Simple Golang quiz design, that loads questions from csv file to ask user. User can also provide a file of their own content to the program. At the end of the quiz, users' will see their quiz scores
- Users can provide path to their own quiz file as a flag when running the package
- Users can see their scores and failed at the end of the quiz
- New Feature: You can provide an argument to shuffle your quiz
- New Feature: Quiz uses a timer, and users can set timer to start quiz
Checking help to see flags documentations
go run main.go -h
Running by default using default questions, timer and shuffle
go run main.go
Running with your own questions
This will load the quesions from the path you have provided
go run main.go -c "Path to your valid questions csv file"
Running with your own timer
Sets timer to 40 seconds
go run main.go -d 40
Shuffling questions
Uses flag to shuffle questions in random order
go run main.go -s