##A Sample redis-proxy config and Run
Create an instnace like below using the mrr cli
$mrr create -n TestInstance -m 200 -s 2
Attempting to Creating a Redis Instance (TestInstance) with mem=200 slaves=2
Instance Creation accepted..
Check $mrr status -n TestInstance for status
Check the status like below
$mrr status -n TestInstance
Status = RUNNING
Type = MS
Capacity = 200
Master =
Slave0 =
Slave1 =
To build the proxy its relatively simple, its a plain go program with no external dependencies.
$go build redis_proxy.go
It takes a json config file like below FROM ip:port to TO ip:port pair, the below one would actually mean bind to port 6677 the current system and proxy all the tcp to (which is a redis master)
$cat TestInstance_proxy.json
"HTTPPort": "7979",
"Entries": [{
"Name": "Master",
"Pair": {
"From": "",
"To": ""
Now start the proxy
$./redis_proxy --config ./TestInstance_proxy.json
2016/07/06 00:55:03 The config file name is ./TestInstance_proxy.json
2016/07/06 00:55:03 Configuration file is = {7979 [{Master {}}]}
2016/07/06 00:55:03 HandleConnection() {Master {}}
Lets try to connec the instance via proxy. Note the redis-server itself is running @ a remote server only the proxy is running @ localhost.
redis-cli -h localhost -p 6677
localhost:6677> set foo bar
localhost:6677> get foo
localhost:6677> exit
if the master dies a new slave is promoted as a master now, lets verify that via mrr cli
$mrr status -n TestInstance
Status = RUNNING
Type = MS
Capacity = 200
Master =
Slave0 =
Slave1 =
Now lets update the proxy about the new master. get the current configuration of the proxy
$curl http://localhost:7979/Get/
Current Config: {
"Master": {
"Name": "Master",
"Pair": {
"From": "",
"To": ""
Update it via http rest as the new master is now at
$curl http://localhost:7979/Update/ -X "PUT" -d '{"Name":"Master", "Addr":""}'
re-verify the proxy's config file
curl http://localhost:7979/Get/
Current Config: {
"Master": {
"Name": "Master",
"Pair": {
"From": "",
"To": ""
Now re-connect to the same redis-server endpoint and check if the message is available.
~/redis_src/redis-stable/src/redis-cli -h localhost -p 6677
localhost:6677> get foo