsByName: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- elementName: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domNodeList: KitDOMNodeList.
func (*DOMDocument) ElementsByTagName ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) ElementsByTagName(tagName string) *DOMNodeList
ElementsByTagName: deprecated: Use webkit_dom_document_get_elements_by_tag_name_as_html_collection() instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- tagName with the tag name.
The function returns the following values:
- domNodeList: KitDOMNodeList.
func (*DOMDocument) ElementsByTagNameAsHtmlCollection ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) ElementsByTagNameAsHtmlCollection(tagname string) *DOMHTMLCollection
ElementsByTagNameAsHtmlCollection: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- tagname: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlCollection: KitDOMHTMLCollection.
func (*DOMDocument) ElementsByTagNameNs ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) ElementsByTagNameNs(namespaceUri, tagName string) *DOMNodeList
ElementsByTagNameNs: deprecated: Use webkit_dom_document_get_elements_by_tag_name_ns_as_html_collection() instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- namespaceUri with the namespace URI.
- tagName with the tag name.
The function returns the following values:
- domNodeList: KitDOMNodeList.
func (*DOMDocument) ElementsByTagNameNsAsHtmlCollection ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) ElementsByTagNameNsAsHtmlCollection(namespaceURI, localName string) *DOMHTMLCollection
ElementsByTagNameNsAsHtmlCollection: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- namespaceURI: #gchar.
- localName: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlCollection: KitDOMHTMLCollection.
func (*DOMDocument) Embeds ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) Embeds() *DOMHTMLCollection
Embeds: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlCollection: KitDOMHTMLCollection.
func (*DOMDocument) Evaluate ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) Evaluate(expression string, contextNode *DOMNode, resolver DOMXPathNSResolverer, typ uint16, inResult *DOMXPathResult) (*DOMXPathResult, error)
Evaluate: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- expression: #gchar.
- contextNode: KitDOMNode.
- resolver (optional): KitDOMXPathNSResolver.
- typ: #gushort.
- inResult (optional): KitDOMXPathResult.
The function returns the following values:
- domxPathResult: KitDOMXPathResult.
func (*DOMDocument) ExecCommand ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) ExecCommand(command string, userInterface bool, value string) bool
ExecCommand: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- command: #gchar.
- userInterface: #gboolean.
- value: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMDocument) ExitPointerLock ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) ExitPointerLock()
ExitPointerLock: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMDocument) FirstElementChild ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) FirstElementChild() *DOMElement
FirstElementChild: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domElement: KitDOMElement.
func (*DOMDocument) Forms ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) Forms() *DOMHTMLCollection
Forms: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlCollection: KitDOMHTMLCollection.
func (*DOMDocument) HasFocus ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) HasFocus() bool
HasFocus: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMDocument) Head ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) Head() *DOMHTMLHeadElement
Head: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlHeadElement: KitDOMHTMLHeadElement.
func (*DOMDocument) Hidden ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) Hidden() bool
Hidden: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMDocument) Images ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) Images() *DOMHTMLCollection
Images: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlCollection: KitDOMHTMLCollection.
func (*DOMDocument) Implementation ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) Implementation() *DOMDOMImplementation
Implementation: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domdomImplementation: KitDOMDOMImplementation.
func (*DOMDocument) ImportNode ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) ImportNode(importedNode *DOMNode, deep bool) (*DOMNode, error)
ImportNode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- importedNode: KitDOMNode.
- deep: #gboolean.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMDocument) InputEncoding ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) InputEncoding() string
InputEncoding: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMDocument) LastElementChild ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) LastElementChild() *DOMElement
LastElementChild: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domElement: KitDOMElement.
func (*DOMDocument) LastModified ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) LastModified() string
LastModified: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMDocument) Links ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) Links() *DOMHTMLCollection
Links: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlCollection: KitDOMHTMLCollection.
func (*DOMDocument) Origin ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) Origin() string
Origin: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMDocument) OverrideStyle ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) OverrideStyle(element *DOMElement, pseudoElement string) *DOMCSSStyleDeclaration
OverrideStyle: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- element: KitDOMElement.
- pseudoElement (optional): #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domcssStyleDeclaration: KitDOMCSSStyleDeclaration.
func (*DOMDocument) Plugins ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) Plugins() *DOMHTMLCollection
Plugins: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlCollection: KitDOMHTMLCollection.
func (*DOMDocument) PointerLockElement ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) PointerLockElement() *DOMElement
PointerLockElement: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domElement: KitDOMElement.
func (*DOMDocument) PreferredStylesheetSet
func (self *DOMDocument) PreferredStylesheetSet() string
PreferredStylesheetSet: this function has been removed and does nothing.
Deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMDocument) QueryCommandEnabled ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) QueryCommandEnabled(command string) bool
QueryCommandEnabled: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- command: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMDocument) QueryCommandIndeterm ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) QueryCommandIndeterm(command string) bool
QueryCommandIndeterm: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- command: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMDocument) QueryCommandState ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) QueryCommandState(command string) bool
QueryCommandState: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- command: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMDocument) QueryCommandSupported ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) QueryCommandSupported(command string) bool
QueryCommandSupported: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- command: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMDocument) QueryCommandValue ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) QueryCommandValue(command string) string
QueryCommandValue: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- command: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMDocument) QuerySelector ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) QuerySelector(selectors string) (*DOMElement, error)
QuerySelector: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- selectors: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domElement: KitDOMElement.
func (*DOMDocument) QuerySelectorAll ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) QuerySelectorAll(selectors string) (*DOMNodeList, error)
QuerySelectorAll: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- selectors: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domNodeList: KitDOMNodeList.
func (*DOMDocument) ReadyState ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) ReadyState() string
ReadyState: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMDocument) Referrer ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) Referrer() string
Referrer: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMDocument) Scripts ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) Scripts() *DOMHTMLCollection
Scripts: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlCollection: KitDOMHTMLCollection.
func (*DOMDocument) ScrollingElement ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) ScrollingElement() *DOMElement
ScrollingElement: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domElement: KitDOMElement.
func (*DOMDocument) SelectedStylesheetSet
func (self *DOMDocument) SelectedStylesheetSet() string
SelectedStylesheetSet: this function has been removed and does nothing.
Deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMDocument) SetBody ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) SetBody(value *DOMHTMLElement) error
SetBody: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: KitDOMHTMLElement.
func (*DOMDocument) SetCharset ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) SetCharset(value string)
SetCharset: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMDocument) SetCookie ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) SetCookie(value string) error
SetCookie: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMDocument) SetDesignMode ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) SetDesignMode(value string)
SetDesignMode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMDocument) SetDir ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) SetDir(value string)
SetDir: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMDocument) SetDocumentURI ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) SetDocumentURI(value string)
SetDocumentURI: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMDocument) SetSelectedStylesheetSet
func (self *DOMDocument) SetSelectedStylesheetSet(value string)
SetSelectedStylesheetSet: this function has been removed and does nothing.
Deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMDocument) SetTitle ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) SetTitle(value string)
SetTitle: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMDocument) SetXMLStandalone ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) SetXMLStandalone(value bool) error
SetXMLStandalone: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMDocument) SetXMLVersion ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) SetXMLVersion(value string) error
SetXMLVersion: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMDocument) StyleSheets ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) StyleSheets() *DOMStyleSheetList
StyleSheets: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domStyleSheetList: KitDOMStyleSheetList.
func (*DOMDocument) Title ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) Title() string
Title: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMDocument) URL ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) URL() string
URL: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMDocument) VisibilityState ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) VisibilityState() string
VisibilityState: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMDocument) WebkitCancelFullscreen ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) WebkitCancelFullscreen()
WebkitCancelFullscreen: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMDocument) WebkitCurrentFullscreenElement ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) WebkitCurrentFullscreenElement() *DOMElement
WebkitCurrentFullscreenElement: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domElement: KitDOMElement.
func (*DOMDocument) WebkitExitFullscreen ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) WebkitExitFullscreen()
WebkitExitFullscreen: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMDocument) WebkitFullscreenElement ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) WebkitFullscreenElement() *DOMElement
WebkitFullscreenElement: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domElement: KitDOMElement.
func (*DOMDocument) WebkitFullscreenEnabled ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) WebkitFullscreenEnabled() bool
WebkitFullscreenEnabled: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMDocument) WebkitFullscreenKeyboardInputAllowed ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) WebkitFullscreenKeyboardInputAllowed() bool
WebkitFullscreenKeyboardInputAllowed: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMDocument) WebkitIsFullscreen ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) WebkitIsFullscreen() bool
WebkitIsFullscreen: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMDocument) XMLEncoding ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) XMLEncoding() string
XMLEncoding: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMDocument) XMLStandalone ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) XMLStandalone() bool
XMLStandalone: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMDocument) XMLVersion ¶
func (self *DOMDocument) XMLVersion() string
XMLVersion: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMDocumentClass ¶
type DOMDocumentClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMDocumentClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMDocumentClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMDocumentClass) ParentClass() *DOMNodeClass
type DOMDocumentFragment ¶
type DOMDocumentFragment struct { DOMNode // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMDocumentFragment) ChildElementCount ¶
func (self *DOMDocumentFragment) ChildElementCount() uint32
ChildElementCount: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gulong: #gulong.
func (*DOMDocumentFragment) Children ¶
func (self *DOMDocumentFragment) Children() *DOMHTMLCollection
Children: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlCollection: KitDOMHTMLCollection.
func (*DOMDocumentFragment) ElementByID ¶
func (self *DOMDocumentFragment) ElementByID(elementId string) *DOMElement
ElementByID: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- elementId: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domElement: KitDOMElement.
func (*DOMDocumentFragment) FirstElementChild ¶
func (self *DOMDocumentFragment) FirstElementChild() *DOMElement
FirstElementChild: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domElement: KitDOMElement.
func (*DOMDocumentFragment) LastElementChild ¶
func (self *DOMDocumentFragment) LastElementChild() *DOMElement
LastElementChild: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domElement: KitDOMElement.
func (*DOMDocumentFragment) QuerySelector ¶
func (self *DOMDocumentFragment) QuerySelector(selectors string) (*DOMElement, error)
QuerySelector: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- selectors: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domElement: KitDOMElement.
func (*DOMDocumentFragment) QuerySelectorAll ¶
func (self *DOMDocumentFragment) QuerySelectorAll(selectors string) (*DOMNodeList, error)
QuerySelectorAll: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- selectors: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domNodeList: KitDOMNodeList.
type DOMDocumentFragmentClass ¶
type DOMDocumentFragmentClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMDocumentFragmentClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMDocumentFragmentClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMDocumentFragmentClass) ParentClass() *DOMNodeClass
type DOMDocumentFragmentOverrides ¶
type DOMDocumentFragmentOverrides struct { }
DOMDocumentFragmentOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMDocumentOverrides ¶
type DOMDocumentOverrides struct { }
DOMDocumentOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMDocumentType ¶
type DOMDocumentType struct { DOMNode // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMDocumentType) Entities ¶
func (self *DOMDocumentType) Entities() *DOMNamedNodeMap
Entities: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNamedNodeMap: KitDOMNamedNodeMap.
func (*DOMDocumentType) InternalSubset ¶
func (self *DOMDocumentType) InternalSubset() string
InternalSubset: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMDocumentType) Name ¶
func (self *DOMDocumentType) Name() string
Name: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMDocumentType) Notations ¶
func (self *DOMDocumentType) Notations() *DOMNamedNodeMap
Notations: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNamedNodeMap: KitDOMNamedNodeMap.
func (*DOMDocumentType) PublicID ¶
func (self *DOMDocumentType) PublicID() string
PublicID: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMDocumentType) SystemID ¶
func (self *DOMDocumentType) SystemID() string
SystemID: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMDocumentTypeClass ¶
type DOMDocumentTypeClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMDocumentTypeClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMDocumentTypeClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMDocumentTypeClass) ParentClass() *DOMNodeClass
type DOMDocumentTypeOverrides ¶
type DOMDocumentTypeOverrides struct { }
DOMDocumentTypeOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMElement ¶
type DOMElement struct { DOMNode // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMElement) Attribute ¶
func (self *DOMElement) Attribute(name string) string
Attribute: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- name: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMElement) AttributeNode ¶
func (self *DOMElement) AttributeNode(name string) *DOMAttr
AttributeNode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- name: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domAttr: KitDOMAttr.
func (*DOMElement) AttributeNodeNs ¶
func (self *DOMElement) AttributeNodeNs(namespaceURI, localName string) *DOMAttr
AttributeNodeNs: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- namespaceURI: #gchar.
- localName: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domAttr: KitDOMAttr.
func (*DOMElement) AttributeNs ¶
func (self *DOMElement) AttributeNs(namespaceURI, localName string) string
AttributeNs: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- namespaceURI: #gchar.
- localName: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMElement) Attributes ¶
func (self *DOMElement) Attributes() *DOMNamedNodeMap
Attributes: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNamedNodeMap: KitDOMNamedNodeMap.
func (*DOMElement) Blur ¶
func (self *DOMElement) Blur()
Blur: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMElement) BoundingClientRect
func (self *DOMElement) BoundingClientRect() *DOMClientRect
BoundingClientRect returns a KitDOMClientRect representing the size and position of self relative to the viewport.
Deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domClientRect: KitDOMClientRect.
func (*DOMElement) ChildElementCount ¶
func (self *DOMElement) ChildElementCount() uint32
ChildElementCount: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gulong: #gulong.
func (*DOMElement) Children ¶
func (self *DOMElement) Children() *DOMHTMLCollection
Children: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlCollection: KitDOMHTMLCollection.
func (*DOMElement) ClassList ¶
func (self *DOMElement) ClassList() *DOMDOMTokenList
ClassList: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domdomTokenList: KitDOMDOMTokenList.
func (*DOMElement) ClassName ¶
func (self *DOMElement) ClassName() string
ClassName: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMElement) ClientHeight ¶
func (self *DOMElement) ClientHeight() float64
ClientHeight: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gdouble: #gdouble.
func (*DOMElement) ClientLeft ¶
func (self *DOMElement) ClientLeft() float64
ClientLeft: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gdouble: #gdouble.
func (*DOMElement) ClientRects
func (self *DOMElement) ClientRects() *DOMClientRectList
ClientRects returns a collection of KitDOMClientRect objects, each of which describe the size and position of a CSS border box relative to the viewport.
Deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domClientRectList: KitDOMClientRectList.
func (*DOMElement) ClientTop ¶
func (self *DOMElement) ClientTop() float64
ClientTop: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gdouble: #gdouble.
func (*DOMElement) ClientWidth ¶
func (self *DOMElement) ClientWidth() float64
ClientWidth: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gdouble: #gdouble.
func (*DOMElement) Closest ¶
func (self *DOMElement) Closest(selectors string) (*DOMElement, error)
Closest: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- selectors: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domElement: KitDOMElement.
func (*DOMElement) ElementsByClassName ¶
func (self *DOMElement) ElementsByClassName(className string) *DOMNodeList
ElementsByClassName: deprecated: Use webkit_dom_element_get_elements_by_class_name_as_html_collection() instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- className with the tag name.
The function returns the following values:
- domNodeList: KitDOMNodeList.
func (*DOMElement) ElementsByClassNameAsHtmlCollection ¶
func (self *DOMElement) ElementsByClassNameAsHtmlCollection(name string) *DOMHTMLCollection
ElementsByClassNameAsHtmlCollection: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- name: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlCollection: KitDOMHTMLCollection.
func (*DOMElement) ElementsByTagName ¶
func (self *DOMElement) ElementsByTagName(tagName string) *DOMNodeList
ElementsByTagName: deprecated: Use webkit_dom_element_get_elements_by_tag_name_as_html_collection() instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- tagName with the tag name.
The function returns the following values:
- domNodeList: KitDOMNodeList.
func (*DOMElement) ElementsByTagNameAsHtmlCollection ¶
func (self *DOMElement) ElementsByTagNameAsHtmlCollection(name string) *DOMHTMLCollection
ElementsByTagNameAsHtmlCollection: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- name: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlCollection: KitDOMHTMLCollection.
func (*DOMElement) ElementsByTagNameNs ¶
func (self *DOMElement) ElementsByTagNameNs(namespaceUri, tagName string) *DOMNodeList
ElementsByTagNameNs: deprecated: Use webkit_dom_element_get_elements_by_tag_name_ns_as_html_collection() instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- namespaceUri with the namespace URI.
- tagName with the tag name.
The function returns the following values:
- domNodeList: KitDOMNodeList.
func (*DOMElement) ElementsByTagNameNsAsHtmlCollection ¶
func (self *DOMElement) ElementsByTagNameNsAsHtmlCollection(namespaceURI, localName string) *DOMHTMLCollection
ElementsByTagNameNsAsHtmlCollection: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- namespaceURI: #gchar.
- localName: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlCollection: KitDOMHTMLCollection.
func (*DOMElement) FirstElementChild ¶
func (self *DOMElement) FirstElementChild() *DOMElement
FirstElementChild: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domElement: KitDOMElement.
func (*DOMElement) Focus ¶
func (self *DOMElement) Focus()
Focus: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMElement) HasAttribute ¶
func (self *DOMElement) HasAttribute(name string) bool
HasAttribute: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- name: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMElement) HasAttributeNs ¶
func (self *DOMElement) HasAttributeNs(namespaceURI, localName string) bool
HasAttributeNs: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- namespaceURI: #gchar.
- localName: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMElement) HasAttributes ¶
func (self *DOMElement) HasAttributes() bool
HasAttributes: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMElement) HtmlInputElementGetAutoFilled
func (element *DOMElement) HtmlInputElementGetAutoFilled() bool
HtmlInputElementGetAutoFilled: get whether the element is an HTML input element that has been filled automatically.
Deprecated: Use webkit_web_form_manager_input_element_is_auto_filled() instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: whether element has been filled automatically.
func (*DOMElement) HtmlInputElementIsUserEdited
func (element *DOMElement) HtmlInputElementIsUserEdited() bool
HtmlInputElementIsUserEdited: get whether element is an HTML text input element that has been edited by a user action.
Deprecated: Use webkit_web_form_manager_input_element_is_user_edited() instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: whether element has been edited by a user action.
func (*DOMElement) HtmlInputElementSetAutoFilled
func (element *DOMElement) HtmlInputElementSetAutoFilled(autoFilled bool)
HtmlInputElementSetAutoFilled: set whether the element is an HTML input element that has been filled automatically. If element is not an HTML input element this function does nothing.
Deprecated: Use webkit_web_form_manager_input_element_auto_fill() instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- autoFilled: value to set.
func (*DOMElement) HtmlInputElementSetEditingValue
func (element *DOMElement) HtmlInputElementSetEditingValue(value string)
HtmlInputElementSetEditingValue: set the value of an HTML input element as if it had been edited by the user, triggering a change event. If element is not an HTML input element this function does nothing.
Deprecated: Use webkit_web_form_manager_input_element_auto_fill() instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: text to set.
func (*DOMElement) ID ¶
func (self *DOMElement) ID() string
ID: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMElement) InnerHtml ¶
func (self *DOMElement) InnerHtml() string
InnerHtml: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMElement) InsertAdjacentElement ¶
func (self *DOMElement) InsertAdjacentElement(where string, element *DOMElement) (*DOMElement, error)
InsertAdjacentElement: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- where: #gchar.
- element: KitDOMElement.
The function returns the following values:
- domElement: KitDOMElement.
func (*DOMElement) InsertAdjacentHtml ¶
func (self *DOMElement) InsertAdjacentHtml(where, html string) error
InsertAdjacentHtml: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- where: #gchar.
- html: #gchar.
func (*DOMElement) InsertAdjacentText ¶
func (self *DOMElement) InsertAdjacentText(where, text string) error
InsertAdjacentText: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- where: #gchar.
- text: #gchar.
func (*DOMElement) LastElementChild ¶
func (self *DOMElement) LastElementChild() *DOMElement
LastElementChild: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domElement: KitDOMElement.
func (*DOMElement) LocalName ¶
func (self *DOMElement) LocalName() string
LocalName: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMElement) Matches ¶
func (self *DOMElement) Matches(selectors string) error
Matches: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- selectors: #gchar.
func (*DOMElement) NamespaceURI ¶
func (self *DOMElement) NamespaceURI() string
NamespaceURI: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMElement) NextElementSibling ¶
func (self *DOMElement) NextElementSibling() *DOMElement
NextElementSibling: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domElement: KitDOMElement.
func (*DOMElement) OffsetHeight ¶
func (self *DOMElement) OffsetHeight() float64
OffsetHeight: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gdouble: #gdouble.
func (*DOMElement) OffsetLeft ¶
func (self *DOMElement) OffsetLeft() float64
OffsetLeft: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gdouble: #gdouble.
func (*DOMElement) OffsetParent ¶
func (self *DOMElement) OffsetParent() *DOMElement
OffsetParent: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domElement: KitDOMElement.
func (*DOMElement) OffsetTop ¶
func (self *DOMElement) OffsetTop() float64
OffsetTop: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gdouble: #gdouble.
func (*DOMElement) OffsetWidth ¶
func (self *DOMElement) OffsetWidth() float64
OffsetWidth: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gdouble: #gdouble.
func (*DOMElement) OuterHtml ¶
func (self *DOMElement) OuterHtml() string
OuterHtml: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMElement) Prefix ¶
func (self *DOMElement) Prefix() string
Prefix: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMElement) PreviousElementSibling ¶
func (self *DOMElement) PreviousElementSibling() *DOMElement
PreviousElementSibling: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domElement: KitDOMElement.
func (*DOMElement) QuerySelector ¶
func (self *DOMElement) QuerySelector(selectors string) (*DOMElement, error)
QuerySelector: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- selectors: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domElement: KitDOMElement.
func (*DOMElement) QuerySelectorAll ¶
func (self *DOMElement) QuerySelectorAll(selectors string) (*DOMNodeList, error)
QuerySelectorAll: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- selectors: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domNodeList: KitDOMNodeList.
func (*DOMElement) Remove ¶
func (self *DOMElement) Remove() error
Remove: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMElement) RemoveAttribute ¶
func (self *DOMElement) RemoveAttribute(name string)
RemoveAttribute: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- name: #gchar.
func (*DOMElement) RemoveAttributeNode ¶
func (self *DOMElement) RemoveAttributeNode(oldAttr *DOMAttr) (*DOMAttr, error)
RemoveAttributeNode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- oldAttr: KitDOMAttr.
The function returns the following values:
- domAttr: KitDOMAttr.
func (*DOMElement) RemoveAttributeNs ¶
func (self *DOMElement) RemoveAttributeNs(namespaceURI, localName string)
RemoveAttributeNs: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- namespaceURI: #gchar.
- localName: #gchar.
func (*DOMElement) RequestPointerLock ¶
func (self *DOMElement) RequestPointerLock()
RequestPointerLock: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMElement) ScrollByLines ¶
func (self *DOMElement) ScrollByLines(lines int32)
ScrollByLines: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- lines: #glong.
func (*DOMElement) ScrollByPages ¶
func (self *DOMElement) ScrollByPages(pages int32)
ScrollByPages: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- pages: #glong.
func (*DOMElement) ScrollHeight ¶
func (self *DOMElement) ScrollHeight() int32
ScrollHeight: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMElement) ScrollIntoView ¶
func (self *DOMElement) ScrollIntoView(alignWithTop bool)
ScrollIntoView: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- alignWithTop: #gboolean.
func (*DOMElement) ScrollIntoViewIfNeeded ¶
func (self *DOMElement) ScrollIntoViewIfNeeded(centerIfNeeded bool)
ScrollIntoViewIfNeeded: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- centerIfNeeded: #gboolean.
func (*DOMElement) ScrollLeft ¶
func (self *DOMElement) ScrollLeft() int32
ScrollLeft: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMElement) ScrollTop ¶
func (self *DOMElement) ScrollTop() int32
ScrollTop: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMElement) ScrollWidth ¶
func (self *DOMElement) ScrollWidth() int32
ScrollWidth: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMElement) SetAttribute ¶
func (self *DOMElement) SetAttribute(name, value string) error
SetAttribute: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- name: #gchar.
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMElement) SetAttributeNode ¶
func (self *DOMElement) SetAttributeNode(newAttr *DOMAttr) (*DOMAttr, error)
SetAttributeNode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- newAttr: KitDOMAttr.
The function returns the following values:
- domAttr: KitDOMAttr.
func (*DOMElement) SetAttributeNodeNs ¶
func (self *DOMElement) SetAttributeNodeNs(newAttr *DOMAttr) (*DOMAttr, error)
SetAttributeNodeNs: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- newAttr: KitDOMAttr.
The function returns the following values:
- domAttr: KitDOMAttr.
func (*DOMElement) SetAttributeNs ¶
func (self *DOMElement) SetAttributeNs(namespaceURI, qualifiedName, value string) error
SetAttributeNs: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- namespaceURI (optional): #gchar.
- qualifiedName: #gchar.
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMElement) SetClassName ¶
func (self *DOMElement) SetClassName(value string)
SetClassName: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMElement) SetID ¶
func (self *DOMElement) SetID(value string)
SetID: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMElement) SetInnerHtml ¶
func (self *DOMElement) SetInnerHtml(value string) error
SetInnerHtml: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMElement) SetOuterHtml ¶
func (self *DOMElement) SetOuterHtml(value string) error
SetOuterHtml: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMElement) SetScrollLeft ¶
func (self *DOMElement) SetScrollLeft(value int32)
SetScrollLeft: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #glong.
func (*DOMElement) SetScrollTop ¶
func (self *DOMElement) SetScrollTop(value int32)
SetScrollTop: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #glong.
func (*DOMElement) Style ¶
func (self *DOMElement) Style() *DOMCSSStyleDeclaration
Style: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domcssStyleDeclaration: KitDOMCSSStyleDeclaration.
func (*DOMElement) TagName ¶
func (self *DOMElement) TagName() string
TagName: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMElement) WebkitMatchesSelector ¶
func (self *DOMElement) WebkitMatchesSelector(selectors string) error
WebkitMatchesSelector: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- selectors: #gchar.
func (*DOMElement) WebkitRegionOverset
func (self *DOMElement) WebkitRegionOverset() string
WebkitRegionOverset: CSS Regions support has been removed. This function does nothing.
Deprecated: since version 2.20.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: NULL.
func (*DOMElement) WebkitRequestFullscreen ¶
func (self *DOMElement) WebkitRequestFullscreen()
WebkitRequestFullscreen: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
type DOMElementClass ¶
type DOMElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMNodeClass
type DOMElementOverrides ¶
type DOMElementOverrides struct { }
DOMElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMEntityReference ¶
type DOMEntityReference struct { DOMNode // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DOMEntityReferenceClass ¶
type DOMEntityReferenceClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMEntityReferenceClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMEntityReferenceClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMEntityReferenceClass) ParentClass() *DOMNodeClass
type DOMEntityReferenceOverrides ¶
type DOMEntityReferenceOverrides struct { }
DOMEntityReferenceOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMEvent ¶
type DOMEvent struct { DOMObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMEvent) Bubbles ¶
Bubbles: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMEvent) CancelBubble ¶
CancelBubble: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMEvent) Cancelable ¶
Cancelable: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMEvent) CurrentTarget ¶
func (self *DOMEvent) CurrentTarget() *DOMEventTarget
CurrentTarget: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domEventTarget: KitDOMEventTarget.
func (*DOMEvent) EventPhase ¶
EventPhase: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gushort: #gushort.
func (*DOMEvent) EventType ¶
EventType: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMEvent) InitEvent ¶
InitEvent: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- eventTypeArg: #gchar.
- canBubbleArg: #gboolean.
- cancelableArg: #gboolean.
func (*DOMEvent) PreventDefault ¶
func (self *DOMEvent) PreventDefault()
PreventDefault: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMEvent) ReturnValue ¶
ReturnValue: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMEvent) SetCancelBubble ¶
SetCancelBubble: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMEvent) SetReturnValue ¶
SetReturnValue: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMEvent) SrcElement ¶
func (self *DOMEvent) SrcElement() *DOMEventTarget
SrcElement: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domEventTarget: KitDOMEventTarget.
func (*DOMEvent) StopPropagation ¶
func (self *DOMEvent) StopPropagation()
StopPropagation: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMEvent) Target ¶
func (self *DOMEvent) Target() *DOMEventTarget
Target: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domEventTarget: KitDOMEventTarget.
type DOMEventClass ¶
type DOMEventClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMEventClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMEventClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMEventClass) ParentClass() *DOMObjectClass
type DOMEventOverrides ¶
type DOMEventOverrides struct { }
DOMEventOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMEventTarget ¶
DOMEventTarget wraps an interface. This means the user can get the underlying type by calling Cast().
func (*DOMEventTarget) AddEventListener
func (target *DOMEventTarget) AddEventListener(eventName string, handler coreglib.AnyClosure, useCapture bool) bool
AddEventListener: version of webkit_dom_event_target_add_event_listener() using a closure instead of a callbacks for easier binding in other languages.
Deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- eventName: #gchar.
- handler: #GClosure.
- useCapture: #gboolean.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMEventTarget) DispatchEvent ¶
func (target *DOMEventTarget) DispatchEvent(event *DOMEvent) error
DispatchEvent: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- event: KitDOMEvent.
func (*DOMEventTarget) RemoveEventListener
func (target *DOMEventTarget) RemoveEventListener(eventName string, handler coreglib.AnyClosure, useCapture bool) bool
RemoveEventListener: version of webkit_dom_event_target_remove_event_listener() using a closure instead of a callbacks for easier binding in other languages.
Deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- eventName: #gchar.
- handler: #GClosure.
- useCapture: #gboolean.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
type DOMEventTargetIface ¶
type DOMEventTargetIface struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMEventTargetIface: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
type DOMEventTargetter ¶
type DOMEventTargetter interface { coreglib.Objector // AddEventListener: version of webkit_dom_event_target_add_event_listener() // using a closure instead of a callbacks for easier binding in other // languages. AddEventListener(eventName string, handler coreglib.AnyClosure, useCapture bool) bool // DispatchEvent: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead. DispatchEvent(event *DOMEvent) error // RemoveEventListener: version of // webkit_dom_event_target_remove_event_listener() using a closure instead // of a callbacks for easier binding in other languages. RemoveEventListener(eventName string, handler coreglib.AnyClosure, useCapture bool) bool }
DOMEventTargetter describes DOMEventTarget's interface methods.
type DOMFileClass ¶
type DOMFileClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMFileClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMFileClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMFileClass) ParentClass() *DOMBlobClass
type DOMFileList ¶
type DOMFileList struct { DOMObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMFileList) Item ¶
func (self *DOMFileList) Item(index uint32) *DOMFile
Item: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- index: #gulong.
The function returns the following values:
- domFile: KitDOMFile.
func (*DOMFileList) Length ¶
func (self *DOMFileList) Length() uint32
Length: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gulong: #gulong.
type DOMFileListClass ¶
type DOMFileListClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMFileListClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMFileListClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMFileListClass) ParentClass() *DOMObjectClass
type DOMFileListOverrides ¶
type DOMFileListOverrides struct { }
DOMFileListOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMFileOverrides ¶
type DOMFileOverrides struct { }
DOMFileOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLAnchorElement ¶
type DOMHTMLAnchorElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Charset ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Charset() string
Charset: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Coords ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Coords() string
Coords: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Hash ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Hash() string
Hash: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Host ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Host() string
Host: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Hostname ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Hostname() string
Hostname: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Href ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Href() string
Href: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Hreflang ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Hreflang() string
Hreflang: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Name ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Name() string
Name: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Pathname ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Pathname() string
Pathname: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Port ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Port() string
Port: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Protocol ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Protocol() string
Protocol: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Rel ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Rel() string
Rel: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Rev ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Rev() string
Rev: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Search ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Search() string
Search: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetCharset ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetCharset(value string)
SetCharset: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetCoords ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetCoords(value string)
SetCoords: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetHash ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetHash(value string)
SetHash: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetHost ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetHost(value string)
SetHost: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetHostname ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetHostname(value string)
SetHostname: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetHref ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetHref(value string)
SetHref: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetHreflang ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetHreflang(value string)
SetHreflang: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetName ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetName(value string)
SetName: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetPathname ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetPathname(value string)
SetPathname: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetPort ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetPort(value string)
SetPort: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetProtocol ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetProtocol(value string)
SetProtocol: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetRel ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetRel(value string)
SetRel: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetRev ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetRev(value string)
SetRev: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetSearch ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetSearch(value string)
SetSearch: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetShape ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetShape(value string)
SetShape: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetTarget ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetTarget(value string)
SetTarget: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetText ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetText(value string)
SetText: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetTypeAttr ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) SetTypeAttr(value string)
SetTypeAttr: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Shape ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Shape() string
Shape: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Target ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Target() string
Target: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Text ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Text() string
Text: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElement) TypeAttr ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAnchorElement) TypeAttr() string
TypeAttr: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLAnchorElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLAnchorElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLAnchorElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLAnchorElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLAnchorElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLAnchorElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLAnchorElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLAnchorElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLAppletElement ¶
type DOMHTMLAppletElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLAppletElement) Align ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) Align() string
Align: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAppletElement) Alt ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) Alt() string
Alt: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAppletElement) Archive ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) Archive() string
Archive: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAppletElement) Code ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) Code() string
Code: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAppletElement) CodeBase ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) CodeBase() string
CodeBase: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAppletElement) Height ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) Height() string
Height: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAppletElement) Hspace ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) Hspace() int32
Hspace: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLAppletElement) Name ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) Name() string
Name: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAppletElement) Object ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) Object() string
Object: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAppletElement) SetAlign ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) SetAlign(value string)
SetAlign: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAppletElement) SetAlt ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) SetAlt(value string)
SetAlt: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAppletElement) SetArchive ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) SetArchive(value string)
SetArchive: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAppletElement) SetCode ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) SetCode(value string)
SetCode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAppletElement) SetCodeBase ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) SetCodeBase(value string)
SetCodeBase: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAppletElement) SetHeight ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) SetHeight(value string)
SetHeight: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAppletElement) SetHspace ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) SetHspace(value int32)
SetHspace: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLAppletElement) SetName ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) SetName(value string)
SetName: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAppletElement) SetObject ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) SetObject(value string)
SetObject: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAppletElement) SetVspace ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) SetVspace(value int32)
SetVspace: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLAppletElement) SetWidth ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) SetWidth(value string)
SetWidth: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAppletElement) Vspace ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) Vspace() int32
Vspace: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLAppletElement) Width ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAppletElement) Width() string
Width: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLAppletElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLAppletElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLAppletElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLAppletElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLAppletElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLAppletElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLAppletElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLAppletElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLAreaElement ¶
type DOMHTMLAreaElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLAreaElement) Alt ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) Alt() string
Alt: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAreaElement) Coords ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) Coords() string
Coords: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAreaElement) Hash ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) Hash() string
Hash: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAreaElement) Host ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) Host() string
Host: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAreaElement) Hostname ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) Hostname() string
Hostname: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAreaElement) Href ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) Href() string
Href: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAreaElement) NoHref ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) NoHref() bool
NoHref: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLAreaElement) Pathname ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) Pathname() string
Pathname: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAreaElement) Port ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) Port() string
Port: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAreaElement) Protocol ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) Protocol() string
Protocol: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAreaElement) Search ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) Search() string
Search: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetAlt ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetAlt(value string)
SetAlt: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetCoords ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetCoords(value string)
SetCoords: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetHash ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetHash(value string)
SetHash: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetHost ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetHost(value string)
SetHost: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetHostname ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetHostname(value string)
SetHostname: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetHref ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetHref(value string)
SetHref: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetNoHref ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetNoHref(value bool)
SetNoHref: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetPathname ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetPathname(value string)
SetPathname: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetPort ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetPort(value string)
SetPort: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetProtocol ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetProtocol(value string)
SetProtocol: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetSearch ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetSearch(value string)
SetSearch: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetShape ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetShape(value string)
SetShape: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetTarget ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) SetTarget(value string)
SetTarget: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAreaElement) Shape ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) Shape() string
Shape: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLAreaElement) Target ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLAreaElement) Target() string
Target: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLAreaElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLAreaElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLAreaElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLAreaElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLAreaElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLAreaElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLAreaElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLAreaElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLBRElement ¶
type DOMHTMLBRElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLBRElement) Clear ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLBRElement) Clear() string
Clear: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLBRElement) SetClear ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLBRElement) SetClear(value string)
SetClear: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLBRElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLBRElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLBRElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLBRElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLBRElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLBRElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLBRElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLBRElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLBaseElement ¶
type DOMHTMLBaseElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLBaseElement) Href ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLBaseElement) Href() string
Href: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLBaseElement) SetHref ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLBaseElement) SetHref(value string)
SetHref: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLBaseElement) SetTarget ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLBaseElement) SetTarget(value string)
SetTarget: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLBaseElement) Target ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLBaseElement) Target() string
Target: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLBaseElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLBaseElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLBaseElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLBaseElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLBaseElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLBaseElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLBaseElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLBaseElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLBaseFontElement ¶
type DOMHTMLBaseFontElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLBaseFontElement) Color
func (self *DOMHTMLBaseFontElement) Color() string
Color: this function has been removed from the DOM spec and it just returns NULL.
Deprecated: since version 2.12.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLBaseFontElement) Face
func (self *DOMHTMLBaseFontElement) Face() string
Face: this function has been removed from the DOM spec and it just returns NULL.
Deprecated: since version 2.12.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLBaseFontElement) SetColor
func (self *DOMHTMLBaseFontElement) SetColor(value string)
SetColor: this function has been removed from the DOM spec and it does nothing.
Deprecated: since version 2.12.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLBaseFontElement) SetFace
func (self *DOMHTMLBaseFontElement) SetFace(value string)
SetFace: this function has been removed from the DOM spec and it does nothing.
Deprecated: since version 2.12.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLBaseFontElement) SetSize
func (self *DOMHTMLBaseFontElement) SetSize(value int32)
SetSize: this function has been removed from the DOM spec and it does nothing.
Deprecated: since version 2.12.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLBaseFontElement) Size
func (self *DOMHTMLBaseFontElement) Size() int32
Size: this function has been removed from the DOM spec and it just returns 0.
Deprecated: since version 2.12.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
type DOMHTMLBaseFontElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLBaseFontElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLBaseFontElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLBaseFontElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLBaseFontElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLBaseFontElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLBaseFontElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLBaseFontElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLBodyElement ¶
type DOMHTMLBodyElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLBodyElement) ALink ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLBodyElement) ALink() string
ALink: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLBodyElement) Background ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLBodyElement) Background() string
Background: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLBodyElement) BgColor ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLBodyElement) BgColor() string
BgColor: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLBodyElement) Link ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLBodyElement) Link() string
Link: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLBodyElement) SetALink ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLBodyElement) SetALink(value string)
SetALink: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLBodyElement) SetBackground ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLBodyElement) SetBackground(value string)
SetBackground: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLBodyElement) SetBgColor ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLBodyElement) SetBgColor(value string)
SetBgColor: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLBodyElement) SetLink ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLBodyElement) SetLink(value string)
SetLink: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLBodyElement) SetText ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLBodyElement) SetText(value string)
SetText: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLBodyElement) SetVLink ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLBodyElement) SetVLink(value string)
SetVLink: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLBodyElement) Text ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLBodyElement) Text() string
Text: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLBodyElement) VLink ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLBodyElement) VLink() string
VLink: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLBodyElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLBodyElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLBodyElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLBodyElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLBodyElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLBodyElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLBodyElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLBodyElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLButtonElement ¶
type DOMHTMLButtonElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLButtonElement) Autofocus ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLButtonElement) Autofocus() bool
Autofocus: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLButtonElement) ButtonType ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLButtonElement) ButtonType() string
ButtonType: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLButtonElement) Disabled ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLButtonElement) Disabled() bool
Disabled: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLButtonElement) Form ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLButtonElement) Form() *DOMHTMLFormElement
Form: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlFormElement: KitDOMHTMLFormElement.
func (*DOMHTMLButtonElement) Name ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLButtonElement) Name() string
Name: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLButtonElement) SetAutofocus ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLButtonElement) SetAutofocus(value bool)
SetAutofocus: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLButtonElement) SetButtonType ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLButtonElement) SetButtonType(value string)
SetButtonType: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLButtonElement) SetDisabled ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLButtonElement) SetDisabled(value bool)
SetDisabled: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLButtonElement) SetName ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLButtonElement) SetName(value string)
SetName: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLButtonElement) SetValue ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLButtonElement) SetValue(value string)
SetValue: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLButtonElement) Value ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLButtonElement) Value() string
Value: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLButtonElement) WillValidate ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLButtonElement) WillValidate() bool
WillValidate: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
type DOMHTMLButtonElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLButtonElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLButtonElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLButtonElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLButtonElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLButtonElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLButtonElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLButtonElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLCanvasElement ¶
type DOMHTMLCanvasElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLCanvasElement) Height ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLCanvasElement) Height() int32
Height: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLCanvasElement) SetHeight ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLCanvasElement) SetHeight(value int32)
SetHeight: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLCanvasElement) SetWidth ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLCanvasElement) SetWidth(value int32)
SetWidth: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLCanvasElement) Width ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLCanvasElement) Width() int32
Width: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
type DOMHTMLCanvasElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLCanvasElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLCanvasElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLCanvasElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLCanvasElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLCanvasElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLCanvasElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLCanvasElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLCollection ¶
type DOMHTMLCollection struct { DOMObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLCollection) Item ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLCollection) Item(index uint32) *DOMNode
Item: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- index: #gulong.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMHTMLCollection) Length ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLCollection) Length() uint32
Length: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gulong: #gulong.
func (*DOMHTMLCollection) NamedItem ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLCollection) NamedItem(name string) *DOMNode
NamedItem: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- name: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
type DOMHTMLCollectionClass ¶
type DOMHTMLCollectionClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLCollectionClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLCollectionClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLCollectionClass) ParentClass() *DOMObjectClass
type DOMHTMLCollectionOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLCollectionOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLCollectionOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLDListElement ¶
type DOMHTMLDListElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLDListElement) Compact ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLDListElement) Compact() bool
Compact: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLDListElement) SetCompact ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLDListElement) SetCompact(value bool)
SetCompact: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
type DOMHTMLDListElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLDListElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLDListElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLDListElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLDListElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLDListElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLDListElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLDListElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLDirectoryElement ¶
type DOMHTMLDirectoryElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLDirectoryElement) Compact ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLDirectoryElement) Compact() bool
Compact: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLDirectoryElement) SetCompact ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLDirectoryElement) SetCompact(value bool)
SetCompact: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
type DOMHTMLDirectoryElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLDirectoryElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLDirectoryElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLDirectoryElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLDirectoryElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLDirectoryElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLDirectoryElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLDirectoryElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLDivElement ¶
type DOMHTMLDivElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLDivElement) Align ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLDivElement) Align() string
Align: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLDivElement) SetAlign ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLDivElement) SetAlign(value string)
SetAlign: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLDivElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLDivElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLDivElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLDivElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLDivElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLDivElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLDivElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLDivElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLDocument ¶
type DOMHTMLDocument struct { DOMDocument // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLDocument) AlinkColor ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) AlinkColor() string
AlinkColor: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLDocument) BgColor ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) BgColor() string
BgColor: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLDocument) CaptureEvents ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) CaptureEvents()
CaptureEvents: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMHTMLDocument) Clear ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) Clear()
Clear: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMHTMLDocument) Close ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) Close()
Close: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMHTMLDocument) CompatMode ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) CompatMode() string
CompatMode: deprecated: Use webkit_dom_document_get_compat_mode() instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLDocument) DesignMode ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) DesignMode() string
DesignMode: deprecated: Use webkit_dom_document_get_design_mode() instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLDocument) Dir ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) Dir() string
Dir: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLDocument) Embeds ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) Embeds() *DOMHTMLCollection
Embeds: deprecated: Use webkit_dom_document_get_embeds() instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlCollection: KitDOMHTMLCollection.
func (*DOMHTMLDocument) FgColor ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) FgColor() string
FgColor: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLDocument) Height ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) Height() int32
Height: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLDocument) LinkColor ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) LinkColor() string
LinkColor: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLDocument) Plugins ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) Plugins() *DOMHTMLCollection
Plugins: deprecated: Use webkit_dom_document_get_plugins() instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlCollection: KitDOMHTMLCollection.
func (*DOMHTMLDocument) ReleaseEvents ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) ReleaseEvents()
ReleaseEvents: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMHTMLDocument) Scripts ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) Scripts() *DOMHTMLCollection
Scripts: deprecated: Use webkit_dom_document_get_scripts() instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlCollection: KitDOMHTMLCollection.
func (*DOMHTMLDocument) SetAlinkColor ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) SetAlinkColor(value string)
SetAlinkColor: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLDocument) SetBgColor ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) SetBgColor(value string)
SetBgColor: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLDocument) SetDesignMode ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) SetDesignMode(value string)
SetDesignMode: deprecated: Use webkit_dom_document_set_design_mode() instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLDocument) SetDir ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) SetDir(value string)
SetDir: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLDocument) SetFgColor ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) SetFgColor(value string)
SetFgColor: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLDocument) SetLinkColor ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) SetLinkColor(value string)
SetLinkColor: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLDocument) SetVlinkColor ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) SetVlinkColor(value string)
SetVlinkColor: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLDocument) VlinkColor ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) VlinkColor() string
VlinkColor: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLDocument) Width ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLDocument) Width() int32
Width: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
type DOMHTMLDocumentClass ¶
type DOMHTMLDocumentClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLDocumentClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLDocumentClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLDocumentClass) ParentClass() *DOMDocumentClass
type DOMHTMLDocumentOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLDocumentOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLDocumentOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLElement ¶
type DOMHTMLElement struct { DOMElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLElement) AccessKey ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLElement) AccessKey() string
AccessKey: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLElement) Children ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLElement) Children() *DOMHTMLCollection
Children: deprecated: Use webkit_dom_element_get_children() instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlCollection: KitDOMHTMLCollection.
func (*DOMHTMLElement) Click ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLElement) Click()
Click: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMHTMLElement) ContentEditable ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLElement) ContentEditable() string
ContentEditable: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLElement) Dir ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLElement) Dir() string
Dir: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLElement) Draggable ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLElement) Draggable() bool
Draggable: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLElement) Hidden ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLElement) Hidden() bool
Hidden: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLElement) InnerHtml ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLElement) InnerHtml() string
InnerHtml: deprecated: Use webkit_dom_element_get_inner_html() instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLElement) InnerText ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLElement) InnerText() string
InnerText: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLElement) IsContentEditable ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLElement) IsContentEditable() bool
IsContentEditable: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLElement) Lang ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLElement) Lang() string
Lang: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLElement) OuterHtml ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLElement) OuterHtml() string
OuterHtml: deprecated: Use webkit_dom_element_get_outer_html() instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLElement) OuterText ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLElement) OuterText() string
OuterText: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLElement) SetAccessKey ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLElement) SetAccessKey(value string)
SetAccessKey: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLElement) SetContentEditable ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLElement) SetContentEditable(value string) error
SetContentEditable: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLElement) SetDir ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLElement) SetDir(value string)
SetDir: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLElement) SetDraggable ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLElement) SetDraggable(value bool)
SetDraggable: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLElement) SetHidden ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLElement) SetHidden(value bool)
SetHidden: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLElement) SetInnerHtml ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLElement) SetInnerHtml(contents string) error
SetInnerHtml: deprecated: Use webkit_dom_element_set_inner_html() instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- contents with contents to set.
func (*DOMHTMLElement) SetInnerText ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLElement) SetInnerText(value string) error
SetInnerText: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLElement) SetLang ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLElement) SetLang(value string)
SetLang: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLElement) SetOuterHtml ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLElement) SetOuterHtml(contents string) error
SetOuterHtml: deprecated: Use webkit_dom_element_set_outer_html() instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- contents with contents to set.
func (*DOMHTMLElement) SetOuterText ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLElement) SetOuterText(value string) error
SetOuterText: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLElement) SetSpellcheck ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLElement) SetSpellcheck(value bool)
SetSpellcheck: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLElement) SetTabIndex ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLElement) SetTabIndex(value int32)
SetTabIndex: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLElement) SetTitle ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLElement) SetTitle(value string)
SetTitle: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLElement) SetTranslate ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLElement) SetTranslate(value bool)
SetTranslate: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLElement) SetWebkitdropzone ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLElement) SetWebkitdropzone(value string)
SetWebkitdropzone: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLElement) Spellcheck ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLElement) Spellcheck() bool
Spellcheck: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLElement) TabIndex ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLElement) TabIndex() int32
TabIndex: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLElement) Title ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLElement) Title() string
Title: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLElement) Translate ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLElement) Translate() bool
Translate: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLElement) Webkitdropzone ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLElement) Webkitdropzone() string
Webkitdropzone: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMElementClass
type DOMHTMLElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLEmbedElement ¶
type DOMHTMLEmbedElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLEmbedElement) Align ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLEmbedElement) Align() string
Align: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLEmbedElement) Height ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLEmbedElement) Height() int32
Height: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLEmbedElement) Name ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLEmbedElement) Name() string
Name: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLEmbedElement) SetAlign ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLEmbedElement) SetAlign(value string)
SetAlign: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLEmbedElement) SetHeight ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLEmbedElement) SetHeight(value int32)
SetHeight: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLEmbedElement) SetName ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLEmbedElement) SetName(value string)
SetName: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLEmbedElement) SetSrc ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLEmbedElement) SetSrc(value string)
SetSrc: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLEmbedElement) SetTypeAttr ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLEmbedElement) SetTypeAttr(value string)
SetTypeAttr: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLEmbedElement) SetWidth ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLEmbedElement) SetWidth(value int32)
SetWidth: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLEmbedElement) Src ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLEmbedElement) Src() string
Src: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLEmbedElement) TypeAttr ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLEmbedElement) TypeAttr() string
TypeAttr: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLEmbedElement) Width ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLEmbedElement) Width() int32
Width: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
type DOMHTMLEmbedElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLEmbedElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLEmbedElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLEmbedElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLEmbedElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLEmbedElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLEmbedElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLEmbedElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLFieldSetElement ¶
type DOMHTMLFieldSetElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLFieldSetElement) Form ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFieldSetElement) Form() *DOMHTMLFormElement
Form: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlFormElement: KitDOMHTMLFormElement.
type DOMHTMLFieldSetElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLFieldSetElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLFieldSetElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLFieldSetElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLFieldSetElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLFieldSetElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLFieldSetElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLFieldSetElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLFontElement ¶
type DOMHTMLFontElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLFontElement) Color ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFontElement) Color() string
Color: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFontElement) Face ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFontElement) Face() string
Face: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFontElement) SetColor ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFontElement) SetColor(value string)
SetColor: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFontElement) SetFace ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFontElement) SetFace(value string)
SetFace: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFontElement) SetSize ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFontElement) SetSize(value string)
SetSize: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFontElement) Size ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFontElement) Size() string
Size: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLFontElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLFontElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLFontElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLFontElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLFontElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLFontElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLFontElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLFontElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLFormElement ¶
type DOMHTMLFormElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLFormElement) AcceptCharset ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) AcceptCharset() string
AcceptCharset: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFormElement) Action ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) Action() string
Action: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFormElement) Elements ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) Elements() *DOMHTMLCollection
Elements: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlCollection: KitDOMHTMLCollection.
func (*DOMHTMLFormElement) Encoding ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) Encoding() string
Encoding: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFormElement) Enctype ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) Enctype() string
Enctype: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFormElement) Length ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) Length() int32
Length: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLFormElement) Method ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) Method() string
Method: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFormElement) Name ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) Name() string
Name: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFormElement) Reset ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) Reset()
Reset: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMHTMLFormElement) SetAcceptCharset ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) SetAcceptCharset(value string)
SetAcceptCharset: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFormElement) SetAction ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) SetAction(value string)
SetAction: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFormElement) SetEncoding ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) SetEncoding(value string)
SetEncoding: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFormElement) SetEnctype ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) SetEnctype(value string)
SetEnctype: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFormElement) SetMethod ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) SetMethod(value string)
SetMethod: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFormElement) SetName ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) SetName(value string)
SetName: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFormElement) SetTarget ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) SetTarget(value string)
SetTarget: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFormElement) Submit ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) Submit()
Submit: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMHTMLFormElement) Target ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFormElement) Target() string
Target: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLFormElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLFormElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLFormElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLFormElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLFormElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLFormElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLFormElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLFormElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLFrameElement ¶
type DOMHTMLFrameElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLFrameElement) ContentDocument ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) ContentDocument() *DOMDocument
ContentDocument: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domDocument: KitDOMDocument.
func (*DOMHTMLFrameElement) ContentWindow ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) ContentWindow() *DOMDOMWindow
ContentWindow: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domdomWindow: KitDOMDOMWindow.
func (*DOMHTMLFrameElement) FrameBorder ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) FrameBorder() string
FrameBorder: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFrameElement) Height ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) Height() int32
Height: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: 0.
func (*DOMHTMLFrameElement) LongDesc ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) LongDesc() string
LongDesc: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFrameElement) MarginHeight ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) MarginHeight() string
MarginHeight: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFrameElement) MarginWidth ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) MarginWidth() string
MarginWidth: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFrameElement) Name ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) Name() string
Name: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFrameElement) NoResize ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) NoResize() bool
NoResize: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLFrameElement) Scrolling ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) Scrolling() string
Scrolling: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFrameElement) SetFrameBorder ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) SetFrameBorder(value string)
SetFrameBorder: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFrameElement) SetLongDesc ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) SetLongDesc(value string)
SetLongDesc: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFrameElement) SetMarginHeight ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) SetMarginHeight(value string)
SetMarginHeight: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFrameElement) SetMarginWidth ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) SetMarginWidth(value string)
SetMarginWidth: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFrameElement) SetName ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) SetName(value string)
SetName: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFrameElement) SetNoResize ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) SetNoResize(value bool)
SetNoResize: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLFrameElement) SetScrolling ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) SetScrolling(value string)
SetScrolling: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFrameElement) SetSrc ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) SetSrc(value string)
SetSrc: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFrameElement) Src ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) Src() string
Src: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFrameElement) Width ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFrameElement) Width() int32
Width: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: 0.
type DOMHTMLFrameElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLFrameElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLFrameElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLFrameElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLFrameElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLFrameElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLFrameElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLFrameElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLFrameSetElement ¶
type DOMHTMLFrameSetElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLFrameSetElement) Cols ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFrameSetElement) Cols() string
Cols: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFrameSetElement) Rows ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFrameSetElement) Rows() string
Rows: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFrameSetElement) SetCols ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFrameSetElement) SetCols(value string)
SetCols: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLFrameSetElement) SetRows ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLFrameSetElement) SetRows(value string)
SetRows: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLFrameSetElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLFrameSetElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLFrameSetElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLFrameSetElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLFrameSetElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLFrameSetElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLFrameSetElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLFrameSetElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLHRElement ¶
type DOMHTMLHRElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLHRElement) Align ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLHRElement) Align() string
Align: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLHRElement) NoShade ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLHRElement) NoShade() bool
NoShade: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLHRElement) SetAlign ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLHRElement) SetAlign(value string)
SetAlign: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLHRElement) SetNoShade ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLHRElement) SetNoShade(value bool)
SetNoShade: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLHRElement) SetSize ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLHRElement) SetSize(value string)
SetSize: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLHRElement) SetWidth ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLHRElement) SetWidth(value string)
SetWidth: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLHRElement) Size ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLHRElement) Size() string
Size: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLHRElement) Width ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLHRElement) Width() string
Width: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLHRElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLHRElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLHRElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLHRElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLHRElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLHRElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLHRElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLHRElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLHeadElement ¶
type DOMHTMLHeadElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLHeadElement) Profile ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLHeadElement) Profile() string
Profile: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLHeadElement) SetProfile ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLHeadElement) SetProfile(value string)
SetProfile: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLHeadElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLHeadElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLHeadElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLHeadElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLHeadElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLHeadElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLHeadElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLHeadElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLHeadingElement ¶
type DOMHTMLHeadingElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLHeadingElement) Align ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLHeadingElement) Align() string
Align: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLHeadingElement) SetAlign ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLHeadingElement) SetAlign(value string)
SetAlign: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLHeadingElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLHeadingElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLHeadingElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLHeadingElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLHeadingElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLHeadingElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLHeadingElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLHeadingElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLHtmlElement ¶
type DOMHTMLHtmlElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLHtmlElement) SetVersion ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLHtmlElement) SetVersion(value string)
SetVersion: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLHtmlElement) Version ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLHtmlElement) Version() string
Version: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLHtmlElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLHtmlElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLHtmlElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLHtmlElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLHtmlElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLHtmlElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLHtmlElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLHtmlElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLIFrameElement ¶
type DOMHTMLIFrameElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLIFrameElement) Align ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) Align() string
Align: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLIFrameElement) ContentDocument ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) ContentDocument() *DOMDocument
ContentDocument: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domDocument: KitDOMDocument.
func (*DOMHTMLIFrameElement) ContentWindow ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) ContentWindow() *DOMDOMWindow
ContentWindow: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domdomWindow: KitDOMDOMWindow.
func (*DOMHTMLIFrameElement) FrameBorder ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) FrameBorder() string
FrameBorder: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLIFrameElement) Height ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) Height() string
Height: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLIFrameElement) LongDesc ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) LongDesc() string
LongDesc: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLIFrameElement) MarginHeight ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) MarginHeight() string
MarginHeight: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLIFrameElement) MarginWidth ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) MarginWidth() string
MarginWidth: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLIFrameElement) Name ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) Name() string
Name: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLIFrameElement) Scrolling ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) Scrolling() string
Scrolling: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLIFrameElement) SetAlign ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) SetAlign(value string)
SetAlign: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLIFrameElement) SetFrameBorder ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) SetFrameBorder(value string)
SetFrameBorder: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLIFrameElement) SetHeight ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) SetHeight(value string)
SetHeight: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLIFrameElement) SetLongDesc ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) SetLongDesc(value string)
SetLongDesc: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLIFrameElement) SetMarginHeight ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) SetMarginHeight(value string)
SetMarginHeight: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLIFrameElement) SetMarginWidth ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) SetMarginWidth(value string)
SetMarginWidth: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLIFrameElement) SetName ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) SetName(value string)
SetName: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLIFrameElement) SetScrolling ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) SetScrolling(value string)
SetScrolling: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLIFrameElement) SetSrc ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) SetSrc(value string)
SetSrc: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLIFrameElement) SetWidth ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) SetWidth(value string)
SetWidth: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLIFrameElement) Src ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) Src() string
Src: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLIFrameElement) Width ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLIFrameElement) Width() string
Width: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLIFrameElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLIFrameElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLIFrameElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLIFrameElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLIFrameElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLIFrameElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLIFrameElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLIFrameElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLImageElement ¶
type DOMHTMLImageElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLImageElement) Align ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) Align() string
Align: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLImageElement) Alt ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) Alt() string
Alt: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLImageElement) Border ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) Border() string
Border: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLImageElement) Complete ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) Complete() bool
Complete: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLImageElement) Height ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) Height() int32
Height: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLImageElement) Hspace ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) Hspace() int32
Hspace: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLImageElement) IsMap ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) IsMap() bool
IsMap: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLImageElement) LongDesc ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) LongDesc() string
LongDesc: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLImageElement) Lowsrc ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) Lowsrc() string
Lowsrc: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLImageElement) Name ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) Name() string
Name: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLImageElement) NaturalHeight ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) NaturalHeight() int32
NaturalHeight: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLImageElement) NaturalWidth ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) NaturalWidth() int32
NaturalWidth: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLImageElement) SetAlign ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) SetAlign(value string)
SetAlign: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLImageElement) SetAlt ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) SetAlt(value string)
SetAlt: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLImageElement) SetBorder ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) SetBorder(value string)
SetBorder: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLImageElement) SetHeight ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) SetHeight(value int32)
SetHeight: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLImageElement) SetHspace ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) SetHspace(value int32)
SetHspace: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLImageElement) SetIsMap ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) SetIsMap(value bool)
SetIsMap: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLImageElement) SetLongDesc ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) SetLongDesc(value string)
SetLongDesc: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLImageElement) SetLowsrc ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) SetLowsrc(value string)
SetLowsrc: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLImageElement) SetName ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) SetName(value string)
SetName: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLImageElement) SetSrc ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) SetSrc(value string)
SetSrc: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLImageElement) SetUseMap ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) SetUseMap(value string)
SetUseMap: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLImageElement) SetVspace ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) SetVspace(value int32)
SetVspace: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLImageElement) SetWidth ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) SetWidth(value int32)
SetWidth: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLImageElement) Src ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) Src() string
Src: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLImageElement) UseMap ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) UseMap() string
UseMap: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLImageElement) Vspace ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) Vspace() int32
Vspace: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLImageElement) Width ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) Width() int32
Width: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLImageElement) X ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) X() int32
X: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLImageElement) Y ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLImageElement) Y() int32
Y: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
type DOMHTMLImageElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLImageElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLImageElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLImageElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLImageElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLImageElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLImageElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLImageElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLInputElement ¶
type DOMHTMLInputElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) Accept ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Accept() string
Accept: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) Align ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Align() string
Align: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) Alt ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Alt() string
Alt: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) AutoFilled ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) AutoFilled() bool
AutoFilled: deprecated: Use webkit_dom_element_html_input_element_get_auto_filled() instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) Autofocus ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Autofocus() bool
Autofocus: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) Capture ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Capture() bool
Capture: deprecated: Use webkit_dom_html_input_element_get_capture_type() instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) CaptureType ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) CaptureType() string
CaptureType: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) Checked ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Checked() bool
Checked: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) DefaultChecked ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) DefaultChecked() bool
DefaultChecked: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) DefaultValue ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) DefaultValue() string
DefaultValue: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) Disabled ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Disabled() bool
Disabled: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) Files ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Files() *DOMFileList
Files: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domFileList: KitDOMFileList.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) Form ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Form() *DOMHTMLFormElement
Form: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlFormElement: KitDOMHTMLFormElement.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) Height ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Height() uint32
Height: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gulong: #gulong.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) Indeterminate ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Indeterminate() bool
Indeterminate: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) InputType ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) InputType() string
InputType: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) IsEdited ¶
func (input *DOMHTMLInputElement) IsEdited() bool
IsEdited: deprecated: Use webkit_dom_element_html_input_element_is_user_edited() instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) MaxLength ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) MaxLength() int32
MaxLength: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) Multiple ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Multiple() bool
Multiple: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) Name ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Name() string
Name: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) ReadOnly ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) ReadOnly() bool
ReadOnly: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) Select ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Select()
Select: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) SetAccept ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetAccept(value string)
SetAccept: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) SetAlign ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetAlign(value string)
SetAlign: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) SetAlt ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetAlt(value string)
SetAlt: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) SetAutoFilled ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetAutoFilled(value bool)
SetAutoFilled: deprecated: Use webkit_dom_element_html_input_element_set_auto_filled() instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) SetAutofocus ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetAutofocus(value bool)
SetAutofocus: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) SetCaptureType ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetCaptureType(value string)
SetCaptureType: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) SetChecked ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetChecked(value bool)
SetChecked: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) SetDefaultChecked ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetDefaultChecked(value bool)
SetDefaultChecked: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) SetDefaultValue ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetDefaultValue(value string)
SetDefaultValue: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) SetDisabled ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetDisabled(value bool)
SetDisabled: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) SetEditingValue ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetEditingValue(value string)
SetEditingValue: deprecated: Use webkit_dom_element_html_input_element_set_editing_value() instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) SetFiles ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetFiles(value *DOMFileList)
SetFiles: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: KitDOMFileList.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) SetHeight ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetHeight(value uint32)
SetHeight: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gulong.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) SetIndeterminate ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetIndeterminate(value bool)
SetIndeterminate: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) SetInputType ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetInputType(value string)
SetInputType: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) SetMaxLength ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetMaxLength(value int32) error
SetMaxLength: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) SetMultiple ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetMultiple(value bool)
SetMultiple: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) SetName ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetName(value string)
SetName: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) SetReadOnly ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetReadOnly(value bool)
SetReadOnly: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) SetSize ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetSize(value uint32) error
SetSize: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gulong.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) SetSrc ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetSrc(value string)
SetSrc: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) SetUseMap ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetUseMap(value string)
SetUseMap: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) SetValue ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetValue(value string)
SetValue: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) SetWidth ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) SetWidth(value uint32)
SetWidth: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gulong.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) Size ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Size() uint32
Size: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gulong: #gulong.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) Src ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Src() string
Src: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) UseMap ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) UseMap() string
UseMap: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) Value ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Value() string
Value: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) Width ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) Width() uint32
Width: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gulong: #gulong.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElement) WillValidate ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLInputElement) WillValidate() bool
WillValidate: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
type DOMHTMLInputElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLInputElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLInputElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLInputElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLInputElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLInputElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLInputElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLInputElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLLIElement ¶
type DOMHTMLLIElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLLIElement) SetTypeAttr ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLLIElement) SetTypeAttr(value string)
SetTypeAttr: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLLIElement) SetValue ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLLIElement) SetValue(value int32)
SetValue: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLLIElement) TypeAttr ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLLIElement) TypeAttr() string
TypeAttr: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLLIElement) Value ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLLIElement) Value() int32
Value: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
type DOMHTMLLIElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLLIElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLLIElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLLIElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLLIElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLLIElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLLIElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLLIElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLLabelElement ¶
type DOMHTMLLabelElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLLabelElement) Form ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLLabelElement) Form() *DOMHTMLFormElement
Form: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlFormElement: KitDOMHTMLFormElement.
func (*DOMHTMLLabelElement) HtmlFor ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLLabelElement) HtmlFor() string
HtmlFor: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLLabelElement) SetHtmlFor ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLLabelElement) SetHtmlFor(value string)
SetHtmlFor: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLLabelElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLLabelElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLLabelElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLLabelElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLLabelElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLLabelElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLLabelElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLLabelElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLLegendElement ¶
type DOMHTMLLegendElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLLegendElement) Align ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLLegendElement) Align() string
Align: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLLegendElement) Form ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLLegendElement) Form() *DOMHTMLFormElement
Form: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlFormElement: KitDOMHTMLFormElement.
func (*DOMHTMLLegendElement) SetAlign ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLLegendElement) SetAlign(value string)
SetAlign: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLLegendElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLLegendElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLLegendElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLLegendElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLLegendElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLLegendElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLLegendElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLLegendElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLLinkElement ¶
type DOMHTMLLinkElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLLinkElement) Charset ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) Charset() string
Charset: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLLinkElement) Disabled ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) Disabled() bool
Disabled: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLLinkElement) Href ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) Href() string
Href: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLLinkElement) Hreflang ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) Hreflang() string
Hreflang: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLLinkElement) Media ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) Media() string
Media: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLLinkElement) Rel ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) Rel() string
Rel: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLLinkElement) Rev ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) Rev() string
Rev: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLLinkElement) SetCharset ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) SetCharset(value string)
SetCharset: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLLinkElement) SetDisabled ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) SetDisabled(value bool)
SetDisabled: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLLinkElement) SetHref ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) SetHref(value string)
SetHref: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLLinkElement) SetHreflang ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) SetHreflang(value string)
SetHreflang: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLLinkElement) SetMedia ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) SetMedia(value string)
SetMedia: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLLinkElement) SetRel ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) SetRel(value string)
SetRel: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLLinkElement) SetRev ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) SetRev(value string)
SetRev: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLLinkElement) SetSizes ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) SetSizes(value string)
SetSizes: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLLinkElement) SetTarget ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) SetTarget(value string)
SetTarget: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLLinkElement) SetTypeAttr ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) SetTypeAttr(value string)
SetTypeAttr: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLLinkElement) Sheet ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) Sheet() *DOMStyleSheet
Sheet: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domStyleSheet: KitDOMStyleSheet.
func (*DOMHTMLLinkElement) Sizes ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) Sizes() *DOMDOMTokenList
Sizes: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domdomTokenList: KitDOMDOMTokenList.
func (*DOMHTMLLinkElement) Target ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) Target() string
Target: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLLinkElement) TypeAttr ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLLinkElement) TypeAttr() string
TypeAttr: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLLinkElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLLinkElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLLinkElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLLinkElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLLinkElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLLinkElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLLinkElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLLinkElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLMapElement ¶
type DOMHTMLMapElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLMapElement) Areas ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLMapElement) Areas() *DOMHTMLCollection
Areas: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlCollection: KitDOMHTMLCollection.
func (*DOMHTMLMapElement) Name ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLMapElement) Name() string
Name: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLMapElement) SetName ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLMapElement) SetName(value string)
SetName: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLMapElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLMapElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLMapElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLMapElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLMapElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLMapElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLMapElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLMapElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLMarqueeElement ¶
type DOMHTMLMarqueeElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLMarqueeElement) Start ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLMarqueeElement) Start()
Start: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMHTMLMarqueeElement) Stop ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLMarqueeElement) Stop()
Stop: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
type DOMHTMLMarqueeElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLMarqueeElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLMarqueeElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLMarqueeElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLMarqueeElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLMarqueeElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLMarqueeElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLMarqueeElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLMenuElement ¶
type DOMHTMLMenuElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLMenuElement) Compact ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLMenuElement) Compact() bool
Compact: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLMenuElement) SetCompact ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLMenuElement) SetCompact(value bool)
SetCompact: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
type DOMHTMLMenuElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLMenuElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLMenuElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLMenuElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLMenuElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLMenuElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLMenuElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLMenuElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLMetaElement ¶
type DOMHTMLMetaElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLMetaElement) Content ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLMetaElement) Content() string
Content: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLMetaElement) HTTPEquiv ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLMetaElement) HTTPEquiv() string
HTTPEquiv: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLMetaElement) Name ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLMetaElement) Name() string
Name: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLMetaElement) Scheme ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLMetaElement) Scheme() string
Scheme: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLMetaElement) SetContent ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLMetaElement) SetContent(value string)
SetContent: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLMetaElement) SetHTTPEquiv ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLMetaElement) SetHTTPEquiv(value string)
SetHTTPEquiv: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLMetaElement) SetName ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLMetaElement) SetName(value string)
SetName: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLMetaElement) SetScheme ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLMetaElement) SetScheme(value string)
SetScheme: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLMetaElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLMetaElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLMetaElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLMetaElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLMetaElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLMetaElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLMetaElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLMetaElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLModElement ¶
type DOMHTMLModElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLModElement) Cite ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLModElement) Cite() string
Cite: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLModElement) DateTime ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLModElement) DateTime() string
DateTime: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLModElement) SetCite ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLModElement) SetCite(value string)
SetCite: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLModElement) SetDateTime ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLModElement) SetDateTime(value string)
SetDateTime: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLModElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLModElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLModElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLModElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLModElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLModElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLModElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLModElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLOListElement ¶
type DOMHTMLOListElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLOListElement) Compact ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLOListElement) Compact() bool
Compact: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLOListElement) SetCompact ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLOListElement) SetCompact(value bool)
SetCompact: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLOListElement) SetStart ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLOListElement) SetStart(value int32)
SetStart: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLOListElement) SetTypeAttr ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLOListElement) SetTypeAttr(value string)
SetTypeAttr: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLOListElement) Start ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLOListElement) Start() int32
Start: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLOListElement) TypeAttr ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLOListElement) TypeAttr() string
TypeAttr: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLOListElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLOListElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLOListElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLOListElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLOListElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLOListElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLOListElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLOListElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLObjectElement ¶
type DOMHTMLObjectElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) Align ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) Align() string
Align: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) Archive ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) Archive() string
Archive: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) Border ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) Border() string
Border: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) Code ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) Code() string
Code: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) CodeBase ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) CodeBase() string
CodeBase: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) CodeType ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) CodeType() string
CodeType: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) ContentDocument ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) ContentDocument() *DOMDocument
ContentDocument: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domDocument: KitDOMDocument.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) Data ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) Data() string
Data: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) Declare ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) Declare() bool
Declare: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) Form ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) Form() *DOMHTMLFormElement
Form: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlFormElement: KitDOMHTMLFormElement.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) Height ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) Height() string
Height: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) Hspace ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) Hspace() int32
Hspace: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) Name ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) Name() string
Name: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetAlign ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetAlign(value string)
SetAlign: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetArchive ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetArchive(value string)
SetArchive: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetBorder ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetBorder(value string)
SetBorder: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetCode ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetCode(value string)
SetCode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetCodeBase ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetCodeBase(value string)
SetCodeBase: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetCodeType ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetCodeType(value string)
SetCodeType: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetData ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetData(value string)
SetData: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetDeclare ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetDeclare(value bool)
SetDeclare: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetHeight ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetHeight(value string)
SetHeight: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetHspace ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetHspace(value int32)
SetHspace: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetName ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetName(value string)
SetName: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetStandby ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetStandby(value string)
SetStandby: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetTypeAttr ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetTypeAttr(value string)
SetTypeAttr: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetUseMap ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetUseMap(value string)
SetUseMap: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetVspace ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetVspace(value int32)
SetVspace: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetWidth ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) SetWidth(value string)
SetWidth: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) Standby ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) Standby() string
Standby: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) TypeAttr ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) TypeAttr() string
TypeAttr: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) UseMap ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) UseMap() string
UseMap: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) Vspace ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) Vspace() int32
Vspace: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElement) Width ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLObjectElement) Width() string
Width: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLObjectElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLObjectElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLObjectElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLObjectElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLObjectElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLObjectElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLObjectElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLObjectElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLOptGroupElement ¶
type DOMHTMLOptGroupElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLOptGroupElement) Disabled ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLOptGroupElement) Disabled() bool
Disabled: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLOptGroupElement) Label ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLOptGroupElement) Label() string
Label: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLOptGroupElement) SetDisabled ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLOptGroupElement) SetDisabled(value bool)
SetDisabled: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLOptGroupElement) SetLabel ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLOptGroupElement) SetLabel(value string)
SetLabel: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLOptGroupElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLOptGroupElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLOptGroupElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLOptGroupElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLOptGroupElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLOptGroupElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLOptGroupElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLOptGroupElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLOptionElement ¶
type DOMHTMLOptionElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLOptionElement) DefaultSelected ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLOptionElement) DefaultSelected() bool
DefaultSelected: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLOptionElement) Disabled ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLOptionElement) Disabled() bool
Disabled: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLOptionElement) Form ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLOptionElement) Form() *DOMHTMLFormElement
Form: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlFormElement: KitDOMHTMLFormElement.
func (*DOMHTMLOptionElement) Index ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLOptionElement) Index() int32
Index: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLOptionElement) Label ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLOptionElement) Label() string
Label: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLOptionElement) Selected ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLOptionElement) Selected() bool
Selected: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLOptionElement) SetDefaultSelected ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLOptionElement) SetDefaultSelected(value bool)
SetDefaultSelected: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLOptionElement) SetDisabled ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLOptionElement) SetDisabled(value bool)
SetDisabled: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLOptionElement) SetLabel ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLOptionElement) SetLabel(value string)
SetLabel: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLOptionElement) SetSelected ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLOptionElement) SetSelected(value bool)
SetSelected: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLOptionElement) SetValue ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLOptionElement) SetValue(value string)
SetValue: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLOptionElement) Text ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLOptionElement) Text() string
Text: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLOptionElement) Value ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLOptionElement) Value() string
Value: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLOptionElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLOptionElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLOptionElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLOptionElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLOptionElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLOptionElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLOptionElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLOptionElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLOptionsCollection ¶
type DOMHTMLOptionsCollection struct { DOMHTMLCollection // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLOptionsCollection) Length ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLOptionsCollection) Length() uint32
Length: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gulong: #gulong.
func (*DOMHTMLOptionsCollection) NamedItem ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLOptionsCollection) NamedItem(name string) *DOMNode
NamedItem: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- name: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMHTMLOptionsCollection) SelectedIndex ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLOptionsCollection) SelectedIndex() int32
SelectedIndex: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLOptionsCollection) SetSelectedIndex ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLOptionsCollection) SetSelectedIndex(value int32)
SetSelectedIndex: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #glong.
type DOMHTMLOptionsCollectionClass ¶
type DOMHTMLOptionsCollectionClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLOptionsCollectionClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLOptionsCollectionClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLOptionsCollectionClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLCollectionClass
type DOMHTMLOptionsCollectionOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLOptionsCollectionOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLOptionsCollectionOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLParagraphElement ¶
type DOMHTMLParagraphElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLParagraphElement) Align ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLParagraphElement) Align() string
Align: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLParagraphElement) SetAlign ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLParagraphElement) SetAlign(value string)
SetAlign: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLParagraphElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLParagraphElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLParagraphElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLParagraphElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLParagraphElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLParagraphElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLParagraphElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLParagraphElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLParamElement ¶
type DOMHTMLParamElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLParamElement) Name ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLParamElement) Name() string
Name: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLParamElement) SetName ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLParamElement) SetName(value string)
SetName: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLParamElement) SetTypeAttr ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLParamElement) SetTypeAttr(value string)
SetTypeAttr: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLParamElement) SetValue ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLParamElement) SetValue(value string)
SetValue: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLParamElement) SetValueType ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLParamElement) SetValueType(value string)
SetValueType: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLParamElement) TypeAttr ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLParamElement) TypeAttr() string
TypeAttr: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLParamElement) Value ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLParamElement) Value() string
Value: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLParamElement) ValueType ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLParamElement) ValueType() string
ValueType: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLParamElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLParamElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLParamElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLParamElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLParamElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLParamElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLParamElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLParamElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLPreElement ¶
type DOMHTMLPreElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLPreElement) SetWidth ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLPreElement) SetWidth(value int32)
SetWidth: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLPreElement) SetWrap ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLPreElement) SetWrap(value bool)
SetWrap: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLPreElement) Width ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLPreElement) Width() int32
Width: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLPreElement) Wrap ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLPreElement) Wrap() bool
Wrap: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
type DOMHTMLPreElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLPreElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLPreElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLPreElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLPreElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLPreElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLPreElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLPreElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLQuoteElement ¶
type DOMHTMLQuoteElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLQuoteElement) Cite ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLQuoteElement) Cite() string
Cite: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLQuoteElement) SetCite ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLQuoteElement) SetCite(value string)
SetCite: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLQuoteElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLQuoteElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLQuoteElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLQuoteElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLQuoteElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLQuoteElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLQuoteElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLQuoteElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLScriptElement ¶
type DOMHTMLScriptElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLScriptElement) Charset ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLScriptElement) Charset() string
Charset: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLScriptElement) Defer ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLScriptElement) Defer() bool
Defer: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLScriptElement) Event ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLScriptElement) Event() string
Event: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLScriptElement) HtmlFor ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLScriptElement) HtmlFor() string
HtmlFor: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLScriptElement) SetCharset ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLScriptElement) SetCharset(value string)
SetCharset: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLScriptElement) SetDefer ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLScriptElement) SetDefer(value bool)
SetDefer: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLScriptElement) SetEvent ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLScriptElement) SetEvent(value string)
SetEvent: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLScriptElement) SetHtmlFor ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLScriptElement) SetHtmlFor(value string)
SetHtmlFor: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLScriptElement) SetSrc ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLScriptElement) SetSrc(value string)
SetSrc: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLScriptElement) SetText ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLScriptElement) SetText(value string)
SetText: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLScriptElement) SetTypeAttr ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLScriptElement) SetTypeAttr(value string)
SetTypeAttr: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLScriptElement) Src ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLScriptElement) Src() string
Src: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLScriptElement) Text ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLScriptElement) Text() string
Text: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLScriptElement) TypeAttr ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLScriptElement) TypeAttr() string
TypeAttr: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLScriptElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLScriptElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLScriptElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLScriptElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLScriptElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLScriptElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLScriptElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLScriptElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLSelectElement ¶
type DOMHTMLSelectElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLSelectElement) Add ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) Add(element, before *DOMHTMLElement) error
Add: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- element: KitDOMHTMLElement.
- before: KitDOMHTMLElement.
func (*DOMHTMLSelectElement) Autofocus ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) Autofocus() bool
Autofocus: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLSelectElement) Disabled ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) Disabled() bool
Disabled: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLSelectElement) Form ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) Form() *DOMHTMLFormElement
Form: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlFormElement: KitDOMHTMLFormElement.
func (*DOMHTMLSelectElement) Item ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) Item(index uint32) *DOMNode
Item: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- index: #gulong.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMHTMLSelectElement) Length ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) Length() uint32
Length: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gulong: #gulong.
func (*DOMHTMLSelectElement) Multiple ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) Multiple() bool
Multiple: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLSelectElement) Name ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) Name() string
Name: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLSelectElement) NamedItem ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) NamedItem(name string) *DOMNode
NamedItem: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- name: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMHTMLSelectElement) Options ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) Options() *DOMHTMLOptionsCollection
Options: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlOptionsCollection: KitDOMHTMLOptionsCollection.
func (*DOMHTMLSelectElement) Remove ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) Remove(index int32)
Remove: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- index: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLSelectElement) SelectType ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) SelectType() string
SelectType: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLSelectElement) SelectedIndex ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) SelectedIndex() int32
SelectedIndex: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLSelectElement) SetAutofocus ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) SetAutofocus(value bool)
SetAutofocus: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLSelectElement) SetDisabled ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) SetDisabled(value bool)
SetDisabled: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLSelectElement) SetLength ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) SetLength(value uint32) error
SetLength: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gulong.
func (*DOMHTMLSelectElement) SetMultiple ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) SetMultiple(value bool)
SetMultiple: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLSelectElement) SetName ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) SetName(value string)
SetName: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLSelectElement) SetSelectedIndex ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) SetSelectedIndex(value int32)
SetSelectedIndex: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLSelectElement) SetSize ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) SetSize(value int32)
SetSize: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLSelectElement) SetValue ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) SetValue(value string)
SetValue: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLSelectElement) Size ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) Size() int32
Size: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLSelectElement) Value ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) Value() string
Value: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLSelectElement) WillValidate ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLSelectElement) WillValidate() bool
WillValidate: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
type DOMHTMLSelectElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLSelectElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLSelectElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLSelectElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLSelectElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLSelectElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLSelectElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLSelectElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLStyleElement ¶
type DOMHTMLStyleElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLStyleElement) Disabled ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLStyleElement) Disabled() bool
Disabled: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLStyleElement) Media ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLStyleElement) Media() string
Media: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLStyleElement) SetDisabled ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLStyleElement) SetDisabled(value bool)
SetDisabled: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLStyleElement) SetMedia ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLStyleElement) SetMedia(value string)
SetMedia: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLStyleElement) SetTypeAttr ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLStyleElement) SetTypeAttr(value string)
SetTypeAttr: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLStyleElement) Sheet ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLStyleElement) Sheet() *DOMStyleSheet
Sheet: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domStyleSheet: KitDOMStyleSheet.
func (*DOMHTMLStyleElement) TypeAttr ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLStyleElement) TypeAttr() string
TypeAttr: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLStyleElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLStyleElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLStyleElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLStyleElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLStyleElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLStyleElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLStyleElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLStyleElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLTableCaptionElement ¶
type DOMHTMLTableCaptionElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLTableCaptionElement) Align ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableCaptionElement) Align() string
Align: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableCaptionElement) SetAlign ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableCaptionElement) SetAlign(value string)
SetAlign: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLTableCaptionElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLTableCaptionElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLTableCaptionElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLTableCaptionElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLTableCaptionElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLTableCaptionElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLTableCaptionElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLTableCaptionElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLTableCellElement ¶
type DOMHTMLTableCellElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLTableCellElement) Abbr ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) Abbr() string
Abbr: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableCellElement) Align ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) Align() string
Align: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableCellElement) Axis ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) Axis() string
Axis: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableCellElement) BgColor ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) BgColor() string
BgColor: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableCellElement) CellIndex ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) CellIndex() int32
CellIndex: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLTableCellElement) Ch ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) Ch() string
Ch: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableCellElement) ChOff ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) ChOff() string
ChOff: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableCellElement) ColSpan ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) ColSpan() int32
ColSpan: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLTableCellElement) Headers ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) Headers() string
Headers: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableCellElement) Height ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) Height() string
Height: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableCellElement) NoWrap ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) NoWrap() bool
NoWrap: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLTableCellElement) RowSpan ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) RowSpan() int32
RowSpan: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLTableCellElement) Scope ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) Scope() string
Scope: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetAbbr ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetAbbr(value string)
SetAbbr: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetAlign ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetAlign(value string)
SetAlign: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetAxis ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetAxis(value string)
SetAxis: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetBgColor ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetBgColor(value string)
SetBgColor: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetCh ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetCh(value string)
SetCh: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetChOff ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetChOff(value string)
SetChOff: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetColSpan ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetColSpan(value int32)
SetColSpan: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetHeaders ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetHeaders(value string)
SetHeaders: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetHeight ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetHeight(value string)
SetHeight: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetNoWrap ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetNoWrap(value bool)
SetNoWrap: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetRowSpan ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetRowSpan(value int32)
SetRowSpan: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetScope ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetScope(value string)
SetScope: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetVAlign ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetVAlign(value string)
SetVAlign: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetWidth ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) SetWidth(value string)
SetWidth: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableCellElement) VAlign ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) VAlign() string
VAlign: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableCellElement) Width ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableCellElement) Width() string
Width: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLTableCellElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLTableCellElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLTableCellElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLTableCellElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLTableCellElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLTableCellElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLTableCellElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLTableCellElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLTableColElement ¶
type DOMHTMLTableColElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLTableColElement) Align ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableColElement) Align() string
Align: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableColElement) Ch ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableColElement) Ch() string
Ch: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableColElement) ChOff ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableColElement) ChOff() string
ChOff: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableColElement) SetAlign ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableColElement) SetAlign(value string)
SetAlign: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableColElement) SetCh ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableColElement) SetCh(value string)
SetCh: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableColElement) SetChOff ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableColElement) SetChOff(value string)
SetChOff: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableColElement) SetSpan ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableColElement) SetSpan(value int32)
SetSpan: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLTableColElement) SetVAlign ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableColElement) SetVAlign(value string)
SetVAlign: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableColElement) SetWidth ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableColElement) SetWidth(value string)
SetWidth: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableColElement) Span ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableColElement) Span() int32
Span: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLTableColElement) VAlign ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableColElement) VAlign() string
VAlign: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableColElement) Width ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableColElement) Width() string
Width: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLTableColElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLTableColElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLTableColElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLTableColElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLTableColElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLTableColElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLTableColElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLTableColElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLTableElement ¶
type DOMHTMLTableElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLTableElement) Align ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) Align() string
Align: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableElement) BgColor ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) BgColor() string
BgColor: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableElement) Border ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) Border() string
Border: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableElement) Caption ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) Caption() *DOMHTMLTableCaptionElement
Caption: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlTableCaptionElement: KitDOMHTMLTableCaptionElement.
func (*DOMHTMLTableElement) CellPadding ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) CellPadding() string
CellPadding: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableElement) CellSpacing ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) CellSpacing() string
CellSpacing: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableElement) CreateCaption ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) CreateCaption() *DOMHTMLElement
CreateCaption: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlElement: KitDOMHTMLElement.
func (*DOMHTMLTableElement) CreateTFoot ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) CreateTFoot() *DOMHTMLElement
CreateTFoot: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlElement: KitDOMHTMLElement.
func (*DOMHTMLTableElement) CreateTHead ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) CreateTHead() *DOMHTMLElement
CreateTHead: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlElement: KitDOMHTMLElement.
func (*DOMHTMLTableElement) DeleteCaption ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) DeleteCaption()
DeleteCaption: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMHTMLTableElement) DeleteRow ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) DeleteRow(index int32) error
DeleteRow: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- index: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLTableElement) DeleteTFoot ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) DeleteTFoot()
DeleteTFoot: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMHTMLTableElement) DeleteTHead ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) DeleteTHead()
DeleteTHead: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMHTMLTableElement) InsertRow ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) InsertRow(index int32) (*DOMHTMLElement, error)
InsertRow: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- index: #glong.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlElement: KitDOMHTMLElement.
func (*DOMHTMLTableElement) Rows ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) Rows() *DOMHTMLCollection
Rows: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlCollection: KitDOMHTMLCollection.
func (*DOMHTMLTableElement) Rules ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) Rules() string
Rules: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableElement) SetAlign ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) SetAlign(value string)
SetAlign: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableElement) SetBgColor ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) SetBgColor(value string)
SetBgColor: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableElement) SetBorder ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) SetBorder(value string)
SetBorder: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableElement) SetCaption ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) SetCaption(value *DOMHTMLTableCaptionElement) error
SetCaption: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: KitDOMHTMLTableCaptionElement.
func (*DOMHTMLTableElement) SetCellPadding ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) SetCellPadding(value string)
SetCellPadding: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableElement) SetCellSpacing ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) SetCellSpacing(value string)
SetCellSpacing: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableElement) SetRules ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) SetRules(value string)
SetRules: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableElement) SetSummary ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) SetSummary(value string)
SetSummary: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableElement) SetTFoot ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) SetTFoot(value *DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) error
SetTFoot: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: KitDOMHTMLTableSectionElement.
func (*DOMHTMLTableElement) SetTHead ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) SetTHead(value *DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) error
SetTHead: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: KitDOMHTMLTableSectionElement.
func (*DOMHTMLTableElement) SetWidth ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) SetWidth(value string)
SetWidth: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableElement) Summary ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) Summary() string
Summary: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableElement) TBodies ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) TBodies() *DOMHTMLCollection
TBodies: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlCollection: KitDOMHTMLCollection.
func (*DOMHTMLTableElement) TFoot ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) TFoot() *DOMHTMLTableSectionElement
TFoot: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlTableSectionElement: KitDOMHTMLTableSectionElement.
func (*DOMHTMLTableElement) THead ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) THead() *DOMHTMLTableSectionElement
THead: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlTableSectionElement: KitDOMHTMLTableSectionElement.
func (*DOMHTMLTableElement) Width ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableElement) Width() string
Width: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLTableElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLTableElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLTableElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLTableElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLTableElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLTableElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLTableElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLTableElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLTableRowElement ¶
type DOMHTMLTableRowElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLTableRowElement) Align ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableRowElement) Align() string
Align: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableRowElement) BgColor ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableRowElement) BgColor() string
BgColor: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableRowElement) Cells ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableRowElement) Cells() *DOMHTMLCollection
Cells: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlCollection: KitDOMHTMLCollection.
func (*DOMHTMLTableRowElement) Ch ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableRowElement) Ch() string
Ch: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableRowElement) ChOff ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableRowElement) ChOff() string
ChOff: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableRowElement) DeleteCell ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableRowElement) DeleteCell(index int32) error
DeleteCell: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- index: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLTableRowElement) InsertCell ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableRowElement) InsertCell(index int32) (*DOMHTMLElement, error)
InsertCell: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- index: #glong.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlElement: KitDOMHTMLElement.
func (*DOMHTMLTableRowElement) RowIndex ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableRowElement) RowIndex() int32
RowIndex: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLTableRowElement) SectionRowIndex ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableRowElement) SectionRowIndex() int32
SectionRowIndex: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLTableRowElement) SetAlign ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableRowElement) SetAlign(value string)
SetAlign: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableRowElement) SetBgColor ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableRowElement) SetBgColor(value string)
SetBgColor: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableRowElement) SetCh ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableRowElement) SetCh(value string)
SetCh: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableRowElement) SetChOff ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableRowElement) SetChOff(value string)
SetChOff: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableRowElement) SetVAlign ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableRowElement) SetVAlign(value string)
SetVAlign: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableRowElement) VAlign ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableRowElement) VAlign() string
VAlign: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLTableRowElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLTableRowElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLTableRowElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLTableRowElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLTableRowElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLTableRowElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLTableRowElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLTableRowElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLTableSectionElement ¶
type DOMHTMLTableSectionElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) Align ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) Align() string
Align: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) Ch ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) Ch() string
Ch: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) ChOff ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) ChOff() string
ChOff: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) DeleteRow ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) DeleteRow(index int32) error
DeleteRow: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- index: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) InsertRow ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) InsertRow(index int32) (*DOMHTMLElement, error)
InsertRow: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- index: #glong.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlElement: KitDOMHTMLElement.
func (*DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) Rows ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) Rows() *DOMHTMLCollection
Rows: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlCollection: KitDOMHTMLCollection.
func (*DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) SetAlign ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) SetAlign(value string)
SetAlign: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) SetCh ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) SetCh(value string)
SetCh: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) SetChOff ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) SetChOff(value string)
SetChOff: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) SetVAlign ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) SetVAlign(value string)
SetVAlign: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) VAlign ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) VAlign() string
VAlign: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLTableSectionElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLTableSectionElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLTableSectionElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLTableSectionElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLTableSectionElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLTableSectionElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLTableSectionElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLTableSectionElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLTextAreaElement ¶
type DOMHTMLTextAreaElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) AreaType ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) AreaType() string
AreaType: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) Autofocus ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) Autofocus() bool
Autofocus: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) Cols ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) Cols() int32
Cols: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) DefaultValue ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) DefaultValue() string
DefaultValue: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) Disabled ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) Disabled() bool
Disabled: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) Form ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) Form() *DOMHTMLFormElement
Form: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domhtmlFormElement: KitDOMHTMLFormElement.
func (*DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) IsEdited ¶
func (input *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) IsEdited() bool
IsEdited: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) Name ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) Name() string
Name: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) ReadOnly ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) ReadOnly() bool
ReadOnly: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) Rows ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) Rows() int32
Rows: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) Select ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) Select()
Select: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SelectionEnd ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SelectionEnd() int32
SelectionEnd: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SelectionStart ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SelectionStart() int32
SelectionStart: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SetAutofocus ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SetAutofocus(value bool)
SetAutofocus: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SetCols ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SetCols(value int32)
SetCols: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SetDefaultValue ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SetDefaultValue(value string)
SetDefaultValue: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SetDisabled ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SetDisabled(value bool)
SetDisabled: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SetName ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SetName(value string)
SetName: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SetReadOnly ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SetReadOnly(value bool)
SetReadOnly: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SetRows ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SetRows(value int32)
SetRows: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SetSelectionEnd ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SetSelectionEnd(value int32)
SetSelectionEnd: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SetSelectionRange ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SetSelectionRange(start, end int32, direction string)
SetSelectionRange: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- start: #glong.
- end: #glong.
- direction: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SetSelectionStart ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SetSelectionStart(value int32)
SetSelectionStart: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #glong.
func (*DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SetValue ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) SetValue(value string)
SetValue: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) Value ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) Value() string
Value: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) WillValidate ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) WillValidate() bool
WillValidate: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
type DOMHTMLTextAreaElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLTextAreaElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLTextAreaElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLTextAreaElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLTextAreaElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLTextAreaElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLTextAreaElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLTextAreaElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLTitleElement ¶
type DOMHTMLTitleElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLTitleElement) SetText ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTitleElement) SetText(value string)
SetText: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLTitleElement) Text ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLTitleElement) Text() string
Text: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLTitleElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLTitleElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLTitleElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLTitleElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLTitleElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLTitleElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLTitleElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLTitleElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMHTMLUListElement ¶
type DOMHTMLUListElement struct { DOMHTMLElement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMHTMLUListElement) Compact ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLUListElement) Compact() bool
Compact: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLUListElement) SetCompact ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLUListElement) SetCompact(value bool)
SetCompact: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMHTMLUListElement) SetTypeAttr ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLUListElement) SetTypeAttr(value string)
SetTypeAttr: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMHTMLUListElement) TypeAttr ¶
func (self *DOMHTMLUListElement) TypeAttr() string
TypeAttr: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMHTMLUListElementClass ¶
type DOMHTMLUListElementClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMHTMLUListElementClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMHTMLUListElementClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMHTMLUListElementClass) ParentClass() *DOMHTMLElementClass
type DOMHTMLUListElementOverrides ¶
type DOMHTMLUListElementOverrides struct { }
DOMHTMLUListElementOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMKeyboardEvent ¶
type DOMKeyboardEvent struct { DOMUIEvent // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMKeyboardEvent) AltGraphKey ¶
func (self *DOMKeyboardEvent) AltGraphKey() bool
AltGraphKey: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMKeyboardEvent) AltKey ¶
func (self *DOMKeyboardEvent) AltKey() bool
AltKey: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMKeyboardEvent) CtrlKey ¶
func (self *DOMKeyboardEvent) CtrlKey() bool
CtrlKey: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMKeyboardEvent) InitKeyboardEvent ¶
func (self *DOMKeyboardEvent) InitKeyboardEvent(typ string, canBubble, cancelable bool, view *DOMDOMWindow, keyIdentifier string, location uint32, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey, altGraphKey bool)
InitKeyboardEvent: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- typ: #gchar.
- canBubble: #gboolean.
- cancelable: #gboolean.
- view: KitDOMDOMWindow.
- keyIdentifier: #gchar.
- location: #gulong.
- ctrlKey: #gboolean.
- altKey: #gboolean.
- shiftKey: #gboolean.
- metaKey: #gboolean.
- altGraphKey: #gboolean.
func (*DOMKeyboardEvent) KeyIdentifier ¶
func (self *DOMKeyboardEvent) KeyIdentifier() string
KeyIdentifier: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMKeyboardEvent) KeyLocation ¶
func (self *DOMKeyboardEvent) KeyLocation() uint32
KeyLocation: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gulong: #gulong.
func (*DOMKeyboardEvent) MetaKey ¶
func (self *DOMKeyboardEvent) MetaKey() bool
MetaKey: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMKeyboardEvent) ModifierState ¶
func (self *DOMKeyboardEvent) ModifierState(keyIdentifierArg string) bool
ModifierState: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- keyIdentifierArg: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMKeyboardEvent) ShiftKey ¶
func (self *DOMKeyboardEvent) ShiftKey() bool
ShiftKey: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
type DOMKeyboardEventClass ¶
type DOMKeyboardEventClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMKeyboardEventClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMKeyboardEventClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMKeyboardEventClass) ParentClass() *DOMUIEventClass
type DOMKeyboardEventOverrides ¶
type DOMKeyboardEventOverrides struct { }
DOMKeyboardEventOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMMediaList ¶
type DOMMediaList struct { DOMObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMMediaList) AppendMedium ¶
func (self *DOMMediaList) AppendMedium(newMedium string) error
AppendMedium: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- newMedium: #gchar.
func (*DOMMediaList) DeleteMedium ¶
func (self *DOMMediaList) DeleteMedium(oldMedium string) error
DeleteMedium: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- oldMedium: #gchar.
func (*DOMMediaList) Item ¶
func (self *DOMMediaList) Item(index uint32) string
Item: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- index: #gulong.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMMediaList) Length ¶
func (self *DOMMediaList) Length() uint32
Length: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gulong: #gulong.
func (*DOMMediaList) MediaText ¶
func (self *DOMMediaList) MediaText() string
MediaText: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMMediaList) SetMediaText ¶
func (self *DOMMediaList) SetMediaText(value string) error
SetMediaText: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
type DOMMediaListClass ¶
type DOMMediaListClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMMediaListClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMMediaListClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMMediaListClass) ParentClass() *DOMObjectClass
type DOMMediaListOverrides ¶
type DOMMediaListOverrides struct { }
DOMMediaListOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMMouseEvent ¶
type DOMMouseEvent struct { DOMUIEvent // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMMouseEvent) AltKey ¶
func (self *DOMMouseEvent) AltKey() bool
AltKey: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMMouseEvent) Button ¶
func (self *DOMMouseEvent) Button() uint16
Button: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gushort: #gushort.
func (*DOMMouseEvent) ClientX ¶
func (self *DOMMouseEvent) ClientX() int32
ClientX: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMMouseEvent) ClientY ¶
func (self *DOMMouseEvent) ClientY() int32
ClientY: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMMouseEvent) CtrlKey ¶
func (self *DOMMouseEvent) CtrlKey() bool
CtrlKey: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMMouseEvent) FromElement ¶
func (self *DOMMouseEvent) FromElement() *DOMNode
FromElement: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMMouseEvent) InitMouseEvent ¶
func (self *DOMMouseEvent) InitMouseEvent(typ string, canBubble, cancelable bool, view *DOMDOMWindow, detail, screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY int32, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey bool, button uint16, relatedTarget DOMEventTargetter)
InitMouseEvent: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- typ: #gchar.
- canBubble: #gboolean.
- cancelable: #gboolean.
- view: KitDOMDOMWindow.
- detail: #glong.
- screenX: #glong.
- screenY: #glong.
- clientX: #glong.
- clientY: #glong.
- ctrlKey: #gboolean.
- altKey: #gboolean.
- shiftKey: #gboolean.
- metaKey: #gboolean.
- button: #gushort.
- relatedTarget: KitDOMEventTarget.
func (*DOMMouseEvent) MetaKey ¶
func (self *DOMMouseEvent) MetaKey() bool
MetaKey: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMMouseEvent) OffsetX ¶
func (self *DOMMouseEvent) OffsetX() int32
OffsetX: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMMouseEvent) OffsetY ¶
func (self *DOMMouseEvent) OffsetY() int32
OffsetY: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMMouseEvent) RelatedTarget ¶
func (self *DOMMouseEvent) RelatedTarget() *DOMEventTarget
RelatedTarget: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domEventTarget: KitDOMEventTarget.
func (*DOMMouseEvent) ScreenX ¶
func (self *DOMMouseEvent) ScreenX() int32
ScreenX: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMMouseEvent) ScreenY ¶
func (self *DOMMouseEvent) ScreenY() int32
ScreenY: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMMouseEvent) ShiftKey ¶
func (self *DOMMouseEvent) ShiftKey() bool
ShiftKey: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMMouseEvent) ToElement ¶
func (self *DOMMouseEvent) ToElement() *DOMNode
ToElement: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMMouseEvent) X ¶
func (self *DOMMouseEvent) X() int32
X: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMMouseEvent) Y ¶
func (self *DOMMouseEvent) Y() int32
Y: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
type DOMMouseEventClass ¶
type DOMMouseEventClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMMouseEventClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMMouseEventClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMMouseEventClass) ParentClass() *DOMUIEventClass
type DOMMouseEventOverrides ¶
type DOMMouseEventOverrides struct { }
DOMMouseEventOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMNamedNodeMap ¶
type DOMNamedNodeMap struct { DOMObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMNamedNodeMap) Item ¶
func (self *DOMNamedNodeMap) Item(index uint32) *DOMNode
Item: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- index: #gulong.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMNamedNodeMap) Length ¶
func (self *DOMNamedNodeMap) Length() uint32
Length: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gulong: #gulong.
func (*DOMNamedNodeMap) NamedItem ¶
func (self *DOMNamedNodeMap) NamedItem(name string) *DOMNode
NamedItem: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- name: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMNamedNodeMap) NamedItemNs ¶
func (self *DOMNamedNodeMap) NamedItemNs(namespaceURI, localName string) *DOMNode
NamedItemNs: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- namespaceURI: #gchar.
- localName: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMNamedNodeMap) RemoveNamedItem ¶
func (self *DOMNamedNodeMap) RemoveNamedItem(name string) (*DOMNode, error)
RemoveNamedItem: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- name: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMNamedNodeMap) RemoveNamedItemNs ¶
func (self *DOMNamedNodeMap) RemoveNamedItemNs(namespaceURI, localName string) (*DOMNode, error)
RemoveNamedItemNs: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- namespaceURI: #gchar.
- localName: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMNamedNodeMap) SetNamedItem ¶
func (self *DOMNamedNodeMap) SetNamedItem(node *DOMNode) (*DOMNode, error)
SetNamedItem: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- node: KitDOMNode.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMNamedNodeMap) SetNamedItemNs ¶
func (self *DOMNamedNodeMap) SetNamedItemNs(node *DOMNode) (*DOMNode, error)
SetNamedItemNs: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- node: KitDOMNode.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
type DOMNamedNodeMapClass ¶
type DOMNamedNodeMapClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMNamedNodeMapClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMNamedNodeMapClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMNamedNodeMapClass) ParentClass() *DOMObjectClass
type DOMNamedNodeMapOverrides ¶
type DOMNamedNodeMapOverrides struct { }
DOMNamedNodeMapOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMNode ¶
type DOMNode struct { DOMObject *coreglib.Object DOMEventTarget // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func DOMNodeForJsValue
func DOMNodeForJsValue(value *javascriptcore.Value) *DOMNode
DOMNodeForJsValue: get the KitDOMNode for the DOM node referenced by value.
Deprecated: since version 2.40.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: CValue.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode or NULL if value doesn't reference a DOM node.
func (*DOMNode) AppendChild ¶
AppendChild: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- newChild: KitDOMNode.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMNode) BaseURI ¶
BaseURI: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMNode) ChildNodes ¶
func (self *DOMNode) ChildNodes() *DOMNodeList
ChildNodes: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNodeList: KitDOMNodeList.
func (*DOMNode) CloneNode ¶
CloneNode: deprecated: Use webkit_dom_node_clone_node_with_error() instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- deep: #gboolean.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMNode) CloneNodeWithError ¶
CloneNodeWithError: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- deep: #gboolean.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMNode) CompareDocumentPosition ¶
CompareDocumentPosition: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- other: KitDOMNode.
The function returns the following values:
- gushort: #gushort.
func (*DOMNode) Contains ¶
Contains: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- other: KitDOMNode.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMNode) FirstChild ¶
FirstChild: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMNode) HasChildNodes ¶
HasChildNodes: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMNode) InsertBefore ¶
InsertBefore: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- newChild: KitDOMNode.
- refChild (optional): KitDOMNode.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMNode) IsDefaultNamespace ¶
IsDefaultNamespace: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- namespaceURI: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMNode) IsEqualNode ¶
IsEqualNode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- other: KitDOMNode.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMNode) IsSameNode ¶
IsSameNode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- other: KitDOMNode.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMNode) IsSupported ¶
IsSupported: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- feature: #gchar.
- version: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMNode) LastChild ¶
LastChild: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMNode) LocalName ¶
LocalName: deprecated: Use webkit_dom_attr_get_local_name() or webkit_dom_element_get_local_name() instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMNode) LookupNamespaceURI ¶
LookupNamespaceURI: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- prefix: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMNode) LookupPrefix ¶
LookupPrefix: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- namespaceURI: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMNode) NamespaceURI ¶
NamespaceURI: deprecated: Use webkit_dom_attr_get_namespace_uri() or webkit_dom_element_get_namespace_uri() instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMNode) NextSibling ¶
NextSibling: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMNode) NodeName ¶
NodeName: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMNode) NodeType ¶
NodeType: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gushort: #gushort.
func (*DOMNode) NodeValue ¶
NodeValue: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMNode) Normalize ¶
func (self *DOMNode) Normalize()
Normalize: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMNode) OwnerDocument ¶
func (self *DOMNode) OwnerDocument() *DOMDocument
OwnerDocument: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domDocument: KitDOMDocument.
func (*DOMNode) ParentElement ¶
func (self *DOMNode) ParentElement() *DOMElement
ParentElement: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domElement: KitDOMElement.
func (*DOMNode) ParentNode ¶
ParentNode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMNode) Prefix ¶
Prefix: deprecated: Use webkit_dom_attr_get_prefix() or webkit_dom_element_get_prefix() instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMNode) PreviousSibling ¶
PreviousSibling: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMNode) RemoveChild ¶
RemoveChild: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- oldChild: KitDOMNode.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMNode) ReplaceChild ¶
ReplaceChild: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- newChild: KitDOMNode.
- oldChild: KitDOMNode.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMNode) SetNodeValue ¶
SetNodeValue: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMNode) SetPrefix ¶
SetPrefix: deprecated: since version 2.14.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMNode) SetTextContent ¶
SetTextContent: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gchar.
func (*DOMNode) TextContent ¶
TextContent: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMNodeClass ¶
type DOMNodeClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMNodeClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMNodeClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMNodeClass) ParentClass() *DOMObjectClass
type DOMNodeFilter ¶
DOMNodeFilter wraps an interface. This means the user can get the underlying type by calling Cast().
func (*DOMNodeFilter) AcceptNode ¶
func (filter *DOMNodeFilter) AcceptNode(node *DOMNode) int16
AcceptNode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- node: KitDOMNode.
The function returns the following values:
- gshort: #gshort.
type DOMNodeFilterIface ¶
type DOMNodeFilterIface struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMNodeFilterIface: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
type DOMNodeFilterer ¶
type DOMNodeFilterer interface { coreglib.Objector // AcceptNode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead. AcceptNode(node *DOMNode) int16 }
DOMNodeFilterer describes DOMNodeFilter's interface methods.
type DOMNodeIterator ¶
type DOMNodeIterator struct { DOMObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMNodeIterator) Detach ¶
func (self *DOMNodeIterator) Detach()
Detach: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMNodeIterator) ExpandEntityReferences
func (self *DOMNodeIterator) ExpandEntityReferences() bool
ExpandEntityReferences: this function has been removed from the DOM spec and it just returns FALSE.
Deprecated: since version 2.12.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean *.
func (*DOMNodeIterator) Filter ¶
func (self *DOMNodeIterator) Filter() *DOMNodeFilter
Filter: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNodeFilter: KitDOMNodeFilter.
func (*DOMNodeIterator) NextNode ¶
func (self *DOMNodeIterator) NextNode() (*DOMNode, error)
NextNode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMNodeIterator) PointerBeforeReferenceNode ¶
func (self *DOMNodeIterator) PointerBeforeReferenceNode() bool
PointerBeforeReferenceNode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMNodeIterator) PreviousNode ¶
func (self *DOMNodeIterator) PreviousNode() (*DOMNode, error)
PreviousNode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMNodeIterator) ReferenceNode ¶
func (self *DOMNodeIterator) ReferenceNode() *DOMNode
ReferenceNode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMNodeIterator) Root ¶
func (self *DOMNodeIterator) Root() *DOMNode
Root: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMNodeIterator) WhatToShow ¶
func (self *DOMNodeIterator) WhatToShow() uint32
WhatToShow: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gulong: #gulong.
type DOMNodeIteratorClass ¶
type DOMNodeIteratorClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMNodeIteratorClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMNodeIteratorClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMNodeIteratorClass) ParentClass() *DOMObjectClass
type DOMNodeIteratorOverrides ¶
type DOMNodeIteratorOverrides struct { }
DOMNodeIteratorOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMNodeList ¶
type DOMNodeList struct { DOMObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMNodeList) Item ¶
func (self *DOMNodeList) Item(index uint32) *DOMNode
Item: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- index: #gulong.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMNodeList) Length ¶
func (self *DOMNodeList) Length() uint32
Length: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gulong: #gulong.
type DOMNodeListClass ¶
type DOMNodeListClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMNodeListClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMNodeListClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMNodeListClass) ParentClass() *DOMObjectClass
type DOMNodeListOverrides ¶
type DOMNodeListOverrides struct { }
DOMNodeListOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMNodeOverrides ¶
type DOMNodeOverrides struct { }
DOMNodeOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMObjectClass ¶
type DOMObjectClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMObjectClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
type DOMObjectOverrides ¶
type DOMObjectOverrides struct { }
DOMObjectOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMProcessingInstruction ¶
type DOMProcessingInstruction struct { DOMCharacterData // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMProcessingInstruction) Sheet ¶
func (self *DOMProcessingInstruction) Sheet() *DOMStyleSheet
Sheet: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domStyleSheet: KitDOMStyleSheet.
func (*DOMProcessingInstruction) Target ¶
func (self *DOMProcessingInstruction) Target() string
Target: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMProcessingInstructionClass ¶
type DOMProcessingInstructionClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMProcessingInstructionClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMProcessingInstructionClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMProcessingInstructionClass) ParentClass() *DOMCharacterDataClass
type DOMProcessingInstructionOverrides ¶
type DOMProcessingInstructionOverrides struct { }
DOMProcessingInstructionOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMRange ¶
type DOMRange struct { DOMObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMRange) CloneContents ¶
func (self *DOMRange) CloneContents() (*DOMDocumentFragment, error)
CloneContents: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domDocumentFragment: KitDOMDocumentFragment.
func (*DOMRange) CloneRange ¶
CloneRange: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domRange: KitDOMRange.
func (*DOMRange) Collapse ¶
Collapse: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- toStart: #gboolean.
func (*DOMRange) CommonAncestorContainer ¶
CommonAncestorContainer: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMRange) CompareBoundaryPoints ¶
CompareBoundaryPoints: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- how: #gushort.
- sourceRange: KitDOMRange.
The function returns the following values:
- gshort: #gshort.
func (*DOMRange) CompareNode ¶
CompareNode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- refNode: KitDOMNode.
The function returns the following values:
- gshort: #gshort.
func (*DOMRange) ComparePoint ¶
ComparePoint: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- refNode: KitDOMNode.
- offset: #glong.
The function returns the following values:
- gshort: #gshort.
func (*DOMRange) CreateContextualFragment ¶
func (self *DOMRange) CreateContextualFragment(html string) (*DOMDocumentFragment, error)
CreateContextualFragment: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- html: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domDocumentFragment: KitDOMDocumentFragment.
func (*DOMRange) DeleteContents ¶
DeleteContents: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMRange) EndContainer ¶
EndContainer: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMRange) EndOffset ¶
EndOffset: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMRange) Expand ¶
Expand: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- unit: #gchar.
func (*DOMRange) ExtractContents ¶
func (self *DOMRange) ExtractContents() (*DOMDocumentFragment, error)
ExtractContents: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domDocumentFragment: KitDOMDocumentFragment.
func (*DOMRange) InsertNode ¶
InsertNode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- newNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMRange) IntersectsNode ¶
IntersectsNode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- refNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMRange) IsPointInRange ¶
IsPointInRange: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- refNode: KitDOMNode.
- offset: #glong.
func (*DOMRange) SelectNode ¶
SelectNode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- refNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMRange) SelectNodeContents ¶
SelectNodeContents: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- refNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMRange) SetEnd ¶
SetEnd: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- refNode: KitDOMNode.
- offset: #glong.
func (*DOMRange) SetEndAfter ¶
SetEndAfter: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- refNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMRange) SetEndBefore ¶
SetEndBefore: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- refNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMRange) SetStart ¶
SetStart: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- refNode: KitDOMNode.
- offset: #glong.
func (*DOMRange) SetStartAfter ¶
SetStartAfter: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- refNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMRange) SetStartBefore ¶
SetStartBefore: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- refNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMRange) StartContainer ¶
StartContainer: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMRange) StartOffset ¶
StartOffset: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMRange) String ¶
String: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMRange) SurroundContents ¶
SurroundContents: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- newParent: KitDOMNode.
type DOMRangeClass ¶
type DOMRangeClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMRangeClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMRangeClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMRangeClass) ParentClass() *DOMObjectClass
type DOMRangeOverrides ¶
type DOMRangeOverrides struct { }
DOMRangeOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMStyleSheet ¶
type DOMStyleSheet struct { DOMObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMStyleSheet) ContentType ¶
func (self *DOMStyleSheet) ContentType() string
ContentType: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMStyleSheet) Disabled ¶
func (self *DOMStyleSheet) Disabled() bool
Disabled: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMStyleSheet) Href ¶
func (self *DOMStyleSheet) Href() string
Href: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
func (*DOMStyleSheet) Media ¶
func (self *DOMStyleSheet) Media() *DOMMediaList
Media: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domMediaList: KitDOMMediaList.
func (*DOMStyleSheet) OwnerNode ¶
func (self *DOMStyleSheet) OwnerNode() *DOMNode
OwnerNode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMStyleSheet) ParentStyleSheet ¶
func (self *DOMStyleSheet) ParentStyleSheet() *DOMStyleSheet
ParentStyleSheet: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domStyleSheet: KitDOMStyleSheet.
func (*DOMStyleSheet) SetDisabled ¶
func (self *DOMStyleSheet) SetDisabled(value bool)
SetDisabled: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: #gboolean.
func (*DOMStyleSheet) Title ¶
func (self *DOMStyleSheet) Title() string
Title: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMStyleSheetClass ¶
type DOMStyleSheetClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMStyleSheetClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMStyleSheetClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMStyleSheetClass) ParentClass() *DOMObjectClass
type DOMStyleSheetList ¶
type DOMStyleSheetList struct { DOMObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMStyleSheetList) Item ¶
func (self *DOMStyleSheetList) Item(index uint32) *DOMStyleSheet
Item: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- index: #gulong.
The function returns the following values:
- domStyleSheet: KitDOMStyleSheet.
func (*DOMStyleSheetList) Length ¶
func (self *DOMStyleSheetList) Length() uint32
Length: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gulong: #gulong.
type DOMStyleSheetListClass ¶
type DOMStyleSheetListClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMStyleSheetListClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMStyleSheetListClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMStyleSheetListClass) ParentClass() *DOMObjectClass
type DOMStyleSheetListOverrides ¶
type DOMStyleSheetListOverrides struct { }
DOMStyleSheetListOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMStyleSheetOverrides ¶
type DOMStyleSheetOverrides struct { }
DOMStyleSheetOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMText ¶
type DOMText struct { DOMCharacterData // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMText) ReplaceWholeText ¶
ReplaceWholeText: deprecated: since version 2.14.
The function takes the following parameters:
- content: #gchar.
The function returns the following values:
- domText: KitDOMText.
type DOMTextClass ¶
type DOMTextClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMTextClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMTextClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMTextClass) ParentClass() *DOMCharacterDataClass
type DOMTextOverrides ¶
type DOMTextOverrides struct { }
DOMTextOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMTreeWalker ¶
type DOMTreeWalker struct { DOMObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMTreeWalker) CurrentNode ¶
func (self *DOMTreeWalker) CurrentNode() *DOMNode
CurrentNode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMTreeWalker) ExpandEntityReferences
func (self *DOMTreeWalker) ExpandEntityReferences() bool
ExpandEntityReferences: this function has been removed from the DOM spec and it just returns FALSE.
Deprecated: since version 2.12.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMTreeWalker) Filter ¶
func (self *DOMTreeWalker) Filter() *DOMNodeFilter
Filter: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNodeFilter: KitDOMNodeFilter.
func (*DOMTreeWalker) FirstChild ¶
func (self *DOMTreeWalker) FirstChild() *DOMNode
FirstChild: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMTreeWalker) LastChild ¶
func (self *DOMTreeWalker) LastChild() *DOMNode
LastChild: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMTreeWalker) NextNode ¶
func (self *DOMTreeWalker) NextNode() *DOMNode
NextNode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMTreeWalker) NextSibling ¶
func (self *DOMTreeWalker) NextSibling() *DOMNode
NextSibling: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMTreeWalker) ParentNode ¶
func (self *DOMTreeWalker) ParentNode() *DOMNode
ParentNode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMTreeWalker) PreviousNode ¶
func (self *DOMTreeWalker) PreviousNode() *DOMNode
PreviousNode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMTreeWalker) PreviousSibling ¶
func (self *DOMTreeWalker) PreviousSibling() *DOMNode
PreviousSibling: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMTreeWalker) Root ¶
func (self *DOMTreeWalker) Root() *DOMNode
Root: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMTreeWalker) SetCurrentNode ¶
func (self *DOMTreeWalker) SetCurrentNode(value *DOMNode) error
SetCurrentNode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- value: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMTreeWalker) WhatToShow ¶
func (self *DOMTreeWalker) WhatToShow() uint32
WhatToShow: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gulong: #gulong.
type DOMTreeWalkerClass ¶
type DOMTreeWalkerClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMTreeWalkerClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMTreeWalkerClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMTreeWalkerClass) ParentClass() *DOMObjectClass
type DOMTreeWalkerOverrides ¶
type DOMTreeWalkerOverrides struct { }
DOMTreeWalkerOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMUIEvent ¶
type DOMUIEvent struct { DOMEvent // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMUIEvent) CharCode ¶
func (self *DOMUIEvent) CharCode() int32
CharCode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMUIEvent) Detail ¶
func (self *DOMUIEvent) Detail() int32
Detail: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMUIEvent) InitUiEvent ¶
func (self *DOMUIEvent) InitUiEvent(typ string, canBubble, cancelable bool, view *DOMDOMWindow, detail int32)
InitUiEvent: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- typ: #gchar.
- canBubble: #gboolean.
- cancelable: #gboolean.
- view: KitDOMDOMWindow.
- detail: #glong.
func (*DOMUIEvent) KeyCode ¶
func (self *DOMUIEvent) KeyCode() int32
KeyCode: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMUIEvent) LayerX ¶
func (self *DOMUIEvent) LayerX() int32
LayerX: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMUIEvent) LayerY ¶
func (self *DOMUIEvent) LayerY() int32
LayerY: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMUIEvent) PageX ¶
func (self *DOMUIEvent) PageX() int32
PageX: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMUIEvent) PageY ¶
func (self *DOMUIEvent) PageY() int32
PageY: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMUIEvent) View ¶
func (self *DOMUIEvent) View() *DOMDOMWindow
View: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domdomWindow: KitDOMDOMWindow.
type DOMUIEventClass ¶
type DOMUIEventClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMUIEventClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMUIEventClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMUIEventClass) ParentClass() *DOMEventClass
type DOMUIEventOverrides ¶
type DOMUIEventOverrides struct { }
DOMUIEventOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMWheelEvent ¶
type DOMWheelEvent struct { DOMMouseEvent // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMWheelEvent) InitWheelEvent ¶
func (self *DOMWheelEvent) InitWheelEvent(wheelDeltaX, wheelDeltaY int32, view *DOMDOMWindow, screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY int32, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey bool)
InitWheelEvent: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- wheelDeltaX: #glong.
- wheelDeltaY: #glong.
- view: KitDOMDOMWindow.
- screenX: #glong.
- screenY: #glong.
- clientX: #glong.
- clientY: #glong.
- ctrlKey: #gboolean.
- altKey: #gboolean.
- shiftKey: #gboolean.
- metaKey: #gboolean.
func (*DOMWheelEvent) WheelDelta ¶
func (self *DOMWheelEvent) WheelDelta() int32
WheelDelta: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMWheelEvent) WheelDeltaX ¶
func (self *DOMWheelEvent) WheelDeltaX() int32
WheelDeltaX: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
func (*DOMWheelEvent) WheelDeltaY ¶
func (self *DOMWheelEvent) WheelDeltaY() int32
WheelDeltaY: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- glong: #glong.
type DOMWheelEventClass ¶
type DOMWheelEventClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMWheelEventClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMWheelEventClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMWheelEventClass) ParentClass() *DOMMouseEventClass
type DOMWheelEventOverrides ¶
type DOMWheelEventOverrides struct { }
DOMWheelEventOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMXPathExpression ¶
type DOMXPathExpression struct { DOMObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMXPathExpression) Evaluate ¶
func (self *DOMXPathExpression) Evaluate(contextNode *DOMNode, typ uint16, inResult *DOMXPathResult) (*DOMXPathResult, error)
Evaluate: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- contextNode: KitDOMNode.
- typ: #gushort.
- inResult: KitDOMXPathResult.
The function returns the following values:
- domxPathResult: KitDOMXPathResult.
type DOMXPathExpressionClass ¶
type DOMXPathExpressionClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMXPathExpressionClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMXPathExpressionClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMXPathExpressionClass) ParentClass() *DOMObjectClass
type DOMXPathExpressionOverrides ¶
type DOMXPathExpressionOverrides struct { }
DOMXPathExpressionOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type DOMXPathNSResolver ¶
DOMXPathNSResolver wraps an interface. This means the user can get the underlying type by calling Cast().
func (*DOMXPathNSResolver) LookupNamespaceURI ¶
func (resolver *DOMXPathNSResolver) LookupNamespaceURI(prefix string) string
LookupNamespaceURI: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- prefix to lookup.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMXPathNSResolverIface ¶
type DOMXPathNSResolverIface struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMXPathNSResolverIface: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
type DOMXPathNSResolverer ¶
type DOMXPathNSResolverer interface { coreglib.Objector // LookupNamespaceURI: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead. LookupNamespaceURI(prefix string) string }
DOMXPathNSResolverer describes DOMXPathNSResolver's interface methods.
type DOMXPathResult ¶
type DOMXPathResult struct { DOMObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DOMXPathResult) BooleanValue ¶
func (self *DOMXPathResult) BooleanValue() error
BooleanValue: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
func (*DOMXPathResult) InvalidIteratorState ¶
func (self *DOMXPathResult) InvalidIteratorState() bool
InvalidIteratorState: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: #gboolean.
func (*DOMXPathResult) IterateNext ¶
func (self *DOMXPathResult) IterateNext() (*DOMNode, error)
IterateNext: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMXPathResult) NumberValue ¶
func (self *DOMXPathResult) NumberValue() (float64, error)
NumberValue: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gdouble: #gdouble.
func (*DOMXPathResult) ResultType ¶
func (self *DOMXPathResult) ResultType() uint16
ResultType: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gushort: #gushort.
func (*DOMXPathResult) SingleNodeValue ¶
func (self *DOMXPathResult) SingleNodeValue() (*DOMNode, error)
SingleNodeValue: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMXPathResult) SnapshotItem ¶
func (self *DOMXPathResult) SnapshotItem(index uint32) (*DOMNode, error)
SnapshotItem: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function takes the following parameters:
- index: #gulong.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
func (*DOMXPathResult) SnapshotLength ¶
func (self *DOMXPathResult) SnapshotLength() (uint32, error)
SnapshotLength: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- gulong: #gulong.
func (*DOMXPathResult) StringValue ¶
func (self *DOMXPathResult) StringValue() (string, error)
StringValue: deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: #gchar.
type DOMXPathResultClass ¶
type DOMXPathResultClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DOMXPathResultClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*DOMXPathResultClass) ParentClass ¶
func (d *DOMXPathResultClass) ParentClass() *DOMObjectClass
type DOMXPathResultOverrides ¶
type DOMXPathResultOverrides struct { }
DOMXPathResultOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type FormSubmissionStep
FormSubmissionStep: used to indicate a particular stage in form submission. See KitWebPage::will-submit-form.
Deprecated: since version 2.40.
const ( // FormSubmissionWillSendDomEvent indicates the form's DOM submit event is // about to be emitted. FormSubmissionWillSendDomEvent FormSubmissionStep = iota // FormSubmissionWillComplete indicates the form is about to be submitted. FormSubmissionWillComplete )
func (FormSubmissionStep) String ¶
func (f FormSubmissionStep) String() string
String returns the name in string for FormSubmissionStep.
type Frame ¶
Frame: web page frame.
Each WebKitWebPage has at least one main frame, and can have any number of subframes.
func (*Frame) ID ¶
ID gets the process-unique identifier of this KitFrame. No other frame in the same web process will have the same ID; however, frames in other web processes may.
The function returns the following values:
- guint64: identifier of frame.
func (*Frame) IsMainFrame ¶
IsMainFrame gets whether frame is the main frame of a KitWebPage.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: TRUE if frame is a main frame or FALSE otherwise.
func (*Frame) JsContext ¶
func (frame *Frame) JsContext() *javascriptcore.Context
JsContext: get the JavaScript execution context of frame. Use this function to bridge between the WebKit and JavaScriptCore APIs.
The function returns the following values:
- context for the JavaScript execution context of frame.
func (*Frame) JsContextForScriptWorld ¶
func (frame *Frame) JsContextForScriptWorld(world *ScriptWorld) *javascriptcore.Context
JsContextForScriptWorld: get the JavaScript execution context of frame for the given KitScriptWorld.
The function takes the following parameters:
- world: KitScriptWorld.
The function returns the following values:
- context for the JavaScript execution context of frame for world.
func (*Frame) JsValueForDomObject
JsValueForDomObject: get a CValue referencing the given DOM object. The value is created in the JavaScript execution context of frame.
Deprecated: since version 2.40.
The function takes the following parameters:
- domObject: KitDOMObject.
The function returns the following values:
- value referencing dom_object.
func (*Frame) JsValueForDomObjectInScriptWorld
func (frame *Frame) JsValueForDomObjectInScriptWorld(domObject *DOMObject, world *ScriptWorld) *javascriptcore.Value
JsValueForDomObjectInScriptWorld: get a CValue referencing the given DOM object. The value is created in the JavaScript execution context of frame for the given KitScriptWorld.
Deprecated: since version 2.40.
The function takes the following parameters:
- domObject: KitDOMObject.
- world: KitScriptWorld.
The function returns the following values:
- value referencing dom_object.
type FrameClass ¶
type FrameClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FrameClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
type FrameOverrides ¶
type FrameOverrides struct { }
FrameOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type HitTestResult ¶
HitTestResult: result of a Hit Test.
A Hit Test is an operation to get context information about a given point in a KitWebView. KitHitTestResult represents the result of a Hit Test. It provides context information about what is at the coordinates of the Hit Test, such as if there's a link, an image or a media.
You can get the context of the HitTestResult with webkit_hit_test_result_get_context() that returns a bitmask of KitHitTestResultContext flags. You can also use webkit_hit_test_result_context_is_link(), webkit_hit_test_result_context_is_image() and webkit_hit_test_result_context_is_media() to determine whether there's a link, image or a media element at the coordinates of the Hit Test. Note that it's possible that several KitHitTestResultContext flags are active at the same time, for example if there's a link containing an image.
When the mouse is moved over a KitWebView a Hit Test is performed for the mouse coordinates and KitWebView::mouse-target-changed signal is emitted with a KitHitTestResult.
func (*HitTestResult) Context ¶
func (hitTestResult *HitTestResult) Context() uint
Context gets the value of the KitHitTestResult:context property.
The function returns the following values:
- guint: bitmask of KitHitTestResultContext flags.
func (*HitTestResult) ContextIsEditable ¶
func (hitTestResult *HitTestResult) ContextIsEditable() bool
ContextIsEditable gets whether WEBKIT_HIT_TEST_RESULT_CONTEXT_EDITABLE flag is present in KitHitTestResult:context.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: TRUE if there's an editable element at the coordinates of the hit_test_result, or FALSE otherwise.
func (*HitTestResult) ContextIsImage ¶
func (hitTestResult *HitTestResult) ContextIsImage() bool
ContextIsImage gets whether WEBKIT_HIT_TEST_RESULT_CONTEXT_IMAGE flag is present in KitHitTestResult:context.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: TRUE if there's an image element in the coordinates of the Hit Test, or FALSE otherwise.
func (*HitTestResult) ContextIsLink ¶
func (hitTestResult *HitTestResult) ContextIsLink() bool
ContextIsLink gets whether WEBKIT_HIT_TEST_RESULT_CONTEXT_LINK flag is present in KitHitTestResult:context.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: TRUE if there's a link element in the coordinates of the Hit Test, or FALSE otherwise.
func (*HitTestResult) ContextIsMedia ¶
func (hitTestResult *HitTestResult) ContextIsMedia() bool
ContextIsMedia gets whether WEBKIT_HIT_TEST_RESULT_CONTEXT_MEDIA flag is present in KitHitTestResult:context.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: TRUE if there's a media element in the coordinates of the Hit Test, or FALSE otherwise.
func (*HitTestResult) ContextIsScrollbar ¶
func (hitTestResult *HitTestResult) ContextIsScrollbar() bool
ContextIsScrollbar gets whether WEBKIT_HIT_TEST_RESULT_CONTEXT_SCROLLBAR flag is present in KitHitTestResult:context.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: TRUE if there's a scrollbar element at the coordinates of the hit_test_result, or FALSE otherwise.
func (*HitTestResult) ContextIsSelection ¶
func (hitTestResult *HitTestResult) ContextIsSelection() bool
ContextIsSelection gets whether WEBKIT_HIT_TEST_RESULT_CONTEXT_SELECTION flag is present in KitHitTestResult:context.
The function returns the following values:
- ok: TRUE if there's a selected element at the coordinates of the hit_test_result, or FALSE otherwise.
func (*HitTestResult) ImageURI ¶
func (hitTestResult *HitTestResult) ImageURI() string
ImageURI gets the value of the KitHitTestResult:image-uri property.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: URI of the image element in the coordinates of the Hit Test, or NULL if there isn't an image element in hit_test_result context.
func (*HitTestResult) LinkLabel ¶
func (hitTestResult *HitTestResult) LinkLabel() string
LinkLabel gets the value of the KitHitTestResult:link-label property.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: label of the link element in the coordinates of the Hit Test, or NULL if there isn't a link element in hit_test_result context or the link element doesn't have a label.
func (*HitTestResult) LinkTitle ¶
func (hitTestResult *HitTestResult) LinkTitle() string
LinkTitle gets the value of the KitHitTestResult:link-title property.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: title of the link element in the coordinates of the Hit Test, or NULL if there isn't a link element in hit_test_result context or the link element doesn't have a title.
func (*HitTestResult) LinkURI ¶
func (hitTestResult *HitTestResult) LinkURI() string
LinkURI gets the value of the KitHitTestResult:link-uri property.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: URI of the link element in the coordinates of the Hit Test, or NULL if there isn't a link element in hit_test_result context.
func (*HitTestResult) MediaURI ¶
func (hitTestResult *HitTestResult) MediaURI() string
MediaURI gets the value of the KitHitTestResult:media-uri property.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: URI of the media element in the coordinates of the Hit Test, or NULL if there isn't a media element in hit_test_result context.
type HitTestResultClass ¶
type HitTestResultClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
HitTestResultClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
type HitTestResultContext ¶
HitTestResultContext: enum values with flags representing the context of a KitHitTestResult.
const ( // HitTestResultContextDocument: anywhere in the document. HitTestResultContextDocument HitTestResultContext = 0b10 // HitTestResultContextLink: hyperlink element. HitTestResultContextLink HitTestResultContext = 0b100 // HitTestResultContextImage: image element. HitTestResultContextImage HitTestResultContext = 0b1000 // HitTestResultContextMedia: video or audio element. HitTestResultContextMedia HitTestResultContext = 0b10000 // HitTestResultContextEditable: editable element. HitTestResultContextEditable HitTestResultContext = 0b100000 // HitTestResultContextScrollbar: scrollbar element. HitTestResultContextScrollbar HitTestResultContext = 0b1000000 // HitTestResultContextSelection: selected element. Since 2.8. HitTestResultContextSelection HitTestResultContext = 0b10000000 )
func (HitTestResultContext) Has ¶
func (h HitTestResultContext) Has(other HitTestResultContext) bool
Has returns true if h contains other.
func (HitTestResultContext) String ¶
func (h HitTestResultContext) String() string
String returns the names in string for HitTestResultContext.
type HitTestResultOverrides ¶
type HitTestResultOverrides struct { }
HitTestResultOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type ScriptWorld ¶
func NewScriptWorld ¶
func NewScriptWorld() *ScriptWorld
NewScriptWorld creates a new isolated KitScriptWorld. Scripts executed in isolated worlds have access to the DOM but not to other variable or functions created by the page. The KitScriptWorld is created with a generated unique name. Use webkit_script_world_new_with_name() if you want to create it with a custom name. You can get the JavaScript execution context of a KitScriptWorld for a given KitFrame with webkit_frame_get_javascript_context_for_script_world().
The function returns the following values:
- scriptWorld: new isolated KitScriptWorld.
func NewScriptWorldWithName ¶
func NewScriptWorldWithName(name string) *ScriptWorld
NewScriptWorldWithName creates a new isolated KitScriptWorld with a name. Scripts executed in isolated worlds have access to the DOM but not to other variable or functions created by the page. You can get the JavaScript execution context of a KitScriptWorld for a given KitFrame with webkit_frame_get_javascript_context_for_script_world().
The function takes the following parameters:
- name for the script world.
The function returns the following values:
- scriptWorld: new isolated KitScriptWorld.
func ScriptWorldGetDefault ¶
func ScriptWorldGetDefault() *ScriptWorld
ScriptWorldGetDefault: get the default KitScriptWorld. This is the normal script world where all scripts are executed by default. You can get the JavaScript execution context of a KitScriptWorld for a given KitFrame with webkit_frame_get_javascript_context_for_script_world().
The function returns the following values:
- scriptWorld: default KitScriptWorld.
func (*ScriptWorld) ConnectWindowObjectCleared ¶
func (world *ScriptWorld) ConnectWindowObjectCleared(f func(page *WebPage, frame *Frame)) coreglib.SignalHandle
ConnectWindowObjectCleared is emitted when the JavaScript window object in a KitScriptWorld has been cleared. This is the preferred place to set custom properties on the window object using the JavaScriptCore API. You can get the window object of frame from the JavaScript execution context of world that is returned by webkit_frame_get_js_context_for_script_world().
func (*ScriptWorld) Name ¶
func (world *ScriptWorld) Name() string
Name: get the name of a KitScriptWorld.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: name of world.
type ScriptWorldClass ¶
type ScriptWorldClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ScriptWorldClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
type ScriptWorldOverrides ¶
type ScriptWorldOverrides struct { }
ScriptWorldOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type URIRequest ¶
URIRequest represents a URI request.
A KitURIRequest can be created with a URI using the webkit_uri_request_new() method, and you can get the URI of an existing request with the webkit_uri_request_get_uri() one.
func NewURIRequest ¶
func NewURIRequest(uri string) *URIRequest
NewURIRequest creates a new KitURIRequest for the given URI.
The function takes the following parameters:
- uri: URI.
The function returns the following values:
- uriRequest: new KitURIRequest.
func (*URIRequest) HTTPHeaders ¶
func (request *URIRequest) HTTPHeaders() *soup.MessageHeaders
HTTPHeaders: get the HTTP headers of a KitURIRequest as a MessageHeaders.
The function returns the following values:
- messageHeaders with the HTTP headers of request or NULL if request is not an HTTP request.
func (*URIRequest) HTTPMethod ¶
func (request *URIRequest) HTTPMethod() string
HTTPMethod: get the HTTP method of the KitURIRequest.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: HTTP method of the KitURIRequest or NULL if request is not an HTTP request.
func (*URIRequest) SetURI ¶
func (request *URIRequest) SetURI(uri string)
SetURI: set the URI of request.
The function takes the following parameters:
- uri: URI.
func (*URIRequest) URI ¶
func (request *URIRequest) URI() string
URI obtains the request URI.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: request URI, as a string.
type URIRequestClass ¶
type URIRequestClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
URIRequestClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
type URIRequestOverrides ¶
type URIRequestOverrides struct { }
URIRequestOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type URIResponse ¶
URIResponse represents an URI response.
A KitURIResponse contains information such as the URI, the status code, the content length, the mime type, the HTTP status or the suggested filename.
func (*URIResponse) ContentLength ¶
func (response *URIResponse) ContentLength() uint64
ContentLength: get the expected content length of the KitURIResponse.
It can be 0 if the server provided an incorrect or missing Content-Length.
The function returns the following values:
- guint64: expected content length of response.
func (*URIResponse) HTTPHeaders ¶
func (response *URIResponse) HTTPHeaders() *soup.MessageHeaders
HTTPHeaders: get the HTTP headers of a KitURIResponse as a MessageHeaders.
The function returns the following values:
- messageHeaders with the HTTP headers of response or NULL if response is not an HTTP response.
func (*URIResponse) MIMEType ¶
func (response *URIResponse) MIMEType() string
MIMEType gets the MIME type of the response.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: MIME type, as a string.
func (*URIResponse) StatusCode ¶
func (response *URIResponse) StatusCode() uint
StatusCode: get the status code of the KitURIResponse.
Get the status code of the KitURIResponse as returned by the server. It will normally be a KnownStatusCode, for example SOUP_STATUS_OK, though the server can respond with any unsigned integer.
The function returns the following values:
- guint status code of response.
func (*URIResponse) SuggestedFilename ¶
func (response *URIResponse) SuggestedFilename() string
SuggestedFilename: get the suggested filename for response.
Get the suggested filename for response, as specified by the 'Content-Disposition' HTTP header, or NULL if it's not present.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: suggested filename or NULL if the 'Content-Disposition' HTTP header is not present.
func (*URIResponse) URI ¶
func (response *URIResponse) URI() string
URI gets the URI which resulted in the response.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: response URI, as a string.
type URIResponseClass ¶
type URIResponseClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
URIResponseClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
type URIResponseOverrides ¶
type URIResponseOverrides struct { }
URIResponseOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type UserMessage ¶
type UserMessage struct { coreglib.InitiallyUnowned // contains filtered or unexported fields }
UserMessage: message that can be sent between the UI process and web process extensions.
A WebKitUserMessage is a message that can be used for the communication between the UI process and web process extensions. A WebKitUserMessage always has a name, and it can also include parameters and UNIX file descriptors. Messages can be sent from a KitWebContext to all web process extensions, from a web process extension to its corresponding KitWebContext, and from a KitWebView to its corresponding KitWebPage (and vice versa). One to one messages can be replied to directly with webkit_user_message_send_reply().
func NewUserMessage ¶
func NewUserMessage(name string, parameters *glib.Variant) *UserMessage
NewUserMessage: create a new KitUserMessage with name.
The function takes the following parameters:
- name: message name.
- parameters (optional): message parameters as a #GVariant, or NULL.
The function returns the following values:
- userMessage: newly created KitUserMessage object.
func (*UserMessage) Name ¶
func (message *UserMessage) Name() string
Name: get the message name.
The function returns the following values:
- utf8: message name.
func (*UserMessage) Parameters ¶
func (message *UserMessage) Parameters() *glib.Variant
Parameters: get the message parameters.
The function returns the following values:
- variant (optional): message parameters.
func (*UserMessage) SendReply ¶
func (message *UserMessage) SendReply(reply *UserMessage)
SendReply: send a reply to an user message.
If reply is floating, it's consumed. You can only send a reply to a KitUserMessage that has been received.
The function takes the following parameters:
- reply to send as reply.
type UserMessageClass ¶
type UserMessageClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UserMessageClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
type UserMessageError ¶
UserMessageError: enum values used to denote errors happening when sending user messages.
const ( // UserMessageUnhandledMessage: message was not handled by the receiver. UserMessageUnhandledMessage UserMessageError = iota )
func (UserMessageError) String ¶
func (u UserMessageError) String() string
String returns the name in string for UserMessageError.
type UserMessageOverrides ¶
type UserMessageOverrides struct { }
UserMessageOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type WebEditor ¶
WebEditor access to editing capabilities of a KitWebPage.
The WebKitWebEditor provides access to various editing capabilities of a KitWebPage such as a possibility to react to the current selection in KitWebPage.
func (*WebEditor) ConnectSelectionChanged ¶
func (editor *WebEditor) ConnectSelectionChanged(f func()) coreglib.SignalHandle
ConnectSelectionChanged: this signal is emitted for every selection change inside a KitWebPage as well as for every caret position change as the caret is a collapsed selection.
type WebEditorClass ¶
type WebEditorClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WebEditorClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
type WebEditorOverrides ¶
type WebEditorOverrides struct { }
WebEditorOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type WebExtension ¶
WebExtension represents an extension of the WebProcess.
WebKitWebExtension is a loadable module for the WebProcess. It allows you to execute code in the WebProcess and being able to use the DOM API, to change any request or to inject custom JavaScript code, for example.
To create a WebKitWebExtension you should write a module with an initialization function that could be either webkit_web_extension_initialize() with prototype KitWebExtensionInitializeFunction or webkit_web_extension_initialize_with_user_data() with prototype KitWebExtensionInitializeWithUserDataFunction. This function has to be public and it has to use the MODULE_EXPORT macro. It is called when the web process is initialized.
static void web_page_created_callback (WebKitWebExtension *extension, WebKitWebPage *web_page, gpointer user_data) { g_print ("Page d created for s\n", webkit_web_page_get_id (web_page), webkit_web_page_get_uri (web_page)); } G_MODULE_EXPORT void webkit_web_extension_initialize (WebKitWebExtension *extension) { g_signal_connect (extension, "page-created", G_CALLBACK (web_page_created_callback), NULL); }
The previous piece of code shows a trivial example of an extension that notifies when a KitWebPage is created.
WebKit has to know where it can find the created WebKitWebExtension. To do so you should use the webkit_web_context_set_web_extensions_directory() function. The signal KitWebContext::initialize-web-extensions is the recommended place to call it.
To provide the initialization data used by the webkit_web_extension_initialize_with_user_data() function, you have to call webkit_web_context_set_web_extensions_initialization_user_data() with the desired data as parameter. You can see an example of this in the following piece of code:
#define WEB_EXTENSIONS_DIRECTORY // ... static void initialize_web_extensions (WebKitWebContext *context, gpointer user_data) { // Web Extensions get a different ID for each Web Process static guint32 unique_id = 0; webkit_web_context_set_web_extensions_directory ( context, WEB_EXTENSIONS_DIRECTORY); webkit_web_context_set_web_extensions_initialization_user_data ( context, g_variant_new_uint32 (unique_id++)); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { g_signal_connect (webkit_web_context_get_default (), "initialize-web-extensions", G_CALLBACK (initialize_web_extensions), NULL); GtkWidget *view = webkit_web_view_new (); // ... }.
func (*WebExtension) ConnectPageCreated ¶
func (extension *WebExtension) ConnectPageCreated(f func(webPage *WebPage)) coreglib.SignalHandle
ConnectPageCreated: this signal is emitted when a new KitWebPage is created in the Web Process.
func (*WebExtension) ConnectUserMessageReceived ¶
func (extension *WebExtension) ConnectUserMessageReceived(f func(message *UserMessage)) coreglib.SignalHandle
ConnectUserMessageReceived: this signal is emitted when a KitUserMessage is received from the KitWebContext corresponding to extension. Messages sent by KitWebContext are always broadcasted to all KitWebExtension<!-- -->s and they can't be replied to. Calling webkit_user_message_send_reply() will do nothing.
func (*WebExtension) Page ¶
func (extension *WebExtension) Page(pageId uint64) *WebPage
Page: get the web page of the given page_id.
The function takes the following parameters:
- pageId: identifier of the KitWebPage to get.
The function returns the following values:
- webPage for the given page_id, or NULL if the identifier doesn't correspond to an existing web page.
func (*WebExtension) SendMessageToContextFinish ¶
func (extension *WebExtension) SendMessageToContextFinish(result gio.AsyncResulter) (*UserMessage, error)
SendMessageToContextFinish: finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_web_extension_send_message_to_context().
The function takes the following parameters:
- result: Result.
The function returns the following values:
- userMessage with the reply or NULL in case of error.
type WebExtensionClass ¶
type WebExtensionClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WebExtensionClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
type WebExtensionOverrides ¶
type WebExtensionOverrides struct { }
WebExtensionOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type WebFormManager ¶
WebFormManager: form manager of a KitWebPage in a KitScriptWorld.
func (*WebFormManager) ConnectWillSendSubmitEvent ¶
func (v *WebFormManager) ConnectWillSendSubmitEvent(f func(form *javascriptcore.Value, sourceFrame, targetFrame *Frame)) coreglib.SignalHandle
ConnectWillSendSubmitEvent: this signal is emitted when the DOM submit event is about to be fired for form. JavaScript code may rely on the submit event to detect that the user has clicked on a submit button, and to possibly cancel the form submission before KitWebFormManager::will-submit-form signal is emitted. However, beware that, for historical reasons, the submit event is not emitted at all if the form submission is triggered by JavaScript. For these reasons, this signal may not be used to reliably detect whether a form will be submitted. Instead, use it to detect if a user has clicked on a form's submit button even if JavaScript later cancels the form submission, or to read the values of the form's fields even if JavaScript later clears certain fields before submitting. This may be needed, for example, to implement a robust browser password manager, as some misguided websites may use such techniques to attempt to thwart password managers.
func (*WebFormManager) ConnectWillSubmitForm ¶
func (v *WebFormManager) ConnectWillSubmitForm(f func(form *javascriptcore.Value, sourceFrame, targetFrame *Frame)) coreglib.SignalHandle
ConnectWillSubmitForm: this signal is emitted when form will imminently be submitted. It can no longer be cancelled. This event always occurs immediately before a form is submitted to its target, so use this event to reliably detect when a form is submitted. This signal is emitted after KitWebFormManager::will-send-submit-event if that signal is emitted.
type WebFormManagerClass ¶
type WebFormManagerClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WebFormManagerClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
type WebFormManagerOverrides ¶
type WebFormManagerOverrides struct { }
WebFormManagerOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type WebHitTestResult ¶
type WebHitTestResult struct { HitTestResult // contains filtered or unexported fields }
WebHitTestResult: result of a Hit Test (Web Process Extensions).
WebKitWebHitTestResult extends KitHitTestResult to provide information about the KitDOMNode in the coordinates of the Hit Test.
func (*WebHitTestResult) JsNode ¶
func (webHitTestResult *WebHitTestResult) JsNode(world *ScriptWorld) *javascriptcore.Value
JsNode: get the CValue for the DOM node in world at the coordinates of the Hit Test.
The function takes the following parameters:
- world (optional) or NULL to use the default.
The function returns the following values:
- value (optional) for the DOM node, or NULL.
func (*WebHitTestResult) Node
func (hitTestResult *WebHitTestResult) Node() *DOMNode
Node: get the KitDOMNode in the coordinates of the Hit Test.
Deprecated: Use webkit_web_hit_test_result_get_js_node() instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domNode: KitDOMNode.
type WebHitTestResultClass ¶
type WebHitTestResultClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WebHitTestResultClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
func (*WebHitTestResultClass) ParentClass ¶
func (w *WebHitTestResultClass) ParentClass() *HitTestResultClass
type WebHitTestResultOverrides ¶
type WebHitTestResultOverrides struct { }
WebHitTestResultOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
type WebPage ¶
WebPage: loaded web page.
func (*WebPage) ConnectConsoleMessageSent ¶
func (webPage *WebPage) ConnectConsoleMessageSent(f func(consoleMessage *ConsoleMessage)) coreglib.SignalHandle
ConnectConsoleMessageSent is emitted when a message is sent to the console. This can be a message produced by the use of JavaScript console API, a JavaScript exception, a security error or other errors, warnings, debug or log messages. The console_message contains information of the message.
func (*WebPage) ConnectContextMenu ¶
func (webPage *WebPage) ConnectContextMenu(f func(contextMenu *ContextMenu, hitTestResult *WebHitTestResult) (ok bool)) coreglib.SignalHandle
ConnectContextMenu is emitted before a context menu is displayed in the UI Process to give the application a chance to customize the proposed menu, build its own context menu or pass user data to the UI Process. This signal is useful when the information available in the UI Process is not enough to build or customize the context menu, for example, to add menu entries depending on the node at the coordinates of the hit_test_result. Otherwise, it's recommended to use KitWebView::context-menu signal instead.
func (*WebPage) ConnectDocumentLoaded ¶
func (webPage *WebPage) ConnectDocumentLoaded(f func()) coreglib.SignalHandle
ConnectDocumentLoaded: this signal is emitted when the DOM document of a KitWebPage has been loaded.
You can wait for this signal to get the DOM document.
func (*WebPage) ConnectSendRequest ¶
func (webPage *WebPage) ConnectSendRequest(f func(request *URIRequest, redirectedResponse *URIResponse) (ok bool)) coreglib.SignalHandle
ConnectSendRequest: this signal is emitted when request is about to be sent to the server. This signal can be used to modify the KitURIRequest that will be sent to the server. You can also cancel the resource load operation by connecting to this signal and returning TRUE.
In case of a server redirection this signal is emitted again with the request argument containing the new request to be sent to the server due to the redirection and the redirected_response parameter containing the response received by the server for the initial request.
Modifications to the KitURIRequest and its associated MessageHeaders will be taken into account when the request is sent over the network.
func (*WebPage) ConnectUserMessageReceived ¶
func (webPage *WebPage) ConnectUserMessageReceived(f func(message *UserMessage) (ok bool)) coreglib.SignalHandle
ConnectUserMessageReceived: this signal is emitted when a KitUserMessage is received from the KitWebView corresponding to web_page. You can reply to the message using webkit_user_message_send_reply().
You can handle the user message asynchronously by calling g_object_ref() on message and returning TRUE. If the last reference of message is removed and the message has been replied, the operation in the KitWebView will finish with error WEBKIT_USER_MESSAGE_UNHANDLED_MESSAGE.
func (*WebPage) DomDocument
func (webPage *WebPage) DomDocument() *DOMDocument
DomDocument: get the KitDOMDocument currently loaded in web_page
Deprecated: Use JavaScriptCore API instead.
The function returns the following values:
- domDocument currently loaded, or NULL if no document is currently loaded.
func (*WebPage) Editor ¶
Editor gets the KitWebEditor of a KitWebPage.
The function returns the following values:
- webEditor: KitWebEditor.
func (*WebPage) FormManager ¶
func (webPage *WebPage) FormManager(world *ScriptWorld) *WebFormManager
FormManager: get the KitWebFormManager of web_page in world.
The function takes the following parameters:
- world (optional): KitScriptWorld.
The function returns the following values:
- webFormManager: KitWebFormManager.
func (*WebPage) ID ¶
ID: get the identifier of the KitWebPage.
The function returns the following values:
- guint64: identifier of web_page.
func (*WebPage) MainFrame ¶
MainFrame returns the main frame of a KitWebPage.
The function returns the following values:
- frame that is the main frame of web_page.
func (*WebPage) SendMessageToViewFinish ¶
func (webPage *WebPage) SendMessageToViewFinish(result gio.AsyncResulter) (*UserMessage, error)
SendMessageToViewFinish: finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_web_page_send_message_to_view().
The function takes the following parameters:
- result: Result.
The function returns the following values:
- userMessage with the reply or NULL in case of error.
type WebPageClass ¶
type WebPageClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WebPageClass: instance of this type is always passed by reference.
type WebPageOverrides ¶
type WebPageOverrides struct { }
WebPageOverrides contains methods that are overridable.
Source Files
- WebKitConsoleMessage.go
- WebKitConsoleMessage_2_12.go
- WebKitContextMenu.go
- WebKitContextMenuActions.go
- WebKitContextMenuItem.go
- WebKitDOMAttr.go
- WebKitDOMBlob.go
- WebKitDOMCDATASection.go
- WebKitDOMCSSRule.go
- WebKitDOMCSSRuleList.go
- WebKitDOMCSSStyleDeclaration.go
- WebKitDOMCSSStyleSheet.go
- WebKitDOMCSSValue.go
- WebKitDOMCharacterData.go
- WebKitDOMClientRect.go
- WebKitDOMClientRectList.go
- WebKitDOMComment.go
- WebKitDOMDOMImplementation.go
- WebKitDOMDOMSelection.go
- WebKitDOMDOMTokenList.go
- WebKitDOMDOMWindow.go
- WebKitDOMDeprecated.go
- WebKitDOMDocument.go
- WebKitDOMDocumentFragment.go
- WebKitDOMDocumentType.go
- WebKitDOMElement.go
- WebKitDOMEvent.go
- WebKitDOMEventTarget.go
- WebKitDOMFile.go
- WebKitDOMFileList.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLAnchorElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLAppletElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLAreaElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLBRElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLBaseElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLBodyElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLButtonElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLCanvasElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLCollection.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLDListElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLDirectoryElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLDivElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLDocument.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLEmbedElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLFieldSetElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLFontElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLFormElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLFrameElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLFrameSetElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLHRElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLHeadElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLHeadingElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLHtmlElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLIFrameElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLImageElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLInputElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLLIElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLLabelElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLLegendElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLLinkElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLMapElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLMarqueeElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLMenuElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLMetaElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLModElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLOListElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLObjectElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLOptGroupElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLOptionElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLOptionsCollection.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLParagraphElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLParamElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLPreElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLQuoteElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLScriptElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLSelectElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLStyleElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLTableCaptionElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLTableCellElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLTableColElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLTableElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLTableRowElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLTableSectionElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLTextAreaElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLTitleElement.go
- WebKitDOMHTMLUListElement.go
- WebKitDOMKeyboardEvent.go
- WebKitDOMMediaList.go
- WebKitDOMMouseEvent.go
- WebKitDOMNamedNodeMap.go
- WebKitDOMNode.go
- WebKitDOMNodeFilter.go
- WebKitDOMNodeFilter_2_6.go
- WebKitDOMNodeIterator.go
- WebKitDOMNodeList.go
- WebKitDOMNode_2_22.go
- WebKitDOMObject.go
- WebKitDOMProcessingInstruction.go
- WebKitDOMRange.go
- WebKitDOMStyleSheet.go
- WebKitDOMStyleSheetList.go
- WebKitDOMText.go
- WebKitDOMTreeWalker.go
- WebKitDOMUIEvent.go
- WebKitDOMWheelEvent.go
- WebKitDOMXPathExpression.go
- WebKitDOMXPathNSResolver.go
- WebKitDOMXPathResult.go
- WebKitFrame.go
- WebKitFrame_2_26.go
- WebKitHitTestResult.go
- WebKitScriptWorld.go
- WebKitScriptWorld_2_2.go
- WebKitScriptWorld_export.go
- WebKitURIRequest.go
- WebKitURIResponse.go
- WebKitUserMessage.go
- WebKitUserMessage_2_28.go
- WebKitWebEditor.go
- WebKitWebEditor_2_10.go
- WebKitWebEditor_export.go
- WebKitWebExtension.go
- WebKitWebExtension_export.go
- WebKitWebFormManager.go
- WebKitWebFormManager_2_40.go
- WebKitWebFormManager_export.go
- WebKitWebHitTestResult.go
- WebKitWebHitTestResult_2_8.go
- WebKitWebPage.go
- WebKitWebPage_2_20.go
- WebKitWebPage_export.go
- webkit2webextension.go