politeiawww_dbutil is a tool that allows you to interact with the politeiawww database.
Note: If you are using LevelDB for the user database you have to shut down politeiawww before using this tool. LevelDB only allows for a single connection at a time.
You can specify the following options:
Database options
Use LevelDB
Use CockroachDB
Application options
Use testnet database
-datadir string
politeiawww data directory
(default osDataDir/politeiawww/data)
-host string
CockroachDB ip:port
(default localhost:26257)
-rootcert string
File containing the CockroachDB SSL root cert
(default ~/.cockroachdb/certs/clients/politeiawww/ca.crt)
-clientcert string
File containing the CockroachDB SSL client cert
(default ~/.cockroachdb/certs/clients/politeiawww/client.politeiawww.crt)
-clientkey string
File containing the CockroachDB SSL client cert key
(default ~/.cockroachdb/certs/clients/politeiawww/client.politeiawww.key)
-encryptionkey string
File containing the CockroachDB encryption key
(default osDataDir/politeiawww/sbox.key)
Add proposal credits to a user's account
Required DB flag : -leveldb or -cockroachdb
LevelDB args : <email> <quantity>
CockroachDB args : <username> <quantity>
Set the admin flag for a user
Required DB flag : -leveldb or -cockroachdb
LevelDB args : <email> <true/false>
CockroachDB args : <username> <true/false>
Set a user's email to the provided email address
Required DB flag : -cockroachdb
CockroachDB args : <username> <email>
Create user stubs for the public keys in a politeia repo
Required DB flag : -leveldb or -cockroachdb
LevelDB args : <importDir>
CockroachDB args : <importDir>
Dump the entire database or the contents of a specific user
Required DB flag : -leveldb
LevelDB args : <email>
Create a new encryption key that can be used to encrypt data at rest
Required DB flag : None
Args : <destination (optional)>
(default osDataDir/politeiawww/sbox.key)
Migrate a LevelDB user database to CockroachDB
Required DB flag : None
Args : None
Verify a user's identities do not violate any politeia rules. Invalid
identities are fixed.
Required DB flag : -cockroachdb
Args : <username>
Reset a user's totp settings in case they are locked out and
confirm identity.
Required DB flag : -leveldb or -cockroachdb
LevelDB args : <email>
CockroachDB args : <username>
Mainnet example:
$ politeiawww_dbutil -cockroachdb -setadmin username true
Testnet example:
$ politeiawww_dbutil -testnet -cockroachdb -setadmin username true
Migrate from LevelDB to CockroachDB
The -migrate
command allows you to migrate a LevelDB instance to CockroachDB.
CockroachDB encrypts data at rest so you will first need to create an
encryption key using the -createkey
command. The flags -datadir
, -host
, -clientcert
, -clientkey
, and -encryptionkey
only need to be
set if they deviate from the defaults.
Create an encryption key.
$ politeiawww_dbutil -createkey
Encryption key saved to: ~/.politeiawww/sbox.key
Migrate the user database.
$ politeiawww_dbutil -migrate
LevelDB : ~/.politeiawww/data/mainnet/users
CockroachDB : localhost:26257 mainnet
Migrating records from LevelDB to CockroachDB...
Users migrated : 6
Paywall index : 5
Update your politeiawww.conf file. The location of the encryption key may differ depending on your operating system.
Stubbing Users
If you import data from a public politeia repo using the politeiaimport tool, you will also need to create user stubs in the politeiawww database for the public keys found in the import data. Without the user stubs, politeiawww won't be able to associate the public keys with specific user accounts and will error out.
There is no documentation for this package.