Golang API Generator
Hi, hate bureaucracy? Long and verbose approach for simple things? So do I...
In this case, if you want to derive API Servers and Clients from your functions in GO, and as me, you are tired of endless YAMLS or JSONS, please have a sit and join the gang.
GAG is all about reducing the friction for making your GO code available and consumabe as API.
How it works
Suppose you want to generate an API Server, using gin as backend:
Create you business logic as shown below:
package goapi
import (
type ASimpleReq struct {
Data string
type ASimpleRes struct {
Data string
type AComplexReq struct {
Country string
City string
HouseNumber int64
IsCondo bool
Recursive map[string]AComplexReq
Arrofpstr []string `json:"arrofpstr,omitempty"`
When time.Time
Some crypto.Decrypter
@PATH: /someapi
func ApiMethod01(ctx context.Context, s *ASimpleReq) (out *ASimpleRes, err error) {
log.Printf("Got: %#v", s)
out = &ASimpleRes{}
out.Data = time.Now().String() + " - Hey Ya!"
@PATH: /someapi2
func ApiMethod02(ctx context.Context, s *AComplexReq) (out *ASimpleRes, err error) {
gctx := ctx.Value("CTX").(*gin.Context)
print("Got:" + s.SomeWeirdTest)
out = &ASimpleRes{}
out.Data = time.Now().String() + " - Hey Ya!"
Important: All Methods must have the same pattern: 2 params, 1st being the context, 2nd the request object. Should return 2 params also. 1st the response object, 2nd an eventual error.
ALTHOUGHT you can use virtually any type as request and response we propose that you always use a POINTER TO a data structure as request and response - dont be creative, be practical
Suppose this is saved as: /home/me/project/src/api/some.go
Now, run gag like:
gag gin /home/me/project/src/api
You will find a new file generated there, called apigen with all the dirty work in it.
package goapi
import (
contextlib "context"
var perms map[string]string
func init() {
perms = make(map[string]string)
perms["POST_/someapi"] = "ASD"
perms["GET_/someapi2"] = "ASD"
func GetPerm(c *gin.Context) string {
perm, ok := perms[c.Request.Method+"_"+c.Request.URL.Path]
if !ok {
return ""
return perm
func Build(r *gin.Engine) {
r.POST("/someapi", func(c *gin.Context) {
var req *ASimpleReq
req = &ASimpleReq{}
c.Request.WithContext(contextlib.WithValue(c.Request.Context(), "CTX", c))
c.Request.WithContext(contextlib.WithValue(c.Request.Context(), "REQ", c.Request))
c.Request.WithContext(contextlib.WithValue(c.Request.Context(), "RES", c.Writer))
res, err := ApiMethod01(c.Request.Context(), req)
if err != nil {
c.AbortWithError(http.StatusInternalServerError, err)
c.JSON(200, res)
r.GET("/someapi2", func(c *gin.Context) {
var req *AComplexReq
req = &AComplexReq{}
c.Request.WithContext(contextlib.WithValue(c.Request.Context(), "CTX", c))
c.Request.WithContext(contextlib.WithValue(c.Request.Context(), "REQ", c.Request))
c.Request.WithContext(contextlib.WithValue(c.Request.Context(), "RES", c.Writer))
res, err := ApiMethod02(c.Request.Context(), req)
if err != nil {
c.AbortWithError(http.StatusInternalServerError, err)
c.JSON(200, res)
Later, you may create your server main like: /home/me/project/src/api/some.go
and make it like:
package main
import (
func main() {
g := gin.Default()
Please pay attention to data structures - they also need to be tagged as API to be exported
Based on the metadata added to your method, the API will be generated
In case you have not noticed, comments are metadata for the API:
- API is a marker, both methods and structs are exported only in case this tag is found.
- PATH: applies to methods, and in case they exist, bind the method to path. In case absent,method name becomes path, having _ to be replaced by / (func a_b_c will be bound to path a/b/c)
- PERM: defines permission group to method - please see later how to bind permissions
- VERB: Http Verb to be used when binding method. Default is POST
Pluging in the permissions
Please see the method checkpermisson below. Once you generate the server, the method GetPerm will be created, and can be used to retrieve the permission set for a call. By usint a middleware like this you can easily plug any permission system available with the generated API.
package main
import (
func checkPerm(ctx *gin.Context, perm string) bool {
//Do your logic here
return false
func main() {
g := gin.Default()
//Setup middlewares before processing API
g.Use(func(context *gin.Context) {
perm := goapi.GetPerm(context)
if checkPerm(context, perm) == false {
} else {
//Bind built API
//Run, baby run...
Oh, but I still need to access something from GIN or HTTP Context,Request, Response....
Worry not - context follows your code. At any time you can call it like:
gctx:= ctx.Value("CTX").(*gin.Context)
req:= ctx.Value("REQ").(http.Request)
res:= ctx.Value("RES").(http.ResponseWriter)
Keep in mind that, if new server implementation is created such dependency will break if you try to generate such code. You can use middlewares for this in your code, if it is the case.
Grab the binaries :D or,
make release
General Usage
Usage: gag <command>
-h, --help Show context-sensitive help.
yaml <src> <fname>
Gens YAML metamodel
gin <src>
Gens Gin Server impl
gocli <src> <dst>
Gens Go Cli impl
ts <src> <dst>
Gens Typescript Cli impl
http <src> <dst>
Gens Http call impl
Need improvement
- Type mapping system: Here the doubt is more on the practical side. It seems to be good enought for the basic request and response data objects. Need inputs on concrete requirements for this improvement
- loader code is too messy: Lets see...
- No integration with lower level HTTP protocol: Ok - this is a high level abstraction tool. This can be overcome by either using objects from context or through middlewares.
Feedback on these is highly appreciated.