This repo contains things not interesting or complete enough to have their own.
* intset -- compress a stream of integers
* lz -- lempel-ziv compression
* threadtree -- a threaded binary-tree
* numerical -- numerical integration and root finding
* maze -- maze generation stuff
* hist -- simple command-line histogramming tool
* simhash -- trivial simhash implementation
* wscat -- trivial websocket netcat
* servedir -- trivial http fileserver
* rndtxt -- generate random text strings
* mpush -- push to multiple notification services (pushbullet, nma, pushover)
* superbat -- batmanjs and go-restful playground
* msgrpc -- msgpack rpc python/go interop samples
* quantile -- testing different streaming quantile estimators
* wtflog -- logging package with some renamed log levels
* qrshow -- display QR codes in a terminal
* nlz -- asm code to find number of leading zeros
* httpecho -- server to dump information about an http request
* lzpack -- trivial packed format for lz4 compression
* grinderplot -- generate a flot chart from grinder logs
* worker -- framework for spawning concurrent workers
* gddo -- search from the command line
* uuid -- generate random UUIDs
* entropy -- reducer to compute entropy per epoch for a set of values in a category
* inthash -- integer hashing functions
* udprelay -- simple udp-to-tcp multiplexing relay
* shufsecs -- shuffle sorted epoch-data within epochs
* strtable -- dumb string->uint32 hash table for profiling vs native maps
* cachetest -- playing with different caching algorithms (clock, lru, lfu, random)
* glj -- passing data from go to lua with msgpack
* toms -- text filter for time.Duration to milliseconds
* bluniq -- bloom-filter based unique filter
* skvdist -- check distribution of shardedkv choosers
* gcwatch -- print out garbage collection stats from /debug/vars
* toepoch -- convert time fields to epochs
* repl -- framework for making dumb repls for testing
* skvchk -- tool for checking shardedkv distributions
* interp -- interpolation search
* oma -- simulation of the Dutch children's board game "Met de bus naar Oma"
* rndsample - uniform random sample from stdin
* pphrase -- simple passphrase generator
* fastrand -- fast xorshift rng with bias-free [0..n)
* range2cird -- turn IP ranges into CIDR
* gfmt -- trivial filter wrapping go-linebreak
* mtest -- port of libtommath test program
* leven -- fastest levenshtein distance algorithm I could find
* matcher -- test different methods of testing string set membership
* cstbucket -- crunch carbonserver logs for time-ranges of queries
* stablepart -- stable partition a sort.Interface on a boolean predicate
* jumpreplica -- tool for playing with replica choices for jump-hash
* sshdregex -- demo using ragel for optimized regexp matching
* hllbench -- benchmark different hyperloglog implementations
* shlines, sipsum -- tools for siphashing things
* urlq -- extract query parameters from a list of URLs
* median -- compute the median of 5 numbers with a sorting network
* hashbench -- benchmark different hashing functions
* fastpprof -- how to use pprof with fasthttp
* ewmaest -- progress logging with ewma-based ETA estimation