
v0.0.0-...-c71c742 Latest Latest

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Published: Jul 6, 2020 License: Apache-2.0


:tip-caption: :bulb:
:note-caption: :information_source:
:important-caption: :heavy_exclamation_mark:
:caution-caption: :fire:
:warning-caption: :warning:
:namespace: postgresql-operator


== Database Operator

.*Project health*
image:[Build Status (CircleCI), link=]
image:[License (License), link=]
image:[Coverage Status (Coveralls), link=]
image:[Go Report Card (Go Report Card), link=]


== Overview

A very flexible and customizable[Operator] in Go developed using the[ Operator Framework] to package, install, configure and manage a Database database.

== Prerequisites

The following prerequisites are just required if you would like to install it as standalone (without OLM).

|[Install Golang] v1.13+
|Access to a Kubernetes v1.16.0+ cluster.
|[Ensure the $GOPATH environment variable is set]
|[Install kubectl]

NOTE: If you haven't a access to a Kubernetes v1.16.0+ cluster. It is recommend the usage of[Minikube] for local tests and development purposes. You may would like to check the blog posts[How to getting started with Kubernetes?].

The following prerequisite is just required if you would like to contribute with.

|[Install Operator-SDK]

== Getting Started

NOTE: The following steps will allow you use this project as standalone (without OLM).

=== Cloning the repository

By the following commands you will create a local directory and clone this project.

$ git clone $GOPATH/src/

=== Installing as standalone

Use the following command to install the Operator and Database

NOTE: To install you need be logged in as a user with cluster privileges like the `system:admin` user.

$ make install

=== Verifying

To verify that the installation was successful completed you can check the  `Database Status` field of link:deploy/crds/postgresql.dev4devs.com_databases_crd.yaml[Database CRD] in the cluster. The expected result when all was installed with success is `OK`.

$ kubectl describe Database -n postgresql-operator | grep Status
  Database Status:  OK

Now is time to check if all the resources are available as expected, running `kubectl get all -o wide -n postgresql-operator` one should see a result similar to the one below

NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE   IP           NODE        NOMINATED NODE
pod/database-5485c7f8d4-6khcw              1/1     Running   1          14m   localhost   <none>
pod/postgresql-operator-6b6869c474-n75bc   1/1     Running   0          14m   localhost   <none>

NAME                                  TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)             AGE   SELECTOR
service/database                      ClusterIP    <none>        5432/TCP            14m   cr=database,owner=postgresqloperator
service/postgresql-operator-metrics   ClusterIP   <none>        8383/TCP,8686/TCP   14m   name=postgresql-operator

NAME                                  DESIRED   CURRENT   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE   CONTAINERS            IMAGES                                            SELECTOR
deployment.apps/database              1         1         1            1           14m   database              centos/postgresql-96-centos7                      cr=database,owner=postgresqloperator
deployment.apps/postgresql-operator   1         1         1            1           14m   postgresql-operator   name=postgresql-operator

NAME                                             DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE   CONTAINERS            IMAGES                                            SELECTOR
replicaset.apps/database-5485c7f8d4              1         1         1       14m   database              centos/postgresql-96-centos7                      cr=database,owner=postgresqloperator,pod-template-hash=1041739480
replicaset.apps/postgresql-operator-6b6869c474   1         1         1       14m   postgresql-operator   name=postgresql-operator,pod-template-hash=2624257030

=== Uninstalling

Use the following command to delete the Operator, Database and Backup Service if enabled.

$ make uninstall

NOTE: To uninstall you need be logged in as a user with cluster privileges like the `system:admin` user.


This operator can be installed by the Note that application image is deployed at

Tip: If for some reason you have problems interacting with ``, go to "<YOUR USER>?tab=settings -> Generate Encrypted Password", type your user password and follow the instructions for the specific option that better suits you.

== Configuration and Options

=== Using configMap to share required values

By the specs in link:deploy/crds/postgresql.dev4devs.com_v1alpha1_database_cr.yaml[Database CR](_deploy/crds/postgresql.dev4devs.com_databases_cr.yaml_) you are able to customize the setup for this operator. Note that by the spec `configMapName` you are able to inform the name of a configMapName which has the keys and values which the Database should use in its required env vars.

If you inform only the name of the configMap at `configMapName`,  then it will look for the values stored with the same keys required for each image env var used for its database version (`databaseName`, `databasePassword`, `databaseUser`). However, you are able to customize the keys as well by using the optional specs; `configMapDatabaseName`, `configMapDatabasePassword`, `configMapDatabaseUser`. This way, this operator will be able to look for the values stored in some config with keys which are not the ones used to create the environment variables used in the database deployment.

=== Changing the operator namespace

By using the command `make install` as it is, the default namespace will be `postgresql-operator`, defined in the link:./Makefile[Makefile] file, it will be created and the operator installed in this namespace. You are able to install the operator in another namespace if you wish, however, you need to set up its roles (RBAC) in order to apply them on the namespace where the operator will be installed. The namespace name needs to be changed in the link:./deploy/role_binding.yaml[Cluster Role Binding](_/deploy/role_binding.yaml_) file. Note, that you also need to change the namespace in the link:./Makefile[Makefile] in order to use the command `make install` with a different namespace.

  # Replace this with the namespace where the operator will be deployed (optional).
  namespace: postgresql-operator

=== Configuring the Backup Service

==== Backup

===== Install
The backup service is implemented by using[integr8ly/backup-container-image]. It will do the database backup to be restored later in case of failures. Following the steps to enable it.

. Setup an AWS S3 Bucket in order to store the backup outside of the cluster. You need to add your AWS details to link:./deploy/crds/postgresql.dev4devs.com_v1alpha1_backup_cr.yaml[Backup CR](_deploy/crds/postgresql.dev4devs.com_v1alpha1_backup_cr.yaml_) as following or add the name of the secret which has already this data in the cluster.
  # ---------------------------------
  # Stored Host - AWS
  # ----------------------------

  awsS3BucketName: "example-awsS3BucketName"
  awsAccessKeyId: "example-awsAccessKeyId"
  awsSecretAccessKey: "example-awsSecretAccessKey"
IMPORTANT: You can add the name of the secret which is created already in the cluster.
IMPORTANT: You need to create the bucket yourself
. Run the command `make install-backup` in the same namespace where the  Database is installed in order to apply the CronJob which will do this process.

NOTE: To install you need be logged in as a user with cluster privileges like the `system:admin` user.

===== Verifying

To verify if the backup has been successfully created you can run the following command in the namespace where the operator is installed.

$ kubectl get cronjob.batch/backup -n postgresql-operator
backup     0 * * * *   False     0         13s             12m

To check the jobs executed you can run the command `kubectl get jobs -n postgresql-operator` in the namespace where the operator is installed as in the following example.

$ kubectl get jobs  -n postgresql-operator
backup-1561588320   1         0            6m
backup-1561588380   1         0            5m
backup-1561588440   1         0            4m
backup-1561588500   1         0            3m

NOTE: In the above example the schedule was made to run this job each minute (`*/1 * * * *`)

To check the logs and troubleshooting you can run the command `kubectl logs $podName -f  -n postgresql-operator` in the namespace where the operator is installed as the following example.

 $ kubectl logs job.batch/backup-1561589040 -f  -n postgresql-operator
dumping postgresql
dumping postgres
==> Component data dump completed
WARNING: postgresql.postgresql-22_46_06.pg_dump.gz: Owner username not known. Storing UID=1001 instead.
upload: '/tmp/intly/archives/postgresql.postgresql-22_46_06.pg_dump.gz' -> 's3://camilabkp/backups/postgresql/postgres/2019/06/26/postgresql.postgresql-22_46_06.pg_dump.gz'  [1 of 1]
 1213 of 1213   100% in    1s   955.54 B/s  done
ERROR: S3 error: 403 (RequestTimeTooSkewed): The difference between the request time and the current time is too large.

==== Restore

Following the steps required to be performed a database restore based in the backup service.

. Install the Database by following the steps in <<Installing>>.
. Restore the database with the dump which was stored in the AWS S3 Bucket.
NOTE: To restore we should run `gunzip -c filename.gz | psql dbname`

== Architecture

This operator is `cluster-scoped`. For further information see the[Operator Scope] section in the Operator Framework documentation. Also, check its roles in link:./deploy/[Deploy] directory.

NOTE: The operator and database will be installed in the namespace `{namespace}` which will be created by this project.

=== CRD Definitions

| *CustomResourceDefinition*    | *Description*
| link:deploy/crds/postgresql.dev4devs.com_databases_crd.yaml[Database]     | Packages, manages, installs and configures the Database on the cluster.
| link:deploy/crds/postgresql.dev4devs.com_backups_crd.yaml[Backup]             | Packages, manages, installs and configures the CronJob to do the backup using the image[backup-container-image]

=== Resources managed by each CRD Controller

* *link:./pkg/controller/postgresql/controller.go[Database Database]*
| *Resource*    | *Description*
| link:./pkg/resource/deployments.go[deployments.go]           | Define the Deployment resource of Database. (E.g container and resources definitions)
| link:./pkg/resource/pvs.go[pvs.go]                           | Define the PersistentVolumeClaim resource used by its Database.
| link:./pkg/resource/services.go[services.go]                 | Define the Service resource of Database.

* *link:./pkg/controller/backup/controller.go[Backup]*
| *Resource*    | *Description*
| link:./pkg/resource/cronjobs.go[cronjobs.go]         | Define the CronJob resources in order to do the Backup.
| link:./pkg/resource/secrets.go[secrets.go]           | Define the database and AWS secrets resources created.

== Administration

=== Status Definition per Types

* link:./pkg/apis/postgresql-operator/v1alpha1/postgresql_types.go[Database]
| *Status*    | *Description*
| `databaseStatus` | For this status is expected the value `OK` which means that all required objects are created.
| `deploymentStatus` | Deployment Status from ks8 API ([appsv1.DeploymentStatus]).
| `serviceStatus` | Deployment Status from ks8 API ([v1core.ServiceStatus]).
| `PersistentVolumeClaimStatus` | PersistentVolumeClaim Status from ks8 API (persistentvolumeclaimstatus[v1core.PersistentVolumeClaimStatus])

* link:./pkg/apis/postgresql-operator/v1alpha1/backup_types.go[Backup]
| *Status*    | *Description*
| `backupStatus` | Should show `OK` when everything is created successfully.
| `cronJobName` | Name of cronJob resource  created by it.
| `cronJobStatus` | CronJob Status from ks8 API ([v1beta1.CronJobStatus]).
| `dbSecretName` | Name of database secret resource created in order to allow the[integr8ly/backup-container-image] connect to the database .
| `awsSecretName` | Name of AWS S3 bucket secret resource used in order to allow the[integr8ly/backup-container-image] connect to AWS to send the backup .
| `awsCredentialsSecretNamespace` | Namespace where the backup image will looking for the of the Aws Secret  used.
| `encryptKeySecretName` | Name of the EncryptKey used.
| `encryptKeySecretNamespace` | Namespace where the backup image will looking for the of the EncryptKey used.
| `hasEncryptionKey` | Expected true when it was configured to use an EncryptnKey secret
| `isDatabasePodFound` | The value expected here is true which shows that the database pod was found.
| `isDatabaseServiceFound` | The value expected here is true which shows that the database service was found.

== Development

=== Local Setup

Run the following command to setup this project locally.

$ make setup

NOTE: It is using go modules to manage dependencies.

=== Running the operator locally

The following command will install the operator in the cluster and run the changes performed locally without the need to publish a `dev` tag. In this way, you can verify your code in the development environment.

$ make code-run-local

IMPORTANT: The local changes are applied when the command `operator-sdk up local --namespace={namespace}` is executed then it is not a hot deploy and to get the latest changes you need re-run the command.

=== Checking Database

By the following commands you are able to connect to the Database. It is possible to check it through the OpenShift UI in the Database's pod terminal.

# Login into the the Postgres
psql -U postgres

# To connect into the default database
\c <database-name>

# To list the tables


=== Debugging

Follow the below steps to debug the project in some IDEs.

NOTE: The code needs to be compiled/built first.

==== IntelliJ IDEA / GoLand

$ make setup-debug
$ cd cmd/manager/
$ dlv debug --headless --listen=:2345 --api-version=2

Then, debug the project from the IDE by using the default setup of `Go Remote` option.

==== Visual Studio Code

$ make setup-debug
$ dlv --listen=:2345 --headless=true --api-version=2 exec ./build/_output/bin/postgresql-operator-local  --

debug the project using the following Visual Studio Code launch config.

    // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
    // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
    // For more information, visit:
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "test",
            "type": "go",
            "request": "launch",
            "mode": "remote",
            "remotePath": "${workspaceFolder}/cmd/manager/main.go",
            "port": 2345,
            "host": 1.0.0,
            "program": "${workspaceFolder}",
            "env": {},
            "args": []

== Makefile command reference

=== Application Commands

| *Command*                        | *Description*
| `make install`                   | Creates the `{namespace}` namespace, application CRDS, cluster role and service account. Installs the operator and DB
| `make uninstall`                 | Uninstalls the operator and DB. Deletes the `{namespace}`` namespace, application CRDS, cluster role and service account. i.e. all configuration applied by `make install`
| `make install-backup`            | Installs the backup Service in the operator's namespace
| `make uninstall-backup`          | Uninstalls the backup Service from the operator's namespace.

=== Local Development

| `make code-run-local`                 | Runs the operator locally for development purposes.
| `make setup-debug`                    | Sets up environment for debugging proposes.
| `make vet`                       | Examines source code and reports suspicious constructs using[vet].
| `make fmt`                       | Formats code using[gofmt].
| `make gen`                       | It will automatically generated/update the files by using the operator-sdk based on the CR status and spec definitions.
| `make dev`                       | It will tun the dev commands to check, fix and generated/update the files.

=== CI

| `make image-build-master`              | Used by CI to build operator image from `master` branch and add `:master` tag.
| `make image-push-master`               | Used by CI to push the `master` image to[ registry].
| `make image-build-release`             | Used by CI to build operator image from a tagged commit and add `:<version>` and `latest` tag.
| `make image-push-release`              | Used by CI to push the `release` and `latest` image to[ registry].

=== Tests

| `make test`                      | Runs test suite
| `make integration-cover`        | Run coverage check
| `make compile-e2e`              | Compile image for tests
| `make test-e2e`                      | Run locally e2e tests (Required have cluster installed locally)

NOTE: The link:./Makefile[Makefile] is implemented with tasks which you should use to work with.

== Publishing images

Images are automatically built and pushed to our[image repository] in the following cases:

- For every change merged to master a new image with the `master` tag is published.
- For every change merged that has a git tag a new image with the `<operator-version>` and `latest` tags are published.

If the image does not get built and pushed automatically the job may be re-run manually via the[CI dashboard].

== Release Tags

Following the steps

* Create a new version tag following the[semver], for example `0.1.0`
* Bump the version in the link:./version/version.go[version.go] file.
* Update the the link:./CHANGELOG.MD[CHANGELOG.MD] with the new release.
* Create a git tag with the version value, for example:

$ git tag -a 0.1.0 -m "version 0.1.0"

* Push the new tag to the upstream repository, this will trigger an automated release by the CI, for example:

$ git push upstream 0.1.0

NOTE: The image with the tag will be created and pushed to the[postgresql-operator image hosting repository] by the CI.

WARNING: Do not use letters in the tag such as `v`. It will not work.

== Release OLM Catalogue

Use the following command.

* Generate the OLM files by running the following command, for example:

operator-sdk olm-catalog gen-csv --csv-version 0.1.0 --update-crds

* Test the changes locally as describe in[Community Operators]

NOTE: See here some examples link:./deploy/olm-catalog/olm-test[/deploy/olm-catalog/olm-test] which can be used to test it.

NOTE: You can use the command `operator-sdk scorecard` to check it locally. Update the link:./.osdk-scorecard.yaml[config file] with the latest changes

== Supportability

This operator was developed using the Kubernetes APIs in order to be compatible with OpenShift and Kubernetes.

== Contributing

All contributions are hugely appreciated. Please see our link:./[Contribution Guide] for guidelines on how to open issues and pull requests. Please check out our link:./[Code of Conduct] too.


Path Synopsis
Package postgresql contains postgresql API versions.
Package postgresql contains postgresql API versions.
Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the postgresql v1alpha1 API group +k8s:deepcopy-gen=package,register Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the postgresql v1alpha1 API group +k8s:deepcopy-gen=package,register
Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the postgresql v1alpha1 API group +k8s:deepcopy-gen=package,register Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the postgresql v1alpha1 API group +k8s:deepcopy-gen=package,register

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