A CLI that goes through a list of IMDb IDs and then fetches and stores their Stremio-digestible metadata from Cinemata as JSON files
Usage of stremio-metafetcher:
-dataDir string
Location of the data directory. It contains CSV files with IMDb IDs and a "metas" subdirectory will be used for writing metas as JSON files. (default ".")
Prints the version of stremio-metafetcher
The dataDir directory is expected to contain CSV files that have a "IMDb ID" header column
stremio-metafetcher will go through all files in dataDir and skip those that don't end in .csv
stremio-metafetcher will not fetch metadata for IMDb IDs where a JSON file already exists
This is fairly opinionated and geared towards a specific use case. Future versions will be more flexible and probably allow listing CSV files via CLI argument, as well as defining a separate output directory via CLI argument.