
v1.1.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Aug 6, 2021 License: ISC Imports: 8 Imported by: 0




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const (
	// Routes
	IdentityRoute             = "/v1/identity/"       // Retrieve identity
	NewRecordRoute            = "/v1/newrecord/"      // New record
	UpdateUnvettedRoute       = "/v1/updateunvetted/" // Update unvetted record
	UpdateVettedRoute         = "/v1/updatevetted/"   // Update vetted record
	UpdateVettedMetadataRoute = "/v1/updatevettedmd/" // Update vetted metadata
	GetUnvettedRoute          = "/v1/getunvetted/"    // Retrieve unvetted record
	GetVettedRoute            = "/v1/getvetted/"      // Retrieve vetted record

	// Auth required
	InventoryRoute         = "/v1/inventory/"                  // Inventory records
	SetUnvettedStatusRoute = "/v1/setunvettedstatus/"          // Set unvetted status
	SetVettedStatusRoute   = "/v1/setvettedstatus/"            // Set vetted status
	PluginCommandRoute     = "/v1/plugin/"                     // Send a command to a plugin
	PluginInventoryRoute   = PluginCommandRoute + "inventory/" // Inventory all plugins
	UpdateReadmeRoute      = "/v1/updatereadme/"               // Update README

	ChallengeSize      = 32         // Size of challenge token in bytes
	TokenSize          = 32         // Size of token
	MetadataStreamsMax = uint64(16) // Maximum number of metadata streams

	// Error status codes
	ErrorStatusInvalid                       ErrorStatusT = 0
	ErrorStatusInvalidRequestPayload         ErrorStatusT = 1
	ErrorStatusInvalidChallenge              ErrorStatusT = 2
	ErrorStatusInvalidFilename               ErrorStatusT = 3
	ErrorStatusInvalidFileDigest             ErrorStatusT = 4
	ErrorStatusInvalidBase64                 ErrorStatusT = 5
	ErrorStatusInvalidMIMEType               ErrorStatusT = 6
	ErrorStatusUnsupportedMIMEType           ErrorStatusT = 7
	ErrorStatusInvalidRecordStatusTransition ErrorStatusT = 8
	ErrorStatusEmpty                         ErrorStatusT = 9
	ErrorStatusInvalidMDID                   ErrorStatusT = 10
	ErrorStatusDuplicateMDID                 ErrorStatusT = 11
	ErrorStatusDuplicateFilename             ErrorStatusT = 12
	ErrorStatusFileNotFound                  ErrorStatusT = 13
	ErrorStatusNoChanges                     ErrorStatusT = 14
	ErrorStatusRecordFound                   ErrorStatusT = 15
	ErrorStatusInvalidRPCCredentials         ErrorStatusT = 16
	ErrorStatusLast                          ErrorStatusT = 17

	// Record status codes (set and get)
	RecordStatusInvalid           RecordStatusT = 0 // Invalid status
	RecordStatusNotFound          RecordStatusT = 1 // Record not found
	RecordStatusNotReviewed       RecordStatusT = 2 // Record has not been reviewed
	RecordStatusCensored          RecordStatusT = 3 // Record has been censored
	RecordStatusPublic            RecordStatusT = 4 // Record is publicly visible
	RecordStatusUnreviewedChanges RecordStatusT = 5 // Unvetted record that has been changed
	RecordStatusArchived          RecordStatusT = 6 // Vetted record that has been archived
	RecordStatusLast              RecordStatusT = 7 // Unit test only

	// Default network bits
	DefaultMainnetHost = "politeia.decred.org"
	DefaultMainnetPort = "49374"
	DefaultTestnetHost = "politeia-testnet.decred.org"
	DefaultTestnetPort = "59374"

	Forward = "X-Forwarded-For"


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var (
	// ErrorStatus converts error status codes to human readable text.
	ErrorStatus = map[ErrorStatusT]string{
		ErrorStatusInvalid:                       "invalid status",
		ErrorStatusInvalidRequestPayload:         "invalid request payload",
		ErrorStatusInvalidChallenge:              "invalid challenge",
		ErrorStatusInvalidFilename:               "invalid filename",
		ErrorStatusInvalidFileDigest:             "invalid file digest",
		ErrorStatusInvalidBase64:                 "corrupt base64 string",
		ErrorStatusInvalidMIMEType:               "invalid MIME type detected",
		ErrorStatusUnsupportedMIMEType:           "unsupported MIME type",
		ErrorStatusInvalidRecordStatusTransition: "invalid record status transition",
		ErrorStatusEmpty:                         "empty record",
		ErrorStatusInvalidMDID:                   "invalid metadata id",
		ErrorStatusDuplicateMDID:                 "duplicate metadata id",
		ErrorStatusDuplicateFilename:             "duplicate filename",
		ErrorStatusFileNotFound:                  "file not found",
		ErrorStatusNoChanges:                     "no changes in record",
		ErrorStatusRecordFound:                   "record found",
		ErrorStatusInvalidRPCCredentials:         "invalid RPC client credentials",

	// RecordStatus converts record status codes to human readable text.
	RecordStatus = map[RecordStatusT]string{
		RecordStatusInvalid:           "invalid status",
		RecordStatusNotFound:          "not found",
		RecordStatusNotReviewed:       "not reviewed",
		RecordStatusCensored:          "censored",
		RecordStatusPublic:            "public",
		RecordStatusUnreviewedChanges: "unreviewed changes",
		RecordStatusArchived:          "archived",

	// Input validation
	RegexpSHA256 = regexp.MustCompile("[A-Fa-f0-9]{64}")

	// Verification errors
	ErrInvalidHex    = errors.New("corrupt hex string")
	ErrInvalidBase64 = errors.New("corrupt base64")
	ErrInvalidMerkle = errors.New("merkle roots do not match")
	ErrCorrupt       = errors.New("signature verification failed")

	// Length of prefix of token used for lookups. The length 7 was selected to
	// match github's abbreviated hash length This is a var so that it can be
	// updated during testing.
	TokenPrefixLength = 7


func Verify

func Verify(pid identity.PublicIdentity, csr CensorshipRecord, files []File) error

Verify ensures that a CensorshipRecord properly describes the array of files.


type CensorshipRecord

type CensorshipRecord struct {
	Token     string `json:"token"`     // Censorship token
	Merkle    string `json:"merkle"`    // Merkle root of record
	Signature string `json:"signature"` // Signature of merkle+token

CensorshipRecord contains the proof that a record was accepted for review. The proof is verifiable on the client side.

The Merkle field contains the ordered merkle root of all files in the record. The Token field contains a random censorship token that is signed by the server private key. The token can be used on the client to verify the authenticity of the CensorshipRecord.

type ErrorStatusT

type ErrorStatusT int

type File

type File struct {
	Name    string `json:"name"`    // Suggested filename
	MIME    string `json:"mime"`    // Mime type
	Digest  string `json:"digest"`  // Payload digest
	Payload string `json:"payload"` // File content

File describes an individual file that is part of the record. The directory structure must be flattened. The server side SHALL verify MIME and Digest.

type GetUnvetted

type GetUnvetted struct {
	Challenge string `json:"challenge"` // Random challenge
	Token     string `json:"token"`     // Censorship token

GetUnvetted requests an unvetted record from the server.

type GetUnvettedReply

type GetUnvettedReply struct {
	Response string `json:"response"` // Challenge response
	Record   Record `json:"record"`

GetUnvettedReply returns an unvetted record. It retrieves the censorship record and the actual files.

type GetVetted

type GetVetted struct {
	Challenge string `json:"challenge"` // Random challenge
	Token     string `json:"token"`     // Censorship token
	Version   string `json:"version"`   // Record version

GetVetted requests a vetted record from the server.

type GetVettedReply

type GetVettedReply struct {
	Response string `json:"response"` // Challenge response
	Record   Record `json:"record"`

GetVettedReply returns a vetted record. It retrieves the censorship record and the latest files in the record.

type Identity

type Identity struct {
	Challenge string `json:"challenge"` // Random challenge

Identity requests the record server identity.

type IdentityReply

type IdentityReply struct {
	Response  string `json:"response"`  // Signature of Challenge
	PublicKey string `json:"publickey"` // Public key

IdentityReply contains the server public identity.

type Inventory

type Inventory struct {
	Challenge string `json:"challenge"` // Random challenge
	// XXX add IncludeMD
	IncludeFiles bool `json:"includefiles"` // Include files in records
	// XXX add BranchesStart
	VettedCount   uint `json:"vettedcount"`   // Last N vetted records
	VettedStart   uint `json:"vettedstart"`   // Index to begin vetted records count
	BranchesCount uint `json:"branchescount"` // Last N branches (censored, new etc)
	AllVersions   bool `json:"allversions"`   // Return all versions of the proposals

Inventory sends an (expensive and therefore authenticated) inventory request for vetted records (master branch) and branches (censored, unpublished etc) records. This is a very expensive call and should be only issued at start of day. The client should cache the reply. The IncludeFiles flag indicates if the records contain the record payload as well. This can quickly become very large and should only be used when recovering the client side.

type InventoryReply

type InventoryReply struct {
	Response string   `json:"response"` // Challenge response
	Vetted   []Record `json:"vetted"`   // Last N vetted records
	Branches []Record `json:"branches"` // Last N branches (censored, new etc)

InventoryReply returns vetted and unvetted records. If the Inventory command had IncludeFiles set to true the returned Records will also include the record files. This obviously enlarges the payload size and should therefore be used only in disaster recovery scenarios.

type MetadataStream

type MetadataStream struct {
	ID      uint64 `json:"id"`      // Stream identity
	Payload string `json:"payload"` // String encoded metadata

MetadataStream identifies a metadata stream by its identity.

type NewRecord

type NewRecord struct {
	Challenge string           `json:"challenge"` // Random challenge
	Metadata  []MetadataStream `json:"metadata"`  // Metadata streams
	Files     []File           `json:"files"`     // Files that make up record

NewRecord creates a new record. It must include all files that are part of the record and it may contain an optional metatda record. Thet optional metadatarecord must be string encoded.

type NewRecordReply

type NewRecordReply struct {
	Response         string           `json:"response"` // Challenge response
	CensorshipRecord CensorshipRecord `json:"censorshiprecord"`

NewRecordReply returns the CensorshipRecord that is associated with a valid record. A valid record is not always going to be published.

type Plugin

type Plugin struct {
	ID       string          `json:"id"`       // Identifier
	Version  string          `json:"version"`  // Version
	Settings []PluginSetting `json:"settings"` // Settings

Plugin describes a plugin and its settings.

type PluginCommand

type PluginCommand struct {
	Challenge string `json:"challenge"` // Random challenge
	ID        string `json:"id"`        // Plugin identifier
	Command   string `json:"command"`   // Command identifier
	CommandID string `json:"commandid"` // User setable command identifier
	Payload   string `json:"payload"`   // Actual command

PluginCommand sends a command to a plugin.

type PluginCommandReply

type PluginCommandReply struct {
	Response  string `json:"response"`  // Challenge response
	ID        string `json:"id"`        // Plugin identifier
	Command   string `json:"command"`   // Command identifier
	CommandID string `json:"commandid"` // User setable command identifier
	Payload   string `json:"payload"`   // Actual command reply

PluginCommandReply is the reply to a PluginCommand.

type PluginInventory

type PluginInventory struct {
	Challenge string `json:"challenge"` // Random challenge

PluginInventory retrieves all active plugins and their settings.

type PluginInventoryReply

type PluginInventoryReply struct {
	Response string   `json:"response"` // Challenge response
	Plugins  []Plugin `json:"plugins"`  // Plugins and their settings

PluginInventoryReply returns all plugins and their settings.

type PluginSetting

type PluginSetting struct {
	Key   string `json:"key"`   // Name of setting
	Value string `json:"value"` // Value of setting

PluginSetting is a structure that holds key/value pairs of a plugin setting.

type Record

type Record struct {
	Status    RecordStatusT `json:"status"`    // Current status
	Timestamp int64         `json:"timestamp"` // Last update

	CensorshipRecord CensorshipRecord `json:"censorshiprecord"`

	// User data
	Version  string           `json:"version"`  // Version of this record
	Metadata []MetadataStream `json:"metadata"` // Metadata streams
	Files    []File           `json:"files"`    // Files that make up the record

Record is an entire record and it's content.

type RecordStatusT

type RecordStatusT int

type ServerErrorReply

type ServerErrorReply struct {
	ErrorCode int64 `json:"code"` // Server error code

ServerErrorReply returns an error code that can be correlated with server logs.

type SetUnvettedStatus

type SetUnvettedStatus struct {
	Challenge   string           `json:"challenge"`   // Random challenge
	Token       string           `json:"token"`       // Censorship token
	Status      RecordStatusT    `json:"status"`      // New status of record
	MDAppend    []MetadataStream `json:"mdappend"`    // Metadata streams to append
	MDOverwrite []MetadataStream `json:"mdoverwrite"` // Metadata streams to overwrite

SetUnvettedStatus updates the status of an unvetted record. This is used to either promote a record to the public viewable repository or to censor it. Additionally, metadata updates may travel along.

type SetUnvettedStatusReply

type SetUnvettedStatusReply struct {
	Response string `json:"response"` // Challenge response

SetUnvettedStatus is a response to a SetUnvettedStatus. It returns the potentially modified record without the Files.

type SetVettedStatus

type SetVettedStatus struct {
	Challenge   string           `json:"challenge"`   // Random challenge
	Token       string           `json:"token"`       // Censorship token
	Status      RecordStatusT    `json:"status"`      // New status of record
	MDAppend    []MetadataStream `json:"mdappend"`    // Metadata streams to append
	MDOverwrite []MetadataStream `json:"mdoverwrite"` // Metadata streams to overwrite

SetVettedStatus updates the status of a vetted record. This is used to archive a vetted proposal. Additionally, metadata updates may travel along.

type SetVettedStatusReply

type SetVettedStatusReply struct {
	Response string `json:"response"` // Challenge response

SetVettedStatusReply is a response to SetVettedStatus. It returns the potentially modified record without the Files.

type UpdateReadme

type UpdateReadme struct {
	Challenge string `json:"challenge"` // Random challenge
	Content   string `json:"content"`   // New content of README.md

UpdateReadme updated the README.md file in the vetted and unvetted repos.

type UpdateReadmeReply

type UpdateReadmeReply struct {
	Response string `json:"response"` // Challenge response

UpdateReadmeReply returns a response challenge to an UpdateReadme command.

type UpdateRecord

type UpdateRecord struct {
	Challenge   string           `json:"challenge"`   // Random challenge
	Token       string           `json:"token"`       // Censorship token
	MDAppend    []MetadataStream `json:"mdappend"`    // Metadata streams to append
	MDOverwrite []MetadataStream `json:"mdoverwrite"` // Metadata streams to overwrite
	FilesDel    []string         `json:"filesdel"`    // Files that will be deleted
	FilesAdd    []File           `json:"filesadd"`    // Files that are modified or added

UpdateRecord update an unvetted record.

type UpdateRecordReply

type UpdateRecordReply struct {
	Response string `json:"response"` // Challenge response

UpdateRecordReply returns a CensorshipRecord which may or may not have changed. Metadata only updates do not create a new CensorshipRecord.

type UpdateVettedMetadata

type UpdateVettedMetadata struct {
	Challenge   string           `json:"challenge"`   // Random challenge
	Token       string           `json:"token"`       // Censorship token
	MDAppend    []MetadataStream `json:"mdappend"`    // Metadata streams to append
	MDOverwrite []MetadataStream `json:"mdoverwrite"` // Metadata streams to overwrite

UpdateVettedMetadata update a vetted metadata. This is allowed for priviledged users. The record itself may not change.

type UpdateVettedMetadataReply

type UpdateVettedMetadataReply struct {
	Response string `json:"response"` // Challenge response

UpdateVettedMetadataReply returns a response challenge to an UpdateVettedMetadata command.

type UserErrorReply

type UserErrorReply struct {
	ErrorCode    ErrorStatusT `json:"errorcode"`              // Numeric error code
	ErrorContext []string     `json:"errorcontext,omitempty"` // Additional error information

UserErrorReply returns details about an error that occurred while trying to execute a command due to bad input from the client.


Path Synopsis
zkidentity package manages public and private identities.
zkidentity package manages public and private identities.

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