Driven by the AllSeen Alliance, AllJoyn is an open source software framework that makes it easy for devices and apps to discover and communicate with each other.
DeviceHive IoT Toolkit provides AllJoyn bridge that enables developers to expose non AllJpyn devices and applications as AllJoyn virtual devices without need to use AllJoyn C/C++ libraries.
Devices can be described with simple DSL and logic can be implemented on any programming language.
DeviceHive AllJoyn Bridge can be used on any Embedded Linux device.
Bridge supports number of AllJoyn standards out of the box and any new can be implemented by adding more interface implementations. Currently supported:
- About
- Configuration
- Events and Actions
- Notification
- ControlPanel
- Lighting Service Framework
Running in development
To be able to compile and run devicehive-alljoyn bridge:
- Clone and build
submodule recursively
- Set
environment variable to access libajtcl.so
- Create dbus config file
to allow bridge service register on system bus:
<!DOCTYPE busconfig PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Bus Configuration1.0//EN"
<policy context="default">
<allow own_prefix="com.devicehive" />
<allow own="com.devicehive.alljoyn.bridge" />
<allow send_destination="*" />