Index ¶
- func Bool(v bool) *bool
- func CheckResponse(r *http.Response) error
- func Int(v int) *int
- func String(v string) *string
- func Stringify(message interface{}) string
- type AcceptMergeRequestOptions
- type AccessLevelValue
- type AccessRequest
- type AccessRequestsService
- func (s *AccessRequestsService) ApproveGroupAccessRequest(gid interface{}, user int, opt *ApproveAccessRequestOptions, ...) (*AccessRequest, *Response, error)
- func (s *AccessRequestsService) ApproveProjectAccessRequest(pid interface{}, user int, opt *ApproveAccessRequestOptions, ...) (*AccessRequest, *Response, error)
- func (s *AccessRequestsService) DenyGroupAccessRequest(gid interface{}, user int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *AccessRequestsService) DenyProjectAccessRequest(pid interface{}, user int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *AccessRequestsService) ListGroupAccessRequests(gid interface{}, opt *ListAccessRequestsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*AccessRequest, *Response, error)
- func (s *AccessRequestsService) ListProjectAccessRequests(pid interface{}, opt *ListAccessRequestsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*AccessRequest, *Response, error)
- func (s *AccessRequestsService) RequestGroupAccess(gid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*AccessRequest, *Response, error)
- func (s *AccessRequestsService) RequestProjectAccess(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*AccessRequest, *Response, error)
- type AddCommitDiscussionNoteOptions
- type AddDeployKeyOptions
- type AddEmailOptions
- type AddEpicDiscussionNoteOptions
- type AddGroupMemberOptions
- type AddHookOptions
- type AddIssueDiscussionNoteOptions
- type AddLicenseOptions
- type AddMergeRequestDiscussionNoteOptions
- type AddPipelineTriggerOptions
- type AddProjectBadgeOptions
- type AddProjectHookOptions
- type AddProjectMemberOptions
- type AddSSHKeyOptions
- type AddSnippetDiscussionNoteOptions
- type AddSpentTimeOptions
- type ApproveAccessRequestOptions
- type ApproveMergeRequestOptions
- type ArchiveOptions
- type Author
- type AwardEmoji
- type AwardEmojiService
- func (s *AwardEmojiService) CreateIssueAwardEmoji(pid interface{}, issueIID int, opt *CreateAwardEmojiOptions, ...) (*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
- func (s *AwardEmojiService) CreateIssuesAwardEmojiOnNote(pid interface{}, issueID, noteID int, opt *CreateAwardEmojiOptions, ...) (*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
- func (s *AwardEmojiService) CreateMergeRequestAwardEmoji(pid interface{}, mergeRequestIID int, opt *CreateAwardEmojiOptions, ...) (*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
- func (s *AwardEmojiService) CreateMergeRequestAwardEmojiOnNote(pid interface{}, mergeRequestIID, noteID int, opt *CreateAwardEmojiOptions, ...) (*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
- func (s *AwardEmojiService) CreateSnippetAwardEmoji(pid interface{}, snippetID int, opt *CreateAwardEmojiOptions, ...) (*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
- func (s *AwardEmojiService) CreateSnippetAwardEmojiOnNote(pid interface{}, snippetIID, noteID int, opt *CreateAwardEmojiOptions, ...) (*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
- func (s *AwardEmojiService) DeleteIssueAwardEmoji(pid interface{}, issueIID, awardID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *AwardEmojiService) DeleteIssuesAwardEmojiOnNote(pid interface{}, issueID, noteID, awardID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *AwardEmojiService) DeleteMergeRequestAwardEmoji(pid interface{}, mergeRequestIID, awardID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *AwardEmojiService) DeleteMergeRequestAwardEmojiOnNote(pid interface{}, mergeRequestIID, noteID, awardID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *AwardEmojiService) DeleteSnippetAwardEmoji(pid interface{}, snippetID, awardID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *AwardEmojiService) DeleteSnippetAwardEmojiOnNote(pid interface{}, snippetIID, noteID, awardID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *AwardEmojiService) GetIssueAwardEmoji(pid interface{}, issueIID, awardID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
- func (s *AwardEmojiService) GetIssuesAwardEmojiOnNote(pid interface{}, issueID, noteID, awardID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
- func (s *AwardEmojiService) GetMergeRequestAwardEmoji(pid interface{}, mergeRequestIID, awardID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
- func (s *AwardEmojiService) GetMergeRequestAwardEmojiOnNote(pid interface{}, mergeRequestIID, noteID, awardID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
- func (s *AwardEmojiService) GetSnippetAwardEmoji(pid interface{}, snippetID, awardID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
- func (s *AwardEmojiService) GetSnippetAwardEmojiOnNote(pid interface{}, snippetIID, noteID, awardID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
- func (s *AwardEmojiService) ListIssueAwardEmoji(pid interface{}, issueIID int, opt *ListAwardEmojiOptions, ...) ([]*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
- func (s *AwardEmojiService) ListIssuesAwardEmojiOnNote(pid interface{}, issueID, noteID int, opt *ListAwardEmojiOptions, ...) ([]*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
- func (s *AwardEmojiService) ListMergeRequestAwardEmoji(pid interface{}, mergeRequestIID int, opt *ListAwardEmojiOptions, ...) ([]*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
- func (s *AwardEmojiService) ListMergeRequestAwardEmojiOnNote(pid interface{}, mergeRequestIID, noteID int, opt *ListAwardEmojiOptions, ...) ([]*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
- func (s *AwardEmojiService) ListSnippetAwardEmoji(pid interface{}, snippetID int, opt *ListAwardEmojiOptions, ...) ([]*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
- func (s *AwardEmojiService) ListSnippetAwardEmojiOnNote(pid interface{}, snippetIID, noteID int, opt *ListAwardEmojiOptions, ...) ([]*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
- type Blob
- type BoardList
- type BoolValue
- type Branch
- type BranchAccessDescription
- type BranchesService
- func (s *BranchesService) CreateBranch(pid interface{}, opt *CreateBranchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Branch, *Response, error)
- func (s *BranchesService) DeleteBranch(pid interface{}, branch string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *BranchesService) DeleteMergedBranches(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *BranchesService) GetBranch(pid interface{}, branch string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Branch, *Response, error)
- func (s *BranchesService) ListBranches(pid interface{}, opts *ListBranchesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Branch, *Response, error)
- func (s *BranchesService) ProtectBranch(pid interface{}, branch string, opts *ProtectBranchOptions, ...) (*Branch, *Response, error)
- func (s *BranchesService) UnprotectBranch(pid interface{}, branch string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Branch, *Response, error)
- type BroadcastMessage
- type BroadcastMessagesService
- func (s *BroadcastMessagesService) CreateBroadcastMessage(opt *CreateBroadcastMessageOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*BroadcastMessage, *Response, error)
- func (s *BroadcastMessagesService) DeleteBroadcastMessage(broadcast int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *BroadcastMessagesService) GetBroadcastMessage(broadcast int, options ...OptionFunc) (*BroadcastMessage, *Response, error)
- func (s *BroadcastMessagesService) ListBroadcastMessages(opt *ListBroadcastMessagesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*BroadcastMessage, *Response, error)
- func (s *BroadcastMessagesService) UpdateBroadcastMessage(broadcast int, opt *UpdateBroadcastMessageOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*BroadcastMessage, *Response, error)
- type BuildEvent
- type BuildStateValue
- type BuildVariable
- type BuildVariablesService
- func (s *BuildVariablesService) CreateBuildVariable(pid interface{}, opt *CreateBuildVariableOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*BuildVariable, *Response, error)
- func (s *BuildVariablesService) GetBuildVariable(pid interface{}, key string, options ...OptionFunc) (*BuildVariable, *Response, error)
- func (s *BuildVariablesService) ListBuildVariables(pid interface{}, opts *ListBuildVariablesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*BuildVariable, *Response, error)
- func (s *BuildVariablesService) RemoveBuildVariable(pid interface{}, key string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *BuildVariablesService) UpdateBuildVariable(pid interface{}, key string, opt *UpdateBuildVariableOptions, ...) (*BuildVariable, *Response, error)
- type CIYMLTemplate
- type CIYMLTemplatesService
- type CherryPickCommitOptions
- type Client
- type Commit
- type CommitAction
- type CommitComment
- type CommitCommentEvent
- type CommitRef
- type CommitStats
- type CommitStatus
- type CommitsService
- func (s *CommitsService) CherryPickCommit(pid interface{}, sha string, opt *CherryPickCommitOptions, ...) (*Commit, *Response, error)
- func (s *CommitsService) CreateCommit(pid interface{}, opt *CreateCommitOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Commit, *Response, error)
- func (s *CommitsService) GetCommit(pid interface{}, sha string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Commit, *Response, error)
- func (s *CommitsService) GetCommitComments(pid interface{}, sha string, opt *GetCommitCommentsOptions, ...) ([]*CommitComment, *Response, error)
- func (s *CommitsService) GetCommitDiff(pid interface{}, sha string, opt *GetCommitDiffOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Diff, *Response, error)
- func (s *CommitsService) GetCommitRefs(pid interface{}, sha string, opt *GetCommitRefsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]CommitRef, *Response, error)
- func (s *CommitsService) GetCommitStatuses(pid interface{}, sha string, opt *GetCommitStatusesOptions, ...) ([]*CommitStatus, *Response, error)
- func (s *CommitsService) GetMergeRequestsByCommit(pid interface{}, sha string, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
- func (s *CommitsService) ListCommits(pid interface{}, opt *ListCommitsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Commit, *Response, error)
- func (s *CommitsService) PostCommitComment(pid interface{}, sha string, opt *PostCommitCommentOptions, ...) (*CommitComment, *Response, error)
- func (s *CommitsService) SetCommitStatus(pid interface{}, sha string, opt *SetCommitStatusOptions, ...) (*CommitStatus, *Response, error)
- type Compare
- type CompareOptions
- type CompoundMetrics
- type ContributionEvent
- type Contributor
- type CreateAwardEmojiOptions
- type CreateBranchOptions
- type CreateBroadcastMessageOptions
- type CreateBuildVariableOptions
- type CreateCommitDiscussionOptions
- type CreateCommitOptions
- type CreateEnvironmentOptions
- type CreateEpicDiscussionOptions
- type CreateFileOptions
- type CreateGroupIssueBoardListOptions
- type CreateGroupMilestoneOptions
- type CreateGroupOptions
- type CreateImpersonationTokenOptions
- type CreateIssueBoardListOptions
- type CreateIssueDiscussionOptions
- type CreateIssueLinkOptions
- type CreateIssueNoteOptions
- type CreateIssueOptions
- type CreateLabelOptions
- type CreateMergeRequestDiscussionOptions
- type CreateMergeRequestNoteOptions
- type CreateMergeRequestOptions
- type CreateMilestoneOptions
- type CreatePagesDomainOptions
- type CreatePipelineOptions
- type CreatePipelineScheduleOptions
- type CreatePipelineScheduleVariableOptions
- type CreateProjectForUserOptions
- type CreateProjectOptions
- type CreateProjectSnippetOptions
- type CreateReleaseOptions
- type CreateSnippetDiscussionOptions
- type CreateSnippetNoteOptions
- type CreateSnippetOptions
- type CreateTagOptions
- type CreateUserOptions
- type CreateVariableOptions
- type CreateWikiPageOptions
- type CustomAttribute
- type CustomAttributesService
- func (s *CustomAttributesService) DeleteCustomGroupAttribute(group int, key string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *CustomAttributesService) DeleteCustomProjectAttribute(project int, key string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *CustomAttributesService) DeleteCustomUserAttribute(user int, key string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *CustomAttributesService) GetCustomGroupAttribute(group int, key string, options ...OptionFunc) (*CustomAttribute, *Response, error)
- func (s *CustomAttributesService) GetCustomProjectAttribute(project int, key string, options ...OptionFunc) (*CustomAttribute, *Response, error)
- func (s *CustomAttributesService) GetCustomUserAttribute(user int, key string, options ...OptionFunc) (*CustomAttribute, *Response, error)
- func (s *CustomAttributesService) ListCustomGroupAttributes(group int, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*CustomAttribute, *Response, error)
- func (s *CustomAttributesService) ListCustomProjectAttributes(project int, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*CustomAttribute, *Response, error)
- func (s *CustomAttributesService) ListCustomUserAttributes(user int, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*CustomAttribute, *Response, error)
- func (s *CustomAttributesService) SetCustomGroupAttribute(group int, c CustomAttribute, options ...OptionFunc) (*CustomAttribute, *Response, error)
- func (s *CustomAttributesService) SetCustomProjectAttribute(project int, c CustomAttribute, options ...OptionFunc) (*CustomAttribute, *Response, error)
- func (s *CustomAttributesService) SetCustomUserAttribute(user int, c CustomAttribute, options ...OptionFunc) (*CustomAttribute, *Response, error)
- type DeleteFileOptions
- type DeleteLabelOptions
- type DeleteRegisteredRunnerOptions
- type DeployKey
- type DeployKeysService
- func (s *DeployKeysService) AddDeployKey(pid interface{}, opt *AddDeployKeyOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*DeployKey, *Response, error)
- func (s *DeployKeysService) DeleteDeployKey(pid interface{}, deployKey int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *DeployKeysService) EnableDeployKey(pid interface{}, deployKey int, options ...OptionFunc) (*DeployKey, *Response, error)
- func (s *DeployKeysService) GetDeployKey(pid interface{}, deployKey int, options ...OptionFunc) (*DeployKey, *Response, error)
- func (s *DeployKeysService) ListAllDeployKeys(options ...OptionFunc) ([]*DeployKey, *Response, error)
- func (s *DeployKeysService) ListProjectDeployKeys(pid interface{}, opt *ListProjectDeployKeysOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*DeployKey, *Response, error)
- type Deployment
- type DeploymentsService
- func (s *DeploymentsService) GetProjectDeployment(pid interface{}, deployment int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Deployment, *Response, error)
- func (s *DeploymentsService) ListProjectDeployments(pid interface{}, opts *ListProjectDeploymentsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Deployment, *Response, error)
- type Diff
- type Discussion
- type DiscussionsService
- func (s *DiscussionsService) AddCommitDiscussionNote(pid interface{}, commit string, discussion string, ...) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
- func (s *DiscussionsService) AddEpicDiscussionNote(gid interface{}, epic int, discussion string, ...) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
- func (s *DiscussionsService) AddIssueDiscussionNote(pid interface{}, issue int, discussion string, ...) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
- func (s *DiscussionsService) AddMergeRequestDiscussionNote(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, discussion string, ...) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
- func (s *DiscussionsService) AddSnippetDiscussionNote(pid interface{}, snippet int, discussion string, ...) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
- func (s *DiscussionsService) CreateCommitDiscussion(pid interface{}, commit string, opt *CreateCommitDiscussionOptions, ...) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
- func (s *DiscussionsService) CreateEpicDiscussion(gid interface{}, epic int, opt *CreateEpicDiscussionOptions, ...) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
- func (s *DiscussionsService) CreateIssueDiscussion(pid interface{}, issue int, opt *CreateIssueDiscussionOptions, ...) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
- func (s *DiscussionsService) CreateMergeRequestDiscussion(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, opt *CreateMergeRequestDiscussionOptions, ...) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
- func (s *DiscussionsService) CreateSnippetDiscussion(pid interface{}, snippet int, opt *CreateSnippetDiscussionOptions, ...) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
- func (s *DiscussionsService) DeleteCommitDiscussionNote(pid interface{}, commit string, discussion string, note int, ...) (*Response, error)
- func (s *DiscussionsService) DeleteEpicDiscussionNote(gid interface{}, epic int, discussion string, note int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *DiscussionsService) DeleteIssueDiscussionNote(pid interface{}, issue int, discussion string, note int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *DiscussionsService) DeleteMergeRequestDiscussionNote(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, discussion string, note int, ...) (*Response, error)
- func (s *DiscussionsService) DeleteSnippetDiscussionNote(pid interface{}, snippet int, discussion string, note int, ...) (*Response, error)
- func (s *DiscussionsService) GetCommitDiscussion(pid interface{}, commit string, discussion string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
- func (s *DiscussionsService) GetEpicDiscussion(gid interface{}, epic int, discussion string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
- func (s *DiscussionsService) GetIssueDiscussion(pid interface{}, issue int, discussion string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
- func (s *DiscussionsService) GetMergeRequestDiscussion(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, discussion string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
- func (s *DiscussionsService) GetSnippetDiscussion(pid interface{}, snippet int, discussion string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
- func (s *DiscussionsService) ListCommitDiscussions(pid interface{}, commit string, opt *ListCommitDiscussionsOptions, ...) ([]*Discussion, *Response, error)
- func (s *DiscussionsService) ListGroupEpicDiscussions(gid interface{}, epic int, opt *ListGroupEpicDiscussionsOptions, ...) ([]*Discussion, *Response, error)
- func (s *DiscussionsService) ListIssueDiscussions(pid interface{}, issue int, opt *ListIssueDiscussionsOptions, ...) ([]*Discussion, *Response, error)
- func (s *DiscussionsService) ListMergeRequestDiscussions(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, opt *ListMergeRequestDiscussionsOptions, ...) ([]*Discussion, *Response, error)
- func (s *DiscussionsService) ListSnippetDiscussions(pid interface{}, snippet int, opt *ListSnippetDiscussionsOptions, ...) ([]*Discussion, *Response, error)
- func (s *DiscussionsService) ResolveMergeRequestDiscussion(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, discussion string, ...) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
- func (s *DiscussionsService) UpdateCommitDiscussionNote(pid interface{}, commit string, discussion string, note int, ...) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
- func (s *DiscussionsService) UpdateEpicDiscussionNote(gid interface{}, epic int, discussion string, note int, ...) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
- func (s *DiscussionsService) UpdateIssueDiscussionNote(pid interface{}, issue int, discussion string, note int, ...) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
- func (s *DiscussionsService) UpdateMergeRequestDiscussionNote(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, discussion string, note int, ...) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
- func (s *DiscussionsService) UpdateSnippetDiscussionNote(pid interface{}, snippet int, discussion string, note int, ...) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
- type DroneCIService
- type DroneCIServiceProperties
- type EditEnvironmentOptions
- type EditGroupMemberOptions
- type EditPipelineScheduleOptions
- type EditPipelineScheduleVariableOptions
- type EditPipelineTriggerOptions
- type EditProjectBadgeOptions
- type EditProjectHookOptions
- type EditProjectMemberOptions
- type EditProjectOptions
- type EditWikiPageOptions
- type Email
- type EnableProjectRunnerOptions
- type Environment
- type EnvironmentsService
- func (s *EnvironmentsService) CreateEnvironment(pid interface{}, opt *CreateEnvironmentOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Environment, *Response, error)
- func (s *EnvironmentsService) DeleteEnvironment(pid interface{}, environment int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *EnvironmentsService) EditEnvironment(pid interface{}, environment int, opt *EditEnvironmentOptions, ...) (*Environment, *Response, error)
- func (s *EnvironmentsService) ListEnvironments(pid interface{}, opts *ListEnvironmentsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Environment, *Response, error)
- type ErrorResponse
- type EventTargetTypeValue
- type EventTypeValue
- type EventsService
- func (s *EventsService) ListCurrentUserContributionEvents(opt *ListContributionEventsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*ContributionEvent, *Response, error)
- func (s *EventsService) ListProjectVisibleEvents(pid interface{}, opt *ListContributionEventsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*ContributionEvent, *Response, error)
- type ExploreSnippetsOptions
- type Feature
- type FeaturesService
- type File
- type FileAction
- type FileInfo
- type ForkParent
- type Gate
- type GetAllImpersonationTokensOptions
- type GetCommitCommentsOptions
- type GetCommitDiffOptions
- type GetCommitRefsOptions
- type GetCommitStatusesOptions
- type GetFileOptions
- type GetGroupMilestoneIssuesOptions
- type GetGroupMilestoneMergeRequestsOptions
- type GetIssueBoardListsOptions
- type GetIssuesClosedOnMergeOptions
- type GetLicenseTemplateOptions
- type GetMergeRequestCommitsOptions
- type GetMergeRequestDiffVersionsOptions
- type GetMilestoneIssuesOptions
- type GetMilestoneMergeRequestsOptions
- type GetProjectEventsOptions
- type GetRawFileOptions
- type GetUserActivitiesOptions
- type GitIgnoreTemplate
- type GitIgnoreTemplatesService
- type Group
- type GroupAccess
- type GroupIssueBoard
- type GroupIssueBoardsService
- func (s *GroupIssueBoardsService) CreateGroupIssueBoardList(gid interface{}, board int, opt *CreateGroupIssueBoardListOptions, ...) (*BoardList, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupIssueBoardsService) DeleteGroupIssueBoardList(gid interface{}, board, list int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *GroupIssueBoardsService) GetGroupIssueBoard(gid interface{}, board int, options ...OptionFunc) (*GroupIssueBoard, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupIssueBoardsService) GetGroupIssueBoardList(gid interface{}, board, list int, options ...OptionFunc) (*BoardList, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupIssueBoardsService) ListGroupIssueBoardLists(gid interface{}, board int, opt *ListGroupIssueBoardListsOptions, ...) ([]*BoardList, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupIssueBoardsService) ListGroupIssueBoards(gid interface{}, opt *ListGroupIssueBoardsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*GroupIssueBoard, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupIssueBoardsService) UpdateIssueBoardList(gid interface{}, board, list int, opt *UpdateGroupIssueBoardListOptions, ...) ([]*BoardList, *Response, error)
- type GroupMember
- type GroupMembersService
- func (s *GroupMembersService) AddGroupMember(gid interface{}, opt *AddGroupMemberOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*GroupMember, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupMembersService) EditGroupMember(gid interface{}, user int, opt *EditGroupMemberOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*GroupMember, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupMembersService) GetGroupMember(gid interface{}, user int, options ...OptionFunc) (*GroupMember, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupMembersService) RemoveGroupMember(gid interface{}, user int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- type GroupMilestone
- type GroupMilestonesService
- func (s *GroupMilestonesService) CreateGroupMilestone(gid interface{}, opt *CreateGroupMilestoneOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*GroupMilestone, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupMilestonesService) GetGroupMilestone(gid interface{}, milestone int, options ...OptionFunc) (*GroupMilestone, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupMilestonesService) GetGroupMilestoneIssues(gid interface{}, milestone int, opt *GetGroupMilestoneIssuesOptions, ...) ([]*Issue, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupMilestonesService) GetGroupMilestoneMergeRequests(gid interface{}, milestone int, opt *GetGroupMilestoneMergeRequestsOptions, ...) ([]*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupMilestonesService) ListGroupMilestones(gid interface{}, opt *ListGroupMilestonesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*GroupMilestone, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupMilestonesService) UpdateGroupMilestone(gid interface{}, milestone int, opt *UpdateGroupMilestoneOptions, ...) (*GroupMilestone, *Response, error)
- type GroupVariable
- type GroupVariablesService
- func (s *GroupVariablesService) CreateVariable(gid interface{}, opt *CreateVariableOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*GroupVariable, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupVariablesService) GetVariable(gid interface{}, key string, options ...OptionFunc) (*GroupVariable, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupVariablesService) ListVariables(gid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*GroupVariable, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupVariablesService) RemoveVariable(gid interface{}, key string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *GroupVariablesService) UpdateVariable(gid interface{}, key string, opt *UpdateVariableOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*GroupVariable, *Response, error)
- type GroupsService
- func (s *GroupsService) CreateGroup(opt *CreateGroupOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Group, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupsService) DeleteGroup(gid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *GroupsService) GetGroup(gid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Group, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupsService) ListAllGroupMembers(gid interface{}, opt *ListGroupMembersOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*GroupMember, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupsService) ListGroupMembers(gid interface{}, opt *ListGroupMembersOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*GroupMember, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupsService) ListGroupProjects(gid interface{}, opt *ListGroupProjectsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Project, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupsService) ListGroups(opt *ListGroupsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Group, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupsService) ListSubgroups(gid interface{}, opt *ListSubgroupsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Group, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupsService) SearchGroup(query string, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Group, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupsService) TransferGroup(gid interface{}, pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Group, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupsService) UpdateGroup(gid interface{}, opt *UpdateGroupOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Group, *Response, error)
- type Hook
- type HookEvent
- type ISOTime
- type ImpersonationToken
- type Issue
- type IssueBoard
- type IssueBoardsService
- func (s *IssueBoardsService) CreateIssueBoardList(pid interface{}, board int, opt *CreateIssueBoardListOptions, ...) (*BoardList, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueBoardsService) DeleteIssueBoardList(pid interface{}, board, list int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *IssueBoardsService) GetIssueBoard(pid interface{}, board int, options ...OptionFunc) (*IssueBoard, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueBoardsService) GetIssueBoardList(pid interface{}, board, list int, options ...OptionFunc) (*BoardList, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueBoardsService) GetIssueBoardLists(pid interface{}, board int, opt *GetIssueBoardListsOptions, ...) ([]*BoardList, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueBoardsService) ListIssueBoards(pid interface{}, opt *ListIssueBoardsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*IssueBoard, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueBoardsService) UpdateIssueBoardList(pid interface{}, board, list int, opt *UpdateIssueBoardListOptions, ...) (*BoardList, *Response, error)
- type IssueCommentEvent
- type IssueEvent
- type IssueLink
- type IssueLinksService
- func (s *IssueLinksService) CreateIssueLink(pid interface{}, issueIID int, opt *CreateIssueLinkOptions, ...) (*IssueLink, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueLinksService) DeleteIssueLink(pid interface{}, issueIID, issueLinkID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*IssueLink, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueLinksService) ListIssueRelations(pid interface{}, issueIID int, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Issue, *Response, error)
- type IssuesService
- func (s *IssuesService) AddSpentTime(pid interface{}, issue int, opt *AddSpentTimeOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*TimeStats, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssuesService) CreateIssue(pid interface{}, opt *CreateIssueOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Issue, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssuesService) DeleteIssue(pid interface{}, issue int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *IssuesService) GetIssue(pid interface{}, issue int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Issue, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssuesService) GetTimeSpent(pid interface{}, issue int, options ...OptionFunc) (*TimeStats, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssuesService) ListGroupIssues(pid interface{}, opt *ListGroupIssuesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Issue, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssuesService) ListIssues(opt *ListIssuesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Issue, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssuesService) ListMergeRequestsClosingIssue(pid interface{}, issue int, opt *ListMergeRequestsClosingIssueOptions, ...) ([]*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssuesService) ListProjectIssues(pid interface{}, opt *ListProjectIssuesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Issue, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssuesService) ResetSpentTime(pid interface{}, issue int, options ...OptionFunc) (*TimeStats, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssuesService) ResetTimeEstimate(pid interface{}, issue int, options ...OptionFunc) (*TimeStats, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssuesService) SetTimeEstimate(pid interface{}, issue int, opt *SetTimeEstimateOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*TimeStats, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssuesService) SubscribeToIssue(pid interface{}, issue int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Issue, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssuesService) UnsubscribeFromIssue(pid interface{}, issue int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Issue, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssuesService) UpdateIssue(pid interface{}, issue int, opt *UpdateIssueOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Issue, *Response, error)
- type JenkinsCIService
- type JenkinsCIServiceProperties
- type JiraService
- type JiraServiceProperties
- type Job
- type JobStats
- type JobsService
- func (s *JobsService) CancelJob(pid interface{}, jobID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Job, *Response, error)
- func (s *JobsService) DownloadArtifactsFile(pid interface{}, refName string, job string, options ...OptionFunc) (io.Reader, *Response, error)
- func (s *JobsService) DownloadSingleArtifactsFile(pid interface{}, jobID int, artifactPath string, options ...OptionFunc) (io.Reader, *Response, error)
- func (s *JobsService) EraseJob(pid interface{}, jobID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Job, *Response, error)
- func (s *JobsService) GetJob(pid interface{}, jobID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Job, *Response, error)
- func (s *JobsService) GetJobArtifacts(pid interface{}, jobID int, options ...OptionFunc) (io.Reader, *Response, error)
- func (s *JobsService) GetTraceFile(pid interface{}, jobID int, options ...OptionFunc) (io.Reader, *Response, error)
- func (s *JobsService) KeepArtifacts(pid interface{}, jobID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Job, *Response, error)
- func (s *JobsService) ListPipelineJobs(pid interface{}, pipelineID int, opts *ListJobsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Job, *Response, error)
- func (s *JobsService) ListProjectJobs(pid interface{}, opts *ListJobsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]Job, *Response, error)
- func (s *JobsService) PlayJob(pid interface{}, jobID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Job, *Response, error)
- func (s *JobsService) RetryJob(pid interface{}, jobID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Job, *Response, error)
- type Key
- type KeysService
- type Label
- type Labels
- type LabelsService
- func (s *LabelsService) CreateLabel(pid interface{}, opt *CreateLabelOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Label, *Response, error)
- func (s *LabelsService) DeleteLabel(pid interface{}, opt *DeleteLabelOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *LabelsService) ListLabels(pid interface{}, opt *ListLabelsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Label, *Response, error)
- func (s *LabelsService) SubscribeToLabel(pid interface{}, labelID interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Label, *Response, error)
- func (s *LabelsService) UnsubscribeFromLabel(pid interface{}, labelID interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *LabelsService) UpdateLabel(pid interface{}, opt *UpdateLabelOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Label, *Response, error)
- type License
- type LicenseService
- type LicenseTemplate
- type LicenseTemplatesService
- func (s *LicenseTemplatesService) GetLicenseTemplate(template string, opt *GetLicenseTemplateOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*LicenseTemplate, *Response, error)
- func (s *LicenseTemplatesService) ListLicenseTemplates(opt *ListLicenseTemplatesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*LicenseTemplate, *Response, error)
- type Links
- type LintResult
- type ListAccessRequestsOptions
- type ListAwardEmojiOptions
- type ListBranchesOptions
- type ListBroadcastMessagesOptions
- type ListBuildVariablesOptions
- type ListCIYMLTemplatesOptions
- type ListCommitDiscussionsOptions
- type ListCommitsOptions
- type ListContributionEventsOptions
- type ListContributorsOptions
- type ListEmailsForUserOptions
- type ListEnvironmentsOptions
- type ListGroupEpicDiscussionsOptions
- type ListGroupIssueBoardListsOptions
- type ListGroupIssueBoardsOptions
- type ListGroupIssuesOptions
- type ListGroupMembersOptions
- type ListGroupMergeRequestsOptions
- type ListGroupMilestonesOptions
- type ListGroupProjectsOptions
- type ListGroupsOptions
- type ListIssueBoardsOptions
- type ListIssueDiscussionsOptions
- type ListIssueNotesOptions
- type ListIssuesOptions
- type ListJobsOptions
- type ListLabelsOptions
- type ListLicenseTemplatesOptions
- type ListMergeRequestDiscussionsOptions
- type ListMergeRequestNotesOptions
- type ListMergeRequestsClosingIssueOptions
- type ListMergeRequestsOptions
- type ListMilestonesOptions
- type ListNamespacesOptions
- type ListOptions
- type ListPagesDomainsOptions
- type ListPipelineSchedulesOptions
- type ListPipelineTriggersOptions
- type ListProjectBadgesOptions
- type ListProjectDeployKeysOptions
- type ListProjectDeploymentsOptions
- type ListProjectHooksOptions
- type ListProjectIssuesOptions
- type ListProjectMembersOptions
- type ListProjectMergeRequestsOptions
- type ListProjectPipelinesOptions
- type ListProjectRunnersOptions
- type ListProjectSnippetsOptions
- type ListProjectUserOptions
- type ListProjectsOptions
- type ListProtectedBranchesOptions
- type ListRunnerJobsOptions
- type ListRunnersOptions
- type ListSSHKeysForUserOptions
- type ListSnippetDiscussionsOptions
- type ListSnippetNotesOptions
- type ListSnippetsOptions
- type ListSubgroupsOptions
- type ListTagsOptions
- type ListTemplatesOptions
- type ListTodosOptions
- type ListTreeOptions
- type ListUsersOptions
- type ListWikisOptions
- type MergeCommentEvent
- type MergeEvent
- type MergeMethodValue
- type MergeRequest
- type MergeRequestApprovals
- type MergeRequestApprovalsService
- type MergeRequestDiffVersion
- type MergeRequestsService
- func (s *MergeRequestsService) AcceptMergeRequest(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, opt *AcceptMergeRequestOptions, ...) (*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
- func (s *MergeRequestsService) AddSpentTime(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, opt *AddSpentTimeOptions, ...) (*TimeStats, *Response, error)
- func (s *MergeRequestsService) CancelMergeWhenPipelineSucceeds(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, options ...OptionFunc) (*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
- func (s *MergeRequestsService) CreateMergeRequest(pid interface{}, opt *CreateMergeRequestOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
- func (s *MergeRequestsService) CreateTodo(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Todo, *Response, error)
- func (s *MergeRequestsService) DeleteMergeRequest(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *MergeRequestsService) GetIssuesClosedOnMerge(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, opt *GetIssuesClosedOnMergeOptions, ...) ([]*Issue, *Response, error)
- func (s *MergeRequestsService) GetMergeRequest(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, options ...OptionFunc) (*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
- func (s *MergeRequestsService) GetMergeRequestApprovals(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, options ...OptionFunc) (*MergeRequestApprovals, *Response, error)
- func (s *MergeRequestsService) GetMergeRequestChanges(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, options ...OptionFunc) (*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
- func (s *MergeRequestsService) GetMergeRequestCommits(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, opt *GetMergeRequestCommitsOptions, ...) ([]*Commit, *Response, error)
- func (s *MergeRequestsService) GetMergeRequestDiffVersions(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, opt *GetMergeRequestDiffVersionsOptions, ...) ([]*MergeRequestDiffVersion, *Response, error)
- func (s *MergeRequestsService) GetSingleMergeRequestDiffVersion(pid interface{}, mergeRequest, version int, options ...OptionFunc) (*MergeRequestDiffVersion, *Response, error)
- func (s *MergeRequestsService) GetTimeSpent(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, options ...OptionFunc) (*TimeStats, *Response, error)
- func (s *MergeRequestsService) ListGroupMergeRequests(gid interface{}, opt *ListGroupMergeRequestsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
- func (s *MergeRequestsService) ListMergeRequestPipelines(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, options ...OptionFunc) (PipelineList, *Response, error)
- func (s *MergeRequestsService) ListMergeRequests(opt *ListMergeRequestsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
- func (s *MergeRequestsService) ListProjectMergeRequests(pid interface{}, opt *ListProjectMergeRequestsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
- func (s *MergeRequestsService) ResetSpentTime(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, options ...OptionFunc) (*TimeStats, *Response, error)
- func (s *MergeRequestsService) ResetTimeEstimate(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, options ...OptionFunc) (*TimeStats, *Response, error)
- func (s *MergeRequestsService) SetTimeEstimate(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, opt *SetTimeEstimateOptions, ...) (*TimeStats, *Response, error)
- func (s *MergeRequestsService) SubscribeToMergeRequest(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, options ...OptionFunc) (*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
- func (s *MergeRequestsService) UnsubscribeFromMergeRequest(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, options ...OptionFunc) (*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
- func (s *MergeRequestsService) UpdateMergeRequest(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, opt *UpdateMergeRequestOptions, ...) (*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
- type MicrosoftTeamsService
- type MicrosoftTeamsServiceProperties
- type Milestone
- type MilestonesService
- func (s *MilestonesService) CreateMilestone(pid interface{}, opt *CreateMilestoneOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Milestone, *Response, error)
- func (s *MilestonesService) DeleteMilestone(pid interface{}, milestone int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *MilestonesService) GetMilestone(pid interface{}, milestone int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Milestone, *Response, error)
- func (s *MilestonesService) GetMilestoneIssues(pid interface{}, milestone int, opt *GetMilestoneIssuesOptions, ...) ([]*Issue, *Response, error)
- func (s *MilestonesService) GetMilestoneMergeRequests(pid interface{}, milestone int, opt *GetMilestoneMergeRequestsOptions, ...) ([]*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
- func (s *MilestonesService) ListMilestones(pid interface{}, opt *ListMilestonesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Milestone, *Response, error)
- func (s *MilestonesService) UpdateMilestone(pid interface{}, milestone int, opt *UpdateMilestoneOptions, ...) (*Milestone, *Response, error)
- type ModifyUserOptions
- type Namespace
- type NamespacesService
- func (s *NamespacesService) GetNamespace(id interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Namespace, *Response, error)
- func (s *NamespacesService) ListNamespaces(opt *ListNamespacesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Namespace, *Response, error)
- func (s *NamespacesService) SearchNamespace(query string, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Namespace, *Response, error)
- type Note
- type NotePosition
- type NotesService
- func (s *NotesService) CreateIssueNote(pid interface{}, issue int, opt *CreateIssueNoteOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Note, *Response, error)
- func (s *NotesService) CreateMergeRequestNote(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, opt *CreateMergeRequestNoteOptions, ...) (*Note, *Response, error)
- func (s *NotesService) CreateSnippetNote(pid interface{}, snippet int, opt *CreateSnippetNoteOptions, ...) (*Note, *Response, error)
- func (s *NotesService) DeleteIssueNote(pid interface{}, issue, note int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *NotesService) DeleteMergeRequestNote(pid interface{}, mergeRequest, note int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *NotesService) DeleteSnippetNote(pid interface{}, snippet, note int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *NotesService) GetIssueNote(pid interface{}, issue, note int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Note, *Response, error)
- func (s *NotesService) GetMergeRequestNote(pid interface{}, mergeRequest, note int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Note, *Response, error)
- func (s *NotesService) GetSnippetNote(pid interface{}, snippet, note int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Note, *Response, error)
- func (s *NotesService) ListIssueNotes(pid interface{}, issue int, opt *ListIssueNotesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Note, *Response, error)
- func (s *NotesService) ListMergeRequestNotes(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, opt *ListMergeRequestNotesOptions, ...) ([]*Note, *Response, error)
- func (s *NotesService) ListSnippetNotes(pid interface{}, snippet int, opt *ListSnippetNotesOptions, ...) ([]*Note, *Response, error)
- func (s *NotesService) UpdateIssueNote(pid interface{}, issue, note int, opt *UpdateIssueNoteOptions, ...) (*Note, *Response, error)
- func (s *NotesService) UpdateMergeRequestNote(pid interface{}, mergeRequest, note int, opt *UpdateMergeRequestNoteOptions, ...) (*Note, *Response, error)
- func (s *NotesService) UpdateSnippetNote(pid interface{}, snippet, note int, opt *UpdateSnippetNoteOptions, ...) (*Note, *Response, error)
- type NotificationEvents
- type NotificationLevelValue
- type NotificationSettings
- type NotificationSettingsOptions
- type NotificationSettingsService
- func (s *NotificationSettingsService) GetGlobalSettings(options ...OptionFunc) (*NotificationSettings, *Response, error)
- func (s *NotificationSettingsService) GetSettingsForGroup(gid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*NotificationSettings, *Response, error)
- func (s *NotificationSettingsService) GetSettingsForProject(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*NotificationSettings, *Response, error)
- func (s *NotificationSettingsService) UpdateGlobalSettings(opt *NotificationSettingsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*NotificationSettings, *Response, error)
- func (s *NotificationSettingsService) UpdateSettingsForGroup(gid interface{}, opt *NotificationSettingsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*NotificationSettings, *Response, error)
- func (s *NotificationSettingsService) UpdateSettingsForProject(pid interface{}, opt *NotificationSettingsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*NotificationSettings, *Response, error)
- type OptionFunc
- type PagesDomain
- type PagesDomainsService
- func (s *PagesDomainsService) CreatePagesDomain(pid interface{}, opt *CreatePagesDomainOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*PagesDomain, *Response, error)
- func (s *PagesDomainsService) DeletePagesDomain(pid interface{}, domain string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *PagesDomainsService) GetPagesDomain(pid interface{}, domain string, options ...OptionFunc) (*PagesDomain, *Response, error)
- func (s *PagesDomainsService) ListAllPagesDomains(options ...OptionFunc) ([]*PagesDomain, *Response, error)
- func (s *PagesDomainsService) ListPagesDomains(pid interface{}, opt *ListPagesDomainsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*PagesDomain, *Response, error)
- func (s *PagesDomainsService) UpdatePagesDomain(pid interface{}, domain string, opt *UpdatePagesDomainOptions, ...) (*PagesDomain, *Response, error)
- type Permissions
- type Pipeline
- type PipelineEvent
- type PipelineList
- type PipelineSchedule
- type PipelineSchedulesService
- func (s *PipelineSchedulesService) CreatePipelineSchedule(pid interface{}, opt *CreatePipelineScheduleOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*PipelineSchedule, *Response, error)
- func (s *PipelineSchedulesService) CreatePipelineScheduleVariable(pid interface{}, schedule int, opt *CreatePipelineScheduleVariableOptions, ...) (*PipelineVariable, *Response, error)
- func (s *PipelineSchedulesService) DeletePipelineSchedule(pid interface{}, schedule int, options ...OptionFunc) (*PipelineSchedule, *Response, error)
- func (s *PipelineSchedulesService) DeletePipelineScheduleVariable(pid interface{}, schedule int, key string, options ...OptionFunc) (*PipelineVariable, *Response, error)
- func (s *PipelineSchedulesService) EditPipelineSchedule(pid interface{}, schedule int, opt *EditPipelineScheduleOptions, ...) (*PipelineSchedule, *Response, error)
- func (s *PipelineSchedulesService) EditPipelineScheduleVariable(pid interface{}, schedule int, key string, ...) (*PipelineVariable, *Response, error)
- func (s *PipelineSchedulesService) GetPipelineSchedule(pid interface{}, schedule int, options ...OptionFunc) (*PipelineSchedule, *Response, error)
- func (s *PipelineSchedulesService) ListPipelineSchedules(pid interface{}, opt *ListPipelineSchedulesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*PipelineSchedule, *Response, error)
- func (s *PipelineSchedulesService) TakeOwnershipOfPipelineSchedule(pid interface{}, schedule int, options ...OptionFunc) (*PipelineSchedule, *Response, error)
- type PipelineTrigger
- type PipelineTriggersService
- func (s *PipelineTriggersService) AddPipelineTrigger(pid interface{}, opt *AddPipelineTriggerOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*PipelineTrigger, *Response, error)
- func (s *PipelineTriggersService) DeletePipelineTrigger(pid interface{}, trigger int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *PipelineTriggersService) EditPipelineTrigger(pid interface{}, trigger int, opt *EditPipelineTriggerOptions, ...) (*PipelineTrigger, *Response, error)
- func (s *PipelineTriggersService) GetPipelineTrigger(pid interface{}, trigger int, options ...OptionFunc) (*PipelineTrigger, *Response, error)
- func (s *PipelineTriggersService) ListPipelineTriggers(pid interface{}, opt *ListPipelineTriggersOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*PipelineTrigger, *Response, error)
- func (s *PipelineTriggersService) RunPipelineTrigger(pid interface{}, opt *RunPipelineTriggerOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Pipeline, *Response, error)
- func (s *PipelineTriggersService) TakeOwnershipOfPipelineTrigger(pid interface{}, trigger int, options ...OptionFunc) (*PipelineTrigger, *Response, error)
- type PipelineVariable
- type PipelinesService
- func (s *PipelinesService) CancelPipelineBuild(pid interface{}, pipelineID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Pipeline, *Response, error)
- func (s *PipelinesService) CreatePipeline(pid interface{}, opt *CreatePipelineOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Pipeline, *Response, error)
- func (s *PipelinesService) GetPipeline(pid interface{}, pipeline int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Pipeline, *Response, error)
- func (s *PipelinesService) ListProjectPipelines(pid interface{}, opt *ListProjectPipelinesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (PipelineList, *Response, error)
- func (s *PipelinesService) RetryPipelineBuild(pid interface{}, pipelineID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Pipeline, *Response, error)
- type PostCommitCommentOptions
- type ProcessMetrics
- type Project
- type ProjectAccess
- type ProjectBadge
- type ProjectBadgePreviewOptions
- type ProjectBadgesService
- func (s *ProjectBadgesService) AddProjectBadge(pid interface{}, opt *AddProjectBadgeOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProjectBadge, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectBadgesService) DeleteProjectBadge(pid interface{}, badge int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectBadgesService) EditProjectBadge(pid interface{}, badge int, opt *EditProjectBadgeOptions, ...) (*ProjectBadge, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectBadgesService) GetProjectBadge(pid interface{}, badge int, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProjectBadge, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectBadgesService) ListProjectBadges(pid interface{}, opt *ListProjectBadgesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*ProjectBadge, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectBadgesService) PreviewProjectBadge(pid interface{}, opt *ProjectBadgePreviewOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProjectBadge, *Response, error)
- type ProjectEvent
- type ProjectFile
- type ProjectForkRelation
- type ProjectHook
- type ProjectLanguages
- type ProjectMember
- type ProjectMembersService
- func (s *ProjectMembersService) AddProjectMember(pid interface{}, opt *AddProjectMemberOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProjectMember, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectMembersService) DeleteProjectMember(pid interface{}, user int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectMembersService) EditProjectMember(pid interface{}, user int, opt *EditProjectMemberOptions, ...) (*ProjectMember, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectMembersService) GetProjectMember(pid interface{}, user int, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProjectMember, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectMembersService) ListAllProjectMembers(pid interface{}, opt *ListProjectMembersOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*ProjectMember, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectMembersService) ListProjectMembers(pid interface{}, opt *ListProjectMembersOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*ProjectMember, *Response, error)
- type ProjectNamespace
- type ProjectSnippetsService
- func (s *ProjectSnippetsService) CreateSnippet(pid interface{}, opt *CreateProjectSnippetOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Snippet, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectSnippetsService) DeleteSnippet(pid interface{}, snippet int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectSnippetsService) GetSnippet(pid interface{}, snippet int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Snippet, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectSnippetsService) ListSnippets(pid interface{}, opt *ListProjectSnippetsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Snippet, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectSnippetsService) SnippetContent(pid interface{}, snippet int, options ...OptionFunc) ([]byte, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectSnippetsService) UpdateSnippet(pid interface{}, snippet int, opt *UpdateProjectSnippetOptions, ...) (*Snippet, *Response, error)
- type ProjectStatistics
- type ProjectUser
- type ProjectVariable
- type ProjectVariablesService
- func (s *ProjectVariablesService) CreateVariable(pid interface{}, opt *CreateVariableOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProjectVariable, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectVariablesService) GetVariable(pid interface{}, key string, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProjectVariable, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectVariablesService) ListVariables(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*ProjectVariable, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectVariablesService) RemoveVariable(pid interface{}, key string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectVariablesService) UpdateVariable(pid interface{}, key string, opt *UpdateVariableOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProjectVariable, *Response, error)
- type ProjectsService
- func (s *ProjectsService) AddProjectHook(pid interface{}, opt *AddProjectHookOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProjectHook, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectsService) ArchiveProject(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Project, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectsService) CreateProject(opt *CreateProjectOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Project, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectsService) CreateProjectForUser(user int, opt *CreateProjectForUserOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Project, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectsService) CreateProjectForkRelation(pid int, fork int, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProjectForkRelation, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectsService) DeleteProject(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectsService) DeleteProjectForkRelation(pid int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectsService) DeleteProjectHook(pid interface{}, hook int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectsService) DeleteSharedProjectFromGroup(pid interface{}, groupID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectsService) EditProject(pid interface{}, opt *EditProjectOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Project, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectsService) EditProjectHook(pid interface{}, hook int, opt *EditProjectHookOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProjectHook, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectsService) ForkProject(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Project, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectsService) GetProject(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Project, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectsService) GetProjectEvents(pid interface{}, opt *GetProjectEventsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*ProjectEvent, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectsService) GetProjectHook(pid interface{}, hook int, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProjectHook, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectsService) GetProjectLanguages(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProjectLanguages, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectsService) ListProjectForks(pid interface{}, opt *ListProjectsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Project, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectsService) ListProjectHooks(pid interface{}, opt *ListProjectHooksOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*ProjectHook, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectsService) ListProjects(opt *ListProjectsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Project, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectsService) ListProjectsUsers(pid interface{}, opt *ListProjectUserOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*ProjectUser, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectsService) ListUserProjects(uid interface{}, opt *ListProjectsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Project, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectsService) ShareProjectWithGroup(pid interface{}, opt *ShareWithGroupOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectsService) StarProject(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Project, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectsService) UnarchiveProject(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Project, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectsService) UnstarProject(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Project, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectsService) UploadFile(pid interface{}, file string, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProjectFile, *Response, error)
- type ProtectBranchOptions
- type ProtectRepositoryBranchesOptions
- type ProtectedBranch
- type ProtectedBranchesService
- func (s *ProtectedBranchesService) GetProtectedBranch(pid interface{}, branch string, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProtectedBranch, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProtectedBranchesService) ListProtectedBranches(pid interface{}, opt *ListProtectedBranchesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*ProtectedBranch, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProtectedBranchesService) ProtectRepositoryBranches(pid interface{}, opt *ProtectRepositoryBranchesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProtectedBranch, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProtectedBranchesService) UnprotectRepositoryBranches(pid interface{}, branch string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- type PushEvent
- type QueueMetrics
- type RegisterNewRunnerOptions
- type Release
- type RepositoriesService
- func (s *RepositoriesService) Archive(pid interface{}, opt *ArchiveOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]byte, *Response, error)
- func (s *RepositoriesService) Compare(pid interface{}, opt *CompareOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Compare, *Response, error)
- func (s *RepositoriesService) Contributors(pid interface{}, opt *ListContributorsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Contributor, *Response, error)
- func (s *RepositoriesService) ListTree(pid interface{}, opt *ListTreeOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*TreeNode, *Response, error)
- func (s *RepositoriesService) RawBlobContent(pid interface{}, sha string, options ...OptionFunc) ([]byte, *Response, error)
- func (s *RepositoriesService) RawFileContent(pid interface{}, sha string, options ...OptionFunc) ([]byte, *Response, error)
- type Repository
- type RepositoryFilesService
- func (s *RepositoryFilesService) CreateFile(pid interface{}, fileName string, opt *CreateFileOptions, ...) (*FileInfo, *Response, error)
- func (s *RepositoryFilesService) DeleteFile(pid interface{}, fileName string, opt *DeleteFileOptions, ...) (*Response, error)
- func (s *RepositoryFilesService) GetFile(pid interface{}, fileName string, opt *GetFileOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*File, *Response, error)
- func (s *RepositoryFilesService) GetRawFile(pid interface{}, fileName string, opt *GetRawFileOptions, ...) ([]byte, *Response, error)
- func (s *RepositoryFilesService) UpdateFile(pid interface{}, fileName string, opt *UpdateFileOptions, ...) (*FileInfo, *Response, error)
- type ResolveMergeRequestDiscussionOptions
- type Response
- type RunPipelineTriggerOptions
- type Runner
- type RunnerDetails
- type RunnersService
- func (s *RunnersService) DeleteRegisteredRunner(opt *DeleteRegisteredRunnerOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *RunnersService) DisableProjectRunner(pid interface{}, rid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *RunnersService) EnableProjectRunner(pid interface{}, opt *EnableProjectRunnerOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Runner, *Response, error)
- func (s *RunnersService) GetRunnerDetails(rid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*RunnerDetails, *Response, error)
- func (s *RunnersService) ListAllRunners(opt *ListRunnersOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Runner, *Response, error)
- func (s *RunnersService) ListProjectRunners(pid interface{}, opt *ListProjectRunnersOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Runner, *Response, error)
- func (s *RunnersService) ListRunnerJobs(rid interface{}, opt *ListRunnerJobsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Job, *Response, error)
- func (s *RunnersService) ListRunners(opt *ListRunnersOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Runner, *Response, error)
- func (s *RunnersService) RegisterNewRunner(opt *RegisterNewRunnerOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Runner, *Response, error)
- func (s *RunnersService) RemoveRunner(rid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *RunnersService) UpdateRunnerDetails(rid interface{}, opt *UpdateRunnerDetailsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*RunnerDetails, *Response, error)
- func (s *RunnersService) VerifyRegisteredRunner(opt *VerifyRegisteredRunnerOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- type SSHKey
- type SearchOptions
- type SearchService
- func (s *SearchService) Blobs(query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Blob, *Response, error)
- func (s *SearchService) BlobsByGroup(gid interface{}, query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Blob, *Response, error)
- func (s *SearchService) BlobsByProject(pid interface{}, query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Blob, *Response, error)
- func (s *SearchService) Commits(query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Commit, *Response, error)
- func (s *SearchService) CommitsByGroup(gid interface{}, query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Commit, *Response, error)
- func (s *SearchService) CommitsByProject(pid interface{}, query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Commit, *Response, error)
- func (s *SearchService) Issues(query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Issue, *Response, error)
- func (s *SearchService) IssuesByGroup(gid interface{}, query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Issue, *Response, error)
- func (s *SearchService) IssuesByProject(pid interface{}, query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Issue, *Response, error)
- func (s *SearchService) MergeRequests(query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
- func (s *SearchService) MergeRequestsByGroup(gid interface{}, query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
- func (s *SearchService) MergeRequestsByProject(pid interface{}, query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
- func (s *SearchService) Milestones(query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Milestone, *Response, error)
- func (s *SearchService) MilestonesByGroup(gid interface{}, query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Milestone, *Response, error)
- func (s *SearchService) MilestonesByProject(pid interface{}, query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Milestone, *Response, error)
- func (s *SearchService) NotesByProject(pid interface{}, query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Note, *Response, error)
- func (s *SearchService) Projects(query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Project, *Response, error)
- func (s *SearchService) ProjectsByGroup(gid interface{}, query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Project, *Response, error)
- func (s *SearchService) SnippetBlobs(query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Snippet, *Response, error)
- func (s *SearchService) SnippetTitles(query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Snippet, *Response, error)
- func (s *SearchService) WikiBlobs(query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Wiki, *Response, error)
- func (s *SearchService) WikiBlobsByGroup(gid interface{}, query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Wiki, *Response, error)
- func (s *SearchService) WikiBlobsByProject(pid interface{}, query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Wiki, *Response, error)
- type Service
- type ServicesService
- func (s *ServicesService) DeleteDroneCIService(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *ServicesService) DeleteGitLabCIService(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *ServicesService) DeleteHipChatService(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *ServicesService) DeleteJenkinsCIService(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *ServicesService) DeleteJiraService(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *ServicesService) DeleteMicrosoftTeamsService(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *ServicesService) DeleteSlackService(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *ServicesService) GetDroneCIService(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*DroneCIService, *Response, error)
- func (s *ServicesService) GetJenkinsCIService(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*JenkinsCIService, *Response, error)
- func (s *ServicesService) GetJiraService(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*JiraService, *Response, error)
- func (s *ServicesService) GetMicrosoftTeamsService(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*MicrosoftTeamsService, *Response, error)
- func (s *ServicesService) GetSlackService(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*SlackService, *Response, error)
- func (s *ServicesService) SetDroneCIService(pid interface{}, opt *SetDroneCIServiceOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *ServicesService) SetGitLabCIService(pid interface{}, opt *SetGitLabCIServiceOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *ServicesService) SetHipChatService(pid interface{}, opt *SetHipChatServiceOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *ServicesService) SetJenkinsCIService(pid interface{}, opt *SetJenkinsCIServiceOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *ServicesService) SetJiraService(pid interface{}, opt *SetJiraServiceOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *ServicesService) SetMicrosoftTeamsService(pid interface{}, opt *SetMicrosoftTeamsServiceOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *ServicesService) SetSlackService(pid interface{}, opt *SetSlackServiceOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- type SetCommitStatusOptions
- type SetDroneCIServiceOptions
- type SetGitLabCIServiceOptions
- type SetHipChatServiceOptions
- type SetJenkinsCIServiceOptions
- type SetJiraServiceOptions
- type SetMicrosoftTeamsServiceOptions
- type SetSlackServiceOptions
- type SetTimeEstimateOptions
- type Settings
- type SettingsService
- type ShareWithGroupOptions
- type SidekiqService
- func (s *SidekiqService) GetCompoundMetrics(options ...OptionFunc) (*CompoundMetrics, *Response, error)
- func (s *SidekiqService) GetJobStats(options ...OptionFunc) (*JobStats, *Response, error)
- func (s *SidekiqService) GetProcessMetrics(options ...OptionFunc) (*ProcessMetrics, *Response, error)
- func (s *SidekiqService) GetQueueMetrics(options ...OptionFunc) (*QueueMetrics, *Response, error)
- type SlackService
- type SlackServiceProperties
- type Snippet
- type SnippetCommentEvent
- type SnippetsService
- func (s *SnippetsService) CreateSnippet(opt *CreateSnippetOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Snippet, *Response, error)
- func (s *SnippetsService) DeleteSnippet(snippet int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *SnippetsService) ExploreSnippets(opt *ExploreSnippetsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Snippet, *Response, error)
- func (s *SnippetsService) GetSnippet(snippet int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Snippet, *Response, error)
- func (s *SnippetsService) ListSnippets(opt *ListSnippetsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Snippet, *Response, error)
- func (s *SnippetsService) SnippetContent(snippet int, options ...OptionFunc) ([]byte, *Response, error)
- func (s *SnippetsService) UpdateSnippet(snippet int, opt *UpdateSnippetOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Snippet, *Response, error)
- type StorageStatistics
- type SystemHooksService
- func (s *SystemHooksService) AddHook(opt *AddHookOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Hook, *Response, error)
- func (s *SystemHooksService) DeleteHook(hook int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *SystemHooksService) ListHooks(options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Hook, *Response, error)
- func (s *SystemHooksService) TestHook(hook int, options ...OptionFunc) (*HookEvent, *Response, error)
- type Tag
- type TagEvent
- type TagsService
- func (s *TagsService) CreateRelease(pid interface{}, tag string, opt *CreateReleaseOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Release, *Response, error)
- func (s *TagsService) CreateTag(pid interface{}, opt *CreateTagOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Tag, *Response, error)
- func (s *TagsService) DeleteTag(pid interface{}, tag string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *TagsService) GetTag(pid interface{}, tag string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Tag, *Response, error)
- func (s *TagsService) ListTags(pid interface{}, opt *ListTagsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Tag, *Response, error)
- func (s *TagsService) UpdateRelease(pid interface{}, tag string, opt *UpdateReleaseOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Release, *Response, error)
- type TimeStats
- type Todo
- type TodoAction
- type TodoTarget
- type TodosService
- type TreeNode
- type UpdateBroadcastMessageOptions
- type UpdateBuildVariableOptions
- type UpdateCommitDiscussionNoteOptions
- type UpdateEpicDiscussionNoteOptions
- type UpdateFileOptions
- type UpdateGroupIssueBoardListOptions
- type UpdateGroupMilestoneOptions
- type UpdateGroupOptions
- type UpdateIssueBoardListOptions
- type UpdateIssueDiscussionNoteOptions
- type UpdateIssueNoteOptions
- type UpdateIssueOptions
- type UpdateLabelOptions
- type UpdateMergeRequestDiscussionNoteOptions
- type UpdateMergeRequestNoteOptions
- type UpdateMergeRequestOptions
- type UpdateMilestoneOptions
- type UpdatePagesDomainOptions
- type UpdateProjectSnippetOptions
- type UpdateReleaseOptions
- type UpdateRunnerDetailsOptions
- type UpdateSettingsOptions
- type UpdateSnippetDiscussionNoteOptions
- type UpdateSnippetNoteOptions
- type UpdateSnippetOptions
- type UpdateVariableOptions
- type User
- type UserActivity
- type UserIdentity
- type UsersService
- func (s *UsersService) AddEmail(opt *AddEmailOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Email, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) AddEmailForUser(user int, opt *AddEmailOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Email, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) AddSSHKey(opt *AddSSHKeyOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*SSHKey, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) AddSSHKeyForUser(user int, opt *AddSSHKeyOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*SSHKey, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) BlockUser(user int, options ...OptionFunc) error
- func (s *UsersService) CreateImpersonationToken(user int, opt *CreateImpersonationTokenOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*ImpersonationToken, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) CreateUser(opt *CreateUserOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*User, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) CurrentUser(options ...OptionFunc) (*User, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) DeleteEmail(email int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) DeleteEmailForUser(user, email int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) DeleteSSHKey(key int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) DeleteSSHKeyForUser(user, key int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) DeleteUser(user int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) GetAllImpersonationTokens(user int, opt *GetAllImpersonationTokensOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*ImpersonationToken, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) GetEmail(email int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Email, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) GetImpersonationToken(user, token int, options ...OptionFunc) (*ImpersonationToken, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) GetSSHKey(key int, options ...OptionFunc) (*SSHKey, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) GetUser(user int, options ...OptionFunc) (*User, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) GetUserActivities(opt *GetUserActivitiesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*UserActivity, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) ListEmails(options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Email, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) ListEmailsForUser(user int, opt *ListEmailsForUserOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Email, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) ListSSHKeys(options ...OptionFunc) ([]*SSHKey, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) ListSSHKeysForUser(user int, opt *ListSSHKeysForUserOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*SSHKey, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) ListUserContributionEvents(uid interface{}, opt *ListContributionEventsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*ContributionEvent, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) ListUsers(opt *ListUsersOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*User, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) ModifyUser(user int, opt *ModifyUserOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*User, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) RevokeImpersonationToken(user, token int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) UnblockUser(user int, options ...OptionFunc) error
- type ValidateService
- type VerifyRegisteredRunnerOptions
- type Version
- type VersionService
- type VisibilityValue
- type Wiki
- type WikiFormat
- type WikiPageEvent
- type WikisService
- func (s *WikisService) CreateWikiPage(pid interface{}, opt *CreateWikiPageOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Wiki, *Response, error)
- func (s *WikisService) DeleteWikiPage(pid interface{}, slug string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
- func (s *WikisService) EditWikiPage(pid interface{}, slug string, opt *EditWikiPageOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Wiki, *Response, error)
- func (s *WikisService) GetWikiPage(pid interface{}, slug string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Wiki, *Response, error)
- func (s *WikisService) ListWikis(pid interface{}, opt *ListWikisOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Wiki, *Response, error)
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func Bool ¶
Bool is a helper routine that allocates a new bool value to store v and returns a pointer to it.
func CheckResponse ¶
CheckResponse checks the API response for errors, and returns them if present.
func Int ¶
Int is a helper routine that allocates a new int32 value to store v and returns a pointer to it, but unlike Int32 its argument value is an int.
Types ¶
type AcceptMergeRequestOptions ¶
type AcceptMergeRequestOptions struct { MergeCommitMessage *string `url:"merge_commit_message,omitempty" json:"merge_commit_message,omitempty"` ShouldRemoveSourceBranch *bool `url:"should_remove_source_branch,omitempty" json:"should_remove_source_branch,omitempty"` MergeWhenPipelineSucceeds *bool `url:"merge_when_pipeline_succeeds,omitempty" json:"merge_when_pipeline_succeeds,omitempty"` Sha *string `url:"sha,omitempty" json:"sha,omitempty"` }
AcceptMergeRequestOptions represents the available AcceptMergeRequest() options.
GitLab API docs:
type AccessLevelValue ¶
type AccessLevelValue int
AccessLevelValue represents a permission level within GitLab.
GitLab API docs:
const ( NoPermissions AccessLevelValue = 0 GuestPermissions AccessLevelValue = 10 ReporterPermissions AccessLevelValue = 20 DeveloperPermissions AccessLevelValue = 30 MaintainerPermissions AccessLevelValue = 40 OwnerPermissions AccessLevelValue = 50 // These are deprecated and should be removed in a future version MasterPermissions AccessLevelValue = 40 OwnerPermission AccessLevelValue = 50 )
List of available access levels
GitLab API docs:
func AccessLevel ¶
func AccessLevel(v AccessLevelValue) *AccessLevelValue
AccessLevel is a helper routine that allocates a new AccessLevelValue to store v and returns a pointer to it.
type AccessRequest ¶
type AccessRequest struct { ID int `json:"id"` Username string `json:"username"` Name string `json:"name"` State string `json:"state"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` RequestedAt *time.Time `json:"requested_at"` AccessLevel AccessLevelValue `json:"access_level"` }
AccessRequest represents a access request for a group or project.
GitLab API docs:
type AccessRequestsService ¶
type AccessRequestsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AccessRequestsService handles communication with the project/group access requests related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*AccessRequestsService) ApproveGroupAccessRequest ¶
func (s *AccessRequestsService) ApproveGroupAccessRequest(gid interface{}, user int, opt *ApproveAccessRequestOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*AccessRequest, *Response, error)
ApproveGroupAccessRequest approves an access request for the given user.
GitLab API docs:
func (*AccessRequestsService) ApproveProjectAccessRequest ¶
func (s *AccessRequestsService) ApproveProjectAccessRequest(pid interface{}, user int, opt *ApproveAccessRequestOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*AccessRequest, *Response, error)
ApproveProjectAccessRequest approves an access request for the given user.
GitLab API docs:
func (*AccessRequestsService) DenyGroupAccessRequest ¶
func (s *AccessRequestsService) DenyGroupAccessRequest(gid interface{}, user int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DenyGroupAccessRequest denies an access request for the given user.
GitLab API docs:
func (*AccessRequestsService) DenyProjectAccessRequest ¶
func (s *AccessRequestsService) DenyProjectAccessRequest(pid interface{}, user int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DenyProjectAccessRequest denies an access request for the given user.
GitLab API docs:
func (*AccessRequestsService) ListGroupAccessRequests ¶
func (s *AccessRequestsService) ListGroupAccessRequests(gid interface{}, opt *ListAccessRequestsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*AccessRequest, *Response, error)
ListGroupAccessRequests gets a list of access requests viewable by the authenticated user.
GitLab API docs:
func (*AccessRequestsService) ListProjectAccessRequests ¶
func (s *AccessRequestsService) ListProjectAccessRequests(pid interface{}, opt *ListAccessRequestsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*AccessRequest, *Response, error)
ListProjectAccessRequests gets a list of access requests viewable by the authenticated user.
GitLab API docs:
func (*AccessRequestsService) RequestGroupAccess ¶
func (s *AccessRequestsService) RequestGroupAccess(gid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*AccessRequest, *Response, error)
RequestGroupAccess requests access for the authenticated user to a group or project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*AccessRequestsService) RequestProjectAccess ¶
func (s *AccessRequestsService) RequestProjectAccess(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*AccessRequest, *Response, error)
RequestProjectAccess requests access for the authenticated user to a group or project.
GitLab API docs:
type AddCommitDiscussionNoteOptions ¶
type AddCommitDiscussionNoteOptions struct { Body *string `url:"body,omitempty" json:"body,omitempty"` CreatedAt *time.Time `url:"created_at,omitempty" json:"created_at,omitempty"` }
AddCommitDiscussionNoteOptions represents the available AddCommitDiscussionNote() options.
GitLab API docs:
type AddDeployKeyOptions ¶
type AddDeployKeyOptions struct { Title *string `url:"title,omitempty" json:"title,omitempty"` Key *string `url:"key,omitempty" json:"key,omitempty"` CanPush *bool `url:"can_push,omitempty" json:"can_push,omitempty"` }
AddDeployKeyOptions represents the available ADDDeployKey() options.
GitLab API docs:
type AddEmailOptions ¶
type AddEmailOptions struct {
Email *string `url:"email,omitempty" json:"email,omitempty"`
AddEmailOptions represents the available AddEmail() options.
GitLab API docs:
type AddEpicDiscussionNoteOptions ¶
type AddEpicDiscussionNoteOptions struct { Body *string `url:"body,omitempty" json:"body,omitempty"` CreatedAt *time.Time `url:"created_at,omitempty" json:"created_at,omitempty"` }
AddEpicDiscussionNoteOptions represents the available AddEpicDiscussionNote() options.
GitLab API docs:
type AddGroupMemberOptions ¶
type AddGroupMemberOptions struct { UserID *int `url:"user_id,omitempty" json:"user_id,omitempty"` AccessLevel *AccessLevelValue `url:"access_level,omitempty" json:"access_level,omitempty"` ExpiresAt *string `url:"expires_at,omitempty" json:"expires_at"` }
AddGroupMemberOptions represents the available AddGroupMember() options.
GitLab API docs:
type AddHookOptions ¶
type AddHookOptions struct {
URL *string `url:"url,omitempty" json:"url,omitempty"`
AddHookOptions represents the available AddHook() options.
GitLab API docs:
type AddIssueDiscussionNoteOptions ¶
type AddIssueDiscussionNoteOptions struct { Body *string `url:"body,omitempty" json:"body,omitempty"` CreatedAt *time.Time `url:"created_at,omitempty" json:"created_at,omitempty"` }
AddIssueDiscussionNoteOptions represents the available AddIssueDiscussionNote() options.
GitLab API docs:
type AddLicenseOptions ¶
type AddLicenseOptions struct {
License *string `url:"license" json:"license"`
AddLicenseOptions represents the available AddLicense() options.
type AddMergeRequestDiscussionNoteOptions ¶
type AddMergeRequestDiscussionNoteOptions struct { Body *string `url:"body,omitempty" json:"body,omitempty"` CreatedAt *time.Time `url:"created_at,omitempty" json:"created_at,omitempty"` }
AddMergeRequestDiscussionNoteOptions represents the available AddMergeRequestDiscussionNote() options.
GitLab API docs:
type AddPipelineTriggerOptions ¶
type AddPipelineTriggerOptions struct {
Description *string `url:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"`
AddPipelineTriggerOptions represents the available AddPipelineTrigger() options.
GitLab API docs:
type AddProjectBadgeOptions ¶
type AddProjectBadgeOptions struct { LinkURL *string `url:"link_url,omitempty" json:"link_url,omitempty"` ImageURL *string `url:"image_url,omitempty" json:"image_url,omitempty"` }
AddProjectBadgeOptions represents the available AddProjectBadge() options.
GitLab API docs:
type AddProjectHookOptions ¶
type AddProjectHookOptions struct { URL *string `url:"url,omitempty" json:"url,omitempty"` PushEvents *bool `url:"push_events,omitempty" json:"push_events,omitempty"` IssuesEvents *bool `url:"issues_events,omitempty" json:"issues_events,omitempty"` ConfidentialIssuesEvents *bool `url:"confidential_issues_events,omitempty" json:"confidential_issues_events,omitempty"` MergeRequestsEvents *bool `url:"merge_requests_events,omitempty" json:"merge_requests_events,omitempty"` TagPushEvents *bool `url:"tag_push_events,omitempty" json:"tag_push_events,omitempty"` NoteEvents *bool `url:"note_events,omitempty" json:"note_events,omitempty"` JobEvents *bool `url:"job_events,omitempty" json:"job_events,omitempty"` PipelineEvents *bool `url:"pipeline_events,omitempty" json:"pipeline_events,omitempty"` WikiPageEvents *bool `url:"wiki_page_events,omitempty" json:"wiki_page_events,omitempty"` EnableSSLVerification *bool `url:"enable_ssl_verification,omitempty" json:"enable_ssl_verification,omitempty"` Token *string `url:"token,omitempty" json:"token,omitempty"` }
AddProjectHookOptions represents the available AddProjectHook() options.
GitLab API docs:
type AddProjectMemberOptions ¶
type AddProjectMemberOptions struct { UserID *int `url:"user_id,omitempty" json:"user_id,omitempty"` AccessLevel *AccessLevelValue `url:"access_level,omitempty" json:"access_level,omitempty"` }
AddProjectMemberOptions represents the available AddProjectMember() options.
GitLab API docs:
type AddSSHKeyOptions ¶
type AddSSHKeyOptions struct { Title *string `url:"title,omitempty" json:"title,omitempty"` Key *string `url:"key,omitempty" json:"key,omitempty"` }
AddSSHKeyOptions represents the available AddSSHKey() options.
GitLab API docs:
type AddSnippetDiscussionNoteOptions ¶
type AddSnippetDiscussionNoteOptions struct { Body *string `url:"body,omitempty" json:"body,omitempty"` CreatedAt *time.Time `url:"created_at,omitempty" json:"created_at,omitempty"` }
AddSnippetDiscussionNoteOptions represents the available AddSnippetDiscussionNote() options.
GitLab API docs:
type AddSpentTimeOptions ¶
type AddSpentTimeOptions struct {
Duration *string `url:"duration,omitempty" json:"duration,omitempty"`
AddSpentTimeOptions represents the available AddSpentTime() options.
GitLab docs:
type ApproveAccessRequestOptions ¶
type ApproveAccessRequestOptions struct {
AccessLevel *AccessLevelValue `url:"access_level,omitempty" json:"access_level,omitempty"`
ApproveAccessRequestOptions represents the available ApproveProjectAccessRequest() and ApproveGroupAccessRequest() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ApproveMergeRequestOptions ¶
type ApproveMergeRequestOptions struct {
Sha *string `url:"sha,omitempty" json:"sha,omitempty"`
ApproveMergeRequestOptions represents the available ApproveMergeRequest() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ArchiveOptions ¶
type ArchiveOptions struct {
SHA *string `url:"sha,omitempty" json:"sha,omitempty"`
ArchiveOptions represents the available Archive() options.
GitLab API docs:
type Author ¶
type Author struct { ID int `json:"id"` Username string `json:"username"` Email string `json:"email"` Name string `json:"name"` State string `json:"state"` Blocked bool `json:"blocked"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` }
Author represents a GitLab commit author
type AwardEmoji ¶
type AwardEmoji struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` User struct { Name string `json:"name"` Username string `json:"username"` ID int `json:"id"` State string `json:"state"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` } `json:"user"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updated_at"` AwardableID int `json:"awardable_id"` AwardableType string `json:"awardable_type"` }
AwardEmoji represents a GitLab Award Emoji.
GitLab API docs:
type AwardEmojiService ¶
type AwardEmojiService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AwardEmojiService handles communication with the emoji awards related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*AwardEmojiService) CreateIssueAwardEmoji ¶
func (s *AwardEmojiService) CreateIssueAwardEmoji(pid interface{}, issueIID int, opt *CreateAwardEmojiOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
CreateIssueAwardEmoji get an award emoji from issue.
GitLab API docs:
func (*AwardEmojiService) CreateIssuesAwardEmojiOnNote ¶
func (s *AwardEmojiService) CreateIssuesAwardEmojiOnNote(pid interface{}, issueID, noteID int, opt *CreateAwardEmojiOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
CreateIssuesAwardEmojiOnNote gets an award emoji on a note from an issue.
GitLab API docs:
func (*AwardEmojiService) CreateMergeRequestAwardEmoji ¶
func (s *AwardEmojiService) CreateMergeRequestAwardEmoji(pid interface{}, mergeRequestIID int, opt *CreateAwardEmojiOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
CreateMergeRequestAwardEmoji get an award emoji from merge request.
GitLab API docs:
func (*AwardEmojiService) CreateMergeRequestAwardEmojiOnNote ¶
func (s *AwardEmojiService) CreateMergeRequestAwardEmojiOnNote(pid interface{}, mergeRequestIID, noteID int, opt *CreateAwardEmojiOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
CreateMergeRequestAwardEmojiOnNote gets an award emoji on a note from a merge request.
GitLab API docs:
func (*AwardEmojiService) CreateSnippetAwardEmoji ¶
func (s *AwardEmojiService) CreateSnippetAwardEmoji(pid interface{}, snippetID int, opt *CreateAwardEmojiOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
CreateSnippetAwardEmoji get an award emoji from snippet.
GitLab API docs:
func (*AwardEmojiService) CreateSnippetAwardEmojiOnNote ¶
func (s *AwardEmojiService) CreateSnippetAwardEmojiOnNote(pid interface{}, snippetIID, noteID int, opt *CreateAwardEmojiOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
CreateSnippetAwardEmojiOnNote gets an award emoji on a note from a snippet.
GitLab API docs:
func (*AwardEmojiService) DeleteIssueAwardEmoji ¶
func (s *AwardEmojiService) DeleteIssueAwardEmoji(pid interface{}, issueIID, awardID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteIssueAwardEmoji delete award emoji on an issue.
GitLab API docs:
func (*AwardEmojiService) DeleteIssuesAwardEmojiOnNote ¶
func (s *AwardEmojiService) DeleteIssuesAwardEmojiOnNote(pid interface{}, issueID, noteID, awardID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteIssuesAwardEmojiOnNote deletes an award emoji on a note from an issue.
GitLab API docs:
func (*AwardEmojiService) DeleteMergeRequestAwardEmoji ¶
func (s *AwardEmojiService) DeleteMergeRequestAwardEmoji(pid interface{}, mergeRequestIID, awardID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteMergeRequestAwardEmoji delete award emoji on a merge request.
GitLab API docs:
func (*AwardEmojiService) DeleteMergeRequestAwardEmojiOnNote ¶
func (s *AwardEmojiService) DeleteMergeRequestAwardEmojiOnNote(pid interface{}, mergeRequestIID, noteID, awardID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteMergeRequestAwardEmojiOnNote deletes an award emoji on a note from a merge request.
GitLab API docs:
func (*AwardEmojiService) DeleteSnippetAwardEmoji ¶
func (s *AwardEmojiService) DeleteSnippetAwardEmoji(pid interface{}, snippetID, awardID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteSnippetAwardEmoji delete award emoji on a snippet.
GitLab API docs:
func (*AwardEmojiService) DeleteSnippetAwardEmojiOnNote ¶
func (s *AwardEmojiService) DeleteSnippetAwardEmojiOnNote(pid interface{}, snippetIID, noteID, awardID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteSnippetAwardEmojiOnNote deletes an award emoji on a note from a snippet.
GitLab API docs:
func (*AwardEmojiService) GetIssueAwardEmoji ¶
func (s *AwardEmojiService) GetIssueAwardEmoji(pid interface{}, issueIID, awardID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
GetIssueAwardEmoji get an award emoji from issue.
GitLab API docs:
func (*AwardEmojiService) GetIssuesAwardEmojiOnNote ¶
func (s *AwardEmojiService) GetIssuesAwardEmojiOnNote(pid interface{}, issueID, noteID, awardID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
GetIssuesAwardEmojiOnNote gets an award emoji on a note from an issue.
GitLab API docs:
func (*AwardEmojiService) GetMergeRequestAwardEmoji ¶
func (s *AwardEmojiService) GetMergeRequestAwardEmoji(pid interface{}, mergeRequestIID, awardID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
GetMergeRequestAwardEmoji get an award emoji from merge request.
GitLab API docs:
func (*AwardEmojiService) GetMergeRequestAwardEmojiOnNote ¶
func (s *AwardEmojiService) GetMergeRequestAwardEmojiOnNote(pid interface{}, mergeRequestIID, noteID, awardID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
GetMergeRequestAwardEmojiOnNote gets an award emoji on a note from a merge request.
GitLab API docs:
func (*AwardEmojiService) GetSnippetAwardEmoji ¶
func (s *AwardEmojiService) GetSnippetAwardEmoji(pid interface{}, snippetID, awardID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
GetSnippetAwardEmoji get an award emoji from snippet.
GitLab API docs:
func (*AwardEmojiService) GetSnippetAwardEmojiOnNote ¶
func (s *AwardEmojiService) GetSnippetAwardEmojiOnNote(pid interface{}, snippetIID, noteID, awardID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
GetSnippetAwardEmojiOnNote gets an award emoji on a note from a snippet.
GitLab API docs:
func (*AwardEmojiService) ListIssueAwardEmoji ¶
func (s *AwardEmojiService) ListIssueAwardEmoji(pid interface{}, issueIID int, opt *ListAwardEmojiOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
ListIssueAwardEmoji gets a list of all award emoji on the issue.
GitLab API docs:
func (*AwardEmojiService) ListIssuesAwardEmojiOnNote ¶
func (s *AwardEmojiService) ListIssuesAwardEmojiOnNote(pid interface{}, issueID, noteID int, opt *ListAwardEmojiOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
ListIssuesAwardEmojiOnNote gets a list of all award emoji on a note from the issue.
GitLab API docs:
func (*AwardEmojiService) ListMergeRequestAwardEmoji ¶
func (s *AwardEmojiService) ListMergeRequestAwardEmoji(pid interface{}, mergeRequestIID int, opt *ListAwardEmojiOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
ListMergeRequestAwardEmoji gets a list of all award emoji on the merge request.
GitLab API docs:
func (*AwardEmojiService) ListMergeRequestAwardEmojiOnNote ¶
func (s *AwardEmojiService) ListMergeRequestAwardEmojiOnNote(pid interface{}, mergeRequestIID, noteID int, opt *ListAwardEmojiOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
ListMergeRequestAwardEmojiOnNote gets a list of all award emoji on a note from the merge request.
GitLab API docs:
func (*AwardEmojiService) ListSnippetAwardEmoji ¶
func (s *AwardEmojiService) ListSnippetAwardEmoji(pid interface{}, snippetID int, opt *ListAwardEmojiOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
ListSnippetAwardEmoji gets a list of all award emoji on the snippet.
GitLab API docs:
func (*AwardEmojiService) ListSnippetAwardEmojiOnNote ¶
func (s *AwardEmojiService) ListSnippetAwardEmojiOnNote(pid interface{}, snippetIID, noteID int, opt *ListAwardEmojiOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*AwardEmoji, *Response, error)
ListSnippetAwardEmojiOnNote gets a list of all award emoji on a note from the snippet.
GitLab API docs:
type Blob ¶
type Blob struct { Basename string `json:"basename"` Data string `json:"data"` Filename string `json:"filename"` ID int `json:"id"` Ref string `json:"ref"` Startline int `json:"startline"` ProjectID int `json:"project_id"` }
Blob represents a single blob.
type BoardList ¶
type BoardList struct { ID int `json:"id"` Labels []*Label `json:"labels"` Position int `json:"position"` }
BoardList represents a GitLab board list.
GitLab API docs:
type BoolValue ¶
type BoolValue bool
BoolValue is a boolean value with advanced json unmarshaling features.
func (*BoolValue) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON allows 1 and 0 to be considered as boolean values Needed for
type Branch ¶
type Branch struct { Commit *Commit `json:"commit"` Name string `json:"name"` Protected bool `json:"protected"` Merged bool `json:"merged"` DevelopersCanPush bool `json:"developers_can_push"` DevelopersCanMerge bool `json:"developers_can_merge"` }
Branch represents a GitLab branch.
GitLab API docs:
type BranchAccessDescription ¶
type BranchAccessDescription struct { AccessLevel AccessLevelValue `json:"access_level"` AccessLevelDescription string `json:"access_level_description"` }
BranchAccessDescription represents the access description for a protected branch.
GitLab API docs:
type BranchesService ¶
type BranchesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BranchesService handles communication with the branch related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*BranchesService) CreateBranch ¶
func (s *BranchesService) CreateBranch(pid interface{}, opt *CreateBranchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Branch, *Response, error)
CreateBranch creates branch from commit SHA or existing branch.
GitLab API docs:
func (*BranchesService) DeleteBranch ¶
func (s *BranchesService) DeleteBranch(pid interface{}, branch string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteBranch deletes an existing branch.
GitLab API docs:
func (*BranchesService) DeleteMergedBranches ¶
func (s *BranchesService) DeleteMergedBranches(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteMergedBranches deletes all branches that are merged into the project's default branch.
GitLab API docs:
func (*BranchesService) GetBranch ¶
func (s *BranchesService) GetBranch(pid interface{}, branch string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Branch, *Response, error)
GetBranch gets a single project repository branch.
GitLab API docs:
func (*BranchesService) ListBranches ¶
func (s *BranchesService) ListBranches(pid interface{}, opts *ListBranchesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Branch, *Response, error)
ListBranches gets a list of repository branches from a project, sorted by name alphabetically.
GitLab API docs:
func (*BranchesService) ProtectBranch ¶
func (s *BranchesService) ProtectBranch(pid interface{}, branch string, opts *ProtectBranchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Branch, *Response, error)
ProtectBranch protects a single project repository branch. This is an idempotent function, protecting an already protected repository branch still returns a 200 OK status code.
GitLab API docs:
func (*BranchesService) UnprotectBranch ¶
func (s *BranchesService) UnprotectBranch(pid interface{}, branch string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Branch, *Response, error)
UnprotectBranch unprotects a single project repository branch. This is an idempotent function, unprotecting an already unprotected repository branch still returns a 200 OK status code.
GitLab API docs:
type BroadcastMessage ¶
type BroadcastMessage struct { Message string `json:"message"` StartsAt *time.Time `json:"starts_at"` EndsAt *time.Time `json:"ends_at"` Color string `json:"color"` Font string `json:"font"` ID int `json:"id"` Active bool `json:"active"` }
BroadcastMessage represents a GitLab issue board.
GitLab API docs:
type BroadcastMessagesService ¶
type BroadcastMessagesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BroadcastMessagesService handles communication with the broadcast messages methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*BroadcastMessagesService) CreateBroadcastMessage ¶
func (s *BroadcastMessagesService) CreateBroadcastMessage(opt *CreateBroadcastMessageOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*BroadcastMessage, *Response, error)
CreateBroadcastMessage creates a message to broadcast.
GitLab API docs:
func (*BroadcastMessagesService) DeleteBroadcastMessage ¶
func (s *BroadcastMessagesService) DeleteBroadcastMessage(broadcast int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteBroadcastMessage deletes a broadcasted message.
GitLab API docs:
func (*BroadcastMessagesService) GetBroadcastMessage ¶
func (s *BroadcastMessagesService) GetBroadcastMessage(broadcast int, options ...OptionFunc) (*BroadcastMessage, *Response, error)
GetBroadcastMessage gets a single broadcast message.
GitLab API docs:
func (*BroadcastMessagesService) ListBroadcastMessages ¶
func (s *BroadcastMessagesService) ListBroadcastMessages(opt *ListBroadcastMessagesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*BroadcastMessage, *Response, error)
ListBroadcastMessages gets a list of all broadcasted messages.
GitLab API docs:
func (*BroadcastMessagesService) UpdateBroadcastMessage ¶
func (s *BroadcastMessagesService) UpdateBroadcastMessage(broadcast int, opt *UpdateBroadcastMessageOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*BroadcastMessage, *Response, error)
UpdateBroadcastMessage update a broadcasted message.
GitLab API docs:
type BuildEvent ¶
type BuildEvent struct { ObjectKind string `json:"object_kind"` Ref string `json:"ref"` Tag bool `json:"tag"` BeforeSha string `json:"before_sha"` Sha string `json:"sha"` BuildID int `json:"build_id"` BuildName string `json:"build_name"` BuildStage string `json:"build_stage"` BuildStatus string `json:"build_status"` BuildStartedAt string `json:"build_started_at"` BuildFinishedAt string `json:"build_finished_at"` BuildDuration float64 `json:"build_duration"` BuildAllowFailure bool `json:"build_allow_failure"` ProjectID int `json:"project_id"` ProjectName string `json:"project_name"` User struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Email string `json:"email"` } `json:"user"` Commit struct { ID int `json:"id"` Sha string `json:"sha"` Message string `json:"message"` AuthorName string `json:"author_name"` AuthorEmail string `json:"author_email"` Status string `json:"status"` Duration int `json:"duration"` StartedAt string `json:"started_at"` FinishedAt string `json:"finished_at"` } `json:"commit"` Repository *Repository `json:"repository"` }
BuildEvent represents a build event
GitLab API docs:
type BuildStateValue ¶
type BuildStateValue string
BuildStateValue represents a GitLab build state.
const ( Pending BuildStateValue = "pending" Running BuildStateValue = "running" Success BuildStateValue = "success" Failed BuildStateValue = "failed" Canceled BuildStateValue = "canceled" Skipped BuildStateValue = "skipped" )
These constants represent all valid build states.
func BuildState ¶
func BuildState(v BuildStateValue) *BuildStateValue
BuildState is a helper routine that allocates a new BuildStateValue to store v and returns a pointer to it.
type BuildVariable ¶
type BuildVariable struct { Key string `json:"key"` Value string `json:"value"` Protected bool `json:"protected"` }
BuildVariable represents a variable available for each build of the given project
Gitlab API Docs :
func (BuildVariable) String ¶
func (v BuildVariable) String() string
type BuildVariablesService ¶
type BuildVariablesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BuildVariablesService handles communication with the project variables related methods of the Gitlab API
Gitlab API Docs :
func (*BuildVariablesService) CreateBuildVariable ¶
func (s *BuildVariablesService) CreateBuildVariable(pid interface{}, opt *CreateBuildVariableOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*BuildVariable, *Response, error)
CreateBuildVariable creates a variable for a given project
Gitlab API Docs:
func (*BuildVariablesService) GetBuildVariable ¶
func (s *BuildVariablesService) GetBuildVariable(pid interface{}, key string, options ...OptionFunc) (*BuildVariable, *Response, error)
GetBuildVariable gets a single project variable of a project
Gitlab API Docs:
func (*BuildVariablesService) ListBuildVariables ¶
func (s *BuildVariablesService) ListBuildVariables(pid interface{}, opts *ListBuildVariablesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*BuildVariable, *Response, error)
ListBuildVariables gets the a list of project variables in a project
Gitlab API Docs:
func (*BuildVariablesService) RemoveBuildVariable ¶
func (s *BuildVariablesService) RemoveBuildVariable(pid interface{}, key string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
RemoveBuildVariable removes a project variable of a given project identified by its key
Gitlab API Docs:
func (*BuildVariablesService) UpdateBuildVariable ¶
func (s *BuildVariablesService) UpdateBuildVariable(pid interface{}, key string, opt *UpdateBuildVariableOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*BuildVariable, *Response, error)
UpdateBuildVariable updates an existing project variable The variable key must exist
Gitlab API Docs:
type CIYMLTemplate ¶
CIYMLTemplate represents a GitLab CI YML template.
GitLab API docs:
type CIYMLTemplatesService ¶
type CIYMLTemplatesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CIYMLTemplatesService handles communication with the gitlab CI YML templates related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*CIYMLTemplatesService) GetTemplate ¶
func (s *CIYMLTemplatesService) GetTemplate(key string, options ...OptionFunc) (*CIYMLTemplate, *Response, error)
GetTemplate get a single GitLab CI YML template.
GitLab API docs:
func (*CIYMLTemplatesService) ListAllTemplates ¶
func (s *CIYMLTemplatesService) ListAllTemplates(opt *ListCIYMLTemplatesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*CIYMLTemplate, *Response, error)
ListAllTemplates get all GitLab CI YML templates.
GitLab API docs:
type CherryPickCommitOptions ¶
type CherryPickCommitOptions struct {
TargetBranch *string `url:"branch" json:"branch,omitempty"`
CherryPickCommitOptions represents the available options for cherry-picking a commit.
GitLab API docs:
type Client ¶
type Client struct { // User agent used when communicating with the GitLab API. UserAgent string // Services used for talking to different parts of the GitLab API. AccessRequests *AccessRequestsService AwardEmoji *AwardEmojiService Branches *BranchesService BuildVariables *BuildVariablesService BroadcastMessage *BroadcastMessagesService CIYMLTemplate *CIYMLTemplatesService Commits *CommitsService CustomAttribute *CustomAttributesService DeployKeys *DeployKeysService Deployments *DeploymentsService Discussions *DiscussionsService Environments *EnvironmentsService Events *EventsService Features *FeaturesService GitIgnoreTemplates *GitIgnoreTemplatesService Groups *GroupsService GroupIssueBoards *GroupIssueBoardsService GroupMembers *GroupMembersService GroupMilestones *GroupMilestonesService GroupVariables *GroupVariablesService Issues *IssuesService IssueLinks *IssueLinksService Jobs *JobsService Keys *KeysService Boards *IssueBoardsService Labels *LabelsService License *LicenseService LicenseTemplates *LicenseTemplatesService MergeRequests *MergeRequestsService MergeRequestApprovals *MergeRequestApprovalsService Milestones *MilestonesService Namespaces *NamespacesService Notes *NotesService NotificationSettings *NotificationSettingsService PagesDomains *PagesDomainsService Pipelines *PipelinesService PipelineSchedules *PipelineSchedulesService PipelineTriggers *PipelineTriggersService Projects *ProjectsService ProjectMembers *ProjectMembersService ProjectBadges *ProjectBadgesService ProjectSnippets *ProjectSnippetsService ProjectVariables *ProjectVariablesService ProtectedBranches *ProtectedBranchesService Repositories *RepositoriesService RepositoryFiles *RepositoryFilesService Runners *RunnersService Search *SearchService Services *ServicesService Settings *SettingsService Sidekiq *SidekiqService Snippets *SnippetsService SystemHooks *SystemHooksService Tags *TagsService Todos *TodosService Users *UsersService Validate *ValidateService Version *VersionService Wikis *WikisService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A Client manages communication with the GitLab API.
func NewBasicAuthClient ¶
func NewBasicAuthClient(httpClient *http.Client, endpoint, username, password string) (*Client, error)
NewBasicAuthClient returns a new GitLab API client. If a nil httpClient is provided, http.DefaultClient will be used. To use API methods which require authentication, provide a valid username and password.
func NewClient ¶
NewClient returns a new GitLab API client. If a nil httpClient is provided, http.DefaultClient will be used. To use API methods which require authentication, provide a valid private or personal token.
func NewOAuthClient ¶
NewOAuthClient returns a new GitLab API client. If a nil httpClient is provided, http.DefaultClient will be used. To use API methods which require authentication, provide a valid oauth token.
func (*Client) Do ¶
Do sends an API request and returns the API response. The API response is JSON decoded and stored in the value pointed to by v, or returned as an error if an API error has occurred. If v implements the io.Writer interface, the raw response body will be written to v, without attempting to first decode it.
func (*Client) NewRequest ¶
func (c *Client) NewRequest(method, path string, opt interface{}, options []OptionFunc) (*http.Request, error)
NewRequest creates an API request. A relative URL path can be provided in urlStr, in which case it is resolved relative to the base URL of the Client. Relative URL paths should always be specified without a preceding slash. If specified, the value pointed to by body is JSON encoded and included as the request body.
func (*Client) SetBaseURL ¶
SetBaseURL sets the base URL for API requests to a custom endpoint. urlStr should always be specified with a trailing slash.
type Commit ¶
type Commit struct { ID string `json:"id"` ShortID string `json:"short_id"` Title string `json:"title"` AuthorName string `json:"author_name"` AuthorEmail string `json:"author_email"` AuthoredDate *time.Time `json:"authored_date"` CommitterName string `json:"committer_name"` CommitterEmail string `json:"committer_email"` CommittedDate *time.Time `json:"committed_date"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` Message string `json:"message"` ParentIDs []string `json:"parent_ids"` Stats *CommitStats `json:"stats"` Status *BuildStateValue `json:"status"` }
Commit represents a GitLab commit.
GitLab API docs:
type CommitAction ¶
type CommitAction struct { Action FileAction `url:"action" json:"action"` FilePath string `url:"file_path" json:"file_path"` PreviousPath string `url:"previous_path,omitempty" json:"previous_path,omitempty"` Content string `url:"content,omitempty" json:"content,omitempty"` Encoding string `url:"encoding,omitempty" json:"encoding,omitempty"` }
CommitAction represents a single file action within a commit.
type CommitComment ¶
type CommitComment struct { Note string `json:"note"` Path string `json:"path"` Line int `json:"line"` LineType string `json:"line_type"` Author Author `json:"author"` }
CommitComment represents a GitLab commit comment.
GitLab API docs:
func (CommitComment) String ¶
func (c CommitComment) String() string
type CommitCommentEvent ¶
type CommitCommentEvent struct { ObjectKind string `json:"object_kind"` User *User `json:"user"` ProjectID int `json:"project_id"` Project struct { Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` GitSSHURL string `json:"git_ssh_url"` GitHTTPURL string `json:"git_http_url"` Namespace string `json:"namespace"` PathWithNamespace string `json:"path_with_namespace"` DefaultBranch string `json:"default_branch"` Homepage string `json:"homepage"` URL string `json:"url"` SSHURL string `json:"ssh_url"` HTTPURL string `json:"http_url"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` Visibility VisibilityValue `json:"visibility"` } `json:"project"` Repository *Repository `json:"repository"` ObjectAttributes struct { ID int `json:"id"` Note string `json:"note"` NoteableType string `json:"noteable_type"` AuthorID int `json:"author_id"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at"` ProjectID int `json:"project_id"` Attachment string `json:"attachment"` LineCode string `json:"line_code"` CommitID string `json:"commit_id"` NoteableID int `json:"noteable_id"` System bool `json:"system"` StDiff struct { Diff string `json:"diff"` NewPath string `json:"new_path"` OldPath string `json:"old_path"` AMode string `json:"a_mode"` BMode string `json:"b_mode"` NewFile bool `json:"new_file"` RenamedFile bool `json:"renamed_file"` DeletedFile bool `json:"deleted_file"` } `json:"st_diff"` } `json:"object_attributes"` Commit *struct { ID string `json:"id"` Message string `json:"message"` Timestamp *time.Time `json:"timestamp"` URL string `json:"url"` Author struct { Name string `json:"name"` Email string `json:"email"` } `json:"author"` } `json:"commit"` }
CommitCommentEvent represents a comment on a commit event.
GitLab API docs:
type CommitRef ¶
CommitRef represents the reference of branches/tags in a commit.
GitLab API docs:
type CommitStats ¶
type CommitStats struct { Additions int `json:"additions"` Deletions int `json:"deletions"` Total int `json:"total"` }
CommitStats represents the number of added and deleted files in a commit.
GitLab API docs:
type CommitStatus ¶
type CommitStatus struct { ID int `json:"id"` SHA string `json:"sha"` Ref string `json:"ref"` Status string `json:"status"` Name string `json:"name"` TargetURL string `json:"target_url"` Description string `json:"description"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` StartedAt *time.Time `json:"started_at"` FinishedAt *time.Time `json:"finished_at"` Author Author `json:"author"` }
CommitStatus represents a GitLab commit status.
GitLab API docs:
type CommitsService ¶
type CommitsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CommitsService handles communication with the commit related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*CommitsService) CherryPickCommit ¶
func (s *CommitsService) CherryPickCommit(pid interface{}, sha string, opt *CherryPickCommitOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Commit, *Response, error)
CherryPickCommit sherry picks a commit to a given branch.
GitLab API docs:
func (*CommitsService) CreateCommit ¶
func (s *CommitsService) CreateCommit(pid interface{}, opt *CreateCommitOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Commit, *Response, error)
CreateCommit creates a commit with multiple files and actions.
GitLab API docs:
func (*CommitsService) GetCommit ¶
func (s *CommitsService) GetCommit(pid interface{}, sha string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Commit, *Response, error)
GetCommit gets a specific commit identified by the commit hash or name of a branch or tag.
GitLab API docs:
func (*CommitsService) GetCommitComments ¶
func (s *CommitsService) GetCommitComments(pid interface{}, sha string, opt *GetCommitCommentsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*CommitComment, *Response, error)
GetCommitComments gets the comments of a commit in a project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*CommitsService) GetCommitDiff ¶
func (s *CommitsService) GetCommitDiff(pid interface{}, sha string, opt *GetCommitDiffOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Diff, *Response, error)
GetCommitDiff gets the diff of a commit in a project..
GitLab API docs:
func (*CommitsService) GetCommitRefs ¶
func (s *CommitsService) GetCommitRefs(pid interface{}, sha string, opt *GetCommitRefsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]CommitRef, *Response, error)
GetCommitRefs gets all references (from branches or tags) a commit is pushed to
GitLab API docs:
func (*CommitsService) GetCommitStatuses ¶
func (s *CommitsService) GetCommitStatuses(pid interface{}, sha string, opt *GetCommitStatusesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*CommitStatus, *Response, error)
GetCommitStatuses gets the statuses of a commit in a project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*CommitsService) GetMergeRequestsByCommit ¶
func (s *CommitsService) GetMergeRequestsByCommit(pid interface{}, sha string, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
GetMergeRequestsByCommit gets merge request associated with a commit.
GitLab API docs:
func (*CommitsService) ListCommits ¶
func (s *CommitsService) ListCommits(pid interface{}, opt *ListCommitsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Commit, *Response, error)
ListCommits gets a list of repository commits in a project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*CommitsService) PostCommitComment ¶
func (s *CommitsService) PostCommitComment(pid interface{}, sha string, opt *PostCommitCommentOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*CommitComment, *Response, error)
PostCommitComment adds a comment to a commit. Optionally you can post comments on a specific line of a commit. Therefor both path, line_new and line_old are required.
GitLab API docs:
func (*CommitsService) SetCommitStatus ¶
func (s *CommitsService) SetCommitStatus(pid interface{}, sha string, opt *SetCommitStatusOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*CommitStatus, *Response, error)
SetCommitStatus sets the status of a commit in a project.
GitLab API docs:
type Compare ¶
type Compare struct { Commit *Commit `json:"commit"` Commits []*Commit `json:"commits"` Diffs []*Diff `json:"diffs"` CompareTimeout bool `json:"compare_timeout"` CompareSameRef bool `json:"compare_same_ref"` }
Compare represents the result of a comparison of branches, tags or commits.
GitLab API docs:
type CompareOptions ¶
type CompareOptions struct { From *string `url:"from,omitempty" json:"from,omitempty"` To *string `url:"to,omitempty" json:"to,omitempty"` Straight *bool `url:"straight,omitempty" json:"straight,omitempty"` }
CompareOptions represents the available Compare() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CompoundMetrics ¶
type CompoundMetrics struct { QueueMetrics ProcessMetrics JobStats }
CompoundMetrics represents the GitLab sidekiq compounded stats.
GitLab API docs:
type ContributionEvent ¶
type ContributionEvent struct { Title string `json:"title"` ProjectID int `json:"project_id"` ActionName string `json:"action_name"` TargetID int `json:"target_id"` TargetIID int `json:"target_iid"` TargetType string `json:"target_type"` AuthorID int `json:"author_id"` TargetTitle string `json:"target_title"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` PushData struct { CommitCount int `json:"commit_count"` Action string `json:"action"` RefType string `json:"ref_type"` CommitFrom string `json:"commit_from"` CommitTo string `json:"commit_to"` Ref string `json:"ref"` CommitTitle string `json:"commit_title"` } `json:"push_data"` Note *Note `json:"note"` Author struct { Name string `json:"name"` Username string `json:"username"` ID int `json:"id"` State string `json:"state"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` } `json:"author"` AuthorUsername string `json:"author_username"` }
ContributionEvent represents a user's contribution
GitLab API docs:
type Contributor ¶
type Contributor struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Email string `json:"email,omitempty"` Commits int `json:"commits,omitempty"` Additions int `json:"additions,omitempty"` Deletions int `json:"deletions,omitempty"` }
Contributor represents a GitLap contributor.
GitLab API docs:
func (Contributor) String ¶
func (c Contributor) String() string
type CreateAwardEmojiOptions ¶
type CreateAwardEmojiOptions struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
CreateAwardEmojiOptions represents the available options for awarding emoji for a resource
GitLab API docs:
type CreateBranchOptions ¶
type CreateBranchOptions struct { Branch *string `url:"branch,omitempty" json:"branch,omitempty"` Ref *string `url:"ref,omitempty" json:"ref,omitempty"` }
CreateBranchOptions represents the available CreateBranch() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CreateBroadcastMessageOptions ¶
type CreateBroadcastMessageOptions struct { Message *string `url:"message" json:"message"` StartsAt *time.Time `url:"starts_at,omitempty" json:"starts_at,omitempty"` EndsAt *time.Time `url:"ends_at,omitempty" json:"ends_at,omitempty"` Color *string `url:"color,omitempty" json:"color,omitempty"` Font *string `url:"font,omitempty" json:"font,omitempty"` }
CreateBroadcastMessageOptions represents the available CreateBroadcastMessage() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CreateBuildVariableOptions ¶
type CreateBuildVariableOptions struct { Key *string `url:"key" json:"key"` Value *string `url:"value" json:"value"` Protected *bool `url:"protected,omitempty" json:"protected,omitempty"` }
CreateBuildVariableOptions are the parameters to CreateBuildVariable()
Gitlab API Docs:
type CreateCommitDiscussionOptions ¶
type CreateCommitDiscussionOptions struct { Body *string `url:"body,omitempty" json:"body,omitempty"` CreatedAt *time.Time `url:"created_at,omitempty" json:"created_at,omitempty"` Position *NotePosition `url:"position,omitempty" json:"position,omitempty"` }
CreateCommitDiscussionOptions represents the available CreateCommitDiscussion() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CreateCommitOptions ¶
type CreateCommitOptions struct { Branch *string `url:"branch" json:"branch"` CommitMessage *string `url:"commit_message" json:"commit_message"` StartBranch *string `url:"start_branch,omitempty" json:"start_branch,omitempty"` Actions []*CommitAction `url:"actions" json:"actions"` AuthorEmail *string `url:"author_email,omitempty" json:"author_email,omitempty"` AuthorName *string `url:"author_name,omitempty" json:"author_name,omitempty"` }
CreateCommitOptions represents the available options for a new commit.
GitLab API docs:
type CreateEnvironmentOptions ¶
type CreateEnvironmentOptions struct { Name *string `url:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"` ExternalURL *string `url:"external_url,omitempty" json:"external_url,omitempty"` }
CreateEnvironmentOptions represents the available CreateEnvironment() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CreateEpicDiscussionOptions ¶
type CreateEpicDiscussionOptions struct { Body *string `url:"body,omitempty" json:"body,omitempty"` CreatedAt *time.Time `url:"created_at,omitempty" json:"created_at,omitempty"` }
CreateEpicDiscussionOptions represents the available CreateEpicDiscussion() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CreateFileOptions ¶
type CreateFileOptions struct { Branch *string `url:"branch,omitempty" json:"branch,omitempty"` Encoding *string `url:"encoding,omitempty" json:"encoding,omitempty"` AuthorEmail *string `url:"author_email,omitempty" json:"author_email,omitempty"` AuthorName *string `url:"author_name,omitempty" json:"author_name,omitempty"` Content *string `url:"content,omitempty" json:"content,omitempty"` CommitMessage *string `url:"commit_message,omitempty" json:"commit_message,omitempty"` }
CreateFileOptions represents the available CreateFile() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CreateGroupIssueBoardListOptions ¶
type CreateGroupIssueBoardListOptions struct {
LabelID *int `url:"label_id" json:"label_id"`
CreateGroupIssueBoardListOptions represents the available CreateGroupIssueBoardList() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CreateGroupMilestoneOptions ¶
type CreateGroupMilestoneOptions struct { Title *string `url:"title,omitempty" json:"title,omitempty"` Description *string `url:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` StartDate *ISOTime `url:"start_date,omitempty" json:"start_date,omitempty"` DueDate *ISOTime `url:"due_date,omitempty" json:"due_date,omitempty"` }
CreateGroupMilestoneOptions represents the available CreateGroupMilestone() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CreateGroupOptions ¶
type CreateGroupOptions struct { Name *string `url:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"` Path *string `url:"path,omitempty" json:"path,omitempty"` Description *string `url:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` Visibility *VisibilityValue `url:"visibility,omitempty" json:"visibility,omitempty"` LFSEnabled *bool `url:"lfs_enabled,omitempty" json:"lfs_enabled,omitempty"` RequestAccessEnabled *bool `url:"request_access_enabled,omitempty" json:"request_access_enabled,omitempty"` ParentID *int `url:"parent_id,omitempty" json:"parent_id,omitempty"` }
CreateGroupOptions represents the available CreateGroup() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CreateImpersonationTokenOptions ¶
type CreateImpersonationTokenOptions struct { Name *string `url:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"` Scopes *[]string `url:"scopes,omitempty" json:"scopes,omitempty"` ExpiresAt *time.Time `url:"expires_at,omitempty" json:"expires_at,omitempty"` }
CreateImpersonationTokenOptions represents the available CreateImpersonationToken() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CreateIssueBoardListOptions ¶
type CreateIssueBoardListOptions struct {
LabelID *int `url:"label_id" json:"label_id"`
CreateIssueBoardListOptions represents the available CreateIssueBoardList() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CreateIssueDiscussionOptions ¶
type CreateIssueDiscussionOptions struct { Body *string `url:"body,omitempty" json:"body,omitempty"` CreatedAt *time.Time `url:"created_at,omitempty" json:"created_at,omitempty"` }
CreateIssueDiscussionOptions represents the available CreateIssueDiscussion() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CreateIssueLinkOptions ¶
type CreateIssueLinkOptions struct { TargetProjectID *string `json:"target_project_id"` TargetIssueIID *string `json:"target_issue_iid"` }
CreateIssueLinkOptions represents the available CreateIssueLink() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CreateIssueNoteOptions ¶
type CreateIssueNoteOptions struct {
Body *string `url:"body,omitempty" json:"body,omitempty"`
CreateIssueNoteOptions represents the available CreateIssueNote() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CreateIssueOptions ¶
type CreateIssueOptions struct { Title *string `url:"title,omitempty" json:"title,omitempty"` Description *string `url:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` Confidential *bool `url:"confidential,omitempty" json:"confidential,omitempty"` AssigneeIDs []int `url:"assignee_ids,omitempty" json:"assignee_ids,omitempty"` MilestoneID *int `url:"milestone_id,omitempty" json:"milestone_id,omitempty"` Labels Labels `url:"labels,comma,omitempty" json:"labels,omitempty"` CreatedAt *time.Time `url:"created_at,omitempty" json:"created_at,omitempty"` DueDate *ISOTime `url:"due_date,omitempty" json:"due_date,omitempty"` MergeRequestToResolveDiscussionsOf *int `url:"merge_request_to_resolve_discussions_of,omitempty" json:"merge_request_to_resolve_discussions_of,omitempty"` DiscussionToResolve *string `url:"discussion_to_resolve,omitempty" json:"discussion_to_resolve,omitempty"` Weight *int `url:"weight,omitempty" json:"weight,omitempty"` }
CreateIssueOptions represents the available CreateIssue() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CreateLabelOptions ¶
type CreateLabelOptions struct { Name *string `url:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"` Color *string `url:"color,omitempty" json:"color,omitempty"` Description *string `url:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` }
CreateLabelOptions represents the available CreateLabel() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CreateMergeRequestDiscussionOptions ¶
type CreateMergeRequestDiscussionOptions struct { Body *string `url:"body,omitempty" json:"body,omitempty"` CreatedAt *time.Time `url:"created_at,omitempty" json:"created_at,omitempty"` Position *NotePosition `url:"position,omitempty" json:"position,omitempty"` }
CreateMergeRequestDiscussionOptions represents the available CreateMergeRequestDiscussion() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CreateMergeRequestNoteOptions ¶
type CreateMergeRequestNoteOptions struct {
Body *string `url:"body,omitempty" json:"body,omitempty"`
CreateMergeRequestNoteOptions represents the available CreateMergeRequestNote() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CreateMergeRequestOptions ¶
type CreateMergeRequestOptions struct { Title *string `url:"title,omitempty" json:"title,omitempty"` Description *string `url:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` SourceBranch *string `url:"source_branch,omitempty" json:"source_branch,omitempty"` TargetBranch *string `url:"target_branch,omitempty" json:"target_branch,omitempty"` Labels Labels `url:"labels,comma,omitempty" json:"labels,omitempty"` AssigneeID *int `url:"assignee_id,omitempty" json:"assignee_id,omitempty"` TargetProjectID *int `url:"target_project_id,omitempty" json:"target_project_id,omitempty"` MilestoneID *int `url:"milestone_id,omitempty" json:"milestone_id,omitempty"` RemoveSourceBranch *bool `url:"remove_source_branch,omitempty" json:"remove_source_branch,omitempty"` Squash *bool `url:"squash,omitempty" json:"squash,omitempty"` AllowCollaboration *bool `url:"allow_collaboration,omitempty" json:"allow_collaboration,omitempty"` }
CreateMergeRequestOptions represents the available CreateMergeRequest() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CreateMilestoneOptions ¶
type CreateMilestoneOptions struct { Title *string `url:"title,omitempty" json:"title,omitempty"` Description *string `url:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` StartDate *ISOTime `url:"start_date,omitempty" json:"start_date,omitempty"` DueDate *ISOTime `url:"due_date,omitempty" json:"due_date,omitempty"` }
CreateMilestoneOptions represents the available CreateMilestone() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CreatePagesDomainOptions ¶
type CreatePagesDomainOptions struct { Domain *string `url:"domain,omitempty" json:"domain,omitempty"` Certificate *string `url:"certifiate,omitempty" json:"certifiate,omitempty"` Key *string `url:"key,omitempty" json:"key,omitempty"` }
CreatePagesDomainOptions represents the available CreatePagesDomain() options.
GitLab API docs: //
type CreatePipelineOptions ¶
type CreatePipelineOptions struct { Ref *string `url:"ref" json:"ref"` Variables []*PipelineVariable `url:"variables,omitempty" json:"variables,omitempty"` }
CreatePipelineOptions represents the available CreatePipeline() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CreatePipelineScheduleOptions ¶
type CreatePipelineScheduleOptions struct { Description *string `url:"description" json:"description"` Ref *string `url:"ref" json:"ref"` Cron *string `url:"cron" json:"cron"` CronTimezone *string `url:"cron_timezone,omitempty" json:"cron_timezone,omitempty"` Active *bool `url:"active,omitempty" json:"active,omitempty"` }
CreatePipelineScheduleOptions represents the available CreatePipelineSchedule() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CreatePipelineScheduleVariableOptions ¶
type CreatePipelineScheduleVariableOptions struct { Key *string `url:"key" json:"key"` Value *string `url:"value" json:"value"` }
CreatePipelineScheduleVariableOptions represents the available CreatePipelineScheduleVariable() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CreateProjectForUserOptions ¶
type CreateProjectForUserOptions CreateProjectOptions
CreateProjectForUserOptions represents the available CreateProjectForUser() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CreateProjectOptions ¶
type CreateProjectOptions struct { Name *string `url:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"` Path *string `url:"path,omitempty" json:"path,omitempty"` DefaultBranch *string `url:"default_branch,omitempty" json:"default_branch,omitempty"` NamespaceID *int `url:"namespace_id,omitempty" json:"namespace_id,omitempty"` Description *string `url:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` IssuesEnabled *bool `url:"issues_enabled,omitempty" json:"issues_enabled,omitempty"` MergeRequestsEnabled *bool `url:"merge_requests_enabled,omitempty" json:"merge_requests_enabled,omitempty"` JobsEnabled *bool `url:"jobs_enabled,omitempty" json:"jobs_enabled,omitempty"` WikiEnabled *bool `url:"wiki_enabled,omitempty" json:"wiki_enabled,omitempty"` SnippetsEnabled *bool `url:"snippets_enabled,omitempty" json:"snippets_enabled,omitempty"` ResolveOutdatedDiffDiscussions *bool `url:"resolve_outdated_diff_discussions,omitempty" json:"resolve_outdated_diff_discussions,omitempty"` ContainerRegistryEnabled *bool `url:"container_registry_enabled,omitempty" json:"container_registry_enabled,omitempty"` Visibility *VisibilityValue `url:"visibility,omitempty" json:"visibility,omitempty"` ImportURL *string `url:"import_url,omitempty" json:"import_url,omitempty"` PublicJobs *bool `url:"public_jobs,omitempty" json:"public_jobs,omitempty"` OnlyAllowMergeIfPipelineSucceeds *bool `url:"only_allow_merge_if_pipeline_succeeds,omitempty" json:"only_allow_merge_if_pipeline_succeeds,omitempty"` OnlyAllowMergeIfAllDiscussionsAreResolved *bool `` /* 130-byte string literal not displayed */ MergeMethod *MergeMethodValue `url:"merge_method,omitempty" json:"merge_method,omitempty"` LFSEnabled *bool `url:"lfs_enabled,omitempty" json:"lfs_enabled,omitempty"` RequestAccessEnabled *bool `url:"request_access_enabled,omitempty" json:"request_access_enabled,omitempty"` TagList *[]string `url:"tag_list,omitempty" json:"tag_list,omitempty"` PrintingMergeRequestLinkEnabled *bool `url:"printing_merge_request_link_enabled,omitempty" json:"printing_merge_request_link_enabled,omitempty"` CIConfigPath *string `url:"ci_config_path,omitempty" json:"ci_config_path,omitempty"` ApprovalsBeforeMerge *int `url:"approvals_before_merge" json:"approvals_before_merge"` }
CreateProjectOptions represents the available CreateProjects() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CreateProjectSnippetOptions ¶
type CreateProjectSnippetOptions struct { Title *string `url:"title,omitempty" json:"title,omitempty"` FileName *string `url:"file_name,omitempty" json:"file_name,omitempty"` Description *string `url:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` Code *string `url:"code,omitempty" json:"code,omitempty"` Visibility *VisibilityValue `url:"visibility,omitempty" json:"visibility,omitempty"` }
CreateProjectSnippetOptions represents the available CreateSnippet() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CreateReleaseOptions ¶
type CreateReleaseOptions struct {
Description *string `url:"description:omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"`
CreateReleaseOptions represents the available CreateRelease() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CreateSnippetDiscussionOptions ¶
type CreateSnippetDiscussionOptions struct { Body *string `url:"body,omitempty" json:"body,omitempty"` CreatedAt *time.Time `url:"created_at,omitempty" json:"created_at,omitempty"` }
CreateSnippetDiscussionOptions represents the available CreateSnippetDiscussion() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CreateSnippetNoteOptions ¶
type CreateSnippetNoteOptions struct {
Body *string `url:"body,omitempty" json:"body,omitempty"`
CreateSnippetNoteOptions represents the available CreateSnippetNote() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CreateSnippetOptions ¶
type CreateSnippetOptions struct { Title *string `url:"title,omitempty" json:"title,omitempty"` FileName *string `url:"file_name,omitempty" json:"file_name,omitempty"` Description *string `url:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` Content *string `url:"content,omitempty" json:"content,omitempty"` Visibility *VisibilityValue `url:"visibility,omitempty" json:"visibility,omitempty"` }
CreateSnippetOptions represents the available CreateSnippet() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CreateTagOptions ¶
type CreateTagOptions struct { TagName *string `url:"tag_name,omitempty" json:"tag_name,omitempty"` Ref *string `url:"ref,omitempty" json:"ref,omitempty"` Message *string `url:"message,omitempty" json:"message,omitempty"` ReleaseDescription *string `url:"release_description:omitempty" json:"release_description,omitempty"` }
CreateTagOptions represents the available CreateTag() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CreateUserOptions ¶
type CreateUserOptions struct { Email *string `url:"email,omitempty" json:"email,omitempty"` Password *string `url:"password,omitempty" json:"password,omitempty"` ResetPassword *bool `url:"reset_password,omitempty" json:"reset_password,omitempty"` Username *string `url:"username,omitempty" json:"username,omitempty"` Name *string `url:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"` Skype *string `url:"skype,omitempty" json:"skype,omitempty"` Linkedin *string `url:"linkedin,omitempty" json:"linkedin,omitempty"` Twitter *string `url:"twitter,omitempty" json:"twitter,omitempty"` WebsiteURL *string `url:"website_url,omitempty" json:"website_url,omitempty"` Organization *string `url:"organization,omitempty" json:"organization,omitempty"` ProjectsLimit *int `url:"projects_limit,omitempty" json:"projects_limit,omitempty"` ExternUID *string `url:"extern_uid,omitempty" json:"extern_uid,omitempty"` Provider *string `url:"provider,omitempty" json:"provider,omitempty"` Bio *string `url:"bio,omitempty" json:"bio,omitempty"` Location *string `url:"location,omitempty" json:"location,omitempty"` Admin *bool `url:"admin,omitempty" json:"admin,omitempty"` CanCreateGroup *bool `url:"can_create_group,omitempty" json:"can_create_group,omitempty"` SkipConfirmation *bool `url:"skip_confirmation,omitempty" json:"skip_confirmation,omitempty"` External *bool `url:"external,omitempty" json:"external,omitempty"` }
CreateUserOptions represents the available CreateUser() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CreateVariableOptions ¶
type CreateVariableOptions struct { Key *string `url:"key,omitempty" json:"key,omitempty"` Value *string `url:"value,omitempty" json:"value,omitempty"` Protected *bool `url:"protected,omitempty" json:"protected,omitempty"` EnvironmentScope *string `url:"environment_scope,omitempty" json:"environment_scope,omitempty"` }
CreateVariableOptions represents the available CreateVariable() options.
GitLab API docs:
type CreateWikiPageOptions ¶
type CreateWikiPageOptions struct { Content *string `url:"content" json:"content"` Title *string `url:"title" json:"title"` Format *string `url:"format,omitempty" json:"format,omitempty"` }
CreateWikiPageOptions represents options to CreateWikiPage.
GitLab API docs:
type CustomAttribute ¶
CustomAttribute struct is used to unmarshal response to api calls.
GitLab API docs:
type CustomAttributesService ¶
type CustomAttributesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CustomAttributesService handles communication with the group, project and user custom attributes related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*CustomAttributesService) DeleteCustomGroupAttribute ¶
func (s *CustomAttributesService) DeleteCustomGroupAttribute(group int, key string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteCustomGroupAttribute removes the custom attribute of the specified group.
GitLab API docs:
func (*CustomAttributesService) DeleteCustomProjectAttribute ¶
func (s *CustomAttributesService) DeleteCustomProjectAttribute(project int, key string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteCustomProjectAttribute removes the custom attribute of the specified project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*CustomAttributesService) DeleteCustomUserAttribute ¶
func (s *CustomAttributesService) DeleteCustomUserAttribute(user int, key string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteCustomUserAttribute removes the custom attribute of the specified user.
GitLab API docs:
func (*CustomAttributesService) GetCustomGroupAttribute ¶
func (s *CustomAttributesService) GetCustomGroupAttribute(group int, key string, options ...OptionFunc) (*CustomAttribute, *Response, error)
GetCustomGroupAttribute returns the group attribute with a speciifc key.
GitLab API docs:
func (*CustomAttributesService) GetCustomProjectAttribute ¶
func (s *CustomAttributesService) GetCustomProjectAttribute(project int, key string, options ...OptionFunc) (*CustomAttribute, *Response, error)
GetCustomProjectAttribute returns the project attribute with a speciifc key.
GitLab API docs:
func (*CustomAttributesService) GetCustomUserAttribute ¶
func (s *CustomAttributesService) GetCustomUserAttribute(user int, key string, options ...OptionFunc) (*CustomAttribute, *Response, error)
GetCustomUserAttribute returns the user attribute with a speciifc key.
GitLab API docs:
func (*CustomAttributesService) ListCustomGroupAttributes ¶
func (s *CustomAttributesService) ListCustomGroupAttributes(group int, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*CustomAttribute, *Response, error)
ListCustomGroupAttributes lists the custom attributes of the specified group.
GitLab API docs:
func (*CustomAttributesService) ListCustomProjectAttributes ¶
func (s *CustomAttributesService) ListCustomProjectAttributes(project int, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*CustomAttribute, *Response, error)
ListCustomProjectAttributes lists the custom attributes of the specified project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*CustomAttributesService) ListCustomUserAttributes ¶
func (s *CustomAttributesService) ListCustomUserAttributes(user int, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*CustomAttribute, *Response, error)
ListCustomUserAttributes lists the custom attributes of the specified user.
GitLab API docs:
func (*CustomAttributesService) SetCustomGroupAttribute ¶
func (s *CustomAttributesService) SetCustomGroupAttribute(group int, c CustomAttribute, options ...OptionFunc) (*CustomAttribute, *Response, error)
SetCustomGroupAttribute sets the custom attributes of the specified group.
GitLab API docs:
func (*CustomAttributesService) SetCustomProjectAttribute ¶
func (s *CustomAttributesService) SetCustomProjectAttribute(project int, c CustomAttribute, options ...OptionFunc) (*CustomAttribute, *Response, error)
SetCustomProjectAttribute sets the custom attributes of the specified project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*CustomAttributesService) SetCustomUserAttribute ¶
func (s *CustomAttributesService) SetCustomUserAttribute(user int, c CustomAttribute, options ...OptionFunc) (*CustomAttribute, *Response, error)
SetCustomUserAttribute sets the custom attributes of the specified user.
GitLab API docs:
type DeleteFileOptions ¶
type DeleteFileOptions struct { Branch *string `url:"branch,omitempty" json:"branch,omitempty"` AuthorEmail *string `url:"author_email,omitempty" json:"author_email,omitempty"` AuthorName *string `url:"author_name,omitempty" json:"author_name,omitempty"` CommitMessage *string `url:"commit_message,omitempty" json:"commit_message,omitempty"` }
DeleteFileOptions represents the available DeleteFile() options.
GitLab API docs:
type DeleteLabelOptions ¶
type DeleteLabelOptions struct {
Name *string `url:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"`
DeleteLabelOptions represents the available DeleteLabel() options.
GitLab API docs:
type DeleteRegisteredRunnerOptions ¶
type DeleteRegisteredRunnerOptions struct {
Token *string `url:"token" json:"token"`
DeleteRegisteredRunnerOptions represents the available DeleteRegisteredRunner() options.
GitLab API docs:
type DeployKey ¶
type DeployKey struct { ID int `json:"id"` Title string `json:"title"` Key string `json:"key"` CanPush *bool `json:"can_push"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` }
DeployKey represents a GitLab deploy key.
type DeployKeysService ¶
type DeployKeysService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DeployKeysService handles communication with the keys related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DeployKeysService) AddDeployKey ¶
func (s *DeployKeysService) AddDeployKey(pid interface{}, opt *AddDeployKeyOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*DeployKey, *Response, error)
AddDeployKey creates a new deploy key for a project. If deploy key already exists in another project - it will be joined to project but only if original one was is accessible by same user.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DeployKeysService) DeleteDeployKey ¶
func (s *DeployKeysService) DeleteDeployKey(pid interface{}, deployKey int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteDeployKey deletes a deploy key from a project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DeployKeysService) EnableDeployKey ¶
func (s *DeployKeysService) EnableDeployKey(pid interface{}, deployKey int, options ...OptionFunc) (*DeployKey, *Response, error)
EnableDeployKey enables a deploy key.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DeployKeysService) GetDeployKey ¶
func (s *DeployKeysService) GetDeployKey(pid interface{}, deployKey int, options ...OptionFunc) (*DeployKey, *Response, error)
GetDeployKey gets a single deploy key.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DeployKeysService) ListAllDeployKeys ¶
func (s *DeployKeysService) ListAllDeployKeys(options ...OptionFunc) ([]*DeployKey, *Response, error)
ListAllDeployKeys gets a list of all deploy keys
GitLab API docs:
func (*DeployKeysService) ListProjectDeployKeys ¶
func (s *DeployKeysService) ListProjectDeployKeys(pid interface{}, opt *ListProjectDeployKeysOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*DeployKey, *Response, error)
ListProjectDeployKeys gets a list of a project's deploy keys
GitLab API docs:
type Deployment ¶
type Deployment struct { ID int `json:"id"` IID int `json:"iid"` Ref string `json:"ref"` Sha string `json:"sha"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` User *ProjectUser `json:"user"` Environment *Environment `json:"environment"` Deployable struct { ID int `json:"id"` Status string `json:"status"` Stage string `json:"stage"` Name string `json:"name"` Ref string `json:"ref"` Tag bool `json:"tag"` Coverage float64 `json:"coverage"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` StartedAt *time.Time `json:"started_at"` FinishedAt *time.Time `json:"finished_at"` Duration float64 `json:"duration"` User *User `json:"user"` Commit *Commit `json:"commit"` Pipeline struct { ID int `json:"id"` Sha string `json:"sha"` Ref string `json:"ref"` Status string `json:"status"` } `json:"pipeline"` Runner *Runner `json:"runner"` } `json:"deployable"` }
Deployment represents the Gitlab deployment
type DeploymentsService ¶
type DeploymentsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DeploymentsService handles communication with the deployment related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DeploymentsService) GetProjectDeployment ¶
func (s *DeploymentsService) GetProjectDeployment(pid interface{}, deployment int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Deployment, *Response, error)
GetProjectDeployment get a deployment for a project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DeploymentsService) ListProjectDeployments ¶
func (s *DeploymentsService) ListProjectDeployments(pid interface{}, opts *ListProjectDeploymentsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Deployment, *Response, error)
ListProjectDeployments gets a list of deployments in a project.
GitLab API docs:
type Diff ¶
type Diff struct { Diff string `json:"diff"` NewPath string `json:"new_path"` OldPath string `json:"old_path"` AMode string `json:"a_mode"` BMode string `json:"b_mode"` NewFile bool `json:"new_file"` RenamedFile bool `json:"renamed_file"` DeletedFile bool `json:"deleted_file"` }
Diff represents a GitLab diff.
GitLab API docs:
type Discussion ¶
type Discussion struct { ID string `json:"id"` IndividualNote bool `json:"individual_note"` Notes []*Note `json:"notes"` }
Discussion represents a GitLab discussion.
GitLab API docs:
func (Discussion) String ¶
func (d Discussion) String() string
type DiscussionsService ¶
type DiscussionsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DiscussionsService handles communication with the discussions related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DiscussionsService) AddCommitDiscussionNote ¶
func (s *DiscussionsService) AddCommitDiscussionNote(pid interface{}, commit string, discussion string, opt *AddCommitDiscussionNoteOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
AddCommitDiscussionNote creates a new discussion to a single project commit.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DiscussionsService) AddEpicDiscussionNote ¶
func (s *DiscussionsService) AddEpicDiscussionNote(gid interface{}, epic int, discussion string, opt *AddEpicDiscussionNoteOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
AddEpicDiscussionNote creates a new discussion to a single project epic.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DiscussionsService) AddIssueDiscussionNote ¶
func (s *DiscussionsService) AddIssueDiscussionNote(pid interface{}, issue int, discussion string, opt *AddIssueDiscussionNoteOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
AddIssueDiscussionNote creates a new discussion to a single project issue.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DiscussionsService) AddMergeRequestDiscussionNote ¶
func (s *DiscussionsService) AddMergeRequestDiscussionNote(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, discussion string, opt *AddMergeRequestDiscussionNoteOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
AddMergeRequestDiscussionNote creates a new discussion to a single project merge request.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DiscussionsService) AddSnippetDiscussionNote ¶
func (s *DiscussionsService) AddSnippetDiscussionNote(pid interface{}, snippet int, discussion string, opt *AddSnippetDiscussionNoteOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
AddSnippetDiscussionNote creates a new discussion to a single project snippet.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DiscussionsService) CreateCommitDiscussion ¶
func (s *DiscussionsService) CreateCommitDiscussion(pid interface{}, commit string, opt *CreateCommitDiscussionOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
CreateCommitDiscussion creates a new discussion to a single project commit.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DiscussionsService) CreateEpicDiscussion ¶
func (s *DiscussionsService) CreateEpicDiscussion(gid interface{}, epic int, opt *CreateEpicDiscussionOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
CreateEpicDiscussion creates a new discussion for a single epic. Epic discussions are comments users can post to a epic.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DiscussionsService) CreateIssueDiscussion ¶
func (s *DiscussionsService) CreateIssueDiscussion(pid interface{}, issue int, opt *CreateIssueDiscussionOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
CreateIssueDiscussion creates a new discussion to a single project issue.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DiscussionsService) CreateMergeRequestDiscussion ¶
func (s *DiscussionsService) CreateMergeRequestDiscussion(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, opt *CreateMergeRequestDiscussionOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
CreateMergeRequestDiscussion creates a new discussion for a single merge request.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DiscussionsService) CreateSnippetDiscussion ¶
func (s *DiscussionsService) CreateSnippetDiscussion(pid interface{}, snippet int, opt *CreateSnippetDiscussionOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
CreateSnippetDiscussion creates a new discussion for a single snippet. Snippet discussions are comments users can post to a snippet.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DiscussionsService) DeleteCommitDiscussionNote ¶
func (s *DiscussionsService) DeleteCommitDiscussionNote(pid interface{}, commit string, discussion string, note int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteCommitDiscussionNote deletes an existing discussion of an commit.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DiscussionsService) DeleteEpicDiscussionNote ¶
func (s *DiscussionsService) DeleteEpicDiscussionNote(gid interface{}, epic int, discussion string, note int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteEpicDiscussionNote deletes an existing discussion of a epic.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DiscussionsService) DeleteIssueDiscussionNote ¶
func (s *DiscussionsService) DeleteIssueDiscussionNote(pid interface{}, issue int, discussion string, note int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteIssueDiscussionNote deletes an existing discussion of an issue.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DiscussionsService) DeleteMergeRequestDiscussionNote ¶
func (s *DiscussionsService) DeleteMergeRequestDiscussionNote(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, discussion string, note int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteMergeRequestDiscussionNote deletes an existing discussion of a merge request.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DiscussionsService) DeleteSnippetDiscussionNote ¶
func (s *DiscussionsService) DeleteSnippetDiscussionNote(pid interface{}, snippet int, discussion string, note int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteSnippetDiscussionNote deletes an existing discussion of a snippet.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DiscussionsService) GetCommitDiscussion ¶
func (s *DiscussionsService) GetCommitDiscussion(pid interface{}, commit string, discussion string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
GetCommitDiscussion returns a single discussion for a specific project commit.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DiscussionsService) GetEpicDiscussion ¶
func (s *DiscussionsService) GetEpicDiscussion(gid interface{}, epic int, discussion string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
GetEpicDiscussion returns a single discussion for a given epic.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DiscussionsService) GetIssueDiscussion ¶
func (s *DiscussionsService) GetIssueDiscussion(pid interface{}, issue int, discussion string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
GetIssueDiscussion returns a single discussion for a specific project issue.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DiscussionsService) GetMergeRequestDiscussion ¶
func (s *DiscussionsService) GetMergeRequestDiscussion(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, discussion string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
GetMergeRequestDiscussion returns a single discussion for a given merge request.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DiscussionsService) GetSnippetDiscussion ¶
func (s *DiscussionsService) GetSnippetDiscussion(pid interface{}, snippet int, discussion string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
GetSnippetDiscussion returns a single discussion for a given snippet.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DiscussionsService) ListCommitDiscussions ¶
func (s *DiscussionsService) ListCommitDiscussions(pid interface{}, commit string, opt *ListCommitDiscussionsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Discussion, *Response, error)
ListCommitDiscussions gets a list of all discussions for a single commit.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DiscussionsService) ListGroupEpicDiscussions ¶
func (s *DiscussionsService) ListGroupEpicDiscussions(gid interface{}, epic int, opt *ListGroupEpicDiscussionsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Discussion, *Response, error)
ListGroupEpicDiscussions gets a list of all discussions for a single epic. Epic discussions are comments users can post to a epic.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DiscussionsService) ListIssueDiscussions ¶
func (s *DiscussionsService) ListIssueDiscussions(pid interface{}, issue int, opt *ListIssueDiscussionsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Discussion, *Response, error)
ListIssueDiscussions gets a list of all discussions for a single issue.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DiscussionsService) ListMergeRequestDiscussions ¶
func (s *DiscussionsService) ListMergeRequestDiscussions(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, opt *ListMergeRequestDiscussionsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Discussion, *Response, error)
ListMergeRequestDiscussions gets a list of all discussions for a single merge request.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DiscussionsService) ListSnippetDiscussions ¶
func (s *DiscussionsService) ListSnippetDiscussions(pid interface{}, snippet int, opt *ListSnippetDiscussionsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Discussion, *Response, error)
ListSnippetDiscussions gets a list of all discussions for a single snippet. Snippet discussions are comments users can post to a snippet.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DiscussionsService) ResolveMergeRequestDiscussion ¶
func (s *DiscussionsService) ResolveMergeRequestDiscussion(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, discussion string, opt *ResolveMergeRequestDiscussionOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
ResolveMergeRequestDiscussion resolves/unresolves whole discussion of a merge request.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DiscussionsService) UpdateCommitDiscussionNote ¶
func (s *DiscussionsService) UpdateCommitDiscussionNote(pid interface{}, commit string, discussion string, note int, opt *UpdateCommitDiscussionNoteOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
UpdateCommitDiscussionNote modifies existing discussion of an commit.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DiscussionsService) UpdateEpicDiscussionNote ¶
func (s *DiscussionsService) UpdateEpicDiscussionNote(gid interface{}, epic int, discussion string, note int, opt *UpdateEpicDiscussionNoteOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
UpdateEpicDiscussionNote modifies existing discussion of a epic.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DiscussionsService) UpdateIssueDiscussionNote ¶
func (s *DiscussionsService) UpdateIssueDiscussionNote(pid interface{}, issue int, discussion string, note int, opt *UpdateIssueDiscussionNoteOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
UpdateIssueDiscussionNote modifies existing discussion of an issue.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DiscussionsService) UpdateMergeRequestDiscussionNote ¶
func (s *DiscussionsService) UpdateMergeRequestDiscussionNote(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, discussion string, note int, opt *UpdateMergeRequestDiscussionNoteOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
UpdateMergeRequestDiscussionNote modifies existing discussion of a merge request.
GitLab API docs:
func (*DiscussionsService) UpdateSnippetDiscussionNote ¶
func (s *DiscussionsService) UpdateSnippetDiscussionNote(pid interface{}, snippet int, discussion string, note int, opt *UpdateSnippetDiscussionNoteOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Discussion, *Response, error)
UpdateSnippetDiscussionNote modifies existing discussion of a snippet.
GitLab API docs:
type DroneCIService ¶
type DroneCIService struct { Service Properties *DroneCIServiceProperties `json:"properties"` }
DroneCIService represents Drone CI service settings.
GitLab API docs:
type DroneCIServiceProperties ¶
type DroneCIServiceProperties struct { Token string `json:"token"` DroneURL string `json:"drone_url"` EnableSSLVerification bool `json:"enable_ssl_verification"` }
DroneCIServiceProperties represents Drone CI specific properties.
GitLab API docs:
type EditEnvironmentOptions ¶
type EditEnvironmentOptions struct { Name *string `url:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"` ExternalURL *string `url:"external_url,omitempty" json:"external_url,omitempty"` }
EditEnvironmentOptions represents the available EditEnvironment() options.
GitLab API docs:
type EditGroupMemberOptions ¶
type EditGroupMemberOptions struct { AccessLevel *AccessLevelValue `url:"access_level,omitempty" json:"access_level,omitempty"` ExpiresAt *string `url:"expires_at,omitempty" json:"expires_at"` }
EditGroupMemberOptions represents the available EditGroupMember() options.
GitLab API docs:
type EditPipelineScheduleOptions ¶
type EditPipelineScheduleOptions struct { Description *string `url:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` Ref *string `url:"ref,omitempty" json:"ref,omitempty"` Cron *string `url:"cron,omitempty" json:"cron,omitempty"` CronTimezone *string `url:"cron_timezone,omitempty" json:"cron_timezone,omitempty"` Active *bool `url:"active,omitempty" json:"active,omitempty"` }
EditPipelineScheduleOptions represents the available EditPipelineSchedule() options.
GitLab API docs:
type EditPipelineScheduleVariableOptions ¶
type EditPipelineScheduleVariableOptions struct {
Value *string `url:"value" json:"value"`
EditPipelineScheduleVariableOptions represents the available EditPipelineScheduleVariable() options.
GitLab API docs:
type EditPipelineTriggerOptions ¶
type EditPipelineTriggerOptions struct {
Description *string `url:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"`
EditPipelineTriggerOptions represents the available EditPipelineTrigger() options.
GitLab API docs:
type EditProjectBadgeOptions ¶
type EditProjectBadgeOptions struct { LinkURL *string `url:"link_url,omitempty" json:"link_url,omitempty"` ImageURL *string `url:"image_url,omitempty" json:"image_url,omitempty"` }
EditProjectBadgeOptions represents the available EditProjectBadge() options.
GitLab API docs:
type EditProjectHookOptions ¶
type EditProjectHookOptions struct { URL *string `url:"url,omitempty" json:"url,omitempty"` PushEvents *bool `url:"push_events,omitempty" json:"push_events,omitempty"` IssuesEvents *bool `url:"issues_events,omitempty" json:"issues_events,omitempty"` ConfidentialIssuesEvents *bool `url:"confidential_issues_events,omitempty" json:"confidential_issues_events,omitempty"` MergeRequestsEvents *bool `url:"merge_requests_events,omitempty" json:"merge_requests_events,omitempty"` TagPushEvents *bool `url:"tag_push_events,omitempty" json:"tag_push_events,omitempty"` NoteEvents *bool `url:"note_events,omitempty" json:"note_events,omitempty"` JobEvents *bool `url:"job_events,omitempty" json:"job_events,omitempty"` PipelineEvents *bool `url:"pipeline_events,omitempty" json:"pipeline_events,omitempty"` WikiPageEvents *bool `url:"wiki_page_events,omitempty" json:"wiki_page_events,omitempty"` EnableSSLVerification *bool `url:"enable_ssl_verification,omitempty" json:"enable_ssl_verification,omitempty"` Token *string `url:"token,omitempty" json:"token,omitempty"` }
EditProjectHookOptions represents the available EditProjectHook() options.
GitLab API docs:
type EditProjectMemberOptions ¶
type EditProjectMemberOptions struct {
AccessLevel *AccessLevelValue `url:"access_level,omitempty" json:"access_level,omitempty"`
EditProjectMemberOptions represents the available EditProjectMember() options.
GitLab API docs:
type EditProjectOptions ¶
type EditProjectOptions CreateProjectOptions
EditProjectOptions represents the available EditProject() options.
GitLab API docs:
type EditWikiPageOptions ¶
type EditWikiPageOptions struct { Content *string `url:"content" json:"content"` Title *string `url:"title" json:"title"` Format *string `url:"format,omitempty" json:"format,omitempty"` }
EditWikiPageOptions represents options to EditWikiPage.
GitLab API docs:
type Email ¶
Email represents an Email.
GitLab API docs:
type EnableProjectRunnerOptions ¶
type EnableProjectRunnerOptions struct {
RunnerID int `json:"runner_id"`
EnableProjectRunnerOptions represents the available EnableProjectRunner() options.
GitLab API docs:
type Environment ¶
type Environment struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Slug string `json:"slug"` ExternalURL string `json:"external_url"` }
Environment represents a GitLab environment.
GitLab API docs:
func (Environment) String ¶
func (env Environment) String() string
type EnvironmentsService ¶
type EnvironmentsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
EnvironmentsService handles communication with the environment related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*EnvironmentsService) CreateEnvironment ¶
func (s *EnvironmentsService) CreateEnvironment(pid interface{}, opt *CreateEnvironmentOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Environment, *Response, error)
CreateEnvironment adds a environment to a project. This is an idempotent method and can be called multiple times with the same parameters. Createing an environment that is already a environment does not affect the existing environmentship.
GitLab API docs:
func (*EnvironmentsService) DeleteEnvironment ¶
func (s *EnvironmentsService) DeleteEnvironment(pid interface{}, environment int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteEnvironment removes a environment from a project team.
GitLab API docs:
func (*EnvironmentsService) EditEnvironment ¶
func (s *EnvironmentsService) EditEnvironment(pid interface{}, environment int, opt *EditEnvironmentOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Environment, *Response, error)
EditEnvironment updates a project team environment to a specified access level..
GitLab API docs:
func (*EnvironmentsService) ListEnvironments ¶
func (s *EnvironmentsService) ListEnvironments(pid interface{}, opts *ListEnvironmentsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Environment, *Response, error)
ListEnvironments gets a list of environments from a project, sorted by name alphabetically.
GitLab API docs:
type ErrorResponse ¶
An ErrorResponse reports one or more errors caused by an API request.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ErrorResponse) Error ¶
func (e *ErrorResponse) Error() string
type EventTargetTypeValue ¶
type EventTargetTypeValue string
EventTargetTypeValue represents actions type value for contribution events
const ( IssueEventTargetType EventTargetTypeValue = "issue" MilestoneEventTargetType EventTargetTypeValue = "milestone" MergeRequestEventTargetType EventTargetTypeValue = "merge_request" NoteEventTargetType EventTargetTypeValue = "note" ProjectEventTargetType EventTargetTypeValue = "project" SnippetEventTargetType EventTargetTypeValue = "snippet" UserEventTargetType EventTargetTypeValue = "user" )
List of available action type
GitLab API docs:
type EventTypeValue ¶
type EventTypeValue string
EventTypeValue represents actions type for contribution events
const ( CreatedEventType EventTypeValue = "created" UpdatedEventType EventTypeValue = "updated" ClosedEventType EventTypeValue = "closed" ReopenedEventType EventTypeValue = "reopened" PushedEventType EventTypeValue = "pushed" CommentedEventType EventTypeValue = "commented" MergedEventType EventTypeValue = "merged" JoinedEventType EventTypeValue = "joined" LeftEventType EventTypeValue = "left" DestroyedEventType EventTypeValue = "destroyed" ExpiredEventType EventTypeValue = "expired" )
List of available action type
GitLab API docs:
type EventsService ¶
type EventsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
EventsService handles communication with the event related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*EventsService) ListCurrentUserContributionEvents ¶
func (s *EventsService) ListCurrentUserContributionEvents(opt *ListContributionEventsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*ContributionEvent, *Response, error)
ListCurrentUserContributionEvents gets a list currently authenticated user's events
GitLab API docs:
func (*EventsService) ListProjectVisibleEvents ¶
func (s *EventsService) ListProjectVisibleEvents(pid interface{}, opt *ListContributionEventsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*ContributionEvent, *Response, error)
ListProjectVisibleEvents gets a list of visible events for a particular project
GitLab API docs:
type ExploreSnippetsOptions ¶
type ExploreSnippetsOptions ListOptions
ExploreSnippetsOptions represents the available ExploreSnippets() options.
GitLab API docs:
type Feature ¶
Feature represents a GitLab feature flag.
GitLab API docs:
type FeaturesService ¶
type FeaturesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FeaturesService handles the communication with the application FeaturesService related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*FeaturesService) ListFeatures ¶
func (s *FeaturesService) ListFeatures(options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Feature, *Response, error)
ListFeatures gets a list of feature flags
GitLab API docs:
func (*FeaturesService) SetFeatureFlag ¶
func (s *FeaturesService) SetFeatureFlag(name string, value interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Feature, *Response, error)
SetFeatureFlag sets or creates a feature flag gate
GitLab API docs:
type File ¶
type File struct { FileName string `json:"file_name"` FilePath string `json:"file_path"` Size int `json:"size"` Encoding string `json:"encoding"` Content string `json:"content"` Ref string `json:"ref"` BlobID string `json:"blob_id"` CommitID string `json:"commit_id"` }
File represents a GitLab repository file.
GitLab API docs:
type FileAction ¶
type FileAction string
FileAction represents the available actions that can be performed on a file.
GitLab API docs:
const ( FileCreate FileAction = "create" FileDelete FileAction = "delete" FileMove FileAction = "move" FileUpdate FileAction = "update" )
The available file actions.
type FileInfo ¶
FileInfo represents file details of a GitLab repository file.
GitLab API docs:
type ForkParent ¶
type ForkParent struct { HTTPURLToRepo string `json:"http_url_to_repo"` ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` NameWithNamespace string `json:"name_with_namespace"` Path string `json:"path"` PathWithNamespace string `json:"path_with_namespace"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` }
ForkParent represents the parent project when this is a fork.
type Gate ¶
type Gate struct { Key string `json:"key"` Value interface{} `json:"value"` }
Gate represents a gate of a GitLab feature flag.
GitLab API docs:
type GetAllImpersonationTokensOptions ¶
type GetAllImpersonationTokensOptions struct { ListOptions State *string `url:"state,omitempty" json:"state,omitempty"` }
GetAllImpersonationTokensOptions represents the available GetAllImpersonationTokens() options.
GitLab API docs:
type GetCommitCommentsOptions ¶
type GetCommitCommentsOptions ListOptions
GetCommitCommentsOptions represents the available GetCommitComments() options.
GitLab API docs:
type GetCommitDiffOptions ¶
type GetCommitDiffOptions ListOptions
GetCommitDiffOptions represents the available GetCommitDiff() options.
GitLab API docs:
type GetCommitRefsOptions ¶
type GetCommitRefsOptions struct { ListOptions Type *string `url:"type,omitempty" json:"type,omitempty"` }
GetCommitRefsOptions represents the available GetCommitRefs() options.
GitLab API docs:
type GetCommitStatusesOptions ¶
type GetCommitStatusesOptions struct { ListOptions Ref *string `url:"ref,omitempty" json:"ref,omitempty"` Stage *string `url:"stage,omitempty" json:"stage,omitempty"` Name *string `url:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"` All *bool `url:"all,omitempty" json:"all,omitempty"` }
GetCommitStatusesOptions represents the available GetCommitStatuses() options.
GitLab API docs:
type GetFileOptions ¶
type GetFileOptions struct {
Ref *string `url:"ref,omitempty" json:"ref,omitempty"`
GetFileOptions represents the available GetFile() options.
GitLab API docs:
type GetGroupMilestoneIssuesOptions ¶
type GetGroupMilestoneIssuesOptions ListOptions
GetGroupMilestoneIssuesOptions represents the available GetGroupMilestoneIssues() options.
GitLab API docs:
type GetGroupMilestoneMergeRequestsOptions ¶
type GetGroupMilestoneMergeRequestsOptions ListOptions
GetGroupMilestoneMergeRequestsOptions represents the available GetGroupMilestoneMergeRequests() options.
GitLab API docs:
type GetIssueBoardListsOptions ¶
type GetIssueBoardListsOptions ListOptions
GetIssueBoardListsOptions represents the available GetIssueBoardLists() options.
GitLab API docs:
type GetIssuesClosedOnMergeOptions ¶
type GetIssuesClosedOnMergeOptions ListOptions
GetIssuesClosedOnMergeOptions represents the available GetIssuesClosedOnMerge() options.
GitLab API docs:
type GetLicenseTemplateOptions ¶
type GetLicenseTemplateOptions struct { Project *string `url:"project,omitempty" json:"project,omitempty"` Fullname *string `url:"fullname,omitempty" json:"fullname,omitempty"` }
GetLicenseTemplateOptions represents the available GetLicenseTemplate() options.
GitLab API docs:
type GetMergeRequestCommitsOptions ¶
type GetMergeRequestCommitsOptions ListOptions
GetMergeRequestCommitsOptions represents the available GetMergeRequestCommits() options.
GitLab API docs:
type GetMergeRequestDiffVersionsOptions ¶
type GetMergeRequestDiffVersionsOptions ListOptions
GetMergeRequestDiffVersionsOptions represents the available GetMergeRequestDiffVersions() options.
GitLab API docs:
type GetMilestoneIssuesOptions ¶
type GetMilestoneIssuesOptions ListOptions
GetMilestoneIssuesOptions represents the available GetMilestoneIssues() options.
GitLab API docs:
type GetMilestoneMergeRequestsOptions ¶
type GetMilestoneMergeRequestsOptions ListOptions
GetMilestoneMergeRequestsOptions represents the available GetMilestoneMergeRequests() options.
GitLab API docs:
type GetProjectEventsOptions ¶
type GetProjectEventsOptions ListOptions
GetProjectEventsOptions represents the available GetProjectEvents() options.
GitLab API docs:
type GetRawFileOptions ¶
type GetRawFileOptions struct {
Ref *string `url:"ref,omitempty" json:"ref,omitempty"`
GetRawFileOptions represents the available GetRawFile() options.
GitLab API docs:
type GetUserActivitiesOptions ¶
type GetUserActivitiesOptions struct {
From *ISOTime `url:"from,omitempty" json:"from,omitempty"`
GetUserActivitiesOptions represents the options for GetUserActivities
GitLap API docs:
type GitIgnoreTemplate ¶
GitIgnoreTemplate represents a GitLab gitignore template.
GitLab API docs:
type GitIgnoreTemplatesService ¶
type GitIgnoreTemplatesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GitIgnoreTemplatesService handles communication with the gitignore templates related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*GitIgnoreTemplatesService) GetTemplate ¶
func (s *GitIgnoreTemplatesService) GetTemplate(key string, options ...OptionFunc) (*GitIgnoreTemplate, *Response, error)
GetTemplate get a git ignore template
GitLab API docs:
func (*GitIgnoreTemplatesService) ListTemplates ¶
func (s *GitIgnoreTemplatesService) ListTemplates(opt *ListTemplatesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*GitIgnoreTemplate, *Response, error)
ListTemplates get a list of available git ignore templates
GitLab API docs:
type Group ¶
type Group struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Path string `json:"path"` Description string `json:"description"` Visibility *VisibilityValue `json:"visibility"` LFSEnabled bool `json:"lfs_enabled"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` RequestAccessEnabled bool `json:"request_access_enabled"` FullName string `json:"full_name"` FullPath string `json:"full_path"` ParentID int `json:"parent_id"` Projects []*Project `json:"projects"` Statistics *StorageStatistics `json:"statistics"` }
Group represents a GitLab group.
GitLab API docs:
type GroupAccess ¶
type GroupAccess struct { AccessLevel AccessLevelValue `json:"access_level"` NotificationLevel NotificationLevelValue `json:"notification_level"` }
GroupAccess represents group access.
type GroupIssueBoard ¶
type GroupIssueBoard struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Group *Group `json:"group"` Milestone *Milestone `json:"milestone"` Lists []*BoardList `json:"lists"` }
GroupIssueBoard represents a GitLab group issue board.
GitLab API docs:
func (GroupIssueBoard) String ¶
func (b GroupIssueBoard) String() string
type GroupIssueBoardsService ¶
type GroupIssueBoardsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GroupIssueBoardsService handles communication with the group issue board related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*GroupIssueBoardsService) CreateGroupIssueBoardList ¶
func (s *GroupIssueBoardsService) CreateGroupIssueBoardList(gid interface{}, board int, opt *CreateGroupIssueBoardListOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*BoardList, *Response, error)
CreateGroupIssueBoardList creates a new issue board list.
GitLab API docs:
func (*GroupIssueBoardsService) DeleteGroupIssueBoardList ¶
func (s *GroupIssueBoardsService) DeleteGroupIssueBoardList(gid interface{}, board, list int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteGroupIssueBoardList soft deletes a group issue board list. Only for admins and group owners.
GitLab API docs:
func (*GroupIssueBoardsService) GetGroupIssueBoard ¶
func (s *GroupIssueBoardsService) GetGroupIssueBoard(gid interface{}, board int, options ...OptionFunc) (*GroupIssueBoard, *Response, error)
GetGroupIssueBoard gets a single issue board of a group.
GitLab API docs:
func (*GroupIssueBoardsService) GetGroupIssueBoardList ¶
func (s *GroupIssueBoardsService) GetGroupIssueBoardList(gid interface{}, board, list int, options ...OptionFunc) (*BoardList, *Response, error)
GetGroupIssueBoardList gets a single issue board list.
GitLab API docs:
func (*GroupIssueBoardsService) ListGroupIssueBoardLists ¶
func (s *GroupIssueBoardsService) ListGroupIssueBoardLists(gid interface{}, board int, opt *ListGroupIssueBoardListsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*BoardList, *Response, error)
ListGroupIssueBoardLists gets a list of the issue board's lists. Does not include backlog and closed lists.
GitLab API docs:
func (*GroupIssueBoardsService) ListGroupIssueBoards ¶
func (s *GroupIssueBoardsService) ListGroupIssueBoards(gid interface{}, opt *ListGroupIssueBoardsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*GroupIssueBoard, *Response, error)
ListGroupIssueBoards gets a list of all issue boards in a group.
GitLab API docs:
func (*GroupIssueBoardsService) UpdateIssueBoardList ¶
func (s *GroupIssueBoardsService) UpdateIssueBoardList(gid interface{}, board, list int, opt *UpdateGroupIssueBoardListOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*BoardList, *Response, error)
UpdateIssueBoardList updates the position of an existing group issue board list.
GitLab API docs:
type GroupMember ¶
type GroupMember struct { ID int `json:"id"` Username string `json:"username"` Email string `json:"email"` Name string `json:"name"` State string `json:"state"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` AccessLevel AccessLevelValue `json:"access_level"` ExpiresAt *ISOTime `json:"expires_at"` }
GroupMember represents a GitLab group member.
GitLab API docs:
type GroupMembersService ¶
type GroupMembersService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GroupMembersService handles communication with the group members related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*GroupMembersService) AddGroupMember ¶
func (s *GroupMembersService) AddGroupMember(gid interface{}, opt *AddGroupMemberOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*GroupMember, *Response, error)
AddGroupMember adds a user to the list of group members.
GitLab API docs:
func (*GroupMembersService) EditGroupMember ¶
func (s *GroupMembersService) EditGroupMember(gid interface{}, user int, opt *EditGroupMemberOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*GroupMember, *Response, error)
EditGroupMember updates a member of a group.
GitLab API docs:
func (*GroupMembersService) GetGroupMember ¶
func (s *GroupMembersService) GetGroupMember(gid interface{}, user int, options ...OptionFunc) (*GroupMember, *Response, error)
GetGroupMember gets a member of a group.
GitLab API docs:
func (*GroupMembersService) RemoveGroupMember ¶
func (s *GroupMembersService) RemoveGroupMember(gid interface{}, user int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
RemoveGroupMember removes user from user team.
GitLab API docs:
type GroupMilestone ¶
type GroupMilestone struct { ID int `json:"id"` IID int `json:"iid"` GroupID int `json:"group_id"` Title string `json:"title"` Description string `json:"description"` StartDate *ISOTime `json:"start_date"` DueDate *ISOTime `json:"due_date"` State string `json:"state"` UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updated_at"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` }
GroupMilestone represents a GitLab milestone.
GitLab API docs:
func (GroupMilestone) String ¶
func (m GroupMilestone) String() string
type GroupMilestonesService ¶
type GroupMilestonesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GroupMilestonesService handles communication with the milestone related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*GroupMilestonesService) CreateGroupMilestone ¶
func (s *GroupMilestonesService) CreateGroupMilestone(gid interface{}, opt *CreateGroupMilestoneOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*GroupMilestone, *Response, error)
CreateGroupMilestone creates a new group milestone.
GitLab API docs:
func (*GroupMilestonesService) GetGroupMilestone ¶
func (s *GroupMilestonesService) GetGroupMilestone(gid interface{}, milestone int, options ...OptionFunc) (*GroupMilestone, *Response, error)
GetGroupMilestone gets a single group milestone.
GitLab API docs:
func (*GroupMilestonesService) GetGroupMilestoneIssues ¶
func (s *GroupMilestonesService) GetGroupMilestoneIssues(gid interface{}, milestone int, opt *GetGroupMilestoneIssuesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Issue, *Response, error)
GetGroupMilestoneIssues gets all issues assigned to a single group milestone.
GitLab API docs:
func (*GroupMilestonesService) GetGroupMilestoneMergeRequests ¶
func (s *GroupMilestonesService) GetGroupMilestoneMergeRequests(gid interface{}, milestone int, opt *GetGroupMilestoneMergeRequestsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
GetGroupMilestoneMergeRequests gets all merge requests assigned to a single group milestone.
GitLab API docs:
func (*GroupMilestonesService) ListGroupMilestones ¶
func (s *GroupMilestonesService) ListGroupMilestones(gid interface{}, opt *ListGroupMilestonesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*GroupMilestone, *Response, error)
ListGroupMilestones returns a list of group milestones.
GitLab API docs:
func (*GroupMilestonesService) UpdateGroupMilestone ¶
func (s *GroupMilestonesService) UpdateGroupMilestone(gid interface{}, milestone int, opt *UpdateGroupMilestoneOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*GroupMilestone, *Response, error)
UpdateGroupMilestone updates an existing group milestone.
GitLab API docs:
type GroupVariable ¶
type GroupVariable struct { Key string `json:"key"` Value string `json:"value"` Protected bool `json:"protected"` }
GroupVariable represents a GitLab group Variable.
GitLab API docs:
func (GroupVariable) String ¶
func (v GroupVariable) String() string
type GroupVariablesService ¶
type GroupVariablesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GroupVariablesService handles communication with the group variables related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*GroupVariablesService) CreateVariable ¶
func (s *GroupVariablesService) CreateVariable(gid interface{}, opt *CreateVariableOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*GroupVariable, *Response, error)
CreateVariable creates a new group variable.
GitLab API docs:
func (*GroupVariablesService) GetVariable ¶
func (s *GroupVariablesService) GetVariable(gid interface{}, key string, options ...OptionFunc) (*GroupVariable, *Response, error)
GetVariable gets a variable.
GitLab API docs:
func (*GroupVariablesService) ListVariables ¶
func (s *GroupVariablesService) ListVariables(gid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*GroupVariable, *Response, error)
ListVariables gets a list of all variables for a group.
GitLab API docs:
func (*GroupVariablesService) RemoveVariable ¶
func (s *GroupVariablesService) RemoveVariable(gid interface{}, key string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
RemoveVariable removes a group's variable.
GitLab API docs:
func (*GroupVariablesService) UpdateVariable ¶
func (s *GroupVariablesService) UpdateVariable(gid interface{}, key string, opt *UpdateVariableOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*GroupVariable, *Response, error)
UpdateVariable updates the position of an existing group issue board list.
GitLab API docs:
type GroupsService ¶
type GroupsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GroupsService handles communication with the group related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*GroupsService) CreateGroup ¶
func (s *GroupsService) CreateGroup(opt *CreateGroupOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Group, *Response, error)
CreateGroup creates a new project group. Available only for users who can create groups.
GitLab API docs:
func (*GroupsService) DeleteGroup ¶
func (s *GroupsService) DeleteGroup(gid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteGroup removes group with all projects inside.
GitLab API docs:
func (*GroupsService) GetGroup ¶
func (s *GroupsService) GetGroup(gid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Group, *Response, error)
GetGroup gets all details of a group.
GitLab API docs:
func (*GroupsService) ListAllGroupMembers ¶
func (s *GroupsService) ListAllGroupMembers(gid interface{}, opt *ListGroupMembersOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*GroupMember, *Response, error)
ListAllGroupMembers get a list of group members viewable by the authenticated user. Returns a list including inherited members through ancestor groups.
GitLab API docs:
func (*GroupsService) ListGroupMembers ¶
func (s *GroupsService) ListGroupMembers(gid interface{}, opt *ListGroupMembersOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*GroupMember, *Response, error)
ListGroupMembers get a list of group members viewable by the authenticated user. Returns a list including inherited members through ancestor groups.
GitLab API docs:
func (*GroupsService) ListGroupProjects ¶
func (s *GroupsService) ListGroupProjects(gid interface{}, opt *ListGroupProjectsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Project, *Response, error)
ListGroupProjects get a list of group projects
GitLab API docs:
func (*GroupsService) ListGroups ¶
func (s *GroupsService) ListGroups(opt *ListGroupsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Group, *Response, error)
ListGroups gets a list of groups (as user: my groups, as admin: all groups).
GitLab API docs:
func (*GroupsService) ListSubgroups ¶
func (s *GroupsService) ListSubgroups(gid interface{}, opt *ListSubgroupsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Group, *Response, error)
ListSubgroups gets a list of subgroups for a given project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*GroupsService) SearchGroup ¶
func (s *GroupsService) SearchGroup(query string, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Group, *Response, error)
SearchGroup get all groups that match your string in their name or path.
GitLab API docs:
func (*GroupsService) TransferGroup ¶
func (s *GroupsService) TransferGroup(gid interface{}, pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Group, *Response, error)
TransferGroup transfers a project to the Group namespace. Available only for admin.
GitLab API docs:
func (*GroupsService) UpdateGroup ¶
func (s *GroupsService) UpdateGroup(gid interface{}, opt *UpdateGroupOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Group, *Response, error)
UpdateGroup updates an existing group; only available to group owners and administrators.
GitLab API docs:
type Hook ¶
type Hook struct { ID int `json:"id"` URL string `json:"url"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` }
Hook represents a GitLap system hook.
GitLab API docs:
type HookEvent ¶
type HookEvent struct { EventName string `json:"event_name"` Name string `json:"name"` Path string `json:"path"` ProjectID int `json:"project_id"` OwnerName string `json:"owner_name"` OwnerEmail string `json:"owner_email"` }
HookEvent represents an event trigger by a GitLab system hook.
GitLab API docs:
type ISOTime ¶
ISOTime represents an ISO 8601 formatted date
func (ISOTime) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface
func (*ISOTime) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaler interface
type ImpersonationToken ¶
type ImpersonationToken struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Active bool `json:"active"` Token string `json:"token"` Scopes []string `json:"scopes"` Revoked bool `json:"revoked"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` ExpiresAt *ISOTime `json:"expires_at"` }
ImpersonationToken represents an impersonation token.
GitLab API docs:
type Issue ¶
type Issue struct { ID int `json:"id"` IID int `json:"iid"` ProjectID int `json:"project_id"` Milestone *Milestone `json:"milestone"` Author struct { ID int `json:"id"` State string `json:"state"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` Name string `json:"name"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` Username string `json:"username"` } `json:"author"` Description string `json:"description"` State string `json:"state"` Assignees []struct { ID int `json:"id"` State string `json:"state"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` Name string `json:"name"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` Username string `json:"username"` } `json:"assignees"` Assignee struct { ID int `json:"id"` State string `json:"state"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` Name string `json:"name"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` Username string `json:"username"` } `json:"assignee"` Upvotes int `json:"upvotes"` Downvotes int `json:"downvotes"` Labels []string `json:"labels"` Title string `json:"title"` UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updated_at"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` ClosedAt *time.Time `json:"closed_at"` Subscribed bool `json:"subscribed"` UserNotesCount int `json:"user_notes_count"` DueDate *ISOTime `json:"due_date"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` TimeStats *TimeStats `json:"time_stats"` Confidential bool `json:"confidential"` Weight int `json:"weight"` DiscussionLocked bool `json:"discussion_locked"` Links struct { Self string `json:"self"` Notes string `json:"notes"` AwardEmoji string `json:"award_emoji"` Project string `json:"project"` } `json:"_links"` IssueLinkID int `json:"issue_link_id"` }
Issue represents a GitLab issue.
GitLab API docs:
type IssueBoard ¶
type IssueBoard struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Project *Project `json:"project"` Milestone *Milestone `json:"milestone"` Lists []*BoardList `json:"lists"` }
IssueBoard represents a GitLab issue board.
GitLab API docs:
func (IssueBoard) String ¶
func (b IssueBoard) String() string
type IssueBoardsService ¶
type IssueBoardsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
IssueBoardsService handles communication with the issue board related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*IssueBoardsService) CreateIssueBoardList ¶
func (s *IssueBoardsService) CreateIssueBoardList(pid interface{}, board int, opt *CreateIssueBoardListOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*BoardList, *Response, error)
CreateIssueBoardList creates a new issue board list.
GitLab API docs:
func (*IssueBoardsService) DeleteIssueBoardList ¶
func (s *IssueBoardsService) DeleteIssueBoardList(pid interface{}, board, list int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteIssueBoardList soft deletes an issue board list. Only for admins and project owners.
GitLab API docs:
func (*IssueBoardsService) GetIssueBoard ¶
func (s *IssueBoardsService) GetIssueBoard(pid interface{}, board int, options ...OptionFunc) (*IssueBoard, *Response, error)
GetIssueBoard gets a single issue board of a project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*IssueBoardsService) GetIssueBoardList ¶
func (s *IssueBoardsService) GetIssueBoardList(pid interface{}, board, list int, options ...OptionFunc) (*BoardList, *Response, error)
GetIssueBoardList gets a single issue board list.
GitLab API docs:
func (*IssueBoardsService) GetIssueBoardLists ¶
func (s *IssueBoardsService) GetIssueBoardLists(pid interface{}, board int, opt *GetIssueBoardListsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*BoardList, *Response, error)
GetIssueBoardLists gets a list of the issue board's lists. Does not include backlog and closed lists.
GitLab API docs:
func (*IssueBoardsService) ListIssueBoards ¶
func (s *IssueBoardsService) ListIssueBoards(pid interface{}, opt *ListIssueBoardsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*IssueBoard, *Response, error)
ListIssueBoards gets a list of all issue boards in a project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*IssueBoardsService) UpdateIssueBoardList ¶
func (s *IssueBoardsService) UpdateIssueBoardList(pid interface{}, board, list int, opt *UpdateIssueBoardListOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*BoardList, *Response, error)
UpdateIssueBoardList updates the position of an existing issue board list.
GitLab API docs:
type IssueCommentEvent ¶
type IssueCommentEvent struct { ObjectKind string `json:"object_kind"` User *User `json:"user"` ProjectID int `json:"project_id"` Project struct { Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` GitSSHURL string `json:"git_ssh_url"` GitHTTPURL string `json:"git_http_url"` Namespace string `json:"namespace"` PathWithNamespace string `json:"path_with_namespace"` DefaultBranch string `json:"default_branch"` Homepage string `json:"homepage"` URL string `json:"url"` SSHURL string `json:"ssh_url"` HTTPURL string `json:"http_url"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` Visibility VisibilityValue `json:"visibility"` } `json:"project"` Repository *Repository `json:"repository"` ObjectAttributes struct { ID int `json:"id"` Note string `json:"note"` NoteableType string `json:"noteable_type"` AuthorID int `json:"author_id"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at"` ProjectID int `json:"project_id"` Attachment string `json:"attachment"` LineCode string `json:"line_code"` CommitID string `json:"commit_id"` NoteableID int `json:"noteable_id"` System bool `json:"system"` StDiff []*Diff `json:"st_diff"` URL string `json:"url"` } `json:"object_attributes"` Issue *Issue `json:"issue"` }
IssueCommentEvent represents a comment on an issue event.
GitLab API docs:
type IssueEvent ¶
type IssueEvent struct { ObjectKind string `json:"object_kind"` User *User `json:"user"` Project struct { Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` GitSSHURL string `json:"git_ssh_url"` GitHTTPURL string `json:"git_http_url"` Namespace string `json:"namespace"` PathWithNamespace string `json:"path_with_namespace"` DefaultBranch string `json:"default_branch"` Homepage string `json:"homepage"` URL string `json:"url"` SSHURL string `json:"ssh_url"` HTTPURL string `json:"http_url"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` Visibility VisibilityValue `json:"visibility"` } `json:"project"` Repository *Repository `json:"repository"` ObjectAttributes struct { ID int `json:"id"` Title string `json:"title"` AssigneeID int `json:"assignee_id"` AuthorID int `json:"author_id"` ProjectID int `json:"project_id"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` // Should be *time.Time (see Gitlab issue #21468) UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at"` // Should be *time.Time (see Gitlab issue #21468) Position int `json:"position"` BranchName string `json:"branch_name"` Description string `json:"description"` MilestoneID int `json:"milestone_id"` State string `json:"state"` IID int `json:"iid"` URL string `json:"url"` Action string `json:"action"` } `json:"object_attributes"` Assignee struct { Name string `json:"name"` Username string `json:"username"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` } `json:"assignee"` }
IssueEvent represents a issue event.
GitLab API docs:
type IssueLink ¶
type IssueLink struct { SourceIssue *Issue `json:"source_issue"` TargetIssue *Issue `json:"target_issue"` }
IssueLink represents a two-way relation between two issues.
GitLab API docs:
type IssueLinksService ¶
type IssueLinksService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
IssueLinksService handles communication with the issue relations related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*IssueLinksService) CreateIssueLink ¶
func (s *IssueLinksService) CreateIssueLink(pid interface{}, issueIID int, opt *CreateIssueLinkOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*IssueLink, *Response, error)
CreateIssueLink creates a two-way relation between two issues. User must be allowed to update both issues in order to succeed.
GitLab API docs:
func (*IssueLinksService) DeleteIssueLink ¶
func (s *IssueLinksService) DeleteIssueLink(pid interface{}, issueIID, issueLinkID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*IssueLink, *Response, error)
DeleteIssueLink deletes an issue link, thus removes the two-way relationship.
GitLab API docs:
func (*IssueLinksService) ListIssueRelations ¶
func (s *IssueLinksService) ListIssueRelations(pid interface{}, issueIID int, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Issue, *Response, error)
ListIssueRelations gets a list of related issues of a given issue, sorted by the relationship creation datetime (ascending).
Issues will be filtered according to the user authorizations.
GitLab API docs:
type IssuesService ¶
type IssuesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
IssuesService handles communication with the issue related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*IssuesService) AddSpentTime ¶
func (s *IssuesService) AddSpentTime(pid interface{}, issue int, opt *AddSpentTimeOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*TimeStats, *Response, error)
AddSpentTime adds spent time for a single project issue.
GitLab API docs:
func (*IssuesService) CreateIssue ¶
func (s *IssuesService) CreateIssue(pid interface{}, opt *CreateIssueOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Issue, *Response, error)
CreateIssue creates a new project issue.
GitLab API docs:
func (*IssuesService) DeleteIssue ¶
func (s *IssuesService) DeleteIssue(pid interface{}, issue int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteIssue deletes a single project issue.
GitLab API docs:
func (*IssuesService) GetIssue ¶
func (s *IssuesService) GetIssue(pid interface{}, issue int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Issue, *Response, error)
GetIssue gets a single project issue.
GitLab API docs:
func (*IssuesService) GetTimeSpent ¶
func (s *IssuesService) GetTimeSpent(pid interface{}, issue int, options ...OptionFunc) (*TimeStats, *Response, error)
GetTimeSpent gets the spent time for a single project issue.
GitLab API docs:
func (*IssuesService) ListGroupIssues ¶
func (s *IssuesService) ListGroupIssues(pid interface{}, opt *ListGroupIssuesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Issue, *Response, error)
ListGroupIssues gets a list of group issues. This function accepts pagination parameters page and per_page to return the list of group issues.
GitLab API docs:
func (*IssuesService) ListIssues ¶
func (s *IssuesService) ListIssues(opt *ListIssuesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Issue, *Response, error)
ListIssues gets all issues created by authenticated user. This function takes pagination parameters page and per_page to restrict the list of issues.
GitLab API docs:
func (*IssuesService) ListMergeRequestsClosingIssue ¶
func (s *IssuesService) ListMergeRequestsClosingIssue(pid interface{}, issue int, opt *ListMergeRequestsClosingIssueOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
ListMergeRequestsClosingIssue gets all the merge requests that will close issue when merged.
GitLab API docs:
func (*IssuesService) ListProjectIssues ¶
func (s *IssuesService) ListProjectIssues(pid interface{}, opt *ListProjectIssuesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Issue, *Response, error)
ListProjectIssues gets a list of project issues. This function accepts pagination parameters page and per_page to return the list of project issues.
GitLab API docs:
func (*IssuesService) ResetSpentTime ¶
func (s *IssuesService) ResetSpentTime(pid interface{}, issue int, options ...OptionFunc) (*TimeStats, *Response, error)
ResetSpentTime resets the spent time for a single project issue.
GitLab API docs:
func (*IssuesService) ResetTimeEstimate ¶
func (s *IssuesService) ResetTimeEstimate(pid interface{}, issue int, options ...OptionFunc) (*TimeStats, *Response, error)
ResetTimeEstimate resets the time estimate for a single project issue.
GitLab API docs:
func (*IssuesService) SetTimeEstimate ¶
func (s *IssuesService) SetTimeEstimate(pid interface{}, issue int, opt *SetTimeEstimateOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*TimeStats, *Response, error)
SetTimeEstimate sets the time estimate for a single project issue.
GitLab API docs:
func (*IssuesService) SubscribeToIssue ¶
func (s *IssuesService) SubscribeToIssue(pid interface{}, issue int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Issue, *Response, error)
SubscribeToIssue subscribes the authenticated user to the given issue to receive notifications. If the user is already subscribed to the issue, the status code 304 is returned.
GitLab API docs:
func (*IssuesService) UnsubscribeFromIssue ¶
func (s *IssuesService) UnsubscribeFromIssue(pid interface{}, issue int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Issue, *Response, error)
UnsubscribeFromIssue unsubscribes the authenticated user from the given issue to not receive notifications from that merge request. If the user is not subscribed to the issue, status code 304 is returned.
GitLab API docs:
func (*IssuesService) UpdateIssue ¶
func (s *IssuesService) UpdateIssue(pid interface{}, issue int, opt *UpdateIssueOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Issue, *Response, error)
UpdateIssue updates an existing project issue. This function is also used to mark an issue as closed.
GitLab API docs:
type JenkinsCIService ¶
type JenkinsCIService struct { Service Properties *JenkinsCIServiceProperties `json:"properties"` }
JenkinsCIService represents Jenkins CI service settings.
GitLab API docs:
type JenkinsCIServiceProperties ¶
type JenkinsCIServiceProperties struct { URL *string `url:"jenkins_url,omitempty" json:"jenkins_url,omitempty"` ProjectName *string `url:"project_name,omitempty" json:"project_name,omitempty"` Username *string `url:"username,omitempty" json:"username,omitempty"` }
JenkinsCIServiceProperties represents Jenkins CI specific properties.
GitLab API docs:
type JiraService ¶
type JiraService struct { Service Properties *JiraServiceProperties `json:"properties"` }
JiraService represents Jira service settings.
GitLab API docs:
type JiraServiceProperties ¶
type JiraServiceProperties struct { URL *string `url:"url,omitempty" json:"url,omitempty"` ProjectKey *string `url:"project_key,omitempty" json:"project_key,omitempty" ` Username *string `url:"username,omitempty" json:"username,omitempty" ` Password *string `url:"password,omitempty" json:"password,omitempty" ` JiraIssueTransitionID *string `url:"jira_issue_transition_id,omitempty" json:"jira_issue_transition_id,omitempty"` }
JiraServiceProperties represents Jira specific properties.
GitLab API docs:
type Job ¶
type Job struct { Commit *Commit `json:"commit"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` Coverage float64 `json:"coverage"` ArtifactsFile struct { Filename string `json:"filename"` Size int `json:"size"` } `json:"artifacts_file"` FinishedAt *time.Time `json:"finished_at"` ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Ref string `json:"ref"` Runner struct { ID int `json:"id"` Description string `json:"description"` Active bool `json:"active"` IsShared bool `json:"is_shared"` Name string `json:"name"` } `json:"runner"` Stage string `json:"stage"` StartedAt *time.Time `json:"started_at"` Status string `json:"status"` Tag bool `json:"tag"` User *User `json:"user"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` }
Job represents a ci build.
GitLab API docs:
type JobStats ¶
type JobStats struct { Jobs struct { Processed int `json:"processed"` Failed int `json:"failed"` Enqueued int `json:"enqueued"` } `json:"jobs"` }
JobStats represents the GitLab sidekiq job stats.
GitLab API docs:
type JobsService ¶
type JobsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
JobsService handles communication with the ci builds related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*JobsService) CancelJob ¶
func (s *JobsService) CancelJob(pid interface{}, jobID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Job, *Response, error)
CancelJob cancels a single job of a project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*JobsService) DownloadArtifactsFile ¶
func (s *JobsService) DownloadArtifactsFile(pid interface{}, refName string, job string, options ...OptionFunc) (io.Reader, *Response, error)
DownloadArtifactsFile download the artifacts file from the given reference name and job provided the job finished successfully.
GitLab API docs:
func (*JobsService) DownloadSingleArtifactsFile ¶
func (s *JobsService) DownloadSingleArtifactsFile(pid interface{}, jobID int, artifactPath string, options ...OptionFunc) (io.Reader, *Response, error)
DownloadSingleArtifactsFile download a file from the artifacts from the given reference name and job provided the job finished successfully. Only a single file is going to be extracted from the archive and streamed to a client.
GitLab API docs:
func (*JobsService) EraseJob ¶
func (s *JobsService) EraseJob(pid interface{}, jobID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Job, *Response, error)
EraseJob erases a single job of a project, removes a job artifacts and a job trace.
GitLab API docs:
func (*JobsService) GetJob ¶
func (s *JobsService) GetJob(pid interface{}, jobID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Job, *Response, error)
GetJob gets a single job of a project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*JobsService) GetJobArtifacts ¶
func (s *JobsService) GetJobArtifacts(pid interface{}, jobID int, options ...OptionFunc) (io.Reader, *Response, error)
GetJobArtifacts get jobs artifacts of a project
GitLab API docs:
func (*JobsService) GetTraceFile ¶
func (s *JobsService) GetTraceFile(pid interface{}, jobID int, options ...OptionFunc) (io.Reader, *Response, error)
GetTraceFile gets a trace of a specific job of a project
GitLab API docs:
func (*JobsService) KeepArtifacts ¶
func (s *JobsService) KeepArtifacts(pid interface{}, jobID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Job, *Response, error)
KeepArtifacts prevents artifacts from being deleted when expiration is set.
GitLab API docs:
func (*JobsService) ListPipelineJobs ¶
func (s *JobsService) ListPipelineJobs(pid interface{}, pipelineID int, opts *ListJobsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Job, *Response, error)
ListPipelineJobs gets a list of jobs for specific pipeline in a project. If the pipeline ID is not found, it will respond with 404.
GitLab API docs:
func (*JobsService) ListProjectJobs ¶
func (s *JobsService) ListProjectJobs(pid interface{}, opts *ListJobsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]Job, *Response, error)
ListProjectJobs gets a list of jobs in a project.
The scope of jobs to show, one or array of: created, pending, running, failed, success, canceled, skipped; showing all jobs if none provided
GitLab API docs:
func (*JobsService) PlayJob ¶
func (s *JobsService) PlayJob(pid interface{}, jobID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Job, *Response, error)
PlayJob triggers a manual action to start a job.
GitLab API docs:
func (*JobsService) RetryJob ¶
func (s *JobsService) RetryJob(pid interface{}, jobID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Job, *Response, error)
RetryJob retries a single job of a project
GitLab API docs:
type Key ¶
type Key struct { ID int `json:"id"` Title string `json:"title"` Key string `json:"key"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` User User `json:"user"` }
Key represents a GitLab user's SSH key.
GitLab API docs:
type KeysService ¶
type KeysService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
KeysService handles communication with the keys related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*KeysService) GetKeyWithUser ¶
func (s *KeysService) GetKeyWithUser(kid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Key, *Response, error)
GetKeyWithUser gets a single key by id along with the associated user information.
GitLab API docs:
type Label ¶
type Label struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Color string `json:"color"` Description string `json:"description"` OpenIssuesCount int `json:"open_issues_count"` ClosedIssuesCount int `json:"closed_issues_count"` OpenMergeRequestsCount int `json:"open_merge_requests_count"` Subscribed bool `json:"subscribed"` Priority int `json:"priority"` }
Label represents a GitLab label.
GitLab API docs:
func (*Label) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaler interface.
type Labels ¶
type Labels []string
Labels is a custom type with specific marshaling characteristics.
func (*Labels) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface.
type LabelsService ¶
type LabelsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
LabelsService handles communication with the label related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*LabelsService) CreateLabel ¶
func (s *LabelsService) CreateLabel(pid interface{}, opt *CreateLabelOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Label, *Response, error)
CreateLabel creates a new label for given repository with given name and color.
GitLab API docs:
func (*LabelsService) DeleteLabel ¶
func (s *LabelsService) DeleteLabel(pid interface{}, opt *DeleteLabelOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteLabel deletes a label given by its name.
GitLab API docs:
func (*LabelsService) ListLabels ¶
func (s *LabelsService) ListLabels(pid interface{}, opt *ListLabelsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Label, *Response, error)
ListLabels gets all labels for given project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*LabelsService) SubscribeToLabel ¶
func (s *LabelsService) SubscribeToLabel(pid interface{}, labelID interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Label, *Response, error)
SubscribeToLabel subscribes the authenticated user to a label to receive notifications. If the user is already subscribed to the label, the status code 304 is returned.
GitLab API docs:
func (*LabelsService) UnsubscribeFromLabel ¶
func (s *LabelsService) UnsubscribeFromLabel(pid interface{}, labelID interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
UnsubscribeFromLabel unsubscribes the authenticated user from a label to not receive notifications from it. If the user is not subscribed to the label, the status code 304 is returned.
GitLab API docs:
func (*LabelsService) UpdateLabel ¶
func (s *LabelsService) UpdateLabel(pid interface{}, opt *UpdateLabelOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Label, *Response, error)
UpdateLabel updates an existing label with new name or now color. At least one parameter is required, to update the label.
GitLab API docs:
type License ¶
type License struct { StartsAt *ISOTime `json:"starts_at"` ExpiresAt *ISOTime `json:"expires_at"` Licensee struct { Name string `json:"Name"` Company string `json:"Company"` Email string `json:"Email"` } `json:"licensee"` UserLimit int `json:"user_limit"` ActiveUsers int `json:"active_users"` AddOns struct { GitLabFileLocks int `json:"GitLabFileLocks"` } `json:"add_ons"` }
License represents a GitLab license.
GitLab API docs:
type LicenseService ¶
type LicenseService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
LicenseService handles communication with the license related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*LicenseService) AddLicense ¶
func (s *LicenseService) AddLicense(opt *AddLicenseOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*License, *Response, error)
AddLicense adds a new license.
GitLab API docs:
func (*LicenseService) GetLicense ¶
func (s *LicenseService) GetLicense() (*License, *Response, error)
GetLicense retrieves information about the current license.
GitLab API docs:
type LicenseTemplate ¶
type LicenseTemplate struct { Key string `json:"key"` Name string `json:"name"` Nickname string `json:"nickname"` Featured bool `json:"featured"` HTMLURL string `json:"html_url"` SourceURL string `json:"source_url"` Description string `json:"description"` Conditions []string `json:"conditions"` Permissions []string `json:"permissions"` Limitations []string `json:"limitations"` Content string `json:"content"` }
LicenseTemplate represents a license template.
GitLab API docs:
type LicenseTemplatesService ¶
type LicenseTemplatesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
LicenseTemplatesService handles communication with the license templates related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*LicenseTemplatesService) GetLicenseTemplate ¶
func (s *LicenseTemplatesService) GetLicenseTemplate(template string, opt *GetLicenseTemplateOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*LicenseTemplate, *Response, error)
GetLicenseTemplate get a single license template. You can pass parameters to replace the license placeholder.
GitLab API docs:
func (*LicenseTemplatesService) ListLicenseTemplates ¶
func (s *LicenseTemplatesService) ListLicenseTemplates(opt *ListLicenseTemplatesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*LicenseTemplate, *Response, error)
ListLicenseTemplates get all license templates.
GitLab API docs:
type Links ¶
type Links struct { Self string `json:"self"` Issues string `json:"issues"` MergeRequests string `json:"merge_requests"` RepoBranches string `json:"repo_branches"` Labels string `json:"labels"` Events string `json:"events"` Members string `json:"members"` }
Links represents a project web links for self, issues, merge_requests, repo_branches, labels, events, members.
type LintResult ¶
LintResult represents the linting results.
GitLab API docs:
type ListAccessRequestsOptions ¶
type ListAccessRequestsOptions ListOptions
ListAccessRequestsOptions represents the available ListProjectAccessRequests() or ListGroupAccessRequests() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListAwardEmojiOptions ¶
type ListAwardEmojiOptions ListOptions
ListAwardEmojiOptions represents the available options for listing emoji for each resources
GitLab API docs:
type ListBranchesOptions ¶
type ListBranchesOptions ListOptions
ListBranchesOptions represents the available ListBranches() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListBroadcastMessagesOptions ¶
type ListBroadcastMessagesOptions ListOptions
ListBroadcastMessagesOptions represents the available ListBroadcastMessages() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListBuildVariablesOptions ¶
type ListBuildVariablesOptions ListOptions
ListBuildVariablesOptions are the parameters to ListBuildVariables()
Gitlab API Docs:
type ListCIYMLTemplatesOptions ¶
type ListCIYMLTemplatesOptions ListOptions
ListCIYMLTemplatesOptions represents the available ListAllTemplates() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListCommitDiscussionsOptions ¶
type ListCommitDiscussionsOptions ListOptions
ListCommitDiscussionsOptions represents the available ListCommitDiscussions() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListCommitsOptions ¶
type ListCommitsOptions struct { ListOptions RefName *string `url:"ref_name,omitempty" json:"ref_name,omitempty"` Since *time.Time `url:"since,omitempty" json:"since,omitempty"` Until *time.Time `url:"until,omitempty" json:"until,omitempty"` Path *string `url:"path,omitempty" json:"path,omitempty"` All *bool `url:"all,omitempty" json:"all,omitempty"` WithStats *bool `url:"with_stats,omitempty" json:"with_stats,omitempty"` }
ListCommitsOptions represents the available ListCommits() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListContributionEventsOptions ¶
type ListContributionEventsOptions struct { ListOptions Action *EventTypeValue `json:"action,omitempty"` TargetType *EventTargetTypeValue `json:"target_type,omitempty"` Before *ISOTime `json:"before,omitempty"` After *ISOTime `json:"after,omitempty"` Sort *string `json:"sort,omitempty"` }
ListContributionEventsOptions represents the options for GetUserContributionEvents
GitLap API docs:
type ListContributorsOptions ¶
type ListContributorsOptions ListOptions
ListContributorsOptions represents the available ListContributorsOptions() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListEmailsForUserOptions ¶
type ListEmailsForUserOptions ListOptions
ListEmailsForUserOptions represents the available ListEmailsForUser() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListEnvironmentsOptions ¶
type ListEnvironmentsOptions ListOptions
ListEnvironmentsOptions represents the available ListEnvironments() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListGroupEpicDiscussionsOptions ¶
type ListGroupEpicDiscussionsOptions ListOptions
ListGroupEpicDiscussionsOptions represents the available ListEpicDiscussions() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListGroupIssueBoardListsOptions ¶
type ListGroupIssueBoardListsOptions ListOptions
ListGroupIssueBoardListsOptions represents the available ListGroupIssueBoardLists() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListGroupIssueBoardsOptions ¶
type ListGroupIssueBoardsOptions ListOptions
ListGroupIssueBoardsOptions represents the available ListGroupIssueBoards() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListGroupIssuesOptions ¶
type ListGroupIssuesOptions struct { ListOptions State *string `url:"state,omitempty" json:"state,omitempty"` Labels Labels `url:"labels,comma,omitempty" json:"labels,omitempty"` IIDs []int `url:"iids[],omitempty" json:"iids,omitempty"` Milestone *string `url:"milestone,omitempty" json:"milestone,omitempty"` Scope *string `url:"scope,omitempty" json:"scope,omitempty"` AuthorID *int `url:"author_id,omitempty" json:"author_id,omitempty"` AssigneeID *int `url:"assignee_id,omitempty" json:"assignee_id,omitempty"` MyReactionEmoji *string `url:"my_reaction_emoji,omitempty" json:"my_reaction_emoji,omitempty"` OrderBy *string `url:"order_by,omitempty" json:"order_by,omitempty"` Sort *string `url:"sort,omitempty" json:"sort,omitempty"` Search *string `url:"search,omitempty" json:"search,omitempty"` CreatedAfter *time.Time `url:"created_after,omitempty" json:"created_after,omitempty"` CreatedBefore *time.Time `url:"created_before,omitempty" json:"created_before,omitempty"` UpdatedAfter *time.Time `url:"updated_after,omitempty" json:"updated_after,omitempty"` UpdatedBefore *time.Time `url:"updated_before,omitempty" json:"updated_before,omitempty"` }
ListGroupIssuesOptions represents the available ListGroupIssues() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListGroupMembersOptions ¶
type ListGroupMembersOptions struct { ListOptions Query *string `url:"query,omitempty" json:"query,omitempty"` }
ListGroupMembersOptions represents the available ListGroupMembers() and ListAllGroupMembers() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListGroupMergeRequestsOptions ¶
type ListGroupMergeRequestsOptions struct { ListOptions State *string `url:"state,omitempty" json:"state,omitempty"` OrderBy *string `url:"order_by,omitempty" json:"order_by,omitempty"` Sort *string `url:"sort,omitempty" json:"sort,omitempty"` Milestone *string `url:"milestone,omitempty" json:"milestone,omitempty"` View *string `url:"view,omitempty" json:"view,omitempty"` Labels Labels `url:"labels,omitempty" json:"labels,omitempty"` CreatedAfter *time.Time `url:"created_after,omitempty" json:"created_after,omitempty"` CreatedBefore *time.Time `url:"created_before,omitempty" json:"created_before,omitempty"` UpdatedAfter *time.Time `url:"updated_after,omitempty" json:"updated_after,omitempty"` UpdatedBefore *time.Time `url:"updated_before,omitempty" json:"updated_before,omitempty"` Scope *string `url:"scope,omitempty" json:"scope,omitempty"` AuthorID *int `url:"author_id,omitempty" json:"author_id,omitempty"` AssigneeID *int `url:"assignee_id,omitempty" json:"assignee_id,omitempty"` MyReactionEmoji *string `url:"my_reaction_emoji,omitempty" json:"my_reaction_emoji,omitempty"` SourceBranch *string `url:"source_branch,omitempty" json:"source_branch,omitempty"` TargetBranch *string `url:"target_branch,omitempty" json:"target_branch,omitempty"` Search *string `url:"search,omitempty" json:"search,omitempty"` }
ListGroupMergeRequestsOptions represents the available ListGroupMergeRequests() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListGroupMilestonesOptions ¶
type ListGroupMilestonesOptions struct { ListOptions IIDs []int `url:"iids,omitempty" json:"iids,omitempty"` State string `url:"state,omitempty" json:"state,omitempty"` Search string `url:"search,omitempty" json:"search,omitempty"` }
ListGroupMilestonesOptions represents the available ListGroupMilestones() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListGroupProjectsOptions ¶
type ListGroupProjectsOptions ListProjectsOptions
ListGroupProjectsOptions represents the available ListGroupProjects() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListGroupsOptions ¶
type ListGroupsOptions struct { ListOptions AllAvailable *bool `url:"all_available,omitempty" json:"all_available,omitempty"` OrderBy *string `url:"order_by,omitempty" json:"order_by,omitempty"` Owned *bool `url:"owned,omitempty" json:"owned,omitempty"` Search *string `url:"search,omitempty" json:"search,omitempty"` Sort *string `url:"sort,omitempty" json:"sort,omitempty"` Statistics *bool `url:"statistics,omitempty" json:"statistics,omitempty"` }
ListGroupsOptions represents the available ListGroups() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListIssueBoardsOptions ¶
type ListIssueBoardsOptions ListOptions
ListIssueBoardsOptions represents the available ListIssueBoards() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListIssueDiscussionsOptions ¶
type ListIssueDiscussionsOptions ListOptions
ListIssueDiscussionsOptions represents the available ListIssueDiscussions() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListIssueNotesOptions ¶
type ListIssueNotesOptions struct { ListOptions OrderBy *string `url:"order_by,omitempty" json:"order_by,omitempty"` Sort *string `url:"sort,omitempty" json:"sort,omitempty"` }
ListIssueNotesOptions represents the available ListIssueNotes() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListIssuesOptions ¶
type ListIssuesOptions struct { ListOptions State *string `url:"state,omitempty" json:"state,omitempty"` Labels Labels `url:"labels,comma,omitempty" json:"labels,omitempty"` Milestone *string `url:"milestone,omitempty" json:"milestone,omitempty"` Scope *string `url:"scope,omitempty" json:"scope,omitempty"` AuthorID *int `url:"author_id,omitempty" json:"author_id,omitempty"` AssigneeID *int `url:"assignee_id,omitempty" json:"assignee_id,omitempty"` MyReactionEmoji *string `url:"my_reaction_emoji,omitempty" json:"my_reaction_emoji,omitempty"` IIDs []int `url:"iids[],omitempty" json:"iids,omitempty"` OrderBy *string `url:"order_by,omitempty" json:"order_by,omitempty"` Sort *string `url:"sort,omitempty" json:"sort,omitempty"` Search *string `url:"search,omitempty" json:"search,omitempty"` CreatedAfter *time.Time `url:"created_after,omitempty" json:"created_after,omitempty"` CreatedBefore *time.Time `url:"created_before,omitempty" json:"created_before,omitempty"` UpdatedAfter *time.Time `url:"updated_after,omitempty" json:"updated_after,omitempty"` UpdatedBefore *time.Time `url:"updated_before,omitempty" json:"updated_before,omitempty"` }
ListIssuesOptions represents the available ListIssues() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListJobsOptions ¶
type ListJobsOptions struct { ListOptions Scope []BuildStateValue `url:"scope,omitempty" json:"scope,omitempty"` }
ListJobsOptions are options for two list apis
type ListLabelsOptions ¶
type ListLabelsOptions ListOptions
ListLabelsOptions represents the available ListLabels() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListLicenseTemplatesOptions ¶
type ListLicenseTemplatesOptions struct { ListOptions Popular *bool `url:"popular,omitempty" json:"popular,omitempty"` }
ListLicenseTemplatesOptions represents the available ListLicenseTemplates() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListMergeRequestDiscussionsOptions ¶
type ListMergeRequestDiscussionsOptions ListOptions
ListMergeRequestDiscussionsOptions represents the available ListMergeRequestDiscussions() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListMergeRequestNotesOptions ¶
type ListMergeRequestNotesOptions ListOptions
ListMergeRequestNotesOptions represents the available ListMergeRequestNotes() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListMergeRequestsClosingIssueOptions ¶
type ListMergeRequestsClosingIssueOptions ListOptions
ListMergeRequestsClosingIssueOptions represents the available ListMergeRequestsClosingIssue() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListMergeRequestsOptions ¶
type ListMergeRequestsOptions struct { ListOptions State *string `url:"state,omitempty" json:"state,omitempty"` OrderBy *string `url:"order_by,omitempty" json:"order_by,omitempty"` Sort *string `url:"sort,omitempty" json:"sort,omitempty"` Milestone *string `url:"milestone,omitempty" json:"milestone,omitempty"` View *string `url:"view,omitempty" json:"view,omitempty"` Labels Labels `url:"labels,omitempty" json:"labels,omitempty"` CreatedAfter *time.Time `url:"created_after,omitempty" json:"created_after,omitempty"` CreatedBefore *time.Time `url:"created_before,omitempty" json:"created_before,omitempty"` UpdatedAfter *time.Time `url:"updated_after,omitempty" json:"updated_after,omitempty"` UpdatedBefore *time.Time `url:"updated_before,omitempty" json:"updated_before,omitempty"` Scope *string `url:"scope,omitempty" json:"scope,omitempty"` AuthorID *int `url:"author_id,omitempty" json:"author_id,omitempty"` AssigneeID *int `url:"assignee_id,omitempty" json:"assignee_id,omitempty"` MyReactionEmoji *string `url:"my_reaction_emoji,omitempty" json:"my_reaction_emoji,omitempty"` SourceBranch *string `url:"source_branch,omitempty" json:"source_branch,omitempty"` TargetBranch *string `url:"target_branch,omitempty" json:"target_branch,omitempty"` Search *string `url:"search,omitempty" json:"search,omitempty"` }
ListMergeRequestsOptions represents the available ListMergeRequests() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListMilestonesOptions ¶
type ListMilestonesOptions struct { ListOptions IIDs []int `url:"iids,omitempty" json:"iids,omitempty"` State string `url:"state,omitempty" json:"state,omitempty"` Search string `url:"search,omitempty" json:"search,omitempty"` }
ListMilestonesOptions represents the available ListMilestones() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListNamespacesOptions ¶
type ListNamespacesOptions struct { ListOptions Search *string `url:"search,omitempty" json:"search,omitempty"` }
ListNamespacesOptions represents the available ListNamespaces() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListOptions ¶
type ListOptions struct { // For paginated result sets, page of results to retrieve. Page int `url:"page,omitempty" json:"page,omitempty"` // For paginated result sets, the number of results to include per page. PerPage int `url:"per_page,omitempty" json:"per_page,omitempty"` }
ListOptions specifies the optional parameters to various List methods that support pagination.
type ListPagesDomainsOptions ¶
type ListPagesDomainsOptions ListOptions
ListPagesDomainsOptions represents the available ListPagesDomains() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListPipelineSchedulesOptions ¶
type ListPipelineSchedulesOptions ListOptions
ListPipelineSchedulesOptions represents the available ListPipelineTriggers() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListPipelineTriggersOptions ¶
type ListPipelineTriggersOptions ListOptions
ListPipelineTriggersOptions represents the available ListPipelineTriggers() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListProjectBadgesOptions ¶
type ListProjectBadgesOptions ListOptions
ListProjectBadgesOptions represents the available ListProjectBadges() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListProjectDeployKeysOptions ¶
type ListProjectDeployKeysOptions ListOptions
ListProjectDeployKeysOptions represents the available ListProjectDeployKeys() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListProjectDeploymentsOptions ¶
type ListProjectDeploymentsOptions struct { ListOptions OrderBy *string `url:"order_by,omitempty" json:"order_by,omitempty"` Sort *string `url:"sort,omitempty" json:"sort,omitempty"` }
ListProjectDeploymentsOptions represents the available ListProjectDeployments() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListProjectHooksOptions ¶
type ListProjectHooksOptions ListOptions
ListProjectHooksOptions represents the available ListProjectHooks() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListProjectIssuesOptions ¶
type ListProjectIssuesOptions struct { ListOptions IIDs []int `url:"iids[],omitempty" json:"iids,omitempty"` State *string `url:"state,omitempty" json:"state,omitempty"` Labels Labels `url:"labels,comma,omitempty" json:"labels,omitempty"` Milestone *string `url:"milestone,omitempty" json:"milestone,omitempty"` Scope *string `url:"scope,omitempty" json:"scope,omitempty"` AuthorID *int `url:"author_id,omitempty" json:"author_id,omitempty"` AssigneeID *int `url:"assignee_id,omitempty" json:"assignee_id,omitempty"` MyReactionEmoji *string `url:"my_reaction_emoji,omitempty" json:"my_reaction_emoji,omitempty"` OrderBy *string `url:"order_by,omitempty" json:"order_by,omitempty"` Sort *string `url:"sort,omitempty" json:"sort,omitempty"` Search *string `url:"search,omitempty" json:"search,omitempty"` CreatedAfter *time.Time `url:"created_after,omitempty" json:"created_after,omitempty"` CreatedBefore *time.Time `url:"created_before,omitempty" json:"created_before,omitempty"` UpdatedAfter *time.Time `url:"updated_after,omitempty" json:"updated_after,omitempty"` UpdatedBefore *time.Time `url:"updated_before,omitempty" json:"updated_before,omitempty"` }
ListProjectIssuesOptions represents the available ListProjectIssues() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListProjectMembersOptions ¶
type ListProjectMembersOptions struct { ListOptions Query *string `url:"query,omitempty" json:"query,omitempty"` }
ListProjectMembersOptions represents the available ListProjectMembers() and ListAllProjectMembers() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListProjectMergeRequestsOptions ¶
type ListProjectMergeRequestsOptions struct { ListOptions IIDs []int `url:"iids[],omitempty" json:"iids,omitempty"` State *string `url:"state,omitempty" json:"state,omitempty"` OrderBy *string `url:"order_by,omitempty" json:"order_by,omitempty"` Sort *string `url:"sort,omitempty" json:"sort,omitempty"` Milestone *string `url:"milestone,omitempty" json:"milestone,omitempty"` View *string `url:"view,omitempty" json:"view,omitempty"` Labels Labels `url:"labels,omitempty" json:"labels,omitempty"` CreatedAfter *time.Time `url:"created_after,omitempty" json:"created_after,omitempty"` CreatedBefore *time.Time `url:"created_before,omitempty" json:"created_before,omitempty"` UpdatedAfter *time.Time `url:"updated_after,omitempty" json:"updated_after,omitempty"` UpdatedBefore *time.Time `url:"updated_before,omitempty" json:"updated_before,omitempty"` Scope *string `url:"scope,omitempty" json:"scope,omitempty"` AuthorID *int `url:"author_id,omitempty" json:"author_id,omitempty"` AssigneeID *int `url:"assignee_id,omitempty" json:"assignee_id,omitempty"` MyReactionEmoji *string `url:"my_reaction_emoji,omitempty" json:"my_reaction_emoji,omitempty"` SourceBranch *string `url:"source_branch,omitempty" json:"source_branch,omitempty"` TargetBranch *string `url:"target_branch,omitempty" json:"target_branch,omitempty"` Search *string `url:"search,omitempty" json:"search,omitempty"` }
ListProjectMergeRequestsOptions represents the available ListMergeRequests() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListProjectPipelinesOptions ¶
type ListProjectPipelinesOptions struct { ListOptions Scope *string `url:"scope,omitempty" json:"scope,omitempty"` Status *BuildStateValue `url:"status,omitempty" json:"status,omitempty"` Ref *string `url:"ref,omitempty" json:"ref,omitempty"` SHA *string `url:"sha,omitempty" json:"sha,omitempty"` YamlErrors *bool `url:"yaml_errors,omitempty" json:"yaml_errors,omitempty"` Name *string `url:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"` Username *string `url:"username,omitempty" json:"username,omitempty"` OrderBy *string `url:"order_by,omitempty" json:"order_by,omitempty"` Sort *string `url:"sort,omitempty" json:"sort,omitempty"` }
ListProjectPipelinesOptions represents the available ListProjectPipelines() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListProjectRunnersOptions ¶
type ListProjectRunnersOptions ListRunnersOptions
ListProjectRunnersOptions represents the available ListProjectRunners() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListProjectSnippetsOptions ¶
type ListProjectSnippetsOptions ListOptions
ListProjectSnippetsOptions represents the available ListSnippets() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListProjectUserOptions ¶
type ListProjectUserOptions struct { ListOptions Search *string `url:"search,omitempty" json:"search,omitempty"` }
ListProjectUserOptions represents the available ListProjectsUsers() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListProjectsOptions ¶
type ListProjectsOptions struct { ListOptions Archived *bool `url:"archived,omitempty" json:"archived,omitempty"` OrderBy *string `url:"order_by,omitempty" json:"order_by,omitempty"` Sort *string `url:"sort,omitempty" json:"sort,omitempty"` Search *string `url:"search,omitempty" json:"search,omitempty"` Simple *bool `url:"simple,omitempty" json:"simple,omitempty"` Owned *bool `url:"owned,omitempty" json:"owned,omitempty"` Membership *bool `url:"membership,omitempty" json:"membership,omitempty"` Starred *bool `url:"starred,omitempty" json:"starred,omitempty"` Statistics *bool `url:"statistics,omitempty" json:"statistics,omitempty"` Visibility *VisibilityValue `url:"visibility,omitempty" json:"visibility,omitempty"` WithIssuesEnabled *bool `url:"with_issues_enabled,omitempty" json:"with_issues_enabled,omitempty"` WithMergeRequestsEnabled *bool `url:"with_merge_requests_enabled,omitempty" json:"with_merge_requests_enabled,omitempty"` MinAccessLevel *AccessLevelValue `url:"min_access_level,omitempty" json:"min_access_level,omitempty"` }
ListProjectsOptions represents the available ListProjects() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListProtectedBranchesOptions ¶
type ListProtectedBranchesOptions ListOptions
ListProtectedBranchesOptions represents the available ListProtectedBranches() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListRunnerJobsOptions ¶
type ListRunnerJobsOptions struct { ListOptions Status *string `url:"status,omitempty" json:"status,omitempty"` }
ListRunnerJobsOptions represents the available ListRunnerJobs() options. Status can be one of: running, success, failed, canceled.
GitLab API docs:
type ListRunnersOptions ¶
type ListRunnersOptions struct { ListOptions Scope *string `url:"scope,omitempty" json:"scope,omitempty"` }
ListRunnersOptions represents the available ListRunners() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListSSHKeysForUserOptions ¶
type ListSSHKeysForUserOptions ListOptions
ListSSHKeysForUserOptions represents the available ListSSHKeysForUser() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListSnippetDiscussionsOptions ¶
type ListSnippetDiscussionsOptions ListOptions
ListSnippetDiscussionsOptions represents the available ListSnippetDiscussions() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListSnippetNotesOptions ¶
type ListSnippetNotesOptions ListOptions
ListSnippetNotesOptions represents the available ListSnippetNotes() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListSnippetsOptions ¶
type ListSnippetsOptions ListOptions
ListSnippetsOptions represents the available ListSnippets() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListSubgroupsOptions ¶
type ListSubgroupsOptions ListGroupsOptions
ListSubgroupsOptions represents the available ListSubgroupsOptions() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListTagsOptions ¶
type ListTagsOptions struct { ListOptions OrderBy *string `url:"order_by,omitempty" json:"order_by,omitempty"` Sort *string `url:"sort,omitempty" json:"sort,omitempty"` }
ListTagsOptions represents the available ListTags() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListTemplatesOptions ¶
type ListTemplatesOptions ListOptions
ListTemplatesOptions represents the available ListAllTemplates() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListTodosOptions ¶
type ListTodosOptions struct { Action *TodoAction `url:"action,omitempty" json:"action,omitempty"` AuthorID *int `url:"author_id,omitempty" json:"author_id,omitempty"` ProjectID *int `url:"project_id,omitempty" json:"project_id,omitempty"` State *string `url:"state,omitempty" json:"state,omitempty"` Type *string `url:"type,omitempty" json:"type,omitempty"` }
ListTodosOptions represents the available ListTodos() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListTreeOptions ¶
type ListTreeOptions struct { ListOptions Path *string `url:"path,omitempty" json:"path,omitempty"` Ref *string `url:"ref,omitempty" json:"ref,omitempty"` Recursive *bool `url:"recursive,omitempty" json:"recursive,omitempty"` }
ListTreeOptions represents the available ListTree() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListUsersOptions ¶
type ListUsersOptions struct { ListOptions Active *bool `url:"active,omitempty" json:"active,omitempty"` Blocked *bool `url:"blocked,omitempty" json:"blocked,omitempty"` // The options below are only available for admins. Search *string `url:"search,omitempty" json:"search,omitempty"` Username *string `url:"username,omitempty" json:"username,omitempty"` ExternalUID *string `url:"extern_uid,omitempty" json:"extern_uid,omitempty"` Provider *string `url:"provider,omitempty" json:"provider,omitempty"` CreatedBefore *time.Time `url:"created_before,omitempty" json:"created_before,omitempty"` CreatedAfter *time.Time `url:"created_after,omitempty" json:"created_after,omitempty"` OrderBy *string `url:"order_by,omitempty" json:"order_by,omitempty"` Sort *string `url:"sort,omitempty" json:"sort,omitempty"` }
ListUsersOptions represents the available ListUsers() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ListWikisOptions ¶
type ListWikisOptions struct {
WithContent *bool `url:"with_content,omitempty" json:"with_content,omitempty"`
ListWikisOptions represents the available ListWikis options.
GitLab API docs:
type MergeCommentEvent ¶
type MergeCommentEvent struct { ObjectKind string `json:"object_kind"` User *User `json:"user"` ProjectID int `json:"project_id"` Project struct { Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` GitSSHURL string `json:"git_ssh_url"` GitHTTPURL string `json:"git_http_url"` Namespace string `json:"namespace"` PathWithNamespace string `json:"path_with_namespace"` DefaultBranch string `json:"default_branch"` Homepage string `json:"homepage"` URL string `json:"url"` SSHURL string `json:"ssh_url"` HTTPURL string `json:"http_url"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` Visibility VisibilityValue `json:"visibility"` } `json:"project"` ObjectAttributes struct { ID int `json:"id"` Note string `json:"note"` NoteableType string `json:"noteable_type"` AuthorID int `json:"author_id"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at"` ProjectID int `json:"project_id"` Attachment string `json:"attachment"` LineCode string `json:"line_code"` CommitID string `json:"commit_id"` NoteableID int `json:"noteable_id"` System bool `json:"system"` StDiff *Diff `json:"st_diff"` URL string `json:"url"` } `json:"object_attributes"` Repository *Repository `json:"repository"` MergeRequest struct { ID int `json:"id"` TargetBranch string `json:"target_branch"` SourceBranch string `json:"source_branch"` SourceProjectID int `json:"source_project_id"` AuthorID int `json:"author_id"` AssigneeID int `json:"assignee_id"` Title string `json:"title"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at"` MilestoneID int `json:"milestone_id"` State string `json:"state"` MergeStatus string `json:"merge_status"` TargetProjectID int `json:"target_project_id"` IID int `json:"iid"` Description string `json:"description"` Position int `json:"position"` LockedAt string `json:"locked_at"` UpdatedByID int `json:"updated_by_id"` MergeError string `json:"merge_error"` MergeParams struct { ForceRemoveSourceBranch string `json:"force_remove_source_branch"` } `json:"merge_params"` MergeWhenPipelineSucceeds bool `json:"merge_when_pipeline_succeeds"` MergeUserID int `json:"merge_user_id"` MergeCommitSha string `json:"merge_commit_sha"` DeletedAt string `json:"deleted_at"` InProgressMergeCommitSha string `json:"in_progress_merge_commit_sha"` LockVersion int `json:"lock_version"` ApprovalsBeforeMerge string `json:"approvals_before_merge"` RebaseCommitSha string `json:"rebase_commit_sha"` TimeEstimate int `json:"time_estimate"` Squash bool `json:"squash"` LastEditedAt string `json:"last_edited_at"` LastEditedByID int `json:"last_edited_by_id"` Source *Repository `json:"source"` Target *Repository `json:"target"` LastCommit struct { ID string `json:"id"` Message string `json:"message"` Timestamp *time.Time `json:"timestamp"` URL string `json:"url"` Author struct { Name string `json:"name"` Email string `json:"email"` } `json:"author"` } `json:"last_commit"` WorkInProgress bool `json:"work_in_progress"` TotalTimeSpent int `json:"total_time_spent"` } `json:"merge_request"` }
MergeCommentEvent represents a comment on a merge event.
GitLab API docs:
type MergeEvent ¶
type MergeEvent struct { ObjectKind string `json:"object_kind"` User *User `json:"user"` Project struct { Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` GitSSHURL string `json:"git_ssh_url"` GitHTTPURL string `json:"git_http_url"` Namespace string `json:"namespace"` PathWithNamespace string `json:"path_with_namespace"` DefaultBranch string `json:"default_branch"` Homepage string `json:"homepage"` URL string `json:"url"` SSHURL string `json:"ssh_url"` HTTPURL string `json:"http_url"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` Visibility VisibilityValue `json:"visibility"` } `json:"project"` ObjectAttributes struct { ID int `json:"id"` TargetBranch string `json:"target_branch"` SourceBranch string `json:"source_branch"` SourceProjectID int `json:"source_project_id"` AuthorID int `json:"author_id"` AssigneeID int `json:"assignee_id"` Title string `json:"title"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` // Should be *time.Time (see Gitlab issue #21468) UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at"` // Should be *time.Time (see Gitlab issue #21468) StCommits []*Commit `json:"st_commits"` StDiffs []*Diff `json:"st_diffs"` MilestoneID int `json:"milestone_id"` State string `json:"state"` MergeStatus string `json:"merge_status"` TargetProjectID int `json:"target_project_id"` IID int `json:"iid"` Description string `json:"description"` Position int `json:"position"` LockedAt string `json:"locked_at"` UpdatedByID int `json:"updated_by_id"` MergeError string `json:"merge_error"` MergeParams struct { ForceRemoveSourceBranch string `json:"force_remove_source_branch"` } `json:"merge_params"` MergeWhenBuildSucceeds bool `json:"merge_when_build_succeeds"` MergeUserID int `json:"merge_user_id"` MergeCommitSha string `json:"merge_commit_sha"` DeletedAt string `json:"deleted_at"` ApprovalsBeforeMerge string `json:"approvals_before_merge"` RebaseCommitSha string `json:"rebase_commit_sha"` InProgressMergeCommitSha string `json:"in_progress_merge_commit_sha"` LockVersion int `json:"lock_version"` TimeEstimate int `json:"time_estimate"` Source *Repository `json:"source"` Target *Repository `json:"target"` LastCommit struct { ID string `json:"id"` Message string `json:"message"` Timestamp *time.Time `json:"timestamp"` URL string `json:"url"` Author struct { Name string `json:"name"` Email string `json:"email"` } `json:"author"` } `json:"last_commit"` WorkInProgress bool `json:"work_in_progress"` URL string `json:"url"` Action string `json:"action"` OldRev string `json:"oldrev"` Assignee struct { Name string `json:"name"` Username string `json:"username"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` } `json:"assignee"` } `json:"object_attributes"` Repository *Repository `json:"repository"` Assignee struct { Name string `json:"name"` Username string `json:"username"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` } `json:"assignee"` Changes struct { AssigneeID struct { Previous int `json:"previous"` Current int `json:"current"` } `json:"assignee_id"` Description struct { Previous string `json:"previous"` Current string `json:"current"` } `json:"description"` Labels struct { Previous []Label `json:"previous"` Current []Label `json:"current"` } `json:"labels"` UpdatedByID struct { Previous int `json:"previous"` Current int `json:"current"` } `json:"updated_by_id"` } `json:"changes"` }
MergeEvent represents a merge event.
GitLab API docs:
type MergeMethodValue ¶
type MergeMethodValue string
MergeMethodValue represents a project merge type within GitLab.
GitLab API docs:
const ( NoFastForwardMerge MergeMethodValue = "merge" FastForwardMerge MergeMethodValue = "ff" RebaseMerge MergeMethodValue = "rebase_merge" )
List of available merge type
GitLab API docs:
func MergeMethod ¶
func MergeMethod(v MergeMethodValue) *MergeMethodValue
MergeMethod is a helper routine that allocates a new MergeMethod to sotre v and returns a pointer to it.
type MergeRequest ¶
type MergeRequest struct { ID int `json:"id"` IID int `json:"iid"` TargetBranch string `json:"target_branch"` SourceBranch string `json:"source_branch"` ProjectID int `json:"project_id"` Title string `json:"title"` State string `json:"state"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updated_at"` Upvotes int `json:"upvotes"` Downvotes int `json:"downvotes"` Author struct { ID int `json:"id"` Username string `json:"username"` Name string `json:"name"` State string `json:"state"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` } `json:"author"` Assignee struct { ID int `json:"id"` Username string `json:"username"` Name string `json:"name"` State string `json:"state"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` } `json:"assignee"` SourceProjectID int `json:"source_project_id"` TargetProjectID int `json:"target_project_id"` Labels []string `json:"labels"` Description string `json:"description"` WorkInProgress bool `json:"work_in_progress"` Milestone *Milestone `json:"milestone"` MergeWhenPipelineSucceeds bool `json:"merge_when_pipeline_succeeds"` MergeStatus string `json:"merge_status"` MergedBy struct { ID int `json:"id"` Username string `json:"username"` Name string `json:"name"` State string `json:"state"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` } `json:"merged_by"` MergedAt *time.Time `json:"merged_at"` ClosedBy struct { ID int `json:"id"` Username string `json:"username"` Name string `json:"name"` State string `json:"state"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` } `json:"closed_by"` ClosedAt *time.Time `json:"closed_at"` Subscribed bool `json:"subscribed"` SHA string `json:"sha"` MergeCommitSHA string `json:"merge_commit_sha"` UserNotesCount int `json:"user_notes_count"` ChangesCount string `json:"changes_count"` ShouldRemoveSourceBranch bool `json:"should_remove_source_branch"` ForceRemoveSourceBranch bool `json:"force_remove_source_branch"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` DiscussionLocked bool `json:"discussion_locked"` Changes []struct { OldPath string `json:"old_path"` NewPath string `json:"new_path"` AMode string `json:"a_mode"` BMode string `json:"b_mode"` Diff string `json:"diff"` NewFile bool `json:"new_file"` RenamedFile bool `json:"renamed_file"` DeletedFile bool `json:"deleted_file"` } `json:"changes"` TimeStats *TimeStats `json:"time_stats"` Squash bool `json:"squash"` Pipeline struct { ID int `json:"id"` Ref string `json:"ref"` SHA string `json:"sha"` Status string `json:"status"` } `json:"pipeline"` }
MergeRequest represents a GitLab merge request.
GitLab API docs:
func (MergeRequest) String ¶
func (m MergeRequest) String() string
type MergeRequestApprovals ¶
type MergeRequestApprovals struct { ID int `json:"id"` ProjectID int `json:"project_id"` Title string `json:"title"` Description string `json:"description"` State string `json:"state"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updated_at"` MergeStatus string `json:"merge_status"` ApprovalsBeforeMerge int `json:"approvals_before_merge"` ApprovalsRequired int `json:"approvals_required"` ApprovalsLeft int `json:"approvals_left"` ApprovedBy []struct { User struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Username string `json:"username"` State string `json:"state"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` } `json:"user"` } `json:"approved_by"` Approvers []struct { User struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Username string `json:"username"` State string `json:"state"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` } `json:"user"` } `json:"approvers"` ApproverGroups []struct { Group struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Path string `json:"path"` Description string `json:"description"` Visibility string `json:"visibility"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` FullName string `json:"full_name"` FullPath string `json:"full_path"` LFSEnabled bool `json:"lfs_enabled"` RequestAccessEnabled bool `json:"request_access_enabled"` } `json:"group"` } `json:"approver_group"` }
MergeRequestApprovals represents GitLab merge request approvals.
GitLab API docs:
func (MergeRequestApprovals) String ¶
func (m MergeRequestApprovals) String() string
type MergeRequestApprovalsService ¶
type MergeRequestApprovalsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MergeRequestApprovalsService handles communication with the merge request approvals related methods of the GitLab API. This includes reading/updating approval settings and approve/unapproving merge requests
GitLab API docs:
func (*MergeRequestApprovalsService) ApproveMergeRequest ¶
func (s *MergeRequestApprovalsService) ApproveMergeRequest(pid interface{}, mr int, opt *ApproveMergeRequestOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*MergeRequestApprovals, *Response, error)
ApproveMergeRequest approves a merge request on GitLab. If a non-empty sha is provided then it must match the sha at the HEAD of the MR.
GitLab API docs:
func (*MergeRequestApprovalsService) UnapproveMergeRequest ¶
func (s *MergeRequestApprovalsService) UnapproveMergeRequest(pid interface{}, mr int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
UnapproveMergeRequest unapproves a previously approved merge request on GitLab.
GitLab API docs:
type MergeRequestDiffVersion ¶
type MergeRequestDiffVersion struct { ID int `json:"id"` HeadCommitSHA string `json:"head_commit_sha,omitempty"` BaseCommitSHA string `json:"base_commit_sha,omitempty"` StartCommitSHA string `json:"start_commit_sha,omitempty"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at,omitempty"` MergeRequestID int `json:"merge_request_id,omitempty"` State string `json:"state,omitempty"` RealSize string `json:"real_size,omitempty"` Commits []*Commit `json:"commits,omitempty"` Diffs []*Diff `json:"diffs,omitempty"` }
MergeRequestDiffVersion represents Gitlab merge request version.
Gitlab API docs:
func (MergeRequestDiffVersion) String ¶
func (m MergeRequestDiffVersion) String() string
type MergeRequestsService ¶
type MergeRequestsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MergeRequestsService handles communication with the merge requests related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*MergeRequestsService) AcceptMergeRequest ¶
func (s *MergeRequestsService) AcceptMergeRequest(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, opt *AcceptMergeRequestOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
AcceptMergeRequest merges changes submitted with MR using this API. If merge success you get 200 OK. If it has some conflicts and can not be merged - you get 405 and error message 'Branch cannot be merged'. If merge request is already merged or closed - you get 405 and error message 'Method Not Allowed'
GitLab API docs:
func (*MergeRequestsService) AddSpentTime ¶
func (s *MergeRequestsService) AddSpentTime(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, opt *AddSpentTimeOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*TimeStats, *Response, error)
AddSpentTime adds spent time for a single project merge request.
GitLab API docs:
func (*MergeRequestsService) CancelMergeWhenPipelineSucceeds ¶
func (s *MergeRequestsService) CancelMergeWhenPipelineSucceeds(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, options ...OptionFunc) (*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
CancelMergeWhenPipelineSucceeds cancels a merge when pipeline succeeds. If you don't have permissions to accept this merge request - you'll get a 401. If the merge request is already merged or closed - you get 405 and error message 'Method Not Allowed'. In case the merge request is not set to be merged when the pipeline succeeds, you'll also get a 406 error.
GitLab API docs:
func (*MergeRequestsService) CreateMergeRequest ¶
func (s *MergeRequestsService) CreateMergeRequest(pid interface{}, opt *CreateMergeRequestOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
CreateMergeRequest creates a new merge request.
GitLab API docs:
func (*MergeRequestsService) CreateTodo ¶
func (s *MergeRequestsService) CreateTodo(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Todo, *Response, error)
CreateTodo manually creates a todo for the current user on a merge request. If there already exists a todo for the user on that merge request, status code 304 is returned.
GitLab API docs:
func (*MergeRequestsService) DeleteMergeRequest ¶
func (s *MergeRequestsService) DeleteMergeRequest(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteMergeRequest deletes a merge request.
GitLab API docs:
func (*MergeRequestsService) GetIssuesClosedOnMerge ¶
func (s *MergeRequestsService) GetIssuesClosedOnMerge(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, opt *GetIssuesClosedOnMergeOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Issue, *Response, error)
GetIssuesClosedOnMerge gets all the issues that would be closed by merging the provided merge request.
GitLab API docs:
func (*MergeRequestsService) GetMergeRequest ¶
func (s *MergeRequestsService) GetMergeRequest(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, options ...OptionFunc) (*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
GetMergeRequest shows information about a single merge request.
GitLab API docs:
func (*MergeRequestsService) GetMergeRequestApprovals ¶
func (s *MergeRequestsService) GetMergeRequestApprovals(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, options ...OptionFunc) (*MergeRequestApprovals, *Response, error)
GetMergeRequestApprovals gets information about a merge requests approvals
GitLab API docs:
func (*MergeRequestsService) GetMergeRequestChanges ¶
func (s *MergeRequestsService) GetMergeRequestChanges(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, options ...OptionFunc) (*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
GetMergeRequestChanges shows information about the merge request including its files and changes.
GitLab API docs:
func (*MergeRequestsService) GetMergeRequestCommits ¶
func (s *MergeRequestsService) GetMergeRequestCommits(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, opt *GetMergeRequestCommitsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Commit, *Response, error)
GetMergeRequestCommits gets a list of merge request commits.
GitLab API docs:
func (*MergeRequestsService) GetMergeRequestDiffVersions ¶
func (s *MergeRequestsService) GetMergeRequestDiffVersions(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, opt *GetMergeRequestDiffVersionsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*MergeRequestDiffVersion, *Response, error)
GetMergeRequestDiffVersions get a list of merge request diff versions.
GitLab API docs:
func (*MergeRequestsService) GetSingleMergeRequestDiffVersion ¶
func (s *MergeRequestsService) GetSingleMergeRequestDiffVersion(pid interface{}, mergeRequest, version int, options ...OptionFunc) (*MergeRequestDiffVersion, *Response, error)
GetSingleMergeRequestDiffVersion get a single MR diff version
GitLab API docs:
func (*MergeRequestsService) GetTimeSpent ¶
func (s *MergeRequestsService) GetTimeSpent(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, options ...OptionFunc) (*TimeStats, *Response, error)
GetTimeSpent gets the spent time for a single project merge request.
GitLab API docs:
func (*MergeRequestsService) ListGroupMergeRequests ¶
func (s *MergeRequestsService) ListGroupMergeRequests(gid interface{}, opt *ListGroupMergeRequestsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
ListGroupMergeRequests gets all merge requests for this group.
GitLab API docs:
func (*MergeRequestsService) ListMergeRequestPipelines ¶
func (s *MergeRequestsService) ListMergeRequestPipelines(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, options ...OptionFunc) (PipelineList, *Response, error)
ListMergeRequestPipelines gets all pipelines for the provided merge request.
GitLab API docs:
func (*MergeRequestsService) ListMergeRequests ¶
func (s *MergeRequestsService) ListMergeRequests(opt *ListMergeRequestsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
ListMergeRequests gets all merge requests. The state parameter can be used to get only merge requests with a given state (opened, closed, or merged) or all of them (all). The pagination parameters page and per_page can be used to restrict the list of merge requests.
GitLab API docs:
func (*MergeRequestsService) ListProjectMergeRequests ¶
func (s *MergeRequestsService) ListProjectMergeRequests(pid interface{}, opt *ListProjectMergeRequestsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
ListProjectMergeRequests gets all merge requests for this project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*MergeRequestsService) ResetSpentTime ¶
func (s *MergeRequestsService) ResetSpentTime(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, options ...OptionFunc) (*TimeStats, *Response, error)
ResetSpentTime resets the spent time for a single project merge request.
GitLab API docs:
func (*MergeRequestsService) ResetTimeEstimate ¶
func (s *MergeRequestsService) ResetTimeEstimate(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, options ...OptionFunc) (*TimeStats, *Response, error)
ResetTimeEstimate resets the time estimate for a single project merge request.
GitLab API docs:
func (*MergeRequestsService) SetTimeEstimate ¶
func (s *MergeRequestsService) SetTimeEstimate(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, opt *SetTimeEstimateOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*TimeStats, *Response, error)
SetTimeEstimate sets the time estimate for a single project merge request.
GitLab API docs:
func (*MergeRequestsService) SubscribeToMergeRequest ¶
func (s *MergeRequestsService) SubscribeToMergeRequest(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, options ...OptionFunc) (*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
SubscribeToMergeRequest subscribes the authenticated user to the given merge request to receive notifications. If the user is already subscribed to the merge request, the status code 304 is returned.
GitLab API docs:
func (*MergeRequestsService) UnsubscribeFromMergeRequest ¶
func (s *MergeRequestsService) UnsubscribeFromMergeRequest(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, options ...OptionFunc) (*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
UnsubscribeFromMergeRequest unsubscribes the authenticated user from the given merge request to not receive notifications from that merge request. If the user is not subscribed to the merge request, status code 304 is returned.
GitLab API docs:
func (*MergeRequestsService) UpdateMergeRequest ¶
func (s *MergeRequestsService) UpdateMergeRequest(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, opt *UpdateMergeRequestOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
UpdateMergeRequest updates an existing project milestone.
GitLab API docs:
type MicrosoftTeamsService ¶
type MicrosoftTeamsService struct { Service Properties *MicrosoftTeamsServiceProperties `json:"properties"` }
MicrosoftTeamsService represents Microsoft Teams service settings.
GitLab API docs:
type MicrosoftTeamsServiceProperties ¶
type MicrosoftTeamsServiceProperties struct {
WebHook string `json:"webhook"`
MicrosoftTeamsServiceProperties represents Microsoft Teams specific properties.
GitLab API docs:
type Milestone ¶
type Milestone struct { ID int `json:"id"` IID int `json:"iid"` ProjectID int `json:"project_id"` Title string `json:"title"` Description string `json:"description"` StartDate *ISOTime `json:"start_date"` DueDate *ISOTime `json:"due_date"` State string `json:"state"` UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updated_at"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` }
Milestone represents a GitLab milestone.
GitLab API docs:
type MilestonesService ¶
type MilestonesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MilestonesService handles communication with the milestone related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*MilestonesService) CreateMilestone ¶
func (s *MilestonesService) CreateMilestone(pid interface{}, opt *CreateMilestoneOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Milestone, *Response, error)
CreateMilestone creates a new project milestone.
GitLab API docs:
func (*MilestonesService) DeleteMilestone ¶
func (s *MilestonesService) DeleteMilestone(pid interface{}, milestone int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteMilestone deletes a specified project milestone.
GitLab API docs:
func (*MilestonesService) GetMilestone ¶
func (s *MilestonesService) GetMilestone(pid interface{}, milestone int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Milestone, *Response, error)
GetMilestone gets a single project milestone.
GitLab API docs:
func (*MilestonesService) GetMilestoneIssues ¶
func (s *MilestonesService) GetMilestoneIssues(pid interface{}, milestone int, opt *GetMilestoneIssuesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Issue, *Response, error)
GetMilestoneIssues gets all issues assigned to a single project milestone.
GitLab API docs:
func (*MilestonesService) GetMilestoneMergeRequests ¶
func (s *MilestonesService) GetMilestoneMergeRequests(pid interface{}, milestone int, opt *GetMilestoneMergeRequestsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
GetMilestoneMergeRequests gets all merge requests assigned to a single project milestone.
GitLab API docs:
func (*MilestonesService) ListMilestones ¶
func (s *MilestonesService) ListMilestones(pid interface{}, opt *ListMilestonesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Milestone, *Response, error)
ListMilestones returns a list of project milestones.
GitLab API docs:
func (*MilestonesService) UpdateMilestone ¶
func (s *MilestonesService) UpdateMilestone(pid interface{}, milestone int, opt *UpdateMilestoneOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Milestone, *Response, error)
UpdateMilestone updates an existing project milestone.
GitLab API docs:
type ModifyUserOptions ¶
type ModifyUserOptions struct { Email *string `url:"email,omitempty" json:"email,omitempty"` Password *string `url:"password,omitempty" json:"password,omitempty"` Username *string `url:"username,omitempty" json:"username,omitempty"` Name *string `url:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"` Skype *string `url:"skype,omitempty" json:"skype,omitempty"` Linkedin *string `url:"linkedin,omitempty" json:"linkedin,omitempty"` Twitter *string `url:"twitter,omitempty" json:"twitter,omitempty"` WebsiteURL *string `url:"website_url,omitempty" json:"website_url,omitempty"` Organization *string `url:"organization,omitempty" json:"organization,omitempty"` ProjectsLimit *int `url:"projects_limit,omitempty" json:"projects_limit,omitempty"` ExternUID *string `url:"extern_uid,omitempty" json:"extern_uid,omitempty"` Provider *string `url:"provider,omitempty" json:"provider,omitempty"` Bio *string `url:"bio,omitempty" json:"bio,omitempty"` Location *string `url:"location,omitempty" json:"location,omitempty"` Admin *bool `url:"admin,omitempty" json:"admin,omitempty"` CanCreateGroup *bool `url:"can_create_group,omitempty" json:"can_create_group,omitempty"` SkipReconfirmation *bool `url:"skip_reconfirmation,omitempty" json:"skip_reconfirmation,omitempty"` External *bool `url:"external,omitempty" json:"external,omitempty"` }
ModifyUserOptions represents the available ModifyUser() options.
GitLab API docs:
type Namespace ¶
type Namespace struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Path string `json:"path"` Kind string `json:"kind"` FullPath string `json:"full_path"` ParentID int `json:"parent_id"` MembersCountWithDescendants int `json:"members_count_with_descendants"` }
Namespace represents a GitLab namespace.
GitLab API docs:
type NamespacesService ¶
type NamespacesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NamespacesService handles communication with the namespace related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*NamespacesService) GetNamespace ¶
func (s *NamespacesService) GetNamespace(id interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Namespace, *Response, error)
GetNamespace gets a namespace by id.
GitLab API docs:
func (*NamespacesService) ListNamespaces ¶
func (s *NamespacesService) ListNamespaces(opt *ListNamespacesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Namespace, *Response, error)
ListNamespaces gets a list of projects accessible by the authenticated user.
GitLab API docs:
func (*NamespacesService) SearchNamespace ¶
func (s *NamespacesService) SearchNamespace(query string, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Namespace, *Response, error)
SearchNamespace gets all namespaces that match your string in their name or path.
GitLab API docs:
type Note ¶
type Note struct { ID int `json:"id"` Body string `json:"body"` Attachment string `json:"attachment"` Title string `json:"title"` FileName string `json:"file_name"` Author struct { ID int `json:"id"` Username string `json:"username"` Email string `json:"email"` Name string `json:"name"` State string `json:"state"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` } `json:"author"` System bool `json:"system"` ExpiresAt *time.Time `json:"expires_at"` UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updated_at"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` NoteableID int `json:"noteable_id"` NoteableType string `json:"noteable_type"` Position *NotePosition `json:"position"` Resolvable bool `json:"resolvable"` Resolved bool `json:"resolved"` ResolvedBy struct { ID int `json:"id"` Username string `json:"username"` Email string `json:"email"` Name string `json:"name"` State string `json:"state"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` } `json:"resolved_by"` NoteableIID int `json:"noteable_iid"` }
Note represents a GitLab note.
GitLab API docs:
type NotePosition ¶
type NotePosition struct { BaseSHA string `json:"base_sha"` StartSHA string `json:"start_sha"` HeadSHA string `json:"head_sha"` PositionType string `json:"position_type"` NewPath string `json:"new_path,omitempty"` NewLine int `json:"new_line,omitempty"` OldPath string `json:"old_path,omitempty"` OldLine int `json:"old_line,omitempty"` Width int `json:"width,omitempty"` Height int `json:"height,omitempty"` X int `json:"x,omitempty"` Y int `json:"y,omitempty"` }
NotePosition represents the position attributes of a note.
type NotesService ¶
type NotesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NotesService handles communication with the notes related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*NotesService) CreateIssueNote ¶
func (s *NotesService) CreateIssueNote(pid interface{}, issue int, opt *CreateIssueNoteOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Note, *Response, error)
CreateIssueNote creates a new note to a single project issue.
GitLab API docs:
func (*NotesService) CreateMergeRequestNote ¶
func (s *NotesService) CreateMergeRequestNote(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, opt *CreateMergeRequestNoteOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Note, *Response, error)
CreateMergeRequestNote creates a new note for a single merge request.
GitLab API docs:
func (*NotesService) CreateSnippetNote ¶
func (s *NotesService) CreateSnippetNote(pid interface{}, snippet int, opt *CreateSnippetNoteOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Note, *Response, error)
CreateSnippetNote creates a new note for a single snippet. Snippet notes are comments users can post to a snippet.
GitLab API docs:
func (*NotesService) DeleteIssueNote ¶
func (s *NotesService) DeleteIssueNote(pid interface{}, issue, note int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteIssueNote deletes an existing note of an issue.
func (*NotesService) DeleteMergeRequestNote ¶
func (s *NotesService) DeleteMergeRequestNote(pid interface{}, mergeRequest, note int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteMergeRequestNote deletes an existing note of a merge request.
func (*NotesService) DeleteSnippetNote ¶
func (s *NotesService) DeleteSnippetNote(pid interface{}, snippet, note int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteSnippetNote deletes an existing note of a snippet.
func (*NotesService) GetIssueNote ¶
func (s *NotesService) GetIssueNote(pid interface{}, issue, note int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Note, *Response, error)
GetIssueNote returns a single note for a specific project issue.
GitLab API docs:
func (*NotesService) GetMergeRequestNote ¶
func (s *NotesService) GetMergeRequestNote(pid interface{}, mergeRequest, note int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Note, *Response, error)
GetMergeRequestNote returns a single note for a given merge request.
GitLab API docs:
func (*NotesService) GetSnippetNote ¶
func (s *NotesService) GetSnippetNote(pid interface{}, snippet, note int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Note, *Response, error)
GetSnippetNote returns a single note for a given snippet.
GitLab API docs:
func (*NotesService) ListIssueNotes ¶
func (s *NotesService) ListIssueNotes(pid interface{}, issue int, opt *ListIssueNotesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Note, *Response, error)
ListIssueNotes gets a list of all notes for a single issue.
GitLab API docs:
func (*NotesService) ListMergeRequestNotes ¶
func (s *NotesService) ListMergeRequestNotes(pid interface{}, mergeRequest int, opt *ListMergeRequestNotesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Note, *Response, error)
ListMergeRequestNotes gets a list of all notes for a single merge request.
GitLab API docs:
func (*NotesService) ListSnippetNotes ¶
func (s *NotesService) ListSnippetNotes(pid interface{}, snippet int, opt *ListSnippetNotesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Note, *Response, error)
ListSnippetNotes gets a list of all notes for a single snippet. Snippet notes are comments users can post to a snippet.
GitLab API docs:
func (*NotesService) UpdateIssueNote ¶
func (s *NotesService) UpdateIssueNote(pid interface{}, issue, note int, opt *UpdateIssueNoteOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Note, *Response, error)
UpdateIssueNote modifies existing note of an issue.
func (*NotesService) UpdateMergeRequestNote ¶
func (s *NotesService) UpdateMergeRequestNote(pid interface{}, mergeRequest, note int, opt *UpdateMergeRequestNoteOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Note, *Response, error)
UpdateMergeRequestNote modifies existing note of a merge request.
func (*NotesService) UpdateSnippetNote ¶
func (s *NotesService) UpdateSnippetNote(pid interface{}, snippet, note int, opt *UpdateSnippetNoteOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Note, *Response, error)
UpdateSnippetNote modifies existing note of a snippet.
type NotificationEvents ¶
type NotificationEvents struct { CloseIssue bool `json:"close_issue"` CloseMergeRequest bool `json:"close_merge_request"` FailedPipeline bool `json:"failed_pipeline"` MergeMergeRequest bool `json:"merge_merge_request"` NewIssue bool `json:"new_issue"` NewMergeRequest bool `json:"new_merge_request"` NewNote bool `json:"new_note"` ReassignIssue bool `json:"reassign_issue"` ReassignMergeRequest bool `json:"reassign_merge_request"` ReopenIssue bool `json:"reopen_issue"` ReopenMergeRequest bool `json:"reopen_merge_request"` SuccessPipeline bool `json:"success_pipeline"` }
NotificationEvents represents the available notification setting events.
GitLab API docs:
type NotificationLevelValue ¶
type NotificationLevelValue int
NotificationLevelValue represents a notification level.
const ( DisabledNotificationLevel NotificationLevelValue = iota ParticipatingNotificationLevel WatchNotificationLevel GlobalNotificationLevel MentionNotificationLevel CustomNotificationLevel )
List of valid notification levels.
func NotificationLevel ¶
func NotificationLevel(v NotificationLevelValue) *NotificationLevelValue
NotificationLevel is a helper routine that allocates a new NotificationLevelValue to store v and returns a pointer to it.
func (NotificationLevelValue) MarshalJSON ¶
func (l NotificationLevelValue) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface.
func (NotificationLevelValue) String ¶
func (l NotificationLevelValue) String() string
String implements the fmt.Stringer interface.
func (*NotificationLevelValue) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *NotificationLevelValue) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaler interface.
type NotificationSettings ¶
type NotificationSettings struct { Level NotificationLevelValue `json:"level"` NotificationEmail string `json:"notification_email"` Events *NotificationEvents `json:"events"` }
NotificationSettings represents the Gitlab notification setting.
GitLab API docs:
func (NotificationSettings) String ¶
func (ns NotificationSettings) String() string
type NotificationSettingsOptions ¶
type NotificationSettingsOptions struct { Level *NotificationLevelValue `url:"level,omitempty" json:"level,omitempty"` NotificationEmail *string `url:"notification_email,omitempty" json:"notification_email,omitempty"` CloseIssue *bool `url:"close_issue,omitempty" json:"close_issue,omitempty"` CloseMergeRequest *bool `url:"close_merge_request,omitempty" json:"close_merge_request,omitempty"` FailedPipeline *bool `url:"failed_pipeline,omitempty" json:"failed_pipeline,omitempty"` MergeMergeRequest *bool `url:"merge_merge_request,omitempty" json:"merge_merge_request,omitempty"` NewIssue *bool `url:"new_issue,omitempty" json:"new_issue,omitempty"` NewMergeRequest *bool `url:"new_merge_request,omitempty" json:"new_merge_request,omitempty"` NewNote *bool `url:"new_note,omitempty" json:"new_note,omitempty"` ReassignIssue *bool `url:"reassign_issue,omitempty" json:"reassign_issue,omitempty"` ReassignMergeRequest *bool `url:"reassign_merge_request,omitempty" json:"reassign_merge_request,omitempty"` ReopenIssue *bool `url:"reopen_issue,omitempty" json:"reopen_issue,omitempty"` ReopenMergeRequest *bool `url:"reopen_merge_request,omitempty" json:"reopen_merge_request,omitempty"` SuccessPipeline *bool `url:"success_pipeline,omitempty" json:"success_pipeline,omitempty"` }
NotificationSettingsOptions represents the available options that can be passed to the API when updating the notification settings.
type NotificationSettingsService ¶
type NotificationSettingsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NotificationSettingsService handles communication with the notification settings related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*NotificationSettingsService) GetGlobalSettings ¶
func (s *NotificationSettingsService) GetGlobalSettings(options ...OptionFunc) (*NotificationSettings, *Response, error)
GetGlobalSettings returns current notification settings and email address.
GitLab API docs:
func (*NotificationSettingsService) GetSettingsForGroup ¶
func (s *NotificationSettingsService) GetSettingsForGroup(gid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*NotificationSettings, *Response, error)
GetSettingsForGroup returns current group notification settings.
GitLab API docs:
func (*NotificationSettingsService) GetSettingsForProject ¶
func (s *NotificationSettingsService) GetSettingsForProject(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*NotificationSettings, *Response, error)
GetSettingsForProject returns current project notification settings.
GitLab API docs:
func (*NotificationSettingsService) UpdateGlobalSettings ¶
func (s *NotificationSettingsService) UpdateGlobalSettings(opt *NotificationSettingsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*NotificationSettings, *Response, error)
UpdateGlobalSettings updates current notification settings and email address.
GitLab API docs:
func (*NotificationSettingsService) UpdateSettingsForGroup ¶
func (s *NotificationSettingsService) UpdateSettingsForGroup(gid interface{}, opt *NotificationSettingsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*NotificationSettings, *Response, error)
UpdateSettingsForGroup updates current group notification settings.
GitLab API docs:
func (*NotificationSettingsService) UpdateSettingsForProject ¶
func (s *NotificationSettingsService) UpdateSettingsForProject(pid interface{}, opt *NotificationSettingsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*NotificationSettings, *Response, error)
UpdateSettingsForProject updates current project notification settings.
GitLab API docs:
type OptionFunc ¶
OptionFunc can be passed to all API requests to make the API call as if you were another user, provided your private token is from an administrator account.
GitLab docs:
func WithContext ¶
func WithContext(ctx context.Context) OptionFunc
WithContext runs the request with the provided context
func WithSudo ¶
func WithSudo(uid interface{}) OptionFunc
WithSudo takes either a username or user ID and sets the SUDO request header
type PagesDomain ¶
type PagesDomain struct { Domain string `json:"domain"` URL string `json:"url"` ProjectID int `json:"project_id"` Verified bool `json:"verified"` VerificationCode string `json:"verification_code"` EnabledUntil *time.Time `json:"enabled_until"` Certificate struct { Expired bool `json:"expired"` Expiration *time.Time `json:"expiration"` } `json:"certificate"` }
PagesDomain represents a pages domain.
GitLab API docs:
type PagesDomainsService ¶
type PagesDomainsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PagesDomainsService handles communication with the pages domains related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*PagesDomainsService) CreatePagesDomain ¶
func (s *PagesDomainsService) CreatePagesDomain(pid interface{}, opt *CreatePagesDomainOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*PagesDomain, *Response, error)
CreatePagesDomain creates a new project pages domain.
GitLab API docs:
func (*PagesDomainsService) DeletePagesDomain ¶
func (s *PagesDomainsService) DeletePagesDomain(pid interface{}, domain string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeletePagesDomain deletes an existing prject pages domain.
GitLab API docs:
func (*PagesDomainsService) GetPagesDomain ¶
func (s *PagesDomainsService) GetPagesDomain(pid interface{}, domain string, options ...OptionFunc) (*PagesDomain, *Response, error)
GetPagesDomain get a specific pages domain for a project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*PagesDomainsService) ListAllPagesDomains ¶
func (s *PagesDomainsService) ListAllPagesDomains(options ...OptionFunc) ([]*PagesDomain, *Response, error)
ListAllPagesDomains gets a list of all pages domains.
GitLab API docs:
func (*PagesDomainsService) ListPagesDomains ¶
func (s *PagesDomainsService) ListPagesDomains(pid interface{}, opt *ListPagesDomainsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*PagesDomain, *Response, error)
ListPagesDomains gets a list of project pages domains.
GitLab API docs:
func (*PagesDomainsService) UpdatePagesDomain ¶
func (s *PagesDomainsService) UpdatePagesDomain(pid interface{}, domain string, opt *UpdatePagesDomainOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*PagesDomain, *Response, error)
UpdatePagesDomain updates an existing project pages domain.
GitLab API docs:
type Permissions ¶
type Permissions struct { ProjectAccess *ProjectAccess `json:"project_access"` GroupAccess *GroupAccess `json:"group_access"` }
Permissions represents permissions.
type Pipeline ¶
type Pipeline struct { ID int `json:"id"` Status string `json:"status"` Ref string `json:"ref"` Sha string `json:"sha"` BeforeSha string `json:"before_sha"` Tag bool `json:"tag"` YamlErrors string `json:"yaml_errors"` User struct { Name string `json:"name"` Username string `json:"username"` ID int `json:"id"` State string `json:"state"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` } UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updated_at"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` StartedAt *time.Time `json:"started_at"` FinishedAt *time.Time `json:"finished_at"` CommittedAt *time.Time `json:"committed_at"` Duration int `json:"duration"` Coverage string `json:"coverage"` }
Pipeline represents a GitLab pipeline.
GitLab API docs:
type PipelineEvent ¶
type PipelineEvent struct { ObjectKind string `json:"object_kind"` ObjectAttributes struct { ID int `json:"id"` Ref string `json:"ref"` Tag bool `json:"tag"` Sha string `json:"sha"` BeforeSha string `json:"before_sha"` Status string `json:"status"` Stages []string `json:"stages"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` FinishedAt string `json:"finished_at"` Duration int `json:"duration"` } `json:"object_attributes"` User struct { Name string `json:"name"` Username string `json:"username"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` } `json:"user"` Project struct { Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` GitSSHURL string `json:"git_ssh_url"` GitHTTPURL string `json:"git_http_url"` Namespace string `json:"namespace"` PathWithNamespace string `json:"path_with_namespace"` DefaultBranch string `json:"default_branch"` Homepage string `json:"homepage"` URL string `json:"url"` SSHURL string `json:"ssh_url"` HTTPURL string `json:"http_url"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` Visibility VisibilityValue `json:"visibility"` } `json:"project"` Commit struct { ID string `json:"id"` Message string `json:"message"` Timestamp *time.Time `json:"timestamp"` URL string `json:"url"` Author struct { Name string `json:"name"` Email string `json:"email"` } `json:"author"` } `json:"commit"` Builds []struct { ID int `json:"id"` Stage string `json:"stage"` Name string `json:"name"` Status string `json:"status"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` StartedAt string `json:"started_at"` FinishedAt string `json:"finished_at"` When string `json:"when"` Manual bool `json:"manual"` User struct { Name string `json:"name"` Username string `json:"username"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` } `json:"user"` Runner struct { ID int `json:"id"` Description string `json:"description"` Active bool `json:"active"` IsShared bool `json:"is_shared"` } `json:"runner"` ArtifactsFile struct { Filename string `json:"filename"` Size int `json:"size"` } `json:"artifacts_file"` } `json:"builds"` }
PipelineEvent represents a pipeline event.
GitLab API docs:
type PipelineList ¶
type PipelineList []struct { ID int `json:"id"` Status string `json:"status"` Ref string `json:"ref"` Sha string `json:"sha"` }
PipelineList represents a GitLab list project pipelines
GitLab API docs:
func (PipelineList) String ¶
func (i PipelineList) String() string
type PipelineSchedule ¶
type PipelineSchedule struct { ID int `json:"id"` Description string `json:"description"` Ref string `json:"ref"` Cron string `json:"cron"` CronTimezone string `json:"cron_timezone"` NextRunAt *time.Time `json:"next_run_at"` Active bool `json:"active"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updated_at"` Owner *User `json:"owner"` LastPipeline struct { ID int `json:"id"` Sha string `json:"sha"` Ref string `json:"ref"` Status string `json:"status"` } `json:"last_pipeline"` Variables []*PipelineVariable `json:"variables"` }
PipelineSchedule represents a pipeline schedule.
GitLab API docs:
type PipelineSchedulesService ¶
type PipelineSchedulesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PipelineSchedulesService handles communication with the pipeline schedules related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*PipelineSchedulesService) CreatePipelineSchedule ¶
func (s *PipelineSchedulesService) CreatePipelineSchedule(pid interface{}, opt *CreatePipelineScheduleOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*PipelineSchedule, *Response, error)
CreatePipelineSchedule creates a pipeline schedule.
GitLab API docs:
func (*PipelineSchedulesService) CreatePipelineScheduleVariable ¶
func (s *PipelineSchedulesService) CreatePipelineScheduleVariable(pid interface{}, schedule int, opt *CreatePipelineScheduleVariableOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*PipelineVariable, *Response, error)
CreatePipelineScheduleVariable creates a pipeline schedule variable.
GitLab API docs:
func (*PipelineSchedulesService) DeletePipelineSchedule ¶
func (s *PipelineSchedulesService) DeletePipelineSchedule(pid interface{}, schedule int, options ...OptionFunc) (*PipelineSchedule, *Response, error)
DeletePipelineSchedule deletes a pipeline schedule.
GitLab API docs:
func (*PipelineSchedulesService) DeletePipelineScheduleVariable ¶
func (s *PipelineSchedulesService) DeletePipelineScheduleVariable(pid interface{}, schedule int, key string, options ...OptionFunc) (*PipelineVariable, *Response, error)
DeletePipelineScheduleVariable creates a pipeline schedule variable.
GitLab API docs:
func (*PipelineSchedulesService) EditPipelineSchedule ¶
func (s *PipelineSchedulesService) EditPipelineSchedule(pid interface{}, schedule int, opt *EditPipelineScheduleOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*PipelineSchedule, *Response, error)
EditPipelineSchedule edits a pipeline schedule.
GitLab API docs:
func (*PipelineSchedulesService) EditPipelineScheduleVariable ¶
func (s *PipelineSchedulesService) EditPipelineScheduleVariable(pid interface{}, schedule int, key string, opt *EditPipelineScheduleVariableOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*PipelineVariable, *Response, error)
EditPipelineScheduleVariable creates a pipeline schedule variable.
GitLab API docs:
func (*PipelineSchedulesService) GetPipelineSchedule ¶
func (s *PipelineSchedulesService) GetPipelineSchedule(pid interface{}, schedule int, options ...OptionFunc) (*PipelineSchedule, *Response, error)
GetPipelineSchedule gets a pipeline schedule.
GitLab API docs:
func (*PipelineSchedulesService) ListPipelineSchedules ¶
func (s *PipelineSchedulesService) ListPipelineSchedules(pid interface{}, opt *ListPipelineSchedulesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*PipelineSchedule, *Response, error)
ListPipelineSchedules gets a list of project triggers.
GitLab API docs:
func (*PipelineSchedulesService) TakeOwnershipOfPipelineSchedule ¶
func (s *PipelineSchedulesService) TakeOwnershipOfPipelineSchedule(pid interface{}, schedule int, options ...OptionFunc) (*PipelineSchedule, *Response, error)
TakeOwnershipOfPipelineSchedule sets the owner of the specified pipeline schedule to the user issuing the request.
GitLab API docs:
type PipelineTrigger ¶
type PipelineTrigger struct { ID int `json:"id"` Description string `json:"description"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` DeletedAt *time.Time `json:"deleted_at"` LastUsed *time.Time `json:"last_used"` Token string `json:"token"` UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updated_at"` Owner *User `json:"owner"` }
PipelineTrigger represents a project pipeline trigger.
GitLab API docs:
type PipelineTriggersService ¶
type PipelineTriggersService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PipelineTriggersService handles Project pipeline triggers.
GitLab API docs:
func (*PipelineTriggersService) AddPipelineTrigger ¶
func (s *PipelineTriggersService) AddPipelineTrigger(pid interface{}, opt *AddPipelineTriggerOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*PipelineTrigger, *Response, error)
AddPipelineTrigger adds a pipeline trigger to a specified project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*PipelineTriggersService) DeletePipelineTrigger ¶
func (s *PipelineTriggersService) DeletePipelineTrigger(pid interface{}, trigger int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeletePipelineTrigger removes a trigger from a project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*PipelineTriggersService) EditPipelineTrigger ¶
func (s *PipelineTriggersService) EditPipelineTrigger(pid interface{}, trigger int, opt *EditPipelineTriggerOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*PipelineTrigger, *Response, error)
EditPipelineTrigger edits a trigger for a specified project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*PipelineTriggersService) GetPipelineTrigger ¶
func (s *PipelineTriggersService) GetPipelineTrigger(pid interface{}, trigger int, options ...OptionFunc) (*PipelineTrigger, *Response, error)
GetPipelineTrigger gets a specific pipeline trigger for a project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*PipelineTriggersService) ListPipelineTriggers ¶
func (s *PipelineTriggersService) ListPipelineTriggers(pid interface{}, opt *ListPipelineTriggersOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*PipelineTrigger, *Response, error)
ListPipelineTriggers gets a list of project triggers.
GitLab API docs:
func (*PipelineTriggersService) RunPipelineTrigger ¶
func (s *PipelineTriggersService) RunPipelineTrigger(pid interface{}, opt *RunPipelineTriggerOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Pipeline, *Response, error)
RunPipelineTrigger starts a trigger from a project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*PipelineTriggersService) TakeOwnershipOfPipelineTrigger ¶
func (s *PipelineTriggersService) TakeOwnershipOfPipelineTrigger(pid interface{}, trigger int, options ...OptionFunc) (*PipelineTrigger, *Response, error)
TakeOwnershipOfPipelineTrigger sets the owner of the specified pipeline trigger to the user issuing the request.
GitLab API docs:
type PipelineVariable ¶
PipelineVariable represents a pipeline variable.
GitLab API docs:
type PipelinesService ¶
type PipelinesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PipelinesService handles communication with the repositories related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*PipelinesService) CancelPipelineBuild ¶
func (s *PipelinesService) CancelPipelineBuild(pid interface{}, pipelineID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Pipeline, *Response, error)
CancelPipelineBuild cancels a pipeline builds
GitLab API docs:
func (*PipelinesService) CreatePipeline ¶
func (s *PipelinesService) CreatePipeline(pid interface{}, opt *CreatePipelineOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Pipeline, *Response, error)
CreatePipeline creates a new project pipeline.
GitLab API docs:
func (*PipelinesService) GetPipeline ¶
func (s *PipelinesService) GetPipeline(pid interface{}, pipeline int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Pipeline, *Response, error)
GetPipeline gets a single project pipeline.
GitLab API docs:
func (*PipelinesService) ListProjectPipelines ¶
func (s *PipelinesService) ListProjectPipelines(pid interface{}, opt *ListProjectPipelinesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (PipelineList, *Response, error)
ListProjectPipelines gets a list of project piplines.
GitLab API docs:
func (*PipelinesService) RetryPipelineBuild ¶
func (s *PipelinesService) RetryPipelineBuild(pid interface{}, pipelineID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Pipeline, *Response, error)
RetryPipelineBuild retries failed builds in a pipeline
GitLab API docs:
type PostCommitCommentOptions ¶
type PostCommitCommentOptions struct { Note *string `url:"note,omitempty" json:"note,omitempty"` Path *string `url:"path" json:"path"` Line *int `url:"line" json:"line"` LineType *string `url:"line_type" json:"line_type"` }
PostCommitCommentOptions represents the available PostCommitComment() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ProcessMetrics ¶
type ProcessMetrics struct { Processes []struct { Hostname string `json:"hostname"` Pid int `json:"pid"` Tag string `json:"tag"` StartedAt *time.Time `json:"started_at"` Queues []string `json:"queues"` Labels []string `json:"labels"` Concurrency int `json:"concurrency"` Busy int `json:"busy"` } `json:"processes"` }
ProcessMetrics represents the GitLab sidekiq process metrics.
GitLab API docs:
type Project ¶
type Project struct { ID int `json:"id"` Description string `json:"description"` DefaultBranch string `json:"default_branch"` Public bool `json:"public"` Visibility VisibilityValue `json:"visibility"` SSHURLToRepo string `json:"ssh_url_to_repo"` HTTPURLToRepo string `json:"http_url_to_repo"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` TagList []string `json:"tag_list"` Owner *User `json:"owner"` Name string `json:"name"` NameWithNamespace string `json:"name_with_namespace"` Path string `json:"path"` PathWithNamespace string `json:"path_with_namespace"` IssuesEnabled bool `json:"issues_enabled"` OpenIssuesCount int `json:"open_issues_count"` MergeRequestsEnabled bool `json:"merge_requests_enabled"` ApprovalsBeforeMerge int `json:"approvals_before_merge"` JobsEnabled bool `json:"jobs_enabled"` WikiEnabled bool `json:"wiki_enabled"` SnippetsEnabled bool `json:"snippets_enabled"` ContainerRegistryEnabled bool `json:"container_registry_enabled"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at,omitempty"` LastActivityAt *time.Time `json:"last_activity_at,omitempty"` CreatorID int `json:"creator_id"` Namespace *ProjectNamespace `json:"namespace"` ImportStatus string `json:"import_status"` ImportError string `json:"import_error"` Permissions *Permissions `json:"permissions"` Archived bool `json:"archived"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` ForksCount int `json:"forks_count"` StarCount int `json:"star_count"` RunnersToken string `json:"runners_token"` PublicJobs bool `json:"public_jobs"` OnlyAllowMergeIfPipelineSucceeds bool `json:"only_allow_merge_if_pipeline_succeeds"` OnlyAllowMergeIfAllDiscussionsAreResolved bool `json:"only_allow_merge_if_all_discussions_are_resolved"` LFSEnabled bool `json:"lfs_enabled"` RequestAccessEnabled bool `json:"request_access_enabled"` MergeMethod string `json:"merge_method"` ForkedFromProject *ForkParent `json:"forked_from_project"` GroupID int `json:"group_id"` GroupName string `json:"group_name"` GroupAccessLevel int `json:"group_access_level"` } `json:"shared_with_groups"` Statistics *ProjectStatistics `json:"statistics"` Links *Links `json:"_links,omitempty"` CIConfigPath *string `json:"ci_config_path"` }
Project represents a GitLab project.
GitLab API docs:
type ProjectAccess ¶
type ProjectAccess struct { AccessLevel AccessLevelValue `json:"access_level"` NotificationLevel NotificationLevelValue `json:"notification_level"` }
ProjectAccess represents project access.
type ProjectBadge ¶
type ProjectBadge struct { ID int `json:"id"` LinkURL string `json:"link_url"` ImageURL string `json:"image_url"` RenderedLinkURL string `json:"rendered_link_url"` RenderedImageURL string `json:"rendered_image_url"` // Kind represents a project badge kind. Can be empty, when used PreviewProjectBadge(). Kind string `json:"kind"` }
ProjectBadge represents a project badge.
GitLab API docs:
type ProjectBadgePreviewOptions ¶
type ProjectBadgePreviewOptions struct { LinkURL *string `url:"link_url,omitempty" json:"link_url,omitempty"` ImageURL *string `url:"image_url,omitempty" json:"image_url,omitempty"` }
ProjectBadgePreviewOptions represents the available PreviewProjectBadge() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ProjectBadgesService ¶
type ProjectBadgesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ProjectBadgesService handles communication with the project badges related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectBadgesService) AddProjectBadge ¶
func (s *ProjectBadgesService) AddProjectBadge(pid interface{}, opt *AddProjectBadgeOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProjectBadge, *Response, error)
AddProjectBadge adds a badge to a project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectBadgesService) DeleteProjectBadge ¶
func (s *ProjectBadgesService) DeleteProjectBadge(pid interface{}, badge int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteProjectBadge removes a badge from a project. Only project's badges will be removed by using this endpoint.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectBadgesService) EditProjectBadge ¶
func (s *ProjectBadgesService) EditProjectBadge(pid interface{}, badge int, opt *EditProjectBadgeOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProjectBadge, *Response, error)
EditProjectBadge updates a badge of a project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectBadgesService) GetProjectBadge ¶
func (s *ProjectBadgesService) GetProjectBadge(pid interface{}, badge int, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProjectBadge, *Response, error)
GetProjectBadge gets a project badge.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectBadgesService) ListProjectBadges ¶
func (s *ProjectBadgesService) ListProjectBadges(pid interface{}, opt *ListProjectBadgesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*ProjectBadge, *Response, error)
ListProjectBadges gets a list of a project's badges and its group badges.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectBadgesService) PreviewProjectBadge ¶
func (s *ProjectBadgesService) PreviewProjectBadge(pid interface{}, opt *ProjectBadgePreviewOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProjectBadge, *Response, error)
PreviewProjectBadge returns how the link_url and image_url final URLs would be after resolving the placeholder interpolation.
GitLab API docs:
type ProjectEvent ¶
type ProjectEvent struct { Title interface{} `json:"title"` ProjectID int `json:"project_id"` ActionName string `json:"action_name"` TargetID interface{} `json:"target_id"` TargetType interface{} `json:"target_type"` AuthorID int `json:"author_id"` AuthorUsername string `json:"author_username"` Data struct { Before string `json:"before"` After string `json:"after"` Ref string `json:"ref"` UserID int `json:"user_id"` UserName string `json:"user_name"` Repository *Repository `json:"repository"` Commits []*Commit `json:"commits"` TotalCommitsCount int `json:"total_commits_count"` } `json:"data"` TargetTitle interface{} `json:"target_title"` }
ProjectEvent represents a GitLab project event.
GitLab API docs:
func (ProjectEvent) String ¶
func (s ProjectEvent) String() string
type ProjectFile ¶
type ProjectFile struct { Alt string `json:"alt"` URL string `json:"url"` Markdown string `json:"markdown"` }
ProjectFile represents an uploaded project file
GitLab API docs:
type ProjectForkRelation ¶
type ProjectForkRelation struct { ID int `json:"id"` ForkedToProjectID int `json:"forked_to_project_id"` ForkedFromProjectID int `json:"forked_from_project_id"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updated_at"` }
ProjectForkRelation represents a project fork relationship.
GitLab API docs:
type ProjectHook ¶
type ProjectHook struct { ID int `json:"id"` URL string `json:"url"` ProjectID int `json:"project_id"` PushEvents bool `json:"push_events"` IssuesEvents bool `json:"issues_events"` ConfidentialIssuesEvents bool `json:"confidential_issues_events"` MergeRequestsEvents bool `json:"merge_requests_events"` TagPushEvents bool `json:"tag_push_events"` NoteEvents bool `json:"note_events"` JobEvents bool `json:"job_events"` PipelineEvents bool `json:"pipeline_events"` WikiPageEvents bool `json:"wiki_page_events"` EnableSSLVerification bool `json:"enable_ssl_verification"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` }
ProjectHook represents a project hook.
GitLab API docs:
type ProjectLanguages ¶
ProjectLanguages is a map of strings because the response is arbitrary
Gitlab API docs:
type ProjectMember ¶
type ProjectMember struct { ID int `json:"id"` Username string `json:"username"` Email string `json:"email"` Name string `json:"name"` State string `json:"state"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` AccessLevel AccessLevelValue `json:"access_level"` }
ProjectMember represents a project member.
GitLab API docs:
type ProjectMembersService ¶
type ProjectMembersService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ProjectMembersService handles communication with the project members related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectMembersService) AddProjectMember ¶
func (s *ProjectMembersService) AddProjectMember(pid interface{}, opt *AddProjectMemberOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProjectMember, *Response, error)
AddProjectMember adds a user to a project team. This is an idempotent method and can be called multiple times with the same parameters. Adding team membership to a user that is already a member does not affect the existing membership.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectMembersService) DeleteProjectMember ¶
func (s *ProjectMembersService) DeleteProjectMember(pid interface{}, user int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteProjectMember removes a user from a project team.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectMembersService) EditProjectMember ¶
func (s *ProjectMembersService) EditProjectMember(pid interface{}, user int, opt *EditProjectMemberOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProjectMember, *Response, error)
EditProjectMember updates a project team member to a specified access level..
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectMembersService) GetProjectMember ¶
func (s *ProjectMembersService) GetProjectMember(pid interface{}, user int, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProjectMember, *Response, error)
GetProjectMember gets a project team member.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectMembersService) ListAllProjectMembers ¶
func (s *ProjectMembersService) ListAllProjectMembers(pid interface{}, opt *ListProjectMembersOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*ProjectMember, *Response, error)
ListAllProjectMembers gets a list of a project's team members viewable by the authenticated user. Returns a list including inherited members through ancestor groups.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectMembersService) ListProjectMembers ¶
func (s *ProjectMembersService) ListProjectMembers(pid interface{}, opt *ListProjectMembersOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*ProjectMember, *Response, error)
ListProjectMembers gets a list of a project's team members viewable by the authenticated user. Returns only direct members and not inherited members through ancestors groups.
GitLab API docs:
type ProjectNamespace ¶
type ProjectNamespace struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Path string `json:"path"` Kind string `json:"kind"` FullPath string `json:"full_path"` }
ProjectNamespace represents a project namespace.
type ProjectSnippetsService ¶
type ProjectSnippetsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ProjectSnippetsService handles communication with the project snippets related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectSnippetsService) CreateSnippet ¶
func (s *ProjectSnippetsService) CreateSnippet(pid interface{}, opt *CreateProjectSnippetOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Snippet, *Response, error)
CreateSnippet creates a new project snippet. The user must have permission to create new snippets.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectSnippetsService) DeleteSnippet ¶
func (s *ProjectSnippetsService) DeleteSnippet(pid interface{}, snippet int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteSnippet deletes an existing project snippet. This is an idempotent function and deleting a non-existent snippet still returns a 200 OK status code.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectSnippetsService) GetSnippet ¶
func (s *ProjectSnippetsService) GetSnippet(pid interface{}, snippet int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Snippet, *Response, error)
GetSnippet gets a single project snippet
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectSnippetsService) ListSnippets ¶
func (s *ProjectSnippetsService) ListSnippets(pid interface{}, opt *ListProjectSnippetsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Snippet, *Response, error)
ListSnippets gets a list of project snippets.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectSnippetsService) SnippetContent ¶
func (s *ProjectSnippetsService) SnippetContent(pid interface{}, snippet int, options ...OptionFunc) ([]byte, *Response, error)
SnippetContent returns the raw project snippet as plain text.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectSnippetsService) UpdateSnippet ¶
func (s *ProjectSnippetsService) UpdateSnippet(pid interface{}, snippet int, opt *UpdateProjectSnippetOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Snippet, *Response, error)
UpdateSnippet updates an existing project snippet. The user must have permission to change an existing snippet.
GitLab API docs:
type ProjectStatistics ¶
type ProjectStatistics struct { StorageStatistics CommitCount int `json:"commit_count"` }
ProjectStatistics represents a statistics record for a project.
type ProjectUser ¶
type ProjectUser struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Username string `json:"username"` State string `json:"state"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` }
ProjectUser represents a GitLab project user.
type ProjectVariable ¶
type ProjectVariable struct { Key string `json:"key"` Value string `json:"value"` Protected bool `json:"protected"` EnvironmentScope string `json:"environment_scope"` }
ProjectVariable represents a GitLab Project Variable.
GitLab API docs:
func (ProjectVariable) String ¶
func (v ProjectVariable) String() string
type ProjectVariablesService ¶
type ProjectVariablesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ProjectVariablesService handles communication with the project variables related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectVariablesService) CreateVariable ¶
func (s *ProjectVariablesService) CreateVariable(pid interface{}, opt *CreateVariableOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProjectVariable, *Response, error)
CreateVariable creates a new project variable.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectVariablesService) GetVariable ¶
func (s *ProjectVariablesService) GetVariable(pid interface{}, key string, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProjectVariable, *Response, error)
GetVariable gets a variable.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectVariablesService) ListVariables ¶
func (s *ProjectVariablesService) ListVariables(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*ProjectVariable, *Response, error)
ListVariables gets a list of all variables in a project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectVariablesService) RemoveVariable ¶
func (s *ProjectVariablesService) RemoveVariable(pid interface{}, key string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
RemoveVariable removes a project's variable.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectVariablesService) UpdateVariable ¶
func (s *ProjectVariablesService) UpdateVariable(pid interface{}, key string, opt *UpdateVariableOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProjectVariable, *Response, error)
UpdateVariable updates the position of an existing group issue board list.
GitLab API docs:
type ProjectsService ¶
type ProjectsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ProjectsService handles communication with the repositories related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectsService) AddProjectHook ¶
func (s *ProjectsService) AddProjectHook(pid interface{}, opt *AddProjectHookOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProjectHook, *Response, error)
AddProjectHook adds a hook to a specified project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectsService) ArchiveProject ¶
func (s *ProjectsService) ArchiveProject(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Project, *Response, error)
ArchiveProject archives the project if the user is either admin or the project owner of this project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectsService) CreateProject ¶
func (s *ProjectsService) CreateProject(opt *CreateProjectOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Project, *Response, error)
CreateProject creates a new project owned by the authenticated user.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectsService) CreateProjectForUser ¶
func (s *ProjectsService) CreateProjectForUser(user int, opt *CreateProjectForUserOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Project, *Response, error)
CreateProjectForUser creates a new project owned by the specified user. Available only for admins.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectsService) CreateProjectForkRelation ¶
func (s *ProjectsService) CreateProjectForkRelation(pid int, fork int, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProjectForkRelation, *Response, error)
CreateProjectForkRelation creates a forked from/to relation between existing projects.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectsService) DeleteProject ¶
func (s *ProjectsService) DeleteProject(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteProject removes a project including all associated resources (issues, merge requests etc.)
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectsService) DeleteProjectForkRelation ¶
func (s *ProjectsService) DeleteProjectForkRelation(pid int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteProjectForkRelation deletes an existing forked from relationship.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectsService) DeleteProjectHook ¶
func (s *ProjectsService) DeleteProjectHook(pid interface{}, hook int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteProjectHook removes a hook from a project. This is an idempotent method and can be called multiple times. Either the hook is available or not.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectsService) DeleteSharedProjectFromGroup ¶
func (s *ProjectsService) DeleteSharedProjectFromGroup(pid interface{}, groupID int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteSharedProjectFromGroup allows to unshare a project from a group.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectsService) EditProject ¶
func (s *ProjectsService) EditProject(pid interface{}, opt *EditProjectOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Project, *Response, error)
EditProject updates an existing project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectsService) EditProjectHook ¶
func (s *ProjectsService) EditProjectHook(pid interface{}, hook int, opt *EditProjectHookOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProjectHook, *Response, error)
EditProjectHook edits a hook for a specified project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectsService) ForkProject ¶
func (s *ProjectsService) ForkProject(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Project, *Response, error)
ForkProject forks a project into the user namespace of the authenticated user.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectsService) GetProject ¶
func (s *ProjectsService) GetProject(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Project, *Response, error)
GetProject gets a specific project, identified by project ID or NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME, which is owned by the authenticated user.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectsService) GetProjectEvents ¶
func (s *ProjectsService) GetProjectEvents(pid interface{}, opt *GetProjectEventsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*ProjectEvent, *Response, error)
GetProjectEvents gets the events for the specified project. Sorted from newest to latest.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectsService) GetProjectHook ¶
func (s *ProjectsService) GetProjectHook(pid interface{}, hook int, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProjectHook, *Response, error)
GetProjectHook gets a specific hook for a project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectsService) GetProjectLanguages ¶
func (s *ProjectsService) GetProjectLanguages(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProjectLanguages, *Response, error)
GetProjectLanguages gets a list of languages used by the project
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectsService) ListProjectForks ¶
func (s *ProjectsService) ListProjectForks(pid interface{}, opt *ListProjectsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Project, *Response, error)
ListProjectForks gets a list of project forks.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectsService) ListProjectHooks ¶
func (s *ProjectsService) ListProjectHooks(pid interface{}, opt *ListProjectHooksOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*ProjectHook, *Response, error)
ListProjectHooks gets a list of project hooks.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectsService) ListProjects ¶
func (s *ProjectsService) ListProjects(opt *ListProjectsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Project, *Response, error)
ListProjects gets a list of projects accessible by the authenticated user.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectsService) ListProjectsUsers ¶
func (s *ProjectsService) ListProjectsUsers(pid interface{}, opt *ListProjectUserOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*ProjectUser, *Response, error)
ListProjectsUsers gets a list of users for the given project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectsService) ListUserProjects ¶
func (s *ProjectsService) ListUserProjects(uid interface{}, opt *ListProjectsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Project, *Response, error)
ListUserProjects gets a list of projects for the given user.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectsService) ShareProjectWithGroup ¶
func (s *ProjectsService) ShareProjectWithGroup(pid interface{}, opt *ShareWithGroupOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
ShareProjectWithGroup allows to share a project with a group.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectsService) StarProject ¶
func (s *ProjectsService) StarProject(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Project, *Response, error)
StarProject stars a given the project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectsService) UnarchiveProject ¶
func (s *ProjectsService) UnarchiveProject(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Project, *Response, error)
UnarchiveProject unarchives the project if the user is either admin or the project owner of this project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectsService) UnstarProject ¶
func (s *ProjectsService) UnstarProject(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Project, *Response, error)
UnstarProject unstars a given project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProjectsService) UploadFile ¶
func (s *ProjectsService) UploadFile(pid interface{}, file string, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProjectFile, *Response, error)
UploadFile upload a file from disk
GitLab API docs:
type ProtectBranchOptions ¶
type ProtectBranchOptions struct { DevelopersCanPush *bool `url:"developers_can_push,omitempty" json:"developers_can_push,omitempty"` DevelopersCanMerge *bool `url:"developers_can_merge,omitempty" json:"developers_can_merge,omitempty"` }
ProtectBranchOptions represents the available ProtectBranch() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ProtectRepositoryBranchesOptions ¶
type ProtectRepositoryBranchesOptions struct { Name *string `url:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"` PushAccessLevel *AccessLevelValue `url:"push_access_level,omitempty" json:"push_access_level,omitempty"` MergeAccessLevel *AccessLevelValue `url:"merge_access_level,omitempty" json:"merge_access_level,omitempty"` }
ProtectRepositoryBranchesOptions represents the available ProtectRepositoryBranches() options.
GitLab API docs:
type ProtectedBranch ¶
type ProtectedBranch struct { Name string `json:"name"` PushAccessLevels []*BranchAccessDescription `json:"push_access_levels"` MergeAccessLevels []*BranchAccessDescription `json:"merge_access_levels"` }
ProtectedBranch represents a protected branch.
GitLab API docs:
type ProtectedBranchesService ¶
type ProtectedBranchesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ProtectedBranchesService handles communication with the protected branch related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProtectedBranchesService) GetProtectedBranch ¶
func (s *ProtectedBranchesService) GetProtectedBranch(pid interface{}, branch string, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProtectedBranch, *Response, error)
GetProtectedBranch gets a single protected branch or wildcard protected branch.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProtectedBranchesService) ListProtectedBranches ¶
func (s *ProtectedBranchesService) ListProtectedBranches(pid interface{}, opt *ListProtectedBranchesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*ProtectedBranch, *Response, error)
ListProtectedBranches gets a list of protected branches from a project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProtectedBranchesService) ProtectRepositoryBranches ¶
func (s *ProtectedBranchesService) ProtectRepositoryBranches(pid interface{}, opt *ProtectRepositoryBranchesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*ProtectedBranch, *Response, error)
ProtectRepositoryBranches protects a single repository branch or several project repository branches using a wildcard protected branch.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ProtectedBranchesService) UnprotectRepositoryBranches ¶
func (s *ProtectedBranchesService) UnprotectRepositoryBranches(pid interface{}, branch string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
UnprotectRepositoryBranches unprotects the given protected branch or wildcard protected branch.
GitLab API docs:
type PushEvent ¶
type PushEvent struct { ObjectKind string `json:"object_kind"` Before string `json:"before"` After string `json:"after"` Ref string `json:"ref"` CheckoutSha string `json:"checkout_sha"` UserID int `json:"user_id"` UserName string `json:"user_name"` UserEmail string `json:"user_email"` UserAvatar string `json:"user_avatar"` ProjectID int `json:"project_id"` Project struct { Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` GitSSHURL string `json:"git_ssh_url"` GitHTTPURL string `json:"git_http_url"` Namespace string `json:"namespace"` PathWithNamespace string `json:"path_with_namespace"` DefaultBranch string `json:"default_branch"` Homepage string `json:"homepage"` URL string `json:"url"` SSHURL string `json:"ssh_url"` HTTPURL string `json:"http_url"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` Visibility VisibilityValue `json:"visibility"` } `json:"project"` Repository *Repository `json:"repository"` Commits []*struct { ID string `json:"id"` Message string `json:"message"` Timestamp *time.Time `json:"timestamp"` URL string `json:"url"` Author struct { Name string `json:"name"` Email string `json:"email"` } `json:"author"` Added []string `json:"added"` Modified []string `json:"modified"` Removed []string `json:"removed"` } `json:"commits"` TotalCommitsCount int `json:"total_commits_count"` }
PushEvent represents a push event.
GitLab API docs:
type QueueMetrics ¶
type QueueMetrics struct { Queues map[string]struct { Backlog int `json:"backlog"` Latency int `json:"latency"` } `json:"queues"` }
QueueMetrics represents the GitLab sidekiq queue metrics.
GitLab API docs:
type RegisterNewRunnerOptions ¶
type RegisterNewRunnerOptions struct { Token *string `url:"token" json:"token"` Description *string `url:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` Info *string `url:"info,omitempty" json:"info,omitempty"` Active *bool `url:"active,omitempty" json:"active,omitempty"` Locked *bool `url:"locked,omitempty" json:"locked,omitempty"` RunUntagged *bool `url:"run_untagged,omitempty" json:"run_untagged,omitempty"` TagList []string `url:"tag_list[],omitempty" json:"tag_list,omitempty"` MaximumTimeout *int `url:"maximum_timeout,omitempty" json:"maximum_timeout,omitempty"` }
RegisterNewRunnerOptions represents the available RegisterNewRunner() options.
GitLab API docs:
type Release ¶
Release represents a GitLab version release.
GitLab API docs:
type RepositoriesService ¶
type RepositoriesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RepositoriesService handles communication with the repositories related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*RepositoriesService) Archive ¶
func (s *RepositoriesService) Archive(pid interface{}, opt *ArchiveOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]byte, *Response, error)
Archive gets an archive of the repository.
GitLab API docs:
func (*RepositoriesService) Compare ¶
func (s *RepositoriesService) Compare(pid interface{}, opt *CompareOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Compare, *Response, error)
Compare compares branches, tags or commits.
GitLab API docs:
func (*RepositoriesService) Contributors ¶
func (s *RepositoriesService) Contributors(pid interface{}, opt *ListContributorsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Contributor, *Response, error)
Contributors gets the repository contributors list.
GitLab API docs:
func (*RepositoriesService) ListTree ¶
func (s *RepositoriesService) ListTree(pid interface{}, opt *ListTreeOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*TreeNode, *Response, error)
ListTree gets a list of repository files and directories in a project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*RepositoriesService) RawBlobContent ¶
func (s *RepositoriesService) RawBlobContent(pid interface{}, sha string, options ...OptionFunc) ([]byte, *Response, error)
RawBlobContent gets the raw file contents for a blob by blob SHA.
GitLab API docs:
func (*RepositoriesService) RawFileContent ¶
func (s *RepositoriesService) RawFileContent(pid interface{}, sha string, options ...OptionFunc) ([]byte, *Response, error)
RawFileContent gets the raw file contents for a file by commit SHA and path
GitLab API docs:
type Repository ¶
type Repository struct { Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` GitSSHURL string `json:"git_ssh_url"` GitHTTPURL string `json:"git_http_url"` Namespace string `json:"namespace"` Visibility VisibilityValue `json:"visibility"` PathWithNamespace string `json:"path_with_namespace"` DefaultBranch string `json:"default_branch"` Homepage string `json:"homepage"` URL string `json:"url"` SSHURL string `json:"ssh_url"` HTTPURL string `json:"http_url"` }
Repository represents a repository.
type RepositoryFilesService ¶
type RepositoryFilesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RepositoryFilesService handles communication with the repository files related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*RepositoryFilesService) CreateFile ¶
func (s *RepositoryFilesService) CreateFile(pid interface{}, fileName string, opt *CreateFileOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*FileInfo, *Response, error)
CreateFile creates a new file in a repository.
GitLab API docs:
func (*RepositoryFilesService) DeleteFile ¶
func (s *RepositoryFilesService) DeleteFile(pid interface{}, fileName string, opt *DeleteFileOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteFile deletes an existing file in a repository
GitLab API docs:
func (*RepositoryFilesService) GetFile ¶
func (s *RepositoryFilesService) GetFile(pid interface{}, fileName string, opt *GetFileOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*File, *Response, error)
GetFile allows you to receive information about a file in repository like name, size, content. Note that file content is Base64 encoded.
GitLab API docs:
func (*RepositoryFilesService) GetRawFile ¶
func (s *RepositoryFilesService) GetRawFile(pid interface{}, fileName string, opt *GetRawFileOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]byte, *Response, error)
GetRawFile allows you to receive the raw file in repository.
GitLab API docs:
func (*RepositoryFilesService) UpdateFile ¶
func (s *RepositoryFilesService) UpdateFile(pid interface{}, fileName string, opt *UpdateFileOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*FileInfo, *Response, error)
UpdateFile updates an existing file in a repository
GitLab API docs:
type ResolveMergeRequestDiscussionOptions ¶
type ResolveMergeRequestDiscussionOptions struct {
Resolved *bool `url:"resolved,omitempty" json:"resolved,omitempty"`
ResolveMergeRequestDiscussionOptions represents the available ResolveMergeRequestDiscussion() options.
GitLab API docs:
type Response ¶
type Response struct { *http.Response // These fields provide the page values for paginating through a set of // results. Any or all of these may be set to the zero value for // responses that are not part of a paginated set, or for which there // are no additional pages. TotalItems int TotalPages int ItemsPerPage int CurrentPage int NextPage int PreviousPage int }
Response is a GitLab API response. This wraps the standard http.Response returned from GitLab and provides convenient access to things like pagination links.
type RunPipelineTriggerOptions ¶
type RunPipelineTriggerOptions struct { Ref *string `url:"ref" json:"ref"` Token *string `url:"token" json:"token"` Variables map[string]string `url:"variables,omitempty" json:"variables,omitempty"` }
RunPipelineTriggerOptions represents the available RunPipelineTrigger() options.
GitLab API docs:
type Runner ¶
type Runner struct { ID int `json:"id"` Description string `json:"description"` Active bool `json:"active"` IPAddress *net.IP `json:"ip_address"` Name string `json:"name"` Online bool `json:"online"` Status string `json:"status"` Token string `json:"token"` }
Runner represents a GitLab CI Runner.
GitLab API docs:
type RunnerDetails ¶
type RunnerDetails struct { Active bool `json:"active"` Architecture string `json:"architecture"` Description string `json:"description"` ID int `json:"id"` ContactedAt *time.Time `json:"contacted_at"` Name string `json:"name"` Online bool `json:"online"` Status string `json:"status"` Platform string `json:"platform"` Projects []struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` NameWithNamespace string `json:"name_with_namespace"` Path string `json:"path"` PathWithNamespace string `json:"path_with_namespace"` } `json:"projects"` Token string `json:"token"` Revision string `json:"revision"` TagList []string `json:"tag_list"` Version string `json:"version"` AccessLevel string `json:"access_level"` MaximumTimeout int `json:"maximum_timeout"` }
RunnerDetails represents the GitLab CI runner details.
GitLab API docs:
type RunnersService ¶
type RunnersService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RunnersService handles communication with the runner related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*RunnersService) DeleteRegisteredRunner ¶
func (s *RunnersService) DeleteRegisteredRunner(opt *DeleteRegisteredRunnerOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteRegisteredRunner registers a new Runner for the instance.
GitLab API docs:
func (*RunnersService) DisableProjectRunner ¶
func (s *RunnersService) DisableProjectRunner(pid interface{}, rid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DisableProjectRunner disables a specific runner from project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*RunnersService) EnableProjectRunner ¶
func (s *RunnersService) EnableProjectRunner(pid interface{}, opt *EnableProjectRunnerOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Runner, *Response, error)
EnableProjectRunner enables an available specific runner in the project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*RunnersService) GetRunnerDetails ¶
func (s *RunnersService) GetRunnerDetails(rid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*RunnerDetails, *Response, error)
GetRunnerDetails returns details for given runner.
GitLab API docs:
func (*RunnersService) ListAllRunners ¶
func (s *RunnersService) ListAllRunners(opt *ListRunnersOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Runner, *Response, error)
ListAllRunners gets a list of all runners in the GitLab instance. Access is restricted to users with admin privileges.
GitLab API docs:
func (*RunnersService) ListProjectRunners ¶
func (s *RunnersService) ListProjectRunners(pid interface{}, opt *ListProjectRunnersOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Runner, *Response, error)
ListProjectRunners gets a list of runners accessible by the authenticated user.
GitLab API docs:
func (*RunnersService) ListRunnerJobs ¶
func (s *RunnersService) ListRunnerJobs(rid interface{}, opt *ListRunnerJobsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Job, *Response, error)
ListRunnerJobs gets a list of jobs that are being processed or were processed by specified Runner.
GitLab API docs:
func (*RunnersService) ListRunners ¶
func (s *RunnersService) ListRunners(opt *ListRunnersOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Runner, *Response, error)
ListRunners gets a list of runners accessible by the authenticated user.
GitLab API docs:
func (*RunnersService) RegisterNewRunner ¶
func (s *RunnersService) RegisterNewRunner(opt *RegisterNewRunnerOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Runner, *Response, error)
RegisterNewRunner registers a new Runner for the instance.
GitLab API docs:
func (*RunnersService) RemoveRunner ¶
func (s *RunnersService) RemoveRunner(rid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
RemoveRunner removes a runner.
GitLab API docs:
func (*RunnersService) UpdateRunnerDetails ¶
func (s *RunnersService) UpdateRunnerDetails(rid interface{}, opt *UpdateRunnerDetailsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*RunnerDetails, *Response, error)
UpdateRunnerDetails updates details for a given runner.
GitLab API docs:
func (*RunnersService) VerifyRegisteredRunner ¶
func (s *RunnersService) VerifyRegisteredRunner(opt *VerifyRegisteredRunnerOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
VerifyRegisteredRunner registers a new Runner for the instance.
GitLab API docs:
type SSHKey ¶
type SSHKey struct { ID int `json:"id"` Title string `json:"title"` Key string `json:"key"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` }
SSHKey represents a SSH key.
GitLab API docs:
type SearchOptions ¶
type SearchOptions ListOptions
SearchOptions represents the available options for all search methods.
GitLab API docs:
type SearchService ¶
type SearchService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SearchService handles communication with the search related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*SearchService) Blobs ¶
func (s *SearchService) Blobs(query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Blob, *Response, error)
Blobs searches the expression within all blobs
GitLab API docs:
func (*SearchService) BlobsByGroup ¶
func (s *SearchService) BlobsByGroup(gid interface{}, query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Blob, *Response, error)
BlobsByGroup searches the expression within blobs for the specified group
GitLab API docs:
func (*SearchService) BlobsByProject ¶
func (s *SearchService) BlobsByProject(pid interface{}, query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Blob, *Response, error)
BlobsByProject searches the expression within blobs for the specified project
GitLab API docs:
func (*SearchService) Commits ¶
func (s *SearchService) Commits(query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Commit, *Response, error)
Commits searches the expression within all commits
GitLab API docs:
func (*SearchService) CommitsByGroup ¶
func (s *SearchService) CommitsByGroup(gid interface{}, query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Commit, *Response, error)
CommitsByGroup searches the expression within commits for the specified group
GitLab API docs:
func (*SearchService) CommitsByProject ¶
func (s *SearchService) CommitsByProject(pid interface{}, query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Commit, *Response, error)
CommitsByProject searches the expression within commits for the specified project
GitLab API docs:
func (*SearchService) Issues ¶
func (s *SearchService) Issues(query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Issue, *Response, error)
Issues searches the expression within issues
GitLab API docs:
func (*SearchService) IssuesByGroup ¶
func (s *SearchService) IssuesByGroup(gid interface{}, query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Issue, *Response, error)
IssuesByGroup searches the expression within issues for the specified group
GitLab API docs:
func (*SearchService) IssuesByProject ¶
func (s *SearchService) IssuesByProject(pid interface{}, query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Issue, *Response, error)
IssuesByProject searches the expression within issues for the specified project
GitLab API docs:
func (*SearchService) MergeRequests ¶
func (s *SearchService) MergeRequests(query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
MergeRequests searches the expression within merge requests
GitLab API docs:
func (*SearchService) MergeRequestsByGroup ¶
func (s *SearchService) MergeRequestsByGroup(gid interface{}, query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
MergeRequestsByGroup searches the expression within merge requests for the specified group
GitLab API docs:
func (*SearchService) MergeRequestsByProject ¶
func (s *SearchService) MergeRequestsByProject(pid interface{}, query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*MergeRequest, *Response, error)
MergeRequestsByProject searches the expression within merge requests for the specified project
GitLab API docs:
func (*SearchService) Milestones ¶
func (s *SearchService) Milestones(query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Milestone, *Response, error)
Milestones searches the expression within milestones
GitLab API docs:
func (*SearchService) MilestonesByGroup ¶
func (s *SearchService) MilestonesByGroup(gid interface{}, query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Milestone, *Response, error)
MilestonesByGroup searches the expression within milestones for the specified group
GitLab API docs:
func (*SearchService) MilestonesByProject ¶
func (s *SearchService) MilestonesByProject(pid interface{}, query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Milestone, *Response, error)
MilestonesByProject searches the expression within milestones for the specified project
GitLab API docs:
func (*SearchService) NotesByProject ¶
func (s *SearchService) NotesByProject(pid interface{}, query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Note, *Response, error)
NotesByProject searches the expression within notes for the specified project
GitLab API docs: //
func (*SearchService) Projects ¶
func (s *SearchService) Projects(query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Project, *Response, error)
Projects searches the expression within projects
GitLab API docs:
func (*SearchService) ProjectsByGroup ¶
func (s *SearchService) ProjectsByGroup(gid interface{}, query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Project, *Response, error)
ProjectsByGroup searches the expression within projects for the specified group
GitLab API docs:
func (*SearchService) SnippetBlobs ¶
func (s *SearchService) SnippetBlobs(query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Snippet, *Response, error)
SnippetBlobs searches the expression within snippet blobs
GitLab API docs:
func (*SearchService) SnippetTitles ¶
func (s *SearchService) SnippetTitles(query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Snippet, *Response, error)
SnippetTitles searches the expression within snippet titles
GitLab API docs:
func (*SearchService) WikiBlobs ¶
func (s *SearchService) WikiBlobs(query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Wiki, *Response, error)
WikiBlobs searches the expression within all wiki blobs
GitLab API docs:
func (*SearchService) WikiBlobsByGroup ¶
func (s *SearchService) WikiBlobsByGroup(gid interface{}, query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Wiki, *Response, error)
WikiBlobsByGroup searches the expression within wiki blobs for specified group
GitLab API docs:
func (*SearchService) WikiBlobsByProject ¶
func (s *SearchService) WikiBlobsByProject(pid interface{}, query string, opt *SearchOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Wiki, *Response, error)
WikiBlobsByProject searches the expression within wiki blobs for the specified project
GitLab API docs:
type Service ¶
type Service struct { ID int `json:"id"` Title string `json:"title"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updated_at"` Active bool `json:"active"` PushEvents bool `json:"push_events"` IssuesEvents bool `json:"issues_events"` ConfidentialIssuesEvents bool `json:"confidential_issues_events"` MergeRequestsEvents bool `json:"merge_requests_events"` TagPushEvents bool `json:"tag_push_events"` NoteEvents bool `json:"note_events"` ConfidentialNoteEvents bool `json:"confidential_note_events"` PipelineEvents bool `json:"pipeline_events"` JobEvents bool `json:"job_events"` WikiPageEvents bool `json:"wiki_page_events"` }
Service represents a GitLab service.
GitLab API docs:
type ServicesService ¶
type ServicesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ServicesService handles communication with the services related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ServicesService) DeleteDroneCIService ¶
func (s *ServicesService) DeleteDroneCIService(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteDroneCIService deletes Drone CI service settings for a project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ServicesService) DeleteGitLabCIService ¶
func (s *ServicesService) DeleteGitLabCIService(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteGitLabCIService deletes GitLab CI service settings for a project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ServicesService) DeleteHipChatService ¶
func (s *ServicesService) DeleteHipChatService(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteHipChatService deletes HipChat service for project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ServicesService) DeleteJenkinsCIService ¶
func (s *ServicesService) DeleteJenkinsCIService(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteJenkinsCIService deletes Jenkins CI service for project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ServicesService) DeleteJiraService ¶
func (s *ServicesService) DeleteJiraService(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteJiraService deletes Jira service for project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ServicesService) DeleteMicrosoftTeamsService ¶
func (s *ServicesService) DeleteMicrosoftTeamsService(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteMicrosoftTeamsService deletes Microsoft Teams service for project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ServicesService) DeleteSlackService ¶
func (s *ServicesService) DeleteSlackService(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteSlackService deletes Slack service for project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ServicesService) GetDroneCIService ¶
func (s *ServicesService) GetDroneCIService(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*DroneCIService, *Response, error)
GetDroneCIService gets Drone CI service settings for a project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ServicesService) GetJenkinsCIService ¶
func (s *ServicesService) GetJenkinsCIService(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*JenkinsCIService, *Response, error)
GetJenkinsCIService gets Jenkins CI service settings for a project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ServicesService) GetJiraService ¶
func (s *ServicesService) GetJiraService(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*JiraService, *Response, error)
GetJiraService gets Jira service settings for a project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ServicesService) GetMicrosoftTeamsService ¶
func (s *ServicesService) GetMicrosoftTeamsService(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*MicrosoftTeamsService, *Response, error)
GetMicrosoftTeamsService gets MicrosoftTeams service settings for a project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ServicesService) GetSlackService ¶
func (s *ServicesService) GetSlackService(pid interface{}, options ...OptionFunc) (*SlackService, *Response, error)
GetSlackService gets Slack service settings for a project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ServicesService) SetDroneCIService ¶
func (s *ServicesService) SetDroneCIService(pid interface{}, opt *SetDroneCIServiceOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
SetDroneCIService sets Drone CI service for a project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ServicesService) SetGitLabCIService ¶
func (s *ServicesService) SetGitLabCIService(pid interface{}, opt *SetGitLabCIServiceOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
SetGitLabCIService sets GitLab CI service for a project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ServicesService) SetHipChatService ¶
func (s *ServicesService) SetHipChatService(pid interface{}, opt *SetHipChatServiceOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
SetHipChatService sets HipChat service for a project
GitLab API docs:
func (*ServicesService) SetJenkinsCIService ¶
func (s *ServicesService) SetJenkinsCIService(pid interface{}, opt *SetJenkinsCIServiceOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
SetJenkinsCIService sets Jenkins service for a project
GitLab API docs:
func (*ServicesService) SetJiraService ¶
func (s *ServicesService) SetJiraService(pid interface{}, opt *SetJiraServiceOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
SetJiraService sets Jira service for a project
GitLab API docs:
func (*ServicesService) SetMicrosoftTeamsService ¶
func (s *ServicesService) SetMicrosoftTeamsService(pid interface{}, opt *SetMicrosoftTeamsServiceOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
SetMicrosoftTeamsService sets Microsoft Teams service for a project
GitLab API docs:
func (*ServicesService) SetSlackService ¶
func (s *ServicesService) SetSlackService(pid interface{}, opt *SetSlackServiceOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
SetSlackService sets Slack service for a project
GitLab API docs:
type SetCommitStatusOptions ¶
type SetCommitStatusOptions struct { State BuildStateValue `url:"state" json:"state"` Ref *string `url:"ref,omitempty" json:"ref,omitempty"` Name *string `url:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"` Context *string `url:"context,omitempty" json:"context,omitempty"` TargetURL *string `url:"target_url,omitempty" json:"target_url,omitempty"` Description *string `url:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` }
SetCommitStatusOptions represents the available SetCommitStatus() options.
GitLab API docs:
type SetDroneCIServiceOptions ¶
type SetDroneCIServiceOptions struct { Token *string `url:"token" json:"token" ` DroneURL *string `url:"drone_url" json:"drone_url"` EnableSSLVerification *bool `url:"enable_ssl_verification,omitempty" json:"enable_ssl_verification,omitempty"` }
SetDroneCIServiceOptions represents the available SetDroneCIService() options.
GitLab API docs:
type SetGitLabCIServiceOptions ¶
type SetGitLabCIServiceOptions struct { Token *string `url:"token,omitempty" json:"token,omitempty"` ProjectURL *string `url:"project_url,omitempty" json:"project_url,omitempty"` }
SetGitLabCIServiceOptions represents the available SetGitLabCIService() options.
GitLab API docs:
type SetHipChatServiceOptions ¶
type SetHipChatServiceOptions struct { Token *string `url:"token,omitempty" json:"token,omitempty" ` Room *string `url:"room,omitempty" json:"room,omitempty"` }
SetHipChatServiceOptions represents the available SetHipChatService() options.
GitLab API docs:
type SetJenkinsCIServiceOptions ¶
type SetJenkinsCIServiceOptions struct { URL *string `url:"jenkins_url,omitempty" json:"jenkins_url,omitempty"` ProjectName *string `url:"project_name,omitempty" json:"project_name,omitempty"` Username *string `url:"username,omitempty" json:"username,omitempty"` Password *string `url:"password,omitempty" json:"password,omitempty"` }
SetJenkinsCIServiceOptions represents the available SetJenkinsCIService() options.
GitLab API docs:
type SetJiraServiceOptions ¶
type SetJiraServiceOptions JiraServiceProperties
SetJiraServiceOptions represents the available SetJiraService() options.
GitLab API docs:
type SetMicrosoftTeamsServiceOptions ¶
type SetMicrosoftTeamsServiceOptions struct {
WebHook *string `url:"webhook,omitempty" json:"webhook,omitempty"`
SetMicrosoftTeamsServiceOptions represents the available SetMicrosoftTeamsService() options.
GitLab API docs:
type SetSlackServiceOptions ¶
type SetSlackServiceOptions struct { WebHook *string `url:"webhook,omitempty" json:"webhook,omitempty"` Username *string `url:"username,omitempty" json:"username,omitempty"` Channel *string `url:"channel,omitempty" json:"channel,omitempty"` NotifyOnlyBrokenPipelines *bool `url:"notify_only_broken_pipelines,omitempty" json:"notify_only_broken_pipelines,omitempty"` NotifyOnlyDefaultBranch *bool `url:"notify_only_default_branch,omitempty" json:"notify_only_default_branch,omitempty"` PushEvents *bool `url:"push_events,omitempty" json:"push_events,omitempty"` PushChannel *string `url:"push_channel,omitempty" json:"push_channel,omitempty"` IssuesEvents *bool `url:"issues_events,omitempty" json:"issues_events,omitempty"` IssueChannel *string `url:"issue_channel,omitempty" json:"issue_channel,omitempty"` ConfidentialIssuesEvents *bool `url:"confidential_issues_events,omitempty" json:"confidential_issues_events,omitempty"` ConfidentialIssueChannel *string `url:"confidential_issue_channel,omitempty" json:"confidential_issue_channel,omitempty"` MergeRequestsEvents *bool `url:"merge_requests_events,omitempty" json:"merge_requests_events,omitempty"` MergeRequestChannel *string `url:"merge_request_channel,omitempty" json:"merge_request_channel,omitempty"` TagPushEvents *bool `url:"tag_push_events,omitempty" json:"tag_push_events,omitempty"` TagPushChannel *string `url:"tag_push_channel,omitempty" json:"tag_push_channel,omitempty"` NoteEvents *bool `url:"note_events,omitempty" json:"note_events,omitempty"` NoteChannel *string `url:"note_channel,omitempty" json:"note_channel,omitempty"` ConfidentialNoteEvents *bool `url:"confidential_note_events" json:"confidential_note_events"` // TODO: Currently, GitLab ignores this option (not implemented yet?), so // there is no way to set it. Uncomment when this is fixed. // See: //ConfidentialNoteChannel *string `json:"confidential_note_channel,omitempty"` PipelineEvents *bool `url:"pipeline_events,omitempty" json:"pipeline_events,omitempty"` PipelineChannel *string `url:"pipeline_channel,omitempty" json:"pipeline_channel,omitempty"` WikiPageChannel *string `url:"wiki_page_channel,omitempty" json:"wiki_page_channel,omitempty"` WikiPageEvents *bool `url:"wiki_page_events" json:"wiki_page_events"` }
SetSlackServiceOptions represents the available SetSlackService() options.
GitLab API docs:
type SetTimeEstimateOptions ¶
type SetTimeEstimateOptions struct {
Duration *string `url:"duration,omitempty" json:"duration,omitempty"`
SetTimeEstimateOptions represents the available SetTimeEstimate() options.
GitLab docs:
type Settings ¶
type Settings struct { ID int `json:"id"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updated_at"` AdminNotificationEmail string `json:"admin_notification_email"` AfterSignOutPath string `json:"after_sign_out_path"` AfterSignUpText string `json:"after_sign_up_text"` AkismetAPIKey string `json:"akismet_api_key"` AkismetEnabled bool `json:"akismet_enabled"` CircuitbreakerAccessRetries int `json:"circuitbreaker_access_retries"` CircuitbreakerBackoffThreshold int `json:"circuitbreaker_backoff_threshold"` CircuitbreakerFailureCountThreshold int `json:"circuitbreaker_failure_count_threshold"` CircuitbreakerFailureResetTime int `json:"circuitbreaker_failure_reset_time"` CircuitbreakerFailureWaitTime int `json:"circuitbreaker_failure_wait_time"` CircuitbreakerStorageTimeout int `json:"circuitbreaker_storage_timeout"` ClientsideSentryDSN string `json:"clientside_sentry_dsn"` ClientsideSentryEnabled bool `json:"clientside_sentry_enabled"` ContainerRegistryTokenExpireDelay int `json:"container_registry_token_expire_delay"` DefaultArtifactsExpireIn string `json:"default_artifacts_expire_in"` DefaultBranchProtection int `json:"default_branch_protection"` DefaultGroupVisibility string `json:"default_group_visibility"` DefaultProjectVisibility string `json:"default_project_visibility"` DefaultProjectsLimit int `json:"default_projects_limit"` DefaultSnippetVisibility string `json:"default_snippet_visibility"` DisabledOauthSignInSources []string `json:"disabled_oauth_sign_in_sources"` DomainBlacklistEnabled bool `json:"domain_blacklist_enabled"` DomainBlacklist []string `json:"domain_blacklist"` DomainWhitelist []string `json:"domain_whitelist"` DSAKeyRestriction int `json:"dsa_key_restriction"` ECDSAKeyRestriction int `json:"ecdsa_key_restriction"` Ed25519KeyRestriction int `json:"ed25519_key_restriction"` EmailAuthorInBody bool `json:"email_author_in_body"` EnabledGitAccessProtocol string `json:"enabled_git_access_protocol"` GravatarEnabled bool `json:"gravatar_enabled"` HelpPageHideCommercialContent bool `json:"help_page_hide_commercial_content"` HelpPageSupportURL string `json:"help_page_support_url"` HomePageURL string `json:"home_page_url"` HousekeepingBitmapsEnabled bool `json:"housekeeping_bitmaps_enabled"` HousekeepingEnabled bool `json:"housekeeping_enabled"` HousekeepingFullRepackPeriod int `json:"housekeeping_full_repack_period"` HousekeepingGcPeriod int `json:"housekeeping_gc_period"` HousekeepingIncrementalRepackPeriod int `json:"housekeeping_incremental_repack_period"` HTMLEmailsEnabled bool `json:"html_emails_enabled"` ImportSources []string `json:"import_sources"` KodingEnabled bool `json:"koding_enabled"` KodingURL string `json:"koding_url"` MaxArtifactsSize int `json:"max_artifacts_size"` MaxAttachmentSize int `json:"max_attachment_size"` MaxPagesSize int `json:"max_pages_size"` MetricsEnabled bool `json:"metrics_enabled"` MetricsHost string `json:"metrics_host"` MetricsMethodCallThreshold int `json:"metrics_method_call_threshold"` MetricsPacketSize int `json:"metrics_packet_size"` MetricsPoolSize int `json:"metrics_pool_size"` MetricsPort int `json:"metrics_port"` MetricsSampleInterval int `json:"metrics_sample_interval"` MetricsTimeout int `json:"metrics_timeout"` PasswordAuthenticationEnabledForWeb bool `json:"password_authentication_enabled_for_web"` PasswordAuthenticationEnabledForGit bool `json:"password_authentication_enabled_for_git"` PerformanceBarAllowedGroupID string `json:"performance_bar_allowed_group_id"` PerformanceBarEnabled bool `json:"performance_bar_enabled"` PlantumlEnabled bool `json:"plantuml_enabled"` PlantumlURL string `json:"plantuml_url"` PollingIntervalMultiplier float64 `json:"polling_interval_multiplier"` ProjectExportEnabled bool `json:"project_export_enabled"` PrometheusMetricsEnabled bool `json:"prometheus_metrics_enabled"` RecaptchaEnabled bool `json:"recaptcha_enabled"` RecaptchaPrivateKey string `json:"recaptcha_private_key"` RecaptchaSiteKey string `json:"recaptcha_site_key"` RepositoryChecksEnabled bool `json:"repository_checks_enabled"` RepositoryStorages []string `json:"repository_storages"` RequireTwoFactorAuthentication bool `json:"require_two_factor_authentication"` RestrictedVisibilityLevels []VisibilityValue `json:"restricted_visibility_levels"` RsaKeyRestriction int `json:"rsa_key_restriction"` SendUserConfirmationEmail bool `json:"send_user_confirmation_email"` SentryDSN string `json:"sentry_dsn"` SentryEnabled bool `json:"sentry_enabled"` SessionExpireDelay int `json:"session_expire_delay"` SidekiqThrottlingEnabled bool `json:"sidekiq_throttling_enabled"` SidekiqThrottlingFactor float64 `json:"sidekiq_throttling_factor"` SidekiqThrottlingQueues []string `json:"sidekiq_throttling_queues"` SignInText string `json:"sign_in_text"` SignupEnabled bool `json:"signup_enabled"` TerminalMaxSessionTime int `json:"terminal_max_session_time"` TwoFactorGracePeriod int `json:"two_factor_grace_period"` UniqueIPsLimitEnabled bool `json:"unique_ips_limit_enabled"` UniqueIPsLimitPerUser int `json:"unique_ips_limit_per_user"` UniqueIPsLimitTimeWindow int `json:"unique_ips_limit_time_window"` UsagePingEnabled bool `json:"usage_ping_enabled"` UserDefaultExternal bool `json:"user_default_external"` UserOauthApplications bool `json:"user_oauth_applications"` VersionCheckEnabled bool `json:"version_check_enabled"` }
Settings represents the GitLab application settings.
GitLab API docs:
type SettingsService ¶
type SettingsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SettingsService handles communication with the application SettingsService related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*SettingsService) GetSettings ¶
func (s *SettingsService) GetSettings(options ...OptionFunc) (*Settings, *Response, error)
GetSettings gets the current application settings.
GitLab API docs:
func (*SettingsService) UpdateSettings ¶
func (s *SettingsService) UpdateSettings(opt *UpdateSettingsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Settings, *Response, error)
UpdateSettings updates the application settings.
GitLab API docs:
type ShareWithGroupOptions ¶
type ShareWithGroupOptions struct {}
ShareWithGroupOptions represents options to share project with groups
GitLab API docs:
type SidekiqService ¶
type SidekiqService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SidekiqService handles communication with the sidekiq service
GitLab API docs:
func (*SidekiqService) GetCompoundMetrics ¶
func (s *SidekiqService) GetCompoundMetrics(options ...OptionFunc) (*CompoundMetrics, *Response, error)
GetCompoundMetrics lists all the currently available information about Sidekiq. Get a compound response of all the previously mentioned metrics
GitLab API docs:
func (*SidekiqService) GetJobStats ¶
func (s *SidekiqService) GetJobStats(options ...OptionFunc) (*JobStats, *Response, error)
GetJobStats list information about the jobs that Sidekiq has performed.
GitLab API docs:
func (*SidekiqService) GetProcessMetrics ¶
func (s *SidekiqService) GetProcessMetrics(options ...OptionFunc) (*ProcessMetrics, *Response, error)
GetProcessMetrics lists information about all the Sidekiq workers registered to process your queues.
GitLab API docs:
func (*SidekiqService) GetQueueMetrics ¶
func (s *SidekiqService) GetQueueMetrics(options ...OptionFunc) (*QueueMetrics, *Response, error)
GetQueueMetrics lists information about all the registered queues, their backlog and their latency.
GitLab API docs:
type SlackService ¶
type SlackService struct { Service Properties *SlackServiceProperties `json:"properties"` }
SlackService represents Slack service settings.
GitLab API docs:
type SlackServiceProperties ¶
type SlackServiceProperties struct { NotifyOnlyBrokenPipelines BoolValue `url:"notify_only_broken_pipelines,omitempty" json:"notify_only_broken_pipelines,omitempty"` NotifyOnlyDefaultBranch BoolValue `url:"notify_only_default_branch,omitempty" json:"notify_only_default_branch,omitempty"` WebHook string `url:"webhook,omitempty" json:"webhook,omitempty"` Username string `url:"username,omitempty" json:"username,omitempty"` Channel string `url:"channel,omitempty" json:"channel,omitempty"` PushChannel string `url:"push_channel,omitempty" json:"push_channel,omitempty"` IssueChannel string `url:"issue_channel,omitempty" json:"issue_channel,omitempty"` ConfidentialIssueChannel string `url:"confidential_issue_channel,omitempty" json:"confidential_issue_channel,omitempty"` MergeRequestChannel string `url:"merge_request_channel,omitempty" json:"merge_request_channel,omitempty"` NoteChannel string `url:"note_channel,omitempty" json:"note_channel,omitempty"` ConfidentialNoteChannel string `url:"confidential_note_channel,omitempty" json:"confidential_note_channel,omitempty"` TagPushChannel string `url:"tag_push_channel,omitempty" json:"tag_push_channel,omitempty"` PipelineChannel string `url:"pipeline_channel,omitempty" json:"pipeline_channel,omitempty"` WikiPageChannel string `url:"wiki_page_channel,omitempty" json:"wiki_page_channel,omitempty"` }
SlackServiceProperties represents Slack specific properties.
GitLab API docs:
type Snippet ¶
type Snippet struct { ID int `json:"id"` Title string `json:"title"` FileName string `json:"file_name"` Description string `json:"description"` Author struct { ID int `json:"id"` Username string `json:"username"` Email string `json:"email"` Name string `json:"name"` State string `json:"state"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` } `json:"author"` UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updated_at"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` RawURL string `json:"raw_url"` }
Snippet represents a GitLab snippet.
GitLab API docs:
type SnippetCommentEvent ¶
type SnippetCommentEvent struct { ObjectKind string `json:"object_kind"` User *User `json:"user"` ProjectID int `json:"project_id"` Project struct { Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` GitSSHURL string `json:"git_ssh_url"` GitHTTPURL string `json:"git_http_url"` Namespace string `json:"namespace"` PathWithNamespace string `json:"path_with_namespace"` DefaultBranch string `json:"default_branch"` Homepage string `json:"homepage"` URL string `json:"url"` SSHURL string `json:"ssh_url"` HTTPURL string `json:"http_url"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` Visibility VisibilityValue `json:"visibility"` } `json:"project"` Repository *Repository `json:"repository"` ObjectAttributes struct { ID int `json:"id"` Note string `json:"note"` NoteableType string `json:"noteable_type"` AuthorID int `json:"author_id"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at"` ProjectID int `json:"project_id"` Attachment string `json:"attachment"` LineCode string `json:"line_code"` CommitID string `json:"commit_id"` NoteableID int `json:"noteable_id"` System bool `json:"system"` StDiff *Diff `json:"st_diff"` URL string `json:"url"` } `json:"object_attributes"` Snippet *Snippet `json:"snippet"` }
SnippetCommentEvent represents a comment on a snippet event.
GitLab API docs:
type SnippetsService ¶
type SnippetsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SnippetsService handles communication with the snippets related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*SnippetsService) CreateSnippet ¶
func (s *SnippetsService) CreateSnippet(opt *CreateSnippetOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Snippet, *Response, error)
CreateSnippet creates a new snippet. The user must have permission to create new snippets.
GitLab API docs:
func (*SnippetsService) DeleteSnippet ¶
func (s *SnippetsService) DeleteSnippet(snippet int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteSnippet deletes an existing snippet. This is an idempotent function and deleting a non-existent snippet still returns a 200 OK status code.
GitLab API docs:
func (*SnippetsService) ExploreSnippets ¶
func (s *SnippetsService) ExploreSnippets(opt *ExploreSnippetsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Snippet, *Response, error)
ExploreSnippets gets the list of public snippets.
GitLab API docs:
func (*SnippetsService) GetSnippet ¶
func (s *SnippetsService) GetSnippet(snippet int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Snippet, *Response, error)
GetSnippet gets a single snippet
GitLab API docs:
func (*SnippetsService) ListSnippets ¶
func (s *SnippetsService) ListSnippets(opt *ListSnippetsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Snippet, *Response, error)
ListSnippets gets a list of snippets.
GitLab API docs:
func (*SnippetsService) SnippetContent ¶
func (s *SnippetsService) SnippetContent(snippet int, options ...OptionFunc) ([]byte, *Response, error)
SnippetContent returns the raw snippet as plain text.
GitLab API docs:
func (*SnippetsService) UpdateSnippet ¶
func (s *SnippetsService) UpdateSnippet(snippet int, opt *UpdateSnippetOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Snippet, *Response, error)
UpdateSnippet updates an existing snippet. The user must have permission to change an existing snippet.
GitLab API docs:
type StorageStatistics ¶
type StorageStatistics struct { StorageSize int64 `json:"storage_size"` RepositorySize int64 `json:"repository_size"` LfsObjectsSize int64 `json:"lfs_objects_size"` JobArtifactsSize int64 `json:"job_artifacts_size"` }
StorageStatistics represents a statistics record for a group or project.
type SystemHooksService ¶
type SystemHooksService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SystemHooksService handles communication with the system hooks related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*SystemHooksService) AddHook ¶
func (s *SystemHooksService) AddHook(opt *AddHookOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Hook, *Response, error)
AddHook adds a new system hook hook.
GitLab API docs:
func (*SystemHooksService) DeleteHook ¶
func (s *SystemHooksService) DeleteHook(hook int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteHook deletes a system hook. This is an idempotent API function and returns 200 OK even if the hook is not available. If the hook is deleted it is also returned as JSON.
GitLab API docs:
func (*SystemHooksService) ListHooks ¶
func (s *SystemHooksService) ListHooks(options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Hook, *Response, error)
ListHooks gets a list of system hooks.
GitLab API docs:
func (*SystemHooksService) TestHook ¶
func (s *SystemHooksService) TestHook(hook int, options ...OptionFunc) (*HookEvent, *Response, error)
TestHook tests a system hook.
GitLab API docs:
type Tag ¶
type Tag struct { Commit *Commit `json:"commit"` Release *Release `json:"release"` Name string `json:"name"` Message string `json:"message"` }
Tag represents a GitLab tag.
GitLab API docs:
type TagEvent ¶
type TagEvent struct { ObjectKind string `json:"object_kind"` Before string `json:"before"` After string `json:"after"` Ref string `json:"ref"` CheckoutSha string `json:"checkout_sha"` UserID int `json:"user_id"` UserName string `json:"user_name"` UserAvatar string `json:"user_avatar"` ProjectID int `json:"project_id"` Project struct { Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` GitSSHURL string `json:"git_ssh_url"` GitHTTPURL string `json:"git_http_url"` Namespace string `json:"namespace"` PathWithNamespace string `json:"path_with_namespace"` DefaultBranch string `json:"default_branch"` Homepage string `json:"homepage"` URL string `json:"url"` SSHURL string `json:"ssh_url"` HTTPURL string `json:"http_url"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` Visibility VisibilityValue `json:"visibility"` } `json:"project"` Repository *Repository `json:"repository"` Commits []*struct { ID string `json:"id"` Message string `json:"message"` Timestamp *time.Time `json:"timestamp"` URL string `json:"url"` Author struct { Name string `json:"name"` Email string `json:"email"` } `json:"author"` Added []string `json:"added"` Modified []string `json:"modified"` Removed []string `json:"removed"` } `json:"commits"` TotalCommitsCount int `json:"total_commits_count"` }
TagEvent represents a tag event.
GitLab API docs:
type TagsService ¶
type TagsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TagsService handles communication with the tags related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*TagsService) CreateRelease ¶
func (s *TagsService) CreateRelease(pid interface{}, tag string, opt *CreateReleaseOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Release, *Response, error)
CreateRelease Add release notes to the existing git tag. If there already exists a release for the given tag, status code 409 is returned.
GitLab API docs:
func (*TagsService) CreateTag ¶
func (s *TagsService) CreateTag(pid interface{}, opt *CreateTagOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Tag, *Response, error)
CreateTag creates a new tag in the repository that points to the supplied ref.
GitLab API docs:
func (*TagsService) DeleteTag ¶
func (s *TagsService) DeleteTag(pid interface{}, tag string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteTag deletes a tag of a repository with given name.
GitLab API docs:
func (*TagsService) GetTag ¶
func (s *TagsService) GetTag(pid interface{}, tag string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Tag, *Response, error)
GetTag a specific repository tag determined by its name. It returns 200 together with the tag information if the tag exists. It returns 404 if the tag does not exist.
GitLab API docs:
func (*TagsService) ListTags ¶
func (s *TagsService) ListTags(pid interface{}, opt *ListTagsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Tag, *Response, error)
ListTags gets a list of tags from a project, sorted by name in reverse alphabetical order.
GitLab API docs:
func (*TagsService) UpdateRelease ¶
func (s *TagsService) UpdateRelease(pid interface{}, tag string, opt *UpdateReleaseOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Release, *Response, error)
UpdateRelease Updates the release notes of a given release.
GitLab API docs:
type TimeStats ¶
type TimeStats struct { HumanTimeEstimate string `json:"human_time_estimate"` HumanTotalTimeSpent string `json:"human_total_time_spent"` TimeEstimate int `json:"time_estimate"` TotalTimeSpent int `json:"total_time_spent"` }
TimeStats represents the time estimates and time spent for an issue.
GitLab docs:
type Todo ¶
type Todo struct { ID int `json:"id"` Project struct { ID int `json:"id"` HTTPURLToRepo string `json:"http_url_to_repo"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` Name string `json:"name"` NameWithNamespace string `json:"name_with_namespace"` Path string `json:"path"` PathWithNamespace string `json:"path_with_namespace"` } `json:"project"` Author struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Username string `json:"username"` State string `json:"state"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` } `json:"author"` ActionName TodoAction `json:"action_name"` TargetType string `json:"target_type"` Target TodoTarget `json:"target"` TargetURL string `json:"target_url"` Body string `json:"body"` State string `json:"state"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` }
Todo represents a GitLab todo.
GitLab API docs:
type TodoAction ¶
type TodoAction string
TodoAction represents the available actions that can be performed on a todo.
GitLab API docs:
const ( TodoAssigned TodoAction = "assigned" TodoMentioned TodoAction = "mentioned" TodoBuildFailed TodoAction = "build_failed" TodoMarked TodoAction = "marked" TodoApprovalRequired TodoAction = "approval_required" TodoDirectlyAddressed TodoAction = "directly_addressed" )
The available todo actions.
type TodoTarget ¶
type TodoTarget struct { // TODO: replace both Assignee and Author structs with v4 User struct Assignee struct { Name string `json:"name"` Username string `json:"username"` ID int `json:"id"` State string `json:"state"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` } `json:"assignee"` Author struct { Name string `json:"name"` Username string `json:"username"` ID int `json:"id"` State string `json:"state"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` } `json:"author"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` Description string `json:"description"` Downvotes int `json:"downvotes"` ID int `json:"id"` IID int `json:"iid"` Labels []string `json:"labels"` Milestone Milestone `json:"milestone"` ProjectID int `json:"project_id"` State string `json:"state"` Subscribed bool `json:"subscribed"` Title string `json:"title"` UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updated_at"` Upvotes int `json:"upvotes"` UserNotesCount int `json:"user_notes_count"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` // Only available for type Issue Confidential bool `json:"confidential"` DueDate string `json:"due_date"` Weight int `json:"weight"` // Only available for type MergeRequest ApprovalsBeforeMerge bool `json:"approvals_before_merge"` ForceRemoveSourceBranch bool `json:"force_remove_source_branch"` MergeCommitSha string `json:"merge_commit_sha"` MergeWhenPipelineSucceeds bool `json:"merge_when_pipeline_succeeds"` MergeStatus string `json:"merge_status"` Sha string `json:"sha"` ShouldRemoveSourceBranch bool `json:"should_remove_source_branch"` SourceBranch string `json:"source_branch"` SourceProjectID int `json:"source_project_id"` Squash bool `json:"squash"` TargetBranch string `json:"target_branch"` TargetProjectID int `json:"target_project_id"` WorkInProgress bool `json:"work_in_progress"` }
TodoTarget represents a todo target of type Issue or MergeRequest
type TodosService ¶
type TodosService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TodosService handles communication with the todos related methods of the Gitlab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*TodosService) ListTodos ¶
func (s *TodosService) ListTodos(opt *ListTodosOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Todo, *Response, error)
ListTodos lists all todos created by authenticated user. When no filter is applied, it returns all pending todos for the current user.
GitLab API docs:
func (*TodosService) MarkAllTodosAsDone ¶
func (s *TodosService) MarkAllTodosAsDone(options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
MarkAllTodosAsDone marks all pending todos for the current user as done.
GitLab API docs:
func (*TodosService) MarkTodoAsDone ¶
func (s *TodosService) MarkTodoAsDone(id int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
MarkTodoAsDone marks a single pending todo given by its ID for the current user as done.
GitLab API docs:
type TreeNode ¶
type TreeNode struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Type string `json:"type"` Path string `json:"path"` Mode string `json:"mode"` }
TreeNode represents a GitLab repository file or directory.
GitLab API docs:
type UpdateBroadcastMessageOptions ¶
type UpdateBroadcastMessageOptions struct { Message *string `url:"message,omitempty" json:"message,omitempty"` StartsAt *time.Time `url:"starts_at,omitempty" json:"starts_at,omitempty"` EndsAt *time.Time `url:"ends_at,omitempty" json:"ends_at,omitempty"` Color *string `url:"color,omitempty" json:"color,omitempty"` Font *string `url:"font,omitempty" json:"font,omitempty"` }
UpdateBroadcastMessageOptions represents the available CreateBroadcastMessage() options.
GitLab API docs:
type UpdateBuildVariableOptions ¶
type UpdateBuildVariableOptions struct { Key *string `url:"key" json:"key"` Value *string `url:"value" json:"value"` Protected *bool `url:"protected,omitempty" json:"protected,omitempty"` }
UpdateBuildVariableOptions are the parameters to UpdateBuildVariable()
Gitlab API Docs:
type UpdateCommitDiscussionNoteOptions ¶
type UpdateCommitDiscussionNoteOptions struct { Body *string `url:"body,omitempty" json:"body,omitempty"` CreatedAt *time.Time `url:"created_at,omitempty" json:"created_at,omitempty"` }
UpdateCommitDiscussionNoteOptions represents the available UpdateCommitDiscussion() options.
GitLab API docs:
type UpdateEpicDiscussionNoteOptions ¶
type UpdateEpicDiscussionNoteOptions struct { Body *string `url:"body,omitempty" json:"body,omitempty"` CreatedAt *time.Time `url:"created_at,omitempty" json:"created_at,omitempty"` }
UpdateEpicDiscussionNoteOptions represents the available UpdateEpicDiscussion() options.
GitLab API docs:
type UpdateFileOptions ¶
type UpdateFileOptions struct { Branch *string `url:"branch,omitempty" json:"branch,omitempty"` Encoding *string `url:"encoding,omitempty" json:"encoding,omitempty"` AuthorEmail *string `url:"author_email,omitempty" json:"author_email,omitempty"` AuthorName *string `url:"author_name,omitempty" json:"author_name,omitempty"` Content *string `url:"content,omitempty" json:"content,omitempty"` CommitMessage *string `url:"commit_message,omitempty" json:"commit_message,omitempty"` LastCommitID *string `url:"last_commit_id,omitempty" json:"last_commit_id,omitempty"` }
UpdateFileOptions represents the available UpdateFile() options.
GitLab API docs:
type UpdateGroupIssueBoardListOptions ¶
type UpdateGroupIssueBoardListOptions struct {
Position *int `url:"position" json:"position"`
UpdateGroupIssueBoardListOptions represents the available UpdateGroupIssueBoardList() options.
GitLab API docs:
type UpdateGroupMilestoneOptions ¶
type UpdateGroupMilestoneOptions struct { Title *string `url:"title,omitempty" json:"title,omitempty"` Description *string `url:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` StartDate *ISOTime `url:"start_date,omitempty" json:"start_date,omitempty"` DueDate *ISOTime `url:"due_date,omitempty" json:"due_date,omitempty"` StateEvent *string `url:"state_event,omitempty" json:"state_event,omitempty"` }
UpdateGroupMilestoneOptions represents the available UpdateGroupMilestone() options.
GitLab API docs:
type UpdateGroupOptions ¶
type UpdateGroupOptions CreateGroupOptions
UpdateGroupOptions represents the set of available options to update a Group; as of today these are exactly the same available when creating a new Group.
GitLab API docs:
type UpdateIssueBoardListOptions ¶
type UpdateIssueBoardListOptions struct {
Position *int `url:"position" json:"position"`
UpdateIssueBoardListOptions represents the available UpdateIssueBoardList() options.
GitLab API docs:
type UpdateIssueDiscussionNoteOptions ¶
type UpdateIssueDiscussionNoteOptions struct { Body *string `url:"body,omitempty" json:"body,omitempty"` CreatedAt *time.Time `url:"created_at,omitempty" json:"created_at,omitempty"` }
UpdateIssueDiscussionNoteOptions represents the available UpdateIssueDiscussion() options.
GitLab API docs:
type UpdateIssueNoteOptions ¶
type UpdateIssueNoteOptions struct {
Body *string `url:"body,omitempty" json:"body,omitempty"`
UpdateIssueNoteOptions represents the available UpdateIssueNote() options.
GitLab API docs:
type UpdateIssueOptions ¶
type UpdateIssueOptions struct { Title *string `url:"title,omitempty" json:"title,omitempty"` Description *string `url:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` Confidential *bool `url:"confidential,omitempty" json:"confidential,omitempty"` AssigneeIDs []int `url:"assignee_ids,omitempty" json:"assignee_ids,omitempty"` MilestoneID *int `url:"milestone_id,omitempty" json:"milestone_id,omitempty"` Labels Labels `url:"labels,comma,omitempty" json:"labels,omitempty"` StateEvent *string `url:"state_event,omitempty" json:"state_event,omitempty"` UpdatedAt *time.Time `url:"updated_at,omitempty" json:"updated_at,omitempty"` DueDate *ISOTime `url:"due_date,omitempty" json:"due_date,omitempty"` Weight *int `url:"weight,omitempty" json:"weight,omitempty"` DiscussionLocked *bool `url:"discussion_locked,omitempty" json:"discussion_locked,omitempty"` }
UpdateIssueOptions represents the available UpdateIssue() options.
GitLab API docs:
type UpdateLabelOptions ¶
type UpdateLabelOptions struct { Name *string `url:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"` NewName *string `url:"new_name,omitempty" json:"new_name,omitempty"` Color *string `url:"color,omitempty" json:"color,omitempty"` Description *string `url:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` }
UpdateLabelOptions represents the available UpdateLabel() options.
GitLab API docs:
type UpdateMergeRequestDiscussionNoteOptions ¶
type UpdateMergeRequestDiscussionNoteOptions struct { Body *string `url:"body,omitempty" json:"body,omitempty"` CreatedAt *time.Time `url:"created_at,omitempty" json:"created_at,omitempty"` }
UpdateMergeRequestDiscussionNoteOptions represents the available UpdateMergeRequestDiscussion() options.
GitLab API docs:
type UpdateMergeRequestNoteOptions ¶
type UpdateMergeRequestNoteOptions struct {
Body *string `url:"body,omitempty" json:"body,omitempty"`
UpdateMergeRequestNoteOptions represents the available UpdateMergeRequestNote() options.
GitLab API docs:
type UpdateMergeRequestOptions ¶
type UpdateMergeRequestOptions struct { Title *string `url:"title,omitempty" json:"title,omitempty"` Description *string `url:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` TargetBranch *string `url:"target_branch,omitempty" json:"target_branch,omitempty"` AssigneeID *int `url:"assignee_id,omitempty" json:"assignee_id,omitempty"` Labels Labels `url:"labels,comma,omitempty" json:"labels,omitempty"` MilestoneID *int `url:"milestone_id,omitempty" json:"milestone_id,omitempty"` StateEvent *string `url:"state_event,omitempty" json:"state_event,omitempty"` RemoveSourceBranch *bool `url:"remove_source_branch,omitempty" json:"remove_source_branch,omitempty"` Squash *bool `url:"squash,omitempty" json:"squash,omitempty"` DiscussionLocked *bool `url:"discussion_locked,omitempty" json:"discussion_locked,omitempty"` AllowCollaboration *bool `url:"allow_collaboration,omitempty" json:"allow_collaboration,omitempty"` }
UpdateMergeRequestOptions represents the available UpdateMergeRequest() options.
GitLab API docs:
type UpdateMilestoneOptions ¶
type UpdateMilestoneOptions struct { Title *string `url:"title,omitempty" json:"title,omitempty"` Description *string `url:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` StartDate *ISOTime `url:"start_date,omitempty" json:"start_date,omitempty"` DueDate *ISOTime `url:"due_date,omitempty" json:"due_date,omitempty"` StateEvent *string `url:"state_event,omitempty" json:"state_event,omitempty"` }
UpdateMilestoneOptions represents the available UpdateMilestone() options.
GitLab API docs:
type UpdatePagesDomainOptions ¶
type UpdatePagesDomainOptions struct { Cerificate *string `url:"certifiate" json:"certifiate"` Key *string `url:"key" json:"key"` }
UpdatePagesDomainOptions represents the available UpdatePagesDomain() options.
GitLab API docs:
type UpdateProjectSnippetOptions ¶
type UpdateProjectSnippetOptions struct { Title *string `url:"title,omitempty" json:"title,omitempty"` FileName *string `url:"file_name,omitempty" json:"file_name,omitempty"` Description *string `url:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` Code *string `url:"code,omitempty" json:"code,omitempty"` Visibility *VisibilityValue `url:"visibility,omitempty" json:"visibility,omitempty"` }
UpdateProjectSnippetOptions represents the available UpdateSnippet() options.
GitLab API docs:
type UpdateReleaseOptions ¶
type UpdateReleaseOptions struct {
Description *string `url:"description:omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"`
UpdateReleaseOptions represents the available UpdateRelease() options.
GitLab API docs:
type UpdateRunnerDetailsOptions ¶
type UpdateRunnerDetailsOptions struct { Description *string `url:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` Active *bool `url:"active,omitempty" json:"active,omitempty"` TagList []string `url:"tag_list[],omitempty" json:"tag_list,omitempty"` RunUntagged *bool `url:"run_untagged,omitempty" json:"run_untagged,omitempty"` Locked *bool `url:"locked,omitempty" json:"locked,omitempty"` AccessLevel *string `url:"access_level,omitempty" json:"access_level,omitempty"` MaximumTimeout *int `url:"maximum_timeout,omitempty" json:"maximum_timeout,omitempty"` }
UpdateRunnerDetailsOptions represents the available UpdateRunnerDetails() options.
GitLab API docs:
type UpdateSettingsOptions ¶
type UpdateSettingsOptions struct { AdminNotificationEmail *string `url:"admin_notification_email,omitempty" json:"admin_notification_email,omitempty"` AfterSignOutPath *string `url:"after_sign_out_path,omitempty" json:"after_sign_out_path,omitempty"` AfterSignUpText *string `url:"after_sign_up_text,omitempty" json:"after_sign_up_text,omitempty"` AkismetAPIKey *string `url:"akismet_api_key,omitempty" json:"akismet_api_key,omitempty"` AkismetEnabled *bool `url:"akismet_enabled,omitempty" json:"akismet_enabled,omitempty"` CircuitbreakerAccessRetries *int `url:"circuitbreaker_access_retries,omitempty" json:"circuitbreaker_access_retries,omitempty"` CircuitbreakerBackoffThreshold *int `url:"circuitbreaker_backoff_threshold,omitempty" json:"circuitbreaker_backoff_threshold,omitempty"` CircuitbreakerFailureCountThreshold *int `url:"circuitbreaker_failure_count_threshold,omitempty" json:"circuitbreaker_failure_count_threshold,omitempty"` CircuitbreakerFailureResetTime *int `url:"circuitbreaker_failure_reset_time,omitempty" json:"circuitbreaker_failure_reset_time,omitempty"` CircuitbreakerFailureWaitTime *int `url:"circuitbreaker_failure_wait_time,omitempty" json:"circuitbreaker_failure_wait_time,omitempty"` CircuitbreakerStorageTimeout *int `url:"circuitbreaker_storage_timeout,omitempty" json:"circuitbreaker_storage_timeout,omitempty"` ClientsideSentryDSN *string `url:"clientside_sentry_dsn,omitempty" json:"clientside_sentry_dsn,omitempty"` ClientsideSentryEnabled *bool `url:"clientside_sentry_enabled,omitempty" json:"clientside_sentry_enabled,omitempty"` ContainerRegistryTokenExpireDelay *int `url:"container_registry_token_expire_delay,omitempty" json:"container_registry_token_expire_delay,omitempty"` DefaultArtifactsExpireIn *string `url:"default_artifacts_expire_in,omitempty" json:"default_artifacts_expire_in,omitempty"` DefaultBranchProtection *int `url:"default_branch_protection,omitempty" json:"default_branch_protection,omitempty"` DefaultGroupVisibility *string `url:"default_group_visibility,omitempty" json:"default_group_visibility,omitempty"` DefaultProjectVisibility *string `url:"default_project_visibility,omitempty" json:"default_project_visibility,omitempty"` DefaultProjectsLimit *int `url:"default_projects_limit,omitempty" json:"default_projects_limit,omitempty"` DefaultSnippetVisibility *string `url:"default_snippet_visibility,omitempty" json:"default_snippet_visibility,omitempty"` DisabledOauthSignInSources []string `url:"disabled_oauth_sign_in_sources,omitempty" json:"disabled_oauth_sign_in_sources,omitempty"` DomainBlacklistEnabled *bool `url:"domain_blacklist_enabled,omitempty" json:"domain_blacklist_enabled,omitempty"` DomainBlacklist []string `url:"domain_blacklist,omitempty" json:"domain_blacklist,omitempty"` DomainWhitelist []string `url:"domain_whitelist,omitempty" json:"domain_whitelist,omitempty"` DSAKeyRestriction *int `url:"dsa_key_restriction,omitempty" json:"dsa_key_restriction,omitempty"` ECDSAKeyRestriction *int `url:"ecdsa_key_restriction,omitempty" json:"ecdsa_key_restriction,omitempty"` Ed25519KeyRestriction *int `url:"ed25519_key_restriction,omitempty" json:"ed25519_key_restriction,omitempty"` EmailAuthorInBody *bool `url:"email_author_in_body,omitempty" json:"email_author_in_body,omitempty"` EnabledGitAccessProtocol *string `url:"enabled_git_access_protocol,omitempty" json:"enabled_git_access_protocol,omitempty"` GravatarEnabled *bool `url:"gravatar_enabled,omitempty" json:"gravatar_enabled,omitempty"` HelpPageHideCommercialContent *bool `url:"help_page_hide_commercial_content,omitempty" json:"help_page_hide_commercial_content,omitempty"` HelpPageSupportURL *string `url:"help_page_support_url,omitempty" json:"help_page_support_url,omitempty"` HomePageURL *string `url:"home_page_url,omitempty" json:"home_page_url,omitempty"` HousekeepingBitmapsEnabled *bool `url:"housekeeping_bitmaps_enabled,omitempty" json:"housekeeping_bitmaps_enabled,omitempty"` HousekeepingEnabled *bool `url:"housekeeping_enabled,omitempty" json:"housekeeping_enabled,omitempty"` HousekeepingFullRepackPeriod *int `url:"housekeeping_full_repack_period,omitempty" json:"housekeeping_full_repack_period,omitempty"` HousekeepingGcPeriod *int `url:"housekeeping_gc_period,omitempty" json:"housekeeping_gc_period,omitempty"` HousekeepingIncrementalRepackPeriod *int `url:"housekeeping_incremental_repack_period,omitempty" json:"housekeeping_incremental_repack_period,omitempty"` HTMLEmailsEnabled *bool `url:"html_emails_enabled,omitempty" json:"html_emails_enabled,omitempty"` ImportSources []string `url:"import_sources,omitempty" json:"import_sources,omitempty"` KodingEnabled *bool `url:"koding_enabled,omitempty" json:"koding_enabled,omitempty"` KodingURL *string `url:"koding_url,omitempty" json:"koding_url,omitempty"` MaxArtifactsSize *int `url:"max_artifacts_size,omitempty" json:"max_artifacts_size,omitempty"` MaxAttachmentSize *int `url:"max_attachment_size,omitempty" json:"max_attachment_size,omitempty"` MaxPagesSize *int `url:"max_pages_size,omitempty" json:"max_pages_size,omitempty"` MetricsEnabled *bool `url:"metrics_enabled,omitempty" json:"metrics_enabled,omitempty"` MetricsHost *string `url:"metrics_host,omitempty" json:"metrics_host,omitempty"` MetricsMethodCallThreshold *int `url:"metrics_method_call_threshold,omitempty" json:"metrics_method_call_threshold,omitempty"` MetricsPacketSize *int `url:"metrics_packet_size,omitempty" json:"metrics_packet_size,omitempty"` MetricsPoolSize *int `url:"metrics_pool_size,omitempty" json:"metrics_pool_size,omitempty"` MetricsPort *int `url:"metrics_port,omitempty" json:"metrics_port,omitempty"` MetricsSampleInterval *int `url:"metrics_sample_interval,omitempty" json:"metrics_sample_interval,omitempty"` MetricsTimeout *int `url:"metrics_timeout,omitempty" json:"metrics_timeout,omitempty"` PasswordAuthenticationEnabledForWeb *bool `url:"password_authentication_enabled_for_web,omitempty" json:"password_authentication_enabled_for_web,omitempty"` PasswordAuthenticationEnabledForGit *bool `url:"password_authentication_enabled_for_git,omitempty" json:"password_authentication_enabled_for_git,omitempty"` PerformanceBarAllowedGroupID *string `url:"performance_bar_allowed_group_id,omitempty" json:"performance_bar_allowed_group_id,omitempty"` PerformanceBarEnabled *bool `url:"performance_bar_enabled,omitempty" json:"performance_bar_enabled,omitempty"` PlantumlEnabled *bool `url:"plantuml_enabled,omitempty" json:"plantuml_enabled,omitempty"` PlantumlURL *string `url:"plantuml_url,omitempty" json:"plantuml_url,omitempty"` PollingIntervalMultiplier *float64 `url:"polling_interval_multiplier,omitempty" json:"polling_interval_multiplier,omitempty"` ProjectExportEnabled *bool `url:"project_export_enabled,omitempty" json:"project_export_enabled,omitempty"` PrometheusMetricsEnabled *bool `url:"prometheus_metrics_enabled,omitempty" json:"prometheus_metrics_enabled,omitempty"` RecaptchaEnabled *bool `url:"recaptcha_enabled,omitempty" json:"recaptcha_enabled,omitempty"` RecaptchaPrivateKey *string `url:"recaptcha_private_key,omitempty" json:"recaptcha_private_key,omitempty"` RecaptchaSiteKey *string `url:"recaptcha_site_key,omitempty" json:"recaptcha_site_key,omitempty"` RepositoryChecksEnabled *bool `url:"repository_checks_enabled,omitempty" json:"repository_checks_enabled,omitempty"` RepositoryStorages []string `url:"repository_storages,omitempty" json:"repository_storages,omitempty"` RequireTwoFactorAuthentication *bool `url:"require_two_factor_authentication,omitempty" json:"require_two_factor_authentication,omitempty"` RestrictedVisibilityLevels []VisibilityValue `url:"restricted_visibility_levels,omitempty" json:"restricted_visibility_levels,omitempty"` RsaKeyRestriction *int `url:"rsa_key_restriction,omitempty" json:"rsa_key_restriction,omitempty"` SendUserConfirmationEmail *bool `url:"send_user_confirmation_email,omitempty" json:"send_user_confirmation_email,omitempty"` SentryDSN *string `url:"sentry_dsn,omitempty" json:"sentry_dsn,omitempty"` SentryEnabled *bool `url:"sentry_enabled,omitempty" json:"sentry_enabled,omitempty"` SessionExpireDelay *int `url:"session_expire_delay,omitempty" json:"session_expire_delay,omitempty"` SidekiqThrottlingEnabled *bool `url:"sidekiq_throttling_enabled,omitempty" json:"sidekiq_throttling_enabled,omitempty"` SidekiqThrottlingFactor *float64 `url:"sidekiq_throttling_factor,omitempty" json:"sidekiq_throttling_factor,omitempty"` SidekiqThrottlingQueues []string `url:"sidekiq_throttling_queues,omitempty" json:"sidekiq_throttling_queues,omitempty"` SignInText *string `url:"sign_in_text,omitempty" json:"sign_in_text,omitempty"` SignupEnabled *bool `url:"signup_enabled,omitempty" json:"signup_enabled,omitempty"` TerminalMaxSessionTime *int `url:"terminal_max_session_time,omitempty" json:"terminal_max_session_time,omitempty"` TwoFactorGracePeriod *int `url:"two_factor_grace_period,omitempty" json:"two_factor_grace_period,omitempty"` UniqueIPsLimitEnabled *bool `url:"unique_ips_limit_enabled,omitempty" json:"unique_ips_limit_enabled,omitempty"` UniqueIPsLimitPerUser *int `url:"unique_ips_limit_per_user,omitempty" json:"unique_ips_limit_per_user,omitempty"` UniqueIPsLimitTimeWindow *int `url:"unique_ips_limit_time_window,omitempty" json:"unique_ips_limit_time_window,omitempty"` UsagePingEnabled *bool `url:"usage_ping_enabled,omitempty" json:"usage_ping_enabled,omitempty"` UserDefaultExternal *bool `url:"user_default_external,omitempty" json:"user_default_external,omitempty"` UserOauthApplications *bool `url:"user_oauth_applications,omitempty" json:"user_oauth_applications,omitempty"` VersionCheckEnabled *bool `url:"version_check_enabled,omitempty" json:"version_check_enabled,omitempty"` }
UpdateSettingsOptions represents the available UpdateSettings() options.
GitLab API docs:
type UpdateSnippetDiscussionNoteOptions ¶
type UpdateSnippetDiscussionNoteOptions struct { Body *string `url:"body,omitempty" json:"body,omitempty"` CreatedAt *time.Time `url:"created_at,omitempty" json:"created_at,omitempty"` }
UpdateSnippetDiscussionNoteOptions represents the available UpdateSnippetDiscussion() options.
GitLab API docs:
type UpdateSnippetNoteOptions ¶
type UpdateSnippetNoteOptions struct {
Body *string `url:"body,omitempty" json:"body,omitempty"`
UpdateSnippetNoteOptions represents the available UpdateSnippetNote() options.
GitLab API docs:
type UpdateSnippetOptions ¶
type UpdateSnippetOptions struct { Title *string `url:"title,omitempty" json:"title,omitempty"` FileName *string `url:"file_name,omitempty" json:"file_name,omitempty"` Description *string `url:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` Content *string `url:"content,omitempty" json:"content,omitempty"` Visibility *VisibilityValue `url:"visibility,omitempty" json:"visibility,omitempty"` }
UpdateSnippetOptions represents the available UpdateSnippet() options.
GitLab API docs:
type UpdateVariableOptions ¶
type UpdateVariableOptions struct { Key *string `url:"key,omitempty" json:"key,omitempty"` Value *string `url:"value,omitempty" json:"value,omitempty"` Protected *bool `url:"protected,omitempty" json:"protected,omitempty"` EnvironmentScope *string `url:"environment_scope,omitempty" json:"environment_scope,omitempty"` }
UpdateVariableOptions represents the available UpdateVariable() options.
GitLab API docs:
type User ¶
type User struct { ID int `json:"id"` Username string `json:"username"` Email string `json:"email"` Name string `json:"name"` State string `json:"state"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"` Bio string `json:"bio"` Location string `json:"location"` PublicEmail string `json:"public_email"` Skype string `json:"skype"` Linkedin string `json:"linkedin"` Twitter string `json:"twitter"` WebsiteURL string `json:"website_url"` Organization string `json:"organization"` ExternUID string `json:"extern_uid"` Provider string `json:"provider"` ThemeID int `json:"theme_id"` LastActivityOn *ISOTime `json:"last_activity_on"` ColorSchemeID int `json:"color_scheme_id"` IsAdmin bool `json:"is_admin"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` CanCreateGroup bool `json:"can_create_group"` CanCreateProject bool `json:"can_create_project"` ProjectsLimit int `json:"projects_limit"` CurrentSignInAt *time.Time `json:"current_sign_in_at"` LastSignInAt *time.Time `json:"last_sign_in_at"` ConfirmedAt *time.Time `json:"confirmed_at"` TwoFactorEnabled bool `json:"two_factor_enabled"` Identities []*UserIdentity `json:"identities"` External bool `json:"external"` PrivateProfile bool `json:"private_profile"` }
User represents a GitLab user.
GitLab API docs:
type UserActivity ¶
type UserActivity struct { Username string `json:"username"` LastActivityOn *ISOTime `json:"last_activity_on"` }
UserActivity represents an entry in the user/activities response
GitLab API docs:
type UserIdentity ¶
UserIdentity represents a user identity.
type UsersService ¶
type UsersService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UsersService handles communication with the user related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*UsersService) AddEmail ¶
func (s *UsersService) AddEmail(opt *AddEmailOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Email, *Response, error)
AddEmail creates a new email owned by the currently authenticated user.
GitLab API docs:
func (*UsersService) AddEmailForUser ¶
func (s *UsersService) AddEmailForUser(user int, opt *AddEmailOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Email, *Response, error)
AddEmailForUser creates new email owned by specified user. Available only for admin.
GitLab API docs:
func (*UsersService) AddSSHKey ¶
func (s *UsersService) AddSSHKey(opt *AddSSHKeyOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*SSHKey, *Response, error)
AddSSHKey creates a new key owned by the currently authenticated user.
GitLab API docs:
func (*UsersService) AddSSHKeyForUser ¶
func (s *UsersService) AddSSHKeyForUser(user int, opt *AddSSHKeyOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*SSHKey, *Response, error)
AddSSHKeyForUser creates new key owned by specified user. Available only for admin.
GitLab API docs:
func (*UsersService) BlockUser ¶
func (s *UsersService) BlockUser(user int, options ...OptionFunc) error
BlockUser blocks the specified user. Available only for admin.
GitLab API docs:
func (*UsersService) CreateImpersonationToken ¶
func (s *UsersService) CreateImpersonationToken(user int, opt *CreateImpersonationTokenOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*ImpersonationToken, *Response, error)
CreateImpersonationToken creates an impersonation token.
GitLab API docs:
func (*UsersService) CreateUser ¶
func (s *UsersService) CreateUser(opt *CreateUserOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*User, *Response, error)
CreateUser creates a new user. Note only administrators can create new users.
GitLab API docs:
func (*UsersService) CurrentUser ¶
func (s *UsersService) CurrentUser(options ...OptionFunc) (*User, *Response, error)
CurrentUser gets currently authenticated user.
GitLab API docs:
func (*UsersService) DeleteEmail ¶
func (s *UsersService) DeleteEmail(email int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteEmail deletes email owned by currently authenticated user. This is an idempotent function and calling it on a key that is already deleted or not available results in 200 OK.
GitLab API docs:
func (*UsersService) DeleteEmailForUser ¶
func (s *UsersService) DeleteEmailForUser(user, email int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteEmailForUser deletes email owned by a specified user. Available only for admin.
GitLab API docs:
func (*UsersService) DeleteSSHKey ¶
func (s *UsersService) DeleteSSHKey(key int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteSSHKey deletes key owned by currently authenticated user. This is an idempotent function and calling it on a key that is already deleted or not available results in 200 OK.
GitLab API docs:
func (*UsersService) DeleteSSHKeyForUser ¶
func (s *UsersService) DeleteSSHKeyForUser(user, key int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteSSHKeyForUser deletes key owned by a specified user. Available only for admin.
GitLab API docs:
func (*UsersService) DeleteUser ¶
func (s *UsersService) DeleteUser(user int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteUser deletes a user. Available only for administrators. This is an idempotent function, calling this function for a non-existent user id still returns a status code 200 OK. The JSON response differs if the user was actually deleted or not. In the former the user is returned and in the latter not.
GitLab API docs:
func (*UsersService) GetAllImpersonationTokens ¶
func (s *UsersService) GetAllImpersonationTokens(user int, opt *GetAllImpersonationTokensOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*ImpersonationToken, *Response, error)
GetAllImpersonationTokens retrieves all impersonation tokens of a user.
GitLab API docs:
func (*UsersService) GetEmail ¶
func (s *UsersService) GetEmail(email int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Email, *Response, error)
GetEmail gets a single email.
GitLab API docs:
func (*UsersService) GetImpersonationToken ¶
func (s *UsersService) GetImpersonationToken(user, token int, options ...OptionFunc) (*ImpersonationToken, *Response, error)
GetImpersonationToken retrieves an impersonation token of a user.
GitLab API docs:
func (*UsersService) GetSSHKey ¶
func (s *UsersService) GetSSHKey(key int, options ...OptionFunc) (*SSHKey, *Response, error)
GetSSHKey gets a single key.
GitLab API docs:
func (*UsersService) GetUser ¶
func (s *UsersService) GetUser(user int, options ...OptionFunc) (*User, *Response, error)
GetUser gets a single user.
GitLab API docs:
func (*UsersService) GetUserActivities ¶
func (s *UsersService) GetUserActivities(opt *GetUserActivitiesOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*UserActivity, *Response, error)
GetUserActivities retrieves user activities (admin only)
GitLab API docs:
func (*UsersService) ListEmails ¶
func (s *UsersService) ListEmails(options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Email, *Response, error)
ListEmails gets a list of currently authenticated user's Emails.
GitLab API docs:
func (*UsersService) ListEmailsForUser ¶
func (s *UsersService) ListEmailsForUser(user int, opt *ListEmailsForUserOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Email, *Response, error)
ListEmailsForUser gets a list of a specified user's Emails. Available only for admin
GitLab API docs:
func (*UsersService) ListSSHKeys ¶
func (s *UsersService) ListSSHKeys(options ...OptionFunc) ([]*SSHKey, *Response, error)
ListSSHKeys gets a list of currently authenticated user's SSH keys.
GitLab API docs:
func (*UsersService) ListSSHKeysForUser ¶
func (s *UsersService) ListSSHKeysForUser(user int, opt *ListSSHKeysForUserOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*SSHKey, *Response, error)
ListSSHKeysForUser gets a list of a specified user's SSH keys. Available only for admin
GitLab API docs:
func (*UsersService) ListUserContributionEvents ¶
func (s *UsersService) ListUserContributionEvents(uid interface{}, opt *ListContributionEventsOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*ContributionEvent, *Response, error)
ListUserContributionEvents retrieves user contribution events for the specified user, sorted from newest to oldest.
GitLab API docs:
func (*UsersService) ListUsers ¶
func (s *UsersService) ListUsers(opt *ListUsersOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*User, *Response, error)
ListUsers gets a list of users.
GitLab API docs:
func (*UsersService) ModifyUser ¶
func (s *UsersService) ModifyUser(user int, opt *ModifyUserOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*User, *Response, error)
ModifyUser modifies an existing user. Only administrators can change attributes of a user.
GitLab API docs:
func (*UsersService) RevokeImpersonationToken ¶
func (s *UsersService) RevokeImpersonationToken(user, token int, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
RevokeImpersonationToken revokes an impersonation token.
GitLab API docs:
func (*UsersService) UnblockUser ¶
func (s *UsersService) UnblockUser(user int, options ...OptionFunc) error
UnblockUser unblocks the specified user. Available only for admin.
GitLab API docs:
type ValidateService ¶
type ValidateService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ValidateService handles communication with the validation related methods of the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*ValidateService) Lint ¶
func (s *ValidateService) Lint(content string, options ...OptionFunc) (*LintResult, *Response, error)
Lint validates .gitlab-ci.yml content.
GitLab API docs:
type VerifyRegisteredRunnerOptions ¶
type VerifyRegisteredRunnerOptions struct {
Token *string `url:"token" json:"token"`
VerifyRegisteredRunnerOptions represents the available VerifyRegisteredRunner() options.
GitLab API docs:
type Version ¶
Version represents a GitLab instance version.
GitLab API docs:
type VersionService ¶
type VersionService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
VersionService handles communication with the GitLab server instance to retrieve its version information via the GitLab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*VersionService) GetVersion ¶
func (s *VersionService) GetVersion() (*Version, *Response, error)
GetVersion gets a GitLab server instance version; it is only available to authenticated users.
GitLab API docs:
type VisibilityValue ¶
type VisibilityValue string
VisibilityValue represents a visibility level within GitLab.
GitLab API docs:
const ( PrivateVisibility VisibilityValue = "private" InternalVisibility VisibilityValue = "internal" PublicVisibility VisibilityValue = "public" )
List of available visibility levels
GitLab API docs:
func Visibility ¶
func Visibility(v VisibilityValue) *VisibilityValue
Visibility is a helper routine that allocates a new VisibilityValue to store v and returns a pointer to it.
type Wiki ¶
type Wiki struct { Content string `json:"content"` Format WikiFormat `json:"format"` Slug string `json:"slug"` Title string `json:"title"` }
Wiki represents a GitLab wiki.
GitLab API docs:
type WikiFormat ¶
type WikiFormat string
WikiFormat represents the available wiki formats.
GitLab API docs:
const ( WikiFormatMarkdown WikiFormat = "markdown" WikiFormatRFoc WikiFormat = "rdoc" WikiFormatASCIIDoc WikiFormat = "asciidoc" )
The available wiki formats.
type WikiPageEvent ¶
type WikiPageEvent struct { ObjectKind string `json:"object_kind"` User *User `json:"user"` Project struct { Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"` GitSSHURL string `json:"git_ssh_url"` GitHTTPURL string `json:"git_http_url"` Namespace string `json:"namespace"` PathWithNamespace string `json:"path_with_namespace"` DefaultBranch string `json:"default_branch"` Homepage string `json:"homepage"` URL string `json:"url"` SSHURL string `json:"ssh_url"` HTTPURL string `json:"http_url"` WebURL string `json:"web_url"` Visibility VisibilityValue `json:"visibility"` } `json:"project"` Wiki struct { WebURL string `json:"web_url"` GitSSHURL string `json:"git_ssh_url"` GitHTTPURL string `json:"git_http_url"` PathWithNamespace string `json:"path_with_namespace"` DefaultBranch string `json:"default_branch"` } `json:"wiki"` ObjectAttributes struct { Title string `json:"title"` Content string `json:"content"` Format string `json:"format"` Message string `json:"message"` Slug string `json:"slug"` URL string `json:"url"` Action string `json:"action"` } `json:"object_attributes"` }
WikiPageEvent represents a wiki page event.
GitLab API docs:
type WikisService ¶
type WikisService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WikisService handles communication with the wikis related methods of the Gitlab API.
GitLab API docs:
func (*WikisService) CreateWikiPage ¶
func (s *WikisService) CreateWikiPage(pid interface{}, opt *CreateWikiPageOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Wiki, *Response, error)
CreateWikiPage creates a new wiki page for the given repository with the given title, slug, and content.
GitLab API docs:
func (*WikisService) DeleteWikiPage ¶
func (s *WikisService) DeleteWikiPage(pid interface{}, slug string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Response, error)
DeleteWikiPage deletes a wiki page with a given slug.
GitLab API docs:
func (*WikisService) EditWikiPage ¶
func (s *WikisService) EditWikiPage(pid interface{}, slug string, opt *EditWikiPageOptions, options ...OptionFunc) (*Wiki, *Response, error)
EditWikiPage Updates an existing wiki page. At least one parameter is required to update the wiki page.
GitLab API docs:
func (*WikisService) GetWikiPage ¶
func (s *WikisService) GetWikiPage(pid interface{}, slug string, options ...OptionFunc) (*Wiki, *Response, error)
GetWikiPage gets a wiki page for a given project.
GitLab API docs:
func (*WikisService) ListWikis ¶
func (s *WikisService) ListWikis(pid interface{}, opt *ListWikisOptions, options ...OptionFunc) ([]*Wiki, *Response, error)
ListWikis lists all pages of the wiki of the given project id. When with_content is set, it also returns the content of the pages.
GitLab API docs:
Source Files
- access_requests.go
- award_emojis.go
- boards.go
- branches.go
- broadcast_messages.go
- build_variables.go
- ci_yml_templates.go
- commits.go
- custom_attributes.go
- deploy_keys.go
- deployments.go
- discussions.go
- environments.go
- event_types.go
- events.go
- feature_flags.go
- gitignore_templates.go
- gitlab.go
- group_boards.go
- group_members.go
- group_milestones.go
- group_variables.go
- groups.go
- issue_links.go
- issues.go
- jobs.go
- keys.go
- labels.go
- license.go
- license_templates.go
- merge_request_approvals.go
- merge_requests.go
- milestones.go
- namespaces.go
- notes.go
- notifications.go
- pages_domains.go
- pipeline_schedules.go
- pipeline_triggers.go
- pipelines.go
- project_badges.go
- project_members.go
- project_snippets.go
- project_variables.go
- projects.go
- protected_branches.go
- repositories.go
- repository_files.go
- runners.go
- search.go
- services.go
- settings.go
- sidekiq_metrics.go
- snippets.go
- strings.go
- system_hooks.go
- tags.go
- time_stats.go
- todos.go
- users.go
- validate.go
- version.go
- wikis.go