Index ¶
- type AZ
- type CEN
- type Cache
- func (c *Cache) AddAZ(item *mysql.AZ)
- func (c *Cache) AddAZs(items []*mysql.AZ)
- func (c *Cache) AddCENs(items []*mysql.CEN)
- func (c *Cache) AddDHCPPorts(items []*mysql.DHCPPort)
- func (c *Cache) AddFloatingIPs(items []*mysql.FloatingIP)
- func (c *Cache) AddHost(item *mysql.Host)
- func (c *Cache) AddHosts(items []*mysql.Host)
- func (c *Cache) AddLANIPs(items []*mysql.LANIP)
- func (c *Cache) AddLBListeners(items []*mysql.LBListener)
- func (c *Cache) AddLBTargetServers(items []*mysql.LBTargetServer)
- func (c *Cache) AddLBVMConnections(items []*mysql.LBVMConnection)
- func (c *Cache) AddLBs(items []*mysql.LB)
- func (c *Cache) AddNATGateways(items []*mysql.NATGateway)
- func (c *Cache) AddNATRules(items []*mysql.NATRule)
- func (c *Cache) AddNATVMConnections(items []*mysql.NATVMConnection)
- func (c *Cache) AddNetwork(item *mysql.Network)
- func (c *Cache) AddNetworks(items []*mysql.Network)
- func (c *Cache) AddPeerConnections(items []*mysql.PeerConnection)
- func (c *Cache) AddPodClusters(items []*mysql.PodCluster)
- func (c *Cache) AddPodGroupPorts(items []*mysql.PodGroupPort)
- func (c *Cache) AddPodGroups(items []*mysql.PodGroup)
- func (c *Cache) AddPodIngress(item *mysql.PodIngress)
- func (c *Cache) AddPodIngressRuleBackends(items []*mysql.PodIngressRuleBackend)
- func (c *Cache) AddPodIngressRules(items []*mysql.PodIngressRule)
- func (c *Cache) AddPodIngresses(items []*mysql.PodIngress)
- func (c *Cache) AddPodNamespaces(items []*mysql.PodNamespace)
- func (c *Cache) AddPodNodes(items []*mysql.PodNode)
- func (c *Cache) AddPodReplicaSets(items []*mysql.PodReplicaSet)
- func (c *Cache) AddPodService(item *mysql.PodService)
- func (c *Cache) AddPodServicePorts(items []*mysql.PodServicePort)
- func (c *Cache) AddPodServices(items []*mysql.PodService)
- func (c *Cache) AddPods(items []*mysql.Pod)
- func (c *Cache) AddProcesses(items []*mysql.Process)
- func (c *Cache) AddRDSInstances(items []*mysql.RDSInstance)
- func (c *Cache) AddRedisInstances(items []*mysql.RedisInstance)
- func (c *Cache) AddRegion(item *mysql.Region)
- func (c *Cache) AddRegions(items []*mysql.Region)
- func (c *Cache) AddRoutingTables(items []*mysql.RoutingTable)
- func (c *Cache) AddSecurityGroup(item *mysql.SecurityGroup)
- func (c *Cache) AddSecurityGroupRules(items []*mysql.SecurityGroupRule)
- func (c *Cache) AddSecurityGroups(items []*mysql.SecurityGroup)
- func (c *Cache) AddSubDomain(item *mysql.SubDomain)
- func (c *Cache) AddSubDomains(items []*mysql.SubDomain)
- func (c *Cache) AddSubnets(items []*mysql.Subnet)
- func (c *Cache) AddVInterfaces(items []*mysql.VInterface)
- func (c *Cache) AddVM(item *mysql.VM)
- func (c *Cache) AddVMPodNodeConnections(items []*mysql.VMPodNodeConnection)
- func (c *Cache) AddVMSecurityGroups(items []*mysql.VMSecurityGroup)
- func (c *Cache) AddVMs(items []*mysql.VM)
- func (c *Cache) AddVPCs(items []*mysql.VPC)
- func (c *Cache) AddVRouter(item *mysql.VRouter)
- func (c *Cache) AddVRouters(items []*mysql.VRouter)
- func (c *Cache) AddWANIPs(items []*mysql.WANIP)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteAZ(lcuuid string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteAZs(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteCENs(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteDHCPPorts(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteFloatingIPs(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteHost(lcuuid string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteHosts(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteLANIPs(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteLBListeners(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteLBTargetServers(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteLBVMConnections(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteLBs(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteNATGateways(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteNATRules(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteNATVMConnections(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteNetworks(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeletePeerConnections(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeletePodClusters(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeletePodGroupPorts(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeletePodGroups(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeletePodIngressRuleBackends(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeletePodIngressRules(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeletePodIngresses(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeletePodNamespaces(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeletePodNodes(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeletePodReplicaSets(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeletePodServicePorts(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeletePodServices(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeletePods(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteProcesses(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteRDSInstances(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteRedisInstances(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteRegion(lcuuid string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteRegions(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteRoutingTables(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteSecurityGroupRules(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteSecurityGroups(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteSubDomain(lcuuid string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteSubDomains(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteSubnets(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteVInterfaces(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteVM(lcuuid string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteVMPodNodeConnections(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteVMSecurityGroups(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteVMs(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteVPCs(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteVRouters(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) DeleteWANIPs(lcuuids []string)
- func (c *Cache) GetSequence() int
- func (c *Cache) Refresh()
- func (c *Cache) SetSequence(sequence int)
- func (c *Cache) UpdateDHCPPort(cloudItem *cloudmodel.DHCPPort)
- func (c *Cache) UpdateHost(cloudItem *cloudmodel.Host)
- func (c *Cache) UpdateLB(cloudItem *cloudmodel.LB)
- func (c *Cache) UpdateNATGateway(cloudItem *cloudmodel.NATGateway)
- func (c *Cache) UpdateNetwork(cloudItem *cloudmodel.Network)
- func (c *Cache) UpdatePod(cloudItem *cloudmodel.Pod)
- func (c *Cache) UpdatePodNode(cloudItem *cloudmodel.PodNode)
- func (c *Cache) UpdatePodService(cloudItem *cloudmodel.PodService)
- func (c *Cache) UpdateRDSInstance(cloudItem *cloudmodel.RDSInstance)
- func (c *Cache) UpdateRedisInstance(cloudItem *cloudmodel.RedisInstance)
- func (c *Cache) UpdateVInterface(cloudItem *cloudmodel.VInterface)
- func (c *Cache) UpdateVM(cloudItem *cloudmodel.VM)
- func (c *Cache) UpdateVRouter(cloudItem *cloudmodel.VRouter)
- type CacheManager
- type DHCPPort
- type DiffBase
- type DiffBaseDataSet
- type EventToolDataSet
- type FloatingIP
- type Host
- type IPKey
- type LANIP
- type LB
- type LBListener
- type LBTargetServer
- type LBVMConnection
- type NATGateway
- type NATRule
- type NATVMConnection
- type Network
- type PeerConnection
- type Pod
- type PodCluster
- type PodGroup
- type PodGroupPort
- type PodIngress
- type PodIngressRule
- type PodIngressRuleBackend
- type PodNamespace
- type PodNode
- type PodReplicaSet
- type PodService
- type PodServicePort
- type Process
- type RDSInstance
- type RedisInstance
- type Region
- type RoutingTable
- type SecurityGroup
- type SecurityGroupRule
- type SubDomain
- type Subnet
- type ToolDataSet
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetAZIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetDHCPPortIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetDHCPPortInfoByID(id int) (*dhcpPortInfo, error)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetDHCPPortNameByID(id int) (string, error)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetDeviceIDByDeviceLcuuid(deviceType int, deviceLcuuid string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetDeviceIDByVInterfaceLcuuid(vifLcuuid string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetDeviceNameByDeviceID(deviceType, deviceID int) (string, error)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetDeviceTypeByVInterfaceLcuuid(vifLcuuid string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetHostIDByIP(ip string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetHostIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetHostInfoByID(id int) (*hostInfo, error)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetHostNameByID(id int) (string, error)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetLANIPByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (string, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetLBIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetLBInfoByID(id int) (*lbInfo, error)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetLBListenerIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetLBNameByID(id int) (string, error)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetNATGatewayIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetNATGatewayInfoByID(id int) (*natGatewayInfo, error)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetNATGatewayNameByID(id int) (string, error)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetNetworkIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetNetworkIDByVInterfaceLcuuid(vifLcuuid string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetNetworkLcuuidByID(id int) (string, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetNetworkNameByID(id int) (string, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodClusterIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodGroupIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodInfoByID(id int) (*podInfo, error)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodIngressIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodIngressLcuuidByID(id int) (string, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodIngressRuleIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodNameByID(id int) (string, error)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodNamespaceIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodNodeIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodNodeIDByVMPodNodeConnectionLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodNodeInfoByID(id int) (*podNodeInfo, error)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodNodeLcuuidByID(id int) (string, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodNodeNameByID(id int) (string, error)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodReplicaSetIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodReplicaSetLcuuidByID(id int) (string, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodServiceIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodServiceInfoByID(id int) (*podServiceInfo, error)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodServiceNameByID(id int) (string, error)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetRDSInstanceIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetRDSInstanceInfoByID(id int) (*rdsInstanceInfo, error)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetRDSInstanceNameByID(id int) (string, error)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetRedisInstanceIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetRedisInstanceInfoByID(id int) (*redisInstanceInfo, error)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetRedisInstanceNameByID(id int) (string, error)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetRegionIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetRegionLcuuidByID(id int) (string, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetSecurityGroupIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetSubnetIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetSubnetLcuuidByID(id int) (string, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetVInterfaceIDByLANIPLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetVInterfaceIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetVInterfaceIDByWANIPLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetVInterfaceLcuuidByID(id int) (string, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetVInterfaceTypeByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetVMIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetVMIDByPodNodeID(podNodeID int) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetVMInfoByID(id int) (*vmInfo, error)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetVMNameByID(id int) (string, error)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetVPCIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetVPCLcuuidByID(id int) (string, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetVRouterIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetVRouterInfoByID(id int) (*vrouterInfo, error)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetVRouterNameByID(id int) (string, error)
- func (t *ToolDataSet) GetWANIPByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (string, bool)
- type VInterface
- type VM
- type VMPodNodeConnection
- type VMSecurityGroup
- type VPC
- type VRouter
- type WANIP
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AZ ¶
type AZ struct { DiffBase Name string `json:"name"` Label string `json:"label"` RegionLcuuid string `json:"region_lcuuid"` }
func (*AZ) Update ¶
func (a *AZ) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.AZ)
type Cache ¶
type Cache struct { Sequence int // 缓存的序列标识,根据刷新递增;为debug方便,设置为公有属性,需避免直接修改值,使用接口修改 DomainLcuuid string SubDomainLcuuid string DiffBaseDataSet ToolDataSet }
func (*Cache) AddDHCPPorts ¶
func (*Cache) AddFloatingIPs ¶
func (c *Cache) AddFloatingIPs(items []*mysql.FloatingIP)
func (*Cache) AddLBListeners ¶
func (c *Cache) AddLBListeners(items []*mysql.LBListener)
func (*Cache) AddLBTargetServers ¶
func (c *Cache) AddLBTargetServers(items []*mysql.LBTargetServer)
func (*Cache) AddLBVMConnections ¶
func (c *Cache) AddLBVMConnections(items []*mysql.LBVMConnection)
func (*Cache) AddNATGateways ¶
func (c *Cache) AddNATGateways(items []*mysql.NATGateway)
func (*Cache) AddNATRules ¶
func (*Cache) AddNATVMConnections ¶
func (c *Cache) AddNATVMConnections(items []*mysql.NATVMConnection)
func (*Cache) AddNetwork ¶
func (*Cache) AddNetworks ¶
func (*Cache) AddPeerConnections ¶
func (c *Cache) AddPeerConnections(items []*mysql.PeerConnection)
func (*Cache) AddPodClusters ¶
func (c *Cache) AddPodClusters(items []*mysql.PodCluster)
func (*Cache) AddPodGroupPorts ¶
func (c *Cache) AddPodGroupPorts(items []*mysql.PodGroupPort)
func (*Cache) AddPodGroups ¶
func (*Cache) AddPodIngress ¶
func (c *Cache) AddPodIngress(item *mysql.PodIngress)
func (*Cache) AddPodIngressRuleBackends ¶
func (c *Cache) AddPodIngressRuleBackends(items []*mysql.PodIngressRuleBackend)
func (*Cache) AddPodIngressRules ¶
func (c *Cache) AddPodIngressRules(items []*mysql.PodIngressRule)
func (*Cache) AddPodIngresses ¶
func (c *Cache) AddPodIngresses(items []*mysql.PodIngress)
func (*Cache) AddPodNamespaces ¶
func (c *Cache) AddPodNamespaces(items []*mysql.PodNamespace)
func (*Cache) AddPodNodes ¶
func (*Cache) AddPodReplicaSets ¶
func (c *Cache) AddPodReplicaSets(items []*mysql.PodReplicaSet)
func (*Cache) AddPodService ¶
func (c *Cache) AddPodService(item *mysql.PodService)
func (*Cache) AddPodServicePorts ¶
func (c *Cache) AddPodServicePorts(items []*mysql.PodServicePort)
func (*Cache) AddPodServices ¶
func (c *Cache) AddPodServices(items []*mysql.PodService)
func (*Cache) AddProcesses ¶
func (*Cache) AddRDSInstances ¶
func (c *Cache) AddRDSInstances(items []*mysql.RDSInstance)
func (*Cache) AddRedisInstances ¶
func (c *Cache) AddRedisInstances(items []*mysql.RedisInstance)
func (*Cache) AddRegions ¶
func (*Cache) AddRoutingTables ¶
func (c *Cache) AddRoutingTables(items []*mysql.RoutingTable)
func (*Cache) AddSecurityGroup ¶
func (c *Cache) AddSecurityGroup(item *mysql.SecurityGroup)
func (*Cache) AddSecurityGroupRules ¶
func (c *Cache) AddSecurityGroupRules(items []*mysql.SecurityGroupRule)
func (*Cache) AddSecurityGroups ¶
func (c *Cache) AddSecurityGroups(items []*mysql.SecurityGroup)
func (*Cache) AddSubDomain ¶
func (*Cache) AddSubDomains ¶
func (*Cache) AddSubnets ¶
func (*Cache) AddVInterfaces ¶
func (c *Cache) AddVInterfaces(items []*mysql.VInterface)
func (*Cache) AddVMPodNodeConnections ¶
func (c *Cache) AddVMPodNodeConnections(items []*mysql.VMPodNodeConnection)
func (*Cache) AddVMSecurityGroups ¶
func (c *Cache) AddVMSecurityGroups(items []*mysql.VMSecurityGroup)
func (*Cache) AddVRouter ¶
func (*Cache) AddVRouters ¶
func (*Cache) DeleteCENs ¶
func (*Cache) DeleteDHCPPorts ¶
func (*Cache) DeleteFloatingIPs ¶
func (*Cache) DeleteHost ¶
func (*Cache) DeleteHosts ¶
func (*Cache) DeleteLANIPs ¶
func (*Cache) DeleteLBListeners ¶
func (*Cache) DeleteLBTargetServers ¶
func (*Cache) DeleteLBVMConnections ¶
func (*Cache) DeleteNATGateways ¶
func (*Cache) DeleteNATRules ¶
func (*Cache) DeleteNATVMConnections ¶
func (*Cache) DeleteNetworks ¶
func (*Cache) DeletePeerConnections ¶
func (*Cache) DeletePodClusters ¶
func (*Cache) DeletePodGroupPorts ¶
func (*Cache) DeletePodGroups ¶
func (*Cache) DeletePodIngressRuleBackends ¶
func (*Cache) DeletePodIngressRules ¶
func (*Cache) DeletePodIngresses ¶
func (*Cache) DeletePodNamespaces ¶
func (*Cache) DeletePodNodes ¶
func (*Cache) DeletePodReplicaSets ¶
func (*Cache) DeletePodServicePorts ¶
func (*Cache) DeletePodServices ¶
func (*Cache) DeletePods ¶
func (*Cache) DeleteProcesses ¶
func (*Cache) DeleteRDSInstances ¶
func (*Cache) DeleteRedisInstances ¶
func (*Cache) DeleteRegion ¶
func (*Cache) DeleteRegions ¶
func (*Cache) DeleteRoutingTables ¶
func (*Cache) DeleteSecurityGroupRules ¶
func (*Cache) DeleteSecurityGroups ¶
func (*Cache) DeleteSubDomain ¶
func (*Cache) DeleteSubDomains ¶
func (*Cache) DeleteSubnets ¶
func (*Cache) DeleteVInterfaces ¶
func (*Cache) DeleteVMPodNodeConnections ¶
func (*Cache) DeleteVMSecurityGroups ¶
func (*Cache) DeleteVPCs ¶
func (*Cache) DeleteVRouters ¶
func (*Cache) DeleteWANIPs ¶
func (*Cache) GetSequence ¶
func (*Cache) SetSequence ¶
func (*Cache) UpdateDHCPPort ¶
func (c *Cache) UpdateDHCPPort(cloudItem *cloudmodel.DHCPPort)
func (*Cache) UpdateHost ¶
func (c *Cache) UpdateHost(cloudItem *cloudmodel.Host)
func (*Cache) UpdateLB ¶
func (c *Cache) UpdateLB(cloudItem *cloudmodel.LB)
func (*Cache) UpdateNATGateway ¶
func (c *Cache) UpdateNATGateway(cloudItem *cloudmodel.NATGateway)
func (*Cache) UpdateNetwork ¶
func (c *Cache) UpdateNetwork(cloudItem *cloudmodel.Network)
func (*Cache) UpdatePod ¶
func (c *Cache) UpdatePod(cloudItem *cloudmodel.Pod)
func (*Cache) UpdatePodNode ¶
func (c *Cache) UpdatePodNode(cloudItem *cloudmodel.PodNode)
func (*Cache) UpdatePodService ¶
func (c *Cache) UpdatePodService(cloudItem *cloudmodel.PodService)
func (*Cache) UpdateRDSInstance ¶
func (c *Cache) UpdateRDSInstance(cloudItem *cloudmodel.RDSInstance)
func (*Cache) UpdateRedisInstance ¶
func (c *Cache) UpdateRedisInstance(cloudItem *cloudmodel.RedisInstance)
func (*Cache) UpdateVInterface ¶
func (c *Cache) UpdateVInterface(cloudItem *cloudmodel.VInterface)
func (*Cache) UpdateVM ¶
func (c *Cache) UpdateVM(cloudItem *cloudmodel.VM)
func (*Cache) UpdateVRouter ¶
func (c *Cache) UpdateVRouter(cloudItem *cloudmodel.VRouter)
type CacheManager ¶
func NewCacheManager ¶
func NewCacheManager(domainLcuuid string) *CacheManager
func (*CacheManager) CreateSubDomainCacheIfNotExists ¶
func (m *CacheManager) CreateSubDomainCacheIfNotExists(subDomainLcuuid string) *Cache
func (*CacheManager) Refresh ¶
func (m *CacheManager) Refresh()
type DHCPPort ¶
type DHCPPort struct { DiffBase Name string `json:"name"` RegionLcuuid string `json:"region_lcuuid"` AZLcuuid string `json:"az_lcuuid"` VPCLcuuid string `json:"vpc_lcuuid"` }
func (*DHCPPort) Update ¶
func (d *DHCPPort) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.DHCPPort)
type DiffBaseDataSet ¶
type DiffBaseDataSet struct { Regions map[string]*Region AZs map[string]*AZ SubDomains map[string]*SubDomain Hosts map[string]*Host VMs map[string]*VM VPCs map[string]*VPC Networks map[string]*Network Subnets map[string]*Subnet VRouters map[string]*VRouter RoutingTables map[string]*RoutingTable DHCPPorts map[string]*DHCPPort VInterfaces map[string]*VInterface WANIPs map[string]*WANIP LANIPs map[string]*LANIP FloatingIPs map[string]*FloatingIP SecurityGroups map[string]*SecurityGroup SecurityGroupRules map[string]*SecurityGroupRule VMSecurityGroups map[string]*VMSecurityGroup NATGateways map[string]*NATGateway NATVMConnections map[string]*NATVMConnection NATRules map[string]*NATRule LBs map[string]*LB LBVMConnections map[string]*LBVMConnection LBListeners map[string]*LBListener LBTargetServers map[string]*LBTargetServer PeerConnections map[string]*PeerConnection CENs map[string]*CEN RDSInstances map[string]*RDSInstance RedisInstances map[string]*RedisInstance PodClusters map[string]*PodCluster PodNodes map[string]*PodNode VMPodNodeConnections map[string]*VMPodNodeConnection PodNamespaces map[string]*PodNamespace PodIngresses map[string]*PodIngress PodIngressRules map[string]*PodIngressRule PodIngressRuleBackends map[string]*PodIngressRuleBackend PodServices map[string]*PodService PodServicePorts map[string]*PodServicePort PodGroups map[string]*PodGroup PodGroupPorts map[string]*PodGroupPort PodReplicaSets map[string]*PodReplicaSet Pods map[string]*Pod Process map[string]*Process }
所有资源的主要信息,用于与cloud数据比较差异,根据差异更新资源 应保持字段定义与cloud字段定义一致,用于在比较资源时可以抽象方法
func NewDiffBaseDataSet ¶
func NewDiffBaseDataSet() DiffBaseDataSet
type EventToolDataSet ¶
type EventToolDataSet struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewEventToolDataSet ¶
func NewEventToolDataSet() EventToolDataSet
func (*EventToolDataSet) GetPodIPNetworkMapByID ¶
func (t *EventToolDataSet) GetPodIPNetworkMapByID(id int) (map[IPKey]int, bool)
func (*EventToolDataSet) GetProcessInfoByLcuuid ¶
func (t *EventToolDataSet) GetProcessInfoByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (*processInfo, bool)
func (*EventToolDataSet) GetVMIPNetworkMapByID ¶
func (t *EventToolDataSet) GetVMIPNetworkMapByID(id int) (map[IPKey]int, bool)
type FloatingIP ¶
type FloatingIP struct { DiffBase RegionLcuuid string `json:"region_lcuuid"` VPCLcuuid string `json:"vpc_lcuuid"` }
func (*FloatingIP) Update ¶
func (f *FloatingIP) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.FloatingIP)
type Host ¶
type Host struct { DiffBase Name string `json:"name"` IP string `json:"ip"` HType int `json:"htype"` VCPUNum int `json:"vcpu_num"` MemTotal int `json:"mem_total"` ExtraInfo string `json:"extra_info"` RegionLcuuid string `json:"region_lcuuid"` AZLcuuid string `json:"az_lcuuid"` }
func (*Host) Update ¶
func (h *Host) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.Host)
type LANIP ¶
type LANIP struct { DiffBase SubDomainLcuuid string `json:"sub_domain_lcuuid"` SubnetLcuuid string `json:"subnet_lcuuid"` }
func (*LANIP) Update ¶
func (l *LANIP) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.IP)
type LB ¶
type LB struct { DiffBase Name string `json:"name"` Model int `json:"model"` VIP string `json:"vip"` VPCLcuuid string `json:"vpc_lcuuid"` RegionLcuuid string `json:"region_lcuuid"` }
func (*LB) Update ¶
func (l *LB) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.LB)
type LBListener ¶
type LBListener struct { DiffBase Name string `json:"name"` IPs string `json:"ips"` SNATIPs string `json:"snat_ips"` Port int `json:"port"` Protocol string `json:"protocal"` }
func (*LBListener) Update ¶
func (l *LBListener) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.LBListener)
type LBTargetServer ¶
type LBTargetServer struct { DiffBase IP string `json:"ip"` Port int `json:"port"` Protocol string `json:"protocal"` }
func (*LBTargetServer) Update ¶
func (l *LBTargetServer) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.LBTargetServer)
type LBVMConnection ¶
type LBVMConnection struct {
type NATGateway ¶
type NATGateway struct { DiffBase Name string `json:"name"` FloatingIPs string `json:"floating_ips"` RegionLcuuid string `json:"region_lcuuid"` }
func (*NATGateway) Update ¶
func (n *NATGateway) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.NATGateway)
type NATVMConnection ¶
type NATVMConnection struct {
type Network ¶
type Network struct { DiffBase Name string `json:"name"` Label string `json:"label"` TunnelID int `json:"tunnel_id"` NetType int `json:"net_type"` SegmentationID int `json:"segmentation_id"` VPCLcuuid string `json:"vpc_lcuuid"` RegionLcuuid string `json:"region_lcuuid"` AZLcuuid string `json:"az_lcuuid"` SubDomainLcuuid string `json:"sub_domain_lcuuid"` }
func (*Network) Update ¶
func (n *Network) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.Network)
type PeerConnection ¶
type PeerConnection struct { DiffBase Name string `json:"name"` RemoteRegionLcuuid string `json:"remote_region_lcuuid"` LocalRegionLcuuid string `json:"local_region_lcuuid"` }
func (*PeerConnection) Update ¶
func (p *PeerConnection) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.PeerConnection)
type Pod ¶
type Pod struct { DiffBase Name string `json:"name"` Label string `json:"label"` State int `json:"state"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"` PodNodeLcuuid string `json:"pod_node_lcuuid"` PodReplicaSetLcuuid string `json:"pod_replica_set_lcuuid"` VPCLcuuid string `json:"vpc_lcuuid"` RegionLcuuid string `json:"region_lcuuid"` AZLcuuid string `json:"az_lcuuid"` SubDomainLcuuid string `json:"sub_domain_lcuuid"` }
func (*Pod) Update ¶
func (p *Pod) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.Pod)
type PodCluster ¶
type PodCluster struct { DiffBase Name string `json:"name"` ClusterName string `json:"cluster_name"` RegionLcuuid string `json:"region_lcuuid"` AZLcuuid string `json:"az_lcuuid"` SubDomainLcuuid string `json:"sub_domain_lcuuid"` }
func (*PodCluster) Update ¶
func (p *PodCluster) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.PodCluster)
type PodGroup ¶
type PodGroup struct { DiffBase Name string `json:"name"` Label string `json:"label"` PodNum int `json:"pod_num"` Type int `json:"type"` RegionLcuuid string `json:"region_lcuuid"` AZLcuuid string `json:"az_lcuuid"` SubDomainLcuuid string `json:"sub_domain_lcuuid"` }
func (*PodGroup) Update ¶
func (p *PodGroup) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.PodGroup)
type PodGroupPort ¶
type PodGroupPort struct { DiffBase Name string `json:"name"` SubDomainLcuuid string `json:"sub_domain_lcuuid"` }
func (*PodGroupPort) Update ¶
func (p *PodGroupPort) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.PodGroupPort)
type PodIngress ¶
type PodIngress struct { DiffBase Name string `json:"name"` RegionLcuuid string `json:"region_lcuuid"` AZLcuuid string `json:"az_lcuuid"` SubDomainLcuuid string `json:"sub_domain_lcuu"` }
func (*PodIngress) Update ¶
func (p *PodIngress) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.PodIngress)
type PodIngressRule ¶
func (*PodIngressRule) Update ¶
func (p *PodIngressRule) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.PodIngressRule)
type PodIngressRuleBackend ¶
func (*PodIngressRuleBackend) Update ¶
func (p *PodIngressRuleBackend) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.PodIngressRuleBackend)
type PodNamespace ¶
type PodNamespace struct { DiffBase RegionLcuuid string `json:"region_lcuuid"` AZLcuuid string `json:"az_lcuuid"` SubDomainLcuuid string `json:"sub_domain_lcuu"` CloudTags string `json:"cloud_tags"` }
func (*PodNamespace) Update ¶
func (p *PodNamespace) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.PodNamespace)
type PodNode ¶
type PodNode struct { DiffBase State int `json:"state"` VCPUNum int `json:"vcpu_num"` MemTotal int `json:"mem_total"` RegionLcuuid string `json:"region_lcuuid"` AZLcuuid string `json:"az_lcuuid"` SubDomainLcuuid string `json:"sub_domain_lcuuid"` }
func (*PodNode) Update ¶
func (p *PodNode) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.PodNode)
type PodReplicaSet ¶
type PodReplicaSet struct { DiffBase Name string `json:"name"` Label string `json:"label"` PodNum int `json:"pod_num"` RegionLcuuid string `json:"region_lcuuid"` AZLcuuid string `json:"az_lcuuid"` SubDomainLcuuid string `json:"sub_domain_lcuuid"` }
func (*PodReplicaSet) Update ¶
func (p *PodReplicaSet) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.PodReplicaSet)
type PodService ¶
type PodService struct { DiffBase Name string `json:"name"` Selector string `json:"selector"` ServiceClusterIP string `json:"service_cluster_ip"` PodIngressLcuuid string `json:"pod_ingress_lcuuid"` RegionLcuuid string `json:"region_lcuuid"` AZLcuuid string `json:"az_lcuuid"` SubDomainLcuuid string `json:"sub_domain_lcuuid"` }
func (*PodService) Update ¶
func (p *PodService) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.PodService)
type PodServicePort ¶
type PodServicePort struct { DiffBase Name string `json:"name"` SubDomainLcuuid string `json:"sub_domain_lcuuid"` }
func (*PodServicePort) Update ¶
func (p *PodServicePort) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.PodServicePort)
type RDSInstance ¶
type RDSInstance struct { DiffBase Name string `json:"name"` State int `json:"state"` Series int `json:"series"` Model int `json:"model"` VPCLcuuid string `json:"vpc_lcuuid"` RegionLcuuid string `json:"region_lcuuid"` AZLcuuid string `json:"az_lcuuid"` }
func (*RDSInstance) Update ¶
func (r *RDSInstance) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.RDSInstance)
type RedisInstance ¶
type RedisInstance struct { DiffBase Name string `json:"name"` State int `json:"state"` PublicHost string `json:"public_host"` RegionLcuuid string `json:"region_lcuuid"` AZLcuuid string `json:"az_lcuuid"` }
func (*RedisInstance) Update ¶
func (r *RedisInstance) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.RedisInstance)
type RoutingTable ¶
type RoutingTable struct { DiffBase Destination string `json:"destination"` Nexthop string `json:"nexthop"` NexthopType string `json:"nexthop_type"` }
func (*RoutingTable) Update ¶
func (r *RoutingTable) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.RoutingTable)
type SecurityGroup ¶
type SecurityGroup struct { DiffBase Name string `json:"name"` Label string `json:"label"` RegionLcuuid string `json:"region_lcuuid"` }
func (*SecurityGroup) Update ¶
func (s *SecurityGroup) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.SecurityGroup)
type SecurityGroupRule ¶
type SecurityGroupRule struct { DiffBase Priority int `json:"priority"` EtherType int `json:"ether_type"` Local string `json:"local"` Remote string `json:"remote"` RemotePortRange string `json:"remote_port_range"` }
func (*SecurityGroupRule) Update ¶
func (s *SecurityGroupRule) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.SecurityGroupRule)
type SubDomain ¶
func (*SubDomain) Update ¶
func (s *SubDomain) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.SubDomain)
type Subnet ¶
type Subnet struct { DiffBase Name string `json:"name"` Label string `json:"label"` SubDomainLcuuid string `json:"sub_domain_lcuuid"` }
func (*Subnet) Update ¶
func (s *Subnet) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.Subnet)
type ToolDataSet ¶
type ToolDataSet struct { // 仅资源变更事件所需的数据 EventToolDataSet // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewToolDataSet ¶
func NewToolDataSet() ToolDataSet
func (*ToolDataSet) GetAZIDByLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetAZIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetDHCPPortIDByLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetDHCPPortIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetDHCPPortInfoByID ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetDHCPPortInfoByID(id int) (*dhcpPortInfo, error)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetDHCPPortNameByID ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetDHCPPortNameByID(id int) (string, error)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetDeviceIDByDeviceLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetDeviceIDByDeviceLcuuid(deviceType int, deviceLcuuid string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetDeviceIDByVInterfaceLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetDeviceIDByVInterfaceLcuuid(vifLcuuid string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetDeviceNameByDeviceID ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetDeviceNameByDeviceID(deviceType, deviceID int) (string, error)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetDeviceTypeByVInterfaceLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetDeviceTypeByVInterfaceLcuuid(vifLcuuid string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetHostIDByIP ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetHostIDByIP(ip string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetHostIDByLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetHostIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetHostInfoByID ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetHostInfoByID(id int) (*hostInfo, error)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetHostNameByID ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetHostNameByID(id int) (string, error)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetLANIPByLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetLANIPByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (string, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetLBIDByLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetLBIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetLBInfoByID ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetLBInfoByID(id int) (*lbInfo, error)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetLBListenerIDByLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetLBListenerIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetLBNameByID ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetLBNameByID(id int) (string, error)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetNATGatewayIDByLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetNATGatewayIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetNATGatewayInfoByID ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetNATGatewayInfoByID(id int) (*natGatewayInfo, error)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetNATGatewayNameByID ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetNATGatewayNameByID(id int) (string, error)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetNetworkIDByLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetNetworkIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetNetworkIDByVInterfaceLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetNetworkIDByVInterfaceLcuuid(vifLcuuid string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetNetworkLcuuidByID ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetNetworkLcuuidByID(id int) (string, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetNetworkNameByID ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetNetworkNameByID(id int) (string, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetPodClusterIDByLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodClusterIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetPodGroupIDByLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodGroupIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetPodIDByLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetPodInfoByID ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodInfoByID(id int) (*podInfo, error)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetPodIngressIDByLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodIngressIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetPodIngressLcuuidByID ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodIngressLcuuidByID(id int) (string, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetPodIngressRuleIDByLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodIngressRuleIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetPodNameByID ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodNameByID(id int) (string, error)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetPodNamespaceIDByLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodNamespaceIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetPodNodeIDByLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodNodeIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetPodNodeIDByVMPodNodeConnectionLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodNodeIDByVMPodNodeConnectionLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetPodNodeInfoByID ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodNodeInfoByID(id int) (*podNodeInfo, error)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetPodNodeLcuuidByID ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodNodeLcuuidByID(id int) (string, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetPodNodeNameByID ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodNodeNameByID(id int) (string, error)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetPodReplicaSetIDByLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodReplicaSetIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetPodReplicaSetLcuuidByID ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodReplicaSetLcuuidByID(id int) (string, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetPodServiceIDByLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodServiceIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetPodServiceInfoByID ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodServiceInfoByID(id int) (*podServiceInfo, error)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetPodServiceNameByID ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetPodServiceNameByID(id int) (string, error)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetRDSInstanceIDByLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetRDSInstanceIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetRDSInstanceInfoByID ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetRDSInstanceInfoByID(id int) (*rdsInstanceInfo, error)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetRDSInstanceNameByID ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetRDSInstanceNameByID(id int) (string, error)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetRedisInstanceIDByLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetRedisInstanceIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetRedisInstanceInfoByID ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetRedisInstanceInfoByID(id int) (*redisInstanceInfo, error)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetRedisInstanceNameByID ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetRedisInstanceNameByID(id int) (string, error)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetRegionIDByLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetRegionIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetRegionLcuuidByID ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetRegionLcuuidByID(id int) (string, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetSecurityGroupIDByLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetSecurityGroupIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetSubnetIDByLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetSubnetIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetSubnetLcuuidByID ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetSubnetLcuuidByID(id int) (string, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetVInterfaceIDByLANIPLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetVInterfaceIDByLANIPLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetVInterfaceIDByLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetVInterfaceIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetVInterfaceIDByWANIPLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetVInterfaceIDByWANIPLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetVInterfaceLcuuidByID ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetVInterfaceLcuuidByID(id int) (string, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetVInterfaceTypeByLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetVInterfaceTypeByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetVMIDByLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetVMIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetVMIDByPodNodeID ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetVMIDByPodNodeID(podNodeID int) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetVMInfoByID ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetVMInfoByID(id int) (*vmInfo, error)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetVMNameByID ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetVMNameByID(id int) (string, error)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetVPCIDByLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetVPCIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetVPCLcuuidByID ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetVPCLcuuidByID(id int) (string, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetVRouterIDByLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetVRouterIDByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (int, bool)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetVRouterInfoByID ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetVRouterInfoByID(id int) (*vrouterInfo, error)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetVRouterNameByID ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetVRouterNameByID(id int) (string, error)
func (*ToolDataSet) GetWANIPByLcuuid ¶
func (t *ToolDataSet) GetWANIPByLcuuid(lcuuid string) (string, bool)
type VInterface ¶
type VInterface struct { DiffBase Name string `json:"name"` Type int `json:"type"` TapMac string `json:"tap_mac"` NetworkLcuuid string `json:"network_lcuuid"` RegionLcuuid string `json:"region_lcuuid"` SubDomainLcuuid string `json:"sub_domain_lcuuid"` }
func (*VInterface) Update ¶
func (v *VInterface) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.VInterface)
type VM ¶
type VM struct { DiffBase Name string `json:"name"` Label string `json:"label"` State int `json:"state"` HType int `json:"htype"` LaunchServer string `json:"launch_server"` VPCLcuuid string `json:"vpc_lcuuid"` RegionLcuuid string `json:"region_lcuuid"` AZLcuuid string `json:"az_lcuuid"` CloudTags string `json:"cloud_tags"` }
func (*VM) Update ¶
func (v *VM) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.VM)
type VMPodNodeConnection ¶
func (*VMPodNodeConnection) Update ¶
func (p *VMPodNodeConnection) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.VMPodNodeConnection)
type VMSecurityGroup ¶
func (*VMSecurityGroup) Update ¶
func (s *VMSecurityGroup) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.VMSecurityGroup)
type VPC ¶
type VPC struct { DiffBase Name string `json:"name"` Label string `json:"label"` TunnelID int `json:"tunnel_id"` CIDR string `json:"cidr"` RegionLcuuid string `json:"region_lcuuid"` }
func (*VPC) Update ¶
func (v *VPC) Update(cloudItem *cloudmodel.VPC)
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