Go API client for radarr
Radarr API docs
This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the OpenAPI-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
- API version: v5.17.2.9580
- Package version: 1.2.0
- Generator version: 7.11.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.GoClientCodegen
Install the following dependencies:
go get
go get
Put the package under your project folder and add the following in import:
import radarr ""
To use a proxy, set the environment variable HTTP_PROXY
os.Setenv("HTTP_PROXY", "http://proxy_name:proxy_port")
Configuration of Server URL
Default configuration comes with Servers
field that contains server objects as defined in the OpenAPI specification.
Select Server Configuration
For using other server than the one defined on index 0 set context value radarr.ContextServerIndex
of type int
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), radarr.ContextServerIndex, 1)
Templated Server URL
Templated server URL is formatted using default variables from configuration or from context value radarr.ContextServerVariables
of type map[string]string
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), radarr.ContextServerVariables, map[string]string{
"basePath": "v2",
Note, enum values are always validated and all unused variables are silently ignored.
URLs Configuration per Operation
Each operation can use different server URL defined using OperationServers
map in the Configuration
An operation is uniquely identified by "{classname}Service.{nickname}"
Similar rules for overriding default operation server index and variables applies by using radarr.ContextOperationServerIndices
and radarr.ContextOperationServerVariables
context maps.
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), radarr.ContextOperationServerIndices, map[string]int{
"{classname}Service.{nickname}": 2,
ctx = context.WithValue(context.Background(), radarr.ContextOperationServerVariables, map[string]map[string]string{
"{classname}Service.{nickname}": {
"port": "8443",
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to http://localhost:7878
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AlternativeTitleAPI | GetAlttitleById | Get /api/v3/alttitle/{id} | |
AlternativeTitleAPI | ListAlttitle | Get /api/v3/alttitle | |
ApiInfoAPI | GetApi | Get /api | |
AuthenticationAPI | CreateLogin | Post /login | |
AuthenticationAPI | GetLogout | Get /logout | |
AutoTaggingAPI | CreateAutoTagging | Post /api/v3/autotagging | |
AutoTaggingAPI | DeleteAutoTagging | Delete /api/v3/autotagging/{id} | |
AutoTaggingAPI | GetAutoTaggingById | Get /api/v3/autotagging/{id} | |
AutoTaggingAPI | ListAutoTagging | Get /api/v3/autotagging | |
AutoTaggingAPI | ListAutoTaggingSchema | Get /api/v3/autotagging/schema | |
AutoTaggingAPI | UpdateAutoTagging | Put /api/v3/autotagging/{id} | |
BackupAPI | CreateSystemBackupRestoreById | Post /api/v3/system/backup/restore/{id} | |
BackupAPI | CreateSystemBackupRestoreUpload | Post /api/v3/system/backup/restore/upload | |
BackupAPI | DeleteSystemBackup | Delete /api/v3/system/backup/{id} | |
BackupAPI | ListSystemBackup | Get /api/v3/system/backup | |
BlocklistAPI | DeleteBlocklist | Delete /api/v3/blocklist/{id} | |
BlocklistAPI | DeleteBlocklistBulk | Delete /api/v3/blocklist/bulk | |
BlocklistAPI | GetBlocklist | Get /api/v3/blocklist | |
BlocklistAPI | ListBlocklistMovie | Get /api/v3/blocklist/movie | |
CalendarAPI | ListCalendar | Get /api/v3/calendar | |
CalendarFeedAPI | GetFeedV3CalendarRadarrIcs | Get /feed/v3/calendar/radarr.ics | |
CollectionAPI | GetCollectionById | Get /api/v3/collection/{id} | |
CollectionAPI | ListCollection | Get /api/v3/collection | |
CollectionAPI | PutCollection | Put /api/v3/collection | |
CollectionAPI | UpdateCollection | Put /api/v3/collection/{id} | |
CommandAPI | CreateCommand | Post /api/v3/command | |
CommandAPI | DeleteCommand | Delete /api/v3/command/{id} | |
CommandAPI | GetCommandById | Get /api/v3/command/{id} | |
CommandAPI | ListCommand | Get /api/v3/command | |
CreditAPI | GetCredit | Get /api/v3/credit | |
CreditAPI | GetCreditById | Get /api/v3/credit/{id} | |
CustomFilterAPI | CreateCustomFilter | Post /api/v3/customfilter | |
CustomFilterAPI | DeleteCustomFilter | Delete /api/v3/customfilter/{id} | |
CustomFilterAPI | GetCustomFilterById | Get /api/v3/customfilter/{id} | |
CustomFilterAPI | ListCustomFilter | Get /api/v3/customfilter | |
CustomFilterAPI | UpdateCustomFilter | Put /api/v3/customfilter/{id} | |
CustomFormatAPI | CreateCustomFormat | Post /api/v3/customformat | |
CustomFormatAPI | DeleteCustomFormat | Delete /api/v3/customformat/{id} | |
CustomFormatAPI | DeleteCustomFormatBulk | Delete /api/v3/customformat/bulk | |
CustomFormatAPI | GetCustomFormatById | Get /api/v3/customformat/{id} | |
CustomFormatAPI | ListCustomFormat | Get /api/v3/customformat | |
CustomFormatAPI | ListCustomFormatSchema | Get /api/v3/customformat/schema | |
CustomFormatAPI | PutCustomFormatBulk | Put /api/v3/customformat/bulk | |
CustomFormatAPI | UpdateCustomFormat | Put /api/v3/customformat/{id} | |
CutoffAPI | GetWantedCutoff | Get /api/v3/wanted/cutoff | |
DelayProfileAPI | CreateDelayProfile | Post /api/v3/delayprofile | |
DelayProfileAPI | DeleteDelayProfile | Delete /api/v3/delayprofile/{id} | |
DelayProfileAPI | GetDelayProfileById | Get /api/v3/delayprofile/{id} | |
DelayProfileAPI | ListDelayProfile | Get /api/v3/delayprofile | |
DelayProfileAPI | UpdateDelayProfile | Put /api/v3/delayprofile/{id} | |
DelayProfileAPI | UpdateDelayProfileReorder | Put /api/v3/delayprofile/reorder/{id} | |
DiskSpaceAPI | ListDiskSpace | Get /api/v3/diskspace | |
DownloadClientAPI | CreateDownloadClient | Post /api/v3/downloadclient | |
DownloadClientAPI | CreateDownloadClientActionByName | Post /api/v3/downloadclient/action/{name} | |
DownloadClientAPI | DeleteDownloadClient | Delete /api/v3/downloadclient/{id} | |
DownloadClientAPI | DeleteDownloadClientBulk | Delete /api/v3/downloadclient/bulk | |
DownloadClientAPI | GetDownloadClientById | Get /api/v3/downloadclient/{id} | |
DownloadClientAPI | ListDownloadClient | Get /api/v3/downloadclient | |
DownloadClientAPI | ListDownloadClientSchema | Get /api/v3/downloadclient/schema | |
DownloadClientAPI | PutDownloadClientBulk | Put /api/v3/downloadclient/bulk | |
DownloadClientAPI | TestDownloadClient | Post /api/v3/downloadclient/test | |
DownloadClientAPI | TestallDownloadClient | Post /api/v3/downloadclient/testall | |
DownloadClientAPI | UpdateDownloadClient | Put /api/v3/downloadclient/{id} | |
DownloadClientConfigAPI | GetDownloadClientConfig | Get /api/v3/config/downloadclient | |
DownloadClientConfigAPI | GetDownloadClientConfigById | Get /api/v3/config/downloadclient/{id} | |
DownloadClientConfigAPI | UpdateDownloadClientConfig | Put /api/v3/config/downloadclient/{id} | |
ExtraFileAPI | ListExtraFile | Get /api/v3/extrafile | |
FileSystemAPI | GetFileSystem | Get /api/v3/filesystem | |
FileSystemAPI | GetFileSystemMediafiles | Get /api/v3/filesystem/mediafiles | |
FileSystemAPI | GetFileSystemType | Get /api/v3/filesystem/type | |
HealthAPI | ListHealth | Get /api/v3/health | |
HistoryAPI | CreateHistoryFailedById | Post /api/v3/history/failed/{id} | |
HistoryAPI | GetHistory | Get /api/v3/history | |
HistoryAPI | ListHistoryMovie | Get /api/v3/history/movie | |
HistoryAPI | ListHistorySince | Get /api/v3/history/since | |
HostConfigAPI | GetHostConfig | Get /api/v3/config/host | |
HostConfigAPI | GetHostConfigById | Get /api/v3/config/host/{id} | |
HostConfigAPI | UpdateHostConfig | Put /api/v3/config/host/{id} | |
ImportListAPI | CreateImportList | Post /api/v3/importlist | |
ImportListAPI | CreateImportListActionByName | Post /api/v3/importlist/action/{name} | |
ImportListAPI | DeleteImportList | Delete /api/v3/importlist/{id} | |
ImportListAPI | DeleteImportListBulk | Delete /api/v3/importlist/bulk | |
ImportListAPI | GetImportListById | Get /api/v3/importlist/{id} | |
ImportListAPI | ListImportList | Get /api/v3/importlist | |
ImportListAPI | ListImportListSchema | Get /api/v3/importlist/schema | |
ImportListAPI | PutImportListBulk | Put /api/v3/importlist/bulk | |
ImportListAPI | TestImportList | Post /api/v3/importlist/test | |
ImportListAPI | TestallImportList | Post /api/v3/importlist/testall | |
ImportListAPI | UpdateImportList | Put /api/v3/importlist/{id} | |
ImportListConfigAPI | GetImportListConfig | Get /api/v3/config/importlist | |
ImportListConfigAPI | GetImportListConfigById | Get /api/v3/config/importlist/{id} | |
ImportListConfigAPI | UpdateImportListConfig | Put /api/v3/config/importlist/{id} | |
ImportListExclusionAPI | CreateExclusions | Post /api/v3/exclusions | |
ImportListExclusionAPI | CreateExclusionsBulk | Post /api/v3/exclusions/bulk | |
ImportListExclusionAPI | DeleteExclusions | Delete /api/v3/exclusions/{id} | |
ImportListExclusionAPI | DeleteExclusionsBulk | Delete /api/v3/exclusions/bulk | |
ImportListExclusionAPI | GetExclusionsById | Get /api/v3/exclusions/{id} | |
ImportListExclusionAPI | GetExclusionsPaged | Get /api/v3/exclusions/paged | |
ImportListExclusionAPI | ListExclusions | Get /api/v3/exclusions | |
ImportListExclusionAPI | UpdateExclusions | Put /api/v3/exclusions/{id} | |
ImportListMoviesAPI | CreateImportlistMovie | Post /api/v3/importlist/movie | |
ImportListMoviesAPI | GetImportlistMovie | Get /api/v3/importlist/movie | |
IndexerAPI | CreateIndexer | Post /api/v3/indexer | |
IndexerAPI | CreateIndexerActionByName | Post /api/v3/indexer/action/{name} | |
IndexerAPI | DeleteIndexer | Delete /api/v3/indexer/{id} | |
IndexerAPI | DeleteIndexerBulk | Delete /api/v3/indexer/bulk | |
IndexerAPI | GetIndexerById | Get /api/v3/indexer/{id} | |
IndexerAPI | ListIndexer | Get /api/v3/indexer | |
IndexerAPI | ListIndexerSchema | Get /api/v3/indexer/schema | |
IndexerAPI | PutIndexerBulk | Put /api/v3/indexer/bulk | |
IndexerAPI | TestIndexer | Post /api/v3/indexer/test | |
IndexerAPI | TestallIndexer | Post /api/v3/indexer/testall | |
IndexerAPI | UpdateIndexer | Put /api/v3/indexer/{id} | |
IndexerConfigAPI | GetIndexerConfig | Get /api/v3/config/indexer | |
IndexerConfigAPI | GetIndexerConfigById | Get /api/v3/config/indexer/{id} | |
IndexerConfigAPI | UpdateIndexerConfig | Put /api/v3/config/indexer/{id} | |
IndexerFlagAPI | ListIndexerFlag | Get /api/v3/indexerflag | |
LanguageAPI | GetLanguageById | Get /api/v3/language/{id} | |
LanguageAPI | ListLanguage | Get /api/v3/language | |
LocalizationAPI | GetLocalization | Get /api/v3/localization | |
LocalizationAPI | GetLocalizationLanguage | Get /api/v3/localization/language | |
LogAPI | GetLog | Get /api/v3/log | |
LogFileAPI | GetLogFileByFilename | Get /api/v3/log/file/{filename} | |
LogFileAPI | ListLogFile | Get /api/v3/log/file | |
ManualImportAPI | CreateManualImport | Post /api/v3/manualimport | |
ManualImportAPI | ListManualImport | Get /api/v3/manualimport | |
MediaCoverAPI | GetMediaCoverByFilename | Get /api/v3/mediacover/{movieId}/{filename} | |
MediaManagementConfigAPI | GetMediaManagementConfig | Get /api/v3/config/mediamanagement | |
MediaManagementConfigAPI | GetMediaManagementConfigById | Get /api/v3/config/mediamanagement/{id} | |
MediaManagementConfigAPI | UpdateMediaManagementConfig | Put /api/v3/config/mediamanagement/{id} | |
MetadataAPI | CreateMetadata | Post /api/v3/metadata | |
MetadataAPI | CreateMetadataActionByName | Post /api/v3/metadata/action/{name} | |
MetadataAPI | DeleteMetadata | Delete /api/v3/metadata/{id} | |
MetadataAPI | GetMetadataById | Get /api/v3/metadata/{id} | |
MetadataAPI | ListMetadata | Get /api/v3/metadata | |
MetadataAPI | ListMetadataSchema | Get /api/v3/metadata/schema | |
MetadataAPI | TestMetadata | Post /api/v3/metadata/test | |
MetadataAPI | TestallMetadata | Post /api/v3/metadata/testall | |
MetadataAPI | UpdateMetadata | Put /api/v3/metadata/{id} | |
MetadataConfigAPI | GetMetadataConfig | Get /api/v3/config/metadata | |
MetadataConfigAPI | GetMetadataConfigById | Get /api/v3/config/metadata/{id} | |
MetadataConfigAPI | UpdateMetadataConfig | Put /api/v3/config/metadata/{id} | |
MissingAPI | GetWantedMissing | Get /api/v3/wanted/missing | |
MovieAPI | CreateMovie | Post /api/v3/movie | |
MovieAPI | DeleteMovie | Delete /api/v3/movie/{id} | |
MovieAPI | GetMovieById | Get /api/v3/movie/{id} | |
MovieAPI | ListMovie | Get /api/v3/movie | |
MovieAPI | UpdateMovie | Put /api/v3/movie/{id} | |
MovieEditorAPI | DeleteMovieEditor | Delete /api/v3/movie/editor | |
MovieEditorAPI | PutMovieEditor | Put /api/v3/movie/editor | |
MovieFileAPI | DeleteMovieFile | Delete /api/v3/moviefile/{id} | |
MovieFileAPI | DeleteMovieFileBulk | Delete /api/v3/moviefile/bulk | |
MovieFileAPI | GetMovieFileById | Get /api/v3/moviefile/{id} | |
MovieFileAPI | ListMovieFile | Get /api/v3/moviefile | |
MovieFileAPI | PutMovieFileEditor | Put /api/v3/moviefile/editor | |
MovieFileAPI | UpdateMovieFile | Put /api/v3/moviefile/{id} | |
MovieImportAPI | CreateMovieImport | Post /api/v3/movie/import | |
MovieLookupAPI | ListMovieLookup | Get /api/v3/movie/lookup | |
MovieLookupAPI | ListMovieLookupImdb | Get /api/v3/movie/lookup/imdb | |
MovieLookupAPI | ListMovieLookupTmdb | Get /api/v3/movie/lookup/tmdb | |
NamingConfigAPI | GetNamingConfig | Get /api/v3/config/naming | |
NamingConfigAPI | GetNamingConfigById | Get /api/v3/config/naming/{id} | |
NamingConfigAPI | GetNamingConfigExamples | Get /api/v3/config/naming/examples | |
NamingConfigAPI | UpdateNamingConfig | Put /api/v3/config/naming/{id} | |
NotificationAPI | CreateNotification | Post /api/v3/notification | |
NotificationAPI | CreateNotificationActionByName | Post /api/v3/notification/action/{name} | |
NotificationAPI | DeleteNotification | Delete /api/v3/notification/{id} | |
NotificationAPI | GetNotificationById | Get /api/v3/notification/{id} | |
NotificationAPI | ListNotification | Get /api/v3/notification | |
NotificationAPI | ListNotificationSchema | Get /api/v3/notification/schema | |
NotificationAPI | TestNotification | Post /api/v3/notification/test | |
NotificationAPI | TestallNotification | Post /api/v3/notification/testall | |
NotificationAPI | UpdateNotification | Put /api/v3/notification/{id} | |
ParseAPI | GetParse | Get /api/v3/parse | |
PingAPI | GetPing | Get /ping | |
PingAPI | HeadPing | Head /ping | |
QualityDefinitionAPI | GetQualityDefinitionById | Get /api/v3/qualitydefinition/{id} | |
QualityDefinitionAPI | ListQualityDefinition | Get /api/v3/qualitydefinition | |
QualityDefinitionAPI | PutQualityDefinitionUpdate | Put /api/v3/qualitydefinition/update | |
QualityDefinitionAPI | UpdateQualityDefinition | Put /api/v3/qualitydefinition/{id} | |
QualityProfileAPI | CreateQualityProfile | Post /api/v3/qualityprofile | |
QualityProfileAPI | DeleteQualityProfile | Delete /api/v3/qualityprofile/{id} | |
QualityProfileAPI | GetQualityProfileById | Get /api/v3/qualityprofile/{id} | |
QualityProfileAPI | ListQualityProfile | Get /api/v3/qualityprofile | |
QualityProfileAPI | UpdateQualityProfile | Put /api/v3/qualityprofile/{id} | |
QualityProfileSchemaAPI | GetQualityprofileSchema | Get /api/v3/qualityprofile/schema | |
QueueAPI | DeleteQueue | Delete /api/v3/queue/{id} | |
QueueAPI | DeleteQueueBulk | Delete /api/v3/queue/bulk | |
QueueAPI | GetQueue | Get /api/v3/queue | |
QueueActionAPI | CreateQueueGrabBulk | Post /api/v3/queue/grab/bulk | |
QueueActionAPI | CreateQueueGrabById | Post /api/v3/queue/grab/{id} | |
QueueDetailsAPI | ListQueueDetails | Get /api/v3/queue/details | |
QueueStatusAPI | GetQueueStatus | Get /api/v3/queue/status | |
ReleaseAPI | CreateRelease | Post /api/v3/release | |
ReleaseAPI | ListRelease | Get /api/v3/release | |
ReleaseProfileAPI | CreateReleaseProfile | Post /api/v3/releaseprofile | |
ReleaseProfileAPI | DeleteReleaseProfile | Delete /api/v3/releaseprofile/{id} | |
ReleaseProfileAPI | GetReleaseProfileById | Get /api/v3/releaseprofile/{id} | |
ReleaseProfileAPI | ListReleaseProfile | Get /api/v3/releaseprofile | |
ReleaseProfileAPI | UpdateReleaseProfile | Put /api/v3/releaseprofile/{id} | |
ReleasePushAPI | CreateReleasePush | Post /api/v3/release/push | |
RemotePathMappingAPI | CreateRemotePathMapping | Post /api/v3/remotepathmapping | |
RemotePathMappingAPI | DeleteRemotePathMapping | Delete /api/v3/remotepathmapping/{id} | |
RemotePathMappingAPI | GetRemotePathMappingById | Get /api/v3/remotepathmapping/{id} | |
RemotePathMappingAPI | ListRemotePathMapping | Get /api/v3/remotepathmapping | |
RemotePathMappingAPI | UpdateRemotePathMapping | Put /api/v3/remotepathmapping/{id} | |
RenameMovieAPI | ListRename | Get /api/v3/rename | |
RootFolderAPI | CreateRootFolder | Post /api/v3/rootfolder | |
RootFolderAPI | DeleteRootFolder | Delete /api/v3/rootfolder/{id} | |
RootFolderAPI | GetRootFolderById | Get /api/v3/rootfolder/{id} | |
RootFolderAPI | ListRootFolder | Get /api/v3/rootfolder | |
StaticResourceAPI | GetByPath | Get /{path} | |
StaticResourceAPI | GetContentByPath | Get /content/{path} | |
StaticResourceAPI | GetLogin | Get /login | |
SystemAPI | CreateSystemRestart | Post /api/v3/system/restart | |
SystemAPI | CreateSystemShutdown | Post /api/v3/system/shutdown | |
SystemAPI | GetSystemRoutes | Get /api/v3/system/routes | |
SystemAPI | GetSystemRoutesDuplicate | Get /api/v3/system/routes/duplicate | |
SystemAPI | GetSystemStatus | Get /api/v3/system/status | |
TagAPI | CreateTag | Post /api/v3/tag | |
TagAPI | DeleteTag | Delete /api/v3/tag/{id} | |
TagAPI | GetTagById | Get /api/v3/tag/{id} | |
TagAPI | ListTag | Get /api/v3/tag | |
TagAPI | UpdateTag | Put /api/v3/tag/{id} | |
TagDetailsAPI | GetTagDetailById | Get /api/v3/tag/detail/{id} | |
TagDetailsAPI | ListTagDetail | Get /api/v3/tag/detail | |
TaskAPI | GetSystemTaskById | Get /api/v3/system/task/{id} | |
TaskAPI | ListSystemTask | Get /api/v3/system/task | |
UiConfigAPI | GetUiConfig | Get /api/v3/config/ui | |
UiConfigAPI | GetUiConfigById | Get /api/v3/config/ui/{id} | |
UiConfigAPI | UpdateUiConfig | Put /api/v3/config/ui/{id} | |
UpdateAPI | ListUpdate | Get /api/v3/update | |
UpdateLogFileAPI | GetLogFileUpdateByFilename | Get /api/v3/log/file/update/{filename} | |
UpdateLogFileAPI | ListLogFileUpdate | Get /api/v3/log/file/update |
Documentation For Models
- AddMovieMethod
- AddMovieOptions
- AlternativeTitleResource
- ApiInfoResource
- ApplyTags
- AuthenticationRequiredType
- AuthenticationType
- AutoTaggingResource
- AutoTaggingSpecificationSchema
- BackupResource
- BackupType
- BlocklistBulkResource
- BlocklistResource
- BlocklistResourcePagingResource
- CertificateValidationType
- CollectionMovieResource
- CollectionResource
- CollectionUpdateResource
- ColonReplacementFormat
- Command
- CommandPriority
- CommandResource
- CommandResult
- CommandStatus
- CommandTrigger
- CreditResource
- CreditType
- CustomFilterResource
- CustomFormatBulkResource
- CustomFormatResource
- CustomFormatSpecificationSchema
- DatabaseType
- DelayProfileResource
- DiskSpaceResource
- DownloadClientBulkResource
- DownloadClientConfigResource
- DownloadClientResource
- DownloadProtocol
- ExtraFileResource
- ExtraFileType
- Field
- FileDateType
- HealthCheckResult
- HealthResource
- HistoryResource
- HistoryResourcePagingResource
- HostConfigResource
- ImportListBulkResource
- ImportListConfigResource
- ImportListExclusionBulkResource
- ImportListExclusionResource
- ImportListExclusionResourcePagingResource
- ImportListResource
- ImportListType
- IndexerBulkResource
- IndexerConfigResource
- IndexerFlagResource
- IndexerResource
- Language
- LanguageResource
- LocalizationLanguageResource
- LogFileResource
- LogResource
- LogResourcePagingResource
- ManualImportReprocessResource
- ManualImportResource
- MediaCover
- MediaCoverTypes
- MediaInfoResource
- MediaManagementConfigResource
- MetadataConfigResource
- MetadataResource
- Modifier
- MonitorTypes
- MovieCollectionResource
- MovieEditorResource
- MovieFileListResource
- MovieFileResource
- MovieHistoryEventType
- MovieResource
- MovieResourcePagingResource
- MovieRuntimeFormatType
- MovieStatisticsResource
- MovieStatusType
- NamingConfigResource
- NotificationResource
- ParseResource
- ParsedMovieInfo
- PingResource
- PrivacyLevel
- ProfileFormatItemResource
- ProperDownloadTypes
- ProviderMessage
- ProviderMessageType
- ProxyType
- Quality
- QualityDefinitionResource
- QualityModel
- QualityProfileQualityItemResource
- QualityProfileResource
- QualitySource
- QueueBulkResource
- QueueResource
- QueueResourcePagingResource
- QueueStatus
- QueueStatusResource
- RatingChild
- RatingType
- Ratings
- Rejection
- RejectionType
- ReleaseProfileResource
- ReleaseResource
- RemotePathMappingResource
- RenameMovieResource
- RescanAfterRefreshType
- Revision
- RootFolderResource
- RuntimeMode
- SelectOption
- SortDirection
- SourceType
- SystemResource
- TMDbCountryCode
- TagDetailsResource
- TagResource
- TaskResource
- TrackedDownloadState
- TrackedDownloadStatus
- TrackedDownloadStatusMessage
- UiConfigResource
- UnmappedFolder
- UpdateChanges
- UpdateMechanism
- UpdateResource
Documentation For Authorization
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: X-Api-Key
- Location: HTTP header
Note, each API key must be added to a map of map[string]APIKey
where the key is: X-Api-Key and passed in as the auth context for each request.
auth := context.WithValue(
"X-Api-Key": {Key: "API_KEY_STRING"},
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: apikey
- Location: URL query string
Note, each API key must be added to a map of map[string]APIKey
where the key is: apikey and passed in as the auth context for each request.
auth := context.WithValue(
"apikey": {Key: "API_KEY_STRING"},
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)
Documentation for Utility Methods
Due to the fact that model structure members are all pointers, this package contains a number of utility functions to easily obtain pointers to values of basic types. Each of these functions takes a value of the given basic type and returns a pointer to it: