Opens a new window with list of versions in this module.
Published: Apr 11, 2020
License: MIT
Opens a new window with license information.
Imports: 11
Opens a new window with list of imports.
Imported by: 0
Opens a new window with list of known importers.
func ErrorCh(ch chan struct{}) func(*Remotebox)
ErrorCh is a functional option allows you to pass a channel to the remotebox.
The channel will be closed when an internal error occures.
EventHandler sets a callback function through which the bandswitch
will report Events
Index is a functional option to set the order in which it will
be displayed on the graphical interface.
Name is a functional option to set the name of this device.
Portname is a functional option to set the portname of the serial port.
On Windows this will be "COMx", on Linux & MacOS "/dev/tty/xxx"
GetPort returns switch.Port struct containing the current state of
the requested port.
Name returns the Name of this remotebox
Serialize returns a switch.Device struct containing the current
state and configuration of this Remotebox.
SetPort sets the Terminals of a particular Port. The portRequest
can contain n termials.
Source Files
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