Index ¶
- Constants
- func AddTensor(h *Handle, alpha float64, aD *TensorD, A cutil.Mem, beta float64, cD *TensorD, ...) error
- func AddTensorUS(h *Handle, alpha float64, aD *TensorD, A unsafe.Pointer, beta float64, ...) error
- func DebugMode()
- func FindLength(s uint, dtype DataType) uint32
- func FindSizeTfromVol(volume []int32, dtype DataType) uint
- func GetBindingVersion() (major, minor, patch int32)
- func GetCudaartVersion() uint
- func GetFoldedConvBackwardDataDescriptors(h *Handle, filter *FilterD, diff *TensorD, conv *ConvolutionD, grad *TensorD, ...) (foldedfilter *FilterD, paddeddiff *TensorD, foldedConv *ConvolutionD, ...)
- func GetLibraryVersion() (major, minor, patch int32, err error)
- func GetStringer(tD *TensorD, t cutil.Pointer) (fmt.Stringer, error)
- func GetVersion() uint
- func ScaleTensor(h *Handle, yD *TensorD, y cutil.Mem, alpha float64) error
- func ScaleTensorUS(h *Handle, yD *TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, alpha float64) error
- func SetCallBack(udata fmt.Stringer, w io.Writer) error
- func SetTensor(h *Handle, yD *TensorD, y cutil.Mem, v float64) error
- func SetTensorUS(h *Handle, yD *TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, v float64) error
- func TransformTensor(h *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, beta float64, yD *TensorD, ...) error
- func TransformTensorUS(h *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, beta float64, ...) error
- type ActivationD
- func (a *ActivationD) Backward(handle *Handle, alpha float64, yD *TensorD, y cutil.Mem, dyD *TensorD, ...) error
- func (a *ActivationD) BackwardUS(handle *Handle, alpha float64, yD *TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, dyD *TensorD, ...) error
- func (a *ActivationD) Destroy() error
- func (a *ActivationD) Forward(handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, beta float64, ...) error
- func (a *ActivationD) ForwardUS(handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, beta float64, ...) error
- func (a *ActivationD) Get() (mode ActivationMode, nan NANProp, coef float64, err error)
- func (a *ActivationD) Set(mode ActivationMode, nan NANProp, coef float64) error
- func (a *ActivationD) String() string
- type ActivationMode
- func (a *ActivationMode) ClippedRelu() ActivationMode
- func (a *ActivationMode) Elu() ActivationMode
- func (a *ActivationMode) Identity() ActivationMode
- func (a *ActivationMode) Relu() ActivationMode
- func (a *ActivationMode) Sigmoid() ActivationMode
- func (a ActivationMode) String() string
- func (a *ActivationMode) Tanh() ActivationMode
- type Algorithm
- type AlgorithmD
- func (a *AlgorithmD) Copy() (*AlgorithmD, error)
- func (a *AlgorithmD) Destroy() error
- func (a *AlgorithmD) Get() (Algorithm, error)
- func (a *AlgorithmD) GetAlgorithmSpaceSize(handle *Handle) (uint, error)
- func (a *AlgorithmD) RestoreAlgorithm(handle *Handle, algoSpace cutil.Mem, sizeinbytes uint) error
- func (a *AlgorithmD) SaveAlgorithm(handle *Handle, algoSpace cutil.Mem, sizeinbytes uint) error
- func (a *AlgorithmD) Set(algo Algorithm) error
- type AlgorithmPerformance
- type AttentionD
- func (a *AttentionD) BackwardData(h *Handle, loWinIdx []int32, hiWinIdx []int32, seqLengthArrayDQDO []int32, ...) error
- func (a *AttentionD) BackwardDataUS(h *Handle, loWinIdx []int32, hiWinIdx []int32, seqLengthArrayDQDO []int32, ...) error
- func (a *AttentionD) BackwardWeights(h *Handle, wgmode WgradMode, qDesc *SeqDataD, queries cutil.Mem, ...) error
- func (a *AttentionD) BackwardWeightsUS(h *Handle, wgmode WgradMode, qDesc *SeqDataD, queries unsafe.Pointer, ...) error
- func (a *AttentionD) Destroy() error
- func (a *AttentionD) Forward(h *Handle, currIdx int32, loWinIdx []int32, hiWinIdx []int32, ...) error
- func (a *AttentionD) ForwardUS(h *Handle, currIdx int32, loWinIdx []int32, hiWinIdx []int32, ...) error
- func (a *AttentionD) Get() (qMap AttnQueryMap, nHead int32, smScaler float64, dtype DataType, ...)
- func (a *AttentionD) GetMultiHeadAttnWeights(h *Handle, wkind MultiHeadAttnWeightKind, wbuffSIB uint, wbuff cutil.Mem) (wD *TensorD, w cutil.Mem, err error)
- func (a *AttentionD) GetMultiHeadBuffers(h *Handle) (weightbuffSIB, wspaceSIB, rspaceSIB uint, err error)
- func (a *AttentionD) Set(qMap AttnQueryMap, nHead int32, smScaler float64, dtype DataType, ...) error
- type AttnQueryMap
- type BatchNormD
- func (b *BatchNormD) Backward(handle *Handle, alphadata, betadata, alphaparam, betaparam float64, ...) error
- func (b *BatchNormD) BackwardUS(handle *Handle, alphadata, betadata, alphaparam, betaparam float64, ...) error
- func (b *BatchNormD) DeriveBNTensorDescriptor(xDesc *TensorD) (bndesc *TensorD, err error)
- func (b *BatchNormD) ForwardInference(handle *Handle, alpha, beta float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, yD *TensorD, ...) error
- func (b *BatchNormD) ForwardInferenceUS(handle *Handle, alpha, beta float64, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, ...) error
- func (b *BatchNormD) ForwardTraining(handle *Handle, alpha float64, beta float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, ...) error
- func (b *BatchNormD) ForwardTrainingUS(handle *Handle, alpha float64, beta float64, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, ...) error
- func (b *BatchNormD) Get() (mode BatchNormMode, err error)
- func (b *BatchNormD) MinEpsilon() float64
- func (b *BatchNormD) Set(mode BatchNormMode) error
- func (b *BatchNormD) String() string
- type BatchNormDEx
- func (b *BatchNormDEx) Backward(h *Handle, alphadata, betadata, alphaparam, betaparam float64, xD *TensorD, ...) error
- func (b *BatchNormDEx) BackwardUS(h *Handle, alphadata, betadata, alphaparam, betaparam float64, xD *TensorD, ...) error
- func (b *BatchNormDEx) DeriveBNTensorDescriptor(xDesc *TensorD) (bndesc *TensorD, err error)
- func (b *BatchNormDEx) ForwardInference(handle *Handle, alpha, beta float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, yD *TensorD, ...) error
- func (b *BatchNormDEx) ForwardInferenceUS(handle *Handle, alpha, beta float64, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, ...) error
- func (b *BatchNormDEx) ForwardTraining(h *Handle, alpha, beta float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, zD *TensorD, ...) error
- func (b *BatchNormDEx) ForwardTrainingUS(h *Handle, alpha, beta float64, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, zD *TensorD, ...) error
- func (b *BatchNormDEx) GeBackwardWorkspaceSize(h *Handle, xD, yD, dyD, dzD, dxD, dbnScaleBiasMeanVarDesc *TensorD, ...) (wspaceSIB uint, err error)
- func (b *BatchNormDEx) Get() (mode BatchNormMode, op BatchNormOps, err error)
- func (b *BatchNormDEx) GetForwardTrainingWorkspaceSize(h *Handle, mode BatchNormMode, op BatchNormOps, ...) (wspaceSIB uint, err error)
- func (b *BatchNormDEx) GetTrainingReserveSpaceSize(h *Handle, actD *ActivationD, xD *TensorD) (rspaceSIB uint, err error)
- func (b *BatchNormDEx) MinEpsilon() float64
- func (b *BatchNormDEx) Set(mode BatchNormMode, op BatchNormOps) error
- func (b *BatchNormDEx) String() string
- type BatchNormMode
- type BatchNormOps
- type CTCLossAlgo
- type CTCLossD
- func (c *CTCLossD) CTCLoss(handle *Handle, probsD *TensorD, probs cutil.Mem, labels []int32, ...) error
- func (c *CTCLossD) CTCLossUS(handle *Handle, probsD *TensorD, probs unsafe.Pointer, labels []int32, ...) error
- func (c *CTCLossD) Destroy() error
- func (c *CTCLossD) Get() (DataType, error)
- func (c *CTCLossD) GetWorkspaceSize(handle *Handle, probsD *TensorD, gradientsD *TensorD, labels []int32, ...) (uint, error)
- func (c *CTCLossD) Set(data DataType) error
- type ConvBwdDataAlgo
- func (c ConvBwdDataAlgo) Algo() Algorithm
- func (c *ConvBwdDataAlgo) Algo0() ConvBwdDataAlgo
- func (c *ConvBwdDataAlgo) Algo1() ConvBwdDataAlgo
- func (c *ConvBwdDataAlgo) Count() ConvBwdDataAlgo
- func (c *ConvBwdDataAlgo) FFT() ConvBwdDataAlgo
- func (c *ConvBwdDataAlgo) FFTTiling() ConvBwdDataAlgo
- func (c ConvBwdDataAlgo) String() string
- func (c *ConvBwdDataAlgo) Winograd() ConvBwdDataAlgo
- func (c *ConvBwdDataAlgo) WinogradNonFused() ConvBwdDataAlgo
- type ConvBwdDataAlgoPerformance
- type ConvBwdDataPref
- type ConvBwdFiltAlgo
- func (c ConvBwdFiltAlgo) Algo() Algorithm
- func (c *ConvBwdFiltAlgo) Algo0() ConvBwdFiltAlgo
- func (c *ConvBwdFiltAlgo) Algo1() ConvBwdFiltAlgo
- func (c *ConvBwdFiltAlgo) Algo3() ConvBwdFiltAlgo
- func (c *ConvBwdFiltAlgo) Count() ConvBwdFiltAlgo
- func (c *ConvBwdFiltAlgo) FFT() ConvBwdFiltAlgo
- func (c *ConvBwdFiltAlgo) FFTTiling() ConvBwdFiltAlgo
- func (c ConvBwdFiltAlgo) String() string
- func (c *ConvBwdFiltAlgo) Winograd() ConvBwdFiltAlgo
- func (c *ConvBwdFiltAlgo) WinogradNonFused() ConvBwdFiltAlgo
- type ConvBwdFiltAlgoPerformance
- type ConvBwdFilterPref
- type ConvFwdAlgo
- func (c ConvFwdAlgo) Algo() Algorithm
- func (c *ConvFwdAlgo) Count() ConvFwdAlgo
- func (c *ConvFwdAlgo) Direct() ConvFwdAlgo
- func (c *ConvFwdAlgo) FFT() ConvFwdAlgo
- func (c *ConvFwdAlgo) FFTTiling() ConvFwdAlgo
- func (c *ConvFwdAlgo) Gemm() ConvFwdAlgo
- func (c *ConvFwdAlgo) ImplicitGemm() ConvFwdAlgo
- func (c *ConvFwdAlgo) ImplicitPrecompGemm() ConvFwdAlgo
- func (c ConvFwdAlgo) String() string
- func (c *ConvFwdAlgo) WinoGrad() ConvFwdAlgo
- func (c *ConvFwdAlgo) WinoGradNonFused() ConvFwdAlgo
- type ConvFwdAlgoPerformance
- type ConvolutionD
- func (c *ConvolutionD) BackwardBias(handle *Handle, alpha float64, dyD *TensorD, dy cutil.Mem, beta float64, ...) error
- func (c *ConvolutionD) BackwardBiasUS(handle *Handle, alpha float64, dyD *TensorD, dy unsafe.Pointer, beta float64, ...) error
- func (c *ConvolutionD) BackwardData(handle *Handle, alpha float64, wD *FilterD, w cutil.Mem, dyD *TensorD, ...) error
- func (c *ConvolutionD) BackwardDataUS(handle *Handle, alpha float64, wD *FilterD, w unsafe.Pointer, dyD *TensorD, ...) error
- func (c *ConvolutionD) BackwardFilter(handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, dyD *TensorD, ...) error
- func (c *ConvolutionD) BackwardFilterUS(handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, dyD *TensorD, ...) error
- func (c *ConvolutionD) BiasActivationForward(handle *Handle, alpha1 float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, wD *FilterD, ...) error
- func (c *ConvolutionD) BiasActivationForwardUS(handle *Handle, alpha1 float64, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, wD *FilterD, ...) error
- func (c *ConvolutionD) Destroy() error
- func (c *ConvolutionD) FindBackwardDataAlgorithm(handle *Handle, w *FilterD, dy *TensorD, dx *TensorD) ([]ConvBwdDataAlgoPerformance, error)
- func (c *ConvolutionD) FindBackwardDataAlgorithmEx(handle *Handle, wD *FilterD, w cutil.Mem, dyD *TensorD, dy cutil.Mem, ...) ([]ConvBwdDataAlgoPerformance, error)
- func (c *ConvolutionD) FindBackwardDataAlgorithmExUS(handle *Handle, wD *FilterD, w unsafe.Pointer, dyD *TensorD, dy unsafe.Pointer, ...) ([]ConvBwdDataAlgoPerformance, error)
- func (c *ConvolutionD) FindBackwardFilterAlgorithm(handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, dyD *TensorD, dwD *FilterD) ([]ConvBwdFiltAlgoPerformance, error)
- func (c *ConvolutionD) FindBackwardFilterAlgorithmEx(handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, dyD *TensorD, dy cutil.Mem, ...) ([]ConvBwdFiltAlgoPerformance, error)
- func (c *ConvolutionD) FindBackwardFilterAlgorithmExUS(handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, dyD *TensorD, dy unsafe.Pointer, ...) ([]ConvBwdFiltAlgoPerformance, error)
- func (c *ConvolutionD) FindForwardAlgorithm(handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, wD *FilterD, yD *TensorD) ([]ConvFwdAlgoPerformance, error)
- func (c *ConvolutionD) FindForwardAlgorithmEx(handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, wD *FilterD, w cutil.Mem, ...) ([]ConvFwdAlgoPerformance, error)
- func (c *ConvolutionD) FindForwardAlgorithmExUS(handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, wD *FilterD, w unsafe.Pointer, ...) ([]ConvFwdAlgoPerformance, error)
- func (c *ConvolutionD) Forward(handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, wD *FilterD, ...) error
- func (c *ConvolutionD) ForwardUS(handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, wD *FilterD, ...) error
- func (c *ConvolutionD) Get() (mode ConvolutionMode, data DataType, pad []int32, stride []int32, ...)
- func (c *ConvolutionD) GetBackwardDataAlgorithm(handle *Handle, wD *FilterD, dyD *TensorD, dxD *TensorD, pref ConvBwdDataPref, ...) (ConvBwdDataAlgo, error)
- func (c *ConvolutionD) GetBackwardDataAlgorithmV7(handle *Handle, wD *FilterD, dyD *TensorD, dxD *TensorD) ([]ConvBwdDataAlgoPerformance, error)
- func (c *ConvolutionD) GetBackwardDataWorkspaceSize(handle *Handle, wD *FilterD, dyD *TensorD, dxD *TensorD, algo ConvBwdDataAlgo) (uint, error)
- func (c *ConvolutionD) GetBackwardFilterAlgorithm(handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, dyD *TensorD, dwD *FilterD, ...) (ConvBwdFiltAlgo, error)
- func (c *ConvolutionD) GetBackwardFilterAlgorithmV7(handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, dyD *TensorD, dwD *FilterD) ([]ConvBwdFiltAlgoPerformance, error)
- func (c *ConvolutionD) GetBackwardFilterWorkspaceSize(handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, dyD *TensorD, dwD *FilterD, algo ConvBwdFiltAlgo) (uint, error)
- func (c *ConvolutionD) GetForwardAlgorithm(handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, wD *FilterD, yD *TensorD, ...) (ConvFwdAlgo, error)
- func (c *ConvolutionD) GetForwardAlgorithmV7(handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, wD *FilterD, yD *TensorD) ([]ConvFwdAlgoPerformance, error)
- func (c *ConvolutionD) GetForwardWorkspaceSize(handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, wD *FilterD, yD *TensorD, algo ConvFwdAlgo) (uint, error)
- func (c *ConvolutionD) GetOutputDims(input *TensorD, filter *FilterD) ([]int32, error)
- func (c *ConvolutionD) GetReorderType() (r Reorder, err error)
- func (c *ConvolutionD) Im2Col(handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, wD *FilterD, buffer cutil.Mem) error
- func (c *ConvolutionD) Im2ColUS(handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, wD *FilterD, ...) error
- func (c *ConvolutionD) Set(mode ConvolutionMode, data DataType, pad, stride, dilation []int32) error
- func (c *ConvolutionD) SetGroupCount(groupCount int32) error
- func (c *ConvolutionD) SetMathType(mathtype MathType) error
- func (c *ConvolutionD) SetReorderType(r Reorder) error
- func (c *ConvolutionD) String() string
- type ConvolutionForwardPref
- type ConvolutionMode
- type DataType
- func (d *DataType) Double() DataType
- func (d *DataType) Float() DataType
- func (d *DataType) Half() DataType
- func (d *DataType) Int32() DataType
- func (d *DataType) Int8() DataType
- func (d *DataType) Int8x32() DataType
- func (d *DataType) Int8x4() DataType
- func (d DataType) String() string
- func (d *DataType) UInt8() DataType
- func (d *DataType) UInt8x4() DataType
- type DeConvBwdDataAlgo
- func (c DeConvBwdDataAlgo) Algo() Algorithm
- func (c *DeConvBwdDataAlgo) Count() DeConvBwdDataAlgo
- func (c *DeConvBwdDataAlgo) Direct() DeConvBwdDataAlgo
- func (c *DeConvBwdDataAlgo) FFT() DeConvBwdDataAlgo
- func (c *DeConvBwdDataAlgo) FFTTiling() DeConvBwdDataAlgo
- func (c *DeConvBwdDataAlgo) Gemm() DeConvBwdDataAlgo
- func (c *DeConvBwdDataAlgo) ImplicitGemm() DeConvBwdDataAlgo
- func (c *DeConvBwdDataAlgo) ImplicitPrecompGemm() DeConvBwdDataAlgo
- func (c DeConvBwdDataAlgo) String() string
- func (c *DeConvBwdDataAlgo) WinoGrad() DeConvBwdDataAlgo
- func (c *DeConvBwdDataAlgo) WinoGradNonFused() DeConvBwdDataAlgo
- type DeConvBwdDataAlgoPerformance
- type DeConvBwdDataPref
- type DeConvBwdFiltAlgo
- func (c DeConvBwdFiltAlgo) Algo() Algorithm
- func (c *DeConvBwdFiltAlgo) Algo0() DeConvBwdFiltAlgo
- func (c *DeConvBwdFiltAlgo) Algo1() DeConvBwdFiltAlgo
- func (c *DeConvBwdFiltAlgo) Algo3() DeConvBwdFiltAlgo
- func (c *DeConvBwdFiltAlgo) Count() DeConvBwdFiltAlgo
- func (c *DeConvBwdFiltAlgo) FFT() DeConvBwdFiltAlgo
- func (c *DeConvBwdFiltAlgo) FFTTiling() DeConvBwdFiltAlgo
- func (c DeConvBwdFiltAlgo) String() string
- func (c *DeConvBwdFiltAlgo) Winograd() DeConvBwdFiltAlgo
- func (c *DeConvBwdFiltAlgo) WinogradNonFused() DeConvBwdFiltAlgo
- type DeConvBwdFiltAlgoPerformance
- type DeConvBwdFilterPref
- type DeConvFwdAlgo
- func (c DeConvFwdAlgo) Algo() Algorithm
- func (c *DeConvFwdAlgo) Algo0() DeConvFwdAlgo
- func (c *DeConvFwdAlgo) Algo1() DeConvFwdAlgo
- func (c *DeConvFwdAlgo) Count() DeConvFwdAlgo
- func (c *DeConvFwdAlgo) FFT() DeConvFwdAlgo
- func (c *DeConvFwdAlgo) FFTTiling() DeConvFwdAlgo
- func (c DeConvFwdAlgo) String() string
- func (c *DeConvFwdAlgo) Winograd() DeConvFwdAlgo
- func (c *DeConvFwdAlgo) WinogradNonFused() DeConvFwdAlgo
- type DeConvFwdAlgoPerformance
- type DeConvolutionD
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) BackwardBias(handle *Handle, alpha float64, dyD *TensorD, dy cutil.Mem, beta float64, ...) error
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) BackwardBiasUS(handle *Handle, alpha float64, dyD *TensorD, dy unsafe.Pointer, beta float64, ...) error
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) BackwardData(handle *Handle, alpha float64, wD *FilterD, w cutil.Mem, dyD *TensorD, ...) error
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) BackwardDataUS(handle *Handle, alpha float64, wD *FilterD, w unsafe.Pointer, dyD *TensorD, ...) error
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) BackwardFilter(handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, dyD *TensorD, ...) error
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) BackwardFilterUS(handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, dyD *TensorD, ...) error
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) Destroy() error
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) FindBackwardDataAlgorithm(handle *Handle, w *FilterD, dy *TensorD, dx *TensorD) ([]DeConvBwdDataAlgoPerformance, error)
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) FindBackwardDataAlgorithmEx(handle *Handle, wD *FilterD, w cutil.Mem, dyD *TensorD, dy cutil.Mem, ...) ([]DeConvBwdDataAlgoPerformance, error)
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) FindBackwardDataAlgorithmExUS(handle *Handle, wD *FilterD, w unsafe.Pointer, dyD *TensorD, dy unsafe.Pointer, ...) ([]DeConvBwdDataAlgoPerformance, error)
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) FindBackwardFilterAlgorithm(handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, dyD *TensorD, dwD *FilterD) ([]DeConvBwdFiltAlgoPerformance, error)
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) FindBackwardFilterAlgorithmEx(handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, dyD *TensorD, dy cutil.Mem, ...) ([]DeConvBwdFiltAlgoPerformance, error)
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) FindBackwardFilterAlgorithmExUS(handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, dyD *TensorD, dy unsafe.Pointer, ...) ([]DeConvBwdFiltAlgoPerformance, error)
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) FindForwardAlgorithm(handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, wD *FilterD, yD *TensorD) ([]DeConvFwdAlgoPerformance, error)
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) FindForwardAlgorithmEx(handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, wD *FilterD, w cutil.Mem, ...) ([]DeConvFwdAlgoPerformance, error)
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) FindForwardAlgorithmExUS(handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, wD *FilterD, w unsafe.Pointer, ...) ([]DeConvFwdAlgoPerformance, error)
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) Forward(handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, wD *FilterD, ...) error
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) ForwardUS(handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, wD *FilterD, ...) error
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) Get() (mode ConvolutionMode, data DataType, pad []int32, stride []int32, ...)
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) GetBackwardDataAlgorithm(handle *Handle, wD *FilterD, dyD *TensorD, dxD *TensorD, ...) (DeConvBwdDataAlgo, error)
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) GetBackwardDataAlgorithmV7(handle *Handle, wD *FilterD, dyD *TensorD, dxD *TensorD) ([]DeConvBwdDataAlgoPerformance, error)
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) GetBackwardDataWorkspaceSize(handle *Handle, wD *FilterD, dyD *TensorD, dxD *TensorD, ...) (uint, error)
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) GetBackwardFilterAlgorithm(handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, dyD *TensorD, dwD *FilterD, ...) (DeConvBwdFiltAlgo, error)
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) GetBackwardFilterAlgorithmV7(handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, dyD *TensorD, dwD *FilterD) ([]DeConvBwdFiltAlgoPerformance, error)
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) GetBackwardFilterWorkspaceSize(handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, dyD *TensorD, dwD *FilterD, ...) (uint, error)
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) GetBiasDims(w *FilterD) ([]int32, error)
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) GetForwardAlgorithm(handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, wD *FilterD, yD *TensorD, ...) (DeConvFwdAlgo, error)
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) GetForwardAlgorithmV7(handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, wD *FilterD, yD *TensorD) ([]DeConvFwdAlgoPerformance, error)
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) GetForwardWorkspaceSize(handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, wD *FilterD, yD *TensorD, algo DeConvFwdAlgo) (uint, error)
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) GetOutputDims(input *TensorD, filter *FilterD) ([]int32, error)
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) GetReorderType() (r Reorder, err error)
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) Set(mode ConvolutionMode, data DataType, pad, stride, dilation []int32) error
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) SetGroupCount(groupCount int32) error
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) SetMathType(mathtype MathType) error
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) SetReorderType(r Reorder) error
- func (c *DeConvolutionD) String() string
- type DeConvolutionForwardPref
- type Debug
- type Determinism
- type DirectionMode
- type DivNormMode
- type DropOutD
- func (d *DropOutD) Backward(handle *Handle, dyD *TensorD, dy cutil.Mem, dxD *TensorD, dx cutil.Mem, ...) error
- func (d *DropOutD) BackwardUS(handle *Handle, dyD *TensorD, dy unsafe.Pointer, dxD *TensorD, ...) error
- func (d *DropOutD) Destroy() error
- func (d *DropOutD) Forward(handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, yD *TensorD, y cutil.Mem, ...) error
- func (d *DropOutD) ForwardUS(handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, yD *TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, ...) error
- func (d *DropOutD) Get(handle *Handle) (float32, cutil.Mem, uint64, error)
- func (d *DropOutD) GetReserveSpaceSize(t *TensorD) (uint, error)
- func (d *DropOutD) GetStateSize(handle *Handle) (uint, error)
- func (d *DropOutD) GetUS(handle *Handle) (float32, unsafe.Pointer, uint64, error)
- func (d *DropOutD) Restore(handle *Handle, dropout float32, states cutil.Mem, bytes uint, seed uint64) error
- func (d *DropOutD) RestoreUS(handle *Handle, dropout float32, states unsafe.Pointer, bytes uint, ...) error
- func (d *DropOutD) Set(handle *Handle, dropout float32, states cutil.Mem, bytes uint, seed uint64) error
- func (d *DropOutD) SetUS(handle *Handle, dropout float32, states unsafe.Pointer, bytes uint, ...) error
- type ErrQueryMode
- type FilterD
- func (f *FilterD) Destroy() error
- func (f *FilterD) Get() (dtype DataType, frmt TensorFormat, shape []int32, err error)
- func (f *FilterD) GetSizeInBytes() (uint, error)
- func (f *FilterD) ReorderFilterBias(h *Handle, r Reorder, filtersrc, reorderfilterdest cutil.Mem, reorderbias bool, ...) error
- func (f *FilterD) Set(dtype DataType, format TensorFormat, shape []int32) error
- func (f *FilterD) String() string
- type FoldingDirection
- type Handle
- type IndiciesType
- type LRND
- func (l *LRND) Destroy() error
- func (l *LRND) DivisiveNormalizationBackward(handle *Handle, mode DivNormMode, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, ...) error
- func (l *LRND) DivisiveNormalizationBackwardUS(handle *Handle, mode DivNormMode, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, ...) error
- func (l *LRND) DivisiveNormalizationForward(handle *Handle, mode DivNormMode, alpha float64, xD TensorD, ...) error
- func (l *LRND) DivisiveNormalizationForwardUS(handle *Handle, mode DivNormMode, alpha float64, xD TensorD, ...) error
- func (l *LRND) Get() (lrnN uint32, lrnAlpha float64, lrnBeta float64, lrnK float64, err error)
- func (l *LRND) LRNCrossChannelBackward(handle *Handle, mode LRNmode, alpha float64, yD *TensorD, y cutil.Mem, ...) error
- func (l *LRND) LRNCrossChannelBackwardUS(handle *Handle, mode LRNmode, alpha float64, yD *TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, ...) error
- func (l *LRND) LRNCrossChannelForward(handle *Handle, mode LRNmode, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, ...) error
- func (l *LRND) LRNCrossChannelForwardUS(handle *Handle, mode LRNmode, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, ...) error
- func (l LRND) MaxN() uint32
- func (l LRND) MinBeta() float64
- func (l LRND) MinK() float64
- func (l LRND) MinN() uint32
- func (l *LRND) Set(lrnN uint32, lrnAlpha, lrnBeta, lrnK float64) error
- func (l *LRND) String() string
- type LRNmode
- type MathType
- type MultiHeadAttnWeightKind
- func (m *MultiHeadAttnWeightKind) Keys() MultiHeadAttnWeightKind
- func (m *MultiHeadAttnWeightKind) Output() MultiHeadAttnWeightKind
- func (m *MultiHeadAttnWeightKind) Queries() MultiHeadAttnWeightKind
- func (m MultiHeadAttnWeightKind) String() string
- func (m *MultiHeadAttnWeightKind) Values() MultiHeadAttnWeightKind
- type NANProp
- type OPTensorD
- func (t *OPTensorD) Destroy() error
- func (t *OPTensorD) Get() (op OpTensorOp, dtype DataType, nan NANProp, err error)
- func (t *OPTensorD) OpTensor(handle *Handle, alpha1 float64, aD *TensorD, A cutil.Mem, alpha2 float64, ...) error
- func (t *OPTensorD) OpTensorUS(handle *Handle, alpha1 float64, aD *TensorD, A unsafe.Pointer, alpha2 float64, ...) error
- func (t *OPTensorD) Set(op OpTensorOp, dtype DataType, nan NANProp) error
- func (t *OPTensorD) String() string
- type OpTensorOp
- type PersistentRNNPlan
- type PoolingD
- func (p *PoolingD) Backward(handle *Handle, alpha float64, yD *TensorD, y cutil.Mem, dyD *TensorD, ...) error
- func (p *PoolingD) BackwardUS(handle *Handle, alpha float64, yD *TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, dyD *TensorD, ...) error
- func (p *PoolingD) Destroy() error
- func (p *PoolingD) Forward(handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, beta float64, ...) error
- func (p *PoolingD) ForwardUS(handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, beta float64, ...) error
- func (p *PoolingD) Get() (mode PoolingMode, nan NANProp, window, padding, stride []int32, err error)
- func (p *PoolingD) GetOutputDims(input *TensorD) ([]int32, error)
- func (p *PoolingD) Set(mode PoolingMode, nan NANProp, window, padding, stride []int32) error
- func (p *PoolingD) String() string
- type PoolingMode
- type RNNAlgo
- type RNNBiasMode
- type RNNClipMode
- type RNND
- func (r *RNND) BackwardDataEx(h *Handle, yD *RNNDataD, y cutil.Mem, dyD *RNNDataD, dy cutil.Mem, ...) error
- func (r *RNND) BackwardDataExUS(h *Handle, yD *RNNDataD, y unsafe.Pointer, dyD *RNNDataD, dy unsafe.Pointer, ...) error
- func (r *RNND) BackwardWeights(handle *Handle, xD []*TensorD, x cutil.Mem, hxD *TensorD, hx cutil.Mem, ...) error
- func (r *RNND) BackwardWeightsEx(h *Handle, xD *RNNDataD, x cutil.Mem, hxD *TensorD, hx cutil.Mem, yD *RNNDataD, ...) error
- func (r *RNND) BackwardWeightsExUS(h *Handle, xD *RNNDataD, x unsafe.Pointer, hxD *TensorD, hx unsafe.Pointer, ...) error
- func (r *RNND) BackwardWeightsUS(handle *Handle, xD []*TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, hxD *TensorD, ...) error
- func (r *RNND) Destroy() error
- func (r *RNND) FindRNNBackwardDataAlgorithmEx(handle *Handle, yD []*TensorD, y cutil.Mem, dyD []*TensorD, dy cutil.Mem, ...) ([]AlgorithmPerformance, error)
- func (r *RNND) FindRNNBackwardDataAlgorithmExUS(handle *Handle, yD []*TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, dyD []*TensorD, ...) ([]AlgorithmPerformance, error)
- func (r *RNND) FindRNNBackwardWeightsAlgorithmEx(handle *Handle, xD []*TensorD, x cutil.Mem, hxD *TensorD, hx cutil.Mem, ...) ([]AlgorithmPerformance, error)
- func (r *RNND) FindRNNBackwardWeightsAlgorithmExUS(handle *Handle, xD []*TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, hxD *TensorD, ...) ([]AlgorithmPerformance, error)
- func (r *RNND) FindRNNForwardInferenceAlgorithmEx(handle *Handle, xD []*TensorD, x cutil.Mem, hxD *TensorD, hx cutil.Mem, ...) ([]AlgorithmPerformance, error)
- func (r *RNND) FindRNNForwardInferenceAlgorithmExUS(handle *Handle, xD []*TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, hxD *TensorD, ...) ([]AlgorithmPerformance, error)
- func (r *RNND) FindRNNForwardTrainingAlgorithmEx(handle *Handle, xD []*TensorD, x cutil.Mem, hxD *TensorD, hx cutil.Mem, ...) ([]AlgorithmPerformance, error)
- func (r *RNND) FindRNNForwardTrainingAlgorithmExUS(handle *Handle, xD []*TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, hxD *TensorD, ...) ([]AlgorithmPerformance, error)
- func (r *RNND) ForwardInferenceEx(h *Handle, xD *RNNDataD, x cutil.Mem, hxD *TensorD, hx cutil.Mem, cxD *TensorD, ...) error
- func (r *RNND) ForwardInferenceExUS(h *Handle, xD *RNNDataD, x unsafe.Pointer, hxD *TensorD, hx unsafe.Pointer, ...) error
- func (r *RNND) ForwardTrainingEx(h *Handle, xD *RNNDataD, x cutil.Mem, hxD *TensorD, hx cutil.Mem, cxD *TensorD, ...) error
- func (r *RNND) ForwardTrainingExUS(h *Handle, xD *RNNDataD, x unsafe.Pointer, hxD *TensorD, hx unsafe.Pointer, ...) error
- func (r *RNND) Get(handle *Handle) (int32, int32, *DropOutD, RNNInputMode, DirectionMode, RNNmode, RNNAlgo, ...)
- func (r *RNND) GetBiasMode() (bmode RNNBiasMode, err error)
- func (r *RNND) GetClip(h *Handle) (mode RNNClipMode, nanprop NANProp, lclip, rclip float64, err error)
- func (r *RNND) GetLinLayerMatrixParams(handle *Handle, pseudoLayer int32, xD *TensorD, wD *FilterD, w cutil.Mem, ...) (FilterD, unsafe.Pointer, error)
- func (r *RNND) GetLinLayerMatrixParamsUS(handle *Handle, pseudoLayer int32, xD *TensorD, wD *FilterD, w unsafe.Pointer, ...) (FilterD, cutil.Mem, error)
- func (r *RNND) GetPaddingMode() (mode RNNPaddingMode, err error)
- func (r *RNND) GetParamsSIB(handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, data DataType) (uint, error)
- func (r *RNND) GetProjectionLayers(handle *Handle) (int32, int32, error)
- func (r *RNND) GetRNNLinLayerBiasParams(handle *Handle, pseudoLayer int32, xD *TensorD, wD *FilterD, w cutil.Mem, ...) (BiasD *FilterD, Bias cutil.Mem, err error)
- func (r *RNND) GetRNNLinLayerBiasParamsUS(handle *Handle, pseudoLayer int32, xD *TensorD, wD *FilterD, w unsafe.Pointer, ...) (BiasD *FilterD, Bias unsafe.Pointer, err error)
- func (r *RNND) GetRNNMatrixMathType() (MathType, error)
- func (r *RNND) GetReserveSIB(handle *Handle, seqLength int32, xD []*TensorD) (uint, error)
- func (r *RNND) GetWorkspaceSIB(handle *Handle, seqLength int32, xD []*TensorD) (uint, error)
- func (r *RNND) NewPersistentRNNPlan(minibatch int32, data DataType) (plan *PersistentRNNPlan, err error)
- func (r *RNND) RNNBackwardData(handle *Handle, yD []*TensorD, y cutil.Mem, dyD []*TensorD, dy cutil.Mem, ...) error
- func (r *RNND) RNNBackwardDataUS(handle *Handle, yD []*TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, dyD []*TensorD, ...) error
- func (r *RNND) RNNForwardInference(handle *Handle, xD []*TensorD, x cutil.Mem, hxD *TensorD, hx cutil.Mem, ...) error
- func (r *RNND) RNNForwardInferenceUS(handle *Handle, xD []*TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, hxD *TensorD, ...) error
- func (r *RNND) RNNForwardTraining(handle *Handle, xD []*TensorD, x cutil.Mem, hxD *TensorD, hx cutil.Mem, ...) error
- func (r *RNND) RNNForwardTrainingUS(handle *Handle, xD []*TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, hxD *TensorD, ...) error
- func (r *RNND) Set(handle *Handle, hiddenSize int32, numLayers int32, doD *DropOutD, ...) error
- func (r *RNND) SetAlgorithmDescriptor(handle *Handle, algo *AlgorithmD) error
- func (r *RNND) SetBiasMode(bmode RNNBiasMode) error
- func (r *RNND) SetClip(h *Handle, mode RNNClipMode, nanprop NANProp, lclip, rclip float64) error
- func (r *RNND) SetPaddingMode(mode RNNPaddingMode) error
- func (r *RNND) SetProjectionLayers(handle *Handle, recProjsize int32, outProjSize int32) error
- func (r *RNND) SetRNNMatrixMathType(math MathType) error
- type RNNDataD
- type RNNDataLayout
- type RNNFlags
- type RNNInputMode
- type RNNPaddingMode
- type RNNmode
- type ReduceTensorD
- func (r *ReduceTensorD) Destroy() error
- func (r *ReduceTensorD) Get() (reduceop ReduceTensorOp, datatype DataType, nanprop NANProp, ...)
- func (r *ReduceTensorD) GetIndiciesSize(handle *Handle, aDesc, cDesc *TensorD) (uint, error)
- func (r *ReduceTensorD) GetWorkSpaceSize(handle *Handle, aDesc, cDesc *TensorD) (uint, error)
- func (r *ReduceTensorD) ReduceTensorOp(handle *Handle, indices cutil.Mem, indiciessize uint, wspace cutil.Mem, ...) error
- func (r *ReduceTensorD) ReduceTensorOpUS(handle *Handle, indices unsafe.Pointer, indiciessize uint, ...) error
- func (r *ReduceTensorD) Set(reduceop ReduceTensorOp, datatype DataType, nanprop NANProp, ...) error
- func (r *ReduceTensorD) String() string
- type ReduceTensorIndices
- type ReduceTensorOp
- func (r *ReduceTensorOp) Add() ReduceTensorOp
- func (r *ReduceTensorOp) Amax() ReduceTensorOp
- func (r *ReduceTensorOp) Avg() ReduceTensorOp
- func (r *ReduceTensorOp) Max() ReduceTensorOp
- func (r *ReduceTensorOp) Min() ReduceTensorOp
- func (r *ReduceTensorOp) Mul() ReduceTensorOp
- func (r *ReduceTensorOp) MulNoZeros() ReduceTensorOp
- func (r *ReduceTensorOp) Norm1() ReduceTensorOp
- func (r *ReduceTensorOp) Norm2() ReduceTensorOp
- func (r ReduceTensorOp) String() string
- type Reorder
- type RuntimeTag
- type SamplerType
- type SeqDataAxis
- type SeqDataD
- type SoftMaxAlgorithm
- type SoftMaxD
- func (s *SoftMaxD) Backward(handle *Handle, alpha float64, yD *TensorD, y cutil.Mem, dyD *TensorD, ...) error
- func (s *SoftMaxD) BackwardUS(handle *Handle, alpha float64, yD *TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, dyD *TensorD, ...) error
- func (s *SoftMaxD) Forward(handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, beta float64, ...) error
- func (s *SoftMaxD) ForwardUS(handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, beta float64, ...) error
- func (s *SoftMaxD) Get() (algo SoftMaxAlgorithm, mode SoftMaxMode, err error)
- func (s *SoftMaxD) Set(algo SoftMaxAlgorithm, mode SoftMaxMode) error
- func (s *SoftMaxD) String() string
- type SoftMaxMode
- type SpatialTransformerD
- func (s *SpatialTransformerD) Destroy() error
- func (s *SpatialTransformerD) GridGeneratorBackward(handle *Handle, grid cutil.Mem, theta cutil.Mem) error
- func (s *SpatialTransformerD) GridGeneratorBackwardUS(handle *Handle, grid unsafe.Pointer, theta unsafe.Pointer) error
- func (s *SpatialTransformerD) GridGeneratorForward(handle *Handle, theta cutil.Mem, grid cutil.Mem) error
- func (s *SpatialTransformerD) GridGeneratorForwardUS(handle *Handle, theta unsafe.Pointer, grid unsafe.Pointer) error
- func (s *SpatialTransformerD) SamplerBackward(handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, beta float64, ...) error
- func (s *SpatialTransformerD) SamplerBackwardUS(handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, beta float64, ...) error
- func (s *SpatialTransformerD) SamplerForward(handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, grid cutil.Mem, ...) error
- func (s *SpatialTransformerD) SamplerForwardUS(handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, ...) error
- func (s *SpatialTransformerD) Set(sampler SamplerType, data DataType, dimA []int32) error
- type Status
- type TensorD
- func (t *TensorD) DataType() DataType
- func (t *TensorD) Destroy() error
- func (t *TensorD) Dims() []int32
- func (t *TensorD) Format() TensorFormat
- func (t *TensorD) Get() (frmt TensorFormat, dtype DataType, shape []int32, stride []int32, err error)
- func (t *TensorD) GetSizeInBytes() (uint, error)
- func (t *TensorD) Set(frmt TensorFormat, data DataType, shape, stride []int32) error
- func (t *TensorD) String() string
- type TensorFormat
- type TransformD
- func (t *TransformD) Destroy() error
- func (t *TransformD) Get() (destFormat TensorFormat, padBefore, padAfter []int32, foldA []uint32, ...)
- func (t *TransformD) InitDest(src *TensorD) (dest *TensorD, destsib uint, err error)
- func (t *TransformD) Set(nbDims uint32, destFormat TensorFormat, padBefore, padAfter []int32, ...) error
- func (t *TransformD) String() string
- func (t *TransformD) TransformFilter(h *Handle, alpha float64, srcD *FilterD, src cutil.Mem, beta float64, ...) error
- func (t *TransformD) TransformTensor(h *Handle, alpha float64, srcD *TensorD, src cutil.Mem, beta float64, ...) error
- func (t *TransformD) TransformTensorUS(h *Handle, alpha float64, srcD *TensorD, src unsafe.Pointer, beta float64, ...) error
- type WgradMode
Examples ¶
Constants ¶
const BnMinEpsilon = (float64)(C.CUDNN_BN_MIN_EPSILON)
BnMinEpsilon is the min epsilon for batchnorm It used to be 1e-5, but it is now 0
const CudnnSeqDataDimCount = C.CUDNN_SEQDATA_DIM_COUNT
CudnnSeqDataDimCount is a flag for the number of dims.
const DimMax = int32(C.CUDNN_DIM_MAX)
DimMax is the max dims for tensors
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func AddTensor ¶
func AddTensor(h *Handle, alpha float64, aD *TensorD, A cutil.Mem, beta float64, cD *TensorD, c cutil.Mem) error
AddTensor Tensor Bias addition : C = alpha * A + beta * C // c is both the input and output From Documentation This function adds the scaled values of a bias tensor to another tensor. Each dimension of the bias tensor A must match the corresponding dimension of the destination tensor C or must be equal to 1. In the latter case, the same value from the bias tensor for those dimensions will be used to blend into the C tensor.
**Note: Up to dimension 5, all tensor formats are supported. Beyond those dimensions, this routine is not supported
func AddTensorUS ¶
func AddTensorUS(h *Handle, alpha float64, aD *TensorD, A unsafe.Pointer, beta float64, cD *TensorD, c unsafe.Pointer) error
AddTensorUS is like AddTensor but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func FindLength ¶
FindLength returns the length of of the array considering the number of bytes and the Datatype
func FindSizeTfromVol ¶
FindSizeTfromVol takes a volume of dims and returns the size in bytes in SizeT
func GetBindingVersion ¶
func GetBindingVersion() (major, minor, patch int32)
GetBindingVersion will return the library version this binding was made for.
func GetCudaartVersion ¶
func GetCudaartVersion() uint
GetCudaartVersion prints cuda run time version
func GetFoldedConvBackwardDataDescriptors ¶
func GetFoldedConvBackwardDataDescriptors(h *Handle, filter *FilterD, diff *TensorD, conv *ConvolutionD, grad *TensorD, transform TensorFormat) ( foldedfilter *FilterD, paddeddiff *TensorD, foldedConv *ConvolutionD, foldedgrad *TensorD, filterfold *TransformD, diffpad *TransformD, gradfold *TransformD, gradunfold *TransformD, err error)
GetFoldedConvBackwardDataDescriptors - Hidden Helper function to calculate folding descriptors for dgrad
func GetLibraryVersion ¶
GetLibraryVersion will return the library version you have installed
func GetStringer ¶
GetStringer returns a stringer that will pring cuda allocated memory formated in NHWC or NCHW. Only works for 4d tensors with float or half datatype. It will only print the data.
func ScaleTensor ¶
ScaleTensor - Scale all values of a tensor by a given factor : y[i] = alpha * y[i]
func ScaleTensorUS ¶
ScaleTensorUS is like ScaleTensor but it uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func SetCallBack ¶
SetCallBack sets the debug callback function. Callback data will be writer to the writer. udata is custom user data that will write to the call back. udata can be nil Callback is not functional.
func SetTensorUS ¶
SetTensorUS is like SetTensor but it uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func TransformTensor ¶
func TransformTensor(h *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, beta float64, yD *TensorD, y cutil.Mem) error
TransformTensor see below
From the SDK Documentation: This function copies the scaled data from one tensor to another tensor with a different layout. Those descriptors need to have the same dimensions but not necessarily the same strides. The input and output tensors must not overlap in any way (i.e., tensors cannot be transformed in place). This function can be used to convert a tensor with an unsupported format to a supported one.
cudnnStatus_t cudnnTransformTensor(
cudnnHandle_t handle, const void *alpha, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t xDesc, const void *x, const void *beta, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t yDesc, void *y)
y = Transfomr((alpha *x),(beta * y)) This will change the layout of a tensor stride wise
Types ¶
type ActivationD ¶
type ActivationD struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ActivationD is an opaque struct that holds the description of an activation operation.
Example ¶
ExampleActivationD of doing the activation function
package main import ( "runtime" "" gocudnn "" ) func main() { runtime.LockOSThread() check := func(e error) { if e != nil { panic(e) } } h := gocudnn.CreateHandle(true) //Using go garbage collector ActOp, err := gocudnn.CreateActivationDescriptor() check(err) var AMode gocudnn.ActivationMode //Activation Mode Flag var NanMode gocudnn.NANProp //Nan Propagation Flag err = ActOp.Set(AMode.Relu(), NanMode.Propigate(), 20) check(err) am, nm, coef, err := ActOp.Get() //Gets the calues that where set if am != AMode.Relu() || nm != NanMode.Propigate() || coef != 20 { panic("am!=Amode.Relu()||nm !=NanMode.Propigate()||coef!=20") } //Dummy Variables //Check TensorD to find out how to make xD,yD and x and y var x, y *gocu.CudaPtr var xD, yD *gocudnn.TensorD err = ActOp.Forward(h, 1, xD, x, 0, yD, y) check(err) }
func CreateActivationDescriptor ¶
func CreateActivationDescriptor() (*ActivationD, error)
CreateActivationDescriptor creates an activation descriptor
func (*ActivationD) Backward ¶
func (a *ActivationD) Backward( handle *Handle, alpha float64, yD *TensorD, y cutil.Mem, dyD *TensorD, dy cutil.Mem, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, beta float64, dxD *TensorD, dx cutil.Mem) error
Backward does the activation backward method
From deep learning sdk documentation (slightly modified for gocudnn):
This routine computes the gradient of a neuron activation function.
Note: In-place operation is allowed for this routine; i.e., dx and dy cutil.Mem may be equal. However, this requires dxD and dyD descriptors to be identical (particularly, the strides of the input and output must match for in-place operation to be allowed).
Note: All tensor formats are supported for 4 and 5 dimensions, however best performance is obtained when the strides of dxD and dyD are equal and HW-packed. For more than 5 dimensions the tensors must have their spatial dimensions packed.
--- handle(input): previously created Handle --- ---- alpha, beta(input): Pointers to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the computation result with prior value in the output layer as follows: dstValue = alpha[0]*result + beta[0]*priorDstValue. ---- --- xD(input): Handle to the previously initialized input tensor descriptor. --- ---- x(input): Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor xD. ---- --- dxD(input): Handle to the previously initialized input tensor descriptor. --- ---- dx(output): Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor dxD. ---- --- yD(input): Handle to the previously initialized output tensor descriptor. --- ---- y(input): Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the output tensor descriptor yD. ---- --- dyD(input): Handle to the previously initialized output tensor descriptor. --- ---- dy(input): Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the output tensor descriptor dyD. ----
Possible Error Returns
nil: The function launched successfully. CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED: 1) The dimensions n,c,h,w of the input tensor and output tensors differ. 2) The datatype of the input tensor and output tensors differs. 3) The strides nStride, cStride, hStride, wStride of the input tensor and the input differential tensor differ. 4) The strides nStride, cStride, hStride, wStride of the output tensor and the output differential tensor differ. CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM: At least one of the following conditions are met: The strides nStride, cStride, hStride, wStride of the input differential tensor and output differential tensors differ and in-place operation is used. CUDNN_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED: The function failed to launch on the GPU.
func (*ActivationD) BackwardUS ¶
func (a *ActivationD) BackwardUS( handle *Handle, alpha float64, yD *TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, dyD *TensorD, dy unsafe.Pointer, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, beta float64, dxD *TensorD, dx unsafe.Pointer) error
BackwardUS is just like Backward but it takes unsafe.Pointers instead of cutil.Mem
func (*ActivationD) Destroy ¶
func (a *ActivationD) Destroy() error
Destroy destroys the activation descriptor if GC is not set. if not set method will only return nil Currently GC is always set with no way of turning it off
func (*ActivationD) Forward ¶
func (a *ActivationD) Forward( handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, beta float64, yD *TensorD, y cutil.Mem) error
Forward does the forward activation function
From deep learning sdk documentation (slightly modified for gocudnn):
This routine applies a specified neuron activation function element-wise over each input value.
Note: In-place operation is allowed for this routine; i.e., x and y cutil.Mem may be equal. However, this requires xD and yD descriptors to be identical (particularly, the strides of the input and output must match for in-place operation to be allowed).
Note: All tensor formats are supported for 4 and 5 dimensions, however best performance is obtained when the strides of xD and yD are equal and HW-packed. For more than 5 dimensions the tensors must have their spatial dimensions packed.
--- handle(input): previously created Handle --- ---- alpha, beta(input): Pointers to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the computation result with prior value in the output layer as follows: dstValue = alpha[0]*result + beta[0]*priorDstValue. ---- --- xD(input): Handle to the previously initialized input tensor descriptor. --- ---- x(input): Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor xD. ---- --- yD(input): Handle to the previously initialized output tensor descriptor. --- ---- y(output): Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the output tensor descriptor yDesc. ----
Possible Error Returns
nil: The function launched successfully. CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED: The function does not support the provided configuration. CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM: At least one of the following conditions are met: 1)The parameter mode has an invalid enumerant value. 2)The dimensions n,c,h,w of the input tensor and output tensors differ. 3)The datatype of the input tensor and output tensors differs. 4)The strides nStride,cStride,hStride,wStride of the input tensor and output tensors differ and in-place operation is used (i.e., x and y pointers are equal). CUDNN_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED: The function failed to launch on the GPU.
func (*ActivationD) ForwardUS ¶
func (a *ActivationD) ForwardUS( handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, beta float64, yD *TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer) error
ForwardUS is just like Forward but it takes unsafe.Pointers instead of cutil.Mem
func (*ActivationD) Get ¶
func (a *ActivationD) Get() (mode ActivationMode, nan NANProp, coef float64, err error)
Get gets the descriptor descriptors values
func (*ActivationD) Set ¶
func (a *ActivationD) Set(mode ActivationMode, nan NANProp, coef float64) error
Set sets the activation operation according to the settings passed
func (*ActivationD) String ¶
func (a *ActivationD) String() string
type ActivationMode ¶
type ActivationMode C.cudnnActivationMode_t
ActivationMode is used for activation discriptor flags flags are obtained through type's methods
func (*ActivationMode) ClippedRelu ¶
func (a *ActivationMode) ClippedRelu() ActivationMode
ClippedRelu sets a to ActivationMode(C.CUDNN_ACTIVATION_CLIPPED_RELU)and returns that value.
Selects the clipped rectified linear function.
func (*ActivationMode) Elu ¶
func (a *ActivationMode) Elu() ActivationMode
Elu sets a to ActivationMode(C.CUDNN_ACTIVATION_ELU) and returns that value.
Selects the exponential linear function.
func (*ActivationMode) Identity ¶
func (a *ActivationMode) Identity() ActivationMode
Identity returns ActivationMode(C.CUDNN_ACTIVATION_IDENTITY) (new for 7.1)
Selects the identity function, intended for bypassing the activation step in (*Convolution)BiasActivationForward(). (The Identity flag must use CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_IMPLICIT_PRECOMP_GEMM, and only for (*Convolution)BiasActivationForward()) Does not work with cudnnActivationForward() or cudnnActivationBackward().
func (*ActivationMode) Relu ¶
func (a *ActivationMode) Relu() ActivationMode
Relu sets a to ActivationMode(C.CUDNN_ACTIVATION_RELU)and returns that value.
Selects the rectified linear function.
func (*ActivationMode) Sigmoid ¶
func (a *ActivationMode) Sigmoid() ActivationMode
Sigmoid sets a to ActivationMode(C.CUDNN_ACTIVATION_SIGMOID)and returns that value.
Selects the sigmoid function.
func (ActivationMode) String ¶
func (a ActivationMode) String() string
func (*ActivationMode) Tanh ¶
func (a *ActivationMode) Tanh() ActivationMode
Tanh sets a to ActivationMode(C.CUDNN_ACTIVATION_TANH)and returns that value.
Selects the hyperbolic tangent function.
type AlgorithmD ¶
type AlgorithmD struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AlgorithmD holds the C.cudnnAlgorithmDescriptor_t
func CreateAlgorithmDescriptor ¶
func CreateAlgorithmDescriptor() (*AlgorithmD, error)
CreateAlgorithmDescriptor creates an AlgorithmD that needs to be set
func (*AlgorithmD) Copy ¶
func (a *AlgorithmD) Copy() (*AlgorithmD, error)
Copy returns a copy of AlgorithmD
func (*AlgorithmD) Destroy ¶
func (a *AlgorithmD) Destroy() error
Destroy destroys descriptor. Right now since gocudnn is on go's gc this won't do anything
func (*AlgorithmD) Get ¶
func (a *AlgorithmD) Get() (Algorithm, error)
Get returns AlgrothmD values a Algorithm.
func (*AlgorithmD) GetAlgorithmSpaceSize ¶
func (a *AlgorithmD) GetAlgorithmSpaceSize(handle *Handle) (uint, error)
GetAlgorithmSpaceSize gets the size in bytes of the algorithm
func (*AlgorithmD) RestoreAlgorithm ¶
RestoreAlgorithm from host
func (*AlgorithmD) SaveAlgorithm ¶
SaveAlgorithm saves the algorithm to host
func (*AlgorithmD) Set ¶
func (a *AlgorithmD) Set(algo Algorithm) error
Set sets the algorthm into the algorithmd
type AlgorithmPerformance ¶
type AlgorithmPerformance struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AlgorithmPerformance go typed C.cudnnAlgorithmPerformance_t
func CreateAlgorithmPerformance ¶
func CreateAlgorithmPerformance(numberToCreate int32) ([]AlgorithmPerformance, error)
CreateAlgorithmPerformance creates and returns an AlgorithmPerformance
nil = Sucess CUDNN_STATUS_ALLOC_FAILED - The resources could not be allocated
func (*AlgorithmPerformance) Destroy ¶
func (a *AlgorithmPerformance) Destroy() error
Destroy destroys the perfmance
func (*AlgorithmPerformance) Get ¶
func (a *AlgorithmPerformance) Get() (AlgorithmD, Status, float32, uint, error)
Get gets algorithm performance. it returns AlgorithmD, Status, float32(time), SizeT(memorysize in bytes) I didn't include the setalgorithmperformance func, but it might need to be made.
func (*AlgorithmPerformance) Set ¶
func (a *AlgorithmPerformance) Set(aD *AlgorithmD, s Status, time float32, memory uint) error
Set sets the algo performance
type AttentionD ¶
type AttentionD struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AttentionD holds opaque values used for attention operations
func CreateAttnDescriptor ¶
func CreateAttnDescriptor() (*AttentionD, error)
CreateAttnDescriptor creates an Attention Descriptor
func (*AttentionD) BackwardData ¶
func (a *AttentionD) BackwardData( h *Handle, loWinIdx []int32, hiWinIdx []int32, seqLengthArrayDQDO []int32, seqLengthArrayDKDV []int32, doDesc *SeqDataD, dout cutil.Mem, dqDesc *SeqDataD, dqueries, queries cutil.Mem, dkDesc *SeqDataD, dkeys, keys cutil.Mem, dvDesc *SeqDataD, dvalues, values cutil.Mem, wbuffSIB uint, wbuff cutil.Mem, wspaceSIB uint, wspace cutil.Mem, rspaceSIB uint, rspace cutil.Mem) error
BackwardData does the backward propigation for data.
func (*AttentionD) BackwardDataUS ¶
func (a *AttentionD) BackwardDataUS( h *Handle, loWinIdx []int32, hiWinIdx []int32, seqLengthArrayDQDO []int32, seqLengthArrayDKDV []int32, doDesc *SeqDataD, dout unsafe.Pointer, dqDesc *SeqDataD, dqueries, queries unsafe.Pointer, dkDesc *SeqDataD, dkeys, keys unsafe.Pointer, dvDesc *SeqDataD, dvalues, values unsafe.Pointer, wbuffSIB uint, wbuff unsafe.Pointer, wspaceSIB uint, wspace unsafe.Pointer, rspaceSIB uint, rspace unsafe.Pointer) error
BackwardDataUS is like BackwardData but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*AttentionD) BackwardWeights ¶
func (a *AttentionD) BackwardWeights( h *Handle, wgmode WgradMode, qDesc *SeqDataD, queries cutil.Mem, keyDesc *SeqDataD, keys cutil.Mem, vDesc *SeqDataD, values cutil.Mem, doDesc *SeqDataD, dout cutil.Mem, wbuffSIB uint, wbuff, dwbuff cutil.Mem, wspaceSIB uint, wspace cutil.Mem, rspaceSIB uint, rspace cutil.Mem) error
BackwardWeights does the backward propigation for weights.
func (*AttentionD) BackwardWeightsUS ¶
func (a *AttentionD) BackwardWeightsUS( h *Handle, wgmode WgradMode, qDesc *SeqDataD, queries unsafe.Pointer, keyDesc *SeqDataD, keys unsafe.Pointer, vDesc *SeqDataD, values unsafe.Pointer, doDesc *SeqDataD, dout unsafe.Pointer, wbuffSIB uint, wbuff, dwbuff unsafe.Pointer, wspaceSIB uint, wspace unsafe.Pointer, rspaceSIB uint, rspace unsafe.Pointer) error
BackwardWeightsUS is like BackwardWeightsUS but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*AttentionD) Destroy ¶
func (a *AttentionD) Destroy() error
Destroy will destroy the descriptor if not on GC if it is on gc it will do nothing but return nil Currently, gocudnn is always on go's gc
func (*AttentionD) Forward ¶
func (a *AttentionD) Forward( h *Handle, currIdx int32, loWinIdx []int32, hiWinIdx []int32, seqLengthArrayQRO []int32, seqLengthArrayKV []int32, qrDesc *SeqDataD, queries, residuals cutil.Mem, keyDesc *SeqDataD, keys cutil.Mem, vDesc *SeqDataD, values cutil.Mem, oDesc *SeqDataD, out cutil.Mem, wbuffSIB uint, wbuff cutil.Mem, wspaceSIB uint, wspace cutil.Mem, rspaceSIB uint, rspace cutil.Mem) error
Forward look at documentation. Kind of more confusing than normal if currIdx <0 trainingmode, currIdx >=0 inference mode
func (*AttentionD) ForwardUS ¶
func (a *AttentionD) ForwardUS( h *Handle, currIdx int32, loWinIdx []int32, hiWinIdx []int32, seqLengthArrayQRO []int32, seqLengthArrayKV []int32, qrDesc *SeqDataD, queries, residuals unsafe.Pointer, keyDesc *SeqDataD, keys unsafe.Pointer, vDesc *SeqDataD, values unsafe.Pointer, oDesc *SeqDataD, out unsafe.Pointer, wbuffSIB uint, wbuff unsafe.Pointer, wspaceSIB uint, wspace unsafe.Pointer, rspaceSIB uint, rspace unsafe.Pointer) error
ForwardUS is like Forward but takes unsafe.Pointer's instead of cutil.Mem
func (*AttentionD) Get ¶
func (a *AttentionD) Get() ( qMap AttnQueryMap, nHead int32, smScaler float64, dtype DataType, computePrecision DataType, mtype MathType, attn *DropOutD, post *DropOutD, qSize, keySize, vSize int32, qProjSize, keyProjSize, vProjSize, oProjSize int32, qoMaxSeqLen, kvMaxSeqLen int32, maxBatchSize, maxBeamSize int32, err error)
Get gets all the values for the AttentionD - There is a lot.
func (*AttentionD) GetMultiHeadAttnWeights ¶
func (a *AttentionD) GetMultiHeadAttnWeights(h *Handle, wkind MultiHeadAttnWeightKind, wbuffSIB uint, wbuff cutil.Mem) (wD *TensorD, w cutil.Mem, err error)
GetMultiHeadAttnWeights returns a Descripter for w and its goco.Mem
func (*AttentionD) GetMultiHeadBuffers ¶
func (a *AttentionD) GetMultiHeadBuffers(h *Handle) (weightbuffSIB, wspaceSIB, rspaceSIB uint, err error)
GetMultiHeadBuffers returns the Size In Bytes (SIB) needed for allocation for operation.
func (*AttentionD) Set ¶
func (a *AttentionD) Set( qMap AttnQueryMap, nHead int32, smScaler float64, dtype DataType, computePrecision DataType, mtype MathType, attn *DropOutD, post *DropOutD, qSize, keySize, vSize int32, qProjSize, keyProjSize, vProjSize, oProjSize int32, qoMaxSeqLen, kvMaxSeqLen int32, maxBatchSize, maxBeamSize int32, ) error
Set sets an already made AttentionD called from CreateAttnDescriptor.
type AttnQueryMap ¶
type AttnQueryMap C.cudnnAttnQueryMap_t
AttnQueryMap type is a flag for multihead attention. Flags are exposed through type methods.
func (*AttnQueryMap) AllToOne ¶
func (a *AttnQueryMap) AllToOne() AttnQueryMap
AllToOne - multiple Q-s when beam width > 1 map to a single (K,V) set. Method changes to AllToOne, and returns that value.
func (*AttnQueryMap) OneToOne ¶
func (a *AttnQueryMap) OneToOne() AttnQueryMap
OneToOne - multiple Q-s when beam width > 1 map to corresponding (K,V) sets. Method changes to OneToOne, and returns that value.
func (AttnQueryMap) String ¶
func (a AttnQueryMap) String() string
type BatchNormD ¶
type BatchNormD struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BatchNormD is a gocudnn original. This is to make the batchnorm operation similar to the majority cudnn.
func CreateBatchNormDescriptor ¶
func CreateBatchNormDescriptor() *BatchNormD
CreateBatchNormDescriptor creates a new BatchNormD
func (*BatchNormD) Backward ¶
func (b *BatchNormD) Backward( handle *Handle, alphadata, betadata, alphaparam, betaparam float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, dyD *TensorD, dy cutil.Mem, dxD *TensorD, dx cutil.Mem, dBnScaleBiasDesc *TensorD, scale, dscale, dbias cutil.Mem, epsilon float64, savedMean, savedInvVariance cutil.Mem, ) error
Backward - Performs backward pass of Batch Normalization layer.
Outputs: dx (backprop data), dscale (training scale), dbias (training bias) Scalars: alphadata, betadata, alphaparam, betaparam - are smoothing factors. y = alpha * operation + beta * y Note: savedMean, savedInvVariance - These are cached results if used by the layer in the forward pass. These can be null iff they are both null.
func (*BatchNormD) BackwardUS ¶
func (b *BatchNormD) BackwardUS( handle *Handle, alphadata, betadata, alphaparam, betaparam float64, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, dyD *TensorD, dy unsafe.Pointer, dxD *TensorD, dx unsafe.Pointer, dBnScaleBiasDesc *TensorD, scale, dscale, dbias unsafe.Pointer, epsilon float64, savedMean, savedInvVariance unsafe.Pointer, ) error
BackwardUS is like Backward but uses unsafe.Pointers instead of cutil.Mem
func (*BatchNormD) DeriveBNTensorDescriptor ¶
func (b *BatchNormD) DeriveBNTensorDescriptor(xDesc *TensorD) (bndesc *TensorD, err error)
DeriveBNTensorDescriptor Derives a BN Tensor Descriptor from the one passed.
* Derives a tensor descriptor from layer data descriptor for BatchNormalization * scale, invVariance, bnBias, bnScale tensors. Use this tensor desc for * bnScaleBiasMeanVarDesc and bnScaleBiasDiffDesc in Batch Normalization forward and backward functions.
func (*BatchNormD) ForwardInference ¶
func (b *BatchNormD) ForwardInference( handle *Handle, alpha, beta float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, yD *TensorD, y cutil.Mem, ScaleBiasMeanVarDesc *TensorD, scale, bias, estimatedMean, estimatedVariance cutil.Mem, epsilon float64, ) error
ForwardInference info was pulled from cudnn documentation This function performs the forward BatchNormalization layer computation for inference phase. This layer is based on the paper "Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift", S. Ioffe, C. Szegedy, 2015.
1)Only 4D and 5D tensors are supported.
2)The input transformation performed by this function is defined as: y := alpha*y + beta *(bnScale * (x-estimatedMean)/sqrt(epsilon + estimatedVariance)+bnBias)
3)The epsilon value has to be the same during training, backpropagation and inference.
4)For training phase use cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTraining.
5)Much higher performance when HW-packed tensors are used for all of x, dy, dx.
---- handle(input): Handle to a previously created cuDNN library descriptor. ---- --- mode(input): Mode of operation (spatial or per-activation). BatchNormMode --- ---- alpha, beta (input): Scaling factors in host mem y = alpha *result + beta *y ---- --- xDesc (input), yDesc (input), x (input), y (output): Descriptors and pointers to mem --- ---- bnScaleBiasMeanVarDesc, bnScaleData, bnBiasData(inputs): Tensor descriptor and pointers in device memory for the batch normalization scale and bias parameters ---- --- estimatedMean, estimatedVariance (inputs): Mean and variance tensors (these have the same descriptor as the bias and scale). It is suggested that resultRunningMean, resultRunningVariance from the cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTraining call accumulated during the training phase are passed as inputs here. --- ---- epsilon(input): Epsilon value used in the batch normalization formula. Minimum allowed value is found in MinEpsilon() method. (It is now zero) ----
nil - The computation was performed successfully. CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED - The function does not support the provided configuration. CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM - At least one of the following conditions are met: 1)One of the pointers alpha, beta, x, y, bnScaleData, bnBiasData, estimatedMean, estimatedInvVariance is NULL. 2)Number of xDesc or yDesc tensor descriptor dimensions is not within the [4,5] range. 3)bnScaleBiasMeanVarDesc dimensions are not 1xC(x1)x1x1 for spatial or 1xC(xD)xHxW for per-activation mode (parenthesis for 5D). 4)epsilon value is less than CUDNN_BN_MIN_EPSILON 5)Dimensions or data types mismatch for xDesc, yDesc
func (*BatchNormD) ForwardInferenceUS ¶
func (b *BatchNormD) ForwardInferenceUS( handle *Handle, alpha, beta float64, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, yD *TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, ScaleBiasMeanVarDesc *TensorD, scale, bias, estimatedMean, estimatedVariance unsafe.Pointer, epsilon float64, ) error
ForwardInferenceUS is like ForwardInference but uses unsafe.Pointers instead of cutil.Mems
func (*BatchNormD) ForwardTraining ¶
func (b *BatchNormD) ForwardTraining( handle *Handle, alpha float64, beta float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, yD *TensorD, y cutil.Mem, bnScaleBiasMeanVar *TensorD, scale cutil.Mem, bias cutil.Mem, expAveFactor float64, resultrunningmean cutil.Mem, resultRunningVariance cutil.Mem, epsilon float64, resultSaveMean cutil.Mem, resultSaveInvVariance cutil.Mem, ) error
ForwardTraining from the documentation This function performs the forward BatchNormalization layer computation for training phase.
1)Only 4D and 5D tensors are supported.
2)The epsilon value has to be the same during training, backpropagation and inference.
3)For inference phase use cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardInference.
4)Much higher performance for HW-packed tensors for both x and y.
---- handle: Handle to a previously created cuDNN library descriptor. ---- --- alpha, beta (Inputs): Scaling Factors y= alpha*opresult + beta*y --- ---- xD, yD, x, y: Tensor descriptors and pointers in device memory for the layer's x and y data. ---- --- bnScaleBiasMeanVar: Shared tensor descriptor desc for all the 6 tensors below in the argument list. The dimensions for this tensor descriptor are dependent on the normalization mode. --- ---- scal, bias(Inputs): Pointers in device memory for the batch normalization scale and bias parameters. Note: Since bias isn't used during the backward pass. You can use bias for other batchnorm layers. ---- --- expAveFactor (input): Factor used in the moving average computation runningMean = newMean*factor + runningMean*(1-factor). Use a factor=1/(1+n) at N-th call to the function to get Cumulative Moving Average (CMA) behavior CMA[n] = (x[1]+...+x[n])/n. Since CMA[n+1] = (n*CMA[n]+x[n+1])/(n+1)= ((n+1)*CMA[n]-CMA[n])/(n+1) + x[n+1]/(n+1) = CMA[n]*(1-1/(n+1))+x[n+1]*1/(n+1) --- ---- resultRunningMean,resultRunningVariance (input/output): Running mean and variance tensors (these have the same descriptor as the bias and scale). Both of these pointers can be NULL but only at the same time. The value stored in resultRunningVariance (or passed as an input in inference mode) is the moving average of variance[x] where variance is computed either over batch or spatial+batch dimensions depending on the mode. If these pointers are not NULL, the tensors should be initialized to some reasonable values or to 0. ---- --- epsilon: Epsilon value used in the batch normalization formula. Minimum allowed value is CUDNN_BN_MIN_EPSILON defined in cudnn.h. Same epsilon value should be used in forward and backward functions. --- ---- resultSaveMean, resultSaveInvVariance (outputs): Optional cache to save intermediate results computed during the forward pass these can then be reused to speed up the backward pass. For this to work correctly, the bottom layer data has to remain unchanged until the backward function is called. Note that both of these parameters can be NULL but only at the same time. It is recommended to use this cache since memory overhead is relatively small because these tensors have a much lower product of dimensions than the data tensors. ----
nil - The computation was performed successfully. CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED - The function does not support the provided configuration. CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM - At least one of the following conditions are met: 1)One of the pointers alpha, beta, x, y, bnScaleData, bnBiasData is NULL. 2)Number of xDesc or yDesc tensor descriptor dimensions is not within the [4,5] range. 3)bnScaleBiasMeanVarDesc dimensions are not 1xC(x1)x1x1 for spatial or 1xC(xD)xHxW for per-activation mode (parens for 5D). 4)Exactly one of resultSaveMean, resultSaveInvVariance pointers is NULL. 5)Exactly one of resultRunningMean, resultRunningInvVariance pointers is NULL. 6)epsilon value is less than MinEpsilon() 7)Dimensions or data types mismatch for xDesc, yDesc
func (*BatchNormD) ForwardTrainingUS ¶
func (b *BatchNormD) ForwardTrainingUS( handle *Handle, alpha float64, beta float64, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, yD *TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, bnScaleBiasMeanVar *TensorD, scale unsafe.Pointer, bias unsafe.Pointer, expAveFactor float64, resultrunningmean unsafe.Pointer, resultRunningVariance unsafe.Pointer, epsilon float64, resultSaveMean unsafe.Pointer, resultSaveInvVariance unsafe.Pointer, ) error
ForwardTrainingUS is just like ForwardTraining but uses unsafe.Pointers.
func (*BatchNormD) Get ¶
func (b *BatchNormD) Get() (mode BatchNormMode, err error)
Get gets the values stored in BatchNormMode
func (*BatchNormD) MinEpsilon ¶
func (b *BatchNormD) MinEpsilon() float64
MinEpsilon is the Minimum Epsilon required. It is now zero, but it used to be 1e-5
func (*BatchNormD) Set ¶
func (b *BatchNormD) Set(mode BatchNormMode) error
Set sets the values used in the batchnorm descriptor
func (*BatchNormD) String ¶
func (b *BatchNormD) String() string
type BatchNormDEx ¶
type BatchNormDEx struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BatchNormDEx is a gocudnn original. This is to make the batchnorm operation similar to the majority cudnn.
func CreateBatchNormDescriptorEx ¶
func CreateBatchNormDescriptorEx() *BatchNormDEx
CreateBatchNormDescriptorEx creates a new BatchNormDEx
func (*BatchNormDEx) Backward ¶
func (b *BatchNormDEx) Backward( h *Handle, alphadata, betadata, alphaparam, betaparam float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, yD *TensorD, y cutil.Mem, dyD *TensorD, dy cutil.Mem, dzD *TensorD, dz cutil.Mem, dxD *TensorD, dx cutil.Mem, dbnScaleBiasMeanVarDesc *TensorD, scale cutil.Mem, bias cutil.Mem, dscale cutil.Mem, dbias cutil.Mem, epsilon float64, fromresultSaveMean cutil.Mem, fromreslutSaveInVariance cutil.Mem, actD *ActivationD, wspace cutil.Mem, wspacesib uint, rspace cutil.Mem, rspacesib uint, ) error
Backward does the backward ex algorithm.
func (*BatchNormDEx) BackwardUS ¶
func (b *BatchNormDEx) BackwardUS( h *Handle, alphadata, betadata, alphaparam, betaparam float64, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, yD *TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, dyD *TensorD, dy unsafe.Pointer, dzD *TensorD, dz unsafe.Pointer, dxD *TensorD, dx unsafe.Pointer, dbnScaleBiasMeanVarDesc *TensorD, scale unsafe.Pointer, bias unsafe.Pointer, dscale unsafe.Pointer, dbias unsafe.Pointer, epsilon float64, fromresultSaveMean unsafe.Pointer, fromreslutSaveInVariance unsafe.Pointer, actD *ActivationD, wspace unsafe.Pointer, wspacesib uint, rspace unsafe.Pointer, rspacesib uint, ) error
BackwardUS is just like Backward but uses unsafe.Pointers instead of cutil.Mem.
func (*BatchNormDEx) DeriveBNTensorDescriptor ¶
func (b *BatchNormDEx) DeriveBNTensorDescriptor(xDesc *TensorD) (bndesc *TensorD, err error)
DeriveBNTensorDescriptor derives a tensor used for the batch norm operation
func (*BatchNormDEx) ForwardInference ¶
func (b *BatchNormDEx) ForwardInference( handle *Handle, alpha, beta float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, yD *TensorD, y cutil.Mem, ScaleBiasMeanVarDesc *TensorD, scale, bias, estimatedMean, estimatedVariance cutil.Mem, epsilon float64, ) error
ForwardInference info was pulled from cudnn documentation
This function performs the forward BatchNormalization layer computation for inference phase. This layer is based on the paper "Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift", S. Ioffe, C. Szegedy, 2015. Note: Only 4D and 5D tensors are supported. Note: The input transformation performed by this function is defined as: y := alpha*y + beta *(bnScale * (x-estimatedMean)/sqrt(epsilon + estimatedVariance)+bnBias) Note: The epsilon value has to be the same during training, backpropagation and inference. Note: For training phase use cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTraining. Note: Much higher performance when HW-packed tensors are used for all of x, dy, dx.
handle(input): Handle to a previously created cuDNN library descriptor.
mode(input): Mode of operation (spatial or per-activation). BatchNormMode
alpha, beta (input): Pointers to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the layer output value with prior value in the destination tensor as follows:
dstValue = alpha[0]*resultValue + beta[0]*priorDstValue. Please refer to this section for additional details.
xDesc, yDesc, x, y: Tensor descriptors and pointers in device memory for the layer's x and y data.
bnScaleBiasMeanVarDesc, bnScaleData, bnBiasData(inputs): Tensor descriptor and pointers in device memory for the batch normalization scale and bias parameters
(in the original paper bias is referred to as beta and scale as gamma).
estimatedMean, estimatedVariance (inputs): Mean and variance tensors (these have the same descriptor as the bias and scale).
It is suggested that resultRunningMean, resultRunningVariance from the cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTraining call accumulated during the training phase are passed as inputs here.
epsilon(input): Epsilon value used in the batch normalization formula. Minimum allowed value is CUDNN_BN_MIN_EPSILON defined in cudnn.h.
Possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.
Returns ¶
The computation was performed successfully.
The function does not support the provided configuration.
At least one of the following conditions are met: One of the pointers alpha, beta, x, y, bnScaleData, bnBiasData, estimatedMean, estimatedInvVariance is NULL. Number of xDesc or yDesc tensor descriptor dimensions is not within the [4,5] range. bnScaleBiasMeanVarDesc dimensions are not 1xC(x1)x1x1 for spatial or 1xC(xD)xHxW for per-activation mode (parenthesis for 5D). epsilon value is less than CUDNN_BN_MIN_EPSILON Dimensions or data types mismatch for xDesc, yDesc
* Performs Batch Normalization during Inference: * y[i] = bnScale[k]*(x[i]-estimatedMean[k])/sqrt(epsilon+estimatedVariance[k]) + bnBias[k] * with bnScale, bnBias, runningMean, runningInvVariance tensors indexed * according to spatial or per-activation mode. Refer to cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTraining * above for notes on function arguments.
func (*BatchNormDEx) ForwardInferenceUS ¶
func (b *BatchNormDEx) ForwardInferenceUS( handle *Handle, alpha, beta float64, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, yD *TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, ScaleBiasMeanVarDesc *TensorD, scale, bias, estimatedMean, estimatedVariance unsafe.Pointer, epsilon float64, ) error
ForwardInferenceUS is just like ForwardInference but uses unsafe.Pointers instead of cutil.Mem
func (*BatchNormDEx) ForwardTraining ¶
func (b *BatchNormDEx) ForwardTraining( h *Handle, alpha, beta float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, zD *TensorD, z cutil.Mem, yD *TensorD, y cutil.Mem, bnScaleBiasMeanVarDesc *TensorD, scale cutil.Mem, bias cutil.Mem, expoAverageFactor float64, resultRunningMean cutil.Mem, resultRunningVariance cutil.Mem, epsilon float64, resultSaveMean cutil.Mem, reslutSaveInVariance cutil.Mem, actD *ActivationD, wspace cutil.Mem, wspacesib uint, rspace cutil.Mem, rspacesib uint, ) error
ForwardTraining does the forward training ex algorithm.
func (*BatchNormDEx) ForwardTrainingUS ¶
func (b *BatchNormDEx) ForwardTrainingUS( h *Handle, alpha, beta float64, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, zD *TensorD, z unsafe.Pointer, yD *TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, bnScaleBiasMeanVarDesc *TensorD, scale unsafe.Pointer, bias unsafe.Pointer, expoAverageFactor float64, resultRunningMean unsafe.Pointer, resultRunningVariance unsafe.Pointer, epsilon float64, resultSaveMean unsafe.Pointer, reslutSaveInVariance unsafe.Pointer, actD *ActivationD, wspace unsafe.Pointer, wspacesib uint, rspace unsafe.Pointer, rspacesib uint, ) error
ForwardTrainingUS is loke ForwardTraining but using unsafe.Pointers instead of cutil.Mems
func (*BatchNormDEx) GeBackwardWorkspaceSize ¶
func (b *BatchNormDEx) GeBackwardWorkspaceSize( h *Handle, xD, yD, dyD, dzD, dxD, dbnScaleBiasMeanVarDesc *TensorD, actD *ActivationD, ) (wspaceSIB uint, err error)
GeBackwardWorkspaceSize gets the workspace size in bytes for the backward operation
func (*BatchNormDEx) Get ¶
func (b *BatchNormDEx) Get() (mode BatchNormMode, op BatchNormOps, err error)
Get gets the BatchNormMode and BatchNormOps held in the descriptor
func (*BatchNormDEx) GetForwardTrainingWorkspaceSize ¶
func (b *BatchNormDEx) GetForwardTrainingWorkspaceSize(h *Handle, mode BatchNormMode, op BatchNormOps, xD, zD, yD, bnScaleBiasMeanVarDesc *TensorD, actD *ActivationD) (wspaceSIB uint, err error)
GetForwardTrainingWorkspaceSize gets the forward training ex workspacesize
func (*BatchNormDEx) GetTrainingReserveSpaceSize ¶
func (b *BatchNormDEx) GetTrainingReserveSpaceSize(h *Handle, actD *ActivationD, xD *TensorD, ) (rspaceSIB uint, err error)
GetTrainingReserveSpaceSize gets the reserve space size for ex operation
func (*BatchNormDEx) MinEpsilon ¶
func (b *BatchNormDEx) MinEpsilon() float64
MinEpsilon is the Minimum Epsilon required. It is now zero, but it used to be 1e-5
func (*BatchNormDEx) Set ¶
func (b *BatchNormDEx) Set(mode BatchNormMode, op BatchNormOps) error
Set sets the BatchNormMode and BatchNormOps held in the descriptor
func (*BatchNormDEx) String ¶
func (b *BatchNormDEx) String() string
type BatchNormMode ¶
type BatchNormMode C.cudnnBatchNormMode_t
BatchNormMode used for BatchNormMode Flags
func (*BatchNormMode) PerActivation ¶
func (b *BatchNormMode) PerActivation() BatchNormMode
PerActivation sets b to BatchNormMode(C.CUDNN_BATCHNORM_PER_ACTIVATION) and returns that new value Normalization is performed per-activation. This mode is intended to be used after the non-convolutional network layers. In this mode, the tensor dimensions of bnBias and bnScale and the parameters used in the cudnnBatchNormalization* functions, are 1xCxHxW.
func (*BatchNormMode) Spatial ¶
func (b *BatchNormMode) Spatial() BatchNormMode
Spatial sets b to BatchNormMode(C.CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL) and returns that new value. Normalization is performed over N+spatial dimensions. This mode is intended for use after convolutional layers (where spatial invariance is desired). In this mode the bnBias and bnScale tensor dimensions are 1xCx1x1.
func (*BatchNormMode) SpatialPersistent ¶
func (b *BatchNormMode) SpatialPersistent() BatchNormMode
SpatialPersistent sets b to BatchNormMode(C.CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL_PERSISTENT) and returns that new value This mode is similar to CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL but it can be faster for some tasks.
func (BatchNormMode) String ¶
func (b BatchNormMode) String() string
type BatchNormOps ¶
type BatchNormOps C.cudnnBatchNormOps_t
BatchNormOps are flags for BatchNormOps when needed
func (*BatchNormOps) Activation ¶
func (b *BatchNormOps) Activation() BatchNormOps
Activation sets b to BatchNormOps(C.CUDNN_BATCHNORM_OPS_BN_ACTIVATION) /* do batchNorm, then activation */
func (*BatchNormOps) AddActivation ¶
func (b *BatchNormOps) AddActivation() BatchNormOps
AddActivation sets b to BatchNormOps(C.CUDNN_BATCHNORM_OPS_BN_ADD_ACTIVATION) /* do batchNorm, then elemWiseAdd, then activation */
func (*BatchNormOps) Normal ¶
func (b *BatchNormOps) Normal() BatchNormOps
Normal sets b to BatchNormOps(C.CUDNN_BATCHNORM_OPS_BN) and returns that new value /* do batch normalization only */
func (BatchNormOps) String ¶
func (b BatchNormOps) String() string
type CTCLossAlgo ¶
type CTCLossAlgo C.cudnnCTCLossAlgo_t
CTCLossAlgo used to hold flags
func (*CTCLossAlgo) Deterministic ¶
func (c *CTCLossAlgo) Deterministic() CTCLossAlgo
Deterministic sets c to and returns CTCLossAlgo(C.CUDNN_CTC_LOSS_ALGO_DETERMINISTIC)
func (*CTCLossAlgo) NonDeterministic ¶
func (c *CTCLossAlgo) NonDeterministic() CTCLossAlgo
NonDeterministic sets c to and returns CTCLossAlgo(C.CUDNN_CTC_LOSS_ALGO_NON_DETERMINISTIC) Flag
func (CTCLossAlgo) String ¶
func (c CTCLossAlgo) String() string
type CTCLossD ¶
type CTCLossD struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CTCLossD holdes the C.cudnnCTCLossDescriptor_t
func CreateCTCLossDescriptor ¶
CreateCTCLossDescriptor creates
func (*CTCLossD) CTCLoss ¶
func (c *CTCLossD) CTCLoss( handle *Handle, probsD *TensorD, probs cutil.Mem, labels []int32, labelLengths []int32, inputLengths []int32, costs cutil.Mem, gradientsD *TensorD, gradients cutil.Mem, algo CTCLossAlgo, wspace cutil.Mem, wspacesize uint, ) error
CTCLoss calculates loss
func (*CTCLossD) CTCLossUS ¶
func (c *CTCLossD) CTCLossUS( handle *Handle, probsD *TensorD, probs unsafe.Pointer, labels []int32, labelLengths []int32, inputLengths []int32, costs unsafe.Pointer, gradientsD *TensorD, gradients unsafe.Pointer, algo CTCLossAlgo, wspace unsafe.Pointer, wspacesize uint, ) error
CTCLossUS is like CTCLoss but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*CTCLossD) Destroy ¶
Destroy destroys the descriptor inside CTCLossD if go's gc is not in use. if gc is being used destroy will just return nil
type ConvBwdDataAlgo ¶
type ConvBwdDataAlgo C.cudnnConvolutionBwdDataAlgo_t
ConvBwdDataAlgo used for flags in the bacward data algorithms exposing them through methods
func (ConvBwdDataAlgo) Algo ¶
func (c ConvBwdDataAlgo) Algo() Algorithm
Algo returns an Algorithm struct
func (*ConvBwdDataAlgo) Algo0 ¶
func (c *ConvBwdDataAlgo) Algo0() ConvBwdDataAlgo
Algo0 sets c to ConvBwdDataAlgo(C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_DATA_ALGO_0) and returns value of c /* non-deterministic */
func (*ConvBwdDataAlgo) Algo1 ¶
func (c *ConvBwdDataAlgo) Algo1() ConvBwdDataAlgo
Algo1 sets c to ConvBwdDataAlgo(C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_DATA_ALGO_1) and returns value of c
func (*ConvBwdDataAlgo) Count ¶
func (c *ConvBwdDataAlgo) Count() ConvBwdDataAlgo
Count sets c to ConvBwdDataAlgo(C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_DATA_ALGO_COUNT) and returns value of c
func (*ConvBwdDataAlgo) FFT ¶
func (c *ConvBwdDataAlgo) FFT() ConvBwdDataAlgo
FFT sets c to ConvBwdDataAlgo(C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_DATA_ALGO_FFT) and returns value of c
func (*ConvBwdDataAlgo) FFTTiling ¶
func (c *ConvBwdDataAlgo) FFTTiling() ConvBwdDataAlgo
FFTTiling sets c to ConvBwdDataAlgo(C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_DATA_ALGO_FFT_TILING) and returns value of c
func (ConvBwdDataAlgo) String ¶
func (c ConvBwdDataAlgo) String() string
func (*ConvBwdDataAlgo) Winograd ¶
func (c *ConvBwdDataAlgo) Winograd() ConvBwdDataAlgo
Winograd sets c to ConvBwdDataAlgo(C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_DATA_ALGO_WINOGRAD) and returns value of c
func (*ConvBwdDataAlgo) WinogradNonFused ¶
func (c *ConvBwdDataAlgo) WinogradNonFused() ConvBwdDataAlgo
WinogradNonFused sets c to ConvBwdDataAlgo(C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_DATA_ALGO_WINOGRAD_NONFUSED) and returns value of c
type ConvBwdDataAlgoPerformance ¶
type ConvBwdDataAlgoPerformance struct { Algo ConvBwdDataAlgo `json:"algo,omitempty"` Status Status `json:"status,omitempty"` Time float32 `json:"time,omitempty"` Memory uint `json:"memory,omitempty"` Determinism Determinism `json:"determinism,omitempty"` MathType MathType `json:"math_type,omitempty"` }
ConvBwdDataAlgoPerformance is the return struct in the finding algorithm funcs
func (ConvBwdDataAlgoPerformance) String ¶
func (cb ConvBwdDataAlgoPerformance) String() string
type ConvBwdDataPref ¶
type ConvBwdDataPref C.cudnnConvolutionBwdDataPreference_t
ConvBwdDataPref used for flags on bwddatapref exposing them through methods
func (*ConvBwdDataPref) NoWorkSpace ¶
func (c *ConvBwdDataPref) NoWorkSpace() ConvBwdDataPref
NoWorkSpace sets c to returns ConvBwdDataPref( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_NO_WORKSPACE) and returns value of c
func (*ConvBwdDataPref) PreferFastest ¶
func (c *ConvBwdDataPref) PreferFastest() ConvBwdDataPref
PreferFastest sets c to ConvBwdDataPref( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_PREFER_FASTEST) and returns value of c
func (*ConvBwdDataPref) SpecifyWorkSpaceLimit ¶
func (c *ConvBwdDataPref) SpecifyWorkSpaceLimit() ConvBwdDataPref
SpecifyWorkSpaceLimit sets c to ConvBwdDataPref( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_SPECIFY_WORKSPACE_LIMIT)and returns value of c
type ConvBwdFiltAlgo ¶
type ConvBwdFiltAlgo C.cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterAlgo_t
ConvBwdFiltAlgo Used for ConvBwdFiltAlgo flags exposing them through methods
func (ConvBwdFiltAlgo) Algo ¶
func (c ConvBwdFiltAlgo) Algo() Algorithm
Algo returns an Algorithm Struct
func (*ConvBwdFiltAlgo) Algo0 ¶
func (c *ConvBwdFiltAlgo) Algo0() ConvBwdFiltAlgo
Algo0 sets c to ConvBwdFiltAlgo(C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_0) and returns value of c /* non-deterministic */
func (*ConvBwdFiltAlgo) Algo1 ¶
func (c *ConvBwdFiltAlgo) Algo1() ConvBwdFiltAlgo
Algo1 sets c to ConvBwdFiltAlgo(C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_1) and returns value of c
func (*ConvBwdFiltAlgo) Algo3 ¶
func (c *ConvBwdFiltAlgo) Algo3() ConvBwdFiltAlgo
Algo3 sets c to ConvBwdFiltAlgo(C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_3) and returns value of c
func (*ConvBwdFiltAlgo) Count ¶
func (c *ConvBwdFiltAlgo) Count() ConvBwdFiltAlgo
Count sets c to ConvBwdFiltAlgo(C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_COUNT) and returns value of c
func (*ConvBwdFiltAlgo) FFT ¶
func (c *ConvBwdFiltAlgo) FFT() ConvBwdFiltAlgo
FFT sets c to ConvBwdFiltAlgo(C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_FFT) and returns value of c
func (*ConvBwdFiltAlgo) FFTTiling ¶
func (c *ConvBwdFiltAlgo) FFTTiling() ConvBwdFiltAlgo
FFTTiling sets c to ConvBwdFiltAlgo(C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_FFT_TILING) and returns value of c
func (ConvBwdFiltAlgo) String ¶
func (c ConvBwdFiltAlgo) String() string
func (*ConvBwdFiltAlgo) Winograd ¶
func (c *ConvBwdFiltAlgo) Winograd() ConvBwdFiltAlgo
Winograd sets c to ConvBwdFiltAlgo(C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_WINOGRAD) and returns value of c
func (*ConvBwdFiltAlgo) WinogradNonFused ¶
func (c *ConvBwdFiltAlgo) WinogradNonFused() ConvBwdFiltAlgo
WinogradNonFused sets c to ConvBwdFiltAlgo(C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_WINOGRAD_NONFUSED) and returns value of c
type ConvBwdFiltAlgoPerformance ¶
type ConvBwdFiltAlgoPerformance struct { Algo ConvBwdFiltAlgo `json:"algo,omitempty"` Status Status `json:"status,omitempty"` Time float32 `json:"time,omitempty"` Memory uint `json:"memory,omitempty"` Determinism Determinism `json:"determinism,omitempty"` MathType MathType `json:"math_type,omitempty"` }
ConvBwdFiltAlgoPerformance is the return struct in the finding algorithm funcs
func (ConvBwdFiltAlgoPerformance) String ¶
func (cb ConvBwdFiltAlgoPerformance) String() string
type ConvBwdFilterPref ¶
type ConvBwdFilterPref C.cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterPreference_t
ConvBwdFilterPref are used for flags for the backwds filters exposing them through methods
func (*ConvBwdFilterPref) NoWorkSpace ¶
func (c *ConvBwdFilterPref) NoWorkSpace() ConvBwdFilterPref
NoWorkSpace sets c to ConvBwdFilterPref( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_NO_WORKSPACE) and returns value of c
func (*ConvBwdFilterPref) PreferFastest ¶
func (c *ConvBwdFilterPref) PreferFastest() ConvBwdFilterPref
PreferFastest sets c to ConvBwdFilterPref( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_PREFER_FASTEST) and returns value of c
func (*ConvBwdFilterPref) SpecifyWorkSpaceLimit ¶
func (c *ConvBwdFilterPref) SpecifyWorkSpaceLimit() ConvBwdFilterPref
SpecifyWorkSpaceLimit sets c to ConvBwdFilterPref( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_SPECIFY_WORKSPACE_LIMIT) and returns value of c
type ConvFwdAlgo ¶
type ConvFwdAlgo C.cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgo_t
ConvFwdAlgo flags for cudnnConvFwdAlgo_t exposing them through methods
func (*ConvFwdAlgo) Count ¶
func (c *ConvFwdAlgo) Count() ConvFwdAlgo
Count sets c to ConvFwdAlgo( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_COUNT) and returns value of c
func (*ConvFwdAlgo) Direct ¶
func (c *ConvFwdAlgo) Direct() ConvFwdAlgo
Direct sets c to ConvFwdAlgo( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_DIRECT) and returns value of c
func (*ConvFwdAlgo) FFT ¶
func (c *ConvFwdAlgo) FFT() ConvFwdAlgo
FFT sets c to ConvFwdAlgo( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_FFT) and returns value of c
func (*ConvFwdAlgo) FFTTiling ¶
func (c *ConvFwdAlgo) FFTTiling() ConvFwdAlgo
FFTTiling sets c to ConvFwdAlgo( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_FFT_TILING) and returns value of c
func (*ConvFwdAlgo) Gemm ¶
func (c *ConvFwdAlgo) Gemm() ConvFwdAlgo
Gemm sets c to ConvFwdAlgo( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_GEMM) and returns value of c
func (*ConvFwdAlgo) ImplicitGemm ¶
func (c *ConvFwdAlgo) ImplicitGemm() ConvFwdAlgo
ImplicitGemm sets c to ConvFwdAlgo( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_IMPLICIT_GEMM) and returns value of c
func (*ConvFwdAlgo) ImplicitPrecompGemm ¶
func (c *ConvFwdAlgo) ImplicitPrecompGemm() ConvFwdAlgo
ImplicitPrecompGemm sets c to ConvFwdAlgo( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_IMPLICIT_PRECOMP_GEMM) and returns value of c
func (ConvFwdAlgo) String ¶
func (c ConvFwdAlgo) String() string
func (*ConvFwdAlgo) WinoGrad ¶
func (c *ConvFwdAlgo) WinoGrad() ConvFwdAlgo
WinoGrad sets c to ConvFwdAlgo( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_WINOGRAD) and returns value of c
func (*ConvFwdAlgo) WinoGradNonFused ¶
func (c *ConvFwdAlgo) WinoGradNonFused() ConvFwdAlgo
WinoGradNonFused sets c to ConvFwdAlgo( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_WINOGRAD_NONFUSED) and returns value of c
type ConvFwdAlgoPerformance ¶
type ConvFwdAlgoPerformance struct { Algo ConvFwdAlgo `json:"algo,omitempty"` Status Status `json:"status,omitempty"` Time float32 `json:"time,omitempty"` Memory uint `json:"memory,omitempty"` Determinism Determinism `json:"determinism,omitempty"` MathType MathType `json:"math_type,omitempty"` }
ConvFwdAlgoPerformance is a struct that holds the performance of the algorithm
func (ConvFwdAlgoPerformance) String ¶
func (cb ConvFwdAlgoPerformance) String() string
type ConvolutionD ¶
type ConvolutionD struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ConvolutionD sets all the convolution info
func CreateConvolutionDescriptor ¶
func CreateConvolutionDescriptor() (*ConvolutionD, error)
CreateConvolutionDescriptor creates a convolution descriptor
func (*ConvolutionD) BackwardBias ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) BackwardBias( handle *Handle, alpha float64, dyD *TensorD, dy cutil.Mem, beta float64, dbD *TensorD, db cutil.Mem) error
BackwardBias is used to compute the bias gradient for batch convolution db is returned
func (*ConvolutionD) BackwardBiasUS ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) BackwardBiasUS( handle *Handle, alpha float64, dyD *TensorD, dy unsafe.Pointer, beta float64, dbD *TensorD, db unsafe.Pointer) error
BackwardBiasUS is like BackwardBias but using unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*ConvolutionD) BackwardData ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) BackwardData( handle *Handle, alpha float64, wD *FilterD, w cutil.Mem, dyD *TensorD, dy cutil.Mem, algo ConvBwdDataAlgo, wspace cutil.Mem, wspaceSIB uint, beta float64, dxD *TensorD, dx cutil.Mem, ) error
BackwardData does the backwards convolution on data
This function computes the convolution data gradient of the tensor dy, where y is the output of the forward convolution in (*ConvolutionD)Forward(). It uses the specified algo, and returns the results in the output tensor dx. Scaling factors alpha and beta can be used to scale the computed result or accumulate with the current dx.
--- handle(input): previously created Handle --- ---- alpha, beta(input): Pointers to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the computation result with prior value in the output layer as follows: dstValue = alpha[0]*result + beta[0]*priorDstValue. ---- --- wD(input): For previously set input tensor descriptor. --- ---- w(input): Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor xD. ---- --- dyD(input): For previously set input tensor descriptor of dy. --- ---- dy(input): Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the input tensor desctiptor.(Holds back propigation errors) ---- --- algo(input): Enumerant that specifies which backward data convolution algorithm shoud be used to compute the results. --- ---- wspace, wspaceSIB(inputs): Data pointer and size in bytes of workspace needed for algo passed. If no wspace is need nil can be passed. ---- --- dxD(input): For previously set output tensor descriptor of dx. --- ---- dx(input/output): Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the output tensor desctiptor.(Holds back propigation errors for layer it received its forward inputs.) ----
Supported Configurations
---- Config: "TRUE_HALF_CONFIG (only compute capability 5.3 and later)." TensorD (wD,dyD,dxD): (*DataType)Half() ConvolutionD: (*DataType)Half() ---- --- Config: "PSEUDO_HALF_CONFIG" TensorD (wD,dyD,dxD): (*DataType)Half() ConvolutionD: (*DataType)Float() --- ---- Config: "FLOAT_CONFIG" TensorD (wD,dyD,dxD): (*DataType)Float() ConvolutionD: (*DataType)Float() ---- --- Config: "DOUBLE_CONFIG" TensorD (wD,dyD,dxD): (*DataType)Double() ConvolutionD: (*DataType)Double() ---
Note: Specifying a separate algorithm can cause changes in performance, support and computation determinism.
Table of algorithm with configs can be found at. (gocudnn flag names are similar to cudnn)
Possible Error Returns:
nil: The function launched successfully. CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED: At least one of the following conditions are met: 1) dyD or dxD have negative tensor striding 2) dyD, wD or dxD has a number of dimensions that is not 4 or 5 3) The chosen algo does not support the parameters provided; see above for exhaustive list of parameter support for each algo 4) dyD or wD indicate an output channel count that isn't a multiple of group count (if group count has been set in ConvolutionD). CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM: At least one of the following conditions are met: 1) At least one of the following is NULL: handle, dyD, wD, ConvolutionD, dxD, dy, w, dx, alpha, beta 2) wD and dyD have a non-matching number of dimensions 3) wD and dxD have a non-matching number of dimensions 4) wD has fewer than three number of dimensions 5) wD, dxD and dyD have a non-matching data type. 6) wD and dxD have a non-matching number of input feature maps per image (or group in case of Grouped Convolutions). 7) dyD's spatial sizes do not match with the expected size as determined by (*ConvolutionD)GetOutputDims(). CUDNN_STATUS_MAPPING_ERROR: An error occurs during the texture binding of the filter data or the input differential tensor data CUDNN_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED: The function failed to launch on the GPU.
func (*ConvolutionD) BackwardDataUS ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) BackwardDataUS( handle *Handle, alpha float64, wD *FilterD, w unsafe.Pointer, dyD *TensorD, dy unsafe.Pointer, algo ConvBwdDataAlgo, wspace unsafe.Pointer, wspacesize uint, beta float64, dxD *TensorD, dx unsafe.Pointer, ) error
BackwardDataUS is like BackwardData but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*ConvolutionD) BackwardFilter ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) BackwardFilter( handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, dyD *TensorD, dy cutil.Mem, algo ConvBwdFiltAlgo, wspace cutil.Mem, wspacesize uint, beta float64, dwD *FilterD, dw cutil.Mem, ) error
BackwardFilter does the backwards convolution
func (*ConvolutionD) BackwardFilterUS ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) BackwardFilterUS( handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, dyD *TensorD, dy unsafe.Pointer, algo ConvBwdFiltAlgo, wspace unsafe.Pointer, wspacesize uint, beta float64, dwD *FilterD, dw unsafe.Pointer, ) error
BackwardFilterUS is like BackwardFilter but using unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*ConvolutionD) BiasActivationForward ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) BiasActivationForward( handle *Handle, alpha1 float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, wD *FilterD, w cutil.Mem, algo ConvFwdAlgo, wspace cutil.Mem, wspacesize uint, alpha2 float64, zD *TensorD, z cutil.Mem, biasD *TensorD, bias cutil.Mem, aD *ActivationD, yD *TensorD, y cutil.Mem, ) error
BiasActivationForward info can be found at:
Fused conv/bias/activation operation : y = Act( alpha1 * conv(x) + alpha2 * z + bias )
func (*ConvolutionD) BiasActivationForwardUS ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) BiasActivationForwardUS( handle *Handle, alpha1 float64, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, wD *FilterD, w unsafe.Pointer, algo ConvFwdAlgo, wspace unsafe.Pointer, wspacesize uint, alpha2 float64, zD *TensorD, z unsafe.Pointer, biasD *TensorD, bias unsafe.Pointer, aD *ActivationD, yD *TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, ) error
BiasActivationForwardUS is like BiasActivationForward but using unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*ConvolutionD) Destroy ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) Destroy() error
Destroy destroys the ConvolutionDescriptor. If GC is set then it only returns nil. Currently GC is set with no option to turn off
func (*ConvolutionD) FindBackwardDataAlgorithm ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) FindBackwardDataAlgorithm( handle *Handle, w *FilterD, dy *TensorD, dx *TensorD, ) ([]ConvBwdDataAlgoPerformance, error)
FindBackwardDataAlgorithm will find the top performing algoriths and return the best algorithms in accending order.
func (*ConvolutionD) FindBackwardDataAlgorithmEx ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) FindBackwardDataAlgorithmEx( handle *Handle, wD *FilterD, w cutil.Mem, dyD *TensorD, dy cutil.Mem, dxD *TensorD, dx cutil.Mem, wspace cutil.Mem, wspacesize uint) ([]ConvBwdDataAlgoPerformance, error)
FindBackwardDataAlgorithmEx finds some algorithms with memory
func (*ConvolutionD) FindBackwardDataAlgorithmExUS ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) FindBackwardDataAlgorithmExUS( handle *Handle, wD *FilterD, w unsafe.Pointer, dyD *TensorD, dy unsafe.Pointer, dxD *TensorD, dx unsafe.Pointer, wspace unsafe.Pointer, wspacesize uint) ([]ConvBwdDataAlgoPerformance, error)
FindBackwardDataAlgorithmExUS is just like FindBackwardDataAlgorithmEx but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*ConvolutionD) FindBackwardFilterAlgorithm ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) FindBackwardFilterAlgorithm( handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, dyD *TensorD, dwD *FilterD, ) ([]ConvBwdFiltAlgoPerformance, error)
FindBackwardFilterAlgorithm will find the top performing algoriths and return the best algorithms in accending order they are limited to the number passed in requestedAlgoCount. So if 4 is passed through in requestedAlgoCount, then it will return the top 4 performers in the ConvolutionFwdAlgoPerformance struct. using this could possible give the user cheat level performance :-)
func (*ConvolutionD) FindBackwardFilterAlgorithmEx ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) FindBackwardFilterAlgorithmEx( handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, dyD *TensorD, dy cutil.Mem, dwD *FilterD, dw cutil.Mem, wspace cutil.Mem, wspacesize uint) ([]ConvBwdFiltAlgoPerformance, error)
FindBackwardFilterAlgorithmEx finds some algorithms with memory
func (*ConvolutionD) FindBackwardFilterAlgorithmExUS ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) FindBackwardFilterAlgorithmExUS( handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, dyD *TensorD, dy unsafe.Pointer, dwD *FilterD, dw unsafe.Pointer, wspace unsafe.Pointer, wspacesize uint) ([]ConvBwdFiltAlgoPerformance, error)
FindBackwardFilterAlgorithmExUS is just like FindBackwardFilterAlgorithmEx but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*ConvolutionD) FindForwardAlgorithm ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) FindForwardAlgorithm( handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, wD *FilterD, yD *TensorD, ) ([]ConvFwdAlgoPerformance, error)
FindForwardAlgorithm will find the top performing algoriths and return the best algorithms in accending order they are limited to the number passed in requestedAlgoCount. So if 4 is passed through in requestedAlgoCount, then it will return the top 4 performers in the ConvFwdAlgoPerformance struct. using this could possible give the user cheat level performance :-)
func (*ConvolutionD) FindForwardAlgorithmEx ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) FindForwardAlgorithmEx( handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, wD *FilterD, w cutil.Mem, yD *TensorD, y cutil.Mem, wspace cutil.Mem, wspacesize uint) ([]ConvFwdAlgoPerformance, error)
FindForwardAlgorithmEx finds some algorithms with memory
func (*ConvolutionD) FindForwardAlgorithmExUS ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) FindForwardAlgorithmExUS( handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, wD *FilterD, w unsafe.Pointer, yD *TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, wspace unsafe.Pointer, wspacesize uint) ([]ConvFwdAlgoPerformance, error)
FindForwardAlgorithmExUS is like FindForwardAlgorithmEx but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*ConvolutionD) Forward ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) Forward( handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, wD *FilterD, w cutil.Mem, algo ConvFwdAlgo, wspace cutil.Mem, wspacesize uint, beta float64, yD *TensorD, y cutil.Mem) error
Forward Function to perform the forward pass for batch convolution
func (*ConvolutionD) ForwardUS ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) ForwardUS( handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, wD *FilterD, w unsafe.Pointer, algo ConvFwdAlgo, wspace unsafe.Pointer, wspacesize uint, beta float64, yD *TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer) error
ForwardUS is like Forward but using unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*ConvolutionD) Get ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) Get() (mode ConvolutionMode, data DataType, pad []int32, stride []int32, dilation []int32, err error)
Get gets returns the values used to make the convolution descriptor
func (*ConvolutionD) GetBackwardDataAlgorithm ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) GetBackwardDataAlgorithm( handle *Handle, wD *FilterD, dyD *TensorD, dxD *TensorD, pref ConvBwdDataPref, wspaceSIBlimit uint) (ConvBwdDataAlgo, error)
GetBackwardDataAlgorithm - This function serves as a heuristic for obtaining the best suited algorithm for (*ConvolutionD)BackwardData() for the given layer specifications. Based on the input preference, this function will either return the fastest algorithm or the fastest algorithm within a given memory limit. For an exhaustive search for the fastest algorithm, please use (*ConvolutionD)FindBackwardDataAlgorithm().
---- handle(input): Handle to a previously created cuDNN context. ---- --- wD(input): Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor --- ---- dyD(input): Handle to the previously initialized input differential tensor descriptor. ---- --- dxD(input): Handle to the previously initialized output tensor descriptor. --- ---- pref(input): Enumerant to express the preference criteria in terms of memory requirement and speed. ---- --- wspaceSIBlimit(input): It is to specify the maximum amount of GPU memory the user is willing to use as a workspace. This is currently a placeholder and is not used --- ---- returns: ConvBwdDataAlgo and error. ----
Possible Error Returns:
nil: The function launched successfully. CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM: At least one of these conditions are met: 1) The numbers of feature maps of the input tensor and output tensor differ. 2) The DataType of the tensor descriptors or the filter are different.
func (*ConvolutionD) GetBackwardDataAlgorithmV7 ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) GetBackwardDataAlgorithmV7( handle *Handle, wD *FilterD, dyD *TensorD, dxD *TensorD, ) ([]ConvBwdDataAlgoPerformance, error)
GetBackwardDataAlgorithmV7 - This function serves as a heuristic for obtaining the best suited algorithm for cudnnConvolutionBackwardData for the given layer specifications. This function will return all algorithms (including (MathType where available) sorted by expected (based on internal heuristic) relative performance with fastest being index 0 of perfResults. For an exhaustive search for the fastest algorithm, please use (*ConvolutionD)FindBackwardDataAlgorithm().
func (*ConvolutionD) GetBackwardDataWorkspaceSize ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) GetBackwardDataWorkspaceSize( handle *Handle, wD *FilterD, dyD *TensorD, dxD *TensorD, algo ConvBwdDataAlgo) (uint, error)
GetBackwardDataWorkspaceSize is a helper function that will return the minimum Size of the workspace to be passed by the convolution given an algo.
func (*ConvolutionD) GetBackwardFilterAlgorithm ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) GetBackwardFilterAlgorithm( handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, dyD *TensorD, dwD *FilterD, pref ConvBwdFilterPref, wsmemlimit uint) (ConvBwdFiltAlgo, error)
GetBackwardFilterAlgorithm gives a good algo with the limits given to it
func (*ConvolutionD) GetBackwardFilterAlgorithmV7 ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) GetBackwardFilterAlgorithmV7( handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, dyD *TensorD, dwD *FilterD, ) ([]ConvBwdFiltAlgoPerformance, error)
GetBackwardFilterAlgorithmV7 will find the top performing algoriths and return the best algorithms in accending order they are limited to the number passed in requestedAlgoCount. So if 4 is passed through in requestedAlgoCount, then it will return the top 4 performers in the ConvolutionFwdAlgoPerformance struct. using this could possible give the user cheat level performance :-)
func (*ConvolutionD) GetBackwardFilterWorkspaceSize ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) GetBackwardFilterWorkspaceSize( handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, dyD *TensorD, dwD *FilterD, algo ConvBwdFiltAlgo) (uint, error)
GetBackwardFilterWorkspaceSize is a helper function that will return the minimum Size of the workspace to be passed by the convolution given an algo.
func (*ConvolutionD) GetForwardAlgorithm ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) GetForwardAlgorithm( handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, wD *FilterD, yD *TensorD, pref ConvolutionForwardPref, wsmemlimit uint) (ConvFwdAlgo, error)
GetForwardAlgorithm gives a good algo with the limits given to it
func (*ConvolutionD) GetForwardAlgorithmV7 ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) GetForwardAlgorithmV7( handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, wD *FilterD, yD *TensorD, ) ([]ConvFwdAlgoPerformance, error)
GetForwardAlgorithmV7 will find the top performing algoriths and return the best algorithms in accending order they are limited to the number passed in requestedAlgoCount. So if 4 is passed through in requestedAlgoCount, then it will return the top 4 performers in the ConvFwdAlgoPerformance struct. using this could possible give the user cheat level performance :-)
func (*ConvolutionD) GetForwardWorkspaceSize ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) GetForwardWorkspaceSize( handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, wD *FilterD, yD *TensorD, algo ConvFwdAlgo) (uint, error)
GetForwardWorkspaceSize is a helper function that will return the minimum Size of the workspace to be passed by the convolution given an algo.
func (*ConvolutionD) GetOutputDims ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) GetOutputDims(input *TensorD, filter *FilterD) ([]int32, error)
GetOutputDims is a helper function to give the size of the output of of a COnvolutionNDForward Each dimension of the (nbDims-2)-D images of the output tensor is computed as followed:
outputDim = 1 + ( inputDim + 2*pad - (((filterDim-1)*dilation)+1) )/convolutionStride; Note if input and filter are NHWC. cudnn would take the formats as NCHW and output an NCHW gocudnn will take that NCHW and format it to an actual NHWC.
func (*ConvolutionD) GetReorderType ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) GetReorderType() (r Reorder, err error)
GetReorderType gets the reorder type
func (*ConvolutionD) Im2Col ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) Im2Col( handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, wD *FilterD, buffer cutil.Mem, ) error
Im2Col transformes the multiDim tensors into 2d tensors for speed up in calculation at the cost of memory.
func (*ConvolutionD) Im2ColUS ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) Im2ColUS( handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, wD *FilterD, buffer unsafe.Pointer, ) error
Im2ColUS is like IN2Col but using unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*ConvolutionD) Set ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) Set(mode ConvolutionMode, data DataType, pad, stride, dilation []int32) error
Set sets the convolution descriptor Input.Type of the filter layout format. If this input is set to CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW, which is one of the enumerated values allowed by cudnnTensorFormat_t descriptor, then the layout of the filter is as follows:
For N=4, i.e., for a 4D filter descriptor, the filter layout is in the form of KCRS (K represents the number of output feature maps, C the number of input feature maps, R the number of rows per filter, and S the number of columns per filter.) For N=3, i.e., for a 3D filter descriptor, the number S (number of columns per filter) is omitted. For N=5 and greater, the layout of the higher dimensions immediately follow RS. On the other hand, if this input is set to CUDNN_TENSOR_NHWC, then the layout of the filter is as follows: for N=4, i.e., for a 4D filter descriptor, the filter layout is in the form of KRSC. For N=3, i.e., for a 3D filter descriptor, the number S (number of columns per filter) is omitted, and the layout of C immediately follows R. For N=5 and greater, the layout of the higher dimensions are inserted between S and C. See also the description for cudnnTensorFormat_t. Note: Length of stride, pad, and dilation need to be len(tensordims) -2.
func (*ConvolutionD) SetGroupCount ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) SetGroupCount(groupCount int32) error
SetGroupCount sets the Group Count
func (*ConvolutionD) SetMathType ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) SetMathType(mathtype MathType) error
SetMathType sets the mathtype
func (*ConvolutionD) SetReorderType ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) SetReorderType(r Reorder) error
SetReorderType sets the reorder type
func (*ConvolutionD) String ¶
func (c *ConvolutionD) String() string
type ConvolutionForwardPref ¶
type ConvolutionForwardPref C.cudnnConvolutionFwdPreference_t
ConvolutionForwardPref used for flags exposing them through methods
func (*ConvolutionForwardPref) NoWorkSpace ¶
func (c *ConvolutionForwardPref) NoWorkSpace() ConvolutionForwardPref
NoWorkSpace sets c to ConvolutionForwardPref( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_NO_WORKSPACE) and returns value of c
func (*ConvolutionForwardPref) PreferFastest ¶
func (c *ConvolutionForwardPref) PreferFastest() ConvolutionForwardPref
PreferFastest returns ConvolutionForwardPref( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_PREFER_FASTEST)
func (*ConvolutionForwardPref) SpecifyWorkSpaceLimit ¶
func (c *ConvolutionForwardPref) SpecifyWorkSpaceLimit() ConvolutionForwardPref
SpecifyWorkSpaceLimit returns ConvolutionForwardPref( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_SPECIFY_WORKSPACE_LIMIT)
type ConvolutionMode ¶
type ConvolutionMode C.cudnnConvolutionMode_t
ConvolutionMode is the type to describe the convolution mode flags
func (*ConvolutionMode) Convolution ¶
func (c *ConvolutionMode) Convolution() ConvolutionMode
Convolution sets and returns value of c to ConvolutionMode(C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION)
func (*ConvolutionMode) CrossCorrelation ¶
func (c *ConvolutionMode) CrossCorrelation() ConvolutionMode
CrossCorrelation n sets and returns value of c to ConvolutionMode(C.CUDNN_CROSS_CORRELATION)
func (ConvolutionMode) String ¶
func (c ConvolutionMode) String() string
type DataType ¶
type DataType C.cudnnDataType_t
DataType is used for flags for the tensor layer structs
func (*DataType) Double ¶
Double sets d to DataType(C.CUDNN_DATA_DOUBLE) and returns the changed value
func (*DataType) Int8x32 ¶
Int8x32 sets d to DataType(C.CUDNN_DATA_INT8x32) and returns the changed value -- only supported by sm_72?.
func (*DataType) Int8x4 ¶
Int8x4 sets d to DataType(C.CUDNN_DATA_INT8x4) and returns the changed value -- only supported by sm_72?.
func (DataType) String ¶
ToString will return a human readable string that can be printed for debugging.
type DeConvBwdDataAlgo ¶
type DeConvBwdDataAlgo C.cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgo_t
DeConvBwdDataAlgo flags for cudnnConvFwdAlgo_t exposing them through methods. Deconvolution uses the forward pass for backward data
func (DeConvBwdDataAlgo) Algo ¶
func (c DeConvBwdDataAlgo) Algo() Algorithm
Algo returns an Algorithm struct
func (*DeConvBwdDataAlgo) Count ¶
func (c *DeConvBwdDataAlgo) Count() DeConvBwdDataAlgo
Count sets c to DeConvBwdDataAlgo( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_COUNT) and returns value of c
func (*DeConvBwdDataAlgo) Direct ¶
func (c *DeConvBwdDataAlgo) Direct() DeConvBwdDataAlgo
Direct sets c to DeConvBwdDataAlgo( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_DIRECT) and returns value of c
func (*DeConvBwdDataAlgo) FFT ¶
func (c *DeConvBwdDataAlgo) FFT() DeConvBwdDataAlgo
FFT sets c to DeConvBwdDataAlgo( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_FFT) and returns value of c
func (*DeConvBwdDataAlgo) FFTTiling ¶
func (c *DeConvBwdDataAlgo) FFTTiling() DeConvBwdDataAlgo
FFTTiling sets c to DeConvBwdDataAlgo( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_FFT_TILING) and returns value of c
func (*DeConvBwdDataAlgo) Gemm ¶
func (c *DeConvBwdDataAlgo) Gemm() DeConvBwdDataAlgo
Gemm sets c to DeConvBwdDataAlgo( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_GEMM) and returns value of c
func (*DeConvBwdDataAlgo) ImplicitGemm ¶
func (c *DeConvBwdDataAlgo) ImplicitGemm() DeConvBwdDataAlgo
ImplicitGemm sets c to DeConvBwdDataAlgo( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_IMPLICIT_GEMM) and returns value of c
func (*DeConvBwdDataAlgo) ImplicitPrecompGemm ¶
func (c *DeConvBwdDataAlgo) ImplicitPrecompGemm() DeConvBwdDataAlgo
ImplicitPrecompGemm sets c to DeConvBwdDataAlgo( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_IMPLICIT_PRECOMP_GEMM) and returns value of c
func (DeConvBwdDataAlgo) String ¶
func (c DeConvBwdDataAlgo) String() string
func (*DeConvBwdDataAlgo) WinoGrad ¶
func (c *DeConvBwdDataAlgo) WinoGrad() DeConvBwdDataAlgo
WinoGrad sets c to DeConvBwdDataAlgo( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_WINOGRAD) and returns value of c
func (*DeConvBwdDataAlgo) WinoGradNonFused ¶
func (c *DeConvBwdDataAlgo) WinoGradNonFused() DeConvBwdDataAlgo
WinoGradNonFused sets c to DeConvBwdDataAlgo( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_WINOGRAD_NONFUSED) and returns value of c
type DeConvBwdDataAlgoPerformance ¶
type DeConvBwdDataAlgoPerformance struct { Algo DeConvBwdDataAlgo `json:"algo,omitempty"` Status Status `json:"status,omitempty"` Time float32 `json:"time,omitempty"` Memory uint `json:"memory,omitempty"` Determinism Determinism `json:"determinism,omitempty"` MathType MathType `json:"math_type,omitempty"` }
DeConvBwdDataAlgoPerformance is a new stuct that is made for deconvolution performance
func (DeConvBwdDataAlgoPerformance) String ¶
func (cb DeConvBwdDataAlgoPerformance) String() string
type DeConvBwdDataPref ¶
type DeConvBwdDataPref C.cudnnConvolutionFwdPreference_t
DeConvBwdDataPref used for flags on bwddatapref exposing them through methods
func (*DeConvBwdDataPref) NoWorkSpace ¶
func (c *DeConvBwdDataPref) NoWorkSpace() DeConvBwdDataPref
NoWorkSpace sets c to returns ConvBwdDataPref( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_NO_WORKSPACE) and returns value of c
func (*DeConvBwdDataPref) PreferFastest ¶
func (c *DeConvBwdDataPref) PreferFastest() DeConvBwdDataPref
PreferFastest sets c to ConvBwdDataPref( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_PREFER_FASTEST) and returns value of c
func (*DeConvBwdDataPref) SpecifyWorkSpaceLimit ¶
func (c *DeConvBwdDataPref) SpecifyWorkSpaceLimit() DeConvBwdDataPref
SpecifyWorkSpaceLimit sets c to ConvBwdDataPref( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_SPECIFY_WORKSPACE_LIMIT)and returns value of c
type DeConvBwdFiltAlgo ¶
type DeConvBwdFiltAlgo C.cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterAlgo_t
DeConvBwdFiltAlgo Used for ConvBwdFiltAlgo flags exposing them through methods
func (DeConvBwdFiltAlgo) Algo ¶
func (c DeConvBwdFiltAlgo) Algo() Algorithm
Algo returns an Algorithm Struct
func (*DeConvBwdFiltAlgo) Algo0 ¶
func (c *DeConvBwdFiltAlgo) Algo0() DeConvBwdFiltAlgo
Algo0 sets c to ConvBwdFiltAlgo(C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_0) and returns value of c /* non-deterministic */
func (*DeConvBwdFiltAlgo) Algo1 ¶
func (c *DeConvBwdFiltAlgo) Algo1() DeConvBwdFiltAlgo
Algo1 sets c to ConvBwdFiltAlgo(C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_1) and returns value of c
func (*DeConvBwdFiltAlgo) Algo3 ¶
func (c *DeConvBwdFiltAlgo) Algo3() DeConvBwdFiltAlgo
Algo3 sets c to ConvBwdFiltAlgo(C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_3) and returns value of c
func (*DeConvBwdFiltAlgo) Count ¶
func (c *DeConvBwdFiltAlgo) Count() DeConvBwdFiltAlgo
Count sets c to ConvBwdFiltAlgo(C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_COUNT) and returns value of c
func (*DeConvBwdFiltAlgo) FFT ¶
func (c *DeConvBwdFiltAlgo) FFT() DeConvBwdFiltAlgo
FFT sets c to ConvBwdFiltAlgo(C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_FFT) and returns value of c
func (*DeConvBwdFiltAlgo) FFTTiling ¶
func (c *DeConvBwdFiltAlgo) FFTTiling() DeConvBwdFiltAlgo
FFTTiling sets c to ConvBwdFiltAlgo(C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_FFT_TILING) and returns value of c
func (DeConvBwdFiltAlgo) String ¶
func (c DeConvBwdFiltAlgo) String() string
func (*DeConvBwdFiltAlgo) Winograd ¶
func (c *DeConvBwdFiltAlgo) Winograd() DeConvBwdFiltAlgo
Winograd sets c to ConvBwdFiltAlgo(C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_WINOGRAD) and returns value of c
func (*DeConvBwdFiltAlgo) WinogradNonFused ¶
func (c *DeConvBwdFiltAlgo) WinogradNonFused() DeConvBwdFiltAlgo
WinogradNonFused sets c to ConvBwdFiltAlgo(C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_WINOGRAD_NONFUSED) and returns value of c
type DeConvBwdFiltAlgoPerformance ¶
type DeConvBwdFiltAlgoPerformance struct { Algo DeConvBwdFiltAlgo `json:"algo,omitempty"` Status Status `json:"status,omitempty"` Time float32 `json:"time,omitempty"` Memory uint `json:"memory,omitempty"` Determinism Determinism `json:"determinism,omitempty"` MathType MathType `json:"math_type,omitempty"` }
DeConvBwdFiltAlgoPerformance is the return struct in the finding algorithm funcs
func (DeConvBwdFiltAlgoPerformance) String ¶
func (cb DeConvBwdFiltAlgoPerformance) String() string
type DeConvBwdFilterPref ¶
type DeConvBwdFilterPref C.cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterPreference_t
DeConvBwdFilterPref are used for flags for the backwds filters exposing them through methods
func (*DeConvBwdFilterPref) NoWorkSpace ¶
func (c *DeConvBwdFilterPref) NoWorkSpace() DeConvBwdFilterPref
NoWorkSpace sets c to DeConvBwdFilterPref( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_NO_WORKSPACE) and returns value of c
func (*DeConvBwdFilterPref) PreferFastest ¶
func (c *DeConvBwdFilterPref) PreferFastest() DeConvBwdFilterPref
PreferFastest sets c to DeConvBwdFilterPref( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_PREFER_FASTEST) and returns value of c
func (*DeConvBwdFilterPref) SpecifyWorkSpaceLimit ¶
func (c *DeConvBwdFilterPref) SpecifyWorkSpaceLimit() DeConvBwdFilterPref
SpecifyWorkSpaceLimit sets c to DeConvBwdFilterPref( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_SPECIFY_WORKSPACE_LIMIT) and returns value of c
type DeConvFwdAlgo ¶
type DeConvFwdAlgo C.cudnnConvolutionBwdDataAlgo_t
DeConvFwdAlgo used for flags in the forward data algorithms exposing them through methods DeConvolution does the Backward Data pass as its forward.
func (DeConvFwdAlgo) Algo ¶
func (c DeConvFwdAlgo) Algo() Algorithm
Algo returns an Algorithm Struct
func (*DeConvFwdAlgo) Algo0 ¶
func (c *DeConvFwdAlgo) Algo0() DeConvFwdAlgo
Algo0 sets c to ConvBwdDataAlgo(C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_DATA_ALGO_0) and returns value of c /* non-deterministic */
func (*DeConvFwdAlgo) Algo1 ¶
func (c *DeConvFwdAlgo) Algo1() DeConvFwdAlgo
Algo1 sets c to ConvBwdDataAlgo(C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_DATA_ALGO_1) and returns value of c
func (*DeConvFwdAlgo) Count ¶
func (c *DeConvFwdAlgo) Count() DeConvFwdAlgo
Count sets c to ConvBwdDataAlgo(C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_DATA_ALGO_COUNT) and returns value of c
func (*DeConvFwdAlgo) FFT ¶
func (c *DeConvFwdAlgo) FFT() DeConvFwdAlgo
FFT sets c to ConvBwdDataAlgo(C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_DATA_ALGO_FFT) and returns value of c
func (*DeConvFwdAlgo) FFTTiling ¶
func (c *DeConvFwdAlgo) FFTTiling() DeConvFwdAlgo
FFTTiling sets c to ConvBwdDataAlgo(C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_DATA_ALGO_FFT_TILING) and returns value of c
func (DeConvFwdAlgo) String ¶
func (c DeConvFwdAlgo) String() string
func (*DeConvFwdAlgo) Winograd ¶
func (c *DeConvFwdAlgo) Winograd() DeConvFwdAlgo
Winograd sets c to ConvBwdDataAlgo(C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_DATA_ALGO_WINOGRAD) and returns value of c
func (*DeConvFwdAlgo) WinogradNonFused ¶
func (c *DeConvFwdAlgo) WinogradNonFused() DeConvFwdAlgo
WinogradNonFused sets c to ConvBwdDataAlgo(C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_DATA_ALGO_WINOGRAD_NONFUSED) and returns value of c
type DeConvFwdAlgoPerformance ¶
type DeConvFwdAlgoPerformance struct { Algo DeConvFwdAlgo `json:"algo,omitempty"` Status Status `json:"status,omitempty"` Time float32 `json:"time,omitempty"` Memory uint `json:"memory,omitempty"` Determinism Determinism `json:"determinism,omitempty"` MathType MathType `json:"math_type,omitempty"` }
DeConvFwdAlgoPerformance is a struct that holds the performance of the algorithm
func (DeConvFwdAlgoPerformance) String ¶
func (cb DeConvFwdAlgoPerformance) String() string
type DeConvolutionD ¶
type DeConvolutionD struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DeConvolutionD sets all the convolution info
func CreateDeConvolutionDescriptor ¶
func CreateDeConvolutionDescriptor() (*DeConvolutionD, error)
CreateDeConvolutionDescriptor creates a deconvolution descriptor
func (*DeConvolutionD) BackwardBias ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) BackwardBias( handle *Handle, alpha float64, dyD *TensorD, dy cutil.Mem, beta float64, dbD *TensorD, db cutil.Mem) error
BackwardBias is used to compute the bias gradient for batch convolution db is returned
func (*DeConvolutionD) BackwardBiasUS ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) BackwardBiasUS( handle *Handle, alpha float64, dyD *TensorD, dy unsafe.Pointer, beta float64, dbD *TensorD, db unsafe.Pointer) error
BackwardBiasUS is like BackwardBias but using unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*DeConvolutionD) BackwardData ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) BackwardData( handle *Handle, alpha float64, wD *FilterD, w cutil.Mem, dyD *TensorD, dy cutil.Mem, algo DeConvBwdDataAlgo, wspace cutil.Mem, wspaceSIB uint, beta float64, dxD *TensorD, dx cutil.Mem) error
BackwardData Function to perform the backward pass pass for batch convolution
func (*DeConvolutionD) BackwardDataUS ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) BackwardDataUS( handle *Handle, alpha float64, wD *FilterD, w unsafe.Pointer, dyD *TensorD, dy unsafe.Pointer, algo DeConvBwdDataAlgo, wspace unsafe.Pointer, wspacesize uint, beta float64, dxD *TensorD, dx unsafe.Pointer) error
BackwardDataUS is like BackwardData but using unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*DeConvolutionD) BackwardFilter ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) BackwardFilter( handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, dyD *TensorD, dy cutil.Mem, algo DeConvBwdFiltAlgo, wspace cutil.Mem, wspacesize uint, beta float64, dwD *FilterD, dw cutil.Mem, ) error
BackwardFilter does the backwards deconvolution filter
func (*DeConvolutionD) BackwardFilterUS ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) BackwardFilterUS( handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, dyD *TensorD, dy unsafe.Pointer, algo DeConvBwdFiltAlgo, wspace unsafe.Pointer, wspacesize uint, beta float64, dwD *FilterD, dw unsafe.Pointer, ) error
BackwardFilterUS is like BackwardFilter but using unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*DeConvolutionD) Destroy ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) Destroy() error
Destroy destroys the ConvolutionDescriptor. If GC is set then it only returns nil. Currently GC is set with no option to turn off
func (*DeConvolutionD) FindBackwardDataAlgorithm ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) FindBackwardDataAlgorithm( handle *Handle, w *FilterD, dy *TensorD, dx *TensorD, ) ([]DeConvBwdDataAlgoPerformance, error)
FindBackwardDataAlgorithm will find the top performing algoriths and return the best algorithms in accending order.
func (*DeConvolutionD) FindBackwardDataAlgorithmEx ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) FindBackwardDataAlgorithmEx( handle *Handle, wD *FilterD, w cutil.Mem, dyD *TensorD, dy cutil.Mem, dxD *TensorD, dx cutil.Mem, wspace cutil.Mem, wspacesize uint) ([]DeConvBwdDataAlgoPerformance, error)
FindBackwardDataAlgorithmEx finds some algorithms with memory
func (*DeConvolutionD) FindBackwardDataAlgorithmExUS ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) FindBackwardDataAlgorithmExUS( handle *Handle, wD *FilterD, w unsafe.Pointer, dyD *TensorD, dy unsafe.Pointer, dxD *TensorD, dx unsafe.Pointer, wspace unsafe.Pointer, wspacesize uint) ([]DeConvBwdDataAlgoPerformance, error)
FindBackwardDataAlgorithmExUS is just like FindBackwardDataAlgorithmEx but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*DeConvolutionD) FindBackwardFilterAlgorithm ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) FindBackwardFilterAlgorithm( handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, dyD *TensorD, dwD *FilterD, ) ([]DeConvBwdFiltAlgoPerformance, error)
FindBackwardFilterAlgorithm will find the top performing algoriths and return the best algorithms in accending order they are limited to the number passed in requestedAlgoCount. So if 4 is passed through in requestedAlgoCount, then it will return the top 4 performers in the ConvolutionFwdAlgoPerformance struct. using this could possible give the user cheat level performance :-)
func (*DeConvolutionD) FindBackwardFilterAlgorithmEx ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) FindBackwardFilterAlgorithmEx( handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, dyD *TensorD, dy cutil.Mem, dwD *FilterD, dw cutil.Mem, wspace cutil.Mem, wspacesize uint) ([]DeConvBwdFiltAlgoPerformance, error)
FindBackwardFilterAlgorithmEx finds some algorithms with memory
func (*DeConvolutionD) FindBackwardFilterAlgorithmExUS ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) FindBackwardFilterAlgorithmExUS( handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, dyD *TensorD, dy unsafe.Pointer, dwD *FilterD, dw unsafe.Pointer, wspace unsafe.Pointer, wspacesize uint) ([]DeConvBwdFiltAlgoPerformance, error)
FindBackwardFilterAlgorithmExUS is just like FindBackwardFilterAlgorithmEx but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*DeConvolutionD) FindForwardAlgorithm ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) FindForwardAlgorithm( handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, wD *FilterD, yD *TensorD, ) ([]DeConvFwdAlgoPerformance, error)
FindForwardAlgorithm will find the top performing algoriths and return the best algorithms in accending order they are limited to the number passed in requestedAlgoCount. So if 4 is passed through in requestedAlgoCount, then it will return the top 4 performers in the ConvFwdAlgoPerformance struct. using this could possible give the user cheat level performance :-)
func (*DeConvolutionD) FindForwardAlgorithmEx ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) FindForwardAlgorithmEx( handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, wD *FilterD, w cutil.Mem, yD *TensorD, y cutil.Mem, wspace cutil.Mem, wspaceSIBlimit uint) ([]DeConvFwdAlgoPerformance, error)
FindForwardAlgorithmEx finds some algorithms with memory
func (*DeConvolutionD) FindForwardAlgorithmExUS ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) FindForwardAlgorithmExUS( handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, wD *FilterD, w unsafe.Pointer, yD *TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, wspace unsafe.Pointer, wspaceSIBlimit uint) ([]DeConvFwdAlgoPerformance, error)
FindForwardAlgorithmExUS is like FindForwardAlgorithmEx but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*DeConvolutionD) Forward ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) Forward( handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, wD *FilterD, w cutil.Mem, algo DeConvFwdAlgo, wspace cutil.Mem, wspaceSIB uint, beta float64, yD *TensorD, y cutil.Mem) error
Forward does the forward deconvolution
This function computes the convolution data gradient of the tensor dy, where y is the output of the forward convolution in (*ConvolutionD)Forward(). It uses the specified algo, and returns the results in the output tensor dx. Scaling factors alpha and beta can be used to scale the computed result or accumulate with the current dx.
func (*DeConvolutionD) ForwardUS ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) ForwardUS( handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, wD *FilterD, w unsafe.Pointer, algo DeConvFwdAlgo, wspace unsafe.Pointer, wspacesize uint, beta float64, yD *TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer) error
ForwardUS is like BackwardData but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*DeConvolutionD) Get ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) Get() (mode ConvolutionMode, data DataType, pad []int32, stride []int32, dilation []int32, err error)
Get gets returns the values used to make the convolution descriptor
func (*DeConvolutionD) GetBackwardDataAlgorithm ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) GetBackwardDataAlgorithm( handle *Handle, wD *FilterD, dyD *TensorD, dxD *TensorD, pref DeConvBwdDataPref, wspaceSIBlimit uint) (DeConvBwdDataAlgo, error)
GetBackwardDataAlgorithm gets the fastest backwards data algorithm with parameters that are passed.
func (*DeConvolutionD) GetBackwardDataAlgorithmV7 ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) GetBackwardDataAlgorithmV7( handle *Handle, wD *FilterD, dyD *TensorD, dxD *TensorD, ) ([]DeConvBwdDataAlgoPerformance, error)
GetBackwardDataAlgorithmV7 - This function serves as a heuristic for obtaining the best suited algorithm for the given layer specifications. This function will return all algorithms (including (MathType where available) sorted by expected (based on internal heuristic) relative performance with fastest being index 0 of perfResults.
func (*DeConvolutionD) GetBackwardDataWorkspaceSize ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) GetBackwardDataWorkspaceSize( handle *Handle, wD *FilterD, dyD *TensorD, dxD *TensorD, algo DeConvBwdDataAlgo) (uint, error)
GetBackwardDataWorkspaceSize is a helper function that will return the minimum Size of the workspace to be passed by the convolution given an algo.
func (*DeConvolutionD) GetBackwardFilterAlgorithm ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) GetBackwardFilterAlgorithm( handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, dyD *TensorD, dwD *FilterD, pref DeConvBwdFilterPref, wsmemlimit uint) (DeConvBwdFiltAlgo, error)
GetBackwardFilterAlgorithm gives a good algo with the limits given to it
func (*DeConvolutionD) GetBackwardFilterAlgorithmV7 ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) GetBackwardFilterAlgorithmV7( handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, dyD *TensorD, dwD *FilterD, ) ([]DeConvBwdFiltAlgoPerformance, error)
GetBackwardFilterAlgorithmV7 will find the top performing algoriths and return the best algorithms in accending order they are limited to the number passed in requestedAlgoCount. So if 4 is passed through in requestedAlgoCount, then it will return the top 4 performers in the ConvolutionFwdAlgoPerformance struct. using this could possible give the user cheat level performance :-)
func (*DeConvolutionD) GetBackwardFilterWorkspaceSize ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) GetBackwardFilterWorkspaceSize( handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, dyD *TensorD, dwD *FilterD, algo DeConvBwdFiltAlgo) (uint, error)
GetBackwardFilterWorkspaceSize is a helper function that will return the minimum Size of the workspace to be passed by the convolution given an algo.
func (*DeConvolutionD) GetBiasDims ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) GetBiasDims(w *FilterD) ([]int32, error)
GetBiasDims will return bias dims for the deconvolution. Ony supports NCHW and NHWC formats
func (*DeConvolutionD) GetForwardAlgorithm ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) GetForwardAlgorithm( handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, wD *FilterD, yD *TensorD, pref DeConvolutionForwardPref, wspaceSIBlimit uint) (DeConvFwdAlgo, error)
GetForwardAlgorithm gives a good algo with the limits given to it
func (*DeConvolutionD) GetForwardAlgorithmV7 ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) GetForwardAlgorithmV7( handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, wD *FilterD, yD *TensorD, ) ([]DeConvFwdAlgoPerformance, error)
GetForwardAlgorithmV7 will find the top performing algoriths and return the best algorithms in accending order they are limited to the number passed in requestedAlgoCount. So if 4 is passed through in requestedAlgoCount, then it will return the top 4 performers in the ConvFwdAlgoPerformance struct. using this could possible give the user cheat level performance :-)
func (*DeConvolutionD) GetForwardWorkspaceSize ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) GetForwardWorkspaceSize( handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, wD *FilterD, yD *TensorD, algo DeConvFwdAlgo) (uint, error)
GetForwardWorkspaceSize is a helper function that will return the minimum Size of the workspace to be passed by the convolution given an algo.
func (*DeConvolutionD) GetOutputDims ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) GetOutputDims(input *TensorD, filter *FilterD) ([]int32, error)
GetOutputDims is a helper function to give the size of the output of of a DeConvolutionNDForward Each dimension of the (nbDims-2)-D images of the output tensor is computed as followed:
outputDim = (inputDim-1)*convolutionStride -2*pad + (((filterDim-1)*dilation)+1)
DeConvolution works differently than a convolution.
In a normal convolution, the output channel will be the number of neurons it has. The channel size of the nuerons will be the input channel size.
For a deconvolution. The number of neurons will be the input channel size, and the neuron channel size will be the output channel size.
func (*DeConvolutionD) GetReorderType ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) GetReorderType() (r Reorder, err error)
GetReorderType gets the reorder type
func (*DeConvolutionD) Set ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) Set(mode ConvolutionMode, data DataType, pad, stride, dilation []int32) error
Set sets the convolution descriptor Input.Type of the filter layout format. If this input is set to CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW, which is one of the enumerated values allowed by cudnnTensorFormat_t descriptor, then the layout of the filter is as follows:
For N=4, i.e., for a 4D filter descriptor, the filter layout is in the form of KCRS (K represents the number of output feature maps, C the number of input feature maps, R the number of rows per filter, and S the number of columns per filter.) For N=3, i.e., for a 3D filter descriptor, the number S (number of columns per filter) is omitted. For N=5 and greater, the layout of the higher dimensions immediately follow RS. On the other hand, if this input is set to CUDNN_TENSOR_NHWC, then the layout of the filter is as follows: for N=4, i.e., for a 4D filter descriptor, the filter layout is in the form of KRSC. For N=3, i.e., for a 3D filter descriptor, the number S (number of columns per filter) is omitted, and the layout of C immediately follows R. For N=5 and greater, the layout of the higher dimensions are inserted between S and C. See also the description for cudnnTensorFormat_t. Note: Length of stride, pad, and dilation need to be len(tensordims) -2.
func (*DeConvolutionD) SetGroupCount ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) SetGroupCount(groupCount int32) error
SetGroupCount sets the Group Count
func (*DeConvolutionD) SetMathType ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) SetMathType(mathtype MathType) error
SetMathType sets the mathtype
func (*DeConvolutionD) SetReorderType ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) SetReorderType(r Reorder) error
SetReorderType sets the reorder type
func (*DeConvolutionD) String ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionD) String() string
String satisfies fmt Stringer interface.
type DeConvolutionForwardPref ¶
type DeConvolutionForwardPref C.cudnnConvolutionBwdDataPreference_t
DeConvolutionForwardPref used for flags on deconvolution forward exposing them through methods
func (*DeConvolutionForwardPref) NoWorkSpace ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionForwardPref) NoWorkSpace() DeConvolutionForwardPref
NoWorkSpace sets c to returns DeConvolutionForwardPref( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_NO_WORKSPACE) and returns value of c
func (*DeConvolutionForwardPref) PreferFastest ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionForwardPref) PreferFastest() DeConvolutionForwardPref
PreferFastest sets c to DeConvolutionForwardPref( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_PREFER_FASTEST) and returns value of c
func (*DeConvolutionForwardPref) SpecifyWorkSpaceLimit ¶
func (c *DeConvolutionForwardPref) SpecifyWorkSpaceLimit() DeConvolutionForwardPref
SpecifyWorkSpaceLimit sets c to ConvBwdDataPref( C.CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_SPECIFY_WORKSPACE_LIMIT)and returns value of c
type Determinism ¶
type Determinism C.cudnnDeterminism_t
Determinism is the type for flags that set Determinism and are called and changed through type's methods
func (*Determinism) Deterministic ¶
func (d *Determinism) Deterministic() Determinism
Deterministic sets d to Determinism(C.CUDNN_DETERMINISTIC) and returns the value
func (*Determinism) Non ¶
func (d *Determinism) Non() Determinism
Non returns sets d to Determinism(C.CUDNN_NON_DETERMINISTIC) and returns the value
func (Determinism) String ¶
func (d Determinism) String() string
String outputs a string of the type
type DirectionMode ¶
type DirectionMode C.cudnnDirectionMode_t
DirectionMode is used for flags and exposes flags of type through types methods
func (*DirectionMode) Bi ¶
func (r *DirectionMode) Bi() DirectionMode
Bi sets r to and returns DirectionMode(C.CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL)
func (DirectionMode) String ¶
func (r DirectionMode) String() string
func (*DirectionMode) Uni ¶
func (r *DirectionMode) Uni() DirectionMode
Uni sets r to and returns DirectionMode(C.CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL)
type DivNormMode ¶
type DivNormMode C.cudnnDivNormMode_t
DivNormMode is usde for C.cudnnDivNormMode_t flags
func (*DivNormMode) PrecomputedMeans ¶
func (d *DivNormMode) PrecomputedMeans() DivNormMode
PrecomputedMeans sets d to and returns DivNormMode(C.CUDNN_DIVNORM_PRECOMPUTED_MEANS)
func (DivNormMode) String ¶
func (d DivNormMode) String() string
type DropOutD ¶
type DropOutD struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DropOutD holds the dropout descriptor
func CreateDropOutDescriptor ¶
CreateDropOutDescriptor creates a drop out descriptor to be set
func (*DropOutD) Backward ¶
func (d *DropOutD) Backward( handle *Handle, dyD *TensorD, dy cutil.Mem, dxD *TensorD, dx cutil.Mem, reserveSpace cutil.Mem, reservesize uint, ) error
Backward performs the dropoutForward
Input/Output: dx,reserveSpace
func (*DropOutD) BackwardUS ¶
func (d *DropOutD) BackwardUS( handle *Handle, dyD *TensorD, dy unsafe.Pointer, dxD *TensorD, dx unsafe.Pointer, reserveSpace unsafe.Pointer, reservesize uint, ) error
BackwardUS is like Backward but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*DropOutD) Destroy ¶
Destroy destroys the dropout descriptor unless the the finalizer flag was set.
func (*DropOutD) Forward ¶
func (d *DropOutD) Forward( handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, yD *TensorD, y cutil.Mem, reserveSpace cutil.Mem, reservesize uint, ) error
Forward performs the dropoutForward
Input/Output: y,reserveSpace
func (*DropOutD) ForwardUS ¶
func (d *DropOutD) ForwardUS( handle *Handle, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, yD *TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, reserveSpace unsafe.Pointer, reservesize uint, ) error
ForwardUS is like Forward but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*DropOutD) GetReserveSpaceSize ¶
GetReserveSpaceSize returns the size of reserve space in bytes. Method calls a function that doesn't use the DropOutD, but function is releveant to the DropOut operation
func (*DropOutD) GetStateSize ¶
GetStateSize returns the state size in bytes Method calls a function that doesn't use DropOutD, but it is a dropout type function, and is used to get the size the cutil.Mem, or unsafe.Pointer needs to for state.
func (*DropOutD) Restore ¶
func (d *DropOutD) Restore( handle *Handle, dropout float32, states cutil.Mem, bytes uint, seed uint64, ) error
Restore restores the descriptor to a previously saved-off state
func (*DropOutD) RestoreUS ¶
func (d *DropOutD) RestoreUS( handle *Handle, dropout float32, states unsafe.Pointer, bytes uint, seed uint64, ) error
RestoreUS is like Restore but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
type ErrQueryMode ¶
type ErrQueryMode C.cudnnErrQueryMode_t
ErrQueryMode are basically flags that are used for different modes that are exposed through the types methods
func (*ErrQueryMode) Blocking ¶
func (e *ErrQueryMode) Blocking() ErrQueryMode
Blocking sets e to and returns ErrQueryMode(C.CUDNN_ERRQUERY_BLOCKING)
func (*ErrQueryMode) NonBlocking ¶
func (e *ErrQueryMode) NonBlocking() ErrQueryMode
NonBlocking sets e to and returns ErrQueryMode(C.CUDNN_ERRQUERY_NONBLOCKING)
func (*ErrQueryMode) RawCode ¶
func (e *ErrQueryMode) RawCode() ErrQueryMode
RawCode sets e to and returns ErrQueryMode(C.CUDNN_ERRQUERY_RAWCODE)
type FilterD ¶
type FilterD struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FilterD is the struct holding discriptor information for cudnnFilterDescriptor_t
func CreateFilterDescriptor ¶
CreateFilterDescriptor creates a filter distriptor
func (*FilterD) Destroy ¶
Destroy Destroys Filter Descriptor if GC is not set. if GC is set then it won't do anything
func (*FilterD) Get ¶
func (f *FilterD) Get() (dtype DataType, frmt TensorFormat, shape []int32, err error)
Get returns a copy of the ConvolutionD
func (*FilterD) GetSizeInBytes ¶
GetSizeInBytes returns the size in bytes for the filter
func (*FilterD) ReorderFilterBias ¶
func (f *FilterD) ReorderFilterBias(h *Handle, r Reorder, filtersrc, reorderfilterdest cutil.Mem, reorderbias bool, biassrc, reorderbiasdest cutil.Mem) error
ReorderFilterBias -reorders the filter and bias values. It can be used to enhance the inference time by separating the reordering operation from convolution.
For example, convolutions in a neural network of multiple layers can require reordering of kernels at every layer, which can take up a significant fraction of the total inference time. Using this function, the reordering can be done one time on the filter and bias data followed by the convolution operations at the multiple layers, thereby enhancing the inference time.
func (*FilterD) Set ¶
func (f *FilterD) Set(dtype DataType, format TensorFormat, shape []int32) error
Set sets the filter descriptor Like with TensorD the shape put in will be not like cudnn. cudnn will always take the shape NCHW and switch the dims and change the tensor stride in order to change the format. gocudnn will change the dims to a format that cudnn likes. if the format is nhwc.
Basic 4D filter
The Basic NCHW shape is shape[0] = # of output feature maps
shape[1] = # of input feature maps shape[2] = height of each filter shape[3] = width of each input filter
The Basic NHWC shape is shape[0] = # of output feature maps
shape[1] = height of each filter shape[2] = width of each input filter shape[3] = # of input feature maps Basic ND filter
The Basic NCHW shape is shape[0] = # of output feature maps
shape[1] = # of input feature maps shape[.] = feature dims shape[N-1] = feature dims
The Basic NHWC shape is shape[0] = # of output feature maps
shape[.] = feature dims shape[N-1] = # of input feature maps
type FoldingDirection ¶
type FoldingDirection C.cudnnFoldingDirection_t
FoldingDirection is used as a flag for TransformDescriptor which are revealed through type's methods.
func (*FoldingDirection) Fold ¶
func (f *FoldingDirection) Fold() FoldingDirection
Fold sets variable to Fold and returns Fold value
func (FoldingDirection) String ¶
func (f FoldingDirection) String() string
String satisfies the stringer interface
func (*FoldingDirection) UnFold ¶
func (f *FoldingDirection) UnFold() FoldingDirection
UnFold sets variable to UnFold and returns UnFold value
type Handle ¶
type Handle struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Handle is a struct containing a cudnnHandle_t which is basically a Pointer to a CUContext
func CreateHandle ¶
CreateHandle creates a handle its basically a Context usegogc is for future use. Right now it is always on the gc.
This function initializes the cuDNN library and creates a handle to an opaque structure holding the cuDNN library context. It allocates hardware resources on the host and device and must be called prior to making any other cuDNN library calls.
The cuDNN library handle is tied to the current CUDA device (context). To use the library on multiple devices, one cuDNN handle needs to be created for each device.
For a given device, multiple cuDNN handles with different configurations (e.g., different current CUDA streams) may be created. Because cudnnCreate allocates some internal resources, the release of those resources by calling cudnnDestroy will implicitly call cudaDeviceSynchronize; therefore, the recommended best practice is to call cudnnCreate/cudnnDestroy outside of performance-critical code paths.
For multithreaded applications that use the same device from different threads, the recommended programming model is to create one (or a few, as is convenient) cuDNN handle(s) per thread and use that cuDNN handle for the entire life of the thread.
func CreateHandleEX ¶
CreateHandleEX creates a handle like CreateHandle, but gocudnn functions that pass the handle will pass the operations to the worker. if w is nil the handle will function just like a handle created with CreateHandle()
func (*Handle) QueryRuntimeError ¶
func (handle *Handle) QueryRuntimeError(mode ErrQueryMode, tag *RuntimeTag) (Status, error)
QueryRuntimeError check cudnnQueryRuntimeError in DEEP Learning SDK Documentation tag should be nil
type IndiciesType ¶
type IndiciesType C.cudnnIndicesType_t
IndiciesType are flags
func (IndiciesType) String ¶
func (i IndiciesType) String() string
String satisfies stringer interface
func (*IndiciesType) Type16Bit ¶
func (i *IndiciesType) Type16Bit() IndiciesType
Type16Bit sets i to and returns IndiciesType( C.CUDNN_16BIT_INDICES) flag
func (*IndiciesType) Type32Bit ¶
func (i *IndiciesType) Type32Bit() IndiciesType
Type32Bit sets i to and returns IndiciesType( C.CUDNN_32BIT_INDICES) flag
func (*IndiciesType) Type64Bit ¶
func (i *IndiciesType) Type64Bit() IndiciesType
Type64Bit sets i to and returns IndiciesType( C.CUDNN_64BIT_INDICES) flag
func (*IndiciesType) Type8Bit ¶
func (i *IndiciesType) Type8Bit() IndiciesType
Type8Bit sets i to and returns IndiciesType( C.CUDNN_8BIT_INDICES) flag
type LRND ¶
type LRND struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
LRND holds the LRN Descriptor
func CreateLRNDescriptor ¶
CreateLRNDescriptor creates an RND descriptor
func (*LRND) Destroy ¶
Destroy destroys the descriptor if not using gc it will just return nil if not on. Currently gc is always on
func (*LRND) DivisiveNormalizationBackward ¶
func (l *LRND) DivisiveNormalizationBackward( handle *Handle, mode DivNormMode, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x, means, dy, temp, temp2 cutil.Mem, beta float64, dXdMeansDesc *TensorD, dx, dMeans cutil.Mem, ) error
DivisiveNormalizationBackward LRN cross-channel backward computation. Double parameters cast to tensor data type
func (*LRND) DivisiveNormalizationBackwardUS ¶
func (l *LRND) DivisiveNormalizationBackwardUS( handle *Handle, mode DivNormMode, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x, means, dy, temp, temp2 unsafe.Pointer, beta float64, dXdMeansDesc *TensorD, dx, dMeans unsafe.Pointer, ) error
DivisiveNormalizationBackwardUS is like DivisiveNormalizationBackward but using unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*LRND) DivisiveNormalizationForward ¶
func (l *LRND) DivisiveNormalizationForward( handle *Handle, mode DivNormMode, alpha float64, xD TensorD, x, means, temp, temp2 cutil.Mem, beta float64, yD TensorD, y cutil.Mem, ) error
DivisiveNormalizationForward LCN/divisive normalization functions: y = alpha * normalize(x) + beta * y
func (*LRND) DivisiveNormalizationForwardUS ¶
func (l *LRND) DivisiveNormalizationForwardUS( handle *Handle, mode DivNormMode, alpha float64, xD TensorD, x, means, temp, temp2 unsafe.Pointer, beta float64, yD TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, ) error
DivisiveNormalizationForwardUS is like DivisiveNormalizationForward but using unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*LRND) LRNCrossChannelBackward ¶
func (l *LRND) LRNCrossChannelBackward( handle *Handle, mode LRNmode, alpha float64, yD *TensorD, y cutil.Mem, dyD *TensorD, dy cutil.Mem, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, beta float64, dxD *TensorD, dx cutil.Mem, ) error
LRNCrossChannelBackward LRN cross-channel backward computation. Double parameters cast to tensor data type
func (*LRND) LRNCrossChannelBackwardUS ¶
func (l *LRND) LRNCrossChannelBackwardUS( handle *Handle, mode LRNmode, alpha float64, yD *TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, dyD *TensorD, dy unsafe.Pointer, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, beta float64, dxD *TensorD, dx unsafe.Pointer, ) error
LRNCrossChannelBackwardUS is like LRNCrossChannelBackward but using unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*LRND) LRNCrossChannelForward ¶
func (l *LRND) LRNCrossChannelForward( handle *Handle, mode LRNmode, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, beta float64, yD *TensorD, y cutil.Mem, ) error
LRNCrossChannelForward LRN cross-channel forward computation. Double parameters cast to tensor data type
func (*LRND) LRNCrossChannelForwardUS ¶
func (l *LRND) LRNCrossChannelForwardUS( handle *Handle, mode LRNmode, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, beta float64, yD *TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, ) error
LRNCrossChannelForwardUS is like LRNCrossChannelForward but using unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
type LRNmode ¶
type LRNmode C.cudnnLRNMode_t
LRNmode is used for the flags in LRNmode
func (*LRNmode) CrossChanelDim1 ¶
CrossChanelDim1 sets l to and returns LRNmode( C.CUDNN_LRN_CROSS_CHANNEL_DIM1)
type MathType ¶
type MathType C.cudnnMathType_t
MathType are flags to set for cudnnMathType_t and can be called by types methods
func (*MathType) AllowConversion ¶
func (*MathType) Default ¶
Default sets m to MathType(C.CUDNN_DEFAULT_MATH) and returns changed value
func (*MathType) TensorOpMath ¶
TensorOpMath return MathType(C.CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH)
type MultiHeadAttnWeightKind ¶
type MultiHeadAttnWeightKind C.cudnnMultiHeadAttnWeightKind_t
MultiHeadAttnWeightKind is a flag for the kind of weights used flags are exposed through type's methods.
func (*MultiHeadAttnWeightKind) Keys ¶
func (m *MultiHeadAttnWeightKind) Keys() MultiHeadAttnWeightKind
Keys - sets value to MultiHeadAttnWeightKind(C.CUDNN_MH_ATTN_K_WEIGHTS) and returns that value. From cudnn.h -input projection weights for 'keys'
func (*MultiHeadAttnWeightKind) Output ¶
func (m *MultiHeadAttnWeightKind) Output() MultiHeadAttnWeightKind
Output - sets value to MultiHeadAttnWeightKind(C.CUDNN_MH_ATTN_O_WEIGHTS) and returns that value. From cudnn.h - output projection weights
func (*MultiHeadAttnWeightKind) Queries ¶
func (m *MultiHeadAttnWeightKind) Queries() MultiHeadAttnWeightKind
Queries - sets value to MultiHeadAttnWeightKind(C.CUDNN_MH_ATTN_Q_WEIGHTS) and returns that value. From cudnn.h - input projection weights for 'queries'
func (MultiHeadAttnWeightKind) String ¶
func (m MultiHeadAttnWeightKind) String() string
func (*MultiHeadAttnWeightKind) Values ¶
func (m *MultiHeadAttnWeightKind) Values() MultiHeadAttnWeightKind
Values - sets value to MultiHeadAttnWeightKind(C.CUDNN_MH_ATTN_V_WEIGHTS) and returns that value. From cudnn.h - input projection weights for 'values'
type NANProp ¶
type NANProp C.cudnnNanPropagation_t
NANProp is type for C.cudnnNanPropagation_t used for flags and are called and changed through type's methods
func (*NANProp) NotPropigate ¶
NotPropigate sets p to PropagationNAN(C.CUDNN_NOT_PROPAGATE_NAN) and returns that value
type OPTensorD ¶
type OPTensorD struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OPTensorD holds OP Tensor information
func CreateOpTensorDescriptor ¶
CreateOpTensorDescriptor creates and sets an OpTensor
func (*OPTensorD) Get ¶
func (t *OPTensorD) Get() (op OpTensorOp, dtype DataType, nan NANProp, err error)
Get returns the descriptor information with error
func (*OPTensorD) OpTensor ¶
func (t *OPTensorD) OpTensor( handle *Handle, alpha1 float64, aD *TensorD, A cutil.Mem, alpha2 float64, bD *TensorD, B cutil.Mem, beta float64, cD *TensorD, cmem cutil.Mem) error
OpTensor performs an operation on some tensors C= operation( (alpha1 * A) , (alpha2 *B) ) + (beta *C)
func (*OPTensorD) OpTensorUS ¶
func (t *OPTensorD) OpTensorUS( handle *Handle, alpha1 float64, aD *TensorD, A unsafe.Pointer, alpha2 float64, bD *TensorD, B unsafe.Pointer, beta float64, cD *TensorD, cmem unsafe.Pointer) error
OpTensorUS is like OpTensor but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
type OpTensorOp ¶
type OpTensorOp C.cudnnOpTensorOp_t
OpTensorOp is used for flags for the Optensor functions
func (*OpTensorOp) Add ¶
func (o *OpTensorOp) Add() OpTensorOp
Add sets o to OpTensorOp(C.CUDNN_OP_TENSOR_ADD) and returns the new value
func (*OpTensorOp) Max ¶
func (o *OpTensorOp) Max() OpTensorOp
Max sets o to OpTensorOp(C.CUDNN_OP_TENSOR_MAX) and returns the new value
func (*OpTensorOp) Min ¶
func (o *OpTensorOp) Min() OpTensorOp
Min sets o to OpTensorOp(C.CUDNN_OP_TENSOR_MIN) and returns the new value
func (*OpTensorOp) Mul ¶
func (o *OpTensorOp) Mul() OpTensorOp
Mul sets o to OpTensorOp(C.CUDNN_OP_TENSOR_MUL) and returns the new value
func (*OpTensorOp) Not ¶
func (o *OpTensorOp) Not() OpTensorOp
Not returns OpTensorOp(C.CUDNN_OP_TENSOR_NOT) and returns the new value
func (*OpTensorOp) Sqrt ¶
func (o *OpTensorOp) Sqrt() OpTensorOp
Sqrt sets o to OpTensorOp(C.CUDNN_OP_TENSOR_SQRT) and returns the new value
func (OpTensorOp) String ¶
func (o OpTensorOp) String() string
type PersistentRNNPlan ¶
type PersistentRNNPlan struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PersistentRNNPlan holds C.cudnnPersistentRNNPlan_t
func (*PersistentRNNPlan) DestroyPersistentRNNPlan ¶
func (p *PersistentRNNPlan) DestroyPersistentRNNPlan() error
DestroyPersistentRNNPlan destroys the C.cudnnPersistentRNNPlan_t in the PersistentRNNPlan struct
type PoolingD ¶
type PoolingD struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PoolingD handles the pooling descriptor
func CreatePoolingDescriptor ¶
CreatePoolingDescriptor creates a pooling descriptor.
func (*PoolingD) Backward ¶
func (p *PoolingD) Backward( handle *Handle, alpha float64, yD *TensorD, y cutil.Mem, dyD *TensorD, dy cutil.Mem, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, beta float64, dxD *TensorD, dx cutil.Mem, ) error
Backward does the backward pooling operation
func (*PoolingD) BackwardUS ¶
func (p *PoolingD) BackwardUS( handle *Handle, alpha float64, yD *TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, dyD *TensorD, dy unsafe.Pointer, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, beta float64, dxD *TensorD, dx unsafe.Pointer, ) error
BackwardUS is like Backward but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*PoolingD) Destroy ¶
Destroy destroys the pooling descriptor.
Right now gocudnn is handle by the go GC exclusivly, but sometime in the future user of package will be be able to toggle it.
func (*PoolingD) Forward ¶
func (p *PoolingD) Forward( handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, beta float64, yD *TensorD, y cutil.Mem, ) error
Forward does the poolingForward operation
func (*PoolingD) ForwardUS ¶
func (p *PoolingD) ForwardUS( handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, beta float64, yD *TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, ) error
ForwardUS is like Forward but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*PoolingD) Get ¶
func (p *PoolingD) Get() (mode PoolingMode, nan NANProp, window, padding, stride []int32, err error)
Get gets the descriptor values for pooling
func (*PoolingD) GetOutputDims ¶
GetOutputDims will return the forward output dims from the pooling desc, and the tensor passed For NHWC gocudnn will take the cudnn dims (which are in NCHW) and convert it to NHWC.
type PoolingMode ¶
type PoolingMode C.cudnnPoolingMode_t
PoolingMode is used for flags in pooling
func (*PoolingMode) AverageCountExcludePadding ¶
func (p *PoolingMode) AverageCountExcludePadding() PoolingMode
AverageCountExcludePadding returns PoolingMode(C.CUDNN_POOLING_AVERAGE_COUNT_EXCLUDE_PADDING) flag
Values inside the pooling window are averaged. The number of elements used to calculate the average excludes spatial locations falling in the padding region.
func (*PoolingMode) AverageCountIncludePadding ¶
func (p *PoolingMode) AverageCountIncludePadding() PoolingMode
AverageCountIncludePadding returns PoolingMode(C.CUDNN_POOLING_AVERAGE_COUNT_INCLUDE_PADDING) flag
Values inside the pooling window are averaged. The number of elements used to calculate the average includes spatial locations falling in the padding region.
func (*PoolingMode) Max ¶
func (p *PoolingMode) Max() PoolingMode
Max returns PoolingMode(C.CUDNN_POOLING_MAX) flag
The maximum value inside the pooling window is used.
func (*PoolingMode) MaxDeterministic ¶
func (p *PoolingMode) MaxDeterministic() PoolingMode
MaxDeterministic returns PoolingMode(C.CUDNN_POOLING_MAX_DETERMINISTIC) flag
The maximum value inside the pooling window is used. The algorithm used is deterministic.
func (PoolingMode) String ¶
func (p PoolingMode) String() string
type RNNAlgo ¶
type RNNAlgo C.cudnnRNNAlgo_t
RNNAlgo s used for flags and exposes the different flags through its methods
func (*RNNAlgo) PersistDynamic ¶
PersistDynamic sets r to and returns RNNAlgo( C.CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_DYNAMIC) flag
func (*RNNAlgo) PersistStatic ¶
PersistStatic sets r to and returns RNNAlgo( C.CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_STATIC) flag
type RNNBiasMode ¶
type RNNBiasMode C.cudnnRNNBiasMode_t
RNNBiasMode handles bias flags for RNN. Flags are exposed through types methods
func (*RNNBiasMode) Double ¶
func (b *RNNBiasMode) Double() RNNBiasMode
Double sets b to and returns RNNBiasMode(C.CUDNN_RNN_DOUBLE_BIAS)
func (*RNNBiasMode) NoBias ¶
func (b *RNNBiasMode) NoBias() RNNBiasMode
NoBias sets b to and returns RNNBiasMode(C.CUDNN_RNN_NO_BIAS)
func (*RNNBiasMode) SingleINP ¶
func (b *RNNBiasMode) SingleINP() RNNBiasMode
SingleINP sets b to and returns RNNBiasMode(C.CUDNN_RNN_SINGLE_INP_BIAS)
func (*RNNBiasMode) SingleREC ¶
func (b *RNNBiasMode) SingleREC() RNNBiasMode
SingleREC sets b to and returns RNNBiasMode(C.CUDNN_RNN_SINGLE_REC_BIAS)
func (RNNBiasMode) String ¶
func (b RNNBiasMode) String() string
String satisfies the stringer interface
type RNNClipMode ¶
type RNNClipMode C.cudnnRNNClipMode_t
RNNClipMode is a flag for the clipmode for an RNN
func (*RNNClipMode) MinMax ¶
func (r *RNNClipMode) MinMax() RNNClipMode
MinMax sets r to and returns RNNClipMode(C.CUDNN_RNN_CLIP_MINMAX)
func (*RNNClipMode) None ¶
func (r *RNNClipMode) None() RNNClipMode
None sets r to and returns RNNClipMode(C.CUDNN_RNN_CLIP_NONE)
func (RNNClipMode) String ¶
func (r RNNClipMode) String() string
type RNND ¶
type RNND struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RNND holdes Rnn descriptor
func CreateRNNDescriptor ¶
CreateRNNDescriptor creates an RNND descriptor
func (*RNND) BackwardDataEx ¶
func (r *RNND) BackwardDataEx(h *Handle, yD *RNNDataD, y cutil.Mem, dyD *RNNDataD, dy cutil.Mem, dhyD *TensorD, dhy cutil.Mem, dcyD *TensorD, dcy cutil.Mem, wD *FilterD, w cutil.Mem, hxD *TensorD, hx cutil.Mem, cxD *TensorD, cx cutil.Mem, dxD *RNNDataD, dx cutil.Mem, dhxD *TensorD, dhx cutil.Mem, dcxD *TensorD, dcx cutil.Mem, wspace cutil.Mem, wspacesib uint, rspace cutil.Mem, rspacesib uint) error
BackwardDataEx - Taken from cudnn documentation This routine is the extended version of the function cudnnRNNBackwardData. This function cudnnRNNBackwardDataEx allows the user to use unpacked (padded) layout for input y and output dx. In the unpacked layout, each sequence in the mini-batch is considered to be of fixed length, specified by maxSeqLength in its corresponding RNNDataDescriptor. Each fixed-length sequence, for example, the nth sequence in the mini-batch, is composed of a valid segment specified by the seqLengthArray[n] in its corresponding RNNDataDescriptor; and a padding segment to make the combined sequence length equal to maxSeqLength.
With the unpacked layout, both sequence major (i.e. time major) and batch major are supported. For backward compatibility, the packed sequence major layout is supported. However, similar to the non-extended function cudnnRNNBackwardData, the sequences in the mini-batch need to be sorted in descending order according to length.
handle is handle passed to all cudnn funcs. needs to be initialized before using.
yD -Input. A previously initialized RNN data descriptor.
Must match or be the exact same descriptor previously passed into ForwardTrainingEx.
y -Input. Data pointer to the GPU memory associated with the RNN data descriptor yD.
The vectors are expected to be laid out in memory according to the layout specified by yD. The elements in the tensor (including elements in the padding vector) must be densely packed, and no strides are supported. Must contain the exact same data previously produced by ForwardTrainingEx.
dyD -Input. A previously initialized RNN data descriptor.
The dataType, layout, maxSeqLength , batchSize, vectorSize and seqLengthArray need to match the yD previously passed to ForwardTrainingEx.
dy -Input.Data pointer to the GPU memory associated with the RNN data descriptor dyD.
The vectors are expected to be laid out in memory according to the layout specified by dyD. The elements in the tensor (including elements in the padding vector) must be densely packed, and no strides are supported.
dhyD -Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the gradients at the final hidden state of the RNN.
The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the (*RNND)Set(params) call used to initialize rnnDesc. Moreover: If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to ((*RNND)Set(params).) If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to (*RNND)Set(params).
The second dimension must match the batchSize parameter in xD.
The third dimension depends on whether RNN mode is CUDNN_LSTM and whether LSTM projection is enabled. Moreover:
If RNN mode is CUDNN_LSTM and LSTM projection is enabled, the third dimension must match the recProjSize argument passed to (*RNND)SetProjectionLayers(params) call used to set rnnDesc. Otherwise, the third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the (*RNND)Set(params) call used to initialize rnnDesc. dhy Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor dhyD. If a NULL pointer is passed, the gradients at the final hidden state of the network will be initialized to zero.
dcyD - Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the gradients at the final cell state of the RNN. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the (*RNND)Set(params) call used to initialize rnnDesc. Moreover:
If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to (*RNND)Set(params). If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to (*RNND)Set(params). The second dimension must match the first dimension of the tensors described in xD.
The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the (*RNND)Set(params) call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.
dcy - Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor dcyD. If a NULL pointer is passed, the gradients at the final cell state of the network will be initialized to zero.
wD -Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor describing the weights for the RNN.
w -Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the filter descriptor wD.
hxD -Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the initial hidden state of the RNN. Must match or be the exact same descriptor previously passed into ForwardTrainingEx.
hx -Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor hxD. If a NULL pointer is passed, the initial hidden state of the network will be initialized to zero. Must contain the exact same data previously passed into ForwardTrainingEx, or be NULL if NULL was previously passed to ForwardTrainingEx.
cxD - Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the initial cell state for LSTM networks. Must match or be the exact same descriptor previously passed into ForwardTrainingEx.
cx -Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor cxD. If a NULL pointer is passed, the initial cell state of the network will be initialized to zero. Must contain the exact same data previously passed into ForwardTrainingEx, or be NULL if NULL was previously passed to ForwardTrainingEx.
dxD - Input. A previously initialized RNN data descriptor. The dataType, layout, maxSeqLength, batchSize, vectorSize and seqLengthArray need to match that of xD previously passed to ForwardTrainingEx.
dx -Output. Data pointer to the GPU memory associated with the RNN data descriptor dxD. The vectors are expected to be laid out in memory according to the layout specified by dxD. The elements in the tensor (including elements in the padding vector) must be densely packed, and no strides are supported.
dhxD -Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the gradient at the initial hidden state of the RNN. The descriptor must be set exactly the same way as dhyD.
dhx- Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor dhxD. If a NULL pointer is passed, the gradient at the hidden input of the network will not be set.
dcxD-Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the gradient at the initial cell state of the RNN. The descriptor must be set exactly the same way as dcyD.
dcx -Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor dcxD. If a NULL pointer is passed, the gradient at the cell input of the network will not be set.
wspace - Input. Data pointer to GPU memory to be used as a wspace for this call. wspacesib - Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided wspace.
rspace - Input/Output. Data pointer to GPU memory to be used as a reserve space for this call. rspacesib - Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided rspace.
func (*RNND) BackwardDataExUS ¶
func (r *RNND) BackwardDataExUS(h *Handle, yD *RNNDataD, y unsafe.Pointer, dyD *RNNDataD, dy unsafe.Pointer, dhyD *TensorD, dhy unsafe.Pointer, dcyD *TensorD, dcy unsafe.Pointer, wD *FilterD, w unsafe.Pointer, hxD *TensorD, hx unsafe.Pointer, cxD *TensorD, cx unsafe.Pointer, dxD *RNNDataD, dx unsafe.Pointer, dhxD *TensorD, dhx unsafe.Pointer, dcxD *TensorD, dcx unsafe.Pointer, wspace unsafe.Pointer, wspacesib uint, rspace unsafe.Pointer, rspacesib uint) error
BackwardDataExUS is like BackwardDataEx but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*RNND) BackwardWeights ¶
func (r *RNND) BackwardWeights( handle *Handle, xD []*TensorD, x cutil.Mem, hxD *TensorD, hx cutil.Mem, yD []*TensorD, y cutil.Mem, wspace cutil.Mem, wspacesize uint, dwD *FilterD, dw cutil.Mem, rspace cutil.Mem, rspacesize uint, ) error
BackwardWeights does the backward weight function
func (*RNND) BackwardWeightsEx ¶
func (r *RNND) BackwardWeightsEx(h *Handle, xD *RNNDataD, x cutil.Mem, hxD *TensorD, hx cutil.Mem, yD *RNNDataD, y cutil.Mem, wspace cutil.Mem, wspacesib uint, dwD *FilterD, dw cutil.Mem, rspace cutil.Mem, rspacesib uint, ) error
BackwardWeightsEx -from cudnn documentation This routine is the extended version of the function cudnnRNNBackwardWeights. This function cudnnRNNBackwardWeightsEx allows the user to use unpacked (padded) layout for input x and output dw. In the unpacked layout, each sequence in the mini-batch is considered to be of fixed length, specified by maxSeqLength in its corresponding RNNDataDescriptor. Each fixed-length sequence, for example, the nth sequence in the mini-batch, is composed of a valid segment specified by t he seqLengthArray[n] in its corresponding RNNDataDescriptor; and a padding segment to make the combined sequence length equal to maxSeqLength. With the unpacked layout, both sequence major (i.e. time major) and batch major are supported. For backward compatibility, the packed sequence major layout is supported. However, similar to the non-extended function cudnnRNNBackwardWeights, the sequences in the mini-batch need to be sorted in descending order according to length.
handle - Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.
xD - Input. A previously initialized RNN data descriptor. Must match or
be the exact same descriptor previously passed into ForwardTrainingEx.
x - Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptors
in the array xD. Must contain the exact same data previously passed into ForwardTrainingEx.
hxD - Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the initial hidden state of the RNN.
Must match or be the exact same descriptor previously passed into ForwardTrainingEx.
hx - Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor hxD.
If a NULL pointer is passed, the initial hidden state of the network will be initialized to zero. Must contain the exact same data previously passed into ForwardTrainingEx, or be NULL if NULL was previously passed to ForwardTrainingEx.
yD - Input. A previously initialized RNN data descriptor.
Must match or be the exact same descriptor previously passed into ForwardTrainingEx.
y -Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the output tensor descriptor yD.
Must contain the exact same data previously produced by ForwardTrainingEx.
wspace - Input. Data pointer to GPU memory to be used as a wspace for this call.
wspacesib - Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided wspace.
dwD- Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor describing the gradients of the weights for the RNN.
dw - Input/Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the filter descriptor dwD.
rspace - Input. Data pointer to GPU memory to be used as a reserve space for this call.
rspacesib - Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided rspace
func (*RNND) BackwardWeightsExUS ¶
func (r *RNND) BackwardWeightsExUS(h *Handle, xD *RNNDataD, x unsafe.Pointer, hxD *TensorD, hx unsafe.Pointer, yD *RNNDataD, y unsafe.Pointer, wspace unsafe.Pointer, wspacesib uint, dwD *FilterD, dw unsafe.Pointer, rspace unsafe.Pointer, rspacesib uint, ) error
BackwardWeightsExUS is like BackwardWeightsEx but with unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*RNND) BackwardWeightsUS ¶
func (r *RNND) BackwardWeightsUS( handle *Handle, xD []*TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, hxD *TensorD, hx unsafe.Pointer, yD []*TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, wspace unsafe.Pointer, wspacesize uint, dwD *FilterD, dw unsafe.Pointer, rspace unsafe.Pointer, rspacesize uint, ) error
BackwardWeightsUS is like BackwardWeights but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*RNND) Destroy ¶
Destroy destroys the descriptor Right now this doesn't work because gocudnn uses go's GC.
func (*RNND) FindRNNBackwardDataAlgorithmEx ¶
func (r *RNND) FindRNNBackwardDataAlgorithmEx( handle *Handle, yD []*TensorD, y cutil.Mem, dyD []*TensorD, dy cutil.Mem, dhyD *TensorD, dhy cutil.Mem, dcyD *TensorD, dcy cutil.Mem, wD *FilterD, w cutil.Mem, hxD *TensorD, hx cutil.Mem, cxD *TensorD, cx cutil.Mem, dxD []*TensorD, dx cutil.Mem, dhxD *TensorD, dhx cutil.Mem, dcxD *TensorD, dcx cutil.Mem, findIntensity float32, wspace cutil.Mem, wspacesize uint, rspace cutil.Mem, rspacesize uint, ) ([]AlgorithmPerformance, error)
FindRNNBackwardDataAlgorithmEx finds a list of Algorithm for backprop this passes like 26 parameters and pointers and stuff so watch out.
func (*RNND) FindRNNBackwardDataAlgorithmExUS ¶
func (r *RNND) FindRNNBackwardDataAlgorithmExUS( handle *Handle, yD []*TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, dyD []*TensorD, dy unsafe.Pointer, dhyD *TensorD, dhy unsafe.Pointer, dcyD *TensorD, dcy unsafe.Pointer, wD *FilterD, w unsafe.Pointer, hxD *TensorD, hx unsafe.Pointer, cxD *TensorD, cx unsafe.Pointer, dxD []*TensorD, dx unsafe.Pointer, dhxD *TensorD, dhx unsafe.Pointer, dcxD *TensorD, dcx unsafe.Pointer, findIntensity float32, wspace unsafe.Pointer, wspacesize uint, rspace unsafe.Pointer, rspacesize uint, ) ([]AlgorithmPerformance, error)
FindRNNBackwardDataAlgorithmExUS is like FindRNNBackwardDataAlgorithmEx but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*RNND) FindRNNBackwardWeightsAlgorithmEx ¶
func (r *RNND) FindRNNBackwardWeightsAlgorithmEx( handle *Handle, xD []*TensorD, x cutil.Mem, hxD *TensorD, hx cutil.Mem, yD []*TensorD, y cutil.Mem, findIntensity float32, wspace cutil.Mem, wspacesize uint, dwD *FilterD, dw cutil.Mem, rspace cutil.Mem, rspacesize uint, ) ([]AlgorithmPerformance, error)
FindRNNBackwardWeightsAlgorithmEx returns some Algorithm and their performance and stuff
func (*RNND) FindRNNBackwardWeightsAlgorithmExUS ¶
func (r *RNND) FindRNNBackwardWeightsAlgorithmExUS( handle *Handle, xD []*TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, hxD *TensorD, hx unsafe.Pointer, yD []*TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, findIntensity float32, wspace unsafe.Pointer, wspacesize uint, dwD *FilterD, dw unsafe.Pointer, rspace unsafe.Pointer, rspacesize uint, ) ([]AlgorithmPerformance, error)
FindRNNBackwardWeightsAlgorithmExUS is like FindRNNBackwardWeightsAlgorithmEx but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*RNND) FindRNNForwardInferenceAlgorithmEx ¶
func (r *RNND) FindRNNForwardInferenceAlgorithmEx( handle *Handle, xD []*TensorD, x cutil.Mem, hxD *TensorD, hx cutil.Mem, cxD *TensorD, cx cutil.Mem, wD *FilterD, w cutil.Mem, yD []*TensorD, y cutil.Mem, hyD *TensorD, hy cutil.Mem, cyD *TensorD, cy cutil.Mem, findIntensity float32, wspace cutil.Mem, wspacesize uint, ) ([]AlgorithmPerformance, error)
FindRNNForwardInferenceAlgorithmEx finds the inference algorithmEx
func (*RNND) FindRNNForwardInferenceAlgorithmExUS ¶
func (r *RNND) FindRNNForwardInferenceAlgorithmExUS( handle *Handle, xD []*TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, hxD *TensorD, hx unsafe.Pointer, cxD *TensorD, cx unsafe.Pointer, wD *FilterD, w unsafe.Pointer, yD []*TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, hyD *TensorD, hy unsafe.Pointer, cyD *TensorD, cy unsafe.Pointer, findIntensity float32, wspace unsafe.Pointer, wspacesize uint, ) ([]AlgorithmPerformance, error)
FindRNNForwardInferenceAlgorithmExUS is like FindRNNForwardInferenceAlgorithmEx but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*RNND) FindRNNForwardTrainingAlgorithmEx ¶
func (r *RNND) FindRNNForwardTrainingAlgorithmEx( handle *Handle, xD []*TensorD, x cutil.Mem, hxD *TensorD, hx cutil.Mem, cxD *TensorD, cx cutil.Mem, wD *FilterD, w cutil.Mem, yD []*TensorD, y cutil.Mem, hyD *TensorD, hy cutil.Mem, cyD *TensorD, cy cutil.Mem, findIntensity float32, reqAlgocount int32, wspace cutil.Mem, wspacesize uint, rspace cutil.Mem, rspacesize uint, ) ([]AlgorithmPerformance, error)
FindRNNForwardTrainingAlgorithmEx finds and orders the performance of rnn Algorithm for training returns that list with an error
func (*RNND) FindRNNForwardTrainingAlgorithmExUS ¶
func (r *RNND) FindRNNForwardTrainingAlgorithmExUS( handle *Handle, xD []*TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, hxD *TensorD, hx unsafe.Pointer, cxD *TensorD, cx unsafe.Pointer, wD *FilterD, w unsafe.Pointer, yD []*TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, hyD *TensorD, hy unsafe.Pointer, cyD *TensorD, cy unsafe.Pointer, findIntensity float32, wspace unsafe.Pointer, wspacesize uint, rspace unsafe.Pointer, rspacesize uint, ) ([]AlgorithmPerformance, error)
FindRNNForwardTrainingAlgorithmExUS is like FindRNNForwardTrainingAlgorithmEx but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*RNND) ForwardInferenceEx ¶
func (r *RNND) ForwardInferenceEx( h *Handle, xD *RNNDataD, x cutil.Mem, hxD *TensorD, hx cutil.Mem, cxD *TensorD, cx cutil.Mem, wD *FilterD, w cutil.Mem, yD *RNNDataD, y cutil.Mem, hyD *TensorD, hy cutil.Mem, cyD *TensorD, cy cutil.Mem, wspace cutil.Mem, wspacesib uint, ) error
ForwardInferenceEx - from cudnn documentation This routine is the extended version of the cudnnRNNForwardInference function. The ForwardTrainingEx allows the user to use unpacked (padded) layout for input x and output y. In the unpacked layout, each sequence in the mini-batch is considered to be of fixed length, specified by maxSeqLength in its corresponding RNNDataDescriptor. Each fixed-length sequence, for example, the nth sequence in the mini-batch, is composed of a valid segment, specified by the seqLengthArray[n] in its corresponding RNNDataDescriptor, and a padding segment to make the combined sequence length equal to maxSeqLength.
With unpacked layout, both sequence major (i.e. time major) and batch major are supported. For backward compatibility, the packed sequence major layout is supported. However, similar to the non-extended function cudnnRNNForwardInference, the sequences in the mini-batch need to be sorted in descending order according to length.
Parameters ¶
handle - Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.
xD- Input. A previously initialized RNN Data descriptor. The dataType, layout, maxSeqLength , batchSize, and seqLengthArray need to match that of yD. x -Input. Data pointer to the GPU memory associated with the RNN data descriptor xD. The vectors are expected to be laid out in memory according to the layout specified by xD.
The elements in the tensor (including elements in the padding vector) must be densely packed, and no strides are supported.
hxD - Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the initial hidden state of the RNN. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor. If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor. The second dimension must match the batchSize parameter described in xD. The third dimension depends on whether RNN mode is CUDNN_LSTM and whether LSTM projection is enabled. In specific: If RNN mode is CUDNN_LSTM and LSTM projection is enabled, the third dimension must match the recProjSize argument passed to cudnnSetRNNProjectionLayers call used to set rnnDesc. Otherwise, the third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc.
hx - Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor hxD. If a NULL pointer is passed, the initial hidden state of the network will be initialized to zero.
cxD -Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the initial cell state for LSTM networks.
The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc: If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor. If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor. The second dimension must match the batchSize parameter in xD. The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc.
cx - Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor cxD.
If a NULL pointer is passed, the initial cell state of the network will be initialized to zero.
wD - Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor describing the weights for the RNN.
w - Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the filter descriptor wD.
yD - Input. A previously initialized RNN data descriptor. The dataType, layout, maxSeqLength , batchSize, and seqLengthArray must match that of dyD and dxD.
The parameter vectorSize depends on whether RNN mode is CUDNN_LSTM and whether LSTM projection is enabled and whether the network is bidirectional. In specific: For uni-directional network, if RNN mode is CUDNN_LSTM and LSTM projection is enabled, the parameter vectorSize must match the recProjSize argument passed to cudnnSetRNNProjectionLayers call used to set rnnDesc. If the network is bidirectional, then multiply the value by 2. Otherwise, for uni-directional network, the parameter vectorSize must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. If the network is bidirectional, then multiply the value by 2.
y - Output. Data pointer to the GPU memory associated with the RNN data descriptor yD.
The vectors are expected to be laid out in memory according to the layout specified by yD. The elements in the tensor (including elements in the padding vector) must be densely packed, and no strides are supported.
hyD - Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the final hidden state of the RNN. The descriptor must be set exactly the same way as hxD.
hy - Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor hyD. If a NULL pointer is passed, the final hidden state of the network will not be saved.
cyD - Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the final cell state for LSTM networks. The descriptor must be set exactly the same way as cxD.
cy -Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor cyD. If a NULL pointer is passed, the final cell state of the network will be not be saved.
wspace - Input. Data pointer to GPU memory to be used as a wspace for this call.
wspacesib - Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided wspace.
func (*RNND) ForwardInferenceExUS ¶
func (r *RNND) ForwardInferenceExUS( h *Handle, xD *RNNDataD, x unsafe.Pointer, hxD *TensorD, hx unsafe.Pointer, cxD *TensorD, cx unsafe.Pointer, wD *FilterD, w unsafe.Pointer, yD *RNNDataD, y unsafe.Pointer, hyD *TensorD, hy unsafe.Pointer, cyD *TensorD, cy unsafe.Pointer, wspace unsafe.Pointer, wspacesib uint, ) error
ForwardInferenceExUS is like ForwardInferenceEx but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*RNND) ForwardTrainingEx ¶
func (r *RNND) ForwardTrainingEx(h *Handle, xD *RNNDataD, x cutil.Mem, hxD *TensorD, hx cutil.Mem, cxD *TensorD, cx cutil.Mem, wD *FilterD, w cutil.Mem, yD *RNNDataD, y cutil.Mem, hyD *TensorD, hy cutil.Mem, cyD *TensorD, cy cutil.Mem, wspace cutil.Mem, wspacesib uint, rspace cutil.Mem, rspacesib uint) error
ForwardTrainingEx - From cudnn documentation This routine is the extended version of the cudnnRNNForwardTraining function. The ForwardTrainingEx allows the user to use unpacked (padded) layout for input x and output y. In the unpacked layout, each sequence in the mini-batch is considered to be of fixed length, specified by maxSeqLength in its corresponding RNNDataDescriptor. Each fixed-length sequence, for example, the nth sequence in the mini-batch, is composed of a valid segment specified by the seqLengthArray[n] in its corresponding RNNDataDescriptor; and a padding segment to make the combined sequence length equal to maxSeqLength. With the unpacked layout, both sequence major (i.e. time major) and batch major are supported. For backward compatibility, the packed sequence major layout is supported. However, similar to the non-extended function cudnnRNNForwardTraining, the sequences
in the mini-batch need to be sorted in descending order according to length.
handle - Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.
xD - Input. A previously initialized RNN Data descriptor. The dataType, layout, maxSeqLength , batchSize, and seqLengthArray need to match that of yD.
x - Input. Data pointer to the GPU memory associated with the RNN data descriptor xD.
The input vectors are expected to be laid out in memory according to the layout specified by xD. The elements in the tensor (including elements in the padding vector) must be densely packed, and no strides are supported.
hxD - Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the initial hidden state of the RNN.
The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. Moreover: If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL then the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor. If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL then the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor. The second dimension must match the batchSize parameter in xD. The third dimension depends on whether RNN mode is CUDNN_LSTM and whether LSTM projection is enabled. Moreover: If RNN mode is CUDNN_LSTM and LSTM projection is enabled, the third dimension must match the recProjSize argument passed to cudnnSetRNNProjectionLayers call used to set rnnDesc. Otherwise, the third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc .
hx - Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor hxD.
If a NULL pointer is passed, the initial hidden state of the network will be initialized to zero.
cxD - Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the initial cell state for LSTM networks.
The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. Moreover: If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor. If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor. The second dimension must match the first dimension of the tensors described in xD. The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.
cx - Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor cxD. If a NULL pointer
is passed, the initial cell state of the network will be initialized to zero.
wD - Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor describing the weights for the RNN.
w- Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the filter descriptor wD.
yD - Input. A previously initialized RNN data descriptor. The dataType, layout, maxSeqLength , batchSize, and seqLengthArray
need to match that of dyD and dxD. The parameter vectorSize depends on whether RNN mode is CUDNN_LSTM and whether LSTM projection is enabled and whether the network is bidirectional. In specific: For uni-directional network, if RNN mode is CUDNN_LSTM and LSTM projection is enabled, the parameter vectorSize must match the recProjSize argument passed to cudnnSetRNNProjectionLayers call used to set rnnDesc. If the network is bidirectional, then multiply the value by 2. Otherwise, for uni-directional network, the parameter vectorSize must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. If the network is bidirectional, then multiply the value by 2.
y - Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the RNN data descriptor yD.
The input vectors are expected to be laid out in memory according to the layout specified by yD. The elements in the tensor (including elements in the padding vector) must be densely packed, and no strides are supported.
hyD - Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the final hidden state of the RNN. The descriptor must be set exactly the same as hxD.
hy - Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor hyD. If a NULL pointer is passed, the final hidden state of the network will not be saved.
cyD - Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the final cell state for LSTM networks. The descriptor must be set exactly the same as cxD.
cy- Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor cyD. If a NULL pointer is passed, the final cell state of the network will be not be saved.
wspace - Input. Data pointer to GPU memory to be used as a wspace for this call.
wspacesib - Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided wspace.
rspace -Input/Output. Data pointer to GPU memory to be used as a reserve space for this call.
rspacesib - Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided rspace
func (*RNND) ForwardTrainingExUS ¶
func (r *RNND) ForwardTrainingExUS(h *Handle, xD *RNNDataD, x unsafe.Pointer, hxD *TensorD, hx unsafe.Pointer, cxD *TensorD, cx unsafe.Pointer, wD *FilterD, w unsafe.Pointer, yD *RNNDataD, y unsafe.Pointer, hyD *TensorD, hy unsafe.Pointer, cyD *TensorD, cy unsafe.Pointer, wspace unsafe.Pointer, wspacesib uint, rspace unsafe.Pointer, rspacesib uint) error
ForwardTrainingExUS is like ForwardTrainingEx but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*RNND) Get ¶
func (r *RNND) Get( handle *Handle, ) (int32, int32, *DropOutD, RNNInputMode, DirectionMode, RNNmode, RNNAlgo, DataType, error)
Get gets RNND values that were set
func (*RNND) GetBiasMode ¶
func (r *RNND) GetBiasMode() (bmode RNNBiasMode, err error)
GetBiasMode gets bias mode for descriptor
func (*RNND) GetClip ¶
func (r *RNND) GetClip(h *Handle) (mode RNNClipMode, nanprop NANProp, lclip, rclip float64, err error)
GetClip returns the clip settings for the descriptor
func (*RNND) GetLinLayerMatrixParams ¶
func (r *RNND) GetLinLayerMatrixParams( handle *Handle, pseudoLayer int32, xD *TensorD, wD *FilterD, w cutil.Mem, linlayerID int32, ) (FilterD, unsafe.Pointer, error)
GetLinLayerMatrixParams gets the parameters of the layer matrix
func (*RNND) GetLinLayerMatrixParamsUS ¶
func (r *RNND) GetLinLayerMatrixParamsUS( handle *Handle, pseudoLayer int32, xD *TensorD, wD *FilterD, w unsafe.Pointer, linlayerID int32, ) (FilterD, cutil.Mem, error)
GetLinLayerMatrixParamsUS is like GetLinLayerMatrixParamsUS but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*RNND) GetPaddingMode ¶
func (r *RNND) GetPaddingMode() (mode RNNPaddingMode, err error)
GetPaddingMode gets padding mode for the descriptor
func (*RNND) GetParamsSIB ¶
GetParamsSIB gets the training reserve size
func (*RNND) GetProjectionLayers ¶
GetProjectionLayers sets the rnnprojection layers
func (*RNND) GetRNNLinLayerBiasParams ¶
func (r *RNND) GetRNNLinLayerBiasParams( handle *Handle, pseudoLayer int32, xD *TensorD, wD *FilterD, w cutil.Mem, linlayerID int32, ) (BiasD *FilterD, Bias cutil.Mem, err error)
GetRNNLinLayerBiasParams gets the parameters of the layer bias
func (*RNND) GetRNNLinLayerBiasParamsUS ¶
func (r *RNND) GetRNNLinLayerBiasParamsUS( handle *Handle, pseudoLayer int32, xD *TensorD, wD *FilterD, w unsafe.Pointer, linlayerID int32, ) (BiasD *FilterD, Bias unsafe.Pointer, err error)
GetRNNLinLayerBiasParamsUS is like GetRNNLinLayerBiasParams but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*RNND) GetRNNMatrixMathType ¶
GetRNNMatrixMathType Gets the math type for the descriptor
func (*RNND) GetReserveSIB ¶
GetReserveSIB gets the training reserve size
func (*RNND) GetWorkspaceSIB ¶
GetWorkspaceSIB gets the RNN workspace size (WOW!)
func (*RNND) NewPersistentRNNPlan ¶
func (r *RNND) NewPersistentRNNPlan(minibatch int32, data DataType) (plan *PersistentRNNPlan, err error)
NewPersistentRNNPlan creates and sets a PersistentRNNPlan
func (*RNND) RNNBackwardData ¶
func (r *RNND) RNNBackwardData( handle *Handle, yD []*TensorD, y cutil.Mem, dyD []*TensorD, dy cutil.Mem, dhyD *TensorD, dhy cutil.Mem, dcyD *TensorD, dcy cutil.Mem, wD *FilterD, w cutil.Mem, hxD *TensorD, hx cutil.Mem, cxD *TensorD, cx cutil.Mem, dxD []*TensorD, dx cutil.Mem, dhxD *TensorD, dhx cutil.Mem, dcxD *TensorD, dcx cutil.Mem, wspace cutil.Mem, wspacesize uint, rspace cutil.Mem, rspacesize uint, ) error
RNNBackwardData is the backward algo for an RNN
func (*RNND) RNNBackwardDataUS ¶
func (r *RNND) RNNBackwardDataUS( handle *Handle, yD []*TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, dyD []*TensorD, dy unsafe.Pointer, dhyD *TensorD, dhy unsafe.Pointer, dcyD *TensorD, dcy unsafe.Pointer, wD *FilterD, w unsafe.Pointer, hxD *TensorD, hx unsafe.Pointer, cxD *TensorD, cx unsafe.Pointer, dxD []*TensorD, dx unsafe.Pointer, dhxD *TensorD, dhx unsafe.Pointer, dcxD *TensorD, dcx unsafe.Pointer, wspace unsafe.Pointer, wspacesize uint, rspace unsafe.Pointer, rspacesize uint, ) error
RNNBackwardDataUS is like RNNBackwardData but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*RNND) RNNForwardInference ¶
func (r *RNND) RNNForwardInference( handle *Handle, xD []*TensorD, x cutil.Mem, hxD *TensorD, hx cutil.Mem, cxD *TensorD, cx cutil.Mem, wD *FilterD, w cutil.Mem, yD []*TensorD, y cutil.Mem, hyD TensorD, hy cutil.Mem, cyD TensorD, cy cutil.Mem, wspace cutil.Mem, wspacesize uint, ) error
RNNForwardInference is the forward inference
func (*RNND) RNNForwardInferenceUS ¶
func (r *RNND) RNNForwardInferenceUS( handle *Handle, xD []*TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, hxD *TensorD, hx unsafe.Pointer, cxD *TensorD, cx unsafe.Pointer, wD *FilterD, w unsafe.Pointer, yD []*TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, hyD TensorD, hy unsafe.Pointer, cyD TensorD, cy unsafe.Pointer, wspace unsafe.Pointer, wspacesize uint, ) error
RNNForwardInferenceUS is like RNNForwardInference but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*RNND) RNNForwardTraining ¶
func (r *RNND) RNNForwardTraining( handle *Handle, xD []*TensorD, x cutil.Mem, hxD *TensorD, hx cutil.Mem, cxD *TensorD, cx cutil.Mem, wD *FilterD, w cutil.Mem, yD []*TensorD, y cutil.Mem, hyD *TensorD, hy cutil.Mem, cyD *TensorD, cy cutil.Mem, wspace cutil.Mem, wspacesize uint, rspace cutil.Mem, rspacesize uint, ) error
RNNForwardTraining is the forward algo for an RNN
func (*RNND) RNNForwardTrainingUS ¶
func (r *RNND) RNNForwardTrainingUS( handle *Handle, xD []*TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, hxD *TensorD, hx unsafe.Pointer, cxD *TensorD, cx unsafe.Pointer, wD *FilterD, w unsafe.Pointer, yD []*TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, hyD *TensorD, hy unsafe.Pointer, cyD *TensorD, cy unsafe.Pointer, wspace unsafe.Pointer, wspacesize uint, rspace unsafe.Pointer, rspacesize uint, ) error
RNNForwardTrainingUS is like RNNForwardTraining but using unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*RNND) Set ¶
func (r *RNND) Set( handle *Handle, hiddenSize int32, numLayers int32, doD *DropOutD, inputmode RNNInputMode, direction DirectionMode, rnnmode RNNmode, rnnalg RNNAlgo, data DataType, ) error
Set sets the rnndesctiptor
func (*RNND) SetAlgorithmDescriptor ¶
func (r *RNND) SetAlgorithmDescriptor( handle *Handle, algo *AlgorithmD, ) error
SetAlgorithmDescriptor sets the RNNalgorithm
func (*RNND) SetBiasMode ¶
func (r *RNND) SetBiasMode(bmode RNNBiasMode) error
SetBiasMode sets the bias mode for descriptor
func (*RNND) SetPaddingMode ¶
func (r *RNND) SetPaddingMode(mode RNNPaddingMode) error
SetPaddingMode sets the padding mode with flag passed
func (*RNND) SetProjectionLayers ¶
SetProjectionLayers sets the rnnprojection layers
func (*RNND) SetRNNMatrixMathType ¶
SetRNNMatrixMathType Sets the math type for the descriptor
type RNNDataD ¶
type RNNDataD struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RNNDataD is a RNNDataDescriptor
func CreateRNNDataD ¶
CreateRNNDataD creates an RNNDataD through cudnn's cudnnCreateRNNDataDescriptor This is put into the runtime for GC
func (*RNNDataD) Destroy ¶
Destroy destorys descriptor unless gogc is being used in which it will just return nil
func (*RNNDataD) Get ¶
func (r *RNNDataD) Get() (dtype DataType, layout RNNDataLayout, maxSeqLength, vectorsize int32, seqLengthArray []int32, paddingsymbol float64, err error)
Get gets the parameters used in Set for RNNDataD
func (*RNNDataD) Set ¶
func (r *RNNDataD) Set(dtype DataType, layout RNNDataLayout, maxSeqLength, vectorsize int32, seqLengthArray []int32, paddingsymbol float64) error
Set sets the RNNDataD dataType - The datatype of the RNN data tensor. See cudnnDataType_t. layout - The memory layout of the RNN data tensor. maxSeqLength - The maximum sequence length within this RNN data tensor. In the unpacked (padded) layout, this should include the padding vectors in each sequence. In the packed (unpadded) layout, this should be equal to the greatest element in seqLengthArray. vectorSize -The vector length (i.e. embedding size) of the input or output tensor at each timestep. seqLengthArray - An integer array the size of the mini-batch number number of elements. Describes the length (i.e. number of timesteps) of each sequence. Each element in seqLengthArray must be greater than 0 but less than or equal to maxSeqLength. In the packed layout, the elements should be sorted in descending order, similar to the layout required by the non-extended RNN compute functions.
paddingFill - For gocudnn it will auto typecast the value into the correct datatype. Just put the value you want used as an float64.
From Documentation: A user-defined symbol for filling the padding position in RNN output. This is only effective when the descriptor is describing the RNN output, and the unpacked layout is specified. The symbol should be in the host memory, and is interpreted as the same data type as that of the RNN data tensor.
type RNNDataLayout ¶
type RNNDataLayout C.cudnnRNNDataLayout_t
RNNDataLayout are used for flags for data layout
func (*RNNDataLayout) BatchMajorUnPacked ¶
func (r *RNNDataLayout) BatchMajorUnPacked() RNNDataLayout
func (*RNNDataLayout) SeqMajorPacked ¶
func (r *RNNDataLayout) SeqMajorPacked() RNNDataLayout
func (*RNNDataLayout) SeqMajorUnPacked ¶
func (r *RNNDataLayout) SeqMajorUnPacked() RNNDataLayout
SeqMajorUnPacked sets r to and returns CUDNN_RNN_DATA_LAYOUT_SEQ_MAJOR_UNPACKED flag
func (RNNDataLayout) String ¶
func (r RNNDataLayout) String() string
type RNNFlags ¶
type RNNFlags struct { Mode RNNmode Algo RNNAlgo Direction DirectionMode Input RNNInputMode }
RNNFlags holds all the RNN flags
type RNNInputMode ¶
type RNNInputMode C.cudnnRNNInputMode_t
RNNInputMode is used for flags and exposes the different flags through its methods
func (*RNNInputMode) Linear ¶
func (r *RNNInputMode) Linear() RNNInputMode
Linear sets r to and returns RNNInputMode(C.CUDNN_LINEAR_INPUT)
func (*RNNInputMode) Skip ¶
func (r *RNNInputMode) Skip() RNNInputMode
Skip sets r to and returns RNNInputMode(C.CUDNN_SKIP_INPUT)
func (RNNInputMode) String ¶
func (r RNNInputMode) String() string
type RNNPaddingMode ¶
type RNNPaddingMode C.cudnnRNNPaddingMode_t
RNNPaddingMode is the padding mode flag
func (*RNNPaddingMode) Disabled ¶
func (r *RNNPaddingMode) Disabled() RNNPaddingMode
Disabled sets r to and returns RNNPaddingMode(C.CUDNN_RNN_PADDED_IO_DISABLED)
func (*RNNPaddingMode) Enabled ¶
func (r *RNNPaddingMode) Enabled() RNNPaddingMode
Enabled sets r to and returns RNNPaddingMode(C.CUDNN_RNN_PADDED_IO_ENABLED)
func (RNNPaddingMode) String ¶
func (r RNNPaddingMode) String() string
type RNNmode ¶
type RNNmode C.cudnnRNNMode_t
RNNmode is used for flags exposing the flags through methods
type ReduceTensorD ¶
type ReduceTensorD struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ReduceTensorD is the struct that is used for reduce tensor ops
func CreateReduceTensorDescriptor ¶
func CreateReduceTensorDescriptor() (*ReduceTensorD, error)
CreateReduceTensorDescriptor creates an empry Reduce Tensor Descriptor
func (*ReduceTensorD) Destroy ¶
func (r *ReduceTensorD) Destroy() error
Destroy destroys the reducetensordescriptor
func (*ReduceTensorD) Get ¶
func (r *ReduceTensorD) Get() (reduceop ReduceTensorOp, datatype DataType, nanprop NANProp, reducetensorinds ReduceTensorIndices, indicietype IndiciesType, err error)
Get values that were set for r in set
func (*ReduceTensorD) GetIndiciesSize ¶
func (r *ReduceTensorD) GetIndiciesSize( handle *Handle, aDesc, cDesc *TensorD) (uint, error)
GetIndiciesSize Helper function to return the minimum size in bytes of the index space to be passed to the reduction given the input and output tensors
func (*ReduceTensorD) GetWorkSpaceSize ¶
func (r *ReduceTensorD) GetWorkSpaceSize( handle *Handle, aDesc, cDesc *TensorD) (uint, error)
GetWorkSpaceSize Helper function to return the minimum size of the workspace to be passed to the reduction given the input and output tensors
func (*ReduceTensorD) ReduceTensorOp ¶
func (r *ReduceTensorD) ReduceTensorOp( handle *Handle, indices cutil.Mem, indiciessize uint, wspace cutil.Mem, wspacesize uint, alpha float64, aDesc *TensorD, A cutil.Mem, beta float64, cDesc *TensorD, Ce cutil.Mem) error
ReduceTensorOp Tensor operation : C = reduce op( alpha * A ) + beta * C */
The NaN propagation enum applies to only the min and max reduce ops; the other reduce ops propagate NaN as usual. The indices space is ignored for reduce ops other than min or max.
func (*ReduceTensorD) ReduceTensorOpUS ¶
func (r *ReduceTensorD) ReduceTensorOpUS( handle *Handle, indices unsafe.Pointer, indiciessize uint, wspace unsafe.Pointer, wspacesize uint, alpha float64, aDesc *TensorD, A unsafe.Pointer, beta float64, cDesc *TensorD, Ce unsafe.Pointer) error
ReduceTensorOpUS is like ReduceTensorOp but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*ReduceTensorD) Set ¶
func (r *ReduceTensorD) Set(reduceop ReduceTensorOp, datatype DataType, nanprop NANProp, reducetensorinds ReduceTensorIndices, indicietype IndiciesType) error
Set sets r with the values passed
func (*ReduceTensorD) String ¶
func (r *ReduceTensorD) String() string
String satisfies stringer interface
type ReduceTensorIndices ¶
type ReduceTensorIndices C.cudnnReduceTensorIndices_t
ReduceTensorIndices are used for flags exposed by type's methods
func (*ReduceTensorIndices) FlattenedIndicies ¶
func (r *ReduceTensorIndices) FlattenedIndicies() ReduceTensorIndices
FlattenedIndicies sets r to and returns ReduceTensorIndices(C.CUDNN_REDUCE_TENSOR_FLATTENED_INDICES)
func (*ReduceTensorIndices) NoIndices ¶
func (r *ReduceTensorIndices) NoIndices() ReduceTensorIndices
NoIndices sets r to and returns ReduceTensorIndices(C.CUDNN_REDUCE_TENSOR_NO_INDICES)
func (ReduceTensorIndices) String ¶
func (r ReduceTensorIndices) String() string
String satisfies stringer interface
type ReduceTensorOp ¶
type ReduceTensorOp C.cudnnReduceTensorOp_t
ReduceTensorOp used for flags for reduce tensor functions
func (*ReduceTensorOp) Add ¶
func (r *ReduceTensorOp) Add() ReduceTensorOp
Add sets r to and returns reduceTensorAdd flag
func (*ReduceTensorOp) Amax ¶
func (r *ReduceTensorOp) Amax() ReduceTensorOp
Amax sets r to and returns reduceTensorAmax flag
func (*ReduceTensorOp) Avg ¶
func (r *ReduceTensorOp) Avg() ReduceTensorOp
Avg sets r to and returns reduceTensorAvg flag
func (*ReduceTensorOp) Max ¶
func (r *ReduceTensorOp) Max() ReduceTensorOp
Max sets r to and returns reduceTensorMax flag
func (*ReduceTensorOp) Min ¶
func (r *ReduceTensorOp) Min() ReduceTensorOp
Min sets r to and returns reduceTensorMin flag
func (*ReduceTensorOp) Mul ¶
func (r *ReduceTensorOp) Mul() ReduceTensorOp
Mul sets r to and returns reduceTensorMul flag
func (*ReduceTensorOp) MulNoZeros ¶
func (r *ReduceTensorOp) MulNoZeros() ReduceTensorOp
MulNoZeros sets r to and returns reduceTensorMulNoZeros flag
func (*ReduceTensorOp) Norm1 ¶
func (r *ReduceTensorOp) Norm1() ReduceTensorOp
Norm1 sets r to and returns reduceTensorNorm1 flag
func (*ReduceTensorOp) Norm2 ¶
func (r *ReduceTensorOp) Norm2() ReduceTensorOp
Norm2 sets r to and returns reduceTensorNorm2 flag
func (ReduceTensorOp) String ¶
func (r ReduceTensorOp) String() string
String satisfies stringer interface
type Reorder ¶
type Reorder C.cudnnReorderType_t
Reorder is a flag that is changed through its methods
type RuntimeTag ¶
type RuntimeTag C.cudnnRuntimeTag_t
RuntimeTag is a type that cudnn looks to check or kernels to see if they are working correctly. Should be used with batchnormialization
type SamplerType ¶
type SamplerType C.cudnnSamplerType_t
SamplerType is used for flags
func (*SamplerType) Bilinear ¶
func (s *SamplerType) Bilinear() SamplerType
Bilinear sets s to SamplerType(C.CUDNN_SAMPLER_BILINEAR) and returns new value of s
func (SamplerType) String ¶
func (s SamplerType) String() string
type SeqDataAxis ¶
type SeqDataAxis C.cudnnSeqDataAxis_t
SeqDataAxis is a flag type setting and returning SeqDataAxis flags through methods Caution: Methods will also change the value of variable that calls the method.
If you need to make a case switch make another variable and call it flag and use that.
func (*SeqDataAxis) Batch ¶
func (s *SeqDataAxis) Batch() SeqDataAxis
Batch -index in batch Method sets type to Batch and returns Batch value
func (*SeqDataAxis) Beam ¶
func (s *SeqDataAxis) Beam() SeqDataAxis
Beam -index in beam Method sets type to Beam and returns Beam value
func (*SeqDataAxis) Time ¶
func (s *SeqDataAxis) Time() SeqDataAxis
Time index in time. Method sets type to Time and returns Time value.
func (*SeqDataAxis) Vect ¶
func (s *SeqDataAxis) Vect() SeqDataAxis
Vect -index in Vector Method sets type to Vect and returns Vect value
type SeqDataD ¶
type SeqDataD struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SeqDataD holds C.cudnnSeqDataDescriptor_t
func CreateSeqDataDescriptor ¶
CreateSeqDataDescriptor creates a new SeqDataD
func (*SeqDataD) Destroy ¶
Destroy will destroy the descriptor For now since everything is on the runtime, and will do nothing
func (*SeqDataD) Get ¶
func (s *SeqDataD) Get() (dtype DataType, dimsA []int32, axes []SeqDataAxis, seqLengthArray []int32, paddingfill float64, err error)
Get gets values used in setting up s
func (*SeqDataD) Set ¶
func (s *SeqDataD) Set(dtype DataType, dimsA []int32, axes []SeqDataAxis, seqLengthArray []int32, paddingfill float64) error
Set - from reading the documentation this is what it seems like how you set it up, and the possible work around with gocudnn.
len(dimsA) && len(axes) needs to equal 4. len(seqLengthArray) needs to be < dimsA[(*seqDataAxis).Time()]
dimsA - contains the dims of the buffer that holds a batch of sequence samples. all vals need to be positive.
dimsA[(*seqDataAxis).Time()]=is the maximum allowed sequence length dimsA[(*seqDataAxis).Batch()]= is the maximum allowed batch size dimsA[(*seqDataAxis).Beam()]= is the number of beam in each sample dimsA[(*seqDataAxis).Vect()]= is the vector length.
axes- order in which the axes are in. Needs to be in order of outermost to inner most. Kind of like an NCHW tensor where N is the outer and w is the inner.
Example: var s SeqDataAxis axes:=[]SeqDataAxis{s.Batch(), s.Time(),s.Beam(),s.Vect()}
seqLengthArray - Array that holds the sequence lengths of each sequence. paddingfill - Points to a value, of dataType, that is used to fill up the buffer beyond the sequence length of each sequence. The only supported value for paddingFill is 0. paddingfill is autoconverted to the datatype that it needs in the function
type SoftMaxAlgorithm ¶
type SoftMaxAlgorithm C.cudnnSoftmaxAlgorithm_t
SoftMaxAlgorithm is used for flags and are exposed through its methods
func (*SoftMaxAlgorithm) Accurate ¶
func (s *SoftMaxAlgorithm) Accurate() SoftMaxAlgorithm
Accurate changes s to and returns SoftMaxAlgorithm(C.CUDNN_SOFTMAX_ACCURATE)
func (*SoftMaxAlgorithm) Fast ¶
func (s *SoftMaxAlgorithm) Fast() SoftMaxAlgorithm
Fast changes s to and returns SoftMaxAlgorithm(C.CUDNN_SOFTMAX_FAST)
func (*SoftMaxAlgorithm) Log ¶
func (s *SoftMaxAlgorithm) Log() SoftMaxAlgorithm
Log changes s to and returns SoftMaxAlgorithm(C.CUDNN_SOFTMAX_LOG)
func (SoftMaxAlgorithm) String ¶
func (s SoftMaxAlgorithm) String() string
type SoftMaxD ¶
type SoftMaxD struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SoftMaxD holds the soft max flags and soft max funcs
func CreateSoftMaxDescriptor ¶
func CreateSoftMaxDescriptor() *SoftMaxD
CreateSoftMaxDescriptor creates a gocudnn softmax descriptor. It is not part of cudnn, but I wanted to make the library A little more stream lined after using it for a while
func (*SoftMaxD) Backward ¶
func (s *SoftMaxD) Backward( handle *Handle, alpha float64, yD *TensorD, y cutil.Mem, dyD *TensorD, dy cutil.Mem, beta float64, dxD *TensorD, dx cutil.Mem, ) error
Backward performs the backward softmax
Input/Output: dx
func (*SoftMaxD) BackwardUS ¶
func (s *SoftMaxD) BackwardUS( handle *Handle, alpha float64, yD *TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, dyD *TensorD, dy unsafe.Pointer, beta float64, dxD *TensorD, dx unsafe.Pointer, ) error
BackwardUS is like Backward but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*SoftMaxD) Forward ¶
func (s *SoftMaxD) Forward( handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, beta float64, yD *TensorD, y cutil.Mem) error
Forward performs forward softmax
Input/Output: y
func (*SoftMaxD) ForwardUS ¶
func (s *SoftMaxD) ForwardUS( handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, beta float64, yD *TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer) error
ForwardUS is like Forward but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*SoftMaxD) Get ¶
func (s *SoftMaxD) Get() (algo SoftMaxAlgorithm, mode SoftMaxMode, err error)
Get gets the softmax descriptor values
func (*SoftMaxD) Set ¶
func (s *SoftMaxD) Set(algo SoftMaxAlgorithm, mode SoftMaxMode) error
Set sets the soft max algos.
type SoftMaxMode ¶
type SoftMaxMode C.cudnnSoftmaxMode_t
SoftMaxMode is used for softmaxmode flags and are exposed through its methods
func (*SoftMaxMode) Channel ¶
func (s *SoftMaxMode) Channel() SoftMaxMode
Channel changes s to SoftMaxMode(C.CUDNN_SOFTMAX_MODE_CHANNEL) and returns changed value
func (*SoftMaxMode) Instance ¶
func (s *SoftMaxMode) Instance() SoftMaxMode
Instance changes s to SoftMaxMode(C.CUDNN_SOFTMAX_MODE_INSTANCE) and returns changed value
func (SoftMaxMode) String ¶
func (s SoftMaxMode) String() string
type SpatialTransformerD ¶
type SpatialTransformerD struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SpatialTransformerD holdes the spatial descriptor
func CreateSpatialTransformerDescriptor ¶
func CreateSpatialTransformerDescriptor() (*SpatialTransformerD, error)
CreateSpatialTransformerDescriptor creates the spacial tesnor
func (*SpatialTransformerD) Destroy ¶
func (s *SpatialTransformerD) Destroy() error
Destroy destroys the spatial Transformer Desctiptor. If GC is enable this function won't delete transformer. It will only return nil Since gc is automatically enabled this function is not functional.
func (*SpatialTransformerD) GridGeneratorBackward ¶
func (s *SpatialTransformerD) GridGeneratorBackward( handle *Handle, grid cutil.Mem, theta cutil.Mem, ) error
GridGeneratorBackward - This function generates a grid of coordinates in the input tensor corresponding to each pixel from the output tensor.
func (*SpatialTransformerD) GridGeneratorBackwardUS ¶
func (s *SpatialTransformerD) GridGeneratorBackwardUS( handle *Handle, grid unsafe.Pointer, theta unsafe.Pointer, ) error
GridGeneratorBackwardUS is like GridGeneratorBackward but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*SpatialTransformerD) GridGeneratorForward ¶
func (s *SpatialTransformerD) GridGeneratorForward( handle *Handle, theta cutil.Mem, grid cutil.Mem, ) error
GridGeneratorForward This function generates a grid of coordinates in the input tensor corresponding to each pixel from the output tensor.
func (*SpatialTransformerD) GridGeneratorForwardUS ¶
func (s *SpatialTransformerD) GridGeneratorForwardUS( handle *Handle, theta unsafe.Pointer, grid unsafe.Pointer, ) error
GridGeneratorForwardUS is like GridGeneratorForward but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*SpatialTransformerD) SamplerBackward ¶
func (s *SpatialTransformerD) SamplerBackward( handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, beta float64, dxD *TensorD, dx cutil.Mem, alphaDgrid float64, dyD *TensorD, dy cutil.Mem, grid cutil.Mem, betaDgrid float64, dGrid cutil.Mem, ) error
SamplerBackward does the spatial Tranform Sample Backward
func (*SpatialTransformerD) SamplerBackwardUS ¶
func (s *SpatialTransformerD) SamplerBackwardUS( handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, beta float64, dxD *TensorD, dx unsafe.Pointer, alphaDgrid float64, dyD *TensorD, dy unsafe.Pointer, grid unsafe.Pointer, betaDgrid float64, dGrid unsafe.Pointer, ) error
SamplerBackwardUS is like SamplerBackward but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*SpatialTransformerD) SamplerForward ¶
func (s *SpatialTransformerD) SamplerForward( handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem, grid cutil.Mem, beta float64, yD *TensorD, y cutil.Mem, ) error
SamplerForward performs the spatialtfsampleforward
func (*SpatialTransformerD) SamplerForwardUS ¶
func (s *SpatialTransformerD) SamplerForwardUS( handle *Handle, alpha float64, xD *TensorD, x unsafe.Pointer, grid unsafe.Pointer, beta float64, yD *TensorD, y unsafe.Pointer, ) error
SamplerForwardUS is like SamplerForward but uses unsafe.Pointer instead of cutil.Mem
func (*SpatialTransformerD) Set ¶
func (s *SpatialTransformerD) Set(sampler SamplerType, data DataType, dimA []int32) error
Set sets spacial to nd descriptor.
type Status ¶
type Status C.cudnnStatus_t
Status is the status of the cuda dnn
const StatusSuccess Status = 0
StatusSuccess is the zero error of Status. None of the other flags are visable for now, of the Status.error() method
func WrapErrorWithStatus ¶
WrapErrorWithStatus if the error string contains a cudnnStatus_t string then it will return the Status and nil, if it doens't the Status will be the flag for CUDNN_STATUS_RUNTIME_FP_OVERFLOW but the error will not return a nil
type TensorD ¶
type TensorD struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TensorD holds the cudnnTensorDescriptor. Which is basically the tensor itself
Example ¶
ExampleTensorD shows tomake a tensor
package main import ( "fmt" "runtime" "" "" gocudnn "" ) func main() { //Need to lock os thread. runtime.LockOSThread() check := func(e error) { if e != nil { panic(e) } } //Creating a blocking stream cs, err := cudart.CreateBlockingStream() check(err) //Create Device dev := cudart.CreateDevice(1) //Make an Allocator worker := gocu.NewWorker(dev) CudaMemManager, err := cudart.CreateMemManager(worker) //cs could be nil . Check out cudart package on more about streams check(err) //Tensor var tflg gocudnn.TensorFormat //Flag for tensor var dtflg gocudnn.DataType //Flag for tensor xD, err := gocudnn.CreateTensorDescriptor() // Setting Tensor err = xD.Set(tflg.NCHW(), dtflg.Float(), []int32{20, 1, 1, 1}, nil) check(err) //Gets SIB for tensor memory on device xSIB, err := xD.GetSizeInBytes() check(err) //Allocating memory to device and returning pointer to device memory x, err := CudaMemManager.Malloc(xSIB) //Create some host mem to copy to cuda memory hostmem := make([]float32, xSIB/4) //You can fill it for i := range hostmem { hostmem[i] = float32(i) } //Convert the slice to GoMem hostptr, err := gocu.MakeGoMem(hostmem) //Copy hostmem to x CudaMemManager.Copy(x, hostptr, xSIB) // This allocotor syncs the cuda stream after every copy. // You can make your own custom one. This was a default one // to help others get going. Some "extra" functions beyond the api // require an allocator. //if not using an allocator sync the stream before changing the host mem right after a mem copy. It could cause problems. err = cs.Sync() check(err) //Zero out the golang host mem. for i := range hostmem { hostmem[i] = float32(0) } //do some tensor stuff can return vals to host mem by doing another copy err = CudaMemManager.Copy(hostptr, x, xSIB) check(err) fmt.Println(hostmem) }
Output: [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19]
func CreateTensorDescriptor ¶
CreateTensorDescriptor creates an empty tensor descriptor
func (*TensorD) Destroy ¶
Destroy destroys the tensor. In future I am going to add a GC setting that will enable or disable the GC. When the GC is disabled It will allow the user more control over memory. right now it does nothing and returns nil
func (*TensorD) Get ¶
func (t *TensorD) Get() (frmt TensorFormat, dtype DataType, shape []int32, stride []int32, err error)
Get returns Data Type the Dims for shape and stride and error. for Descriptors without stride it will still return junk info. so be mindful when you code.
func (*TensorD) GetSizeInBytes ¶
GetSizeInBytes returns the SizeT in bytes and Status
func (*TensorD) Set ¶
func (t *TensorD) Set(frmt TensorFormat, data DataType, shape, stride []int32) error
Set sets the tensor accourding to the values passed. This is all different than how cudnn does it. In cudnn stride dictates the format of the tensor. Here it will be different. if format is Unknown then strides will dictate the format. If NHWC is chosen then gocudnn will swap things around to make TensorD behave more like FilterD
Basic 4D formats: NCHW: shape[0] = # of batches shape[1] = # of channels shape[2] = height shape[3] = width NHWC: shape[0] = # of batches shape[1] = height shape[2] = width shape[3] = # of channels Strided: Strided is kind of hard to explain. So here is an example of how values would be placed. n, c, h, w := 3,3,256,256 //Here is a batch of 3 images using rgb the size of 256x256 dims := []int{n, c, h, w} // Here we have the dims set. chw := c * h * w hw := h * w stride := []int{chw, hw, w, 1} //This is how stride is usually set. //If you wanted to get or place a value at a certain location. //Such as: //func GetValue(tensor []float32, location [4]int, stride [4]int){ //l,s:=location,stride //return tensor[(l[0]*s[0])+(l[1]*s[1])+(l[2]*s[2])+(l[3]*s[3])] //As you can see the stride changes where you look in the tensor. //} Notes: 1) The total size of a tensor including the potential padding between dimensions is limited to 2 Giga-elements of type datatype. Tensors are restricted to having at least 4 dimensions, and at most DimMax (a const with val of 8 at the time of writing this) dimensions. When working with lower dimensional data, it is recommended that the user create a 4D tensor, and set the size along unused dimensions to 1. 2) Stride is ignored if frmt is set to frmt.Strided(). So it can be set to nil.
type TensorFormat ¶
type TensorFormat C.cudnnTensorFormat_t
TensorFormat is the type used for flags to set tensor format. Type contains methods that change the value of the type. Caution: Methods will also change the value of variable that calls the method.
If you need to make a case switch make another variable and call it flag and use that. Look at ToString.
Semi-Custom gocudnn flag. NCHW,NHWC,NCHWvectC come from cudnn. gocudnn adds Strided, and Unknown Reasonings -- Strided - When the tensor is set with strides there is no TensorFormat flag passed. Also cudnnGetTensor4dDescriptor,and cudnnGetTensorNdDescriptor doesn't return the tensor format. Which is really annoying. gocudnn will hide this flag in TensorD so that it can be returned with the tensor. Unknown--Was was made because with at least with the new AttentionD in cudnn V7.5 it will make a descriptor for you. IDK what the tensor format will be. So lets not make an (ASSUME) and mark it with this.
func (*TensorFormat) NCHW ¶
func (t *TensorFormat) NCHW() TensorFormat
NCHW return TensorFormat(C.CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW) Method sets type and returns new value.
func (*TensorFormat) NCHWvectC ¶
func (t *TensorFormat) NCHWvectC() TensorFormat
NCHWvectC return TensorFormat(C.CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW_VECT_C) Method sets type and returns new value.
func (*TensorFormat) NHWC ¶
func (t *TensorFormat) NHWC() TensorFormat
NHWC return TensorFormat(C.CUDNN_TENSOR_NHWC) Method sets type and returns new value.
func (TensorFormat) String ¶
func (t TensorFormat) String() string
ToString will return a human readable string that can be printed for debugging.
func (*TensorFormat) Unknown ¶
func (t *TensorFormat) Unknown() TensorFormat
Unknown returns TensorFormat(128). This is custom gocudnn flag. Read TensorFormat notes for explanation. Method sets type and returns new value.
type TransformD ¶
type TransformD struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TransformD holds the transform tensor descriptor
func CreateTransformDescriptor ¶
func CreateTransformDescriptor() (*TransformD, error)
CreateTransformDescriptor creates a transform descriptor
Needs to be Set with Set method.
func (*TransformD) Destroy ¶
func (t *TransformD) Destroy() error
Destroy will destroy tensor if not using GC, but if GC is used then it will do nothing
func (*TransformD) Get ¶
func (t *TransformD) Get() (destFormat TensorFormat, padBefore, padAfter []int32, foldA []uint32, direction FoldingDirection, err error)
Get gets the values of the transform descriptor
func (*TransformD) InitDest ¶
func (t *TransformD) InitDest(src *TensorD) (dest *TensorD, destsib uint, err error)
InitDest This function initializes and returns a destination tensor descriptor destDesc for tensor transform operations. The initialization is done with the desired parameters described in the transform descriptor TensorD. Note: The returned tensor descriptor will be packed.
func (*TransformD) Set ¶
func (t *TransformD) Set(nbDims uint32, destFormat TensorFormat, padBefore, padAfter []int32, foldA []uint32, direction FoldingDirection) error
Set sets the TransformD
padBefore,padAfter,FoldA can be nil if not using any one of those Custom flags for gocudnn added custom flags for TensorFormat will cause an error
func (*TransformD) String ¶
func (t *TransformD) String() string
func (*TransformD) TransformFilter ¶
func (t *TransformD) TransformFilter(h *Handle, alpha float64, srcD *FilterD, src cutil.Mem, beta float64, destD *FilterD, dest cutil.Mem) error
TransformFilter performs transform on filter
type WgradMode ¶
type WgradMode C.cudnnWgradMode_t
WgradMode is used for flags and can be changed through methods
Source Files
- cgoflags.go
- cudnn.go
- cudnnActivation.go
- cudnnAlgorithm.go
- cudnnAttention.go
- cudnnAttention_Seq.go
- cudnnBatchNorm.go
- cudnnBatchNormEx.go
- cudnnCTCLoss.go
- cudnnCallback.go
- cudnnConvolution.go
- cudnnConvolution_algofindbd.go
- cudnnConvolution_algofindbf.go
- cudnnConvolution_algofindfw.go
- cudnnDeConvolution_algofindbd.go
- cudnnDeConvolution_algofindbf.go
- cudnnDeConvolution_algofindfw.go
- cudnnDeconvolution.go
- cudnnDropOut.go
- cudnnFilter.go
- cudnnLRN.go
- cudnnLibproprtpe.go
- cudnnOpTensor.go
- cudnnPooling.go
- cudnnRNN.go
- cudnnRNN_Bias.go
- cudnnRNN_algofindbwd.go
- cudnnRNN_algofindbwf.go
- cudnnRNN_algofindfw.go
- cudnnRNN_clip.go
- cudnnRNN_data_padding.go
- cudnnReduce.go
- cudnnSoftMax.go
- cudnnSpatial.go
- cudnnStatus.go
- cudnnTensor.go
- cudnnTensorStringer.go
- cudnnTransform.go
- cudnnhandle.go
- runtimememmanage.go
- zhelperfuncs.go
Path | Synopsis |
Package cublas - Blas functions for cuda gpus.
Package cublas - Blas functions for cuda gpus. |
Package crtutil allows cudart to work with Go's io Reader and Writer interfaces.
Package crtutil allows cudart to work with Go's io Reader and Writer interfaces. |
Package gocu contains common interfaces to allow the different cuda packages/libraries to intermix with each other and with go.
Package gocu contains common interfaces to allow the different cuda packages/libraries to intermix with each other and with go. |
Package xtra is just some functions that use cuda and kernels to make functions that I use that are useful in deep learning.
Package xtra is just some functions that use cuda and kernels to make functions that I use that are useful in deep learning. |