
v0.32.0-rc1 Latest Latest

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Published: Dec 16, 2023 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 4 Imported by: 0



Package types contains all the types used by Zarf.

Package types contains all the types used by Zarf.

Package types contains all the types used by Zarf.

Package types contains all the types used by Zarf.

Package types contains all the types used by Zarf.



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const (
	WebhookStatusSucceeded WebhookStatus = "Succeeded"
	WebhookStatusFailed    WebhookStatus = "Failed"
	WebhookStatusRunning   WebhookStatus = "Running"
	WebhookStatusRemoving  WebhookStatus = "Removing"

	ComponentStatusSucceeded ComponentStatus = "Succeeded"
	ComponentStatusFailed    ComponentStatus = "Failed"
	ComponentStatusDeploying ComponentStatus = "Deploying"
	ComponentStatusRemoving  ComponentStatus = "Removing"

All the different status options for a Zarf Component or a webhook that is running for a Zarf Component deployment.

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const (
	ZarfPackageTemplatePrefix = "###ZARF_PKG_TMPL_"
	ZarfPackageVariablePrefix = "###ZARF_PKG_VAR_"
	ZarfPackageArch           = "###ZARF_PKG_ARCH###"
	ZarfComponentName         = "###ZARF_COMPONENT_NAME###"

Zarf looks for these strings in zarf.yaml to make dynamic changes

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const DefaultWebhookWaitDuration = time.Minute * 5

DefaultWebhookWaitDuration is the default amount of time Zarf will wait for a webhook to complete.


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type ArtifactServerInfo added in v0.26.0

type ArtifactServerInfo struct {
	PushUsername string `json:"pushUsername" jsonschema:"description=Username of a user with push access to the artifact registry"`
	PushToken    string `json:"pushPassword" jsonschema:"description=Password of a user with push access to the artifact registry"`

	Address        string `json:"address" jsonschema:"description=URL address of the artifact registry"`
	InternalServer bool   `json:"internalServer" jsonschema:"description=Indicates if we are using a artifact registry that Zarf is directly managing"`

ArtifactServerInfo contains information Zarf uses to communicate with a artifact registry to push/pull repositories to.

type ComponentStatus added in v0.30.0

type ComponentStatus string

ComponentStatus defines the deployment status of a Zarf component within a package.

type ConnectString added in v0.20.0

type ConnectString struct {
	Description string `` /* 131-byte string literal not displayed */
	URL         string `json:"url" jsonschema:"description=URL path that gets appended to the k8s port-forward result"`

ConnectString contains information about a connection made with Zarf connect.

type ConnectStrings added in v0.20.0

type ConnectStrings map[string]ConnectString

ConnectStrings is a map of connect names to connection information.

type DeployedComponent added in v0.22.0

type DeployedComponent struct {
	Name               string           `json:"name"`
	InstalledCharts    []InstalledChart `json:"installedCharts"`
	Status             ComponentStatus  `json:"status"`
	ObservedGeneration int              `json:"observedGeneration"`

DeployedComponent contains information about a Zarf Package Component that has been deployed to a cluster.

type DeployedPackage added in v0.22.0

type DeployedPackage struct {
	Name               string                        `json:"name"`
	Data               ZarfPackage                   `json:"data"`
	CLIVersion         string                        `json:"cliVersion"`
	Generation         int                           `json:"generation"`
	DeployedComponents []DeployedComponent           `json:"deployedComponents"`
	ComponentWebhooks  map[string]map[string]Webhook `json:"componentWebhooks,omitempty"`
	ConnectStrings     ConnectStrings                `json:"connectStrings,omitempty"`

DeployedPackage contains information about a Zarf Package that has been deployed to a cluster This object is saved as the data of a k8s secret within the 'Zarf' namespace (not as part of the ZarfState secret).

type DeprecatedZarfComponentScripts added in v0.24.0

type DeprecatedZarfComponentScripts struct {
	ShowOutput     bool     `json:"showOutput,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Show the output of the script during package deployment"`
	TimeoutSeconds int      `json:"timeoutSeconds,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Timeout in seconds for the script"`
	Retry          bool     `json:"retry,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Retry the script if it fails"`
	Prepare        []string `json:"prepare,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Scripts to run before the component is added during package create"`
	Before         []string `json:"before,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Scripts to run before the component is deployed"`
	After          []string `json:"after,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Scripts to run after the component successfully deploys"`

DeprecatedZarfComponentScripts are scripts that run before or after a component is deployed

type DifferentialData added in v0.26.2

type DifferentialData struct {
	DifferentialPackagePath    string
	DifferentialPackageVersion string
	DifferentialImages         map[string]bool
	DifferentialRepos          map[string]bool

DifferentialData contains image and repository information about the package a Differential Package is Based on.

type GitServerInfo added in v0.22.0

type GitServerInfo struct {
	PushUsername string `json:"pushUsername" jsonschema:"description=Username of a user with push access to the git repository"`
	PushPassword string `json:"pushPassword" jsonschema:"description=Password of a user with push access to the git repository"`
	PullUsername string `` /* 178-byte string literal not displayed */
	PullPassword string `` /* 178-byte string literal not displayed */

	Address        string `json:"address" jsonschema:"description=URL address of the git server"`
	InternalServer bool   `json:"internalServer" jsonschema:"description=Indicates if we are using a git server that Zarf is directly managing"`

GitServerInfo contains information Zarf uses to communicate with a git repository to push/pull repositories to.

type InstalledChart added in v0.22.0

type InstalledChart struct {
	Namespace string `json:"namespace"`
	ChartName string `json:"chartName"`

InstalledChart contains information about a Helm Chart that has been deployed to a cluster.

type PackagerConfig added in v0.23.0

type PackagerConfig struct {
	// CreateOpts tracks the user-defined options used to create the package
	CreateOpts ZarfCreateOptions

	// PkgOpts tracks user-defined options
	PkgOpts ZarfPackageOptions

	// DeployOpts tracks user-defined values for the active deployment
	DeployOpts ZarfDeployOptions

	// MirrorOpts tracks user-defined values for the active mirror
	MirrorOpts ZarfMirrorOptions

	// InitOpts tracks user-defined values for the active Zarf initialization.
	InitOpts ZarfInitOptions

	// InspectOpts tracks user-defined options used to inspect the package
	InspectOpts ZarfInspectOptions

	// PublishOpts tracks user-defined options used to publish the package
	PublishOpts ZarfPublishOptions

	// PullOpts tracks user-defined options used to pull packages
	PullOpts ZarfPullOptions

	// FindImagesOpts tracks user-defined options used to find images
	FindImagesOpts ZarfFindImagesOptions

	// The package data
	Pkg ZarfPackage

	// The active zarf state
	State *ZarfState

	// Variables set by the user
	SetVariableMap map[string]*ZarfSetVariable

PackagerConfig is the main struct that the packager uses to hold high-level options.

type RegistryInfo added in v0.22.0

type RegistryInfo struct {
	PushUsername string `json:"pushUsername" jsonschema:"description=Username of a user with push access to the registry"`
	PushPassword string `json:"pushPassword" jsonschema:"description=Password of a user with push access to the registry"`
	PullUsername string `` /* 170-byte string literal not displayed */
	PullPassword string `` /* 170-byte string literal not displayed */

	Address          string `json:"address" jsonschema:"description=URL address of the registry"`
	NodePort         int    `` /* 135-byte string literal not displayed */
	InternalRegistry bool   `json:"internalRegistry" jsonschema:"description=Indicates if we are using a registry that Zarf is directly managing"`

	Secret string `json:"secret" jsonschema:"description=Secret value that the registry was seeded with"`

RegistryInfo contains information Zarf uses to communicate with a container registry to push/pull images.

type VariableType added in v0.28.3

type VariableType string

VariableType represents a type of a Zarf package variable

const (
	// RawVariableType is the default type for a Zarf package variable
	RawVariableType VariableType = "raw"
	// FileVariableType is a type for a Zarf package variable that loads its contents from a file
	FileVariableType VariableType = "file"

type Webhook added in v0.30.0

type Webhook struct {
	Name                string        `json:"name"`
	WaitDurationSeconds int           `json:"waitDurationSeconds,omitempty"`
	Status              WebhookStatus `json:"status"`
	ObservedGeneration  int           `json:"observedGeneration"`

Webhook contains information about a Component Webhook operating on a Zarf package secret.

type WebhookStatus added in v0.30.0

type WebhookStatus string

WebhookStatus defines the status of a Component Webhook operating on a Zarf package secret.

type ZarfBuildData

type ZarfBuildData struct {
	Terminal               string            `json:"terminal" jsonschema:"description=The machine name that created this package"`
	User                   string            `json:"user" jsonschema:"description=The username who created this package"`
	Architecture           string            `json:"architecture" jsonschema:"description=The architecture this package was created on"`
	Timestamp              string            `json:"timestamp" jsonschema:"description=The timestamp when this package was created"`
	Version                string            `json:"version" jsonschema:"description=The version of Zarf used to build this package"`
	Migrations             []string          `json:"migrations,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Any migrations that have been run on this package"`
	Differential           bool              `json:"differential,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Whether this package was created with differential components"`
	RegistryOverrides      map[string]string `` /* 139-byte string literal not displayed */
	DifferentialMissing    []string          `` /* 149-byte string literal not displayed */
	LastNonBreakingVersion string            `` /* 146-byte string literal not displayed */

ZarfBuildData is written during the packager.Create() operation to track details of the created package.

type ZarfChart

type ZarfChart struct {
	Name        string   `` /* 164-byte string literal not displayed */
	Version     string   `` /* 198-byte string literal not displayed */
	URL         string   `` /* 390-byte string literal not displayed */
	RepoName    string   `` /* 136-byte string literal not displayed */
	GitPath     string   `` /* 140-byte string literal not displayed */
	LocalPath   string   `json:"localPath,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=The path to a local chart's folder or .tgz archive"`
	Namespace   string   `json:"namespace" jsonschema:"description=The namespace to deploy the chart to"`
	ReleaseName string   `` /* 133-byte string literal not displayed */
	NoWait      bool     `json:"noWait,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Whether to not wait for chart resources to be ready before continuing"`
	ValuesFiles []string `` /* 171-byte string literal not displayed */

ZarfChart defines a helm chart to be deployed.

type ZarfCommonOptions added in v0.20.0

type ZarfCommonOptions struct {
	Confirm        bool   `json:"confirm" jsonschema:"description=Verify that Zarf should perform an action"`
	Insecure       bool   `json:"insecure" jsonschema:"description=Allow insecure connections for remote packages"`
	CachePath      string `json:"cachePath" jsonschema:"description=Path to use to cache images and git repos on package create"`
	TempDirectory  string `` /* 157-byte string literal not displayed */
	OCIConcurrency int    `jsonschema:"description=Number of concurrent layer operations to perform when interacting with a remote package"`

ZarfCommonOptions tracks the user-defined preferences used across commands.

type ZarfComponent

type ZarfComponent struct {
	// Name is the unique identifier for this component
	Name string `json:"name" jsonschema:"description=The name of the component,pattern=^[a-z0-9\\-]+$"`

	// Description is a message given to a user when deciding to enable this component or not
	Description string `` /* 135-byte string literal not displayed */

	// Default changes the default option when deploying this component
	Default bool `` /* 130-byte string literal not displayed */

	// Required makes this component mandatory for package deployment
	Required bool `` /* 129-byte string literal not displayed */

	// Only include compatible components during package deployment
	Only ZarfComponentOnlyTarget `json:"only,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Filter when this component is included in package creation or deployment"`

	// Key to match other components to produce a user selector field, used to create a BOOLEAN XOR for a set of components
	// Note: ignores default and required flags
	Group string `` /* 223-byte string literal not displayed */

	// (Deprecated) Path to cosign public key for signed online resources
	DeprecatedCosignKeyPath string `` /* 189-byte string literal not displayed */

	// Import refers to another zarf.yaml package component.
	Import ZarfComponentImport `json:"import,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Import a component from another Zarf package"`

	// (Deprecated) DeprecatedScripts are custom commands that run before or after package deployment
	DeprecatedScripts DeprecatedZarfComponentScripts `` /* 197-byte string literal not displayed */

	// Files are files to place on disk during deploy
	Files []ZarfFile `json:"files,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Files or folders to place on disk during package deployment"`

	// Charts are helm charts to install during package deploy
	Charts []ZarfChart `json:"charts,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Helm charts to install during package deploy"`

	// Manifests are raw manifests that get converted into zarf-generated helm charts during deploy
	Manifests []ZarfManifest `` /* 131-byte string literal not displayed */

	// Images are the online images needed to be included in the zarf package
	Images []string `json:"images,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=List of OCI images to include in the package"`

	// Repos are any git repos that need to be pushed into the git server
	Repos []string `json:"repos,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=List of git repos to include in the package"`

	// Data packages to push into a running cluster
	DataInjections []ZarfDataInjection `json:"dataInjections,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Datasets to inject into a container in the target cluster"`

	// Extensions provide additional functionality to a component
	Extensions extensions.ZarfComponentExtensions `json:"extensions,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Extend component functionality with additional features"`

	// Replaces scripts, fine-grained control over commands to run at various stages of a package lifecycle
	Actions ZarfComponentActions `json:"actions,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Custom commands to run at various stages of a package lifecycle"`

ZarfComponent is the primary functional grouping of assets to deploy by Zarf.

func (*ZarfComponent) IsEmpty added in v0.27.0

func (c *ZarfComponent) IsEmpty(fieldsToIgnore []string) bool

IsEmpty returns if the components fields (other than the fields we were told to ignore) are empty or set to the types zero-value

type ZarfComponentAction added in v0.24.0

type ZarfComponentAction struct {
	Mute                  *bool                            `json:"mute,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Hide the output of the command during package deployment (default false)"`
	MaxTotalSeconds       *int                             `` /* 171-byte string literal not displayed */
	MaxRetries            *int                             `json:"maxRetries,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Retry the command if it fails up to given number of times (default 0)"`
	Dir                   *string                          `json:"dir,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=The working directory to run the command in (default is CWD)"`
	Env                   []string                         `json:"env,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Additional environment variables to set for the command"`
	Cmd                   string                           `` /* 128-byte string literal not displayed */
	Shell                 *ZarfComponentActionShell        `` /* 163-byte string literal not displayed */
	DeprecatedSetVariable string                           `` /* 323-byte string literal not displayed */
	SetVariables          []ZarfComponentActionSetVariable `` /* 228-byte string literal not displayed */
	Description           string                           `` /* 143-byte string literal not displayed */
	Wait                  *ZarfComponentActionWait         `` /* 197-byte string literal not displayed */

ZarfComponentAction represents a single action to run during a zarf package operation

type ZarfComponentActionDefaults added in v0.24.0

type ZarfComponentActionDefaults struct {
	Mute            bool                     `json:"mute,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Hide the output of commands during execution (default false)"`
	MaxTotalSeconds int                      `json:"maxTotalSeconds,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Default timeout in seconds for commands (default to 0, no timeout)"`
	MaxRetries      int                      `json:"maxRetries,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Retry commands given number of times if they fail (default 0)"`
	Dir             string                   `json:"dir,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Working directory for commands (default CWD)"`
	Env             []string                 `json:"env,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Additional environment variables for commands"`
	Shell           ZarfComponentActionShell `` /* 163-byte string literal not displayed */

ZarfComponentActionDefaults sets the default configs for child actions

type ZarfComponentActionSet added in v0.24.0

type ZarfComponentActionSet struct {
	Defaults  ZarfComponentActionDefaults `json:"defaults,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Default configuration for all actions in this set"`
	Before    []ZarfComponentAction       `json:"before,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Actions to run at the start of an operation"`
	After     []ZarfComponentAction       `json:"after,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Actions to run at the end of an operation"`
	OnSuccess []ZarfComponentAction       `json:"onSuccess,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Actions to run if all operations succeed"`
	OnFailure []ZarfComponentAction       `json:"onFailure,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Actions to run if all operations fail"`

ZarfComponentActionSet is a set of actions to run during a zarf package operation

type ZarfComponentActionSetVariable added in v0.25.1

type ZarfComponentActionSetVariable struct {
	Name       string       `json:"name" jsonschema:"description=The name to be used for the variable,pattern=^[A-Z0-9_]+$"`
	Sensitive  bool         `` /* 126-byte string literal not displayed */
	AutoIndent bool         `` /* 200-byte string literal not displayed */
	Pattern    string       `` /* 150-byte string literal not displayed */
	Type       VariableType `` /* 223-byte string literal not displayed */

ZarfComponentActionSetVariable represents a variable that is to be set via an action

type ZarfComponentActionShell added in v0.26.0

type ZarfComponentActionShell struct {
	Windows string `` /* 290-byte string literal not displayed */
	Linux   string `` /* 185-byte string literal not displayed */
	Darwin  string `` /* 186-byte string literal not displayed */

ZarfComponentActionShell represents the desired shell to use for a given command

type ZarfComponentActionWait added in v0.24.3

type ZarfComponentActionWait struct {
	Cluster *ZarfComponentActionWaitCluster `` /* 163-byte string literal not displayed */
	Network *ZarfComponentActionWaitNetwork `` /* 163-byte string literal not displayed */

ZarfComponentActionWait specifies a condition to wait for before continuing

type ZarfComponentActionWaitCluster added in v0.24.3

type ZarfComponentActionWaitCluster struct {
	Kind       string `json:"kind" jsonschema:"description=The kind of resource to wait for,example=Pod,example=Deployment)"`
	Identifier string `json:"name" jsonschema:"description=The name of the resource or selector to wait for,example=podinfo,example=app=podinfo"`
	Namespace  string `json:"namespace,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=The namespace of the resource to wait for"`
	Condition  string `` /* 241-byte string literal not displayed */

ZarfComponentActionWaitCluster specifies a condition to wait for before continuing

type ZarfComponentActionWaitNetwork added in v0.24.3

type ZarfComponentActionWaitNetwork struct {
	Protocol string `json:"protocol" jsonschema:"description=The protocol to wait for,enum=tcp,enum=http,enum=https"`
	Address  string `json:"address" jsonschema:"description=The address to wait for,example=localhost:8080,example="`
	Code     int    `` /* 126-byte string literal not displayed */

ZarfComponentActionWaitNetwork specifies a condition to wait for before continuing

type ZarfComponentActions added in v0.24.0

type ZarfComponentActions struct {
	OnCreate ZarfComponentActionSet `json:"onCreate,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Actions to run during package creation"`
	OnDeploy ZarfComponentActionSet `json:"onDeploy,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Actions to run during package deployment"`
	OnRemove ZarfComponentActionSet `json:"onRemove,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Actions to run during package removal"`

ZarfComponentActions are ActionSets that map to different zarf package operations

type ZarfComponentImport

type ZarfComponentImport struct {
	ComponentName string `json:"name,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=The name of the component to import from the referenced zarf.yaml"`
	// For further explanation see https://regex101.com/r/nxX8vx/1
	Path string `json:"path,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=The relative path to a directory containing a zarf.yaml to import from"`
	// For further explanation see https://regex101.com/r/nxX8vx/1
	URL string `json:"url,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=[beta] The URL to a Zarf package to import via OCI,pattern=^oci://.*$"`

ZarfComponentImport structure for including imported Zarf components.

type ZarfComponentOnlyCluster added in v0.20.0

type ZarfComponentOnlyCluster struct {
	Architecture string   `` /* 137-byte string literal not displayed */
	Distros      []string `` /* 152-byte string literal not displayed */

ZarfComponentOnlyCluster represents the architecture and K8s cluster distribution to filter on.

type ZarfComponentOnlyTarget added in v0.20.0

type ZarfComponentOnlyTarget struct {
	LocalOS string                   `json:"localOS,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Only deploy component to specified OS,enum=linux,enum=darwin,enum=windows"`
	Cluster ZarfComponentOnlyCluster `json:"cluster,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Only deploy component to specified clusters"`
	Flavor  string                   `` /* 141-byte string literal not displayed */

ZarfComponentOnlyTarget filters a component to only show it for a given local OS and cluster.

type ZarfContainerTarget

type ZarfContainerTarget struct {
	Namespace string `json:"namespace" jsonschema:"description=The namespace to target for data injection"`
	Selector  string `json:"selector" jsonschema:"description=The K8s selector to target for data injection,example=app=data-injection"`
	Container string `json:"container" jsonschema:"description=The container name to target for data injection"`
	Path      string `json:"path" jsonschema:"description=The path within the container to copy the data into"`

ZarfContainerTarget defines the destination info for a ZarfData target

type ZarfCreateOptions added in v0.19.2

type ZarfCreateOptions struct {
	SkipSBOM           bool              `json:"skipSBOM" jsonschema:"description=Disable the generation of SBOM materials during package creation"`
	BaseDir            string            `json:"baseDir" jsonschema:"description=Location where the Zarf package will be created from"`
	Output             string            `json:"output" jsonschema:"description=Location where the finalized Zarf package will be placed"`
	ViewSBOM           bool              `json:"sbom" jsonschema:"description=Whether to pause to allow for viewing the SBOM post-creation"`
	SBOMOutputDir      string            `json:"sbomOutput" jsonschema:"description=Location to output an SBOM into after package creation"`
	SetVariables       map[string]string `` /* 173-byte string literal not displayed */
	MaxPackageSizeMB   int               `` /* 133-byte string literal not displayed */
	SigningKeyPath     string            `json:"signingKeyPath" jsonschema:"description=Location where the private key component of a cosign key-pair can be found"`
	SigningKeyPassword string            `` /* 139-byte string literal not displayed */
	DifferentialData   DifferentialData  `` /* 140-byte string literal not displayed */
	RegistryOverrides  map[string]string `json:"registryOverrides" jsonschema:"description=A map of domains to override on package create when pulling images"`
	Flavor             string            `json:"flavor" jsonschema:"description=An optional variant that controls which components will be included in a package"`
	IsSkeleton         bool              `json:"isSkeleton" jsonschema:"description=Whether to create a skeleton package"`
	NoYOLO             bool              `json:"noYOLO" jsonschema:"description=Whether to create a YOLO package"`

ZarfCreateOptions tracks the user-defined options used to create the package.

type ZarfDataInjection

type ZarfDataInjection struct {
	Source   string              `` /* 149-byte string literal not displayed */
	Target   ZarfContainerTarget `json:"target" jsonschema:"description=The target pod + container to inject the data into"`
	Compress bool                `` /* 175-byte string literal not displayed */

ZarfDataInjection is a data-injection definition.

type ZarfDeployOptions

type ZarfDeployOptions struct {
	AdoptExistingResources bool          `` /* 139-byte string literal not displayed */
	SkipWebhooks           bool          `` /* 133-byte string literal not displayed */
	Timeout                time.Duration `json:"timeout" jsonschema:"description=Timeout for performing Helm operations"`

	// TODO (@WSTARR): This is a library only addition to Zarf and should be refactored in the future (potentially to utilize component composability). As is it should NOT be exposed directly on the CLI
	ValuesOverridesMap map[string]map[string]map[string]interface{} `` /* 163-byte string literal not displayed */

ZarfDeployOptions tracks the user-defined preferences during a package deploy.

type ZarfFile

type ZarfFile struct {
	Source      string   `json:"source" jsonschema:"description=Local folder or file path or remote URL to pull into the package"`
	Shasum      string   `json:"shasum,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=(files only) Optional SHA256 checksum of the file"`
	Target      string   `` /* 135-byte string literal not displayed */
	Executable  bool     `` /* 136-byte string literal not displayed */
	Symlinks    []string `json:"symlinks,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=List of symlinks to create during package deploy"`
	ExtractPath string   `json:"extractPath,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Local folder or file to be extracted from a 'source' archive"`

ZarfFile defines a file to deploy.

type ZarfFindImagesOptions added in v0.30.0

type ZarfFindImagesOptions struct {
	RepoHelmChartPath   string `json:"repoHelmChartPath" jsonschema:"description=Path to the helm chart directory"`
	KubeVersionOverride string `json:"kubeVersionOverride" jsonschema:"description=Kubernetes version to use for the helm chart"`

ZarfFindImagesOptions tracks the user-defined preferences during a prepare find-images search.

type ZarfInitOptions added in v0.22.0

type ZarfInitOptions struct {
	// Zarf init is installing the k3s component
	ApplianceMode bool `json:"applianceMode" jsonschema:"description=Indicates if Zarf was initialized while deploying its own k8s cluster"`

	// Using alternative services
	GitServer      GitServerInfo      `json:"gitServer" jsonschema:"description=Information about the repository Zarf is going to be using"`
	RegistryInfo   RegistryInfo       `json:"registryInfo" jsonschema:"description=Information about the container registry Zarf is going to be using"`
	ArtifactServer ArtifactServerInfo `json:"artifactServer" jsonschema:"description=Information about the artifact registry Zarf is going to be using"`

	StorageClass string `json:"storageClass" jsonschema:"description=StorageClass of the k8s cluster Zarf is initializing"`

ZarfInitOptions tracks the user-defined options during cluster initialization.

type ZarfInspectOptions added in v0.30.0

type ZarfInspectOptions struct {
	ViewSBOM      bool   `json:"sbom" jsonschema:"description=View SBOM contents while inspecting the package"`
	SBOMOutputDir string `json:"sbomOutput" jsonschema:"description=Location to output an SBOM into after package inspection"`

ZarfInspectOptions tracks the user-defined preferences during a package inspection.

type ZarfManifest

type ZarfManifest struct {
	Name                       string   `` /* 145-byte string literal not displayed */
	Namespace                  string   `json:"namespace,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=The namespace to deploy the manifests to"`
	Files                      []string `json:"files,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=List of local K8s YAML files or remote URLs to deploy (in order)"`
	KustomizeAllowAnyDirectory bool     `` /* 151-byte string literal not displayed */
	Kustomizations             []string `` /* 131-byte string literal not displayed */
	NoWait                     bool     `json:"noWait,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Whether to not wait for manifest resources to be ready before continuing"`

ZarfManifest defines raw manifests Zarf will deploy as a helm chart.

type ZarfMetadata

type ZarfMetadata struct {
	Name              string `json:"name" jsonschema:"description=Name to identify this Zarf package,pattern=^[a-z0-9\\-]+$"`
	Description       string `json:"description,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Additional information about this package"`
	Version           string `` /* 207-byte string literal not displayed */
	URL               string `json:"url,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Link to package information when online"`
	Image             string `json:"image,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=An image URL to embed in this package (Reserved for future use in Zarf UI)"`
	Uncompressed      bool   `json:"uncompressed,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Disable compression of this package"`
	Architecture      string `` /* 131-byte string literal not displayed */
	YOLO              bool   `` /* 264-byte string literal not displayed */
	Authors           string `` /* 209-byte string literal not displayed */
	Documentation     string `json:"documentation,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Link to package documentation when online"`
	Source            string `json:"source,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Link to package source code when online"`
	Vendor            string `json:"vendor,omitempty" jsonschema_description:"Name of the distributing entity, organization or individual."`
	AggregateChecksum string `` /* 151-byte string literal not displayed */

ZarfMetadata lists information about the current ZarfPackage.

type ZarfMirrorOptions added in v0.29.2

type ZarfMirrorOptions struct {
	NoImgChecksum bool `json:"noImgChecksum" jsonschema:"description=Whether to skip adding a Zarf checksum to image references."`

ZarfMirrorOptions tracks the user-defined preferences during a package mirror.

type ZarfPackage

type ZarfPackage struct {
	Kind       ZarfPackageKind       `` /* 130-byte string literal not displayed */
	Metadata   ZarfMetadata          `json:"metadata,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Package metadata"`
	Build      ZarfBuildData         `json:"build,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Zarf-generated package build data"`
	Components []ZarfComponent       `json:"components" jsonschema:"description=List of components to deploy in this package"`
	Constants  []ZarfPackageConstant `json:"constants,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Constant template values applied on deploy for K8s resources"`
	Variables  []ZarfPackageVariable `json:"variables,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Variable template values applied on deploy for K8s resources"`

ZarfPackage the top-level structure of a Zarf config file.

type ZarfPackageConstant added in v0.21.0

type ZarfPackageConstant struct {
	Name  string `json:"name" jsonschema:"description=The name to be used for the constant,pattern=^[A-Z0-9_]+$"`
	Value string `json:"value" jsonschema:"description=The value to set for the constant during deploy"`
	// Include a description that will only be displayed during package create/deploy confirm prompts
	Description string `` /* 155-byte string literal not displayed */
	AutoIndent  bool   `` /* 202-byte string literal not displayed */
	Pattern     string `` /* 141-byte string literal not displayed */

ZarfPackageConstant are constants that can be used to dynamically template K8s resources.

type ZarfPackageKind added in v0.29.0

type ZarfPackageKind string

ZarfPackageKind is an enum of the different kinds of Zarf packages.

const (
	// ZarfInitConfig is the kind of Zarf package used during `zarf init`.
	ZarfInitConfig ZarfPackageKind = "ZarfInitConfig"
	// ZarfPackageConfig is the default kind of Zarf package, primarily used during `zarf package`.
	ZarfPackageConfig ZarfPackageKind = "ZarfPackageConfig"

type ZarfPackageOptions added in v0.29.0

type ZarfPackageOptions struct {
	Shasum             string            `json:"shasum" jsonschema:"description=The SHA256 checksum of the package"`
	PackageSource      string            `json:"packageSource" jsonschema:"description=Location where a Zarf package can be found"`
	OptionalComponents string            `json:"optionalComponents" jsonschema:"description=Comma separated list of optional components"`
	SGetKeyPath        string            `json:"sGetKeyPath" jsonschema:"description=Location where the public key component of a cosign key-pair can be found"`
	SetVariables       map[string]string `` /* 177-byte string literal not displayed */
	PublicKeyPath      string            `json:"publicKeyPath" jsonschema:"description=Location where the public key component of a cosign key-pair can be found"`

ZarfPackageOptions tracks the user-defined preferences during common package operations.

type ZarfPackageVariable added in v0.21.0

type ZarfPackageVariable struct {
	Name        string       `json:"name" jsonschema:"description=The name to be used for the variable,pattern=^[A-Z0-9_]+$"`
	Description string       `` /* 126-byte string literal not displayed */
	Default     string       `json:"default,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=The default value to use for the variable"`
	Prompt      bool         `json:"prompt,omitempty" jsonschema:"description=Whether to prompt the user for input for this variable"`
	Sensitive   bool         `` /* 126-byte string literal not displayed */
	AutoIndent  bool         `` /* 200-byte string literal not displayed */
	Pattern     string       `` /* 142-byte string literal not displayed */
	Type        VariableType `` /* 223-byte string literal not displayed */

ZarfPackageVariable are variables that can be used to dynamically template K8s resources.

type ZarfPublishOptions added in v0.25.0

type ZarfPublishOptions struct {
	PackageDestination string `json:"packageDestination" jsonschema:"description=Location where the Zarf package will be published to"`
	SigningKeyPassword string `` /* 141-byte string literal not displayed */
	SigningKeyPath     string `json:"signingKeyPath" jsonschema:"description=Location where the private key component of a cosign key-pair can be found"`

ZarfPublishOptions tracks the user-defined preferences during a package publish.

type ZarfPullOptions added in v0.25.1

type ZarfPullOptions struct {
	OutputDirectory string `json:"outputDirectory" jsonschema:"description=Location where the pulled Zarf package will be placed"`

ZarfPullOptions tracks the user-defined preferences during a package pull.

type ZarfSetVariable added in v0.25.1

type ZarfSetVariable struct {
	Name       string       `json:"name" jsonschema:"description=The name to be used for the variable,pattern=^[A-Z0-9_]+$"`
	Sensitive  bool         `` /* 126-byte string literal not displayed */
	AutoIndent bool         `` /* 200-byte string literal not displayed */
	Value      string       `json:"value" jsonschema:"description=The value the variable is currently set with"`
	Type       VariableType `` /* 223-byte string literal not displayed */

ZarfSetVariable tracks internal variables that have been set during this run of Zarf

type ZarfSplitPackageData added in v0.30.0

type ZarfSplitPackageData struct {
	Sha256Sum string `json:"sha256Sum" jsonschema:"description=The sha256sum of the package"`
	Bytes     int64  `json:"bytes" jsonschema:"description=The size of the package in bytes"`
	Count     int    `json:"count" jsonschema:"description=The number of parts the package is split into"`

ZarfSplitPackageData contains info about a split package.

type ZarfState

type ZarfState struct {
	ZarfAppliance bool             `json:"zarfAppliance" jsonschema:"description=Indicates if Zarf was initialized while deploying its own k8s cluster"`
	Distro        string           `json:"distro" jsonschema:"description=K8s distribution of the cluster Zarf was deployed to"`
	Architecture  string           `json:"architecture" jsonschema:"description=Machine architecture of the k8s node(s)"`
	StorageClass  string           `json:"storageClass" jsonschema:"Default StorageClass value Zarf uses for variable templating"`
	AgentTLS      k8s.GeneratedPKI `json:"agentTLS" jsonschema:"PKI certificate information for the agent pods Zarf manages"`

	GitServer      GitServerInfo      `json:"gitServer" jsonschema:"description=Information about the repository Zarf is configured to use"`
	RegistryInfo   RegistryInfo       `json:"registryInfo" jsonschema:"description=Information about the container registry Zarf is configured to use"`
	ArtifactServer ArtifactServerInfo `json:"artifactServer" jsonschema:"description=Information about the artifact registry Zarf is configured to use"`
	LoggingSecret  string             `json:"loggingSecret" jsonschema:"description=Secret value that the internal Grafana server was seeded with"`

ZarfState is maintained as a secret in the Zarf namespace to track Zarf init data.


Path Synopsis
Package extensions contains the types for all official extensions.
Package extensions contains the types for all official extensions.

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