GitHub Action & GitHub Container Registry
GitHub Action과 GitHub Container Registry를 사용하여서 Pipeline를 구축하는 프로젝트입니다.
- GitHub Registry:
- Package:
How to Docker Image Pull?
$ docker pull`
How to work at GitHub Container Registry?
$ docker build --tag qkrgustkd15/github-action-and-github-container-registry:latest .
# or
$ make docker-build
[+] Building 29.4s (13/13) FINISHED
=> [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile 0.0s
=> => transferring dockerfile: 337B 0.0s
=> [internal] load .dockerignore 0.0s
=> => transferring context: 2B 0.0s
=> [internal] load metadata for 3.1s
=> [1/9] FROM 15.8s
=> => resolve 0.0s
=> => sha256:8474650232fca6807a8567151ee0a6bd2a54ea28cfc93f7824b42267ef4af693 1.36kB / 1.36kB 0.0s
=> => sha256:d8bf44a3f6b435c736d8b355ea32eb014508656504c77a3ecbc9378c84665762 5.20kB / 5.20kB 0.0s
=> => sha256:59bf1c3509f33515622619af21ed55bbe26d24913cedbca106468a5fb37a50c3 2.82MB / 2.82MB 0.5s
=> => sha256:666ba61612fd7c93393f9a5bc1751d8a9929e32d51501dba691da9e8232bc87b 282.16kB / 282.16kB 0.6s
=> => sha256:8ed8ca4862056a130f714accb3538decfa0663fec84e635d8b5a0a3305353dee 155B / 155B 0.9s
=> => sha256:4918412049183afe42f1ecaf8f5c2a88917c2eab153ce5ecf4bf2d55c1507b74 1.65kB / 1.65kB 0.0s
=> => extracting sha256:59bf1c3509f33515622619af21ed55bbe26d24913cedbca106468a5fb37a50c3 0.1s
=> => sha256:1ff5b6d8b8c6b6093e19083f398755431fee6120fae681379ad828e84f387ec0 110.13MB / 110.13MB 11.4s
=> => sha256:40fcfd711f8db74e87407ed47c1d306a77eefe885d79679595d94f13c905f395 155B / 155B 0.9s
=> => extracting sha256:666ba61612fd7c93393f9a5bc1751d8a9929e32d51501dba691da9e8232bc87b 0.1s
=> => extracting sha256:8ed8ca4862056a130f714accb3538decfa0663fec84e635d8b5a0a3305353dee 0.0s
=> => extracting sha256:1ff5b6d8b8c6b6093e19083f398755431fee6120fae681379ad828e84f387ec0 4.1s
=> => extracting sha256:40fcfd711f8db74e87407ed47c1d306a77eefe885d79679595d94f13c905f395 0.0s
=> [internal] load build context 0.0s
=> => transferring context: 39.25kB 0.0s
=> [2/9] WORKDIR /app 0.5s
=> [3/9] COPY go.mod ./ 0.0s
=> [4/9] COPY go.sum ./ 0.0s
=> [5/9] RUN go mod download 6.0s
=> [6/9] COPY *.go ./ 0.0s
=> [7/9] COPY . . 0.0s
=> [8/9] RUN go build -o github-action-and-github-container-registry 2.9s
=> exporting to image 0.9s
=> => exporting layers 0.9s
=> => writing image sha256:55bdcc06340dd579a1526e3265e0e59a17e555c1fbf8f3097eedc1d9a74d5595 0.0s
=> => naming to 0.0s
Use 'docker scan' to run Snyk tests against images to find vulnerabilities and learn how to fix them
$ docker tag qkrgustkd15/github-action-and-github-container-registry:latest
# or
$ make docker-tag
$ docker push
# or
$ make docker-push
The push refers to repository []
4edc2bf15653: Pushed
ab0539b23868: Pushed
1ed7ef24ba1e: Pushed
4f29dcd81ab5: Pushed
69d5c17d83ad: Pushed
5fab8f4b47c7: Pushed
5f3326f2a019: Pushed
97aa26b4fc43: Pushed
715cbda62b79: Pushed
b6f786c730a9: Pushed
63a6bdb95b08: Pushed
8d3ac3489996: Pushed
latest: digest: sha256:da869b2d2d4c42b6f345255658d422e326b2dbad57c0a1c4b47de79bbc6a9a5b size: 2826
Documentation ¶
There is no documentation for this package.
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