- Validates required options
- closes or removes View and its child Views
- Responsible for hiding edit button
events: {
'click .btnAdd': 'addGridRow',
'click .btnEdit': 'editGridRow',
'click .btnDeleteChecked': 'deleteCheckedRows',
'click .btnClearStored': 'clearStoredColumnState',
events: {
'focusin tbody tr': 'refreshView',
'mouseenter thead th button': 'showColumnHeaderLabel',
'mouseenter tbody td': 'showTruncatedCellContentPopup',
'mouseleave tbody td': 'hideTruncatedCellContentPopup',
'click tbody td': 'hideTruncatedCellContentPopup',
'click .overlay-top,.overlay-bottom': 'showRadioBtnEditHelpMsg',
renderGrid(e, saveStateKey)
- Responsible for rendering backgrid
- Sets up backgrid events for inline editing and refreshing view when the backgrid collection is reset or a model in the backgrid collection is edited
- Shows a popup of cell content if some of the content is hidden
- Responsible for setting the current row for the grid
- Setting the model id of the current row or null if there aren't any rows, to local storage
- Positioning the overlays over the remaining grid rows to help eliminate race conditions