Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- type AbortTaskInstanceRequestModel
- type ActionsOnPlayersInSegmentTaskParameterModel
- type ActionsOnPlayersInSegmentTaskSummaryModel
- type AdCampaignAttributionModel
- type AdCampaignAttributionModelModel
- type AdCampaignSegmentFilterModel
- type AddLocalizedNewsRequestModel
- type AddLocalizedNewsResultModel
- type AddNewsRequestModel
- type AddNewsResultModel
- type AddPlayerTagRequestModel
- type AddPlayerTagResultModel
- type AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequestModel
- type AddVirtualCurrencyTypesRequestModel
- type AllPlayersSegmentFilterModel
- type ApiConditionModel
- type AuthTokenType
- type BanInfoModel
- type BanPlayerSegmentActionModel
- type BanRequestModel
- type BanUsersRequestModel
- type BanUsersResultModel
- type BlankResultModel
- func AddVirtualCurrencyTypes(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *AddVirtualCurrencyTypesRequestModel, ...) (*BlankResultModel, error)
- func DeleteContent(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *DeleteContentRequestModel, ...) (*BlankResultModel, error)
- func RemoveVirtualCurrencyTypes(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *RemoveVirtualCurrencyTypesRequestModel, ...) (*BlankResultModel, error)
- type CatalogItemBundleInfoModel
- type CatalogItemConsumableInfoModel
- type CatalogItemContainerInfoModel
- type CatalogItemModel
- type CheckLimitedEditionItemAvailabilityRequestModel
- type CheckLimitedEditionItemAvailabilityResultModel
- type ChurnPredictionSegmentFilterModel
- type ChurnRiskLevel
- type CloudScriptFileModel
- type CloudScriptTaskParameterModel
- type CloudScriptTaskSummaryModel
- type CloudScriptVersionStatusModel
- type Conditionals
- type ContactEmailInfoModel
- type ContactEmailInfoModelModel
- type ContentInfoModel
- type ContinentCode
- type CountryCode
- type CreateActionsOnPlayerSegmentTaskRequestModel
- type CreateCloudScriptTaskRequestModel
- type CreateInsightsScheduledScalingTaskRequestModel
- type CreateOpenIdConnectionRequestModel
- type CreatePlayerSharedSecretRequestModel
- type CreatePlayerSharedSecretResultModel
- type CreatePlayerStatisticDefinitionRequestModel
- type CreatePlayerStatisticDefinitionResultModel
- type CreateSegmentRequestModel
- type CreateSegmentResponseModel
- type CreateTaskResultModel
- func CreateActionsOnPlayersInSegmentTask(settings *playfab.Settings, ...) (*CreateTaskResultModel, error)
- func CreateCloudScriptTask(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *CreateCloudScriptTaskRequestModel, ...) (*CreateTaskResultModel, error)
- func CreateInsightsScheduledScalingTask(settings *playfab.Settings, ...) (*CreateTaskResultModel, error)
- type Currency
- type DeleteContentRequestModel
- type DeleteMasterPlayerAccountRequestModel
- type DeleteMasterPlayerAccountResultModel
- type DeleteMembershipSubscriptionRequestModel
- type DeleteMembershipSubscriptionResultModel
- type DeleteOpenIdConnectionRequestModel
- type DeletePlayerRequestModel
- type DeletePlayerResultModel
- type DeletePlayerSegmentActionModel
- type DeletePlayerSharedSecretRequestModel
- type DeletePlayerSharedSecretResultModel
- type DeletePlayerStatisticSegmentActionModel
- type DeleteSegmentRequestModel
- type DeleteSegmentsResponseModel
- type DeleteStoreRequestModel
- type DeleteStoreResultModel
- type DeleteTaskRequestModel
- type DeleteTitleDataOverrideRequestModel
- type DeleteTitleDataOverrideResultModel
- type DeleteTitleRequestModel
- type DeleteTitleResultModel
- type EffectType
- type EmailNotificationSegmentActionModel
- type EmailVerificationStatus
- type EmptyResponseModel
- func AbortTaskInstance(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *AbortTaskInstanceRequestModel, ...) (*EmptyResponseModel, error)
- func CreateOpenIdConnection(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *CreateOpenIdConnectionRequestModel, ...) (*EmptyResponseModel, error)
- func DeleteOpenIdConnection(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *DeleteOpenIdConnectionRequestModel, ...) (*EmptyResponseModel, error)
- func DeleteTask(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *DeleteTaskRequestModel, ...) (*EmptyResponseModel, error)
- func UpdateOpenIdConnection(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *UpdateOpenIdConnectionRequestModel, ...) (*EmptyResponseModel, error)
- func UpdateTask(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *UpdateTaskRequestModel, ...) (*EmptyResponseModel, error)
- type EntityKeyModel
- type ExecuteAzureFunctionSegmentActionModel
- type ExecuteCloudScriptResultModel
- type ExecuteCloudScriptSegmentActionModel
- type ExportMasterPlayerDataRequestModel
- type ExportMasterPlayerDataResultModel
- type ExportPlayersInSegmentRequestModel
- type ExportPlayersInSegmentResultModel
- type FirstLoginDateSegmentFilterModel
- type FirstLoginTimespanSegmentFilterModel
- type GameBuildStatus
- type GameModeInfoModel
- type GenericErrorCodes
- type GetActionsOnPlayersInSegmentTaskInstanceResultModel
- type GetAllSegmentsRequestModel
- type GetAllSegmentsResultModel
- type GetCatalogItemsRequestModel
- type GetCatalogItemsResultModel
- type GetCloudScriptRevisionRequestModel
- type GetCloudScriptRevisionResultModel
- type GetCloudScriptTaskInstanceResultModel
- type GetCloudScriptVersionsRequestModel
- type GetCloudScriptVersionsResultModel
- type GetContentListRequestModel
- type GetContentListResultModel
- type GetContentUploadUrlRequestModel
- type GetContentUploadUrlResultModel
- type GetDataReportRequestModel
- type GetDataReportResultModel
- type GetMatchmakerGameInfoRequestModel
- type GetMatchmakerGameInfoResultModel
- type GetMatchmakerGameModesRequestModel
- type GetMatchmakerGameModesResultModel
- type GetPlayedTitleListRequestModel
- type GetPlayedTitleListResultModel
- type GetPlayerIdFromAuthTokenRequestModel
- type GetPlayerIdFromAuthTokenResultModel
- type GetPlayerProfileRequestModel
- type GetPlayerProfileResultModel
- type GetPlayerSegmentsResultModel
- type GetPlayerSharedSecretsRequestModel
- type GetPlayerSharedSecretsResultModel
- type GetPlayerStatisticDefinitionsRequestModel
- type GetPlayerStatisticDefinitionsResultModel
- type GetPlayerStatisticVersionsRequestModel
- type GetPlayerStatisticVersionsResultModel
- type GetPlayerTagsRequestModel
- type GetPlayerTagsResultModel
- type GetPlayersInSegmentExportRequestModel
- type GetPlayersInSegmentExportResponseModel
- type GetPlayersInSegmentRequestModel
- type GetPlayersInSegmentResultModel
- type GetPlayersSegmentsRequestModel
- type GetPolicyRequestModel
- type GetPolicyResponseModel
- type GetPublisherDataRequestModel
- type GetPublisherDataResultModel
- type GetRandomResultTablesRequestModel
- type GetRandomResultTablesResultModel
- type GetSegmentResultModel
- type GetSegmentsRequestModel
- type GetSegmentsResponseModel
- type GetStoreItemsRequestModel
- type GetStoreItemsResultModel
- type GetTaskInstanceRequestModel
- type GetTaskInstancesRequestModel
- type GetTaskInstancesResultModel
- type GetTasksRequestModel
- type GetTasksResultModel
- type GetTitleDataRequestModel
- type GetTitleDataResultModel
- type GetUserBansRequestModel
- type GetUserBansResultModel
- type GetUserDataRequestModel
- type GetUserDataResultModel
- func GetUserData(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetUserDataRequestModel, ...) (*GetUserDataResultModel, error)
- func GetUserInternalData(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetUserDataRequestModel, ...) (*GetUserDataResultModel, error)
- func GetUserPublisherData(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetUserDataRequestModel, ...) (*GetUserDataResultModel, error)
- func GetUserPublisherInternalData(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetUserDataRequestModel, ...) (*GetUserDataResultModel, error)
- func GetUserPublisherReadOnlyData(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetUserDataRequestModel, ...) (*GetUserDataResultModel, error)
- func GetUserReadOnlyData(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetUserDataRequestModel, ...) (*GetUserDataResultModel, error)
- type GetUserInventoryRequestModel
- type GetUserInventoryResultModel
- type GrantItemSegmentActionModel
- type GrantItemsToUsersRequestModel
- type GrantItemsToUsersResultModel
- type GrantVirtualCurrencySegmentActionModel
- type GrantedItemInstanceModel
- type IncrementLimitedEditionItemAvailabilityRequestModel
- type IncrementLimitedEditionItemAvailabilityResultModel
- type IncrementPlayerStatisticSegmentActionModel
- type IncrementPlayerStatisticVersionRequestModel
- type IncrementPlayerStatisticVersionResultModel
- type InsightsScalingTaskParameterModel
- type ItemGrantModel
- type ItemInstanceModel
- type LastLoginDateSegmentFilterModel
- type LastLoginTimespanSegmentFilterModel
- type LinkedPlatformAccountModelModel
- type LinkedUserAccountHasEmailSegmentFilterModel
- type LinkedUserAccountSegmentFilterModel
- type ListOpenIdConnectionRequestModel
- type ListOpenIdConnectionResponseModel
- type ListVirtualCurrencyTypesRequestModel
- type ListVirtualCurrencyTypesResultModel
- type LocationModelModel
- type LocationSegmentFilterModel
- type LogStatementModel
- type LoginIdentityProvider
- type LookupUserAccountInfoRequestModel
- type LookupUserAccountInfoResultModel
- type MembershipModelModel
- type ModifyServerBuildRequestModel
- type ModifyServerBuildResultModel
- type ModifyUserVirtualCurrencyResultModel
- func AddUserVirtualCurrency(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequestModel, ...) (*ModifyUserVirtualCurrencyResultModel, error)
- func SubtractUserVirtualCurrency(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *SubtractUserVirtualCurrencyRequestModel, ...) (*ModifyUserVirtualCurrencyResultModel, error)
- type NameIdentifierModel
- type OpenIdConnectionModel
- type OpenIdIssuerInformationModel
- type PermissionStatementModel
- type PlayerChurnPredictionSegmentFilterModel
- type PlayerChurnPredictionTimeSegmentFilterModel
- type PlayerChurnPreviousPredictionSegmentFilterModel
- type PlayerLinkedAccountModel
- type PlayerLocationModel
- type PlayerProfileModel
- type PlayerProfileModelModel
- type PlayerProfileViewConstraintsModel
- type PlayerStatisticDefinitionModel
- type PlayerStatisticModel
- type PlayerStatisticVersionModel
- type PushNotificationPlatform
- type PushNotificationRegistrationModel
- type PushNotificationRegistrationModelModel
- type PushNotificationSegmentActionModel
- type PushNotificationSegmentFilterModel
- type PushSetupPlatform
- type RandomResultTableListingModel
- type RandomResultTableModel
- type RefundPurchaseRequestModel
- type RefundPurchaseResponseModel
- type Region
- type RemovePlayerTagRequestModel
- type RemovePlayerTagResultModel
- type RemoveVirtualCurrencyTypesRequestModel
- type ResetCharacterStatisticsRequestModel
- type ResetCharacterStatisticsResultModel
- type ResetPasswordRequestModel
- type ResetPasswordResultModel
- type ResetUserStatisticsRequestModel
- type ResetUserStatisticsResultModel
- type ResolutionOutcome
- type ResolvePurchaseDisputeRequestModel
- type ResolvePurchaseDisputeResponseModel
- type ResultTableNodeModel
- type ResultTableNodeType
- type RevokeAllBansForUserRequestModel
- type RevokeAllBansForUserResultModel
- type RevokeBansRequestModel
- type RevokeBansResultModel
- type RevokeInventoryItemModel
- type RevokeInventoryItemRequestModel
- type RevokeInventoryItemsRequestModel
- type RevokeInventoryItemsResultModel
- type RevokeInventoryResultModel
- type RevokeItemErrorModel
- type RunTaskRequestModel
- type RunTaskResultModel
- type ScheduledTaskModel
- type ScheduledTaskType
- type ScriptExecutionErrorModel
- type SegmentAndDefinitionModel
- type SegmentCountryCode
- type SegmentCurrency
- type SegmentFilterComparison
- type SegmentLoginIdentityProvider
- type SegmentModelModel
- type SegmentOrDefinitionModel
- type SegmentPushNotificationDevicePlatform
- type SegmentTriggerModel
- type SendAccountRecoveryEmailRequestModel
- type SendAccountRecoveryEmailResultModel
- type SetMembershipOverrideRequestModel
- type SetMembershipOverrideResultModel
- type SetPlayerSecretRequestModel
- type SetPlayerSecretResultModel
- type SetPublishedRevisionRequestModel
- type SetPublishedRevisionResultModel
- type SetPublisherDataRequestModel
- type SetPublisherDataResultModel
- type SetTitleDataAndOverridesRequestModel
- type SetTitleDataAndOverridesResultModel
- type SetTitleDataRequestModel
- type SetTitleDataResultModel
- type SetupPushNotificationRequestModel
- type SetupPushNotificationResultModel
- type SharedSecretModel
- type SourceType
- type StatisticAggregationMethod
- type StatisticModelModel
- type StatisticResetIntervalOption
- type StatisticSegmentFilterModel
- type StatisticVersionArchivalStatus
- type StatisticVersionStatus
- type StoreItemModel
- type StoreMarketingModelModel
- type SubscriptionModelModel
- type SubscriptionProviderStatus
- type SubtractUserVirtualCurrencyRequestModel
- type TagModelModel
- type TagSegmentFilterModel
- type TaskInstanceBasicSummaryModel
- type TaskInstanceStatus
- type TitleActivationStatus
- type TitleDataKeyValueModel
- type TotalValueToDateInUSDSegmentFilterModel
- type UpdateBanRequestModel
- type UpdateBansRequestModel
- type UpdateBansResultModel
- type UpdateCatalogItemsRequestModel
- type UpdateCatalogItemsResultModel
- type UpdateCloudScriptRequestModel
- type UpdateCloudScriptResultModel
- type UpdateOpenIdConnectionRequestModel
- type UpdatePlayerSharedSecretRequestModel
- type UpdatePlayerSharedSecretResultModel
- type UpdatePlayerStatisticDefinitionRequestModel
- type UpdatePlayerStatisticDefinitionResultModel
- type UpdatePolicyRequestModel
- type UpdatePolicyResponseModel
- type UpdateRandomResultTablesRequestModel
- type UpdateRandomResultTablesResultModel
- type UpdateSegmentRequestModel
- type UpdateSegmentResponseModel
- type UpdateStoreItemsRequestModel
- type UpdateStoreItemsResultModel
- type UpdateTaskRequestModel
- type UpdateUserDataRequestModel
- type UpdateUserDataResultModel
- func UpdateUserData(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *UpdateUserDataRequestModel, ...) (*UpdateUserDataResultModel, error)
- func UpdateUserInternalData(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *UpdateUserInternalDataRequestModel, ...) (*UpdateUserDataResultModel, error)
- func UpdateUserPublisherData(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *UpdateUserDataRequestModel, ...) (*UpdateUserDataResultModel, error)
- func UpdateUserPublisherInternalData(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *UpdateUserInternalDataRequestModel, ...) (*UpdateUserDataResultModel, error)
- func UpdateUserPublisherReadOnlyData(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *UpdateUserDataRequestModel, ...) (*UpdateUserDataResultModel, error)
- func UpdateUserReadOnlyData(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *UpdateUserDataRequestModel, ...) (*UpdateUserDataResultModel, error)
- type UpdateUserInternalDataRequestModel
- type UpdateUserTitleDisplayNameRequestModel
- type UpdateUserTitleDisplayNameResultModel
- type UserAccountInfoModel
- type UserAndroidDeviceInfoModel
- type UserAppleIdInfoModel
- type UserCustomIdInfoModel
- type UserDataPermission
- type UserDataRecordModel
- type UserFacebookInfoModel
- type UserFacebookInstantGamesIdInfoModel
- type UserGameCenterInfoModel
- type UserGoogleInfoModel
- type UserGooglePlayGamesInfoModel
- type UserIosDeviceInfoModel
- type UserKongregateInfoModel
- type UserNintendoSwitchAccountIdInfoModel
- type UserNintendoSwitchDeviceIdInfoModel
- type UserOpenIdInfoModel
- type UserOrigination
- type UserOriginationSegmentFilterModel
- type UserPrivateAccountInfoModel
- type UserPsnInfoModel
- type UserSteamInfoModel
- type UserTitleInfoModel
- type UserTwitchInfoModel
- type UserXboxInfoModel
- type ValueToDateModelModel
- type ValueToDateSegmentFilterModel
- type VirtualCurrencyBalanceSegmentFilterModel
- type VirtualCurrencyDataModel
- type VirtualCurrencyRechargeTimeModel
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AbortTaskInstanceRequestModel ¶
type AbortTaskInstanceRequestModel struct { // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // TaskInstanceId iD of a task instance that is being aborted. TaskInstanceId string `json:"TaskInstanceId,omitempty"` }
AbortTaskInstanceRequest if the task instance has already completed, there will be no-op.
type ActionsOnPlayersInSegmentTaskParameterModel ¶
type ActionsOnPlayersInSegmentTaskParameterModel struct { // ActionId iD of the action to perform on each player in segment. ActionId string `json:"ActionId,omitempty"` // SegmentId iD of the segment to perform actions on. SegmentId string `json:"SegmentId,omitempty"` }
type ActionsOnPlayersInSegmentTaskSummaryModel ¶
type ActionsOnPlayersInSegmentTaskSummaryModel struct { // CompletedAt uTC timestamp when the task completed. CompletedAt time.Time `json:"CompletedAt,omitempty"` // ErrorMessage error message for last processing attempt, if an error occured. ErrorMessage string `json:"ErrorMessage,omitempty"` // ErrorWasFatal flag indicating if the error was fatal, if false job will be retried. ErrorWasFatal bool `json:"ErrorWasFatal"` // EstimatedSecondsRemaining estimated time remaining in seconds. EstimatedSecondsRemaining float64 `json:"EstimatedSecondsRemaining,omitempty"` // PercentComplete progress represented as percentage. PercentComplete float64 `json:"PercentComplete,omitempty"` // ScheduledByUserId if manually scheduled, ID of user who scheduled the task. ScheduledByUserId string `json:"ScheduledByUserId,omitempty"` // StartedAt uTC timestamp when the task started. StartedAt time.Time `json:"StartedAt,omitempty"` // Status current status of the task instance. Status TaskInstanceStatus `json:"Status,omitempty"` // TaskIdentifier identifier of the task this instance belongs to. TaskIdentifier *NameIdentifierModel `json:"TaskIdentifier,omitempty"` // TaskInstanceId iD of the task instance. TaskInstanceId string `json:"TaskInstanceId,omitempty"` // TotalPlayersInSegment total players in segment when task was started. TotalPlayersInSegment int32 `json:"TotalPlayersInSegment,omitempty"` // TotalPlayersProcessed total number of players that have had the actions applied to. TotalPlayersProcessed int32 `json:"TotalPlayersProcessed,omitempty"` }
type AdCampaignAttributionModel ¶
type AdCampaignAttributionModel struct { // AttributedAt uTC time stamp of attribution AttributedAt time.Time `json:"AttributedAt,omitempty"` // CampaignId attribution campaign identifier CampaignId string `json:"CampaignId,omitempty"` // Platform attribution network name Platform string `json:"Platform,omitempty"` }
type AdCampaignAttributionModelModel ¶
type AdCampaignAttributionModelModel struct { // AttributedAt uTC time stamp of attribution AttributedAt time.Time `json:"AttributedAt,omitempty"` // CampaignId attribution campaign identifier CampaignId string `json:"CampaignId,omitempty"` // Platform attribution network name Platform string `json:"Platform,omitempty"` }
type AdCampaignSegmentFilterModel ¶
type AdCampaignSegmentFilterModel struct { // CampaignId campaign id. CampaignId string `json:"CampaignId,omitempty"` // CampaignSource campaign source. CampaignSource string `json:"CampaignSource,omitempty"` // Comparison campaign comparison. Comparison SegmentFilterComparison `json:"Comparison,omitempty"` }
type AddLocalizedNewsRequestModel ¶
type AddLocalizedNewsRequestModel struct { // Body localized body text of the news. Body string `json:"Body,omitempty"` // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // Language language of the news item. Language string `json:"Language,omitempty"` // NewsId unique id of the updated news item. NewsId string `json:"NewsId,omitempty"` // Title localized title (headline) of the news item. Title string `json:"Title,omitempty"` }
type AddLocalizedNewsResultModel ¶
type AddLocalizedNewsResultModel struct { }
func AddLocalizedNews ¶
func AddLocalizedNews(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *AddLocalizedNewsRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*AddLocalizedNewsResultModel, error)
AddLocalizedNews update news item to include localized version
type AddNewsRequestModel ¶
type AddNewsRequestModel struct { // Body default body text of the news. Body string `json:"Body,omitempty"` // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // Timestamp time this news was published. If not set, defaults to now. Timestamp time.Time `json:"Timestamp,omitempty"` // Title default title (headline) of the news item. Title string `json:"Title,omitempty"` }
type AddNewsResultModel ¶
type AddNewsResultModel struct { // NewsId unique id of the new news item NewsId string `json:"NewsId,omitempty"` }
func AddNews ¶
func AddNews(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *AddNewsRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*AddNewsResultModel, error)
AddNews adds a new news item to the title's news feed
type AddPlayerTagRequestModel ¶
type AddPlayerTagRequestModel struct { // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // PlayFabId unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` // TagName unique tag for player profile. TagName string `json:"TagName,omitempty"` }
AddPlayerTagRequest this API will trigger a player_tag_added event and add a tag with the given TagName and PlayFabID to the corresponding player profile. TagName can be used for segmentation and it is limited to 256 characters. Also there is a limit on the number of tags a title can have.
type AddPlayerTagResultModel ¶
type AddPlayerTagResultModel struct { }
func AddPlayerTag ¶
func AddPlayerTag(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *AddPlayerTagRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*AddPlayerTagResultModel, error)
AddPlayerTag adds a given tag to a player profile. The tag's namespace is automatically generated based on the source of the tag.
type AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequestModel ¶
type AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequestModel struct { // Amount amount to be added to the user balance of the specified virtual currency. Maximum VC balance is Int32 (2,147,483,647). // Any increase over this value will be discarded. Amount int32 `json:"Amount,omitempty"` // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // PlayFabId playFab unique identifier of the user whose virtual currency balance is to be increased. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` // VirtualCurrency name of the virtual currency which is to be incremented. VirtualCurrency string `json:"VirtualCurrency,omitempty"` }
type AddVirtualCurrencyTypesRequestModel ¶
type AddVirtualCurrencyTypesRequestModel struct { // VirtualCurrencies list of virtual currencies and their initial deposits (the amount a user is granted when signing in for the first time) // to the title VirtualCurrencies []VirtualCurrencyDataModel `json:"VirtualCurrencies,omitempty"` }
AddVirtualCurrencyTypesRequest this operation is additive. Any new currencies defined in the array will be added to the set of those available for the title, while any CurrencyCode identifiers matching existing ones in the game will be overwritten with the new values.
type AllPlayersSegmentFilterModel ¶
type AllPlayersSegmentFilterModel struct { }
type ApiConditionModel ¶
type ApiConditionModel struct { // HasSignatureOrEncryption require that API calls contain an RSA encrypted payload or signed headers. HasSignatureOrEncryption Conditionals `json:"HasSignatureOrEncryption,omitempty"` }
type AuthTokenType ¶
type AuthTokenType string
const (
AuthTokenTypeEmail AuthTokenType = "Email"
type BanInfoModel ¶
type BanInfoModel struct { // Active the active state of this ban. Expired bans may still have this value set to true but they will have no effect. Active bool `json:"Active"` // BanId the unique Ban Id associated with this ban. BanId string `json:"BanId,omitempty"` // Created the time when this ban was applied. Created time.Time `json:"Created,omitempty"` // Expires the time when this ban expires. Permanent bans do not have expiration date. Expires time.Time `json:"Expires,omitempty"` // IPAddress the IP address on which the ban was applied. May affect multiple players. IPAddress string `json:"IPAddress,omitempty"` // PlayFabId unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` // Reason the reason why this ban was applied. Reason string `json:"Reason,omitempty"` }
BanInfo contains information for a ban.
type BanPlayerSegmentActionModel ¶
type BanPlayerSegmentActionModel struct { // BanHours ban hours duration. BanHours uint32 `json:"BanHours,omitempty"` // ReasonForBan reason for ban. ReasonForBan string `json:"ReasonForBan,omitempty"` }
type BanRequestModel ¶
type BanRequestModel struct { // DurationInHours the duration in hours for the ban. Leave this blank for a permanent ban. DurationInHours uint32 `json:"DurationInHours,omitempty"` // IPAddress iP address to be banned. May affect multiple players. IPAddress string `json:"IPAddress,omitempty"` // PlayFabId unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` // Reason the reason for this ban. Maximum 140 characters. Reason string `json:"Reason,omitempty"` }
BanRequest represents a single ban request.
type BanUsersRequestModel ¶
type BanUsersRequestModel struct { // Bans list of ban requests to be applied. Maximum 100. Bans []BanRequestModel `json:"Bans,omitempty"` // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` }
BanUsersRequest the existence of each user will not be verified. When banning by IP or MAC address, multiple players may be affected, so use this feature with caution. Returns information about the new bans.
type BanUsersResultModel ¶
type BanUsersResultModel struct { // BanData information on the bans that were applied BanData []BanInfoModel `json:"BanData,omitempty"` }
func BanUsers ¶
func BanUsers(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *BanUsersRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*BanUsersResultModel, error)
BanUsers bans users by PlayFab ID with optional IP address, or MAC address for the provided game.
type BlankResultModel ¶
type BlankResultModel struct { }
func AddVirtualCurrencyTypes ¶
func AddVirtualCurrencyTypes(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *AddVirtualCurrencyTypesRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*BlankResultModel, error)
AddVirtualCurrencyTypes adds one or more virtual currencies to the set defined for the title. Virtual Currencies have a maximum value of 2,147,483,647 when granted to a player. Any value over that will be discarded.
func DeleteContent ¶
func DeleteContent(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *DeleteContentRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*BlankResultModel, error)
DeleteContent delete a content file from the title. When deleting a file that does not exist, it returns success.
func RemoveVirtualCurrencyTypes ¶
func RemoveVirtualCurrencyTypes(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *RemoveVirtualCurrencyTypesRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*BlankResultModel, error)
RemoveVirtualCurrencyTypes removes one or more virtual currencies from the set defined for the title.
type CatalogItemBundleInfoModel ¶
type CatalogItemBundleInfoModel struct { // BundledItems unique ItemId values for all items which will be added to the player inventory when the bundle is added BundledItems []string `json:"BundledItems,omitempty"` // BundledResultTables unique TableId values for all RandomResultTable objects which are part of the bundle (random tables will be resolved and // add the relevant items to the player inventory when the bundle is added) BundledResultTables []string `json:"BundledResultTables,omitempty"` // BundledVirtualCurrencies virtual currency types and balances which will be added to the player inventory when the bundle is added BundledVirtualCurrencies map[string]uint32 `json:"BundledVirtualCurrencies,omitempty"` }
type CatalogItemConsumableInfoModel ¶
type CatalogItemConsumableInfoModel struct { // UsageCount number of times this object can be used, after which it will be removed from the player inventory UsageCount uint32 `json:"UsageCount,omitempty"` // UsagePeriod duration in seconds for how long the item will remain in the player inventory - once elapsed, the item will be removed // (recommended minimum value is 5 seconds, as lower values can cause the item to expire before operations depending on // this item's details have completed) UsagePeriod uint32 `json:"UsagePeriod,omitempty"` // UsagePeriodGroup all inventory item instances in the player inventory sharing a non-null UsagePeriodGroup have their UsagePeriod values // added together, and share the result - when that period has elapsed, all the items in the group will be removed UsagePeriodGroup string `json:"UsagePeriodGroup,omitempty"` }
type CatalogItemContainerInfoModel ¶
type CatalogItemContainerInfoModel struct { // ItemContents unique ItemId values for all items which will be added to the player inventory, once the container has been unlocked ItemContents []string `json:"ItemContents,omitempty"` // KeyItemId itemId for the catalog item used to unlock the container, if any (if not specified, a call to UnlockContainerItem will // open the container, adding the contents to the player inventory and currency balances) KeyItemId string `json:"KeyItemId,omitempty"` // ResultTableContents unique TableId values for all RandomResultTable objects which are part of the container (once unlocked, random tables // will be resolved and add the relevant items to the player inventory) ResultTableContents []string `json:"ResultTableContents,omitempty"` // VirtualCurrencyContents virtual currency types and balances which will be added to the player inventory when the container is unlocked VirtualCurrencyContents map[string]uint32 `json:"VirtualCurrencyContents,omitempty"` }
CatalogItemContainerInfo containers are inventory items that can hold other items defined in the catalog, as well as virtual currency, which is added to the player inventory when the container is unlocked, using the UnlockContainerItem API. The items can be anything defined in the catalog, as well as RandomResultTable objects which will be resolved when the container is unlocked. Containers and their keys should be defined as Consumable (having a limited number of uses) in their catalog defintiions, unless the intent is for the player to be able to re-use them infinitely.
type CatalogItemModel ¶
type CatalogItemModel struct { // Bundle defines the bundle properties for the item - bundles are items which contain other items, including random drop tables // and virtual currencies Bundle *CatalogItemBundleInfoModel `json:"Bundle,omitempty"` // CanBecomeCharacter if true, then an item instance of this type can be used to grant a character to a user. CanBecomeCharacter bool `json:"CanBecomeCharacter"` // CatalogVersion catalog version for this item CatalogVersion string `json:"CatalogVersion,omitempty"` // Consumable defines the consumable properties (number of uses, timeout) for the item Consumable *CatalogItemConsumableInfoModel `json:"Consumable,omitempty"` // Container defines the container properties for the item - what items it contains, including random drop tables and virtual // currencies, and what item (if any) is required to open it via the UnlockContainerItem API Container *CatalogItemContainerInfoModel `json:"Container,omitempty"` // CustomData game specific custom data CustomData string `json:"CustomData,omitempty"` // Description text description of item, to show in-game Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // DisplayName text name for the item, to show in-game DisplayName string `json:"DisplayName,omitempty"` // InitialLimitedEditionCount if the item has IsLImitedEdition set to true, and this is the first time this ItemId has been defined as a limited // edition item, this value determines the total number of instances to allocate for the title. Once this limit has been // reached, no more instances of this ItemId can be created, and attempts to purchase or grant it will return a Result of // false for that ItemId. If the item has already been defined to have a limited edition count, or if this value is less // than zero, it will be ignored. InitialLimitedEditionCount int32 `json:"InitialLimitedEditionCount,omitempty"` // IsLimitedEdition bETA: If true, then only a fixed number can ever be granted. IsLimitedEdition bool `json:"IsLimitedEdition"` // IsStackable if true, then only one item instance of this type will exist and its remaininguses will be incremented instead. // RemainingUses will cap out at Int32.Max (2,147,483,647). All subsequent increases will be discarded IsStackable bool `json:"IsStackable"` // IsTradable if true, then an item instance of this type can be traded between players using the trading APIs IsTradable bool `json:"IsTradable"` // ItemClass class to which the item belongs ItemClass string `json:"ItemClass,omitempty"` // ItemId unique identifier for this item ItemId string `json:"ItemId,omitempty"` // ItemImageUrl uRL to the item image. For Facebook purchase to display the image on the item purchase page, this must be set to an HTTP // URL. ItemImageUrl string `json:"ItemImageUrl,omitempty"` // RealCurrencyPrices override prices for this item for specific currencies RealCurrencyPrices map[string]uint32 `json:"RealCurrencyPrices,omitempty"` // Tags list of item tags Tags []string `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // VirtualCurrencyPrices price of this item in virtual currencies and "RM" (the base Real Money purchase price, in USD pennies) VirtualCurrencyPrices map[string]uint32 `json:"VirtualCurrencyPrices,omitempty"` }
CatalogItem a purchasable item from the item catalog
type CheckLimitedEditionItemAvailabilityRequestModel ¶
type CheckLimitedEditionItemAvailabilityRequestModel struct { // CatalogVersion which catalog is being updated. If null, uses the default catalog. CatalogVersion string `json:"CatalogVersion,omitempty"` // ItemId the item to check for. ItemId string `json:"ItemId,omitempty"` }
CheckLimitedEditionItemAvailabilityRequest this returns the total number of these items available.
type CheckLimitedEditionItemAvailabilityResultModel ¶
type CheckLimitedEditionItemAvailabilityResultModel struct { // Amount the amount of the specified resource remaining. Amount int32 `json:"Amount,omitempty"` }
func CheckLimitedEditionItemAvailability ¶
func CheckLimitedEditionItemAvailability(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *CheckLimitedEditionItemAvailabilityRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*CheckLimitedEditionItemAvailabilityResultModel, error)
CheckLimitedEditionItemAvailability checks the global count for the limited edition item.
type ChurnPredictionSegmentFilterModel ¶
type ChurnPredictionSegmentFilterModel struct { // Comparison comparison Comparison SegmentFilterComparison `json:"Comparison,omitempty"` // RiskLevel riskLevel RiskLevel ChurnRiskLevel `json:"RiskLevel,omitempty"` }
type ChurnRiskLevel ¶
type ChurnRiskLevel string
const ( ChurnRiskLevelNoData ChurnRiskLevel = "NoData" ChurnRiskLevelLowRisk ChurnRiskLevel = "LowRisk" ChurnRiskLevelMediumRisk ChurnRiskLevel = "MediumRisk" ChurnRiskLevelHighRisk ChurnRiskLevel = "HighRisk" )
type CloudScriptFileModel ¶
type CloudScriptFileModel struct { // FileContents contents of the Cloud Script javascript. Must be string-escaped javascript. FileContents string `json:"FileContents,omitempty"` // Filename name of the javascript file. These names are not used internally by the server, they are only for developer // organizational purposes. Filename string `json:"Filename,omitempty"` }
type CloudScriptTaskParameterModel ¶
type CloudScriptTaskParameterModel struct { // Argument argument to pass to the CloudScript function. Argument interface{} `json:"Argument,omitempty"` // FunctionName name of the CloudScript function to execute. FunctionName string `json:"FunctionName,omitempty"` }
type CloudScriptTaskSummaryModel ¶
type CloudScriptTaskSummaryModel struct { // CompletedAt uTC timestamp when the task completed. CompletedAt time.Time `json:"CompletedAt,omitempty"` // EstimatedSecondsRemaining estimated time remaining in seconds. EstimatedSecondsRemaining float64 `json:"EstimatedSecondsRemaining,omitempty"` // PercentComplete progress represented as percentage. PercentComplete float64 `json:"PercentComplete,omitempty"` // Result result of CloudScript execution Result *ExecuteCloudScriptResultModel `json:"Result,omitempty"` // ScheduledByUserId if manually scheduled, ID of user who scheduled the task. ScheduledByUserId string `json:"ScheduledByUserId,omitempty"` // StartedAt uTC timestamp when the task started. StartedAt time.Time `json:"StartedAt,omitempty"` // Status current status of the task instance. Status TaskInstanceStatus `json:"Status,omitempty"` // TaskIdentifier identifier of the task this instance belongs to. TaskIdentifier *NameIdentifierModel `json:"TaskIdentifier,omitempty"` // TaskInstanceId iD of the task instance. TaskInstanceId string `json:"TaskInstanceId,omitempty"` }
type CloudScriptVersionStatusModel ¶
type CloudScriptVersionStatusModel struct { // LatestRevision most recent revision for this Cloud Script version LatestRevision int32 `json:"LatestRevision,omitempty"` // PublishedRevision published code revision for this Cloud Script version PublishedRevision int32 `json:"PublishedRevision,omitempty"` // Version version number Version int32 `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
type Conditionals ¶
type Conditionals string
const ( ConditionalsAny Conditionals = "Any" ConditionalsTrue Conditionals = "True" ConditionalsFalse Conditionals = "False" )
type ContactEmailInfoModel ¶
type ContactEmailInfoModel struct { // EmailAddress the email address EmailAddress string `json:"EmailAddress,omitempty"` // Name the name of the email info data Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // VerificationStatus the verification status of the email VerificationStatus EmailVerificationStatus `json:"VerificationStatus,omitempty"` }
type ContactEmailInfoModelModel ¶
type ContactEmailInfoModelModel struct { // EmailAddress the email address EmailAddress string `json:"EmailAddress,omitempty"` // Name the name of the email info data Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // VerificationStatus the verification status of the email VerificationStatus EmailVerificationStatus `json:"VerificationStatus,omitempty"` }
type ContentInfoModel ¶
type ContentInfoModel struct { // Key key of the content Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // LastModified last modified time LastModified time.Time `json:"LastModified,omitempty"` // Size size of the content in bytes Size float64 `json:"Size,omitempty"` }
type ContinentCode ¶
type ContinentCode string
const ( ContinentCodeAF ContinentCode = "AF" ContinentCodeAN ContinentCode = "AN" ContinentCodeAS ContinentCode = "AS" ContinentCodeEU ContinentCode = "EU" ContinentCodeNA ContinentCode = "NA" ContinentCodeOC ContinentCode = "OC" ContinentCodeSA ContinentCode = "SA" )
type CountryCode ¶
type CountryCode string
const ( CountryCodeAF CountryCode = "AF" CountryCodeAX CountryCode = "AX" CountryCodeAL CountryCode = "AL" CountryCodeDZ CountryCode = "DZ" CountryCodeAS CountryCode = "AS" CountryCodeAD CountryCode = "AD" CountryCodeAO CountryCode = "AO" CountryCodeAI CountryCode = "AI" CountryCodeAQ CountryCode = "AQ" CountryCodeAG CountryCode = "AG" CountryCodeAR CountryCode = "AR" CountryCodeAM CountryCode = "AM" CountryCodeAW CountryCode = "AW" CountryCodeAU CountryCode = "AU" CountryCodeAT CountryCode = "AT" CountryCodeAZ CountryCode = "AZ" CountryCodeBS CountryCode = "BS" CountryCodeBH CountryCode = "BH" CountryCodeBD CountryCode = "BD" CountryCodeBB CountryCode = "BB" CountryCodeBY CountryCode = "BY" CountryCodeBE CountryCode = "BE" CountryCodeBZ CountryCode = "BZ" CountryCodeBJ CountryCode = "BJ" CountryCodeBM CountryCode = "BM" CountryCodeBT CountryCode = "BT" CountryCodeBO CountryCode = "BO" CountryCodeBQ CountryCode = "BQ" CountryCodeBA CountryCode = "BA" CountryCodeBW CountryCode = "BW" CountryCodeBV CountryCode = "BV" CountryCodeBR CountryCode = "BR" CountryCodeIO CountryCode = "IO" CountryCodeBN CountryCode = "BN" CountryCodeBG CountryCode = "BG" CountryCodeBF CountryCode = "BF" CountryCodeBI CountryCode = "BI" CountryCodeKH CountryCode = "KH" CountryCodeCM CountryCode = "CM" CountryCodeCA CountryCode = "CA" CountryCodeCV CountryCode = "CV" CountryCodeKY CountryCode = "KY" CountryCodeCF CountryCode = "CF" CountryCodeTD CountryCode = "TD" CountryCodeCL CountryCode = "CL" CountryCodeCN CountryCode = "CN" CountryCodeCX CountryCode = "CX" CountryCodeCC CountryCode = "CC" CountryCodeCO CountryCode = "CO" CountryCodeKM CountryCode = "KM" CountryCodeCG CountryCode = "CG" CountryCodeCD CountryCode = "CD" CountryCodeCK CountryCode = "CK" CountryCodeCR CountryCode = "CR" CountryCodeCI CountryCode = "CI" CountryCodeHR CountryCode = "HR" CountryCodeCU CountryCode = "CU" CountryCodeCW CountryCode = "CW" CountryCodeCY CountryCode = "CY" CountryCodeCZ CountryCode = "CZ" CountryCodeDK CountryCode = "DK" CountryCodeDJ CountryCode = "DJ" CountryCodeDM CountryCode = "DM" CountryCodeDO CountryCode = "DO" CountryCodeEC CountryCode = "EC" CountryCodeEG CountryCode = "EG" CountryCodeSV CountryCode = "SV" CountryCodeGQ CountryCode = "GQ" CountryCodeER CountryCode = "ER" CountryCodeEE CountryCode = "EE" CountryCodeET CountryCode = "ET" CountryCodeFK CountryCode = "FK" CountryCodeFO CountryCode = "FO" CountryCodeFJ CountryCode = "FJ" CountryCodeFI CountryCode = "FI" CountryCodeFR CountryCode = "FR" CountryCodeGF CountryCode = "GF" CountryCodePF CountryCode = "PF" CountryCodeTF CountryCode = "TF" CountryCodeGA CountryCode = "GA" CountryCodeGM CountryCode = "GM" CountryCodeGE CountryCode = "GE" CountryCodeDE CountryCode = "DE" CountryCodeGH CountryCode = "GH" CountryCodeGI CountryCode = "GI" CountryCodeGR CountryCode = "GR" CountryCodeGL CountryCode = "GL" CountryCodeGD CountryCode = "GD" CountryCodeGP CountryCode = "GP" CountryCodeGU CountryCode = "GU" CountryCodeGT CountryCode = "GT" CountryCodeGG CountryCode = "GG" CountryCodeGN CountryCode = "GN" CountryCodeGW CountryCode = "GW" CountryCodeGY CountryCode = "GY" CountryCodeHT CountryCode = "HT" CountryCodeHM CountryCode = "HM" CountryCodeVA CountryCode = "VA" CountryCodeHN CountryCode = "HN" CountryCodeHK CountryCode = "HK" CountryCodeHU CountryCode = "HU" CountryCodeIS CountryCode = "IS" CountryCodeIN CountryCode = "IN" CountryCodeID CountryCode = "ID" CountryCodeIR CountryCode = "IR" CountryCodeIQ CountryCode = "IQ" CountryCodeIE CountryCode = "IE" CountryCodeIM CountryCode = "IM" CountryCodeIL CountryCode = "IL" CountryCodeIT CountryCode = "IT" CountryCodeJM CountryCode = "JM" CountryCodeJP CountryCode = "JP" CountryCodeJE CountryCode = "JE" CountryCodeJO CountryCode = "JO" CountryCodeKZ CountryCode = "KZ" CountryCodeKE CountryCode = "KE" CountryCodeKI CountryCode = "KI" CountryCodeKP CountryCode = "KP" CountryCodeKR CountryCode = "KR" CountryCodeKW CountryCode = "KW" CountryCodeKG CountryCode = "KG" CountryCodeLA CountryCode = "LA" CountryCodeLV CountryCode = "LV" CountryCodeLB CountryCode = "LB" CountryCodeLS CountryCode = "LS" CountryCodeLR CountryCode = "LR" CountryCodeLY CountryCode = "LY" CountryCodeLI CountryCode = "LI" CountryCodeLT CountryCode = "LT" CountryCodeLU CountryCode = "LU" CountryCodeMO CountryCode = "MO" CountryCodeMK CountryCode = "MK" CountryCodeMG CountryCode = "MG" CountryCodeMW CountryCode = "MW" CountryCodeMY CountryCode = "MY" CountryCodeMV CountryCode = "MV" CountryCodeML CountryCode = "ML" CountryCodeMT CountryCode = "MT" CountryCodeMH CountryCode = "MH" CountryCodeMQ CountryCode = "MQ" CountryCodeMR CountryCode = "MR" CountryCodeMU CountryCode = "MU" CountryCodeYT CountryCode = "YT" CountryCodeMX CountryCode = "MX" CountryCodeFM CountryCode = "FM" CountryCodeMD CountryCode = "MD" CountryCodeMC CountryCode = "MC" CountryCodeMN CountryCode = "MN" CountryCodeME CountryCode = "ME" CountryCodeMS CountryCode = "MS" CountryCodeMA CountryCode = "MA" CountryCodeMZ CountryCode = "MZ" CountryCodeMM CountryCode = "MM" CountryCodeNA CountryCode = "NA" CountryCodeNR CountryCode = "NR" CountryCodeNP CountryCode = "NP" CountryCodeNL CountryCode = "NL" CountryCodeNC CountryCode = "NC" CountryCodeNZ CountryCode = "NZ" CountryCodeNI CountryCode = "NI" CountryCodeNE CountryCode = "NE" CountryCodeNG CountryCode = "NG" CountryCodeNU CountryCode = "NU" CountryCodeNF CountryCode = "NF" CountryCodeMP CountryCode = "MP" CountryCodeNO CountryCode = "NO" CountryCodeOM CountryCode = "OM" CountryCodePK CountryCode = "PK" CountryCodePW CountryCode = "PW" CountryCodePS CountryCode = "PS" CountryCodePA CountryCode = "PA" CountryCodePG CountryCode = "PG" CountryCodePY CountryCode = "PY" CountryCodePE CountryCode = "PE" CountryCodePH CountryCode = "PH" CountryCodePN CountryCode = "PN" CountryCodePL CountryCode = "PL" CountryCodePT CountryCode = "PT" CountryCodePR CountryCode = "PR" CountryCodeQA CountryCode = "QA" CountryCodeRE CountryCode = "RE" CountryCodeRO CountryCode = "RO" CountryCodeRU CountryCode = "RU" CountryCodeRW CountryCode = "RW" CountryCodeBL CountryCode = "BL" CountryCodeSH CountryCode = "SH" CountryCodeKN CountryCode = "KN" CountryCodeLC CountryCode = "LC" CountryCodeMF CountryCode = "MF" CountryCodePM CountryCode = "PM" CountryCodeVC CountryCode = "VC" CountryCodeWS CountryCode = "WS" CountryCodeSM CountryCode = "SM" CountryCodeST CountryCode = "ST" CountryCodeSA CountryCode = "SA" CountryCodeSN CountryCode = "SN" CountryCodeRS CountryCode = "RS" CountryCodeSC CountryCode = "SC" CountryCodeSL CountryCode = "SL" CountryCodeSG CountryCode = "SG" CountryCodeSX CountryCode = "SX" CountryCodeSK CountryCode = "SK" CountryCodeSI CountryCode = "SI" CountryCodeSB CountryCode = "SB" CountryCodeSO CountryCode = "SO" CountryCodeZA CountryCode = "ZA" CountryCodeGS CountryCode = "GS" CountryCodeSS CountryCode = "SS" CountryCodeES CountryCode = "ES" CountryCodeLK CountryCode = "LK" CountryCodeSD CountryCode = "SD" CountryCodeSR CountryCode = "SR" CountryCodeSJ CountryCode = "SJ" CountryCodeSZ CountryCode = "SZ" CountryCodeSE CountryCode = "SE" CountryCodeCH CountryCode = "CH" CountryCodeSY CountryCode = "SY" CountryCodeTW CountryCode = "TW" CountryCodeTJ CountryCode = "TJ" CountryCodeTZ CountryCode = "TZ" CountryCodeTH CountryCode = "TH" CountryCodeTL CountryCode = "TL" CountryCodeTG CountryCode = "TG" CountryCodeTK CountryCode = "TK" CountryCodeTO CountryCode = "TO" CountryCodeTT CountryCode = "TT" CountryCodeTN CountryCode = "TN" CountryCodeTR CountryCode = "TR" CountryCodeTM CountryCode = "TM" CountryCodeTC CountryCode = "TC" CountryCodeTV CountryCode = "TV" CountryCodeUG CountryCode = "UG" CountryCodeUA CountryCode = "UA" CountryCodeAE CountryCode = "AE" CountryCodeGB CountryCode = "GB" CountryCodeUS CountryCode = "US" CountryCodeUM CountryCode = "UM" CountryCodeUY CountryCode = "UY" CountryCodeUZ CountryCode = "UZ" CountryCodeVU CountryCode = "VU" CountryCodeVE CountryCode = "VE" CountryCodeVN CountryCode = "VN" CountryCodeVG CountryCode = "VG" CountryCodeVI CountryCode = "VI" CountryCodeWF CountryCode = "WF" CountryCodeEH CountryCode = "EH" CountryCodeYE CountryCode = "YE" CountryCodeZM CountryCode = "ZM" CountryCodeZW CountryCode = "ZW" )
type CreateActionsOnPlayerSegmentTaskRequestModel ¶
type CreateActionsOnPlayerSegmentTaskRequestModel struct { // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // Description description the task Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // IsActive whether the schedule is active. Inactive schedule will not trigger task execution. IsActive bool `json:"IsActive"` // Name name of the task. This is a unique identifier for tasks in the title. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Parameter task details related to segment and action Parameter *ActionsOnPlayersInSegmentTaskParameterModel `json:"Parameter,omitempty"` // Schedule cron expression for the run schedule of the task. The expression should be in UTC. Schedule string `json:"Schedule,omitempty"` }
CreateActionsOnPlayerSegmentTaskRequest task name is unique within a title. Using a task name that's already taken will cause a name conflict error. Too many create-task requests within a short time will cause a create conflict error.
type CreateCloudScriptTaskRequestModel ¶
type CreateCloudScriptTaskRequestModel struct { // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // Description description the task Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // IsActive whether the schedule is active. Inactive schedule will not trigger task execution. IsActive bool `json:"IsActive"` // Name name of the task. This is a unique identifier for tasks in the title. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Parameter task details related to CloudScript Parameter *CloudScriptTaskParameterModel `json:"Parameter,omitempty"` // Schedule cron expression for the run schedule of the task. The expression should be in UTC. Schedule string `json:"Schedule,omitempty"` }
CreateCloudScriptTaskRequest task name is unique within a title. Using a task name that's already taken will cause a name conflict error. Too many create-task requests within a short time will cause a create conflict error.
type CreateInsightsScheduledScalingTaskRequestModel ¶
type CreateInsightsScheduledScalingTaskRequestModel struct { // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // Description description the task Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // IsActive whether the schedule is active. Inactive schedule will not trigger task execution. IsActive bool `json:"IsActive"` // Name name of the task. This is a unique identifier for tasks in the title. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Parameter task details related to Insights Scaling Parameter *InsightsScalingTaskParameterModel `json:"Parameter,omitempty"` // Schedule cron expression for the run schedule of the task. The expression should be in UTC. Schedule string `json:"Schedule,omitempty"` }
CreateInsightsScheduledScalingTaskRequest task name is unique within a title. Using a task name that's already taken will cause a name conflict error. Too many create-task requests within a short time will cause a create conflict error.
type CreateOpenIdConnectionRequestModel ¶
type CreateOpenIdConnectionRequestModel struct { // ClientId the client ID given by the ID provider. ClientId string `json:"ClientId,omitempty"` // ClientSecret the client secret given by the ID provider. ClientSecret string `json:"ClientSecret,omitempty"` // ConnectionId a name for the connection that identifies it within the title. ConnectionId string `json:"ConnectionId,omitempty"` // IgnoreNonce ignore 'nonce' claim in identity tokens. IgnoreNonce bool `json:"IgnoreNonce"` // IssuerDiscoveryUrl the discovery document URL to read issuer information from. This must be the absolute URL to the JSON OpenId // Configuration document and must be accessible from the internet. If you don't know it, try your issuer URL followed by // "/.well-known/openid-configuration". For example, if the issuer is, try // IssuerDiscoveryUrl string `json:"IssuerDiscoveryUrl,omitempty"` // IssuerInformation manually specified information for an OpenID Connect issuer. IssuerInformation *OpenIdIssuerInformationModel `json:"IssuerInformation,omitempty"` }
type CreatePlayerSharedSecretRequestModel ¶
type CreatePlayerSharedSecretRequestModel struct { string `json:"FriendlyName,omitempty"` }FriendlyName
CreatePlayerSharedSecretRequest player Shared Secret Keys are used for the call to Client/GetTitlePublicKey, which exchanges the shared secret for an RSA CSP blob to be used to encrypt the payload of account creation requests when that API requires a signature header.
type CreatePlayerSharedSecretResultModel ¶
type CreatePlayerSharedSecretResultModel struct { string `json:"SecretKey,omitempty"` }SecretKey
func CreatePlayerSharedSecret ¶
func CreatePlayerSharedSecret(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *CreatePlayerSharedSecretRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*CreatePlayerSharedSecretResultModel, error)
CreatePlayerSharedSecret creates a new Player Shared Secret Key. It may take up to 5 minutes for this key to become generally available after this API returns.
type CreatePlayerStatisticDefinitionRequestModel ¶
type CreatePlayerStatisticDefinitionRequestModel struct { // AggregationMethod the aggregation method to use in updating the statistic (defaults to last) AggregationMethod StatisticAggregationMethod `json:"AggregationMethod,omitempty"` // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // StatisticName unique name of the statistic StatisticName string `json:"StatisticName,omitempty"` // VersionChangeInterval interval at which the values of the statistic for all players are reset (resets begin at the next interval boundary) VersionChangeInterval StatisticResetIntervalOption `json:"VersionChangeInterval,omitempty"` }
CreatePlayerStatisticDefinitionRequest statistics are numeric values, with each statistic in the title also generating a leaderboard. The ResetInterval enables automatically resetting leaderboards on a specified interval. Upon reset, the statistic updates to a new version with no values (effectively removing all players from the leaderboard). The previous version's statistic values are also archived for retrieval, if needed (see GetPlayerStatisticVersions). Statistics not created via a call to CreatePlayerStatisticDefinition by default have a VersionChangeInterval of Never, meaning they do not reset on a schedule, but they can be set to do so via a call to UpdatePlayerStatisticDefinition. Once a statistic has been reset (sometimes referred to as versioned or incremented), the now-previous version can still be written to for up a short, pre-defined period (currently 10 seconds), to prevent issues with levels completing around the time of the reset. Also, once reset, the historical statistics for players in the title may be retrieved using the URL specified in the version information (GetPlayerStatisticVersions). The AggregationMethod determines what action is taken when a new statistic value is submitted - always update with the new value (Last), use the highest of the old and new values (Max), use the smallest (Min), or add them together (Sum).
type CreatePlayerStatisticDefinitionResultModel ¶
type CreatePlayerStatisticDefinitionResultModel struct { // Statistic created statistic definition Statistic *PlayerStatisticDefinitionModel `json:"Statistic,omitempty"` }
func CreatePlayerStatisticDefinition ¶
func CreatePlayerStatisticDefinition(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *CreatePlayerStatisticDefinitionRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*CreatePlayerStatisticDefinitionResultModel, error)
CreatePlayerStatisticDefinition adds a new player statistic configuration to the title, optionally allowing the developer to specify a reset interval and an aggregation method.
type CreateSegmentRequestModel ¶
type CreateSegmentRequestModel struct { // SegmentModel segment model with all of the segment properties data. SegmentModel *SegmentModelModel `json:"SegmentModel,omitempty"` }
CreateSegmentRequest send all the segment details part of CreateSegmentRequest
type CreateSegmentResponseModel ¶
type CreateSegmentResponseModel struct { // ErrorMessage error message. ErrorMessage string `json:"ErrorMessage,omitempty"` // SegmentId segment id. SegmentId string `json:"SegmentId,omitempty"` }
func CreateSegment ¶
func CreateSegment(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *CreateSegmentRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*CreateSegmentResponseModel, error)
CreateSegment creates a new player segment by defining the conditions on player properties. Also, create actions to target the player segments for a title.
type CreateTaskResultModel ¶
type CreateTaskResultModel struct { // TaskId iD of the task TaskId string `json:"TaskId,omitempty"` }
func CreateActionsOnPlayersInSegmentTask ¶
func CreateActionsOnPlayersInSegmentTask(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *CreateActionsOnPlayerSegmentTaskRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*CreateTaskResultModel, error)
CreateActionsOnPlayersInSegmentTask create an ActionsOnPlayersInSegment task, which iterates through all players in a segment to execute action.
func CreateCloudScriptTask ¶
func CreateCloudScriptTask(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *CreateCloudScriptTaskRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*CreateTaskResultModel, error)
CreateCloudScriptTask create a CloudScript task, which can run a CloudScript on a schedule.
func CreateInsightsScheduledScalingTask ¶
func CreateInsightsScheduledScalingTask(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *CreateInsightsScheduledScalingTaskRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*CreateTaskResultModel, error)
CreateInsightsScheduledScalingTask create a Insights Scheduled Scaling task, which can scale Insights Performance Units on a schedule
type Currency ¶
type Currency string
const ( CurrencyAED Currency = "AED" CurrencyAFN Currency = "AFN" CurrencyALL Currency = "ALL" CurrencyAMD Currency = "AMD" CurrencyANG Currency = "ANG" CurrencyAOA Currency = "AOA" CurrencyARS Currency = "ARS" CurrencyAUD Currency = "AUD" CurrencyAWG Currency = "AWG" CurrencyAZN Currency = "AZN" CurrencyBAM Currency = "BAM" CurrencyBBD Currency = "BBD" CurrencyBDT Currency = "BDT" CurrencyBGN Currency = "BGN" CurrencyBHD Currency = "BHD" CurrencyBIF Currency = "BIF" CurrencyBMD Currency = "BMD" CurrencyBND Currency = "BND" CurrencyBOB Currency = "BOB" CurrencyBRL Currency = "BRL" CurrencyBSD Currency = "BSD" CurrencyBTN Currency = "BTN" CurrencyBWP Currency = "BWP" CurrencyBYR Currency = "BYR" CurrencyBZD Currency = "BZD" CurrencyCAD Currency = "CAD" CurrencyCDF Currency = "CDF" CurrencyCHF Currency = "CHF" CurrencyCLP Currency = "CLP" CurrencyCNY Currency = "CNY" CurrencyCOP Currency = "COP" CurrencyCRC Currency = "CRC" CurrencyCUC Currency = "CUC" CurrencyCUP Currency = "CUP" CurrencyCVE Currency = "CVE" CurrencyCZK Currency = "CZK" CurrencyDJF Currency = "DJF" CurrencyDKK Currency = "DKK" CurrencyDOP Currency = "DOP" CurrencyDZD Currency = "DZD" CurrencyEGP Currency = "EGP" CurrencyERN Currency = "ERN" CurrencyETB Currency = "ETB" CurrencyEUR Currency = "EUR" CurrencyFJD Currency = "FJD" CurrencyFKP Currency = "FKP" CurrencyGBP Currency = "GBP" CurrencyGEL Currency = "GEL" CurrencyGGP Currency = "GGP" CurrencyGHS Currency = "GHS" CurrencyGIP Currency = "GIP" CurrencyGMD Currency = "GMD" CurrencyGNF Currency = "GNF" CurrencyGTQ Currency = "GTQ" CurrencyGYD Currency = "GYD" CurrencyHKD Currency = "HKD" CurrencyHNL Currency = "HNL" CurrencyHRK Currency = "HRK" CurrencyHTG Currency = "HTG" CurrencyHUF Currency = "HUF" CurrencyIDR Currency = "IDR" CurrencyILS Currency = "ILS" CurrencyIMP Currency = "IMP" CurrencyINR Currency = "INR" CurrencyIQD Currency = "IQD" CurrencyIRR Currency = "IRR" CurrencyISK Currency = "ISK" CurrencyJEP Currency = "JEP" CurrencyJMD Currency = "JMD" CurrencyJOD Currency = "JOD" CurrencyJPY Currency = "JPY" CurrencyKES Currency = "KES" CurrencyKGS Currency = "KGS" CurrencyKHR Currency = "KHR" CurrencyKMF Currency = "KMF" CurrencyKPW Currency = "KPW" CurrencyKRW Currency = "KRW" CurrencyKWD Currency = "KWD" CurrencyKYD Currency = "KYD" CurrencyKZT Currency = "KZT" CurrencyLAK Currency = "LAK" CurrencyLBP Currency = "LBP" CurrencyLKR Currency = "LKR" CurrencyLRD Currency = "LRD" CurrencyLSL Currency = "LSL" CurrencyLYD Currency = "LYD" CurrencyMAD Currency = "MAD" CurrencyMDL Currency = "MDL" CurrencyMGA Currency = "MGA" CurrencyMKD Currency = "MKD" CurrencyMMK Currency = "MMK" CurrencyMNT Currency = "MNT" CurrencyMOP Currency = "MOP" CurrencyMRO Currency = "MRO" CurrencyMUR Currency = "MUR" CurrencyMVR Currency = "MVR" CurrencyMWK Currency = "MWK" CurrencyMXN Currency = "MXN" CurrencyMYR Currency = "MYR" CurrencyMZN Currency = "MZN" CurrencyNAD Currency = "NAD" CurrencyNGN Currency = "NGN" CurrencyNIO Currency = "NIO" CurrencyNOK Currency = "NOK" CurrencyNPR Currency = "NPR" CurrencyNZD Currency = "NZD" CurrencyOMR Currency = "OMR" CurrencyPAB Currency = "PAB" CurrencyPEN Currency = "PEN" CurrencyPGK Currency = "PGK" CurrencyPHP Currency = "PHP" CurrencyPKR Currency = "PKR" CurrencyPLN Currency = "PLN" CurrencyPYG Currency = "PYG" CurrencyQAR Currency = "QAR" CurrencyRON Currency = "RON" CurrencyRSD Currency = "RSD" CurrencyRUB Currency = "RUB" CurrencyRWF Currency = "RWF" CurrencySAR Currency = "SAR" CurrencySBD Currency = "SBD" CurrencySCR Currency = "SCR" CurrencySDG Currency = "SDG" CurrencySEK Currency = "SEK" CurrencySGD Currency = "SGD" CurrencySHP Currency = "SHP" CurrencySLL Currency = "SLL" CurrencySOS Currency = "SOS" CurrencySPL Currency = "SPL" CurrencySRD Currency = "SRD" CurrencySTD Currency = "STD" CurrencySVC Currency = "SVC" CurrencySYP Currency = "SYP" CurrencySZL Currency = "SZL" CurrencyTHB Currency = "THB" CurrencyTJS Currency = "TJS" CurrencyTMT Currency = "TMT" CurrencyTND Currency = "TND" CurrencyTOP Currency = "TOP" CurrencyTRY Currency = "TRY" CurrencyTTD Currency = "TTD" CurrencyTVD Currency = "TVD" CurrencyTWD Currency = "TWD" CurrencyTZS Currency = "TZS" CurrencyUAH Currency = "UAH" CurrencyUGX Currency = "UGX" CurrencyUSD Currency = "USD" CurrencyUYU Currency = "UYU" CurrencyUZS Currency = "UZS" CurrencyVEF Currency = "VEF" CurrencyVND Currency = "VND" CurrencyVUV Currency = "VUV" CurrencyWST Currency = "WST" CurrencyXAF Currency = "XAF" CurrencyXCD Currency = "XCD" CurrencyXDR Currency = "XDR" CurrencyXOF Currency = "XOF" CurrencyXPF Currency = "XPF" CurrencyYER Currency = "YER" CurrencyZAR Currency = "ZAR" CurrencyZMW Currency = "ZMW" CurrencyZWD Currency = "ZWD" )
type DeleteContentRequestModel ¶
type DeleteContentRequestModel struct { // Key key of the content item to be deleted Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` }
type DeleteMasterPlayerAccountRequestModel ¶
type DeleteMasterPlayerAccountRequestModel struct { // MetaData developer created string to identify a user without PlayFab ID MetaData string `json:"MetaData,omitempty"` // PlayFabId unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` }
DeleteMasterPlayerAccountRequest deletes all data associated with the master player account, including data from all titles the player has played, such as statistics, custom data, inventory, purchases, virtual currency balances, characters, group memberships, publisher data, credential data, account linkages, friends list and PlayStream event history. Removes the player from all leaderboards and player search indexes. Note, this API queues the player for deletion and returns a receipt immediately. Record the receipt ID for future reference. It may take some time before all player data is fully deleted. Upon completion of the deletion, an email will be sent to the notification email address configured for the title confirming the deletion. Until the player data is fully deleted, attempts to recreate the player with the same user account in the same title will fail with the 'AccountDeleted' error. It is highly recommended to know the impact of the deletion by calling GetPlayedTitleList, before calling this API.
type DeleteMasterPlayerAccountResultModel ¶
type DeleteMasterPlayerAccountResultModel struct { // JobReceiptId a notification email with this job receipt Id will be sent to the title notification email address when deletion is // complete. JobReceiptId string `json:"JobReceiptId,omitempty"` // TitleIds list of titles from which the player's data will be deleted. TitleIds []string `json:"TitleIds,omitempty"` }
func DeleteMasterPlayerAccount ¶
func DeleteMasterPlayerAccount(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *DeleteMasterPlayerAccountRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*DeleteMasterPlayerAccountResultModel, error)
DeleteMasterPlayerAccount removes a master player account entirely from all titles and deletes all associated data
type DeleteMembershipSubscriptionRequestModel ¶
type DeleteMembershipSubscriptionRequestModel struct { // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // MembershipId id of the membership to apply the override expiration date to. MembershipId string `json:"MembershipId,omitempty"` // PlayFabId unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` // SubscriptionId id of the subscription that should be deleted from the membership. SubscriptionId string `json:"SubscriptionId,omitempty"` }
DeleteMembershipSubscriptionRequest this API lets developers delete a membership subscription.
type DeleteMembershipSubscriptionResultModel ¶
type DeleteMembershipSubscriptionResultModel struct { }
func DeleteMembershipSubscription ¶
func DeleteMembershipSubscription(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *DeleteMembershipSubscriptionRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*DeleteMembershipSubscriptionResultModel, error)
DeleteMembershipSubscription deletes a player's subscription
type DeleteOpenIdConnectionRequestModel ¶
type DeleteOpenIdConnectionRequestModel struct { // ConnectionId unique name of the connection ConnectionId string `json:"ConnectionId,omitempty"` }
type DeletePlayerRequestModel ¶
type DeletePlayerRequestModel struct { // PlayFabId unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` }
DeletePlayerRequest deletes all data associated with the player, including statistics, custom data, inventory, purchases, virtual currency balances, characters and shared group memberships. Removes the player from all leaderboards and player search indexes. Does not delete PlayStream event history associated with the player. Does not delete the publisher user account that created the player in the title nor associated data such as username, password, email address, account linkages, or friends list. Note, this API queues the player for deletion and returns immediately. It may take several minutes or more before all player data is fully deleted. Until the player data is fully deleted, attempts to recreate the player with the same user account in the same title will fail with the 'AccountDeleted' error.
type DeletePlayerResultModel ¶
type DeletePlayerResultModel struct { }
func DeletePlayer ¶
func DeletePlayer(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *DeletePlayerRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*DeletePlayerResultModel, error)
DeletePlayer removes a user's player account from a title and deletes all associated data
type DeletePlayerSegmentActionModel ¶
type DeletePlayerSegmentActionModel struct { }
type DeletePlayerSharedSecretRequestModel ¶
type DeletePlayerSharedSecretRequestModel struct { string `json:"SecretKey,omitempty"` }SecretKey
DeletePlayerSharedSecretRequest player Shared Secret Keys are used for the call to Client/GetTitlePublicKey, which exchanges the shared secret for an RSA CSP blob to be used to encrypt the payload of account creation requests when that API requires a signature header.
type DeletePlayerSharedSecretResultModel ¶
type DeletePlayerSharedSecretResultModel struct { }
func DeletePlayerSharedSecret ¶
func DeletePlayerSharedSecret(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *DeletePlayerSharedSecretRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*DeletePlayerSharedSecretResultModel, error)
DeletePlayerSharedSecret deletes an existing Player Shared Secret Key. It may take up to 5 minutes for this delete to be reflected after this API returns.
type DeletePlayerStatisticSegmentActionModel ¶
type DeletePlayerStatisticSegmentActionModel struct { // StatisticName statistic name. StatisticName string `json:"StatisticName,omitempty"` }
type DeleteSegmentRequestModel ¶
type DeleteSegmentRequestModel struct { // SegmentId segment id. SegmentId string `json:"SegmentId,omitempty"` }
DeleteSegmentRequest send segment id planning to delete part of DeleteSegmentRequest object
type DeleteSegmentsResponseModel ¶
type DeleteSegmentsResponseModel struct { // ErrorMessage error message. ErrorMessage string `json:"ErrorMessage,omitempty"` }
func DeleteSegment ¶
func DeleteSegment(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *DeleteSegmentRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*DeleteSegmentsResponseModel, error)
DeleteSegment deletes an existing player segment and its associated action(s) for a title.
type DeleteStoreRequestModel ¶
type DeleteStoreRequestModel struct { // CatalogVersion catalog version of the store to delete. If null, uses the default catalog. CatalogVersion string `json:"CatalogVersion,omitempty"` // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // StoreId unqiue identifier for the store which is to be deleted StoreId string `json:"StoreId,omitempty"` }
DeleteStoreRequest this non-reversible operation will permanently delete the requested store.
type DeleteStoreResultModel ¶
type DeleteStoreResultModel struct { }
func DeleteStore ¶
func DeleteStore(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *DeleteStoreRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*DeleteStoreResultModel, error)
DeleteStore deletes an existing virtual item store
type DeleteTaskRequestModel ¶
type DeleteTaskRequestModel struct { // Identifier specify either the task ID or the name of task to be deleted. Identifier *NameIdentifierModel `json:"Identifier,omitempty"` }
DeleteTaskRequest after a task is deleted, for tracking purposes, the task instances belonging to this task will still remain. They will become orphaned and does not belongs to any task. Executions of any in-progress task instances will continue. If the task specified does not exist, the deletion is considered a success.
type DeleteTitleDataOverrideRequestModel ¶
type DeleteTitleDataOverrideRequestModel struct { // OverrideLabel name of the override. OverrideLabel string `json:"OverrideLabel,omitempty"` }
DeleteTitleDataOverrideRequest will delete all the title data associated with the given override label.
type DeleteTitleDataOverrideResultModel ¶
type DeleteTitleDataOverrideResultModel struct { }
func DeleteTitleDataOverride ¶
func DeleteTitleDataOverride(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *DeleteTitleDataOverrideRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*DeleteTitleDataOverrideResultModel, error)
DeleteTitleDataOverride deletes a specified set of title data overrides.
type DeleteTitleRequestModel ¶
type DeleteTitleRequestModel struct { }
DeleteTitleRequest deletes all data associated with the title, including catalog, virtual currencies, leaderboard statistics, Cloud Script revisions, segment definitions, event rules, tasks, add-ons, secret keys, data encryption keys, and permission policies. Removes the title from its studio and removes all associated developer roles and permissions. Does not delete PlayStream event history associated with the title. Note, this API queues the title for deletion and returns immediately. It may take several hours or more before all title data is fully deleted. All player accounts in the title must be deleted before deleting the title. If any player accounts exist, the API will return a 'TitleContainsUserAccounts' error. Until the title data is fully deleted, attempts to call APIs with the title will fail with the 'TitleDeleted' error.
type DeleteTitleResultModel ¶
type DeleteTitleResultModel struct { }
func DeleteTitle ¶
func DeleteTitle(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *DeleteTitleRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*DeleteTitleResultModel, error)
DeleteTitle permanently deletes a title and all associated configuration
type EffectType ¶
type EffectType string
const ( EffectTypeAllow EffectType = "Allow" EffectTypeDeny EffectType = "Deny" )
type EmailNotificationSegmentActionModel ¶
type EmailNotificationSegmentActionModel struct { // EmailTemplateId email template id. EmailTemplateId string `json:"EmailTemplateId,omitempty"` // EmailTemplateName email template name. EmailTemplateName string `json:"EmailTemplateName,omitempty"` }
type EmailVerificationStatus ¶
type EmailVerificationStatus string
const ( EmailVerificationStatusUnverified EmailVerificationStatus = "Unverified" EmailVerificationStatusPending EmailVerificationStatus = "Pending" EmailVerificationStatusConfirmed EmailVerificationStatus = "Confirmed" )
type EmptyResponseModel ¶
type EmptyResponseModel struct { }
func AbortTaskInstance ¶
func AbortTaskInstance(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *AbortTaskInstanceRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*EmptyResponseModel, error)
AbortTaskInstance abort an ongoing task instance.
func CreateOpenIdConnection ¶
func CreateOpenIdConnection(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *CreateOpenIdConnectionRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*EmptyResponseModel, error)
CreateOpenIdConnection registers a relationship between a title and an Open ID Connect provider.
func DeleteOpenIdConnection ¶
func DeleteOpenIdConnection(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *DeleteOpenIdConnectionRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*EmptyResponseModel, error)
DeleteOpenIdConnection removes a relationship between a title and an OpenID Connect provider.
func DeleteTask ¶
func DeleteTask(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *DeleteTaskRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*EmptyResponseModel, error)
DeleteTask delete a task.
func UpdateOpenIdConnection ¶
func UpdateOpenIdConnection(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *UpdateOpenIdConnectionRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*EmptyResponseModel, error)
UpdateOpenIdConnection modifies data and credentials for an existing relationship between a title and an Open ID Connect provider
func UpdateTask ¶
func UpdateTask(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *UpdateTaskRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*EmptyResponseModel, error)
UpdateTask update an existing task.
type EntityKeyModel ¶
type EntityKeyModel struct { // Id unique ID of the entity. Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // Type entity type. See Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
EntityKey combined entity type and ID structure which uniquely identifies a single entity.
type ExecuteAzureFunctionSegmentActionModel ¶
type ExecuteAzureFunctionSegmentActionModel struct { // AzureFunction azure function. AzureFunction string `json:"AzureFunction,omitempty"` // FunctionParameter azure function parameter. FunctionParameter interface{} `json:"FunctionParameter,omitempty"` // GenerateFunctionExecutedEvents generate play stream event. GenerateFunctionExecutedEvents bool `json:"GenerateFunctionExecutedEvents"` }
type ExecuteCloudScriptResultModel ¶
type ExecuteCloudScriptResultModel struct { // APIRequestsIssued number of PlayFab API requests issued by the CloudScript function APIRequestsIssued int32 `json:"APIRequestsIssued,omitempty"` // Error information about the error, if any, that occurred during execution Error *ScriptExecutionErrorModel `json:"Error,omitempty"` // ExecutionTimeSeconds ExecutionTimeSeconds float64 `json:"ExecutionTimeSeconds,omitempty"` // FunctionName the name of the function that executed FunctionName string `json:"FunctionName,omitempty"` // FunctionResult the object returned from the CloudScript function, if any FunctionResult interface{} `json:"FunctionResult,omitempty"` // FunctionResultTooLarge flag indicating if the FunctionResult was too large and was subsequently dropped from this event. This only occurs if // the total event size is larger than 350KB. FunctionResultTooLarge bool `json:"FunctionResultTooLarge"` // HttpRequestsIssued number of external HTTP requests issued by the CloudScript function HttpRequestsIssued int32 `json:"HttpRequestsIssued,omitempty"` // Logs entries logged during the function execution. These include both entries logged in the function code using // and log.error() and error entries for API and HTTP request failures. Logs []LogStatementModel `json:"Logs,omitempty"` // LogsTooLarge flag indicating if the logs were too large and were subsequently dropped from this event. This only occurs if the total // event size is larger than 350KB after the FunctionResult was removed. LogsTooLarge bool `json:"LogsTooLarge"` // MemoryConsumedBytes MemoryConsumedBytes uint32 `json:"MemoryConsumedBytes,omitempty"` // ProcessorTimeSeconds processor time consumed while executing the function. This does not include time spent waiting on API calls or HTTP // requests. ProcessorTimeSeconds float64 `json:"ProcessorTimeSeconds,omitempty"` // Revision the revision of the CloudScript that executed Revision int32 `json:"Revision,omitempty"` }
type ExecuteCloudScriptSegmentActionModel ¶
type ExecuteCloudScriptSegmentActionModel struct { // CloudScriptFunction cloud script function. CloudScriptFunction string `json:"CloudScriptFunction,omitempty"` // CloudScriptPublishResultsToPlayStream generate play stream event. CloudScriptPublishResultsToPlayStream bool `json:"CloudScriptPublishResultsToPlayStream"` // FunctionParameter cloud script function parameter. FunctionParameter interface{} `json:"FunctionParameter,omitempty"` // FunctionParameterJson cloud script function parameter json text. FunctionParameterJson string `json:"FunctionParameterJson,omitempty"` }
type ExportMasterPlayerDataRequestModel ¶
type ExportMasterPlayerDataRequestModel struct { // PlayFabId unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` }
ExportMasterPlayerDataRequest exports all data associated with the master player account, including data from all titles the player has played, such as statistics, custom data, inventory, purchases, virtual currency balances, characters, group memberships, publisher data, credential data, account linkages, friends list and PlayStream event history. Note, this API queues the player for export and returns a receipt immediately. Record the receipt ID for future reference. It may take some time before the export is available for download. Upon completion of the export, an email containing the URL to download the export dump will be sent to the notification email address configured for the title.
type ExportMasterPlayerDataResultModel ¶
type ExportMasterPlayerDataResultModel struct { // JobReceiptId an email with this job receipt Id containing the export download link will be sent to the title notification email // address when the export is complete. JobReceiptId string `json:"JobReceiptId,omitempty"` }
func ExportMasterPlayerData ¶
func ExportMasterPlayerData(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *ExportMasterPlayerDataRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*ExportMasterPlayerDataResultModel, error)
ExportMasterPlayerData exports all associated data of a master player account
type ExportPlayersInSegmentRequestModel ¶
type ExportPlayersInSegmentRequestModel struct { // SegmentId unique identifier of the requested segment. SegmentId string `json:"SegmentId,omitempty"` }
ExportPlayersInSegmentRequest request must contain the Segment ID
type ExportPlayersInSegmentResultModel ¶
type ExportPlayersInSegmentResultModel struct { // ExportId unique identifier of the export for the requested Segment. ExportId string `json:"ExportId,omitempty"` // SegmentId unique identifier of the requested Segment. SegmentId string `json:"SegmentId,omitempty"` }
func ExportPlayersInSegment ¶
func ExportPlayersInSegment(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *ExportPlayersInSegmentRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*ExportPlayersInSegmentResultModel, error)
ExportPlayersInSegment starts an export for the player profiles in a segment. This API creates a snapshot of all the player profiles which match the segment definition at the time of the API call. Profiles which change while an export is in progress will not be reflected in the results.
type FirstLoginDateSegmentFilterModel ¶
type FirstLoginDateSegmentFilterModel struct { // Comparison first player login date comparison. Comparison SegmentFilterComparison `json:"Comparison,omitempty"` // LogInDate first player login date. LogInDate time.Time `json:"LogInDate,omitempty"` }
type FirstLoginTimespanSegmentFilterModel ¶
type FirstLoginTimespanSegmentFilterModel struct { // Comparison first player login duration comparison. Comparison SegmentFilterComparison `json:"Comparison,omitempty"` // DurationInMinutes first player login duration. DurationInMinutes float64 `json:"DurationInMinutes,omitempty"` }
type GameBuildStatus ¶
type GameBuildStatus string
const ( GameBuildStatusAvailable GameBuildStatus = "Available" GameBuildStatusValidating GameBuildStatus = "Validating" GameBuildStatusInvalidBuildPackage GameBuildStatus = "InvalidBuildPackage" GameBuildStatusProcessing GameBuildStatus = "Processing" GameBuildStatusFailedToProcess GameBuildStatus = "FailedToProcess" )
type GameModeInfoModel ¶
type GameModeInfoModel struct { // Gamemode specific game mode type Gamemode string `json:"Gamemode,omitempty"` // MaxPlayerCount maximum user count a specific Game Server Instance can support MaxPlayerCount uint32 `json:"MaxPlayerCount,omitempty"` // MinPlayerCount minimum user count required for this Game Server Instance to continue (usually 1) MinPlayerCount uint32 `json:"MinPlayerCount,omitempty"` // StartOpen whether to start as an open session, meaning that players can matchmake into it (defaults to true) StartOpen bool `json:"StartOpen"` }
type GenericErrorCodes ¶
type GenericErrorCodes string
const ( GenericErrorCodesSuccess GenericErrorCodes = "Success" GenericErrorCodesUnkownError GenericErrorCodes = "UnkownError" GenericErrorCodesInvalidParams GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidParams" GenericErrorCodesAccountNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "AccountNotFound" GenericErrorCodesAccountBanned GenericErrorCodes = "AccountBanned" GenericErrorCodesInvalidUsernameOrPassword GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidUsernameOrPassword" GenericErrorCodesInvalidTitleId GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidTitleId" GenericErrorCodesInvalidEmailAddress GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidEmailAddress" GenericErrorCodesEmailAddressNotAvailable GenericErrorCodes = "EmailAddressNotAvailable" GenericErrorCodesInvalidUsername GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidUsername" GenericErrorCodesInvalidPassword GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidPassword" GenericErrorCodesUsernameNotAvailable GenericErrorCodes = "UsernameNotAvailable" GenericErrorCodesInvalidSteamTicket GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidSteamTicket" GenericErrorCodesAccountAlreadyLinked GenericErrorCodes = "AccountAlreadyLinked" GenericErrorCodesLinkedAccountAlreadyClaimed GenericErrorCodes = "LinkedAccountAlreadyClaimed" GenericErrorCodesInvalidFacebookToken GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidFacebookToken" GenericErrorCodesAccountNotLinked GenericErrorCodes = "AccountNotLinked" GenericErrorCodesFailedByPaymentProvider GenericErrorCodes = "FailedByPaymentProvider" GenericErrorCodesCouponCodeNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "CouponCodeNotFound" GenericErrorCodesInvalidContainerItem GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidContainerItem" GenericErrorCodesContainerNotOwned GenericErrorCodes = "ContainerNotOwned" GenericErrorCodesKeyNotOwned GenericErrorCodes = "KeyNotOwned" GenericErrorCodesInvalidItemIdInTable GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidItemIdInTable" GenericErrorCodesInvalidReceipt GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidReceipt" GenericErrorCodesReceiptAlreadyUsed GenericErrorCodes = "ReceiptAlreadyUsed" GenericErrorCodesReceiptCancelled GenericErrorCodes = "ReceiptCancelled" GenericErrorCodesGameNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "GameNotFound" GenericErrorCodesGameModeNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "GameModeNotFound" GenericErrorCodesInvalidGoogleToken GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidGoogleToken" GenericErrorCodesUserIsNotPartOfDeveloper GenericErrorCodes = "UserIsNotPartOfDeveloper" GenericErrorCodesInvalidTitleForDeveloper GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidTitleForDeveloper" GenericErrorCodesTitleNameConflicts GenericErrorCodes = "TitleNameConflicts" GenericErrorCodesUserisNotValid GenericErrorCodes = "UserisNotValid" GenericErrorCodesValueAlreadyExists GenericErrorCodes = "ValueAlreadyExists" GenericErrorCodesBuildNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "BuildNotFound" GenericErrorCodesPlayerNotInGame GenericErrorCodes = "PlayerNotInGame" GenericErrorCodesInvalidTicket GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidTicket" GenericErrorCodesInvalidDeveloper GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidDeveloper" GenericErrorCodesInvalidOrderInfo GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidOrderInfo" GenericErrorCodesRegistrationIncomplete GenericErrorCodes = "RegistrationIncomplete" GenericErrorCodesInvalidPlatform GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidPlatform" GenericErrorCodesUnknownError GenericErrorCodes = "UnknownError" GenericErrorCodesSteamApplicationNotOwned GenericErrorCodes = "SteamApplicationNotOwned" GenericErrorCodesWrongSteamAccount GenericErrorCodes = "WrongSteamAccount" GenericErrorCodesTitleNotActivated GenericErrorCodes = "TitleNotActivated" GenericErrorCodesRegistrationSessionNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "RegistrationSessionNotFound" GenericErrorCodesNoSuchMod GenericErrorCodes = "NoSuchMod" GenericErrorCodesFileNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "FileNotFound" GenericErrorCodesDuplicateEmail GenericErrorCodes = "DuplicateEmail" GenericErrorCodesItemNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "ItemNotFound" GenericErrorCodesItemNotOwned GenericErrorCodes = "ItemNotOwned" GenericErrorCodesItemNotRecycleable GenericErrorCodes = "ItemNotRecycleable" GenericErrorCodesItemNotAffordable GenericErrorCodes = "ItemNotAffordable" GenericErrorCodesInvalidVirtualCurrency GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidVirtualCurrency" GenericErrorCodesWrongVirtualCurrency GenericErrorCodes = "WrongVirtualCurrency" GenericErrorCodesWrongPrice GenericErrorCodes = "WrongPrice" GenericErrorCodesNonPositiveValue GenericErrorCodes = "NonPositiveValue" GenericErrorCodesInvalidRegion GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidRegion" GenericErrorCodesRegionAtCapacity GenericErrorCodes = "RegionAtCapacity" GenericErrorCodesServerFailedToStart GenericErrorCodes = "ServerFailedToStart" GenericErrorCodesNameNotAvailable GenericErrorCodes = "NameNotAvailable" GenericErrorCodesInsufficientFunds GenericErrorCodes = "InsufficientFunds" GenericErrorCodesInvalidDeviceID GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidDeviceID" GenericErrorCodesInvalidPushNotificationToken GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidPushNotificationToken" GenericErrorCodesNoRemainingUses GenericErrorCodes = "NoRemainingUses" GenericErrorCodesInvalidPaymentProvider GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidPaymentProvider" GenericErrorCodesPurchaseInitializationFailure GenericErrorCodes = "PurchaseInitializationFailure" GenericErrorCodesDuplicateUsername GenericErrorCodes = "DuplicateUsername" GenericErrorCodesInvalidBuyerInfo GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidBuyerInfo" GenericErrorCodesNoGameModeParamsSet GenericErrorCodes = "NoGameModeParamsSet" GenericErrorCodesBodyTooLarge GenericErrorCodes = "BodyTooLarge" GenericErrorCodesReservedWordInBody GenericErrorCodes = "ReservedWordInBody" GenericErrorCodesInvalidTypeInBody GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidTypeInBody" GenericErrorCodesInvalidRequest GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidRequest" GenericErrorCodesReservedEventName GenericErrorCodes = "ReservedEventName" GenericErrorCodesInvalidUserStatistics GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidUserStatistics" GenericErrorCodesNotAuthenticated GenericErrorCodes = "NotAuthenticated" GenericErrorCodesStreamAlreadyExists GenericErrorCodes = "StreamAlreadyExists" GenericErrorCodesErrorCreatingStream GenericErrorCodes = "ErrorCreatingStream" GenericErrorCodesStreamNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "StreamNotFound" GenericErrorCodesInvalidAccount GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidAccount" GenericErrorCodesPurchaseDoesNotExist GenericErrorCodes = "PurchaseDoesNotExist" GenericErrorCodesInvalidPurchaseTransactionStatus GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidPurchaseTransactionStatus" GenericErrorCodesAPINotEnabledForGameClientAccess GenericErrorCodes = "APINotEnabledForGameClientAccess" GenericErrorCodesNoPushNotificationARNForTitle GenericErrorCodes = "NoPushNotificationARNForTitle" GenericErrorCodesBuildAlreadyExists GenericErrorCodes = "BuildAlreadyExists" GenericErrorCodesBuildPackageDoesNotExist GenericErrorCodes = "BuildPackageDoesNotExist" GenericErrorCodesCustomAnalyticsEventsNotEnabledForTitle GenericErrorCodes = "CustomAnalyticsEventsNotEnabledForTitle" GenericErrorCodesNotAuthorized GenericErrorCodes = "NotAuthorized" GenericErrorCodesMissingTitleGoogleProperties GenericErrorCodes = "MissingTitleGoogleProperties" GenericErrorCodesInvalidItemProperties GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidItemProperties" GenericErrorCodesInvalidPSNAuthCode GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidPSNAuthCode" GenericErrorCodesInvalidItemId GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidItemId" GenericErrorCodesPushNotEnabledForAccount GenericErrorCodes = "PushNotEnabledForAccount" GenericErrorCodesPushServiceError GenericErrorCodes = "PushServiceError" GenericErrorCodesReceiptDoesNotContainInAppItems GenericErrorCodes = "ReceiptDoesNotContainInAppItems" GenericErrorCodesReceiptContainsMultipleInAppItems GenericErrorCodes = "ReceiptContainsMultipleInAppItems" GenericErrorCodesInvalidBundleID GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidBundleID" GenericErrorCodesJavascriptException GenericErrorCodes = "JavascriptException" GenericErrorCodesInvalidSessionTicket GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidSessionTicket" GenericErrorCodesUnableToConnectToDatabase GenericErrorCodes = "UnableToConnectToDatabase" GenericErrorCodesInternalServerError GenericErrorCodes = "InternalServerError" GenericErrorCodesInvalidReportDate GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidReportDate" GenericErrorCodesReportNotAvailable GenericErrorCodes = "ReportNotAvailable" GenericErrorCodesDatabaseThroughputExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "DatabaseThroughputExceeded" GenericErrorCodesInvalidGameTicket GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidGameTicket" GenericErrorCodesExpiredGameTicket GenericErrorCodes = "ExpiredGameTicket" GenericErrorCodesGameTicketDoesNotMatchLobby GenericErrorCodes = "GameTicketDoesNotMatchLobby" GenericErrorCodesLinkedDeviceAlreadyClaimed GenericErrorCodes = "LinkedDeviceAlreadyClaimed" GenericErrorCodesDeviceAlreadyLinked GenericErrorCodes = "DeviceAlreadyLinked" GenericErrorCodesDeviceNotLinked GenericErrorCodes = "DeviceNotLinked" GenericErrorCodesPartialFailure GenericErrorCodes = "PartialFailure" GenericErrorCodesPublisherNotSet GenericErrorCodes = "PublisherNotSet" GenericErrorCodesVersionNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "VersionNotFound" GenericErrorCodesRevisionNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "RevisionNotFound" GenericErrorCodesInvalidPublisherId GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidPublisherId" GenericErrorCodesAPINotIncludedInTitleUsageTier GenericErrorCodes = "APINotIncludedInTitleUsageTier" GenericErrorCodesDAULimitExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "DAULimitExceeded" GenericErrorCodesAPIRequestLimitExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "APIRequestLimitExceeded" GenericErrorCodesInvalidAPIEndpoint GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidAPIEndpoint" GenericErrorCodesBuildNotAvailable GenericErrorCodes = "BuildNotAvailable" GenericErrorCodesConcurrentEditError GenericErrorCodes = "ConcurrentEditError" GenericErrorCodesContentNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "ContentNotFound" GenericErrorCodesCharacterNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "CharacterNotFound" GenericErrorCodesCloudScriptNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "CloudScriptNotFound" GenericErrorCodesContentQuotaExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "ContentQuotaExceeded" GenericErrorCodesInvalidCharacterStatistics GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidCharacterStatistics" GenericErrorCodesPhotonNotEnabledForTitle GenericErrorCodes = "PhotonNotEnabledForTitle" GenericErrorCodesPhotonApplicationNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "PhotonApplicationNotFound" GenericErrorCodesPhotonApplicationNotAssociatedWithTitle GenericErrorCodes = "PhotonApplicationNotAssociatedWithTitle" GenericErrorCodesInvalidEmailOrPassword GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidEmailOrPassword" GenericErrorCodesFacebookAPIError GenericErrorCodes = "FacebookAPIError" GenericErrorCodesInvalidContentType GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidContentType" GenericErrorCodesKeyLengthExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "KeyLengthExceeded" GenericErrorCodesDataLengthExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "DataLengthExceeded" GenericErrorCodesTooManyKeys GenericErrorCodes = "TooManyKeys" GenericErrorCodesFreeTierCannotHaveVirtualCurrency GenericErrorCodes = "FreeTierCannotHaveVirtualCurrency" GenericErrorCodesAmazonValidationError GenericErrorCodes = "AmazonValidationError" GenericErrorCodesInvalidPSNIssuerId GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidPSNIssuerId" GenericErrorCodesPSNInaccessible GenericErrorCodes = "PSNInaccessible" GenericErrorCodesExpiredAuthToken GenericErrorCodes = "ExpiredAuthToken" GenericErrorCodesFailedToGetEntitlements GenericErrorCodes = "FailedToGetEntitlements" GenericErrorCodesFailedToConsumeEntitlement GenericErrorCodes = "FailedToConsumeEntitlement" GenericErrorCodesTradeAcceptingUserNotAllowed GenericErrorCodes = "TradeAcceptingUserNotAllowed" GenericErrorCodesTradeInventoryItemIsAssignedToCharacter GenericErrorCodes = "TradeInventoryItemIsAssignedToCharacter" GenericErrorCodesTradeInventoryItemIsBundle GenericErrorCodes = "TradeInventoryItemIsBundle" GenericErrorCodesTradeStatusNotValidForCancelling GenericErrorCodes = "TradeStatusNotValidForCancelling" GenericErrorCodesTradeStatusNotValidForAccepting GenericErrorCodes = "TradeStatusNotValidForAccepting" GenericErrorCodesTradeDoesNotExist GenericErrorCodes = "TradeDoesNotExist" GenericErrorCodesTradeCancelled GenericErrorCodes = "TradeCancelled" GenericErrorCodesTradeAlreadyFilled GenericErrorCodes = "TradeAlreadyFilled" GenericErrorCodesTradeWaitForStatusTimeout GenericErrorCodes = "TradeWaitForStatusTimeout" GenericErrorCodesTradeInventoryItemExpired GenericErrorCodes = "TradeInventoryItemExpired" GenericErrorCodesTradeMissingOfferedAndAcceptedItems GenericErrorCodes = "TradeMissingOfferedAndAcceptedItems" GenericErrorCodesTradeAcceptedItemIsBundle GenericErrorCodes = "TradeAcceptedItemIsBundle" GenericErrorCodesTradeAcceptedItemIsStackable GenericErrorCodes = "TradeAcceptedItemIsStackable" GenericErrorCodesTradeInventoryItemInvalidStatus GenericErrorCodes = "TradeInventoryItemInvalidStatus" GenericErrorCodesTradeAcceptedCatalogItemInvalid GenericErrorCodes = "TradeAcceptedCatalogItemInvalid" GenericErrorCodesTradeAllowedUsersInvalid GenericErrorCodes = "TradeAllowedUsersInvalid" GenericErrorCodesTradeInventoryItemDoesNotExist GenericErrorCodes = "TradeInventoryItemDoesNotExist" GenericErrorCodesTradeInventoryItemIsConsumed GenericErrorCodes = "TradeInventoryItemIsConsumed" GenericErrorCodesTradeInventoryItemIsStackable GenericErrorCodes = "TradeInventoryItemIsStackable" GenericErrorCodesTradeAcceptedItemsMismatch GenericErrorCodes = "TradeAcceptedItemsMismatch" GenericErrorCodesInvalidKongregateToken GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidKongregateToken" GenericErrorCodesFeatureNotConfiguredForTitle GenericErrorCodes = "FeatureNotConfiguredForTitle" GenericErrorCodesNoMatchingCatalogItemForReceipt GenericErrorCodes = "NoMatchingCatalogItemForReceipt" GenericErrorCodesInvalidCurrencyCode GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidCurrencyCode" GenericErrorCodesNoRealMoneyPriceForCatalogItem GenericErrorCodes = "NoRealMoneyPriceForCatalogItem" GenericErrorCodesTradeInventoryItemIsNotTradable GenericErrorCodes = "TradeInventoryItemIsNotTradable" GenericErrorCodesTradeAcceptedCatalogItemIsNotTradable GenericErrorCodes = "TradeAcceptedCatalogItemIsNotTradable" GenericErrorCodesUsersAlreadyFriends GenericErrorCodes = "UsersAlreadyFriends" GenericErrorCodesLinkedIdentifierAlreadyClaimed GenericErrorCodes = "LinkedIdentifierAlreadyClaimed" GenericErrorCodesCustomIdNotLinked GenericErrorCodes = "CustomIdNotLinked" GenericErrorCodesTotalDataSizeExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "TotalDataSizeExceeded" GenericErrorCodesDeleteKeyConflict GenericErrorCodes = "DeleteKeyConflict" GenericErrorCodesInvalidXboxLiveToken GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidXboxLiveToken" GenericErrorCodesExpiredXboxLiveToken GenericErrorCodes = "ExpiredXboxLiveToken" GenericErrorCodesResettableStatisticVersionRequired GenericErrorCodes = "ResettableStatisticVersionRequired" GenericErrorCodesNotAuthorizedByTitle GenericErrorCodes = "NotAuthorizedByTitle" GenericErrorCodesNoPartnerEnabled GenericErrorCodes = "NoPartnerEnabled" GenericErrorCodesInvalidPartnerResponse GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidPartnerResponse" GenericErrorCodesAPINotEnabledForGameServerAccess GenericErrorCodes = "APINotEnabledForGameServerAccess" GenericErrorCodesStatisticNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "StatisticNotFound" GenericErrorCodesStatisticNameConflict GenericErrorCodes = "StatisticNameConflict" GenericErrorCodesStatisticVersionClosedForWrites GenericErrorCodes = "StatisticVersionClosedForWrites" GenericErrorCodesStatisticVersionInvalid GenericErrorCodes = "StatisticVersionInvalid" GenericErrorCodesAPIClientRequestRateLimitExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "APIClientRequestRateLimitExceeded" GenericErrorCodesInvalidJSONContent GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidJSONContent" GenericErrorCodesInvalidDropTable GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidDropTable" GenericErrorCodesStatisticVersionAlreadyIncrementedForScheduledInterval GenericErrorCodes = "StatisticVersionAlreadyIncrementedForScheduledInterval" GenericErrorCodesStatisticCountLimitExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "StatisticCountLimitExceeded" GenericErrorCodesStatisticVersionIncrementRateExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "StatisticVersionIncrementRateExceeded" GenericErrorCodesContainerKeyInvalid GenericErrorCodes = "ContainerKeyInvalid" GenericErrorCodesCloudScriptExecutionTimeLimitExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "CloudScriptExecutionTimeLimitExceeded" GenericErrorCodesNoWritePermissionsForEvent GenericErrorCodes = "NoWritePermissionsForEvent" GenericErrorCodesCloudScriptFunctionArgumentSizeExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "CloudScriptFunctionArgumentSizeExceeded" GenericErrorCodesCloudScriptAPIRequestCountExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "CloudScriptAPIRequestCountExceeded" GenericErrorCodesCloudScriptAPIRequestError GenericErrorCodes = "CloudScriptAPIRequestError" GenericErrorCodesCloudScriptHTTPRequestError GenericErrorCodes = "CloudScriptHTTPRequestError" GenericErrorCodesInsufficientGuildRole GenericErrorCodes = "InsufficientGuildRole" GenericErrorCodesGuildNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "GuildNotFound" GenericErrorCodesOverLimit GenericErrorCodes = "OverLimit" GenericErrorCodesEventNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "EventNotFound" GenericErrorCodesInvalidEventField GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidEventField" GenericErrorCodesInvalidEventName GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidEventName" GenericErrorCodesCatalogNotConfigured GenericErrorCodes = "CatalogNotConfigured" GenericErrorCodesOperationNotSupportedForPlatform GenericErrorCodes = "OperationNotSupportedForPlatform" GenericErrorCodesSegmentNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "SegmentNotFound" GenericErrorCodesStoreNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "StoreNotFound" GenericErrorCodesInvalidStatisticName GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidStatisticName" GenericErrorCodesTitleNotQualifiedForLimit GenericErrorCodes = "TitleNotQualifiedForLimit" GenericErrorCodesInvalidServiceLimitLevel GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidServiceLimitLevel" GenericErrorCodesServiceLimitLevelInTransition GenericErrorCodes = "ServiceLimitLevelInTransition" GenericErrorCodesCouponAlreadyRedeemed GenericErrorCodes = "CouponAlreadyRedeemed" GenericErrorCodesGameServerBuildSizeLimitExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "GameServerBuildSizeLimitExceeded" GenericErrorCodesGameServerBuildCountLimitExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "GameServerBuildCountLimitExceeded" GenericErrorCodesVirtualCurrencyCountLimitExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "VirtualCurrencyCountLimitExceeded" GenericErrorCodesVirtualCurrencyCodeExists GenericErrorCodes = "VirtualCurrencyCodeExists" GenericErrorCodesTitleNewsItemCountLimitExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "TitleNewsItemCountLimitExceeded" GenericErrorCodesInvalidTwitchToken GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidTwitchToken" GenericErrorCodesTwitchResponseError GenericErrorCodes = "TwitchResponseError" GenericErrorCodesProfaneDisplayName GenericErrorCodes = "ProfaneDisplayName" GenericErrorCodesUserAlreadyAdded GenericErrorCodes = "UserAlreadyAdded" GenericErrorCodesInvalidVirtualCurrencyCode GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidVirtualCurrencyCode" GenericErrorCodesVirtualCurrencyCannotBeDeleted GenericErrorCodes = "VirtualCurrencyCannotBeDeleted" GenericErrorCodesIdentifierAlreadyClaimed GenericErrorCodes = "IdentifierAlreadyClaimed" GenericErrorCodesIdentifierNotLinked GenericErrorCodes = "IdentifierNotLinked" GenericErrorCodesInvalidContinuationToken GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidContinuationToken" GenericErrorCodesExpiredContinuationToken GenericErrorCodes = "ExpiredContinuationToken" GenericErrorCodesInvalidSegment GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidSegment" GenericErrorCodesInvalidSessionId GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidSessionId" GenericErrorCodesSessionLogNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "SessionLogNotFound" GenericErrorCodesInvalidSearchTerm GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidSearchTerm" GenericErrorCodesTwoFactorAuthenticationTokenRequired GenericErrorCodes = "TwoFactorAuthenticationTokenRequired" GenericErrorCodesGameServerHostCountLimitExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "GameServerHostCountLimitExceeded" GenericErrorCodesPlayerTagCountLimitExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "PlayerTagCountLimitExceeded" GenericErrorCodesRequestAlreadyRunning GenericErrorCodes = "RequestAlreadyRunning" GenericErrorCodesActionGroupNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "ActionGroupNotFound" GenericErrorCodesMaximumSegmentBulkActionJobsRunning GenericErrorCodes = "MaximumSegmentBulkActionJobsRunning" GenericErrorCodesNoActionsOnPlayersInSegmentJob GenericErrorCodes = "NoActionsOnPlayersInSegmentJob" GenericErrorCodesDuplicateStatisticName GenericErrorCodes = "DuplicateStatisticName" GenericErrorCodesScheduledTaskNameConflict GenericErrorCodes = "ScheduledTaskNameConflict" GenericErrorCodesScheduledTaskCreateConflict GenericErrorCodes = "ScheduledTaskCreateConflict" GenericErrorCodesInvalidScheduledTaskName GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidScheduledTaskName" GenericErrorCodesInvalidTaskSchedule GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidTaskSchedule" GenericErrorCodesSteamNotEnabledForTitle GenericErrorCodes = "SteamNotEnabledForTitle" GenericErrorCodesLimitNotAnUpgradeOption GenericErrorCodes = "LimitNotAnUpgradeOption" GenericErrorCodesNoSecretKeyEnabledForCloudScript GenericErrorCodes = "NoSecretKeyEnabledForCloudScript" GenericErrorCodesTaskNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "TaskNotFound" GenericErrorCodesTaskInstanceNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "TaskInstanceNotFound" GenericErrorCodesInvalidIdentityProviderId GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidIdentityProviderId" GenericErrorCodesMisconfiguredIdentityProvider GenericErrorCodes = "MisconfiguredIdentityProvider" GenericErrorCodesInvalidScheduledTaskType GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidScheduledTaskType" GenericErrorCodesBillingInformationRequired GenericErrorCodes = "BillingInformationRequired" GenericErrorCodesInvalidAdPlacementAndReward GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidAdPlacementAndReward" GenericErrorCodesAllAdPlacementViewsAlreadyConsumed GenericErrorCodes = "AllAdPlacementViewsAlreadyConsumed" GenericErrorCodesGoogleOAuthNotConfiguredForTitle GenericErrorCodes = "GoogleOAuthNotConfiguredForTitle" GenericErrorCodesGoogleOAuthError GenericErrorCodes = "GoogleOAuthError" GenericErrorCodesUserNotFriend GenericErrorCodes = "UserNotFriend" GenericErrorCodesInvalidSignature GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidSignature" GenericErrorCodesInvalidPublicKey GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidPublicKey" GenericErrorCodesGoogleOAuthNoIdTokenIncludedInResponse GenericErrorCodes = "GoogleOAuthNoIdTokenIncludedInResponse" GenericErrorCodesStatisticUpdateInProgress GenericErrorCodes = "StatisticUpdateInProgress" GenericErrorCodesLeaderboardVersionNotAvailable GenericErrorCodes = "LeaderboardVersionNotAvailable" GenericErrorCodesStatisticAlreadyHasPrizeTable GenericErrorCodes = "StatisticAlreadyHasPrizeTable" GenericErrorCodesPrizeTableHasOverlappingRanks GenericErrorCodes = "PrizeTableHasOverlappingRanks" GenericErrorCodesPrizeTableHasMissingRanks GenericErrorCodes = "PrizeTableHasMissingRanks" GenericErrorCodesPrizeTableRankStartsAtZero GenericErrorCodes = "PrizeTableRankStartsAtZero" GenericErrorCodesInvalidStatistic GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidStatistic" GenericErrorCodesExpressionParseFailure GenericErrorCodes = "ExpressionParseFailure" GenericErrorCodesExpressionInvokeFailure GenericErrorCodes = "ExpressionInvokeFailure" GenericErrorCodesExpressionTooLong GenericErrorCodes = "ExpressionTooLong" GenericErrorCodesDataUpdateRateExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "DataUpdateRateExceeded" GenericErrorCodesRestrictedEmailDomain GenericErrorCodes = "RestrictedEmailDomain" GenericErrorCodesEncryptionKeyDisabled GenericErrorCodes = "EncryptionKeyDisabled" GenericErrorCodesEncryptionKeyMissing GenericErrorCodes = "EncryptionKeyMissing" GenericErrorCodesEncryptionKeyBroken GenericErrorCodes = "EncryptionKeyBroken" GenericErrorCodesSecretKeyNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "SecretKeyNotFound" GenericErrorCodesPlayerSecretAlreadyConfigured GenericErrorCodes = "PlayerSecretAlreadyConfigured" GenericErrorCodesAPIRequestsDisabledForTitle GenericErrorCodes = "APIRequestsDisabledForTitle" GenericErrorCodesPrizeTableHasNoRanks GenericErrorCodes = "PrizeTableHasNoRanks" GenericErrorCodesProfileDoesNotExist GenericErrorCodes = "ProfileDoesNotExist" GenericErrorCodesContentS3OriginBucketNotConfigured GenericErrorCodes = "ContentS3OriginBucketNotConfigured" GenericErrorCodesInvalidEnvironmentForReceipt GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidEnvironmentForReceipt" GenericErrorCodesEncryptedRequestNotAllowed GenericErrorCodes = "EncryptedRequestNotAllowed" GenericErrorCodesSignedRequestNotAllowed GenericErrorCodes = "SignedRequestNotAllowed" GenericErrorCodesRequestViewConstraintParamsNotAllowed GenericErrorCodes = "RequestViewConstraintParamsNotAllowed" GenericErrorCodesBadPartnerConfiguration GenericErrorCodes = "BadPartnerConfiguration" GenericErrorCodesXboxBPCertificateFailure GenericErrorCodes = "XboxBPCertificateFailure" GenericErrorCodesXboxXASSExchangeFailure GenericErrorCodes = "XboxXASSExchangeFailure" GenericErrorCodesInvalidEntityId GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidEntityId" GenericErrorCodesStatisticValueAggregationOverflow GenericErrorCodes = "StatisticValueAggregationOverflow" GenericErrorCodesEmailMessageFromAddressIsMissing GenericErrorCodes = "EmailMessageFromAddressIsMissing" GenericErrorCodesEmailMessageToAddressIsMissing GenericErrorCodes = "EmailMessageToAddressIsMissing" GenericErrorCodesSmtpServerAuthenticationError GenericErrorCodes = "SmtpServerAuthenticationError" GenericErrorCodesSmtpServerLimitExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "SmtpServerLimitExceeded" GenericErrorCodesSmtpServerInsufficientStorage GenericErrorCodes = "SmtpServerInsufficientStorage" GenericErrorCodesSmtpServerCommunicationError GenericErrorCodes = "SmtpServerCommunicationError" GenericErrorCodesSmtpServerGeneralFailure GenericErrorCodes = "SmtpServerGeneralFailure" GenericErrorCodesEmailClientTimeout GenericErrorCodes = "EmailClientTimeout" GenericErrorCodesEmailClientCanceledTask GenericErrorCodes = "EmailClientCanceledTask" GenericErrorCodesEmailTemplateMissing GenericErrorCodes = "EmailTemplateMissing" GenericErrorCodesInvalidHostForTitleId GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidHostForTitleId" GenericErrorCodesEmailConfirmationTokenDoesNotExist GenericErrorCodes = "EmailConfirmationTokenDoesNotExist" GenericErrorCodesEmailConfirmationTokenExpired GenericErrorCodes = "EmailConfirmationTokenExpired" GenericErrorCodesAccountDeleted GenericErrorCodes = "AccountDeleted" GenericErrorCodesPlayerSecretNotConfigured GenericErrorCodes = "PlayerSecretNotConfigured" GenericErrorCodesInvalidSignatureTime GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidSignatureTime" GenericErrorCodesNoContactEmailAddressFound GenericErrorCodes = "NoContactEmailAddressFound" GenericErrorCodesInvalidAuthToken GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidAuthToken" GenericErrorCodesAuthTokenDoesNotExist GenericErrorCodes = "AuthTokenDoesNotExist" GenericErrorCodesAuthTokenExpired GenericErrorCodes = "AuthTokenExpired" GenericErrorCodesAuthTokenAlreadyUsedToResetPassword GenericErrorCodes = "AuthTokenAlreadyUsedToResetPassword" GenericErrorCodesMembershipNameTooLong GenericErrorCodes = "MembershipNameTooLong" GenericErrorCodesMembershipNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "MembershipNotFound" GenericErrorCodesGoogleServiceAccountInvalid GenericErrorCodes = "GoogleServiceAccountInvalid" GenericErrorCodesGoogleServiceAccountParseFailure GenericErrorCodes = "GoogleServiceAccountParseFailure" GenericErrorCodesEntityTokenMissing GenericErrorCodes = "EntityTokenMissing" GenericErrorCodesEntityTokenInvalid GenericErrorCodes = "EntityTokenInvalid" GenericErrorCodesEntityTokenExpired GenericErrorCodes = "EntityTokenExpired" GenericErrorCodesEntityTokenRevoked GenericErrorCodes = "EntityTokenRevoked" GenericErrorCodesInvalidProductForSubscription GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidProductForSubscription" GenericErrorCodesXboxInaccessible GenericErrorCodes = "XboxInaccessible" GenericErrorCodesSubscriptionAlreadyTaken GenericErrorCodes = "SubscriptionAlreadyTaken" GenericErrorCodesSmtpAddonNotEnabled GenericErrorCodes = "SmtpAddonNotEnabled" GenericErrorCodesAPIConcurrentRequestLimitExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "APIConcurrentRequestLimitExceeded" GenericErrorCodesXboxRejectedXSTSExchangeRequest GenericErrorCodes = "XboxRejectedXSTSExchangeRequest" GenericErrorCodesVariableNotDefined GenericErrorCodes = "VariableNotDefined" GenericErrorCodesTemplateVersionNotDefined GenericErrorCodes = "TemplateVersionNotDefined" GenericErrorCodesFileTooLarge GenericErrorCodes = "FileTooLarge" GenericErrorCodesTitleDeleted GenericErrorCodes = "TitleDeleted" GenericErrorCodesTitleContainsUserAccounts GenericErrorCodes = "TitleContainsUserAccounts" GenericErrorCodesTitleDeletionPlayerCleanupFailure GenericErrorCodes = "TitleDeletionPlayerCleanupFailure" GenericErrorCodesEntityFileOperationPending GenericErrorCodes = "EntityFileOperationPending" GenericErrorCodesNoEntityFileOperationPending GenericErrorCodes = "NoEntityFileOperationPending" GenericErrorCodesEntityProfileVersionMismatch GenericErrorCodes = "EntityProfileVersionMismatch" GenericErrorCodesTemplateVersionTooOld GenericErrorCodes = "TemplateVersionTooOld" GenericErrorCodesMembershipDefinitionInUse GenericErrorCodes = "MembershipDefinitionInUse" GenericErrorCodesPaymentPageNotConfigured GenericErrorCodes = "PaymentPageNotConfigured" GenericErrorCodesFailedLoginAttemptRateLimitExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "FailedLoginAttemptRateLimitExceeded" GenericErrorCodesEntityBlockedByGroup GenericErrorCodes = "EntityBlockedByGroup" GenericErrorCodesRoleDoesNotExist GenericErrorCodes = "RoleDoesNotExist" GenericErrorCodesEntityIsAlreadyMember GenericErrorCodes = "EntityIsAlreadyMember" GenericErrorCodesDuplicateRoleId GenericErrorCodes = "DuplicateRoleId" GenericErrorCodesGroupInvitationNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "GroupInvitationNotFound" GenericErrorCodesGroupApplicationNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "GroupApplicationNotFound" GenericErrorCodesOutstandingInvitationAcceptedInstead GenericErrorCodes = "OutstandingInvitationAcceptedInstead" GenericErrorCodesOutstandingApplicationAcceptedInstead GenericErrorCodes = "OutstandingApplicationAcceptedInstead" GenericErrorCodesRoleIsGroupDefaultMember GenericErrorCodes = "RoleIsGroupDefaultMember" GenericErrorCodesRoleIsGroupAdmin GenericErrorCodes = "RoleIsGroupAdmin" GenericErrorCodesRoleNameNotAvailable GenericErrorCodes = "RoleNameNotAvailable" GenericErrorCodesGroupNameNotAvailable GenericErrorCodes = "GroupNameNotAvailable" GenericErrorCodesEmailReportAlreadySent GenericErrorCodes = "EmailReportAlreadySent" GenericErrorCodesEmailReportRecipientBlacklisted GenericErrorCodes = "EmailReportRecipientBlacklisted" GenericErrorCodesEventNamespaceNotAllowed GenericErrorCodes = "EventNamespaceNotAllowed" GenericErrorCodesEventEntityNotAllowed GenericErrorCodes = "EventEntityNotAllowed" GenericErrorCodesInvalidEntityType GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidEntityType" GenericErrorCodesNullTokenResultFromAad GenericErrorCodes = "NullTokenResultFromAad" GenericErrorCodesInvalidTokenResultFromAad GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidTokenResultFromAad" GenericErrorCodesNoValidCertificateForAad GenericErrorCodes = "NoValidCertificateForAad" GenericErrorCodesInvalidCertificateForAad GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidCertificateForAad" GenericErrorCodesDuplicateDropTableId GenericErrorCodes = "DuplicateDropTableId" GenericErrorCodesMultiplayerServerError GenericErrorCodes = "MultiplayerServerError" GenericErrorCodesMultiplayerServerTooManyRequests GenericErrorCodes = "MultiplayerServerTooManyRequests" GenericErrorCodesMultiplayerServerNoContent GenericErrorCodes = "MultiplayerServerNoContent" GenericErrorCodesMultiplayerServerBadRequest GenericErrorCodes = "MultiplayerServerBadRequest" GenericErrorCodesMultiplayerServerForbidden GenericErrorCodes = "MultiplayerServerForbidden" GenericErrorCodesMultiplayerServerNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "MultiplayerServerNotFound" GenericErrorCodesMultiplayerServerConflict GenericErrorCodes = "MultiplayerServerConflict" GenericErrorCodesMultiplayerServerInternalServerError GenericErrorCodes = "MultiplayerServerInternalServerError" GenericErrorCodesExplicitContentDetected GenericErrorCodes = "ExplicitContentDetected" GenericErrorCodesPIIContentDetected GenericErrorCodes = "PIIContentDetected" GenericErrorCodesInvalidScheduledTaskParameter GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidScheduledTaskParameter" GenericErrorCodesPerEntityEventRateLimitExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "PerEntityEventRateLimitExceeded" GenericErrorCodesTitleDefaultLanguageNotSet GenericErrorCodes = "TitleDefaultLanguageNotSet" GenericErrorCodesEmailTemplateMissingDefaultVersion GenericErrorCodes = "EmailTemplateMissingDefaultVersion" GenericErrorCodesFacebookInstantGamesIdNotLinked GenericErrorCodes = "FacebookInstantGamesIdNotLinked" GenericErrorCodesInvalidFacebookInstantGamesSignature GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidFacebookInstantGamesSignature" GenericErrorCodesFacebookInstantGamesAuthNotConfiguredForTitle GenericErrorCodes = "FacebookInstantGamesAuthNotConfiguredForTitle" GenericErrorCodesEntityProfileConstraintValidationFailed GenericErrorCodes = "EntityProfileConstraintValidationFailed" GenericErrorCodesTelemetryIngestionKeyPending GenericErrorCodes = "TelemetryIngestionKeyPending" GenericErrorCodesTelemetryIngestionKeyNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "TelemetryIngestionKeyNotFound" GenericErrorCodesStatisticChildNameInvalid GenericErrorCodes = "StatisticChildNameInvalid" GenericErrorCodesDataIntegrityError GenericErrorCodes = "DataIntegrityError" GenericErrorCodesVirtualCurrencyCannotBeSetToOlderVersion GenericErrorCodes = "VirtualCurrencyCannotBeSetToOlderVersion" GenericErrorCodesVirtualCurrencyMustBeWithinIntegerRange GenericErrorCodes = "VirtualCurrencyMustBeWithinIntegerRange" GenericErrorCodesEmailTemplateInvalidSyntax GenericErrorCodes = "EmailTemplateInvalidSyntax" GenericErrorCodesEmailTemplateMissingCallback GenericErrorCodes = "EmailTemplateMissingCallback" GenericErrorCodesPushNotificationTemplateInvalidPayload GenericErrorCodes = "PushNotificationTemplateInvalidPayload" GenericErrorCodesInvalidLocalizedPushNotificationLanguage GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidLocalizedPushNotificationLanguage" GenericErrorCodesMissingLocalizedPushNotificationMessage GenericErrorCodes = "MissingLocalizedPushNotificationMessage" GenericErrorCodesPushNotificationTemplateMissingPlatformPayload GenericErrorCodes = "PushNotificationTemplateMissingPlatformPayload" GenericErrorCodesPushNotificationTemplatePayloadContainsInvalidJson GenericErrorCodes = "PushNotificationTemplatePayloadContainsInvalidJson" GenericErrorCodesPushNotificationTemplateContainsInvalidIosPayload GenericErrorCodes = "PushNotificationTemplateContainsInvalidIosPayload" GenericErrorCodesPushNotificationTemplateContainsInvalidAndroidPayload GenericErrorCodes = "PushNotificationTemplateContainsInvalidAndroidPayload" GenericErrorCodesPushNotificationTemplateIosPayloadMissingNotificationBody GenericErrorCodes = "PushNotificationTemplateIosPayloadMissingNotificationBody" GenericErrorCodesPushNotificationTemplateAndroidPayloadMissingNotificationBody GenericErrorCodes = "PushNotificationTemplateAndroidPayloadMissingNotificationBody" GenericErrorCodesPushNotificationTemplateNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "PushNotificationTemplateNotFound" GenericErrorCodesPushNotificationTemplateMissingDefaultVersion GenericErrorCodes = "PushNotificationTemplateMissingDefaultVersion" GenericErrorCodesPushNotificationTemplateInvalidSyntax GenericErrorCodes = "PushNotificationTemplateInvalidSyntax" GenericErrorCodesPushNotificationTemplateNoCustomPayloadForV1 GenericErrorCodes = "PushNotificationTemplateNoCustomPayloadForV1" GenericErrorCodesNoLeaderboardForStatistic GenericErrorCodes = "NoLeaderboardForStatistic" GenericErrorCodesTitleNewsMissingDefaultLanguage GenericErrorCodes = "TitleNewsMissingDefaultLanguage" GenericErrorCodesTitleNewsNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "TitleNewsNotFound" GenericErrorCodesTitleNewsDuplicateLanguage GenericErrorCodes = "TitleNewsDuplicateLanguage" GenericErrorCodesTitleNewsMissingTitleOrBody GenericErrorCodes = "TitleNewsMissingTitleOrBody" GenericErrorCodesTitleNewsInvalidLanguage GenericErrorCodes = "TitleNewsInvalidLanguage" GenericErrorCodesEmailRecipientBlacklisted GenericErrorCodes = "EmailRecipientBlacklisted" GenericErrorCodesInvalidGameCenterAuthRequest GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidGameCenterAuthRequest" GenericErrorCodesGameCenterAuthenticationFailed GenericErrorCodes = "GameCenterAuthenticationFailed" GenericErrorCodesCannotEnablePartiesForTitle GenericErrorCodes = "CannotEnablePartiesForTitle" GenericErrorCodesPartyError GenericErrorCodes = "PartyError" GenericErrorCodesPartyRequests GenericErrorCodes = "PartyRequests" GenericErrorCodesPartyNoContent GenericErrorCodes = "PartyNoContent" GenericErrorCodesPartyBadRequest GenericErrorCodes = "PartyBadRequest" GenericErrorCodesPartyForbidden GenericErrorCodes = "PartyForbidden" GenericErrorCodesPartyNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "PartyNotFound" GenericErrorCodesPartyConflict GenericErrorCodes = "PartyConflict" GenericErrorCodesPartyInternalServerError GenericErrorCodes = "PartyInternalServerError" GenericErrorCodesPartyTooManyRequests GenericErrorCodes = "PartyTooManyRequests" GenericErrorCodesPushNotificationTemplateMissingName GenericErrorCodes = "PushNotificationTemplateMissingName" GenericErrorCodesCannotEnableMultiplayerServersForTitle GenericErrorCodes = "CannotEnableMultiplayerServersForTitle" GenericErrorCodesWriteAttemptedDuringExport GenericErrorCodes = "WriteAttemptedDuringExport" GenericErrorCodesMultiplayerServerTitleQuotaCoresExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "MultiplayerServerTitleQuotaCoresExceeded" GenericErrorCodesAutomationRuleNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "AutomationRuleNotFound" GenericErrorCodesEntityAPIKeyLimitExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "EntityAPIKeyLimitExceeded" GenericErrorCodesEntityAPIKeyNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "EntityAPIKeyNotFound" GenericErrorCodesEntityAPIKeyOrSecretInvalid GenericErrorCodes = "EntityAPIKeyOrSecretInvalid" GenericErrorCodesEconomyServiceInternalError GenericErrorCodes = "EconomyServiceInternalError" GenericErrorCodesQueryRateLimitExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "QueryRateLimitExceeded" GenericErrorCodesEntityAPIKeyCreationDisabledForEntity GenericErrorCodes = "EntityAPIKeyCreationDisabledForEntity" GenericErrorCodesForbiddenByEntityPolicy GenericErrorCodes = "ForbiddenByEntityPolicy" GenericErrorCodesUpdateInventoryRateLimitExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "UpdateInventoryRateLimitExceeded" GenericErrorCodesStudioCreationRateLimited GenericErrorCodes = "StudioCreationRateLimited" GenericErrorCodesStudioCreationInProgress GenericErrorCodes = "StudioCreationInProgress" GenericErrorCodesDuplicateStudioName GenericErrorCodes = "DuplicateStudioName" GenericErrorCodesStudioNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "StudioNotFound" GenericErrorCodesStudioDeleted GenericErrorCodes = "StudioDeleted" GenericErrorCodesStudioDeactivated GenericErrorCodes = "StudioDeactivated" GenericErrorCodesStudioActivated GenericErrorCodes = "StudioActivated" GenericErrorCodesTitleCreationRateLimited GenericErrorCodes = "TitleCreationRateLimited" GenericErrorCodesTitleCreationInProgress GenericErrorCodes = "TitleCreationInProgress" GenericErrorCodesDuplicateTitleName GenericErrorCodes = "DuplicateTitleName" GenericErrorCodesTitleActivationRateLimited GenericErrorCodes = "TitleActivationRateLimited" GenericErrorCodesTitleActivationInProgress GenericErrorCodes = "TitleActivationInProgress" GenericErrorCodesTitleDeactivated GenericErrorCodes = "TitleDeactivated" GenericErrorCodesTitleActivated GenericErrorCodes = "TitleActivated" GenericErrorCodesCloudScriptAzureFunctionsExecutionTimeLimitExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "CloudScriptAzureFunctionsExecutionTimeLimitExceeded" GenericErrorCodesCloudScriptAzureFunctionsArgumentSizeExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "CloudScriptAzureFunctionsArgumentSizeExceeded" GenericErrorCodesCloudScriptAzureFunctionsReturnSizeExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "CloudScriptAzureFunctionsReturnSizeExceeded" GenericErrorCodesCloudScriptAzureFunctionsHTTPRequestError GenericErrorCodes = "CloudScriptAzureFunctionsHTTPRequestError" GenericErrorCodesVirtualCurrencyBetaGetError GenericErrorCodes = "VirtualCurrencyBetaGetError" GenericErrorCodesVirtualCurrencyBetaCreateError GenericErrorCodes = "VirtualCurrencyBetaCreateError" GenericErrorCodesVirtualCurrencyBetaInitialDepositSaveError GenericErrorCodes = "VirtualCurrencyBetaInitialDepositSaveError" GenericErrorCodesVirtualCurrencyBetaSaveError GenericErrorCodes = "VirtualCurrencyBetaSaveError" GenericErrorCodesVirtualCurrencyBetaDeleteError GenericErrorCodes = "VirtualCurrencyBetaDeleteError" GenericErrorCodesVirtualCurrencyBetaRestoreError GenericErrorCodes = "VirtualCurrencyBetaRestoreError" GenericErrorCodesVirtualCurrencyBetaSaveConflict GenericErrorCodes = "VirtualCurrencyBetaSaveConflict" GenericErrorCodesVirtualCurrencyBetaUpdateError GenericErrorCodes = "VirtualCurrencyBetaUpdateError" GenericErrorCodesInsightsManagementDatabaseNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "InsightsManagementDatabaseNotFound" GenericErrorCodesInsightsManagementOperationNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "InsightsManagementOperationNotFound" GenericErrorCodesInsightsManagementErrorPendingOperationExists GenericErrorCodes = "InsightsManagementErrorPendingOperationExists" GenericErrorCodesInsightsManagementSetPerformanceLevelInvalidParameter GenericErrorCodes = "InsightsManagementSetPerformanceLevelInvalidParameter" GenericErrorCodesInsightsManagementSetStorageRetentionInvalidParameter GenericErrorCodes = "InsightsManagementSetStorageRetentionInvalidParameter" GenericErrorCodesInsightsManagementGetStorageUsageInvalidParameter GenericErrorCodes = "InsightsManagementGetStorageUsageInvalidParameter" GenericErrorCodesInsightsManagementGetOperationStatusInvalidParameter GenericErrorCodes = "InsightsManagementGetOperationStatusInvalidParameter" GenericErrorCodesDuplicatePurchaseTransactionId GenericErrorCodes = "DuplicatePurchaseTransactionId" GenericErrorCodesEvaluationModePlayerCountExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "EvaluationModePlayerCountExceeded" GenericErrorCodesGetPlayersInSegmentRateLimitExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "GetPlayersInSegmentRateLimitExceeded" GenericErrorCodesCloudScriptFunctionNameSizeExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "CloudScriptFunctionNameSizeExceeded" GenericErrorCodesPaidInsightsFeaturesNotEnabled GenericErrorCodes = "PaidInsightsFeaturesNotEnabled" GenericErrorCodesCloudScriptAzureFunctionsQueueRequestError GenericErrorCodes = "CloudScriptAzureFunctionsQueueRequestError" GenericErrorCodesEvaluationModeTitleCountExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "EvaluationModeTitleCountExceeded" GenericErrorCodesInsightsManagementTitleNotInFlight GenericErrorCodes = "InsightsManagementTitleNotInFlight" GenericErrorCodesLimitNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "LimitNotFound" GenericErrorCodesLimitNotAvailableViaAPI GenericErrorCodes = "LimitNotAvailableViaAPI" GenericErrorCodesInsightsManagementSetStorageRetentionBelowMinimum GenericErrorCodes = "InsightsManagementSetStorageRetentionBelowMinimum" GenericErrorCodesInsightsManagementSetStorageRetentionAboveMaximum GenericErrorCodes = "InsightsManagementSetStorageRetentionAboveMaximum" GenericErrorCodesAppleNotEnabledForTitle GenericErrorCodes = "AppleNotEnabledForTitle" GenericErrorCodesInsightsManagementNewActiveEventExportLimitInvalid GenericErrorCodes = "InsightsManagementNewActiveEventExportLimitInvalid" GenericErrorCodesInsightsManagementSetPerformanceRateLimited GenericErrorCodes = "InsightsManagementSetPerformanceRateLimited" GenericErrorCodesPartyRequestsThrottledFromRateLimiter GenericErrorCodes = "PartyRequestsThrottledFromRateLimiter" GenericErrorCodesXboxServiceTooManyRequests GenericErrorCodes = "XboxServiceTooManyRequests" GenericErrorCodesNintendoSwitchNotEnabledForTitle GenericErrorCodes = "NintendoSwitchNotEnabledForTitle" GenericErrorCodesRequestMultiplayerServersThrottledFromRateLimiter GenericErrorCodes = "RequestMultiplayerServersThrottledFromRateLimiter" GenericErrorCodesTitleDataOverrideNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "TitleDataOverrideNotFound" GenericErrorCodesDuplicateKeys GenericErrorCodes = "DuplicateKeys" GenericErrorCodesWasNotCreatedWithCloudRoot GenericErrorCodes = "WasNotCreatedWithCloudRoot" GenericErrorCodesLegacyMultiplayerServersDeprecated GenericErrorCodes = "LegacyMultiplayerServersDeprecated" GenericErrorCodesSteamUserNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "SteamUserNotFound" GenericErrorCodesElasticSearchOperationFailed GenericErrorCodes = "ElasticSearchOperationFailed" GenericErrorCodesNotImplemented GenericErrorCodes = "NotImplemented" GenericErrorCodesPublisherNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "PublisherNotFound" GenericErrorCodesPublisherDeleted GenericErrorCodes = "PublisherDeleted" GenericErrorCodesApiDisabledForMigration GenericErrorCodes = "ApiDisabledForMigration" GenericErrorCodesResourceNameUpdateNotAllowed GenericErrorCodes = "ResourceNameUpdateNotAllowed" GenericErrorCodesApiNotEnabledForTitle GenericErrorCodes = "ApiNotEnabledForTitle" GenericErrorCodesDuplicateTitleNameForPublisher GenericErrorCodes = "DuplicateTitleNameForPublisher" GenericErrorCodesAzureTitleCreationInProgress GenericErrorCodes = "AzureTitleCreationInProgress" GenericErrorCodesTitleConstraintsPublisherDeletion GenericErrorCodes = "TitleConstraintsPublisherDeletion" GenericErrorCodesInvalidPlayerAccountPoolId GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidPlayerAccountPoolId" GenericErrorCodesPlayerAccountPoolNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "PlayerAccountPoolNotFound" GenericErrorCodesPlayerAccountPoolDeleted GenericErrorCodes = "PlayerAccountPoolDeleted" GenericErrorCodesTitleCleanupInProgress GenericErrorCodes = "TitleCleanupInProgress" GenericErrorCodesAzureResourceConcurrentOperationInProgress GenericErrorCodes = "AzureResourceConcurrentOperationInProgress" GenericErrorCodesTitlePublisherUpdateNotAllowed GenericErrorCodes = "TitlePublisherUpdateNotAllowed" GenericErrorCodesAzureResourceManagerNotSupportedInStamp GenericErrorCodes = "AzureResourceManagerNotSupportedInStamp" GenericErrorCodesApiNotIncludedInAzurePlayFabFeatureSet GenericErrorCodes = "ApiNotIncludedInAzurePlayFabFeatureSet" GenericErrorCodesGoogleServiceAccountFailedAuth GenericErrorCodes = "GoogleServiceAccountFailedAuth" GenericErrorCodesGoogleAPIServiceUnknownError GenericErrorCodes = "GoogleAPIServiceUnknownError" GenericErrorCodesNoValidIdentityForAad GenericErrorCodes = "NoValidIdentityForAad" GenericErrorCodesPlayerIdentityLinkNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "PlayerIdentityLinkNotFound" GenericErrorCodesPhotonApplicationIdAlreadyInUse GenericErrorCodes = "PhotonApplicationIdAlreadyInUse" GenericErrorCodesCloudScriptUnableToDeleteProductionRevision GenericErrorCodes = "CloudScriptUnableToDeleteProductionRevision" GenericErrorCodesCustomIdNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "CustomIdNotFound" GenericErrorCodesAutomationInvalidInput GenericErrorCodes = "AutomationInvalidInput" GenericErrorCodesAutomationInvalidRuleName GenericErrorCodes = "AutomationInvalidRuleName" GenericErrorCodesAutomationRuleAlreadyExists GenericErrorCodes = "AutomationRuleAlreadyExists" GenericErrorCodesAutomationRuleLimitExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "AutomationRuleLimitExceeded" GenericErrorCodesInvalidGooglePlayGamesServerAuthCode GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidGooglePlayGamesServerAuthCode" GenericErrorCodesPlayStreamConnectionFailed GenericErrorCodes = "PlayStreamConnectionFailed" GenericErrorCodesInvalidEventContents GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidEventContents" GenericErrorCodesInsightsV1Deprecated GenericErrorCodes = "InsightsV1Deprecated" GenericErrorCodesAnalysisSubscriptionNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "AnalysisSubscriptionNotFound" GenericErrorCodesAnalysisSubscriptionFailed GenericErrorCodes = "AnalysisSubscriptionFailed" GenericErrorCodesAnalysisSubscriptionFoundAlready GenericErrorCodes = "AnalysisSubscriptionFoundAlready" GenericErrorCodesAnalysisSubscriptionManagementInvalidInput GenericErrorCodes = "AnalysisSubscriptionManagementInvalidInput" GenericErrorCodesInvalidGameCenterId GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidGameCenterId" GenericErrorCodesMatchmakingEntityInvalid GenericErrorCodes = "MatchmakingEntityInvalid" GenericErrorCodesMatchmakingPlayerAttributesInvalid GenericErrorCodes = "MatchmakingPlayerAttributesInvalid" GenericErrorCodesMatchmakingQueueNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "MatchmakingQueueNotFound" GenericErrorCodesMatchmakingMatchNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "MatchmakingMatchNotFound" GenericErrorCodesMatchmakingTicketNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "MatchmakingTicketNotFound" GenericErrorCodesMatchmakingAlreadyJoinedTicket GenericErrorCodes = "MatchmakingAlreadyJoinedTicket" GenericErrorCodesMatchmakingTicketAlreadyCompleted GenericErrorCodes = "MatchmakingTicketAlreadyCompleted" GenericErrorCodesMatchmakingQueueConfigInvalid GenericErrorCodes = "MatchmakingQueueConfigInvalid" GenericErrorCodesMatchmakingMemberProfileInvalid GenericErrorCodes = "MatchmakingMemberProfileInvalid" GenericErrorCodesNintendoSwitchDeviceIdNotLinked GenericErrorCodes = "NintendoSwitchDeviceIdNotLinked" GenericErrorCodesMatchmakingNotEnabled GenericErrorCodes = "MatchmakingNotEnabled" GenericErrorCodesMatchmakingPlayerAttributesTooLarge GenericErrorCodes = "MatchmakingPlayerAttributesTooLarge" GenericErrorCodesMatchmakingNumberOfPlayersInTicketTooLarge GenericErrorCodes = "MatchmakingNumberOfPlayersInTicketTooLarge" GenericErrorCodesMatchmakingAttributeInvalid GenericErrorCodes = "MatchmakingAttributeInvalid" GenericErrorCodesMatchmakingPlayerHasNotJoinedTicket GenericErrorCodes = "MatchmakingPlayerHasNotJoinedTicket" GenericErrorCodesMatchmakingRateLimitExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "MatchmakingRateLimitExceeded" GenericErrorCodesMatchmakingTicketMembershipLimitExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "MatchmakingTicketMembershipLimitExceeded" GenericErrorCodesMatchmakingQueueLimitExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "MatchmakingQueueLimitExceeded" GenericErrorCodesMatchmakingRequestTypeMismatch GenericErrorCodes = "MatchmakingRequestTypeMismatch" GenericErrorCodesMatchmakingBadRequest GenericErrorCodes = "MatchmakingBadRequest" GenericErrorCodesPubSubFeatureNotEnabledForTitle GenericErrorCodes = "PubSubFeatureNotEnabledForTitle" GenericErrorCodesPubSubTooManyRequests GenericErrorCodes = "PubSubTooManyRequests" GenericErrorCodesPubSubConnectionNotFoundForEntity GenericErrorCodes = "PubSubConnectionNotFoundForEntity" GenericErrorCodesPubSubConnectionHandleInvalid GenericErrorCodes = "PubSubConnectionHandleInvalid" GenericErrorCodesPubSubSubscriptionLimitExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "PubSubSubscriptionLimitExceeded" GenericErrorCodesTitleConfigNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "TitleConfigNotFound" GenericErrorCodesTitleConfigUpdateConflict GenericErrorCodes = "TitleConfigUpdateConflict" GenericErrorCodesTitleConfigSerializationError GenericErrorCodes = "TitleConfigSerializationError" GenericErrorCodesCatalogApiNotImplemented GenericErrorCodes = "CatalogApiNotImplemented" GenericErrorCodesCatalogEntityInvalid GenericErrorCodes = "CatalogEntityInvalid" GenericErrorCodesCatalogTitleIdMissing GenericErrorCodes = "CatalogTitleIdMissing" GenericErrorCodesCatalogPlayerIdMissing GenericErrorCodes = "CatalogPlayerIdMissing" GenericErrorCodesCatalogClientIdentityInvalid GenericErrorCodes = "CatalogClientIdentityInvalid" GenericErrorCodesCatalogOneOrMoreFilesInvalid GenericErrorCodes = "CatalogOneOrMoreFilesInvalid" GenericErrorCodesCatalogItemMetadataInvalid GenericErrorCodes = "CatalogItemMetadataInvalid" GenericErrorCodesCatalogItemIdInvalid GenericErrorCodes = "CatalogItemIdInvalid" GenericErrorCodesCatalogSearchParameterInvalid GenericErrorCodes = "CatalogSearchParameterInvalid" GenericErrorCodesCatalogFeatureDisabled GenericErrorCodes = "CatalogFeatureDisabled" GenericErrorCodesCatalogConfigInvalid GenericErrorCodes = "CatalogConfigInvalid" GenericErrorCodesCatalogItemTypeInvalid GenericErrorCodes = "CatalogItemTypeInvalid" GenericErrorCodesCatalogBadRequest GenericErrorCodes = "CatalogBadRequest" GenericErrorCodesCatalogTooManyRequests GenericErrorCodes = "CatalogTooManyRequests" GenericErrorCodesExportInvalidStatusUpdate GenericErrorCodes = "ExportInvalidStatusUpdate" GenericErrorCodesExportInvalidPrefix GenericErrorCodes = "ExportInvalidPrefix" GenericErrorCodesExportBlobContainerDoesNotExist GenericErrorCodes = "ExportBlobContainerDoesNotExist" GenericErrorCodesExportNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "ExportNotFound" GenericErrorCodesExportCouldNotUpdate GenericErrorCodes = "ExportCouldNotUpdate" GenericErrorCodesExportInvalidStorageType GenericErrorCodes = "ExportInvalidStorageType" GenericErrorCodesExportAmazonBucketDoesNotExist GenericErrorCodes = "ExportAmazonBucketDoesNotExist" GenericErrorCodesExportInvalidBlobStorage GenericErrorCodes = "ExportInvalidBlobStorage" GenericErrorCodesExportKustoException GenericErrorCodes = "ExportKustoException" GenericErrorCodesExportKustoConnectionFailed GenericErrorCodes = "ExportKustoConnectionFailed" GenericErrorCodesExportUnknownError GenericErrorCodes = "ExportUnknownError" GenericErrorCodesExportCantEditPendingExport GenericErrorCodes = "ExportCantEditPendingExport" GenericErrorCodesExportLimitExports GenericErrorCodes = "ExportLimitExports" GenericErrorCodesExportLimitEvents GenericErrorCodes = "ExportLimitEvents" GenericErrorCodesExportInvalidPartitionStatusModification GenericErrorCodes = "ExportInvalidPartitionStatusModification" GenericErrorCodesExportCouldNotCreate GenericErrorCodes = "ExportCouldNotCreate" GenericErrorCodesExportNoBackingDatabaseFound GenericErrorCodes = "ExportNoBackingDatabaseFound" GenericErrorCodesExportCouldNotDelete GenericErrorCodes = "ExportCouldNotDelete" GenericErrorCodesExportCannotDetermineEventQuery GenericErrorCodes = "ExportCannotDetermineEventQuery" GenericErrorCodesExportInvalidQuerySchemaModification GenericErrorCodes = "ExportInvalidQuerySchemaModification" GenericErrorCodesExportQuerySchemaMissingRequiredColumns GenericErrorCodes = "ExportQuerySchemaMissingRequiredColumns" GenericErrorCodesExportCannotParseQuery GenericErrorCodes = "ExportCannotParseQuery" GenericErrorCodesExportControlCommandsNotAllowed GenericErrorCodes = "ExportControlCommandsNotAllowed" GenericErrorCodesExportQueryMissingTableReference GenericErrorCodes = "ExportQueryMissingTableReference" GenericErrorCodesExportInsightsV1Deprecated GenericErrorCodes = "ExportInsightsV1Deprecated" GenericErrorCodesExplorerBasicInvalidQueryName GenericErrorCodes = "ExplorerBasicInvalidQueryName" GenericErrorCodesExplorerBasicInvalidQueryDescription GenericErrorCodes = "ExplorerBasicInvalidQueryDescription" GenericErrorCodesExplorerBasicInvalidQueryConditions GenericErrorCodes = "ExplorerBasicInvalidQueryConditions" GenericErrorCodesExplorerBasicInvalidQueryStartDate GenericErrorCodes = "ExplorerBasicInvalidQueryStartDate" GenericErrorCodesExplorerBasicInvalidQueryEndDate GenericErrorCodes = "ExplorerBasicInvalidQueryEndDate" GenericErrorCodesExplorerBasicInvalidQueryGroupBy GenericErrorCodes = "ExplorerBasicInvalidQueryGroupBy" GenericErrorCodesExplorerBasicInvalidQueryAggregateType GenericErrorCodes = "ExplorerBasicInvalidQueryAggregateType" GenericErrorCodesExplorerBasicInvalidQueryAggregateProperty GenericErrorCodes = "ExplorerBasicInvalidQueryAggregateProperty" GenericErrorCodesExplorerBasicLoadQueriesError GenericErrorCodes = "ExplorerBasicLoadQueriesError" GenericErrorCodesExplorerBasicLoadQueryError GenericErrorCodes = "ExplorerBasicLoadQueryError" GenericErrorCodesExplorerBasicCreateQueryError GenericErrorCodes = "ExplorerBasicCreateQueryError" GenericErrorCodesExplorerBasicDeleteQueryError GenericErrorCodes = "ExplorerBasicDeleteQueryError" GenericErrorCodesExplorerBasicUpdateQueryError GenericErrorCodes = "ExplorerBasicUpdateQueryError" GenericErrorCodesExplorerBasicSavedQueriesLimit GenericErrorCodes = "ExplorerBasicSavedQueriesLimit" GenericErrorCodesExplorerBasicSavedQueryNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "ExplorerBasicSavedQueryNotFound" GenericErrorCodesTenantShardMapperShardNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "TenantShardMapperShardNotFound" GenericErrorCodesTitleNotEnabledForParty GenericErrorCodes = "TitleNotEnabledForParty" GenericErrorCodesPartyVersionNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "PartyVersionNotFound" GenericErrorCodesMultiplayerServerBuildReferencedByMatchmakingQueue GenericErrorCodes = "MultiplayerServerBuildReferencedByMatchmakingQueue" GenericErrorCodesMultiplayerServerBuildReferencedByBuildAlias GenericErrorCodes = "MultiplayerServerBuildReferencedByBuildAlias" GenericErrorCodesMultiplayerServerBuildAliasReferencedByMatchmakingQueue GenericErrorCodes = "MultiplayerServerBuildAliasReferencedByMatchmakingQueue" GenericErrorCodesExperimentationExperimentStopped GenericErrorCodes = "ExperimentationExperimentStopped" GenericErrorCodesExperimentationExperimentRunning GenericErrorCodes = "ExperimentationExperimentRunning" GenericErrorCodesExperimentationExperimentNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "ExperimentationExperimentNotFound" GenericErrorCodesExperimentationExperimentNeverStarted GenericErrorCodes = "ExperimentationExperimentNeverStarted" GenericErrorCodesExperimentationExperimentDeleted GenericErrorCodes = "ExperimentationExperimentDeleted" GenericErrorCodesExperimentationClientTimeout GenericErrorCodes = "ExperimentationClientTimeout" GenericErrorCodesExperimentationInvalidVariantConfiguration GenericErrorCodes = "ExperimentationInvalidVariantConfiguration" GenericErrorCodesExperimentationInvalidVariableConfiguration GenericErrorCodes = "ExperimentationInvalidVariableConfiguration" GenericErrorCodesExperimentInvalidId GenericErrorCodes = "ExperimentInvalidId" GenericErrorCodesExperimentationNoScorecard GenericErrorCodes = "ExperimentationNoScorecard" GenericErrorCodesExperimentationTreatmentAssignmentFailed GenericErrorCodes = "ExperimentationTreatmentAssignmentFailed" GenericErrorCodesExperimentationTreatmentAssignmentDisabled GenericErrorCodes = "ExperimentationTreatmentAssignmentDisabled" GenericErrorCodesExperimentationInvalidDuration GenericErrorCodes = "ExperimentationInvalidDuration" GenericErrorCodesExperimentationMaxExperimentsReached GenericErrorCodes = "ExperimentationMaxExperimentsReached" GenericErrorCodesExperimentationExperimentSchedulingInProgress GenericErrorCodes = "ExperimentationExperimentSchedulingInProgress" GenericErrorCodesExperimentationInvalidEndDate GenericErrorCodes = "ExperimentationInvalidEndDate" GenericErrorCodesExperimentationInvalidStartDate GenericErrorCodes = "ExperimentationInvalidStartDate" GenericErrorCodesExperimentationMaxDurationExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "ExperimentationMaxDurationExceeded" GenericErrorCodesExperimentationExclusionGroupNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "ExperimentationExclusionGroupNotFound" GenericErrorCodesExperimentationExclusionGroupInsufficientCapacity GenericErrorCodes = "ExperimentationExclusionGroupInsufficientCapacity" GenericErrorCodesExperimentationExclusionGroupCannotDelete GenericErrorCodes = "ExperimentationExclusionGroupCannotDelete" GenericErrorCodesExperimentationExclusionGroupInvalidTrafficAllocation GenericErrorCodes = "ExperimentationExclusionGroupInvalidTrafficAllocation" GenericErrorCodesExperimentationExclusionGroupInvalidName GenericErrorCodes = "ExperimentationExclusionGroupInvalidName" GenericErrorCodesMaxActionDepthExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "MaxActionDepthExceeded" GenericErrorCodesTitleNotOnUpdatedPricingPlan GenericErrorCodes = "TitleNotOnUpdatedPricingPlan" GenericErrorCodesSegmentManagementTitleNotInFlight GenericErrorCodes = "SegmentManagementTitleNotInFlight" GenericErrorCodesSegmentManagementNoExpressionTree GenericErrorCodes = "SegmentManagementNoExpressionTree" GenericErrorCodesSegmentManagementTriggerActionCountOverLimit GenericErrorCodes = "SegmentManagementTriggerActionCountOverLimit" GenericErrorCodesSegmentManagementSegmentCountOverLimit GenericErrorCodes = "SegmentManagementSegmentCountOverLimit" GenericErrorCodesSegmentManagementInvalidSegmentId GenericErrorCodes = "SegmentManagementInvalidSegmentId" GenericErrorCodesSegmentManagementInvalidInput GenericErrorCodes = "SegmentManagementInvalidInput" GenericErrorCodesSegmentManagementInvalidSegmentName GenericErrorCodes = "SegmentManagementInvalidSegmentName" GenericErrorCodesDeleteSegmentRateLimitExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "DeleteSegmentRateLimitExceeded" GenericErrorCodesCreateSegmentRateLimitExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "CreateSegmentRateLimitExceeded" GenericErrorCodesUpdateSegmentRateLimitExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "UpdateSegmentRateLimitExceeded" GenericErrorCodesGetSegmentsRateLimitExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "GetSegmentsRateLimitExceeded" GenericErrorCodesAsyncExportNotInFlight GenericErrorCodes = "AsyncExportNotInFlight" GenericErrorCodesAsyncExportNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "AsyncExportNotFound" GenericErrorCodesAsyncExportRateLimitExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "AsyncExportRateLimitExceeded" GenericErrorCodesSnapshotNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "SnapshotNotFound" GenericErrorCodesInventoryApiNotImplemented GenericErrorCodes = "InventoryApiNotImplemented" GenericErrorCodesLobbyDoesNotExist GenericErrorCodes = "LobbyDoesNotExist" GenericErrorCodesLobbyRateLimitExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "LobbyRateLimitExceeded" GenericErrorCodesLobbyPlayerAlreadyJoined GenericErrorCodes = "LobbyPlayerAlreadyJoined" GenericErrorCodesLobbyNotJoinable GenericErrorCodes = "LobbyNotJoinable" GenericErrorCodesLobbyMemberCannotRejoin GenericErrorCodes = "LobbyMemberCannotRejoin" GenericErrorCodesLobbyCurrentPlayersMoreThanMaxPlayers GenericErrorCodes = "LobbyCurrentPlayersMoreThanMaxPlayers" GenericErrorCodesLobbyPlayerNotPresent GenericErrorCodes = "LobbyPlayerNotPresent" GenericErrorCodesLobbyBadRequest GenericErrorCodes = "LobbyBadRequest" GenericErrorCodesLobbyPlayerMaxLobbyLimitExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "LobbyPlayerMaxLobbyLimitExceeded" GenericErrorCodesLobbyNewOwnerMustBeConnected GenericErrorCodes = "LobbyNewOwnerMustBeConnected" GenericErrorCodesLobbyCurrentOwnerStillConnected GenericErrorCodes = "LobbyCurrentOwnerStillConnected" GenericErrorCodesLobbyMemberIsNotOwner GenericErrorCodes = "LobbyMemberIsNotOwner" GenericErrorCodesEventSamplingInvalidRatio GenericErrorCodes = "EventSamplingInvalidRatio" GenericErrorCodesEventSamplingInvalidEventNamespace GenericErrorCodes = "EventSamplingInvalidEventNamespace" GenericErrorCodesEventSamplingInvalidEventName GenericErrorCodes = "EventSamplingInvalidEventName" GenericErrorCodesEventSamplingRatioNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "EventSamplingRatioNotFound" GenericErrorCodesEventSinkConnectionInvalid GenericErrorCodes = "EventSinkConnectionInvalid" GenericErrorCodesEventSinkRegionInvalid GenericErrorCodes = "EventSinkRegionInvalid" GenericErrorCodesEventSinkLimitExceeded GenericErrorCodes = "EventSinkLimitExceeded" GenericErrorCodesEventSinkSasTokenInvalid GenericErrorCodes = "EventSinkSasTokenInvalid" GenericErrorCodesEventSinkNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "EventSinkNotFound" GenericErrorCodesEventSinkNameInvalid GenericErrorCodes = "EventSinkNameInvalid" GenericErrorCodesEventSinkSasTokenPermissionInvalid GenericErrorCodes = "EventSinkSasTokenPermissionInvalid" GenericErrorCodesEventSinkSecretInvalid GenericErrorCodes = "EventSinkSecretInvalid" GenericErrorCodesEventSinkTenantNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "EventSinkTenantNotFound" GenericErrorCodesEventSinkAadNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "EventSinkAadNotFound" GenericErrorCodesEventSinkDatabaseNotFound GenericErrorCodes = "EventSinkDatabaseNotFound" GenericErrorCodesOperationCanceled GenericErrorCodes = "OperationCanceled" GenericErrorCodesInvalidDisplayNameRandomSuffixLength GenericErrorCodes = "InvalidDisplayNameRandomSuffixLength" GenericErrorCodesAllowNonUniquePlayerDisplayNamesDisableNotAllowed GenericErrorCodes = "AllowNonUniquePlayerDisplayNamesDisableNotAllowed" )
type GetActionsOnPlayersInSegmentTaskInstanceResultModel ¶
type GetActionsOnPlayersInSegmentTaskInstanceResultModel struct { // Parameter parameter of this task instance Parameter *ActionsOnPlayersInSegmentTaskParameterModel `json:"Parameter,omitempty"` // Summary status summary of the actions-on-players-in-segment task instance Summary *ActionsOnPlayersInSegmentTaskSummaryModel `json:"Summary,omitempty"` }
func GetActionsOnPlayersInSegmentTaskInstance ¶
func GetActionsOnPlayersInSegmentTaskInstance(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetTaskInstanceRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetActionsOnPlayersInSegmentTaskInstanceResultModel, error)
GetActionsOnPlayersInSegmentTaskInstance get information about a ActionsOnPlayersInSegment task instance.
type GetAllSegmentsRequestModel ¶
type GetAllSegmentsRequestModel struct { }
GetAllSegmentsRequest request has no paramaters.
type GetAllSegmentsResultModel ¶
type GetAllSegmentsResultModel struct { // Segments array of segments for this title. Segments []GetSegmentResultModel `json:"Segments,omitempty"` }
func GetAllSegments ¶
func GetAllSegments(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetAllSegmentsRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetAllSegmentsResultModel, error)
GetAllSegments retrieves an array of player segment definitions. Results from this can be used in subsequent API calls such as GetPlayersInSegment which requires a Segment ID. While segment names can change the ID for that segment will not change.
type GetCatalogItemsRequestModel ¶
type GetCatalogItemsRequestModel struct { // CatalogVersion which catalog is being requested. If null, uses the default catalog. CatalogVersion string `json:"CatalogVersion,omitempty"` }
type GetCatalogItemsResultModel ¶
type GetCatalogItemsResultModel struct { // Catalog array of items which can be purchased. Catalog []CatalogItemModel `json:"Catalog,omitempty"` }
func GetCatalogItems ¶
func GetCatalogItems(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetCatalogItemsRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetCatalogItemsResultModel, error)
GetCatalogItems retrieves the specified version of the title's catalog of virtual goods, including all defined properties
type GetCloudScriptRevisionRequestModel ¶
type GetCloudScriptRevisionRequestModel struct { // Revision revision number. If left null, defaults to the latest revision Revision int32 `json:"Revision,omitempty"` // Version version number. If left null, defaults to the latest version Version int32 `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
type GetCloudScriptRevisionResultModel ¶
type GetCloudScriptRevisionResultModel struct { // CreatedAt time this revision was created CreatedAt time.Time `json:"CreatedAt,omitempty"` // Files list of Cloud Script files in this revision. Files []CloudScriptFileModel `json:"Files,omitempty"` // IsPublished true if this is the currently published revision IsPublished bool `json:"IsPublished"` // Revision revision number. Revision int32 `json:"Revision,omitempty"` // Version version number. Version int32 `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
func GetCloudScriptRevision ¶
func GetCloudScriptRevision(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetCloudScriptRevisionRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetCloudScriptRevisionResultModel, error)
GetCloudScriptRevision gets the contents and information of a specific Cloud Script revision.
type GetCloudScriptTaskInstanceResultModel ¶
type GetCloudScriptTaskInstanceResultModel struct { // Parameter parameter of this task instance Parameter *CloudScriptTaskParameterModel `json:"Parameter,omitempty"` // Summary status summary of the CloudScript task instance Summary *CloudScriptTaskSummaryModel `json:"Summary,omitempty"` }
func GetCloudScriptTaskInstance ¶
func GetCloudScriptTaskInstance(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetTaskInstanceRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetCloudScriptTaskInstanceResultModel, error)
GetCloudScriptTaskInstance get detail information about a CloudScript task instance.
type GetCloudScriptVersionsRequestModel ¶
type GetCloudScriptVersionsRequestModel struct { }
type GetCloudScriptVersionsResultModel ¶
type GetCloudScriptVersionsResultModel struct { // Versions list of versions Versions []CloudScriptVersionStatusModel `json:"Versions,omitempty"` }
func GetCloudScriptVersions ¶
func GetCloudScriptVersions(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetCloudScriptVersionsRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetCloudScriptVersionsResultModel, error)
GetCloudScriptVersions lists all the current cloud script versions. For each version, information about the current published and latest revisions is also listed.
type GetContentListRequestModel ¶
type GetContentListRequestModel struct { // Prefix limits the response to keys that begin with the specified prefix. You can use prefixes to list contents under a folder, // or for a specified version, etc. Prefix string `json:"Prefix,omitempty"` }
type GetContentListResultModel ¶
type GetContentListResultModel struct { // Contents list of content items. Contents []ContentInfoModel `json:"Contents,omitempty"` // ItemCount number of content items returned. We currently have a maximum of 1000 items limit. ItemCount int32 `json:"ItemCount,omitempty"` // TotalSize the total size of listed contents in bytes. TotalSize uint32 `json:"TotalSize,omitempty"` }
func GetContentList ¶
func GetContentList(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetContentListRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetContentListResultModel, error)
GetContentList list all contents of the title and get statistics such as size
type GetContentUploadUrlRequestModel ¶
type GetContentUploadUrlRequestModel struct { // ContentType a standard MIME type describing the format of the contents. The same MIME type has to be set in the header when // uploading the content. If not specified, the MIME type is 'binary/octet-stream' by default. ContentType string `json:"ContentType,omitempty"` // Key key of the content item to upload, usually formatted as a path, e.g. images/a.png Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` }
type GetContentUploadUrlResultModel ¶
type GetContentUploadUrlResultModel struct { // URL uRL for uploading content via HTTP PUT method. The URL requires the 'x-ms-blob-type' header to have the value // 'BlockBlob'. The URL will expire in approximately one hour. URL string `json:"URL,omitempty"` }
func GetContentUploadUrl ¶
func GetContentUploadUrl(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetContentUploadUrlRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetContentUploadUrlResultModel, error)
GetContentUploadUrl retrieves the pre-signed URL for uploading a content file. A subsequent HTTP PUT to the returned URL uploads the content. Also, please be aware that the Content service is specifically PlayFab's CDN offering, for which standard CDN rates apply.
type GetDataReportRequestModel ¶
type GetDataReportRequestModel struct { // Day reporting year (UTC) Day int32 `json:"Day,omitempty"` // Month reporting month (UTC) Month int32 `json:"Month,omitempty"` // ReportName report name ReportName string `json:"ReportName,omitempty"` // Year reporting year (UTC) Year int32 `json:"Year,omitempty"` }
GetDataReportRequest gets the download URL for the requested report data (in CSV form). The reports available through this API call are those available in the Game Manager, in the Analytics->Reports tab.
type GetDataReportResultModel ¶
type GetDataReportResultModel struct { // DownloadUrl the URL where the requested report can be downloaded. This can be any PlayFab generated reports. The full list of // reports can be found at: DownloadUrl string `json:"DownloadUrl,omitempty"` }
func GetDataReport ¶
func GetDataReport(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetDataReportRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetDataReportResultModel, error)
GetDataReport retrieves a download URL for the requested report
type GetMatchmakerGameInfoRequestModel ¶
type GetMatchmakerGameInfoRequestModel struct { // LobbyId unique identifier of the lobby for which info is being requested LobbyId string `json:"LobbyId,omitempty"` }
type GetMatchmakerGameInfoResultModel ¶
type GetMatchmakerGameInfoResultModel struct { // BuildVersion version identifier of the game server executable binary being run BuildVersion string `json:"BuildVersion,omitempty"` // EndTime time when Game Server Instance is currently scheduled to end EndTime time.Time `json:"EndTime,omitempty"` // LobbyId unique identifier of the lobby LobbyId string `json:"LobbyId,omitempty"` // Mode game mode for this Game Server Instance Mode string `json:"Mode,omitempty"` // Players array of unique PlayFab identifiers for users currently connected to this Game Server Instance Players []string `json:"Players,omitempty"` // Region region in which the Game Server Instance is running Region Region `json:"Region,omitempty"` // ServerIPV4Address iPV4 address of the server ServerIPV4Address string `json:"ServerIPV4Address,omitempty"` // ServerIPV6Address iPV6 address of the server ServerIPV6Address string `json:"ServerIPV6Address,omitempty"` // ServerPort communication port for this Game Server Instance ServerPort uint32 `json:"ServerPort,omitempty"` // ServerPublicDNSName public DNS name (if any) of the server ServerPublicDNSName string `json:"ServerPublicDNSName,omitempty"` // StartTime time when the Game Server Instance was created StartTime time.Time `json:"StartTime,omitempty"` // TitleId unique identifier of the Game Server Instance for this lobby TitleId string `json:"TitleId,omitempty"` }
func GetMatchmakerGameInfo ¶
func GetMatchmakerGameInfo(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetMatchmakerGameInfoRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetMatchmakerGameInfoResultModel, error)
GetMatchmakerGameInfo retrieves the details for a specific completed session, including links to standard out and standard error logs
type GetMatchmakerGameModesRequestModel ¶
type GetMatchmakerGameModesRequestModel struct { // BuildVersion previously uploaded build version for which game modes are being requested BuildVersion string `json:"BuildVersion,omitempty"` }
GetMatchmakerGameModesRequest these details are used by the PlayFab matchmaking service to determine if an existing Game Server Instance has room for additional users, and by the PlayFab game server management service to determine when a new Game Server Host should be created in order to prevent excess load on existing Hosts.
type GetMatchmakerGameModesResultModel ¶
type GetMatchmakerGameModesResultModel struct { // GameModes array of game modes available for the specified build GameModes []GameModeInfoModel `json:"GameModes,omitempty"` }
func GetMatchmakerGameModes ¶
func GetMatchmakerGameModes(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetMatchmakerGameModesRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetMatchmakerGameModesResultModel, error)
GetMatchmakerGameModes retrieves the details of defined game modes for the specified game server executable
type GetPlayedTitleListRequestModel ¶
type GetPlayedTitleListRequestModel struct { // PlayFabId unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` }
GetPlayedTitleListRequest useful for identifying titles of which the player's data will be deleted by DeleteMasterPlayer.
type GetPlayedTitleListResultModel ¶
type GetPlayedTitleListResultModel struct { // TitleIds list of titles the player has played TitleIds []string `json:"TitleIds,omitempty"` }
func GetPlayedTitleList ¶
func GetPlayedTitleList(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetPlayedTitleListRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetPlayedTitleListResultModel, error)
GetPlayedTitleList get the list of titles that the player has played
type GetPlayerIdFromAuthTokenRequestModel ¶
type GetPlayerIdFromAuthTokenRequestModel struct { // Token the auth token of the player requesting the password reset. Token string `json:"Token,omitempty"` // TokenType the type of auth token of the player requesting the password reset. TokenType AuthTokenType `json:"TokenType,omitempty"` }
GetPlayerIdFromAuthTokenRequest gets a player ID from an auth token. The token expires after 30 minutes and cannot be used to look up a player when expired.
type GetPlayerIdFromAuthTokenResultModel ¶
type GetPlayerIdFromAuthTokenResultModel struct { // PlayFabId the player ID from the token passed in PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` }
func GetPlayerIdFromAuthToken ¶
func GetPlayerIdFromAuthToken(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetPlayerIdFromAuthTokenRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetPlayerIdFromAuthTokenResultModel, error)
GetPlayerIdFromAuthToken gets a player's ID from an auth token.
type GetPlayerProfileRequestModel ¶
type GetPlayerProfileRequestModel struct { // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // PlayFabId unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` // ProfileConstraints if non-null, this determines which properties of the resulting player profiles to return. For API calls from the client, // only the allowed client profile properties for the title may be requested. These allowed properties are configured in // the Game Manager "Client Profile Options" tab in the "Settings" section. ProfileConstraints *PlayerProfileViewConstraintsModel `json:"ProfileConstraints,omitempty"` }
GetPlayerProfileRequest this API allows for access to details regarding a user in the PlayFab service, usually for purposes of customer support. Note that data returned may be Personally Identifying Information (PII), such as email address, and so care should be taken in how this data is stored and managed. Since this call will always return the relevant information for users who have accessed the title, the recommendation is to not store this data locally.
type GetPlayerProfileResultModel ¶
type GetPlayerProfileResultModel struct { // PlayerProfile the profile of the player. This profile is not guaranteed to be up-to-date. For a new player, this profile will not // exist. PlayerProfile *PlayerProfileModelModel `json:"PlayerProfile,omitempty"` }
func GetPlayerProfile ¶
func GetPlayerProfile(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetPlayerProfileRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetPlayerProfileResultModel, error)
GetPlayerProfile retrieves the player's profile
type GetPlayerSegmentsResultModel ¶
type GetPlayerSegmentsResultModel struct { // Segments array of segments the requested player currently belongs to. Segments []GetSegmentResultModel `json:"Segments,omitempty"` }
func GetPlayerSegments ¶
func GetPlayerSegments(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetPlayersSegmentsRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetPlayerSegmentsResultModel, error)
GetPlayerSegments list all segments that a player currently belongs to at this moment in time.
type GetPlayerSharedSecretsRequestModel ¶
type GetPlayerSharedSecretsRequestModel struct { }
GetPlayerSharedSecretsRequest player Shared Secret Keys are used for the call to Client/GetTitlePublicKey, which exchanges the shared secret for an RSA CSP blob to be used to encrypt the payload of account creation requests when that API requires a signature header.
type GetPlayerSharedSecretsResultModel ¶
type GetPlayerSharedSecretsResultModel struct { SharedSecretModel `json:"SharedSecrets,omitempty"` }SharedSecrets []
func GetPlayerSharedSecrets ¶
func GetPlayerSharedSecrets(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetPlayerSharedSecretsRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetPlayerSharedSecretsResultModel, error)
GetPlayerSharedSecrets returns all Player Shared Secret Keys including disabled and expired.
type GetPlayerStatisticDefinitionsRequestModel ¶
type GetPlayerStatisticDefinitionsRequestModel struct { }
type GetPlayerStatisticDefinitionsResultModel ¶
type GetPlayerStatisticDefinitionsResultModel struct { // Statistics the player statistic definitions for the title Statistics []PlayerStatisticDefinitionModel `json:"Statistics,omitempty"` }
GetPlayerStatisticDefinitionsResult statistics are numeric values, with each statistic in the title also generating a leaderboard. The ResetInterval defines the period of time at which the leaderboard for the statistic will automatically reset. Upon reset, the statistic updates to a new version with no values (effectively removing all players from the leaderboard). The previous version's statistic values are also archived for retrieval, if needed (see GetPlayerStatisticVersions). Statistics not created via a call to CreatePlayerStatisticDefinition by default have a VersionChangeInterval of Never, meaning they do not reset on a schedule, but they can be set to do so via a call to UpdatePlayerStatisticDefinition. Once a statistic has been reset (sometimes referred to as versioned or incremented), the previous version can still be written to for up a short, pre-defined period (currently 10 seconds), to prevent issues with levels completing around the time of the reset. Also, once reset, the historical statistics for players in the title may be retrieved using the URL specified in the version information (GetPlayerStatisticVersions). The AggregationMethod defines what action is taken when a new statistic value is submitted - always update with the new value (Last), use the highest of the old and new values (Max), use the smallest (Min), or add them together (Sum).
func GetPlayerStatisticDefinitions ¶
func GetPlayerStatisticDefinitions(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetPlayerStatisticDefinitionsRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetPlayerStatisticDefinitionsResultModel, error)
GetPlayerStatisticDefinitions retrieves the configuration information for all player statistics defined in the title, regardless of whether they have a reset interval.
type GetPlayerStatisticVersionsRequestModel ¶
type GetPlayerStatisticVersionsRequestModel struct { // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // StatisticName unique name of the statistic StatisticName string `json:"StatisticName,omitempty"` }
type GetPlayerStatisticVersionsResultModel ¶
type GetPlayerStatisticVersionsResultModel struct { // StatisticVersions version change history of the statistic StatisticVersions []PlayerStatisticVersionModel `json:"StatisticVersions,omitempty"` }
GetPlayerStatisticVersionsResult statistics are numeric values, with each statistic in the title also generating a leaderboard. The information returned in the results defines the state of a specific version of a statistic, including when it was or will become the currently active version, when it will (or did) become a previous version, and its archival state if it is no longer the active version. For a statistic which has been reset, once the archival status is Complete, the full set of statistics for all players in the leaderboard for that version may be retrieved via the ArchiveDownloadUrl. Statistics which have not been reset (incremented/versioned) will only have a single version which is not scheduled to reset.
func GetPlayerStatisticVersions ¶
func GetPlayerStatisticVersions(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetPlayerStatisticVersionsRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetPlayerStatisticVersionsResultModel, error)
GetPlayerStatisticVersions retrieves the information on the available versions of the specified statistic.
type GetPlayerTagsRequestModel ¶
type GetPlayerTagsRequestModel struct { // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // Namespace optional namespace to filter results by Namespace string `json:"Namespace,omitempty"` // PlayFabId unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` }
GetPlayerTagsRequest this API will return a list of canonical tags which includes both namespace and tag's name. If namespace is not provided, the result is a list of all canonical tags. TagName can be used for segmentation and Namespace is limited to 128 characters.
type GetPlayerTagsResultModel ¶
type GetPlayerTagsResultModel struct { // PlayFabId unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` // Tags canonical tags (including namespace and tag's name) for the requested user Tags []string `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
func GetPlayerTags ¶
func GetPlayerTags(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetPlayerTagsRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetPlayerTagsResultModel, error)
GetPlayerTags get all tags with a given Namespace (optional) from a player profile.
type GetPlayersInSegmentExportRequestModel ¶
type GetPlayersInSegmentExportRequestModel struct { // ExportId unique identifier of the export for the requested Segment. ExportId string `json:"ExportId,omitempty"` }
GetPlayersInSegmentExportRequest request must contain the ExportId
type GetPlayersInSegmentExportResponseModel ¶
type GetPlayersInSegmentExportResponseModel struct { // IndexUrl url from which the index file can be downloaded. IndexUrl string `json:"IndexUrl,omitempty"` // State shows the current status of the export State string `json:"State,omitempty"` }
func GetSegmentExport ¶
func GetSegmentExport(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetPlayersInSegmentExportRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetPlayersInSegmentExportResponseModel, error)
GetSegmentExport retrieves the result of an export started by ExportPlayersInSegment API. If the ExportPlayersInSegment is successful and complete, this API returns the IndexUrl from which the index file can be downloaded. The index file has a list of urls from which the files containing the player profile data can be downloaded. Otherwise, it returns the current 'State' of the export
type GetPlayersInSegmentRequestModel ¶
type GetPlayersInSegmentRequestModel struct { // ContinuationToken continuation token if retrieving subsequent pages of results. ContinuationToken string `json:"ContinuationToken,omitempty"` // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // GetProfilesAsync if set to true, the profiles are loaded asynchronously and the response will include a continuation token and // approximate profile count until the first batch of profiles is loaded. Use this parameter to help avoid network // timeouts. GetProfilesAsync bool `json:"GetProfilesAsync"` // MaxBatchSize maximum is 10,000. The value 0 will prevent loading any profiles and return only the count of profiles matching this // segment. MaxBatchSize uint32 `json:"MaxBatchSize,omitempty"` // SecondsToLive number of seconds to keep the continuation token active. After token expiration it is not possible to continue paging // results. Default is 300 (5 minutes). Maximum is 1,800 (30 minutes). SecondsToLive uint32 `json:"SecondsToLive,omitempty"` // SegmentId unique identifier for this segment. SegmentId string `json:"SegmentId,omitempty"` }
GetPlayersInSegmentRequest initial request must contain at least a Segment ID. Subsequent requests must contain the Segment ID as well as the Continuation Token. Failure to send the Continuation Token will result in a new player segment list being generated. Each time the Continuation Token is passed in the length of the Total Seconds to Live is refreshed. If too much time passes between requests to the point that a subsequent request is past the Total Seconds to Live an error will be returned and paging will be terminated. This API is resource intensive and should not be used in scenarios which might generate high request volumes. Only one request to this API at a time should be made per title. Concurrent requests to the API may be rejected with the APIConcurrentRequestLimitExceeded error.
type GetPlayersInSegmentResultModel ¶
type GetPlayersInSegmentResultModel struct { // ContinuationToken continuation token to use to retrieve subsequent pages of results. If token returns null there are no more results. ContinuationToken string `json:"ContinuationToken,omitempty"` // PlayerProfiles array of player profiles in this segment. PlayerProfiles []PlayerProfileModel `json:"PlayerProfiles,omitempty"` // ProfilesInSegment count of profiles matching this segment. ProfilesInSegment int32 `json:"ProfilesInSegment,omitempty"` }
func GetPlayersInSegment ¶
func GetPlayersInSegment(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetPlayersInSegmentRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetPlayersInSegmentResultModel, error)
GetPlayersInSegment allows for paging through all players in a given segment. This API creates a snapshot of all player profiles that match the segment definition at the time of its creation and lives through the Total Seconds to Live, refreshing its life span on each subsequent use of the Continuation Token. Profiles that change during the course of paging will not be reflected in the results. AB Test segments are currently not supported by this operation. NOTE: This API is limited to being called 30 times in one minute. You will be returned an error if you exceed this threshold.
type GetPlayersSegmentsRequestModel ¶
type GetPlayersSegmentsRequestModel struct { // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // PlayFabId unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` }
type GetPolicyRequestModel ¶
type GetPolicyRequestModel struct { // PolicyName the name of the policy to read. Only supported name is 'ApiPolicy'. PolicyName string `json:"PolicyName,omitempty"` }
GetPolicyRequest views the requested policy. Today, the only supported policy is 'ApiPolicy'.
type GetPolicyResponseModel ¶
type GetPolicyResponseModel struct { // PolicyName the name of the policy read. PolicyName string `json:"PolicyName,omitempty"` // PolicyVersion policy version. PolicyVersion int32 `json:"PolicyVersion,omitempty"` // Statements the statements in the requested policy. Statements []PermissionStatementModel `json:"Statements,omitempty"` }
func GetPolicy ¶
func GetPolicy(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetPolicyRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetPolicyResponseModel, error)
GetPolicy gets the requested policy.
type GetPublisherDataRequestModel ¶
type GetPublisherDataRequestModel struct { // Keys array of keys to get back data from the Publisher data blob, set by the admin tools Keys []string `json:"Keys,omitempty"` }
GetPublisherDataRequest this API is designed to return publisher-specific values which can be read, but not written to, by the client. This data is shared across all titles assigned to a particular publisher, and can be used for cross-game coordination. Only titles assigned to a publisher can use this API. For more information email This AdminAPI call for getting title data guarantees no delay in between update and retrieval of newly set data.
type GetPublisherDataResultModel ¶
type GetPublisherDataResultModel struct { // Data a dictionary object of key / value pairs Data map[string]string `json:"Data,omitempty"` }
func GetPublisherData ¶
func GetPublisherData(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetPublisherDataRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetPublisherDataResultModel, error)
GetPublisherData retrieves the key-value store of custom publisher settings
type GetRandomResultTablesRequestModel ¶
type GetRandomResultTablesRequestModel struct { // CatalogVersion catalog version to fetch tables from. Use default catalog version if null CatalogVersion string `json:"CatalogVersion,omitempty"` }
type GetRandomResultTablesResultModel ¶
type GetRandomResultTablesResultModel struct { // Tables array of random result tables currently available Tables map[string]RandomResultTableListingModel `json:"Tables,omitempty"` }
func GetRandomResultTables ¶
func GetRandomResultTables(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetRandomResultTablesRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetRandomResultTablesResultModel, error)
GetRandomResultTables retrieves the random drop table configuration for the title
type GetSegmentResultModel ¶
type GetSegmentResultModel struct { // ABTestParent identifier of the segments AB Test, if it is attached to one. ABTestParent string `json:"ABTestParent,omitempty"` // Id unique identifier for this segment. Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // Name segment name. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
type GetSegmentsRequestModel ¶
type GetSegmentsRequestModel struct { // SegmentIds segment ids to filter title segments. SegmentIds []string `json:"SegmentIds,omitempty"` }
GetSegmentsRequest given input segment ids, return list of segments.
type GetSegmentsResponseModel ¶
type GetSegmentsResponseModel struct { // ErrorMessage error message. ErrorMessage string `json:"ErrorMessage,omitempty"` // Segments list of title segments. Segments []SegmentModelModel `json:"Segments,omitempty"` }
func GetSegments ¶
func GetSegments(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetSegmentsRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetSegmentsResponseModel, error)
GetSegments get detail information of a segment and its associated definition(s) and action(s) for a title.
type GetStoreItemsRequestModel ¶
type GetStoreItemsRequestModel struct { // CatalogVersion catalog version to store items from. Use default catalog version if null CatalogVersion string `json:"CatalogVersion,omitempty"` // StoreId unqiue identifier for the store which is being requested. StoreId string `json:"StoreId,omitempty"` }
GetStoreItemsRequest a store contains an array of references to items defined in the catalog, along with the prices for the item, in both real world and virtual currencies. These prices act as an override to any prices defined in the catalog. In this way, the base definitions of the items may be defined in the catalog, with all associated properties, while the pricing can be set for each store, as needed. This allows for subsets of goods to be defined for different purposes (in order to simplify showing some, but not all catalog items to users, based upon different characteristics), along with unique prices. Note that all prices defined in the catalog and store definitions for the item are considered valid, and that a compromised client can be made to send a request for an item based upon any of these definitions. If no price is specified in the store for an item, the price set in the catalog should be displayed to the user.
type GetStoreItemsResultModel ¶
type GetStoreItemsResultModel struct { // CatalogVersion the base catalog that this store is a part of. CatalogVersion string `json:"CatalogVersion,omitempty"` // MarketingData additional data about the store. MarketingData *StoreMarketingModelModel `json:"MarketingData,omitempty"` // Source how the store was last updated (Admin or a third party). Source SourceType `json:"Source,omitempty"` // Store array of items which can be purchased from this store. Store []StoreItemModel `json:"Store,omitempty"` // StoreId the ID of this store. StoreId string `json:"StoreId,omitempty"` }
func GetStoreItems ¶
func GetStoreItems(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetStoreItemsRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetStoreItemsResultModel, error)
GetStoreItems retrieves the set of items defined for the specified store, including all prices defined
type GetTaskInstanceRequestModel ¶
type GetTaskInstanceRequestModel struct { // TaskInstanceId iD of the requested task instance. TaskInstanceId string `json:"TaskInstanceId,omitempty"` }
GetTaskInstanceRequest the result includes detail information that's specific to a CloudScript task. Only CloudScript tasks configured as "Run Cloud Script function once" will be retrieved. To get a list of task instances by task, status, or time range, use GetTaskInstances.
type GetTaskInstancesRequestModel ¶
type GetTaskInstancesRequestModel struct { // StartedAtRangeFrom optional range-from filter for task instances' StartedAt timestamp. StartedAtRangeFrom time.Time `json:"StartedAtRangeFrom,omitempty"` // StartedAtRangeTo optional range-to filter for task instances' StartedAt timestamp. StartedAtRangeTo time.Time `json:"StartedAtRangeTo,omitempty"` // StatusFilter optional filter for task instances that are of a specific status. StatusFilter TaskInstanceStatus `json:"StatusFilter,omitempty"` // TaskIdentifier name or ID of the task whose instances are being queried. If not specified, return all task instances that satisfy // conditions set by other filters. TaskIdentifier *NameIdentifierModel `json:"TaskIdentifier,omitempty"` }
GetTaskInstancesRequest only the most recent 100 task instances are returned, ordered by start time descending. The results are generic basic information for task instances. To get detail information specific to each task type, use Get*TaskInstance based on its corresponding task type.
type GetTaskInstancesResultModel ¶
type GetTaskInstancesResultModel struct { // Summaries basic status summaries of the queried task instances. Empty If no task instances meets the filter criteria. To get // detailed status summary, use Get*TaskInstance API according to task type (e.g. // GetActionsOnPlayersInSegmentTaskInstance). Summaries []TaskInstanceBasicSummaryModel `json:"Summaries,omitempty"` }
func GetTaskInstances ¶
func GetTaskInstances(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetTaskInstancesRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetTaskInstancesResultModel, error)
GetTaskInstances query for task instances by task, status, or time range.
type GetTasksRequestModel ¶
type GetTasksRequestModel struct { // Identifier provide either the task ID or the task name to get a specific task. If not specified, return all defined tasks. Identifier *NameIdentifierModel `json:"Identifier,omitempty"` }
type GetTasksResultModel ¶
type GetTasksResultModel struct { // Tasks result tasks. Empty if there is no task found. Tasks []ScheduledTaskModel `json:"Tasks,omitempty"` }
func GetTasks ¶
func GetTasks(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetTasksRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetTasksResultModel, error)
GetTasks get definition information on a specified task or all tasks within a title.
type GetTitleDataRequestModel ¶
type GetTitleDataRequestModel struct { // Keys specific keys to search for in the title data (leave null to get all keys) Keys []string `json:"Keys,omitempty"` // OverrideLabel optional field that specifies the name of an override. This value is ignored when used by the game client; otherwise, // the overrides are applied automatically to the title data. OverrideLabel string `json:"OverrideLabel,omitempty"` }
GetTitleDataRequest this API method is designed to return title specific values which can be read by the client. For example, a developer could choose to store values which modify the user experience, such as enemy spawn rates, weapon strengths, movement speeds, etc. This allows a developer to update the title without the need to create, test, and ship a new build. If an override label is specified in the request, the overrides are applied automatically and returned with the title data. Note that due to caching, there may up to a minute delay in between updating title data and a query returning the newest value.
type GetTitleDataResultModel ¶
type GetTitleDataResultModel struct { // Data a dictionary object of key / value pairs Data map[string]string `json:"Data,omitempty"` }
func GetTitleData ¶
func GetTitleData(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetTitleDataRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetTitleDataResultModel, error)
GetTitleData retrieves the key-value store of custom title settings which can be read by the client
func GetTitleInternalData ¶
func GetTitleInternalData(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetTitleDataRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetTitleDataResultModel, error)
GetTitleInternalData retrieves the key-value store of custom title settings which cannot be read by the client
type GetUserBansRequestModel ¶
type GetUserBansRequestModel struct { // PlayFabId unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` }
GetUserBansRequest get all bans for a user, including inactive and expired bans.
type GetUserBansResultModel ¶
type GetUserBansResultModel struct { // BanData information about the bans BanData []BanInfoModel `json:"BanData,omitempty"` }
func GetUserBans ¶
func GetUserBans(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetUserBansRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetUserBansResultModel, error)
GetUserBans gets all bans for a user.
type GetUserDataRequestModel ¶
type GetUserDataRequestModel struct { // IfChangedFromDataVersion the version that currently exists according to the caller. The call will return the data for all of the keys if the // version in the system is greater than this. IfChangedFromDataVersion uint32 `json:"IfChangedFromDataVersion,omitempty"` // Keys specific keys to search for in the custom user data. Keys []string `json:"Keys,omitempty"` // PlayFabId unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` }
GetUserDataRequest data is stored as JSON key-value pairs. If the Keys parameter is provided, the data object returned will only contain the data specific to the indicated Keys. Otherwise, the full set of custom user data will be returned.
type GetUserDataResultModel ¶
type GetUserDataResultModel struct { // Data user specific data for this title. Data map[string]UserDataRecordModel `json:"Data,omitempty"` // DataVersion indicates the current version of the data that has been set. This is incremented with every set call for that type of // data (read-only, internal, etc). This version can be provided in Get calls to find updated data. DataVersion uint32 `json:"DataVersion,omitempty"` // PlayFabId playFab unique identifier of the user whose custom data is being returned. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` }
func GetUserData ¶
func GetUserData(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetUserDataRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetUserDataResultModel, error)
GetUserData retrieves the title-specific custom data for the user which is readable and writable by the client
func GetUserInternalData ¶
func GetUserInternalData(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetUserDataRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetUserDataResultModel, error)
GetUserInternalData retrieves the title-specific custom data for the user which cannot be accessed by the client
func GetUserPublisherData ¶
func GetUserPublisherData(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetUserDataRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetUserDataResultModel, error)
GetUserPublisherData retrieves the publisher-specific custom data for the user which is readable and writable by the client
func GetUserPublisherInternalData ¶
func GetUserPublisherInternalData(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetUserDataRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetUserDataResultModel, error)
GetUserPublisherInternalData retrieves the publisher-specific custom data for the user which cannot be accessed by the client
func GetUserPublisherReadOnlyData ¶
func GetUserPublisherReadOnlyData(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetUserDataRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetUserDataResultModel, error)
GetUserPublisherReadOnlyData retrieves the publisher-specific custom data for the user which can only be read by the client
func GetUserReadOnlyData ¶
func GetUserReadOnlyData(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetUserDataRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetUserDataResultModel, error)
GetUserReadOnlyData retrieves the title-specific custom data for the user which can only be read by the client
type GetUserInventoryRequestModel ¶
type GetUserInventoryRequestModel struct { // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // PlayFabId unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` }
GetUserInventoryRequest all items currently in the user inventory will be returned, irrespective of how they were acquired (via purchasing, grants, coupons, etc.). Items that are expired, fully consumed, or are no longer valid are not considered to be in the user's current inventory, and so will not be not included. There can be a delay of up to a half a second for inventory changes to be reflected in the GetUserInventory API response.
type GetUserInventoryResultModel ¶
type GetUserInventoryResultModel struct { // Inventory array of inventory items belonging to the user. Inventory []ItemInstanceModel `json:"Inventory,omitempty"` // PlayFabId unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` // VirtualCurrency array of virtual currency balance(s) belonging to the user. VirtualCurrency map[string]int32 `json:"VirtualCurrency,omitempty"` // VirtualCurrencyRechargeTimes array of remaining times and timestamps for virtual currencies. VirtualCurrencyRechargeTimes map[string]VirtualCurrencyRechargeTimeModel `json:"VirtualCurrencyRechargeTimes,omitempty"` }
func GetUserInventory ¶
func GetUserInventory(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GetUserInventoryRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GetUserInventoryResultModel, error)
GetUserInventory retrieves the specified user's current inventory of virtual goods
type GrantItemSegmentActionModel ¶
type GrantItemSegmentActionModel struct { // CatelogId item catalog id. CatelogId string `json:"CatelogId,omitempty"` // ItemId item id. ItemId string `json:"ItemId,omitempty"` // Quantity item quantity. Quantity uint32 `json:"Quantity,omitempty"` }
type GrantItemsToUsersRequestModel ¶
type GrantItemsToUsersRequestModel struct { // CatalogVersion catalog version from which items are to be granted. CatalogVersion string `json:"CatalogVersion,omitempty"` // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // ItemGrants array of items to grant and the users to whom the items are to be granted. ItemGrants []ItemGrantModel `json:"ItemGrants,omitempty"` }
GrantItemsToUsersRequest this function directly adds inventory items to user inventories. As a result of this operations, the user will not be charged any transaction fee, regardless of the inventory item catalog definition. Please note that the processing time for inventory grants and purchases increases fractionally the more items are in the inventory, and the more items are in the grant/purchase operation.
type GrantItemsToUsersResultModel ¶
type GrantItemsToUsersResultModel struct { // ItemGrantResults array of items granted to users. ItemGrantResults []GrantedItemInstanceModel `json:"ItemGrantResults,omitempty"` }
GrantItemsToUsersResult please note that the order of the items in the response may not match the order of items in the request.
func GrantItemsToUsers ¶
func GrantItemsToUsers(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *GrantItemsToUsersRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*GrantItemsToUsersResultModel, error)
GrantItemsToUsers adds the specified items to the specified user inventories
type GrantVirtualCurrencySegmentActionModel ¶
type GrantVirtualCurrencySegmentActionModel struct { // Amount virtual currency amount. Amount int32 `json:"Amount,omitempty"` // CurrencyCode virtual currency code. CurrencyCode string `json:"CurrencyCode,omitempty"` }
type GrantedItemInstanceModel ¶
type GrantedItemInstanceModel struct { // Annotation game specific comment associated with this instance when it was added to the user inventory. Annotation string `json:"Annotation,omitempty"` // BundleContents array of unique items that were awarded when this catalog item was purchased. BundleContents []string `json:"BundleContents,omitempty"` // BundleParent unique identifier for the parent inventory item, as defined in the catalog, for object which were added from a bundle or // container. BundleParent string `json:"BundleParent,omitempty"` // CatalogVersion catalog version for the inventory item, when this instance was created. CatalogVersion string `json:"CatalogVersion,omitempty"` // CharacterId unique PlayFab assigned ID for a specific character owned by a user CharacterId string `json:"CharacterId,omitempty"` // CustomData a set of custom key-value pairs on the instance of the inventory item, which is not to be confused with the catalog // item's custom data. CustomData map[string]string `json:"CustomData,omitempty"` // DisplayName catalogItem.DisplayName at the time this item was purchased. DisplayName string `json:"DisplayName,omitempty"` // Expiration timestamp for when this instance will expire. Expiration time.Time `json:"Expiration,omitempty"` // ItemClass class name for the inventory item, as defined in the catalog. ItemClass string `json:"ItemClass,omitempty"` // ItemId unique identifier for the inventory item, as defined in the catalog. ItemId string `json:"ItemId,omitempty"` // ItemInstanceId unique item identifier for this specific instance of the item. ItemInstanceId string `json:"ItemInstanceId,omitempty"` // PlayFabId unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` // PurchaseDate timestamp for when this instance was purchased. PurchaseDate time.Time `json:"PurchaseDate,omitempty"` // RemainingUses total number of remaining uses, if this is a consumable item. RemainingUses int32 `json:"RemainingUses,omitempty"` // Result result of this operation. Result bool `json:"Result"` // UnitCurrency currency type for the cost of the catalog item. Not available when granting items. UnitCurrency string `json:"UnitCurrency,omitempty"` // UnitPrice cost of the catalog item in the given currency. Not available when granting items. UnitPrice uint32 `json:"UnitPrice,omitempty"` // UsesIncrementedBy the number of uses that were added or removed to this item in this call. UsesIncrementedBy int32 `json:"UsesIncrementedBy,omitempty"` }
GrantedItemInstance result of granting an item to a user. Note, to retrieve additional information for an item such as Tags, Description that are the same across all instances of the item, a call to GetCatalogItems is required. The ItemID of can be matched to a catalog entry, which contains the additional information. Also note that Custom Data is only set when the User's specific instance has updated the CustomData via a call to UpdateUserInventoryItemCustomData. Other fields such as UnitPrice and UnitCurrency are only set when the item was granted via a purchase.
type IncrementLimitedEditionItemAvailabilityRequestModel ¶
type IncrementLimitedEditionItemAvailabilityRequestModel struct { // Amount amount to increase availability by. Amount int32 `json:"Amount,omitempty"` // CatalogVersion which catalog is being updated. If null, uses the default catalog. CatalogVersion string `json:"CatalogVersion,omitempty"` // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // ItemId the item which needs more availability. ItemId string `json:"ItemId,omitempty"` }
IncrementLimitedEditionItemAvailabilityRequest this operation will increment the global counter for the number of these items available. This number cannot be decremented, except by actual grants.
type IncrementLimitedEditionItemAvailabilityResultModel ¶
type IncrementLimitedEditionItemAvailabilityResultModel struct { }
func IncrementLimitedEditionItemAvailability ¶
func IncrementLimitedEditionItemAvailability(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *IncrementLimitedEditionItemAvailabilityRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*IncrementLimitedEditionItemAvailabilityResultModel, error)
IncrementLimitedEditionItemAvailability increases the global count for the given scarce resource.
type IncrementPlayerStatisticSegmentActionModel ¶
type IncrementPlayerStatisticSegmentActionModel struct { // IncrementValue increment value. IncrementValue int32 `json:"IncrementValue,omitempty"` // StatisticName statistic name. StatisticName string `json:"StatisticName,omitempty"` }
type IncrementPlayerStatisticVersionRequestModel ¶
type IncrementPlayerStatisticVersionRequestModel struct { // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // StatisticName unique name of the statistic StatisticName string `json:"StatisticName,omitempty"` }
IncrementPlayerStatisticVersionRequest statistics are numeric values, with each statistic in the title also generating a leaderboard. When this call is made on a given statistic, this forces a reset of that statistic. Upon reset, the statistic updates to a new version with no values (effectively removing all players from the leaderboard). The previous version's statistic values are also archived for retrieval, if needed (see GetPlayerStatisticVersions). Statistics not created via a call to CreatePlayerStatisticDefinition by default have a VersionChangeInterval of Never, meaning they do not reset on a schedule, but they can be set to do so via a call to UpdatePlayerStatisticDefinition. Once a statistic has been reset (sometimes referred to as versioned or incremented), the now-previous version can still be written to for up a short, pre-defined period (currently 10 seconds), to prevent issues with levels completing around the time of the reset. Also, once reset, the historical statistics for players in the title may be retrieved using the URL specified in the version information (GetPlayerStatisticVersions).
type IncrementPlayerStatisticVersionResultModel ¶
type IncrementPlayerStatisticVersionResultModel struct { // StatisticVersion version change history of the statistic StatisticVersion *PlayerStatisticVersionModel `json:"StatisticVersion,omitempty"` }
func IncrementPlayerStatisticVersion ¶
func IncrementPlayerStatisticVersion(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *IncrementPlayerStatisticVersionRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*IncrementPlayerStatisticVersionResultModel, error)
IncrementPlayerStatisticVersion resets the indicated statistic, removing all player entries for it and backing up the old values.
type InsightsScalingTaskParameterModel ¶
type InsightsScalingTaskParameterModel struct { // Level insights Performance Level to scale to. Level int32 `json:"Level,omitempty"` }
type ItemGrantModel ¶
type ItemGrantModel struct { // Annotation string detailing any additional information concerning this operation. Annotation string `json:"Annotation,omitempty"` // CharacterId unique PlayFab assigned ID for a specific character owned by a user CharacterId string `json:"CharacterId,omitempty"` // Data key-value pairs to be written to the custom data. Note that keys are trimmed of whitespace, are limited in size, and may // not begin with a '!' character or be null. Data map[string]string `json:"Data,omitempty"` // ItemId unique identifier of the catalog item to be granted to the user. ItemId string `json:"ItemId,omitempty"` // KeysToRemove optional list of Data-keys to remove from UserData. Some SDKs cannot insert null-values into Data due to language // constraints. Use this to delete the keys directly. KeysToRemove []string `json:"KeysToRemove,omitempty"` // PlayFabId unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` }
type ItemInstanceModel ¶
type ItemInstanceModel struct { // Annotation game specific comment associated with this instance when it was added to the user inventory. Annotation string `json:"Annotation,omitempty"` // BundleContents array of unique items that were awarded when this catalog item was purchased. BundleContents []string `json:"BundleContents,omitempty"` // BundleParent unique identifier for the parent inventory item, as defined in the catalog, for object which were added from a bundle or // container. BundleParent string `json:"BundleParent,omitempty"` // CatalogVersion catalog version for the inventory item, when this instance was created. CatalogVersion string `json:"CatalogVersion,omitempty"` // CustomData a set of custom key-value pairs on the instance of the inventory item, which is not to be confused with the catalog // item's custom data. CustomData map[string]string `json:"CustomData,omitempty"` // DisplayName catalogItem.DisplayName at the time this item was purchased. DisplayName string `json:"DisplayName,omitempty"` // Expiration timestamp for when this instance will expire. Expiration time.Time `json:"Expiration,omitempty"` // ItemClass class name for the inventory item, as defined in the catalog. ItemClass string `json:"ItemClass,omitempty"` // ItemId unique identifier for the inventory item, as defined in the catalog. ItemId string `json:"ItemId,omitempty"` // ItemInstanceId unique item identifier for this specific instance of the item. ItemInstanceId string `json:"ItemInstanceId,omitempty"` // PurchaseDate timestamp for when this instance was purchased. PurchaseDate time.Time `json:"PurchaseDate,omitempty"` // RemainingUses total number of remaining uses, if this is a consumable item. RemainingUses int32 `json:"RemainingUses,omitempty"` // UnitCurrency currency type for the cost of the catalog item. Not available when granting items. UnitCurrency string `json:"UnitCurrency,omitempty"` // UnitPrice cost of the catalog item in the given currency. Not available when granting items. UnitPrice uint32 `json:"UnitPrice,omitempty"` // UsesIncrementedBy the number of uses that were added or removed to this item in this call. UsesIncrementedBy int32 `json:"UsesIncrementedBy,omitempty"` }
ItemInstance a unique instance of an item in a user's inventory. Note, to retrieve additional information for an item such as Tags, Description that are the same across all instances of the item, a call to GetCatalogItems is required. The ItemID of can be matched to a catalog entry, which contains the additional information. Also note that Custom Data is only set when the User's specific instance has updated the CustomData via a call to UpdateUserInventoryItemCustomData. Other fields such as UnitPrice and UnitCurrency are only set when the item was granted via a purchase.
type LastLoginDateSegmentFilterModel ¶
type LastLoginDateSegmentFilterModel struct { // Comparison last player login date comparison. Comparison SegmentFilterComparison `json:"Comparison,omitempty"` // LogInDate last player login date. LogInDate time.Time `json:"LogInDate,omitempty"` }
type LastLoginTimespanSegmentFilterModel ¶
type LastLoginTimespanSegmentFilterModel struct { // Comparison last player login duration comparison. Comparison SegmentFilterComparison `json:"Comparison,omitempty"` // DurationInMinutes last player login duration. DurationInMinutes float64 `json:"DurationInMinutes,omitempty"` }
type LinkedPlatformAccountModelModel ¶
type LinkedPlatformAccountModelModel struct { // Email linked account email of the user on the platform, if available Email string `json:"Email,omitempty"` // Platform authentication platform Platform LoginIdentityProvider `json:"Platform,omitempty"` // PlatformUserId unique account identifier of the user on the platform PlatformUserId string `json:"PlatformUserId,omitempty"` // Username linked account username of the user on the platform, if available Username string `json:"Username,omitempty"` }
type LinkedUserAccountHasEmailSegmentFilterModel ¶
type LinkedUserAccountHasEmailSegmentFilterModel struct { // Comparison login provider comparison. Comparison SegmentFilterComparison `json:"Comparison,omitempty"` // LoginProvider login provider. LoginProvider SegmentLoginIdentityProvider `json:"LoginProvider,omitempty"` }
type LinkedUserAccountSegmentFilterModel ¶
type LinkedUserAccountSegmentFilterModel struct { // LoginProvider login provider. LoginProvider SegmentLoginIdentityProvider `json:"LoginProvider,omitempty"` }
type ListOpenIdConnectionRequestModel ¶
type ListOpenIdConnectionRequestModel struct { }
type ListOpenIdConnectionResponseModel ¶
type ListOpenIdConnectionResponseModel struct { // Connections the list of Open ID Connections Connections []OpenIdConnectionModel `json:"Connections,omitempty"` }
func ListOpenIdConnection ¶
func ListOpenIdConnection(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *ListOpenIdConnectionRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*ListOpenIdConnectionResponseModel, error)
ListOpenIdConnection retrieves a list of all Open ID Connect providers registered to a title.
type ListVirtualCurrencyTypesRequestModel ¶
type ListVirtualCurrencyTypesRequestModel struct { }
type ListVirtualCurrencyTypesResultModel ¶
type ListVirtualCurrencyTypesResultModel struct { // VirtualCurrencies list of virtual currency names defined for this title VirtualCurrencies []VirtualCurrencyDataModel `json:"VirtualCurrencies,omitempty"` }
func ListVirtualCurrencyTypes ¶
func ListVirtualCurrencyTypes(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *ListVirtualCurrencyTypesRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*ListVirtualCurrencyTypesResultModel, error)
ListVirtualCurrencyTypes retuns the list of all defined virtual currencies for the title
type LocationModelModel ¶
type LocationModelModel struct { // City city name. City string `json:"City,omitempty"` // ContinentCode the two-character continent code for this location ContinentCode ContinentCode `json:"ContinentCode,omitempty"` // CountryCode the two-character ISO 3166-1 country code for the country associated with the location CountryCode CountryCode `json:"CountryCode,omitempty"` // Latitude latitude coordinate of the geographic location. Latitude float64 `json:"Latitude,omitempty"` // Longitude longitude coordinate of the geographic location. Longitude float64 `json:"Longitude,omitempty"` }
type LocationSegmentFilterModel ¶
type LocationSegmentFilterModel struct { // CountryCode segment country code. CountryCode SegmentCountryCode `json:"CountryCode,omitempty"` }
type LogStatementModel ¶
type LogStatementModel struct { // Data optional object accompanying the message as contextual information Data interface{} `json:"Data,omitempty"` // Level 'Debug', 'Info', or 'Error' Level string `json:"Level,omitempty"` // Message Message string `json:"Message,omitempty"` }
type LoginIdentityProvider ¶
type LoginIdentityProvider string
const ( LoginIdentityProviderUnknown LoginIdentityProvider = "Unknown" LoginIdentityProviderPlayFab LoginIdentityProvider = "PlayFab" LoginIdentityProviderCustom LoginIdentityProvider = "Custom" LoginIdentityProviderGameCenter LoginIdentityProvider = "GameCenter" LoginIdentityProviderGooglePlay LoginIdentityProvider = "GooglePlay" LoginIdentityProviderSteam LoginIdentityProvider = "Steam" LoginIdentityProviderXBoxLive LoginIdentityProvider = "XBoxLive" LoginIdentityProviderPSN LoginIdentityProvider = "PSN" LoginIdentityProviderKongregate LoginIdentityProvider = "Kongregate" LoginIdentityProviderFacebook LoginIdentityProvider = "Facebook" LoginIdentityProviderIOSDevice LoginIdentityProvider = "IOSDevice" LoginIdentityProviderAndroidDevice LoginIdentityProvider = "AndroidDevice" LoginIdentityProviderTwitch LoginIdentityProvider = "Twitch" LoginIdentityProviderWindowsHello LoginIdentityProvider = "WindowsHello" LoginIdentityProviderGameServer LoginIdentityProvider = "GameServer" LoginIdentityProviderCustomServer LoginIdentityProvider = "CustomServer" LoginIdentityProviderNintendoSwitch LoginIdentityProvider = "NintendoSwitch" LoginIdentityProviderFacebookInstantGames LoginIdentityProvider = "FacebookInstantGames" LoginIdentityProviderOpenIdConnect LoginIdentityProvider = "OpenIdConnect" LoginIdentityProviderApple LoginIdentityProvider = "Apple" LoginIdentityProviderNintendoSwitchAccount LoginIdentityProvider = "NintendoSwitchAccount" LoginIdentityProviderGooglePlayGames LoginIdentityProvider = "GooglePlayGames" )
type LookupUserAccountInfoRequestModel ¶
type LookupUserAccountInfoRequestModel struct { // Email user email address attached to their account Email string `json:"Email,omitempty"` // PlayFabId unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` // TitleDisplayName title specific username to match against existing user accounts TitleDisplayName string `json:"TitleDisplayName,omitempty"` // Username playFab username for the account (3-20 characters) Username string `json:"Username,omitempty"` }
LookupUserAccountInfoRequest this API allows for access to details regarding a user in the PlayFab service, usually for purposes of customer support. Note that data returned may be Personally Identifying Information (PII), such as email address, and so care should be taken in how this data is stored and managed. Since this call will always return the relevant information for users who have accessed the title, the recommendation is to not store this data locally.
type LookupUserAccountInfoResultModel ¶
type LookupUserAccountInfoResultModel struct { // UserInfo user info for the user matching the request UserInfo *UserAccountInfoModel `json:"UserInfo,omitempty"` }
func GetUserAccountInfo ¶
func GetUserAccountInfo(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *LookupUserAccountInfoRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*LookupUserAccountInfoResultModel, error)
GetUserAccountInfo retrieves the relevant details for a specified user, based upon a match against a supplied unique identifier
type MembershipModelModel ¶
type MembershipModelModel struct { // IsActive whether this membership is active. That is, whether the MembershipExpiration time has been reached. IsActive bool `json:"IsActive"` // MembershipExpiration the time this membership expires MembershipExpiration time.Time `json:"MembershipExpiration,omitempty"` // MembershipId the id of the membership MembershipId string `json:"MembershipId,omitempty"` // OverrideExpiration membership expirations can be explicitly overridden (via game manager or the admin api). If this membership has been // overridden, this will be the new expiration time. OverrideExpiration time.Time `json:"OverrideExpiration,omitempty"` // Subscriptions the list of subscriptions that this player has for this membership Subscriptions []SubscriptionModelModel `json:"Subscriptions,omitempty"` }
type ModifyServerBuildRequestModel ¶
type ModifyServerBuildRequestModel struct { // ActiveRegions array of regions where this build can used, when it is active ActiveRegions []Region `json:"ActiveRegions,omitempty"` // BuildId unique identifier of the previously uploaded build executable to be updated BuildId string `json:"BuildId,omitempty"` // CommandLineTemplate appended to the end of the command line when starting game servers CommandLineTemplate string `json:"CommandLineTemplate,omitempty"` // Comment developer comment(s) for this build Comment string `json:"Comment,omitempty"` // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // ExecutablePath path to the game server executable. Defaults to gameserver.exe ExecutablePath string `json:"ExecutablePath,omitempty"` // MaxGamesPerHost maximum number of game server instances that can run on a single host machine MaxGamesPerHost int32 `json:"MaxGamesPerHost,omitempty"` // MinFreeGameSlots minimum capacity of additional game server instances that can be started before the autoscaling service starts new host // machines (given the number of current running host machines and game server instances) MinFreeGameSlots int32 `json:"MinFreeGameSlots,omitempty"` // Timestamp new timestamp Timestamp time.Time `json:"Timestamp,omitempty"` }
type ModifyServerBuildResultModel ¶
type ModifyServerBuildResultModel struct { // ActiveRegions array of regions where this build can used, when it is active ActiveRegions []Region `json:"ActiveRegions,omitempty"` // BuildId unique identifier for this build executable BuildId string `json:"BuildId,omitempty"` // CommandLineTemplate appended to the end of the command line when starting game servers CommandLineTemplate string `json:"CommandLineTemplate,omitempty"` // Comment developer comment(s) for this build Comment string `json:"Comment,omitempty"` // ExecutablePath path to the game server executable. Defaults to gameserver.exe ExecutablePath string `json:"ExecutablePath,omitempty"` // MaxGamesPerHost maximum number of game server instances that can run on a single host machine MaxGamesPerHost int32 `json:"MaxGamesPerHost,omitempty"` // MinFreeGameSlots minimum capacity of additional game server instances that can be started before the autoscaling service starts new host // machines (given the number of current running host machines and game server instances) MinFreeGameSlots int32 `json:"MinFreeGameSlots,omitempty"` // Status the current status of the build validation and processing steps Status GameBuildStatus `json:"Status,omitempty"` // Timestamp time this build was last modified (or uploaded, if this build has never been modified) Timestamp time.Time `json:"Timestamp,omitempty"` // TitleId unique identifier for the title, found in the Settings > Game Properties section of the PlayFab developer site when a // title has been selected. TitleId string `json:"TitleId,omitempty"` }
func ModifyServerBuild ¶
func ModifyServerBuild(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *ModifyServerBuildRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*ModifyServerBuildResultModel, error)
ModifyServerBuild updates the build details for the specified game server executable
type ModifyUserVirtualCurrencyResultModel ¶
type ModifyUserVirtualCurrencyResultModel struct { // Balance balance of the virtual currency after modification. Balance int32 `json:"Balance,omitempty"` // BalanceChange amount added or subtracted from the user's virtual currency. Maximum VC balance is Int32 (2,147,483,647). Any increase // over this value will be discarded. BalanceChange int32 `json:"BalanceChange,omitempty"` // PlayFabId user currency was subtracted from. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` // VirtualCurrency name of the virtual currency which was modified. VirtualCurrency string `json:"VirtualCurrency,omitempty"` }
func AddUserVirtualCurrency ¶
func AddUserVirtualCurrency(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*ModifyUserVirtualCurrencyResultModel, error)
AddUserVirtualCurrency increments the specified virtual currency by the stated amount
func SubtractUserVirtualCurrency ¶
func SubtractUserVirtualCurrency(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *SubtractUserVirtualCurrencyRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*ModifyUserVirtualCurrencyResultModel, error)
SubtractUserVirtualCurrency decrements the specified virtual currency by the stated amount
type NameIdentifierModel ¶
type NameIdentifierModel struct { // Id id Identifier, if present Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // Name name Identifier, if present Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
NameIdentifier identifier by either name or ID. Note that a name may change due to renaming, or reused after being deleted. ID is immutable and unique.
type OpenIdConnectionModel ¶
type OpenIdConnectionModel struct { // ClientId the client ID given by the ID provider. ClientId string `json:"ClientId,omitempty"` // ClientSecret the client secret given by the ID provider. ClientSecret string `json:"ClientSecret,omitempty"` // ConnectionId a name for the connection to identify it within the title. ConnectionId string `json:"ConnectionId,omitempty"` // DiscoverConfiguration shows if data about the connection will be loaded from the issuer's discovery document DiscoverConfiguration bool `json:"DiscoverConfiguration"` // IssuerInformation information for an OpenID Connect provider. IssuerInformation *OpenIdIssuerInformationModel `json:"IssuerInformation,omitempty"` }
type OpenIdIssuerInformationModel ¶
type OpenIdIssuerInformationModel struct { // AuthorizationUrl authorization endpoint URL to direct users to for signin. AuthorizationUrl string `json:"AuthorizationUrl,omitempty"` // Issuer the URL of the issuer of the tokens. This must match the exact URL of the issuer field in tokens. Issuer string `json:"Issuer,omitempty"` // JsonWebKeySet jSON Web Key Set for validating the signature of tokens. JsonWebKeySet interface{} `json:"JsonWebKeySet,omitempty"` // TokenUrl token endpoint URL for code verification. TokenUrl string `json:"TokenUrl,omitempty"` }
type PermissionStatementModel ¶
type PermissionStatementModel struct { // Action the action this statement effects. The only supported action is 'Execute'. Action string `json:"Action,omitempty"` // ApiConditions additional conditions to be applied for API Resources. ApiConditions *ApiConditionModel `json:"ApiConditions,omitempty"` // Comment a comment about the statement. Intended solely for bookkeeping and debugging. Comment string `json:"Comment,omitempty"` // Effect the effect this statement will have. It could be either Allow or Deny Effect EffectType `json:"Effect,omitempty"` // Principal the principal this statement will effect. The only supported principal is '*'. Principal string `json:"Principal,omitempty"` // Resource the resource this statements effects. The only supported resources look like 'pfrn:api--*' for all apis, or // 'pfrn:api--/Client/ConfirmPurchase' for specific apis. Resource string `json:"Resource,omitempty"` }
type PlayerChurnPredictionSegmentFilterModel ¶
type PlayerChurnPredictionSegmentFilterModel struct { // Comparison comparison Comparison SegmentFilterComparison `json:"Comparison,omitempty"` // RiskLevel riskLevel RiskLevel ChurnRiskLevel `json:"RiskLevel,omitempty"` }
type PlayerChurnPredictionTimeSegmentFilterModel ¶
type PlayerChurnPredictionTimeSegmentFilterModel struct { // Comparison comparison Comparison SegmentFilterComparison `json:"Comparison,omitempty"` // DurationInDays durationInDays DurationInDays float64 `json:"DurationInDays,omitempty"` }
type PlayerChurnPreviousPredictionSegmentFilterModel ¶
type PlayerChurnPreviousPredictionSegmentFilterModel struct { // Comparison comparison Comparison SegmentFilterComparison `json:"Comparison,omitempty"` // RiskLevel riskLevel RiskLevel ChurnRiskLevel `json:"RiskLevel,omitempty"` }
type PlayerLinkedAccountModel ¶
type PlayerLinkedAccountModel struct { // Email linked account's email Email string `json:"Email,omitempty"` // Platform authentication platform Platform LoginIdentityProvider `json:"Platform,omitempty"` // PlatformUserId platform user identifier PlatformUserId string `json:"PlatformUserId,omitempty"` // Username linked account's username Username string `json:"Username,omitempty"` }
type PlayerLocationModel ¶
type PlayerLocationModel struct { // City city of the player's geographic location. City string `json:"City,omitempty"` // ContinentCode the two-character continent code for this location ContinentCode ContinentCode `json:"ContinentCode,omitempty"` // CountryCode the two-character ISO 3166-1 country code for the country associated with the location CountryCode CountryCode `json:"CountryCode,omitempty"` // Latitude latitude coordinate of the player's geographic location. Latitude float64 `json:"Latitude,omitempty"` // Longitude longitude coordinate of the player's geographic location. Longitude float64 `json:"Longitude,omitempty"` }
type PlayerProfileModel ¶
type PlayerProfileModel struct { // AdCampaignAttributions array of ad campaigns player has been attributed to AdCampaignAttributions []AdCampaignAttributionModel `json:"AdCampaignAttributions,omitempty"` // AvatarUrl image URL of the player's avatar. AvatarUrl string `json:"AvatarUrl,omitempty"` // BannedUntil banned until UTC Date. If permanent ban this is set for 20 years after the original ban date. BannedUntil time.Time `json:"BannedUntil,omitempty"` // ChurnPrediction the prediction of the player to churn within the next seven days. ChurnPrediction ChurnRiskLevel `json:"ChurnPrediction,omitempty"` // ContactEmailAddresses array of contact email addresses associated with the player ContactEmailAddresses []ContactEmailInfoModel `json:"ContactEmailAddresses,omitempty"` // Created player record created Created time.Time `json:"Created,omitempty"` // DisplayName player Display Name DisplayName string `json:"DisplayName,omitempty"` // LastLogin last login LastLogin time.Time `json:"LastLogin,omitempty"` // LinkedAccounts array of third party accounts linked to this player LinkedAccounts []PlayerLinkedAccountModel `json:"LinkedAccounts,omitempty"` // Locations dictionary of player's locations by type. Locations map[string]PlayerLocationModel `json:"Locations,omitempty"` // Origination player account origination Origination LoginIdentityProvider `json:"Origination,omitempty"` // PlayerExperimentVariants list of player variants for experimentation PlayerExperimentVariants []string `json:"PlayerExperimentVariants,omitempty"` // PlayerId playFab Player ID PlayerId string `json:"PlayerId,omitempty"` // PlayerStatistics array of player statistics PlayerStatistics []PlayerStatisticModel `json:"PlayerStatistics,omitempty"` // PublisherId publisher this player belongs to PublisherId string `json:"PublisherId,omitempty"` // PushNotificationRegistrations array of configured push notification end points PushNotificationRegistrations []PushNotificationRegistrationModel `json:"PushNotificationRegistrations,omitempty"` // Statistics dictionary of player's statistics using only the latest version's value Statistics map[string]int32 `json:"Statistics,omitempty"` // Tags list of player's tags for segmentation. Tags []string `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // TitleId title ID this profile applies to TitleId string `json:"TitleId,omitempty"` // TotalValueToDateInUSD a sum of player's total purchases in USD across all currencies. TotalValueToDateInUSD uint32 `json:"TotalValueToDateInUSD,omitempty"` // ValuesToDate dictionary of player's total purchases by currency. ValuesToDate map[string]uint32 `json:"ValuesToDate,omitempty"` // VirtualCurrencyBalances dictionary of player's virtual currency balances VirtualCurrencyBalances map[string]int32 `json:"VirtualCurrencyBalances,omitempty"` }
type PlayerProfileModelModel ¶
type PlayerProfileModelModel struct { // AdCampaignAttributions list of advertising campaigns the player has been attributed to AdCampaignAttributions []AdCampaignAttributionModelModel `json:"AdCampaignAttributions,omitempty"` // AvatarUrl uRL of the player's avatar image AvatarUrl string `json:"AvatarUrl,omitempty"` // BannedUntil if the player is currently banned, the UTC Date when the ban expires BannedUntil time.Time `json:"BannedUntil,omitempty"` // ContactEmailAddresses list of all contact email info associated with the player account ContactEmailAddresses []ContactEmailInfoModelModel `json:"ContactEmailAddresses,omitempty"` // Created player record created Created time.Time `json:"Created,omitempty"` // DisplayName player display name DisplayName string `json:"DisplayName,omitempty"` // ExperimentVariants list of experiment variants for the player. Note that these variants are not guaranteed to be up-to-date when returned // during login because the player profile is updated only after login. Instead, use the LoginResult.TreatmentAssignment // property during login to get the correct variants and variables. ExperimentVariants []string `json:"ExperimentVariants,omitempty"` // LastLogin uTC time when the player most recently logged in to the title LastLogin time.Time `json:"LastLogin,omitempty"` // LinkedAccounts list of all authentication systems linked to this player account LinkedAccounts []LinkedPlatformAccountModelModel `json:"LinkedAccounts,omitempty"` // Locations list of geographic locations from which the player has logged in to the title Locations []LocationModelModel `json:"Locations,omitempty"` // Memberships list of memberships for the player, along with whether are expired. Memberships []MembershipModelModel `json:"Memberships,omitempty"` // Origination player account origination Origination LoginIdentityProvider `json:"Origination,omitempty"` // PlayerId playFab player account unique identifier PlayerId string `json:"PlayerId,omitempty"` // PublisherId publisher this player belongs to PublisherId string `json:"PublisherId,omitempty"` // PushNotificationRegistrations list of configured end points registered for sending the player push notifications PushNotificationRegistrations []PushNotificationRegistrationModelModel `json:"PushNotificationRegistrations,omitempty"` // Statistics list of leaderboard statistic values for the player Statistics []StatisticModelModel `json:"Statistics,omitempty"` // Tags list of player's tags for segmentation Tags []TagModelModel `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // TitleId title ID this player profile applies to TitleId string `json:"TitleId,omitempty"` // TotalValueToDateInUSD sum of the player's purchases made with real-money currencies, converted to US dollars equivalent and represented as a // whole number of cents (1/100 USD). For example, 999 indicates nine dollars and ninety-nine cents. TotalValueToDateInUSD uint32 `json:"TotalValueToDateInUSD,omitempty"` // ValuesToDate list of the player's lifetime purchase totals, summed by real-money currency ValuesToDate []ValueToDateModelModel `json:"ValuesToDate,omitempty"` }
type PlayerProfileViewConstraintsModel ¶
type PlayerProfileViewConstraintsModel struct { // ShowAvatarUrl whether to show player's avatar URL. Defaults to false ShowAvatarUrl bool `json:"ShowAvatarUrl"` // ShowBannedUntil whether to show the banned until time. Defaults to false ShowBannedUntil bool `json:"ShowBannedUntil"` // ShowCampaignAttributions whether to show campaign attributions. Defaults to false ShowCampaignAttributions bool `json:"ShowCampaignAttributions"` // ShowContactEmailAddresses whether to show contact email addresses. Defaults to false ShowContactEmailAddresses bool `json:"ShowContactEmailAddresses"` // ShowCreated whether to show the created date. Defaults to false ShowCreated bool `json:"ShowCreated"` // ShowDisplayName whether to show the display name. Defaults to false ShowDisplayName bool `json:"ShowDisplayName"` // ShowExperimentVariants whether to show player's experiment variants. Defaults to false ShowExperimentVariants bool `json:"ShowExperimentVariants"` // ShowLastLogin whether to show the last login time. Defaults to false ShowLastLogin bool `json:"ShowLastLogin"` // ShowLinkedAccounts whether to show the linked accounts. Defaults to false ShowLinkedAccounts bool `json:"ShowLinkedAccounts"` // ShowLocations whether to show player's locations. Defaults to false ShowLocations bool `json:"ShowLocations"` // ShowMemberships whether to show player's membership information. Defaults to false ShowMemberships bool `json:"ShowMemberships"` // ShowOrigination whether to show origination. Defaults to false ShowOrigination bool `json:"ShowOrigination"` // ShowPushNotificationRegistrations whether to show push notification registrations. Defaults to false ShowPushNotificationRegistrations bool `json:"ShowPushNotificationRegistrations"` // ShowStatistics reserved for future development ShowStatistics bool `json:"ShowStatistics"` // ShowTags whether to show tags. Defaults to false ShowTags bool `json:"ShowTags"` // ShowTotalValueToDateInUsd whether to show the total value to date in usd. Defaults to false ShowTotalValueToDateInUsd bool `json:"ShowTotalValueToDateInUsd"` // ShowValuesToDate whether to show the values to date. Defaults to false ShowValuesToDate bool `json:"ShowValuesToDate"` }
type PlayerStatisticDefinitionModel ¶
type PlayerStatisticDefinitionModel struct { // AggregationMethod the aggregation method to use in updating the statistic (defaults to last) AggregationMethod StatisticAggregationMethod `json:"AggregationMethod,omitempty"` // CurrentVersion current active version of the statistic, incremented each time the statistic resets CurrentVersion uint32 `json:"CurrentVersion,omitempty"` // StatisticName unique name of the statistic StatisticName string `json:"StatisticName,omitempty"` // VersionChangeInterval interval at which the values of the statistic for all players are reset automatically VersionChangeInterval StatisticResetIntervalOption `json:"VersionChangeInterval,omitempty"` }
type PlayerStatisticModel ¶
type PlayerStatisticModel struct { // Id statistic ID Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // Name statistic name Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // StatisticValue current statistic value StatisticValue int32 `json:"StatisticValue,omitempty"` // StatisticVersion statistic version (0 if not a versioned statistic) StatisticVersion int32 `json:"StatisticVersion,omitempty"` }
type PlayerStatisticVersionModel ¶
type PlayerStatisticVersionModel struct { // ActivationTime time when the statistic version became active ActivationTime time.Time `json:"ActivationTime,omitempty"` // ArchiveDownloadUrl uRL for the downloadable archive of player statistic values, if available ArchiveDownloadUrl string `json:"ArchiveDownloadUrl,omitempty"` // DeactivationTime time when the statistic version became inactive due to statistic version incrementing DeactivationTime time.Time `json:"DeactivationTime,omitempty"` // ScheduledActivationTime time at which the statistic version was scheduled to become active, based on the configured ResetInterval ScheduledActivationTime time.Time `json:"ScheduledActivationTime,omitempty"` // ScheduledDeactivationTime time at which the statistic version was scheduled to become inactive, based on the configured ResetInterval ScheduledDeactivationTime time.Time `json:"ScheduledDeactivationTime,omitempty"` // StatisticName name of the statistic when the version became active StatisticName string `json:"StatisticName,omitempty"` // Status status of the statistic version Status StatisticVersionStatus `json:"Status,omitempty"` // Version version of the statistic Version uint32 `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
type PushNotificationPlatform ¶
type PushNotificationPlatform string
const ( PushNotificationPlatformApplePushNotificationService PushNotificationPlatform = "ApplePushNotificationService" PushNotificationPlatformGoogleCloudMessaging PushNotificationPlatform = "GoogleCloudMessaging" )
type PushNotificationRegistrationModel ¶
type PushNotificationRegistrationModel struct { // NotificationEndpointARN notification configured endpoint NotificationEndpointARN string `json:"NotificationEndpointARN,omitempty"` // Platform push notification platform Platform PushNotificationPlatform `json:"Platform,omitempty"` }
type PushNotificationRegistrationModelModel ¶
type PushNotificationRegistrationModelModel struct { // NotificationEndpointARN notification configured endpoint NotificationEndpointARN string `json:"NotificationEndpointARN,omitempty"` // Platform push notification platform Platform PushNotificationPlatform `json:"Platform,omitempty"` }
type PushNotificationSegmentActionModel ¶
type PushNotificationSegmentActionModel struct { // PushNotificationTemplateId push notification template id. PushNotificationTemplateId string `json:"PushNotificationTemplateId,omitempty"` }
type PushNotificationSegmentFilterModel ¶
type PushNotificationSegmentFilterModel struct { // PushNotificationDevicePlatform push notification device platform. PushNotificationDevicePlatform SegmentPushNotificationDevicePlatform `json:"PushNotificationDevicePlatform,omitempty"` }
type PushSetupPlatform ¶
type PushSetupPlatform string
const ( PushSetupPlatformGCM PushSetupPlatform = "GCM" PushSetupPlatformAPNS PushSetupPlatform = "APNS" PushSetupPlatformAPNS_SANDBOX PushSetupPlatform = "APNS_SANDBOX" )
type RandomResultTableListingModel ¶
type RandomResultTableListingModel struct { // CatalogVersion catalog version this table is associated with CatalogVersion string `json:"CatalogVersion,omitempty"` // Nodes child nodes that indicate what kind of drop table item this actually is. Nodes []ResultTableNodeModel `json:"Nodes,omitempty"` // TableId unique name for this drop table TableId string `json:"TableId,omitempty"` }
type RandomResultTableModel ¶
type RandomResultTableModel struct { // Nodes child nodes that indicate what kind of drop table item this actually is. Nodes []ResultTableNodeModel `json:"Nodes,omitempty"` // TableId unique name for this drop table TableId string `json:"TableId,omitempty"` }
type RefundPurchaseRequestModel ¶
type RefundPurchaseRequestModel struct { // OrderId unique order ID for the purchase in question. OrderId string `json:"OrderId,omitempty"` // PlayFabId unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` // Reason the Reason parameter should correspond with the payment providers reason field, if they require one such as Facebook. In // the case of Facebook this must match one of their refund or dispute resolution enums (See: // Reason string `json:"Reason,omitempty"` }
type RefundPurchaseResponseModel ¶
type RefundPurchaseResponseModel struct { // PurchaseStatus the order's updated purchase status. PurchaseStatus string `json:"PurchaseStatus,omitempty"` }
func RefundPurchase ¶
func RefundPurchase(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *RefundPurchaseRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*RefundPurchaseResponseModel, error)
RefundPurchase attempts to process an order refund through the original real money payment provider.
type RemovePlayerTagRequestModel ¶
type RemovePlayerTagRequestModel struct { // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // PlayFabId unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` // TagName unique tag for player profile. TagName string `json:"TagName,omitempty"` }
RemovePlayerTagRequest this API will trigger a player_tag_removed event and remove a tag with the given TagName and PlayFabID from the corresponding player profile. TagName can be used for segmentation and it is limited to 256 characters
type RemovePlayerTagResultModel ¶
type RemovePlayerTagResultModel struct { }
func RemovePlayerTag ¶
func RemovePlayerTag(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *RemovePlayerTagRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*RemovePlayerTagResultModel, error)
RemovePlayerTag remove a given tag from a player profile. The tag's namespace is automatically generated based on the source of the tag.
type RemoveVirtualCurrencyTypesRequestModel ¶
type RemoveVirtualCurrencyTypesRequestModel struct { // VirtualCurrencies list of virtual currencies to delete VirtualCurrencies []VirtualCurrencyDataModel `json:"VirtualCurrencies,omitempty"` }
RemoveVirtualCurrencyTypesRequest virtual currencies to be removed cannot have entries in any catalog nor store for the title. Note that this operation will not remove player balances for the removed currencies; if a deleted currency is recreated at any point, user balances will be in an undefined state.
type ResetCharacterStatisticsRequestModel ¶
type ResetCharacterStatisticsRequestModel struct { // CharacterId unique PlayFab assigned ID for a specific character owned by a user CharacterId string `json:"CharacterId,omitempty"` // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // PlayFabId unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` }
ResetCharacterStatisticsRequest note that this action cannot be un-done. All statistics for this character will be deleted, removing the user from all leaderboards for the game.
type ResetCharacterStatisticsResultModel ¶
type ResetCharacterStatisticsResultModel struct { }
func ResetCharacterStatistics ¶
func ResetCharacterStatistics(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *ResetCharacterStatisticsRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*ResetCharacterStatisticsResultModel, error)
ResetCharacterStatistics completely removes all statistics for the specified character, for the current game
type ResetPasswordRequestModel ¶
type ResetPasswordRequestModel struct { // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // Password the new password for the player. Password string `json:"Password,omitempty"` // Token the token of the player requesting the password reset. Token string `json:"Token,omitempty"` }
ResetPasswordRequest resets a player's password taking in a new password based and validating the user based off of a token sent to the playerto their email. The token expires after 30 minutes.
type ResetPasswordResultModel ¶
type ResetPasswordResultModel struct { }
func ResetPassword ¶
func ResetPassword(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *ResetPasswordRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*ResetPasswordResultModel, error)
ResetPassword reset a player's password for a given title.
type ResetUserStatisticsRequestModel ¶
type ResetUserStatisticsRequestModel struct { // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // PlayFabId unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` }
ResetUserStatisticsRequest note that this action cannot be un-done. All statistics for this user will be deleted, removing the user from all leaderboards for the game.
type ResetUserStatisticsResultModel ¶
type ResetUserStatisticsResultModel struct { }
func ResetUserStatistics ¶
func ResetUserStatistics(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *ResetUserStatisticsRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*ResetUserStatisticsResultModel, error)
ResetUserStatistics completely removes all statistics for the specified user, for the current game
type ResolutionOutcome ¶
type ResolutionOutcome string
const ( ResolutionOutcomeRevoke ResolutionOutcome = "Revoke" ResolutionOutcomeReinstate ResolutionOutcome = "Reinstate" ResolutionOutcomeManual ResolutionOutcome = "Manual" )
type ResolvePurchaseDisputeRequestModel ¶
type ResolvePurchaseDisputeRequestModel struct { // OrderId unique order ID for the purchase in question. OrderId string `json:"OrderId,omitempty"` // Outcome enum for the desired purchase result state after notifying the payment provider. Valid values are Revoke, Reinstate and // Manual. Manual will cause no change to the order state. Outcome ResolutionOutcome `json:"Outcome,omitempty"` // PlayFabId unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` // Reason the Reason parameter should correspond with the payment providers reason field, if they require one such as Facebook. In // the case of Facebook this must match one of their refund or dispute resolution enums (See: // Reason string `json:"Reason,omitempty"` }
type ResolvePurchaseDisputeResponseModel ¶
type ResolvePurchaseDisputeResponseModel struct { // PurchaseStatus the order's updated purchase status. PurchaseStatus string `json:"PurchaseStatus,omitempty"` }
func ResolvePurchaseDispute ¶
func ResolvePurchaseDispute(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *ResolvePurchaseDisputeRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*ResolvePurchaseDisputeResponseModel, error)
ResolvePurchaseDispute attempts to resolve a dispute with the original order's payment provider.
type ResultTableNodeModel ¶
type ResultTableNodeModel struct { // ResultItem either an ItemId, or the TableId of another random result table ResultItem string `json:"ResultItem,omitempty"` // ResultItemType whether this entry in the table is an item or a link to another table ResultItemType ResultTableNodeType `json:"ResultItemType,omitempty"` // Weight how likely this is to be rolled - larger numbers add more weight Weight int32 `json:"Weight,omitempty"` }
type ResultTableNodeType ¶
type ResultTableNodeType string
const ( ResultTableNodeTypeItemId ResultTableNodeType = "ItemId" ResultTableNodeTypeTableId ResultTableNodeType = "TableId" )
type RevokeAllBansForUserRequestModel ¶
type RevokeAllBansForUserRequestModel struct { // PlayFabId unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` }
RevokeAllBansForUserRequest setting the active state of all non-expired bans for a user to Inactive. Expired bans with an Active state will be ignored, however. Returns information about applied updates only.
type RevokeAllBansForUserResultModel ¶
type RevokeAllBansForUserResultModel struct { // BanData information on the bans that were revoked. BanData []BanInfoModel `json:"BanData,omitempty"` }
func RevokeAllBansForUser ¶
func RevokeAllBansForUser(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *RevokeAllBansForUserRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*RevokeAllBansForUserResultModel, error)
RevokeAllBansForUser revoke all active bans for a user.
type RevokeBansRequestModel ¶
type RevokeBansRequestModel struct { // BanIds ids of the bans to be revoked. Maximum 100. BanIds []string `json:"BanIds,omitempty"` }
RevokeBansRequest setting the active state of all bans requested to Inactive regardless of whether that ban has already expired. BanIds that do not exist will be skipped. Returns information about applied updates only.
type RevokeBansResultModel ¶
type RevokeBansResultModel struct { // BanData information on the bans that were revoked BanData []BanInfoModel `json:"BanData,omitempty"` }
func RevokeBans ¶
func RevokeBans(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *RevokeBansRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*RevokeBansResultModel, error)
RevokeBans revoke all active bans specified with BanId.
type RevokeInventoryItemModel ¶
type RevokeInventoryItemModel struct { // CharacterId unique PlayFab assigned ID for a specific character owned by a user CharacterId string `json:"CharacterId,omitempty"` // ItemInstanceId unique PlayFab assigned instance identifier of the item ItemInstanceId string `json:"ItemInstanceId,omitempty"` // PlayFabId unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` }
type RevokeInventoryItemRequestModel ¶
type RevokeInventoryItemRequestModel struct { // CharacterId unique PlayFab assigned ID for a specific character owned by a user CharacterId string `json:"CharacterId,omitempty"` // ItemInstanceId unique PlayFab assigned instance identifier of the item ItemInstanceId string `json:"ItemInstanceId,omitempty"` // PlayFabId unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` }
RevokeInventoryItemRequest in cases where the inventory item in question is a "crate", and the items it contained have already been dispensed, this will not revoke access or otherwise remove the items which were dispensed.
type RevokeInventoryItemsRequestModel ¶
type RevokeInventoryItemsRequestModel struct { // Items array of player items to revoke, between 1 and 25 items. Items []RevokeInventoryItemModel `json:"Items,omitempty"` }
RevokeInventoryItemsRequest in cases where the inventory item in question is a "crate", and the items it contained have already been dispensed, this will not revoke access or otherwise remove the items which were dispensed.
type RevokeInventoryItemsResultModel ¶
type RevokeInventoryItemsResultModel struct { // Errors collection of any errors that occurred during processing. Errors []RevokeItemErrorModel `json:"Errors,omitempty"` }
func RevokeInventoryItems ¶
func RevokeInventoryItems(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *RevokeInventoryItemsRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*RevokeInventoryItemsResultModel, error)
RevokeInventoryItems revokes access for up to 25 items across multiple users and characters.
type RevokeInventoryResultModel ¶
type RevokeInventoryResultModel struct { }
func RevokeInventoryItem ¶
func RevokeInventoryItem(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *RevokeInventoryItemRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*RevokeInventoryResultModel, error)
RevokeInventoryItem revokes access to an item in a user's inventory
type RevokeItemErrorModel ¶
type RevokeItemErrorModel struct { // Error specific error that was encountered. Error GenericErrorCodes `json:"Error,omitempty"` // Item item information that failed to be revoked. Item *RevokeInventoryItemModel `json:"Item,omitempty"` }
type RunTaskRequestModel ¶
type RunTaskRequestModel struct { // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // Identifier provide either the task ID or the task name to run a task. Identifier *NameIdentifierModel `json:"Identifier,omitempty"` }
RunTaskRequest the returned task instance ID can be used to query for task execution status.
type RunTaskResultModel ¶
type RunTaskResultModel struct { // TaskInstanceId iD of the task instance that is started. This can be used in Get*TaskInstance (e.g. GetCloudScriptTaskInstance) API call // to retrieve status for the task instance. TaskInstanceId string `json:"TaskInstanceId,omitempty"` }
func RunTask ¶
func RunTask(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *RunTaskRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*RunTaskResultModel, error)
RunTask run a task immediately regardless of its schedule.
type ScheduledTaskModel ¶
type ScheduledTaskModel struct { // Description description the task Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // IsActive whether the schedule is active. Inactive schedule will not trigger task execution. IsActive bool `json:"IsActive"` // LastRunTime uTC time of last run LastRunTime time.Time `json:"LastRunTime,omitempty"` // Name name of the task. This is a unique identifier for tasks in the title. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // NextRunTime uTC time of next run NextRunTime time.Time `json:"NextRunTime,omitempty"` // Parameter task parameter. Different types of task have different parameter structure. See each task type's create API // documentation for the details. Parameter interface{} `json:"Parameter,omitempty"` // Schedule cron expression for the run schedule of the task. The expression should be in UTC. Schedule string `json:"Schedule,omitempty"` // TaskId iD of the task TaskId string `json:"TaskId,omitempty"` // Type task type. Type ScheduledTaskType `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
type ScheduledTaskType ¶
type ScheduledTaskType string
const ( ScheduledTaskTypeCloudScript ScheduledTaskType = "CloudScript" ScheduledTaskTypeActionsOnPlayerSegment ScheduledTaskType = "ActionsOnPlayerSegment" ScheduledTaskTypeCloudScriptAzureFunctions ScheduledTaskType = "CloudScriptAzureFunctions" ScheduledTaskTypeInsightsScheduledScaling ScheduledTaskType = "InsightsScheduledScaling" )
type ScriptExecutionErrorModel ¶
type ScriptExecutionErrorModel struct { // Error error code, such as CloudScriptNotFound, JavascriptException, CloudScriptFunctionArgumentSizeExceeded, // CloudScriptAPIRequestCountExceeded, CloudScriptAPIRequestError, or CloudScriptHTTPRequestError Error string `json:"Error,omitempty"` // Message details about the error Message string `json:"Message,omitempty"` // StackTrace point during the execution of the script at which the error occurred, if any StackTrace string `json:"StackTrace,omitempty"` }
type SegmentAndDefinitionModel ¶
type SegmentAndDefinitionModel struct { // AdCampaignFilter filter property for ad campaign filter. AdCampaignFilter *AdCampaignSegmentFilterModel `json:"AdCampaignFilter,omitempty"` // AllPlayersFilter property for all player filter. AllPlayersFilter *AllPlayersSegmentFilterModel `json:"AllPlayersFilter,omitempty"` // ChurnPredictionFilter filter property for player churn risk level. ChurnPredictionFilter *ChurnPredictionSegmentFilterModel `json:"ChurnPredictionFilter,omitempty"` // FirstLoginDateFilter filter property for first login date. FirstLoginDateFilter *FirstLoginDateSegmentFilterModel `json:"FirstLoginDateFilter,omitempty"` // FirstLoginFilter filter property for first login timespan. FirstLoginFilter *FirstLoginTimespanSegmentFilterModel `json:"FirstLoginFilter,omitempty"` // LastLoginDateFilter filter property for last login date. LastLoginDateFilter *LastLoginDateSegmentFilterModel `json:"LastLoginDateFilter,omitempty"` // LastLoginFilter filter property for last login timespan. LastLoginFilter *LastLoginTimespanSegmentFilterModel `json:"LastLoginFilter,omitempty"` // LinkedUserAccountFilter filter property for linked in user account. LinkedUserAccountFilter *LinkedUserAccountSegmentFilterModel `json:"LinkedUserAccountFilter,omitempty"` // LinkedUserAccountHasEmailFilter filter property for linked in user account has email. LinkedUserAccountHasEmailFilter *LinkedUserAccountHasEmailSegmentFilterModel `json:"LinkedUserAccountHasEmailFilter,omitempty"` // LocationFilter filter property for location. LocationFilter *LocationSegmentFilterModel `json:"LocationFilter,omitempty"` // PlayerChurnPredictionFilter filter property for current player churn value. PlayerChurnPredictionFilter *PlayerChurnPredictionSegmentFilterModel `json:"PlayerChurnPredictionFilter,omitempty"` // PlayerChurnPredictionTimeFilter filter property for player churn timespan. PlayerChurnPredictionTimeFilter *PlayerChurnPredictionTimeSegmentFilterModel `json:"PlayerChurnPredictionTimeFilter,omitempty"` // PlayerChurnPreviousPredictionFilter filter property for previous player churn value. PlayerChurnPreviousPredictionFilter *PlayerChurnPreviousPredictionSegmentFilterModel `json:"PlayerChurnPreviousPredictionFilter,omitempty"` // PushNotificationFilter filter property for push notification. PushNotificationFilter *PushNotificationSegmentFilterModel `json:"PushNotificationFilter,omitempty"` // StatisticFilter filter property for statistics. StatisticFilter *StatisticSegmentFilterModel `json:"StatisticFilter,omitempty"` // TagFilter filter property for tags. TagFilter *TagSegmentFilterModel `json:"TagFilter,omitempty"` // TotalValueToDateInUSDFilter filter property for total value to date in USD. TotalValueToDateInUSDFilter *TotalValueToDateInUSDSegmentFilterModel `json:"TotalValueToDateInUSDFilter,omitempty"` // UserOriginationFilter filter property for user origination. UserOriginationFilter *UserOriginationSegmentFilterModel `json:"UserOriginationFilter,omitempty"` // ValueToDateFilter filter property for value to date. ValueToDateFilter *ValueToDateSegmentFilterModel `json:"ValueToDateFilter,omitempty"` // VirtualCurrencyBalanceFilter filter property for virtual currency. VirtualCurrencyBalanceFilter *VirtualCurrencyBalanceSegmentFilterModel `json:"VirtualCurrencyBalanceFilter,omitempty"` }
type SegmentCountryCode ¶
type SegmentCountryCode string
const ( SegmentCountryCodeAF SegmentCountryCode = "AF" SegmentCountryCodeAX SegmentCountryCode = "AX" SegmentCountryCodeAL SegmentCountryCode = "AL" SegmentCountryCodeDZ SegmentCountryCode = "DZ" SegmentCountryCodeAS SegmentCountryCode = "AS" SegmentCountryCodeAD SegmentCountryCode = "AD" SegmentCountryCodeAO SegmentCountryCode = "AO" SegmentCountryCodeAI SegmentCountryCode = "AI" SegmentCountryCodeAQ SegmentCountryCode = "AQ" SegmentCountryCodeAG SegmentCountryCode = "AG" SegmentCountryCodeAR SegmentCountryCode = "AR" SegmentCountryCodeAM SegmentCountryCode = "AM" SegmentCountryCodeAW SegmentCountryCode = "AW" SegmentCountryCodeAU SegmentCountryCode = "AU" SegmentCountryCodeAT SegmentCountryCode = "AT" SegmentCountryCodeAZ SegmentCountryCode = "AZ" SegmentCountryCodeBS SegmentCountryCode = "BS" SegmentCountryCodeBH SegmentCountryCode = "BH" SegmentCountryCodeBD SegmentCountryCode = "BD" SegmentCountryCodeBB SegmentCountryCode = "BB" SegmentCountryCodeBY SegmentCountryCode = "BY" SegmentCountryCodeBE SegmentCountryCode = "BE" SegmentCountryCodeBZ SegmentCountryCode = "BZ" SegmentCountryCodeBJ SegmentCountryCode = "BJ" SegmentCountryCodeBM SegmentCountryCode = "BM" SegmentCountryCodeBT SegmentCountryCode = "BT" SegmentCountryCodeBO SegmentCountryCode = "BO" SegmentCountryCodeBQ SegmentCountryCode = "BQ" SegmentCountryCodeBA SegmentCountryCode = "BA" SegmentCountryCodeBW SegmentCountryCode = "BW" SegmentCountryCodeBV SegmentCountryCode = "BV" SegmentCountryCodeBR SegmentCountryCode = "BR" SegmentCountryCodeIO SegmentCountryCode = "IO" SegmentCountryCodeBN SegmentCountryCode = "BN" SegmentCountryCodeBG SegmentCountryCode = "BG" SegmentCountryCodeBF SegmentCountryCode = "BF" SegmentCountryCodeBI SegmentCountryCode = "BI" SegmentCountryCodeKH SegmentCountryCode = "KH" SegmentCountryCodeCM SegmentCountryCode = "CM" SegmentCountryCodeCA SegmentCountryCode = "CA" SegmentCountryCodeCV SegmentCountryCode = "CV" SegmentCountryCodeKY SegmentCountryCode = "KY" SegmentCountryCodeCF SegmentCountryCode = "CF" SegmentCountryCodeTD SegmentCountryCode = "TD" SegmentCountryCodeCL SegmentCountryCode = "CL" SegmentCountryCodeCN SegmentCountryCode = "CN" SegmentCountryCodeCX SegmentCountryCode = "CX" SegmentCountryCodeCC SegmentCountryCode = "CC" SegmentCountryCodeCO SegmentCountryCode = "CO" SegmentCountryCodeKM SegmentCountryCode = "KM" SegmentCountryCodeCG SegmentCountryCode = "CG" SegmentCountryCodeCD SegmentCountryCode = "CD" SegmentCountryCodeCK SegmentCountryCode = "CK" SegmentCountryCodeCR SegmentCountryCode = "CR" SegmentCountryCodeCI SegmentCountryCode = "CI" SegmentCountryCodeHR SegmentCountryCode = "HR" SegmentCountryCodeCU SegmentCountryCode = "CU" SegmentCountryCodeCW SegmentCountryCode = "CW" SegmentCountryCodeCY SegmentCountryCode = "CY" SegmentCountryCodeCZ SegmentCountryCode = "CZ" SegmentCountryCodeDK SegmentCountryCode = "DK" SegmentCountryCodeDJ SegmentCountryCode = "DJ" SegmentCountryCodeDM SegmentCountryCode = "DM" SegmentCountryCodeDO SegmentCountryCode = "DO" SegmentCountryCodeEC SegmentCountryCode = "EC" SegmentCountryCodeEG SegmentCountryCode = "EG" SegmentCountryCodeSV SegmentCountryCode = "SV" SegmentCountryCodeGQ SegmentCountryCode = "GQ" SegmentCountryCodeER SegmentCountryCode = "ER" SegmentCountryCodeEE SegmentCountryCode = "EE" SegmentCountryCodeET SegmentCountryCode = "ET" SegmentCountryCodeFK SegmentCountryCode = "FK" SegmentCountryCodeFO SegmentCountryCode = "FO" SegmentCountryCodeFJ SegmentCountryCode = "FJ" SegmentCountryCodeFI SegmentCountryCode = "FI" SegmentCountryCodeFR SegmentCountryCode = "FR" SegmentCountryCodeGF SegmentCountryCode = "GF" SegmentCountryCodePF SegmentCountryCode = "PF" SegmentCountryCodeTF SegmentCountryCode = "TF" SegmentCountryCodeGA SegmentCountryCode = "GA" SegmentCountryCodeGM SegmentCountryCode = "GM" SegmentCountryCodeGE SegmentCountryCode = "GE" SegmentCountryCodeDE SegmentCountryCode = "DE" SegmentCountryCodeGH SegmentCountryCode = "GH" SegmentCountryCodeGI SegmentCountryCode = "GI" SegmentCountryCodeGR SegmentCountryCode = "GR" SegmentCountryCodeGL SegmentCountryCode = "GL" SegmentCountryCodeGD SegmentCountryCode = "GD" SegmentCountryCodeGP SegmentCountryCode = "GP" SegmentCountryCodeGU SegmentCountryCode = "GU" SegmentCountryCodeGT SegmentCountryCode = "GT" SegmentCountryCodeGG SegmentCountryCode = "GG" SegmentCountryCodeGN SegmentCountryCode = "GN" SegmentCountryCodeGW SegmentCountryCode = "GW" SegmentCountryCodeGY SegmentCountryCode = "GY" SegmentCountryCodeHT SegmentCountryCode = "HT" SegmentCountryCodeHM SegmentCountryCode = "HM" SegmentCountryCodeVA SegmentCountryCode = "VA" SegmentCountryCodeHN SegmentCountryCode = "HN" SegmentCountryCodeHK SegmentCountryCode = "HK" SegmentCountryCodeHU SegmentCountryCode = "HU" SegmentCountryCodeIS SegmentCountryCode = "IS" SegmentCountryCodeIN SegmentCountryCode = "IN" SegmentCountryCodeID SegmentCountryCode = "ID" SegmentCountryCodeIR SegmentCountryCode = "IR" SegmentCountryCodeIQ SegmentCountryCode = "IQ" SegmentCountryCodeIE SegmentCountryCode = "IE" SegmentCountryCodeIM SegmentCountryCode = "IM" SegmentCountryCodeIL SegmentCountryCode = "IL" SegmentCountryCodeIT SegmentCountryCode = "IT" SegmentCountryCodeJM SegmentCountryCode = "JM" SegmentCountryCodeJP SegmentCountryCode = "JP" SegmentCountryCodeJE SegmentCountryCode = "JE" SegmentCountryCodeJO SegmentCountryCode = "JO" SegmentCountryCodeKZ SegmentCountryCode = "KZ" SegmentCountryCodeKE SegmentCountryCode = "KE" SegmentCountryCodeKI SegmentCountryCode = "KI" SegmentCountryCodeKP SegmentCountryCode = "KP" SegmentCountryCodeKR SegmentCountryCode = "KR" SegmentCountryCodeKW SegmentCountryCode = "KW" SegmentCountryCodeKG SegmentCountryCode = "KG" SegmentCountryCodeLA SegmentCountryCode = "LA" SegmentCountryCodeLV SegmentCountryCode = "LV" SegmentCountryCodeLB SegmentCountryCode = "LB" SegmentCountryCodeLS SegmentCountryCode = "LS" SegmentCountryCodeLR SegmentCountryCode = "LR" SegmentCountryCodeLY SegmentCountryCode = "LY" SegmentCountryCodeLI SegmentCountryCode = "LI" SegmentCountryCodeLT SegmentCountryCode = "LT" SegmentCountryCodeLU SegmentCountryCode = "LU" SegmentCountryCodeMO SegmentCountryCode = "MO" SegmentCountryCodeMK SegmentCountryCode = "MK" SegmentCountryCodeMG SegmentCountryCode = "MG" SegmentCountryCodeMW SegmentCountryCode = "MW" SegmentCountryCodeMY SegmentCountryCode = "MY" SegmentCountryCodeMV SegmentCountryCode = "MV" SegmentCountryCodeML SegmentCountryCode = "ML" SegmentCountryCodeMT SegmentCountryCode = "MT" SegmentCountryCodeMH SegmentCountryCode = "MH" SegmentCountryCodeMQ SegmentCountryCode = "MQ" SegmentCountryCodeMR SegmentCountryCode = "MR" SegmentCountryCodeMU SegmentCountryCode = "MU" SegmentCountryCodeYT SegmentCountryCode = "YT" SegmentCountryCodeMX SegmentCountryCode = "MX" SegmentCountryCodeFM SegmentCountryCode = "FM" SegmentCountryCodeMD SegmentCountryCode = "MD" SegmentCountryCodeMC SegmentCountryCode = "MC" SegmentCountryCodeMN SegmentCountryCode = "MN" SegmentCountryCodeME SegmentCountryCode = "ME" SegmentCountryCodeMS SegmentCountryCode = "MS" SegmentCountryCodeMA SegmentCountryCode = "MA" SegmentCountryCodeMZ SegmentCountryCode = "MZ" SegmentCountryCodeMM SegmentCountryCode = "MM" SegmentCountryCodeNA SegmentCountryCode = "NA" SegmentCountryCodeNR SegmentCountryCode = "NR" SegmentCountryCodeNP SegmentCountryCode = "NP" SegmentCountryCodeNL SegmentCountryCode = "NL" SegmentCountryCodeNC SegmentCountryCode = "NC" SegmentCountryCodeNZ SegmentCountryCode = "NZ" SegmentCountryCodeNI SegmentCountryCode = "NI" SegmentCountryCodeNE SegmentCountryCode = "NE" SegmentCountryCodeNG SegmentCountryCode = "NG" SegmentCountryCodeNU SegmentCountryCode = "NU" SegmentCountryCodeNF SegmentCountryCode = "NF" SegmentCountryCodeMP SegmentCountryCode = "MP" SegmentCountryCodeNO SegmentCountryCode = "NO" SegmentCountryCodeOM SegmentCountryCode = "OM" SegmentCountryCodePK SegmentCountryCode = "PK" SegmentCountryCodePW SegmentCountryCode = "PW" SegmentCountryCodePS SegmentCountryCode = "PS" SegmentCountryCodePA SegmentCountryCode = "PA" SegmentCountryCodePG SegmentCountryCode = "PG" SegmentCountryCodePY SegmentCountryCode = "PY" SegmentCountryCodePE SegmentCountryCode = "PE" SegmentCountryCodePH SegmentCountryCode = "PH" SegmentCountryCodePN SegmentCountryCode = "PN" SegmentCountryCodePL SegmentCountryCode = "PL" SegmentCountryCodePT SegmentCountryCode = "PT" SegmentCountryCodePR SegmentCountryCode = "PR" SegmentCountryCodeQA SegmentCountryCode = "QA" SegmentCountryCodeRE SegmentCountryCode = "RE" SegmentCountryCodeRO SegmentCountryCode = "RO" SegmentCountryCodeRU SegmentCountryCode = "RU" SegmentCountryCodeRW SegmentCountryCode = "RW" SegmentCountryCodeBL SegmentCountryCode = "BL" SegmentCountryCodeSH SegmentCountryCode = "SH" SegmentCountryCodeKN SegmentCountryCode = "KN" SegmentCountryCodeLC SegmentCountryCode = "LC" SegmentCountryCodeMF SegmentCountryCode = "MF" SegmentCountryCodePM SegmentCountryCode = "PM" SegmentCountryCodeVC SegmentCountryCode = "VC" SegmentCountryCodeWS SegmentCountryCode = "WS" SegmentCountryCodeSM SegmentCountryCode = "SM" SegmentCountryCodeST SegmentCountryCode = "ST" SegmentCountryCodeSA SegmentCountryCode = "SA" SegmentCountryCodeSN SegmentCountryCode = "SN" SegmentCountryCodeRS SegmentCountryCode = "RS" SegmentCountryCodeSC SegmentCountryCode = "SC" SegmentCountryCodeSL SegmentCountryCode = "SL" SegmentCountryCodeSG SegmentCountryCode = "SG" SegmentCountryCodeSX SegmentCountryCode = "SX" SegmentCountryCodeSK SegmentCountryCode = "SK" SegmentCountryCodeSI SegmentCountryCode = "SI" SegmentCountryCodeSB SegmentCountryCode = "SB" SegmentCountryCodeSO SegmentCountryCode = "SO" SegmentCountryCodeZA SegmentCountryCode = "ZA" SegmentCountryCodeGS SegmentCountryCode = "GS" SegmentCountryCodeSS SegmentCountryCode = "SS" SegmentCountryCodeES SegmentCountryCode = "ES" SegmentCountryCodeLK SegmentCountryCode = "LK" SegmentCountryCodeSD SegmentCountryCode = "SD" SegmentCountryCodeSR SegmentCountryCode = "SR" SegmentCountryCodeSJ SegmentCountryCode = "SJ" SegmentCountryCodeSZ SegmentCountryCode = "SZ" SegmentCountryCodeSE SegmentCountryCode = "SE" SegmentCountryCodeCH SegmentCountryCode = "CH" SegmentCountryCodeSY SegmentCountryCode = "SY" SegmentCountryCodeTW SegmentCountryCode = "TW" SegmentCountryCodeTJ SegmentCountryCode = "TJ" SegmentCountryCodeTZ SegmentCountryCode = "TZ" SegmentCountryCodeTH SegmentCountryCode = "TH" SegmentCountryCodeTL SegmentCountryCode = "TL" SegmentCountryCodeTG SegmentCountryCode = "TG" SegmentCountryCodeTK SegmentCountryCode = "TK" SegmentCountryCodeTO SegmentCountryCode = "TO" SegmentCountryCodeTT SegmentCountryCode = "TT" SegmentCountryCodeTN SegmentCountryCode = "TN" SegmentCountryCodeTR SegmentCountryCode = "TR" SegmentCountryCodeTM SegmentCountryCode = "TM" SegmentCountryCodeTC SegmentCountryCode = "TC" SegmentCountryCodeTV SegmentCountryCode = "TV" SegmentCountryCodeUG SegmentCountryCode = "UG" SegmentCountryCodeUA SegmentCountryCode = "UA" SegmentCountryCodeAE SegmentCountryCode = "AE" SegmentCountryCodeGB SegmentCountryCode = "GB" SegmentCountryCodeUS SegmentCountryCode = "US" SegmentCountryCodeUM SegmentCountryCode = "UM" SegmentCountryCodeUY SegmentCountryCode = "UY" SegmentCountryCodeUZ SegmentCountryCode = "UZ" SegmentCountryCodeVU SegmentCountryCode = "VU" SegmentCountryCodeVE SegmentCountryCode = "VE" SegmentCountryCodeVN SegmentCountryCode = "VN" SegmentCountryCodeVG SegmentCountryCode = "VG" SegmentCountryCodeVI SegmentCountryCode = "VI" SegmentCountryCodeWF SegmentCountryCode = "WF" SegmentCountryCodeEH SegmentCountryCode = "EH" SegmentCountryCodeYE SegmentCountryCode = "YE" SegmentCountryCodeZM SegmentCountryCode = "ZM" SegmentCountryCodeZW SegmentCountryCode = "ZW" )
type SegmentCurrency ¶
type SegmentCurrency string
const ( SegmentCurrencyAED SegmentCurrency = "AED" SegmentCurrencyAFN SegmentCurrency = "AFN" SegmentCurrencyALL SegmentCurrency = "ALL" SegmentCurrencyAMD SegmentCurrency = "AMD" SegmentCurrencyANG SegmentCurrency = "ANG" SegmentCurrencyAOA SegmentCurrency = "AOA" SegmentCurrencyARS SegmentCurrency = "ARS" SegmentCurrencyAUD SegmentCurrency = "AUD" SegmentCurrencyAWG SegmentCurrency = "AWG" SegmentCurrencyAZN SegmentCurrency = "AZN" SegmentCurrencyBAM SegmentCurrency = "BAM" SegmentCurrencyBBD SegmentCurrency = "BBD" SegmentCurrencyBDT SegmentCurrency = "BDT" SegmentCurrencyBGN SegmentCurrency = "BGN" SegmentCurrencyBHD SegmentCurrency = "BHD" SegmentCurrencyBIF SegmentCurrency = "BIF" SegmentCurrencyBMD SegmentCurrency = "BMD" SegmentCurrencyBND SegmentCurrency = "BND" SegmentCurrencyBOB SegmentCurrency = "BOB" SegmentCurrencyBRL SegmentCurrency = "BRL" SegmentCurrencyBSD SegmentCurrency = "BSD" SegmentCurrencyBTN SegmentCurrency = "BTN" SegmentCurrencyBWP SegmentCurrency = "BWP" SegmentCurrencyBYR SegmentCurrency = "BYR" SegmentCurrencyBZD SegmentCurrency = "BZD" SegmentCurrencyCAD SegmentCurrency = "CAD" SegmentCurrencyCDF SegmentCurrency = "CDF" SegmentCurrencyCHF SegmentCurrency = "CHF" SegmentCurrencyCLP SegmentCurrency = "CLP" SegmentCurrencyCNY SegmentCurrency = "CNY" SegmentCurrencyCOP SegmentCurrency = "COP" SegmentCurrencyCRC SegmentCurrency = "CRC" SegmentCurrencyCUC SegmentCurrency = "CUC" SegmentCurrencyCUP SegmentCurrency = "CUP" SegmentCurrencyCVE SegmentCurrency = "CVE" SegmentCurrencyCZK SegmentCurrency = "CZK" SegmentCurrencyDJF SegmentCurrency = "DJF" SegmentCurrencyDKK SegmentCurrency = "DKK" SegmentCurrencyDOP SegmentCurrency = "DOP" SegmentCurrencyDZD SegmentCurrency = "DZD" SegmentCurrencyEGP SegmentCurrency = "EGP" SegmentCurrencyERN SegmentCurrency = "ERN" SegmentCurrencyETB SegmentCurrency = "ETB" SegmentCurrencyEUR SegmentCurrency = "EUR" SegmentCurrencyFJD SegmentCurrency = "FJD" SegmentCurrencyFKP SegmentCurrency = "FKP" SegmentCurrencyGBP SegmentCurrency = "GBP" SegmentCurrencyGEL SegmentCurrency = "GEL" SegmentCurrencyGGP SegmentCurrency = "GGP" SegmentCurrencyGHS SegmentCurrency = "GHS" SegmentCurrencyGIP SegmentCurrency = "GIP" SegmentCurrencyGMD SegmentCurrency = "GMD" SegmentCurrencyGNF SegmentCurrency = "GNF" SegmentCurrencyGTQ SegmentCurrency = "GTQ" SegmentCurrencyGYD SegmentCurrency = "GYD" SegmentCurrencyHKD SegmentCurrency = "HKD" SegmentCurrencyHNL SegmentCurrency = "HNL" SegmentCurrencyHRK SegmentCurrency = "HRK" SegmentCurrencyHTG SegmentCurrency = "HTG" SegmentCurrencyHUF SegmentCurrency = "HUF" SegmentCurrencyIDR SegmentCurrency = "IDR" SegmentCurrencyILS SegmentCurrency = "ILS" SegmentCurrencyIMP SegmentCurrency = "IMP" SegmentCurrencyINR SegmentCurrency = "INR" SegmentCurrencyIQD SegmentCurrency = "IQD" SegmentCurrencyIRR SegmentCurrency = "IRR" SegmentCurrencyISK SegmentCurrency = "ISK" SegmentCurrencyJEP SegmentCurrency = "JEP" SegmentCurrencyJMD SegmentCurrency = "JMD" SegmentCurrencyJOD SegmentCurrency = "JOD" SegmentCurrencyJPY SegmentCurrency = "JPY" SegmentCurrencyKES SegmentCurrency = "KES" SegmentCurrencyKGS SegmentCurrency = "KGS" SegmentCurrencyKHR SegmentCurrency = "KHR" SegmentCurrencyKMF SegmentCurrency = "KMF" SegmentCurrencyKPW SegmentCurrency = "KPW" SegmentCurrencyKRW SegmentCurrency = "KRW" SegmentCurrencyKWD SegmentCurrency = "KWD" SegmentCurrencyKYD SegmentCurrency = "KYD" SegmentCurrencyKZT SegmentCurrency = "KZT" SegmentCurrencyLAK SegmentCurrency = "LAK" SegmentCurrencyLBP SegmentCurrency = "LBP" SegmentCurrencyLKR SegmentCurrency = "LKR" SegmentCurrencyLRD SegmentCurrency = "LRD" SegmentCurrencyLSL SegmentCurrency = "LSL" SegmentCurrencyLYD SegmentCurrency = "LYD" SegmentCurrencyMAD SegmentCurrency = "MAD" SegmentCurrencyMDL SegmentCurrency = "MDL" SegmentCurrencyMGA SegmentCurrency = "MGA" SegmentCurrencyMKD SegmentCurrency = "MKD" SegmentCurrencyMMK SegmentCurrency = "MMK" SegmentCurrencyMNT SegmentCurrency = "MNT" SegmentCurrencyMOP SegmentCurrency = "MOP" SegmentCurrencyMRO SegmentCurrency = "MRO" SegmentCurrencyMUR SegmentCurrency = "MUR" SegmentCurrencyMVR SegmentCurrency = "MVR" SegmentCurrencyMWK SegmentCurrency = "MWK" SegmentCurrencyMXN SegmentCurrency = "MXN" SegmentCurrencyMYR SegmentCurrency = "MYR" SegmentCurrencyMZN SegmentCurrency = "MZN" SegmentCurrencyNAD SegmentCurrency = "NAD" SegmentCurrencyNGN SegmentCurrency = "NGN" SegmentCurrencyNIO SegmentCurrency = "NIO" SegmentCurrencyNOK SegmentCurrency = "NOK" SegmentCurrencyNPR SegmentCurrency = "NPR" SegmentCurrencyNZD SegmentCurrency = "NZD" SegmentCurrencyOMR SegmentCurrency = "OMR" SegmentCurrencyPAB SegmentCurrency = "PAB" SegmentCurrencyPEN SegmentCurrency = "PEN" SegmentCurrencyPGK SegmentCurrency = "PGK" SegmentCurrencyPHP SegmentCurrency = "PHP" SegmentCurrencyPKR SegmentCurrency = "PKR" SegmentCurrencyPLN SegmentCurrency = "PLN" SegmentCurrencyPYG SegmentCurrency = "PYG" SegmentCurrencyQAR SegmentCurrency = "QAR" SegmentCurrencyRON SegmentCurrency = "RON" SegmentCurrencyRSD SegmentCurrency = "RSD" SegmentCurrencyRUB SegmentCurrency = "RUB" SegmentCurrencyRWF SegmentCurrency = "RWF" SegmentCurrencySAR SegmentCurrency = "SAR" SegmentCurrencySBD SegmentCurrency = "SBD" SegmentCurrencySCR SegmentCurrency = "SCR" SegmentCurrencySDG SegmentCurrency = "SDG" SegmentCurrencySEK SegmentCurrency = "SEK" SegmentCurrencySGD SegmentCurrency = "SGD" SegmentCurrencySHP SegmentCurrency = "SHP" SegmentCurrencySLL SegmentCurrency = "SLL" SegmentCurrencySOS SegmentCurrency = "SOS" SegmentCurrencySPL SegmentCurrency = "SPL" SegmentCurrencySRD SegmentCurrency = "SRD" SegmentCurrencySTD SegmentCurrency = "STD" SegmentCurrencySVC SegmentCurrency = "SVC" SegmentCurrencySYP SegmentCurrency = "SYP" SegmentCurrencySZL SegmentCurrency = "SZL" SegmentCurrencyTHB SegmentCurrency = "THB" SegmentCurrencyTJS SegmentCurrency = "TJS" SegmentCurrencyTMT SegmentCurrency = "TMT" SegmentCurrencyTND SegmentCurrency = "TND" SegmentCurrencyTOP SegmentCurrency = "TOP" SegmentCurrencyTRY SegmentCurrency = "TRY" SegmentCurrencyTTD SegmentCurrency = "TTD" SegmentCurrencyTVD SegmentCurrency = "TVD" SegmentCurrencyTWD SegmentCurrency = "TWD" SegmentCurrencyTZS SegmentCurrency = "TZS" SegmentCurrencyUAH SegmentCurrency = "UAH" SegmentCurrencyUGX SegmentCurrency = "UGX" SegmentCurrencyUSD SegmentCurrency = "USD" SegmentCurrencyUYU SegmentCurrency = "UYU" SegmentCurrencyUZS SegmentCurrency = "UZS" SegmentCurrencyVEF SegmentCurrency = "VEF" SegmentCurrencyVND SegmentCurrency = "VND" SegmentCurrencyVUV SegmentCurrency = "VUV" SegmentCurrencyWST SegmentCurrency = "WST" SegmentCurrencyXAF SegmentCurrency = "XAF" SegmentCurrencyXCD SegmentCurrency = "XCD" SegmentCurrencyXDR SegmentCurrency = "XDR" SegmentCurrencyXOF SegmentCurrency = "XOF" SegmentCurrencyXPF SegmentCurrency = "XPF" SegmentCurrencyYER SegmentCurrency = "YER" SegmentCurrencyZAR SegmentCurrency = "ZAR" SegmentCurrencyZMW SegmentCurrency = "ZMW" SegmentCurrencyZWD SegmentCurrency = "ZWD" )
type SegmentFilterComparison ¶
type SegmentFilterComparison string
const ( SegmentFilterComparisonGreaterThan SegmentFilterComparison = "GreaterThan" SegmentFilterComparisonLessThan SegmentFilterComparison = "LessThan" SegmentFilterComparisonEqualTo SegmentFilterComparison = "EqualTo" SegmentFilterComparisonNotEqualTo SegmentFilterComparison = "NotEqualTo" SegmentFilterComparisonGreaterThanOrEqual SegmentFilterComparison = "GreaterThanOrEqual" SegmentFilterComparisonLessThanOrEqual SegmentFilterComparison = "LessThanOrEqual" SegmentFilterComparisonExists SegmentFilterComparison = "Exists" SegmentFilterComparisonContains SegmentFilterComparison = "Contains" SegmentFilterComparisonNotContains SegmentFilterComparison = "NotContains" )
type SegmentLoginIdentityProvider ¶
type SegmentLoginIdentityProvider string
const ( SegmentLoginIdentityProviderUnknown SegmentLoginIdentityProvider = "Unknown" SegmentLoginIdentityProviderPlayFab SegmentLoginIdentityProvider = "PlayFab" SegmentLoginIdentityProviderCustom SegmentLoginIdentityProvider = "Custom" SegmentLoginIdentityProviderGameCenter SegmentLoginIdentityProvider = "GameCenter" SegmentLoginIdentityProviderGooglePlay SegmentLoginIdentityProvider = "GooglePlay" SegmentLoginIdentityProviderSteam SegmentLoginIdentityProvider = "Steam" SegmentLoginIdentityProviderXBoxLive SegmentLoginIdentityProvider = "XBoxLive" SegmentLoginIdentityProviderPSN SegmentLoginIdentityProvider = "PSN" SegmentLoginIdentityProviderKongregate SegmentLoginIdentityProvider = "Kongregate" SegmentLoginIdentityProviderFacebook SegmentLoginIdentityProvider = "Facebook" SegmentLoginIdentityProviderIOSDevice SegmentLoginIdentityProvider = "IOSDevice" SegmentLoginIdentityProviderAndroidDevice SegmentLoginIdentityProvider = "AndroidDevice" SegmentLoginIdentityProviderTwitch SegmentLoginIdentityProvider = "Twitch" SegmentLoginIdentityProviderWindowsHello SegmentLoginIdentityProvider = "WindowsHello" SegmentLoginIdentityProviderGameServer SegmentLoginIdentityProvider = "GameServer" SegmentLoginIdentityProviderCustomServer SegmentLoginIdentityProvider = "CustomServer" SegmentLoginIdentityProviderNintendoSwitch SegmentLoginIdentityProvider = "NintendoSwitch" SegmentLoginIdentityProviderFacebookInstantGames SegmentLoginIdentityProvider = "FacebookInstantGames" SegmentLoginIdentityProviderOpenIdConnect SegmentLoginIdentityProvider = "OpenIdConnect" SegmentLoginIdentityProviderApple SegmentLoginIdentityProvider = "Apple" SegmentLoginIdentityProviderNintendoSwitchAccount SegmentLoginIdentityProvider = "NintendoSwitchAccount" )
type SegmentModelModel ¶
type SegmentModelModel struct { // Description segment description. Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // EnteredSegmentActions segment actions for current entered segment players. EnteredSegmentActions []SegmentTriggerModel `json:"EnteredSegmentActions,omitempty"` // LastUpdateTime segment last updated date time. LastUpdateTime time.Time `json:"LastUpdateTime,omitempty"` // LeftSegmentActions segment actions for current left segment players. LeftSegmentActions []SegmentTriggerModel `json:"LeftSegmentActions,omitempty"` // Name segment name. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // SegmentId segment id in hex. SegmentId string `json:"SegmentId,omitempty"` // SegmentOrDefinitions segment or definitions. This includes segment and definitions and filters. SegmentOrDefinitions []SegmentOrDefinitionModel `json:"SegmentOrDefinitions,omitempty"` }
type SegmentOrDefinitionModel ¶
type SegmentOrDefinitionModel struct { // SegmentAndDefinitions list of segment and definitions. SegmentAndDefinitions []SegmentAndDefinitionModel `json:"SegmentAndDefinitions,omitempty"` }
type SegmentPushNotificationDevicePlatform ¶
type SegmentPushNotificationDevicePlatform string
const ( SegmentPushNotificationDevicePlatformApplePushNotificationService SegmentPushNotificationDevicePlatform = "ApplePushNotificationService" SegmentPushNotificationDevicePlatformGoogleCloudMessaging SegmentPushNotificationDevicePlatform = "GoogleCloudMessaging" )
type SegmentTriggerModel ¶
type SegmentTriggerModel struct { // BanPlayerAction ban player segment trigger action. BanPlayerAction *BanPlayerSegmentActionModel `json:"BanPlayerAction,omitempty"` // DeletePlayerAction delete player segment trigger action. DeletePlayerAction *DeletePlayerSegmentActionModel `json:"DeletePlayerAction,omitempty"` // DeletePlayerStatisticAction delete player statistic segment trigger action. DeletePlayerStatisticAction *DeletePlayerStatisticSegmentActionModel `json:"DeletePlayerStatisticAction,omitempty"` // EmailNotificationAction email notification segment trigger action. EmailNotificationAction *EmailNotificationSegmentActionModel `json:"EmailNotificationAction,omitempty"` // ExecuteAzureFunctionAction execute azure function segment trigger action. ExecuteAzureFunctionAction *ExecuteAzureFunctionSegmentActionModel `json:"ExecuteAzureFunctionAction,omitempty"` // ExecuteCloudScriptAction execute cloud script segment trigger action. ExecuteCloudScriptAction *ExecuteCloudScriptSegmentActionModel `json:"ExecuteCloudScriptAction,omitempty"` // GrantItemAction grant item segment trigger action. GrantItemAction *GrantItemSegmentActionModel `json:"GrantItemAction,omitempty"` // GrantVirtualCurrencyAction grant virtual currency segment trigger action. GrantVirtualCurrencyAction *GrantVirtualCurrencySegmentActionModel `json:"GrantVirtualCurrencyAction,omitempty"` // IncrementPlayerStatisticAction increment player statistic segment trigger action. IncrementPlayerStatisticAction *IncrementPlayerStatisticSegmentActionModel `json:"IncrementPlayerStatisticAction,omitempty"` // PushNotificationAction push notification segment trigger action. PushNotificationAction *PushNotificationSegmentActionModel `json:"PushNotificationAction,omitempty"` }
type SendAccountRecoveryEmailRequestModel ¶
type SendAccountRecoveryEmailRequestModel struct { // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // Email user email address attached to their account Email string `json:"Email,omitempty"` // EmailTemplateId the email template id of the account recovery email template to send. EmailTemplateId string `json:"EmailTemplateId,omitempty"` }
SendAccountRecoveryEmailRequest if the account in question is a "temporary" account (for example, one that was created via a call to LoginFromIOSDeviceID), thisfunction will have no effect. Only PlayFab accounts which have valid email addresses will be able to receive a password reset email using this API.
type SendAccountRecoveryEmailResultModel ¶
type SendAccountRecoveryEmailResultModel struct { }
func SendAccountRecoveryEmail ¶
func SendAccountRecoveryEmail(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *SendAccountRecoveryEmailRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*SendAccountRecoveryEmailResultModel, error)
SendAccountRecoveryEmail forces an email to be sent to the registered email address for the user's account, with a link allowing the user to change the password.If an account recovery email template ID is provided, an email using the custom email template will be used.
type SetMembershipOverrideRequestModel ¶
type SetMembershipOverrideRequestModel struct { // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // ExpirationTime expiration time for the membership in DateTime format, will override any subscription expirations. ExpirationTime time.Time `json:"ExpirationTime,omitempty"` // MembershipId id of the membership to apply the override expiration date to. MembershipId string `json:"MembershipId,omitempty"` // PlayFabId unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` }
SetMembershipOverrideRequest this API lets developers set overrides for membership expirations, independent of any subscriptions setting it.
type SetMembershipOverrideResultModel ¶
type SetMembershipOverrideResultModel struct { }
func SetMembershipOverride ¶
func SetMembershipOverride(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *SetMembershipOverrideRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*SetMembershipOverrideResultModel, error)
SetMembershipOverride sets the override expiration for a membership subscription
type SetPlayerSecretRequestModel ¶
type SetPlayerSecretRequestModel struct { // PlayerSecret player secret that is used to verify API request signatures (Enterprise Only). PlayerSecret string `json:"PlayerSecret,omitempty"` // PlayFabId unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` }
SetPlayerSecretRequest aPIs that require signatures require that the player have a configured Player Secret Key that is used to sign all requests. Players that don't have a secret will be blocked from making API calls until it is configured. To create a signature header add a SHA256 hashed string containing UTF8 encoded JSON body as it will be sent to the server, the current time in UTC formatted to ISO 8601, and the players secret formatted as ''. Place the resulting hash into the header X-PlayFab-Signature, along with a header X-PlayFab-Timestamp of the same UTC timestamp used in the signature.
type SetPlayerSecretResultModel ¶
type SetPlayerSecretResultModel struct { }
func SetPlayerSecret ¶
func SetPlayerSecret(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *SetPlayerSecretRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*SetPlayerSecretResultModel, error)
SetPlayerSecret sets or resets the player's secret. Player secrets are used to sign API requests.
type SetPublishedRevisionRequestModel ¶
type SetPublishedRevisionRequestModel struct { // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // Revision revision to make the current published revision Revision int32 `json:"Revision,omitempty"` // Version version number Version int32 `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
type SetPublishedRevisionResultModel ¶
type SetPublishedRevisionResultModel struct { }
func SetPublishedRevision ¶
func SetPublishedRevision(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *SetPublishedRevisionRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*SetPublishedRevisionResultModel, error)
SetPublishedRevision sets the currently published revision of a title Cloud Script
type SetPublisherDataRequestModel ¶
type SetPublisherDataRequestModel struct { // Key key we want to set a value on (note, this is additive - will only replace an existing key's value if they are the same // name.) Keys are trimmed of whitespace. Keys may not begin with the '!' character. Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Value new value to set. Set to null to remove a value Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
SetPublisherDataRequest this API is designed to store publisher-specific values which can be read, but not written to, by the client. This data is shared across all titles assigned to a particular publisher, and can be used for cross-game coordination. Only titles assigned to a publisher can use this API. This operation is additive. If a Key does not exist in the current dataset, it will be added with the specified Value. If it already exists, the Value for that key will be overwritten with the new Value. For more information email
type SetPublisherDataResultModel ¶
type SetPublisherDataResultModel struct { }
func SetPublisherData ¶
func SetPublisherData(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *SetPublisherDataRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*SetPublisherDataResultModel, error)
SetPublisherData updates the key-value store of custom publisher settings
type SetTitleDataAndOverridesRequestModel ¶
type SetTitleDataAndOverridesRequestModel struct { // KeyValues list of titleData key-value pairs to set/delete. Use an empty value to delete an existing key; use a non-empty value to // create/update a key. KeyValues []TitleDataKeyValueModel `json:"KeyValues,omitempty"` // OverrideLabel name of the override. OverrideLabel string `json:"OverrideLabel,omitempty"` }
SetTitleDataAndOverridesRequest will set the given key values in the specified override or the primary title data based on whether the label is provided or not.
type SetTitleDataAndOverridesResultModel ¶
type SetTitleDataAndOverridesResultModel struct { }
func SetTitleDataAndOverrides ¶
func SetTitleDataAndOverrides(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *SetTitleDataAndOverridesRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*SetTitleDataAndOverridesResultModel, error)
SetTitleDataAndOverrides set and delete key-value pairs in a title data override instance.
type SetTitleDataRequestModel ¶
type SetTitleDataRequestModel struct { // Key key we want to set a value on (note, this is additive - will only replace an existing key's value if they are the same // name.) Keys are trimmed of whitespace. Keys may not begin with the '!' character. Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Value new value to set. Set to null to remove a value Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
SetTitleDataRequest this operation is additive. If a Key does not exist in the current dataset, it will be added with the specified Value. If it already exists, the Value for that key will be overwritten with the new Value.
type SetTitleDataResultModel ¶
type SetTitleDataResultModel struct { }
func SetTitleData ¶
func SetTitleData(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *SetTitleDataRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*SetTitleDataResultModel, error)
SetTitleData creates and updates the key-value store of custom title settings which can be read by the client. For example, a developer could choose to store values which modify the user experience, such as enemy spawn rates, weapon strengths, movement speeds, etc. This allows a developer to update the title without the need to create, test, and ship a new build.
func SetTitleInternalData ¶
func SetTitleInternalData(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *SetTitleDataRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*SetTitleDataResultModel, error)
SetTitleInternalData updates the key-value store of custom title settings which cannot be read by the client. These values can be used to tweak settings used by game servers and Cloud Scripts without the need to update and re-deploy.
type SetupPushNotificationRequestModel ¶
type SetupPushNotificationRequestModel struct { // Credential credential is the Private Key for APNS/APNS_SANDBOX, and the API Key for GCM Credential string `json:"Credential,omitempty"` // Key for APNS, this is the PlatformPrincipal (SSL Certificate) Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Name this field is deprecated and any usage of this will cause the API to fail. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // OverwriteOldARN replace any existing ARN with the newly generated one. If this is set to false, an error will be returned if // notifications have already setup for this platform. OverwriteOldARN bool `json:"OverwriteOldARN"` // Platform supported notification platforms are Apple Push Notification Service (APNS and APNS_SANDBOX) for iOS and Google Cloud // Messaging (GCM) for Android Platform PushSetupPlatform `json:"Platform,omitempty"` }
SetupPushNotificationRequest when using the Apple Push Notification service (APNS) or the development version (APNS_SANDBOX), the APNS Private Key should be used as the Credential in this call. With Google Cloud Messaging (GCM), the Android API Key should be used. The current ARN (if one exists) can be overwritten by setting the OverwriteOldARN boolean to true.
type SetupPushNotificationResultModel ¶
type SetupPushNotificationResultModel struct { // ARN amazon Resource Name for the created notification topic. ARN string `json:"ARN,omitempty"` }
func SetupPushNotification ¶
func SetupPushNotification(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *SetupPushNotificationRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*SetupPushNotificationResultModel, error)
SetupPushNotification sets the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for iOS and Android push notifications. Documentation on the exact restrictions can be found at: Currently, Amazon device Messaging is not supported.
type SharedSecretModel ¶
type SharedSecretModel struct { bool `json:"Disabled"` FriendlyName string `json:"FriendlyName,omitempty"` SecretKey string `json:"SecretKey,omitempty"` }Disabled
type SourceType ¶
type SourceType string
const ( SourceTypeAdmin SourceType = "Admin" SourceTypeBackEnd SourceType = "BackEnd" SourceTypeGameClient SourceType = "GameClient" SourceTypeGameServer SourceType = "GameServer" SourceTypePartner SourceType = "Partner" SourceTypeCustom SourceType = "Custom" SourceTypeAPI SourceType = "API" )
type StatisticAggregationMethod ¶
type StatisticAggregationMethod string
const ( StatisticAggregationMethodLast StatisticAggregationMethod = "Last" StatisticAggregationMethodMin StatisticAggregationMethod = "Min" StatisticAggregationMethodMax StatisticAggregationMethod = "Max" StatisticAggregationMethodSum StatisticAggregationMethod = "Sum" )
type StatisticModelModel ¶
type StatisticModelModel struct { // Name statistic name Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Value statistic value Value int32 `json:"Value,omitempty"` // Version statistic version (0 if not a versioned statistic) Version int32 `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
type StatisticResetIntervalOption ¶
type StatisticResetIntervalOption string
const ( StatisticResetIntervalOptionNever StatisticResetIntervalOption = "Never" StatisticResetIntervalOptionHour StatisticResetIntervalOption = "Hour" StatisticResetIntervalOptionDay StatisticResetIntervalOption = "Day" StatisticResetIntervalOptionWeek StatisticResetIntervalOption = "Week" StatisticResetIntervalOptionMonth StatisticResetIntervalOption = "Month" )
type StatisticSegmentFilterModel ¶
type StatisticSegmentFilterModel struct { // Comparison statistic filter comparison. Comparison SegmentFilterComparison `json:"Comparison,omitempty"` // FilterValue statistic filter value. FilterValue string `json:"FilterValue,omitempty"` // Name statistic name. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // UseCurrentVersion use current version of statistic? UseCurrentVersion bool `json:"UseCurrentVersion"` // Version statistic version. Version int32 `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
type StatisticVersionArchivalStatus ¶
type StatisticVersionArchivalStatus string
const ( StatisticVersionArchivalStatusNotScheduled StatisticVersionArchivalStatus = "NotScheduled" StatisticVersionArchivalStatusScheduled StatisticVersionArchivalStatus = "Scheduled" StatisticVersionArchivalStatusQueued StatisticVersionArchivalStatus = "Queued" StatisticVersionArchivalStatusInProgress StatisticVersionArchivalStatus = "InProgress" StatisticVersionArchivalStatusComplete StatisticVersionArchivalStatus = "Complete" )
type StatisticVersionStatus ¶
type StatisticVersionStatus string
const ( StatisticVersionStatusActive StatisticVersionStatus = "Active" StatisticVersionStatusSnapshotPending StatisticVersionStatus = "SnapshotPending" StatisticVersionStatusSnapshot StatisticVersionStatus = "Snapshot" StatisticVersionStatusArchivalPending StatisticVersionStatus = "ArchivalPending" StatisticVersionStatusArchived StatisticVersionStatus = "Archived" )
type StoreItemModel ¶
type StoreItemModel struct { // CustomData store specific custom data. The data only exists as part of this store; it is not transferred to item instances CustomData interface{} `json:"CustomData,omitempty"` // DisplayPosition intended display position for this item. Note that 0 is the first position DisplayPosition uint32 `json:"DisplayPosition,omitempty"` // ItemId unique identifier of the item as it exists in the catalog - note that this must exactly match the ItemId from the // catalog ItemId string `json:"ItemId,omitempty"` // RealCurrencyPrices override prices for this item for specific currencies RealCurrencyPrices map[string]uint32 `json:"RealCurrencyPrices,omitempty"` // VirtualCurrencyPrices override prices for this item in virtual currencies and "RM" (the base Real Money purchase price, in USD pennies) VirtualCurrencyPrices map[string]uint32 `json:"VirtualCurrencyPrices,omitempty"` }
StoreItem a store entry that list a catalog item at a particular price
type StoreMarketingModelModel ¶
type StoreMarketingModelModel struct { // Description tagline for a store. Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // DisplayName display name of a store as it will appear to users. DisplayName string `json:"DisplayName,omitempty"` // Metadata custom data about a store. Metadata interface{} `json:"Metadata,omitempty"` }
StoreMarketingModel marketing data about a specific store
type SubscriptionModelModel ¶
type SubscriptionModelModel struct { // Expiration when this subscription expires. Expiration time.Time `json:"Expiration,omitempty"` // InitialSubscriptionTime the time the subscription was orignially purchased InitialSubscriptionTime time.Time `json:"InitialSubscriptionTime,omitempty"` // IsActive whether this subscription is currently active. That is, if Expiration > now. IsActive bool `json:"IsActive"` // Status the status of this subscription, according to the subscription provider. Status SubscriptionProviderStatus `json:"Status,omitempty"` // SubscriptionId the id for this subscription SubscriptionId string `json:"SubscriptionId,omitempty"` // SubscriptionItemId the item id for this subscription from the primary catalog SubscriptionItemId string `json:"SubscriptionItemId,omitempty"` // SubscriptionProvider the provider for this subscription. Apple or Google Play are supported today. SubscriptionProvider string `json:"SubscriptionProvider,omitempty"` }
type SubscriptionProviderStatus ¶
type SubscriptionProviderStatus string
const ( SubscriptionProviderStatusNoError SubscriptionProviderStatus = "NoError" SubscriptionProviderStatusCancelled SubscriptionProviderStatus = "Cancelled" SubscriptionProviderStatusUnknownError SubscriptionProviderStatus = "UnknownError" SubscriptionProviderStatusBillingError SubscriptionProviderStatus = "BillingError" SubscriptionProviderStatusCustomerDidNotAcceptPriceChange SubscriptionProviderStatus = "CustomerDidNotAcceptPriceChange" SubscriptionProviderStatusFreeTrial SubscriptionProviderStatus = "FreeTrial" SubscriptionProviderStatusPaymentPending SubscriptionProviderStatus = "PaymentPending" )
type SubtractUserVirtualCurrencyRequestModel ¶
type SubtractUserVirtualCurrencyRequestModel struct { // Amount amount to be subtracted from the user balance of the specified virtual currency. Amount int32 `json:"Amount,omitempty"` // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // PlayFabId playFab unique identifier of the user whose virtual currency balance is to be decreased. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` // VirtualCurrency name of the virtual currency which is to be decremented. VirtualCurrency string `json:"VirtualCurrency,omitempty"` }
type TagModelModel ¶
type TagModelModel struct { // TagValue full value of the tag, including namespace TagValue string `json:"TagValue,omitempty"` }
type TagSegmentFilterModel ¶
type TagSegmentFilterModel struct { // Comparison tag comparison. Comparison SegmentFilterComparison `json:"Comparison,omitempty"` // TagValue tag value. TagValue string `json:"TagValue,omitempty"` }
type TaskInstanceBasicSummaryModel ¶
type TaskInstanceBasicSummaryModel struct { // CompletedAt uTC timestamp when the task completed. CompletedAt time.Time `json:"CompletedAt,omitempty"` // ErrorMessage error message for last processing attempt, if an error occured. ErrorMessage string `json:"ErrorMessage,omitempty"` // EstimatedSecondsRemaining estimated time remaining in seconds. EstimatedSecondsRemaining float64 `json:"EstimatedSecondsRemaining,omitempty"` // PercentComplete progress represented as percentage. PercentComplete float64 `json:"PercentComplete,omitempty"` // ScheduledByUserId if manually scheduled, ID of user who scheduled the task. ScheduledByUserId string `json:"ScheduledByUserId,omitempty"` // StartedAt uTC timestamp when the task started. StartedAt time.Time `json:"StartedAt,omitempty"` // Status current status of the task instance. Status TaskInstanceStatus `json:"Status,omitempty"` // TaskIdentifier identifier of the task this instance belongs to. TaskIdentifier *NameIdentifierModel `json:"TaskIdentifier,omitempty"` // TaskInstanceId iD of the task instance. TaskInstanceId string `json:"TaskInstanceId,omitempty"` // Type type of the task. Type ScheduledTaskType `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
type TaskInstanceStatus ¶
type TaskInstanceStatus string
const ( TaskInstanceStatusSucceeded TaskInstanceStatus = "Succeeded" TaskInstanceStatusStarting TaskInstanceStatus = "Starting" TaskInstanceStatusInProgress TaskInstanceStatus = "InProgress" TaskInstanceStatusFailed TaskInstanceStatus = "Failed" TaskInstanceStatusAborted TaskInstanceStatus = "Aborted" TaskInstanceStatusStalled TaskInstanceStatus = "Stalled" )
type TitleActivationStatus ¶
type TitleActivationStatus string
const ( TitleActivationStatusNone TitleActivationStatus = "None" TitleActivationStatusActivatedTitleKey TitleActivationStatus = "ActivatedTitleKey" TitleActivationStatusPendingSteam TitleActivationStatus = "PendingSteam" TitleActivationStatusActivatedSteam TitleActivationStatus = "ActivatedSteam" TitleActivationStatusRevokedSteam TitleActivationStatus = "RevokedSteam" )
type TitleDataKeyValueModel ¶
type TitleDataKeyValueModel struct { // Key key we want to set a value on (note, this is additive - will only replace an existing key's value if they are the same // name.) Keys are trimmed of whitespace. Keys may not begin with the '!' character. Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Value new value to set. Set to null to remove a value Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
type TotalValueToDateInUSDSegmentFilterModel ¶
type TotalValueToDateInUSDSegmentFilterModel struct { // Amount total value to date USD amount. Amount string `json:"Amount,omitempty"` // Comparison total value to date USD comparison. Comparison SegmentFilterComparison `json:"Comparison,omitempty"` }
type UpdateBanRequestModel ¶
type UpdateBanRequestModel struct { // Active the updated active state for the ban. Null for no change. Active bool `json:"Active"` // BanId the id of the ban to be updated. BanId string `json:"BanId,omitempty"` // Expires the updated expiration date for the ban. Null for no change. Expires time.Time `json:"Expires,omitempty"` // IPAddress the updated IP address for the ban. Null for no change. IPAddress string `json:"IPAddress,omitempty"` // Permanent whether to make this ban permanent. Set to true to make this ban permanent. This will not modify Active state. Permanent bool `json:"Permanent"` // Reason the updated reason for the ban to be updated. Maximum 140 characters. Null for no change. Reason string `json:"Reason,omitempty"` }
UpdateBanRequest represents a single update ban request.
type UpdateBansRequestModel ¶
type UpdateBansRequestModel struct { // Bans list of bans to be updated. Maximum 100. Bans []UpdateBanRequestModel `json:"Bans,omitempty"` }
UpdateBansRequest for each ban, only updates the values that are set. Leave any value to null for no change. If a ban could not be found, the rest are still applied. Returns information about applied updates only.
type UpdateBansResultModel ¶
type UpdateBansResultModel struct { // BanData information on the bans that were updated BanData []BanInfoModel `json:"BanData,omitempty"` }
func UpdateBans ¶
func UpdateBans(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *UpdateBansRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*UpdateBansResultModel, error)
UpdateBans updates information of a list of existing bans specified with Ban Ids.
type UpdateCatalogItemsRequestModel ¶
type UpdateCatalogItemsRequestModel struct { // Catalog array of catalog items to be submitted. Note that while CatalogItem has a parameter for CatalogVersion, it is not // required and ignored in this call. Catalog []CatalogItemModel `json:"Catalog,omitempty"` // CatalogVersion which catalog is being updated. If null, uses the default catalog. CatalogVersion string `json:"CatalogVersion,omitempty"` // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // SetAsDefaultCatalog should this catalog be set as the default catalog. Defaults to true. If there is currently no default catalog, this will // always set it. SetAsDefaultCatalog bool `json:"SetAsDefaultCatalog"` }
UpdateCatalogItemsRequest when used for SetCatalogItems, this operation is not additive. Using it will cause the indicated catalog version to be created from scratch. If there is an existing catalog with the version number in question, it will be deleted and replaced with only the items specified in this call. When used for UpdateCatalogItems, this operation is additive. Items with ItemId values not currently in the catalog will be added, while those with ItemId values matching items currently in the catalog will overwrite those items with the given values.
type UpdateCatalogItemsResultModel ¶
type UpdateCatalogItemsResultModel struct { }
func SetCatalogItems ¶
func SetCatalogItems(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *UpdateCatalogItemsRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*UpdateCatalogItemsResultModel, error)
SetCatalogItems creates the catalog configuration of all virtual goods for the specified catalog version
func UpdateCatalogItems ¶
func UpdateCatalogItems(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *UpdateCatalogItemsRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*UpdateCatalogItemsResultModel, error)
UpdateCatalogItems updates the catalog configuration for virtual goods in the specified catalog version
type UpdateCloudScriptRequestModel ¶
type UpdateCloudScriptRequestModel struct { // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // DeveloperPlayFabId playFab user ID of the developer initiating the request. DeveloperPlayFabId string `json:"DeveloperPlayFabId,omitempty"` // Files list of Cloud Script files to upload to create the new revision. Must have at least one file. Files []CloudScriptFileModel `json:"Files,omitempty"` // Publish immediately publish the new revision Publish bool `json:"Publish"` }
type UpdateCloudScriptResultModel ¶
type UpdateCloudScriptResultModel struct { // Revision new revision number created Revision int32 `json:"Revision,omitempty"` // Version cloud Script version updated Version int32 `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
func UpdateCloudScript ¶
func UpdateCloudScript(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *UpdateCloudScriptRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*UpdateCloudScriptResultModel, error)
UpdateCloudScript creates a new Cloud Script revision and uploads source code to it. Note that at this time, only one file should be submitted in the revision.
type UpdateOpenIdConnectionRequestModel ¶
type UpdateOpenIdConnectionRequestModel struct { // ClientId the client ID given by the ID provider. ClientId string `json:"ClientId,omitempty"` // ClientSecret the client secret given by the ID provider. ClientSecret string `json:"ClientSecret,omitempty"` // ConnectionId a name for the connection that identifies it within the title. ConnectionId string `json:"ConnectionId,omitempty"` // IssuerDiscoveryUrl the issuer URL or discovery document URL to read issuer information from IssuerDiscoveryUrl string `json:"IssuerDiscoveryUrl,omitempty"` // IssuerInformation manually specified information for an OpenID Connect issuer. IssuerInformation *OpenIdIssuerInformationModel `json:"IssuerInformation,omitempty"` }
type UpdatePlayerSharedSecretRequestModel ¶
type UpdatePlayerSharedSecretRequestModel struct { bool `json:"Disabled"` FriendlyName string `json:"FriendlyName,omitempty"` SecretKey string `json:"SecretKey,omitempty"` }Disabled
UpdatePlayerSharedSecretRequest player Shared Secret Keys are used for the call to Client/GetTitlePublicKey, which exchanges the shared secret for an RSA CSP blob to be used to encrypt the payload of account creation requests when that API requires a signature header.
type UpdatePlayerSharedSecretResultModel ¶
type UpdatePlayerSharedSecretResultModel struct { }
func UpdatePlayerSharedSecret ¶
func UpdatePlayerSharedSecret(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *UpdatePlayerSharedSecretRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*UpdatePlayerSharedSecretResultModel, error)
UpdatePlayerSharedSecret updates a existing Player Shared Secret Key. It may take up to 5 minutes for this update to become generally available after this API returns.
type UpdatePlayerStatisticDefinitionRequestModel ¶
type UpdatePlayerStatisticDefinitionRequestModel struct { // AggregationMethod the aggregation method to use in updating the statistic (defaults to last) AggregationMethod StatisticAggregationMethod `json:"AggregationMethod,omitempty"` // StatisticName unique name of the statistic StatisticName string `json:"StatisticName,omitempty"` // VersionChangeInterval interval at which the values of the statistic for all players are reset (changes are effective at the next occurance of // the new interval boundary) VersionChangeInterval StatisticResetIntervalOption `json:"VersionChangeInterval,omitempty"` }
UpdatePlayerStatisticDefinitionRequest statistics are numeric values, with each statistic in the title also generating a leaderboard. The ResetInterval enables automatically resetting leaderboards on a specified interval. Upon reset, the statistic updates to a new version with no values (effectively removing all players from the leaderboard). The previous version's statistic values are also archived for retrieval, if needed (see GetPlayerStatisticVersions). Statistics not created via a call to CreatePlayerStatisticDefinition by default have a VersionChangeInterval of Never, meaning they do not reset on a schedule, but they can be set to do so via a call to UpdatePlayerStatisticDefinition. Once a statistic has been reset (sometimes referred to as versioned or incremented), the now-previous version can still be written to for up a short, pre-defined period (currently 10 seconds), to prevent issues with levels completing around the time of the reset. Also, once reset, the historical statistics for players in the title may be retrieved using the URL specified in the version information (GetPlayerStatisticVersions). The AggregationMethod determines what action is taken when a new statistic value is submitted - always update with the new value (Last), use the highest of the old and new values (Max), use the smallest (Min), or add them together (Sum).
type UpdatePlayerStatisticDefinitionResultModel ¶
type UpdatePlayerStatisticDefinitionResultModel struct { // Statistic updated statistic definition Statistic *PlayerStatisticDefinitionModel `json:"Statistic,omitempty"` }
func UpdatePlayerStatisticDefinition ¶
func UpdatePlayerStatisticDefinition(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *UpdatePlayerStatisticDefinitionRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*UpdatePlayerStatisticDefinitionResultModel, error)
UpdatePlayerStatisticDefinition updates a player statistic configuration for the title, optionally allowing the developer to specify a reset interval.
type UpdatePolicyRequestModel ¶
type UpdatePolicyRequestModel struct { // OverwritePolicy whether to overwrite or append to the existing policy. OverwritePolicy bool `json:"OverwritePolicy"` // PolicyName the name of the policy being updated. Only supported name is 'ApiPolicy' PolicyName string `json:"PolicyName,omitempty"` // PolicyVersion version of the policy to update. Must be the latest (as returned by GetPolicy). PolicyVersion int32 `json:"PolicyVersion,omitempty"` // Statements the new statements to include in the policy. Statements []PermissionStatementModel `json:"Statements,omitempty"` }
UpdatePolicyRequest updates permissions for your title. Policies affect what is allowed to happen on your title. Your policy is a collection of statements that, together, govern particular area for your title. Today, the only allowed policy is called 'ApiPolicy' and it governs what API calls are allowed. To verify that you have the latest version always download the current policy from GetPolicy before uploading a new policy. PlayFab updates the base policy periodically and will automatically apply it to the uploaded policy. Overwriting the combined policy blindly may result in unexpected API errors.
type UpdatePolicyResponseModel ¶
type UpdatePolicyResponseModel struct { // PolicyName the name of the policy that was updated. PolicyName string `json:"PolicyName,omitempty"` // Statements the statements included in the new version of the policy. Statements []PermissionStatementModel `json:"Statements,omitempty"` }
func UpdatePolicy ¶
func UpdatePolicy(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *UpdatePolicyRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*UpdatePolicyResponseModel, error)
UpdatePolicy changes a policy for a title
type UpdateRandomResultTablesRequestModel ¶
type UpdateRandomResultTablesRequestModel struct { // CatalogVersion which catalog is being updated. If null, update the current default catalog version CatalogVersion string `json:"CatalogVersion,omitempty"` // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // Tables array of random result tables to make available (Note: specifying an existing TableId will result in overwriting that // table, while any others will be added to the available set) Tables []RandomResultTableModel `json:"Tables,omitempty"` }
UpdateRandomResultTablesRequest this operation is additive. Tables with TableId values not currently defined will be added, while those with TableId values matching Tables currently in the catalog will be overwritten with the given values.
type UpdateRandomResultTablesResultModel ¶
type UpdateRandomResultTablesResultModel struct { }
func UpdateRandomResultTables ¶
func UpdateRandomResultTables(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *UpdateRandomResultTablesRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*UpdateRandomResultTablesResultModel, error)
UpdateRandomResultTables updates the random drop table configuration for the title
type UpdateSegmentRequestModel ¶
type UpdateSegmentRequestModel struct { // SegmentModel segment model with all of the segment properties data. SegmentModel *SegmentModelModel `json:"SegmentModel,omitempty"` }
UpdateSegmentRequest update segment properties data which are planning to update
type UpdateSegmentResponseModel ¶
type UpdateSegmentResponseModel struct { // ErrorMessage error message. ErrorMessage string `json:"ErrorMessage,omitempty"` // SegmentId segment id. SegmentId string `json:"SegmentId,omitempty"` }
func UpdateSegment ¶
func UpdateSegment(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *UpdateSegmentRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*UpdateSegmentResponseModel, error)
UpdateSegment updates an existing player segment and its associated definition(s) and action(s) for a title.
type UpdateStoreItemsRequestModel ¶
type UpdateStoreItemsRequestModel struct { // CatalogVersion catalog version of the store to update. If null, uses the default catalog. CatalogVersion string `json:"CatalogVersion,omitempty"` // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // MarketingData additional data about the store MarketingData *StoreMarketingModelModel `json:"MarketingData,omitempty"` // Store array of store items - references to catalog items, with specific pricing - to be added Store []StoreItemModel `json:"Store,omitempty"` // StoreId unique identifier for the store which is to be updated StoreId string `json:"StoreId,omitempty"` }
UpdateStoreItemsRequest when used for SetStoreItems, this operation is not additive. Using it will cause the indicated virtual store to be created from scratch. If there is an existing store with the same storeId, it will be deleted and replaced with only the items specified in this call. When used for UpdateStoreItems, this operation is additive. Items with ItemId values not currently in the store will be added, while those with ItemId values matching items currently in the catalog will overwrite those items with the given values. In both cases, a store contains an array of references to items defined in the catalog, along with the prices for the item, in both real world and virtual currencies. These prices act as an override to any prices defined in the catalog. In this way, the base definitions of the items may be defined in the catalog, with all associated properties, while the pricing can be set for each store, as needed. This allows for subsets of goods to be defined for different purposes (in order to simplify showing some, but not all catalog items to users, based upon different characteristics), along with unique prices. Note that all prices defined in the catalog and store definitions for the item are considered valid, and that a compromised client can be made to send a request for an item based upon any of these definitions. If no price is specified in the store for an item, the price set in the catalog should be displayed to the user.
type UpdateStoreItemsResultModel ¶
type UpdateStoreItemsResultModel struct { }
func SetStoreItems ¶
func SetStoreItems(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *UpdateStoreItemsRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*UpdateStoreItemsResultModel, error)
SetStoreItems sets all the items in one virtual store
func UpdateStoreItems ¶
func UpdateStoreItems(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *UpdateStoreItemsRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*UpdateStoreItemsResultModel, error)
UpdateStoreItems updates an existing virtual item store with new or modified items
type UpdateTaskRequestModel ¶
type UpdateTaskRequestModel struct { // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // Description description the task Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Identifier specify either the task ID or the name of the task to be updated. Identifier *NameIdentifierModel `json:"Identifier,omitempty"` // IsActive whether the schedule is active. Inactive schedule will not trigger task execution. IsActive bool `json:"IsActive"` // Name name of the task. This is a unique identifier for tasks in the title. Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Parameter parameter object specific to the task type. See each task type's create API documentation for details. Parameter interface{} `json:"Parameter,omitempty"` // Schedule cron expression for the run schedule of the task. The expression should be in UTC. Schedule string `json:"Schedule,omitempty"` // Type task type. Type ScheduledTaskType `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
UpdateTaskRequest note that when calling this API, all properties of the task have to be provided, including properties that you do not want to change. Parameters not specified would be set to default value. If the task name in the update request is new, a task rename operation will be executed before updating other fields of the task. WARNING: Renaming of a task may break logics where the task name is used as an identifier.
type UpdateUserDataRequestModel ¶
type UpdateUserDataRequestModel struct { // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // Data key-value pairs to be written to the custom data. Note that keys are trimmed of whitespace, are limited in size, and may // not begin with a '!' character or be null. Data map[string]string `json:"Data,omitempty"` // KeysToRemove optional list of Data-keys to remove from UserData. Some SDKs cannot insert null-values into Data due to language // constraints. Use this to delete the keys directly. KeysToRemove []string `json:"KeysToRemove,omitempty"` // Permission permission to be applied to all user data keys written in this request. Defaults to "private" if not set. Permission UserDataPermission `json:"Permission,omitempty"` // PlayFabId unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` }
UpdateUserDataRequest this function performs an additive update of the arbitrary JSON object containing the custom data for the user. In updating the custom data object, keys which already exist in the object will have their values overwritten, while keys with null values will be removed. No other key-value pairs will be changed apart from those specified in the call.
type UpdateUserDataResultModel ¶
type UpdateUserDataResultModel struct { // DataVersion indicates the current version of the data that has been set. This is incremented with every set call for that type of // data (read-only, internal, etc). This version can be provided in Get calls to find updated data. DataVersion uint32 `json:"DataVersion,omitempty"` }
func UpdateUserData ¶
func UpdateUserData(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *UpdateUserDataRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*UpdateUserDataResultModel, error)
UpdateUserData updates the title-specific custom data for the user which is readable and writable by the client
func UpdateUserInternalData ¶
func UpdateUserInternalData(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *UpdateUserInternalDataRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*UpdateUserDataResultModel, error)
UpdateUserInternalData updates the title-specific custom data for the user which cannot be accessed by the client
func UpdateUserPublisherData ¶
func UpdateUserPublisherData(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *UpdateUserDataRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*UpdateUserDataResultModel, error)
UpdateUserPublisherData updates the publisher-specific custom data for the user which is readable and writable by the client
func UpdateUserPublisherInternalData ¶
func UpdateUserPublisherInternalData(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *UpdateUserInternalDataRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*UpdateUserDataResultModel, error)
UpdateUserPublisherInternalData updates the publisher-specific custom data for the user which cannot be accessed by the client
func UpdateUserPublisherReadOnlyData ¶
func UpdateUserPublisherReadOnlyData(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *UpdateUserDataRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*UpdateUserDataResultModel, error)
UpdateUserPublisherReadOnlyData updates the publisher-specific custom data for the user which can only be read by the client
func UpdateUserReadOnlyData ¶
func UpdateUserReadOnlyData(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *UpdateUserDataRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*UpdateUserDataResultModel, error)
UpdateUserReadOnlyData updates the title-specific custom data for the user which can only be read by the client
type UpdateUserInternalDataRequestModel ¶
type UpdateUserInternalDataRequestModel struct { // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // Data key-value pairs to be written to the custom data. Note that keys are trimmed of whitespace, are limited in size, and may // not begin with a '!' character or be null. Data map[string]string `json:"Data,omitempty"` // KeysToRemove optional list of Data-keys to remove from UserData. Some SDKs cannot insert null-values into Data due to language // constraints. Use this to delete the keys directly. KeysToRemove []string `json:"KeysToRemove,omitempty"` // PlayFabId unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed. PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` }
UpdateUserInternalDataRequest this function performs an additive update of the arbitrary JSON object containing the custom data for the user. In updating the custom data object, keys which already exist in the object will have their values overwritten, keys with null values will be removed. No other key-value pairs will be changed apart from those specified in the call.
type UpdateUserTitleDisplayNameRequestModel ¶
type UpdateUserTitleDisplayNameRequestModel struct { // CustomTags the optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). CustomTags map[string]string `json:"CustomTags,omitempty"` // DisplayName new title display name for the user - must be between 3 and 25 characters DisplayName string `json:"DisplayName,omitempty"` // PlayFabId playFab unique identifier of the user whose title specific display name is to be changed PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` }
UpdateUserTitleDisplayNameRequest in addition to the PlayFab username, titles can make use of a DisplayName which is also a unique identifier, but specific to the title. This allows for unique names which more closely match the theme or genre of a title, for example. This API enables changing that name, whether due to a customer request, an offensive name choice, etc.
type UpdateUserTitleDisplayNameResultModel ¶
type UpdateUserTitleDisplayNameResultModel struct { // DisplayName current title display name for the user (this will be the original display name if the rename attempt failed) DisplayName string `json:"DisplayName,omitempty"` }
func UpdateUserTitleDisplayName ¶
func UpdateUserTitleDisplayName(settings *playfab.Settings, postData *UpdateUserTitleDisplayNameRequestModel, developerSecretKey string) (*UpdateUserTitleDisplayNameResultModel, error)
UpdateUserTitleDisplayName updates the title specific display name for a user
type UserAccountInfoModel ¶
type UserAccountInfoModel struct { // AndroidDeviceInfo user Android device information, if an Android device has been linked AndroidDeviceInfo *UserAndroidDeviceInfoModel `json:"AndroidDeviceInfo,omitempty"` // AppleAccountInfo sign in with Apple account information, if an Apple account has been linked AppleAccountInfo *UserAppleIdInfoModel `json:"AppleAccountInfo,omitempty"` // Created timestamp indicating when the user account was created Created time.Time `json:"Created,omitempty"` // CustomIdInfo custom ID information, if a custom ID has been assigned CustomIdInfo *UserCustomIdInfoModel `json:"CustomIdInfo,omitempty"` // FacebookInfo user Facebook information, if a Facebook account has been linked FacebookInfo *UserFacebookInfoModel `json:"FacebookInfo,omitempty"` // FacebookInstantGamesIdInfo facebook Instant Games account information, if a Facebook Instant Games account has been linked FacebookInstantGamesIdInfo *UserFacebookInstantGamesIdInfoModel `json:"FacebookInstantGamesIdInfo,omitempty"` // GameCenterInfo user Gamecenter information, if a Gamecenter account has been linked GameCenterInfo *UserGameCenterInfoModel `json:"GameCenterInfo,omitempty"` // GoogleInfo user Google account information, if a Google account has been linked GoogleInfo *UserGoogleInfoModel `json:"GoogleInfo,omitempty"` // GooglePlayGamesInfo user Google Play Games account information, if a Google Play Games account has been linked GooglePlayGamesInfo *UserGooglePlayGamesInfoModel `json:"GooglePlayGamesInfo,omitempty"` // IosDeviceInfo user iOS device information, if an iOS device has been linked IosDeviceInfo *UserIosDeviceInfoModel `json:"IosDeviceInfo,omitempty"` // KongregateInfo user Kongregate account information, if a Kongregate account has been linked KongregateInfo *UserKongregateInfoModel `json:"KongregateInfo,omitempty"` // NintendoSwitchAccountInfo nintendo Switch account information, if a Nintendo Switch account has been linked NintendoSwitchAccountInfo *UserNintendoSwitchAccountIdInfoModel `json:"NintendoSwitchAccountInfo,omitempty"` // NintendoSwitchDeviceIdInfo nintendo Switch device information, if a Nintendo Switch device has been linked NintendoSwitchDeviceIdInfo *UserNintendoSwitchDeviceIdInfoModel `json:"NintendoSwitchDeviceIdInfo,omitempty"` // OpenIdInfo openID Connect information, if any OpenID Connect accounts have been linked OpenIdInfo []UserOpenIdInfoModel `json:"OpenIdInfo,omitempty"` // PlayFabId unique identifier for the user account PlayFabId string `json:"PlayFabId,omitempty"` // PrivateInfo personal information for the user which is considered more sensitive PrivateInfo *UserPrivateAccountInfoModel `json:"PrivateInfo,omitempty"` // PsnInfo user PlayStation :tm: Network account information, if a PlayStation :tm: Network account has been linked PsnInfo *UserPsnInfoModel `json:"PsnInfo,omitempty"` // SteamInfo user Steam information, if a Steam account has been linked SteamInfo *UserSteamInfoModel `json:"SteamInfo,omitempty"` // TitleInfo title-specific information for the user account TitleInfo *UserTitleInfoModel `json:"TitleInfo,omitempty"` // TwitchInfo user Twitch account information, if a Twitch account has been linked TwitchInfo *UserTwitchInfoModel `json:"TwitchInfo,omitempty"` // Username user account name in the PlayFab service Username string `json:"Username,omitempty"` // XboxInfo user XBox account information, if a XBox account has been linked XboxInfo *UserXboxInfoModel `json:"XboxInfo,omitempty"` }
type UserAndroidDeviceInfoModel ¶
type UserAndroidDeviceInfoModel struct { // AndroidDeviceId android device ID AndroidDeviceId string `json:"AndroidDeviceId,omitempty"` }
type UserAppleIdInfoModel ¶
type UserAppleIdInfoModel struct { // AppleSubjectId apple subject ID AppleSubjectId string `json:"AppleSubjectId,omitempty"` }
type UserCustomIdInfoModel ¶
type UserCustomIdInfoModel struct { // CustomId custom ID CustomId string `json:"CustomId,omitempty"` }
type UserDataPermission ¶
type UserDataPermission string
UserDataPermission indicates whether a given data key is private (readable only by the player) or public (readable by all players). When a player makes a GetUserData request about another player, only keys marked Public will be returned.
const ( UserDataPermissionPrivate UserDataPermission = "Private" UserDataPermissionPublic UserDataPermission = "Public" )
type UserDataRecordModel ¶
type UserDataRecordModel struct { // LastUpdated timestamp for when this data was last updated. LastUpdated time.Time `json:"LastUpdated,omitempty"` // Permission indicates whether this data can be read by all users (public) or only the user (private). This is used for GetUserData // requests being made by one player about another player. Permission UserDataPermission `json:"Permission,omitempty"` // Value data stored for the specified user data key. Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
type UserFacebookInfoModel ¶
type UserFacebookInfoModel struct { // FacebookId facebook identifier FacebookId string `json:"FacebookId,omitempty"` // FullName facebook full name FullName string `json:"FullName,omitempty"` }
type UserFacebookInstantGamesIdInfoModel ¶
type UserFacebookInstantGamesIdInfoModel struct { // FacebookInstantGamesId facebook Instant Games ID FacebookInstantGamesId string `json:"FacebookInstantGamesId,omitempty"` }
type UserGameCenterInfoModel ¶
type UserGameCenterInfoModel struct { // GameCenterId gamecenter identifier GameCenterId string `json:"GameCenterId,omitempty"` }
type UserGoogleInfoModel ¶
type UserGoogleInfoModel struct { // GoogleEmail email address of the Google account GoogleEmail string `json:"GoogleEmail,omitempty"` // GoogleGender gender information of the Google account GoogleGender string `json:"GoogleGender,omitempty"` // GoogleId google ID GoogleId string `json:"GoogleId,omitempty"` // GoogleLocale locale of the Google account GoogleLocale string `json:"GoogleLocale,omitempty"` // GoogleName name of the Google account user GoogleName string `json:"GoogleName,omitempty"` }
type UserGooglePlayGamesInfoModel ¶
type UserGooglePlayGamesInfoModel struct { // GooglePlayGamesPlayerAvatarImageUrl avatar image url of the Google Play Games player GooglePlayGamesPlayerAvatarImageUrl string `json:"GooglePlayGamesPlayerAvatarImageUrl,omitempty"` // GooglePlayGamesPlayerDisplayName display name of the Google Play Games player GooglePlayGamesPlayerDisplayName string `json:"GooglePlayGamesPlayerDisplayName,omitempty"` // GooglePlayGamesPlayerId google Play Games player ID GooglePlayGamesPlayerId string `json:"GooglePlayGamesPlayerId,omitempty"` }
type UserIosDeviceInfoModel ¶
type UserIosDeviceInfoModel struct { // IosDeviceId iOS device ID IosDeviceId string `json:"IosDeviceId,omitempty"` }
type UserKongregateInfoModel ¶
type UserKongregateInfoModel struct { // KongregateId kongregate ID KongregateId string `json:"KongregateId,omitempty"` // KongregateName kongregate Username KongregateName string `json:"KongregateName,omitempty"` }
type UserNintendoSwitchAccountIdInfoModel ¶
type UserNintendoSwitchAccountIdInfoModel struct { // NintendoSwitchAccountSubjectId nintendo Switch account subject ID NintendoSwitchAccountSubjectId string `json:"NintendoSwitchAccountSubjectId,omitempty"` }
type UserNintendoSwitchDeviceIdInfoModel ¶
type UserNintendoSwitchDeviceIdInfoModel struct { // NintendoSwitchDeviceId nintendo Switch Device ID NintendoSwitchDeviceId string `json:"NintendoSwitchDeviceId,omitempty"` }
type UserOpenIdInfoModel ¶
type UserOpenIdInfoModel struct { // ConnectionId openID Connection ID ConnectionId string `json:"ConnectionId,omitempty"` // Issuer openID Issuer Issuer string `json:"Issuer,omitempty"` // Subject openID Subject Subject string `json:"Subject,omitempty"` }
type UserOrigination ¶
type UserOrigination string
const ( UserOriginationOrganic UserOrigination = "Organic" UserOriginationSteam UserOrigination = "Steam" UserOriginationGoogle UserOrigination = "Google" UserOriginationAmazon UserOrigination = "Amazon" UserOriginationFacebook UserOrigination = "Facebook" UserOriginationKongregate UserOrigination = "Kongregate" UserOriginationGamersFirst UserOrigination = "GamersFirst" UserOriginationUnknown UserOrigination = "Unknown" UserOriginationIOS UserOrigination = "IOS" UserOriginationLoadTest UserOrigination = "LoadTest" UserOriginationAndroid UserOrigination = "Android" UserOriginationPSN UserOrigination = "PSN" UserOriginationGameCenter UserOrigination = "GameCenter" UserOriginationCustomId UserOrigination = "CustomId" UserOriginationXboxLive UserOrigination = "XboxLive" UserOriginationParse UserOrigination = "Parse" UserOriginationTwitch UserOrigination = "Twitch" UserOriginationServerCustomId UserOrigination = "ServerCustomId" UserOriginationNintendoSwitchDeviceId UserOrigination = "NintendoSwitchDeviceId" UserOriginationFacebookInstantGamesId UserOrigination = "FacebookInstantGamesId" UserOriginationOpenIdConnect UserOrigination = "OpenIdConnect" UserOriginationApple UserOrigination = "Apple" UserOriginationNintendoSwitchAccount UserOrigination = "NintendoSwitchAccount" UserOriginationGooglePlayGames UserOrigination = "GooglePlayGames" )
type UserOriginationSegmentFilterModel ¶
type UserOriginationSegmentFilterModel struct { // LoginProvider user login provider. LoginProvider SegmentLoginIdentityProvider `json:"LoginProvider,omitempty"` }
type UserPrivateAccountInfoModel ¶
type UserPrivateAccountInfoModel struct { // Email user email address Email string `json:"Email,omitempty"` }
type UserPsnInfoModel ¶
type UserPsnInfoModel struct { // PsnAccountId playStation :tm: Network account ID PsnAccountId string `json:"PsnAccountId,omitempty"` // PsnOnlineId playStation :tm: Network online ID PsnOnlineId string `json:"PsnOnlineId,omitempty"` }
type UserSteamInfoModel ¶
type UserSteamInfoModel struct { // SteamActivationStatus what stage of game ownership the user is listed as being in, from Steam SteamActivationStatus TitleActivationStatus `json:"SteamActivationStatus,omitempty"` // SteamCountry the country in which the player resides, from Steam data SteamCountry string `json:"SteamCountry,omitempty"` // SteamCurrency currency type set in the user Steam account SteamCurrency Currency `json:"SteamCurrency,omitempty"` // SteamId steam identifier SteamId string `json:"SteamId,omitempty"` // SteamName steam display name SteamName string `json:"SteamName,omitempty"` }
type UserTitleInfoModel ¶
type UserTitleInfoModel struct { // AvatarUrl uRL to the player's avatar. AvatarUrl string `json:"AvatarUrl,omitempty"` // Created timestamp indicating when the user was first associated with this game (this can differ significantly from when the user // first registered with PlayFab) Created time.Time `json:"Created,omitempty"` // DisplayName name of the user, as it is displayed in-game DisplayName string `json:"DisplayName,omitempty"` // FirstLogin timestamp indicating when the user first signed into this game (this can differ from the Created timestamp, as other // events, such as issuing a beta key to the user, can associate the title to the user) FirstLogin time.Time `json:"FirstLogin,omitempty"` // isBanned boolean indicating whether or not the user is currently banned for a title IsBanned bool `json:"isBanned"` // LastLogin timestamp for the last user login for this title LastLogin time.Time `json:"LastLogin,omitempty"` // Origination source by which the user first joined the game, if known Origination UserOrigination `json:"Origination,omitempty"` // TitlePlayerAccount title player account entity for this user TitlePlayerAccount *EntityKeyModel `json:"TitlePlayerAccount,omitempty"` }
type UserTwitchInfoModel ¶
type UserTwitchInfoModel struct { // TwitchId twitch ID TwitchId string `json:"TwitchId,omitempty"` // TwitchUserName twitch Username TwitchUserName string `json:"TwitchUserName,omitempty"` }
type UserXboxInfoModel ¶
type UserXboxInfoModel struct { // XboxUserId xBox user ID XboxUserId string `json:"XboxUserId,omitempty"` // XboxUserSandbox xBox user sandbox XboxUserSandbox string `json:"XboxUserSandbox,omitempty"` }
type ValueToDateModelModel ¶
type ValueToDateModelModel struct { // Currency iSO 4217 code of the currency used in the purchases Currency string `json:"Currency,omitempty"` // TotalValue total value of the purchases in a whole number of 1/100 monetary units. For example, 999 indicates nine dollars and // ninety-nine cents when Currency is 'USD') TotalValue uint32 `json:"TotalValue,omitempty"` // TotalValueAsDecimal total value of the purchases in a string representation of decimal monetary units. For example, '9.99' indicates nine // dollars and ninety-nine cents when Currency is 'USD'. TotalValueAsDecimal string `json:"TotalValueAsDecimal,omitempty"` }
type ValueToDateSegmentFilterModel ¶
type ValueToDateSegmentFilterModel struct { // Amount value to date amount. Amount string `json:"Amount,omitempty"` // Comparison value to date comparison. Comparison SegmentFilterComparison `json:"Comparison,omitempty"` // Currency currency using for filter. Currency SegmentCurrency `json:"Currency,omitempty"` }
type VirtualCurrencyBalanceSegmentFilterModel ¶
type VirtualCurrencyBalanceSegmentFilterModel struct { // Amount total amount. Amount int32 `json:"Amount,omitempty"` // Comparison amount comparison. Comparison SegmentFilterComparison `json:"Comparison,omitempty"` // CurrencyCode currency code. CurrencyCode string `json:"CurrencyCode,omitempty"` }
type VirtualCurrencyDataModel ¶
type VirtualCurrencyDataModel struct { // CurrencyCode unique two-character identifier for this currency type (e.g.: "CC") CurrencyCode string `json:"CurrencyCode,omitempty"` // DisplayName friendly name to show in the developer portal, reports, etc. DisplayName string `json:"DisplayName,omitempty"` // InitialDeposit amount to automatically grant users upon first login to the title InitialDeposit int32 `json:"InitialDeposit,omitempty"` // RechargeMax maximum amount to which the currency will recharge (cannot exceed MaxAmount, but can be less) RechargeMax int32 `json:"RechargeMax,omitempty"` // RechargeRate rate at which the currency automatically be added to over time, in units per day (24 hours) RechargeRate int32 `json:"RechargeRate,omitempty"` }
type VirtualCurrencyRechargeTimeModel ¶
type VirtualCurrencyRechargeTimeModel struct { // RechargeMax maximum value to which the regenerating currency will automatically increment. Note that it can exceed this value // through use of the AddUserVirtualCurrency API call. However, it will not regenerate automatically until it has fallen // below this value. RechargeMax int32 `json:"RechargeMax,omitempty"` // RechargeTime server timestamp in UTC indicating the next time the virtual currency will be incremented. RechargeTime time.Time `json:"RechargeTime,omitempty"` // SecondsToRecharge time remaining (in seconds) before the next recharge increment of the virtual currency. SecondsToRecharge int32 `json:"SecondsToRecharge,omitempty"` }