Opens a new window with list of versions in this module.
Published: Nov 8, 2023
License: MIT
Opens a new window with license information.
Imports: 1
Opens a new window with list of imports.
Imported by: 0
Opens a new window with list of known importers.
skeleton for go web projects
This skeleton project contains a basic go web application, using sqlite3 as database and labstack/echo for
writing controller and middleware stuff.
It contains the Entity "user" with the User "admin" preloaded in the database.
It also contains a login form and a simple menu. You can login with "admin/xyz".
go install
Bootstrap new Project
cd {your-go-modules}
mkdir {project}
webskeleton bootstrap --type=[api|web|cli] --repository={repository} --user={user} --project={project} --title={projecttitle} --templatedir={GOPATH}\pkg\mod\\devgek\webskeleton@v0.1.7
cd {project}
go run main.go serve --config=_test/config-serve.yaml
Generate new Entities
Write models-file (e.g. account.go) in directory models
webskeleton generate --type=db --path={repository/user/project}
or webskeleton generate --path={repository/user/project}
--> generates files models/generated/entity_factory_creator.go and models/generated/entity_types_impl.go
--> all *.go - files in directory models are taken for generation process
Modify data/datastore --> complete db.automigrate(...)
with account
Make golang html templates for new Entities (e.g. "account")
Modify models-file (e.g. account.go) in directory models, set gui:yes and nav:yes
webskeleton generate --type=gui
--> generates files web/app/template/templates/account.html
--> generates files web/app/template/templates/account-edit.html
--> generates files web/app/template/templates/entity-nav.html
--> all *.go - files in directory models are taken for generation process
Change and complete field names ("name", "short") to field names of account.go
Modify web/app/env/msg/messages.yaml --> create messages for "account" like for "user"
Copyright © 2020 Gerald Kahrer <>
Source Files
Click to show internal directories.
Click to hide internal directories.