Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func DisplayName(item world.Item, locale language.Tag) string
- func EnchantmentID(e EnchantmentType) (int, bool)
- func RegisterEnchantment(id int, enchantment EnchantmentType)
- type AmethystShard
- type Apple
- type Armour
- type ArmourTier
- type ArmourTierChain
- type ArmourTierDiamond
- type ArmourTierGold
- type ArmourTierIron
- type ArmourTierLeather
- type ArmourTierNetherite
- type Arrow
- type Axe
- func (a Axe) AttackDamage() float64
- func (a Axe) BaseMiningEfficiency(world.Block) float64
- func (a Axe) DurabilityInfo() DurabilityInfo
- func (a Axe) EnchantmentValue() int
- func (a Axe) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
- func (a Axe) FuelInfo() FuelInfo
- func (a Axe) HarvestLevel() int
- func (a Axe) MaxCount() int
- func (a Axe) RepairableBy(i Stack) bool
- func (a Axe) SmeltInfo() SmeltInfo
- func (a Axe) ToolType() ToolType
- func (a Axe) UseOnBlock(pos cube.Pos, _ cube.Face, _ mgl64.Vec3, w *world.World, _ User, ...) bool
- type BakedPotato
- type BannerPattern
- type BannerPatternType
- func BannerPatterns() []BannerPatternType
- func BordureIndentedBannerPattern() BannerPatternType
- func CreeperBannerPattern() BannerPatternType
- func FieldMasonedBannerPattern() BannerPatternType
- func FlowerBannerPattern() BannerPatternType
- func GlobeBannerPattern() BannerPatternType
- func MojangBannerPattern() BannerPatternType
- func PiglinBannerPattern() BannerPatternType
- func SkullBannerPattern() BannerPatternType
- type BeaconPayment
- type Beef
- type Beetroot
- type BeetrootSoup
- type BlazePowder
- type BlazeRod
- type Bone
- type BoneMeal
- type BoneMealAffected
- type Book
- type BookAndQuill
- func (b BookAndQuill) DecodeNBT(data map[string]any) any
- func (b BookAndQuill) DeletePage(page int) BookAndQuill
- func (b BookAndQuill) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
- func (b BookAndQuill) EncodeNBT() map[string]any
- func (b BookAndQuill) InsertPage(page int, text string) BookAndQuill
- func (b BookAndQuill) MaxCount() int
- func (b BookAndQuill) Page(page int) (string, bool)
- func (b BookAndQuill) SetPage(page int, text string) BookAndQuill
- func (b BookAndQuill) SwapPages(pageOne, pageTwo int) BookAndQuill
- type Boots
- func (b Boots) Boots() bool
- func (b Boots) DecodeNBT(data map[string]any) any
- func (b Boots) DefencePoints() float64
- func (b Boots) DurabilityInfo() DurabilityInfo
- func (b Boots) EnchantmentValue() int
- func (b Boots) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
- func (b Boots) EncodeNBT() map[string]any
- func (b Boots) KnockBackResistance() float64
- func (b Boots) MaxCount() int
- func (b Boots) RepairableBy(i Stack) bool
- func (b Boots) SmeltInfo() SmeltInfo
- func (b Boots) Toughness() float64
- func (b Boots) Use(_ *world.World, _ User, ctx *UseContext) bool
- type BootsType
- type BottleOfEnchanting
- type Bow
- type Bowl
- type Bread
- type Brick
- type Bucket
- func (b Bucket) AlwaysConsumable() bool
- func (b Bucket) CanConsume() bool
- func (b Bucket) Consume(_ *world.World, c Consumer) Stack
- func (b Bucket) ConsumeDuration() time.Duration
- func (b Bucket) Empty() bool
- func (b Bucket) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
- func (b Bucket) FuelInfo() FuelInfo
- func (b Bucket) MaxCount() int
- func (b Bucket) UseOnBlock(pos cube.Pos, face cube.Face, _ mgl64.Vec3, w *world.World, _ User, ...) bool
- type BucketContent
- type Carrier
- type CarrotOnAStick
- type Charcoal
- type Chestplate
- func (c Chestplate) Chestplate() bool
- func (c Chestplate) DecodeNBT(data map[string]any) any
- func (c Chestplate) DefencePoints() float64
- func (c Chestplate) DurabilityInfo() DurabilityInfo
- func (c Chestplate) EnchantmentValue() int
- func (c Chestplate) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
- func (c Chestplate) EncodeNBT() map[string]any
- func (c Chestplate) KnockBackResistance() float64
- func (c Chestplate) MaxCount() int
- func (c Chestplate) RepairableBy(i Stack) bool
- func (c Chestplate) SmeltInfo() SmeltInfo
- func (c Chestplate) Toughness() float64
- func (c Chestplate) Use(_ *world.World, _ User, ctx *UseContext) bool
- type ChestplateType
- type Chicken
- type ClayBall
- type Clock
- type Coal
- type Cod
- type Colour
- func ColourBlack() Colour
- func ColourBlue() Colour
- func ColourBrown() Colour
- func ColourCyan() Colour
- func ColourGreen() Colour
- func ColourGrey() Colour
- func ColourLightBlue() Colour
- func ColourLightGrey() Colour
- func ColourLime() Colour
- func ColourMagenta() Colour
- func ColourOrange() Colour
- func ColourPink() Colour
- func ColourPurple() Colour
- func ColourRed() Colour
- func ColourWhite() Colour
- func ColourYellow() Colour
- func Colours() []Colour
- type Compass
- type Compostable
- type Consumable
- type Consumer
- type Cookie
- type Cooldown
- type CopperIngot
- type Diamond
- type DiscFragment
- type DragonBreath
- type DriedKelp
- type Drinkable
- type DurabilityInfo
- type Durable
- type Dye
- type EchoShard
- type Egg
- type Elytra
- func (Elytra) Chestplate() bool
- func (Elytra) DefencePoints() float64
- func (Elytra) DurabilityInfo() DurabilityInfo
- func (Elytra) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
- func (e Elytra) KnockBackResistance() float64
- func (Elytra) MaxCount() int
- func (Elytra) RepairableBy(i Stack) bool
- func (e Elytra) Toughness() float64
- func (Elytra) Use(_ *world.World, _ User, ctx *UseContext) bool
- type Emerald
- type Enchantable
- type EnchantedApple
- type EnchantedBook
- type Enchantment
- type EnchantmentRarity
- type EnchantmentType
- type EnderPearl
- type Feather
- type FermentedSpiderEye
- type FireCharge
- type Firework
- func (f Firework) DecodeNBT(data map[string]any) any
- func (Firework) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
- func (f Firework) EncodeNBT() map[string]any
- func (f Firework) RandomisedDuration() time.Duration
- func (f Firework) Use(w *world.World, user User, ctx *UseContext) bool
- func (f Firework) UseOnBlock(blockPos cube.Pos, _ cube.Face, clickPos mgl64.Vec3, w *world.World, user User, ...) bool
- type FireworkExplosion
- type FireworkShape
- type FireworkStar
- type Flint
- type FlintAndSteel
- type Fuel
- type FuelInfo
- type GhastTear
- type GlassBottle
- type Glinted
- type GlisteringMelonSlice
- type GlowstoneDust
- type GoatHorn
- type GoldIngot
- type GoldNugget
- type GoldenApple
- type GoldenCarrot
- type Gunpowder
- type HandEquipped
- type HeartOfTheSea
- type Helmet
- func (h Helmet) DecodeNBT(data map[string]any) any
- func (h Helmet) DefencePoints() float64
- func (h Helmet) DurabilityInfo() DurabilityInfo
- func (h Helmet) EnchantmentValue() int
- func (h Helmet) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
- func (h Helmet) EncodeNBT() map[string]any
- func (h Helmet) Helmet() bool
- func (h Helmet) KnockBackResistance() float64
- func (h Helmet) MaxCount() int
- func (h Helmet) RepairableBy(i Stack) bool
- func (h Helmet) SmeltInfo() SmeltInfo
- func (h Helmet) Toughness() float64
- func (h Helmet) Use(_ *world.World, _ User, ctx *UseContext) bool
- type HelmetType
- type Hoe
- func (h Hoe) AttackDamage() float64
- func (h Hoe) BaseMiningEfficiency(world.Block) float64
- func (h Hoe) DurabilityInfo() DurabilityInfo
- func (h Hoe) EnchantmentValue() int
- func (h Hoe) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
- func (h Hoe) FuelInfo() FuelInfo
- func (h Hoe) HarvestLevel() int
- func (h Hoe) MaxCount() int
- func (h Hoe) RepairableBy(i Stack) bool
- func (h Hoe) SmeltInfo() SmeltInfo
- func (h Hoe) ToolType() ToolType
- func (h Hoe) UseOnBlock(pos cube.Pos, face cube.Face, _ mgl64.Vec3, w *world.World, _ User, ...) bool
- type Honeycomb
- type InkSac
- type IronIngot
- type IronNugget
- type LapisLazuli
- type Leather
- type Leggings
- func (l Leggings) DecodeNBT(data map[string]any) any
- func (l Leggings) DefencePoints() float64
- func (l Leggings) DurabilityInfo() DurabilityInfo
- func (l Leggings) EnchantmentValue() int
- func (l Leggings) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
- func (l Leggings) EncodeNBT() map[string]any
- func (l Leggings) KnockBackResistance() float64
- func (l Leggings) Leggings() bool
- func (l Leggings) MaxCount() int
- func (l Leggings) RepairableBy(i Stack) bool
- func (l Leggings) SmeltInfo() SmeltInfo
- func (l Leggings) Toughness() float64
- func (l Leggings) Use(_ *world.World, _ User, ctx *UseContext) bool
- type LeggingsType
- type LingeringPotion
- type MagmaCream
- type MaxCounter
- type MelonSlice
- type MushroomStew
- type MusicDisc
- type Mutton
- type NautilusShell
- type NetherBrick
- type NetherQuartz
- type NetherStar
- type NetheriteIngot
- type NetheriteScrap
- type OffHand
- type Paper
- type PhantomMembrane
- type Pickaxe
- func (p Pickaxe) AttackDamage() float64
- func (p Pickaxe) BaseMiningEfficiency(world.Block) float64
- func (p Pickaxe) DurabilityInfo() DurabilityInfo
- func (p Pickaxe) EnchantmentValue() int
- func (p Pickaxe) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
- func (p Pickaxe) FuelInfo() FuelInfo
- func (p Pickaxe) HarvestLevel() int
- func (p Pickaxe) MaxCount() int
- func (p Pickaxe) RepairableBy(i Stack) bool
- func (p Pickaxe) SmeltInfo() SmeltInfo
- func (p Pickaxe) ToolType() ToolType
- type PoisonousPotato
- type PoppedChorusFruit
- type Porkchop
- type Potion
- type PrismarineCrystals
- type PrismarineShard
- type Pufferfish
- type PumpkinPie
- type Rabbit
- type RabbitFoot
- type RabbitHide
- type RabbitStew
- type RawCopper
- type RawGold
- type RawIron
- type RecoveryCompass
- type Releasable
- type Releaser
- type Repairable
- type RottenFlesh
- type Salmon
- type Scute
- type Shears
- func (s Shears) BaseMiningEfficiency(world.Block) float64
- func (s Shears) DurabilityInfo() DurabilityInfo
- func (s Shears) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
- func (s Shears) HarvestLevel() int
- func (s Shears) MaxCount() int
- func (s Shears) ToolType() ToolType
- func (s Shears) UseOnBlock(pos cube.Pos, face cube.Face, _ mgl64.Vec3, w *world.World, _ User, ...) bool
- type Shovel
- func (s Shovel) AttackDamage() float64
- func (s Shovel) BaseMiningEfficiency(world.Block) float64
- func (s Shovel) DurabilityInfo() DurabilityInfo
- func (s Shovel) EnchantmentValue() int
- func (s Shovel) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
- func (s Shovel) FuelInfo() FuelInfo
- func (s Shovel) HarvestLevel() int
- func (s Shovel) MaxCount() int
- func (s Shovel) RepairableBy(i Stack) bool
- func (s Shovel) SmeltInfo() SmeltInfo
- func (s Shovel) ToolType() ToolType
- func (s Shovel) UseOnBlock(pos cube.Pos, face cube.Face, _ mgl64.Vec3, w *world.World, _ User, ...) bool
- type ShulkerShell
- type Slimeball
- type SmeltInfo
- type Smeltable
- type Snowball
- type SpiderEye
- type SplashPotion
- type Spyglass
- type Stack
- func (s Stack) AddStack(s2 Stack) (a, b Stack)
- func (s Stack) AnvilCost() int
- func (s Stack) AttackDamage() float64
- func (s Stack) Comparable(s2 Stack) bool
- func (s Stack) Count() int
- func (s Stack) CustomName() string
- func (s Stack) Damage(d int) Stack
- func (s Stack) Durability() int
- func (s Stack) Empty() bool
- func (s Stack) Enchantment(enchant EnchantmentType) (Enchantment, bool)
- func (s Stack) Enchantments() []Enchantment
- func (s Stack) Equal(s2 Stack) bool
- func (s Stack) Grow(n int) Stack
- func (s Stack) Item() world.Item
- func (s Stack) Lore() []string
- func (s Stack) MaxCount() int
- func (s Stack) MaxDurability() int
- func (s Stack) String() string
- func (s Stack) Value(key string) (val any, ok bool)
- func (s Stack) Values() map[string]any
- func (s Stack) WithAnvilCost(anvilCost int) Stack
- func (s Stack) WithCustomName(a ...any) Stack
- func (s Stack) WithDurability(d int) Stack
- func (s Stack) WithEnchantments(enchants ...Enchantment) Stack
- func (s Stack) WithLore(lines ...string) Stack
- func (s Stack) WithValue(key string, val any) Stack
- func (s Stack) WithoutEnchantments(enchants ...EnchantmentType) Stack
- type StewType
- func BlindnessStew() StewType
- func FireResistanceStew() StewType
- func JumpBoostStew() StewType
- func NightVisionStew() StewType
- func PoisonStew() StewType
- func RegenerationStew() StewType
- func SaturationDandelionStew() StewType
- func SaturationOrchidStew() StewType
- func StewTypes() []StewType
- func WeaknessStew() StewType
- func WitherStew() StewType
- type Stick
- type Sugar
- type SuspiciousStew
- type Sword
- func (s Sword) AttackDamage() float64
- func (s Sword) BaseMiningEfficiency(world.Block) float64
- func (s Sword) DurabilityInfo() DurabilityInfo
- func (s Sword) EnchantmentValue() int
- func (s Sword) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
- func (s Sword) FuelInfo() FuelInfo
- func (s Sword) HarvestLevel() int
- func (s Sword) MaxCount() int
- func (s Sword) RepairableBy(i Stack) bool
- func (s Sword) SmeltInfo() SmeltInfo
- func (s Sword) ToolType() ToolType
- type Throwable
- type Tool
- type ToolNone
- type ToolTier
- type ToolType
- type TropicalFish
- type TurtleShell
- func (TurtleShell) DefencePoints() float64
- func (TurtleShell) DurabilityInfo() DurabilityInfo
- func (TurtleShell) EnchantmentValue() int
- func (TurtleShell) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
- func (TurtleShell) Helmet() bool
- func (TurtleShell) KnockBackResistance() float64
- func (TurtleShell) MaxCount() int
- func (TurtleShell) RepairableBy(i Stack) bool
- func (TurtleShell) Toughness() float64
- func (TurtleShell) Use(_ *world.World, _ User, ctx *UseContext) bool
- type Usable
- type UsableOnBlock
- type UsableOnEntity
- type UseContext
- type User
- type WarpedFungusOnAStick
- type Weapon
- type Wheat
- type WrittenBook
- type WrittenBookGeneration
Constants ¶
const DefaultConsumeDuration = (time.Second * 161) / 100
DefaultConsumeDuration is the default duration that consuming an item takes. Dried kelp takes half this time to be consumed.
Variables ¶
var ( // EnchantmentRarityCommon represents the common enchantment rarity. EnchantmentRarityCommon enchantmentRarityCommon // EnchantmentRarityUncommon represents the uncommon enchantment rarity. EnchantmentRarityUncommon enchantmentRarityUncommon // EnchantmentRarityRare represents the rare enchantment rarity. EnchantmentRarityRare enchantmentRarityRare // EnchantmentRarityVeryRare represents the very rare enchantment rarity. EnchantmentRarityVeryRare enchantmentRarityVeryRare )
var ( // TypeNone is the ToolType of items that are not tools. TypeNone = ToolType{-1} // TypePickaxe is the ToolType for pickaxes. TypePickaxe = ToolType{0} // TypeAxe is the ToolType for axes. TypeAxe = ToolType{1} // TypeHoe is the ToolType for hoes. TypeHoe = ToolType{2} // TypeShovel is the ToolType for shovels. TypeShovel = ToolType{3} // TypeShears is the ToolType for shears. TypeShears = ToolType{4} // TypeSword is the ToolType for swords. TypeSword = ToolType{5} // ToolTierWood is the ToolTier of wood tools. This is the lowest possible tier. ToolTierWood = ToolTier{HarvestLevel: 1, Durability: 59, BaseMiningEfficiency: 2, BaseAttackDamage: 1, EnchantmentValue: 15, Name: "wooden"} // ToolTierGold is the ToolTier of gold tools. ToolTierGold = ToolTier{HarvestLevel: 1, Durability: 32, BaseMiningEfficiency: 12, BaseAttackDamage: 1, EnchantmentValue: 22, Name: "golden"} // ToolTierStone is the ToolTier of stone tools. ToolTierStone = ToolTier{HarvestLevel: 2, Durability: 131, BaseMiningEfficiency: 4, BaseAttackDamage: 2, EnchantmentValue: 5, Name: "stone"} // ToolTierIron is the ToolTier of iron tools. ToolTierIron = ToolTier{HarvestLevel: 3, Durability: 250, BaseMiningEfficiency: 6, BaseAttackDamage: 3, EnchantmentValue: 14, Name: "iron"} // ToolTierDiamond is the ToolTier of diamond tools. ToolTierDiamond = ToolTier{HarvestLevel: 4, Durability: 1561, BaseMiningEfficiency: 8, BaseAttackDamage: 4, EnchantmentValue: 10, Name: "diamond"} // ToolTierNetherite is the ToolTier of netherite tools. This is the highest possible tier. ToolTierNetherite = ToolTier{HarvestLevel: 4, Durability: 2031, BaseMiningEfficiency: 9, BaseAttackDamage: 5, EnchantmentValue: 15, Name: "netherite"} )
Functions ¶
func DisplayName ¶ added in v0.7.3
DisplayName returns the display name of the item as shown in game in the language passed. It panics if an unknown item is passed in.
func EnchantmentID ¶
func EnchantmentID(e EnchantmentType) (int, bool)
EnchantmentID attempts to return the ID the enchantment was registered with. If found, the id is returned and the bool true.
func RegisterEnchantment ¶
func RegisterEnchantment(id int, enchantment EnchantmentType)
RegisterEnchantment registers an enchantment with the ID passed. Once registered, enchantments may be received by instantiating an EnchantmentType struct (e.g. enchantment.Protection{})
Types ¶
type AmethystShard ¶ added in v0.1.0
type AmethystShard struct{}
AmethystShard is a crystalline mineral obtained from mining a fully grown amethyst cluster.
func (AmethystShard) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (AmethystShard) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type Apple ¶
type Apple struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Apple is a food item that can be eaten by the player.
type Armour ¶ added in v0.6.0
type Armour interface { // DefencePoints returns the defence points that the armour provides when worn. DefencePoints() float64 // Toughness returns the toughness that the armor provides when worn. The toughness reduces defense reduction // caused by increased damage. Toughness() float64 // KnockBackResistance returns a number from 0-1 that decides the amount of knock back force that is // resisted upon being attacked. 1 knock back resistance point client-side translates to 10% knock back // reduction. KnockBackResistance() float64 }
Armour represents an item that may be worn as armour. Generally, these items provide armour points, which reduce damage taken. Some pieces of armour also provide toughness, which negates damage proportional to the total damage dealt.
type ArmourTier ¶ added in v0.6.0
type ArmourTier interface { // BaseDurability is the base durability of armour with this tier. This is otherwise the durability of // the helmet with this tier. BaseDurability() float64 // Toughness reduces the defense reduction caused by damage increases. Toughness() float64 // KnockBackResistance is a number from 0-1 that decides the amount of knock back force that is resisted // upon being attacked. 1 knock back resistance point client-side translates to 10% knock back reduction. KnockBackResistance() float64 // EnchantmentValue is the enchantment value of the armour used when selecting pseudo-random enchantments for // enchanting tables. When this value is high, the enchantments that are selected are more likely to be good. EnchantmentValue() int // Name is the name of the tier. Name() string }
ArmourTier represents the tier, or material, that a piece of armour is made of.
func ArmourTiers ¶ added in v0.6.0
func ArmourTiers() []ArmourTier
ArmourTiers returns a list of all armour tiers.
type ArmourTierChain ¶ added in v0.6.0
type ArmourTierChain struct{}
ArmourTierChain is the ArmourTier of chain armour.
func (ArmourTierChain) BaseDurability ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (ArmourTierChain) BaseDurability() float64
func (ArmourTierChain) EnchantmentValue ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (ArmourTierChain) EnchantmentValue() int
func (ArmourTierChain) KnockBackResistance ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (ArmourTierChain) KnockBackResistance() float64
func (ArmourTierChain) Name ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (ArmourTierChain) Name() string
func (ArmourTierChain) Toughness ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (ArmourTierChain) Toughness() float64
type ArmourTierDiamond ¶ added in v0.6.0
type ArmourTierDiamond struct{}
ArmourTierDiamond is the ArmourTier of diamond armour.
func (ArmourTierDiamond) BaseDurability ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (ArmourTierDiamond) BaseDurability() float64
func (ArmourTierDiamond) EnchantmentValue ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (ArmourTierDiamond) EnchantmentValue() int
func (ArmourTierDiamond) KnockBackResistance ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (ArmourTierDiamond) KnockBackResistance() float64
func (ArmourTierDiamond) Name ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (ArmourTierDiamond) Name() string
func (ArmourTierDiamond) Toughness ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (ArmourTierDiamond) Toughness() float64
type ArmourTierGold ¶ added in v0.6.0
type ArmourTierGold struct{}
ArmourTierGold is the ArmourTier of gold armour.
func (ArmourTierGold) BaseDurability ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (ArmourTierGold) BaseDurability() float64
func (ArmourTierGold) EnchantmentValue ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (ArmourTierGold) EnchantmentValue() int
func (ArmourTierGold) KnockBackResistance ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (ArmourTierGold) KnockBackResistance() float64
func (ArmourTierGold) Name ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (ArmourTierGold) Name() string
func (ArmourTierGold) Toughness ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (ArmourTierGold) Toughness() float64
type ArmourTierIron ¶ added in v0.6.0
type ArmourTierIron struct{}
ArmourTierIron is the ArmourTier of iron armour.
func (ArmourTierIron) BaseDurability ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (ArmourTierIron) BaseDurability() float64
func (ArmourTierIron) EnchantmentValue ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (ArmourTierIron) EnchantmentValue() int
func (ArmourTierIron) KnockBackResistance ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (ArmourTierIron) KnockBackResistance() float64
func (ArmourTierIron) Name ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (ArmourTierIron) Name() string
func (ArmourTierIron) Toughness ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (ArmourTierIron) Toughness() float64
type ArmourTierLeather ¶ added in v0.6.0
ArmourTierLeather is the ArmourTier of leather armour
func (ArmourTierLeather) BaseDurability ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (ArmourTierLeather) BaseDurability() float64
func (ArmourTierLeather) EnchantmentValue ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (ArmourTierLeather) EnchantmentValue() int
func (ArmourTierLeather) KnockBackResistance ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (ArmourTierLeather) KnockBackResistance() float64
func (ArmourTierLeather) Name ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (ArmourTierLeather) Name() string
func (ArmourTierLeather) Toughness ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (ArmourTierLeather) Toughness() float64
type ArmourTierNetherite ¶ added in v0.6.0
type ArmourTierNetherite struct{}
ArmourTierNetherite is the ArmourTier of netherite armour.
func (ArmourTierNetherite) BaseDurability ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (ArmourTierNetherite) BaseDurability() float64
func (ArmourTierNetherite) EnchantmentValue ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (ArmourTierNetherite) EnchantmentValue() int
func (ArmourTierNetherite) KnockBackResistance ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (ArmourTierNetherite) KnockBackResistance() float64
func (ArmourTierNetherite) Name ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (ArmourTierNetherite) Name() string
func (ArmourTierNetherite) Toughness ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (ArmourTierNetherite) Toughness() float64
type Arrow ¶ added in v0.6.0
Arrow is used as ammunition for bows, crossbows, and dispensers. Arrows can be modified to imbue status effects on players and mobs.
func (Arrow) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.6.0
EncodeItem ...
type Axe ¶
type Axe struct { // Tier is the tier of the axe. Tier ToolTier }
Axe is a tool generally used for mining wood-like blocks. It may also be used to break some plant-like blocks at a faster pace such as pumpkins.
func (Axe) BaseMiningEfficiency ¶
BaseMiningEfficiency ...
func (Axe) EnchantmentValue ¶ added in v0.8.0
EnchantmentValue ...
type BakedPotato ¶ added in v0.1.0
type BakedPotato struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BakedPotato is a food item that can be eaten by the player.
func (BakedPotato) AlwaysConsumable ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (BakedPotato) AlwaysConsumable() bool
AlwaysConsumable ...
func (BakedPotato) CompostChance ¶ added in v0.8.2
func (BakedPotato) CompostChance() float64
CompostChance ...
func (BakedPotato) Consume ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (BakedPotato) Consume(_ *world.World, c Consumer) Stack
Consume ...
func (BakedPotato) ConsumeDuration ¶ added in v0.1.0
ConsumeDuration ...
func (BakedPotato) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (BakedPotato) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type BannerPattern ¶ added in v0.8.0
type BannerPattern struct { // Type represents the type of banner pattern. These types do not include all patterns that can be applied to a // banner. Type BannerPatternType }
BannerPattern is an item used to customize banners inside looms.
func (BannerPattern) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (b BannerPattern) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
func (BannerPattern) MaxCount ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (b BannerPattern) MaxCount() int
MaxCount always returns 1.
type BannerPatternType ¶ added in v0.8.0
type BannerPatternType struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BannerPatternType represents a type of BannerPattern.
func BannerPatterns ¶ added in v0.8.0
func BannerPatterns() []BannerPatternType
BannerPatterns returns all possible banner patterns.
func BordureIndentedBannerPattern ¶ added in v0.8.0
func BordureIndentedBannerPattern() BannerPatternType
BordureIndentedBannerPattern represents the 'Bordure Indented' banner pattern type.
func CreeperBannerPattern ¶ added in v0.8.0
func CreeperBannerPattern() BannerPatternType
CreeperBannerPattern represents the 'Creeper' banner pattern type.
func FieldMasonedBannerPattern ¶ added in v0.8.0
func FieldMasonedBannerPattern() BannerPatternType
FieldMasonedBannerPattern represents the 'Field Masoned' banner pattern type.
func FlowerBannerPattern ¶ added in v0.8.0
func FlowerBannerPattern() BannerPatternType
FlowerBannerPattern represents the 'Flower' banner pattern type.
func GlobeBannerPattern ¶ added in v0.8.0
func GlobeBannerPattern() BannerPatternType
GlobeBannerPattern represents the 'Globe' banner pattern type.
func MojangBannerPattern ¶ added in v0.8.0
func MojangBannerPattern() BannerPatternType
MojangBannerPattern represents the 'Mojang' banner pattern type.
func PiglinBannerPattern ¶ added in v0.8.0
func PiglinBannerPattern() BannerPatternType
PiglinBannerPattern represents the 'Piglin' banner pattern type.
func SkullBannerPattern ¶ added in v0.8.0
func SkullBannerPattern() BannerPatternType
SkullBannerPattern represents the 'Skull' banner pattern type.
type BeaconPayment ¶
type BeaconPayment interface {
PayableForBeacon() bool
BeaconPayment represents an item that may be used as payment for a beacon to select effects to be broadcast to surrounding players.
type Beef ¶ added in v0.1.0
type Beef struct { // Cooked is whether the beef is cooked. Cooked bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Beef is a food item obtained from cows. It can be cooked in a furnace, smoker, or campfire.
func (Beef) AlwaysConsumable ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (Beef) AlwaysConsumable() bool
AlwaysConsumable ...
func (Beef) ConsumeDuration ¶ added in v0.1.0
ConsumeDuration ...
func (Beef) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
EncodeItem ...
type Beetroot ¶
type Beetroot struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Beetroot is a food and dye ingredient.
func (Beetroot) CompostChance ¶ added in v0.8.2
CompostChance ...
func (Beetroot) ConsumeDuration ¶
ConsumeDuration ...
func (Beetroot) EncodeItem ¶
EncodeItem ...
type BeetrootSoup ¶ added in v0.1.0
type BeetrootSoup struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BeetrootSoup is an unstackable food item.
func (BeetrootSoup) AlwaysConsumable ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (BeetrootSoup) AlwaysConsumable() bool
AlwaysConsumable ...
func (BeetrootSoup) Consume ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (BeetrootSoup) Consume(_ *world.World, c Consumer) Stack
Consume ...
func (BeetrootSoup) ConsumeDuration ¶ added in v0.1.0
ConsumeDuration ...
func (BeetrootSoup) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (BeetrootSoup) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type BlazePowder ¶ added in v0.1.0
type BlazePowder struct{}
BlazePowder is an item made from a blaze rod obtained from blazes.
func (BlazePowder) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (BlazePowder) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type BlazeRod ¶ added in v0.1.0
type BlazeRod struct{}
BlazeRod is an item exclusively obtained from blazes.
func (BlazeRod) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
EncodeItem ...
type Bone ¶ added in v0.1.0
type Bone struct{}
Bone is an item primarily obtained as a drop from skeletons and their variants.
func (Bone) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
EncodeItem ...
type BoneMeal ¶
type BoneMeal struct{}
BoneMeal is an item used to force growth in plants & crops.
func (BoneMeal) EncodeItem ¶
EncodeItem ...
type BoneMealAffected ¶
type BoneMealAffected interface { // BoneMeal attempts to affect the block using a bone meal item. BoneMeal(pos cube.Pos, w *world.World) bool }
BoneMealAffected represents a block that is affected when bone meal is used on it.
type Book ¶ added in v0.1.0
type Book struct{}
Book is an item used in enchanting and crafting.
func (Book) EnchantmentValue ¶ added in v0.8.0
EnchantmentValue ...
func (Book) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
EncodeItem ...
type BookAndQuill ¶ added in v0.8.3
type BookAndQuill struct { // Pages represents the pages within the book. Pages []string }
BookAndQuill is an item used to write WrittenBook(s).
func (BookAndQuill) DecodeNBT ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (b BookAndQuill) DecodeNBT(data map[string]any) any
DecodeNBT ...
func (BookAndQuill) DeletePage ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (b BookAndQuill) DeletePage(page int) BookAndQuill
DeletePage attempts to delete a page from the book.
func (BookAndQuill) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (b BookAndQuill) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
func (BookAndQuill) EncodeNBT ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (b BookAndQuill) EncodeNBT() map[string]any
EncodeNBT ...
func (BookAndQuill) InsertPage ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (b BookAndQuill) InsertPage(page int, text string) BookAndQuill
InsertPage attempts to insert a page within the book
func (BookAndQuill) MaxCount ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (b BookAndQuill) MaxCount() int
MaxCount always returns 1.
func (BookAndQuill) Page ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (b BookAndQuill) Page(page int) (string, bool)
Page returns a specific page from the book and true when the page exists. It will otherwise return an empty string and false.
func (BookAndQuill) SetPage ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (b BookAndQuill) SetPage(page int, text string) BookAndQuill
SetPage writes a page to the book, if the page doesn't exist it will be created. It will panic if the text is longer then 256 characters. It will return a new book representing this data.
func (BookAndQuill) SwapPages ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (b BookAndQuill) SwapPages(pageOne, pageTwo int) BookAndQuill
SwapPages swaps two different pages, it will panic if the largest of the two numbers doesn't exist. It will return the newly updated pages.
type Boots ¶
type Boots struct { // Tier is the tier of the boots. Tier ArmourTier }
Boots are a defensive item that may be equipped in the boots armour slot. They come in several tiers, like leather, gold, chain, iron and diamond.
func (Boots) EnchantmentValue ¶ added in v0.8.0
EnchantmentValue ...
func (Boots) KnockBackResistance ¶
KnockBackResistance ...
func (Boots) RepairableBy ¶ added in v0.7.3
RepairableBy ...
type BottleOfEnchanting ¶ added in v0.8.0
type BottleOfEnchanting struct{}
BottleOfEnchanting is a bottle that releases experience orbs when thrown.
func (BottleOfEnchanting) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (b BottleOfEnchanting) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
func (BottleOfEnchanting) Use ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (b BottleOfEnchanting) Use(w *world.World, user User, ctx *UseContext) bool
Use ...
type Bow ¶ added in v0.6.0
type Bow struct{}
Bow is a ranged weapon that fires arrows.
func (Bow) DurabilityInfo ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (Bow) DurabilityInfo() DurabilityInfo
DurabilityInfo ...
func (Bow) EnchantmentValue ¶ added in v0.8.0
EnchantmentValue ...
func (Bow) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.6.0
EncodeItem ...
func (Bow) Release ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (Bow) Release(releaser Releaser, duration time.Duration, ctx *UseContext)
Release ...
func (Bow) Requirements ¶ added in v0.6.0
Requirements returns the required items to release this item.
type Bowl ¶ added in v0.1.0
type Bowl struct{}
Bowl is a container that can hold certain foods.
func (Bowl) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
EncodeItem ...
type Bread ¶ added in v0.1.0
type Bread struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Bread is a food item that can be eaten by the player.
func (Bread) AlwaysConsumable ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (Bread) AlwaysConsumable() bool
AlwaysConsumable ...
func (Bread) ConsumeDuration ¶ added in v0.1.0
ConsumeDuration ...
func (Bread) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
EncodeItem ...
type Brick ¶
type Brick struct{}
Brick is an item made from clay, and is used for making bricks and flower pots.
type Bucket ¶
type Bucket struct { // Content is the content that the bucket has. By default, this value resolves to an empty bucket. Content BucketContent }
Bucket is a tool used to carry water, lava and fish.
func (Bucket) AlwaysConsumable ¶ added in v0.8.0
AlwaysConsumable ...
func (Bucket) ConsumeDuration ¶ added in v0.8.0
ConsumeDuration ...
type BucketContent ¶ added in v0.8.0
type BucketContent struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BucketContent is the content of a bucket.
func LiquidBucketContent ¶ added in v0.8.0
func LiquidBucketContent(l world.Liquid) BucketContent
LiquidBucketContent returns a new BucketContent with the liquid passed in.
func MilkBucketContent ¶ added in v0.8.0
func MilkBucketContent() BucketContent
MilkBucketContent returns a new BucketContent with the milk flag set.
func (BucketContent) Liquid ¶ added in v0.8.6
func (b BucketContent) Liquid() (world.Liquid, bool)
Liquid returns the world.Liquid that a Bucket with this BucketContent places. If this BucketContent does not place a liquid block, false is returned.
func (BucketContent) LiquidType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (b BucketContent) LiquidType() string
LiquidType returns the type of liquid the bucket contains.
func (BucketContent) String ¶ added in v0.8.6
func (b BucketContent) String() string
String converts the BucketContent to a string.
type Carrier ¶
type Carrier interface { world.Entity // HeldItems returns the items currently held by the entity. Viewers of the entity will be able to see // these items. HeldItems() (mainHand, offHand Stack) }
Carrier represents an entity that is able to carry an item.
type CarrotOnAStick ¶ added in v0.1.0
type CarrotOnAStick struct{}
CarrotOnAStick is an item that can be used to control saddled pigs.
func (CarrotOnAStick) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (CarrotOnAStick) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type Charcoal ¶ added in v0.1.0
type Charcoal struct{}
Charcoal is an item obtained by smelting logs or wood.
func (Charcoal) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
EncodeItem ...
type Chestplate ¶
type Chestplate struct { // Tier is the tier of the chestplate. Tier ArmourTier }
Chestplate is a defensive item that may be equipped in the chestplate slot. Generally, chestplates provide the most defence of all armour items.
func (Chestplate) DecodeNBT ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (c Chestplate) DecodeNBT(data map[string]any) any
DecodeNBT ...
func (Chestplate) DurabilityInfo ¶
func (c Chestplate) DurabilityInfo() DurabilityInfo
DurabilityInfo ...
func (Chestplate) EnchantmentValue ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (c Chestplate) EnchantmentValue() int
EnchantmentValue ...
func (Chestplate) EncodeItem ¶
func (c Chestplate) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
func (Chestplate) EncodeNBT ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (c Chestplate) EncodeNBT() map[string]any
EncodeNBT ...
func (Chestplate) KnockBackResistance ¶
func (c Chestplate) KnockBackResistance() float64
KnockBackResistance ...
func (Chestplate) RepairableBy ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (c Chestplate) RepairableBy(i Stack) bool
RepairableBy ...
func (Chestplate) SmeltInfo ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (c Chestplate) SmeltInfo() SmeltInfo
SmeltInfo ...
func (Chestplate) Use ¶
func (c Chestplate) Use(_ *world.World, _ User, ctx *UseContext) bool
Use handles the using of a chestplate to auto-equip it in the designated armour slot.
type ChestplateType ¶ added in v0.6.0
ChestplateType is an Armour item that can be worn in the chestplate slot.
type Chicken ¶ added in v0.1.0
type Chicken struct { // Cooked is whether the chicken is cooked. Cooked bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Chicken is a food item obtained from chickens. It can be cooked in a furnace, smoker, or campfire.
func (Chicken) AlwaysConsumable ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (Chicken) AlwaysConsumable() bool
AlwaysConsumable ...
func (Chicken) ConsumeDuration ¶ added in v0.1.0
ConsumeDuration ...
func (Chicken) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
EncodeItem ...
type Cod ¶ added in v0.1.0
type Cod struct { // Cooked is whether the cod is cooked. Cooked bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Cod is a food item obtained from cod. It can be cooked in a furnace, smoker, or campfire.
func (Cod) AlwaysConsumable ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (Cod) AlwaysConsumable() bool
AlwaysConsumable ...
func (Cod) ConsumeDuration ¶ added in v0.1.0
ConsumeDuration ...
func (Cod) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
EncodeItem ...
type Colour ¶ added in v0.1.0
type Colour struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Colour represents the colour of a block. Typically, Minecraft blocks have a total of 16 different colours.
func ColourLightBlue ¶ added in v0.1.0
func ColourLightBlue() Colour
ColourLightBlue returns the light blue colour.
func ColourLightGrey ¶ added in v0.1.0
func ColourLightGrey() Colour
ColourLightGrey returns the light grey colour.
func ColourMagenta ¶ added in v0.1.0
func ColourMagenta() Colour
ColourMagenta returns the magenta colour.
func ColourOrange ¶ added in v0.1.0
func ColourOrange() Colour
ColourOrange returns the orange colour.
func ColourPurple ¶ added in v0.1.0
func ColourPurple() Colour
ColourPurple returns the purple colour.
func ColourYellow ¶ added in v0.1.0
func ColourYellow() Colour
ColourYellow returns the yellow colour.
func Colours ¶ added in v0.1.0
func Colours() []Colour
Colours returns a list of all existing colours.
func (Colour) RGBA ¶ added in v0.2.0
RGBA returns the colour as RGBA. The alpha channel is always set to the maximum value. Colour values as returned here were obtained by placing signs in a world with all possible dyes used on them. The world was then loaded in Dragonfly to read their respective colours.
type Compass ¶ added in v0.1.0
type Compass struct{}
Compass is an item used to find the spawn position of a world.
func (Compass) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
EncodeItem ...
type Compostable ¶ added in v0.8.2
type Compostable interface { // CompostChance returns the chance the item will produce a layer of compost in the range of 0-1. CompostChance() float64 }
Compostable represents an item that may be used to fill up a composter.
type Consumable ¶
type Consumable interface { // AlwaysConsumable specifies if the item is always consumable. Normal food can generally only be consumed // when the food bar is not full or when in creative mode. Returning true here means the item can always // be consumed, like golden apples or potions. AlwaysConsumable() bool // ConsumeDuration is the duration consuming the item takes. If the player is using the item for at least // this duration, the item will be consumed and have its Consume method called. ConsumeDuration() time.Duration // Consume consumes one item of the Stack that the Consumable is in. The Stack returned is added back to // the inventory after consuming the item. For potions, for example, an empty bottle is returned. Consume(w *world.World, c Consumer) Stack }
Consumable represents an item that may be consumed by a player. If an item implements this interface, a player may use and hold the item to consume it.
type Consumer ¶
type Consumer interface { User // Saturate saturates the Consumer's food bar by the amount of food points passed and the saturation by // up to as many saturation points as passed. The final saturation will never exceed the final food level. Saturate(food int, saturation float64) // AddEffect adds an effect.Effect to the Consumer. If the effect is instant, it is applied to the Consumer // immediately. If not, the effect is applied to the consumer every time the Tick method is called. // AddEffect will overwrite any effects present if the level of the effect is higher than the existing one, or // if the effects' levels are equal and the new effect has a longer duration. AddEffect(e effect.Effect) // RemoveEffect removes any effect that might currently be active on the Consumer. RemoveEffect(e effect.Type) // Effects returns any effect currently applied to the Consumer. The returned effects are guaranteed not to have // expired when returned. Effects() []effect.Effect }
Consumer represents a User that is able to consume Consumable items.
type Cookie ¶ added in v0.1.0
type Cookie struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Cookie is a food item that can be obtained in large quantities, but do not restore hunger or saturation significantly.
func (Cookie) AlwaysConsumable ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (Cookie) AlwaysConsumable() bool
AlwaysConsumable ...
func (Cookie) CompostChance ¶ added in v0.8.2
CompostChance ...
func (Cookie) ConsumeDuration ¶ added in v0.1.0
ConsumeDuration ...
func (Cookie) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
EncodeItem ...
type CopperIngot ¶ added in v0.1.0
type CopperIngot struct{}
CopperIngot is a metal ingot melted from copper ore.
func (CopperIngot) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (c CopperIngot) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type Diamond ¶
type Diamond struct{}
Diamond is a rare mineral obtained from diamond ore or loot chests.
type DiscFragment ¶ added in v0.7.0
type DiscFragment struct{}
DiscFragment is a music disc fragment obtained from ancient city loot chests. They are extremely rare to find and nine of them in a crafting table makes a music disc named, "5".
func (DiscFragment) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (DiscFragment) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type DragonBreath ¶ added in v0.1.0
type DragonBreath struct{}
DragonBreath is a brewing item that is used solely to make lingering potions.
func (DragonBreath) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (DragonBreath) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type DriedKelp ¶ added in v0.1.0
type DriedKelp struct{}
DriedKelp is a food item that can be quickly eaten by the player.
func (DriedKelp) AlwaysConsumable ¶ added in v0.1.0
AlwaysConsumable ...
func (DriedKelp) CompostChance ¶ added in v0.8.2
CompostChance ...
func (DriedKelp) ConsumeDuration ¶ added in v0.1.0
ConsumeDuration ...
func (DriedKelp) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
EncodeItem ...
type Drinkable ¶ added in v0.6.0
type Drinkable interface { // Drinkable returns if the item can be drunk or not. Drinkable() bool }
Drinkable represents a custom item that can be drunk. It is used to make the client show the correct drinking animation when a player is using an item. This will only have an effect on non-vanilla items.
type DurabilityInfo ¶
type DurabilityInfo struct { // MaxDurability is the maximum durability that this item may have. This field must be positive for the // durability to function properly. MaxDurability int // BrokenItem is the item created when the item is broken. For most durable items, this is simply an // air item. BrokenItem func() Stack // AttackDurability and BreakDurability are the losses in durability that the item sustains when they are // used to do the respective actions. AttackDurability, BreakDurability int // Persistent is true if the item is persistent, i.e. it will not be destroyed when at its last durability stage. Persistent bool }
DurabilityInfo is the info of a durable item. It includes fields that must be set in order to define durability related behaviour.
type Durable ¶
type Durable interface { // DurabilityInfo returns info related to the durability of an item. DurabilityInfo() DurabilityInfo }
Durable represents an item that has durability, and may therefore be broken. Some durable items, when broken, create a new item, such as an elytra.
type Dye ¶ added in v0.2.0
type Dye struct { // Colour is the colour of the dye. Colour Colour }
Dye is an item that comes in 16 colours which allows you to colour blocks like concrete and sheep.
func (Dye) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
EncodeItem ...
type EchoShard ¶ added in v0.7.0
type EchoShard struct{}
EchoShard is an item found in ancient cities which can be used to craft recovery compasses.
func (EchoShard) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.7.0
EncodeItem ...
type Egg ¶ added in v0.8.1
type Egg struct{}
Egg is an item that can be used to craft food items, or as a throwable entity to spawn chicks.
func (Egg) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.8.1
EncodeItem ...
type Elytra ¶ added in v0.8.0
type Elytra struct{}
Elytra is a pair of rare wings found in end ships that are the only single-item source of flight in Survival mode.
func (Elytra) DefencePoints ¶ added in v0.8.0
DefencePoints ...
func (Elytra) DurabilityInfo ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (Elytra) DurabilityInfo() DurabilityInfo
DurabilityInfo ...
func (Elytra) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.8.0
EncodeItem ...
func (Elytra) KnockBackResistance ¶ added in v0.8.0
KnockBackResistance ...
func (Elytra) RepairableBy ¶ added in v0.8.0
RepairableBy ...
type Emerald ¶
type Emerald struct{}
Emerald is a rare mineral obtained from emerald ore or from villagers.
type Enchantable ¶ added in v0.8.0
type Enchantable interface { // EnchantmentValue returns the value the item may inhibit on possible enchantments. EnchantmentValue() int }
Enchantable is an interface that can be implemented by items that can be enchanted through an enchanting table.
type EnchantedApple ¶
type EnchantedApple struct{}
EnchantedApple is a rare variant of the golden apple that has stronger effects.
func (EnchantedApple) AlwaysConsumable ¶
func (EnchantedApple) AlwaysConsumable() bool
AlwaysConsumable ...
func (EnchantedApple) Consume ¶
func (EnchantedApple) Consume(_ *world.World, c Consumer) Stack
Consume ...
func (EnchantedApple) ConsumeDuration ¶
func (EnchantedApple) ConsumeDuration() time.Duration
ConsumeDuration ...
func (EnchantedApple) EncodeItem ¶
func (EnchantedApple) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type EnchantedBook ¶ added in v0.7.0
type EnchantedBook struct{}
EnchantedBook is an item that lets players add enchantments to certain items using an anvil.
func (EnchantedBook) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (EnchantedBook) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type Enchantment ¶
type Enchantment struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Enchantment is an enchantment that can be applied to a Stack. It holds an EnchantmentType and level that influences the power of the enchantment.
func NewEnchantment ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewEnchantment(t EnchantmentType, lvl int) Enchantment
NewEnchantment creates and returns an Enchantment with a specific EnchantmentType and level. If the level passed exceeds EnchantmentType.MaxLevel, NewEnchantment panics.
func (Enchantment) Level ¶
func (e Enchantment) Level() int
Level returns the current level of the Enchantment as passed to NewEnchantment upon construction.
func (Enchantment) Type ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (e Enchantment) Type() EnchantmentType
Type returns the EnchantmentType of the Enchantment as passed to NewEnchantment upon construction.
type EnchantmentRarity ¶ added in v0.7.3
type EnchantmentRarity interface { // Name returns the name of the enchantment rarity. Name() string // Cost returns the cost of the enchantment rarity. Cost() int // Weight returns the weight of the enchantment rarity. Weight() int }
EnchantmentRarity represents an enchantment rarity for enchantments. These rarities may inhibit certain properties, such as anvil costs or enchanting table weights.
type EnchantmentType ¶ added in v0.6.0
type EnchantmentType interface { // Name returns the name of the enchantment. Name() string // MaxLevel returns the maximum level the enchantment should be able to have. MaxLevel() int // Cost returns the minimum and maximum cost the enchantment may inhibit. The higher this range is, the more likely // better enchantments are to be selected. Cost(level int) (int, int) // Rarity returns the enchantment's rarity. Rarity() EnchantmentRarity // CompatibleWithEnchantment is called when an enchantment is added to an item. It can be used to check if // the enchantment is compatible with other enchantments. CompatibleWithEnchantment(t EnchantmentType) bool // CompatibleWithItem is also called when an enchantment is added to an item. It can be used to check if // the enchantment is compatible with the item type. CompatibleWithItem(i world.Item) bool }
EnchantmentType represents an enchantment type that can be applied to a Stack, with specific behaviour that modifies the Stack's behaviour. An instance of an EnchantmentType may be created using NewEnchantment.
func EnchantmentByID ¶
func EnchantmentByID(id int) (EnchantmentType, bool)
EnchantmentByID attempts to return an enchantment by the ID it was registered with. If found, the enchantment found is returned and the bool true.
func Enchantments ¶ added in v0.8.0
func Enchantments() []EnchantmentType
Enchantments returns a slice of all registered enchantments.
type EnderPearl ¶ added in v0.5.0
type EnderPearl struct{}
EnderPearl is a smooth, greenish-blue item used to teleport and to make an eye of ender.
func (EnderPearl) Cooldown ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (EnderPearl) Cooldown() time.Duration
Cooldown ...
func (EnderPearl) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (EnderPearl) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
func (EnderPearl) Use ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (e EnderPearl) Use(w *world.World, user User, ctx *UseContext) bool
Use ...
type Feather ¶ added in v0.1.0
type Feather struct{}
Feather are items dropped by chickens and parrots, as well as tamed cats as morning gifts.
func (Feather) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
EncodeItem ...
type FermentedSpiderEye ¶ added in v0.1.0
type FermentedSpiderEye struct{}
FermentedSpiderEye is a brewing ingredient.
func (FermentedSpiderEye) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (FermentedSpiderEye) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type FireCharge ¶ added in v0.8.0
type FireCharge struct{}
FireCharge is an item that can be used to place fire when used on a block, or shot from a dispenser to create a small fireball.
func (FireCharge) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (f FireCharge) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
func (FireCharge) UseOnBlock ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (f FireCharge) UseOnBlock(pos cube.Pos, face cube.Face, _ mgl64.Vec3, w *world.World, _ User, ctx *UseContext) bool
UseOnBlock ...
type Firework ¶ added in v0.8.0
type Firework struct { // Duration is the flight duration of the firework. Duration time.Duration // Explosions is the list of explosions the firework should create when launched. Explosions []FireworkExplosion }
Firework is an item (and entity) used for creating decorative explosions, boosting when flying with elytra, and loading into a crossbow as ammunition.
func (Firework) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.8.0
EncodeItem ...
func (Firework) RandomisedDuration ¶ added in v0.8.0
RandomisedDuration returns the randomised flight duration of the firework.
type FireworkExplosion ¶ added in v0.8.0
type FireworkExplosion struct { // Shape represents the shape of the explosion. Shape FireworkShape // Colour is the colour of the explosion. Colour Colour // Fade is the colour the explosion should fade into. Fades must be set to true in order for this to function. Fade Colour // Fades is true if the explosion should fade into the fade colour. Fades bool // Twinkle is true if the explosion should twinkle on explode. Twinkle bool // Trail is true if the explosion should have a trail. Trail bool }
FireworkExplosion represents an explosion of a firework.
func (FireworkExplosion) DecodeNBT ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (f FireworkExplosion) DecodeNBT(data map[string]any) any
DecodeNBT ...
func (FireworkExplosion) EncodeNBT ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (f FireworkExplosion) EncodeNBT() map[string]any
EncodeNBT ...
type FireworkShape ¶ added in v0.8.0
type FireworkShape struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FireworkShape represents a shape of a firework.
func FireworkShapeBurst ¶ added in v0.8.0
func FireworkShapeBurst() FireworkShape
FireworkShapeBurst is a burst firework.
func FireworkShapeCreeperHead ¶ added in v0.8.0
func FireworkShapeCreeperHead() FireworkShape
FireworkShapeCreeperHead is a creeper head firework.
func FireworkShapeHugeSphere ¶ added in v0.8.0
func FireworkShapeHugeSphere() FireworkShape
FireworkShapeHugeSphere is a huge sphere firework.
func FireworkShapeSmallSphere ¶ added in v0.8.0
func FireworkShapeSmallSphere() FireworkShape
FireworkShapeSmallSphere is a small sphere firework.
func FireworkShapeStar ¶ added in v0.8.0
func FireworkShapeStar() FireworkShape
FireworkShapeStar is a star firework.
type FireworkStar ¶ added in v0.8.0
type FireworkStar struct {
FireworkStar is an item used to determine the color, effect, and shape of firework rockets.
func (FireworkStar) DecodeNBT ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (f FireworkStar) DecodeNBT(data map[string]any) any
DecodeNBT ...
func (FireworkStar) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (f FireworkStar) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
func (FireworkStar) EncodeNBT ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (f FireworkStar) EncodeNBT() map[string]any
EncodeNBT ...
type FlintAndSteel ¶
type FlintAndSteel struct{}
FlintAndSteel is an item used to light blocks on fire.
func (FlintAndSteel) DurabilityInfo ¶
func (f FlintAndSteel) DurabilityInfo() DurabilityInfo
DurabilityInfo ...
func (FlintAndSteel) EncodeItem ¶
func (f FlintAndSteel) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
func (FlintAndSteel) UseOnBlock ¶
func (f FlintAndSteel) UseOnBlock(pos cube.Pos, face cube.Face, _ mgl64.Vec3, w *world.World, _ User, ctx *UseContext) bool
UseOnBlock ...
type Fuel ¶ added in v0.8.0
type Fuel interface { // FuelInfo returns information of the item related to its fuel capabilities. FuelInfo() FuelInfo }
Fuel represents an item that can be used as fuel in a smelter, such as a blast furnace, furnace, or smoker.
type FuelInfo ¶ added in v0.8.0
type FuelInfo struct { // Duration returns the amount of time the fuel can be used to burn an input in a smelter. Duration time.Duration // Residue is the resulting item from burning the fuel in a smelter. Residue Stack }
FuelInfo is a struct returned by items that implement Fuel. It contains information about the amount of fuel time it gives, and the residue created from burning the fuel.
func (FuelInfo) WithResidue ¶ added in v0.8.0
WithResidue returns a new FuelInfo with a residue.
type GhastTear ¶ added in v0.1.0
type GhastTear struct{}
GhastTear is a brewing item dropped by ghasts.
func (GhastTear) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
EncodeItem ...
type GlassBottle ¶
type GlassBottle struct{}
GlassBottle is an item that can hold various liquids.
func (GlassBottle) EncodeItem ¶
func (g GlassBottle) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
func (GlassBottle) UseOnBlock ¶
func (g GlassBottle) UseOnBlock(pos cube.Pos, _ cube.Face, _ mgl64.Vec3, w *world.World, _ User, ctx *UseContext) bool
UseOnBlock ...
type Glinted ¶ added in v0.7.0
type Glinted interface { // Glinted returns whether the item has an enchantment glint. Glinted() bool }
Glinted represents a custom item that can have a permanent enchantment glint, this glint is purely cosmetic and will show regardless of whether it is actually enchanted. An example of this is the enchanted golden apple.
type GlisteringMelonSlice ¶ added in v0.1.0
type GlisteringMelonSlice struct{}
GlisteringMelonSlice is an inedible item used for brewing potions of healing. It is also one of the many potion ingredients that can be used to make mundane potions.
func (GlisteringMelonSlice) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (GlisteringMelonSlice) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type GlowstoneDust ¶
type GlowstoneDust struct{}
GlowstoneDust is dropped when breaking the glowstone block.
func (GlowstoneDust) EncodeItem ¶
func (g GlowstoneDust) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type GoatHorn ¶ added in v0.8.0
type GoatHorn struct { // Type is the type of the goat horn, determining the sound it plays. Type sound.Horn // contains filtered or unexported fields }
GoatHorn is an item dropped by goats. It has eight variants, and each plays a unique sound when used which can be heard by players in a large radius.
func (GoatHorn) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.8.0
EncodeItem ...
func (GoatHorn) Release ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (GoatHorn) Release(Releaser, time.Duration, *UseContext)
func (GoatHorn) Requirements ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (GoatHorn) Requirements() []Stack
type GoldIngot ¶
type GoldIngot struct{}
GoldIngot is a metal ingot melted from raw gold or obtained from loot chests.
func (GoldIngot) EncodeItem ¶
EncodeItem ...
type GoldNugget ¶
type GoldNugget struct{}
GoldNugget is an item used to craft gold ingots & other various gold items.
func (GoldNugget) EncodeItem ¶
func (GoldNugget) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type GoldenApple ¶
type GoldenApple struct{}
GoldenApple is a special food item that bestows beneficial effects.
func (GoldenApple) AlwaysConsumable ¶
func (e GoldenApple) AlwaysConsumable() bool
AlwaysConsumable ...
func (GoldenApple) Consume ¶
func (e GoldenApple) Consume(_ *world.World, c Consumer) Stack
Consume ...
func (GoldenApple) ConsumeDuration ¶
func (e GoldenApple) ConsumeDuration() time.Duration
ConsumeDuration ...
func (GoldenApple) EncodeItem ¶
func (e GoldenApple) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type GoldenCarrot ¶ added in v0.1.0
type GoldenCarrot struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GoldenCarrot is a valuable food item and brewing ingredient. It provides the second most saturation in the game, behind Suspicious Stew crafted with either a Dandelion or Blue Orchid.
func (GoldenCarrot) AlwaysConsumable ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (GoldenCarrot) AlwaysConsumable() bool
AlwaysConsumable ...
func (GoldenCarrot) Consume ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (GoldenCarrot) Consume(_ *world.World, c Consumer) Stack
Consume ...
func (GoldenCarrot) ConsumeDuration ¶ added in v0.1.0
ConsumeDuration ...
func (GoldenCarrot) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (GoldenCarrot) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type Gunpowder ¶ added in v0.1.0
type Gunpowder struct{}
Gunpowder is an item that is used for explosion-related recipes.
func (Gunpowder) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
EncodeItem ...
type HandEquipped ¶ added in v0.7.0
type HandEquipped interface { // HandEquipped returns whether the item is hand equipped. HandEquipped() bool }
HandEquipped represents an item that can be 'hand equipped'. This means the item will show up in third person like a tool, sword or stick would, giving them a different orientation in the hand and making them slightly bigger.
type HeartOfTheSea ¶ added in v0.1.0
type HeartOfTheSea struct{}
HeartOfTheSea is a rare item that can be crafted into a conduit.
func (HeartOfTheSea) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (HeartOfTheSea) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type Helmet ¶
type Helmet struct { // Tier is the tier of the armour. Tier ArmourTier }
Helmet is a defensive item that may be worn in the head slot. It comes in several tiers, each with different defence points and armour toughness.
func (Helmet) EnchantmentValue ¶ added in v0.8.0
EnchantmentValue ...
func (Helmet) KnockBackResistance ¶
KnockBackResistance ...
func (Helmet) RepairableBy ¶ added in v0.7.3
RepairableBy ...
type HelmetType ¶ added in v0.6.0
HelmetType is an Armour item that can be worn in the helmet slot.
type Hoe ¶
type Hoe struct {
Tier ToolTier
Hoe is a tool generally used to till dirt and grass blocks into farmland blocks for planting crops. Additionally, a Hoe can be used to break certain types of blocks such as Crimson and Hay Blocks.
func (Hoe) BaseMiningEfficiency ¶
BaseMiningEfficiency ...
func (Hoe) EnchantmentValue ¶ added in v0.8.0
EnchantmentValue ...
func (Hoe) HarvestLevel ¶ added in v0.5.0
HarvestLevel returns the level that this hoe is able to harvest. If a block has a harvest level above this one, this hoe won't be able to harvest it.
type Honeycomb ¶ added in v0.1.0
type Honeycomb struct{}
Honeycomb is an item obtained from bee nests and beehives.
func (Honeycomb) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
EncodeItem ...
type InkSac ¶ added in v0.1.0
type InkSac struct { // Glowing specifies if the ink sac is that of a glow squid. If true, it may be used on a sign to light up its text. Glowing bool }
InkSac is an item dropped by a squid upon death used to create black dye, dark prismarine and book and quill. The glowing variant, obtained by killing a glow squid, may be used to cause sign text to light up.
func (InkSac) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
EncodeItem ...
func (InkSac) UseOnBlock ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (i InkSac) UseOnBlock(pos cube.Pos, _ cube.Face, _ mgl64.Vec3, w *world.World, _ User, ctx *UseContext) bool
UseOnBlock handles the logic of using an ink sac on a sign. Glowing ink sacs turn the text of these signs glowing, whereas normal ink sacs revert them back to non-glowing text.
type IronIngot ¶
type IronIngot struct{}
IronIngot is a metal ingot melted from raw iron or obtained from loot chests.
func (IronIngot) EncodeItem ¶
EncodeItem ...
type IronNugget ¶ added in v0.1.0
type IronNugget struct{}
IronNugget is a piece of iron that can be obtained by smelting iron tools/weapons or iron/chainmail armor.
func (IronNugget) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (IronNugget) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type LapisLazuli ¶
type LapisLazuli struct{}
LapisLazuli is a mineral used for enchanting and decoration.
func (LapisLazuli) EncodeItem ¶
func (LapisLazuli) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type Leather ¶
type Leather struct{}
Leather is an animal skin used to make item frames, armor and books.
type Leggings ¶
type Leggings struct { // Tier is the tier of the leggings. Tier ArmourTier }
Leggings are a defensive item that may be equipped in the leggings armour slot. They come in several tiers, like leather, gold, chain, iron and diamond.
func (Leggings) DurabilityInfo ¶
func (l Leggings) DurabilityInfo() DurabilityInfo
DurabilityInfo ...
func (Leggings) EnchantmentValue ¶ added in v0.8.0
EnchantmentValue ...
func (Leggings) EncodeItem ¶
EncodeItem ...
func (Leggings) KnockBackResistance ¶
KnockBackResistance ...
func (Leggings) RepairableBy ¶ added in v0.7.3
RepairableBy ...
type LeggingsType ¶ added in v0.6.0
LeggingsType are an Armour item that can be worn in the leggings slot.
type LingeringPotion ¶ added in v0.8.0
LingeringPotion is a variant of a splash potion that can be thrown to leave clouds with status effects that linger on the ground in an area.
func (LingeringPotion) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (l LingeringPotion) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
func (LingeringPotion) MaxCount ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (l LingeringPotion) MaxCount() int
MaxCount ...
func (LingeringPotion) Use ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (l LingeringPotion) Use(w *world.World, user User, ctx *UseContext) bool
Use ...
type MagmaCream ¶
type MagmaCream struct{}
MagmaCream is an item used in brewing to create potions of Fire Resistance, and to build magma blocks.
func (MagmaCream) EncodeItem ¶
func (m MagmaCream) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type MaxCounter ¶
type MaxCounter interface { // MaxCount returns the maximum number of items that a stack may be composed of. The number returned must // be positive. MaxCount() int }
MaxCounter represents an item that has a specific max count. By default, each item will be expected to have a maximum count of 64. MaxCounter may be implemented to change this behaviour.
type MelonSlice ¶
type MelonSlice struct{}
MelonSlice is a food item dropped by melon blocks.
func (MelonSlice) AlwaysConsumable ¶
func (m MelonSlice) AlwaysConsumable() bool
AlwaysConsumable ...
func (MelonSlice) CompostChance ¶ added in v0.8.2
func (MelonSlice) CompostChance() float64
CompostChance ...
func (MelonSlice) Consume ¶
func (m MelonSlice) Consume(_ *world.World, c Consumer) Stack
Consume ...
func (MelonSlice) ConsumeDuration ¶
func (m MelonSlice) ConsumeDuration() time.Duration
ConsumeDuration ...
func (MelonSlice) EncodeItem ¶
func (m MelonSlice) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type MushroomStew ¶ added in v0.1.0
type MushroomStew struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MushroomStew is a food item.
func (MushroomStew) AlwaysConsumable ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (MushroomStew) AlwaysConsumable() bool
AlwaysConsumable ...
func (MushroomStew) Consume ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (MushroomStew) Consume(_ *world.World, c Consumer) Stack
Consume ...
func (MushroomStew) ConsumeDuration ¶ added in v0.1.0
ConsumeDuration ...
func (MushroomStew) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (MushroomStew) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type MusicDisc ¶ added in v0.8.0
MusicDisc is an item that can be played in jukeboxes.
func (MusicDisc) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.8.0
EncodeItem ...
type Mutton ¶ added in v0.1.0
type Mutton struct { // Cooked is whether the mutton is cooked. Cooked bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Mutton is a food item obtained from sheep. It can be cooked in a furnace, smoker, or campfire.
func (Mutton) AlwaysConsumable ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (Mutton) AlwaysConsumable() bool
AlwaysConsumable ...
func (Mutton) ConsumeDuration ¶ added in v0.1.0
ConsumeDuration ...
func (Mutton) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
EncodeItem ...
type NautilusShell ¶ added in v0.1.0
type NautilusShell struct{}
NautilusShell is an item that is used for crafting conduits.
func (NautilusShell) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (NautilusShell) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type NetherBrick ¶ added in v0.1.0
type NetherBrick struct{}
NetherBrick is an item made by smelting netherrack in a furnace.
func (NetherBrick) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (NetherBrick) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type NetherQuartz ¶
type NetherQuartz struct{}
NetherQuartz is a smooth, white mineral found in the Nether.
func (NetherQuartz) EncodeItem ¶
func (NetherQuartz) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type NetherStar ¶ added in v0.1.0
type NetherStar struct{}
NetherStar is a rare item dropped by the wither that is used solely to craft beacons.
func (NetherStar) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (NetherStar) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type NetheriteIngot ¶
type NetheriteIngot struct{}
NetheriteIngot is a rare mineral crafted with 4 pieces of netherite scrap and 4 gold ingots.
func (NetheriteIngot) EncodeItem ¶
func (NetheriteIngot) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
func (NetheriteIngot) PayableForBeacon ¶
func (NetheriteIngot) PayableForBeacon() bool
PayableForBeacon ...
type NetheriteScrap ¶ added in v0.1.0
type NetheriteScrap struct{}
NetheriteScrap is a material smelted from ancient debris, which is found in the Nether.
func (NetheriteScrap) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (NetheriteScrap) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type OffHand ¶ added in v0.6.0
type OffHand interface { // OffHand returns true if the item can be held in the off hand. OffHand() bool }
OffHand represents an item that can be held in the off hand.
type Paper ¶ added in v0.1.0
type Paper struct{}
Paper is an item crafted from sugar cane.
func (Paper) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
EncodeItem ...
type PhantomMembrane ¶ added in v0.1.0
type PhantomMembrane struct{}
PhantomMembrane are leathery skins obtained from killing phantoms.
func (PhantomMembrane) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (PhantomMembrane) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type Pickaxe ¶
type Pickaxe struct { // Tier is the tier of the pickaxe. Tier ToolTier }
Pickaxe is a tool generally used for mining stone-like blocks and ores at a higher speed and to obtain their drops.
func (Pickaxe) AttackDamage ¶
AttackDamage returns the attack damage to the pickaxe.
func (Pickaxe) BaseMiningEfficiency ¶
BaseMiningEfficiency is the base efficiency of the pickaxe, when it comes to mining blocks. This decides the speed with which blocks can be mined.
func (Pickaxe) EnchantmentValue ¶ added in v0.8.0
EnchantmentValue ...
func (Pickaxe) HarvestLevel ¶
HarvestLevel returns the level that this pickaxe is able to harvest. If a block has a harvest level above this one, this pickaxe won't be able to harvest it.
func (Pickaxe) RepairableBy ¶ added in v0.7.3
RepairableBy ...
type PoisonousPotato ¶
type PoisonousPotato struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PoisonousPotato is a type of potato that can poison the player.
func (PoisonousPotato) AlwaysConsumable ¶
func (PoisonousPotato) AlwaysConsumable() bool
AlwaysConsumable ...
func (PoisonousPotato) Consume ¶
func (p PoisonousPotato) Consume(_ *world.World, c Consumer) Stack
Consume ...
func (PoisonousPotato) ConsumeDuration ¶
ConsumeDuration ...
func (PoisonousPotato) EncodeItem ¶
func (p PoisonousPotato) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type PoppedChorusFruit ¶ added in v0.1.0
type PoppedChorusFruit struct{}
PoppedChorusFruit is an item obtained by smelting chorus fruit, and used to craft end rods and purpur blocks. Unlike raw chorus fruit, the popped fruit is inedible.
func (PoppedChorusFruit) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (PoppedChorusFruit) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type Porkchop ¶ added in v0.1.0
type Porkchop struct { // Cooked is whether the porkchop is cooked. Cooked bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Porkchop is a food item obtained from pigs. It can be cooked in a furnace, smoker, or campfire.
func (Porkchop) AlwaysConsumable ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (Porkchop) AlwaysConsumable() bool
AlwaysConsumable ...
func (Porkchop) ConsumeDuration ¶ added in v0.1.0
ConsumeDuration ...
func (Porkchop) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
EncodeItem ...
type PrismarineCrystals ¶
type PrismarineCrystals struct{}
PrismarineCrystals are items obtained by defeating guardians or elder guardians. They are used for crafting sea lanterns.
func (PrismarineCrystals) EncodeItem ¶
func (p PrismarineCrystals) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type PrismarineShard ¶ added in v0.1.0
type PrismarineShard struct{}
PrismarineShard is an item obtained by defeating guardians or elder guardians.
func (PrismarineShard) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (PrismarineShard) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type Pufferfish ¶
type Pufferfish struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Pufferfish is a poisonous type of fish that is used to brew water breathing potions.
func (Pufferfish) Consume ¶
func (p Pufferfish) Consume(_ *world.World, c Consumer) Stack
Consume ...
func (Pufferfish) ConsumeDuration ¶
ConsumeDuration ...
func (Pufferfish) EncodeItem ¶
func (p Pufferfish) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type PumpkinPie ¶ added in v0.1.0
type PumpkinPie struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PumpkinPie is a food item that can be eaten by the player.
func (PumpkinPie) AlwaysConsumable ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (PumpkinPie) AlwaysConsumable() bool
AlwaysConsumable ...
func (PumpkinPie) CompostChance ¶ added in v0.8.2
func (PumpkinPie) CompostChance() float64
CompostChance ...
func (PumpkinPie) Consume ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (PumpkinPie) Consume(_ *world.World, c Consumer) Stack
Consume ...
func (PumpkinPie) ConsumeDuration ¶ added in v0.1.0
ConsumeDuration ...
func (PumpkinPie) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (PumpkinPie) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type Rabbit ¶ added in v0.1.0
type Rabbit struct { // Cooked is whether the rabbit is cooked. Cooked bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Rabbit is a food item obtained from rabbits. It can be cooked in a furnace, smoker, or campfire.
func (Rabbit) AlwaysConsumable ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (Rabbit) AlwaysConsumable() bool
AlwaysConsumable ...
func (Rabbit) ConsumeDuration ¶ added in v0.1.0
ConsumeDuration ...
func (Rabbit) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
EncodeItem ...
type RabbitFoot ¶ added in v0.1.0
type RabbitFoot struct{}
RabbitFoot is a brewing item obtained from rabbits.
func (RabbitFoot) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (RabbitFoot) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type RabbitHide ¶ added in v0.1.0
type RabbitHide struct{}
RabbitHide is an item dropped by rabbits.
func (RabbitHide) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (RabbitHide) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type RabbitStew ¶ added in v0.1.0
type RabbitStew struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RabbitStew is a food item that can be eaten by the player.
func (RabbitStew) AlwaysConsumable ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (RabbitStew) AlwaysConsumable() bool
AlwaysConsumable ...
func (RabbitStew) Consume ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (RabbitStew) Consume(_ *world.World, c Consumer) Stack
Consume ...
func (RabbitStew) ConsumeDuration ¶ added in v0.1.0
ConsumeDuration ...
func (RabbitStew) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (RabbitStew) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type RawCopper ¶ added in v0.1.0
type RawCopper struct{}
RawCopper is a raw metal resource obtained from mining copper ore.
func (RawCopper) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
EncodeItem ...
type RawGold ¶ added in v0.1.0
type RawGold struct{}
RawGold is a raw metal resource obtained from mining gold ore.
func (RawGold) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
EncodeItem ...
type RawIron ¶ added in v0.1.0
type RawIron struct{}
RawIron is a raw metal resource obtained from mining iron ore.
func (RawIron) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
EncodeItem ...
type RecoveryCompass ¶ added in v0.8.2
type RecoveryCompass struct{}
RecoveryCompass is an item used to point to the location of the player's last death.
func (RecoveryCompass) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.8.2
func (RecoveryCompass) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type Releasable ¶ added in v0.6.0
type Releasable interface { // Release is called when an item is released. Release(releaser Releaser, duration time.Duration, ctx *UseContext) // Requirements returns the required items to release this item. Requirements() []Stack }
Releasable represents an item that can be released.
type Releaser ¶ added in v0.6.0
type Releaser interface { User // GameMode returns the gamemode of the releaser. GameMode() world.GameMode // PlaySound plays a world.Sound that only this Releaser can hear. PlaySound(sound world.Sound) }
Releaser represents an entity that can release items, such as bows.
type Repairable ¶ added in v0.7.3
Repairable represents a durable item that can be repaired by other items.
type RottenFlesh ¶ added in v0.1.0
type RottenFlesh struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RottenFlesh is a food item that can be eaten by the player, at the high risk of inflicting Hunger.
func (RottenFlesh) AlwaysConsumable ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (RottenFlesh) AlwaysConsumable() bool
AlwaysConsumable ...
func (RottenFlesh) Consume ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (RottenFlesh) Consume(_ *world.World, c Consumer) Stack
Consume ...
func (RottenFlesh) ConsumeDuration ¶ added in v0.1.0
ConsumeDuration ...
func (RottenFlesh) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (RottenFlesh) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type Salmon ¶ added in v0.1.0
type Salmon struct { // Cooked is whether the salmon is cooked. Cooked bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Salmon is a food item obtained from salmons. It can be cooked in a furnace, smoker, or campfire.
func (Salmon) AlwaysConsumable ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (Salmon) AlwaysConsumable() bool
AlwaysConsumable ...
func (Salmon) ConsumeDuration ¶ added in v0.1.0
ConsumeDuration ...
func (Salmon) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
EncodeItem ...
type Scute ¶ added in v0.1.0
type Scute struct{}
Scute is an item that baby turtles drop when they grow into adults.
func (Scute) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
EncodeItem ...
type Shears ¶
type Shears struct{}
Shears is a tool used to shear sheep, mine a few types of blocks, and carve pumpkins.
func (Shears) BaseMiningEfficiency ¶
BaseMiningEfficiency ...
type Shovel ¶
type Shovel struct { // Tier is the tier of the shovel. Tier ToolTier }
Shovel is a tool generally used for mining ground-like blocks, such as sand, gravel and dirt. Additionally, shovels may be used to turn grass into dirt paths.
func (Shovel) AttackDamage ¶
AttackDamage returns the attack damage to the shovel.
func (Shovel) BaseMiningEfficiency ¶
BaseMiningEfficiency ...
func (Shovel) EnchantmentValue ¶ added in v0.8.0
EnchantmentValue ...
func (Shovel) RepairableBy ¶ added in v0.7.3
RepairableBy ...
type ShulkerShell ¶ added in v0.1.0
type ShulkerShell struct{}
ShulkerShell are items dropped by shulkers that are used solely to craft shulker boxes.
func (ShulkerShell) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (ShulkerShell) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type Slimeball ¶ added in v0.1.0
type Slimeball struct{}
Slimeball is a crafting ingredient commonly dropped by slimes, and can be sneezed out by pandas.
func (Slimeball) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
EncodeItem ...
type SmeltInfo ¶ added in v0.8.0
type SmeltInfo struct { // Product returns the resulting item stack from smelting the item. Product Stack // Experience returns the experience gained from performing the smelt, alongside the Product. Experience float64 // Food returns true if the smelt is food, for smelters such as smokers or regular furnaces. Food bool // Ores returns true if the smelt is ores, for smelters such as blast furnaces or regular furnaces. Ores bool }
SmeltInfo is a struct returned by items that implement Smeltable. It contains information about the product, experience gained, and more.
type Smeltable ¶ added in v0.8.0
type Smeltable interface { // SmeltInfo returns information of the item related to it's smelting capabilities. SmeltInfo() SmeltInfo }
Smeltable represents an item that can be input into a smelter, such as a blast furnace, furnace, or smoker, to cook and transform it into a different item.
type Snowball ¶ added in v0.4.0
type Snowball struct{}
Snowball is a throwable combat item obtained through shovelling snow.
func (Snowball) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.4.0
EncodeItem ...
type SpiderEye ¶ added in v0.1.0
type SpiderEye struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SpiderEye is a poisonous food and brewing item.
func (SpiderEye) AlwaysConsumable ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (SpiderEye) AlwaysConsumable() bool
AlwaysConsumable ...
func (SpiderEye) ConsumeDuration ¶ added in v0.1.0
ConsumeDuration ...
func (SpiderEye) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
EncodeItem ...
type SplashPotion ¶ added in v0.5.0
SplashPotion is an item that grants effects when thrown.
func (SplashPotion) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (s SplashPotion) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
func (SplashPotion) Use ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (s SplashPotion) Use(w *world.World, user User, ctx *UseContext) bool
Use ...
type Spyglass ¶ added in v0.6.0
type Spyglass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Spyglass is an item that zooms in on an area the player is looking at, like a telescope.
func (Spyglass) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.6.0
EncodeItem ...
func (Spyglass) Release ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (Spyglass) Release(Releaser, time.Duration, *UseContext)
func (Spyglass) Requirements ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (Spyglass) Requirements() []Stack
type Stack ¶
type Stack struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Stack represents a stack of items. The stack shares the same item type and has a count which specifies the size of the stack.
func NewStack ¶
NewStack returns a new stack using the item type and the count passed. NewStack panics if the count passed is negative or if the item type passed is nil.
func (Stack) AddStack ¶
AddStack adds another stack to the stack and returns both stacks. The first stack returned will have as many items in it as possible to fit in the stack, according to a max count of either 64 or otherwise as returned by Item.MaxCount(). The second stack will have the leftover items: It may be empty if the count of both stacks together don't exceed the max count. If the two stacks are not comparable, AddStack will return both the original stack and the stack passed.
func (Stack) AnvilCost ¶ added in v0.7.3
AnvilCost returns the number of experience levels to add to the base level cost when repairing, combining, or renaming this item with an anvil.
func (Stack) AttackDamage ¶
AttackDamage returns the attack damage to the stack. By default, the value returned is 1.0. If the item held implements the item.Weapon interface, this damage may be different.
func (Stack) Comparable ¶
Comparable checks if two stacks can be considered comparable. True is returned if the two stacks have an equal item type and have equal enchantments, lore and custom names, or if one of the stacks is empty. Comparable does not check if the two stacks have the same durability.
func (Stack) Count ¶
Count returns the amount of items that is present on the stack. The count is guaranteed never to be negative.
func (Stack) CustomName ¶
CustomName returns the custom name set for the Stack. An empty string is returned if the Stack has no custom name set.
func (Stack) Damage ¶
Damage returns a new stack that is damaged by the amount passed. (Meaning, its durability lowered by the amount passed.) If the item does not implement the Durable interface, the original stack is returned. The damage passed may be negative to add durability. If the final durability reaches 0 or below, the item returned is the resulting item of the breaking of the item. If the final durability reaches a number higher than the maximum durability, the stack returned will get the maximum durability.
func (Stack) Durability ¶
Durability returns the current durability of the item stack. If the item is not one that implements the Durable interface, BaseDurability will always return -1. The closer the durability returned is to 0, the closer the item is to being broken.
func (Stack) Enchantment ¶
func (s Stack) Enchantment(enchant EnchantmentType) (Enchantment, bool)
Enchantment attempts to return an Enchantment set to the Stack using Stack.WithEnchantment(). If an Enchantment is found by the EnchantmentType, the enchantment and the bool true is returned.
func (Stack) Enchantments ¶
func (s Stack) Enchantments() []Enchantment
Enchantments returns an array of all Enchantments on the item. Enchantments returns the enchantments of a Stack in a deterministic order.
func (Stack) Equal ¶
Equal checks if the two stacks are equal. Equal is equivalent to a Stack.Comparable check while also checking the count and durability.
func (Stack) Grow ¶
Grow grows the Stack's count by n, returning the resulting Stack. If a positive number is passed, the stack is grown, whereas if a negative size is passed, the resulting Stack will have a lower count. The count of the returned Stack will never be negative.
func (Stack) Item ¶
Item returns the item that the stack holds. If the stack is considered empty (Stack.Empty()), Item will always return nil.
func (Stack) Lore ¶
Lore returns the lore set for the Stack. If no lore is present, the slice returned has a len of 0.
func (Stack) MaxCount ¶
MaxCount returns the maximum count that the stack is able to hold when added to an inventory or when added to an item entity.
func (Stack) MaxDurability ¶
MaxDurability returns the maximum durability that the item stack is able to have. If the item does not implement the Durable interface, MaxDurability will always return -1.
func (Stack) Value ¶
Value attempts to return a value set to the Stack using Stack.WithValue(). If a value is found by the key passed, it is returned and ok is true. If not found, the value returned is nil and ok is false.
func (Stack) Values ¶
Values returns all values associated with the stack by users. The map returned is a copy of the original: Modifying it will not modify the item stack.
func (Stack) WithAnvilCost ¶ added in v0.7.3
WithAnvilCost returns the current Stack with the anvil cost set to the passed value.
func (Stack) WithCustomName ¶
WithCustomName returns a copy of the Stack with the custom name passed. The custom name is formatted according to the rules of fmt.Sprintln.
func (Stack) WithDurability ¶
WithDurability returns a new item stack with the durability passed. If the item does not implement the Durable interface, WithDurability returns the original stack. The closer the durability d is to 0, the closer the item is to being broken. If a durability of 0 is passed, a stack with the item type of the BrokenItem is returned. If a durability is passed that exceeds the maximum durability, the stack returned will have the maximum durability.
func (Stack) WithEnchantments ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (s Stack) WithEnchantments(enchants ...Enchantment) Stack
WithEnchantments returns the current stack with the passed enchantments. If an enchantment is not compatible with the item stack, it will not be applied.
func (Stack) WithLore ¶
WithLore returns a copy of the Stack with the lore passed. Each string passed is put on a different line, where the first string is at the top and the last at the bottom. The lore may be cleared by passing no lines into the Stack.
func (Stack) WithValue ¶
WithValue returns the current Stack with a value set at a specific key. This method may be used to associate custom data with the item stack, which will persist through server restarts. The value stored may later be obtained by making a call to Stack.Value().
WithValue may be called with a nil value, in which case the value at the key will be cleared.
WithValue stores Values by encoding them using the encoding/gob package. Users of WithValue must ensure that their value is valid for encoding with this package.
func (Stack) WithoutEnchantments ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (s Stack) WithoutEnchantments(enchants ...EnchantmentType) Stack
WithoutEnchantments returns the current stack but with the passed enchantments removed.
type StewType ¶ added in v0.8.4
type StewType struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StewType represents a type of suspicious stew.
func BlindnessStew ¶ added in v0.8.4
func BlindnessStew() StewType
BlindnessStew returns suspicious stew blindness effect.
func FireResistanceStew ¶ added in v0.8.4
func FireResistanceStew() StewType
FireResistanceStew returns suspicious stew fire resistance effect.
func JumpBoostStew ¶ added in v0.8.4
func JumpBoostStew() StewType
JumpBoostStew returns suspicious stew jump boost effect.
func NightVisionStew ¶ added in v0.8.4
func NightVisionStew() StewType
NightVisionStew returns suspicious stew night vision effect.
func PoisonStew ¶ added in v0.8.4
func PoisonStew() StewType
PoisonStew returns suspicious stew poison effect.
func RegenerationStew ¶ added in v0.8.4
func RegenerationStew() StewType
RegenerationStew returns suspicious stew regeneration effect.
func SaturationDandelionStew ¶ added in v0.8.4
func SaturationDandelionStew() StewType
SaturationDandelionStew returns suspicious stew saturation effect.
func SaturationOrchidStew ¶ added in v0.8.4
func SaturationOrchidStew() StewType
SaturationOrchidStew returns suspicious stew saturation effect.
func WeaknessStew ¶ added in v0.8.4
func WeaknessStew() StewType
WeaknessStew returns suspicious stew weakness effect.
func WitherStew ¶ added in v0.8.4
func WitherStew() StewType
WitherStew returns suspicious stew wither effect.
type Stick ¶
type Stick struct{}
Stick is one of the most abundant resources used for crafting many tools and items.
type Sugar ¶ added in v0.1.0
type Sugar struct{}
Sugar is a food ingredient and brewing ingredient made from sugar canes.
func (Sugar) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
EncodeItem ...
type SuspiciousStew ¶ added in v0.8.4
type SuspiciousStew struct { // Type specifies the type of effect will be given to the player Type StewType // contains filtered or unexported fields }
SuspiciousStew is a food item that can give the player a status effect that depends on the flower used to craft it.
func (SuspiciousStew) AlwaysConsumable ¶ added in v0.8.4
func (SuspiciousStew) AlwaysConsumable() bool
AlwaysConsumable ...
func (SuspiciousStew) Consume ¶ added in v0.8.4
func (s SuspiciousStew) Consume(_ *world.World, c Consumer) Stack
Consume ...
func (SuspiciousStew) ConsumeDuration ¶ added in v0.8.4
ConsumeDuration ...
func (SuspiciousStew) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.8.4
func (s SuspiciousStew) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type Sword ¶
type Sword struct { // Tier is the tier of the sword. Tier ToolTier }
Sword is a tool generally used to attack enemies. In addition, it may be used to mine any block slightly faster than without tool and to break cobwebs rapidly.
func (Sword) AttackDamage ¶
AttackDamage returns the attack damage to the sword.
func (Sword) BaseMiningEfficiency ¶
BaseMiningEfficiency always returns 1.5, unless the block passed is cobweb, in which case 15 is returned.
func (Sword) EnchantmentValue ¶ added in v0.8.0
EnchantmentValue ...
func (Sword) HarvestLevel ¶
HarvestLevel returns the harvest level of the sword tier.
func (Sword) RepairableBy ¶ added in v0.7.3
RepairableBy ...
type Throwable ¶ added in v0.6.0
type Throwable interface { // SwingAnimation returns true if the client should cause the player's arm to swing when the item is thrown. SwingAnimation() bool }
Throwable represents a custom item that can be thrown such as a projectile. This will only have an effect on non-vanilla items.
type Tool ¶ added in v0.6.0
type Tool interface { // ToolType returns the type of the tool. The blocks that can be mined with this tool depend on this // tool type. ToolType() ToolType // HarvestLevel returns the level that this tool is able to harvest. If a block has a harvest level above // this one, this tool won't be able to harvest it. HarvestLevel() int // BaseMiningEfficiency is the base efficiency of the tool, when it comes to mining blocks. This decides // the speed with which blocks can be mined. // Some tools have a mining efficiency that depends on the block (swords, shears). The block mined is // passed for this behaviour. BaseMiningEfficiency(b world.Block) float64 }
Tool represents an item that may be used as a tool.
type ToolNone ¶ added in v0.6.0
type ToolNone struct{}
ToolNone is a ToolType typically used in functions for items that do not function as tools.
func (ToolNone) BaseMiningEfficiency ¶ added in v0.6.0
BaseMiningEfficiency ...
func (ToolNone) HarvestLevel ¶ added in v0.6.0
HarvestLevel ...
type ToolTier ¶ added in v0.6.0
type ToolTier struct { // HarvestLevel is the level that this tier of tools is able to harvest. If a block has a harvest level // above this one, a tool with this tier won't be able to harvest it. HarvestLevel int // BaseMiningEfficiency is the base efficiency of the tier, when it comes to mining blocks. This is // specifically used for tools such as pickaxes. BaseMiningEfficiency float64 // BaseAttackDamage is the base attack damage to tools with this tier. All tools have a constant value // that is added on top of this. BaseAttackDamage float64 // EnchantmentValue is the enchantment value of the tool used when selecting pseudo-random enchantments for // enchanting tables. EnchantmentValue int // BaseDurability returns the maximum durability that a tool with this tier has. Durability int // Name is the name of the tier. Name string }
ToolTier represents the tier, or material, that a Tool is made of.
type ToolType ¶ added in v0.6.0
type ToolType struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ToolType represents the type of tool. This decides the type of blocks that the tool is used for.
type TropicalFish ¶ added in v0.1.0
type TropicalFish struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TropicalFish is a food item that cannot be cooked.
func (TropicalFish) AlwaysConsumable ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (TropicalFish) AlwaysConsumable() bool
AlwaysConsumable ...
func (TropicalFish) Consume ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (TropicalFish) Consume(_ *world.World, c Consumer) Stack
Consume ...
func (TropicalFish) ConsumeDuration ¶ added in v0.1.0
ConsumeDuration ...
func (TropicalFish) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (TropicalFish) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
type TurtleShell ¶ added in v0.1.0
type TurtleShell struct{}
TurtleShell are items that are used for brewing or as a helmet to give the player the Water Breathing status effect.
func (TurtleShell) DefencePoints ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (TurtleShell) DefencePoints() float64
DefencePoints ...
func (TurtleShell) DurabilityInfo ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (TurtleShell) DurabilityInfo() DurabilityInfo
DurabilityInfo ...
func (TurtleShell) EnchantmentValue ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (TurtleShell) EnchantmentValue() int
EnchantmentValue ...
func (TurtleShell) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (TurtleShell) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
func (TurtleShell) KnockBackResistance ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (TurtleShell) KnockBackResistance() float64
KnockBackResistance ...
func (TurtleShell) MaxCount ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (TurtleShell) MaxCount() int
MaxCount always returns 1.
func (TurtleShell) RepairableBy ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (TurtleShell) RepairableBy(i Stack) bool
RepairableBy ...
func (TurtleShell) Use ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (TurtleShell) Use(_ *world.World, _ User, ctx *UseContext) bool
Use handles the using of a turtle shell to auto-equip it in an armour slot.
type Usable ¶
type Usable interface { // Use is called when the item is used in the air. The user that used the item and the world that the item // was used in are passed to the method. // Use returns a bool indicating if the item was used successfully. Use(w *world.World, user User, ctx *UseContext) bool }
Usable represents an item that may be used 'in the air'. If an item implements this interface, the Use method is called whenever the item is used while pointing at the air. (For example, when throwing an egg.)
type UsableOnBlock ¶
type UsableOnBlock interface { // UseOnBlock is called when an item is used on a block. The world passed is the world that the item was // used in. The user passed is the entity that used the item. Usually this entity is a player. // The position of the block that was clicked, along with the clicked face and the position clicked // relative to the corner of the block are passed. // UseOnBlock returns a bool indicating if the item was used successfully. UseOnBlock(pos cube.Pos, face cube.Face, clickPos mgl64.Vec3, w *world.World, user User, ctx *UseContext) bool }
UsableOnBlock represents an item that may be used on a block. If an item implements this interface, the UseOnBlock method is called whenever the item is used on a block.
type UsableOnEntity ¶
type UsableOnEntity interface { // UseOnEntity is called when an item is used on an entity. The world passed is the world that the item is // used in, and the entity clicked and the user of the item are also passed. // UseOnEntity returns a bool indicating if the item was used successfully. UseOnEntity(e world.Entity, w *world.World, user User, ctx *UseContext) bool }
UsableOnEntity represents an item that may be used on an entity. If an item implements this interface, the UseOnEntity method is called whenever the item is used on an entity.
type UseContext ¶
type UseContext struct { // Damage is the amount of damage that should be dealt to the item as a result of using it. Damage int // CountSub is how much of the count should be subtracted after using the item. CountSub int // IgnoreBBox specifies if placing the item should ignore the BBox of the player placing this. This is the case for // items such as cocoa beans. IgnoreBBox bool // NewItem is the item that is added after the item is used. If the player no longer has an item in the // hand, it'll be added there. NewItem Stack // ConsumedItems contains a list of items that were consumed in the process of using the item. ConsumedItems []Stack // NewItemSurvivalOnly will add any new items only in survival mode. NewItemSurvivalOnly bool // FirstFunc returns the first item in the context holder's inventory if found. The second return value describes // whether the item was found. The comparable function is used to compare the item to the given item. FirstFunc func(comparable func(Stack) bool) (Stack, bool) // SwapHeldWithArmour holds a function that swaps the item currently held by a User with armour slot i. SwapHeldWithArmour func(i int) }
UseContext is passed to every item Use methods. It may be used to subtract items or to deal damage to them after the action is complete.
func (*UseContext) Consume ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (ctx *UseContext) Consume(s Stack)
Consume consumes the provided item when the context is handled.
func (*UseContext) DamageItem ¶
func (ctx *UseContext) DamageItem(d int)
DamageItem damages the item used by d points.
func (*UseContext) SubtractFromCount ¶
func (ctx *UseContext) SubtractFromCount(d int)
SubtractFromCount subtracts d from the count of the item stack used.
type User ¶
type User interface { Carrier // Facing returns the direction that the user is facing. Facing() cube.Direction SetHeldItems(mainHand, offHand Stack) UsingItem() bool ReleaseItem() UseItem() }
User represents an entity that is able to use an item in the world, typically entities such as players, which interact with the world using an item.
type WarpedFungusOnAStick ¶ added in v0.1.0
type WarpedFungusOnAStick struct{}
WarpedFungusOnAStick is an item that can be used to control saddled striders.
func (WarpedFungusOnAStick) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (WarpedFungusOnAStick) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
func (WarpedFungusOnAStick) MaxCount ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (WarpedFungusOnAStick) MaxCount() int
MaxCount ...
type Weapon ¶
type Weapon interface { // AttackDamage returns the custom attack damage to the weapon. The damage returned must not be negative. AttackDamage() float64 }
Weapon is an item that may be used as a weapon. It has an attack damage which may be different to the 2 damage that attacking with an empty hand deals.
type WrittenBook ¶ added in v0.8.3
type WrittenBook struct { // Title is the title of the book. Title string // Author is the author of the book. Author string // Generation is the copy tier of the book. 0 = original, 1 = copy of original, // 2 = copy of copy. Generation WrittenBookGeneration // Pages represents the pages within the book. Pages []string }
WrittenBook is the item created after a book and quill is signed. It appears the same as a regular book, but without the quill, and has an enchanted-looking glint.
func (WrittenBook) DecodeNBT ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (w WrittenBook) DecodeNBT(data map[string]any) any
DecodeNBT ...
func (WrittenBook) EncodeItem ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (w WrittenBook) EncodeItem() (name string, meta int16)
EncodeItem ...
func (WrittenBook) EncodeNBT ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (w WrittenBook) EncodeNBT() map[string]any
EncodeNBT ...
func (WrittenBook) MaxCount ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (w WrittenBook) MaxCount() int
MaxCount always returns 1.
type WrittenBookGeneration ¶ added in v0.8.3
type WrittenBookGeneration struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WrittenBookGeneration represents a WrittenBook generation.
func CopyGeneration ¶ added in v0.8.3
func CopyGeneration() WrittenBookGeneration
CopyGeneration is a copy of the original WrittenBook.
func CopyOfCopyGeneration ¶ added in v0.8.3
func CopyOfCopyGeneration() WrittenBookGeneration
CopyOfCopyGeneration is a copy of a copy of the original WrittenBook.
func OriginalGeneration ¶ added in v0.8.3
func OriginalGeneration() WrittenBookGeneration
OriginalGeneration is the original WrittenBook.
Source Files
- amethyst_shard.go
- apple.go
- armour.go
- arrow.go
- axe.go
- baked_potato.go
- banner_pattern.go
- banner_pattern_type.go
- beef.go
- beetroot.go
- beetroot_soup.go
- blaze_powder.go
- blaze_rod.go
- bone.go
- bone_meal.go
- book.go
- book_and_quill.go
- boots.go
- bottle_of_enchanting.go
- bow.go
- bowl.go
- bread.go
- brick.go
- bucket.go
- carrot_on_a_stick.go
- charcoal.go
- chestplate.go
- chicken.go
- clay_ball.go
- clock.go
- coal.go
- cod.go
- colour.go
- compass.go
- cookie.go
- copper_ingot.go
- diamond.go
- disc_fragment.go
- dragon_breath.go
- dried_kelp.go
- durability.go
- dye.go
- echo_shard.go
- egg.go
- elytra.go
- emerald.go
- enchanted_apple.go
- enchanted_book.go
- enchantment.go
- enchantment_rarity.go
- ender_pearl.go
- feather.go
- fermented_spider_eye.go
- fire_charge.go
- firework.go
- firework_explosion.go
- firework_shape.go
- firework_star.go
- flint.go
- flint_and_steel.go
- ghast_tear.go
- glass_bottle.go
- glistering_melon_slice.go
- glowstone_dust.go
- goat_horn.go
- gold_ingot.go
- gold_nugget.go
- golden_apple.go
- golden_carrot.go
- gunpowder.go
- heart_of_the_sea.go
- helmet.go
- hoe.go
- honeycomb.go
- ink_sac.go
- iron_ingot.go
- iron_nugget.go
- item.go
- lapis_lazuli.go
- leather.go
- leggings.go
- lingering_potion.go
- magma_cream.go
- melon_slice.go
- mushroom_stew.go
- music_disc.go
- mutton.go
- nautilus_shell.go
- nether_brick.go
- nether_quartz.go
- nether_star.go
- netherite_ingot.go
- netherite_scrap.go
- paper.go
- phantom_membrane.go
- pickaxe.go
- poisonous_potato.go
- popped_chorus_fruit.go
- porkchop.go
- potion.go
- prismarine_crystal.go
- prismarine_shard.go
- pufferfish.go
- pumpkin_pie.go
- rabbit.go
- rabbit_foot.go
- rabbit_hide.go
- rabbit_stew.go
- raw_copper.go
- raw_gold.go
- raw_iron.go
- recovery_compass.go
- register.go
- rotten_flesh.go
- salmon.go
- scute.go
- shears.go
- shovel.go
- shulker_shell.go
- slimeball.go
- smelting_info.go
- snowball.go
- spider_eye.go
- splash_potion.go
- spyglass.go
- stack.go
- stick.go
- sugar.go
- suspicious_stew.go
- suspicious_stew_type.go
- sword.go
- tool.go
- tropical_fish.go
- turtle_shell.go
- use.go
- warped_fungus_on_a_stick.go
- wheat.go
- written_book.go
- written_book_generation.go