Vault Operator
Project status: beta
The basic features have been completed, and while no breaking API changes are currently planned, the API can change in a backwards incompatible way before the project is declared stable.
The Vault operator deploys and manages Vault clusters on Kubernetes. Vault instances created by the Vault operator are highly available and support automatic failover and upgrade.
Getting Started
- Kubernetes 1.8+
Configuring RBAC
Consult the RBAC guide on how to configure RBAC for the Vault operator.
Deploying the etcd operator
The Vault operator employs the etcd operator to deploy an etcd cluster as the storage backend.
Create the etcd operator Custom Resource Definitions (CRD):
kubectl create -f example/etcd_crds.yaml
Deploy the etcd operator:
kubectl -n default create -f example/etcd-operator-deploy.yaml
Deploying the Vault operator
Create the Vault CRD:
kubectl create -f example/vault_crd.yaml
Deploy the Vault operator:
kubectl -n default create -f example/deployment.yaml
Verify that the operators are running:
$ kubectl -n default get deploy NAME DESIRED CURRENT UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE etcd-operator 1 1 1 1 5m vault-operator 1 1 1 1 5m
Deploying a Vault cluster
A Vault cluster can be deployed by creating a VaultService
Custom Resource(CR). For each Vault cluster the Vault operator will also create an etcd cluster for the storage backend.
Create a Vault CR that deploys a 2 node Vault cluster in high availablilty mode:
kubectl -n default create -f example/example_vault.yaml
Wait until the
pods for the etcd and Vault cluster are up:$ kubectl -n default get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE etcd-operator-78899f87f6-qdn5h 3/3 Running 0 10m example-7678c8f49c-kfx2w 1/2 Running 0 2m example-7678c8f49c-pqrj8 1/2 Running 0 2m example-etcd-7lpjg7n76d 1/1 Running 0 2m example-etcd-dhxrksssgx 1/1 Running 0 2m example-etcd-s7mzhffz92 1/1 Running 0 2m vault-operator-5976f74f84-pxkf6 1/1 Running 0 10m
Get the Vault pods:
$ kubectl -n default get pods -l app=vault,vault_cluster=example NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE example-7678c8f49c-kfx2w 1/2 Running 0 2m example-7678c8f49c-pqrj8 1/2 Running 0 2m
Check the Vault CR status:
$ kubectl -n default get vault example -o yaml apiVersion: kind: VaultService metadata: name: example namespace: default ... spec: nodes: 2 version: 0.9.1-0 ... status: initialized: false phase: Running updatedNodes: - example-7678c8f49c-kfx2w - example-7678c8f49c-pqrj8 vaultStatus: active: "" sealed: - example-7678c8f49c-kfx2w - example-7678c8f49c-pqrj8 standby: null ...
The Vault CR status shows the cluster is currently uninitialized and sealed.
Using the Vault cluster
See the Vault usage guide on how to initialize, unseal, and use the deployed Vault cluster.
Consult the monitoring guide on how to monitor and alert on a Vault cluster with Prometheus.
See the recovery guide on how to backup and restore Vault cluster data using the etcd opeartor
For an overview of the default TLS configuration or how to specify custom TLS assets for a Vault cluster see the TLS setup guide.
Uninstalling Vault operator
Delete the Vault custom resource:
kubectl -n default delete -f example/example_vault.yaml
Delete the operators and other resources:
kubectl -n default delete deploy vault-operator etcd-operator kubectl -n default delete -f example/rbac.yaml
Path | Synopsis |
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This package has the automatically generated fake clientset.
This package has the automatically generated fake clientset. |
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This package has the automatically generated typed clients.
This package has the automatically generated typed clients. |
Package fake has the automatically generated clients.
Package fake has the automatically generated clients. |