
v1.5.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Jun 29, 2024 License: ISC Imports: 4 Imported by: 0




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const (
	APIVersion = 1

	// Contractor Management Routes
	RouteInviteNewUser          = "/invite"
	RouteRegisterUser           = "/register"
	RouteCMSUsers               = "/cmsusers"
	RouteNewInvoice             = "/invoices/new"
	RouteEditInvoice            = "/invoices/edit"
	RouteInvoiceDetails         = "/invoices/{token:[A-z0-9]{64}}"
	RouteSetInvoiceStatus       = "/invoices/{token:[A-z0-9]{64}}/status"
	RouteUserInvoices           = "/user/invoices"
	RouteUserSubContractors     = "/user/subcontractors"
	RouteNewDCC                 = "/dcc/new"
	RouteDCCDetails             = "/dcc/{token:[A-z0-9]{64}}"
	RouteGetDCCs                = "/dcc"
	RouteSupportOpposeDCC       = "/dcc/supportoppose"
	RouteNewCommentDCC          = "/dcc/newcomment"
	RouteDCCComments            = "/dcc/{token:[A-z0-9]{64}}/comments"
	RouteSetDCCStatus           = "/dcc/{token:[A-z0-9]{64}}/status"
	RouteCastVoteDCC            = "/dcc/vote"
	RouteVoteDetailsDCC         = "/dcc/votedetails"
	RouteActiveVotesDCC         = "/dcc/activevotes"
	RouteStartVoteDCC           = "/dcc/startvote"
	RouteInvoices               = "/invoices"
	RouteManageCMSUser          = "/admin/managecms"
	RouteAdminUserInvoices      = "/admin/userinvoices"
	RouteGeneratePayouts        = "/admin/generatepayouts"
	RouteInvoicePayouts         = "/admin/invoicepayouts"
	RoutePayInvoices            = "/admin/payinvoices"
	RouteInvoiceComments        = "/invoices/{token:[A-z0-9]{64}}/comments"
	RouteInvoiceExchangeRate    = "/invoices/exchangerate"
	RouteProposalOwner          = "/proposals/owner"
	RouteProposalBilling        = "/proposals/billing"
	RouteProposalBillingSummary = "/proposals/spendingsummary"
	RouteProposalBillingDetails = "/proposals/spendingdetails"
	RouteUserCodeStats          = "/user/codestats"

	// Invoice status codes
	InvoiceStatusInvalid  InvoiceStatusT = 0 // Invalid status
	InvoiceStatusNotFound InvoiceStatusT = 1 // Invoice not found
	InvoiceStatusNew      InvoiceStatusT = 2 // Invoice has not been reviewed
	InvoiceStatusUpdated  InvoiceStatusT = 3 // Invoice has unreviewed changes
	InvoiceStatusDisputed InvoiceStatusT = 4 // Invoice has been disputed for some reason
	InvoiceStatusRejected InvoiceStatusT = 5 // Invoice fully rejected and closed
	InvoiceStatusApproved InvoiceStatusT = 6 // Invoice has been approved
	InvoiceStatusPaid     InvoiceStatusT = 7 // Invoice has been paid

	// Line item types
	LineItemTypeInvalid  LineItemTypeT = 0 // Invalid type
	LineItemTypeLabor    LineItemTypeT = 1 // Labor line items
	LineItemTypeExpense  LineItemTypeT = 2 // Expenses incurred line items
	LineItemTypeMisc     LineItemTypeT = 3 // Catch all for anything else
	LineItemTypeSubHours LineItemTypeT = 4 // Line items for subcontractor billing

	// Domain types
	DomainTypeInvalid   DomainTypeT = 0 // Invalid Domain type
	DomainTypeDeveloper DomainTypeT = 1 // Developer domain
	DomainTypeMarketing DomainTypeT = 2 // Marketing domain
	DomainTypeResearch  DomainTypeT = 4 // Research domain
	DomainTypeDesign    DomainTypeT = 5 // Design domain

	// Contractor types
	ContractorTypeInvalid         ContractorTypeT = 0 // Invalid contractor type
	ContractorTypeDirect          ContractorTypeT = 1 // Direct contractor
	ContractorTypeSupervisor      ContractorTypeT = 2 // Supervisor contractor
	ContractorTypeSubContractor   ContractorTypeT = 3 // SubContractor
	ContractorTypeNominee         ContractorTypeT = 4 // Nominated DCC user
	ContractorTypeRevoked         ContractorTypeT = 5 // Revoked CMS User
	ContractorTypeTemp            ContractorTypeT = 6 // Temporary Contractor (only allowed 1 invoice)
	ContractorTypeTempDeactivated ContractorTypeT = 7 // Temporary Contractor that has been deactivated
	ContractorTypeProposal        ContractorTypeT = 8 // Contractor appproved by proposal, but not DCC

	// Payment information status types
	PaymentStatusInvalid  PaymentStatusT = 0 // Invalid status
	PaymentStatusWatching PaymentStatusT = 1 // Payment currently watching
	PaymentStatusPaid     PaymentStatusT = 2 // Payment fully paid

	// DCC types
	DCCTypeInvalid    DCCTypeT = 0 // Invalid DCC type
	DCCTypeIssuance   DCCTypeT = 1 // Issuance DCC type
	DCCTypeRevocation DCCTypeT = 2 // Revocation DCC type

	// DCC status types
	DCCStatusInvalid  DCCStatusT = 0 // Invalid issuance/revocation status
	DCCStatusActive   DCCStatusT = 1 // Currently active issuance/revocation (awaiting sponsors)
	DCCStatusApproved DCCStatusT = 2 // Fully approved DCC proposal
	DCCStatusRejected DCCStatusT = 3 // Rejected DCC proposal

	// DCC vote status codes
	DCCVoteStatusInvalid    DCCVoteStatusT = 0
	DCCVoteStatusNotStarted DCCVoteStatusT = 1
	DCCVoteStatusStarted    DCCVoteStatusT = 2
	DCCVoteStatusFinished   DCCVoteStatusT = 3

	InvoiceInputVersion = 1

	// PolicyMaxImages is the maximum number of images accepted
	// when creating a new invoice
	PolicyMaxImages = 20

	// PolicyMaxImageSize is the maximum image file size (in bytes)
	// accepted when creating a new invoice
	PolicyMaxImageSize = 512 * 1024

	// PolicyMaxMDs is the maximum number of markdown files accepted
	// when creating a new invoice
	PolicyMaxMDs = 1

	// PolicyMaxMDSize is the maximum markdown file size (in bytes)
	// accepted when creating a new invoice
	PolicyMaxMDSize = 512 * 1024

	// PolicyMaxNameLength is the max length of a contractor name
	PolicyMaxNameLength = 50

	// PolicyMinNameLength is the min length of a contractor name
	PolicyMinNameLength = 3

	// PolicyMaxLocationLength is the max length of a contractor location
	PolicyMaxLocationLength = 100

	// PolicyMinLocationLength is the min length of a contractor location
	PolicyMinLocationLength = 0

	// PolicyMaxContactLength is the max length of a contractor contact
	PolicyMaxContactLength = 100

	// PolicyMinContactLength is the min length of a contractor contact
	PolicyMinContactLength = 3

	// PolicyInvoiceCommentChar is the character which, when used as the first
	// character of a line, denotes that entire line as a comment.
	PolicyInvoiceCommentChar rune = '#'

	// PolicyInvoiceFieldDelimiterChar is the character that delimits field
	// values for each line item in the CSV.
	PolicyInvoiceFieldDelimiterChar rune = ','

	// PolicyInvoiceLineItemCount is the number of expected fields in the raw
	// csv line items
	PolicyInvoiceLineItemCount = 9

	// PolicyMinLineItemColLength is the minimun length for the strings in
	// each column field of the lineItem structure.
	PolicyMinLineItemColLength = 3

	// PolicyMaxLineItemColLength is the maximum length for the strings in
	// each column field of the lineItem structure.
	PolicyMaxLineItemColLength = 500

	// PolicyMinSponsorStatementLength is the minimum length for the sponsor
	// statement contained within a DCC
	PolicyMinSponsorStatementLength = 0

	// PolicyMaxSponsorStatementLength is the maximum length for the sponsor
	// statement contained within a DCC
	PolicyMaxSponsorStatementLength = 5000

	// ProposalBillingListPageSize is the maximum number of proposal billing
	// summaries returned for the routes that return lists of proposal billing
	// summaries.
	ProposalBillingListPageSize = 50

	// InvoiceListPageSize is the maximum number of invoices returned by the
	// Invoices request, the date range should just be updated to return them
	// all.
	InvoiceListPageSize = 50

	ErrorStatusMalformedName                  www.ErrorStatusT = 1001
	ErrorStatusMalformedLocation              www.ErrorStatusT = 1002
	ErrorStatusInvoiceNotFound                www.ErrorStatusT = 1003
	ErrorStatusInvalidMonthYearRequest        www.ErrorStatusT = 1004
	ErrorStatusMalformedInvoiceFile           www.ErrorStatusT = 1005
	ErrorStatusInvalidInvoiceStatusTransition www.ErrorStatusT = 1006
	ErrorStatusReasonNotProvided              www.ErrorStatusT = 1007
	ErrorStatusInvoiceDuplicate               www.ErrorStatusT = 1008
	ErrorStatusInvalidPaymentAddress          www.ErrorStatusT = 1009
	ErrorStatusMalformedLineItem              www.ErrorStatusT = 1010
	ErrorStatusInvoiceMissingName             www.ErrorStatusT = 1011
	ErrorStatusInvoiceMissingContact          www.ErrorStatusT = 1013
	ErrorStatusInvoiceMissingRate             www.ErrorStatusT = 1014
	ErrorStatusInvoiceInvalidRate             www.ErrorStatusT = 1015
	ErrorStatusInvoiceMalformedContact        www.ErrorStatusT = 1016
	ErrorStatusMalformedProposalToken         www.ErrorStatusT = 1017
	ErrorStatusMalformedDomain                www.ErrorStatusT = 1018
	ErrorStatusMalformedSubdomain             www.ErrorStatusT = 1019
	ErrorStatusMalformedDescription           www.ErrorStatusT = 1020
	ErrorStatusWrongInvoiceStatus             www.ErrorStatusT = 1021
	ErrorStatusInvoiceRequireLineItems        www.ErrorStatusT = 1022
	ErrorStatusInvalidInvoiceMonthYear        www.ErrorStatusT = 1024
	ErrorStatusInvalidExchangeRate            www.ErrorStatusT = 1025
	ErrorStatusInvalidLineItemType            www.ErrorStatusT = 1026
	ErrorStatusInvalidLaborExpense            www.ErrorStatusT = 1027
	ErrorStatusDuplicatePaymentAddress        www.ErrorStatusT = 1028
	ErrorStatusInvalidDatesRequested          www.ErrorStatusT = 1029
	ErrorStatusInvalidInvoiceEditMonthYear    www.ErrorStatusT = 1030
	ErrorStatusInvalidDCCType                 www.ErrorStatusT = 1031
	ErrorStatusInvalidNominatingDomain        www.ErrorStatusT = 1032
	ErrorStatusMalformedSponsorStatement      www.ErrorStatusT = 1033
	ErrorStatusMalformedDCCFile               www.ErrorStatusT = 1034
	ErrorStatusInvalidDCCComment              www.ErrorStatusT = 1035
	ErrorStatusInvalidDCCStatusTransition     www.ErrorStatusT = 1036
	ErrorStatusDuplicateEmail                 www.ErrorStatusT = 1037
	ErrorStatusInvalidUserNewInvoice          www.ErrorStatusT = 1038
	ErrorStatusInvalidDCCNominee              www.ErrorStatusT = 1039
	ErrorStatusDCCNotFound                    www.ErrorStatusT = 1040
	ErrorStatusWrongDCCStatus                 www.ErrorStatusT = 1041
	ErrorStatusInvalidSupportOppose           www.ErrorStatusT = 1042
	ErrorStatusDuplicateSupportOppose         www.ErrorStatusT = 1043
	ErrorStatusUserIsAuthor                   www.ErrorStatusT = 1044
	ErrorStatusInvalidUserDCC                 www.ErrorStatusT = 1045
	ErrorStatusInvalidDCCContractorType       www.ErrorStatusT = 1046
	ErrorStatusInvalidTypeSubHoursLineItem    www.ErrorStatusT = 1047
	ErrorStatusMissingSubUserIDLineItem       www.ErrorStatusT = 1048
	ErrorStatusInvalidSubUserIDLineItem       www.ErrorStatusT = 1049
	ErrorStatusInvalidSupervisorUser          www.ErrorStatusT = 1050
	ErrorStatusMalformedDCC                   www.ErrorStatusT = 1051
	ErrorStatusInvalidDCCVoteStatus           www.ErrorStatusT = 1052
	ErrorStatusInvalidDCCAllVoteUserWeight    www.ErrorStatusT = 1053
	ErrorStatusDCCVoteEnded                   www.ErrorStatusT = 1054
	ErrorStatusDCCVoteStillLive               www.ErrorStatusT = 1055
	ErrorStatusDCCDuplicateVote               www.ErrorStatusT = 1056
	ErrorStatusMissingCodeStatsUsername       www.ErrorStatusT = 1057
	ErrorStatusTrackerNotStarted              www.ErrorStatusT = 1058

	ProposalsMainnet = "https://proposals.decred.org"
	ProposalsTestnet = "https://test-proposals.decred.org"


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var (
	// APIRoute is the route prefix for the cms v1 API
	APIRoute = fmt.Sprintf("/v%v", APIVersion)

	// PolicyValidMimeTypes is the accepted mime types of attachments
	// in invoices
	PolicyValidMimeTypes = []string{

	// PolicyInvoiceFieldSupportedChars is the regular expression of a valid
	// invoice fields.
	PolicyInvoiceFieldSupportedChars = []string{
		"A-z", "0-9", "&", ".", ",", ":", ";", "-", " ", "@", "+", "#", "/",
		"(", ")", "!", "?", "\"", "'"}

	// PolicyCMSNameLocationSupportedChars is the regular expression of a valid
	// name or location for registering users on cms.
	PolicyCMSNameLocationSupportedChars = []string{
		"A-z", "0-9", ".", "-", " ", ","}

	// PolicyCMSContactSupportedChars is the regular expression of a valid
	// contact for registering users on cms.
	PolicyCMSContactSupportedChars = []string{
		"A-z", "0-9", "&", ".", ":", "-", "_", "@", "+", ",", " "}

	// PolicySponsorStatementSupportedChars is the regular expression of a valid
	// sponsor statement for DCC in cms.
	PolicySponsorStatementSupportedChars = []string{
		"A-z", "0-9", "&", ".", ",", ":", ";", "-", " ", "@", "+", "#", "/",
		"(", ")", "!", "?", "\"", "'", "\n"}

	// PolicySupportedCMSDomains supplies the currently available domain types
	// and descriptions of them.
	PolicySupportedCMSDomains = []AvailableDomain{
			Description: "development",
			Type:        DomainTypeDeveloper,
			Description: "marketing",
			Type:        DomainTypeMarketing,
			Description: "research",
			Type:        DomainTypeResearch,
			Description: "design",
			Type:        DomainTypeDesign,

	// PolicyCMSSupportedLineItemTypes supplies the currently available invoice types
	// and descriptions of them.
	PolicyCMSSupportedLineItemTypes = []AvailableLineItemType{
			Description: "labor",
			Type:        LineItemTypeLabor,
			Description: "expense",
			Type:        LineItemTypeExpense,
			Description: "misc",
			Type:        LineItemTypeMisc,
			Description: "subhours",
			Type:        LineItemTypeSubHours,

	// ErrorStatus converts error status codes to human readable text.
	ErrorStatus = map[www.ErrorStatusT]string{
		ErrorStatusMalformedName:                  "malformed name",
		ErrorStatusMalformedLocation:              "malformed location",
		ErrorStatusInvoiceNotFound:                "invoice cannot be found",
		ErrorStatusInvalidMonthYearRequest:        "month or year was set, while the other was not",
		ErrorStatusInvalidInvoiceStatusTransition: "invalid invoice status transition",
		ErrorStatusReasonNotProvided:              "reason for action not provided",
		ErrorStatusMalformedInvoiceFile:           "submitted invoice file is malformed",
		ErrorStatusInvoiceDuplicate:               "submitted invoice is a duplicate of an existing invoice",
		ErrorStatusInvalidPaymentAddress:          "invalid payment address",
		ErrorStatusMalformedLineItem:              "malformed line item submitted",
		ErrorStatusInvoiceMissingName:             "invoice missing contractor name",
		ErrorStatusInvoiceMissingContact:          "invoice missing contractor contact",
		ErrorStatusInvoiceMalformedContact:        "invoice has malformed contractor contact",
		ErrorStatusInvoiceMissingRate:             "invoice missing contractor rate",
		ErrorStatusInvoiceInvalidRate:             "invoice has invalid contractor rate",
		ErrorStatusMalformedProposalToken:         "line item has malformed proposal token",
		ErrorStatusMalformedDomain:                "line item has malformed domain",
		ErrorStatusMalformedSubdomain:             "line item has malformed subdomain",
		ErrorStatusMalformedDescription:           "line item has malformed description",
		ErrorStatusWrongInvoiceStatus:             "invoice is an wrong status to be editted (approved, rejected or paid)",
		ErrorStatusInvoiceRequireLineItems:        "invoices require at least 1 line item",
		ErrorStatusInvalidInvoiceMonthYear:        "an invalid month/year was submitted on an invoice",
		ErrorStatusInvalidExchangeRate:            "exchange rate was invalid or didn't match expected result",
		ErrorStatusInvalidLineItemType:            "line item has an invalid type",
		ErrorStatusInvalidLaborExpense:            "line item has an invalid labor or expense field",
		ErrorStatusDuplicatePaymentAddress:        "a duplicate payment address was used",
		ErrorStatusInvalidDatesRequested:          "invalid dates were requested",
		ErrorStatusInvalidInvoiceEditMonthYear:    "invalid attempt to edit invoice month/year",
		ErrorStatusInvalidDCCType:                 "invalid DCC type was included",
		ErrorStatusInvalidNominatingDomain:        "non-matching domain was attempt",
		ErrorStatusMalformedSponsorStatement:      "DCC sponsor statement was malformed",
		ErrorStatusMalformedDCCFile:               "submitted DCC file was malformed according to standards",
		ErrorStatusInvalidDCCComment:              "submitted DCC comment must either be aye or nay",
		ErrorStatusInvalidDCCStatusTransition:     "invalid status transition for a DCC",
		ErrorStatusDuplicateEmail:                 "another user already has that email registered",
		ErrorStatusInvalidUserNewInvoice:          "current contractor status does not allow new invoices to be created",
		ErrorStatusInvalidDCCNominee:              "invalid nominee user was submitted for a DCC",
		ErrorStatusDCCNotFound:                    "a requested dcc was not found",
		ErrorStatusWrongDCCStatus:                 "cannot comment/approve/oppose DCC if it's not active state",
		ErrorStatusInvalidSupportOppose:           "invalid support or opposition vote was included in the request, must be aye or nay",
		ErrorStatusDuplicateSupportOppose:         "user has already supported or opposed the given DCC",
		ErrorStatusUserIsAuthor:                   "user cannot support or oppose their own sponsored DCC",
		ErrorStatusInvalidUserDCC:                 "user is not authorized to complete the DCC request",
		ErrorStatusInvalidDCCContractorType:       "DCC must have a valid contractor type",
		ErrorStatusInvalidTypeSubHoursLineItem:    "must be a Supervisor Contractor to submit a subcontractor hours line item",
		ErrorStatusMissingSubUserIDLineItem:       "must supply a userid for a subcontractor hours line item",
		ErrorStatusInvalidSubUserIDLineItem:       "the userid supplied for the subcontractor hours line item is invalid",
		ErrorStatusInvalidSupervisorUser:          "attempted input of an invalid supervisor user id",
		ErrorStatusMalformedDCC:                   "malformed dcc detected",
		ErrorStatusInvalidDCCVoteStatus:           "the DCC to be voted isn't currently up for an all user vote",
		ErrorStatusInvalidDCCAllVoteUserWeight:    "the user does not have a corresponding user weight for this vote",
		ErrorStatusDCCVoteEnded:                   "the all contractor voting period has ended",
		ErrorStatusDCCVoteStillLive:               "cannot update status of a DCC while a vote is still live",
		ErrorStatusDCCDuplicateVote:               "user has already submitted a vote for the given dcc",
		ErrorStatusMissingCodeStatsUsername:       "codestats site username is required to receive code stats",
		ErrorStatusTrackerNotStarted:              "code tracker required for attempted request, check token setting in config",


This section is empty.


type AbridgedCMSUser

type AbridgedCMSUser struct {
	ID             string          `json:"id"`
	Domain         DomainTypeT     `json:"domain"`
	ContractorType ContractorTypeT `json:"contractortype"`
	Username       string          `json:"username"`

AbridgedCMSUser is a shortened version of CMS User that's used for the CMSUsers reply.

type ActiveVote added in v0.2.0

type ActiveVote struct{}

ActiveVote obtains all dccs that have active votes.

type ActiveVoteReply added in v0.2.0

type ActiveVoteReply struct {
	Votes []VoteTuple `json:"votes"` // Active votes

ActiveVoteReply returns all proposals that have active votes.

type AdminUserInvoices

type AdminUserInvoices struct {
	UserID string `json:"userid"` // Invoices from a given user

AdminUserInvoices is used to get all invoices from a given user

type AdminUserInvoicesReply

type AdminUserInvoicesReply struct {
	Invoices []InvoiceRecord `json:"invoices"`

AdminUserInvoicesReply is used to reply to a user invoices commands.

type AvailableDomain

type AvailableDomain struct {
	Description string      `json:"description"`
	Type        DomainTypeT `json:"type"`

AvailableDomain contains a domain type and it's corresponding description.

type AvailableLineItemType

type AvailableLineItemType struct {
	Description string        `json:"description"`
	Type        LineItemTypeT `json:"type"`

AvailableLineItemType contains a line item type and it's description

type CMSManageUser

type CMSManageUser struct {
	UserID            string          `json:"userid"`
	Domain            DomainTypeT     `json:"domain,omitempty"`
	ContractorType    ContractorTypeT `json:"contractortype,omitempty"`
	SupervisorUserIDs []string        `json:"supervisoruserids,omitempty"`
	ProposalsOwned    []string        `json:"proposalsowned,omitempty"`

CMSManageUser updates the various fields for a given user.

type CMSManageUserReply

type CMSManageUserReply struct{}

CMSManageUserReply is the reply for the CMSManageUserReply command.

type CMSUsers

type CMSUsers struct {
	Domain         DomainTypeT     `json:"domain"`
	ContractorType ContractorTypeT `json:"contractortype"`

CMSUsers is used to request a list of CMS users given a filter.

type CMSUsersReply

type CMSUsersReply struct {
	Users []AbridgedCMSUser `json:"users"`

CMSUsersReply returns a list of Users that are currently

type CastVote added in v0.2.0

type CastVote struct {
	VoteBit   string `json:"votebit"`   // Vote bit that was selected, this is encode in hex
	Token     string `json:"token"`     // The censorship token of the given DCC issuance or revocation.
	UserID    string `json:"userid"`    // UserID of the submitting user
	PublicKey string `json:"publickey"` // Pubkey of the submitting user
	Signature string `json:"signature"` // Signature of the Token+VoteBit+UserID by the submitting user.

CastVote is a signed vote.

type CastVoteReply added in v0.2.0

type CastVoteReply struct {
	ClientSignature string                 `json:"clientsignature"`       // Signature that was sent in
	Signature       string                 `json:"signature"`             // Signature of the ClientSignature
	Error           string                 `json:"error"`                 // Error status message
	ErrorStatus     cmsplugin.ErrorStatusT `json:"errorstatus,omitempty"` // Error status code

CastVoteReply is the answer to the CastVote command. The Error and ErrorStatus fields will only be populated if something went wrong while attempting to cast the vote.

type CodeStats added in v0.2.0

type CodeStats struct {
	Month            int      `json:"month"`
	Year             int      `json:"year"`
	Repository       string   `json:"repository"`
	MergedAdditions  int64    `json:"mergedadditions"`
	MergedDeletions  int64    `json:"mergeddeletions"`
	UpdatedAdditions int64    `json:"updatedadditions"`
	UpdatedDeletions int64    `json:"updateddeletions"`
	ReviewAdditions  int64    `json:"reviewadditions"`
	ReviewDeletions  int64    `json:"reviewdeletions"`
	CommitAdditions  int64    `json:"commitadditions"`
	CommitDeletions  int64    `json:"commitdeletions"`
	PRs              []string `json:"prs"`
	Reviews          []string `json:"reviews"`
	Commits          []string `json:"commits"`

CodeStats contains various pieces of information for user's code contributions per repo over a period of time.

type ContractorTypeT

type ContractorTypeT int

type DCCDetails

type DCCDetails struct {
	Token string `json:"token"` // Token of requested DCC

DCCDetails request finds a DCC with a matching token.

type DCCDetailsReply

type DCCDetailsReply struct {
	DCC         DCCRecord   `json:"dcc"`         // DCCRecord of requested token
	VoteSummary VoteSummary `json:"votesummary"` // Vote summary of the DCC

DCCDetailsReply returns the DCC details if found.

type DCCInput

type DCCInput struct {
	Type             DCCTypeT        `json:"type"`           // Type of DCC object
	NomineeUserID    string          `json:"nomineeuserid"`  // UserID of the DCC nominee (issuance or revocation)
	SponsorStatement string          `json:"statement"`      // Statement from sponsoring user about why DCC should be approved
	Domain           DomainTypeT     `json:"domain"`         // Domain of proposed contractor issuance
	ContractorType   ContractorTypeT `json:"contractortype"` // The Contractor Type of the nominee for when they are approved

DCCInput contains all of the information concerning a DCC object that will be submitted as a Record to the politeiad backend.

type DCCRecord

type DCCRecord struct {
	Status             DCCStatusT `json:"status"`             // Current status of the DCC
	StatusChangeReason string     `json:"statuschangereason"` // The reason for changing the DCC status.
	Timestamp          int64      `json:"timestamp"`          // Last update of dcc
	TimeSubmitted      int64      `json:"timesubmitted"`      // Submission time stamp
	TimeReviewed       int64      `json:"timereviewed"`       // Approval/Rejection time stamp
	DCC                DCCInput   `json:"dccpayload"`         // DCC payload for the given object
	File               www.File   `json:"file"`               // Actual DCC file (dcc.json, etc)
	PublicKey          string     `json:"publickey"`          // Sponsoring user's public key, used to verify signature.
	Signature          string     `json:"signature"`          // Signature of file digest

	NomineeUsername string `json:"nomineeusername"` // The username of the nominated user.
	SponsorUserID   string `json:"sponsoruserid"`   // The userid of the sponsoring user.
	SponsorUsername string `json:"sponsorusername"` // The username of the sponsoring user.

	SupportUserIDs    []string `json:"supportuserids"` // List of UserIDs for those that have shown support of the DCC.
	OppositionUserIDs []string `json:"againstuserids"` // List of UserIDs for those that have shown opposition of the DCC.

	SupportUsernames    []string `json:"supportusernames"` // List of Usernames for those that have shown support of the DCC.
	OppositionUsernames []string `json:"againstusernames"` // List of Usernames for those that have shown opposition of the DCC.

	CensorshipRecord www.CensorshipRecord `json:"censorshiprecord"`

DCCRecord is what will be decoded from a Record for a DCC object to the politeiad backend.

type DCCStatusT

type DCCStatusT int

type DCCTypeT

type DCCTypeT int

type DCCVoteStatusT added in v0.2.0

type DCCVoteStatusT int

type DCCWeight added in v0.2.0

type DCCWeight struct {
	UserID string // User ID
	Weight int64  // User Weight of the vote (as calculated at the start of the vote).

DCCWeight contains a user id and their assigned weight for a given DCC all contractor vote.

type DomainTypeT

type DomainTypeT int

type EditInvoice

type EditInvoice struct {
	Token     string     `json:"token"`
	Files     []www.File `json:"files"`
	PublicKey string     `json:"publickey"`
	Signature string     `json:"signature"`

EditInvoice attempts to edit a proposal

type EditInvoiceReply

type EditInvoiceReply struct {
	Invoice InvoiceRecord `json:"invoice"`

EditInvoiceReply is used to reply to the EditInvoice command

type EditUser

type EditUser struct {
	GitHubName         string `json:"githubname,omitempty"`
	MatrixName         string `json:"matrixname,omitempty"`
	ContractorName     string `json:"contractorname,omitempty"`
	ContractorLocation string `json:"contractorlocation,omitempty"`
	ContractorContact  string `json:"contractorcontact,omitempty"`

EditUser edits a user's CMS information.

type EditUserReply

type EditUserReply struct{}

EditUserReply is the reply for the EditUser command.

type ErrorStatusT

type ErrorStatusT int

type GeneratePayouts

type GeneratePayouts struct {

GeneratePayouts is used to generate a list of addresses and amounts of approved invoices that need to be paid.

type GeneratePayoutsReply

type GeneratePayoutsReply struct {
	Payouts []Payout `json:"payouts"`

GeneratePayoutsReply is used to replay to a GeneratePayouts command.

type GetDCCs

type GetDCCs struct {
	Status DCCStatusT `json:"status"` // Return all DCCs of this status

GetDCCs request finds all DCCs that have matching status (if used).

type GetDCCsReply

type GetDCCsReply struct {
	DCCs []DCCRecord `json:"dccs"` // DCCRecords of matching status

GetDCCsReply returns the DCCs if found.

type InviteNewUser

type InviteNewUser struct {
	Email     string `json:"email"`
	Temporary bool   `json:"temp"` // This denotes if the user is a temporary user (only allowed to submit 1 invoice).

InviteNewUser is used to request that a new user invitation be sent via email. If successful, the user will require verification before being able to login.

type InviteNewUserReply

type InviteNewUserReply struct {
	VerificationToken string `json:"verificationtoken"`

InviteNewUserReply responds with the verification token for the user (if an email server is not set up).

type InvoiceDetails

type InvoiceDetails struct {
	Token   string `json:"token"`             // Censorship token
	Version string `json:"version,omitempty"` // Invoice version

InvoiceDetails is used to retrieve a invoice by it's token.

type InvoiceDetailsReply

type InvoiceDetailsReply struct {
	Invoice InvoiceRecord `json:"invoice"`
	Payout  Payout        `json:"payout"` // Calculated payout from the InvoiceRecord

InvoiceDetailsReply is used to reply to a invoice details command.

type InvoiceExchangeRate

type InvoiceExchangeRate struct {
	Month uint `json:"month"`
	Year  uint `json:"year"`

InvoiceExchangeRate contains the request to receive a monthly exchange rate

type InvoiceExchangeRateReply

type InvoiceExchangeRateReply struct {
	ExchangeRate uint `json:"exchangerate"` // in USD cents

InvoiceExchangeRateReply returns the calculated monthly exchange rate

type InvoiceInput

type InvoiceInput struct {
	Version            uint             `json:"version"`            // Version of the invoice input
	Month              uint             `json:"month"`              // Month of Invoice
	Year               uint             `json:"year"`               // Year of Invoice
	ExchangeRate       uint             `json:"exchangerate"`       // Exchange rate of a given month/year in USD cents
	ContractorName     string           `json:"contractorname"`     // IRL name of contractor
	ContractorLocation string           `json:"contractorlocation"` // IRL location of contractor
	ContractorContact  string           `json:"contractorcontact"`  // Contractor email or other contact
	ContractorRate     uint             `json:"contractorrate"`     // Contractor Pay Rate in USD cents
	PaymentAddress     string           `json:"paymentaddress"`     //  DCR payment address
	LineItems          []LineItemsInput `json:"lineitems"`

InvoiceInput is the expected structure of the invoice.json file being added to InvoiceRecords. Users' raw csv will be inputted and parsed to help in their creation.

type InvoicePayouts

type InvoicePayouts struct {
	StartTime int64 `json:"starttime"` // Start time for range (in unix seconds)
	EndTime   int64 `json:"endtime"`   // End time for range (in unix seconds)

InvoicePayouts contains the request to receive invoices that have been paid within a start and end date.

type InvoicePayoutsReply

type InvoicePayoutsReply struct {
	Invoices []InvoiceRecord `json:"invoices"` // Invoices within the requested date range.

InvoicePayoutsReply returns an array of invoices within the requested date range.

type InvoiceRecord

type InvoiceRecord struct {
	Status             InvoiceStatusT       `json:"status"`                       // Current status of invoice
	StatusChangeReason string               `json:"statuschangereason,omitempty"` // Reason (if any) for the current status
	Timestamp          int64                `json:"timestamp"`                    // Last update of invoice
	UserID             string               `json:"userid"`                       // ID of user who submitted invoice
	Username           string               `json:"username"`                     // Username of user who submitted invoice
	PublicKey          string               `json:"publickey"`                    // User's public key, used to verify signature.
	Signature          string               `json:"signature"`                    // Signature of file digest
	Files              []www.File           `json:"file"`                         // Actual invoice file
	Version            string               `json:"version"`                      // Record version
	Input              InvoiceInput         `json:"input"`                        // Decoded invoice from invoice.json file
	Payment            PaymentInformation   `json:"payment"`                      // Payment information for the Invoice
	Total              int64                `json:"total"`                        // Total amount that the invoice is billing
	CensorshipRecord   www.CensorshipRecord `json:"censorshiprecord"`

InvoiceRecord is an entire invoice and its content.

type InvoiceStatusT

type InvoiceStatusT int

type Invoices added in v0.2.0

type Invoices struct {
	Month     uint16         `json:"month"`  // Month of Invoice
	Year      uint16         `json:"year"`   // Year of Invoice
	Status    InvoiceStatusT `json:"status"` // Current status of invoice
	UserID    string         `json:"userid"` // User ID for invoices to return
	StartTime int64          `json:"start"`  // Start time for range of invoice submission
	EndTime   int64          `json:"end"`    // End time for range of invoice submission

Invoices is used to get all invoices from all users (if no userid is given).

type InvoicesReply added in v0.2.0

type InvoicesReply struct {
	Invoices []InvoiceRecord `json:"invoices"`

InvoicesReply is used to reply to an admin invoices command.

type LineItemTypeT

type LineItemTypeT int

type LineItemsInput

type LineItemsInput struct {
	Type          LineItemTypeT `json:"type"`          // Type of work performed
	Domain        string        `json:"domain"`        // Domain of work performed
	Subdomain     string        `json:"subdomain"`     // Subdomain of work performed
	Description   string        `json:"description"`   // Description of work performed
	ProposalToken string        `json:"proposaltoken"` // Link to politeia proposal that work is associated with
	SubUserID     string        `json:"subuserid"`     // UserID of the associated Subcontractor
	SubRate       uint          `json:"subrate"`       // The payrate of the subcontractor
	Labor         uint          `json:"labor"`         // Number of minutes (if labor)
	Expenses      uint          `json:"expenses"`      // Total cost (in USD cents) of line item (if expense or misc)

LineItemsInput is the expected struct of line items contained within an users' invoice input.

type NewDCC

type NewDCC struct {
	File      www.File `json:"file"`      // Issuance/Revocation file (i.e DCCInput)
	PublicKey string   `json:"publickey"` // Pubkey of the sponsoring user
	Signature string   `json:"signature"` // Signature of the issuance struct by the sponsoring user.

NewDCC is a request for submitting a new DCC proposal.

type NewDCCReply

type NewDCCReply struct {
	CensorshipRecord www.CensorshipRecord `json:"censorshiprecord"`

NewDCCReply returns the censorship record when the DCC is successfully submitted to the backend.

type NewInvoice

type NewInvoice struct {
	Month     uint       `json:"month"`
	Year      uint       `json:"year"`
	Files     []www.File `json:"files"`     // Invoice file and any attachments along with it
	PublicKey string     `json:"publickey"` // Key used to verify signature
	Signature string     `json:"signature"` // Signature of file hash

NewInvoice attempts to submit a new invoice.

type NewInvoiceReply

type NewInvoiceReply struct {
	CensorshipRecord www.CensorshipRecord `json:"censorshiprecord"`

NewInvoiceReply is used to reply to the NewInvoiceReply command.

type PayInvoices

type PayInvoices struct{}

PayInvoices temporarily allows the administrator to set all approved invoices to paid status.

type PayInvoicesReply

type PayInvoicesReply struct{}

PayInvoicesReply will be empty if no errors have occurred.

type PaymentInformation

type PaymentInformation struct {
	Token           string         `json:"token"`
	Address         string         `json:"address"`
	TxIDs           []string       `json:"txids"`
	TimeStarted     int64          `json:"timestarted"`
	TimeLastUpdated int64          `json:"timelastupdated"`
	AmountNeeded    dcrutil.Amount `json:"amountneeded"`
	AmountReceived  dcrutil.Amount `json:"amountreceived"`
	Status          PaymentStatusT `json:"status"`

PaymentInformation contains information for each invoice's payout. A payout might be a single transaction or it might include multiple transactions.

type PaymentStatusT

type PaymentStatusT int

type Payout

type Payout struct {
	ContractorName string         `json:"contractorname"`
	ContractorRate uint           `json:"contractorrate"` // in USD cents
	Username       string         `json:"username"`
	Month          uint           `json:"month"`        // Invoice month
	Year           uint           `json:"year"`         // Invoice year
	Token          string         `json:"token"`        // Invoice token
	Address        string         `json:"address"`      // User provided payment address
	LaborTotal     uint           `json:"labortotal"`   // in USD cents
	ExpenseTotal   uint           `json:"expensetotal"` // in USD cents
	Total          uint           `json:"total"`        // in USD cents
	DCRTotal       dcrutil.Amount `json:"dcrtotal"`     // in DCR atoms
	ExchangeRate   uint           `json:"exchangerate"` // in USD cents
	ApprovedTime   int64          `json:"approvedtime"` // Time of invoice approval (in Unix seconds)

Payout contains an address and an amount to be paid

type PolicyReply

type PolicyReply struct {
	MinPasswordLength             uint                    `json:"minpasswordlength"`
	MinUsernameLength             uint                    `json:"minusernamelength"`
	MaxUsernameLength             uint                    `json:"maxusernamelength"`
	MaxImages                     uint                    `json:"maximages"`
	MaxImageSize                  uint                    `json:"maximagesize"`
	MaxMDs                        uint                    `json:"maxmds"`
	MaxMDSize                     uint                    `json:"maxmdsize"`
	ValidMIMETypes                []string                `json:"validmimetypes"`
	MaxNameLength                 uint                    `json:"maxnamelength"`
	MinNameLength                 uint                    `json:"minnamelength"`
	MaxLocationLength             uint                    `json:"maxlocationlength"`
	MinLocationLength             uint                    `json:"minlocationlength"`
	MaxContactLength              uint                    `json:"maxcontactlength"`
	MinContactLength              uint                    `json:"mincontactlength"`
	MaxLineItemColLength          uint                    `json:"maxlineitemcollength"`
	MinLineItemColLength          uint                    `json:"minlineitemcollength"`
	InvoiceCommentChar            rune                    `json:"invoicecommentchar"`
	InvoiceFieldDelimiterChar     rune                    `json:"invoicefielddelimiterchar"`
	InvoiceLineItemCount          uint                    `json:"invoicelineitemcount"`
	InvoiceFieldSupportedChars    []string                `json:"invoicefieldsupportedchars"`
	UsernameSupportedChars        []string                `json:"usernamesupportedchars"`
	CMSNameLocationSupportedChars []string                `json:"cmsnamelocationsupportedchars"`
	CMSContactSupportedChars      []string                `json:"cmscontactsupportedchars"`
	CMSStatementSupportedChars    []string                `json:"cmsstatementsupportedchars"`
	CMSSupportedLineItemTypes     []AvailableLineItemType `json:"supportedlineitemtypes"`
	CMSSupportedDomains           []AvailableDomain       `json:"supporteddomains"`

PolicyReply returns the various policy information while in CMS mode.

type ProposalBilling

type ProposalBilling struct {
	Token string `json:"token"`

ProposalBilling collects information for administrators or proposal owners for a given proposal.

type ProposalBillingDetails added in v0.2.0

type ProposalBillingDetails struct {
	Token string `json:"token"`

ProposalBillingDetails returns all the information about the given proposal's spending.

type ProposalBillingDetailsReply added in v0.2.0

type ProposalBillingDetailsReply struct {
	Details ProposalSpending `json:"details"`

ProposalBillingDetailsReply returns the spending information about the requested proposal.

type ProposalBillingReply

type ProposalBillingReply struct {
	BilledLineItems []ProposalLineItems `json:"lineitems"`

ProposalBillingReply returns all line items that have been billed to the proposal token.

type ProposalBillingSummary added in v0.2.0

type ProposalBillingSummary struct {
	Offset int `json:"offset"` // Amount to offset for pagination
	Count  int `json:"count"`  // Size of page for pagination

ProposalBillingSummary allows for all proposal spending to be returned for an admin to review.

type ProposalBillingSummaryReply added in v0.2.0

type ProposalBillingSummaryReply struct {
	Proposals []ProposalSpending `json:"proposals"`

ProposalBillingSummaryReply returns an array of proposal spending based on the list of approved invoices returned from the respective proposals site.

type ProposalLineItems

type ProposalLineItems struct {
	// User information
	UserID   string `json:"userid"`
	Username string `json:"username"`

	// Invoice Information
	Month int `json:"month"`
	Year  int `json:"year"`

	// Contractor rate
	ContractorRate uint `json:"contractorrate"`

	// Line Item Information
	LineItem LineItemsInput `json:"lineitem"`

ProposalLineItems includes all information required for a proper billing history of line items from a given proposal token.

type ProposalOwner

type ProposalOwner struct {
	ProposalToken string `json:"proposaltoken"`

ProposalOwner is a request for determining the current owners of a given proposal.

type ProposalOwnerReply

type ProposalOwnerReply struct {
	Users []AbridgedCMSUser `json:"users"`

ProposalOwnerReply returns the users that are currently associated with the requested proposal token.

type ProposalSpending added in v0.2.0

type ProposalSpending struct {
	Token       string          `json:"token"`
	Title       string          `json:"title"`
	TotalBilled int64           `json:"totalbilled"`
	Invoices    []InvoiceRecord `json:"invoices"`

ProposalSpending contains all the information about a given proposal's spending.

type RegisterUser

type RegisterUser struct {
	Email             string `json:"email"`
	Username          string `json:"username"`
	Password          string `json:"password"`
	VerificationToken string `json:"verificationtoken"`
	PublicKey         string `json:"publickey"`

RegisterUser is used by an contractor that has been invited to join the Contractor Management System

type RegisterUserReply

type RegisterUserReply struct{}

RegisterUserReply replies to Register with no properties, if successful.

type SetDCCStatus

type SetDCCStatus struct {
	Token     string     `json:"token"`     // Token of the DCC iss/rev
	Reason    string     `json:"reason"`    // Reason for approval
	Status    DCCStatusT `json:"status"`    // New status
	Signature string     `json:"signature"` // Client Signature of Token+Status+Reason
	PublicKey string     `json:"publickey"` // Pubkey used for Signature

SetDCCStatus is an admin request that updates the status of a DCC

type SetDCCStatusReply

type SetDCCStatusReply struct{}

SetDCCStatusReply returns an empty response when successful.

type SetInvoiceStatus

type SetInvoiceStatus struct {
	Token     string         `json:"token"`
	Status    InvoiceStatusT `json:"status"`
	Reason    string         `json:"reason"`
	Signature string         `json:"signature"` // Signature of Token+Version+Reason(InvoiceStatus)
	PublicKey string         `json:"publickey"` // Public key of admin

SetInvoiceStatus is used to approve or reject an unreviewed invoice.

type SetInvoiceStatusReply

type SetInvoiceStatusReply struct {
	Invoice InvoiceRecord `json:"invoice"`

SetInvoiceStatusReply is used to reply to a SetInvoiceStatus command.

type StartVote added in v0.2.0

type StartVote struct {
	Vote      Vote   `json:"vote"`
	PublicKey string `json:"publickey"` // Key used for signature
	Signature string `json:"signature"` // Signature of Vote hash

type StartVoteReply added in v0.2.0

type StartVoteReply struct {
	StartBlockHeight uint32   `json:"startblockheight"` // Block height of vote start
	StartBlockHash   string   `json:"startblockhash"`   // Block hash of vote start
	EndBlockHeight   uint32   `json:"endblockheight"`   // Block height of vote end
	UserWeights      []string `json:"userweights"`      // Snapshot of users and their given weights

StartVoteReply is the reply to the StartVote command.

type SupportOpposeDCC

type SupportOpposeDCC struct {
	Vote      string `json:"vote"`      // Vote must be "aye" or "nay"
	Token     string `json:"token"`     // The censorship token of the given DCC issuance or revocation.
	PublicKey string `json:"publickey"` // Pubkey of the submitting user
	Signature string `json:"signature"` // Signature of the Token+Vote by the submitting user.

SupportOpposeDCC request allows a user to support a given DCC issuance or revocation.

type SupportOpposeDCCReply

type SupportOpposeDCCReply struct{}

SupportOpposeDCCReply returns an empty response when successful.

type User

type User struct {
	ID                              string             `json:"id"`
	Email                           string             `json:"email"`
	Username                        string             `json:"username"`
	Admin                           bool               `json:"isadmin"`
	Identities                      []www.UserIdentity `json:"identities"`
	LastLoginTime                   int64              `json:"lastlogintime"`
	FailedLoginAttempts             uint64             `json:"failedloginattempts"`
	Deactivated                     bool               `json:"isdeactivated"`
	Locked                          bool               `json:"islocked"`
	EmailNotifications              uint64             `json:"emailnotifications"` // Notify the user via emails
	NewUserVerificationToken        []byte             `json:"newuserverificationtoken"`
	NewUserVerificationExpiry       int64              `json:"newuserverificationexpiry"`
	UpdateKeyVerificationToken      []byte             `json:"updatekeyverificationtoken"`
	UpdateKeyVerificationExpiry     int64              `json:"updatekeyverificationexpiry"`
	ResetPasswordVerificationToken  []byte             `json:"resetpasswordverificationtoken"`
	ResetPasswordVerificationExpiry int64              `json:"resetpasswordverificationexpiry"`

	// CMS Information
	Domain             DomainTypeT     `json:"domain"` // Contractor domain
	GitHubName         string          `json:"githubname"`
	MatrixName         string          `json:"matrixname"`
	ContractorType     ContractorTypeT `json:"contractortype"`
	ContractorName     string          `json:"contractorname"`
	ContractorLocation string          `json:"contractorlocation"`
	ContractorContact  string          `json:"contractorcontact"`
	SupervisorUserIDs  []string        `json:"supervisoruserids"`
	ProposalsOwned     []string        `json:"proposalsowned"`

User represents a CMS user. It contains the standard politeiawww user fields as well as CMS specific user fields.

type UserCodeStats added in v0.2.0

type UserCodeStats struct {
	UserID    string `json:"userid"`
	StartTime int64  `json:"starttime"`
	EndTime   int64  `json:"endtime"`

UserCodeStats is a request that other members of the requested user's domain may attempt to view the given month/year of code changes

type UserCodeStatsReply added in v0.2.0

type UserCodeStatsReply struct {
	RepoStats []CodeStats `json:"repostats"`

UserCodeStatsReply responds with an array of code stats per repo for the given user, month and year.

type UserDetails

type UserDetails struct {
	UserID string `json:"userid"` // User id

UserDetails fetches a cms user's details by their id.

type UserDetailsReply

type UserDetailsReply struct {
	User User `json:"user"`

UserDetailsReply returns a cms user's details.

type UserInvoices

type UserInvoices struct{}

UserInvoices is used to get all of the invoices by userID.

type UserInvoicesReply

type UserInvoicesReply struct {
	Invoices []InvoiceRecord `json:"invoices"`

UserInvoicesReply is used to reply to a user invoices commands.

type UserSubContractors

type UserSubContractors struct{}

UserSubContractors is a request for a logged in Supervisor to return a list of UserIDs/Usernames

type UserSubContractorsReply

type UserSubContractorsReply struct {
	Users []User `json:"users"`

UserSubContractorsReply returns a list of Users that are considered sub contractors of the logged in user making the request.

type Vote added in v0.2.0

type Vote struct {
	Token            string       `json:"token"`            // Token that identifies vote
	Mask             uint64       `json:"mask"`             // Valid votebits
	Duration         uint32       `json:"duration"`         // Duration in blocks
	QuorumPercentage uint32       `json:"quorumpercentage"` // Percent of eligible votes required for quorum
	PassPercentage   uint32       `json:"passpercentage"`   // Percent of total votes required to pass
	Options          []VoteOption `json:"options"`          // Vote options

Vote represents the vote options for vote that is identified by its token.

type VoteDetails added in v0.2.0

type VoteDetails struct {
	Token string `json:"token"` // Proposal token

VoteDetails returns the votes details for the specified proposal.

type VoteDetailsReply added in v0.2.0

type VoteDetailsReply struct {
	Version          uint32   `json:"version"`          // StartVote version
	Vote             string   `json:"vote"`             // JSON encoded Vote struct
	PublicKey        string   `json:"publickey"`        // Key used for signature
	Signature        string   `json:"signature"`        // Start vote signature
	StartBlockHeight uint32   `json:"startblockheight"` // Block height
	StartBlockHash   string   `json:"startblockhash"`   // Block hash
	EndBlockHeight   uint32   `json:"endblockheight"`   // Height of vote end
	UserWeights      []string `json:"userweights"`      // Snapshot of users and their given weights

VoteDetailsReply is the reply to the VoteDetails command. It contains all of the information from a StartVote and StartVoteReply

Vote contains a JSON encoded Vote and needs to be decoded according to the Version.

type VoteOption added in v0.2.0

type VoteOption struct {
	Id          string `json:"id"`          // Single unique word identifying vote (e.g. yes)
	Description string `json:"description"` // Longer description of the vote.
	Bits        uint64 `json:"bits"`        // Bits used for this option

VoteOption describes a single vote option.

type VoteOptionResult added in v0.2.0

type VoteOptionResult struct {
	Option        VoteOption `json:"option"`        // Vote Option
	VotesReceived uint64     `json:"votesreceived"` // Number of votes received by the option

VoteOptionResult is a structure that describes a VotingOption along with the number of votes it has received

type VoteResults added in v0.2.0

type VoteResults struct{}

VoteResults retrieves a single proposal vote results from the server. If the voting period has not yet started for the given proposal a reply is returned with all fields set to their zero value.

type VoteResultsReply added in v0.2.0

type VoteResultsReply struct {
	StartVote      StartVote      `json:"startvote"`      // Original vote
	CastVotes      []CastVote     `json:"castvotes"`      // Vote results
	StartVoteReply StartVoteReply `json:"startvotereply"` // Eligible tickets and other details

VoteResultsReply returns the original proposal vote and the associated cast votes.

type VoteSummary added in v0.2.0

type VoteSummary struct {
	Status           DCCStatusT         `json:"status"`                     // Vote status
	UserWeights      []DCCWeight        `json:"userweights"`                // User weights that is populated for all contractor votes.
	Duration         uint32             `json:"duration,omitempty"`         // Duration of vote
	EndHeight        uint32             `json:"endheight,omitempty"`        // Vote end height
	QuorumPercentage uint32             `json:"quorumpercentage,omitempty"` // Percent of eligible votes required for quorum
	PassPercentage   uint32             `json:"passpercentage,omitempty"`   // Percent of total votes required to pass
	Results          []VoteOptionResult `json:"results,omitempty"`          // Vote results

VoteSummary contains a summary of the vote information for a specific dcc.

type VoteTuple added in v0.2.0

type VoteTuple struct {
	DCC            DCCRecord      `json:"dcc"`            // DCC
	StartVote      StartVote      `json:"startvote"`      // Vote bits and mask
	StartVoteReply StartVoteReply `json:"startvotereply"` // Eligible user weights and other details

VoteTuple is the proposal, vote and vote details.

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