Note from the ouput of the above step the name of the image. It should be in this format,
From the same terminal in which you will create your cluster using gcp-deployer, run export Note that the value should be equal to the name of the image you noted in the output from the previous step.
Follow the steps listed at gcp-deployer and create a new cluster.
Run the following command to ensure that new images are fetched for every new gce-machine-controller container, kubectl patch deployment clusterapi -p "{\"spec\":{\"template\":{\"spec\":{\"containers\":[{\"name\":\"gce-machine-controller\",\"imagePullPolicy\":\"Always\"}]}}}}".
Running a Custom GCE Machine Controller
Make a change to gce-machine-controller. For example, edit main.go and insert the following print statement glog.Error("Hello World!") below logs.InitLogs().
From this folder, run make dev_push.
Run kubectl patch deployment clusterapi -p "{\"spec\":{\"template\":{\"spec\":{\"containers\":[{\"name\":\"gce-machine-controller\",\"env\":[{\"name\":\"DATE\",\"value\":\"$(date +'%s')\"}]}]}}}}". This command inserts or updates an environment variable named DATE which triggers a new deployment.
Run the following, kubectl get pods -o json | jq '.items[].status.containerStatuses[] | select(.name=="gce-machine-controller")'. Validate the the hash in the imageID field matches the image you built above.
Run the following, it will store, in ${POD_NAME}, the name of your main clusterapi pod, POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -o json | jq '.items[] | select(.status.containerStatuses[].name=="gce-machine-controller") |' --raw-output).
Run kubectl logs --namespace=default ${POD_NAME} -c gce-machine-controller. Look for the output or change that you added to gce-machine-controller.