# go-zero 微服务实战
mkdir -p mall && cd mall && go mod init
mkdir -p service && cd service
mkdir -p {user,order,pay,product}/{api,rpc,model}
cd user
goctl model mysql ddl -src ./model/user.sql -dir ./model -c
goctl api go -api ./api/user.api -dir ./api
goctl rpc protoc rpc/user.proto --go_out=./rpc/pb --go-grpc_out=./rpc/pb --zrpc_out=rpc/
goctl docker --go user.go --port 8000
cd ~/go-zero-demo/mall/service/product/api
go mod init github.com/dfang/mall/service/product/api
go mod tidy
cd ~/go-zero-demo/mall/service/product/rpc
go mod init github.com/dfang/mall/service/pay/rpc
go mod tidy
cd ~/go-zero-demo/mall/service/user/api
go mod init github.com/dfang/mall/service/user/api
go mod tidy
cd ~/go-zero-demo/mall/service/user/rpc
go mod init github.com/dfang/mall/service/pay/rpc
go mod tidy
cd ~/go-zero-demo/mall/service/order/api
go mod init github.com/dfang/mall/service/order/api
go mod tidy
cd ~/go-zero-demo/mall/service/order/rpc
go mod init github.com/dfang/mall/service/order/rpc
go mod tidy
cd ~/go-zero-demo/mall/service/pay/api
go mod init github.com/dfang/mall/service/pay/api
go mod tidy
cd ~/go-zero-demo/mall/service/pay/rpc
go mod init github.com/dfang/mall/service/pay/rpc
go mod tidy
gsed -i 's/search/replace/gI' input.txt
# only find word ‘love’ and replace it with ‘sick’ if line content a specific string such as FOO:
sed -i -e '/FOO/s/love/sick/' input.txt
etcdctl get "" --prefix --keys-only
etcdctl --endpoints etcd:2379 get "" --prefix --keys-only
unset all proxy on local
find . -name captain.yml -execdir captain build \;
find . -name captain.yml -execdir sh -c "captain build; captain push" \;
λ tree -L 2 service/
├── order
│ ├── api
│ ├── captain.yml
│ ├── model
│ └── rpc
├── pay
│ ├── api
│ ├── captain.yml
│ ├── model
│ └── rpc
├── product
│ ├── api
│ ├── captain.yml
│ ├── model
│ └── rpc
└── user
├── api
├── captain.yml
├── model
└── rpc
# 进入每个RPC目录执行go mod tidy
λ find . -type d -iname rpc -execdir sh -c "cd {}; go mod tidy" \;
cd service
find . -name go.mod -execdir bash -c "go mod tidy" \;
find . -iname .gitignore -execdir bash -c "cat {}; echo" \;
find . -iname .gitignore -execdir bash -c "git add {}" \;