Deepsquare Grid Supervisor
The middleman between the job scheduler and the DeepSquare Meta-scheduler.
supervisor - Overwatch the job scheduling and register the compute to the Deepsquare Grid.
supervisor [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
--benchmark.disable Disable benchmark (and registering). (default: false) [$BENCHMARK_DISABLE]
--benchmark.hpl.image value Docker image used for HPL benchmark (default: "") [$BENCHMARK_HPL_IMAGE]
--benchmark.hpl.single-node Force single node benchmark for HPL. (default: false) [$BENCHMARK_HPL_SINGLE_NODE]
--benchmark.include-unresponsive Force benchmark on unresponsive nodes (sinfo --responding --partition=<partition>). (default: false) [$BENCHMARK_UNRESPONSIVE]
--benchmark.ior.image value Docker image used for IOR benchmark (default: "") [$BENCHMARK_IOR_IMAGE]
--benchmark.ior.single-node Force single node benchmark for IOR. (default: false) [$BENCHMARK_IOR_SINGLE_NODE]
--benchmark.osu.image value Docker image used for OSU benchmark (default: "") [$BENCHMARK_OSU_IMAGE] value User used for benchmark (default: "root") [$BENCHMARK_RUN_AS]
--benchmark.speedtest.image value Docker image used for SpeedTest benchmark (default: "") [$BENCHMARK_SPEEDTEST_IMAGE]
--benchmark.time-limit value Time limit (syntax is golang duration style). (default: 24h0m0s) [$BENCHMARK_TIME_LIMIT]
--benchmark.trace Enables benchmark trace logging. Very verbose. (default: false) [$BENCHMARK_TRACE]
--benchmark.ucx Use UCX transport for MPI. Choose this for RDMA. Do not for TCP. (default: false) [$BENCHMARK_UCX]
--benchmark.ucx.affinity value UCX Affinity for each node. Select the network devices with the format devices_for_node_1|devices_for_node_2|...
See 'ucx_info -bd' to see available devices.
mlx5_0:1|mlx5_0:1 means that cn1 will use mlx5_0 port 1 and cn2 will use mlx5_0 port 1
mlx5_0:1,mlx5_0:1|mlx5_0:1 means that cn1 will use mlx5_0 port 1 or mlx5_0 port 1, and cn2 will use mlx5_0 port 1 [$BENCHMARK_UCX_AFFINITY]
--benchmark.ucx.transport value UCX Tranport. Select the common transport.
See 'ucx_info -bd' to see available tranports.
Value is often: sm,self,rc (shared memory, self, rdma reliable connected). Set to empty to set automatically.
Note that TCP is not supported at the moment. [$BENCHMARK_UCX_TRANSPORT]
--metascheduler.cpu-price-per-min value Price of the CPU per min. Reference for a zen2: 950000000000000000 (0.95 creds/(GPU.min)). (default: "950000000000000000") [$METASCHEDULER_CPU_PRICE_PER_MIN]
--metascheduler.endpoint.rpc value Metascheduler Avalanche C-Chain JSON-RPC endpoint. (default: "") [$METASCHEDULER_ENDPOINT_RPC] value Metascheduler Avalanche C-Chain WS endpoint. (default: "wss://") [$METASCHEDULER_ENDPOINT_WS]
--metascheduler.gpu-price-per-min value Price of the GPU per min. Reference for a rtx3090: 8500000000000000000 (8.5 creds/(CPU.min)). (default: "8500000000000000000") [$METASCHEDULER_GPU_PRICE_PER_MIN]
--metascheduler.label key=value, -l key=value, --label key=value [ --metascheduler.label key=value, -l key=value, --label key=value ] Additional key=value label for registration
(recommended os=linux,arch=amd64,gpu=rtx3090,cpu=amd-epyc-7302,name=my-cluster,zone=fr-paris-1,region=fr-paris). [$METASCHEDULER_LABELS]
--metascheduler.mem-price-per-min value Price of the Mem (MB) per min. Reference: 80000000000000 (0.00008 creds/(MB.min)). (default: "80000000000000") [$METASCHEDULER_MEM_PRICE_PER_MIN]
--metascheduler.private-key value An hexadecimal private key for ethereum transactions. [$ETH_PRIVATE_KEY] value Metascheduler smart-contract address. (default: "0x3707aB457CF457275b7ec32e203c54df80C299d5") [$METASCHEDULER_SMART_CONTRACT]
--nvidia-smi value Server-side nvidia-smi path. (default: "nvidia-smi") [$NVIDIA_SMI_PATH]
--trace Trace logging (default: false) [$TRACE]
--grpc.listen-address value Address to listen on. Is used for receiving job status via the job completion plugin. (default: ":3000") [$LISTEN_ADDRESS]
--public-address value Public address or address of the reverse proxy. Is used by the SLURM plugins to know where to report job statuses. Must be protected with TLS. (default: "") [$PUBLIC_ADDRESS]
SBatch API:
--sbatch.endpoint value SBatch API gRPC endpoint. (default: "") [$SBATCH_ENDPOINT]
--sbatch.tls Enable TLS for the SBatch API. (default: true) [$SBATCH_TLS_ENABLE] value Path to CA certificate for TLS verification. [$SBATCH_CA]
--sbatch.tls.insecure Skip TLS verification. By enabling it, is ignored. (default: false) [$SBATCH_TLS_INSECURE]
Secure Transport:
--tls Enable TLS for HTTP. (default: false) [$TLS_ENABLE]
--tls.cert-file value TLS Certificate file. [$TLS_CERT]
--tls.key-file value TLS Private Key file. [$TLS_KEY]
--slurm.batch value Server-side SLURM sbatch path. (default: "/usr/bin/sbatch") [$SLURM_SBATCH_PATH]
--slurm.cancel value Server-side SLURM scancel path. (default: "/usr/bin/scancel") [$SLURM_SCANCEL_PATH]
--slurm.control value Server-side SLURM scontrol path. (default: "/usr/bin/scontrol") [$SLURM_SCONTROL_PATH] value Server-side SLURM info path. (default: "/usr/bin/sinfo") [$SLURM_SINFO_PATH]
--slurm.partition value Slurm partition used for jobs and registering.
All the specifications returned by 'scontrol show partition' will be registered to the blockchain. (default: "main") [$SLURM_PARTITION]
--slurm.squeue value Server-side SLURM squeue path. (default: "/usr/bin/squeue") [$SLURM_SQUEUE_PATH]
--slurm.ssh.address value Address of the Slurm login node. [$SLURM_SSH_ADDRESS]
--slurm.ssh.admin-user scontrol SLURM admin user used for calling scontrol commands. [$SLURM_SSH_ADMIN_USER]
--slurm.ssh.private-key value Base64-encoded one line SSH private key used for impersonation. The public key must be inserted in the authorized_keys file of each user. [$SLURM_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY]
You can pull the image with:
docker pull<version>
More details here.
To build the supervisor, just do:
The supervisor is licensed under GPL3.