Overview ¶
Package lang contains the language strings for english used by Zarf Alternative languages can be created by duplicating this file and changing the build tag to "//go:build alt_language && <language>".
Index ¶
Constants ¶
const ( ErrLoadState = "Failed to load the Zarf State from the cluster." ErrSaveState = "Failed to save the Zarf State to the cluster." ErrLoadPackageSecret = "Failed to load %s's secret from the cluster" ErrNoClusterConnection = "Failed to connect to the cluster." ErrTunnelFailed = "Failed to create a tunnel to the cluster." ErrUnmarshal = "failed to unmarshal file: %w" ErrWritingFile = "failed to write file %s: %s" ErrDownloading = "failed to download %s: %s" ErrCreatingDir = "failed to create directory %s: %s" ErrRemoveFile = "failed to remove file %s: %s" ErrUnarchive = "failed to unarchive %s: %s" ErrConfirmCancel = "confirm selection canceled: %s" ErrFileExtract = "failed to extract filename %s from archive %s: %s" ErrFileNameExtract = "failed to extract filename from URL %s: %s" ErrUnableToGenerateRandomSecret = "unable to generate a random secret" )
All language strings should be in the form of a constant The constants should be grouped by the top level package they are used in (or common) The format should be <PathName><Err/Info><ShortDescription> Debug messages will not be a part of the language strings since they are not intended to be user facing Include sprintf formatting directives in the string if needed.
const ( // common command language CmdConfirmProvided = "Confirm flag specified, continuing without prompting." CmdConfirmContinue = "Continue with these changes?" // root zarf command RootCmdShort = "DevSecOps for Airgap" RootCmdLong = "Zarf eliminates the complexity of air gap software delivery for Kubernetes clusters and cloud native workloads\n" + "using a declarative packaging strategy to support DevSecOps in offline and semi-connected environments." RootCmdFlagLogLevel = "Log level when running Zarf. Valid options are: warn, info, debug, trace" RootCmdFlagArch = "Architecture for OCI images and Zarf packages" RootCmdFlagSkipLogFile = "Disable log file creation" RootCmdFlagNoProgress = "Disable fancy UI progress bars, spinners, logos, etc" RootCmdFlagNoColor = "Disable colors in output" RootCmdFlagCachePath = "Specify the location of the Zarf cache directory" RootCmdFlagTempDir = "Specify the temporary directory to use for intermediate files" RootCmdFlagInsecure = "" /* 239-byte string literal not displayed */ RootCmdDeprecatedDeploy = "Deprecated: Please use \"zarf package deploy %s\" to deploy this package. This warning will be removed in Zarf v1.0.0." RootCmdDeprecatedCreate = "Deprecated: Please use \"zarf package create\" to create this package. This warning will be removed in Zarf v1.0.0." RootCmdErrInvalidLogLevel = "Invalid log level. Valid options are: warn, info, debug, trace." // zarf connect CmdConnectShort = "Accesses services or pods deployed in the cluster" CmdConnectLong = "Uses a k8s port-forward to connect to resources within the cluster referenced by your kube-context.\n" + "Three default options for this command are <REGISTRY|LOGGING|GIT>. These will connect to the Zarf created resources " + "(assuming they were selected when performing the `zarf init` command).\n\n" + "Packages can provide service manifests that define their own shortcut connection options. These options will be " + "printed to the terminal when the package finishes deploying.\n If you don't remember what connection shortcuts your deployed " + "package offers, you can search your cluster for services that have the '' label. The value of that label is " + "the name you will pass into the 'zarf connect' command.\n\n" + "Even if the packages you deploy don't define their own shortcut connection options, you can use the command flags " + "to connect into specific resources. You can read the command flag descriptions below to get a better idea how to connect " + "to whatever resource you are trying to connect to." // zarf connect list CmdConnectListShort = "Lists all available connection shortcuts" CmdConnectFlagName = "Specify the resource name. E.g. name=unicorns or name=unicorn-pod-7448499f4d-b5bk6" CmdConnectFlagNamespace = "Specify the namespace. E.g. namespace=default" CmdConnectFlagType = "Specify the resource type. E.g. type=svc or type=pod" CmdConnectFlagLocalPort = "(Optional, autogenerated if not provided) Specify the local port to bind to. E.g. local-port=42000" CmdConnectFlagRemotePort = "Specify the remote port of the resource to bind to. E.g. remote-port=8080" CmdConnectFlagCliOnly = "Disable browser auto-open" CmdConnectPreparingTunnel = "Preparing a tunnel to connect to %s" CmdConnectErrCluster = "Unable to connect to the cluster: %s" CmdConnectErrService = "Unable to connect to the service: %s" CmdConnectEstablishedCLI = "Tunnel established at %s, waiting for user to interrupt (ctrl-c to end)" CmdConnectEstablishedWeb = "Tunnel established at %s, opening your default web browser (ctrl-c to end)" CmdConnectTunnelClosed = "Tunnel to %s successfully closed due to user interrupt" // zarf destroy CmdDestroyShort = "Tears down Zarf and removes its components from the environment" CmdDestroyLong = "Tear down Zarf.\n\n" + "Deletes everything in the 'zarf' namespace within your connected k8s cluster.\n\n" + "If Zarf deployed your k8s cluster, this command will also tear your cluster down by " + "searching through /opt/zarf for any scripts that start with 'zarf-clean-' and executing them. " + "Since this is a cleanup operation, Zarf will not stop the teardown if one of the scripts produce " + "an error.\n\n" + "If Zarf did not deploy your k8s cluster, this command will delete the Zarf namespace, delete secrets " + "and labels that only Zarf cares about, and optionally uninstall components that Zarf deployed onto " + "the cluster. Since this is a cleanup operation, Zarf will not stop the uninstalls if one of the " + "resources produce an error while being deleted." CmdDestroyFlagConfirm = "REQUIRED. Confirm the destroy action to prevent accidental deletions" CmdDestroyFlagRemoveComponents = "Also remove any installed components outside the zarf namespace" CmdDestroyErrNoScriptPath = "" /* 128-byte string literal not displayed */ CmdDestroyErrScriptPermissionDenied = "Received 'permission denied' when trying to execute the script (%s). Please double-check you have the correct kube-context." // zarf init CmdInitShort = "Prepares a k8s cluster for the deployment of Zarf packages" CmdInitLong = "Injects a docker registry as well as other optional useful things (such as a git server " + "and a logging stack) into a k8s cluster under the 'zarf' namespace " + "to support future application deployments.\n" + "If you do not have a k8s cluster already configured, this command will give you " + "the ability to install a cluster locally.\n\n" + "This command looks for a zarf-init package in the local directory that the command was executed " + "from. If no package is found in the local directory and the Zarf CLI exists somewhere outside of " + "the current directory, Zarf will failover and attempt to find a zarf-init package in the directory " + "that the Zarf binary is located in.\n\n\n\n" CmdInitExample = `` /* 872-byte string literal not displayed */ CmdInitErrFlags = "Invalid command flags were provided." CmdInitErrDownload = "failed to download the init package: %s" CmdInitErrValidateGit = "the 'git-push-username' and 'git-push-password' flags must be provided if the 'git-url' flag is provided" CmdInitErrValidateRegistry = "the 'registry-push-username' and 'registry-push-password' flags must be provided if the 'registry-url' flag is provided" CmdInitErrValidateArtifact = "the 'artifact-push-username' and 'artifact-push-token' flags must be provided if the 'artifact-url' flag is provided" CmdInitErrUnableCreateCache = "Unable to create the cache directory: %s" CmdInitPullAsk = "It seems the init package could not be found locally, but can be pulled from oci://%s" CmdInitPullNote = "Note: This will require an internet connection." CmdInitPullConfirm = "Do you want to pull this init package?" CmdInitPullErrManual = "pull the init package manually and place it in the current working directory" CmdInitFlagSet = "Specify deployment variables to set on the command line (KEY=value)" CmdInitFlagConfirm = "" /* 197-byte string literal not displayed */ CmdInitFlagComponents = "Specify which optional components to install. E.g. --components=git-server,logging" CmdInitFlagStorageClass = "Specify the storage class to use for the registry and git server. E.g. --storage-class=standard" CmdInitFlagGitURL = "External git server url to use for this Zarf cluster" CmdInitFlagGitPushUser = "Username to access to the git server Zarf is configured to use. User must be able to create repositories via 'git push'" CmdInitFlagGitPushPass = "Password for the push-user to access the git server" CmdInitFlagGitPullUser = "Username for pull-only access to the git server" CmdInitFlagGitPullPass = "Password for the pull-only user to access the git server" CmdInitFlagRegURL = "External registry url address to use for this Zarf cluster" CmdInitFlagRegNodePort = "Nodeport to access a registry internal to the k8s cluster. Between [30000-32767]" CmdInitFlagRegPushUser = "Username to access to the registry Zarf is configured to use" CmdInitFlagRegPushPass = "Password for the push-user to connect to the registry" CmdInitFlagRegPullUser = "Username for pull-only access to the registry" CmdInitFlagRegPullPass = "Password for the pull-only user to access the registry" CmdInitFlagRegSecret = "Registry secret value" CmdInitFlagArtifactURL = "[alpha] External artifact registry url to use for this Zarf cluster" CmdInitFlagArtifactPushUser = "[alpha] Username to access to the artifact registry Zarf is configured to use. User must be able to upload package artifacts." CmdInitFlagArtifactPushToken = "[alpha] API Token for the push-user to access the artifact registry" // zarf internal CmdInternalShort = "Internal tools used by zarf" CmdInternalAgentShort = "Runs the zarf agent" CmdInternalAgentLong = "NOTE: This command is a hidden command and generally shouldn't be run by a human.\n" + "This command starts up a http webhook that Zarf deployments use to mutate pods to conform " + "with the Zarf container registry and Gitea server URLs." CmdInternalProxyShort = "[alpha] Runs the zarf agent http proxy" CmdInternalProxyLong = "[alpha] NOTE: This command is a hidden command and generally shouldn't be run by a human.\n" + "This command starts up a http proxy that can be used by running pods to transform queries " + "that conform to Gitea / Gitlab repository and package URLs in the airgap." CmdInternalGenerateCliDocsShort = "Creates auto-generated markdown of all the commands for the CLI" CmdInternalGenerateCliDocsSuccess = "Successfully created the CLI documentation" CmdInternalGenerateCliDocsErr = "Unable to generate the CLI documentation: %s" CmdInternalConfigSchemaShort = "Generates a JSON schema for the zarf.yaml configuration" CmdInternalConfigSchemaErr = "Unable to generate the zarf config schema" CmdInternalTypesSchemaShort = "Generates a JSON schema for the Zarf types (DeployedPackage ZarfPackage ZarfState)" CmdInternalTypesSchemaErr = "Unable to generate the JSON schema for the Zarf types (DeployedPackage ZarfPackage ZarfState)" CmdInternalCreateReadOnlyGiteaUserShort = "Creates a read-only user in Gitea" CmdInternalCreateReadOnlyGiteaUserLong = "Creates a read-only user in Gitea by using the Gitea API. " + "This is called internally by the supported Gitea package component." CmdInternalCreateReadOnlyGiteaUserErr = "Unable to create a read-only user in the Gitea service." CmdInternalArtifactRegistryGiteaTokenShort = "Creates an artifact registry token for Gitea" CmdInternalArtifactRegistryGiteaTokenLong = "Creates an artifact registry token in Gitea using the Gitea API. " + "This is called internally by the supported Gitea package component." CmdInternalArtifactRegistryGiteaTokenErr = "Unable to create an artifact registry token for the Gitea service." CmdInternalUpdateGiteaPVCShort = "Updates an existing Gitea persistent volume claim" CmdInternalUpdateGiteaPVCLong = "Updates an existing Gitea persistent volume claim by assessing if claim is a custom user provided claim or default." + "This is called internally by the supported Gitea package component." CmdInternalUpdateGiteaPVCErr = "Unable to update the existing Gitea persistent volume claim." CmdInternalFlagUpdateGiteaPVCRollback = "Roll back previous Gitea persistent volume claim updates." CmdInternalIsValidHostnameShort = "Checks if the current machine's hostname is RFC1123 compliant" CmdInternalIsValidHostnameErr = "The hostname '%s' is not valid. Ensure the hostname meets RFC1123 requirements" CmdInternalCrc32Short = "Generates a decimal CRC32 for the given text" // zarf package CmdPackageShort = "Zarf package commands for creating, deploying, and inspecting packages" CmdPackageFlagConcurrency = "Number of concurrent layer operations to perform when interacting with a remote package." CmdPackageFlagFlagPublicKey = "Path to public key file for validating signed packages" CmdPackageFlagRetries = "Number of retries to perform for Zarf deploy operations like git/image pushes or Helm installs" CmdPackageCreateShort = "Creates a Zarf package from a given directory or the current directory" CmdPackageCreateLong = "Builds an archive of resources and dependencies defined by the 'zarf.yaml' in the specified directory.\n" + "Private registries and repositories are accessed via credentials in your local '~/.docker/config.json', " + "'~/.git-credentials' and '~/.netrc'.\n" CmdPackageDeployShort = "Deploys a Zarf package from a local file or URL (runs offline)" CmdPackageDeployLong = "Unpacks resources and dependencies from a Zarf package archive and deploys them onto the target system.\n" + "Kubernetes clusters are accessed via credentials in your current kubecontext defined in '~/.kube/config'" CmdPackageMirrorShort = "Mirrors a Zarf package's internal resources to specified image registries and git repositories" CmdPackageMirrorLong = "Unpacks resources and dependencies from a Zarf package archive and mirrors them into the specified\n" + "image registries and git repositories within the target environment" CmdPackageMirrorExample = `` /* 764-byte string literal not displayed */ CmdPackageInspectShort = "Displays the definition of a Zarf package (runs offline)" CmdPackageInspectLong = "Displays the 'zarf.yaml' definition for the specified package and optionally allows SBOMs to be viewed" CmdPackageListShort = "Lists out all of the packages that have been deployed to the cluster (runs offline)" CmdPackageListNoPackageWarn = "Unable to get the packages deployed to the cluster" CmdPackageListUnmarshalErr = "Unable to read all of the packages deployed to the cluster" CmdPackageCreateFlagConfirm = "Confirm package creation without prompting" CmdPackageCreateFlagSet = "Specify package variables to set on the command line (KEY=value)" CmdPackageCreateFlagOutput = "Specify the output (either a directory or an oci:// URL) for the created Zarf package" CmdPackageCreateFlagSbom = "View SBOM contents after creating the package" CmdPackageCreateFlagSbomOut = "Specify an output directory for the SBOMs from the created Zarf package" CmdPackageCreateFlagSkipSbom = "Skip generating SBOM for this package" CmdPackageCreateFlagMaxPackageSize = "" /* 186-byte string literal not displayed */ CmdPackageCreateFlagSigningKey = "Path to private key file for signing packages" CmdPackageCreateFlagSigningKeyPassword = "Password to the private key file used for signing packages" CmdPackageCreateFlagDeprecatedKey = "[Deprecated] Path to private key file for signing packages (use --signing-key instead)" CmdPackageCreateFlagDeprecatedKeyPassword = "[Deprecated] Password to the private key file used for signing packages (use --signing-key-pass instead)" CmdPackageCreateFlagDifferential = "" /* 162-byte string literal not displayed */ CmdPackageCreateFlagRegistryOverride = "" /* 144-byte string literal not displayed */ CmdPackageCreateFlagFlavor = "The flavor of components to include in the resulting package (i.e. have a matching or empty \"only.flavor\" key)" CmdPackageCreateCleanPathErr = "Invalid characters in Zarf cache path, defaulting to %s" CmdPackageCreateErr = "Failed to create package: %s" CmdPackageDeployFlagConfirm = "" /* 197-byte string literal not displayed */ CmdPackageDeployFlagAdoptExistingResources = "" /* 146-byte string literal not displayed */ CmdPackageDeployFlagSet = "Specify deployment variables to set on the command line (KEY=value)" CmdPackageDeployFlagComponents = "" /* 221-byte string literal not displayed */ CmdPackageDeployFlagShasum = "Shasum of the package to deploy. Required if deploying a remote package and \"--insecure\" is not provided" CmdPackageDeployFlagSget = "" /* 151-byte string literal not displayed */ CmdPackageDeployFlagSkipWebhooks = "[alpha] Skip waiting for external webhooks to execute as each package component is deployed" CmdPackageDeployFlagTimeout = "Timeout for Helm operations such as installs and rollbacks" CmdPackageDeployValidateArchitectureErr = "" /* 155-byte string literal not displayed */ CmdPackageDeployValidateLastNonBreakingVersionWarn = "" /* 167-byte string literal not displayed */ CmdPackageDeployInvalidCLIVersionWarn = "" /* 185-byte string literal not displayed */ CmdPackageDeployErr = "Failed to deploy package: %s" CmdPackageMirrorFlagComponents = "" /* 235-byte string literal not displayed */ CmdPackageMirrorFlagNoChecksum = "Turns off the addition of a checksum to image tags (as would be used by the Zarf Agent) while mirroring images." CmdPackageInspectFlagSbom = "View SBOM contents while inspecting the package" CmdPackageInspectFlagSbomOut = "Specify an output directory for the SBOMs from the inspected Zarf package" CmdPackageInspectErr = "Failed to inspect package: %s" CmdPackageRemoveShort = "Removes a Zarf package that has been deployed already (runs offline)" CmdPackageRemoveFlagConfirm = "REQUIRED. Confirm the removal action to prevent accidental deletions" CmdPackageRemoveFlagComponents = "" /* 235-byte string literal not displayed */ CmdPackageRemoveTarballErr = "Invalid tarball path provided" CmdPackageRemoveExtractErr = "Unable to extract the package contents" CmdPackageRemoveErr = "Unable to remove the package with an error of: %s" CmdPackageRegistryPrefixErr = "Registry must be prefixed with 'oci://'" CmdPackagePublishShort = "Publishes a Zarf package to a remote registry" CmdPackagePublishExample = `` /* 238-byte string literal not displayed */ CmdPackagePublishFlagSigningKey = "Path to a private key file for signing or re-signing packages with a new key" CmdPackagePublishFlagSigningKeyPassword = "Password to the private key file used for publishing packages" CmdPackagePublishErr = "Failed to publish package: %s" CmdPackagePullShort = "Pulls a Zarf package from a remote registry and save to the local file system" CmdPackagePullExample = `` /* 375-byte string literal not displayed */ CmdPackagePullFlagOutputDirectory = "Specify the output directory for the pulled Zarf package" CmdPackagePullErr = "Failed to pull package: %s" CmdPackageChoose = "Choose or type the package file" CmdPackageChooseErr = "Package path selection canceled: %s" CmdPackageClusterSourceFallback = "%q does not satisfy any current sources, assuming it is a package deployed to a cluster" CmdPackageInvalidSource = "Unable to identify source from %q: %s" // zarf dev (prepare is an alias for dev) CmdDevShort = "Commands useful for developing packages" CmdDevDeployShort = "[beta] Creates and deploys a Zarf package from a given directory" CmdDevDeployLong = "[beta] Creates and deploys a Zarf package from a given directory, setting options like YOLO mode for faster iteration." CmdDevDeployFlagNoYolo = "Disable the YOLO mode default override and create / deploy the package as-defined" CmdDevDeployErr = "Failed to dev deploy: %s" CmdDevPatchGitShort = "Converts all .git URLs to the specified Zarf HOST and with the Zarf URL pattern in a given FILE. NOTE:\n" + "This should only be used for manifests that are not mutated by the Zarf Agent Mutating Webhook." CmdDevPatchGitOverwritePrompt = "Overwrite the file %s with these changes?" CmdDevPatchGitOverwriteErr = "Confirm overwrite canceled: %s" CmdDevPatchGitFileReadErr = "Unable to read the file %s" CmdDevPatchGitFileWriteErr = "Unable to write the changes back to the file" CmdDevSha256sumShort = "Generates a SHA256SUM for the given file" CmdDevSha256sumRemoteWarning = "" /* 139-byte string literal not displayed */ CmdDevSha256sumHashErr = "Unable to compute the SHA256SUM hash: %s" CmdDevFindImagesShort = "Evaluates components in a Zarf file to identify images specified in their helm charts and manifests" CmdDevFindImagesLong = "Evaluates components in a Zarf file to identify images specified in their helm charts and manifests.\n\n" + "Components that have repos that host helm charts can be processed by providing the --repo-chart-path." CmdDevFindImagesErr = "Unable to find images: %s" CmdDevGenerateConfigShort = "Generates a config file for Zarf" CmdDevGenerateConfigLong = "Generates a Zarf config file for controlling how the Zarf CLI operates. Optionally accepts a filename to write the config to.\n\n" + "The extension will determine the format of the config file, e.g. env-1.yaml, env-2.json, env-3.toml etc.\n" + "Accepted extensions are json, toml, yaml.\n\n" + "NOTE: This file must not already exist. If no filename is provided, the config will be written to the current working directory as zarf-config.toml." CmdDevGenerateConfigErr = "Unable to write the config file %s, make sure the file doesn't already exist" CmdDevFlagExtractPath = `The path inside of an archive to use to calculate the sha256sum (i.e. for use with "files.extractPath")` CmdDevFlagSet = "" /* 137-byte string literal not displayed */ CmdDevFlagRepoChartPath = `If git repos hold helm charts, often found with gitops tools, specify the chart path, e.g. "/" or "/chart"` CmdDevFlagGitAccount = "User or organization name for the git account that the repos are created under." CmdDevFlagKubeVersion = "Override the default helm template KubeVersion when performing a package chart template" CmdDevFlagFindImagesRegistry = "Override the ###ZARF_REGISTRY### value" CmdDevFlagFindImagesWhy = "Prints the source manifest for the specified image" CmdDevLintShort = "Lints the given package for valid schema and recommended practices" CmdDevLintLong = "Verifies the package schema, checks if any variables won't be evaluated, and checks for unpinned images/repos/files" CmdDevLintErr = "Unable to lint package: %s" // zarf tools CmdToolsShort = "Collection of additional tools to make airgap easier" CmdToolsArchiverShort = "Compresses/Decompresses generic archives, including Zarf packages" CmdToolsArchiverCompressShort = "Compresses a collection of sources based off of the destination file extension." CmdToolsArchiverCompressErr = "Unable to perform compression: %s" CmdToolsArchiverDecompressShort = "Decompresses an archive or Zarf package based off of the source file extension." CmdToolsArchiverDecompressErr = "Unable to perform decompression: %s" CmdToolsArchiverUnarchiveAllErr = "Unable to unarchive all nested tarballs: %s" CmdToolsRegistryShort = "Tools for working with container registries using go-containertools" CmdToolsRegistryZarfState = "Retrieving registry information from Zarf state" CmdToolsRegistryTunnel = "Opening a tunnel from %s locally to %s in the cluster" CmdToolsRegistryCatalogExample = `` /* 149-byte string literal not displayed */ CmdToolsRegistryListExample = `` /* 223-byte string literal not displayed */ CmdToolsRegistryPushExample = `` /* 263-byte string literal not displayed */ CmdToolsRegistryPullExample = `` /* 300-byte string literal not displayed */ CmdToolsRegistryDeleteExample = `` /* 396-byte string literal not displayed */ CmdToolsRegistryDigestExample = `` /* 263-byte string literal not displayed */ CmdToolsRegistryPruneShort = "Prunes images from the registry that are not currently being used by any Zarf packages." CmdToolsRegistryPruneFlagConfirm = "Confirm the image prune action to prevent accidental deletions" CmdToolsRegistryPruneImageList = "The following image digests will be pruned from the registry:" CmdToolsRegistryPruneNoImages = "There are no images to prune" CmdToolsRegistryPruneLookup = "Looking up images within package definitions" CmdToolsRegistryPruneCatalog = "Cataloging images in the registry" CmdToolsRegistryPruneCalculate = "Calculating images to prune" CmdToolsRegistryPruneDelete = "Deleting unused images" CmdToolsRegistryInvalidPlatformErr = "Invalid platform '%s': %s" CmdToolsRegistryFlagVerbose = "Enable debug logs" CmdToolsRegistryFlagInsecure = "Allow image references to be fetched without TLS" CmdToolsRegistryFlagNonDist = "Allow pushing non-distributable (foreign) layers" CmdToolsRegistryFlagPlatform = "Specifies the platform in the form os/arch[/variant][:osversion] (e.g. linux/amd64)." CmdToolsGetGitPasswdShort = "[Deprecated] Returns the push user's password for the Git server" CmdToolsGetGitPasswdLong = "" /* 210-byte string literal not displayed */ CmdToolsGetGitPasswdDeprecation = "Deprecated: This command has been replaced by 'zarf tools get-creds git' and will be removed in Zarf v1.0.0." CmdToolsMonitorShort = "Launches a terminal UI to monitor the connected cluster using K9s." CmdToolsHelmShort = "Subset of the Helm CLI included with Zarf to help manage helm charts." CmdToolsHelmLong = "Subset of the Helm CLI that includes the repo and dependency commands for managing helm charts destined for the air gap." CmdToolsClearCacheShort = "Clears the configured git and image cache directory" CmdToolsClearCacheDir = "Cache directory set to: %s" CmdToolsClearCacheErr = "Unable to clear the cache directory %s" CmdToolsClearCacheSuccess = "Successfully cleared the cache from %s" CmdToolsClearCacheFlagCachePath = "Specify the location of the Zarf artifact cache (images and git repositories)" CmdToolsCraneNotEnoughArgumentsErr = "You do not have enough arguments specified for this command" CmdToolsCraneConnectedButBadStateErr = "Detected a K8s cluster but was unable to get Zarf state - continuing without state information: %s" CmdToolsDownloadInitShort = "Downloads the init package for the current Zarf version into the specified directory" CmdToolsDownloadInitFlagOutputDirectory = "Specify a directory to place the init package in." CmdToolsDownloadInitErr = "Unable to download the init package: %s" CmdToolsGenPkiShort = "Generates a Certificate Authority and PKI chain of trust for the given host" CmdToolsGenPkiSuccess = "Successfully created a chain of trust for %s" CmdToolsGenPkiFlagAltName = "Specify Subject Alternative Names for the certificate" CmdToolsGenKeyShort = "Generates a cosign public/private keypair that can be used to sign packages" CmdToolsGenKeyPrompt = "Private key password (empty for no password): " CmdToolsGenKeyPromptAgain = "Private key password again (empty for no password): " CmdToolsGenKeyPromptExists = "File %s already exists. Overwrite? " CmdToolsGenKeyErrUnableGetPassword = "unable to get password for private key: %s" CmdToolsGenKeyErrPasswordsNotMatch = "passwords do not match" CmdToolsGenKeyErrUnableToGenKeypair = "unable to generate key pair: %s" CmdToolsGenKeyErrNoConfirmOverwrite = "did not receive confirmation for overwriting key file(s)" CmdToolsGenKeySuccess = "Generated key pair and written to %s and %s" CmdToolsSbomShort = "Generates a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) for the given package" CmdToolsSbomErr = "Unable to create SBOM (Syft) CLI" CmdToolsWaitForShort = "Waits for a given Kubernetes resource to be ready" CmdToolsWaitForLong = "By default Zarf will wait for all Kubernetes resources to be ready before completion of a component during a deployment.\n" + "This command can be used to wait for a Kubernetes resources to exist and be ready that may be created by a Gitops tool or a Kubernetes operator.\n" + "You can also wait for arbitrary network endpoints using REST or TCP checks.\n\n" CmdToolsWaitForExample = `` /* 1779-byte string literal not displayed */ CmdToolsWaitForFlagTimeout = "Specify the timeout duration for the wait command." CmdToolsWaitForErrTimeoutString = "Invalid timeout duration '%s'. Please use a valid duration string (e.g. 1s, 2m, 3h)." CmdToolsWaitForErrTimeout = "Wait timed out." CmdToolsWaitForErrConditionString = "Invalid HTTP status code. Please use a valid HTTP status code (e.g. 200, 404, 500)." CmdToolsWaitForErrZarfPath = "Could not locate the current Zarf binary path." CmdToolsWaitForFlagNamespace = "Specify the namespace of the resources to wait for." CmdToolsKubectlDocs = "Kubectl command. See for more information." CmdToolsGetCredsShort = "Displays a table of credentials for deployed Zarf services. Pass a service key to get a single credential" CmdToolsGetCredsLong = "" /* 142-byte string literal not displayed */ CmdToolsGetCredsExample = `` /* 287-byte string literal not displayed */ CmdToolsUpdateCredsShort = "Updates the credentials for deployed Zarf services. Pass a service key to update credentials for a single service" CmdToolsUpdateCredsLong = "" /* 154-byte string literal not displayed */ CmdToolsUpdateCredsExample = `` /* 1225-byte string literal not displayed */ CmdToolsUpdateCredsConfirmFlag = "Confirm updating credentials without prompting" CmdToolsUpdateCredsConfirmProvided = "Confirm flag specified, continuing without prompting." CmdToolsUpdateCredsConfirmContinue = "Continue with these changes?" CmdToolsUpdateCredsInvalidServiceErr = "Invalid service key specified - valid keys are: %s, %s, and %s" CmdToolsUpdateCredsUnableCreateToken = "Unable to create the new Gitea artifact token: %s" CmdToolsUpdateCredsUnableUpdateRegistry = "Unable to update Zarf Registry values: %s" CmdToolsUpdateCredsUnableUpdateGit = "Unable to update Zarf Git Server values: %s" CmdToolsUpdateCredsUnableUpdateAgent = "Unable to update Zarf Agent TLS secrets: %s" CmdToolsUpdateCredsUnableUpdateCreds = "Unable to update Zarf credentials" // zarf version CmdVersionShort = "Shows the version of the running Zarf binary" CmdVersionLong = "Displays the version of the Zarf release that the current binary was built from." // tools version CmdToolsVersionShort = "Print the version" // cmd viper setup CmdViperErrLoadingConfigFile = "failed to load config file: %s" CmdViperInfoUsingConfigFile = "Using config file %s" )
Zarf CLI commands.
const ( AgentInfoWebhookAllowed = "Webhook [%s - %s] - Allowed: %t" AgentInfoShutdown = "Shutdown gracefully..." AgentInfoPort = "Server running in port: %s" AgentErrBadRequest = "could not read request body: %s" AgentErrBindHandler = "Unable to bind the webhook handler" AgentErrCouldNotDeserializeReq = "could not deserialize request: %s" AgentErrGetState = "failed to load zarf state from file: %w" AgentErrHostnameMatch = "failed to complete hostname matching: %w" AgentErrImageSwap = "Unable to swap the host for (%s)" AgentErrInvalidMethod = "invalid method only POST requests are allowed" AgentErrInvalidOp = "invalid operation: %s" AgentErrInvalidType = "only content type 'application/json' is supported" AgentErrMarshallJSONPatch = "unable to marshall the json patch" AgentErrMarshalResponse = "unable to marshal the response" AgentErrNilReq = "malformed admission review: request is nil" AgentErrShutdown = "unable to properly shutdown the web server" AgentErrStart = "Failed to start the web server" AgentErrUnableTransform = "unable to transform the provided request; see zarf http proxy logs for more details" )
Zarf Agent messages These are only seen in the Kubernetes logs.
const ( PkgDeployErrMultipleComponentsSameGroup = "You cannot specify multiple components (%q, %q) within the same group (%q) when using the --components flag." PkgDeployErrNoDefaultOrSelection = "You must make a selection from %q with the --components flag as there is no default in their group." PkgDeployErrNoCompatibleComponentsForSelection = "No compatible components found that matched %q. Please check spelling and try again." PkgDeployErrComponentSelectionCanceled = "Component selection canceled: %s" )
const ( PkgValidateTemplateDeprecation = "" /* 151-byte string literal not displayed */ PkgValidateMustBeUppercase = "variable name %q must be all uppercase and contain no special characters except _" PkgValidateErrAction = "invalid action: %w" PkgValidateErrActionVariables = "component %q cannot contain setVariables outside of onDeploy in actions" PkgValidateErrActionCmdWait = "action %q cannot be both a command and wait action" PkgValidateErrActionClusterNetwork = "a single wait action must contain only one of cluster or network" PkgValidateErrChart = "invalid chart definition: %w" PkgValidateErrChartName = "chart %q exceed the maximum length of %d characters" PkgValidateErrChartNameMissing = "chart %q must include a name" PkgValidateErrChartNameNotUnique = "chart name %q is not unique" PkgValidateErrChartNamespaceMissing = "chart %q must include a namespace" PkgValidateErrChartURLOrPath = "chart %q must have either a url or localPath" PkgValidateErrChartVersion = "chart %q must include a chart version" PkgValidateErrComponentName = "component name %q must be all lowercase and contain no special characters except '-' and cannot start with a '-'" PkgValidateErrComponentNameNotUnique = "component name %q is not unique" PkgValidateErrComponent = "invalid component %q: %w" PkgValidateErrComponentReqDefault = "component %q cannot be both required and default" PkgValidateErrComponentReqGrouped = "component %q cannot be both required and grouped" PkgValidateErrComponentYOLO = "component %q incompatible with the online-only package flag (metadata.yolo): %w" PkgValidateErrGroupMultipleDefaults = "group %q has multiple defaults (%q, %q)" PkgValidateErrGroupOneComponent = "group %q only has one component (%q)" PkgValidateErrConstant = "invalid package constant: %w" PkgValidateErrImportDefinition = "invalid imported definition for %s: %s" PkgValidateErrInitNoYOLO = "sorry, you can't YOLO an init package" PkgValidateErrManifest = "invalid manifest definition: %w" PkgValidateErrManifestFileOrKustomize = "manifest %q must have at least one file or kustomization" PkgValidateErrManifestNameLength = "manifest %q exceed the maximum length of %d characters" PkgValidateErrManifestNameMissing = "manifest %q must include a name" PkgValidateErrManifestNameNotUnique = "manifest name %q is not unique" PkgValidateErrName = "invalid package name: %w" PkgValidateErrPkgConstantName = "constant name %q must be all uppercase and contain no special characters except _" PkgValidateErrPkgConstantPattern = "provided value for constant %q does not match pattern %q" PkgValidateErrPkgName = "package name %q must be all lowercase and contain no special characters except '-' and cannot start with a '-'" PkgValidateErrVariable = "invalid package variable: %w" PkgValidateErrYOLONoArch = "cluster architecture not allowed" PkgValidateErrYOLONoDistro = "cluster distros not allowed" PkgValidateErrYOLONoGit = "git repos not allowed" PkgValidateErrYOLONoOCI = "OCI images not allowed" )
const (
PkgCreateErrDifferentialSameVersion = "" /* 146-byte string literal not displayed */
const (
UnsetVarLintWarning = "There are templates that are not set and won't be evaluated during lint"
Lint messages
Variables ¶
var ( ErrInitNotFound = errors.New("this command requires a zarf-init package, but one was not found on the local system. Re-run the last command again without '--confirm' to download the package") ErrUnableToCheckArch = errors.New("unable to get the configured cluster's architecture") ErrInterrupt = errors.New("execution cancelled due to an interrupt") ErrUnableToGetPackages = errors.New("unable to load the Zarf Package data from the cluster") )
Collection of reusable error messages.
var (
WarnSGetDeprecation = "" /* 154-byte string literal not displayed */
Collection of reusable warn messages.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
This section is empty.