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Published: Jun 19, 2020 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 4 Imported by: 0


Isilon CSI

This repo contains [Container Storage Interface(CSI)] (https://github.com/container-storage-interface/) Isilon CSI driver for DellEMC.


Isilon CSI plugins implement an interface between CSI enabled Container Orchestrator(CO) and Isilon Storage Array. It allows dynamically provisioning Isilon volumes and attaching them to workloads.


The CSI Driver For Dell EMC Isilon conforms to CSI spec 1.1

CSI Driver For Dell EMC Isilon Capabilities

Capability Supported Not supported
Provisioning Static and dynamic provisioning of volumes, Volume expansion
Export, Mount Mount volume as file system Raw volumes, Topology
Data protection Creation of snapshots*, Create volume from snapshots* Volume Cloning
Installer Helm2, Helm3, Dell CSI Operator (for OpenShift platform)
Kubernetes v1.14, v1.16 v1.13 or previous versions, v1.17 or higher versions
OS RHEL 7.6, 7.7 Ubuntu, other Linux variants
Isilon OneFS 8.1, 8.2 and 9.0 Previous versions
Protocol NFS SMB, CIFS
OpenShift 4.2, 4.3

Note: Snapshots related operations are not supported on OpenShift platform with CSI-Isilon driver.

Installation overview

The Helm chart installs CSI Driver for Isilon using a shell script (helm/install.isilon). This script installs the CSI driver container image along with the required Kubernetes sidecar containers.

The controller section of the Helm chart installs the following components in a Stateful Set in the namespace isilon:

  • CSI Driver for Isilon
  • Kubernetes Provisioner, which provisions the provisioning volumes
  • Kubernetes Attacher, which attaches the volumes to the containers
  • Kubernetes Snapshotter, which provides snapshot support
  • Kubernetes Resizer, which provides resize support

The node section of the Helm chart installs the following component in a Daemon Set in the namespace isilon:

  • CSI Driver for Isilon
  • Kubernetes Registrar, which handles the driver registration

Before you install CSI Driver for Isilon, verify the requirements that are mentioned in this topic are installed and configured.

  • Install Kubernetes.
  • Enable the Kubernetes feature gates
  • Configure Docker service
  • Install Helm v2 with Tiller with a service account or Helm v3
  • Deploy Isilon using Helm

Enable Kubernetes feature gates

The Kubernetes feature gates must be enabled before installing CSI Driver for Isilon.

About Enabling Kubernetes feature gates

The Feature Gates section of Kubernetes home page lists the Kubernetes feature gates. The following Kubernetes feature gates must be enabled:

  • VolumeSnapshotDataSource
  • CSINodeInfo
  • CSIDriverRegistry
  1. On each master and node of Kubernetes, edit /var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml and append the following lines at the end to set feature-gate settings for the kubelets: /var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml

    VolumeSnapshotDataSource: true
    CSINodeInfo: true
    CSIDriverRegistry: true
  2. On the master node, set the feature gate settings of the kube-apiserver.yaml, kube-controllermanager.yaml and kube-scheduler.yaml file as follows:

    /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-controller-manager.yaml /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-scheduler.yaml

    - --feature-gates=VolumeSnapshotDataSource=true,CSINodeInfo=true,CSIDriverRegistry=true
  3. On each node (including master), edit the variable KUBELET_KUBECONFIG_ARGS of /usr/lib/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/10-kubeadm.conf file as follows:

    Environment="KUBELET_KUBECONFIG_ARGS=--bootstrap-kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/bootstrap-kubelet.conf --kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf --feature-gates=VolumeSnapshotDataSource=true,CSINodeInfo=true,CSIDriverRegistry=true" 
  4. Restart the kublet on all nodes.

    systemctl daemon-reload
    systemctl restart kubelet 

Configure Docker service

The mount propagation in Docker must be configured on all Kubernetes nodes before installing CSI Driver for Isilon.

  1. Edit the service section of /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/docker.service file as follows:

  2. Restart the Docker service with systemctl daemon-reload and

    systemctl daemon-reload
    systemctl restart docker

Install CSI Driver for Isilon

Install CSI Driver for Isilon using this procedure.

Before you begin

  • You must have the downloaded files, including the Helm chart from the source git repository, ready for this procedure.
  • In the top-level helm directory, there should be two shell scripts, install.isilon and uninstall.isilon. These scripts handle some of the pre and post operations that cannot be performed in the helm chart, such as creating Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs), if needed.


  1. Collect information from the Isilon Systems like IP address, username and password. Make a note of the value for these parameters as they must be entered in the secret.yaml and myvalues.yaml file.

  2. Copy the csi-isilon/values.yaml into a file in the same directory as the install.isilon named myvalues.yaml, to customize settings for installation.

  3. Edit myvalues.yaml to set the following parameters for your installation:

    The following table lists the primary configurable parameters of the Isilon driver chart and their default values. More detailed information can be found in the values.yaml file in this repository.

    Parameter Description Required Default
    isiIP "isiIP" defines the HTTPs endpoint of the Isilon OneFS API server true -
    isiPort "isiPort" defines the HTTPs port number of the Isilon OneFS API server false 8080
    isiInsecure "isiInsecure" specifies whether the Isilon OneFS API server's certificate chain and host name should be verified. false true
    isiAccessZone The name of the access zone a volume can be created in false System
    volumeNamePrefix "volumeNamePrefix" defines a string prepended to each volume created by the CSI driver. false k8s
    controllerCount "controllerCount" defines the number of csi-isilon controller nodes to deploy to the Kubernetes release. false 1
    enableDebug Indicates whether debug level logs should be logged false false
    verbose Indicates what content of the OneFS REST API message should be logged in debug level logs false false
    enableQuota Indicates whether the provisioner should attempt to set (later unset) quota on a newly provisioned volume. This requires SmartQuotas to be enabled. false false
    noProbeOnStart Indicates whether the controller/node should probe during initialization false false
    isiPath The default base path for the volumes to be created, this will be used if a storage class does not have the IsiPath parameter specified false /ifs/data/csi
    autoProbe Enable auto probe. false true
    nfsV3 Specify whether to set the version to v3 when mounting an NFS export. If the value is "false", then the default version supported will be used (i.e. the mount command will not explicitly specify "-o vers=3" option) false false
    Storage Class parameters Following parameters are related to Storage Class
    name "storageClass.name" defines the name of the storage class to be defined. false isilon
    isDefault "storageClass.isDefault" defines whether the primary storage class should be the default. false true
    reclaimPolicy "storageClass.reclaimPolicy" defines what will happen when a volume is removed from the Kubernetes API. Valid values are "Retain" and "Delete". false Delete
    accessZone The Access Zone where the Volume would be created false System
    AzServiceIP Access Zone service IP if different from isiIP, specify here and refer in storageClass false
    rootClientEnabled When a PVC is being created, it takes the storage class' value of "storageclass.rootClientEnabled" false false

    Note: User should provide all boolean values with double quotes. This applicable only for myvalues.yaml. Ex: "true"/"false"

  4. Create a secret file for the OneFS credentials by editing the secret.yaml present under helm directory. Replace the values for the username and password parameters.

    Use the following command to convert username/password to base64 encoded string

    echo -n 'admin' | base64
    echo -n 'password' | base64 

    Run kubectl create namespace isilon to create the isilon namespace. Run kubectl create -f secret.yaml to create the secret.

  5. Run the sh install.isilon command to proceed with the installation.

    A successful installation should emit messages that look similar to the following samples:

    NAME                  READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
    isilon-controller-0   5/5     Running              0         20s
    isilon-node-97fph     2/2     Running              0         20s
    isilon   2020-05-28T02:55:33Z
    lglou233   2020-04-07T11:07:21Z
    NAME               PROVISIONER              AGE
    isilon (default)   csi-isilon.dellemc.com   20s
    crd VolumeSnapshotClass was already created
    installing volumesnapshotclass instance isilon-snapclass
    volumesnapshotclass.snapshot.storage.k8s.io/isilon-snapclass created

    Results At the end of the script, the kubectl get pods -n isilon is called to GET the status of the pods and you will see the following:

    • isilon-controller-0 with 5/5 containers ready, and status displayed as Running.
    • Agent pods with 2/2 containers and the status displayed as Running.

    Finally, the script lists the created storageclasses such as, "isilon". Additional storage classes can be created for different combinations of file system types and Isilon storage pools. The script also creates volumesnapshotclass "isilon-snapclass".

Certificate validation for Unisphere REST API calls

The CSI driver exposes an install parameter 'isiInsecure' which determines if the driver performs client-side verification of the OneFS certificates. The 'isiInsecure' parameter is set to true by default and the driver does not verify the OneFS certificates.

If the isiInsecure is set to false, then the secret isilon-certs must contain the CA certificate for OneFS. If this secret is an empty secret, then the validation of the certificate fails, and the driver fails to start.

If the isiInsecure parameter is set to false and a previous installation attempt created the empty secret, then this secret must be deleted and re-created using the CA certs. If the OneFS certificate is self-signed, then perform the following steps:

  1. To fetch the certificate, run openssl s_client -showcerts -connect <OneFS IP> </dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform PEM > ca_cert.pem

  2. To create the secret, run kubectl create secret generic isilon-certs --from-file=ca_cert.pem -n isilon

Upgrade CSI Driver for DELL EMC Isilon from previous versions

The CSI Driver for Dell EMC Isilon prior to v1.2.0 supports only Helm 2. Users can upgrade the driver using Helm 2 or Helm 3. Use one of the following two approaches to upgrade the CSI Driver for Dell EMC Isilon:

  • Upgrade CSI Driver for Dell EMC Isilon v1.1.0 to v1.2.0 using Helm 2
  • Migrate from Helm 2 to Helm 3
Upgrade CSI Driver for Dell EMC Isilon v1.1.0 to v1.2.0 using Helm 2
  1. Get the latest code from github.com/dell/csi-isilon (v1.2.0)

  2. Uninstall the existing v1.1.0 driver using uninstall.isilon under csi-isilon/helm

  3. Prepare myvalues.yaml

  4. Run the ./install.isilon command to upgrade the driver

  5. List the pods with the following command (to verify the status)

    kubectl get pods -n isilon

Migrating from Helm 2 to Helm 3 (applicable for CSI Driver for Dell EMC Isilon v1.2.0 or higher)
  1. Get the latest code from github.com/dell/csi-isilon by executing the following command.

    git clone -b <VERSION> https://github.com/dell/csi-isilon.git where is the version of CSI Driver for Dell EMC Isilon

  2. Uninstall the CSI Driver for Dell EMC Isilon using the uninstall.isilon script under csi-isilon/helm using Helm 2.

  3. Go to https://helm.sh/docs/topics/v2_v3_migration/ and follow the instructions to migrate from Helm 2 to Helm 3.

  4. Once Helm 3 is ready, install the CSI Driver for Dell EMC Isilon using install.isilon script under csi-isilon/helm.

  5. List the pods with the following command (to verify the status)

    kubectl get pods -n isilon

Test deploying a simple pod with Isilon storage

Test the deployment workflow of a simple pod on Isilon storage.

  1. Creating a volume:

    Create a file pvc.yaml using sample yaml files located at test/sample_files/

    Execute the following command to create volume

    kubectl create -f $PWD/pvc.yaml

    Result: After executing the above command PVC will be created in the default namespace, and the user can see the pvc by executing kubectl get pvc. Note: Verify system for the new volume

  2. Attach the volume to Host

    To attach a volume to a host, create a new application(Pod) and use the PVC created above in the Pod. This scenario is explained using the Nginx application. Create nginx.yaml using sample yaml files located at test/sample_files/.

    Execute the following command to mount the volume to kubernetes node

    kubectl create -f $PWD/nginx.yaml

    Result: After executing the above command, new nginx pod will be successfully created and started in the default namespace. Note: Verify Isilon system for host to be part of clients/rootclients field of export created for volume and used by nginx application.

  3. Create Snapshot

    The following procedure will create a snapshot of the volume in the container using VolumeSnapshot objects defined in snap.yaml. The sample file for snapshot creation is located at test/sample_files/

    Execute the following command to create snapshot

    kubectl create -f $PWD/snap.yaml

    The spec.source section contains the volume that will be snapped in the default namespace. For example, if the volume to be snapped is testvolclaim1, then the created snapshot is named testvolclaim1-snap1. Verify the Isilon system for new created snapshot.


    • User can see the snapshots using kubectl get volumesnapshot
    • Notice that this VolumeSnapshot class has a reference to a snapshotClassName:isilon-snapclass. The CSI Driver for Isilon installation creates this class as its default snapshot class.
    • You can see its definition using kubectl get volumesnapshotclasses isilon-snapclass -o yaml.
  4. Create Volume from Snapshot

    The following procedure will create a new volume from a given snapshot which is specified in spec dataSource field.

    The sample file for volume creation from snapshot is located at test/sample_files/

    Execute the following command to create snapshot

    kubectl create -f $PWD/volume_from_snap.yaml

    Verify the Isilon system for new created volume from snapshot.

  5. Delete Snapshot

    Execute the following command to delete the snapshot

    kubectl get volumesnapshot
    kubectl delete volumesnapshot testvolclaim1-snap1
  6. To Unattach the volume from Host

    Delete the nginx application to unattach the volume from host

    kubectl delete -f nginx.yaml

  7. To delete the volume

    kubectl get pvc
    kubectl delete pvc testvolclaim1
    kubectl get pvc

Install CSI-Isilon driver using dell-csi-operator in OpenShift

CSI Driver for Dell EMC Isilon can also be installed via the new Dell EMC Storage Operator.

The Dell EMC Storage CSI Operator is a Kubernetes Operator, which can be used to install and manage the CSI Drivers provided by Dell EMC for various storage platforms. This operator is available as a community operator for upstream Kubernetes and can be deployed using OperatorHub.io. It is also available as a community operator for OpenShift clusters and can be deployed using OpenShift Container Platform. Both these methods of installation use OLM (Operator Lifecycle Manager).

The operator can also be deployed directly by following the instructions available here - https://github.com/dell/dell-csi-operator .

There are sample manifests provided which can be edited to do an easy installation of the driver. Please note that the deployment of the driver using the operator doesn’t use any Helm charts and the installation & configuration parameters will be slightly different from the ones specified via the Helm installer.

Kubernetes Operators make it easy to deploy and manage entire lifecycle of complex Kubernetes applications. Operators use Custom Resource Definitions (CRD) which represents the application and use custom controllers to manage them.

Listing CSI-Isilon drivers

User can query for csi-isilon driver using the following command kubectl get csiisilon --all-namespaces

Procedure to create new CSI-Isilon driver
  1. Create namespace Run kubectl create namespace isilon to create the isilon namespace.

  2. Create isilon-creds

    Create a file called isilon-creds.yaml with the following content

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
     name: isilon-creds
     namespace: isilon
    type: Opaque
     # set username to the base64 encoded username
     username: <base64 username>
     # set password to the base64 encoded password
     password: <base64 password>

    Replace the values for the username and password parameters. These values can be optioned using base64 encoding as described in the following example:

    echo -n "myusername" | base64
    echo -n "mypassword" | base64

    Run kubectl create -f isilon-creds.yaml command to create the secret.

  3. Create a CR (Custom Resource) for isilon using the sample files provided at test/sample_files/CR/ .

  4. Execute the following command to create isilon custom resource kubectl create -f <input_sample_file.yaml> . The above command will deploy the csi-isilon driver.

  5. User can configure the following parameters in CR

    The following table lists the primary configurable parameters of the Isilon driver and their default values.

    Parameter Description Required Default
    Common parameters for node and controller
    CSI_ENDPOINT Specifies the HTTP endpoint for Isilon. No /var/run/csi/csi.sock
    X_CSI_DEBUG To enable debug mode No false
    X_CSI_ISI_ENDPOINT HTTPs endpoint of the Isilon OneFS API server Yes
    X_CSI_ISI_INSECURE Specifies whether SSL security needs to be enabled for communication between Isilon and CSI Driver No true
    X_CSI_ISI_PATH Base path for the volumes to be created Yes
    X_CSI_ISI_AUTOPROBE To enable auto probing for driver No true
    X_CSI_ISILON_NO_PROBE_ON_START Indicates whether the controller/node should probe during initialization Yes
    Controller parameters
    X_CSI_MODE Driver starting mode No controller
    X_CSI_ISI_ACCESS_ZONE Name of the access zone a volume can be created in No System
    X_CSI_ISI_QUOTA_ENABLED To enable SmartQuotas Yes
    Node parameters
    X_CSI_ISILON_NFS_V3 Set the version to v3 when mounting an NFS export. If the value is "false", then the default version supported will be used Yes
    X_CSI_MODE Driver starting mode No node


The CSI Driver for Dell EMC Isilon image available on Dockerhub is officially supported by Dell EMC.

The source code available on Github is unsupported and provided solely under the terms of the license attached to the source code. For clarity, Dell EMC does not provide support for any source code modifications.

For any CSI driver setup, configuration issues, questions or feedback, join the Dell EMC Container community at https://www.dell.com/community/Containers/bd-p/Containers

For any Dell EMC storage issues, please contact Dell support at: https://www.dell.com/support.


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