Index ¶
- type AiMeasurementRepo
- func (r *AiMeasurementRepo) Create(req *v1.AiMeasurementCreateReq) (user model.AiMeasurement, err error)
- func (r *AiMeasurementRepo) Delete(id uint) (err error)
- func (r *AiMeasurementRepo) Get(id uint) (po model.AiMeasurement, err error)
- func (r *AiMeasurementRepo) List() (pos []model.AiMeasurement, err error)
- func (r *AiMeasurementRepo) LoadForExec(id uint) (cs domain.AiMeasurement, metricsArr []domain.AiMetrics, err error)
- func (r *AiMeasurementRepo) Update(user model.AiMeasurement) (err error)
- type AiMetricsRepo
- func (r *AiMetricsRepo) Create(req *v1.AiMeasurementCreateReq) (user model.AiMeasurement, err error)
- func (r *AiMetricsRepo) Delete(id uint) (err error)
- func (r *AiMetricsRepo) Get(id uint) (po model.AiMeasurement, err error)
- func (r *AiMetricsRepo) ListByMeasurement(cs model.AiMeasurement) (pos []model.AiMetrics, err error)
- func (r *AiMetricsRepo) Update(user model.AiMeasurement) (err error)
- type AuthRepo
- func (r *AuthRepo) CreateToken(tenantId consts.TenantId, name, token, tokenType string, projectId int) (po model.Auth2Token, err error)
- func (r *AuthRepo) FindByName(tenantId consts.TenantId, name string) (pos []model.Auth2Token, err error)
- func (r *AuthRepo) FindByToken(tenantId consts.TenantId, token string) (pos []model.Auth2Token, err error)
- func (r *AuthRepo) ListOAuth2Token(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId int) (pos []model.Auth2Token, err error)
- func (r *AuthRepo) RemoveToken(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- type BaseRepo
- func (r *BaseRepo) GetAdminRoleName() (roleName consts.RoleType)
- func (r *BaseRepo) GetAllChildIdsSimple(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, tableName string) (ids []uint, err error)
- func (r *BaseRepo) GetAncestorIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, tableName string) (ids []uint, err error)
- func (r *BaseRepo) GetDB(tenantId consts.TenantId) (db *gorm.DB)
- func (r *BaseRepo) GetDescendantIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, tableName string, ...) (ids []uint, err error)
- func (r *BaseRepo) GetEntities(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (entities map[uint]interface{}, err error)
- func (r *BaseRepo) GetEntity(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (entity map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (r *BaseRepo) MoveEntity(tenantId consts.TenantId, category *model.Category) (err error)
- func (r *BaseRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, entity interface{}) (err error)
- func (r *BaseRepo) SaveEntity(tenantId consts.TenantId, category *model.Category) (err error)
- type CategoryRepo
- func (r *CategoryRepo) BatchAddProjectRootSchemaCategory(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectIds []uint) (err error)
- func (r *CategoryRepo) BatchDelete(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint) (err error)
- func (r *CategoryRepo) BatchGetByIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []int) (res []model.Category, err error)
- func (r *CategoryRepo) BatchGetRootNodeProjectIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectIds []uint, ...) (res []uint, err error)
- func (r *CategoryRepo) BatchGetRootNodes(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectIds []uint, ...) (res []model.Category, err error)
- func (r *CategoryRepo) CopySelf(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, newParentId int) (category model.Category, err error)
- func (r *CategoryRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *CategoryRepo) DeleteByEntityId(tenantId consts.TenantId, entityId uint, ...) (err error)
- func (r *CategoryRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id int) (po model.Category, err error)
- func (r *CategoryRepo) GetAllChild(tenantId consts.TenantId, typ serverConsts.CategoryDiscriminator, ...) (child []*model.Category, err error)
- func (r *CategoryRepo) GetAllChildrenMap(tenantId consts.TenantId, categoryId uint) (root *model.Category, ret map[uint][]*model.Category, err error)
- func (r *CategoryRepo) GetByEntityId(tenantId consts.TenantId, entityId uint, ...) (category model.Category, err error)
- func (r *CategoryRepo) GetByItem(tenantId consts.TenantId, parentId uint, ...) (res model.Category, err error)
- func (r *CategoryRepo) GetChild(tenantId consts.TenantId, categories, result []*model.Category, parentId int) []*model.Category
- func (r *CategoryRepo) GetChildren(tenantId consts.TenantId, nodeId uint, nodeType serverConsts.NodeCreateType) (children []*model.Category, err error)
- func (r *CategoryRepo) GetChildrenNodes(tenantId consts.TenantId, categoryId uint, ...) (ret []*model.Category, err error)
- func (r *CategoryRepo) GetDetail(tenantId consts.TenantId, req model.Category) (res model.Category, err error)
- func (r *CategoryRepo) GetEntityCountByCategoryId(tenantId consts.TenantId, categoryId uint) int64
- func (r *CategoryRepo) GetEntityIdsByIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint) (entityIds []uint, err error)
- func (r *CategoryRepo) GetJoinedPath(tenantId consts.TenantId, categoryId uint) (path []string, err error)
- func (r *CategoryRepo) GetMaxOrder(tenantId consts.TenantId, parentId uint, ...) (order int)
- func (r *CategoryRepo) GetRoot(tenantId consts.TenantId, typ serverConsts.CategoryDiscriminator, ...) (res model.Category, err error)
- func (r *CategoryRepo) GetRootNode(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint, ...) (node model.Category, err error)
- func (r *CategoryRepo) GetTree(tenantId consts.TenantId, typ serverConsts.CategoryDiscriminator, ...) (root *v1.Category, err error)
- func (r *CategoryRepo) ListByProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, typ serverConsts.CategoryDiscriminator, ...) (pos []*model.Category, err error)
- func (r *CategoryRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, category *model.Category) (err error)
- func (r *CategoryRepo) SaveEntityNode(tenantId consts.TenantId, nodeId uint, typ serverConsts.CategoryDiscriminator, ...) (id uint, err error)
- func (r *CategoryRepo) Update(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.CategoryReq) (err error)
- func (r *CategoryRepo) UpdateEntityId(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, entityId uint) (err error)
- func (r *CategoryRepo) UpdateName(tenantId consts.TenantId, id int, name string) (err error)
- func (r *CategoryRepo) UpdateNameByEntityId(tenantId consts.TenantId, entityId uint, name string, ...) (err error)
- func (r *CategoryRepo) UpdateOrdAndParent(tenantId consts.TenantId, node model.Category) (err error)
- func (r *CategoryRepo) UpdateOrder(tenantId consts.TenantId, pos serverConsts.DropPos, targetId int, ...) (parentId int, ordr int)
- func (r *CategoryRepo) UpdateParentIdByEntityIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, entityIds []uint, parentId uint, ...) (err error)
- type CheckpointRepo
- func (r *CheckpointRepo) CreateDefault(tenantId consts.TenantId, conditionId uint) (po model.DebugConditionCheckpoint)
- func (r *CheckpointRepo) CreateLog(tenantId consts.TenantId, checkpoint domain.CheckpointBase) (log model.ExecLogCheckpoint, err error)
- func (r *CheckpointRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *CheckpointRepo) DeleteByCondition(tenantId consts.TenantId, conditionId uint) (err error)
- func (r *CheckpointRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (checkpoint model.DebugConditionCheckpoint, err error)
- func (r *CheckpointRepo) GetByName(tenantId consts.TenantId, name string, interfaceId uint) (checkpoint model.DebugConditionCheckpoint, err error)
- func (r *CheckpointRepo) GetLog(tenantId consts.TenantId, conditionId, invokeId uint) (ret model.ExecLogCheckpoint, err error)
- func (r *CheckpointRepo) GetLogFromScriptAssert(tenantId consts.TenantId, conditionId, invokeId uint) (ret []model.ExecLogCheckpoint, err error)
- func (r *CheckpointRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, checkpoint *model.DebugConditionCheckpoint) (err error)
- func (r *CheckpointRepo) UpdateDesc(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.DebugConditionCheckpoint) (err error)
- func (r *CheckpointRepo) UpdateResult(tenantId consts.TenantId, checkpoint domain.CheckpointBase) (err error)
- type ComponentSchemaRepo
- func (r *ComponentSchemaRepo) ChangeRef(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, categoryId uint) (err error)
- func (r *ComponentSchemaRepo) DeleteByIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint) (err error)
- func (r *ComponentSchemaRepo) GetCategoryCount(tenantId consts.TenantId, result interface{}, projectId uint) (err error)
- func (r *ComponentSchemaRepo) GetSchemasNotExistedInCategory(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectIds []uint) (res []model.ComponentSchema, err error)
- func (r *ComponentSchemaRepo) ListAll(tenantId consts.TenantId) (res []model.ComponentSchema, err error)
- func (r *ComponentSchemaRepo) MoveEntity(tenantId consts.TenantId, category *model.Category) (err error)
- func (r *ComponentSchemaRepo) SaveEntity(tenantId consts.TenantId, category *model.Category) (err error)
- func (r *ComponentSchemaRepo) UpdateRefById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, ref string) (err error)
- type ComponentSchemaSecurityRepo
- type ConditionRepo
- func (r *ConditionRepo) CloneAll(tenantId consts.TenantId, ...) (err error)
- func (r *ConditionRepo) CreateDefaultResponseDefine(tenantId consts.TenantId, debugInterfaceId, endpointInterfaceId uint, ...) (condition domain.Condition)
- func (r *ConditionRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *ConditionRepo) Disable(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *ConditionRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po model.DebugCondition, err error)
- func (r *ConditionRepo) GetMaxOrder(tenantId consts.TenantId, debugInterfaceId, endpointInterfaceId uint, ...) (order int)
- func (r *ConditionRepo) GetResponseDefineByDebugInterfaceId(tenantId consts.TenantId, debugInterfaceId, endpointInterfaceId uint) (po model.DebugCondition, err error)
- func (r *ConditionRepo) List(tenantId consts.TenantId, debugInterfaceId, endpointInterfaceId uint, ...) (pos []model.DebugCondition, err error)
- func (r *ConditionRepo) ListDbOpt(tenantId consts.TenantId, req domain.DebugInfo) (pos []model.DebugCondition, err error)
- func (r *ConditionRepo) ListExtractor(tenantId consts.TenantId, req domain.DebugInfo) (pos []model.DebugCondition, err error)
- func (r *ConditionRepo) ListTo(tenantId consts.TenantId, debugInterfaceId, endpointInterfaceId uint, ...) (ret []domain.InterfaceExecCondition, err error)
- func (r *ConditionRepo) RemoveAllForBenchmarkCase(tenantId consts.TenantId, debugInterfaceId, endpointInterfaceId uint, ...) (err error)
- func (r *ConditionRepo) ReplaceAll(tenantId consts.TenantId, debugInterfaceId, endpointInterfaceId uint, ...) (err error)
- func (r *ConditionRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.DebugCondition) (err error)
- func (r *ConditionRepo) UpdateEntityId(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, entityId uint) (err error)
- func (r *ConditionRepo) UpdateOrders(tenantId consts.TenantId, req serverDomain.ConditionMoveReq) (err error)
- type ConfigRepo
- type CronConfigLecangRepo
- func (r *CronConfigLecangRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, config model.CronConfigLecang) (id uint, err error)
- func (r *CronConfigLecangRepo) DeleteById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *CronConfigLecangRepo) GetById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (config model.CronConfigLecang, err error)
- func (r *CronConfigLecangRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, config model.CronConfigLecang) (id uint, err error)
- func (r *CronConfigLecangRepo) Update(tenantId consts.TenantId, config model.CronConfigLecang) (err error)
- type DataRepo
- type DatabaseConnRepo
- func (r *DatabaseConnRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *DatabaseConnRepo) Disable(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *DatabaseConnRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po model.DatabaseConn, err error)
- func (r *DatabaseConnRepo) GetByName(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, projectId uint, name string) (po model.DatabaseConn, err error)
- func (r *DatabaseConnRepo) List(tenantId consts.TenantId, keywords string, projectId int, ignoreDisabled bool) (pos []model.DatabaseConn, err error)
- func (r *DatabaseConnRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.DatabaseConn) (err error)
- func (r *DatabaseConnRepo) UpdateName(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.DbConnReq) (err error)
- type DatabaseOptRepo
- func (r *DatabaseOptRepo) CreateDefault(tenantId consts.TenantId, conditionId uint, src consts.ConditionSrc) (po model.DebugConditionDatabaseOpt)
- func (r *DatabaseOptRepo) CreateLog(tenantId consts.TenantId, databaseOpt domain.DatabaseOptBase) (log model.ExecLogDatabaseOpt, err error)
- func (r *DatabaseOptRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *DatabaseOptRepo) DeleteByCondition(tenantId consts.TenantId, conditionId uint) (err error)
- func (r *DatabaseOptRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (databaseOpt model.DebugConditionDatabaseOpt, err error)
- func (r *DatabaseOptRepo) GetLog(tenantId consts.TenantId, conditionId, invokeId uint) (ret model.ExecLogDatabaseOpt, err error)
- func (r *DatabaseOptRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, databaseOpt *model.DebugConditionDatabaseOpt) (err error)
- func (r *DatabaseOptRepo) UpdateDesc(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.DebugConditionDatabaseOpt) (err error)
- func (r *DatabaseOptRepo) UpdateResult(tenantId consts.TenantId, databaseOpt domain.DatabaseOptBase) (err error)
- type DatapoolRepo
- func (r *DatapoolRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *DatapoolRepo) Disable(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *DatapoolRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (project model.Datapool, err error)
- func (r *DatapoolRepo) GetByName(tenantId consts.TenantId, name string, projectId uint) (po model.Datapool, err error)
- func (r *DatapoolRepo) ListForExec(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (ret []v1.DatapoolReq, err error)
- func (r *DatapoolRepo) Paginate(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.DatapoolReqPaginate) (ret _domain.PageData, err error)
- func (r *DatapoolRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.Datapool, userId uint) (err error)
- func (r *DatapoolRepo) SaveData(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.DatapoolReq) (err error)
- type DebugInterfaceRepo
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) CreateDefault(tenantId consts.TenantId, src consts.ProcessorInterfaceSrc, projectId uint) (id uint, err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) DeleteByProcessorIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po model.DebugInterface, err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) GetApiKey(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po model.DebugInterfaceApiKey, err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) GetBasicAuth(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po model.DebugInterfaceBasicAuth, err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) GetBearerToken(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po model.DebugInterfaceBearerToken, err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) GetByCaseInterfaceId(tenantId consts.TenantId, caseInterfaceId uint) (po model.DebugInterface, err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) GetChildren(tenantId consts.TenantId, defId, fieldId uint) (children []*model.DebugInterface, err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) GetDetail(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfId uint) (interf model.DebugInterface, err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) GetGlobalParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po []model.DebugInterfaceGlobalParam, err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) GetOAuth20(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po model.DebugInterfaceOAuth20, err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) GetSourceNameById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (name string, err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) ListBodyFormData(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint) (pos []model.DebugInterfaceBodyFormDataItem, err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) ListBodyFormUrlencoded(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint) (pos []model.DebugInterfaceBodyFormUrlEncodedItem, err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) ListByProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId int) (pos []*model.DebugInterface, err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) ListCookies(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint) (pos []model.DebugInterfaceCookie, err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) ListHeaders(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint) (pos []model.DebugInterfaceHeader, err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) ListParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint) (queryParams []model.DebugInterfaceParam, ...)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) PopulateProps(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.DebugInterface) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) RemoveApiKey(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) RemoveBasicAuth(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) RemoveBearerToken(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) RemoveBodyFormData(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) RemoveBodyFormUrlencoded(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) RemoveCookie(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) RemoveGlobalParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) RemoveHeaders(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) RemoveOAuth20(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) RemoveParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, interf *model.DebugInterface) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) SaveInterfaces(tenantId consts.TenantId, interf *model.DebugInterface) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) SetIsRange(tenantId consts.TenantId, fieldId uint, b bool) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) SetOAuth2AccessToken(tenantId consts.TenantId, token string, interfaceId int) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) SyncPath(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId, serveId uint, newPath, oldPath string)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) SyncServeId(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointIds []uint, serveId uint) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) Tested(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (res bool, err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateApiKey(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, payload model.DebugInterfaceApiKey) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateBasicAuth(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, payload model.DebugInterfaceBasicAuth) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateBearerToken(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, payload model.DebugInterfaceBearerToken) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateBodyFormData(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, ...) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateBodyFormUrlencoded(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, ...) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateCookies(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, cookies []model.DebugInterfaceCookie) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateDebugInfo(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, values map[string]interface{}) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateDefinePath(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint, newPath, oldPath string) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateGlobalParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, params []model.DebugInterfaceGlobalParam) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateHeaders(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, headers []model.DebugInterfaceHeader) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateInterface(tenantId consts.TenantId, interf *model.DebugInterface) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateName(tenantId consts.TenantId, req serverDomain.EndpointCase) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateOAuth20(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint, ...) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateOrdAndParent(tenantId consts.TenantId, interf model.DebugInterface) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateOrder(tenantId consts.TenantId, pos serverConsts.DropPos, targetId uint) (parentId uint, ordr int)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, ...) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateProcessorId(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, processorId uint) (err error)
- func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateServeId(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint, serveId uint) (err error)
- type DebugInvokeRepo
- type DebugRepo
- func (r *DebugRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *DebugRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (invocation model.DebugInvoke, err error)
- func (r *DebugRepo) GetLast(tenantId consts.TenantId, debugInterfaceId, endpointInterfaceId uint) (debug model.DebugInvoke, err error)
- func (r *DebugRepo) List(tenantId consts.TenantId, debugInterfaceId, endpointInterfaceId uint) (pos []model.DebugInvoke, err error)
- type DiagnoseInterfaceRepo
- func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) CreateInterfaceFromCurl(tenantId consts.TenantId, interf *model.DiagnoseInterface, ...) (err error)
- func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po model.DiagnoseInterface, err error)
- func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) GetChildren(tenantId consts.TenantId, nodeId uint) (children []*model.DiagnoseInterface, err error)
- func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) GetDetail(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfId uint) (diagnoseInterface model.DiagnoseInterface, err error)
- func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) GetMaxOrder(tenantId consts.TenantId, parentId uint) (order int)
- func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) GetTree(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (root *serverDomain.DiagnoseInterface, err error)
- func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) ListByProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (pos []*model.DiagnoseInterface, err error)
- func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) Remove(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, typ serverConsts.DiagnoseInterfaceType) (err error)
- func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.DiagnoseInterface) (err error)
- func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) SaveDebugData(tenantId consts.TenantId, interf *model.DiagnoseInterface) (err error)
- func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) ToTo(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.DiagnoseInterface) (to *serverDomain.DiagnoseInterface)
- func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) Update(tenantId consts.TenantId, req serverDomain.DiagnoseInterfaceReq) (err error)
- func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) UpdateDebugInfo(tenantId consts.TenantId, interf *model.DiagnoseInterface) (err error)
- func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) UpdateMethod(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, method consts.HttpMethod) (err error)
- func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) UpdateName(tenantId consts.TenantId, id int, name string) (err error)
- func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) UpdateOrdAndParent(tenantId consts.TenantId, node model.DiagnoseInterface) (err error)
- func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) UpdateOrder(tenantId consts.TenantId, pos serverConsts.DropPos, targetId uint, ...) (parentId uint, ordr int)
- type EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo
- func (r *EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po model.EndpointCase, err error)
- func (r *EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) GetCategoryEndpointCase(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, serveId uint) (result []serverDomain.CategoryEndpointCase, err error)
- func (r *EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) GetDetail(tenantId consts.TenantId, caseId uint) (endpointCase model.EndpointCase, err error)
- func (r *EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) GetEndpointCount(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, serveId uint) (result []serverDomain.EndpointCount, err error)
- func (r *EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) List(tenantId consts.TenantId, caseId uint) (pos []model.EndpointCaseAlternative, err error)
- func (r *EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) ListByProjectIdAndServeId(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, serveId uint) (endpointCases []*serverDomain.InterfaceCase, err error)
- func (r *EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) LoadFactor(tenantId consts.TenantId, caseId uint) (pos []model.EndpointCaseAlternativeFactor, err error)
- func (r *EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) Remove(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.EndpointCase) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) SaveDebugData(tenantId consts.TenantId, interf *model.EndpointCase) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) SaveFactor(tenantId consts.TenantId, req serverDomain.EndpointCaseFactorSaveReq) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) UpdateDebugInfo(tenantId consts.TenantId, interf *model.EndpointCase) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) UpdateDebugInterfaceId(tenantId consts.TenantId, debugInterfaceId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) UpdateName(tenantId consts.TenantId, req serverDomain.EndpointCaseSaveReq) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) UpdateSerialNumber(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, projectId uint) (err error)
- type EndpointCaseRepo
- func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po model.EndpointCase, err error)
- func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) GetCategoryEndpointCase(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint, serveIds consts.Integers) (result []serverDomain.CategoryEndpointCase, err error)
- func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) GetDetail(tenantId consts.TenantId, caseId uint) (endpointCase model.EndpointCase, err error)
- func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) GetEndpointCount(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint, serveIds consts.Integers) (result []serverDomain.EndpointCount, err error)
- func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) List(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint) (pos []model.EndpointCase, err error)
- func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) ListByCaseType(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint, caseTypes []consts.CaseType) (pos []model.EndpointCase, err error)
- func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) ListByCaseTypeAndBaseCase(tenantId consts.TenantId, caseType consts.CaseType, baseCase uint) (cases []model.EndpointCase, err error)
- func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) ListByProjectIdAndServeId(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, serveId uint) (endpointCases []*serverDomain.InterfaceCase, err error)
- func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) MountChildrenForBenchmark(tenantId consts.TenantId, cases []*model.EndpointCase)
- func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) Paginate(tenantId consts.TenantId, req serverDomain.EndpointCaseReqPaginate) (data _domain.PageData, err error)
- func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) Remove(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.EndpointCase) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) SaveDebugData(tenantId consts.TenantId, interf *model.EndpointCase) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) UpdateDebugInfo(tenantId consts.TenantId, interf *model.EndpointCase) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) UpdateDebugInterfaceId(tenantId consts.TenantId, debugInterfaceId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) UpdateInfo(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, values map[string]interface{}) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) UpdateName(tenantId consts.TenantId, req serverDomain.EndpointCaseSaveReq) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) UpdateSerialNumber(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, projectId uint) (err error)
- type EndpointDocumentRepo
- func (r *EndpointDocumentRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.DocumentVersionReq, projectId uint) (id uint, err error)
- func (r *EndpointDocumentRepo) DeleteById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointDocumentRepo) GetById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (document model.EndpointDocument, err error)
- func (r *EndpointDocumentRepo) GetByVersionAndProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, version string, projectId uint) (document model.EndpointDocument, err error)
- func (r *EndpointDocumentRepo) GetIdByVersionAndProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.DocumentVersionReq, projectId uint) (id uint, err error)
- func (r *EndpointDocumentRepo) ListByProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (documents []model.EndpointDocument, err error)
- func (r *EndpointDocumentRepo) Update(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.UpdateDocumentVersionReq) (err error)
- type EndpointFavoriteRepo
- func (r *EndpointFavoriteRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, record model.EndpointFavorite) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointFavoriteRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, record model.EndpointFavorite) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointFavoriteRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId, userId uint) (ret model.EndpointFavorite)
- func (r *EndpointFavoriteRepo) GetEndpointIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, userId uint) (ids []uint, err error)
- type EndpointInterfaceRepo
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) AddResponseCode(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint, code string) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) BatchGet(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceIds []uint) (fields []model.EndpointInterface, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) BatchGetByEndpointIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointIds []uint) (fields []model.EndpointInterface, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) DeleteBatch(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) DeleteByEndpoint(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) DeleteByEndpoints(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointIds []uint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint) (po model.EndpointInterface, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetByEndpointId(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint) (fields []model.EndpointInterface, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetByItem(tenantId consts.TenantId, sourceType consts.SourceType, endpointId uint, ...) (res model.EndpointInterface, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetByMethod(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint, method consts.HttpMethod) (debugInterfaceId, endpointInterfaceId uint)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetByMethodAndPathAndServeId(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveId uint, path string, method consts.HttpMethod) (endpointInterfaceId uint)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetChildren(tenantId consts.TenantId, defId, fieldId uint) (children []*model.EndpointInterface, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetCookies(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceIds []uint) (cookies map[uint][]model.EndpointInterfaceCookie, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetCountByRef(tenantId consts.TenantId, ref string) (count int64, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetDetail(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfId uint) (interf model.EndpointInterface, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetGlobalParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, projectId uint) (ret []model.EndpointInterfaceGlobalParam, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetHeaders(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceIds []uint) (headers map[uint][]model.EndpointInterfaceHeader, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetIdAndModelMap(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceIds []uint) (res map[uint]model.EndpointInterface, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetInterfaces(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointIds []uint, needDetail bool) (interfaces map[uint][]model.EndpointInterface, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetMapGlobalParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceIds []uint) (params map[uint][]model.EndpointInterfaceGlobalParam, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetMethodsByEndpointId(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint) (ret []string, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetQueryParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceIds []uint) (params map[uint][]model.EndpointInterfaceParam, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetRequestBodies(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceIds []uint) (requestBodies map[uint]model.EndpointInterfaceRequestBody, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetRequestBody(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint) (result model.EndpointInterfaceRequestBody, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetRequestBodyItem(tenantId consts.TenantId, requestBodyId uint) (result model.EndpointInterfaceRequestBodyItem, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetRequestBodyItems(tenantId consts.TenantId, requestBodyIds []uint) (requestBodyItems map[uint]model.EndpointInterfaceRequestBodyItem, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetResponse(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointInterfaceId uint, code string) (ret model.EndpointInterfaceResponseBody)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetResponseBodies(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceIds []uint) (responseBodies map[uint][]model.EndpointInterfaceResponseBody, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetResponseBody(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint, code string) (result model.EndpointInterfaceResponseBody, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetResponseBodyHeaders(tenantId consts.TenantId, responseBodyIds []uint) (responseBodyHeaders map[uint][]model.EndpointInterfaceResponseBodyHeader, ...)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetResponseBodyItem(tenantId consts.TenantId, responseBodyId uint) (result model.EndpointInterfaceResponseBodyItem, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetResponseBodyItems(tenantId consts.TenantId, responseBodyIds []uint) (responseBodyItem map[uint]model.EndpointInterfaceResponseBodyItem, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetResponseCodes(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointInterfaceId uint) (codes []string)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetResponseDefine(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint, method consts.HttpMethod, ...) (ret model.EndpointInterfaceResponseBodyItem, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) ImportEndpointData(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.ImportEndpointDataReq) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListByEndpointId(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint, version string) (interfaces []model.EndpointInterface, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListByProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId int) (pos []*model.EndpointInterface, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListCookies(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint) (pos []model.EndpointInterfaceCookie, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListHeaders(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint) (pos []model.EndpointInterfaceHeader, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListIdByEndpoint(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint) (ids []uint, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListIdByEndpoints(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointIds []uint) (ids []uint, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint) (pos []model.EndpointInterfaceParam, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListRequestBody(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint) (requestBody model.EndpointInterfaceRequestBody, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListRequestBodyItem(tenantId consts.TenantId, requestBodyId uint) (requestBodyItem model.EndpointInterfaceRequestBodyItem, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListResponseBodies(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint) (responseBodies []model.EndpointInterfaceResponseBody, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListResponseBodyHeaders(tenantId consts.TenantId, requestBodyId uint) (responseBodyHeaders []model.EndpointInterfaceResponseBodyHeader, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListResponseBodyItem(tenantId consts.TenantId, requestBodyId uint) (responseBodyItem model.EndpointInterfaceResponseBodyItem, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) Paginate(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.EndpointInterfaceReqPaginate) (ret _domain.PageData, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) QueryByEndpointId(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint, version string) (pos []model.EndpointInterface, err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) RemoveAll(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) RemoveCookie(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) RemoveHeaders(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) RemoveParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, interf *model.EndpointInterface) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) SaveInterfaces(tenantId consts.TenantId, interf *model.EndpointInterface) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) SaveResponseBody(tenantId consts.TenantId, responseBody *model.EndpointInterfaceResponseBody) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) SetDebugInterfaceId(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointInterfaceId, debugInterfaceId uint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) SetIsRange(tenantId consts.TenantId, fieldId uint, b bool) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) Update(tenantId consts.TenantId, interf model.EndpointInterface) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) UpdateCookies(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, cookies []model.EndpointInterfaceCookie) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) UpdateHeaders(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, headers []model.EndpointInterfaceHeader) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) UpdateInterface(tenantId consts.TenantId, interf *model.EndpointInterface) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) UpdateName(tenantId consts.TenantId, id int, name string) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) UpdateNameByEndpointId(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint, name string) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) UpdateParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, params []model.EndpointInterfaceParam) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) UpdateRequestBody(tenantId consts.TenantId, requestBody *model.EndpointInterfaceRequestBody) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) UpdateResponseBodies(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint, ...) (err error)
- type EndpointMockExpectRepo
- func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) BatchCreateExpectRequest(tenantId consts.TenantId, req []model.EndpointMockExpectRequest) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) BatchCreateExpectResponseHeader(tenantId consts.TenantId, req []model.EndpointMockExpectResponseHeader) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) CreateExpectRequest(tenantId consts.TenantId, req model.EndpointMockExpect) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) CreateExpectResponseHeaders(tenantId consts.TenantId, req model.EndpointMockExpect) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) DeleteById(tenantId consts.TenantId, expectId uint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) DeleteDetail(tenantId consts.TenantId, expectId uint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) DeleteDetailByExpectId(tenantId consts.TenantId, model interface{}, expectId uint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) Disable(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) GetExpectById(tenantId consts.TenantId, expectId uint) (expect model.EndpointMockExpect, err error)
- func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) GetExpectDetail(tenantId consts.TenantId, expectId uint) (expect model.EndpointMockExpect, err error)
- func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) GetExpectRequest(tenantId consts.TenantId, expectId uint) (res map[consts.ParamIn][]model.EndpointMockExpectRequest, err error)
- func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) GetExpectResponse(tenantId consts.TenantId, expectId uint) (response model.EndpointMockExpectResponse, err error)
- func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) GetExpectResponseHeaders(tenantId consts.TenantId, expectId uint) (responseHeaders []model.EndpointMockExpectResponseHeader, err error)
- func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) GetMaxOrder(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint) (order int)
- func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) ListByEndpointId(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint) (res []model.EndpointMockExpect, err error)
- func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, req model.EndpointMockExpect) (expectId uint, err error)
- func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) SaveOrder(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) UpdateDisabledStatus(tenantId consts.TenantId, expectId uint, disabled bool) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) UpdateExpectName(tenantId consts.TenantId, expectId uint, name string) (err error)
- type EndpointMockScriptRepo
- func (r *EndpointMockScriptRepo) Disable(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointMockScriptRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint) (script model.EndpointMockScript, err error)
- func (r *EndpointMockScriptRepo) Update(tenantId consts.TenantId, po model.EndpointMockScript) (err error)
- type EndpointRepo
- func (r *EndpointRepo) BatchUpdate(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint, data map[string]interface{}) error
- func (r *EndpointRepo) BatchUpdateCategory(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint, categoryId int64) error
- func (r *EndpointRepo) BatchUpdateStatus(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint, status int64) error
- func (r *EndpointRepo) ChangeSnapShot(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint, snapshot string) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) CombineMethodsForEndpoints(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpoints []*model.Endpoint)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) CreateEndpointSample(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveId uint) (endpointId uint, err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) CreateEndpoints(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpoints []*model.Endpoint) error
- func (r *EndpointRepo) DeleteByCategoryIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, categoryIds []int64) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) DeleteById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) DeleteByIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint) error
- func (r *EndpointRepo) DisableById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) error
- func (r *EndpointRepo) FavoriteList(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, userId uint) (endpoints []model.Endpoint, err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) FindVersion(tenantId consts.TenantId, res *model.EndpointVersion) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (res model.Endpoint, err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) GetAll(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, version string) (endpoint model.Endpoint, err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) GetByCategoryId(tenantId consts.TenantId, categoryId uint) (endpoints []model.Endpoint, err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) GetByEndpointIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointIds []uint, needDetail bool) (endpoints []*model.Endpoint, err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) GetByEndpoints(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpoints []*model.Endpoint, needDetail bool)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) GetByItem(tenantId consts.TenantId, sourceType consts.SourceType, projectId uint, ...) (res model.Endpoint, err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) GetByNameAndProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, name string, projectId uint) (res model.Endpoint, err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) GetByPath(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveId uint, pth string, method consts.HttpMethod) (endpoints []*model.Endpoint, err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) GetByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint, needDetail bool) (endpoints []*model.Endpoint, err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) GetByServeIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveIds []uint, needDetail bool) (endpoints []*model.Endpoint, err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) GetCategoryCount(tenantId consts.TenantId, result interface{}, projectId uint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) GetCountByServeId(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveId uint) (count int64, err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) GetEndpointPathParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint) (pathParam []model.EndpointPathParam, err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) GetEntities(tenantId consts.TenantId, categoryId uint) (ret map[uint]interface{}, err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) GetEntity(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (data map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) GetFirstMethod(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (res model.EndpointInterface, err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) GetLatestVersion(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint) (res model.EndpointVersion, err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) GetPathParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointIds []uint) (err error, pathParams model.EndpointPathParam)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) GetUsedCountByEndpointId(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint) (count int64, err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) GetVersionsByEndpointId(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint) (res []model.EndpointVersion, err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) GetWithInterface(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, version string) (endpoint model.Endpoint, err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) ListByProjectIdAndServeId(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveId uint, method consts.HttpMethod) (endpoints []*model.Endpoint, err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) ListEndpointByCategories(tenantId consts.TenantId, categoryIds []uint) (ids []uint, err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) ListEndpointByCategory(tenantId consts.TenantId, categoryId uint) (ids []uint, err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) MoveEntity(tenantId consts.TenantId, category *model.Category) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) Paginate(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.EndpointReqPaginate) (ret _domain.PageData, err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) SaveAll(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpoint *model.Endpoint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) UpdateAdvancedMockDisabled(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint, advancedMockDisabled bool) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) UpdateBodyIsChanged(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint, changedStatus consts.ChangedStatus) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) UpdateCategory(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, categoryId uint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) UpdateName(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, name string) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) UpdateSerialNumber(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, projectId uint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) UpdateSnapshot(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint, snapshot string) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointRepo) UpdateStatus(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, status int64) error
- type EndpointSnapshotRepo
- func (r *EndpointSnapshotRepo) BatchCreateSnapshot(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.DocumentVersionReq, projectId uint) (documentId uint, err error)
- func (r *EndpointSnapshotRepo) BatchDeleteByEndpointId(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointIds []uint, documentId uint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointSnapshotRepo) DeleteById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointSnapshotRepo) GetByDocumentId(tenantId consts.TenantId, documentId uint) (endpoints []*model.Endpoint, err error)
- func (r *EndpointSnapshotRepo) GetByDocumentIdAndEndpointId(tenantId consts.TenantId, documentId, endpointId uint) (endpoints []*model.Endpoint, err error)
- func (r *EndpointSnapshotRepo) GetContentByDocumentAndEndpoint(tenantId consts.TenantId, documentId, endpointId uint) (endpoint model.Endpoint, err error)
- func (r *EndpointSnapshotRepo) GetInterfaceDetail(tenantId consts.TenantId, documentId, endpointId, interfaceId uint) (interf model.EndpointInterface, err error)
- func (r *EndpointSnapshotRepo) UpdateContent(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, endpoint model.Endpoint) (err error)
- type EndpointTagRepo
- func (r *EndpointTagRepo) AddRel(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint, tagIds []uint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointTagRepo) BatchAddRel(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId, projectId uint, tagNames []string) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointTagRepo) BatchAddRelForTag(tagName string, endpointIds []uint, projectId uint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointTagRepo) BatchCreate(tenantId consts.TenantId, names []string, projectId uint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointTagRepo) BatchDeleteByIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointTagRepo) BatchGetById(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []string, projectId uint) (tags []model.EndpointTag, err error)
- func (r *EndpointTagRepo) BatchGetByName(tenantId consts.TenantId, names []string, projectId uint) (tags []model.EndpointTag, err error)
- func (r *EndpointTagRepo) BatchGetEndpointIdsByTag(tagName string, endpointIds []uint, projectId uint) (res []uint, err error)
- func (r *EndpointTagRepo) BatchGetIdsByName(tenantId consts.TenantId, names []string, projectId uint) (ids []uint, err error)
- func (r *EndpointTagRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, name string, projectId uint) (id uint, err error)
- func (r *EndpointTagRepo) DeleteById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointTagRepo) DeleteRelByEndpointAndProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId, projectId uint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointTagRepo) DeleteRelByEndpointId(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint) (err error)
- func (r *EndpointTagRepo) GetEndpointIdsByTagNames(tenantId consts.TenantId, tagNames []string, projectId int64) (endpointIds []uint, err error)
- func (r *EndpointTagRepo) GetTagIdsByEndpointId(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint) (tagIds []uint, err error)
- func (r *EndpointTagRepo) GetTagNamesByEndpointId(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId, projectId uint) (tagNames []string, err error)
- func (r *EndpointTagRepo) ListByProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (tags []model.EndpointTag, err error)
- func (r *EndpointTagRepo) ListRelByEndpointId(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint) (rel []model.EndpointTagRel, err error)
- func (r *EndpointTagRepo) ListRelByProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (tags []model.EndpointTagRel, err error)
- func (r *EndpointTagRepo) ListRelByTagId(tenantId consts.TenantId, tagId uint) (rel []model.EndpointTagRel, err error)
- type EnvironmentRepo
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) AddDefaultForProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (err error)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) ClearAllVar(tenantId consts.TenantId, environmentId uint) (err error)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) Copy(tenantId consts.TenantId, id int) (err error)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) DeleteEnvironment(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) DeleteVar(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) DisableAllShareVar(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (err error)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) DisableShareVar(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (env model.Environment, err error)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) GetByIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint) (envs map[uint]model.Environment, err error)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) GetByName(tenantId consts.TenantId, name string) (env model.Environment, err error)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) GetByProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (env model.Environment, err error)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) GetByProjectAndName(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint, name string) (env model.Environment, err error)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) GetByUserAndProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, userId, projectId uint) (env model.Environment, err error)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) GetDefaultByProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (envs []model.Environment, err error)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) GetEnvironmentById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (env *model.Environment, err error)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) GetEnvironmentDetail(tenantId consts.TenantId, env *model.Environment) (err error)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) GetListByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (environments []model.Environment, err error)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) GetMaxOrder(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (order uint)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) GetProjectUserServer(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, userId uint) (res model.ProjectUserServer, err error)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) GetSameVar(tenantId consts.TenantId, vari model.EnvironmentVar, envId uint) (ret model.EnvironmentVar, err error)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) GetVar(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po model.EnvironmentVar, err error)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) GetVarByName(tenantId consts.TenantId, name string, id, environmentId uint) (envVar model.EnvironmentVar, err error)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) GetVars(tenantId consts.TenantId, envId uint) (vars []model.EnvironmentVar, err error)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) List(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId int) (pos []model.Environment, err error)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) ListGlobalVar(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (vars []model.EnvironmentVar, err error)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) ListParamModel(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (ret []model.EnvironmentParam, err error)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) ListParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (res map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, env *model.Environment) (err error)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) SaveEnvironment(tenantId consts.TenantId, environment *model.Environment) (err error)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) SaveOrder(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint) (err error)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) SaveParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint, params []model.EnvironmentParam) (err error)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) SaveVar(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.EnvironmentVar) (err error)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) SaveVars(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, environmentId uint, ...) (err error)
- func (r *EnvironmentRepo) SetProjectUserServer(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, userId, serverId uint) (err error)
- type ExtractorRepo
- func (r *ExtractorRepo) CreateDefault(tenantId consts.TenantId, conditionId uint) (po model.DebugConditionExtractor)
- func (r *ExtractorRepo) CreateLog(tenantId consts.TenantId, extractor domain.ExtractorBase) (log model.ExecLogExtractor, err error)
- func (r *ExtractorRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *ExtractorRepo) DeleteByCondition(tenantId consts.TenantId, conditionId uint) (err error)
- func (r *ExtractorRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (extractor model.DebugConditionExtractor, err error)
- func (r *ExtractorRepo) GetByInterfaceVariable(tenantId consts.TenantId, variable string, id, debugInterfaceId uint) (extractor model.DebugConditionExtractor, err error)
- func (r *ExtractorRepo) GetLog(tenantId consts.TenantId, conditionId, invokeId uint) (ret model.ExecLogExtractor, err error)
- func (r *ExtractorRepo) GetParentIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, processorId uint, ids *[]uint)
- func (r *ExtractorRepo) ListDbOptVariableByConditions(tenantId consts.TenantId, conditionIds []uint) (ret []domain.Variable, err error)
- func (r *ExtractorRepo) ListExtractorVariableByConditions(tenantId consts.TenantId, conditionIds []uint) (ret []domain.Variable, err error)
- func (r *ExtractorRepo) ListLogByInvoke(tenantId consts.TenantId, invokeId uint) (pos []model.ExecLogExtractor, err error)
- func (r *ExtractorRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, extractor *model.DebugConditionExtractor) (id uint, err error)
- func (r *ExtractorRepo) Update(tenantId consts.TenantId, extractor *model.DebugConditionExtractor) (err error)
- func (r *ExtractorRepo) UpdateDesc(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.DebugConditionExtractor) (err error)
- func (r *ExtractorRepo) UpdateResult(tenantId consts.TenantId, extractor domain.ExtractorBase) (err error)
- type GrpcInterfaceRepo
- func (r *GrpcInterfaceRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.DiagnoseInterfaceSaveReq) (diagnoseInterface model.DiagnoseInterface, err error)
- func (r *GrpcInterfaceRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po model.GrpcInterface, err error)
- func (r *GrpcInterfaceRepo) SaveDebugData(po model.GrpcInterface, tenantId consts.TenantId) (err error)
- func (r *GrpcInterfaceRepo) UpdateDiagnoseInterfaceId(tenantId consts.TenantId, grpcInterfaceId, diagnoseInterfaceId uint) (err error)
- type IRepo
- type IntegrationRepo
- func (r *IntegrationRepo) BatchCreateProjectEngineeringRel(tenantId consts.TenantId, relations []model.ProjectEngineeringRel) (err error)
- func (r *IntegrationRepo) BatchCreateProjectProductRel(tenantId consts.TenantId, relations []model.ProjectProductRel) (err error)
- func (r *IntegrationRepo) BatchCreateProjectSpaceRel(tenantId consts.TenantId, relations []model.ProjectSpaceRel) (err error)
- func (r *IntegrationRepo) DeleteBySpaceCode(tenantId consts.TenantId, spaceCode string) (err error)
- func (r *IntegrationRepo) DeleteEngineeringByProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (err error)
- func (r *IntegrationRepo) DeleteProductByProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (err error)
- func (r *IntegrationRepo) DeleteSpaceByProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (err error)
- func (r *IntegrationRepo) GetAllProductIds(tenantId consts.TenantId) (res []uint, err error)
- func (r *IntegrationRepo) GetAllProjectProductRels(tenantId consts.TenantId) (res []model.ProjectProductRel, err error)
- func (r *IntegrationRepo) GetEngineeringByProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (res []string, err error)
- func (r *IntegrationRepo) GetProductsByProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (res []uint, err error)
- func (r *IntegrationRepo) GetProjectByEngineering(tenantId consts.TenantId, engineering string) (res []uint, err error)
- func (r *IntegrationRepo) GetProjectListWithRoleBySpace(tenantId consts.TenantId, spaceCode string) (res []v1.ProjectListWithRole, err error)
- func (r *IntegrationRepo) GetSpacesByProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (res []string, err error)
- type JslibRepo
- func (r *JslibRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *JslibRepo) Disable(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *JslibRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po model.Jslib, err error)
- func (r *JslibRepo) GetByName(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, projectId uint, name string) (po model.Jslib, err error)
- func (r *JslibRepo) List(tenantId consts.TenantId, keywords string, projectId int, ignoreDisabled bool) (pos []model.Jslib, err error)
- func (r *JslibRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.Jslib) (err error)
- func (r *JslibRepo) UpdateName(tenantId consts.TenantId, to v1.JslibReq) (err error)
- type LlmToolRepo
- func (r *LlmToolRepo) Count(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (count int64)
- func (r *LlmToolRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *LlmToolRepo) Disable(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *LlmToolRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po model.LlmTool, err error)
- func (r *LlmToolRepo) GetByName(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, projectId uint, name string) (po model.LlmTool, err error)
- func (r *LlmToolRepo) GetDefault(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (ret domain.ToolModel, err error)
- func (r *LlmToolRepo) List(tenantId consts.TenantId, keywords string, projectId int, ignoreDisabled bool) (pos []model.LlmTool, err error)
- func (r *LlmToolRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.LlmTool) (err error)
- func (r *LlmToolRepo) SetDefault(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *LlmToolRepo) UpdateName(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.ToolLlmReq) (err error)
- type LogRepo
- func (r *LogRepo) CreateCommonLog(tenantId consts.TenantId, result agentDomain.ScenarioExecResult, ...) (id uint, err error)
- func (r *LogRepo) CreateInterfaceLog(tenantId consts.TenantId, result agentDomain.ScenarioExecResult, ...) (id uint, err error)
- func (r *LogRepo) CreateLog(tenantId consts.TenantId, result agentDomain.ScenarioExecResult, ...) (id uint, err error)
- func (r *LogRepo) CreateLogs(tenantId consts.TenantId, rootResult agentDomain.ScenarioExecResult, ...) (err error)
- func (r *LogRepo) DeleteById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *LogRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (scenario model.ExecLogProcessor, err error)
- func (r *LogRepo) ListByReport(tenantId consts.TenantId, reportId uint) (logs []*model.ExecLogProcessor, err error)
- func (r *LogRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, log *model.ExecLogProcessor) (err error)
- type MessageReadRepo
- type MessageRepo
- func (r *MessageRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.MessageReq) (id uint, bizErr *_domain.BizErr)
- func (r *MessageRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (message model.Message, err error)
- func (r *MessageRepo) GetByMcsMessageId(tenantId consts.TenantId, McsMessageId string) (message model.Message, err error)
- func (r *MessageRepo) GetCombinedMessage(tenantId consts.TenantId, businessId uint, messageSource consts.MessageSource) (message model.Message, err error)
- func (r *MessageRepo) GetScope(tenantId consts.TenantId, userId uint) (scope map[int][]string)
- func (r *MessageRepo) GetUnreadCount(tenantId consts.TenantId, scope v1.MessageScope) (count int64, err error)
- func (r *MessageRepo) ListMsgNeedAsyncToMcs(tenantId consts.TenantId) (messages []model.Message, err error)
- func (r *MessageRepo) Paginate(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.MessageReqPaginate) (data _domain.PageData, err error)
- func (r *MessageRepo) UpdateCombinedSendStatus(tenantId consts.TenantId, messageSource consts.MessageSource, businessId uint, ...) (err error)
- func (r *MessageRepo) UpdateSendStatusById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, sendStatus consts.MessageSendStatus) (err error)
- func (r *MessageRepo) UpdateSendStatusByMcsMessageId(tenantId consts.TenantId, mcsMessageId string, ...) (err error)
- type MetricsRepo
- func (r *MetricsRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *MetricsRepo) Disable(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *MetricsRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po model.AiMetrics, err error)
- func (r *MetricsRepo) GetMaxOrder(tenantId consts.TenantId, debugInterfaceId, endpointInterfaceId uint) (order int)
- func (r *MetricsRepo) List(tenantId consts.TenantId, debugInterfaceId, endpointInterfaceId uint) (pos []model.AiMetrics, err error)
- func (r *MetricsRepo) ListTo(tenantId consts.TenantId, debugInterfaceId, endpointInterfaceId uint) (ret []*domain.AiMetrics, err error)
- func (r *MetricsRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.AiMetrics) (err error)
- func (r *MetricsRepo) UpdateOrders(tenantId consts.TenantId, req serverDomain.ConditionMoveReq) (err error)
- type MockJsRepo
- func (r *MockJsRepo) BatchCreateExpression(tenantId consts.TenantId, pos []model.MockJsExpression) (successCount int, failItems []string, err error)
- func (r *MockJsRepo) CreateExpression(tenantId consts.TenantId, po model.MockJsExpression) (id uint, err error)
- func (r *MockJsRepo) FindExpressionByName(tenantId consts.TenantId, name string) (po model.MockJsExpression, err error)
- func (r *MockJsRepo) ListExpressions(tenantId consts.TenantId) (tos []serverDomain.MockJsExpression, err error)
- type PermRepo
- func (r *PermRepo) CheckNameAndAct(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.PermReq, ids ...uint) bool
- func (r *PermRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.PermReq) (uint, error)
- func (r *PermRepo) CreateIfNotExist(tenantId consts.TenantId, perms []model.SysPerm) (count int, err error)
- func (r *PermRepo) CreateInBatches(tenantId consts.TenantId, perms []model.SysPerm) error
- func (r *PermRepo) DeleteAll(tenantId consts.TenantId) error
- func (r *PermRepo) DeleteById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) error
- func (r *PermRepo) FindById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (v1.PermResp, error)
- func (r *PermRepo) FindByNameAndAct(tenantId consts.TenantId, name, act string, ids ...uint) (v1.PermResp, error)
- func (r *PermRepo) GetPermsForRole(tenantId consts.TenantId) ([][]string, error)
- func (r *PermRepo) GetPermsForRoles(tenantId consts.TenantId) (map[consts.RoleType][][]string, error)
- func (r *PermRepo) Paginate(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.PermReqPaginate) (data _domain.PageData, err error)
- func (r *PermRepo) Update(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, req v1.PermReq) error
- type PlanRepo
- func (r *PlanRepo) AddScenarios(tenantId consts.TenantId, planId uint, scenarioIds []uint) (err error)
- func (r *PlanRepo) CombinePassRate(tenantId consts.TenantId, data []*model.Plan)
- func (r *PlanRepo) CombineUserName(tenantId consts.TenantId, data []*model.Plan)
- func (r *PlanRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, scenario model.Plan) (ret model.Plan, bizErr *_domain.BizErr)
- func (r *PlanRepo) DeleteByCategoryIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, categoryIds []uint) (err error)
- func (r *PlanRepo) DeleteById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *PlanRepo) DeleteChildren(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []int, tx *gorm.DB) (err error)
- func (r *PlanRepo) FindByName(tenantId consts.TenantId, scenarioName string, id uint) (scenario model.Plan, err error)
- func (r *PlanRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (scenario model.Plan, err error)
- func (r *PlanRepo) GetCategoryCount(tenantId consts.TenantId, result interface{}, projectId uint) (err error)
- func (r *PlanRepo) GetChildrenIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (ids []int, err error)
- func (r *PlanRepo) GetScenarioNumByPlan(tenantId consts.TenantId, planId uint) (num int64, err error)
- func (r *PlanRepo) ListScenario(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (pos []model.Scenario, err error)
- func (r *PlanRepo) ListScenarioRelation(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (pos []model.RelaPlanScenario, err error)
- func (r *PlanRepo) MoveScenario(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.MoveReq) (err error)
- func (r *PlanRepo) NotRelationScenarioList(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.NotRelationScenarioReqPaginate, projectId int) (data _domain.PageData, err error)
- func (r *PlanRepo) Paginate(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.PlanReqPaginate, projectId int) (data _domain.PageData, err error)
- func (r *PlanRepo) PlanScenariosPaginate(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.PlanScenariosReqPaginate, planId uint) (data _domain.PageData, err error)
- func (r *PlanRepo) RemoveScenario(tenantId consts.TenantId, planId int, scenarioId int) (err error)
- func (r *PlanRepo) RemoveScenarios(tenantId consts.TenantId, planId int, scenarioIds []uint) (err error)
- func (r *PlanRepo) StatusDropDownOptions() map[consts.TestStatus]string
- func (r *PlanRepo) TestStageDropDownOptions() map[consts.TestStage]string
- func (r *PlanRepo) Update(tenantId consts.TenantId, req model.Plan) error
- func (r *PlanRepo) UpdateCurrEnvId(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, currEnvId uint) error
- func (r *PlanRepo) UpdateSerialNumber(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, projectId uint) (number string, err error)
- type PlanReportRepo
- func (r *PlanReportRepo) ClearLogs(tenantId consts.TenantId, resultId uint) (err error)
- func (r *PlanReportRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, result *model.PlanReport) (err error)
- func (r *PlanReportRepo) DeleteById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *PlanReportRepo) FindInProgressResult(tenantId consts.TenantId, scenarioId uint) (result model.ScenarioReport, err error)
- func (r *PlanReportRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (report model.PlanReportDetail, err error)
- func (r *PlanReportRepo) GetCreateUserName(tenantId consts.TenantId, report model.PlanReportDetail) (name string, err error)
- func (r *PlanReportRepo) GetLastByPlanId(tenantId consts.TenantId, planId uint) (report model.PlanReport, err error)
- func (r *PlanReportRepo) GetPlanExecNumber(tenantId consts.TenantId, planId uint) (num int64, err error)
- func (r *PlanReportRepo) Paginate(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.PlanReportReqPaginate, projectId int) (data _domain.PageData, err error)
- func (r *PlanReportRepo) ResetResult(tenantId consts.TenantId, result model.ScenarioReport) (err error)
- func (r *PlanReportRepo) UpdateResult(tenantId consts.TenantId, report model.ScenarioReport) (err error)
- func (r *PlanReportRepo) UpdateSerialNumber(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, projectId uint) (err error)
- func (r *PlanReportRepo) UpdateStatus(tenantId consts.TenantId, progressStatus consts.ProgressStatus, ...) (err error)
- type ProfileRepo
- type ProjectCronRepo
- func (r *ProjectCronRepo) CombineCategory(tenantId consts.TenantId, configs []*model.ProjectCronList)
- func (r *ProjectCronRepo) CombineUserName(tenantId consts.TenantId, data []*model.ProjectCronList)
- func (r *ProjectCronRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, config model.ProjectCron) (id uint, err error)
- func (r *ProjectCronRepo) DeleteById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) error
- func (r *ProjectCronRepo) GetById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (config model.ProjectCron, err error)
- func (r *ProjectCronRepo) ListAllCron(tenantId consts.TenantId) (res []model.ProjectCron, err error)
- func (r *ProjectCronRepo) Paginate(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.ProjectCronReqPaginate) (data _domain.PageData, err error)
- func (r *ProjectCronRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, config model.ProjectCron) (ret model.ProjectCron, err error)
- func (r *ProjectCronRepo) Update(tenantId consts.TenantId, config model.ProjectCron) error
- func (r *ProjectCronRepo) UpdateExecErr(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, execErr string) (err error)
- func (r *ProjectCronRepo) UpdateExecResult(tenantId consts.TenantId, configId uint, source consts.CronSource, ...) (err error)
- func (r *ProjectCronRepo) UpdateExecStatus(tenantId consts.TenantId, configId int, source consts.CronSource, ...) (err error)
- func (r *ProjectCronRepo) UpdateSwitchById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, switchStatus consts.SwitchStatus) error
- type ProjectMenuRepo
- func (r *ProjectMenuRepo) BatchCreate(tenantId consts.TenantId, menus []model.ProjectMenu) (successCount int, failItems []string)
- func (r *ProjectMenuRepo) BatchInitData(tenantId consts.TenantId, level string) (successCount int, failItems []string)
- func (r *ProjectMenuRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectMenu model.ProjectMenu) (id uint, err error)
- func (r *ProjectMenuRepo) DeleteAllData(tenantId consts.TenantId)
- func (r *ProjectMenuRepo) DeleteById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) error
- func (r *ProjectMenuRepo) FindByCode(tenantId consts.TenantId, code string) (projectMenu model.ProjectMenu, err error)
- func (r *ProjectMenuRepo) GetAllMenuCodeIdMap(tenantId consts.TenantId) (data map[string]uint, err error)
- func (r *ProjectMenuRepo) GetAllMenuList(tenantId consts.TenantId) (menus []model.ProjectMenu, err error)
- func (r *ProjectMenuRepo) GetConfigData(tenantId consts.TenantId, level string) (menus []model.ProjectMenu, err error)
- func (r *ProjectMenuRepo) GetMenuConfig(tenantId consts.TenantId) (menuConfigs []v1.ProjectMenuConfig, err error)
- func (r *ProjectMenuRepo) GetRoleMenuCodeList(tenantId consts.TenantId, roleId uint) (roleMenuCodes []string, err error)
- func (r *ProjectMenuRepo) GetRoleMenuList(tenantId consts.TenantId, roleId uint) (roleMenus []model.ProjectMenu, err error)
- func (r *ProjectMenuRepo) Update(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.ProjectMenuReq) error
- type ProjectPermRepo
- type ProjectRecentlyVisitedRepo
- func (r *ProjectRecentlyVisitedRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.ProjectRecentlyVisitedReq) (id uint, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRecentlyVisitedRepo) FindUserLastDistinctProjects(tenantId consts.TenantId, userId uint, limit int) (res []model.ProjectRecentlyVisited, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRecentlyVisitedRepo) FindUserLastRecord(tenantId consts.TenantId, userId uint) (projectRecentlyVisited model.ProjectRecentlyVisited, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRecentlyVisitedRepo) FindUserProjectToday(tenantId consts.TenantId, userId, projectId uint) (projectRecentlyVisited model.ProjectRecentlyVisited, err error)
- type ProjectRepo
- func (r *ProjectRepo) AddMemberIfNotExisted(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, userId uint, role consts.RoleType) (err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) AddProjectDefaultServe(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, userId uint) (serve model.Serve, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) AddProjectMember(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, userId uint, role consts.RoleType) (err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) AddProjectRootEndpointCategory(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (id uint, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) AddProjectRootPlanCategory(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) AddProjectRootScenarioCategory(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) AddProjectRootSchemaCategory(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) AddProjectRootTestCategory(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, serveId uint) (err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) BatchGetByShortNames(tenantId consts.TenantId, shortNames []string) (ret []model.Project, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) ChangeProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, userId uint) (err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) CombineRoleForProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projects []model.Project, ...) (res []model.ProjectMemberRole, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.ProjectReq, userId uint) (id uint, bizErr _domain.BizErr)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) CreateProjectRes(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, userId uint, IncludeExample bool) (err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) CreateSample(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, serveId, userId, categoryId uint) (err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) DeleteById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) DeleteChildren(ids []int, tx *gorm.DB) (err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) FindRolesByProjectAndUser(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, userId uint) (projectMember model.ProjectMember, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) FindRolesByProjectsAndUsername(tenantId consts.TenantId, username string, projectIds []uint) (members []model.ProjectMember, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) FindRolesByUser(tenantId consts.TenantId, userId uint) (members []model.ProjectMember, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (project model.Project, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) GetAudit(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (ret model.ProjectMemberAudit, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) GetAuditByItem(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, ApplyUserId uint, ...) (ret model.ProjectMemberAudit, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) GetAuditList(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.AuditProjectPaginate) (data _domain.PageData, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) GetAuditUsers(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (users []model.SysUser, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) GetByCode(tenantId consts.TenantId, shortName string, id uint) (ret model.Project, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) GetByName(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectName string, id uint) (project model.Project, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) GetByShortName(tenantId consts.TenantId, shortName string) (project model.Project, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) GetBySpec(tenantId consts.TenantId, spec string) (project model.Project, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) GetChildrenIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (ids []int, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) GetCurrProjectByUser(tenantId consts.TenantId, userId uint) (currProject model.Project, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) GetCurrProjectMemberRoleByUser(tenantId consts.TenantId, userId uint) (ret model.ProjectMember, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) GetMembersByProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (ret []model.ProjectMember, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) GetProjectIdsByUserIdAndRole(tenantId consts.TenantId, userId uint, roleName consts.RoleType) (projectIds []uint)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) GetProjectMemberCount(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (count int64, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) GetProjectMemberList(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (list []model.ProjectMember, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) GetProjectRoleMapByUser(tenantId consts.TenantId, userId uint) (res map[uint]uint, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) GetProjectsAndRolesByUser(tenantId consts.TenantId, userId uint) (projectIds, roleIds []uint)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) GetProjectsByIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint) (projects []model.Project, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) GetUserIdsByProjectAnRole(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, roleId uint) (projectMembers []model.ProjectMember, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) GetUserProjectRoleMap(tenantId consts.TenantId, username string, projectIds []uint) (res map[uint]consts.RoleType, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) GetUsernamesByProjectAndRole(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, roleId uint, exceptUserName string) (imAccounts []string, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) IfProjectMember(tenantId consts.TenantId, userId, projectId uint) (res bool, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) ListAll(tenantId consts.TenantId) (res []model.Project, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) ListByUsername(tenantId consts.TenantId, username string) (res []model.Project, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) ListProjectByUser(tenantId consts.TenantId, userId uint) (res []model.ProjectMemberRole, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) ListProjectsRecentlyVisited(tenantId consts.TenantId, userId uint) (projects []model.Project, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) Members(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.ProjectReqPaginate, projectId int) (data _domain.PageData, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) Paginate(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.ProjectReqPaginate, userId uint) (data _domain.PageData, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) RemoveMember(tenantId consts.TenantId, userId, projectId int) (err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.Project) (err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) SaveAudit(tenantId consts.TenantId, audit model.ProjectMemberAudit) (auditId uint, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) Update(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.ProjectReq) error
- func (r *ProjectRepo) UpdateAuditStatus(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, auditUserId uint, status consts.AuditStatus) (err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) UpdateDefaultEnvironment(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, envId uint) (err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) UpdateProjectSource(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint, source serverConsts.ProjectSource) (err error)
- func (r *ProjectRepo) UpdateUserRole(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.UpdateProjectMemberReq) (err error)
- type ProjectRoleMenuRepo
- func (r *ProjectRoleMenuRepo) BatchCreate(tenantId consts.TenantId, roleMenus []model.ProjectRoleMenu) (successCount int, failItems []string)
- func (r *ProjectRoleMenuRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectRoleMenu model.ProjectRoleMenu) (err error)
- func (r *ProjectRoleMenuRepo) DeleteAllData(tenantId consts.TenantId)
- func (r *ProjectRoleMenuRepo) DeleteById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) error
- func (r *ProjectRoleMenuRepo) FindByRoleAndMenu(tenantId consts.TenantId, roleId, menuId uint) (projectRoleMenu model.ProjectRoleMenu, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRoleMenuRepo) GetConfigData(tenantId consts.TenantId) (menus []model.ProjectRoleMenu, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRoleMenuRepo) GetRoleMenuConfig() (roleMenuConfigs []v1.ProjectRoleMenuConfig, err error)
- type ProjectRolePermRepo
- func (r *ProjectRolePermRepo) AddPermForProjectRole(tenantId consts.TenantId, roleName consts.RoleType, perms []uint) (successCount int, failItems []string)
- func (r *ProjectRolePermRepo) GetByRoleAndPerm(tenantId consts.TenantId, roleId, permId uint) (ret model.ProjectRolePerm, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRolePermRepo) GetProjectPermsForRole(tenantId consts.TenantId) (res map[consts.RoleType][]uint, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRolePermRepo) PaginateRolePerms(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.ProjectRolePermPaginateReq) (data _domain.PageData, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRolePermRepo) UserPermList(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.ProjectUserPermsPaginate, userId uint) (data _domain.PageData, err error)
- type ProjectRoleRepo
- func (r *ProjectRoleRepo) AllRoleList(tenantId consts.TenantId) (projectRoles []model.ProjectRole, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRoleRepo) BatchCreate(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectRoles []model.ProjectRole) (err error)
- func (r *ProjectRoleRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectRole model.ProjectRole) (err error)
- func (r *ProjectRoleRepo) FindById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (projectRole model.ProjectRole, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRoleRepo) FindByIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint) (projectRoles []model.ProjectRole, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRoleRepo) FindByName(tenantId consts.TenantId, name consts.RoleType) (projectRole model.ProjectRole, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRoleRepo) FindByNames(tenantId consts.TenantId, names []consts.RoleType) (projectRoles []model.ProjectRole, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRoleRepo) GetAdminRecord(tenantId consts.TenantId) (projectRole model.ProjectRole, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRoleRepo) GetAllRoleNameIdMap(tenantId consts.TenantId) (data map[consts.RoleType]uint, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRoleRepo) GetRoleByProjectAndUser(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, userId uint) (projectRole model.ProjectRole, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRoleRepo) GetRoleIdNameMap(tenantId consts.TenantId, roleIds []uint) (data map[uint]consts.RoleType, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRoleRepo) GetRoleNamesByNames(tenantId consts.TenantId, names []string) (res []string, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRoleRepo) GetUserRecord(tenantId consts.TenantId) (projectRole model.ProjectRole, err error)
- func (r *ProjectRoleRepo) ProjectUserRoleList(tenantId consts.TenantId, userId, projectId uint) (projectRole model.ProjectRole, err error)
- type ProjectSettingsRepo
- func (r *ProjectSettingsRepo) DeleteSwaggerSyncById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) error
- func (r *ProjectSettingsRepo) GetMock(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (po model.ProjectMockSetting, err error)
- func (r *ProjectSettingsRepo) GetSwaggerSync(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (sync model.SwaggerSync, err error)
- func (r *ProjectSettingsRepo) GetSwaggerSyncById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (sync model.SwaggerSync, err error)
- func (r *ProjectSettingsRepo) GetSwaggerSyncList(tenantId consts.TenantId) (res []model.SwaggerSync, err error)
- func (r *ProjectSettingsRepo) SaveMock(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.ProjectMockSetting) (err error)
- func (r *ProjectSettingsRepo) SaveSwaggerSync(tenantId consts.TenantId, sync *model.SwaggerSync) (err error)
- func (r *ProjectSettingsRepo) UpdateSwaggerSyncExecTimeById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- type RelaPlanScenarioRepo
- func (r *RelaPlanScenarioRepo) DecreaseOrderBefore(tenantId consts.TenantId, ordr int, planId uint) (err error)
- func (r *RelaPlanScenarioRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (res model.RelaPlanScenario, err error)
- func (r *RelaPlanScenarioRepo) GetMaxOrder(tenantId consts.TenantId, planId uint) (order int)
- func (r *RelaPlanScenarioRepo) IncreaseOrderAfter(tenantId consts.TenantId, ordr int, planId uint) (err error)
- func (r *RelaPlanScenarioRepo) UpdateOrdrById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, ordr int) (err error)
- type ResponseDefineRepo
- func (r *ResponseDefineRepo) Components(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointInterfaceId uint) responseDefineHelper.Components
- func (r *ResponseDefineRepo) CreateLog(tenantId consts.TenantId, responseDefine domain.ResponseDefineBase) (log model.ExecLogResponseDefine, err error)
- func (r *ResponseDefineRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (responseDefine model.DebugConditionResponseDefine, err error)
- func (r *ResponseDefineRepo) GetLog(tenantId consts.TenantId, conditionId, invokeId uint) (ret model.ExecLogResponseDefine, err error)
- func (r *ResponseDefineRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, responseDefine *model.DebugConditionResponseDefine) (err error)
- func (r *ResponseDefineRepo) Update(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, data map[string]interface{}) (err error)
- func (r *ResponseDefineRepo) UpdateResult(tenantId consts.TenantId, responseDefine domain.ResponseDefineBase) (err error)
- type RoleRepo
- func (r *RoleRepo) AddPermForRole(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, perms [][]string) error
- func (r *RoleRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.RoleReq) (roleId uint, err error)
- func (r *RoleRepo) DeleteById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) error
- func (r *RoleRepo) FindById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (v1.RoleResp, error)
- func (r *RoleRepo) FindByName(tenantId consts.TenantId, name string, ids ...uint) (v1.RoleResp, error)
- func (r *RoleRepo) FindFirstAdminUser(tenantId consts.TenantId) (v1.RoleResp, error)
- func (r *RoleRepo) FindInId(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []string) (roles []v1.RoleResp, error error)
- func (r *RoleRepo) GetAllRoles(tenantId consts.TenantId) (res []v1.RoleResp, err error)
- func (r *RoleRepo) GetRoleIds(tenantId consts.TenantId) ([]uint, error)
- func (r *RoleRepo) IsAdminRole(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (bool, error)
- func (r *RoleRepo) Paginate(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.RoleReqPaginate) (data _domain.PageData, err error)
- func (r *RoleRepo) Update(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, req v1.RoleReq) error
- type SaasRepo
- type ScenarioInterfaceRepo
- func (r *ScenarioInterfaceRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po model.Processor, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioInterfaceRepo) GetDetail(tenantId consts.TenantId, processorId uint) (debugInterface model.DebugInterface, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioInterfaceRepo) SaveDebugData(tenantId consts.TenantId, interf *model.DebugInterface) (err error)
- type ScenarioNodeRepo
- func (r *ScenarioNodeRepo) CreateDefault(tenantId consts.TenantId, scenarioId, projectId, createUserId uint) (po model.Processor, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioNodeRepo) DeleteWithChildren(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioNodeRepo) DisableWithChildren(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioNodeRepo) EnableAncestors(tenantId consts.TenantId, nodeId uint) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioNodeRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (processor model.Processor, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioNodeRepo) GetChildren(tenantId consts.TenantId, nodeId uint) (children []*model.Processor, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioNodeRepo) GetMaxOrder(tenantId consts.TenantId, parentId uint) (order int)
- func (r *ScenarioNodeRepo) GetNextNode(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (processor model.Processor, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioNodeRepo) GetNumberByScenariosAndEntityCategory(tenantId consts.TenantId, scenarioIds []uint, ...) (num int64, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioNodeRepo) GetPreNode(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (processor model.Processor, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioNodeRepo) GetScopeHierarchy(tenantId consts.TenantId, scenarioId uint, scopeHierarchyMap *map[uint]*[]uint)
- func (r *ScenarioNodeRepo) IsDir(po model.Processor) (ret bool)
- func (r *ScenarioNodeRepo) ListByScenario(tenantId consts.TenantId, scenarioId uint) (pos []*model.Processor, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioNodeRepo) MakeTree(tenantId consts.TenantId, findIn []*agentExec.Processor, ...)
- func (r *ScenarioNodeRepo) MoveMaxOrder(tenantId consts.TenantId, parentId, order, step uint) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioNodeRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, processor *model.Processor) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioNodeRepo) UpdateEntityId(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, entityId uint) error
- func (r *ScenarioNodeRepo) UpdateName(tenantId consts.TenantId, id int, name string) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioNodeRepo) UpdateOrdAndParent(tenantId consts.TenantId, node model.Processor) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioNodeRepo) UpdateOrder(tenantId consts.TenantId, pos serverConsts.DropPos, targetId uint) (parentId uint, ordr int, disabled bool)
- type ScenarioProcessorRepo
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) CopyEntity(tenantId consts.TenantId, srcProcessorId, distProcessorId uint) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) CopyLogic(tenantId consts.TenantId, srcId uint) (id uint, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (processor model.Processor, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetAll(tenantId consts.TenantId, scenarioId uint) (processors []model.Processor, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetAssertion(tenantId consts.TenantId, processor model.Processor) (ret model.ProcessorAssertion, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetAssertionById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (ret model.ProcessorAssertion, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetCookie(tenantId consts.TenantId, processor model.Processor) (ret model.ProcessorCookie, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetCookieById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (ret model.ProcessorCookie, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetCustomCode(tenantId consts.TenantId, processor model.Processor) (ret model.ProcessorCustomCode, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetCustomCodeById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (ret model.ProcessorCustomCode, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetData(tenantId consts.TenantId, processor model.Processor) (ret model.ProcessorData, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetDataById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (ret model.ProcessorData, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetEntity(tenantId consts.TenantId, processorId uint) (ret interface{}, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetGroup(tenantId consts.TenantId, processor model.Processor) (ret model.ProcessorGroup, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetGroupById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (ret model.ProcessorGroup, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetInterface(tenantId consts.TenantId, processor model.Processor) (ret model.ProcessorComm, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetLogic(tenantId consts.TenantId, processor model.Processor) (ret model.ProcessorLogic, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetLogicById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (ret model.ProcessorLogic, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetLoop(tenantId consts.TenantId, processor model.Processor) (ret model.ProcessorLoop, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetLoopById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (ret model.ProcessorLoop, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetPrint(tenantId consts.TenantId, processor model.Processor) (ret model.ProcessorPrint, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetPrintById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (ret model.ProcessorPrint, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetRoot(tenantId consts.TenantId, processor model.Processor) (ret model.ProcessorComm, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetTimer(tenantId consts.TenantId, processor model.Processor) (ret model.ProcessorTimer, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetTimerById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (ret model.ProcessorTimer, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetVariable(tenantId consts.TenantId, processor model.Processor) (ret model.ProcessorVariable, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetVariableById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (ret model.ProcessorVariable, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) SaveAssertion(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.ProcessorAssertion) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) SaveBasicInfo(tenantId consts.TenantId, req domain.ScenarioProcessorInfo) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) SaveCookie(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.ProcessorCookie) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) SaveCustomCode(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.ProcessorCustomCode) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) SaveData(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.ProcessorData) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) SaveGroup(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.ProcessorGroup) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) SaveLogic(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.ProcessorLogic) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) SaveLoop(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.ProcessorLoop) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) SavePrint(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.ProcessorPrint) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) SaveTimer(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.ProcessorTimer) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) SaveVariable(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.ProcessorVariable) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) UpdateEntityId(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, entityId uint) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) UpdateInterfaceId(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, debugInterfacceId uint) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) UpdateMethod(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, method consts.HttpMethod) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) UpdateName(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, name string) (err error)
- type ScenarioRepo
- func (r *ScenarioRepo) AddPlans(tenantId consts.TenantId, scenarioId uint, planIds []int) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, scenario model.Scenario) (ret model.Scenario, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioRepo) DeleteByCategoryIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, categoryIds []uint) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioRepo) DeleteById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioRepo) DeleteChildren(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []int, tx *gorm.DB) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioRepo) FindByName(tenantId consts.TenantId, scenarioName string, id uint) (scenario model.Scenario, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (scenario model.Scenario, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioRepo) GetByIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint) (scenarios []model.Scenario, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioRepo) GetCategoryCount(tenantId consts.TenantId, result interface{}, projectId uint) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioRepo) GetChildrenIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (ids []int, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioRepo) ListByProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId int) (pos []model.Scenario, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioRepo) ListScenarioRelation(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (pos []model.RelaPlanScenario, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioRepo) Paginate(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.ScenarioReqPaginate, projectId int) (data _domain.PageData, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioRepo) PlanList(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.ScenarioPlanReqPaginate, scenarioId int) (data _domain.PageData, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioRepo) RemovePlans(tenantId consts.TenantId, scenarioId uint, planIds []int) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioRepo) Update(tenantId consts.TenantId, req model.Scenario) error
- func (r *ScenarioRepo) UpdateCurrEnvId(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, currEnvId uint) error
- func (r *ScenarioRepo) UpdatePriority(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, priority string, updateUserId uint, ...) error
- func (r *ScenarioRepo) UpdateSerialNumber(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, projectId uint) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioRepo) UpdateStatus(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, status consts.TestStatus, updateUserId uint, ...) error
- type ScenarioReportRepo
- func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) BatchDelete(tenantId consts.TenantId, planReportId uint) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) BatchUpdatePlanReportId(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint, planReportId uint) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) ClearLogs(tenantId consts.TenantId, resultId uint) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) CombinePriority(tenantId consts.TenantId, data []model.ScenarioReportDetail) (res []model.ScenarioReportDetail, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) CombineUserName(tenantId consts.TenantId, data []*model.ScenarioReport)
- func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, result *model.ScenarioReport) (bizErr *_domain.BizErr)
- func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) DeleteById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) FindInProgressResult(tenantId consts.TenantId, scenarioId uint) (result model.ScenarioReport, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (report model.ScenarioReport, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) GetBaseReportsByPlanReportId(tenantId consts.TenantId, planReportId uint) (reports []model.ScenarioReport, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) GetReportsByPlanReportId(tenantId consts.TenantId, planReportId uint) (reports []model.ScenarioReportDetail, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) Paginate(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.ReportReqPaginate) (data _domain.PageData, err error)
- func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) ReferBug(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, bugId string, bugType, Severity uint) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) ResetResult(tenantId consts.TenantId, result model.ScenarioReport) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) UpdatePlanReportId(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, planReportId uint) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) UpdateResult(tenantId consts.TenantId, report model.ScenarioReport) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) UpdateSerialNumber(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, projectId uint) (err error)
- func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) UpdateStatus(tenantId consts.TenantId, progressStatus consts.ProgressStatus, ...) (err error)
- type ScriptRepo
- func (r *ScriptRepo) CreateDefault(tenantId consts.TenantId, conditionId uint, src consts.ConditionSrc) (po model.DebugConditionScript)
- func (r *ScriptRepo) CreateLog(tenantId consts.TenantId, script domain.ScriptBase) (log model.ExecLogScript, err error)
- func (r *ScriptRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *ScriptRepo) DeleteByCondition(tenantId consts.TenantId, conditionId uint) (err error)
- func (r *ScriptRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (script model.DebugConditionScript, err error)
- func (r *ScriptRepo) GetByCondition(tenantId consts.TenantId, conditionId uint) (script model.DebugConditionScript, err error)
- func (r *ScriptRepo) GetByName(tenantId consts.TenantId, name string, interfaceId uint) (script model.DebugConditionScript, err error)
- func (r *ScriptRepo) GetLog(tenantId consts.TenantId, conditionId, invokeId uint) (ret model.ExecLogScript, err error)
- func (r *ScriptRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, script *model.DebugConditionScript) (err error)
- func (r *ScriptRepo) UpdateResult(tenantId consts.TenantId, script domain.ScriptBase) (err error)
- type ServeRepo
- func (r *ServeRepo) AddDefaultCategory(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) AddDefaultServer(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, serveId uint) (err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) AddDefaultTestCategory(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) BatchUpdateSchemaProjectByServeId(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveIds []uint, projectId uint) (err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) BindEndpoint(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveId int64, serveVersion string, ...) (err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) ChangeServe(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveId, userId uint) (serve model.Serve, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) CopyEndpoints(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpoints []model.ServeEndpointVersion, ...) (err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) CopyEndpointsVersionRef(tenantId consts.TenantId, version *model.ServeVersion) (err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) CreateSchemas(tenantId consts.TenantId, schemas []*model.ComponentSchema) (err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) CreateServeSample(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (serveId uint, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) DeleteById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) error
- func (r *ServeRepo) DeleteSaveServeEndpointVersions(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveId int64, version string) error
- func (r *ServeRepo) DeleteSchemaById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) error
- func (r *ServeRepo) DeleteSecurityId(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) error
- func (r *ServeRepo) DeleteVersionById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) error
- func (r *ServeRepo) DisableById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) error
- func (r *ServeRepo) DisableVersionById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) error
- func (r *ServeRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (res model.Serve, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) GetBindEndpointIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveId uint, version string) (ids []int64, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) GetBindEndpoints(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveId uint, version string) (endpoints []model.ServeEndpointVersion, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) GetByCode(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint, shortName string) (ret model.Serve, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) GetComponentByItem(tenantId consts.TenantId, sourceType consts.SourceType, projectId uint, ...) (res model.ComponentSchema, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) GetCountByProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (count int64, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) GetCurrServeByUser(tenantId consts.TenantId, userId uint) (currServe model.Serve, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) GetCurrServerByUser(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, serveId, userId uint) (currServer model.ServeServer, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) GetDefault(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (res model.Serve, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) GetDefaultServer(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveId uint) (server model.ServeServer, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) GetLatestVersion(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveId uint) (res model.ServeVersion, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) GetSchema(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (res model.ComponentSchema, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) GetSchemaByRef(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint, ref string) (res model.ComponentSchema, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) GetSchemaRef(tenantId consts.TenantId, schemaId uint) (ref string, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) GetSchemas(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveIs []uint) (res []model.ComponentSchema, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) GetSchemasByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint, options ...[]interface{}) (res []model.ComponentSchema, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) GetSchemasByServeId(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveId uint) (res []model.ComponentSchema, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) GetSecurities(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveIs []uint) (res []model.ComponentSchemaSecurity, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) GetServerCountByEnvironmentId(tenantId consts.TenantId, environmentId uint) (count int64, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) GetServers(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveIs []uint) (res []model.ServeServer, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) GetServesByIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint) (serves []model.Serve, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) GetSwaggerSync(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (sync model.SwaggerSync, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) GetSwaggerSyncById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (sync model.SwaggerSync, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) GetSwaggerSyncList(tenantId consts.TenantId) (res []model.SwaggerSync, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) ListAll(tenantId consts.TenantId) (res []model.Serve, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) ListByProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (pos []model.Serve, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) ListByProjects(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectIds []uint) (pos []model.Serve, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) ListSecurity(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveId uint) (res []model.ComponentSchemaSecurity, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) ListServer(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveId uint) (servers model.ServeServerArr, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) ListVersion(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveId uint) (res []model.ServeVersion, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) MockUrl(tenantId consts.TenantId) (err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) Paginate(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.ServeReqPaginate) (ret _domain.PageData, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) PaginateSchema(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.ServeSchemaPaginate) (ret _domain.PageData, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) PaginateSecurity(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.ServeSecurityPaginate) (ret _domain.PageData, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) PaginateVersion(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.ServeVersionPaginate) (ret _domain.PageData, err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) SaveSchemas(tenantId consts.TenantId, schemas []*model.ComponentSchema) (err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) SaveServe(tenantId consts.TenantId, serve *model.Serve) (err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) SaveServeEndpointVersions(tenantId consts.TenantId, versions []model.ServeEndpointVersion) error
- func (r *ServeRepo) SaveServer(tenantId consts.TenantId, environmentId uint, environmentName string, ...) (err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) SaveServerForServe(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveId uint, servers []model.ServeServer) (err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) SaveSwaggerSync(tenantId consts.TenantId, sync *model.SwaggerSync) (err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) SaveVersion(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, version *model.ServeVersion) (err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) SchemaExist(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, serveId uint, name string) (res bool)
- func (r *ServeRepo) SecurityExist(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, serveId uint, name string) (res bool)
- func (r *ServeRepo) ServeExist(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, projectId uint, name string) (res bool)
- func (r *ServeRepo) SetCurrServeByUser(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveId, userId uint) (err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) SetCurrServerByUser(tenantId consts.TenantId, serverId, userId uint) (err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) UpdateSwaggerSyncExecTimeById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *ServeRepo) VersionExist(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, serveId uint, value string) (res bool)
- type ServeServerRepo
- func (r *ServeServerRepo) BatchCreate(tenantId consts.TenantId, req []model.ServeServer) error
- func (r *ServeServerRepo) FindByServeAndExecEnv(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveId, environmentId uint) (ret model.ServeServer, err error)
- func (r *ServeServerRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (res model.ServeServer, err error)
- func (r *ServeServerRepo) GetByDebugInfo(tenantId consts.TenantId, debugInterfaceId, endpointInterfaceId uint) (ret model.ServeServer, err error)
- func (r *ServeServerRepo) GetByEndpoint(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint) (res model.ServeServer, err error)
- func (r *ServeServerRepo) GetByServeAndUrl(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveId uint, url string) (ret model.ServeServer, err error)
- func (r *ServeServerRepo) GetDefaultByServe(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveId uint) (ret model.ServeServer, err error)
- func (r *ServeServerRepo) SetUrl(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveId uint, url string) (err error)
- func (r *ServeServerRepo) UpdateUrlByServeAndServer(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveId, serverId uint, url string) error
- type ShareVariableRepo
- func (r *ShareVariableRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id int) (err error)
- func (r *ShareVariableRepo) DeleteAllByScenarioId(tenantId consts.TenantId, scenarioId uint) (err error)
- func (r *ShareVariableRepo) DeleteAllByServeId(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveId uint) (err error)
- func (r *ShareVariableRepo) GetExistByInterfaceDebug(tenantId consts.TenantId, name string, serveId uint, usedBy consts.UsedBy) (id uint, err error)
- func (r *ShareVariableRepo) GetExistByScenarioDebug(tenantId consts.TenantId, name string, scenarioId uint) (id uint, err error)
- func (r *ShareVariableRepo) ListForInterfaceDebug(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveId uint, usedBy consts.UsedBy) (pos []model.ShareVariable, err error)
- func (r *ShareVariableRepo) ListForScenarioDebug(tenantId consts.TenantId, processorId uint) (pos []model.ShareVariable, err error)
- func (r *ShareVariableRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.ShareVariable) (err error)
- type SnippetRepo
- type SummaryBugsRepo
- func (r *SummaryBugsRepo) CheckUpdated(tenantId consts.TenantId, lastUpdateTime *time.Time) (result bool, err error)
- func (r *SummaryBugsRepo) Count(tenantId consts.TenantId) (count int64, err error)
- func (r *SummaryBugsRepo) CountByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId int64) (count int64, err error)
- func (r *SummaryBugsRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, bugs model.SummaryBugs) (err error)
- func (r *SummaryBugsRepo) Creates(tenantId consts.TenantId, bugs []model.SummaryBugs) (err error)
- func (r *SummaryBugsRepo) Existed(tenantId consts.TenantId, bugId int64, projectId int64) (id int64, err error)
- func (r *SummaryBugsRepo) FindByProjectIdGroupByBugSeverity(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId int64) (result []model.SummaryBugsSeverity, err error)
- func (r *SummaryBugsRepo) FindGroupByBugSeverity(tenantId consts.TenantId) (result []model.SummaryBugsSeverity, err error)
- func (r *SummaryBugsRepo) FindProjectIds(tenantId consts.TenantId) (projectIds []int64, err error)
- func (r *SummaryBugsRepo) GetNewBugs(tenantId consts.TenantId) (reports []model.ScenarioReport, err error)
- func (r *SummaryBugsRepo) UpdateColumnsByDate(tenantId consts.TenantId, bugs model.SummaryBugs, id int64) (err error)
- type SummaryDetailsRepo
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) CheckCardUpdated(tenantId consts.TenantId, lastUpdateTime *time.Time) (result bool, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) CheckDetailsUpdated(tenantId consts.TenantId, lastUpdateTime *time.Time) (result bool, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) Count(tenantId consts.TenantId) (count int64, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) CountAllEndpointInterfaceTotalProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId) (counts []model.ProjectIdAndId, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) CountAllEndpointTotal(tenantId consts.TenantId) (int64, error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) CountAllExecTotal(tenantId consts.TenantId) (int64, error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) CountAllExecTotalProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId) (counts []model.ProjectIdAndId, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) CountAllScenarioTotal(tenantId consts.TenantId) (count int64, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) CountAllScenarioTotalProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId) (counts []model.ScenarioProjectIdAndId, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) CountBugsGroupByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId) (bugsCount []model.ProjectsBugCount, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) CountByUserId(tenantId consts.TenantId, userId int64) (count int64, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) CountEndpointInterfaceTotalProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId int64) (int64, error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) CountExecTotalProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId int64) (int64, error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) CountProjectUserTotal(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId int64) (count int64, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) CountScenarioTotalProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId int64) (int64, error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) CountUserTotal(tenantId consts.TenantId) (count int64, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, summaryDetails model.SummaryDetails) (err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) Existed(tenantId consts.TenantId, startTime string, endTime string, projectId int64) (id int64, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) Find(tenantId consts.TenantId) (summaryDetails []model.SummaryDetails, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindAdminNameByAdminId(tenantId consts.TenantId, adminId int64) (adminName string, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindAllAssertionCount(tenantId consts.TenantId) (result model.SimplePassRate, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindAllAssertionCountGroupByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId) (result []model.SimplePassRateByProjectId, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindAllEndpointIdsGroupByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId) (ids []model.ProjectIdAndId, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindAllExecLogProcessorInterfaceTotal(tenantId consts.TenantId) (counts int64, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindAllExecLogProcessorInterfaceTotalGroupByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId) (counts []model.ProjectIdAndId, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindAllProjectInfo(tenantId consts.TenantId, engineering string) (projectsInfo []model.SummaryProjectInfo, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindAllUserIdAndNameOfProject(tenantId consts.TenantId) (users []model.UserIdAndName, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindAssertionCountByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId int64) (result model.SimplePassRate, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId int64) (summaryDetail model.SummaryDetails, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindByProjectIdAndDate(tenantId consts.TenantId, startTime string, endTime string, projectId int64) (summaryDetails model.SummaryDetails, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindByProjectIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectIds []int64) (summaryDetails []model.SummaryDetails, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindCreateUserNameByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId int64) (userName string, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindEndpointIdsByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId int64) (ids []int64, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindExecLogProcessorInterfaceTotalGroupByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId int64) (counts int64, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindProjectIds(tenantId consts.TenantId) (ids []int64, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindProjectIdsByUserId(tenantId consts.TenantId, userId int64) (projectIds []int64, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindProjectIdsGroupByUserId(tenantId consts.TenantId) (projectIdsGroupByUserId model.ProjectIdsGroupByUserId, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindUserIdsByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId int64) (userIds []int64, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindUserIdsGroupByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId) (userIdsGroupByProjectId model.UserIdsGroupByProjectId, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) SummaryCard(tenantId consts.TenantId) (summaryCardTotal model.SummaryCardTotal, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) SummaryCardByDate(tenantId consts.TenantId, startTime string, endTime string) (summaryCardTotal model.SummaryCardTotal, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) SummaryCardByDateAndProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId, startTime string, endTime string, projectId int64) (summaryCardTotal model.SummaryCardTotal, err error)
- func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) UpdateColumnsByDate(tenantId consts.TenantId, id int64, summaryDetails model.SummaryDetails) (err error)
- type SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo
- func (r *SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) CheckUpdated(tenantId consts.TenantId, lastUpdateTime *time.Time) (result bool, err error)
- func (r *SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, ...) (err error)
- func (r *SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) Existed(tenantId consts.TenantId, startTime string, endTime string, projectId int64, ...) (id int64, err error)
- func (r *SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindAllUserName(tenantId consts.TenantId) (user []model.RankingUser, err error)
- func (r *SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId int64) (summaryProjectUserRanking []model.SummaryProjectUserRanking, err error)
- func (r *SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindCasesTotalByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId int64) (result []model.UserTotal, err error)
- func (r *SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindGroupByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId) (summaryProjectUserRanking []model.SummaryProjectUserRanking, err error)
- func (r *SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindMaxDataByDateAndProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId, startTime string, endTime string, projectId int64) (summaryProjectUserRanking []model.SummaryProjectUserRanking, err error)
- func (r *SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindMinDataByDateAndProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId, startTime string, endTime string, projectId int64) (summaryProjectUserRanking []model.SummaryProjectUserRanking, err error)
- func (r *SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindProjectIds(tenantId consts.TenantId) (projectIds []int64, err error)
- func (r *SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindProjectUserScenarioTotal(tenantId consts.TenantId) (projectUserTotal []model.ProjectUserTotal, err error)
- func (r *SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindProjectUserTestCasesTotal(tenantId consts.TenantId) (projectUserTotal []model.ProjectUserTotal, err error)
- func (r *SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindScenariosTotalByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId int64) (result []model.UserTotal, err error)
- func (r *SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindUserByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId int64) (user []model.RankingUser, err error)
- func (r *SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindUserIdsByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId int64) (userIds []int64, err error)
- func (r *SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindUserLastUpdateTestCasesByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId int64) (result []model.UserUpdateTime, err error)
- func (r *SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) UpdateColumnsByDate(tenantId consts.TenantId, id int64, ...) (err error)
- type SysAgentRepo
- func (r *SysAgentRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *SysAgentRepo) Disable(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *SysAgentRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po model.SysAgent, err error)
- func (r *SysAgentRepo) List(tenantId consts.TenantId, keywords string) (pos []model.SysAgent, err error)
- func (r *SysAgentRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.SysAgent) (err error)
- func (r *SysAgentRepo) UpdateName(tenantId consts.TenantId, to v1.AgentReq) (err error)
- type ThirdPartySyncRepo
- func (r *ThirdPartySyncRepo) AllData(tenantId consts.TenantId) (data []model.ThirdPartySync, err error)
- func (r *ThirdPartySyncRepo) GetByProjectAndServe(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, serveId uint) (data model.ThirdPartySync, err error)
- func (r *ThirdPartySyncRepo) UpdateExecTimeById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- type UserRepo
- func (r *UserRepo) AddProfileForUser(tenantId consts.TenantId, user *model.SysUser, projectId uint) (err error)
- func (r *UserRepo) AddProjectForUser(tenantId consts.TenantId, user *model.SysUser) (project model.Project, err error)
- func (r *UserRepo) AddRoleForUser(tenantId consts.TenantId, user *model.SysUser) error
- func (r *UserRepo) ChangePassword(tenantId consts.TenantId, req serverDomain.UpdateUserReq, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *UserRepo) CleanToken(authorityType int, userId string) error
- func (r *UserRepo) ClearVcode(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *UserRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, req serverDomain.UserReq) (uint, error)
- func (r *UserRepo) CreateIfNotExisted(tenantId consts.TenantId, req serverDomain.UserReq) (id uint, err error)
- func (r *UserRepo) DelToken(token string) error
- func (r *UserRepo) DeleteById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) error
- func (r *UserRepo) FindByEmail(tenantId consts.TenantId, email string, ids ...uint) (serverDomain.UserResp, error)
- func (r *UserRepo) FindById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (user serverDomain.UserResp, err error)
- func (r *UserRepo) FindByIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint) (res []model.SysUser, err error)
- func (r *UserRepo) FindByUserName(tenantId consts.TenantId, username string, ids ...uint) (serverDomain.UserResp, error)
- func (r *UserRepo) FindByUserNameAndVcode(tenantId consts.TenantId, username, vcode string) (user model.SysUser, err error)
- func (r *UserRepo) FindDetailById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (user serverDomain.UserResp, err error)
- func (r *UserRepo) FindPasswordByEmail(tenantId consts.TenantId, email string) (serverDomain.LoginResp, error)
- func (r *UserRepo) FindPasswordByUserName(tenantId consts.TenantId, username string, ids ...uint) (serverDomain.LoginResp, error)
- func (r *UserRepo) GenAndUpdateVcode(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (vcode string, err error)
- func (r *UserRepo) GetByUserId(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (user model.SysUser, err error)
- func (r *UserRepo) GetByUserName(tenantId consts.TenantId, userName string) (user model.SysUser, err error)
- func (r *UserRepo) GetByUsernameOrEmail(tenantId consts.TenantId, username, email string, ids ...uint) (user model.SysUser, err error)
- func (r *UserRepo) GetByUsernameOrPassword(tenantId consts.TenantId, usernameOrPassword string) (user model.SysUser, err error)
- func (r *UserRepo) GetProjectRoles(tenantId consts.TenantId, users ...*serverDomain.UserResp)
- func (r *UserRepo) GetSysRoles(tenantId consts.TenantId, users ...*serverDomain.UserResp)
- func (r *UserRepo) GetUserByIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint) (users []model.SysUser, err error)
- func (r *UserRepo) GetUserIdNameMap(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint) map[uint]string
- func (r *UserRepo) GetUsersNotExistedInProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (ret []serverDomain.UserResp, err error)
- func (r *UserRepo) InviteToProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, req serverDomain.InviteUserReq) (user model.SysUser, err error)
- func (r *UserRepo) IsAdminUser(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (ret bool, err error)
- func (r *UserRepo) Paginate(tenantId consts.TenantId, req serverDomain.UserReqPaginate) (data _domain.PageData, err error)
- func (r *UserRepo) Register(tenantId consts.TenantId, user *model.SysUser) (err error)
- func (r *UserRepo) Update(tenantId consts.TenantId, userId, id uint, req serverDomain.UserReq) error
- func (r *UserRepo) UpdateAvatar(id uint, avatar string) error
- func (r *UserRepo) UpdateByLdapInfo(tenantId consts.TenantId, ldapUserInfo v1.UserBase) (id uint, err error)
- func (r *UserRepo) UpdateEmail(tenantId consts.TenantId, email string, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *UserRepo) UpdateName(tenantId consts.TenantId, username string, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *UserRepo) UpdatePassword(tenantId consts.TenantId, password string, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *UserRepo) UpdatePasswordByName(tenantId consts.TenantId, name string, password string) (err error)
- func (r *UserRepo) UpdateRoleForUser(tenantId consts.TenantId, userId string, roleIds []string) error
- type WebsocketInterfaceRepo
- func (r *WebsocketInterfaceRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.DiagnoseInterfaceSaveReq) (diagnoseInterface model.DiagnoseInterface, err error)
- func (r *WebsocketInterfaceRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po model.WebsocketInterface, err error)
- func (r *WebsocketInterfaceRepo) ListHeaders(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint) (pos []model.WebsocketInterfaceHeader, err error)
- func (r *WebsocketInterfaceRepo) ListParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint) (params []model.WebsocketInterfaceParam, err error)
- func (r *WebsocketInterfaceRepo) RemoveHeaders(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *WebsocketInterfaceRepo) RemoveParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
- func (r *WebsocketInterfaceRepo) SaveDebugData(po model.WebsocketInterface, tenantId consts.TenantId) (err error)
- func (r *WebsocketInterfaceRepo) SaveHeaders(headers *[]domain.Header, id uint, tenantId consts.TenantId) (err error)
- func (r *WebsocketInterfaceRepo) SaveParams(params *[]domain.Param, id uint, tenantId consts.TenantId) (err error)
- func (r *WebsocketInterfaceRepo) UpdateDiagnoseInterfaceId(tenantId consts.TenantId, websocketInterfaceId, diagnoseInterfaceId uint) (err error)
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AiMeasurementRepo ¶
type AiMeasurementRepo struct { *BaseRepo `inject:""` DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` AiMetricsRepo *AiMetricsRepo `inject:""` }
func (*AiMeasurementRepo) Create ¶
func (r *AiMeasurementRepo) Create(req *v1.AiMeasurementCreateReq) (user model.AiMeasurement, err error)
func (*AiMeasurementRepo) Delete ¶
func (r *AiMeasurementRepo) Delete(id uint) (err error)
func (*AiMeasurementRepo) Get ¶
func (r *AiMeasurementRepo) Get(id uint) (po model.AiMeasurement, err error)
func (*AiMeasurementRepo) List ¶
func (r *AiMeasurementRepo) List() (pos []model.AiMeasurement, err error)
func (*AiMeasurementRepo) LoadForExec ¶
func (r *AiMeasurementRepo) LoadForExec(id uint) (cs domain.AiMeasurement, metricsArr []domain.AiMetrics, err error)
func (*AiMeasurementRepo) Update ¶
func (r *AiMeasurementRepo) Update(user model.AiMeasurement) (err error)
type AiMetricsRepo ¶
func (*AiMetricsRepo) Create ¶
func (r *AiMetricsRepo) Create(req *v1.AiMeasurementCreateReq) (user model.AiMeasurement, err error)
func (*AiMetricsRepo) Delete ¶
func (r *AiMetricsRepo) Delete(id uint) (err error)
func (*AiMetricsRepo) Get ¶
func (r *AiMetricsRepo) Get(id uint) (po model.AiMeasurement, err error)
func (*AiMetricsRepo) ListByMeasurement ¶
func (r *AiMetricsRepo) ListByMeasurement(cs model.AiMeasurement) (pos []model.AiMetrics, err error)
func (*AiMetricsRepo) Update ¶
func (r *AiMetricsRepo) Update(user model.AiMeasurement) (err error)
type AuthRepo ¶
func (*AuthRepo) CreateToken ¶
func (*AuthRepo) FindByName ¶
func (*AuthRepo) FindByToken ¶
func (*AuthRepo) ListOAuth2Token ¶
type BaseRepo ¶
func (*BaseRepo) GetAdminRoleName ¶
func (*BaseRepo) GetAllChildIdsSimple ¶
func (*BaseRepo) GetAncestorIds ¶
func (*BaseRepo) GetDescendantIds ¶
func (r *BaseRepo) GetDescendantIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, tableName string, typ serverConsts.CategoryDiscriminator, projectId int) ( ids []uint, err error)
func (*BaseRepo) GetEntities ¶
func (*BaseRepo) MoveEntity ¶
type CategoryRepo ¶
type CategoryRepo struct { *BaseRepo `inject:""` DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` ProjectRepo *ProjectRepo `inject:""` }
func (*CategoryRepo) BatchAddProjectRootSchemaCategory ¶
func (r *CategoryRepo) BatchAddProjectRootSchemaCategory(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectIds []uint) (err error)
func (*CategoryRepo) BatchDelete ¶
func (r *CategoryRepo) BatchDelete(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint) (err error)
func (*CategoryRepo) BatchGetByIds ¶
func (*CategoryRepo) BatchGetRootNodeProjectIds ¶
func (r *CategoryRepo) BatchGetRootNodeProjectIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectIds []uint, typ serverConsts.CategoryDiscriminator) (res []uint, err error)
func (*CategoryRepo) BatchGetRootNodes ¶
func (r *CategoryRepo) BatchGetRootNodes(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectIds []uint, typ serverConsts.CategoryDiscriminator) (res []model.Category, err error)
func (*CategoryRepo) Delete ¶
func (r *CategoryRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*CategoryRepo) DeleteByEntityId ¶
func (r *CategoryRepo) DeleteByEntityId(tenantId consts.TenantId, entityId uint, _type serverConsts.CategoryDiscriminator) (err error)
func (*CategoryRepo) GetAllChild ¶
func (r *CategoryRepo) GetAllChild(tenantId consts.TenantId, typ serverConsts.CategoryDiscriminator, projectId uint, parentId int, nodeType serverConsts.NodeCreateType) (child []*model.Category, err error)
func (*CategoryRepo) GetAllChildrenMap ¶
func (*CategoryRepo) GetByEntityId ¶
func (r *CategoryRepo) GetByEntityId(tenantId consts.TenantId, entityId uint, _type serverConsts.CategoryDiscriminator) (category model.Category, err error)
func (*CategoryRepo) GetByItem ¶
func (r *CategoryRepo) GetByItem(tenantId consts.TenantId, parentId uint, typ serverConsts.CategoryDiscriminator, projectId uint, name string) (res model.Category, err error)
func (*CategoryRepo) GetChildren ¶
func (r *CategoryRepo) GetChildren(tenantId consts.TenantId, nodeId uint, nodeType serverConsts.NodeCreateType) (children []*model.Category, err error)
func (*CategoryRepo) GetChildrenNodes ¶
func (r *CategoryRepo) GetChildrenNodes(tenantId consts.TenantId, categoryId uint, nodeType serverConsts.NodeCreateType) (ret []*model.Category, err error)
func (*CategoryRepo) GetEntityCountByCategoryId ¶
func (r *CategoryRepo) GetEntityCountByCategoryId(tenantId consts.TenantId, categoryId uint) int64
func (*CategoryRepo) GetEntityIdsByIds ¶
func (*CategoryRepo) GetJoinedPath ¶
func (*CategoryRepo) GetMaxOrder ¶
func (r *CategoryRepo) GetMaxOrder(tenantId consts.TenantId, parentId uint, typ serverConsts.CategoryDiscriminator, projectId uint) (order int)
func (*CategoryRepo) GetRoot ¶
func (r *CategoryRepo) GetRoot(tenantId consts.TenantId, typ serverConsts.CategoryDiscriminator, projectId uint) (res model.Category, err error)
func (*CategoryRepo) GetRootNode ¶
func (r *CategoryRepo) GetRootNode(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint, typ serverConsts.CategoryDiscriminator) (node model.Category, err error)
func (*CategoryRepo) GetTree ¶
func (r *CategoryRepo) GetTree(tenantId consts.TenantId, typ serverConsts.CategoryDiscriminator, projectId uint, nodeType serverConsts.NodeCreateType) (root *v1.Category, err error)
func (*CategoryRepo) ListByProject ¶
func (r *CategoryRepo) ListByProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, typ serverConsts.CategoryDiscriminator, projectId uint, nodeType serverConsts.NodeCreateType) (pos []*model.Category, err error)
func (*CategoryRepo) SaveEntityNode ¶
func (r *CategoryRepo) SaveEntityNode(tenantId consts.TenantId, nodeId uint, typ serverConsts.CategoryDiscriminator, projectId, categoryId, entityId uint, name string) (id uint, err error)
func (*CategoryRepo) Update ¶
func (r *CategoryRepo) Update(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.CategoryReq) (err error)
func (*CategoryRepo) UpdateEntityId ¶
func (r *CategoryRepo) UpdateEntityId(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, entityId uint) (err error)
func (*CategoryRepo) UpdateName ¶
func (*CategoryRepo) UpdateNameByEntityId ¶
func (r *CategoryRepo) UpdateNameByEntityId(tenantId consts.TenantId, entityId uint, name string, _type serverConsts.CategoryDiscriminator) (err error)
func (*CategoryRepo) UpdateOrdAndParent ¶
func (*CategoryRepo) UpdateOrder ¶
func (r *CategoryRepo) UpdateOrder(tenantId consts.TenantId, pos serverConsts.DropPos, targetId int, typ serverConsts.CategoryDiscriminator, projectId uint) ( parentId int, ordr int)
func (*CategoryRepo) UpdateParentIdByEntityIds ¶
func (r *CategoryRepo) UpdateParentIdByEntityIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, entityIds []uint, parentId uint, _type serverConsts.CategoryDiscriminator) (err error)
type CheckpointRepo ¶
func (*CheckpointRepo) CreateDefault ¶
func (r *CheckpointRepo) CreateDefault(tenantId consts.TenantId, conditionId uint) (po model.DebugConditionCheckpoint)
func (*CheckpointRepo) CreateLog ¶
func (r *CheckpointRepo) CreateLog(tenantId consts.TenantId, checkpoint domain.CheckpointBase) ( log model.ExecLogCheckpoint, err error)
func (*CheckpointRepo) Delete ¶
func (r *CheckpointRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*CheckpointRepo) DeleteByCondition ¶
func (r *CheckpointRepo) DeleteByCondition(tenantId consts.TenantId, conditionId uint) (err error)
func (*CheckpointRepo) Get ¶
func (r *CheckpointRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (checkpoint model.DebugConditionCheckpoint, err error)
func (*CheckpointRepo) GetByName ¶
func (r *CheckpointRepo) GetByName(tenantId consts.TenantId, name string, interfaceId uint) (checkpoint model.DebugConditionCheckpoint, err error)
func (*CheckpointRepo) GetLog ¶
func (r *CheckpointRepo) GetLog(tenantId consts.TenantId, conditionId, invokeId uint) (ret model.ExecLogCheckpoint, err error)
func (*CheckpointRepo) GetLogFromScriptAssert ¶
func (r *CheckpointRepo) GetLogFromScriptAssert(tenantId consts.TenantId, conditionId, invokeId uint) (ret []model.ExecLogCheckpoint, err error)
func (*CheckpointRepo) Save ¶
func (r *CheckpointRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, checkpoint *model.DebugConditionCheckpoint) (err error)
func (*CheckpointRepo) UpdateDesc ¶
func (r *CheckpointRepo) UpdateDesc(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.DebugConditionCheckpoint) (err error)
func (*CheckpointRepo) UpdateResult ¶
func (r *CheckpointRepo) UpdateResult(tenantId consts.TenantId, checkpoint domain.CheckpointBase) (err error)
type ComponentSchemaRepo ¶
type ComponentSchemaRepo struct { DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` *BaseRepo `inject:""` CategoryRepo *CategoryRepo `inject:""` }
func (*ComponentSchemaRepo) ChangeRef ¶
func (r *ComponentSchemaRepo) ChangeRef(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, categoryId uint) (err error)
func (*ComponentSchemaRepo) DeleteByIds ¶
func (r *ComponentSchemaRepo) DeleteByIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint) (err error)
func (*ComponentSchemaRepo) GetCategoryCount ¶
func (r *ComponentSchemaRepo) GetCategoryCount(tenantId consts.TenantId, result interface{}, projectId uint) (err error)
func (*ComponentSchemaRepo) GetSchemasNotExistedInCategory ¶
func (r *ComponentSchemaRepo) GetSchemasNotExistedInCategory(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectIds []uint) (res []model.ComponentSchema, err error)
func (*ComponentSchemaRepo) ListAll ¶
func (r *ComponentSchemaRepo) ListAll(tenantId consts.TenantId) (res []model.ComponentSchema, err error)
func (*ComponentSchemaRepo) MoveEntity ¶
func (*ComponentSchemaRepo) SaveEntity ¶
func (*ComponentSchemaRepo) UpdateRefById ¶
type ComponentSchemaSecurityRepo ¶
func (*ComponentSchemaSecurityRepo) Save ¶
func (r *ComponentSchemaSecurityRepo) Save(ComponentSchema model.ComponentSchema) (err error)
type ConditionRepo ¶
type ConditionRepo struct { *BaseRepo `inject:""` DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` ExtractorRepo *ExtractorRepo `inject:""` CheckpointRepo *CheckpointRepo `inject:""` ScriptRepo *ScriptRepo `inject:""` DatabaseOptRepo *DatabaseOptRepo `inject:""` DatabaseConnRepo *DatabaseConnRepo `inject:""` ResponseDefineRepo *ResponseDefineRepo `inject:""` EndpointInterfaceRepo *EndpointInterfaceRepo `inject:""` }
func (*ConditionRepo) CreateDefaultResponseDefine ¶
func (*ConditionRepo) Delete ¶
func (r *ConditionRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*ConditionRepo) Disable ¶
func (r *ConditionRepo) Disable(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*ConditionRepo) Get ¶
func (r *ConditionRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po model.DebugCondition, err error)
func (*ConditionRepo) GetMaxOrder ¶
func (*ConditionRepo) GetResponseDefineByDebugInterfaceId ¶
func (r *ConditionRepo) GetResponseDefineByDebugInterfaceId(tenantId consts.TenantId, debugInterfaceId, endpointInterfaceId uint) (po model.DebugCondition, err error)
func (*ConditionRepo) List ¶
func (r *ConditionRepo) List(tenantId consts.TenantId, debugInterfaceId, endpointInterfaceId uint, typ consts.ConditionCategory, usedBy consts.UsedBy, forAlternativeCase string, src consts.ConditionSrc) ( pos []model.DebugCondition, err error)
func (*ConditionRepo) ListDbOpt ¶
func (r *ConditionRepo) ListDbOpt(tenantId consts.TenantId, req domain.DebugInfo) (pos []model.DebugCondition, err error)
func (*ConditionRepo) ListExtractor ¶
func (r *ConditionRepo) ListExtractor(tenantId consts.TenantId, req domain.DebugInfo) ( pos []model.DebugCondition, err error)
func (*ConditionRepo) ListTo ¶
func (r *ConditionRepo) ListTo(tenantId consts.TenantId, debugInterfaceId, endpointInterfaceId uint, usedBy consts.UsedBy, forAlternativeCase string, src consts.ConditionSrc) (ret []domain.InterfaceExecCondition, err error)
func (*ConditionRepo) RemoveAllForBenchmarkCase ¶
func (r *ConditionRepo) RemoveAllForBenchmarkCase(tenantId consts.TenantId, debugInterfaceId, endpointInterfaceId uint, usedBy consts.UsedBy, entityType consts.ConditionCategory) (err error)
func (*ConditionRepo) ReplaceAll ¶
func (r *ConditionRepo) ReplaceAll(tenantId consts.TenantId, debugInterfaceId, endpointInterfaceId uint, conditions []domain.InterfaceExecCondition, usedBy consts.UsedBy, src consts.ConditionSrc) (err error)
func (*ConditionRepo) Save ¶
func (r *ConditionRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.DebugCondition) (err error)
func (*ConditionRepo) UpdateEntityId ¶
func (*ConditionRepo) UpdateOrders ¶
func (r *ConditionRepo) UpdateOrders(tenantId consts.TenantId, req serverDomain.ConditionMoveReq) (err error)
type ConfigRepo ¶
type CronConfigLecangRepo ¶
func (*CronConfigLecangRepo) Create ¶
func (r *CronConfigLecangRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, config model.CronConfigLecang) (id uint, err error)
func (*CronConfigLecangRepo) DeleteById ¶
func (r *CronConfigLecangRepo) DeleteById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*CronConfigLecangRepo) GetById ¶
func (r *CronConfigLecangRepo) GetById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (config model.CronConfigLecang, err error)
func (*CronConfigLecangRepo) Save ¶
func (r *CronConfigLecangRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, config model.CronConfigLecang) (id uint, err error)
func (*CronConfigLecangRepo) Update ¶
func (r *CronConfigLecangRepo) Update(tenantId consts.TenantId, config model.CronConfigLecang) (err error)
type DataRepo ¶
func NewDataRepo ¶
func (*DataRepo) CreateMySqlDb ¶
CreateMySqlDb 创建数据库(mysql)
func (*DataRepo) SetSqlMode ¶
type DatabaseConnRepo ¶
func (*DatabaseConnRepo) Delete ¶
func (r *DatabaseConnRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*DatabaseConnRepo) Disable ¶
func (r *DatabaseConnRepo) Disable(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*DatabaseConnRepo) Get ¶
func (r *DatabaseConnRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po model.DatabaseConn, err error)
func (*DatabaseConnRepo) GetByName ¶
func (r *DatabaseConnRepo) GetByName(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, projectId uint, name string) (po model.DatabaseConn, err error)
func (*DatabaseConnRepo) List ¶
func (r *DatabaseConnRepo) List(tenantId consts.TenantId, keywords string, projectId int, ignoreDisabled bool) (pos []model.DatabaseConn, err error)
func (*DatabaseConnRepo) Save ¶
func (r *DatabaseConnRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.DatabaseConn) (err error)
func (*DatabaseConnRepo) UpdateName ¶
type DatabaseOptRepo ¶
type DatabaseOptRepo struct { *BaseRepo `inject:""` DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` DatabaseConnRepo *DatabaseConnRepo `inject:""` }
func (*DatabaseOptRepo) CreateDefault ¶
func (r *DatabaseOptRepo) CreateDefault(tenantId consts.TenantId, conditionId uint, src consts.ConditionSrc) (po model.DebugConditionDatabaseOpt)
func (*DatabaseOptRepo) CreateLog ¶
func (r *DatabaseOptRepo) CreateLog(tenantId consts.TenantId, databaseOpt domain.DatabaseOptBase) ( log model.ExecLogDatabaseOpt, err error)
func (*DatabaseOptRepo) Delete ¶
func (r *DatabaseOptRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*DatabaseOptRepo) DeleteByCondition ¶
func (r *DatabaseOptRepo) DeleteByCondition(tenantId consts.TenantId, conditionId uint) (err error)
func (*DatabaseOptRepo) Get ¶
func (r *DatabaseOptRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (databaseOpt model.DebugConditionDatabaseOpt, err error)
func (*DatabaseOptRepo) GetLog ¶
func (r *DatabaseOptRepo) GetLog(tenantId consts.TenantId, conditionId, invokeId uint) (ret model.ExecLogDatabaseOpt, err error)
func (*DatabaseOptRepo) Save ¶
func (r *DatabaseOptRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, databaseOpt *model.DebugConditionDatabaseOpt) (err error)
func (*DatabaseOptRepo) UpdateDesc ¶
func (r *DatabaseOptRepo) UpdateDesc(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.DebugConditionDatabaseOpt) (err error)
func (*DatabaseOptRepo) UpdateResult ¶
func (r *DatabaseOptRepo) UpdateResult(tenantId consts.TenantId, databaseOpt domain.DatabaseOptBase) (err error)
type DatapoolRepo ¶
type DatapoolRepo struct { *BaseRepo `inject:""` DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` UserRepo *UserRepo `inject:""` }
func (*DatapoolRepo) Delete ¶
func (r *DatapoolRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*DatapoolRepo) Disable ¶
func (r *DatapoolRepo) Disable(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*DatapoolRepo) ListForExec ¶
func (r *DatapoolRepo) ListForExec(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (ret []v1.DatapoolReq, err error)
func (*DatapoolRepo) Paginate ¶
func (r *DatapoolRepo) Paginate(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.DatapoolReqPaginate) (ret _domain.PageData, err error)
func (*DatapoolRepo) SaveData ¶
func (r *DatapoolRepo) SaveData(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.DatapoolReq) (err error)
type DebugInterfaceRepo ¶
type DebugInterfaceRepo struct { *BaseRepo `inject:""` DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` *ServeRepo `inject:""` *ServeServerRepo `inject:""` EndpointCaseRepo *EndpointCaseRepo `inject:""` DiagnoseInterfaceRepo *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo `inject:""` }
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) CreateDefault ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) CreateDefault(tenantId consts.TenantId, src consts.ProcessorInterfaceSrc, projectId uint) (id uint, err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) Delete ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) DeleteByProcessorIds ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) DeleteByProcessorIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint) (err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) Get ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po model.DebugInterface, err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) GetApiKey ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) GetApiKey(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po model.DebugInterfaceApiKey, err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) GetBasicAuth ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) GetBasicAuth(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po model.DebugInterfaceBasicAuth, err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) GetBearerToken ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) GetBearerToken(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po model.DebugInterfaceBearerToken, err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) GetByCaseInterfaceId ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) GetByCaseInterfaceId(tenantId consts.TenantId, caseInterfaceId uint) (po model.DebugInterface, err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) GetChildren ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) GetChildren(tenantId consts.TenantId, defId, fieldId uint) (children []*model.DebugInterface, err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) GetDetail ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) GetDetail(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfId uint) (interf model.DebugInterface, err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) GetGlobalParams ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) GetGlobalParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po []model.DebugInterfaceGlobalParam, err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) GetOAuth20 ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) GetOAuth20(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po model.DebugInterfaceOAuth20, err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) GetSourceNameById ¶
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) ListBodyFormData ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) ListBodyFormData(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint) (pos []model.DebugInterfaceBodyFormDataItem, err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) ListBodyFormUrlencoded ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) ListBodyFormUrlencoded(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint) (pos []model.DebugInterfaceBodyFormUrlEncodedItem, err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) ListByProject ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) ListByProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId int) (pos []*model.DebugInterface, err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) ListCookies ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) ListCookies(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint) (pos []model.DebugInterfaceCookie, err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) ListHeaders ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) ListHeaders(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint) (pos []model.DebugInterfaceHeader, err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) ListParams ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) ListParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint) ( queryParams []model.DebugInterfaceParam, pathParams []model.DebugInterfaceParam, err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) PopulateProps ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) PopulateProps(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.DebugInterface) (err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) RemoveApiKey ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) RemoveApiKey(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) RemoveBasicAuth ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) RemoveBasicAuth(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) RemoveBearerToken ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) RemoveBearerToken(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) RemoveBodyFormData ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) RemoveBodyFormData(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) RemoveBodyFormUrlencoded ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) RemoveBodyFormUrlencoded(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) RemoveCookie ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) RemoveCookie(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) RemoveGlobalParams ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) RemoveGlobalParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) RemoveHeaders ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) RemoveHeaders(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) RemoveOAuth20 ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) RemoveOAuth20(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint) (err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) RemoveParams ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) RemoveParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) Save ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, interf *model.DebugInterface) (err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) SaveInterfaces ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) SaveInterfaces(tenantId consts.TenantId, interf *model.DebugInterface) (err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) SetIsRange ¶
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) SetOAuth2AccessToken ¶
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) SyncPath ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) SyncPath(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId, serveId uint, newPath, oldPath string)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) SyncServeId ¶
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateApiKey ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateApiKey(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, payload model.DebugInterfaceApiKey) (err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateBasicAuth ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateBasicAuth(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, payload model.DebugInterfaceBasicAuth) (err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateBearerToken ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateBearerToken(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, payload model.DebugInterfaceBearerToken) (err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateBodyFormData ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateBodyFormData(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, items []model.DebugInterfaceBodyFormDataItem) (err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateBodyFormUrlencoded ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateBodyFormUrlencoded(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, items []model.DebugInterfaceBodyFormUrlEncodedItem) (err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateCookies ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateCookies(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, cookies []model.DebugInterfaceCookie) (err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateDebugInfo ¶
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateDefinePath ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateDefinePath(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint, newPath, oldPath string) (err error)
UpdateDefinePath 如果路径没变更,则更新接口定义-调试-接口定义-用例路径
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateGlobalParams ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateGlobalParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, params []model.DebugInterfaceGlobalParam) (err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateHeaders ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateHeaders(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, headers []model.DebugInterfaceHeader) (err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateInterface ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateInterface(tenantId consts.TenantId, interf *model.DebugInterface) (err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateName ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateName(tenantId consts.TenantId, req serverDomain.EndpointCase) (err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateOAuth20 ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateOAuth20(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint, payload model.DebugInterfaceOAuth20) (err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateOrdAndParent ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateOrdAndParent(tenantId consts.TenantId, interf model.DebugInterface) (err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateOrder ¶
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateParams ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, queryParams, pathParams []model.DebugInterfaceParam) (err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateProcessorId ¶
func (r *DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateProcessorId(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, processorId uint) (err error)
func (*DebugInterfaceRepo) UpdateServeId ¶
type DebugInvokeRepo ¶
func (*DebugInvokeRepo) ChangeProcessorOwner ¶
func (r *DebugInvokeRepo) ChangeProcessorOwner(tenantId consts.TenantId, oldProcessId, newProcessId, debugInterfaceId, endpointInterfaceId uint) (err error)
func (*DebugInvokeRepo) Get ¶
func (r *DebugInvokeRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po model.DebugInvoke, err error)
func (*DebugInvokeRepo) Save ¶
func (r *DebugInvokeRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, invocation *model.DebugInvoke) (err error)
type DiagnoseInterfaceRepo ¶
type DiagnoseInterfaceRepo struct { *BaseRepo `inject:""` *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo `inject:""` *DebugInterfaceRepo `inject:""` DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` }
func (*DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) CreateInterfaceFromCurl ¶
func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) CreateInterfaceFromCurl(tenantId consts.TenantId, interf *model.DiagnoseInterface, parent model.DiagnoseInterface) ( err error)
func (*DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) Delete ¶
func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) Get ¶
func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po model.DiagnoseInterface, err error)
func (*DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) GetChildren ¶
func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) GetChildren(tenantId consts.TenantId, nodeId uint) (children []*model.DiagnoseInterface, err error)
func (*DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) GetDetail ¶
func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) GetDetail(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfId uint) (diagnoseInterface model.DiagnoseInterface, err error)
func (*DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) GetMaxOrder ¶
func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) GetMaxOrder(tenantId consts.TenantId, parentId uint) (order int)
func (*DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) GetTree ¶
func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) GetTree(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (root *serverDomain.DiagnoseInterface, err error)
func (*DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) ListByProject ¶
func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) ListByProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (pos []*model.DiagnoseInterface, err error)
func (*DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) Remove ¶
func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) Remove(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, typ serverConsts.DiagnoseInterfaceType) (err error)
func (*DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) Save ¶
func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.DiagnoseInterface) (err error)
func (*DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) SaveDebugData ¶
func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) SaveDebugData(tenantId consts.TenantId, interf *model.DiagnoseInterface) (err error)
func (*DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) ToTo ¶
func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) ToTo(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.DiagnoseInterface) (to *serverDomain.DiagnoseInterface)
func (*DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) Update ¶
func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) Update(tenantId consts.TenantId, req serverDomain.DiagnoseInterfaceReq) (err error)
func (*DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) UpdateDebugInfo ¶
func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) UpdateDebugInfo(tenantId consts.TenantId, interf *model.DiagnoseInterface) (err error)
func (*DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) UpdateMethod ¶
func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) UpdateMethod(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, method consts.HttpMethod) (err error)
func (*DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) UpdateName ¶
func (*DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) UpdateOrdAndParent ¶
func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) UpdateOrdAndParent(tenantId consts.TenantId, node model.DiagnoseInterface) (err error)
func (*DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) UpdateOrder ¶
func (r *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo) UpdateOrder(tenantId consts.TenantId, pos serverConsts.DropPos, targetId uint, projectId uint) ( parentId uint, ordr int)
type EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo ¶
type EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo struct { *BaseRepo `inject:""` DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` EndpointRepo *EndpointRepo `inject:""` DebugInterfaceRepo *DebugInterfaceRepo `inject:""` ProjectRepo *ProjectRepo `inject:""` CategoryRepo *CategoryRepo `inject:""` }
func (*EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) Get ¶
func (r *EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po model.EndpointCase, err error)
func (*EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) GetCategoryEndpointCase ¶
func (r *EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) GetCategoryEndpointCase(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, serveId uint) (result []serverDomain.CategoryEndpointCase, err error)
func (*EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) GetDetail ¶
func (r *EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) GetDetail(tenantId consts.TenantId, caseId uint) (endpointCase model.EndpointCase, err error)
func (*EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) GetEndpointCount ¶
func (r *EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) GetEndpointCount(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, serveId uint) (result []serverDomain.EndpointCount, err error)
func (*EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) List ¶
func (r *EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) List(tenantId consts.TenantId, caseId uint) (pos []model.EndpointCaseAlternative, err error)
func (*EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) ListByProjectIdAndServeId ¶
func (r *EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) ListByProjectIdAndServeId(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, serveId uint) (endpointCases []*serverDomain.InterfaceCase, err error)
func (*EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) LoadFactor ¶
func (r *EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) LoadFactor(tenantId consts.TenantId, caseId uint) (pos []model.EndpointCaseAlternativeFactor, err error)
func (*EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) Remove ¶
func (r *EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) Remove(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) Save ¶
func (r *EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.EndpointCase) (err error)
func (*EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) SaveDebugData ¶
func (r *EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) SaveDebugData(tenantId consts.TenantId, interf *model.EndpointCase) (err error)
func (*EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) SaveFactor ¶
func (r *EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) SaveFactor(tenantId consts.TenantId, req serverDomain.EndpointCaseFactorSaveReq) (err error)
func (*EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) UpdateDebugInfo ¶
func (r *EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) UpdateDebugInfo(tenantId consts.TenantId, interf *model.EndpointCase) (err error)
func (*EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) UpdateDebugInterfaceId ¶
func (r *EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) UpdateDebugInterfaceId(tenantId consts.TenantId, debugInterfaceId, id uint) (err error)
func (*EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) UpdateName ¶
func (r *EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) UpdateName(tenantId consts.TenantId, req serverDomain.EndpointCaseSaveReq) (err error)
func (*EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) UpdateSerialNumber ¶
func (r *EndpointCaseAlternativeRepo) UpdateSerialNumber(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, projectId uint) (err error)
type EndpointCaseRepo ¶
type EndpointCaseRepo struct { *BaseRepo `inject:""` DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` EndpointRepo *EndpointRepo `inject:""` DebugInterfaceRepo *DebugInterfaceRepo `inject:""` ProjectRepo *ProjectRepo `inject:""` CategoryRepo *CategoryRepo `inject:""` }
func (*EndpointCaseRepo) Get ¶
func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po model.EndpointCase, err error)
func (*EndpointCaseRepo) GetCategoryEndpointCase ¶
func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) GetCategoryEndpointCase(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint, serveIds consts.Integers) (result []serverDomain.CategoryEndpointCase, err error)
func (*EndpointCaseRepo) GetDetail ¶
func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) GetDetail(tenantId consts.TenantId, caseId uint) (endpointCase model.EndpointCase, err error)
func (*EndpointCaseRepo) GetEndpointCount ¶
func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) GetEndpointCount(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint, serveIds consts.Integers) (result []serverDomain.EndpointCount, err error)
func (*EndpointCaseRepo) List ¶
func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) List(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint) (pos []model.EndpointCase, err error)
func (*EndpointCaseRepo) ListByCaseType ¶
func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) ListByCaseType(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint, caseTypes []consts.CaseType) (pos []model.EndpointCase, err error)
func (*EndpointCaseRepo) ListByCaseTypeAndBaseCase ¶
func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) ListByCaseTypeAndBaseCase(tenantId consts.TenantId, caseType consts.CaseType, baseCase uint) (cases []model.EndpointCase, err error)
func (*EndpointCaseRepo) ListByProjectIdAndServeId ¶
func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) ListByProjectIdAndServeId(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, serveId uint) (endpointCases []*serverDomain.InterfaceCase, err error)
func (*EndpointCaseRepo) MountChildrenForBenchmark ¶
func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) MountChildrenForBenchmark(tenantId consts.TenantId, cases []*model.EndpointCase)
func (*EndpointCaseRepo) Paginate ¶
func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) Paginate(tenantId consts.TenantId, req serverDomain.EndpointCaseReqPaginate) (data _domain.PageData, err error)
func (*EndpointCaseRepo) Remove ¶
func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) Remove(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*EndpointCaseRepo) Save ¶
func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.EndpointCase) (err error)
func (*EndpointCaseRepo) SaveDebugData ¶
func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) SaveDebugData(tenantId consts.TenantId, interf *model.EndpointCase) (err error)
func (*EndpointCaseRepo) UpdateDebugInfo ¶
func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) UpdateDebugInfo(tenantId consts.TenantId, interf *model.EndpointCase) (err error)
func (*EndpointCaseRepo) UpdateDebugInterfaceId ¶
func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) UpdateDebugInterfaceId(tenantId consts.TenantId, debugInterfaceId, id uint) (err error)
func (*EndpointCaseRepo) UpdateInfo ¶
func (*EndpointCaseRepo) UpdateName ¶
func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) UpdateName(tenantId consts.TenantId, req serverDomain.EndpointCaseSaveReq) (err error)
func (*EndpointCaseRepo) UpdateSerialNumber ¶
func (r *EndpointCaseRepo) UpdateSerialNumber(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, projectId uint) (err error)
type EndpointDocumentRepo ¶
type EndpointDocumentRepo struct { *BaseRepo `inject:""` EndpointInterfaceRepo *EndpointInterfaceRepo `inject:""` ServeRepo *ServeRepo `inject:""` ProjectRepo *ProjectRepo `inject:""` }
func NewEndpointDocumentRepo ¶
func NewEndpointDocumentRepo() *EndpointDocumentRepo
func (*EndpointDocumentRepo) Create ¶
func (r *EndpointDocumentRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.DocumentVersionReq, projectId uint) (id uint, err error)
func (*EndpointDocumentRepo) DeleteById ¶
func (r *EndpointDocumentRepo) DeleteById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*EndpointDocumentRepo) GetById ¶
func (r *EndpointDocumentRepo) GetById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (document model.EndpointDocument, err error)
func (*EndpointDocumentRepo) GetByVersionAndProject ¶
func (r *EndpointDocumentRepo) GetByVersionAndProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, version string, projectId uint) (document model.EndpointDocument, err error)
func (*EndpointDocumentRepo) GetIdByVersionAndProject ¶
func (r *EndpointDocumentRepo) GetIdByVersionAndProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.DocumentVersionReq, projectId uint) (id uint, err error)
func (*EndpointDocumentRepo) ListByProject ¶
func (r *EndpointDocumentRepo) ListByProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (documents []model.EndpointDocument, err error)
func (*EndpointDocumentRepo) Update ¶
func (r *EndpointDocumentRepo) Update(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.UpdateDocumentVersionReq) (err error)
type EndpointFavoriteRepo ¶
type EndpointFavoriteRepo struct {
*BaseRepo `inject:""`
func (*EndpointFavoriteRepo) Create ¶
func (r *EndpointFavoriteRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, record model.EndpointFavorite) (err error)
func (*EndpointFavoriteRepo) Delete ¶
func (r *EndpointFavoriteRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, record model.EndpointFavorite) (err error)
func (*EndpointFavoriteRepo) Get ¶
func (r *EndpointFavoriteRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId, userId uint) (ret model.EndpointFavorite)
func (*EndpointFavoriteRepo) GetEndpointIds ¶
type EndpointInterfaceRepo ¶
type EndpointInterfaceRepo struct { *BaseRepo `inject:""` DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` EndpointRepo *EndpointRepo `inject:""` DebugInterfaceRepo *DebugInterfaceRepo `inject:""` EnvironmentRepo *EnvironmentRepo `inject:""` }
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) AddResponseCode ¶
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) BatchGet ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) BatchGet(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceIds []uint) (fields []model.EndpointInterface, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) BatchGetByEndpointIds ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) BatchGetByEndpointIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointIds []uint) (fields []model.EndpointInterface, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) Delete ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) DeleteBatch ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) DeleteBatch(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint) (err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) DeleteByEndpoint ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) DeleteByEndpoint(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint) (err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) DeleteByEndpoints ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) DeleteByEndpoints(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointIds []uint) (err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) Get ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint) (po model.EndpointInterface, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetByEndpointId ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetByEndpointId(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint) (fields []model.EndpointInterface, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetByItem ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetByItem(tenantId consts.TenantId, sourceType consts.SourceType, endpointId uint, method consts.HttpMethod) (res model.EndpointInterface, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetByMethod ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetByMethod(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint, method consts.HttpMethod) (debugInterfaceId, endpointInterfaceId uint)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetByMethodAndPathAndServeId ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetByMethodAndPathAndServeId(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveId uint, path string, method consts.HttpMethod) (endpointInterfaceId uint)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetChildren ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetChildren(tenantId consts.TenantId, defId, fieldId uint) (children []*model.EndpointInterface, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetCookies ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetCookies(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceIds []uint) (cookies map[uint][]model.EndpointInterfaceCookie, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetCountByRef ¶
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetDetail ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetDetail(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfId uint) (interf model.EndpointInterface, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetGlobalParams ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetGlobalParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, projectId uint) (ret []model.EndpointInterfaceGlobalParam, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetHeaders ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetHeaders(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceIds []uint) (headers map[uint][]model.EndpointInterfaceHeader, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetIdAndModelMap ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetIdAndModelMap(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceIds []uint) (res map[uint]model.EndpointInterface, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetInterfaces ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetInterfaces(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointIds []uint, needDetail bool) (interfaces map[uint][]model.EndpointInterface, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetMapGlobalParams ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetMapGlobalParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceIds []uint) (params map[uint][]model.EndpointInterfaceGlobalParam, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetMethodsByEndpointId ¶
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetQueryParams ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetQueryParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceIds []uint) (params map[uint][]model.EndpointInterfaceParam, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetRequestBodies ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetRequestBodies(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceIds []uint) (requestBodies map[uint]model.EndpointInterfaceRequestBody, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetRequestBody ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetRequestBody(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint) (result model.EndpointInterfaceRequestBody, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetRequestBodyItem ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetRequestBodyItem(tenantId consts.TenantId, requestBodyId uint) (result model.EndpointInterfaceRequestBodyItem, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetRequestBodyItems ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetRequestBodyItems(tenantId consts.TenantId, requestBodyIds []uint) (requestBodyItems map[uint]model.EndpointInterfaceRequestBodyItem, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetResponse ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetResponse(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointInterfaceId uint, code string) (ret model.EndpointInterfaceResponseBody)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetResponseBodies ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetResponseBodies(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceIds []uint) (responseBodies map[uint][]model.EndpointInterfaceResponseBody, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetResponseBody ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetResponseBody(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint, code string) (result model.EndpointInterfaceResponseBody, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetResponseBodyHeaders ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetResponseBodyHeaders(tenantId consts.TenantId, responseBodyIds []uint) (responseBodyHeaders map[uint][]model.EndpointInterfaceResponseBodyHeader, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetResponseBodyItem ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetResponseBodyItem(tenantId consts.TenantId, responseBodyId uint) (result model.EndpointInterfaceResponseBodyItem, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetResponseBodyItems ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetResponseBodyItems(tenantId consts.TenantId, responseBodyIds []uint) (responseBodyItem map[uint]model.EndpointInterfaceResponseBodyItem, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetResponseCodes ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetResponseCodes(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointInterfaceId uint) (codes []string)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetResponseDefine ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) GetResponseDefine(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint, method consts.HttpMethod, code string) (ret model.EndpointInterfaceResponseBodyItem, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) ImportEndpointData ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) ImportEndpointData(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.ImportEndpointDataReq) (err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListByEndpointId ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListByEndpointId(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint, version string) (interfaces []model.EndpointInterface, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListByProject ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListByProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId int) (pos []*model.EndpointInterface, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListCookies ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListCookies(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint) (pos []model.EndpointInterfaceCookie, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListHeaders ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListHeaders(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint) (pos []model.EndpointInterfaceHeader, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListIdByEndpoint ¶
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListIdByEndpoints ¶
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListParams ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint) (pos []model.EndpointInterfaceParam, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListRequestBody ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListRequestBody(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint) (requestBody model.EndpointInterfaceRequestBody, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListRequestBodyItem ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListRequestBodyItem(tenantId consts.TenantId, requestBodyId uint) (requestBodyItem model.EndpointInterfaceRequestBodyItem, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListResponseBodies ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListResponseBodies(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint) (responseBodies []model.EndpointInterfaceResponseBody, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListResponseBodyHeaders ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListResponseBodyHeaders(tenantId consts.TenantId, requestBodyId uint) (responseBodyHeaders []model.EndpointInterfaceResponseBodyHeader, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListResponseBodyItem ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) ListResponseBodyItem(tenantId consts.TenantId, requestBodyId uint) (responseBodyItem model.EndpointInterfaceResponseBodyItem, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) Paginate ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) Paginate(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.EndpointInterfaceReqPaginate) (ret _domain.PageData, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) QueryByEndpointId ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) QueryByEndpointId(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint, version string) (pos []model.EndpointInterface, err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) RemoveAll ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) RemoveAll(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) RemoveCookie ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) RemoveCookie(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) RemoveHeaders ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) RemoveHeaders(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) RemoveParams ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) RemoveParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) Save ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, interf *model.EndpointInterface) (err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) SaveInterfaces ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) SaveInterfaces(tenantId consts.TenantId, interf *model.EndpointInterface) (err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) SaveResponseBody ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) SaveResponseBody(tenantId consts.TenantId, responseBody *model.EndpointInterfaceResponseBody) (err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) SetDebugInterfaceId ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) SetDebugInterfaceId(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointInterfaceId, debugInterfaceId uint) (err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) SetIsRange ¶
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) Update ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) Update(tenantId consts.TenantId, interf model.EndpointInterface) (err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) UpdateCookies ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) UpdateCookies(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, cookies []model.EndpointInterfaceCookie) (err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) UpdateHeaders ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) UpdateHeaders(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, headers []model.EndpointInterfaceHeader) (err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) UpdateInterface ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) UpdateInterface(tenantId consts.TenantId, interf *model.EndpointInterface) (err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) UpdateName ¶
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) UpdateNameByEndpointId ¶
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) UpdateParams ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) UpdateParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, params []model.EndpointInterfaceParam) (err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) UpdateRequestBody ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) UpdateRequestBody(tenantId consts.TenantId, requestBody *model.EndpointInterfaceRequestBody) (err error)
func (*EndpointInterfaceRepo) UpdateResponseBodies ¶
func (r *EndpointInterfaceRepo) UpdateResponseBodies(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint, responseBodies []model.EndpointInterfaceResponseBody) (err error)
type EndpointMockExpectRepo ¶
type EndpointMockExpectRepo struct {
*BaseRepo `inject:""`
func (*EndpointMockExpectRepo) BatchCreateExpectRequest ¶
func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) BatchCreateExpectRequest(tenantId consts.TenantId, req []model.EndpointMockExpectRequest) (err error)
func (*EndpointMockExpectRepo) BatchCreateExpectResponseHeader ¶
func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) BatchCreateExpectResponseHeader(tenantId consts.TenantId, req []model.EndpointMockExpectResponseHeader) (err error)
func (*EndpointMockExpectRepo) CreateExpectRequest ¶
func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) CreateExpectRequest(tenantId consts.TenantId, req model.EndpointMockExpect) (err error)
func (*EndpointMockExpectRepo) CreateExpectResponseHeaders ¶
func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) CreateExpectResponseHeaders(tenantId consts.TenantId, req model.EndpointMockExpect) (err error)
func (*EndpointMockExpectRepo) DeleteById ¶
func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) DeleteById(tenantId consts.TenantId, expectId uint) (err error)
func (*EndpointMockExpectRepo) DeleteDetail ¶
func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) DeleteDetail(tenantId consts.TenantId, expectId uint) (err error)
func (*EndpointMockExpectRepo) DeleteDetailByExpectId ¶
func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) DeleteDetailByExpectId(tenantId consts.TenantId, model interface{}, expectId uint) (err error)
func (*EndpointMockExpectRepo) Disable ¶
func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) Disable(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint) (err error)
func (*EndpointMockExpectRepo) GetExpectById ¶
func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) GetExpectById(tenantId consts.TenantId, expectId uint) (expect model.EndpointMockExpect, err error)
func (*EndpointMockExpectRepo) GetExpectDetail ¶
func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) GetExpectDetail(tenantId consts.TenantId, expectId uint) (expect model.EndpointMockExpect, err error)
func (*EndpointMockExpectRepo) GetExpectRequest ¶
func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) GetExpectRequest(tenantId consts.TenantId, expectId uint) (res map[consts.ParamIn][]model.EndpointMockExpectRequest, err error)
func (*EndpointMockExpectRepo) GetExpectResponse ¶
func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) GetExpectResponse(tenantId consts.TenantId, expectId uint) (response model.EndpointMockExpectResponse, err error)
func (*EndpointMockExpectRepo) GetExpectResponseHeaders ¶
func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) GetExpectResponseHeaders(tenantId consts.TenantId, expectId uint) (responseHeaders []model.EndpointMockExpectResponseHeader, err error)
func (*EndpointMockExpectRepo) GetMaxOrder ¶
func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) GetMaxOrder(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint) (order int)
func (*EndpointMockExpectRepo) ListByEndpointId ¶
func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) ListByEndpointId(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint) (res []model.EndpointMockExpect, err error)
func (*EndpointMockExpectRepo) Save ¶
func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, req model.EndpointMockExpect) (expectId uint, err error)
func (*EndpointMockExpectRepo) SaveOrder ¶
func (r *EndpointMockExpectRepo) SaveOrder(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint) (err error)
func (*EndpointMockExpectRepo) UpdateDisabledStatus ¶
func (*EndpointMockExpectRepo) UpdateExpectName ¶
type EndpointMockScriptRepo ¶
func (*EndpointMockScriptRepo) Disable ¶
func (r *EndpointMockScriptRepo) Disable(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint) (err error)
func (*EndpointMockScriptRepo) Get ¶
func (r *EndpointMockScriptRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint) (script model.EndpointMockScript, err error)
func (*EndpointMockScriptRepo) Update ¶
func (r *EndpointMockScriptRepo) Update(tenantId consts.TenantId, po model.EndpointMockScript) (err error)
type EndpointRepo ¶
type EndpointRepo struct { *BaseRepo `inject:""` EndpointInterfaceRepo *EndpointInterfaceRepo `inject:""` ServeRepo *ServeRepo `inject:""` ProjectRepo *ProjectRepo `inject:""` EndpointTagRepo *EndpointTagRepo `inject:""` EnvironmentRepo *EnvironmentRepo `inject:""` EndpointFavoriteRepo *EndpointFavoriteRepo `inject:""` }
func (*EndpointRepo) BatchUpdate ¶
func (*EndpointRepo) BatchUpdateCategory ¶
func (*EndpointRepo) BatchUpdateStatus ¶
func (*EndpointRepo) ChangeSnapShot ¶
func (*EndpointRepo) CombineMethodsForEndpoints ¶
func (r *EndpointRepo) CombineMethodsForEndpoints(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpoints []*model.Endpoint)
func (*EndpointRepo) CreateEndpointSample ¶
func (*EndpointRepo) CreateEndpoints ¶
func (*EndpointRepo) DeleteByCategoryIds ¶
func (r *EndpointRepo) DeleteByCategoryIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, categoryIds []int64) (err error)
func (*EndpointRepo) DeleteById ¶
func (r *EndpointRepo) DeleteById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*EndpointRepo) DeleteByIds ¶
func (r *EndpointRepo) DeleteByIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint) error
func (*EndpointRepo) DisableById ¶
func (r *EndpointRepo) DisableById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) error
func (*EndpointRepo) FavoriteList ¶
func (*EndpointRepo) FindVersion ¶
func (r *EndpointRepo) FindVersion(tenantId consts.TenantId, res *model.EndpointVersion) (err error)
func (*EndpointRepo) GetByCategoryId ¶
func (*EndpointRepo) GetByEndpointIds ¶
func (*EndpointRepo) GetByEndpoints ¶
func (*EndpointRepo) GetByNameAndProject ¶
func (*EndpointRepo) GetByPath ¶
func (r *EndpointRepo) GetByPath(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveId uint, pth string, method consts.HttpMethod) (endpoints []*model.Endpoint, err error)
func (*EndpointRepo) GetByProjectId ¶
func (*EndpointRepo) GetByServeIds ¶
func (*EndpointRepo) GetCategoryCount ¶
func (r *EndpointRepo) GetCategoryCount(tenantId consts.TenantId, result interface{}, projectId uint) (err error)
func (*EndpointRepo) GetCountByServeId ¶
func (*EndpointRepo) GetEndpointPathParams ¶
func (r *EndpointRepo) GetEndpointPathParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint) (pathParam []model.EndpointPathParam, err error)
func (*EndpointRepo) GetEntities ¶
func (*EndpointRepo) GetFirstMethod ¶
func (r *EndpointRepo) GetFirstMethod(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (res model.EndpointInterface, err error)
func (*EndpointRepo) GetLatestVersion ¶
func (r *EndpointRepo) GetLatestVersion(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint) (res model.EndpointVersion, err error)
func (*EndpointRepo) GetPathParams ¶
func (r *EndpointRepo) GetPathParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointIds []uint) (err error, pathParams model.EndpointPathParam)
func (*EndpointRepo) GetUsedCountByEndpointId ¶
func (*EndpointRepo) GetVersionsByEndpointId ¶
func (r *EndpointRepo) GetVersionsByEndpointId(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint) (res []model.EndpointVersion, err error)
func (*EndpointRepo) GetWithInterface ¶
func (*EndpointRepo) ListByProjectIdAndServeId ¶
func (r *EndpointRepo) ListByProjectIdAndServeId(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveId uint, method consts.HttpMethod) (endpoints []*model.Endpoint, err error)
func (*EndpointRepo) ListEndpointByCategories ¶
func (*EndpointRepo) ListEndpointByCategory ¶
func (*EndpointRepo) MoveEntity ¶
func (*EndpointRepo) Paginate ¶
func (r *EndpointRepo) Paginate(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.EndpointReqPaginate) (ret _domain.PageData, err error)
func (*EndpointRepo) UpdateAdvancedMockDisabled ¶
func (*EndpointRepo) UpdateBodyIsChanged ¶
func (r *EndpointRepo) UpdateBodyIsChanged(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint, changedStatus consts.ChangedStatus) (err error)
func (*EndpointRepo) UpdateCategory ¶
func (r *EndpointRepo) UpdateCategory(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, categoryId uint) (err error)
func (*EndpointRepo) UpdateName ¶
func (*EndpointRepo) UpdateSerialNumber ¶
func (r *EndpointRepo) UpdateSerialNumber(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, projectId uint) (err error)
func (*EndpointRepo) UpdateSnapshot ¶
func (*EndpointRepo) UpdateStatus ¶
type EndpointSnapshotRepo ¶
type EndpointSnapshotRepo struct { *BaseRepo `inject:""` EndpointInterfaceRepo *EndpointInterfaceRepo `inject:""` ServeRepo *ServeRepo `inject:""` ProjectRepo *ProjectRepo `inject:""` EndpointRepo *EndpointRepo `inject:""` EndpointDocumentRepo *EndpointDocumentRepo `inject:""` }
func NewEndpointSnapshotRepo ¶
func NewEndpointSnapshotRepo() *EndpointSnapshotRepo
func (*EndpointSnapshotRepo) BatchCreateSnapshot ¶
func (r *EndpointSnapshotRepo) BatchCreateSnapshot(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.DocumentVersionReq, projectId uint) (documentId uint, err error)
func (*EndpointSnapshotRepo) BatchDeleteByEndpointId ¶
func (*EndpointSnapshotRepo) DeleteById ¶
func (r *EndpointSnapshotRepo) DeleteById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*EndpointSnapshotRepo) GetByDocumentId ¶
func (*EndpointSnapshotRepo) GetByDocumentIdAndEndpointId ¶
func (*EndpointSnapshotRepo) GetContentByDocumentAndEndpoint ¶
func (*EndpointSnapshotRepo) GetInterfaceDetail ¶
func (r *EndpointSnapshotRepo) GetInterfaceDetail(tenantId consts.TenantId, documentId, endpointId, interfaceId uint) (interf model.EndpointInterface, err error)
func (*EndpointSnapshotRepo) UpdateContent ¶
type EndpointTagRepo ¶
type EndpointTagRepo struct { *BaseRepo `inject:""` EndpointInterfaceRepo *EndpointInterfaceRepo `inject:""` ServeRepo *ServeRepo `inject:""` ProjectRepo *ProjectRepo `inject:""` }
func NewEndpointTagRepo ¶
func NewEndpointTagRepo() *EndpointTagRepo
func (*EndpointTagRepo) BatchAddRel ¶
func (*EndpointTagRepo) BatchAddRelForTag ¶
func (r *EndpointTagRepo) BatchAddRelForTag(tagName string, endpointIds []uint, projectId uint) (err error)
func (*EndpointTagRepo) BatchCreate ¶
func (*EndpointTagRepo) BatchDeleteByIds ¶
func (r *EndpointTagRepo) BatchDeleteByIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint) (err error)
func (*EndpointTagRepo) BatchGetById ¶
func (r *EndpointTagRepo) BatchGetById(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []string, projectId uint) (tags []model.EndpointTag, err error)
func (*EndpointTagRepo) BatchGetByName ¶
func (r *EndpointTagRepo) BatchGetByName(tenantId consts.TenantId, names []string, projectId uint) (tags []model.EndpointTag, err error)
func (*EndpointTagRepo) BatchGetEndpointIdsByTag ¶
func (*EndpointTagRepo) BatchGetIdsByName ¶
func (*EndpointTagRepo) DeleteById ¶
func (r *EndpointTagRepo) DeleteById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*EndpointTagRepo) DeleteRelByEndpointAndProject ¶
func (r *EndpointTagRepo) DeleteRelByEndpointAndProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId, projectId uint) (err error)
func (*EndpointTagRepo) DeleteRelByEndpointId ¶
func (r *EndpointTagRepo) DeleteRelByEndpointId(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint) (err error)
func (*EndpointTagRepo) GetEndpointIdsByTagNames ¶
func (*EndpointTagRepo) GetTagIdsByEndpointId ¶
func (*EndpointTagRepo) GetTagNamesByEndpointId ¶
func (*EndpointTagRepo) ListByProject ¶
func (r *EndpointTagRepo) ListByProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (tags []model.EndpointTag, err error)
func (*EndpointTagRepo) ListRelByEndpointId ¶
func (r *EndpointTagRepo) ListRelByEndpointId(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint) (rel []model.EndpointTagRel, err error)
func (*EndpointTagRepo) ListRelByProject ¶
func (r *EndpointTagRepo) ListRelByProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (tags []model.EndpointTagRel, err error)
func (*EndpointTagRepo) ListRelByTagId ¶
func (r *EndpointTagRepo) ListRelByTagId(tenantId consts.TenantId, tagId uint) (rel []model.EndpointTagRel, err error)
type EnvironmentRepo ¶
type EnvironmentRepo struct { *BaseRepo `inject:""` DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` ProjectRepo *ProjectRepo `inject:""` ServeRepo *ServeRepo `inject:""` }
func (*EnvironmentRepo) AddDefaultForProject ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) AddDefaultForProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (err error)
func (*EnvironmentRepo) ClearAllVar ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) ClearAllVar(tenantId consts.TenantId, environmentId uint) (err error)
func (*EnvironmentRepo) Copy ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) Copy(tenantId consts.TenantId, id int) (err error)
func (*EnvironmentRepo) Delete ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*EnvironmentRepo) DeleteEnvironment ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) DeleteEnvironment(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*EnvironmentRepo) DeleteVar ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) DeleteVar(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*EnvironmentRepo) DisableAllShareVar ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) DisableAllShareVar(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (err error)
func (*EnvironmentRepo) DisableShareVar ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) DisableShareVar(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*EnvironmentRepo) Get ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (env model.Environment, err error)
func (*EnvironmentRepo) GetByIds ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) GetByIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint) (envs map[uint]model.Environment, err error)
func (*EnvironmentRepo) GetByName ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) GetByName(tenantId consts.TenantId, name string) (env model.Environment, err error)
func (*EnvironmentRepo) GetByProject ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) GetByProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (env model.Environment, err error)
func (*EnvironmentRepo) GetByProjectAndName ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) GetByProjectAndName(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint, name string) (env model.Environment, err error)
func (*EnvironmentRepo) GetByUserAndProject ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) GetByUserAndProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, userId, projectId uint) (env model.Environment, err error)
func (*EnvironmentRepo) GetDefaultByProject ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) GetDefaultByProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (envs []model.Environment, err error)
GetDefaultByProject 默认/Mock
func (*EnvironmentRepo) GetEnvironmentById ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) GetEnvironmentById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (env *model.Environment, err error)
func (*EnvironmentRepo) GetEnvironmentDetail ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) GetEnvironmentDetail(tenantId consts.TenantId, env *model.Environment) (err error)
func (*EnvironmentRepo) GetListByProjectId ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) GetListByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (environments []model.Environment, err error)
func (*EnvironmentRepo) GetMaxOrder ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) GetMaxOrder(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (order uint)
func (*EnvironmentRepo) GetProjectUserServer ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) GetProjectUserServer(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, userId uint) (res model.ProjectUserServer, err error)
func (*EnvironmentRepo) GetSameVar ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) GetSameVar(tenantId consts.TenantId, vari model.EnvironmentVar, envId uint) (ret model.EnvironmentVar, err error)
func (*EnvironmentRepo) GetVar ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) GetVar(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po model.EnvironmentVar, err error)
func (*EnvironmentRepo) GetVarByName ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) GetVarByName(tenantId consts.TenantId, name string, id, environmentId uint) (envVar model.EnvironmentVar, err error)
func (*EnvironmentRepo) GetVars ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) GetVars(tenantId consts.TenantId, envId uint) (vars []model.EnvironmentVar, err error)
func (*EnvironmentRepo) List ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) List(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId int) (pos []model.Environment, err error)
func (*EnvironmentRepo) ListGlobalVar ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) ListGlobalVar(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (vars []model.EnvironmentVar, err error)
func (*EnvironmentRepo) ListParamModel ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) ListParamModel(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (ret []model.EnvironmentParam, err error)
func (*EnvironmentRepo) ListParams ¶
func (*EnvironmentRepo) Save ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, env *model.Environment) (err error)
func (*EnvironmentRepo) SaveEnvironment ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) SaveEnvironment(tenantId consts.TenantId, environment *model.Environment) (err error)
func (*EnvironmentRepo) SaveOrder ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) SaveOrder(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint) (err error)
func (*EnvironmentRepo) SaveParams ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) SaveParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint, params []model.EnvironmentParam) (err error)
func (*EnvironmentRepo) SaveVar ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) SaveVar(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.EnvironmentVar) (err error)
func (*EnvironmentRepo) SaveVars ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) SaveVars(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, environmentId uint, environmentVars []model.EnvironmentVar) (err error)
func (*EnvironmentRepo) SetProjectUserServer ¶
func (r *EnvironmentRepo) SetProjectUserServer(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, userId, serverId uint) (err error)
type ExtractorRepo ¶
type ExtractorRepo struct { *BaseRepo `inject:""` DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` ConditionRepo *ConditionRepo `inject:""` }
func (*ExtractorRepo) CreateDefault ¶
func (r *ExtractorRepo) CreateDefault(tenantId consts.TenantId, conditionId uint) (po model.DebugConditionExtractor)
func (*ExtractorRepo) CreateLog ¶
func (r *ExtractorRepo) CreateLog(tenantId consts.TenantId, extractor domain.ExtractorBase) ( log model.ExecLogExtractor, err error)
func (*ExtractorRepo) Delete ¶
func (r *ExtractorRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*ExtractorRepo) DeleteByCondition ¶
func (r *ExtractorRepo) DeleteByCondition(tenantId consts.TenantId, conditionId uint) (err error)
func (*ExtractorRepo) Get ¶
func (r *ExtractorRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (extractor model.DebugConditionExtractor, err error)
func (*ExtractorRepo) GetByInterfaceVariable ¶
func (r *ExtractorRepo) GetByInterfaceVariable(tenantId consts.TenantId, variable string, id, debugInterfaceId uint) (extractor model.DebugConditionExtractor, err error)
func (*ExtractorRepo) GetLog ¶
func (r *ExtractorRepo) GetLog(tenantId consts.TenantId, conditionId, invokeId uint) (ret model.ExecLogExtractor, err error)
func (*ExtractorRepo) GetParentIds ¶
func (r *ExtractorRepo) GetParentIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, processorId uint, ids *[]uint)
func (*ExtractorRepo) ListDbOptVariableByConditions ¶
func (*ExtractorRepo) ListExtractorVariableByConditions ¶
func (*ExtractorRepo) ListLogByInvoke ¶
func (r *ExtractorRepo) ListLogByInvoke(tenantId consts.TenantId, invokeId uint) (pos []model.ExecLogExtractor, err error)
func (*ExtractorRepo) Save ¶
func (r *ExtractorRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, extractor *model.DebugConditionExtractor) (id uint, err error)
func (*ExtractorRepo) Update ¶
func (r *ExtractorRepo) Update(tenantId consts.TenantId, extractor *model.DebugConditionExtractor) (err error)
func (*ExtractorRepo) UpdateDesc ¶
func (r *ExtractorRepo) UpdateDesc(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.DebugConditionExtractor) (err error)
func (*ExtractorRepo) UpdateResult ¶
func (r *ExtractorRepo) UpdateResult(tenantId consts.TenantId, extractor domain.ExtractorBase) (err error)
type GrpcInterfaceRepo ¶
type GrpcInterfaceRepo struct { DiagnoseInterfaceRepo *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo `inject:""` *BaseRepo `inject:""` DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` }
func (*GrpcInterfaceRepo) Create ¶
func (r *GrpcInterfaceRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.DiagnoseInterfaceSaveReq) ( diagnoseInterface model.DiagnoseInterface, err error)
func (*GrpcInterfaceRepo) Get ¶
func (r *GrpcInterfaceRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po model.GrpcInterface, err error)
func (*GrpcInterfaceRepo) SaveDebugData ¶
func (r *GrpcInterfaceRepo) SaveDebugData(po model.GrpcInterface, tenantId consts.TenantId) (err error)
func (*GrpcInterfaceRepo) UpdateDiagnoseInterfaceId ¶
func (r *GrpcInterfaceRepo) UpdateDiagnoseInterfaceId(tenantId consts.TenantId, grpcInterfaceId, diagnoseInterfaceId uint) (err error)
type IRepo ¶
type IRepo interface { Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, entity interface{}) error GetCategoryCount(tenantId consts.TenantId, result interface{}, projectId uint) (err error) SaveEntity(tenantId consts.TenantId, category *model.Category) (err error) GetEntity(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (entity map[string]interface{}, err error) MoveEntity(tenantId consts.TenantId, category *model.Category) (err error) GetEntities(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (entity map[uint]interface{}, err error) }
type IntegrationRepo ¶
func (*IntegrationRepo) BatchCreateProjectEngineeringRel ¶
func (r *IntegrationRepo) BatchCreateProjectEngineeringRel(tenantId consts.TenantId, relations []model.ProjectEngineeringRel) (err error)
func (*IntegrationRepo) BatchCreateProjectProductRel ¶
func (r *IntegrationRepo) BatchCreateProjectProductRel(tenantId consts.TenantId, relations []model.ProjectProductRel) (err error)
func (*IntegrationRepo) BatchCreateProjectSpaceRel ¶
func (r *IntegrationRepo) BatchCreateProjectSpaceRel(tenantId consts.TenantId, relations []model.ProjectSpaceRel) (err error)
func (*IntegrationRepo) DeleteBySpaceCode ¶
func (r *IntegrationRepo) DeleteBySpaceCode(tenantId consts.TenantId, spaceCode string) (err error)
func (*IntegrationRepo) DeleteEngineeringByProject ¶
func (r *IntegrationRepo) DeleteEngineeringByProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (err error)
func (*IntegrationRepo) DeleteProductByProject ¶
func (r *IntegrationRepo) DeleteProductByProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (err error)
func (*IntegrationRepo) DeleteSpaceByProject ¶
func (r *IntegrationRepo) DeleteSpaceByProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (err error)
func (*IntegrationRepo) GetAllProductIds ¶
func (r *IntegrationRepo) GetAllProductIds(tenantId consts.TenantId) (res []uint, err error)
func (*IntegrationRepo) GetAllProjectProductRels ¶
func (r *IntegrationRepo) GetAllProjectProductRels(tenantId consts.TenantId) (res []model.ProjectProductRel, err error)
func (*IntegrationRepo) GetEngineeringByProject ¶
func (*IntegrationRepo) GetProductsByProject ¶
func (*IntegrationRepo) GetProjectByEngineering ¶
func (*IntegrationRepo) GetProjectListWithRoleBySpace ¶
func (r *IntegrationRepo) GetProjectListWithRoleBySpace(tenantId consts.TenantId, spaceCode string) (res []v1.ProjectListWithRole, err error)
func (*IntegrationRepo) GetSpacesByProject ¶
type JslibRepo ¶
type LlmToolRepo ¶
func (*LlmToolRepo) Count ¶
func (r *LlmToolRepo) Count(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (count int64)
func (*LlmToolRepo) Delete ¶
func (r *LlmToolRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*LlmToolRepo) Disable ¶
func (r *LlmToolRepo) Disable(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*LlmToolRepo) GetDefault ¶
func (*LlmToolRepo) SetDefault ¶
func (r *LlmToolRepo) SetDefault(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*LlmToolRepo) UpdateName ¶
func (r *LlmToolRepo) UpdateName(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.ToolLlmReq) (err error)
type LogRepo ¶
type LogRepo struct { *BaseRepo `inject:""` DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` RoleRepo *RoleRepo `inject:""` }
func (*LogRepo) CreateCommonLog ¶
func (*LogRepo) CreateInterfaceLog ¶
func (*LogRepo) CreateLogs ¶
func (*LogRepo) DeleteById ¶
func (*LogRepo) ListByReport ¶
type MessageReadRepo ¶
func (*MessageReadRepo) Create ¶
func (r *MessageReadRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.MessageReadReq) (id uint, err error)
func (*MessageReadRepo) ListByMessageIds ¶
func (r *MessageReadRepo) ListByMessageIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, messageIds []uint) (messages []model.MessageRead, err error)
type MessageRepo ¶
type MessageRepo struct { *BaseRepo `inject:""` DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` ProjectRepo *ProjectRepo `inject:""` MessageReadRepo *MessageReadRepo `inject:""` }
func (*MessageRepo) Create ¶
func (r *MessageRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.MessageReq) (id uint, bizErr *_domain.BizErr)
func (*MessageRepo) GetByMcsMessageId ¶
func (*MessageRepo) GetCombinedMessage ¶
func (r *MessageRepo) GetCombinedMessage(tenantId consts.TenantId, businessId uint, messageSource consts.MessageSource) (message model.Message, err error)
func (*MessageRepo) GetUnreadCount ¶
func (r *MessageRepo) GetUnreadCount(tenantId consts.TenantId, scope v1.MessageScope) (count int64, err error)
func (*MessageRepo) ListMsgNeedAsyncToMcs ¶
func (r *MessageRepo) ListMsgNeedAsyncToMcs(tenantId consts.TenantId) (messages []model.Message, err error)
ListMsgNeedAsyncToMcs 列出需要异步同步给mcs的消息
func (*MessageRepo) Paginate ¶
func (r *MessageRepo) Paginate(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.MessageReqPaginate) (data _domain.PageData, err error)
func (*MessageRepo) UpdateCombinedSendStatus ¶
func (r *MessageRepo) UpdateCombinedSendStatus(tenantId consts.TenantId, messageSource consts.MessageSource, businessId uint, sendStatus consts.MessageSendStatus) (err error)
func (*MessageRepo) UpdateSendStatusById ¶
func (r *MessageRepo) UpdateSendStatusById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, sendStatus consts.MessageSendStatus) (err error)
func (*MessageRepo) UpdateSendStatusByMcsMessageId ¶
func (r *MessageRepo) UpdateSendStatusByMcsMessageId(tenantId consts.TenantId, mcsMessageId string, sendStatus consts.MessageSendStatus) (err error)
type MetricsRepo ¶
func (*MetricsRepo) Delete ¶
func (r *MetricsRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*MetricsRepo) Disable ¶
func (r *MetricsRepo) Disable(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*MetricsRepo) GetMaxOrder ¶
func (r *MetricsRepo) GetMaxOrder(tenantId consts.TenantId, debugInterfaceId, endpointInterfaceId uint) (order int)
func (*MetricsRepo) UpdateOrders ¶
func (r *MetricsRepo) UpdateOrders(tenantId consts.TenantId, req serverDomain.ConditionMoveReq) (err error)
type MockJsRepo ¶
type MockJsRepo struct { *BaseRepo `inject:""` DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` ProjectRepo *ProjectRepo `inject:""` ServeRepo *ServeRepo `inject:""` }
func (*MockJsRepo) BatchCreateExpression ¶
func (r *MockJsRepo) BatchCreateExpression(tenantId consts.TenantId, pos []model.MockJsExpression) (successCount int, failItems []string, err error)
func (*MockJsRepo) CreateExpression ¶
func (r *MockJsRepo) CreateExpression(tenantId consts.TenantId, po model.MockJsExpression) (id uint, err error)
func (*MockJsRepo) FindExpressionByName ¶
func (r *MockJsRepo) FindExpressionByName(tenantId consts.TenantId, name string) (po model.MockJsExpression, err error)
func (*MockJsRepo) ListExpressions ¶
func (r *MockJsRepo) ListExpressions(tenantId consts.TenantId) (tos []serverDomain.MockJsExpression, err error)
type PermRepo ¶
type PermRepo struct { *BaseRepo `inject:""` DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` RoleRepo *RoleRepo `inject:""` }
func (*PermRepo) CheckNameAndAct ¶
func (*PermRepo) CreateIfNotExist ¶
func (r *PermRepo) CreateIfNotExist(tenantId consts.TenantId, perms []model.SysPerm) (count int, err error)
func (*PermRepo) CreateInBatches ¶
func (*PermRepo) DeleteById ¶
func (*PermRepo) FindByNameAndAct ¶
func (r *PermRepo) FindByNameAndAct(tenantId consts.TenantId, name, act string, ids ...uint) (v1.PermResp, error)
FindByNameAndAct db *gorm.DB name 名称 act 方法 ids 当 ids 的 len = 1 ,排除次 id 数据
func (*PermRepo) GetPermsForRole ¶
func (*PermRepo) GetPermsForRoles ¶
type PlanRepo ¶
type PlanRepo struct { DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` *BaseRepo `inject:""` ProjectRepo *ProjectRepo `inject:""` UserRepo *UserRepo `inject:""` PlanReportRepo *PlanReportRepo `inject:""` RelaPlanScenarioRepo *RelaPlanScenarioRepo `inject:""` }
func (*PlanRepo) AddScenarios ¶
func (*PlanRepo) CombinePassRate ¶
func (*PlanRepo) CombineUserName ¶
func (*PlanRepo) DeleteByCategoryIds ¶
func (*PlanRepo) DeleteById ¶
func (*PlanRepo) DeleteChildren ¶
func (*PlanRepo) FindByName ¶
func (*PlanRepo) GetCategoryCount ¶
func (*PlanRepo) GetChildrenIds ¶
func (*PlanRepo) GetScenarioNumByPlan ¶
func (*PlanRepo) ListScenario ¶
func (*PlanRepo) ListScenarioRelation ¶
func (*PlanRepo) MoveScenario ¶
func (*PlanRepo) NotRelationScenarioList ¶
func (*PlanRepo) PlanScenariosPaginate ¶
func (*PlanRepo) RemoveScenario ¶
func (*PlanRepo) RemoveScenarios ¶
func (*PlanRepo) StatusDropDownOptions ¶
func (r *PlanRepo) StatusDropDownOptions() map[consts.TestStatus]string
func (*PlanRepo) TestStageDropDownOptions ¶
func (*PlanRepo) UpdateCurrEnvId ¶
type PlanReportRepo ¶
type PlanReportRepo struct { *BaseRepo `inject:""` DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` LogRepo *LogRepo `inject:""` UserRepo *UserRepo `inject:""` ScenarioReportRepo *ScenarioReportRepo `inject:""` ProjectRepo *ProjectRepo `inject:""` ScenarioRepo *ScenarioRepo `inject:""` PlanRepo *PlanRepo `inject:""` }
func (*PlanReportRepo) ClearLogs ¶
func (r *PlanReportRepo) ClearLogs(tenantId consts.TenantId, resultId uint) (err error)
func (*PlanReportRepo) Create ¶
func (r *PlanReportRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, result *model.PlanReport) (err error)
func (*PlanReportRepo) DeleteById ¶
func (r *PlanReportRepo) DeleteById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*PlanReportRepo) FindInProgressResult ¶
func (r *PlanReportRepo) FindInProgressResult(tenantId consts.TenantId, scenarioId uint) (result model.ScenarioReport, err error)
func (*PlanReportRepo) Get ¶
func (r *PlanReportRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (report model.PlanReportDetail, err error)
func (*PlanReportRepo) GetCreateUserName ¶
func (r *PlanReportRepo) GetCreateUserName(tenantId consts.TenantId, report model.PlanReportDetail) (name string, err error)
func (*PlanReportRepo) GetLastByPlanId ¶
func (r *PlanReportRepo) GetLastByPlanId(tenantId consts.TenantId, planId uint) (report model.PlanReport, err error)
func (*PlanReportRepo) GetPlanExecNumber ¶
func (*PlanReportRepo) Paginate ¶
func (r *PlanReportRepo) Paginate(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.PlanReportReqPaginate, projectId int) (data _domain.PageData, err error)
func (*PlanReportRepo) ResetResult ¶
func (r *PlanReportRepo) ResetResult(tenantId consts.TenantId, result model.ScenarioReport) (err error)
func (*PlanReportRepo) UpdateResult ¶
func (r *PlanReportRepo) UpdateResult(tenantId consts.TenantId, report model.ScenarioReport) (err error)
func (*PlanReportRepo) UpdateSerialNumber ¶
func (r *PlanReportRepo) UpdateSerialNumber(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, projectId uint) (err error)
func (*PlanReportRepo) UpdateStatus ¶
func (r *PlanReportRepo) UpdateStatus(tenantId consts.TenantId, progressStatus consts.ProgressStatus, resultStatus consts.ResultStatus, scenarioId uint) ( err error)
type ProfileRepo ¶
type ProfileRepo struct { *BaseRepo `inject:""` DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` RoleRepo *RoleRepo `inject:""` }
func (*ProfileRepo) FindByUserId ¶
func (r *ProfileRepo) FindByUserId(tenantId consts.TenantId, userId uint) (profile model.SysUserProfile, err error)
type ProjectCronRepo ¶
type ProjectCronRepo struct { DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` UserRepo *UserRepo `inject:""` CategoryRepo *CategoryRepo `inject:""` *BaseRepo `inject:""` }
func (*ProjectCronRepo) CombineCategory ¶
func (r *ProjectCronRepo) CombineCategory(tenantId consts.TenantId, configs []*model.ProjectCronList)
func (*ProjectCronRepo) CombineUserName ¶
func (r *ProjectCronRepo) CombineUserName(tenantId consts.TenantId, data []*model.ProjectCronList)
func (*ProjectCronRepo) Create ¶
func (r *ProjectCronRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, config model.ProjectCron) (id uint, err error)
func (*ProjectCronRepo) DeleteById ¶
func (r *ProjectCronRepo) DeleteById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) error
func (*ProjectCronRepo) GetById ¶
func (r *ProjectCronRepo) GetById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (config model.ProjectCron, err error)
func (*ProjectCronRepo) ListAllCron ¶
func (r *ProjectCronRepo) ListAllCron(tenantId consts.TenantId) (res []model.ProjectCron, err error)
func (*ProjectCronRepo) Paginate ¶
func (r *ProjectCronRepo) Paginate(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.ProjectCronReqPaginate) (data _domain.PageData, err error)
func (*ProjectCronRepo) Save ¶
func (r *ProjectCronRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, config model.ProjectCron) (ret model.ProjectCron, err error)
func (*ProjectCronRepo) Update ¶
func (r *ProjectCronRepo) Update(tenantId consts.TenantId, config model.ProjectCron) error
func (*ProjectCronRepo) UpdateExecErr ¶
func (*ProjectCronRepo) UpdateExecResult ¶
func (r *ProjectCronRepo) UpdateExecResult(tenantId consts.TenantId, configId uint, source consts.CronSource, execStatus consts.CronExecStatus, execErr string) (err error)
func (*ProjectCronRepo) UpdateExecStatus ¶
func (r *ProjectCronRepo) UpdateExecStatus(tenantId consts.TenantId, configId int, source consts.CronSource, execStatus consts.CronExecStatus) (err error)
func (*ProjectCronRepo) UpdateSwitchById ¶
func (r *ProjectCronRepo) UpdateSwitchById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, switchStatus consts.SwitchStatus) error
type ProjectMenuRepo ¶
func (*ProjectMenuRepo) BatchCreate ¶
func (r *ProjectMenuRepo) BatchCreate(tenantId consts.TenantId, menus []model.ProjectMenu) (successCount int, failItems []string)
func (*ProjectMenuRepo) BatchInitData ¶
func (*ProjectMenuRepo) Create ¶
func (r *ProjectMenuRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectMenu model.ProjectMenu) (id uint, err error)
func (*ProjectMenuRepo) DeleteAllData ¶
func (r *ProjectMenuRepo) DeleteAllData(tenantId consts.TenantId)
func (*ProjectMenuRepo) DeleteById ¶
func (r *ProjectMenuRepo) DeleteById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) error
func (*ProjectMenuRepo) FindByCode ¶
func (r *ProjectMenuRepo) FindByCode(tenantId consts.TenantId, code string) (projectMenu model.ProjectMenu, err error)
func (*ProjectMenuRepo) GetAllMenuCodeIdMap ¶
func (*ProjectMenuRepo) GetAllMenuList ¶
func (r *ProjectMenuRepo) GetAllMenuList(tenantId consts.TenantId) (menus []model.ProjectMenu, err error)
func (*ProjectMenuRepo) GetConfigData ¶
func (r *ProjectMenuRepo) GetConfigData(tenantId consts.TenantId, level string) (menus []model.ProjectMenu, err error)
func (*ProjectMenuRepo) GetMenuConfig ¶
func (r *ProjectMenuRepo) GetMenuConfig(tenantId consts.TenantId) (menuConfigs []v1.ProjectMenuConfig, err error)
func (*ProjectMenuRepo) GetRoleMenuCodeList ¶
func (*ProjectMenuRepo) GetRoleMenuList ¶
func (r *ProjectMenuRepo) GetRoleMenuList(tenantId consts.TenantId, roleId uint) (roleMenus []model.ProjectMenu, err error)
func (*ProjectMenuRepo) Update ¶
func (r *ProjectMenuRepo) Update(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.ProjectMenuReq) error
type ProjectPermRepo ¶
func (*ProjectPermRepo) CreateIfNotExist ¶
func (r *ProjectPermRepo) CreateIfNotExist(tenantId consts.TenantId, perms []model.ProjectPerm) (successCount int, failItems []string)
func (*ProjectPermRepo) GetRecordByNameAndAction ¶
func (r *ProjectPermRepo) GetRecordByNameAndAction(tenantId consts.TenantId, name, action string) (projectPerm model.ProjectPerm, err error)
type ProjectRecentlyVisitedRepo ¶
func (*ProjectRecentlyVisitedRepo) Create ¶
func (r *ProjectRecentlyVisitedRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.ProjectRecentlyVisitedReq) (id uint, err error)
func (*ProjectRecentlyVisitedRepo) FindUserLastDistinctProjects ¶
func (r *ProjectRecentlyVisitedRepo) FindUserLastDistinctProjects(tenantId consts.TenantId, userId uint, limit int) (res []model.ProjectRecentlyVisited, err error)
func (*ProjectRecentlyVisitedRepo) FindUserLastRecord ¶
func (r *ProjectRecentlyVisitedRepo) FindUserLastRecord(tenantId consts.TenantId, userId uint) (projectRecentlyVisited model.ProjectRecentlyVisited, err error)
func (*ProjectRecentlyVisitedRepo) FindUserProjectToday ¶
func (r *ProjectRecentlyVisitedRepo) FindUserProjectToday(tenantId consts.TenantId, userId, projectId uint) (projectRecentlyVisited model.ProjectRecentlyVisited, err error)
type ProjectRepo ¶
type ProjectRepo struct { DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` RoleRepo *RoleRepo `inject:""` ProjectRoleRepo *ProjectRoleRepo `inject:""` EnvironmentRepo *EnvironmentRepo `inject:""` UserRepo *UserRepo `inject:""` ServeRepo *ServeRepo `inject:""` EndpointRepo *EndpointRepo `inject:""` EndpointInterfaceRepo *EndpointInterfaceRepo `inject:""` ProjectRecentlyVisitedRepo *ProjectRecentlyVisitedRepo `inject:""` ServeServerRepo *ServeServerRepo `inject:""` ScenarioRepo *ScenarioRepo `inject:""` ScenarioNodeRepo *ScenarioNodeRepo `inject:""` ScenarioProcessorRepo *ScenarioProcessorRepo `inject:""` PlanRepo *PlanRepo `inject:""` EndpointMockExpectRepo *EndpointMockExpectRepo `inject:""` CategoryRepo *CategoryRepo `inject:""` ScenarioInterfaceRepo *ScenarioInterfaceRepo `inject:""` EndpointCaseRepo *EndpointCaseRepo `inject:""` DebugInterfaceRepo *DebugInterfaceRepo `inject:""` *BaseRepo `inject:""` }
func (*ProjectRepo) AddMemberIfNotExisted ¶
func (*ProjectRepo) AddProjectDefaultServe ¶
func (*ProjectRepo) AddProjectMember ¶
func (*ProjectRepo) AddProjectRootEndpointCategory ¶
func (*ProjectRepo) AddProjectRootPlanCategory ¶
func (r *ProjectRepo) AddProjectRootPlanCategory(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (err error)
func (*ProjectRepo) AddProjectRootScenarioCategory ¶
func (r *ProjectRepo) AddProjectRootScenarioCategory(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (err error)
func (*ProjectRepo) AddProjectRootSchemaCategory ¶
func (r *ProjectRepo) AddProjectRootSchemaCategory(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (err error)
func (*ProjectRepo) AddProjectRootTestCategory ¶
func (r *ProjectRepo) AddProjectRootTestCategory(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, serveId uint) (err error)
func (*ProjectRepo) BatchGetByShortNames ¶
func (*ProjectRepo) ChangeProject ¶
func (r *ProjectRepo) ChangeProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, userId uint) (err error)
func (*ProjectRepo) CombineRoleForProject ¶
func (r *ProjectRepo) CombineRoleForProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projects []model.Project, projectRoleMap map[uint]uint) (res []model.ProjectMemberRole, err error)
func (*ProjectRepo) Create ¶
func (r *ProjectRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.ProjectReq, userId uint) (id uint, bizErr _domain.BizErr)
func (*ProjectRepo) CreateProjectRes ¶
func (*ProjectRepo) CreateSample ¶
func (r *ProjectRepo) CreateSample(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, serveId, userId, categoryId uint) (err error)
func (*ProjectRepo) DeleteById ¶
func (r *ProjectRepo) DeleteById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*ProjectRepo) DeleteChildren ¶
func (r *ProjectRepo) DeleteChildren(ids []int, tx *gorm.DB) (err error)
func (*ProjectRepo) FindRolesByProjectAndUser ¶
func (r *ProjectRepo) FindRolesByProjectAndUser(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, userId uint) (projectMember model.ProjectMember, err error)
func (*ProjectRepo) FindRolesByProjectsAndUsername ¶
func (r *ProjectRepo) FindRolesByProjectsAndUsername(tenantId consts.TenantId, username string, projectIds []uint) (members []model.ProjectMember, err error)
func (*ProjectRepo) FindRolesByUser ¶
func (r *ProjectRepo) FindRolesByUser(tenantId consts.TenantId, userId uint) (members []model.ProjectMember, err error)
func (*ProjectRepo) GetAudit ¶
func (r *ProjectRepo) GetAudit(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (ret model.ProjectMemberAudit, err error)
func (*ProjectRepo) GetAuditByItem ¶
func (r *ProjectRepo) GetAuditByItem(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, ApplyUserId uint, auditStatus []consts.AuditStatus) (ret model.ProjectMemberAudit, err error)
func (*ProjectRepo) GetAuditList ¶
func (r *ProjectRepo) GetAuditList(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.AuditProjectPaginate) (data _domain.PageData, err error)
func (*ProjectRepo) GetAuditUsers ¶
func (*ProjectRepo) GetByShortName ¶
func (*ProjectRepo) GetChildrenIds ¶
func (*ProjectRepo) GetCurrProjectByUser ¶
func (*ProjectRepo) GetCurrProjectMemberRoleByUser ¶
func (r *ProjectRepo) GetCurrProjectMemberRoleByUser(tenantId consts.TenantId, userId uint) (ret model.ProjectMember, err error)
func (*ProjectRepo) GetMembersByProject ¶
func (r *ProjectRepo) GetMembersByProject(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (ret []model.ProjectMember, err error)
func (*ProjectRepo) GetProjectIdsByUserIdAndRole ¶
func (*ProjectRepo) GetProjectMemberCount ¶
func (*ProjectRepo) GetProjectMemberList ¶
func (r *ProjectRepo) GetProjectMemberList(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (list []model.ProjectMember, err error)
func (*ProjectRepo) GetProjectRoleMapByUser ¶
func (*ProjectRepo) GetProjectsAndRolesByUser ¶
func (r *ProjectRepo) GetProjectsAndRolesByUser(tenantId consts.TenantId, userId uint) (projectIds, roleIds []uint)
func (*ProjectRepo) GetProjectsByIds ¶
func (*ProjectRepo) GetUserIdsByProjectAnRole ¶
func (r *ProjectRepo) GetUserIdsByProjectAnRole(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, roleId uint) (projectMembers []model.ProjectMember, err error)
func (*ProjectRepo) GetUserProjectRoleMap ¶
func (*ProjectRepo) GetUsernamesByProjectAndRole ¶
func (*ProjectRepo) IfProjectMember ¶
func (*ProjectRepo) ListByUsername ¶
func (*ProjectRepo) ListProjectByUser ¶
func (r *ProjectRepo) ListProjectByUser(tenantId consts.TenantId, userId uint) (res []model.ProjectMemberRole, err error)
func (*ProjectRepo) ListProjectsRecentlyVisited ¶
func (*ProjectRepo) Members ¶
func (r *ProjectRepo) Members(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.ProjectReqPaginate, projectId int) (data _domain.PageData, err error)
func (*ProjectRepo) Paginate ¶
func (r *ProjectRepo) Paginate(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.ProjectReqPaginate, userId uint) (data _domain.PageData, err error)
func (*ProjectRepo) RemoveMember ¶
func (r *ProjectRepo) RemoveMember(tenantId consts.TenantId, userId, projectId int) (err error)
func (*ProjectRepo) SaveAudit ¶
func (r *ProjectRepo) SaveAudit(tenantId consts.TenantId, audit model.ProjectMemberAudit) (auditId uint, err error)
func (*ProjectRepo) Update ¶
func (r *ProjectRepo) Update(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.ProjectReq) error
func (*ProjectRepo) UpdateAuditStatus ¶
func (r *ProjectRepo) UpdateAuditStatus(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, auditUserId uint, status consts.AuditStatus) (err error)
func (*ProjectRepo) UpdateDefaultEnvironment ¶
func (r *ProjectRepo) UpdateDefaultEnvironment(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, envId uint) (err error)
func (*ProjectRepo) UpdateProjectSource ¶
func (r *ProjectRepo) UpdateProjectSource(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint, source serverConsts.ProjectSource) (err error)
func (*ProjectRepo) UpdateUserRole ¶
func (r *ProjectRepo) UpdateUserRole(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.UpdateProjectMemberReq) (err error)
type ProjectRoleMenuRepo ¶
type ProjectRoleMenuRepo struct { *BaseRepo `inject:""` DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` ProjectRoleRepo *ProjectRoleRepo `inject:""` ProjectMenuRepo *ProjectMenuRepo `inject:""` }
func (*ProjectRoleMenuRepo) BatchCreate ¶
func (r *ProjectRoleMenuRepo) BatchCreate(tenantId consts.TenantId, roleMenus []model.ProjectRoleMenu) (successCount int, failItems []string)
func (*ProjectRoleMenuRepo) Create ¶
func (r *ProjectRoleMenuRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectRoleMenu model.ProjectRoleMenu) (err error)
func (*ProjectRoleMenuRepo) DeleteAllData ¶
func (r *ProjectRoleMenuRepo) DeleteAllData(tenantId consts.TenantId)
func (*ProjectRoleMenuRepo) DeleteById ¶
func (r *ProjectRoleMenuRepo) DeleteById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) error
func (*ProjectRoleMenuRepo) FindByRoleAndMenu ¶
func (r *ProjectRoleMenuRepo) FindByRoleAndMenu(tenantId consts.TenantId, roleId, menuId uint) (projectRoleMenu model.ProjectRoleMenu, err error)
func (*ProjectRoleMenuRepo) GetConfigData ¶
func (r *ProjectRoleMenuRepo) GetConfigData(tenantId consts.TenantId) (menus []model.ProjectRoleMenu, err error)
func (*ProjectRoleMenuRepo) GetRoleMenuConfig ¶
func (r *ProjectRoleMenuRepo) GetRoleMenuConfig() (roleMenuConfigs []v1.ProjectRoleMenuConfig, err error)
type ProjectRolePermRepo ¶
type ProjectRolePermRepo struct { *BaseRepo `inject:""` DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` ProjectRepo *ProjectRepo `inject:""` ProjectRoleRepo *ProjectRoleRepo `inject:""` }
func (*ProjectRolePermRepo) AddPermForProjectRole ¶
func (*ProjectRolePermRepo) GetByRoleAndPerm ¶
func (r *ProjectRolePermRepo) GetByRoleAndPerm(tenantId consts.TenantId, roleId, permId uint) (ret model.ProjectRolePerm, err error)
func (*ProjectRolePermRepo) GetProjectPermsForRole ¶
func (r *ProjectRolePermRepo) GetProjectPermsForRole(tenantId consts.TenantId) (res map[consts.RoleType][]uint, err error)
GetProjectPermsForRole TODO: 每个角色需要的权限还未确定,需要改动
func (*ProjectRolePermRepo) PaginateRolePerms ¶
func (r *ProjectRolePermRepo) PaginateRolePerms(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.ProjectRolePermPaginateReq) (data _domain.PageData, err error)
func (*ProjectRolePermRepo) UserPermList ¶
func (r *ProjectRolePermRepo) UserPermList(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.ProjectUserPermsPaginate, userId uint) (data _domain.PageData, err error)
type ProjectRoleRepo ¶
type ProjectRoleRepo struct { DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` ProjectRepo *ProjectRepo `inject:""` *BaseRepo `inject:""` }
func (*ProjectRoleRepo) AllRoleList ¶
func (r *ProjectRoleRepo) AllRoleList(tenantId consts.TenantId) (projectRoles []model.ProjectRole, err error)
func (*ProjectRoleRepo) BatchCreate ¶
func (r *ProjectRoleRepo) BatchCreate(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectRoles []model.ProjectRole) (err error)
func (*ProjectRoleRepo) Create ¶
func (r *ProjectRoleRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectRole model.ProjectRole) (err error)
func (*ProjectRoleRepo) FindById ¶
func (r *ProjectRoleRepo) FindById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (projectRole model.ProjectRole, err error)
func (*ProjectRoleRepo) FindByIds ¶
func (r *ProjectRoleRepo) FindByIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, ids []uint) (projectRoles []model.ProjectRole, err error)
func (*ProjectRoleRepo) FindByName ¶
func (r *ProjectRoleRepo) FindByName(tenantId consts.TenantId, name consts.RoleType) (projectRole model.ProjectRole, err error)
func (*ProjectRoleRepo) FindByNames ¶
func (r *ProjectRoleRepo) FindByNames(tenantId consts.TenantId, names []consts.RoleType) (projectRoles []model.ProjectRole, err error)
func (*ProjectRoleRepo) GetAdminRecord ¶
func (r *ProjectRoleRepo) GetAdminRecord(tenantId consts.TenantId) (projectRole model.ProjectRole, err error)
func (*ProjectRoleRepo) GetAllRoleNameIdMap ¶
func (*ProjectRoleRepo) GetRoleByProjectAndUser ¶
func (r *ProjectRoleRepo) GetRoleByProjectAndUser(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, userId uint) (projectRole model.ProjectRole, err error)
func (*ProjectRoleRepo) GetRoleIdNameMap ¶
func (*ProjectRoleRepo) GetRoleNamesByNames ¶
func (*ProjectRoleRepo) GetUserRecord ¶
func (r *ProjectRoleRepo) GetUserRecord(tenantId consts.TenantId) (projectRole model.ProjectRole, err error)
func (*ProjectRoleRepo) ProjectUserRoleList ¶
func (r *ProjectRoleRepo) ProjectUserRoleList(tenantId consts.TenantId, userId, projectId uint) (projectRole model.ProjectRole, err error)
type ProjectSettingsRepo ¶
type ProjectSettingsRepo struct { *BaseRepo `inject:""` CategoryRepo *CategoryRepo `inject:""` EnvironmentRepo *EnvironmentRepo `inject:""` }
func (*ProjectSettingsRepo) DeleteSwaggerSyncById ¶
func (r *ProjectSettingsRepo) DeleteSwaggerSyncById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) error
func (*ProjectSettingsRepo) GetMock ¶
func (r *ProjectSettingsRepo) GetMock(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (po model.ProjectMockSetting, err error)
func (*ProjectSettingsRepo) GetSwaggerSync ¶
func (r *ProjectSettingsRepo) GetSwaggerSync(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId uint) (sync model.SwaggerSync, err error)
func (*ProjectSettingsRepo) GetSwaggerSyncById ¶
func (r *ProjectSettingsRepo) GetSwaggerSyncById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (sync model.SwaggerSync, err error)
func (*ProjectSettingsRepo) GetSwaggerSyncList ¶
func (r *ProjectSettingsRepo) GetSwaggerSyncList(tenantId consts.TenantId) (res []model.SwaggerSync, err error)
func (*ProjectSettingsRepo) SaveMock ¶
func (r *ProjectSettingsRepo) SaveMock(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.ProjectMockSetting) (err error)
func (*ProjectSettingsRepo) SaveSwaggerSync ¶
func (r *ProjectSettingsRepo) SaveSwaggerSync(tenantId consts.TenantId, sync *model.SwaggerSync) (err error)
func (*ProjectSettingsRepo) UpdateSwaggerSyncExecTimeById ¶
func (r *ProjectSettingsRepo) UpdateSwaggerSyncExecTimeById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
type RelaPlanScenarioRepo ¶
type RelaPlanScenarioRepo struct {
*BaseRepo `inject:""`
func (*RelaPlanScenarioRepo) DecreaseOrderBefore ¶
func (*RelaPlanScenarioRepo) Get ¶
func (r *RelaPlanScenarioRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (res model.RelaPlanScenario, err error)
func (*RelaPlanScenarioRepo) GetMaxOrder ¶
func (r *RelaPlanScenarioRepo) GetMaxOrder(tenantId consts.TenantId, planId uint) (order int)
func (*RelaPlanScenarioRepo) IncreaseOrderAfter ¶
func (*RelaPlanScenarioRepo) UpdateOrdrById ¶
type ResponseDefineRepo ¶
type ResponseDefineRepo struct { *BaseRepo `inject:""` DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` ServeRepo *ServeRepo `inject:""` EndpointRepo *EndpointRepo `inject:""` EndpointInterfaceRepo *EndpointInterfaceRepo `inject:""` }
func (*ResponseDefineRepo) Components ¶
func (r *ResponseDefineRepo) Components(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointInterfaceId uint) responseDefineHelper.Components
func (*ResponseDefineRepo) CreateLog ¶
func (r *ResponseDefineRepo) CreateLog(tenantId consts.TenantId, responseDefine domain.ResponseDefineBase) ( log model.ExecLogResponseDefine, err error)
func (*ResponseDefineRepo) Get ¶
func (r *ResponseDefineRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (responseDefine model.DebugConditionResponseDefine, err error)
func (*ResponseDefineRepo) GetLog ¶
func (r *ResponseDefineRepo) GetLog(tenantId consts.TenantId, conditionId, invokeId uint) (ret model.ExecLogResponseDefine, err error)
func (*ResponseDefineRepo) Save ¶
func (r *ResponseDefineRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, responseDefine *model.DebugConditionResponseDefine) (err error)
func (*ResponseDefineRepo) UpdateResult ¶
func (r *ResponseDefineRepo) UpdateResult(tenantId consts.TenantId, responseDefine domain.ResponseDefineBase) (err error)
type RoleRepo ¶
func (*RoleRepo) AddPermForRole ¶
func (*RoleRepo) DeleteById ¶
func (*RoleRepo) FindByName ¶
func (r *RoleRepo) FindByName(tenantId consts.TenantId, name string, ids ...uint) (v1.RoleResp, error)
func (*RoleRepo) FindFirstAdminUser ¶
func (*RoleRepo) GetAllRoles ¶
func (*RoleRepo) GetRoleIds ¶
func (*RoleRepo) IsAdminRole ¶
type ScenarioInterfaceRepo ¶
type ScenarioInterfaceRepo struct { *BaseRepo `inject:""` DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` *DebugInterfaceRepo `inject:""` }
func (*ScenarioInterfaceRepo) GetDetail ¶
func (r *ScenarioInterfaceRepo) GetDetail(tenantId consts.TenantId, processorId uint) (debugInterface model.DebugInterface, err error)
func (*ScenarioInterfaceRepo) SaveDebugData ¶
func (r *ScenarioInterfaceRepo) SaveDebugData(tenantId consts.TenantId, interf *model.DebugInterface) (err error)
type ScenarioNodeRepo ¶
type ScenarioNodeRepo struct { *BaseRepo `inject:""` ScenarioProcessorRepo *ScenarioProcessorRepo `inject:""` ScenarioRepo *ScenarioRepo `inject:""` DebugInterfaceRepo *DebugInterfaceRepo `inject:""` }
func (*ScenarioNodeRepo) CreateDefault ¶
func (*ScenarioNodeRepo) DeleteWithChildren ¶
func (r *ScenarioNodeRepo) DeleteWithChildren(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*ScenarioNodeRepo) DisableWithChildren ¶
func (r *ScenarioNodeRepo) DisableWithChildren(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*ScenarioNodeRepo) EnableAncestors ¶
func (r *ScenarioNodeRepo) EnableAncestors(tenantId consts.TenantId, nodeId uint) (err error)
func (*ScenarioNodeRepo) GetChildren ¶
func (*ScenarioNodeRepo) GetMaxOrder ¶
func (r *ScenarioNodeRepo) GetMaxOrder(tenantId consts.TenantId, parentId uint) (order int)
func (*ScenarioNodeRepo) GetNextNode ¶
func (*ScenarioNodeRepo) GetNumberByScenariosAndEntityCategory ¶
func (r *ScenarioNodeRepo) GetNumberByScenariosAndEntityCategory(tenantId consts.TenantId, scenarioIds []uint, entityCategory consts.ProcessorCategory) (num int64, err error)
func (*ScenarioNodeRepo) GetPreNode ¶
func (*ScenarioNodeRepo) GetScopeHierarchy ¶
func (*ScenarioNodeRepo) ListByScenario ¶
func (*ScenarioNodeRepo) MoveMaxOrder ¶
func (r *ScenarioNodeRepo) MoveMaxOrder(tenantId consts.TenantId, parentId, order, step uint) (err error)
func (*ScenarioNodeRepo) UpdateEntityId ¶
func (r *ScenarioNodeRepo) UpdateEntityId(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, entityId uint) error
func (*ScenarioNodeRepo) UpdateName ¶
func (*ScenarioNodeRepo) UpdateOrdAndParent ¶
func (*ScenarioNodeRepo) UpdateOrder ¶
func (r *ScenarioNodeRepo) UpdateOrder(tenantId consts.TenantId, pos serverConsts.DropPos, targetId uint) (parentId uint, ordr int, disabled bool)
type ScenarioProcessorRepo ¶
type ScenarioProcessorRepo struct { DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` *BaseRepo `inject:""` ScenarioNodeRepo *ScenarioNodeRepo `inject:""` ExtractorRepo *ExtractorRepo `inject:""` CheckpointRepo *CheckpointRepo `inject:""` DebugInterfaceRepo *DebugInterfaceRepo `inject:""` }
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) CopyEntity ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) CopyEntity(tenantId consts.TenantId, srcProcessorId, distProcessorId uint) (err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) Delete ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetAssertion ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetAssertion(tenantId consts.TenantId, processor model.Processor) (ret model.ProcessorAssertion, err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetAssertionById ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetAssertionById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (ret model.ProcessorAssertion, err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetCookie ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetCookie(tenantId consts.TenantId, processor model.Processor) (ret model.ProcessorCookie, err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetCookieById ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetCookieById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (ret model.ProcessorCookie, err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetCustomCode ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetCustomCode(tenantId consts.TenantId, processor model.Processor) (ret model.ProcessorCustomCode, err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetCustomCodeById ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetCustomCodeById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (ret model.ProcessorCustomCode, err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetData ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetData(tenantId consts.TenantId, processor model.Processor) (ret model.ProcessorData, err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetDataById ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetDataById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (ret model.ProcessorData, err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetEntity ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetEntity(tenantId consts.TenantId, processorId uint) (ret interface{}, err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetGroup ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetGroup(tenantId consts.TenantId, processor model.Processor) (ret model.ProcessorGroup, err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetGroupById ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetGroupById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (ret model.ProcessorGroup, err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetInterface ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetInterface(tenantId consts.TenantId, processor model.Processor) (ret model.ProcessorComm, err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetLogic ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetLogic(tenantId consts.TenantId, processor model.Processor) (ret model.ProcessorLogic, err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetLogicById ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetLogicById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (ret model.ProcessorLogic, err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetLoop ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetLoop(tenantId consts.TenantId, processor model.Processor) (ret model.ProcessorLoop, err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetLoopById ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetLoopById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (ret model.ProcessorLoop, err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetPrint ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetPrint(tenantId consts.TenantId, processor model.Processor) (ret model.ProcessorPrint, err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetPrintById ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetPrintById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (ret model.ProcessorPrint, err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetRoot ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetRoot(tenantId consts.TenantId, processor model.Processor) (ret model.ProcessorComm, err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetTimer ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetTimer(tenantId consts.TenantId, processor model.Processor) (ret model.ProcessorTimer, err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetTimerById ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetTimerById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (ret model.ProcessorTimer, err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetVariable ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetVariable(tenantId consts.TenantId, processor model.Processor) (ret model.ProcessorVariable, err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetVariableById ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) GetVariableById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (ret model.ProcessorVariable, err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) SaveAssertion ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) SaveAssertion(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.ProcessorAssertion) (err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) SaveBasicInfo ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) SaveBasicInfo(tenantId consts.TenantId, req domain.ScenarioProcessorInfo) (err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) SaveCookie ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) SaveCookie(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.ProcessorCookie) (err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) SaveCustomCode ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) SaveCustomCode(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.ProcessorCustomCode) (err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) SaveData ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) SaveData(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.ProcessorData) (err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) SaveGroup ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) SaveGroup(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.ProcessorGroup) (err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) SaveLogic ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) SaveLogic(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.ProcessorLogic) (err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) SaveLoop ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) SaveLoop(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.ProcessorLoop) (err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) SavePrint ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) SavePrint(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.ProcessorPrint) (err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) SaveTimer ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) SaveTimer(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.ProcessorTimer) (err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) SaveVariable ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) SaveVariable(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.ProcessorVariable) (err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) UpdateEntityId ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) UpdateEntityId(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, entityId uint) (err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) UpdateInterfaceId ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) UpdateInterfaceId(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, debugInterfacceId uint) (err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) UpdateMethod ¶
func (r *ScenarioProcessorRepo) UpdateMethod(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, method consts.HttpMethod) (err error)
func (*ScenarioProcessorRepo) UpdateName ¶
type ScenarioRepo ¶
type ScenarioRepo struct { DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` *BaseRepo `inject:""` ProjectRepo *ProjectRepo `inject:""` PlanRepo *PlanRepo `inject:""` RelaPlanScenarioRepo *RelaPlanScenarioRepo `inject:""` }
func (*ScenarioRepo) DeleteByCategoryIds ¶
func (r *ScenarioRepo) DeleteByCategoryIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, categoryIds []uint) (err error)
func (*ScenarioRepo) DeleteById ¶
func (r *ScenarioRepo) DeleteById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*ScenarioRepo) DeleteChildren ¶
func (*ScenarioRepo) FindByName ¶
func (*ScenarioRepo) GetCategoryCount ¶
func (r *ScenarioRepo) GetCategoryCount(tenantId consts.TenantId, result interface{}, projectId uint) (err error)
func (*ScenarioRepo) GetChildrenIds ¶
func (*ScenarioRepo) ListByProject ¶
func (*ScenarioRepo) ListScenarioRelation ¶
func (r *ScenarioRepo) ListScenarioRelation(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (pos []model.RelaPlanScenario, err error)
func (*ScenarioRepo) Paginate ¶
func (r *ScenarioRepo) Paginate(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.ScenarioReqPaginate, projectId int) (data _domain.PageData, err error)
func (*ScenarioRepo) PlanList ¶
func (r *ScenarioRepo) PlanList(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.ScenarioPlanReqPaginate, scenarioId int) (data _domain.PageData, err error)
func (*ScenarioRepo) RemovePlans ¶
func (*ScenarioRepo) UpdateCurrEnvId ¶
func (r *ScenarioRepo) UpdateCurrEnvId(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, currEnvId uint) error
func (*ScenarioRepo) UpdatePriority ¶
func (*ScenarioRepo) UpdateSerialNumber ¶
func (r *ScenarioRepo) UpdateSerialNumber(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, projectId uint) (err error)
func (*ScenarioRepo) UpdateStatus ¶
func (r *ScenarioRepo) UpdateStatus(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint, status consts.TestStatus, updateUserId uint, updateUserName string) error
type ScenarioReportRepo ¶
type ScenarioReportRepo struct { *BaseRepo `inject:""` DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` LogRepo *LogRepo `inject:""` ProjectRepo *ProjectRepo `inject:""` ScenarioRepo *ScenarioRepo `inject:""` UserRepo *UserRepo `inject:""` EnvironmentRepo *EnvironmentRepo `inject:""` }
func (*ScenarioReportRepo) BatchDelete ¶
func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) BatchDelete(tenantId consts.TenantId, planReportId uint) (err error)
func (*ScenarioReportRepo) BatchUpdatePlanReportId ¶
func (*ScenarioReportRepo) ClearLogs ¶
func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) ClearLogs(tenantId consts.TenantId, resultId uint) (err error)
func (*ScenarioReportRepo) CombinePriority ¶
func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) CombinePriority(tenantId consts.TenantId, data []model.ScenarioReportDetail) (res []model.ScenarioReportDetail, err error)
func (*ScenarioReportRepo) CombineUserName ¶
func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) CombineUserName(tenantId consts.TenantId, data []*model.ScenarioReport)
func (*ScenarioReportRepo) Create ¶
func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, result *model.ScenarioReport) (bizErr *_domain.BizErr)
func (*ScenarioReportRepo) DeleteById ¶
func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) DeleteById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*ScenarioReportRepo) FindInProgressResult ¶
func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) FindInProgressResult(tenantId consts.TenantId, scenarioId uint) (result model.ScenarioReport, err error)
func (*ScenarioReportRepo) Get ¶
func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (report model.ScenarioReport, err error)
func (*ScenarioReportRepo) GetBaseReportsByPlanReportId ¶
func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) GetBaseReportsByPlanReportId(tenantId consts.TenantId, planReportId uint) (reports []model.ScenarioReport, err error)
func (*ScenarioReportRepo) GetReportsByPlanReportId ¶
func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) GetReportsByPlanReportId(tenantId consts.TenantId, planReportId uint) (reports []model.ScenarioReportDetail, err error)
func (*ScenarioReportRepo) Paginate ¶
func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) Paginate(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.ReportReqPaginate) (data _domain.PageData, err error)
func (*ScenarioReportRepo) ResetResult ¶
func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) ResetResult(tenantId consts.TenantId, result model.ScenarioReport) (err error)
func (*ScenarioReportRepo) UpdatePlanReportId ¶
func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) UpdatePlanReportId(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, planReportId uint) (err error)
func (*ScenarioReportRepo) UpdateResult ¶
func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) UpdateResult(tenantId consts.TenantId, report model.ScenarioReport) (err error)
func (*ScenarioReportRepo) UpdateSerialNumber ¶
func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) UpdateSerialNumber(tenantId consts.TenantId, id, projectId uint) (err error)
func (*ScenarioReportRepo) UpdateStatus ¶
func (r *ScenarioReportRepo) UpdateStatus(tenantId consts.TenantId, progressStatus consts.ProgressStatus, resultStatus consts.ResultStatus, scenarioId uint) ( err error)
type ScriptRepo ¶
func (*ScriptRepo) CreateDefault ¶
func (r *ScriptRepo) CreateDefault(tenantId consts.TenantId, conditionId uint, src consts.ConditionSrc) (po model.DebugConditionScript)
func (*ScriptRepo) CreateLog ¶
func (r *ScriptRepo) CreateLog(tenantId consts.TenantId, script domain.ScriptBase) ( log model.ExecLogScript, err error)
func (*ScriptRepo) Delete ¶
func (r *ScriptRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*ScriptRepo) DeleteByCondition ¶
func (r *ScriptRepo) DeleteByCondition(tenantId consts.TenantId, conditionId uint) (err error)
func (*ScriptRepo) Get ¶
func (r *ScriptRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (script model.DebugConditionScript, err error)
func (*ScriptRepo) GetByCondition ¶
func (r *ScriptRepo) GetByCondition(tenantId consts.TenantId, conditionId uint) (script model.DebugConditionScript, err error)
func (*ScriptRepo) GetByName ¶
func (r *ScriptRepo) GetByName(tenantId consts.TenantId, name string, interfaceId uint) (script model.DebugConditionScript, err error)
func (*ScriptRepo) GetLog ¶
func (r *ScriptRepo) GetLog(tenantId consts.TenantId, conditionId, invokeId uint) (ret model.ExecLogScript, err error)
func (*ScriptRepo) Save ¶
func (r *ScriptRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, script *model.DebugConditionScript) (err error)
func (*ScriptRepo) UpdateResult ¶
func (r *ScriptRepo) UpdateResult(tenantId consts.TenantId, script domain.ScriptBase) (err error)
type ServeRepo ¶
type ServeRepo struct { *BaseRepo `inject:""` CategoryRepo *CategoryRepo `inject:""` EnvironmentRepo *EnvironmentRepo `inject:""` }
func (*ServeRepo) AddDefaultCategory ¶
func (*ServeRepo) AddDefaultServer ¶
func (*ServeRepo) AddDefaultTestCategory ¶
func (*ServeRepo) BatchUpdateSchemaProjectByServeId ¶
func (*ServeRepo) BindEndpoint ¶
func (*ServeRepo) ChangeServe ¶
func (*ServeRepo) CopyEndpoints ¶
func (*ServeRepo) CopyEndpointsVersionRef ¶
func (*ServeRepo) CreateSchemas ¶
func (*ServeRepo) CreateServeSample ¶
func (*ServeRepo) DeleteById ¶
func (*ServeRepo) DeleteSaveServeEndpointVersions ¶
func (*ServeRepo) DeleteSchemaById ¶
func (*ServeRepo) DeleteSecurityId ¶
func (*ServeRepo) DeleteVersionById ¶
func (*ServeRepo) DisableById ¶
func (*ServeRepo) DisableVersionById ¶
func (*ServeRepo) GetBindEndpointIds ¶
func (*ServeRepo) GetBindEndpoints ¶
func (*ServeRepo) GetComponentByItem ¶
func (r *ServeRepo) GetComponentByItem(tenantId consts.TenantId, sourceType consts.SourceType, projectId uint, ref string) (res model.ComponentSchema, err error)
func (*ServeRepo) GetCountByProject ¶
func (*ServeRepo) GetCurrServeByUser ¶
func (*ServeRepo) GetCurrServerByUser ¶
func (*ServeRepo) GetDefault ¶
func (*ServeRepo) GetDefaultServer ¶
func (*ServeRepo) GetLatestVersion ¶
func (*ServeRepo) GetSchemaByRef ¶
func (*ServeRepo) GetSchemaRef ¶
func (*ServeRepo) GetSchemas ¶
func (*ServeRepo) GetSchemasByProjectId ¶
func (*ServeRepo) GetSchemasByServeId ¶
func (*ServeRepo) GetSecurities ¶
func (*ServeRepo) GetServerCountByEnvironmentId ¶
func (*ServeRepo) GetServers ¶
func (*ServeRepo) GetServesByIds ¶
func (*ServeRepo) GetSwaggerSync ¶
func (*ServeRepo) GetSwaggerSyncById ¶
func (*ServeRepo) GetSwaggerSyncList ¶
func (*ServeRepo) ListByProject ¶
func (*ServeRepo) ListByProjects ¶
func (*ServeRepo) ListSecurity ¶
func (*ServeRepo) ListServer ¶
func (*ServeRepo) ListVersion ¶
func (*ServeRepo) PaginateSchema ¶
func (*ServeRepo) PaginateSecurity ¶
func (*ServeRepo) PaginateVersion ¶
func (*ServeRepo) SaveSchemas ¶
func (*ServeRepo) SaveServeEndpointVersions ¶
func (*ServeRepo) SaveServer ¶
func (*ServeRepo) SaveServerForServe ¶
func (*ServeRepo) SaveSwaggerSync ¶
func (*ServeRepo) SaveVersion ¶
func (*ServeRepo) SchemaExist ¶
func (*ServeRepo) SecurityExist ¶
func (*ServeRepo) ServeExist ¶
func (*ServeRepo) SetCurrServeByUser ¶
func (*ServeRepo) SetCurrServerByUser ¶
func (*ServeRepo) UpdateSwaggerSyncExecTimeById ¶
type ServeServerRepo ¶
type ServeServerRepo struct { *BaseRepo `inject:""` CategoryRepo *CategoryRepo `inject:""` EnvironmentRepo *EnvironmentRepo `inject:""` DebugInterfaceRepo *DebugInterfaceRepo `inject:""` EndpointInterfaceRepo *EndpointInterfaceRepo `inject:""` EndpointRepo *EndpointRepo `inject:""` }
func (*ServeServerRepo) BatchCreate ¶
func (r *ServeServerRepo) BatchCreate(tenantId consts.TenantId, req []model.ServeServer) error
func (*ServeServerRepo) FindByServeAndExecEnv ¶
func (r *ServeServerRepo) FindByServeAndExecEnv(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveId, environmentId uint) (ret model.ServeServer, err error)
func (*ServeServerRepo) Get ¶
func (r *ServeServerRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (res model.ServeServer, err error)
func (*ServeServerRepo) GetByDebugInfo ¶
func (r *ServeServerRepo) GetByDebugInfo(tenantId consts.TenantId, debugInterfaceId, endpointInterfaceId uint) (ret model.ServeServer, err error)
func (*ServeServerRepo) GetByEndpoint ¶
func (r *ServeServerRepo) GetByEndpoint(tenantId consts.TenantId, endpointId uint) (res model.ServeServer, err error)
func (*ServeServerRepo) GetByServeAndUrl ¶
func (r *ServeServerRepo) GetByServeAndUrl(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveId uint, url string) (ret model.ServeServer, err error)
func (*ServeServerRepo) GetDefaultByServe ¶
func (r *ServeServerRepo) GetDefaultByServe(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveId uint) (ret model.ServeServer, err error)
func (*ServeServerRepo) UpdateUrlByServeAndServer ¶
type ShareVariableRepo ¶
type ShareVariableRepo struct {}
func (*ShareVariableRepo) Delete ¶
func (r *ShareVariableRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id int) (err error)
func (*ShareVariableRepo) DeleteAllByScenarioId ¶
func (r *ShareVariableRepo) DeleteAllByScenarioId(tenantId consts.TenantId, scenarioId uint) (err error)
func (*ShareVariableRepo) DeleteAllByServeId ¶
func (r *ShareVariableRepo) DeleteAllByServeId(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveId uint) (err error)
func (*ShareVariableRepo) GetExistByInterfaceDebug ¶
func (*ShareVariableRepo) GetExistByScenarioDebug ¶
func (*ShareVariableRepo) ListForInterfaceDebug ¶
func (r *ShareVariableRepo) ListForInterfaceDebug(tenantId consts.TenantId, serveId uint, usedBy consts.UsedBy) (pos []model.ShareVariable, err error)
func (*ShareVariableRepo) ListForScenarioDebug ¶
func (r *ShareVariableRepo) ListForScenarioDebug(tenantId consts.TenantId, processorId uint) (pos []model.ShareVariable, err error)
func (*ShareVariableRepo) Save ¶
func (r *ShareVariableRepo) Save(tenantId consts.TenantId, po *model.ShareVariable) (err error)
type SnippetRepo ¶
type SummaryBugsRepo ¶
func (*SummaryBugsRepo) CheckUpdated ¶
func (*SummaryBugsRepo) Count ¶
func (r *SummaryBugsRepo) Count(tenantId consts.TenantId) (count int64, err error)
func (*SummaryBugsRepo) CountByProjectId ¶
func (*SummaryBugsRepo) Create ¶
func (r *SummaryBugsRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, bugs model.SummaryBugs) (err error)
func (*SummaryBugsRepo) Creates ¶
func (r *SummaryBugsRepo) Creates(tenantId consts.TenantId, bugs []model.SummaryBugs) (err error)
func (*SummaryBugsRepo) FindByProjectIdGroupByBugSeverity ¶
func (r *SummaryBugsRepo) FindByProjectIdGroupByBugSeverity(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId int64) (result []model.SummaryBugsSeverity, err error)
func (*SummaryBugsRepo) FindGroupByBugSeverity ¶
func (r *SummaryBugsRepo) FindGroupByBugSeverity(tenantId consts.TenantId) (result []model.SummaryBugsSeverity, err error)
func (*SummaryBugsRepo) FindProjectIds ¶
func (r *SummaryBugsRepo) FindProjectIds(tenantId consts.TenantId) (projectIds []int64, err error)
func (*SummaryBugsRepo) GetNewBugs ¶
func (r *SummaryBugsRepo) GetNewBugs(tenantId consts.TenantId) (reports []model.ScenarioReport, err error)
func (*SummaryBugsRepo) UpdateColumnsByDate ¶
func (r *SummaryBugsRepo) UpdateColumnsByDate(tenantId consts.TenantId, bugs model.SummaryBugs, id int64) (err error)
type SummaryDetailsRepo ¶
type SummaryDetailsRepo struct { *BaseRepo `inject:""` DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` IntegrationRepo *IntegrationRepo `inject:""` }
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) CheckCardUpdated ¶
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) CheckDetailsUpdated ¶
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) Count ¶
func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) Count(tenantId consts.TenantId) (count int64, err error)
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) CountAllEndpointInterfaceTotalProjectId ¶
func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) CountAllEndpointInterfaceTotalProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId) (counts []model.ProjectIdAndId, err error)
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) CountAllEndpointTotal ¶
func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) CountAllEndpointTotal(tenantId consts.TenantId) (int64, error)
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) CountAllExecTotal ¶
func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) CountAllExecTotal(tenantId consts.TenantId) (int64, error)
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) CountAllExecTotalProjectId ¶
func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) CountAllExecTotalProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId) (counts []model.ProjectIdAndId, err error)
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) CountAllScenarioTotal ¶
func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) CountAllScenarioTotal(tenantId consts.TenantId) (count int64, err error)
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) CountAllScenarioTotalProjectId ¶
func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) CountAllScenarioTotalProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId) (counts []model.ScenarioProjectIdAndId, err error)
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) CountBugsGroupByProjectId ¶
func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) CountBugsGroupByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId) (bugsCount []model.ProjectsBugCount, err error)
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) CountByUserId ¶
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) CountEndpointInterfaceTotalProjectId ¶
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) CountExecTotalProjectId ¶
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) CountProjectUserTotal ¶
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) CountScenarioTotalProjectId ¶
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) CountUserTotal ¶
func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) CountUserTotal(tenantId consts.TenantId) (count int64, err error)
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) Create ¶
func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, summaryDetails model.SummaryDetails) (err error)
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) Find ¶
func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) Find(tenantId consts.TenantId) (summaryDetails []model.SummaryDetails, err error)
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) FindAdminNameByAdminId ¶
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) FindAllAssertionCount ¶
func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindAllAssertionCount(tenantId consts.TenantId) (result model.SimplePassRate, err error)
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) FindAllAssertionCountGroupByProjectId ¶
func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindAllAssertionCountGroupByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId) (result []model.SimplePassRateByProjectId, err error)
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) FindAllEndpointIdsGroupByProjectId ¶
func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindAllEndpointIdsGroupByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId) (ids []model.ProjectIdAndId, err error)
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) FindAllExecLogProcessorInterfaceTotal ¶
func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindAllExecLogProcessorInterfaceTotal(tenantId consts.TenantId) (counts int64, err error)
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) FindAllExecLogProcessorInterfaceTotalGroupByProjectId ¶
func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindAllExecLogProcessorInterfaceTotalGroupByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId) (counts []model.ProjectIdAndId, err error)
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) FindAllProjectInfo ¶
func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindAllProjectInfo(tenantId consts.TenantId, engineering string) (projectsInfo []model.SummaryProjectInfo, err error)
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) FindAllUserIdAndNameOfProject ¶
func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindAllUserIdAndNameOfProject(tenantId consts.TenantId) (users []model.UserIdAndName, err error)
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) FindAssertionCountByProjectId ¶
func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindAssertionCountByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId int64) (result model.SimplePassRate, err error)
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) FindByProjectId ¶
func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId int64) (summaryDetail model.SummaryDetails, err error)
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) FindByProjectIdAndDate ¶
func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindByProjectIdAndDate(tenantId consts.TenantId, startTime string, endTime string, projectId int64) (summaryDetails model.SummaryDetails, err error)
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) FindByProjectIds ¶
func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindByProjectIds(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectIds []int64) (summaryDetails []model.SummaryDetails, err error)
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) FindCreateUserNameByProjectId ¶
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) FindEndpointIdsByProjectId ¶
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) FindExecLogProcessorInterfaceTotalGroupByProjectId ¶
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) FindProjectIds ¶
func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindProjectIds(tenantId consts.TenantId) (ids []int64, err error)
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) FindProjectIdsByUserId ¶
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) FindProjectIdsGroupByUserId ¶
func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindProjectIdsGroupByUserId(tenantId consts.TenantId) (projectIdsGroupByUserId model.ProjectIdsGroupByUserId, err error)
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) FindUserIdsByProjectId ¶
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) FindUserIdsGroupByProjectId ¶
func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) FindUserIdsGroupByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId) (userIdsGroupByProjectId model.UserIdsGroupByProjectId, err error)
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) SummaryCard ¶
func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) SummaryCard(tenantId consts.TenantId) (summaryCardTotal model.SummaryCardTotal, err error)
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) SummaryCardByDate ¶
func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) SummaryCardByDate(tenantId consts.TenantId, startTime string, endTime string) (summaryCardTotal model.SummaryCardTotal, err error)
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) SummaryCardByDateAndProjectId ¶
func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) SummaryCardByDateAndProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId, startTime string, endTime string, projectId int64) (summaryCardTotal model.SummaryCardTotal, err error)
func (*SummaryDetailsRepo) UpdateColumnsByDate ¶
func (r *SummaryDetailsRepo) UpdateColumnsByDate(tenantId consts.TenantId, id int64, summaryDetails model.SummaryDetails) (err error)
type SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo ¶
func NewSummaryProjectUserRankingRepo ¶
func NewSummaryProjectUserRankingRepo() *SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo
func (*SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) CheckUpdated ¶
func (*SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) Create ¶
func (r *SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, summaryProjectUserRanking model.SummaryProjectUserRanking) (err error)
func (*SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindAllUserName ¶
func (r *SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindAllUserName(tenantId consts.TenantId) (user []model.RankingUser, err error)
func (*SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindByProjectId ¶
func (r *SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId int64) (summaryProjectUserRanking []model.SummaryProjectUserRanking, err error)
func (*SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindCasesTotalByProjectId ¶
func (*SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindGroupByProjectId ¶
func (r *SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindGroupByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId) (summaryProjectUserRanking []model.SummaryProjectUserRanking, err error)
func (*SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindMaxDataByDateAndProjectId ¶
func (r *SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindMaxDataByDateAndProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId, startTime string, endTime string, projectId int64) (summaryProjectUserRanking []model.SummaryProjectUserRanking, err error)
func (*SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindMinDataByDateAndProjectId ¶
func (r *SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindMinDataByDateAndProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId, startTime string, endTime string, projectId int64) (summaryProjectUserRanking []model.SummaryProjectUserRanking, err error)
func (*SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindProjectIds ¶
func (r *SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindProjectIds(tenantId consts.TenantId) (projectIds []int64, err error)
func (*SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindProjectUserScenarioTotal ¶
func (r *SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindProjectUserScenarioTotal(tenantId consts.TenantId) (projectUserTotal []model.ProjectUserTotal, err error)
func (*SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindProjectUserTestCasesTotal ¶
func (r *SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindProjectUserTestCasesTotal(tenantId consts.TenantId) (projectUserTotal []model.ProjectUserTotal, err error)
func (*SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindScenariosTotalByProjectId ¶
func (*SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindUserByProjectId ¶
func (r *SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindUserByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId int64) (user []model.RankingUser, err error)
func (*SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindUserIdsByProjectId ¶
func (*SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindUserLastUpdateTestCasesByProjectId ¶
func (r *SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) FindUserLastUpdateTestCasesByProjectId(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId int64) (result []model.UserUpdateTime, err error)
func (*SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) UpdateColumnsByDate ¶
func (r *SummaryProjectUserRankingRepo) UpdateColumnsByDate(tenantId consts.TenantId, id int64, summaryProjectUserRanking model.SummaryProjectUserRanking) (err error)
type SysAgentRepo ¶
func (*SysAgentRepo) Delete ¶
func (r *SysAgentRepo) Delete(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*SysAgentRepo) Disable ¶
func (r *SysAgentRepo) Disable(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*SysAgentRepo) UpdateName ¶
type ThirdPartySyncRepo ¶
func (*ThirdPartySyncRepo) AllData ¶
func (r *ThirdPartySyncRepo) AllData(tenantId consts.TenantId) (data []model.ThirdPartySync, err error)
func (*ThirdPartySyncRepo) GetByProjectAndServe ¶
func (r *ThirdPartySyncRepo) GetByProjectAndServe(tenantId consts.TenantId, projectId, serveId uint) (data model.ThirdPartySync, err error)
func (*ThirdPartySyncRepo) UpdateExecTimeById ¶
func (r *ThirdPartySyncRepo) UpdateExecTimeById(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
type UserRepo ¶
type UserRepo struct { *BaseRepo `inject:""` DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` ProfileRepo *ProfileRepo `inject:""` RoleRepo *RoleRepo `inject:""` ProjectRepo *ProjectRepo `inject:""` EnvironmentRepo *EnvironmentRepo `inject:""` ProjectRoleRepo *ProjectRoleRepo `inject:""` }
func NewUserRepo ¶
func (*UserRepo) AddProfileForUser ¶
func (*UserRepo) AddProjectForUser ¶
func (*UserRepo) AddRoleForUser ¶
AddRoleForUser add roles for user
func (*UserRepo) ChangePassword ¶
func (*UserRepo) CleanToken ¶
CleanToken 清空 token
func (*UserRepo) ClearVcode ¶
func (*UserRepo) CreateIfNotExisted ¶
func (*UserRepo) DeleteById ¶
func (*UserRepo) FindByEmail ¶
func (*UserRepo) FindByUserName ¶
func (*UserRepo) FindByUserNameAndVcode ¶
func (*UserRepo) FindDetailById ¶
func (*UserRepo) FindPasswordByEmail ¶
func (*UserRepo) FindPasswordByUserName ¶
func (*UserRepo) GenAndUpdateVcode ¶
func (*UserRepo) GetByUserId ¶
func (*UserRepo) GetByUserName ¶
func (*UserRepo) GetByUsernameOrEmail ¶
func (*UserRepo) GetByUsernameOrPassword ¶
func (*UserRepo) GetProjectRoles ¶
func (*UserRepo) GetSysRoles ¶
func (*UserRepo) GetUserByIds ¶
func (*UserRepo) GetUserIdNameMap ¶
func (*UserRepo) GetUsersNotExistedInProject ¶
func (*UserRepo) InviteToProject ¶
func (*UserRepo) IsAdminUser ¶
func (*UserRepo) UpdateByLdapInfo ¶
func (*UserRepo) UpdateEmail ¶
func (*UserRepo) UpdateName ¶
func (*UserRepo) UpdatePassword ¶
func (*UserRepo) UpdatePasswordByName ¶
type WebsocketInterfaceRepo ¶
type WebsocketInterfaceRepo struct { DiagnoseInterfaceRepo *DiagnoseInterfaceRepo `inject:""` *BaseRepo `inject:""` DB *gorm.DB `inject:""` }
func (*WebsocketInterfaceRepo) Create ¶
func (r *WebsocketInterfaceRepo) Create(tenantId consts.TenantId, req v1.DiagnoseInterfaceSaveReq) ( diagnoseInterface model.DiagnoseInterface, err error)
func (*WebsocketInterfaceRepo) Get ¶
func (r *WebsocketInterfaceRepo) Get(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (po model.WebsocketInterface, err error)
func (*WebsocketInterfaceRepo) ListHeaders ¶
func (r *WebsocketInterfaceRepo) ListHeaders(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint) ( pos []model.WebsocketInterfaceHeader, err error)
func (*WebsocketInterfaceRepo) ListParams ¶
func (r *WebsocketInterfaceRepo) ListParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, interfaceId uint) ( params []model.WebsocketInterfaceParam, err error)
func (*WebsocketInterfaceRepo) RemoveHeaders ¶
func (r *WebsocketInterfaceRepo) RemoveHeaders(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*WebsocketInterfaceRepo) RemoveParams ¶
func (r *WebsocketInterfaceRepo) RemoveParams(tenantId consts.TenantId, id uint) (err error)
func (*WebsocketInterfaceRepo) SaveDebugData ¶
func (r *WebsocketInterfaceRepo) SaveDebugData(po model.WebsocketInterface, tenantId consts.TenantId) (err error)
func (*WebsocketInterfaceRepo) SaveHeaders ¶
func (*WebsocketInterfaceRepo) SaveParams ¶
func (*WebsocketInterfaceRepo) UpdateDiagnoseInterfaceId ¶
func (r *WebsocketInterfaceRepo) UpdateDiagnoseInterfaceId(tenantId consts.TenantId, websocketInterfaceId, diagnoseInterfaceId uint) (err error)
Source Files
- ai-measurement.go
- ai-metrics.go
- auth.go
- base.go
- category.go
- compoment-shema-security.go
- compoment-shema.go
- condition-checkpoint.go
- condition-database-opt.go
- condition-extractor.go
- condition-script.go
- condition.go
- cron-config-lecang.go
- data.go
- datapool.go
- db-conn.go
- debug-interface.go
- debug-invoke.go
- debug.go
- diagnose-interface.go
- endpoint-case-alternative.go
- endpoint-case.go
- endpoint-document.go
- endpoint-favorite.go
- endpoint-interface.go
- endpoint-mock-expect.go
- endpoint-mock-script.go
- endpoint-snapshot.go
- endpoint-tag.go
- endpoint.go
- environment.go
- integration.go
- interface-grpc.go
- interface-websocket.go
- jslib.go
- llm-tool.go
- log.go
- message-read.go
- message.go
- metrics.go
- mockjs.go
- perm.go
- plan-report.go
- plan.go
- profile.go
- project-cron.go
- project-menu.go
- project-perm.go
- project-recently-visited.go
- project-role-menu.go
- project-role-perm.go
- project-role.go
- project-settings.go
- project.go
- rela-plan-scenario.go
- response-define.go
- role.go
- saas.go
- scenario-interface.go
- scenario-node.go
- scenario-processor.go
- scenario-report.go
- scenario.go
- serve-server.go
- serve.go
- share-variable.go
- snippet.go
- summary-bugs.go
- summary-details.go
- summary-project-user-ranking.go
- sys-agent.go
- sys-config.go
- third-party-sync.go
- user.go
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